Review: Phagocytic Clearance in Neurodegeneration
Review: Phagocytic Clearance in Neurodegeneration
Review: Phagocytic Clearance in Neurodegeneration
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Phagocytic Clearance in Neurodegeneration
Two decades of work in both Caenorhabditis elegans and Supported in part by the University of Virginia NIH-funded Medical Sci-
entist Training Program (J.D.S.) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH
Drosophila melanogaster models, as well as in mammalian
NS065447 to J.W.M.).
non-neural cells, has revealed numerous receptors and
Accepted for publication December 22, 2010.
intracellular effector molecules involved in the recognition
CME Disclosure: The authors did not disclose any relevant financial
and engulfment of apoptotic cells (Figure 1).1 However, relationships.
to what extent and in which cell types these molecules Address reprint requests to James W. Mandell, M.D., Ph.D., Depart-
function in the context of specific neurodegenerative dis- ment of Pathology, P.O. Box 800904, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
eases is largely unstudied. VA 22908. E-mail:
Phagocytic in Neurodegeneration 1417
AJP April 2011, Vol. 178, No. 4
Figure 1. Steps involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic debris. Apoptotic cells release diffusible find-me factors, such as ATP and chemokines, and express
cell-surface eat-me signals, including phosphatidylserine. Complement and antibody molecules serve as opsonins for debris, and bridging molecules such as milk
fat globule EGF factor 8 protein (MFGE8, also known as lactadherin) or growth arrest-specific protein 6 (GAS-6) bind to phosphatidylserine, targeting apoptotic
debris for recognition. The phagocyte can thereby identify debris either by direct recognition of phosphatidylserine through receptors such as brain-specific
angiogenesis inhibitor 1 (BAI1) or indirectly through recognition of opsonins/bridging molecules via lipoprotein receptor proteins (LRP), complement receptors,
Fc receptors, ␣v3/5 integrin, and the receptor tyrosine kinase Mer (MerTK), among others. Signaling via these receptors is presumed to induce phagocytosis, but
the precise players for all of these pathways have not yet been described. The small GTPase Rac1 has been implicated as a key downstream player responsible
for regulating cytoskeletal alterations that are necessary for formation of the phagocytic cup and subsequent engulfment, and at least two signaling pathways
upstream of Rac1 activation have been elucidated. First, a complex of ELMO-Dock180-CrkII acts downstream of the phosphatidylserine receptor, BAI1, and
functions as a guanine exchange factor for Rac1. Second, LRP1 interacts with GULP, an adaptor protein that has been linked to Rac1 activation, possibly via
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Depending on the context, signaling may lead not only to phagocytosis, but also to changes in cell morphology,
induction of migration, and secretion of cytokines. For example, engulfment of apoptotic debris stimulates production of anti-inflammatory mediators, such as
transforming growth factor  (TGF-).
nomenon is probably better characterized as endocy- study, however. When peripheral monocytes incorporate
tosis or pinocytosis. Neurons and neuronal cell lines into the parenchyma, it is usually impossible to distin-
are able to take up aggregated extracellular amyloid- guish them from resident microglia morphologically, be-
(A) in vitro, and both low-density lipoprotein receptor- cause there are no specific markers that definitively dif-
related protein 1 (LRP1) and receptor for advanced ferentiate them. In addition, there is debate about
glycation end products (RAGE) have been implicated in whether peripheral monocytes infiltrate into the paren-
this process5–7 In addition, it has been hypothesized that chyma to a significant degree under nontraumatic cir-
neurons participate in pruning of their neighbors’ syn- cumstances.11,12 Some studies using bone marrow
apses during development. In a mouse model of prion transplant with green fluorescent protein-expressing my-
disease, ultrastructural evidence suggested that den- eloid cells suggest that, in Alzheimer’s disease models,
dritic spines enwrap degenerating presynaptic boutons.8 monocytes are recruited to the brain, evolve morpholog-
Whether neurons actually completely phagocytose and ically and functionally into microglia, and localize to sites
process the degenerating material is not clear. Although of A deposition. Critics of this theory, however, have
neurons express at least some of the relevant receptors shown that the irradiation involved in bone marrow trans-
and intracellular engulfment machinery (Table 1), signal- plantation increases the leakiness of the blood-brain bar-
