Macrophages in Immunoregulation and Therapeutics: Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
Macrophages in Immunoregulation and Therapeutics: Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
Macrophages in Immunoregulation and Therapeutics: Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
Macrophages exist in various tissues, several body cavities, and around mucosal surfaces and are a vital part of the innate immune
system for host defense against many pathogens and cancers. Macrophages possess binary M1/M2 macrophage polarization
settings, which perform a central role in an array of immune tasks via intrinsic signal cascades and, therefore, must be precisely
regulated. Many crucial questions about macrophage signaling and immune modulation are yet to be uncovered. In addition, the
clinical importance of tumor-associated macrophages is becoming more widely recognized as significant progress has been made
in understanding their biology. Moreover, they are an integral part of the tumor microenvironment, playing a part in the regulation
of a wide variety of processes including angiogenesis, extracellular matrix transformation, cancer cell proliferation, metastasis,
immunosuppression, and resistance to chemotherapeutic and checkpoint blockade immunotherapies. Herein, we discuss immune
regulation in macrophage polarization and signaling, mechanical stresses and modulation, metabolic signaling pathways,
mitochondrial and transcriptional, and epigenetic regulation. Furthermore, we have broadly extended the understanding of
macrophages in extracellular traps and the essential roles of autophagy and aging in regulating macrophage functions. Moreover,
we discussed recent advances in macrophages-mediated immune regulation of autoimmune diseases and tumorigenesis. Lastly,
we discussed targeted macrophage therapy to portray prospective targets for therapeutic strategies in health and diseases.
Department of Respiratory Diseases and Critic Care Unit, Shenzhen Institute of Respiratory Disease, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, Shenzhen People’s Hospital
(The Second Clinical Medical College, Jinan University; The First Affiliated Hospital, Southern University of Science and Technology), Shenzhen 518020, China; 2Department of
Cancer Biology, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope National Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA 91010, USA; 3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology Union Shenzhen Hospital (Nanshan Hospital), Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518052, China; 4Department of Respiratory, The First Affiliated Hospital,
School of Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China; 5State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China; 6Institute of Biomedical Health Technology and Engineering, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Shenzhen
518132, China and 7Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Correspondence: Gary Guishan Xiao ( or Lang Rao ( or Yanhong Duo (
These authors contributed equally: Shanze Chen, Abdullah F.U.H. Saeed, Quan Liu
Fig. 1 Pathways for signaling macrophage polarization. The figure demonstrates numerous strategies essential for macrophage polarization
and depicts feedback control on signaling pathways of M1 and M2. Key signal channels include IRFs, STATs, NF-κB, and SOCS. The downstream
protein STAT6 is krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF-4). Also, macrophage polarization can be induced by GO (graphene oxide) towards the M1
phenotype. HA-PEI/pDNA-IL-10 or HA-PEI/pDNA-IL-4 NPs) and tuftsin-modified alginate NPs containing murine cytokine IL-10 plasmid DNA
modulate programming from M1 toward M2. Similarly, enhanced expression of API, PPARγ, and CREB is mediated by cytokine receptor, fatty
acid receptor, and TLR4, respectively. STAT1-STAT6 introduces the feedback control of M1 and M2, IRF5-IRF4, NF-κB-PPARγ, AP1-CREB, and AP1-
PPARγ, which play a crucial role in inflammatory disease instigation, development, and termination. TLR toll-like receptor, CREB cyclic AMP-
responsive element binding, NF-κB nuclear factor kappa light chain enhancer of activated B cells, STAT signal transducers and activators of
transcription, PPARγ peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ, IRF interferon regulatory transcription factor, API apigenin
macrophages, adding the killings of pathogens and recruitment of macrophage roles, they can further be subdivided into Mregs
additional proinflammatory cell sorts.42,43 Graphene oxide (GO) based on the alternatively activated subset, myeloid-derived
can aid in forming an antioxidant and reducing inflammation and suppressor cells (MDSCs), profibrotic macrophages (M2a), and
inflammatory macrophage polarization through lessening ROS in TAMs.48 Respectively, the M2 subtypes are generally immunosup-
the cell.44,45 GO is a critical transporter for IL-4 plasmid DNA (IL-4 pressive but have discrete functions of activators and effectors.
