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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Nisar Ali Khan1, Sunil Baluji Bhagat2
Associate Professor, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, 2PG Scholar, Dept of Shalakya Tantra-Netraroga,
Govt. Ayurved College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India

Optic nerve is not a true nerve but is a continuation of central nervous system. Optic atrophy
is a disease which remains incurable in modern medicine. Many patients reported to Ayurvedic hos-
pitals seeking ayurvedic treatment for the same. It is caused by various neurological, toxic, inflam-
matory and systemic disorders. While treating this disease on Ayurvedic principals, it is observed that
primary optic atrophy requires treatment of Vatadosha. Various measures of Vatashaman, locally or
systemically, are useful. On the contrary secondary optic atrophy requires not only treatment of
causative diseases but Pittashaman and Jwaraghna treatment before doing Vatashaman. If measures
of Vatashaman are applied in secondary atrophy, the condition worsens. Hence differentiating pri-
mary and secondary optic atrophy is necessary and principals of treatment of primary and secondary
optic atrophy are discussed and presented.

Key words: Optic Atrophy, Vatadosha, Vatashaman, Pittashaman, Jwaraghna.

Optic atrophy refers to the degenera- treatment on line of Vataj Timira is given in
tion of optic nerve which occurs as an end re- secondary optic atrophy, the condition wors-
sult of any pathologic process that damages ens. Hence Kapha-Pittaghna, Shothaghna,
axons in the anterior visual system i.e. along Pachan, and Jwaraghna treatment is required
the path from retinal ganglion cells to the lat- to be given as first line of treatment. Then
eral geniculate body1. In Ayurveda, the dis- only Vataghna treatment of Vataj Timira is
ease can be correlated with the Vataj Timira. beneficial.
In which objects are seen blurred, irregular Hence differentiating between these
and flickering described by Acharya Sushruta two types is at most important to treat optic
in Sushruta Samhita2,3. atrophy on Ayurvedic principles.
Etiological features, pathology and EPIDEMIOLOGY & PREVALENCE4:
signs and symptoms of primary optic atrophy In united state, according to Tielsch et
are purely suggestive of Vata Dosha predomi- al prevalence of blindness attributable to optic
nance. It responds to a variable degree to atrophy was 0.8% and according to Munoz et
vataghna Chikitsa described for Vataj Timira. al, the prevalence of visual impairment and
But secondary optic atrophy is caused by other blindness attributable to optic atrophy was
diseases and conditions. Hence involvement of 0.04% and 0.12% respectively. Optic atrophy
Khaph-Pitta Doshas, Shotha, Margavrodha, is more prevalent in African Americans
Paaka and Saamata like conditions is to be (0.3%) than in whites (0.05%). Optic atrophy
considered in Samprapti of this disease. If
Nisar Ali Khan & Sunil Baluji Bhagat: A Conceptual Study Of Ayurvedic Management Of Optic Atrophy
is seen in any age group. There is no sexual b) Ischemia, by affecting blood supply,
predisposition noted. c) Inflammation within or around the nerve,
TYPES: d) Degeneration or atrophy of axons by direct
There are two types of optic atrophy, compression or toxic effect,
1. Primary Optic Atrophy: It is simple, non- e) Injury and
inflammatory, degenerative and progres- f) Congenital anomalies.
sive. When atrophy due to disease of sec- SYMPTOMS [1,5,6]:
ond visual neurone proximal to disk with - Reduction in acuteness of vision,
no evidence of previous local inflamma- - Concentric/irregular contraction of vision
tion, it is called Primary Atrophy. field, first for colour then for form,
2. Secondary Optic Atrophy: Occurs follow- - Diminishment in light sense,
ing any pathologic process which produces - Sometimes scotomata,
optic neuritis or Papilloedema. It is secon- - Decrease in colour sesitivity (green –› red
dary, inflammatory, and post neuritic atro- –› blue), finally complete blindness.
phy. SIGNS [1,5,6]:
ETIOLOGY: - RAPD (Relative Afferent pupillary De-
Primary Optic Atrophy [1, 5, 6]: fect).
• Cerebrospinal diseases, - Pupils very sluggishly reacting / fixed, di-
• Locomotor Ataxia, lated.
• Disseminated Sclerosis, FUNDOSCOPIC PICTURE:
• General paralysis of Insane (rare), Primary Optic Atrophy [1, 5, 6]:
• Tumors of Optic Nerve, Pituitary, Intra- - Disc is white/greyish/bluish white in col-
cranial other tumors, ours, edges are sharply defined and regu-
• Syphilis (now rare), lar, size is somewhat diminished with sau-
• Malaria, Diabetes, cer shaped excavation,
• Toxic, Tobacco, Alcohol exogenous, - Vessels on disc disappeared,
• Acromegaly, Nutritional deficiency (Vit- - Lamina cribrosa seen plainly,
B1), Hereditary- Lebers disease, Idiopath- - Retinal vessels may be normal /attenuated
ic. arteries.
Secondary Optic Atrophy [1,5,6]: Secondary Optic Atrophy [1,5,6]:
• Papillitis, Papilloedema, - Post neuritic atrophy- Disc covered by
• Retrobulbar Neuritis, connective tissue due to previous neuritis,
• Choroiditis, dense white, greyish in colour, slightly
• RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa), enlarged in size, irregular shape, margins
• CRAO (Central Retinal Artery Occlusion), are obscured, Disc vessels are disappeared,
• Glaucoma, Lamina cribrosa hidden by organised exu-
• Traumatic- Penetrating wounds of optic dation, Retinal vessels are narrow, retinal
nerve, fracture of orbital canal and haem- arteries enclosed in white lines, veins are
orrhage of optic nerve sheath. narrow and tortuous.
AETIOPATHOGENESIS[1,5,6]: - Secondary optic atrophy due to retino-
The optic nerve can be affected by- choroidal causes- Disc dirty, greyish red,
a) Disorder that produce swelling/oedema in yellow, waxy look, marked attenuation of
and around the nerve, vessels.
www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 5; Issue 1; January- 2017
Nisar Ali Khan & Sunil Baluji Bhagat: A Conceptual Study Of Ayurvedic Management Of Optic Atrophy
After some period of above changes dis- improve axoplasmic transport and hence nerv-
appear and features of primary atrophy re- ous impulse transfer function of the neurons is
main. expected. Tarpan helps to improve vitality of
TREATMENT: ophthalmic component. Nasya is an Ayurvedic
Treatment of optic atrophy can be tai- measure to normalise/improve function of In-
lored from following measures keeping con- driyas, hence intracranial component of optic
sideration of aetiology, chronicity, clinical fea- pathway nourishment is expected. Systemic
tures and severity of disease. Suitable drug medicines can take care of whole anatomical
and Upkrama and their combinations are use- structures of visual pathway.
ful in optic atrophy. Treatment of Secondary Optic Atrophy
Treatment of primary optic atrophy (Vataj (Kaph-Pitta Timira)3:
Timira)3: Jwaraghna treatment is first. Then it
 Ghritpana- 1) Triphaladi Ghrit, 2) Maha- should be treated on line of Vataj Timira for
triphala Ghrita, 3) Jivantyadi Ghrita, primary optic atrophy.
4) Drakshadi Ghrita, 5)Dashmul Sidhha  Ghritpana- Amritadi Ghritpana
Ghrit.  Raktmokshan- Siravedha
 Virechana- Castor oil with milk.  Virechana- Avipattikar churna
 Nasya- 1) Madhuradi gana sidhha Tail,  Nasya- Ushir + Lodhra + Triphala + Pri-
2) Anu Tail Nasya. yangu siddha Til Tail.
 Tarpan- Jivantyadi Ghrita Tarpana.  Tarpan- Kshiri-wriksha + Haridra +
 Basti- 1) Niruha Basti, 2) Anuwasana Ushir siddha Tail,
Basti.  Anjana- Rasanjana + Madhu + Sharkara
 Anjana-Dhatryadi Anjana ( Amalaki + + Manhshila + Jeshthamadh Raskriya.
Rasanjana + Ghrita + Madhu Rasakriya).  Systemic–
 Systemic- 1. Punarnavadi Kwatha,
1. Swarna Bhasma 100mg + Ashwagandha 2. Pathyadi Kwatha,
Churna 200gm (5gm BD), 3. Sanshmani Vati,
2. Yashad Bhasma, 4. Guduchi Satwa,
3. Dashmul Kwatha, 5. Punarnava Guggul.
4. Ashwagandharishtha, As the pathology of secondary optic
5. Saptamrit Loha 250 mg + Ghrita 10 ml atrophy indicates involvement of Kapha-Pitta
(before evening meals i.e. vyan kala ), Doshas, treatment of secondary optic atrophy
6. Triphala Churna + Swarna Bhasma + on Ayurvedic principles needs Nidana Pari-
Ghrita. varjana i.e. treatment of causative factors first.
 Ahar- Ghrita, Mudga, Amalaki, Shatavari, Then Kapha-Pitta Doshghna, Kledahara
Yava, Patol, Sharkara, Dugdh, Mansahar, treatment and Shodhana e.g. Virechana, Rak-
Mans Rasa. tamokshna Karma should be done. When evi-
 Vihar- Murdha taila, paadabyanga, Sukh- dence of inflammatory response subsides and
shayya, Sukhasana. Pratimarsha nasya. clinical features of primary optic atrophy ap-
These measures are curative measures pear, then treatment on principles of primary
for Vata Dosha. They can help to nourish optic atrophy is beneficial.
much debilitated nervous tissues. They can