ing through these receptors may have different down- rier and that the previous model has not unequivocally
stream effects than in immune cells, with expression of demonstrated that infiltration occurs to a significant de-
adaptor proteins and coreceptors that are specific to gree without radiation.12
Although microglia are considered by some to be Activated Phagocytes: A Phenotypic Spectrum
the macrophages of the brain, it has been suggested
that peripherally derived macrophages have different Activation of a glial cell in response to debris not only
properties than resident microglia and could contribute stimulates phagocytosis, but also results in other
to clearance of A plaques.10 This has been difficult to downstream effects, such as secretion of cytokines
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Expression detected
Receptor Ligand Relevance Microglia Astrocytes Neurons References
BAI1 PS Uptake of apoptotic cells ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 1
TIM4 PS Uptake of apoptotic cells 1
Scavenger family PS Uptake of apoptotic cells 1, 89
Opsonin receptors
MerTK Gas6 (binds Uptake of POS, apoptotic ⫻ ⫻ 3, 26
PS) cells
Gas 6 production* ⫻ ⫻
␣v3/5 integrin Mfge8 (binds Uptake of apoptotic cells, ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 3, 79
PS) uptake of A
MFGE8 production* ⫻
Complement receptor Complement Uptake of apoptotic cells, ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 22, 55
uptake of A
Complement production* ⫻ ⫻ ⫻
FcR Immunoglobulins Uptake of apoptotic cells, ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 64, 90
uptake of A
Pattern recognition
TLRs/CD14 A Uptake of apoptotic cells, ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 3, 91, 92, 93
uptake of A
FPRL1 A Uptake of A ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 94, 95
RAGE A Uptake of A, BBB- ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 5, 95, 96, 97
associated A receptor
CD36 scavenger A, ␣- Uptake of A ⫻ ⫻ 42, 95, 98, 99
receptor synuclein
Lipoprotein receptors
LDLR ApoE Uptake of A-ApoE ⫻ ⫻ 3, 95
complexes, mediate A-
induced changes in ApoE
ApoE production* ⫻
LRP1 ApoE Uptake of A-ApoE ⫻ ⫻ 3, 95
complexes, BBB-
associated A receptor
Uptake of A-ApoJ ⫻
LRP2/megalin Clusterin Clusterin production* ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ 55, 75, 95
A, amyloid-; Apo, apolipoprotein; BAI1, brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor-1; BBB, blood-brain barrier; FcR, Fc receptor; FPRL1, formyl peptide
receptor-like 1; Gas6, growth-arrest specific 6; LDLR, low density lipoprotein receptor; LRP, low density lipoprotein receptor-related; MerTK, Mer receptor
tyrosine kinase; Mfge8, milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (also known as lactadherin); POS, photoreceptor outer segments; PS, phosphatidylserine; RAGE,
receptor for advanced glycation endproducts; TIM4, T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain-containing molecule 4; TLR, Toll-like receptor.
*Asterisk indicates that the ligand is an opsonin (bridging molecule), rather than the direct target of the phagocytic receptor.
and production of reactive oxygen species.13 An issue Classical activation has as a hallmark the production of
that complicates analysis of the literature is that re- pro-inflammatory cytokines and free radicals; alterna-
searchers refer to activation of glia without acknowl- tive activation is a less well defined anti-inflammatory
edging or accounting for the ambiguity of that label. phenotype. Expression profiling offers some utility, and
This is problematic, because there is a continuum of use of delineations that have been established for
activation for microglia that entails a range of pheno- macrophages serves as a starting point. Nonetheless,
types, and the expression of activation markers can the immunomodulatory milieu in the CNS differs, and
vary.14 For example, activation markers such as p38, activation phenotypes in the CNS may not mimic those
CD45, and FcR have been shown to be differentially in the periphery.16 Quantitative real-time PCR examin-
regulated over time in amyloid precursor protein (APP) ing expression of genes associated with inflammation
transgenic mice exposed to anti-A immunotherapy.14 indicated that, in AD brain and in AD mouse models,
Using one marker is clearly insufficient to fully charac- innate immune cells exhibit a hybrid activation state
terize the activation phenotype of a glial cell. Macro- characteristic of both classical and alternative activa-
phage activation has been described in terms of clas- tion.17 Further studies are needed to generate func-
sical (M1) and alternative (M2) activation, largely tional delineations, so that researchers can better cat-
based on cytokine and receptor expression profiles.15 egorize the spectrum of glial activation phenotypes.
