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Acute Viral Encephalitis: Review Article

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Allan H. Ropper, M.D., Editor

Acute Viral Encephalitis

Kenneth L. Tyler, M.D.​​

ncephalitis is a syndrome characterized by altered mental From the Departments of Neurology,
status and various combinations of acute fever, seizures, neurologic deficits, Medicine, and Immunology–Microbiol­
ogy and the Section on Neuroinfectious
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis, and neuroimaging and electroencephalo­ Disease, University of Colorado School
graphic (EEG) abnormalities.1 The syndrome has many causes; the most commonly of Medicine, Aurora. Address reprint re­
identified causes are neurotropic viruses. The general principles of diagnosis and quests to Dr. Tyler at the University of
Colorado School of Medicine, Mailstop
treatment of viral encephalitis are presented in this review. B-182, Research Complex II, 12700 E. 19th
Ave., Aurora, CO 80045, or at k­ en​.­tyler@​
Epidemiol o gic Fe at ur e s
N Engl J Med 2018;379:557-66.
Each year in the United States, approximately 7 patients are hospitalized for encepha­ DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1708714
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
litis per 100,000 population. The cause is unknown in approximately half these
cases. Of the cases with a known cause, 20 to 50% are attributed to viruses.2,3
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) accounts for 50 to 75% of identified viral cases, with
varicella–zoster virus (VZV), enteroviruses, and arboviruses accounting for the
majority of the remainder.2,3 HSV encephalitis occurs in all age groups and does
not have a characteristic seasonal or geographic pattern, whereas arbovirus en­
cephalitis has considerable year-to-year variation in case counts, occurs seasonally,
and varies in incidence according to geographic region, reflecting the ecology of
arboviral transmission. The characteristics of arboviruses with regional occur­
rence in the United States are summarized in Table 1.
The estimated median hospitalization charge for a patient with viral encepha­
litis is $89,600 for West Nile virus encephalitis and $58,000 for HSV encephalitis.3
There are approximately 6000 hospitalizations for acute viral encephalitis per year
in the United States; the total annual cost is approximately $350 million to $540
million, not including the cost of care after discharge, costs for family caregivers,
and lost earnings.

Hos t Fac t or s
The factors that affect susceptibility to encephalitis are poorly understood. Certain
viruses, such as La Crosse virus, cause central nervous system disease predomi­
nantly in children, and other viruses, such as West Nile virus, tend to cause severe
central nervous system disease in the elderly, whereas HSV causes encephalitis in
persons at both ends of the age spectrum. Age-related declines in innate and adaptive
immunity, including reduced expression of toll-like receptors (TLRs) and retinoic
acid–inducible gene 1 (RIG-I)–like receptors, decreased phagocytic function, and
reduced natural killer and cytotoxic T-cell activity, may contribute to susceptibility
in older persons.6,7 Conversely, children may have decreased type I interferon sig­
naling, as compared with adults, a feature that has been linked to susceptibility to
La Crosse virus in mice.8

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Table 1. Arboviruses That Cause Encephalitis in the United States.*

Virus Region of the U.S. Reservoir Vector Susceptible Group Mortality Comments

Eastern equine encephalitis virus East and Gulf Coasts Birds Culiseta melanura, aedes Children, elderly 50–70 Severe encephalitis
species persons
Western equine encephalitis virus West, Midwest Birds, jackrabbits Culex tarsalis Infants, elderly 5–10 No cases in the U.S. since 1994

Venezuelan equine encephalitis Florida, Texas, and Gulf Horses, birds, rodents Culex species, aedes Children, elderly 10–20 Encephalitis
virus Coast species, others persons
West Nile virus All regions Birds Culex species Elderly persons 10–15 Encephalitis, meningitis, anterior
horn-cell paralysis
St. Louis encephalitis virus All regions Birds Culex species Elderly persons 5–25 Encephalitis, meningitis, anterior

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horn-cell paralysis
Zika virus Texas, Florida, Puerto Humans, nonhuman Aedes species Fetus Congenital Zika microcephaly
Rico primates syndrome, Guillain–Barré

