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TN 25

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Technical Note No.


Introduction surface. Coatings are slightly permeable and

hence if they are too thin they will give reduced
Metal components of facades may require protection. Coatings exposed to harsher
finishes to provide protection against corrosion environments (e.g. industrial or marine) should
or for appearance. This Technical Note be increased in thickness and cleaned more
describes finishes which are applied to frequently.
aluminium and carbon steel. Finishes are not
normally applied to other metals. Coatings which provide protection must be
maintained in good condition to prevent the
Finishes described in this Technical Note are onset of corrosion. Delays in carrying out
organic coatings, which may be applied to both maintenance can therefore lead to the need for
steel and aluminium, vitreous enamel which is more extensive repairs or replacement of the
generally restricted to steel and anodising which cladding. Where the only purpose of the coating
is only applicable to aluminium. These finishes is to provide decoration, delaying maintenance
are applied under factory conditions allowing is unlikely to affect the integrity of the cladding.
organic coatings to be oven cured. Painting of
structural steel is normally partly carried out Aesthetics
before delivery to site with finishing coats
applied on site after erection and is not covered Colour selection
by this Technical Note. The selection of colour is primarily dependent
on aesthetic considerations but the effects of
Protection colour on other aspects of performance of both
the finish and the cladding need to be
The requirements for protection depend on the
considered. The colour of the finish will affect
type of base metal and exposure conditions as
surface temperatures, particularly when subject
described in Technical Note 24 Corrosion.
to solar radiation, which will result in thermal
Protection is usually required for plain carbon
movement of the base metal. Temperature may
steel but not normally required for other metals.
also affect durability.
The primary protection for most carbon steel is
zinc coating, which may take various forms as Paint colours are specified by the RAL, British
described in Technical Note 22 Cladding metals Standard (BS 381C), NCS, Colour Dimension or
1- ferrous metals. For internal components and Pantone reference number. Some of these
external elements with a design life less than 30 colours (particularly those in the latter two
years this may be sufficient. However zinc ranges) are inherently difficult to formulate, and
coatings will corrode, albeit at a much slower as such their availability is subject to certain
rate than the underlying steel and further technical considerations of the manufacturer;
protection may be required. generally, purple and paler red colours are
difficult. Some pigments are affected by ultra
Organic coatings provide protection by forming
violet light hence some colours are likely to fade
a barrier, which prevents access of oxygen,
with exposure.
water and aggressive chemicals to the metal

© CWCT 1999 January 2000

This document has been printed from the CWCT ‘Cladding Forum’, access to which is restricted to subscribing Members of
the Centre for Window & Cladding Technology. Information about the availability of CWCT publications and membership is
available at our website – www.cwct.co.uk – or from the address at the end of this note.
Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