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AJP April 2011, Vol. 178, No. 4
1 2 3a
3b 4 5
Figure 2. Sequence of events and factors involved in clearance of photoreceptor outer segments (POS) in the retina. Photoreceptors shed their tips diurnally in
response to light, and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is responsible for clearing this cellular debris.25 Retinal degeneration can occur as a result of defects
in modification, recognition, engulfment, or degradation of photoreceptor debris. 1: Membrane modification. ABCA4 functions in removal of unmetabolizable
byproducts such as all-trans retinal and N-retinylidene-PE on the POS membranes. 2: Segments are shed and expose phosphatidylserine. 3: Opsonization. 3a:
GAS-6, protein S, and MFGE8 opsonize the shed POS by binding phosphatidylserine. 3b: Tubby and tubby-like protein 1 are ligands for receptor tyrosine kinase
MerTK and promote phagocytosis via an unknown target, independent of PS. 4: Receptor recognition and engulfment. Receptors such as MerTK, lipid scavenger
receptor CD36, integrin adhesion receptor (␣v5), and TYRO3 recognize the shed POS and promote engulfment. 5: Intracellular trafficking of phagosomes.
Phagosome-lysosome fusion leads to degradation of engulfed material. Mutations in genes involved in these pathways that have been linked to human disease
include ABCA4 (Stargardt’s macular degeneration), MERTK (retinitis pigmentosa), and MYO7A (Usher’s syndrome).
retinal disorder highlights the fact that these two pro- sign that astrocytes and microglia are attempting to
cesses are distinct but intimately tied, and dysfunction of clear A, recognized as foreign. In fact, microglia and
either can result in retinal pathology. astrocytes have been shown to contain A in AD brain.
These examples illuminate the fact that there are mul- This accumulation is presumed to be a result of engulf-
tiple steps involved in phagocytic clearance of cellular ment, and not due to endogenous production of A by
debris, and that secondary degeneration can arise due to glia, although both microglia and astrocytes do express
genetic defects in any of these processes. It will be of the amyloid precursor protein.36 Astrocytes distant from
great interest to determine whether similar genetic de- plaques do not contain significant amounts of A, and
fects could be causative for any neurodegenerative or astroglial A deposits are clearly spatially associated
neurodevelopmental diseases affecting the brain and with plaques.34 Evidence from electron microscopy
spinal cord. shows that microglia surround amyloid fibril deposits in
AD brain tissue, suggesting that microglia are involved in
their phagocytosis.37 Finally, postmortem immunohisto-
Alzheimer’s Disease chemistry and light microscopy have shown significant
The amyloid- cascade hypothesis posits that accumu- amounts of A within microglia of AD patients treated with
lation of A protein is the fundamental initiator of Alzhei- immunization therapy.38
mer’s disease (AD).33 It is known that A is neurotoxic in Although there is evidence that glia are capable of
itself, but in addition the glial response to A can con- phagocytosing A, questions remain as to why clearance
tribute to its toxicity (Figure 3). The fact that pathology is inefficient in the AD brain, and researchers have at-
involves accumulation of extracellular A led some re- tempted to use in vitro and ex vivo studies to understand
searchers to hypothesize that plaque formation is due to these processes. These studies have yielded contradic-
defects in phagocytic clearance of the peptide and its tory results with regard to microglial and astrocytic re-
aggregates. Studies have therefore been initiated to ex- sponses to A. In culture, both microglia and astrocytes
amine the role that phagocytic cells play in the develop- appear to be able to phagocytose A,39,40 at least when
ment of A plaques and AD pathology. Although it is in the soluble form. Nonetheless, the glial response to A
known that reactive glia localize to plaques, possess in tissue isolated from AD brains appears to vary, and
receptors that recognize A, and are able to phagocy- there have been conflicting reports as to whether astro-
tose it, ultimately many questions remain about their con- cytes and microglia can clear A plaques ex vivo.4,39,40
tributions to AD. The relative roles of astrocytes and microglia in A clear-
ance in vivo remain to be definitively clarified.
