1521331339 - طبية E
1521331339 - طبية E
1521331339 - طبية E
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical
Biomedical Engineering Department
The syllabus of Physics (1)course, first year,
Biomedical Engineering, first term (4 theoretical weekly
Course Content:
Course Content:
1. Modern physics: Special relativity theory: Einstein's two
postulates, time-expansion and distance-contraction, relative
propagation and relative energy.
Quantization: black body radiation, photo-electric reaction,
Compton's reaction, Bohr's model, uncertainty principle. Nuclear
physics:nuclear reaction, decay laws and methods, fission and
2. Static Electricity: Electric field, Coulomb's law, Gauss law and
field evaluations,conductors and insulators.
3. SemiconductorsPhysics:types of semiconductors, holes, active
mass. Conducting methods: direct conducting, diffusion, charge
carriers generating and reunifying, PN junction in semiconductors.
4. Laser:Interaction of light with matter:placement distribution of
atoms, Einstein equations, principles of laser devices, Laser
application in medical field.
Course Content:
1. Linear algebra: algebraic polynomials, vector space, matrices,
determinants, linear equation system, eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, advanced quadratic equations.
2. Mathematic analysis: introduction to mathematic analysis:
numerical sets and real numbers, Cartesian and polar coordinates in
plane, numerical sequences, real functions of one variable, limit and
continuity of function, elementary functions.Complex number
field.Differential evaluation of real function of one variable:
derivation and differentiation, essential theorems in differentiation,
indefinite cases and removal methods, L'Hopital's rule, functions
behavior analysis and plotting, Cartesian, polar and parametric
function plotting. Transcendental Curves. Numerical series:
positive bound series convergence tests,qualitative
series,alternating series and Leibnitz test, absolute convergence
and conditional convergence.Functionalseriesand sequences:
point convergence and normal convergence, power series, Taylor
and McLaurin power series.
Course Content:
1. Calculus: Indefinite integral: primitive function, principles of
integration, integration methods.Definite integral and its
application: definite integral as a function of the greaterbound,
derivative of definite integral, relationship between definite
integral and indefinite integral.Improper integralsof the first and
second types.Engineering and physical applications of
definite integrals, numerical methods of definite integral
2. Real functions of more than one variable: Limits and
derivatives, partial derivatives, exact differential, Taylor's
expansion, Minima and Maxima valuesand Lagrange method.
3. Differential equations:Ordinary differential equations
of 1st rank and 1st degree: variable-separable equation,
homogenous equations, linear equations, exact equation and
integration coefficients, initial value problem, Cauchy's problem
solution using power series.Ordinary linear differential
equations of higher ranks and constant coefficients:
differential operators, Lagrange method, inverse differential
operator and particular solution evaluation.Linear differential
equation system of constant coefficients. Approximation
methods to solve ordinary differential equations: Euler
method and Runge Kota method, sequential derivation method
and sequential approximation method for solving (n) rankfor
derivative differential equation.
Course Content:
1. Analytic geometry in space: vector algebra, vector
functionsof one variable or more, coordinate systems in space,
curvilinear coordinates. Surface and curves in space: plane, straight
line, second degree surfaces in space, geometric properties of
space curve, geometric properties of space surface.
2. Multivariable integrals: double integral and its application,
triple integral and its applications, surface integral and its
applications, line integral and its applications, improper
multivariable integrals.
3. Vector analysis: scalar field and vector field, vector derivatives
of first and second order, the DEL operator, gradient, divergence,
curl, potential vector field, vector integrals: ordinary vector
integrals, linear vector integrals, work and circulation, vector
integral on closed surface, vector function flux, volume integral of
vector functions, gauss's theorem, stokes theorem, green theorem.
4. Numerical analysis: mathematical modeling and using
computer in solving scientific issues, error analysis. Solving
nonlinear equation. Methods of solving algebraic equations.
Interpolation and functions' approximation. Numerical disciples to
solve differential equations. Numerical methods for calculating
integrative. Linear programming.