pDNA) that proliferates M2 macrophages.44,45 Conversely, M2 Mregs are mutually stimulated, produce IL-10, and induce neither
macrophages participate in tissue remodeling, wound restoration, arginase nor NOS2, nonetheless playing their role in repressing M1
regulation of tumor environment, hypersensitive reactions, and macrophages.49 The tumor factors induce the isolation and
responses to helminths.46,47 These, on the other hand, actuated polarization of TAMs present in tumor microenvironments (TME)
macrophages with improved arginase action and IL-10 produc- (e.g., hypoxia) and typical M2 stimuli. This term triggers tumor
tion. Because of the widespread assorted variety of M2 growth to be instigated and encouraged similarly through
immune suppression and angiogenesis.50 MDSCs are believed to by innate and adaptive immune cells, consisting of CD4+ Th1-type
be a precursor of TAMs. Nevertheless, as seen in mice, they also T cells, CD8+ T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells (46). Macrophages
increased the supply of GR1, a proinflammatory immune marker, are skilled in manufacturing only IFN-γ and LPS or LPS in humans
decreased the activation of F4/80, and had a corresponding role in or IL-12 and IL-18 in mice.62
arginase and NOS2. MDSCs play a crucial role in inhibiting innate
and T-cell responses in cancer. M2a macrophages produce Functions of activated macrophages
fibronectin and other IL-4 and IL-13, enhancing the repair of Phagocytosis. Phagocytosis is an essential function achieved by
injuries and the development of extracellular matrix (ECM).50 After macrophages to satisfy their crucial purpose in removing disease
activation, macrophages maintain plasticity and shift from one and remodeling tissues. The impact of substrate rigidity on
functional phenotype to a different one centered on conditions. macrophages’ phagocytic activity has been evaluated in several
Nevertheless, extreme response of any polarization state can investigations. RAW 264.7 macrophages and alveolar macro-
influence tumor formation, tissue necrosis, inflammation, and phages in humans present the exaggerated phagocytic function
fibrosis.51 Anti-programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) therapy in of beads using a stiffer substrate.63 Conversely, in Adlerz and
colorectal cancer (CRC) may be achieved by optimizing the release coworker’s study, substrate stiffness didn’t disturb the phagocytic
of sEV- microRNAs (miRNAs) from CRC and addressing PD-L1 in role of monocyte-derived macrophage’s fluorescent beads.64 In
TAMs, according to recent research.52 In a breast cancer model, distinction, Scheraga and associates perceived stiffness with the
PYK2 controls TAMs. There is an indication that PYK2 depletion impact on phagocytic activity in LPS-stimulated murine BMDMs
alone in macrophages significantly lowers the amount of TAMs and alveolar macrophages.65 The cell’s firmness is also obtained
and slows tumor development and angiogenesis.53 Hence, it is by inducing extracellular strain onto the cells. The work took into
substantial to comprehend the immune approaches of macro- account the effect of these strains on macrophages. They found
phage regulation for therapy and disease management. that PMA-differentiated THP-1 macrophages display increased
The plasticity of the macrophages assists them to adaptin the combined compact phagocytic activity (+20 and +100 mmHg).
