Isrm PDF
Isrm PDF
Isrm PDF
Course Objectives:
This course focuses on the fundamentals of information security that are used in protecting both the information present in computer
storage as well as information traveling over computer networks. Interest in information security has been spurred by the pervasive
use of computer-based applications such as information systems, databases, and the Internet. Information security has also emerged as
a national goal in the United States and in other countries with national defense and homeland security implications. Information
security is enabled through securing data, computers, and networks. In this course, we will look into such topics as fundamentals of
information security, computer security technology and principles, access control mechanisms, cryptography algorithms, software
security, physical security, and security management and risk assessment. By the end of this course, you will be able to describe major
information security issues and trends, and advise an individual seeking to protect his or her data.
Learning Outcomes
Students must have a strong knowledge of fundamentals of Information techniques and tools used in industry
Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be better positioned to realise the challenges involved in online trade while doing
business using IT Techniques. The students should be able to
Explain the components and roles of the Information security.
Explain how businesses sell products and services on the Web while remaining secure.
Describe the technical failure and success factors keeping all security concerns intact
100% NA 70
Theory Assessment (L&T):
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
(Drop down)
Mid-Term Project Assignment Attendance
Weightage (%)
10% 10% 5% 5% 70%
D.P. Sharma, E-retailing Principles and Practice, Himalaya Publications
Caroll & Broadhead, Selling Online: How to Become a Successful E-Commerce Merchant, Dearborn publishers
Janice Reynolds, The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build, and Maintain a Successful Web-Based Business, CMP
Dennis, Fenech & Merrilees, E-retailing, Routledge Press
Levy & Weitz, Retailing Management, Tata McGraw Hill