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Leave The Natural People Alone!: Jus Precarium

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Leave the Natural People Alone!

No one ought to have to say to a municipal employee, that they are a
‘Constitutionalist’. The American National Constitution of 1791 is the Law of the Land for
everyone wherein municipal employees are bound by the Oath of the Union State that
hires them, as any and all government and Public officials MUST do, as well and ESPE-
CIALLY Judicial Officers and other Public Servants. They are bound to protect the Liberties
of the People and uphold the Supreme Law. Any and all other hired contractors by any
State are also held to the Law of the Land and cannot impose their private corporate poli-
cies onto the natural people. The code they use in doing so is ‘Statutes’, however, statutes
are NOT Law!!!

.Jus Precarium: In the civil law. A right to the thing held for another, for
which there is no remedy by legal action, but only entreaty or request.

Note: The Public Servants / Public Officials, etc., are holding only by way of being Trustees of the Moor /
American Estate (See International Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1787) and have been given obligations and
duties as described in the Articles of the American Constitution of 1791. They however have NO Right of claim
unless entreated to them by request and granted or permitted by the natural people, as the people are the
government whether they realize it or not. By not realizing it, is why things are so out of order and others who
do not have good intentions, have taken advantage of those who suffer from a lack of knowledge. They have
escheated the ancestral estate and inheritance, yet they are but occupiers on it, and have no claim to it by any
subdivisions of it. The people’s position in law is “jus praesens”

Jus Praesens: In civil law. A present or vested right; a right already completely acquired.

It is so very clear that the municipal employees being private security guards called POLICE; who WORK
for CORPORATIONS that many think is Government; are WAY...WAY.. out of order and are the out-
laws. They have no Right to seek out, to probe, to stalk and violate the people and the citizens, to generate fi-
nance to pay themselves to continue to seek out, probe, stalk and violate the people and the Citizens. Such activ-
ity is “Human Trafficking. Where are they getting instructions to do so? In this “electrifying age of informa-
tion” the TRUTH is being exposed that they are IN FACT implementing human trafficking and genocide, mur-
dering the people as if they were stock, at THEIR will, usually done by way of violations of the Peoples unalien-
able constitutionally secured liberties, i.e. ‘Right To Travel, misclassified as commercial Traffic Stops under the
legalities of a Drivers License. However the driving instrument is a Federal Program for those who are doing
COMMERCE ONLY, pursuant to Title 49, in the first place. Traveling is a substantive right that cannot be
liened upon, as it is unalienable / inalienable for the Natural people. Are you a natural person, or are you an arti-
ficial person as is meant in the 14th amendment first clause, by definition.

.Corporations are “persons” as that word is used in the first clause of the XIVth
Amendment; Coyington & L. Turnp. Co. v. Sandford, 17 S.Ct. 198, 164 U.S. 578, 41 L.Ed. 560;
Smyth v. Ames, 18 S.Ct. 418, 169 U,S. 466, 42 L.Ed. 819; People v. Fire Ass’n, 92 N.Y. 311, 44
Am.Rep. 380; U. S. v. Supply Co., 30 SCt. 15, 215 U.S. 50, 54 L.Ed. 87; contra, Central P. R. Co. v.
Board, 60 Cal. 35.

These are really elementary lessons that have been shared for a while now, however it must still be necessary
to impart these truths, as too many have, and are, still acting, expecting something, and marching, under the 14th
amendment when it is NOT meant for natural, flesh and blood people. It is meant for artificial persons / corpora-
tions. Therefore, those who are leading under the 14th amendment civil rights, etc., are either doing so knowing
there will be no remedy, OR they don’t know, which means they are not qualified to lead anyone.

….There are but few people who know what the truth is about man, and that few know that it
is foolish to try to impart it to the ignorant. Although the ignorant has finished college, he is a
fool right on, being trained to jump through a hoop. The longer he stays in the schools, the
better he can jump. And the more vivid will he defend his jumping. -- Moorish Literature

Note 1: Even the most elite have been fooled.

Note 2: A bite of truth about Moorish information, and not what you may have been told to believe.