www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 5; Issue 1; January- 2017

Nisar Ali Khan & Sunil Baluji Bhagat: A Conceptual Study Of Ayurvedic Management Of Optic Atrophy
Primary optic atrophy can be treated
on line of treatment for Vataj Timira. Second-
ary optic atrophy needs of Kaph-Pitta Dosh-
ghna, Shothghna, Pachan and then it should
be treated on line of Vataj Timira for primary
optic atrophy.
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mology, 5th ed. New Age International
Publishers; 2012. p. 322-325
2. Sushrut Samhita, edited by Dr. Laxmidhar
Dwivedi, 1st ed. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Se-
ries Office Varanasi; 1999. p. 144
3. Prof. Uday Shankar, Text Book Of Shala-
kya Tantra Illustrated Vol-1 : Netraroga,
1st ed. Chaukhamba Visvabharati Vara-
nasi (India); 2012. p. 559-577
4. Rashmin Gandhi and Gangaprasad
Muthaiah Amula, Optic Atrophy (Back-
ground Pathophysiology Epidemiology)
[Article on internet]. [Updated Sep. 12,
2014]; Available from
5. Ramanjit Sihota and Radhika Tondon,
Parson,s Disease of the Eye, 22nd ed. El-
sevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India
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6. Brad Bowling, Kanski,s Clinical Opthal-
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Dr. Sunil B. Bhagat
PG Scholar, Dept. of Shalakyatantra,
Government Ayurved College,
Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Email: sb.bhagat@yahoo.com

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict Of Interest: None Declared

How to cite this URL: Nisar Ali Khan & Sunil Baluji Bhagat: A Conceptual Study Of Ayurvedic Management Of Optic Atrophy
International Ayurvedic medical Journal {online} 2017 {cited January, 2017} Available from:

www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 5; Issue 1; January- 2017


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