microenvironment by changing the activation state ensuing in Moreover, in alternative work, it was displayed that this impact
comprehensive classification and activation of M1 or M2 macro- of rapidly cumulative phagocytosis by growing extracellular
phages (Fig. 2).54 Consequently, through TLR and CLR recognition, compression may also be discovered in primary monocytes in
the immune cells respond to invading microbes and regenerate humans and monocyte-derived phagocytes.66 It is known that p38
inflammatory cytokines, including IFN-γ, resulting in macrophage mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is a further contributor
polarization to an M1 phenotype.55 M2-polarized macrophages concerned with the impact of extracellular compression on
can re-polarization in response to trigger M1 stimulation like IFN- macrophage phagocytic activity.66
γ.56 suggesting the imperative significance of the native cytokine To finish with the topography of the constituent component to
milieu in leading macrophage polarization. It has been shown that be consumed, phagocytosis and macrophage activation are
IL-4 and IFN-γ can cross-regulate themselves as settings favorable disturbed. IL-1β production after NLRP3 activation was more
to IFN-γ production for inhibiting IL-4 production.57 It is possible significant after the absorption of textured particles than smooth
to induce the activation of M1 macrophage in a STAT1-dependent surface particles.67 Another work delineated in the section
route by manufacturing IFN-γ through Th1-type T cell types and ‘Biochemical cues’ discovered that, in contrast, surface features
NK cells. The IL-4 and/or IL-13-induced stimulation of the STAT6 intrinsically might not modulate the foreign body response/
pathway triggers M2 macrophage activation.58,59 arginase-1 (Arg- reaction (FBR). The biased surface assimilation of proteins by
1), out of frequent markers for M2 macrophage, reflects a context- different surfaces may account for variations in FBR.68 The lungs
dependent marker as it can be stimulated by STAT6 and STAT3, are often the central tissue location where stretches are often
related to executing partial tissue reparative function of M2 intimate with the cells. In response to lung infection, alveolar
macrophage.60,61 macrophages and lung epithelial cells release proinflammatory
Important markers comprising cytokines and chemokines cytokines. IL-6, TNFs and IL-1 enhance the transcription of cell
produced from activated macrophages can prompt the recruit- adhesion molecules (CAMs) and vascular endothelial growth
ment of leukocytes and infection resolution to identify macro- factor (VEGF), improving lung endothelial penetration and
phage activation phenotypes. Numerous M1 markers are decreasing the protective barrier, enabling viral dispersion and
subjected to the upregulation and expression of IFN-γ, developed the influx of neutrophils and inflammatory monocytes.69
Fig. 2 The M1/M2 macrophage origin, activation, and functional basis. Macrophages are typically produced from embryonic progenitors and
involve inputs from yolk sac macrophages, blood monocytes independent, and adult monocytes originating from bone marrow. Macrophage
immune modulation, functional plasticity, and phenotype changes are centered on cytokines, transcription, and epigenetic deviations
Macrophages generate NO, which may occur in the vicinity to degrading the matrix precisely, possibly instigating cellular
guard alveolar cells against elasticity-induced cell damage or feedback to elasticity to change the native ECM.72 In peritoneum
apoptosis in vitro. The surfactants within the lungs regulate the macrophages, 20% static strain enhanced chemokine and
cellular surface tension cells within the alveoli, together with cytokine production; stimulation with LPS further increased
macrophages.70 Wu and associates sought the strategy behind cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and synergistic generation of IL-6.
stretch-induced respiratory infection comprising lung inflamma- Applying cyclic biaxial stress and titanium elements to bone
tion and directed in mice alveolar macrophages that ROS marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) or RAW264.7 cells did not
generation was augmented following the ventilation activity.71 significantly influence pro-inflammatory genetic factors (but it was
Stretch was additionally considered in phagocyte categories seen in osteoblasts).73 It has been demonstrated that concentra-
that don’t seem to be directly associated with tissues of the lungs. tions of oxygen will affect the feedback of macrophages to
The effect of strain on primary human monocytes following elasticity: PMA-segregated THP-1 macrophages that were applied
phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) treatment and U937 to 100% strain at 1 Hz for 24 h revealed elasticity triggered
macrophage-like cells resulted in an augmented yield of enzymes expansion and coordination; however, this result was repressed
Fig. 3 M1/M2 macrophage metabolic signaling pathways and immune regulation. M1 macrophage is featured by aerobic glycolysis, which
leads to lactate development. The ROS and NO are produced accordingly. The PPP produces NADPH correlated with arginine synthesis and