The Syllabus of Mathematics (4) course,
secondyear, Biomedical Engineering, second term (4
Theoretical + 2 practical = 6 hours weekly):
Course Content:
1. Complex analysis:complex variables and complex
functions: complex point sets and complex number representation,
limit, derivative and continuity of a complex function, analytic
functions, singular points, elementary complex functions, complex
integrals, Cauchy's integral theorem and formulas. Complex
series: Taylor's expansion, Laurent expansion, classification of
singularities. Residues theorem: evaluation of complex integral
using residues theorem, evaluation of real-definite integrals using
residues theorem. Mappings and its representation: complex
mapping and function, analytic function representation, conformal
mapping, general conformal mappings.
2. Fourier series and integral:trigonometric series, complex form
of Fourier series,harmonic analysis, Fourier integral, generalized
Fourier series.Special functions: Gamma function, Beta function,
errorfunction, Fresnel function, sine and cosine integrals, Bessel
functions of first and second sort, Legendre's polynomials.
3. Laplace transform and its applications:Laplace transform,
inversion of Laplace transform, Laplace transform of some special
functions, Laplace transform applications, relationship between
Fourier integral and Laplace transform, Z transform.
4. Partial differential equations: partial differential equations with
direct integral ability, partial differential equation of the first order,
partial differential equations of high orders with two independent
variables and constant coefficients, vibrating string wave equation,
two-dimensional heat transfer equation, circular membrane and
Bessel equation.
Course Subjects
Chapter Subjects
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Electrical power Engineering
Syllabus of Principles of Electrical Engineering-
second year-Biomedical Engineering second term
(4+2 hours).
First section:static electricity:
Thermodynamics /1/
Concepts and background information, the operating body and basic
properties, the first law of thermodynamics, the physical processes
of the changing state of gas (when gas is confined within the
physical boundaries), the second law of thermodynamics, Gas forces
1- Introduction to Semiconductors.
2- P-N junction diode – Zener junction diode.
3- Field Effect Transistors FET, BJT-DC, AC.
4- Field Effect Transistors FET, BJT as Switch.
5- Negative resistance devices.
6- Optoelectronics LED-PH.D-SOLAR.CELL-OCI.
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Syllabus of Electrical Machines -Third year-Biomedical
First chapter:Introduction to Electrical Machines:
- Classes of Electrical Machines.
- Nominal Data of Electrical Machines.
- Required Characteristics of Electrical Machines.
- Ampere Law in Electrical Machines.
- Magnet Principles of Electrical Machines.
Second chapter:DC Electrical Machines:
- The principle of DC Machine.
- Operation DC Machine as Generator or Motor.
- DC Generators.
- DC Motors.
Third chapter:AC Electrical Machines:
1. Electrical Transformers:
Working principle, characteristics and types.
2. AC Electrical Motors:
- Rotational Magnet Field in AC Machine.
- Characteristics & Drive Methods of Synchronous Motors.
- Three Phase Induction Motors
Fourth chapter:Special Electrical Machines:
- Permanent Magnet DC Motors.
- Brushless DC Motor.
- Reluctance Motors.
- Hysteresis Motors.
- Stepper Motors.
Fifth chapter:Servo Motors & Drives:
- Basic Servo Drive Circuit.
- Voltage & current circuit in servo systems.
- Bipolar Drive of Voltage &Current Controls.
- PWM Servo Drive.
- Speed Control Using Tachogenertor-Optical Encoder.
Sixth chapter:Technical-Economical Selection of Electrical Motors:
- Optimal Utilization of Electrical Motors.
- The eight criteria's of Electrical Motors operations.
- Calculation Inertia & Torques Equivalent at Axle.
- Three-Criteria'. Optimal Selection according to
electromechanical conversion of Electrical Motors.
- Optimal Selection of Electrical Motors according to
Mechanical Loads Nature.
Tutor: Dr. Mohammad Omar Ward.
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Electrical Power Engineering
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Electrical Power Engineering
1.1Basic definitions.
1.2Basic relations of voltage and current.
1.2.1 Ohm's Law.
1.2.2 Kirchhoff's Laws.
1.2.3 Voltage splitter.
1.2.4 Current splitter.
1.2.5 Star transform - delta transform.
3.1.6 Problems
- Solved problems.
- Unsolved problems.
3.2.3 Problems:
- Solved problems.
- Unsolved problems.
3.4.4 Problems:
- Solved problems.
- Unsolved problems.