­syndrome; encephalitis is rare
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Powassan virus Northeast Squirrels, mice, small Ixodes species 10–15 Encephalitis

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Dengue virus Florida, Texas, Hawaii, Humans, nonhuman Aedes aegypti, <1 Guillain–Barré syndrome; encepha­
and Puerto Rico primates A. albopictus litis is rare

August 9, 2018

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La Crosse virus East and Midwest Squirrels, chipmunks A. albopictus, A. triseriatus Children <1
m e dic i n e

Jamestown Canyon virus Various regions White-tailed deer Aedes species, Adults <1
C. inornata
California encephalitis virus West Rabbits, rodents A. melanimon, A. dorsalis Children <1 Rare

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Colorado tick fever virus West Squirrels, chipmunks, Dermacentor andersoni <1 Meningitis; encephalitis is rare
small mammals

* Data are from Tunkel et al.4 and Salimi et al.5

Acute Vir al Encephalitis

Variations in HLA regions, potentially affect­ causes. Early reports comparing HSV encephali­
ing the efficiency of adaptive immune responses, tis and non-HSV encephalitis noted that they did
have been associated with susceptibility to in­ not differ substantially with respect to clinical
fection with herpesviruses and arboviruses.7,9,10 features but that HSV encephalitis was charac­
Other host genetic factors involved in suscepti­ terized by more pronounced CSF pleocytosis and
bility to neurotropic viruses have been pro­ more frequent focal abnormalities on EEG and
posed to be due to polymorphic sets of genes neuroimaging.22
that influence both innate and adaptive immu­ In a review of cases of adult encephalitis that
nity.11-13 For example, a loss-of-function deletion were characterized by abnormalities in the tem­
in chemokine receptor 5 impairs lymphocyte traf­ poral lobes on magnetic resonance imaging
ficking into the central nervous system, which (MRI),23 features favoring HSV over other causes
results in enhanced susceptibility to both tick­ included older age, acute clinical presentation
borne encephalitis virus14 and West Nile virus.15 (in 88% of patients with HSV encephalitis vs.
Mutations or polymorphisms in genes encoding 64% of patients with encephalitis from other
components of innate immune pathways — nota­ causes), fever (80% vs. 49%), gastrointestinal
bly, TLR3 and interferon signaling — have been symptoms (37% vs. 19%), and lower incidences
linked to encephalitis caused by HSV in children, of ataxia (18% vs. 33%) and rash (2% vs. 15%).
VZV-associated encephalitis, the measles–subacute Patients with HSV encephalitis were more likely
sclerosing panencephalitis complex, Japanese en­ than those with autoimmune encephalitis to be
cephalitis virus, enterovirus 71, and influenza A men (50% vs. 14%) and were less likely to have
virus–associated encephalopathy.16-18 Genomewide psychosis (5% vs. 20%) or rash (2% vs. 21%).
association studies have also linked polymor­ Most neurologic symptoms, including impaired
phisms in interferon signaling with an increased consciousness, confusion, aphasia, hallucinations,
risk of initial infection and symptomatically se­ and movement disorders, did not differ among
vere West Nile virus encephalitis.17,19 the various types of encephalitis. On MRI, find­
ings of hemorrhage, enhancement, and restrict­
ed diffusion also did not differ across the types,
Cl inic a l Profil e s of V ir a l
Enceph a l i t ide s although patients with non-HSV encephalitis
more frequently had bilateral temporal lesions,
The history taking in cases of encephalitis should as well as lesions outside the temporal lobe and
include consideration of the season during which the cingulate and insula areas.
the patient became ill, geographic location, travel Retrospective studies of patients with enceph­
and exposure history, contact with animals, alitis have used clusters of clinical and MRI
health of relatives, contact with sick persons, characteristics to construct “focal” and “general­
and known cases of encephalitis in the area. The ized” disease profiles23-25 (Table 2). Certain virus­
clinician should inquire about the patient’s occu­ es tend to cause regional MRI abnormalities and
pation, hobbies, recreational activities, diet, sex­ can sometimes be suspected on the basis of these
ual practices, drug use, and health status (vac­ patterns (Fig. 1). Focal profiles comprise signs
cinations, medical conditions and medications, and symptoms attributable to specific brain re­
and possible immunosuppression due to human gions, and generalized profiles involve diffuse
immunodeficiency virus [HIV], medications, or cerebral dysfunction, including diffuse cerebral
other factors). The physical and neurologic ex­ edema, generalized seizures, and psychosis. This
aminations may provide clues to potential causes approach can help prioritize diagnostic testing
and may guide testing. The presence of exanthem and evaluation for specific viruses or point to
or enanthem is helpful in identifying some forms nonviral causes.
of viral encephalitis but does not have high
specificity. Several systems that incorporate these Di agnos t ic S t r ategie s
features have been developed to aid in identifying
the infecting agent in cases of encephalitis.1,4,20,21 Routine virologic testing for acute encephali­
Initial diagnostic efforts focus on distinguish­ tis1,4,20,21 includes polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR)
ing viral from autoimmune encephalitis and on and reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) assays
differentiating HSV encephalitis from other viral of a CSF specimen. PCR is for detection of DNA