the aspartate-arginosuccinate shunt pathway (AASS). In addition, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) produces essential citrate and succinate
vital to the metabolism of fatty acids and the stabilization of HIF-1α, leading to the transcription of pro-inflammatory and glycolytic genes and
epigenetic alterations. On the other hand, M2 macrophage primarily generates ATP in an oxidative TCA cycle, combined with OXPHOS. This
also metabolizes arginine. Similarly, the process depends on the energy sources of β-oxidation and glutamine metabolism. Also, precise
signaling and immune regulation are vital in metabolic pathways, including aerobic glycolysis leading to lactate, NO, fatty acid synthesis, and
glutamine pathways. Equally, acetyl-CoA, citrate, itaconate, and succinate are involved in immune regulation in the TCA cycle. Similarly,
hexokinase 2 (HK-II), glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and arginase 1 play their roles in immune regulation. All enzymes
are shown in orange. GLUT1 glucose transporter 1, NOX2 NADPH oxidase 2, iNOS inducible nitric oxide synthase, HK hexokinase, PFK1
phosphofructo-1-kinase, PFK2 phosphofructokinase-2, LDHA lactate dehydrogenase A, MCT4 monocarboxylate transporter 4, ME1 malic
enzyme, ACLY ATP-citrate lyase, FA fatty acids, FAS: fatty acid synthase, CIC citrate carrier, PDH pyruvate dehydrogenase, MDH malate
dehydrogenase, FH fumarate hydratase, SDH succinate dehydrogenase, CII complex II, CAD cis-aconitate decarboxylase, ACO2 aconitase 2,
IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase, SLC3a2 solute carrier family 3 member 2, LAL lysosomal acid lipase, CPT-1 carnitine palmitoyltransferase I, CD36
cluster of differentiation 36
integrated transcriptional and metabolic pathways. The TCA cycle 1 (IDH1). The enzyme is responsible for the transfer of isocitrate (a
is a constraint at the rates of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and citrate isomer) to α-ketoglutarate. The upstream-citrate metabolite
succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), giving rise to the accumulation of itaconic acid inhibiting SDH is a crucial characteristic of macro-
concinate and citrate metabolites.91 Citrate build-up is the phages that IFN-γ/LPS polarize. Itaconate is an immunomodulator
consequence of the downregulation of isocitrate dehydrogenase with potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on
Lnc-BM Cytoplasm OSM Stimulates BCBMs by arbitrating communication among breast cancer cells and the brain microenvironment
LncRNA-KCNQ1OT1 Nucleus PMMA Prompts M2 macrophages polarization to enhance particle-induced osteolysis by preventing miR-21a-5p
lncRNA-ATB Cytoplasm TGF-β1 LncRNA-ATB interacts with miR-200c to release ZEB1, instigating enhanced EMT development
FIRRE Nucleus Cytoplasm LPS Relates with heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins U, controlling the permanence of mRNAs of particular
inflammatory genes
TAM introduction and characterization. Macrophages in immunity Initiation and progression. Tumors skew the natural inclination of
are a significant type of adaptable immunocytes, performing an macrophages to inhibit proliferation, angiogenesis, and metasta-
expansive range of capacities ranging from modulating tissue sis. Macrophage suppressive capability, mediated by hypoxia and
homeostasis, defending contrary to pathogens, and assisting fibrosis in the local microenvironment, accounts for most of the
injury recuperation. Macrophages penetrate tumor-affected tis- reported effectiveness. Therefore, tumor macrophages can
sues or infiltrate the microenvironment of various types of solid decrease T cell recruitment and activity and modulate other
tumors characterized as TAMs. The cell inception of macrophages, tumor immunity elements. Macrophage targeting is now being
diversity, and features of TAMs and tumor progression are studied because of the growing importance of cancer
displayed in Fig. 4. As an essential segment of the TME, tumor immunotherapy.282
advancement, metastasis, tumor angiogenesis, regulation of the High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), heat shock proteins (HSPs),
immune system, and chemoresistance is influenced by TAMs. A and ATP are examples of DAMPs that are released when cells die
large portion of the TAMs assembles in the central boundary and in tumors.283,284 Anti-tumor immunity may be boosted, for
avascular domains, although there are a few additional adjust- instance, when dendritic cells and macrophages are activated
ments along the vessels and abluminal side.62 It is accepted that due to this stimulation. However, prolonged activation causes
bone marrow-derived HSCs fabricated circulatory blood mono- immunosuppression via the induction of IL-10, which down-
cytes are the essential asset of macrophages. Nevertheless, late regulates the production of inflammatory cytokines and promotes
proof recommends that a more significant part of inhabitant the development of Tregs.285
macrophages come from the precursors of the yolk sac, which Some proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α,
multiply or separate in situ and produce diverse offspring for an are secreted by macrophages, which may contribute to tumor-