The colours of anodic films are more limited number from the manufacturer’s standard range.
and are specified according to the reference
Colour match/control
Ideally a project should use the same Surface finish
manufacturer and the same product throughout,
As well as colour variations, surface finish
and then the same batch and one coating
should also be controlled for aesthetic reasons.
applicator. Differences in stoving and ovens,
Very thick coatings increase the degree of
and in the base material and component (i.e.
‘orange peel texture’, a phenomenon that is
wall thickness, cross sectional area and mass)
more obvious with gloss finishes than with satin
can all combine to produce variations in colour,
or matt finishes.
even when the coating is well specified.
Material and production variations can also
Organic coatings
affect the uniformity of anodising, although
modern technology available at the principal
architectural anodising plants can minimise
colour match problems. Organic coatings must be applied as part of a
system, which normally includes pre-treatment
In general some colour variation must be of the metal surface, primer and one or more
accepted and upper and lower colour/gloss finish coats. The pre-treatment consists of
limits indicating the extent of this variation need cleaning to remove surface contamination and
to be agreed between, and agreed samples kept chemical treatment to reduce corrosion and aid
by, the specifier, fabricator and applicator for adhesion of the coating. For aluminium a
comparison with the actual colour, gloss and chromate treatment is normally used whereas for
texture of the final product. However, unlike galvanised steel a phosphate treatment may be
anodised finishes the colour variation of a used.
metallic polyester powder cannot be reproduced
very easily as samples. Colour match problems Certain galvanising processes result in a porous
can be minimised by independent acceptance zinc layer, which may cause gassing, and pin
inspection (see below). holing during subsequent coating operations.
Pin holing in coated, galvanised steel is a
More care is required (e.g. the coating thickness random occurrence and the production process
may need to be increased) with certain pale, that overcomes the phenomenon - the substrate
white and ‘near white’ colours to achieve is degassed (by heating) prior to coating - varies
consistency. Metallic polyester powder colours according to the colour of coating.
are more at risk of inconsistency than solid
colours because of variations in the Organic coating may be applied in liquid or
manufacturing process, although manufacturing powder form. In both cases the coating consists
techniques such as bonding metallic pigments of a resin binder, which makes up the bulk of
can provide more consistent colours. the coating and determines its properties, and a
pigment, which gives colour and may affect
With non-standard paint colours there is more properties of the coating by absorbing or
uncertainty regarding long-term fading because reflecting ultra violet light. Liquid applied
there is not normally time to complete testing to coatings require a carrier, which is usually a
confirm performance - testing for colour volatile solvent and the coated articles pass
suitability requires at least three months and through an oven to cure the coating. Powder
possibly a further three months before the paint may contain additives to improve properties.
is available to the applicator. Non-standard Powder is sprayed on and initially adheres by
colours are also more expensive than a electrostatic attraction. Coated articles then pass
manufacturer’s standard range of colours. through an oven where the powder particles fuse

Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

to form a coherent coating bonded to the face. Deterioration of the reverse side may
substrate. require replacement of the sheeting, as
repainting is unlikely to be possible. The
The most economical method of application is selection of a durable coating for the reverse
coil coating prior to forming of components side of the cladding may limit the available
however this requires a coating which is coating types and colours for the exposed face.
sufficiently flexible to withstand the stresses of
forming and is clearly not suitable for The only totally satisfactory means of
aluminium extrusions. It is also unsuitable determining the performance of a coating is by
where small quantities are required or where examining its performance in service. However,
exposed cut ends are not acceptable the time involved makes this impractical and
aesthetically or due to the risk of corrosion. laboratory tests have been devised to assess
performance in terms of film thickness,
Performance requirements adhesion, hardness, impact resistance,
To give satisfactory performance, a coating permeability and resistance to alkali/acid/salt
should be resistant to mechanical damage and spray, artificial/natural weathering, humidity
the environment. Mechanical damage is most and sulphur dioxide.
likely to occur during construction but may
Powder coatings should comply with the
occur in service, particularly at ground level.
performance requirements of BS 6496 and 6497
The main environmental factors to be
for aluminium and steel components
considered are the effects of ultraviolet radiation
respectively. Liquid applied coatings for
and pollution.
aluminium should comply with BS 4842 or
Ultraviolet radiation may cause loss of gloss, AAMA 605.2-90. BS EN 10169 covers coil
chalking and fading of colour. Chalking results coating of steel.
in the gradual breakdown of the coating and
A coating’s properties are only as good as the
hence loss of thickness. Use of an ultra violet
quality of the pre-treatment and application
stable binder reduces the rate of deterioration.
processes. Most coating failures are due to
The deterioration as a result of exposure to
poor/incorrect pre-treatment. Curing is the most
ultraviolet will be greater in warm moist
important coating application process in terms
of durability. Excessive thickness caused by
Ultra violet can also cause breakdown of the poor production control increases the risk of the
primer if it is not adequately protected by the coating being under-cured and brittle, and thus
finish. For example PVDF which is used as a prone to cracking and/or detachment on flexible
binder in some coatings is transparent to ultra backgrounds.
violet and pigments must be chosen to inhibit
Coating types
transmission of ultra violet.
The predominant organic finish for windows
Pollution, particularly acids resulting from and curtain walling is polyester powder coating
sulfur dioxide, can attack pigments causing however a range of wet-applied finishes is
colour changes and may cause corrosion of the widely used for cladding panels. The range of
underlying metal if there are breaks in the finishes for external use is described below.

