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Course Title: Strategic Financial Management Course Code: FIBA 718 Credit Units: 3
Level: PG
Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to make students learn the intricacies of formulating and implementing Financial Strategies and the Financial Mix
Student Learning Outcomes: On the successful completion of this module the student will be able to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the following:
Various functions associated with making successful Financial strategy for business units
Practice and procedures relating to valuation of Business.
An insight into management of various long term financing Instruments
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I : Introduction to Financial Strategy and Planning 20
Meaning of Strategy and Planning, Definition of Strategic Financial Management, Financial Forecasting and
their techniques. Financial Planning Process, Decision making and Problem solving Process, Corporate
Risks associated with International Projects Financing, Issue of ADR’s/ GDR’s, FCCBs and FCEBs, ECBs and
FDIs , Foreign Capital Markets and Instruments, Other International Financing Sources.
Forms of Export Finance, Documentary Credit, Export Credit and Insurance, Bilateral Credit, Special
Economic Zones, Disinvestment and their strategies.
Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The course will be delivered mainly through lectures, Case studies, videos and supported with practical examples from the
current business environment.
100 5% 70%
Weightage (%) 10 5 15 70
Text & References:
Khan, M.Y. & Jain, P.K., Basic Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, ND, 2009
Brealey, R.A. & Myers, S.C., Principles of Corporate Finance, Tata McGraw Hill, ND, 2009
Khan, M.Y., India Financial Services, Tata McGraw Hill, ND, 2008
Ravi M, Kishore, Strategic Financial Management Taxmann’s 2011 Edition.
Damodaran, A. 2004, Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice, 2nd Ed., Wiley & Sons.
Van Horne, J.C. 2006, Financial Management and Policy, 12th Ed., Prentice Hall of India.
Brearly, R. A. and Myers, S. C. 2006, Principles of Corporate Finance, 8th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
Pike, R and Neale, B. 1998, Corporate Finance and Investment: Decisions and Strategies, Prentice Hall of India
Rustagi, R.P. 1999, Financial Management: Theory, Concepts and Problems, Galgotia Publishing Company.
Pandey, I.M. 1999, Financial Management, 9th Ed., Vikas Publishing House