One factor to consider when deciphering the meaning
Evidence for Phagocytosis of A
of studies is that the aggregation state of A influences
Astrocytosis and microgliosis are invariant features of the glial response, and different forms of A appear to be
severe AD,34,35 and the reactive phenotype may be a taken up by different mechanisms. Culture studies have
Phagocytic in Neurodegeneration 1421
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Figure 3. Sequence of events connecting the amyloid cascade hypothesis to putative glial cell responses. Receptors that stimulate phagocytosis are also involved
in inducing inflammatory pathways, and clearly the mechanism of activation determines the activation phenotype of the cell.14,18 It has been posited that frustrated
phagocytosis may occur when glia are unable to clear debris such as A.35 Persistence of extracellular debris leads to continual stimulation and production of
degrading enzymes and reactive oxygen species, as well as proinflammatory signals. This chronic inflammation creates an environment that is toxic to neurons
and promotes neurodegeneration. In theory, tipping the balance to improve phagocytic clearance and decrease secretion of proinflammatory mediators may
ameliorate A pathology. The dotted lines illustrate the concept that pathology may be amplified due to a pro-inflammatory milieu and/or defects in phagocytic
suggested that soluble A is taken up by microglial pi- brains induces expression of proinflammatory genes,
nocytosis,41 whereas fibrillar A is usually described as and not genes involved in phagocytosis.47 In culture, the
being phagocytosed.42 Of note, oligomeric and fibrillar addition of proinflammatory cytokines inhibits both 1
A stimulate differential activation of microglia,43 and integrin-dependent and opsonized zymosan-stimulated
have different effects on phagocytosis.15 In particular, phagocytosis; however, anti-inflammatory cytokines are
plaque composition is variable in the AD brain,44 and mi- able to restore phagocytic activity of microglia residing in
croglia preferentially associate with dense core plaques, as a proinflammatory milieu.22 Transforming growth factor-
opposed to diffuse deposits.35 (TGF-) increased A clearance in culture, and reduced
plaque burden in hAPP transgenic mice overexpressing
Recruitment and Activation of Glia A recent study found that knockout of the cytokine
Multiple mediators play a role in recruitment and activa- receptor CX3CR1 in microglia prevents neuron loss in a
tion of glial cells in AD, including A itself,18 the comple- mouse model of AD, further supporting the idea that
ment system,45 chemokines and other cytokines, and microglial response to certain cytokines has a negative
immune signaling pathways.46 These signals may arise impact in AD.38 Mechanistically, it appears that proin-
from neurons, microglia, or astrocytes in the vicinity of flammatory cytokines induce production of prostaglan-
plaques. Importantly, the characteristics of these signals dins, which act on E prostanoid receptors to inhibit
influence whether glia are phagocytic or secrete proin- phagocytosis. This is supported by the fact that antago-
flammatory cytokines. nists of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) rescue phagocytosis,22
Amyloid- triggers microglial production of proinflam- and by studies showing that knockout of the E prostanoid
matory mediators, and these mediators have been shown receptor subtype 2 increases phagocytosis of A.39
to inhibit phagocytosis. Real-time PCR measurements Findings from one study suggest that norepinephrine
show that A treatment of microglia isolated from AD influences microglial activation toward a beneficial re-
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sponse. Stimulation of microglia with norepinephrine sup- plain why complement is not sufficient to stimulate clear-
pressed A-induced cytokine production and increased ance of plaques in the inflamed AD brain.
microglial migration and phagocytosis of A.49 Neurons, astrocytes, and microglia have all been re-
Interactions between astrocytes and microglia may ported to express components of the complement sys-
also be involved in regulation of phagocytosis in the AD tem,55 and complement factors have been detected in the
brain. When microglia are exposed to isolated A vicinity of A plaques.56,57 In vitro studies have shown that
plaques, they phagocytose and clear the cores; however, A directly binds both complement C3 and C1q, and that,
coculture with astrocytes or astrocyte-conditioned me- when co-incubated in cell-free suspension, A can be iso-
dium suppresses microglial phagocytosis.4 The mecha- lated along with C3 activation fragments.58 This suggests
nisms underlying this interaction are not completely clear, that A is sufficient to activate the complement pathway
but it is known that exposing astrocytes to A results in and may augment the inflammatory reaction or promote
up-regulation and secretion of cytokines and reactive engulfment. On complement activation, subsequent cas-
species such as tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣), IL-1, cades of events not only lead to glial recruitment, activa-
and nitrite,50 and these may be the key factors negatively tion, and engulfment, but also result in formation of the
regulating microglial phagocytosis. CD40-CD40 ligand membrane attack complex, which is presumed to lead to
interactions merit further investigation in the context of enhanced neurotoxicity.56 The detrimental conse-
plaque clearance. Microglia and astrocytes express quences of complement activation seem to suggest that
CD40 and CD40L, respectively, and expression of both it could be a potential target for therapeutics; however,
of these factors is increased in AD.19 In addition, there is eliminating complement C3 appears to worsen outcome,
increased soluble CD40L in plasma of AD patients, and at least in murine models of AD.