incredible duration, for example, Kupffer cells (KCs), brain, and promoting inflammation. At the same time as it may stimulate the
alveolar macrophages. These cells are selected and enacted by immune system, it also promotes the proliferation and survival of
different cellular signals in the TME and display dramatic effects cancer cells. When TNF-α binds to TNFR1/2, NF-κB signaling is
on tumor movement and metastasis.278 triggered. By regulating the expression of target genes (including
TAMs assume multi-practical functions in tumor advancement, VEGF and IL-6) and stimulating neoangiogenesis,286 NF-κB also
including disease commencement and progression, immune promotes cancer cell proliferation and survival. By acting on the
regulation, metastasis, and angiogenesis. For instance, TAM- JAK/STAT3 pathway, IL-6 causes cells to proliferate, differentiate,
inferred fiery cytokines IL-17 and IL-23 have appeared to activate and eventually die off (apoptosis).287 The pro-inflammatory
cytokine IL-1 stimulates endothelial cells to create VEGF, which roles.289,290 TGF-β induces apoptosis and suppresses cell cycle
promotes angiogenesis and hence aids tumor invasion and progression in early tumor growth. TGF-β promotes tumor
dissemination. It also stimulates the production of IL-6, TNF-α, invasion and metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal
and TGF-β, promoting tumor growth.288 Activated macrophages transition (EMT). The anti-tumor T-cell response is dampened by
generate TGF, which has dual, pro-, and anti-inflammatory elevated TGF-β levels.291 That’s why TAMs’ inflammatory activity,
especially a persistent low-grade inflammatory state, may shown to be strongly connected with miR-22 in glioma TAMs, and
promote tumor growth and progression. the overexpression of miR-22 in macrophages was shown to
suppress glioma growth in vivo. These results highlight the
Immune regulation in tumorigenesis: It has been established importance of miR-22 in macrophage phagocytosis of tumor cells
that TAMs decrease the cytotoxicity of T cells and NK cells because and improved T cell priming, opening the door to more studies on
they express PD-L1, which are ligands for the programmed cell phagocytic regulation for optimizing the response to tumor
death 1 (PD-1) and CTLA-4 receptors.292,293 TAM-derived chemo- immunotherapy.302
kines and cytokines may interact with bone MDSCs, tumor-related It was also shown that miR-182 in macrophages causes tumor-
DCs, and neutrophils to create an inhibitory TME.294 TAM- induced M2 polarization and may be targeted for therapeutic
produced IL-10 and TNF-α further decrease antitumor T cell macrophage reprogramming. The research revealed that knocking
function by inducing the expression of PD-L1. By releasing Arg-1, off miR-182 either constitutively in host mice or conditionally in
iNOS, oxygen radicals, or nitrogen species, TAMs may also macrophages reduced the number of M2-like TAMs and slowed
suppress CD8+ T cell proliferation.295 To bring in Treg cells, TAMs the growth of breast tumors. Reconstitution of miR-182-expressing
release anti-inflammatory chemokines such as CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, macrophages enhances tumor development, whereas targeted
CCL5, and CCL20.296 In addition, TAMs influence Tregs by reduction of macrophages in mice prevents the impact of miR-182
producing CCL22 to decrease T cell-specific activity and encou- deficiency on tumor progression. MiR-182 is directly suppressive
rage the development of cancer cells.297 of TLR4, which leads to NF-κB inactivation and M2 polarization of
Liu et al.297 conducted microenvironment characterization TAMs; this mechanism is triggered by cancer cells inducing miR-
using multi-omics markers and found that TAM-enriched HCC 182 expression in macrophages through TGF-β signaling. These
tissues were linked to immunosuppression. To increase the effect results highlight a critical TGF-β/miR-182/TLR4 axis for TAM
of TNF-α related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) on tumor cell polarization and support using RNA-based therapies aimed at
death, Eisinger et al.298 showed that targeting an immune- TAM targeting in cancer treatment.303
suppressive TAM subtype with specific antibodies against the As a different type of epigenetic regulator, the miRNA is likewise
scavenger receptor MARCO resulted in the phenotypic conversion responsible for macrophage polarization. Until this time, miR-9,
of TAMs into proinflammatory TAMs that recruited and activated miR-125, miR-378, miR-155, miR-21, miR-187, miR-146, miR-222,
more NK cells. Sonic Hedgehog (SHh) signaling, as emphasized by miR-147, and miR-let7b are accounted for as overwhelming
Petty et al.,299 increased TAM polarization by suppressing CD8+ modulators of TAM.304 For instance, miR-222–3p, intent as a
T cell recruitment by preventing CXCL9 and CXCL10 production by tumor inducer in various tumors, downregulates SOCS3 to initiate
TAMs. Finally, results support that TAMs play an immunomodu- macrophages to the M2 phenotype, a JAK/STAT signaling immune
latory function that may aid tumor growth by influencing immune pathway negative feedback regulator.305
response and facilitating immune evasion.