For sheet cladding the performance of the

coating on the back of the sheet needs to be
considered in addition to that on the exposed

Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

Polyester powder The leathergrain texture increases dirt retention

and periodic washing is recommended. Life to
Polyester powder coatings are applied, to both
first maintenance varies from 10 to 30 years
galvanised steel and aluminium alloy, and are
depending on colour, environment and the
available in the widest range of colours.
orientation of the façade with respect to the sun.
This form of coating is suitable for window
frames, aluminium extrusions and cladding Alkyd amino
panels. For profiled sheeting the coating is
Aluminium cladding panels are available with
normally applied after fabrication so there are
an alkyd-amino based coating. It is applied in
no unprotected cut edges and treatment of
liquid form by spray after forming the panels
smaller quantities is more economical than
and therefore gives the same advantages as
when coil coating is used. Recent developments
powder coating with regard to batch size and
allow powder coating of coil.
avoiding uncoated cut surfaces.
Polyester powder coatings are tough and
abrasion resistant. Different performance grades It is applied in thicknesses of 25 to 50m and
are available with some claiming lives of more has an expected life of 30 years.
than 30 years for both galvanised steel and
aluminium. Polyester
PVDF Liquid applied polyester coatings are used for
coil coating aluminium and galvanised steel.
PVDF (PVF2) may be applied by roller to
Polyester coatings are cheaper than those
galvanised steel and aluminium coil or spray
described above but are not so durable. Life to
applied to completed components. It is
first maintenance for steel substrates is 5 years
extremely durable but relatively easily scratched
while on aluminium a decorative life of 10 years
and abraded. The range of colours is also
is claimed.
limited due to the need to select pigments that
reduce transmission of ultra violet. PVDF Addition of polyamide gives a coating with
coatings on galvanised steel are claimed to have improved performance in terms of resistance to
a life to first maintenance of 10 years in coastal both ultra violet light and abrasion. A coating
regions and 15 years inland. For aluminium of this form known as ‘abrasion resistant’ is
substrates a decorative life of 20 years and an used on aluminium coil and has a claimed
ultimate life of more than 30 years are claimed. decorative life of 15 years.
Polyester may also be modified by the addition
PVC plastisol is applied by roller to galvanised of silicone to give improved performance and is
steel coil and usually has a ‘leathergrained’ available as a coating for galvanised steel coil.
finish, as it is difficult to apply with a smooth
finish. It is usually applied in thicknesses of 100 Vitreous enamel
to 200 m which is much greater than other
coatings. Vitreous enamel finishes are available for
cladding panels but are much less common than
Because of its thickness, it possesses good organic finishes. Vitreous enamel is a
resistance to impact and abrasion and provides borosilicate glass, which may be used to form a
good corrosion protection to the steel substrate. decorative and protective coating to steel panels,
It is easily damaged by temperatures greater the protection being a result of excluding air and
than 70oC. water from the surface.

Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

The enamel is manufactured in the form of fine thickness of 25 microns however the AASC
particles known as ‘frit’. The frit is mixed into a specification requires a minimum thickness of
paste, which is applied to the panel, which is 25 microns and a maximum of 35microns. This
then heated in a furnace to approximately 800oC is higher than standards in Continental Europe
to fuse the enamel and bond it to the steel. Most where environmental conditions are less
processes require a ground coat 75 to 150 corrosive. A film that is too thick tends to be
microns thick with a cover coat of 100 to 150 soft and is therefore more likely to turn white
microns. when exposed to the atmosphere because of its
diminished resistance to surface degradation.
The enamel produces a hard durable and The seal quality is a measure of the resistance of
abrasion resistant surface although it is the anodic film to staining and corrosion. A
somewhat brittle. However in the event of poorly sealed film enables contaminants to enter
damage, corrosion tends to remain localised. the pores and cause staining.
The finish will stand bending to form gently
curved panels but sharp corners must be formed Anodised finishes are generally harder and more
before coating. Vitreous enamel coatings have abrasion resistant than organic coatings.
been used throughout the century and early However, coloured anodised films, particularly
examples are still to be seen on old railway and those that are coloured with a tin electrolyte
underground signs. Subject to panels not being (due to its acidity), can be soft and more likely
damaged, vitreous enamel can be expected to to degrade due to weathering; the specification
have a life expectancy well in excess of 50 should contain a clause excluding the use of tin.
years. European anodising plants do not carry out
abrasion testing on production material which is
Anodising a matter of concern in the UK. Temperature
increases caused by inadequate refrigeration in
Anodising is an electrolytic process that the plant can also cause softening of the film.
produces a dense, hard and durable oxide layer
on the surface of aluminium. The oxide layer is Durability of anodised finishes is superior to
porous and must be sealed to prevent staining organic coatings with an expected life of 50
and can be coloured by introducing dyes or years or more. However, anodised finishes are
chemical treatment before sealing. Although the susceptible to alkali corrosion from contact with
range of colours is less than for organic coatings fresh concrete or mortar and rainwater runoff
they are more stable. from concrete surfaces. The use of copper-
containing screws must be avoided, as should
The finished appearance will be affected by the
design details that allow contact with rainwater
surface quality prior to treatment. For
runoff contaminated with, copper or lead.
extrusions, 6063 alloy has a fine grain structure
and is particularly suitable for anodising. J57S,
Anodic films should be finished in accordance
which is a proprietary form of 5005 alloy with
to BS 3987 and Guide to good practice for
improved properties, is recommended where
facades (CWCT, 1996).
anodised sheet is required. An anodic film is
integral with the metal (rather than a coating
applied onto its surface) and therefore immune
to loss of adhesion. Important properties of Sheltered areas (e.g. eaves overhangs, soffits
anodic films are thickness, sealing quality and and upper areas of walls) can create surfaces
surface hardness. that are almost always wet since the lack of rain-
washing allows dirt and other contaminants to
A film that is too thin will allow corrosion and
accumulate on the surface of the coating,
pitting. BS 3987 requires an average film

Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

retaining moisture and producing ideal the end product. This procedure also avoids
conditions for corrosion. Coatings in areas that fabricators paying for defective finishes.
are more exposed to the weather (i.e. regularly
washed by rainwater) usually perform better in Installation
terms of durability, but may be more vulnerable
to fading, erosion etc. Good design allows for The finishes described in this Technical Note
inspection, cleaning, repair and replacement of are factory applied before delivery to site and
the finished metal. are therefore susceptible to damage during
delivery and installation. Protective tapes and
Guarantees films may be used to reduce the risk of damage
and should be removed carefully to avoid
A paint manufacturer’s guarantee only covers stripping the finish.
performance of the paint, for example its
weathering characteristics in terms of film While coated surfaces are more resistant to
integrity, colour retention, chalking resistance, alkalis than are anodised surfaces, they are less
gloss retention and erosion resistance. hard, and can therefore be damaged by the
However, since paint mainly fails by separating mechanical removal of dried mortar splashes,
from the base metal - often because of defective plaster etc. Light scratches where the metal has
pre-treatment - it should be protected against not been exposed may be removed by polishing.
such an occurrence by an applicator’s guarantee. Small areas of minor damage/scratches that
Guarantees on application and paint penetrate to the substrate can be remedied with
performance are given by UK and continental air-drying touch-up paint (e.g. two-part
European applicators. polyurethane or alkyd), although it will weather
differently to the stoved coating. Major coating
Quality assurance damage requires re-application away from site
or replacement of the complete component.
Use of applicators who are covered by quality
assurance schemes is desirable. Quality Unprotected cut edges and drill holes will lead
assurance schemes include BS EN ISO 9000, to corrosion. This is a significant cause of
which is a general scheme applicable to all deterioration for galvanised steel cladding but
products, Qualicoat and GSB, which are unlikely to be a problem for aluminium, except
schemes for coatings, and Qualanod, which in extreme conditions. It is recommended that
covers anodising. Both Qualicoat and Qualanod cut edges on galvanised sheets are protected but
are widely adopted in Europe and GSB operates this is not always carried out.
in Germany. UK practice has tended to rely on
the use of Approved Applicators controlled by With application defects, the programme of
material suppliers. remedial work will depend on the extent of the
problem: is the entire facade affected or just one
Independent testing or two components? This can only be assessed
by a properly equipped independent laboratory.
The metal finish specification can require an
independent acceptance inspection laboratory to Maintenance
check the finish based on the sampling
procedures of BS 6001. Inspections should be To preserve the decorative and protective
carried out at the finishing company because if properties of any metal finishing, it is essential
the finish is rejected, the problem is more easily that atmospheric deposits are removed at
rectified than when the fabricator has formed frequent intervals. The frequency of cleaning
depends on:

Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

 Geographical location; acceptance inspection for example - before

practical completion certificates or final
 Local environment; accounts are signed.
 Level of atmospheric pollution;
 Provide the building owner with details of
 Prevailing wind; maintenance requirements.
 Degree of protection from nearby buildings;
 Air-borne debris.
RAL - Reichs-Ausschu für Lieferbedingungen
It is particularly important to remove deposits (in 1980 changed to Deutshes Institut für
regularly from surfaces that are not exposed to Gütesicherung und Kennzeichung e.V.) -
the washing effects of the rain. The German Institute for Quality Assurance and
manufacturer should be consulted for the correct Labelling.
maintenance procedures; guidance on the care
and maintenance of finishes is also given in PVDF - Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Appendices A and B of BS 6496/7 for polyester
powder coatings and Appendix E of BS 3987 for PVC - Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
AAMA - Architectural Aluminium
Paints are available for repainting surfaces with Manufacturers Association
organic finishes. These paints will have a
shorter life than the original factory applied NCS - Natural Colour System
coatings (typically about 10 years) and in some
cases it may be more cost effective to replace References and bibliography
the cladding.
AAMA 605 Voluntary Specification for high
Summary performance organic coating on architectural
aluminium extrusions and panels, American
The architect/specifier should consider the metal Architectural Manufacturers Association.
finishing options available and seek advice on
applicators and materials early in the design AASC Metal Finishing Specifications,
process. Five steps should be followed: Architectural Advisory Service Centre.

 Choose the metal finish most appropriate to BS 3987, 1991, Specification for Anodic
the particular application. The performance oxidation on wrought aluminium for external
of alternative systems should be understood architectural applications, British Standards
and compared, taking account of cost Institution.
implications and the required design life.
BS 4842, 1994, Specification for liquid organic
 Use a fully detailed, complete specification coatings for application to aluminium alloy
in the tender document (for example those
extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for
published by the Architectural Advisory
external architectural purposes, and for the
Service Centre (AASC)).
finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and
 Choose a reputable applicator, preferably preformed sections coated with liquid organic
covered by a quality assurance scheme. coatings, British Standards Institution.
 Ensure what is provided complies exactly BS 6496, 1984, Specification for powder
with what was paid for - by independent organic coatings for application and stoving to

Selection of applied finishes for metal TN25

aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and

preformed sections for external architectural
purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy
extrusions, sheet and preformed sections coated
with powder organic coating, British Standards

BS 6497, 1984, Specification for powder

organic coatings for application and stoving to
hot-dip galvanised hot-rolled steel sections and
preformed steel sheet for windows and
associated external architectural purposes, and
for the finish on galvanized steel sections and
preformed sheet coated with powder organic
coatings, British Standards Institution.

BS EN 10169, Continuously organic coated

(coil coated) steel flat products, Part 1, 1997,
General information (definitions, materials,
tolerances, test methods) British Standards

CWCT, 1996, Guide to good practice for

facades, Centre for Window and Cladding
Technology, University of Bath.

AFA, 1999, Finishing aluminium. A guide for

architects, Aluminium Finishing Association.

© CWCT 2000

CWCT Technical Notes 1 – 30 have been part-funded

by the DETR under research contract 39/3/338 (CI 1354)
University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2
Tel: 01225 826541; Fax: 01225 826556; email:
cwct@bath.ac.uk; website: www.cwct.co.uk


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