We bring this forward because many think the police are enforcing Law, HOWEVER, they are enforcing poli-
cies for the corporations that hire them. Proven with the below Substantive, Unalienable Rights / Liberties of
the natural people as it relates to ‘traveling’, which is not the same lawfully as ‘driving’. Everything that is law-
ful is legal, however, all that is called legal is NOT necessarily lawful.

DRIVER. One employed in conducting or operating a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with
horses, mules, or other animals, or a bicycle, tricycle, or motor car, though not a street railroad car. A
person actually doing driving, whether employed by owner to drive or driving his own vehicle. Wal-
lace v. Woods, 340 Mo. 452, 102 S.W.2d 91, 97.

The Right to Travel; The Right to Mode of Conveyance; The Right to Locomotion are all absolute
rights, and the Police can not make void the exercise of rights. State v. Armstead, 60 s. 778,
779, and 781:
The use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a
common and fundamental right of which the public and Natural Beings cannot be rightfully de-
prived. Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago 337 Illinois 200, 169 NE 22, ALR, Ligare v. Chicago 139 ILL.
46, 28 HE 934, Boone v. Clark 214 SW 607, 25 AM jur (1st), Highways, sec. 163.

The Right of a citizen to Travel upon the public highways and to transport one’s property thereon,
either by carriage or automobile, is not a mere privilege, which a City may prohibit or permit
at will, but a common right, which he / she has under the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. Thompson v. Smith 154 SE 57.

“No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it.”
Murdock v. Penn., 319 US 105.

“If the state converts a liberty into a privilege, the citizen can engage in the right with impunity.”
Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 373 US 262.

A "person" "driving" an automobile cannot be stopped to see if he or she is licensed to "drive"

unless there is reasonable suspicion the "person" has engaged in criminal conduct.
Delaware v Prouse, (1979) 440 US 648, 59 Led2d 660.

If the reason for pulling you over (hindering you) is because a tail-light is out, that is not criminal and
once he / she informs you of that, their business with you is concluded. Thank You and have a good
day is in order. Anything else is an arrest and intent to generate revenue. The only thing you owe to
the public is due care.
Traveling in an automobile on the public roads was not a threat to the public safety or health and consti-
tuted no hazard to the public, and such a traveler owed nothing more than “due care” (as regards to
tort for negligence) to the public and the owner owed no other duty to the public (eg. State), he / she and
his / her auto, having equal rights to and on the roadways / highways as horses and wagons, etc.; this
same right is still substantive rule, in that speeding, running stop signs, traveling without license
plates, or registration are not threats to the public safety, and thus, are not arrestable of-
fenses. Christy v. Elliot, 216 I 131, 74 HE 1035, LRA NS 1905 – 1910: California v. Farley 98
CED Rpt. 89, 20 CA 3d 1032 (1971).

Possibly, the municipal employees, calling themselves Police, may not like their job if they are forced to follow
the law and serve the people and the citizens, instead of serving corporations and violating the Law! They seem
to like to offend the people and be 'tort feasers' for corporations, which equates to generating finances with gross
disregard of the people's liberties, while they and the corporations play a cat and mouse game hiding behind each
other. If you inform them you are not doing commerce, that you are a traveler upon the highways, be it at the
actual hindering on the road, or in the meeting room they call courts; then those policies do not apply and they
are bound and obligated to respect that. Not having the 'drivers tags' is the obvious answer so there can be no
assumptions. That does not seem to be respected either, because they have deceptively made you believe you
must have them or you are breaking the law, and that is just NOT true. This is being done so they can continue
to stalk, probe and violate you as they generate revenue for corporations and for themselves. Have you ever
thought about how they would feed themselves and their family if they didn't rob the liberties of the peo-
ple. That is a good question facing them. Answer: They have not cared about you putting food on your plate
for your family.