3.5.4 Problems:
- Solved problems.
- Unsolved problems.
4.9 Filters:
4.9.1 Definition of filters.
4.9.2 Its types and calculation methods.
- Solved problems.
- Unsolved problems.
5.10 Problems:
- Solved problems.
- Unsolved problems.
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Electrical Power Engineering
Fourth chapter static electric field if direct current DC: introduction, conductor
and insulator, electric current, current density fragmentation and current
continuity law, current and field at the cutting edge between conductor and
insulator, current relaxation time, current mapping and resistance of simple
geometrical forms, insulator cells, materials classification, Laplace equation in
insulator milieu, photo method, experimental methods, problems, reference
Fifth chapter: static magnetic field: introduction, BioSavar law, circular ampere
law, Maxwell equation, Ampere law applications, magnetic flow density, Maxwell's
magnetic incitement equation, negative magnetic potential and magnetic
potential vector and its applications, magnetic power affecting the moving
charge, powers between conductors with differential current length, magnetic and
magnetic permeability coefficient, magnetic power, nature of magnetic materials,
super insulator and magnetic field, boundary conditions of the magnetic field,
deriving magnetic field laws for direct current DC modeling magnetic field, photo
method, problems, reference questions.
Main titles Subtitles per
Tutors Section /1/ Dr. Abdulmoeen Khador – Section /2/ Dr. Monzer
Syrian Arab Republic
Damascus University
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
References that
M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Third Edition,
students may refer
Published by Prentice Hall Inc, 2002
Courses related to -
this course
Course Subjects
Chapt Lecturesperch
Main titles Subtitles
er apter
1 Number Systems.
2 Data representation.
3 Codes.
Boolean algebra and logic
5 Logical function representation.
Basic components of
Combinational logic circuits.
10 Sequential Circuits
12 Registers.
13 Counters.
Memories and Programmable
Course Biostatistics
Year Third
Department Biomedical engineering
Academic term First
Hours Theoretica 4 Practical 2
The course aims to enrich the student with the
knowledge of
Course purpose
biostatistics due to the necessity of this decision
be examined as a medical engineer.
Course curriculum -
Course Subjects
Main titles Subtitles per
1 Random variables. 2
2 Statistical distribution. 2
Baez's statistical
3 2
4 Likelihood estimation. 3
Clustering and Data
5 3
6 3
Tutors Section /1/ Dr. Nicola Abo Issa-Section /2/ Dr. Monzer
Course Notebook.
N Title Author Publisher Yea
o. r
Gait analysis:
normal and Jacquelinp 199
1 Slack
pathological erry 2
References Gait analysis: an Michael Butterworth- 200
that students 2
introduction Whittle heinemann 7
may refer to:
Clinical gait
Christophe Chureilllivings 200
3 analysis: theory
r Kirtley tone 6
and practice
Gait analysis:
Rebecca 200
4 theory and Mosby
Craik 6
Biomechanics Fluids + machines components + anatomy and
related to
this course
Course Subjects
Main titles Subtitles Perchapte
1 Human motion 1-1 introduction. 2
1-2 Human walking cycle.
1-3 Distance and time
parameters and its calculation.
1-4 Modeling human body.
1-5 Mass.
2-1 Introduction.
2-2 methods and equipmentfor
parameters of distance and
2-2-1 Sensors inside the shoes.
2-4-1-2 Accelerometer.
2-4-2 Indirect methods.
2-4-2-1 Cameras.
2-4-2-2 Brands system.
2-4-2-3 Biomechanics
8-1 Introduction.
8-2 Origin of muscles signal.
Examination of 8-3 Processing muscles signal.
8 2
muscles 8-4 Analyzing muscles signal.
8-5 Equipment used in
detecting muscles signal.
Course Subjects
Chapte Lecturesper
r chapter
4 Electrosurgical unit. 1
8 Dentistry unit. 1
2 Electricity safety. 3
Reversed analyzing 4
Z transforms and its
6 System unchanged by time
in z level.
Discrete Fourier 3
7 transform and its
8 Random signals analysis.
Course Subjects
Main titles Subtitles r
Tutor Dr. Hani Amasha - Dr. Issa Ibrahim - Dr. Mamdouh Munif
- Definitions.