these levels may be predictive of disease progression.51 In hAPP transgenic mice, complement C3 deficiency
In vitro studies have shown that CD40 interaction with caused by overexpression of a complement inhibitor,
soluble CD40L in the presence of A results in inhibition soluble complement receptor-related protein y (Scrry), or
of microglial phagocytosis and a shift toward secretion of by knockout, results in increased A plaque deposi-
proinflammatory cytokines.22,52 This cytokine profile has tion.59,60 This suggests that complement may help pre-
been shown to be associated with decreased phago- vent plaque formation, perhaps acting as an opsonin for
cytic activity (Figure 3).22 The relevance of astrocytic- A and targeting it for clearance by glia. Also, comple-
microglial communication via CD40L has yet to be ment C3 inactivation results in increased neuronal loss
demonstrated in vivo. and accumulation of degenerating neurons.59,60 It re-
mains to be determined whether the accumulation of
Recognition of A degenerating neurons is secondary to persistence of
neurotoxic A (as the authors suggested) or, alterna-
Recognition of A may occur via direct receptor binding tively, could be due to loss of a direct complement-
or through opsonization by complement and immuno- mediated engulfment of degenerating neurons.
globulin. Additionally, chaperone molecules such as apo- Genome-wide association studies of late-onset spo-
lipoproteins can bind A and have been implicated in radic AD found significant associations with genetic vari-
engulfment. These have respective receptors on glia, ants of a C3 receptor, CR1,54 but there are conflicting
and binding of A-containing complexes leads to uptake. reports regarding whether astrocytes and/or microglia
Some of these components have been associated with express CR1.55,61
AD through genome-wide association studies, including
complement receptor 1, apolipoproteins E and J, and Antibodies
phosphatidylinositol-binding clathrin assembly lymphoid
myeloid leukemia protein (PICALM).53,54 Natural antibodies to A appear to exist in the blood-
stream,62 and immunization with A or infusion of anti-
A Receptors bodies against A appears to promote clearance.63 Ex-
perimentally, antibodies have been shown to localize to
A number of receptors have been implicated in recogni- plaques in vivo and to opsonize A in vitro, presumably
tion and uptake of A by glia (Table 1), and many are also targeting A for phagocytosis by glia.64 It is unclear why,
more generally involved in innate immune responses, as in AD, natural antibodies fail to facilitate clearance of
well as in lipoprotein recognition and uptake. It is proba- A plaques. Studies on samples from individual pa-
ble that receptors that directly recognize A may pro- tients have shown that the array of anti-A antibodies in
mote its internalization, as well as relaying signals to different patients varies in its ability to inhibit neurotox-
modulate the inflammatory response. icity induced by A in vitro. This is likely due to the fact
that they have different avidities and epitope specific-
Complement System ity,62 and it suggests that individual variation in anti-
body repertoires could play a role in susceptibility to
The complement pathway may be involved in regulating the disease.
inflammatory signaling and/or targeting material for en- The antibody response in AD patients may be en-
gulfment in AD.45 In vitro experiments have suggested hanced through immunization with A or with passive
that complement-dependent phagocytic clearance is in- infusion of antibodies. A study in human patients showed
hibited by proinflammatory cytokines,22 and this may ex- that intravenous immunoglobulin infusion resulted in de-
Phagocytic in Neurodegeneration 1423
AJP April 2011, Vol. 178, No. 4
creases in A concentration in cerebrospinal fluid, with a linked to regulation of LDLR endocytosis.72 Thus, there
consequent increase in the bloodstream, perhaps sug- are multiple lines of evidence connecting ApoE and
gesting clearance from the cerebrospinal fluid and redis- LDLR to A clearance in AD.
tribution of A to the bloodstream; this study also showed In particular, the APOE allele encoding the apolipo-
that treatment resulted in cognitive improvement.65 Im- protein 4 isoform has been linked to an increased risk
portantly, immunization therapies appear to increase of sporadic AD.69 Although some studies have dem-
clearance of A from the parenchyma. Postmortem im- onstrated that there are isoform-dependent differences
munohistochemistry and light microscopy on brains of in A uptake, there are contradictory findings and no
AD patients immunized with A1– 42 showed significant overall consensus or trend. Of note, apolipoproteins
clearance of plaques in response to treatment and may also regulate the inflammatory state of the brain.