It is PAST time for the Federal Government to refrain from allowing the states and the states contractors, mu-
nicipal corporate employees, police, and all other employees to participate in the ‘drivers’ administration pro-
gram, as they are abusing it and using it as an open door to abuse the people, and now to murder them. If they,
(municipal employees / policemen) feel they are at risk, they ought to enforce the law and stop putting their nose
where it does not belong. As it is a matter of law that the government along with their contracts were never give
any power to regulate the activities of the People, because all powers are delegated from the People. They need
a law course, not a policy and procedure course. If you know the law, then the procedures are obvious, as
the law sets things in order naturally. We are not advocating harm either way. You cannot violate people and
rob them while saying you are protecting them. It is beyond time for those who are participating and administer-
ing the license instrument to be truthful to the people about the intent and purpose of the drivers license instru-
ment. It is also known now that the driving license instrument is NOT lawful identification, as is being ex-
pressed at Airports right now!!! Yet, so-called local law enforcement use it as the primary excuse to charge the
people with ‘Failure to ID”, or with false ID, when the law says no one can be arrested for not showing ID in the
first place.

Kolender v. Lawson (461 U.S. 352, 1983) in which the United States Supreme Court ruled
that a police officer could not arrest a citizen merely for refusing to present identification.

There is no such thing as “Failure To Identify”. The municipal employees calling themselves policemen and
law enforcers are using the ‘drivers license instrument as a reason to stalk and accost the people, thus they are
highwaymen disguised in their corporate usually Blue, uniform, violating and murdering the people, for all
manner of things that are not law, in the name of law enforcement. Proof:

Highwayman: A bandit; one who robs travelers upon the highway.

Source: Black’s Law 4th Edition Dictionary p.862

The violations of law and the murders are then excused as being done in the line of 'law enforcement duty', by
people who have no respect for the Law and NO training in Law. Many of the people and the citizens think they
(municipal employees / police) are protecting them, even when they watch them beat down and murder in cold
blood with no accountability. The people keep expecting and giving them an authority that they simply DO
NOT have. Who are they is the question that needs to be asked by EVERYONE across the entire planet - all 4
corners of the earth. Clearly there is no law enforcement in them, as they don't even know the law and get upset
when anyone of the people and citizens does know the Law, how arrogant is that? in their meeting rooms that
they call courts, wherein they summons you to ‘appear’ by way of threat, duress and coercion at the risk of los-
ing property and losing LIFE!!, there exist no law there either, as they are conducting hearings. They are Imper-
sonating Courts, of which it is a misdemeanor to even use the ‘word’ court, if you are not a court. At New York
State, they have acknowledged this in their judiciary laws established 1910 and upheld in 2012, as follows:


Article 1. Short title (Secs. 1-1-a). General provisions relating to courts and judges (Secs.2-39-b).

.Sec. 3. Use of term "court" prohibited

No person, firm, association or corporation shall hereafter use or employ the term "court" as part of or in con-
nection with the name of any body, board, bureau, association, organization or corporation, or in referring to
any body, board, bureau, association, organization or corporation, in such manner as to be calculated rea-
sonably to lead to the belief that the body, board, bureau, association, organization or corporation is vested
with judicial power or is a part of the judicial system of the state; the use of such term being expressly limited
by this section for reference to a court of record or a court not of record, duly organized and existing under the
laws of the state as a part of the judicial system of the state. Any violation of this section shall be a misde-

By Default, they are also Impersonating Officers of a Court, Impersonating Public Officials and Public Servants
with false claims. If the meeting room is not a lawfully seated Court possessing a lawful ‘Delegation of Author-
ity’, then everyone in it is Impersonating whether they take an oath or not, to what or to whom or not. This in-
cludes those who work behind the desk as clerks or administrators or whatever title they have, whether they
know it or not. So let’s share the truth decided in a case law as to what a ‘policemen’ is and what their duty is.

is NOT the duty of the police to protect you.
Their job is to protect The CORPORATION and arrest code breakers.
(SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262,
Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)