Cancer promotion and advancement: Chronic inflammation may
MicroRNAs in tumorigenesis: Moreover, in tumor cell microen- be linked to tumor beginning since it was shown that there were
vironments, a lack of miR-21 causes macrophage polarization to many inflammatory cells in tumor biopsy samples.306,307 This is
the M1 phenotype via IFN-γ induced STAT1 signaling. Increased true for gastric and colon cancer.308 This is because oncogene
STAT1 signaling and PD-L1 production in macrophages, suppres- activation or chronic inflammation (from infection or exposure to
sing macrophage antitumor activity,296,300 may be achieved by irritants) may trigger the production of pro-inflammatory tran-
downregulating miR-21. In addition, miR-127 boosted macro- scription factors, including NF-κB, STAT3, and HIF-1α. To attract
phage activation by downregulating M1 marker genes and macrophages, cancer cells may produce cytokines and chemo-
upregulating M2 markers (transcription).301 Through the down- kines (TNF-α and IL-6), which may activate these factors.309
regulation of BCL6, the expression of the phosphatase Dusp1 is The production of a mutagenic microenvironment aids cancer
suppressed when LPS induces increased miR-127. Increased development by macrophages, which may release inflammatory
inflammation and the M1 phenotype are promoted by down- mediators like IL-6, TNF, and IFN-γ, growth factors like epidermal
regulating Dusp1. In addition, miRNAs may modulate macrophage growth factor (EGF) and Wnt, proteases, ROS, and nitrogen
polarization toward the M2 state. Knocking down miR-124 compounds.310 Grivennikov’s group found that TAM-derived IL-17
elevated the expression of M1 indicators (i.e., CD86, TNF, and and IL-23 were associated with colon cancer development and
iNOS) and suppressed the expression of M2 markers (i.e., Ym1 and progression.311 Kong et al.312 found that IL-6 produced by TAMs
CD206) in M2-polarized macrophages, as shown by Veremeyko promoted HCC growth by activating the STAT3 signaling pathway,
et al. Hence, the therapeutic promise of miRNAs in inflammatory suggesting that IL-6 was involved in HCC formation. To sum up,
disease treatment is based on their ability to regulate macrophage TAMs may play a wide variety of roles in the onset and
polarization. progression of cancer.
Another research showed that the miR-3061/Sani1 axis might
be the potential target of macrophage polarization and clarified Invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis. The spread of cancer via
that hyperglycemia enhanced sepsis-induced intestinal damage invasive cells and distant organs is the leading cause of mortality.