revealed that A was taken up by microglia.38 This Some studies suggest that ApoE provides an overall
indicates that immunization can improve pathological anti-inflammatory effect; for example, transgenic mice
indices of AD, and it suggests that opsonization of A expressing the ApoE4 isoform exhibit greater produc-
with antibodies increases phagocytosis and clearance tion of inflammatory mediators than mice expressing
of plaques. ApoE3.73
Chronic administration of anti-A antibody to hAPP The lipidation state of ApoE may also modulate its
transgenic mice resulted in localization of antibodies to function. It was found that the ATP binding cassette
plaques, increased FcR expression on microglia, and led transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates lipidation of ApoE
to a reduction in A deposits due to phagocytic clear- and modulates amyloid plaque formation, and genomic
ance by microglia.64 Phagocytosis may not be the only studies have suggested that polymorphisms in ABCA1
mechanism by which antibodies promote clearance. are associated with increased risk of AD.74 This is
Studies have indicated that antibody-mediated clearance noteworthy, interesting considering the roles of ABCA
occurs even in FcR knockout animals and when antibody family members in processing of material that undergoes
lacking the Fc region is administered.66,67 Furthermore, phagocytic clearance in the retina, and specifically be-
antibody therapy has been shown in some studies to
cause mutations in the ABCA4 gene cause material to be
mediate cognitive improvement without any effect on
toxic to the engulfing cells, leading to a form of retinal
plaque clearance.68 This could be due to antibody-me-
degeneration. In theory, the effects of ABCA1 mutations
diated neutralization of the toxic effect of A,62 which
associated with AD could be mediated through a similar
could have a subsequent effect on inflammation and
cognitive function.
A role for clusterin or apolipoprotein J (ApoJ) in AD
At least in vitro, FcR-mediated phagocytic clearance
pathogenesis has been suggested,75 and it has recently
of A is not affected by the presence of proinflamma-
been linked to AD in two independent genome-wide as-
tory cytokines, unlike complement-mediated clear-
sociation studies.53,54 Clusterin has been shown to be
ance.22 Perhaps immunization therapy has been so
secreted by astrocytes and increased in regions associ-
effective because it works despite a general inhibition
ated with AD pathology.75 Culture studies suggest that
of phagocytosis created by proinflammatory cytokines
in the AD brain. clusterin binds A and enhances endocytosis within glial
cells via the megalin receptor, also known as LRP-2,76
which is a member of the LDLR family. In addition, clus-
Chaperone Molecules terin is a complement inhibitor (also known as comple-
Apolipoproteins are A-binding proteins with particular ment-associated protein SP-40,40 and as complement
relevance to phagocytic clearance. They are generally lysis inhibitor) and may suppress activity of the cytolytic
known for their role in lipid and cholesterol homeostasis, membrane attack complex.75 These findings generally
but, in addition, apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-containing lipo- suggest that clusterin plays a protective role, and future
protein particles may modulate cellular uptake of A studies should examine whether the polymorphisms as-
through formation of A-ApoE complexes. Apoliprotein E sociated with AD have altered function that may contrib-
binds A, and these complexes are recognized by re- ute to pathogenesis (as has been done for the APOE
ceptors such as low-density lipoprotein receptor-related alleles).
protein (LRP) and low-density lipoprotein receptor ␣2-Macroglobulin (␣2M) is another extracellular chap-
(LDLR); ligand binding stimulates clathrin-mediated en- erone protein implicated in the binding and clearance of
docytosis. There is reason to believe that defects in these A; in vitro, the neurotoxicity of A is abrogated by co-
mechanisms could be involved in AD, especially given incubation with ␣2M.77 Like A-ApoE complexes, the A-
that genome-wide association studies have implicated ␣2M complex acts as a ligand for LRP, and LRP medi-
variants of both ApoE and the clathrin assembly protein ates internalization. One study showed that LRP
PICALM as AD risk factors.53,69 In support of this notion, expression is required for the beneficial effect of ␣2M,
studies in transgenic mice showed that knockout of ApoE which suggests that ␣2M exerts its protective effects
reduces uptake and degradation of A within astrocytes through mediating clearance of A from the extracel-
in vitro,70 and overexpression of LDLR prevents amyloid lular space.77 It is possible, however, that the receptor
deposition and increases A clearance.71 Of note, pre- is protective through downstream anti-inflammatory ef-
senilin, a component of the gamma secretase complex fects, and the mechanisms of neuroprotection have not
with a genetic variant linked to early-onset AD, has been been determined.