Therefore, if their (municipal employees / policemen) job is to protect corporations and arrest code breakers,
they need to hang out at corporate board meetings to ferret out members of same who are breaking the codes of
the corporations, and thus refrain from bothering the natural people and the citizens. Leave the Natural, Living,
flesh and blood beings alone, BECAUSE.......Corporations have NO Parity with the Real. This is a fact of Law
as well. It has been established that the entities we THINK are government are Corporations. Their hired secu-
rity guards, police men and women are municipal employees hired to ensure policy is enforced. They are hiding
behind the ignorant belief of the people that they are government entities. Yet they operate with the same intent
they have had in HISTORY, particularly and especially against the various copper complexion carbon based
people found here, all are the aboriginal and indigenous people of the American land. These are facts!!! The
lack of knowledge of these facts by the people is the ONLY reason this is, and has been going on for genera-
tions!! Their police training or policy training has little to do with enforcing the law. So we get tired of people
calling them law enforcers when they are simply not that from their inception and the same is reflected in their
intention that has lived on in cloak into the present day. They are municipal employees and they DO NOT work
for the government. It has been lawfully challenged and concluded that what many think is government are
really corporations pretending to be government as follows:

Adminstrator’s defined government succinctly. “Governments are corporations”, in as much as

every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, a creature of the mind only, a government
can deal only with artificial persons. The imaginary, having no reality or substance cannot create
or attain parity with the real. Penhallow V. Doane’s.
WHAT MAKES MATTERS WORSE is to KNOW they are not government. Any government entity has the
purpose and duty to Protect, Preserve and Secure the Rights of the people and the citizens and respect the diver-
sity of same; not to seek out, probe, stalk and violate them as a means of generating revenue and perpetrating

Peter-2|2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of
you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

To add injury to the insult, or insult to the injury, the people are being treated like animals and being murdered
as a result of the arresting of the peoples unalienable constitutionally secured liberties guised as “unlawful traf-
fic stops” imposed upon the natural people who are aware, and make it known to them they are not doing com-
merce. Then there are those who by tacit agreement, say they are doing commerce, when they are not, and those
who say they are doing commerce, when they don’t need to but think they need to. Thus they delve into com-
merce and shut off many of their inalienable rights that have nothing to do with commerce. In either cases, none
of them deserve their rights to be violated and they certainly do not deserve to die because a municipal employee
takes advantage of their lack of knowledge and sense of self, with a usury intent to generate revenue. When one
oversteps his lawful bounds for either a lawful or an unlawful purpose, it is called Extortion. So you are being
extorted because you know, and extorted because you don’t know. When anyone participates in such extortion, it
is called ‘conspiracy to extort’ and all parties are guilty, even employees who work behind the desk and are
trained to do so, whether they know it or not.


Two murders have occurred in a 24 hour period this past week of coming into the first week of July 2016
(adjusted calendar). 1437 mcy.; one near the Minnesota corporation and the other near the Baton Rouge corpo-
ration, at the same time the news reports about Hillary Clinton's emails, accusing her of Mens Rea. So let’s see
what Mens Rea is:

Mens Rea: A guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty
knowledge and willfulness. United States v. Greenbaum, C.C.A.N.J., 138 F.2d 437, 438.

Many say they (municipal employees / police) are the Law – right? Yet they DO NOT ACT in
Mens Legis:

Mens Legis: The mind of the law; that is, the purpose spirit, or intention of a law or the
law generally.

CLEARLY, the municipal employees (Police) are acting in Mens Rea to rob and murder the people. There
can be NO denying that most of the people are in FACT insane themselves due to their Mental Slavery that has
been perpetrated upon them for generations. It is for the People, who are REALLY the government, to wake up
and unite in knowledge of who is who, and what is what. Especially in regards to those municipal employees
guised as Police, as to who they are NOT!! All parties must be identified.


Be kind to your neighbors, keep your community clean. Life is messy, but just clean up. You need each other,
but you need each other more NOW! And this can be over by breakfast, as it really is a ‘breakfast’ fight. You
do not need to call on a Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) for protection in YOUR own community. That is
insane! because they are a Fraternal Order, they are like family to each other, and will always support each
other, even unto lying for each other. They are private security guards, licensed to carry guns, hired by munici-
pal corporations. States do NOT have police powers. When the hired stalkers called 'State Police' encounter
you, they write a ticket/ summons / suit for you to appear at the closest municipality. It is a smorgasbord of
molestation agains thte people and the citizens. The people will continue to be fined and imprisoned as if they
are criminals over victimelss crimes. Yet, there can be no crime and no sanctions imposed unless there is an
injured party. This is also how you know they are NOT lawful. If you did not study to know, you probably
don't know and you could never, ever enforce that which you do not know.