by boosting M1 macrophage polarization.302 NF-κB signaling was Because of their enhanced motility and the degradative enzymes
As one of the promising treatments, immunotherapy has Generally, normal cells can express anti-phagocytosis molecules
dramatically reshaped the landscape of tumors with exceptional called “phagocytosis checkpoints” to avoid self-elimination by
clinical outcomes. However, only a minority of patients respond to phagocytes. Signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα) is a vital
ICIs, cancer vaccines, and infusing cell-based therapies. Evidence immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIM)-bearing
indicates macrophage-targeted immunotherapy potently inhibitory receptors expressed on macrophages. Tumor cells can
enhances adaptive protective immunity against tumor growth, become active in a “don’t eat me” signal and avoid macrophage
progression, and metastasis.367 With single-cell transcriptomic phagocytosis by over-expression of CD47 to recognize SIRPα,
data and generation sequencing, researchers focus on under- thereby leading to patients’ poor survival.405 Studies showed that
standing the complexity and diversity of macrophages with blocking the CD47-SIRPα interaction by CD47 antibodies, a
different biomarkers, macrophage states for disease progression, phagocytosis checkpoint inhibitor promotes phagocytosis in TAMs
mechanistic studies of TAM functions, and rational manipulation and enhances cancer immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and other
of macrophages as an effective anti-tumor strategy.393 According combined therapy.406 Garcia et al. reported that the combination
to, 1759 clinical trials with macrophage- of anti-CD47 antibody and PD-L1 blockade improved innate and
associated clinical trials were registered in 2022. There are more adaptive immune checkpoint response rates and potentiated the
than 554 clinical trials with macrophage-based cancer therapies vaccinal effect of antitumor antibody therapy in a mouse B16F10
(search terms ‘macrophage’ or ‘macrophage’ with ‘cancer’). model.407
In cancers, an effective scheme is the depletion of TAMs in the Reprograming M2-like TAMs toward M1-like TAMs represents an
TME to counter their negative impact. Bisphosphonates can be taken attractive strategy for macrophage-targeting treatment. CSF1/
up by phagocytes to deplete TAMs by inducing cell apoptosis. CSF1R signaling pathway has positive roles in macrophage
Currently, bisphosphonates are used clinically with decreased biology, including survival, proliferation, differentiation, and
disease recurrence, metastasis, and overall mortality for breast phagocytosis.408 Stephen et al. reported that CSF-1R blockade
cancer.400 Among them, clodronate, one of the non-nitrogen with PLX3397 improved the efficacy of adoptive cell therapy (ACT)
bisphosphonates, is artificially loaded by liposomes. It can induce in the mouse melanoma model.409 CSF-1R blockade reduced the
apoptosis of macrophages and inhibit tumor growth.401 Zoledronate, ability to unleash the immune-stimulatory capacity of TAMs with a
a third-generation nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate, has been skewing of MHC IIlow to MHC IIhi macrophages. In addition,
shown to exhibit selective cytotoxicity towards MMP9-expressing macrophage treatment with CD40 agonists, such as Sotigalimab
TAMs and reduce the infiltration of TAMs, decrease tumor and Selicrelumab, can significantly upregulate the expression of
angiogenesis, and inhibit tumor progression.402 Similarly, BLZ-945 MHC, promotes the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, actives
(a CSF-1R inhibitor) and chemotherapy drugs (such as doxorubicin DCs, and induce cell polarization of M1-like TAMs.310 Furthermore,
and epirubicin) can specifically target and deplete TAMs.403 In in clinical trials, blocking PI3Kγ by Eganelisib or Umbralisib has
addition, inhibiting macrophage recruitment is the second strategy been developed to turn on an “immune-stimulatory program” in
for TAM-targeting strategy treatment. Many inhibitors, such as immunosuppressive macrophages. This dramatic shift of TAMs is
inhibitors of ANG2 (Trebananib), CCL2/CCR2 (Carlumab and PF- benefit in modulating the TME and promoting ICIs treatment
04136309), CCL5/CCR5 (Leronlimab, Maraviroc, and Maraviroc), CSF- against cancers.410 Many macrophage-targeting agents have been
1/CSF-1R (Emactuzumab and Pexidartinib), and VEGF have been developed with different approaches for cancer therapy, including
shown to inhibit macrophage recruitment for tumor growth.404 previously unmentioned CXCL12-CXCR4 inhibitors, TREM inhibi-
Macrophage reprogramming is crucial to reshaping their tors, SIGLEC10-CD24 inhibitors, and TLR agonists.404
potential immune-stimulatory role as the significant phagocytes In other studies, Chen et al. demonstrate that intratumoral high
and professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) within the TME. potassium inhibits the anti-tumor capacity of TAMs via Kir2.1,