1424 Sokolowski and Mandell
AJP April 2011, Vol. 178, No. 4
Ultimately, the effects of chaperone proteins on phago- immunization and A clearance; the results have been
cytic clearance may be direct, through binding A and conflicting. In an APP transgenic mouse model,
promoting its uptake, or indirect, exerting effects on Tg2576, it was found that, although treatment with a
phagocytic clearance through interactions with inflamma- monoclonal antibody targeted against A improved
tory pathways. cognitive measures, there was no significant reduction
in parenchymal A.68 In contrast, another study using
Degradation and Clearance of A the same mouse model found that immunization with
anti-A resulted in reduction in A deposits, in addition
The mechanisms by which A is normally degraded and to improved memory as measured by a Y maze task.64
cleared are still under intensive study. There is in vitro Human studies have also yielded conflicting results,
evidence that both microglia and astrocytes are capable but at least one study has shown cognitive improve-
of degrading A,40,41 but this ability appears to be af- ment on administration of immunoglobulin.65
fected by the inflammatory environment; for example,
interferon-␥ inhibits degradation of A, whereas IL-4, IL-
10, and TGF- enhance degradation.23
Even if a cell engulfs debris, phagocytosis does not
Type of Debris and Glial Activation
guarantee degradation, and in fact A may be traf-
ficked to the bloodstream instead of being degraded in Engulfment of apoptotic debris induces anti-inflamma-
phagocytes. Amyloid immunotherapy is associated tory responses that result in a quiet death, free from
with a reduction in A deposits in the parenchyma and inflammation and cytotoxicity to neighboring cells,1
with increases in serum A levels, suggesting that similar to what is seen in clearance of POS in the retina.
transport from the parenchyma to the bloodstream oc- In contrast, materials associated with Alzheimer’s dis-
curs.64 ease, Parkinson’s disease, and prion disease, including
A, ␣-synuclein, neuromelanin, and prion protein appear
Neuronal Death and Synapse Loss in AD to induce a proinflammatory glial response that is neuro-
toxic.47,50,82– 84 Why this difference? Many receptors in-
The number of apoptotic cells is increased in AD brain,78 volved in recognition of these materials are pattern rec-
and although this is primarily ascribed to increased neu- ognition receptors that may have evolved to recognize
ronal death, it could also reflect deficiencies in apoptotic and respond to pathogens. A response to pathogens
clearance. Levels of the phosphatidylserine-binding op- induces phagocytes to produce cytotoxic elements
sonin Mfge8 are decreased in AD,79 and could result in aimed at killing the invader.85 Ultimately, the cell’s inflam-
persistence of apoptotic corpses that are not properly matory response to these materials appears to parallel
marked for engulfment. Synapse loss is also a well- activation that would occur in response to pathogens; this
documented feature of AD.80 It remains to be deter- reaction could be overkill and maladaptive in the case of
mined whether the molecular machinery of apoptotic neurodegenerative diseases.
cell recognition and engulfment plays a significant role Alternatively, glia may not possess the machinery to
in synapse elimination (important in both development effectively engulf and degrade these materials, resulting
and degeneration). in an overload of toxic debris. Failure to clear efficiently
may lead to frustrated phagocytosis,35 and the phago-
Does Clearance Matter? Clinical Implications cyte may ramp up the inflammatory response in the face
of continual stimulation caused by persistence of debris.
A recent report described a flow cytometric analysis to
measure A phagocytosis in peripheral blood mono- Clearance: For Better or for Worse?
nuclear cells.81 The AD mononuclear cells had signif-
icantly lower phagocytic activity than in age-matched Phagocytic clearance may be considered beneficial if it
controls, making this a potentially useful clinical test. It removes toxic or inflammatory stimuli from the extracel-
will be of great interest to test also the phagocytic lular environment and prevents consequent detrimental
activity of CNS-resident cells in AD (both microglia and responses. Clearance of apoptotic cells serves as a par-
astrocytes). adigm: phagocytic removal of dying cells helps avoid an
Since the inception of the A hypothesis, many have exaggerated immune response after cell death. One
suggested that stimulating clearance of A could ame- might expect that a parallel model would exist in the case
liorate AD. Immunization therapies have shown some of A clearance; however, we still do not have definitive
potential, and both passive transfer of immunoglobu- answers regarding i) whether phagocytic clearance is
lins and immunization with A peptide or peptide frag- required to eliminate toxicity of A and ii) whether engulf-
ments show promise. Initial studies in transgenic APP ment prevents or promotes detrimental effects of A.