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Table 2. Focal and Generalized Profiles of Encephalitis and Their Causes.*

Unknown Viral Nonviral Noninfectious Possible Viral Possible Nonviral Selected Other Noninfectious
Profile Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause Cause Causes

Focal (% of total focal
Temporal lobe (53%) 52 34 10 4 HSV, VZV, enterovirus, EBV, TB, mycoplasma, Tumor, vasculitis or other vascular
HHV-6, influenza A or ­balamuthia, prion, cause, autoimmune cause,
B virus RMSF, syphilis, paraneoplastic syndrome
fungal infection
Cerebellar (25%) 72 8 7 13 EBV, enterovirus, rotavirus, Mycoplasma Paraneoplastic syndrome, auto­
adenovirus, HCV immune cause, vascular cause,
Extrapyramidal or movement 66 17 6 11 Respiratory viruses, EBV, TB, Streptococcus Autoimmune cause, paraneoplas­

disorders due to thalamic or WNV, enterovirus, HSV, pneumoniae, myco­ tic syndrome, neoplasm, meta­
basal ganglia lesions (13%) VZV, HHV-6, SSPE plasma, prion bolic or toxic cause, vascular
Hydrocephalus (9%) 25 16 50 9 Enterovirus, parainfluenza TB, fungal infection, Sinus thrombosis
­virus, adenovirus bacterial infection
Generalized (% of total
­generalized syndromes)

n engl j med 379;6

Multifocal white-matter lesions 63 19 12 6 Enterovirus, adenovirus, Balamuthia mandril- MS, NMO, ADEM, CNS lymphoma
(36%) ­influenza A virus, WNV, laris, bartonella,
HIV, EBV, VZV, HSV, mycoplasma
SSPE, HMPV, rotavirus

Intractable seizures (19%) 72 15 10 3 Enterovirus, EBV, rotavirus, Mycoplasma Metabolic or toxic cause
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

adenovirus, HSV, HHV-6

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New-onset psychosis (15%) 59 16 6 19 HCV, HSV, VZV, enterovirus, Bartonella, prion Psychiatric cause, autoimmune
rabies virus, influenza A cause, SLE

August 9, 2018
Diffuse cerebral edema (14%) 68 21 11 0 Influenza A or B virus, VZV, Mycoplasma
enterovirus, HSV, HMPV

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m e dic i n e

Recurrent or chronic inflam­ 55 7 10 28 Mycoplasma MS, vasculitis, autoimmune cause

matory CNS disease (9%)
Seizures with rapid recovery (7%) 36 28 32 4 EBV, enterovirus, adenovirus, Bartonella, Metabolic or toxic cause, epilepsy
influenza A or B virus mycoplasma

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* Data are from Chow et al.,23 Glaser et al.,24 and Beattie et al.25 Focal profiles comprise signs and symptoms attributable to specific brain regions, and generalized profiles involve diffuse
cerebral dysfunction, including diffuse cerebral edema, generalized seizures, and psychosis. ADEM denotes acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, CNS central nervous system, EBV
Epstein–Barr virus, HCV hepatitis C virus, HHV human herpesvirus, HSV herpes simplex virus, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, HMPV human metapneumovirus, MS multiple
sclerosis, NMO neuromyelitis optica, RMSF Rocky Mountain spotted fever, SLE systemic lupus erythematosus, SSPE subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (measles), TB tuberculosis,
VZV varicella–zoster virus, and WNV West Nile virus.
Acute Vir al Encephalitis

viruses, and RT­PCR for detection of RNA viruses.