For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti) There can be no sanction
or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right. Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:


The people are being treated by the municipal employees the way the modern Europeans Slavics / colonist / Un-
ion States, were treated by the British. They were / are the slaves (Slavics) and that is what makes them and the
specifically formed United States of America unique and different from any other group occupying the Ameri-
can land. They were brought to the American land by the British, as British subjects and slaves to work in the
British Companies and plantations. Thus, they themselves may be in a mental traumatic state. They are insane
by their actions and objectives, shown as profiling and blatant disregard of the land, the resources of the land,
mixed with some sort of obvious animal nature, of which they exercise from a terroristic gang mentality and
from a feigned higher authority, upon the people. This is why they expect you to “do what I say, because I said
so”. It is terror and terroristic tactics that are being reaped on the natural people of the American land with gross
negligence and disregard of nature, with the exception of dogs. They have a higher regard for a dog, then for
people. This is how it is done:

They act as highwaymen – right? stalking and accosting you in what they call THEIR municipality, town, town-
ship, borough or city, under imaginary borders / sub-divisions of an ALREADY existing Nation. Then they
bring you to what is called a court building, - not a court, it is only called a court, with no delegated judicial au-
thority to be a court. They bring you there under handcuffs as if you have committed a crime, or they demand
you to be there on such and such a date under threat. They then rob you of your pennies, your property, your
liberties, if you don’t get murdered by them before you can get there. They reap terror on the American people.

American: n. an Aboriginal or one of the various copper-colored natives found on the

American Continent by the Europeans; the original application of the name. —Websters 1828
American Dictionary of the English language and 1936. Websters unabriged 20th century dictionary.

It has been reported that they BELIEVE the lives of the “men in blue’ are worth more then the people they
‘say’ they protect. That shows you they have a separation between them and the people. The history shows that
their actions are rooted in a pseudo religious prejudice. Proof: In the Christian Inter Cataera Divina, which
means “Divine Intent”, documented in 1493 as FACT and History, it says they found dark skinned people here,
and that their intent is to convert them into their religion. As a matter of documented history, upon looking up
the subsequent North American Exploration, it says the following: .

European encounters with the New World were viewed in light of these preconceived notions.
To plunder the New World of its treasures was acceptable because it was populated by pa-
gans. To Christianize the pagans was necessary because it was part of God's plan; to kill
them was right because they were Satan's or Antichrist's warriors. As European powers
conquered the territories of the New World, they justified wars against Native Americans and
the destruction of their cultures as a fulfillment of the European secular and religious vision of
the New World.

Source: Columbia Encyclopedia on the North American Exploration.

WAKE UP. Stop trying to PLAY the commerce game with your liberties with tort feasers.
WAKE UP, so sayeth all of the signs and symbols.

.You are being accosted and violated by 2 or more in uniform disguise on the highways and by-ways. In fact
many may show up at a so-called routine traffic stop, some are not in a regulated uniform, they are in ‘street
clothes’ and consider themselves under cover, but those not in uniform and those in uniform are both in disguise
and their premise is the same. The intent to hinder one from free exercise and enjoyment of right is what mat-
ters. There is a sanction for this activity, which is National, thus International in its nature and support. Are you
a National, a flesh and Blood being or a member of a quasi-national jurisdiction or a municipal (roman) jurisdic-
tion? Figure that out first before you leap into positive action.

Title 18, Part I, Chapter 13 §241 of United States Code:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in
any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoy-
ment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United
States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another,
with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege
so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if
death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include
kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit ag-
gravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or impris-
oned for any term of years of for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Title 18, Part I, Chapter 13 §242 of United States Code:

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully sub-
jects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the dep-
rivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or
laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of
such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, then are prescribed for the
punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one
year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this sec-
tion or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous
weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten
years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Under The United States Republic’s Constitutional system of Government and upon
the individuality and intelligence of the citizen, the state does not claim to control
one’s conduct to others, leaving one the sole judge as to all that affects oneself.
Mugler v. Kansas 123 US 623, 659 – 60:



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