mice found that immunization with A42 in young ani- These distinctions are important in contemplating treat-
mals prevented the development of plaques, neuritic ment strategies. In the meantime, there are many features
dystrophy, and astrogliosis and that treatment of older to consider when evaluating studies that attempt to ad-
animals reduced the extent and progression of pathol- dress these questions.
ogy.63 This led to further studies aimed at determining First, the form of A (soluble, fibrillar, or complexed
whether cognitive function is improved as a result of with chaperone proteins) influences its effects, in terms
Phagocytic in Neurodegeneration 1425
AJP April 2011, Vol. 178, No. 4
of i) toxicity, ii) capacity for phagocytic clearance, and effects, and the mechanism mediating the beneficial out-
iii) effect on inflammation.15,22,41,43 The soluble form of comes for these diseases has not been defined. NSAIDs
A is more toxic to neurons than the aggregated modulate microglial cytokine expression, and could af-
forms,43 and some researchers have concluded that fect neurodegenerative diseases through their effects on
aggregation is therefore protective. Formation of the microglial phagocytosis.22
aggregated or fibrillar form may be preferable to the Finally, gene therapy has shown promise in animal
soluble form in this sense; however, it is important to models of retinal degeneration. Studies have shown
note that the fibrillar form has the propensity to cause that gene therapy can correct the phagocytic defect
glial inflammatory responses, which can then cause associated with mutations in the MerTK and Myo7a
secondary neurotoxicity. Alternatively, some studies genes, leading to slowed photoreceptor loss and pres-
have shown that A-chaperone protein complexes can ervation of retinal function.25,32 This suggests that
be less toxic,77 and if they do not adversely activate other engulfment pathway defects could be corrected
glia, they may be the optimal way to sequester A. by gene therapy. Although this may be relevant only for
Defects in chaperone systems could be involved in the conditions with monogenetic causes, it is possible that
pathogenesis of AD, especially considering that asso- its application could be more widespread, and gene
ciation studies have linked polymorphisms of chaper- therapy approaches could be used to increase phago-
one proteins and their receptors to risk of AD. Further cytic clearance in a variety of neurodegenerative dis-
studies are needed to evaluate whether formation of eases.
A-chaperone complexes avoids the toxicity/inflamma-
tory response observed to occur with soluble and fibril-
lar A and, more important, whether phagocytosis is Conclusion
required to mediate these beneficial effects.
Studies on phagocytic clearance in the context of retinal
Second, it is unclear which makes inflammation/tox-
degeneration illuminate the fact that numerous steps in
icity worse: i) persistence of extracellular debris and
the pathway are critical for normal homeostasis. Impor-
continued stimulation of glia or ii) internalization and
tant steps include modification of debris before internal-
subsequent glial activation. Either of these could lead
ization, recognition by appropriate receptors, internaliza-
to inflammation and secondary neurotoxicity. Stimula-
tion, and trafficking through degradative pathways.
tion by extracellular debris appears sufficient to induce
Although these steps are well studied in the retina, a
glial activation and inflammation, suggesting that per-
comprehensive story has yet to emerge for clearance of
sistence of plaques is undesirable. On the other hand,
aggregates, neuronal corpses, or dysfunctional syn-
it is possible that internalization perpetuates the inflam-
apses in the context of specific neurodegenerative dis-
matory reaction to a worse degree. As an example,
eases. The use of cell type-specific and inducible knock-
exposure of astrocytes to ␣-synuclein leads to up-reg-
out mice to eliminate critical components of defined
ulation of inflammatory mediators, and the response
engulfment pathways in relevant models of neurodegen-
appears to be related to the dose of ␣-synuclein inter-
erative disease can begin to answer some of these im-
nalized.86 This supports the notion that glia sense in-
portant questions.
tracellular accumulation on phagocytosis. If this mim-
ics activity in vivo, it suggests that glial phagocytosis
may augment inflammation. Acknowledgments
We are grateful to Dr. Kodi Ravichandran (Department of
Relevance of Clearance and Therapies to Microbiology, University of Virginia) for stimulating our
Promote Phagocytosis interest in apoptotic clearance and for his generous on-
going collaboration.
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