- Quantities of analog.
- Analog theories.
- Examples in modeling and
Analog and its mathematical analog.
theories Mechanical modeling.
Electrical analog modeling.
Similarity between mechanical
and electrical models.
Course Subjects
main titles Subtitles per
1- Introduction 2
2- Define theraised problem
and clarify the basic
The main stages tasks.
3- The initial design of
1 in the design of
artificial organ.
Artificial organs 4- The detailed design of
artificial organ.
5- Gain experience and
1- Historical overview. 1
The total artificial
2 2- The total artificial heart
1- One-axial rotary pump 1
for supporting the
work of the left
planted ventricle.
3 supporting 2- Pulsed
heart's pumps electromagnetic
3- Centrifugal rotary
1- Introduction 2
2- Valve disease and
3- Optimized design of
the valve
Artificial valves of
4 4- Mechanical valves
the heart
5- Valves histological
6- Hemodynamic and
of prostheticvalves.
1- Introduction 1
2- Artificial pancreas
3- Types of pumps used
5 Artificial pancreas
to inject insulin and
which is implantable
within the body.
6 Artificial lung 1- Introduction 1
2- The artificial lung
3- The artificial lung
"MC3 (Michigan Critical
Care Consultant)"
4- Membranous vascular
built oxygenator.
5- Membrane vascular
balloon oxygenator.
1- Physiological 1
Artificial liver
7 2- Artificial liver.
2-1-Artificialnon vital liver
2-2-bio-artificial liver
1- Types of vascular 1
2- The materials used in
the manufacture of
8 Prosthetic vessels
vascular grafts.
3- Uses hematic grafts.
4- Planting vascular
1-Introduction. 1
9 2-Designing the artificial
1-Introduction. 1
2-Classification of skin
3. Natural skin
10 Artificial skin
4- Artificial leather
5-Ideal properties of skin
1-A brief History 1
2-pathological cases
where blood transfusion
3-properties that must
11 Artificial blood
be available in the
4-Artificial blood
Pacemakers 1- Introduction 1
12 implanted inside 2- Several types of
the body Pacemakers
Course Subjects
main titles subtitles r
1. Introduction
2. TB patients Isolate
8 Isolate rooms department
3. Bone marrow transplant
1. Introduction
2. The effectiveness of the
ventilation system.
Ventilation in
9 3. The basic types of air
movement within the room
4. Ventilation systems in
1. Emergency department
10 2. Patient flow Regulate
3. Design and general functional
Or computational biology, Is the use of the latest techniques ofapplied
mathematics, informatics, statistics, and computer science to solve
biological vitality problems.
It is the latest science of computer that concerned with the biological
information analysis using computer and statistical techniques.It is the
science that trying to use and develop databases and computer
algorithms to accelerate and strengthen the Biological Research.
It is a field of science in which Biology and Computer Science and IT
(Information technology) merged together in one scientific field.
Bioinformatics has three main sections:
• The development of new algorithms and statistical techniques to
help in collecting information from large collections of data.
• Analysis and explanation the different types of data (for example,
the analysis of sequences of amino acids).
• Develop and implement tools to help in effective management of
the different types of information.
Required Skills:
Experience in working on one or more of custom software packages
to dealing with the biology of molecules,learning how to analyze the
biological data using this software.
Learning operating systems (LINUX, UNIX) due to its strength and
availability of software tools and custom software for this purpose.
Good knowledge of programming languages such as: Java, HTML,
Knowledge of database management systems and the best of them:
Oracle and SQL most commonly used to store huge amounts of
biological data to analyze and extract information from them.
main titles subtitles r
Physics and the work of the mass 2
spectrometer to analyze the elements
2 Nuclear reactions and its properties 4
Methods of radioactive isotopes 3
Radioactive isotopes used in nuclear 2
5 Linear accelerators and its types 2
6 Introduction to Nuclear Medicine 1
7 Radiological reagents and its parameters 3
Thyroid planning device and gamma 4
9 CT PET and SPECT 2
10 Radiation therapy in nuclear medicine 1
11 Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine 1
12 Radiation protection in nuclear medicine
Tutors Section/1/ Dr. Nicola Abo Issa –Section/2/ Dr. Monzer khador