STTP Proposal Format
STTP Proposal Format
STTP Proposal Format
11.2.7 Parameters/Criteria
(a) Objectives & Context In recent years, the ways computers have been employed have
found adequate intelligence to help solving our problems that are
difficult to solve by traditional methods. Now a days, AI
techniques are now being extensively used in industrial process
control, image processing, diagnostics, medicine, space
technology, and information management system, just to name a
IoT with wireless sensor techniques, particularly with MANET
and many more are recently having significant impact on modern
system analysis, motor drives. IoT techniques have created a new
and advancing frontier especially in system, drives and control,
which is already a complex and multidisciplinary technology that
is going through dynamic evolution in the recent years.
The automation industry is currently undergoing unprecedented
reforms. The challenge under such environment for utilities to
maintain an economical and reliable supply of power. Also
modern industries now adopting automatic solutions for processes
so as to gain competitive advantage in global market. Faced by an
increasingly complicated existence, power utilities and process
industries need efficient tools and aid to ensure that final products
having desired quality can be provided at the lowest cost.
This FDP aims to explore the technical aspects, contemporary
applications and research opportunities in IoT and wireless sensor
networks & application in the field of core Engineering. Faculty
got trained on basics of use of IoT modeling, MANET with
wireless sensor networks algorithms and it's applications in
modern system and drives domains. This FDP will increase the
horizon of faculty in related field and will inspire them provide
hands on to students, to identify research problems and pursue
their research work.
The objective of this FDP is-
Introduction to the latest technologies used in IoT and wireless
sensor networks with MANET.
Application of IoT and wireless sensor network.
Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and validation approaches
to the solution of power and routing protocol.
(b) Relevance IoT is now-a-days hot topic and going to be interdisciplinary in
nature. Again IoT with sensor networks are used in a wide variety
of applications like new tool of automation, controllers, pattern
recognitions, network solution and many more. The IoT with
sensor network has gone through fast evolution during recent
years and their applications have increased rapidly in modern
industrial systems.
The modern automation system is now equipping with smart
technology & reliability of real time monitoring & protection,
electricity market model etc.
This FDP will provide premium forum for sharing knowledge,
experience and creative ideas of the experts with the researchers,
academicians and the participants, a platform for discussing new
IoT applications in modern systems, network devices and also
provide sustainable solutions for application and power in day to
day applications.
This FDP is relevant to faculty, and researchers who
pursuing their higher studies in areas of IoT and sensor
(c) Benefits to Faculty This FDP benefits faculty by enabling innovation in teaching
methods, fostering the learning of new skills and knowledge
upgrading in order to include technological advancements.
This will also allow the opportunity for a faculty to interact
with experts in relevant field to sharpen their research skills.
Faculty will get to know recent advancement and use of AI
techniques and workable models further helps in filling gap
between university course curriculum and market practices.
The information shared by experts in terms of applications
and use of IoT with sensor networks for the solution of
automation and control will tune end users to achieve
techno-economic benefits.
This FDP will encourage relevant projects of national
importance by both faculty and students and helps in
developing consultancy with automation industry.
(d) Expected Outcome The areas and field of research which are going to discuss by
experts will be of great benefit for the participants as the
topics match with the current working domain.
Participants will enlighten with the most widely used
advance practices in this domain. This in turn will help in
research and consultancy activity in industries and will also
enhance job placements in the market.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this faculty development program, the
participant would be able to
Understand the problems of modern automation industry
Understand the fundamentals and application of wireless sensor
networks & IoT with its routing protocol.
Modeling and Simulation of IoT using Raspberry-Pi.
(e) No and Level of Expected participants can be of 100 and of at least PG
participants completed from Engineering Institutes and Industries.
(f) No and level of Guest Total 6 (From IITs/NITs – 5 + Other/Host Institution- 1
1. Navigate to Academic Credentials of Coordinator/ PI/ Applicant tab for STTP Scheme
4. Details to be filled:
Parameter/Criteria -
Yes/No – Select from drop down list and
its required Field
Count/Number --
Details -
IoT, Wireless sensor network
Area of Specialization/Details
3. Details to be filled:
Parameter/Criteria -
Yes/No – Select from drop down list and its required
Count/Number --
Details -
Year -
Scheme -
Name of Coordinator --
Amount-Sanctioned-Non Recurring -
Amount-Sanctioned- Recurring -
Sanctioned Letter Date -
Sanctioned Letter Number -
Funds Utilization Position -
Funds Utilization details -
Program Details
Date & Time Venue Activity Requirements and
Inaugural ceremony, Guest Required Infrastructure is
23/05/2018 Auditorium
Lecture by Resource persons available
Guest Lecture by Resource Required Infrastructure is
24/05/2018 Auditorium
persons available
Guest Lecture by Resource Required Infrastructure is
25/05/2018 Auditorium
persons available
Guest Lecture by Resource Required Infrastructure is
26/05/2018 Auditorium
persons available
Guest Lecture by Resource
Auditorium, 30 Computers with
27/05/2018 persons ,Lab Session, Test
Laboratory available software
Guest Lecture by Resource Required Infrastructure is
28/05/2018 Auditorium
persons, valedictory function available
and distribution of certificates.
Budget Estimates
It is required to create record in Earlier Grants if any STTP grant was approved earlier
for the institute (including completed and not completed.)
2.13 Validation of Application
2.13.1 Validation
1. Once the user has filled all the & Validate
Application Button on the AQI“ Application Tab”.
2. Once the users clicks on Validate Application Button, complete validation of AQIS
Application will be done.