Assignment. Engr Essay
Assignment. Engr Essay
Assignment. Engr Essay
Steel concrete composite construction has gained wide acceptance world wide as an alternative
to pure steel and pure concrete construction. The use of steel in construction industry is very low
in Myanmar compared to many developing countries. There is a great potential for increasing the
volume of steel in construction, especially in the current development needs and not using steel
as an alternative construction material and not using it where it is economical is a heavy loss for
the country. In this paper, some statistics from an engineering research article about the analysis
of four various multistoried commercial buildings, are brought.
Keywords- Composite beam, Composite column, Composite slab, R.C.C Structure.
Composite floor system consists of steel beams, metal decking and concrete. They are
combined in a very efficient way so that the best properties of each material can be used to
optimize construction techniques. The most common arrangement found in composite floor
systems is a rolled or built-up steel beam connected to a formed steel deck and concrete slab.
In conventional composite construction, concrete slabs rest over steel beams and are
supported by them. Under load these two components act independently and a relative slip
occurs at the interface if there is no connection between them. With the help of a deliberate and
appropriate connection provided between them can be eliminated. In this case the steel beam and
the slab act as a “composite beam” and their action is similar to that of a monolithic Tee beam.
Shweta A. Wagh et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
It is used to resist horizontal shear and to prevent separation of girder from the concrete
slab at the interface through bond. These connectors derived from the resistance through bond
and anchorage action.
This comparative study was done by Shweta A. Wagh and Dr. U.P. Waghe. They have
considered a commercial building. The plan dimension was 63.2mx29.5m. The study was carried
out on the same building plan for both R.C.C and Composite construction using STAAD.Pro.
The basic loading on both types of structures were kept same. The study had provided the
following comparison bar charts.
From the analysis and comparison between the two structure types, the following conclusion can
be drawn out-
1. In case of a composite structural system because of the lesser magnitude of the beam end
forces and moments compared to an R.C.C system, one can use lighter section in a
composite structure.
2. Because of the lesser downward reaction in composite structure, one can use smaller size
of foundation.
3. Under earthquake consideration because of inherent ductility characteristics, steel-
concrete composite structure perform better than a R.C.C structure.
4. The cost comparison reveals that steel-concrete composite design structure is more
economical in case of high rise buildings and construction is speedy.