Initial testing in immunocompetent hosts includes
PCR and RT­PCR tests on CSF for HSV­1, HSV­2,
VZV, enteroviruses, and in children younger than
3 years of age, human parechoviruses. If these
initial tests (tier 1 tests) fail to establish a diag­
nosis, additional testing (tier 2 and 3 tests) can be
undertaken (Table 3). Tier 2 tests often include
CSF PCR tests for cytomegalovirus (CMV), hu­
man herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV­6 and HHV­7),
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), and HIV. These tier 2
tests are typically part of the initial evaluation in
immunocompromised patients. Serologic tests,
including tests of serum specimens obtained dur­
ing the acute and convalescent phases of illness C D
and CSF specimens, are also essential parts of
the diagnostic evaluation for arboviruses, with
the specific viruses tested for determined by fac­
tors such as geographic region, season, and ex­
posure history. Serologic testing of CSF IgM may
help diagnose encephalitis due to arboviruses,
VZV, EBV, measles virus, mumps virus, rubella
virus, rabies virus, or other causes. Viral PCR or
RT­PCR of specimens from the throat and naso­
pharynx may help establish a diagnosis of adeno­
viral infection, influenza, or measles; testing of
saliva may help diagnose mumps or rabies; and
Figure 1. MRI Patterns in Patients with Viral Encephalitis.
testing of stool specimens may help diagnose
Axial T2­weighted, fluid­attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images show
enteroviral infections. Diagnosis of rabies involves
increased signal in the thalami and lentiform nuclei in a patient with West
serologic testing of CSF and serum specimens, Nile virus encephalitis (Panel A), a left frontal operculum infarct in a patient
RT­PCR testing of CSF and salivary specimens, with varicella zoster virus vasculitis and preexisting periventricular white­
and electron­microscopic and immunohistochem­ matter changes (Panel B), increased signal in the right temporal lobe in a
ical examination of a full­thickness, hair­follicle– patient with herpes simplex virus encephalitis (Panel C), and increased sig­
nal in the cerebellar hemispheres (more pronounced in the left hemisphere)
containing skin­biopsy specimen from the back
in a patient with cerebellitis presumably due to Epstein–Barr virus (Panel D).
of the neck.
Most available viral diagnostic methods test
for a single organism and are ordered individu­ despite their clinical importance. Available mul­
ally from diagnostic laboratories. It is possible tiplex assays have an overall sensitivity of 86 to
to perform a comprehensive analysis of a large 100% and a specificity of more than 99.5%.27
panel of antiviral antibodies against all known However, additional studies in broad popula­
human viruses, known as systemic viral epitope tions and various settings are needed to confirm
scanning, although this procedure is not yet their sensitivity and specificity.
commercially available.26 Simpler and less sophis­ Next­generation sequencing (tier 3 tests) to
ticated multiplex diagnostic panels are entering identify pathogens in CSF or brain tissue28,29 has
clinical practice. For example, the Food and recently become commercially available. This is
Drug Administration has approved a multiplex an unbiased technique,28,29 in which nucleic acid
diagnostic panel that allows for rapid PCR­based from the host, or from any pathogen that is
detection of multiple pathogens associated with present, is extracted from CSF or brain tissue,
meningitis and encephalitis in CSF specimens, purified, and sequenced. DNA libraries are pre­
including seven viruses (HSV­1, HSV­2, VZV, en­ pared from the purified DNA and from RNA
terovirus, CMV, HHV­6, and human parechovi­ converted to complementary DNA and are sub­
rus). Arboviruses are not included in the panel, jected to next­generation sequencing. Computa­

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Table 3. Initial and Subsequent Virologic Evaluation for Encephalitis According to Immune Status.*

Tier Virologic Testing Comments


Tests CSF Serologic Tests Serum Serologic Tests Other Tests
Immunocompetent patients
Tier 1 (initial testing) HSV-1, HSV-2 — — —
Enterovirus — — Nasopharyngeal and stool RT-PCR
for enterovirus
HPeV — — — In children <3 yr old
— WNV, arbovirus IgM WNV, arbovirus IgG, — Arbovirus testing based on geo­
IgM graphic region and season†
Tier 2 HIV — HIV HIV viral load

Adenovirus — — Nasopharyngeal PCR for adenovirus In children

Measles virus Measles virus Measles virus Nasopharyngeal and urine RT-PCR In unvaccinated patients
for measles virus
Mumps virus Mumps virus Mumps virus Salivary PCR for mumps virus In unvaccinated patients
— — — Nasopharyngeal PCR for influenza A

n engl j med 379;6

or B virus
— — — Stool RT-PCR for rotavirus In children
HHV-6, HHV-7 — HHV-6, HHV-7 — In patients <30 yr old

B19 — B19 —
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Tier 3 — — — NGS

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Immunocompromised patients
Tier 1 (in addition to tier 1 above) CMV — — Serum CMV viral load

August 9, 2018
HHV-6, HHV-7 — HHV-6, HHV-7 —
JC virus — JC virus —

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m e dic i n e


WNV — — — Arbovirus testing based on geo­
graphic region and season†
Tier 2 (in addition to tier 2 above) — — — NGS

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* Data are from Venkatesan et al.,1 Tunkel et al.,4 Steiner et al.,20 and Solomon et al.21 B19 denotes parvovirus B19, CMV cytomegalovirus, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, HPeV human parecho­
virus, LCMV lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, NGS next-generation sequencing, PCR polymerase chain reaction, and RT reverse transcriptase.
† For arbovirus testing in the United States, Eastern equine, La Crosse, Powassan, St. Louis, and West Nile viruses should be considered, with tests for other viruses added according to
the patient’s exposure and travel history or known epidemics or regional cases.
Acute Vir al Encephalitis

tional techniques are used to filter out redundant ma, increased intracranial pressure, and focal or
sequences and assemble overlapping sequences. generalized seizures.
With the use of bioinformatic approaches, the There are several guidelines for empirical and
millions of reads obtained are compared with specific antiviral treatment of patients with en­
those in reference databases to filter out host cephalitis.4,20,21 However, few currently available
sequences and identify potential pathogen se­ treatments have been subjects of randomized,
quences. In clinical specimens such as CSF and controlled clinical trials. For example, in the
brain tissue, only a tiny fraction (<1%) of se­ Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
quence reads map to pathogens, since most are guidelines,4 only the use of acyclovir for the
of host origin. The promise of next-generation treatment of HSV encephalitis is ranked as hav­
sequencing has been demonstrated by pathogen ing an A-level strength of recommendation
identification in otherwise undiagnosed cases of (good evidence to support a recommendation for
encephalitis due to leptospira, Cache Valley virus, use) and an I-level quality of evidence (evidence
astrovirus, variegated squirrel bornavirus, parvo­ from one or more randomized, controlled trials).
virus 4, St. Louis encephalitis virus, Powassan Recommendations from other organizations are
virus, and hepatitis E virus, as well as other in­ similar.20,21 Another IDSA A-level recommenda­
fectious causes.28,29 Next-generation sequencing tion is to start empirical acyclovir therapy in all
also identifies nucleic acid contaminants from patients with suspected encephalitis.4 British
specimen-collection procedures (e.g., skin flora), guidelines also recommend empirical acyclovir
in collection tubes, or in nucleic acid purification therapy but, like the IDSA guidelines, acknowl­
columns or other assay components,30 requiring edge that this recommendation is based on evi­
knowledge of laboratory-specific contaminants dence of lower quality than data from random­
that appear in many specimens and careful inter­ ized, controlled trials.21 IDSA guidelines provide
pretation of results. Understanding the sensitiv­ A-level recommendations for reversal of immu­
ity and specificity of next-generation sequencing, nosuppression in patients with JC virus infection
the effect on outcomes, and situations in which and initiation of highly active antiretroviral
it could replace conventional diagnostic testing therapy in HIV-infected persons, again noting
requires additional studies involving unselected that the evidence is of lower quality than evi­
populations with suspected viral encephalitis and dence derived from randomized, controlled tri­
other neuroinfectious diseases. als.4 Two sets of guidelines suggest ganciclovir
It would be useful to determine whether there or foscarnet for encephalitis related to CMV and
are genetic or protein biomarkers in CSF that are HHV-6 and acyclovir for VZV-related encephali­
specific for infectious encephalitis. One such tis, but these recommendations are based on
approach is to examine CSF with the use of mul­ moderate levels of evidence derived from expert
tiplex techniques that allow simultaneous detec­ opinions and descriptive studies4,21; another set
tion of cytokines and chemokines.31,32 However, of guidelines makes no specific treatment rec­
most studies suggest that proinflammatory cyto­ ommendation for CMV, HHV-6, and VZV-related
kine and chemokine levels are elevated in patients encephalitis because of the poor quality of avail­
with encephalitis, regardless of the cause, and able evidence.20
no unique cytokine signature differentiates viral Initial trials of acyclovir in adults with HSV
from nonviral encephalitis.31,32 encephalitis used a regimen of 10 days of intra­
venous therapy (10 mg per kilogram of body
weight every 8 hours for patients with normal
T r e atmen t a nd Pr e v en t ion
renal function), although concern about the risk
Approaches to Treatment of relapse led to an increase in the recommend­
Patients with encephalitis often require intensive ed duration of treatment, from 10 days to 14 to
monitoring and supportive care1,4,20,21 to ensure 21 days.4,20,21 Neither a higher dose of acyclovir
oxygenation, airway protection, circulatory sup­ (15 mg per kilogram every 8 hours) in adults33
port, and treatment of pyrexia, cardiac arrhyth­ nor long-term therapy with valacyclovir (2 mg
mias, and autonomic instability. Monitoring and three times daily for 90 days)34 improves out­
therapy are also required for the direct effects of comes in adults. In children (3 months to 12
cerebral inflammation — mainly, cerebral ede­ years of age) with HSV encephalitis, a higher

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

dose of acyclovir (20 mg per kilogram every 8 Approaches to Prevention

hours for 21 days) has been recommended, since The absence of treatments of proven efficacy for
this results in better outcomes and fewer re­ most neurotropic viral infections has led to a re­
lapses than lower doses.35 newed emphasis on prevention.44 Effective vac­
Immunomodulatory agents have been used in cines are now available for many neurotropic vi­
the treatment of encephalitis as either an adjunct ruses, including poliovirus, rabies virus, measles
to antiviral drugs or as monotherapy when no virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, influenza vi­
effective antimicrobial agents are available. Per­ ruses, VZV, and several neurotropic flaviviruses,
haps the most widely used agents are glucocor­ such as Japanese encephalitis virus and tickborne
ticoids, which are of uncertain benefit.36,37 In the encephalitis virus. Candidate vaccines for several
IDSA guidelines, adjunctive glucocorticoids are additional flaviviruses, including West Nile virus,
listed as having poor-quality evidence to support dengue virus, and Zika virus, are being tested in
a recommendation for use in patients with en­ clinical trials or, in the case of West Nile virus,
cephalitis due to HSV, EBV, or VZV.4 Clearer in­ are licensed for equine use. Several examples of
formation on the potential role of glucocorti­ the efficacy of newer vaccines in reducing cases
coids in the treatment of encephalitis may come of human encephalitis have been reported. A study
from the results of a randomized trial testing of the effect of a 5-year vaccination campaign in
dexamethasone (10 mg given intravenously every Nepal for the prevention of Japanese encephalitis
6 hours for 4 days) as compared with no inter­ virus showed that cases of disease were reduced
vention, which is scheduled to begin this year by 78%.45 A universal program of varicella virus
(ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03084783). In a vaccination for 1-year-old children in Germany
randomized, controlled trial, oral minocycline, in 2004 resulted in an estimated 60% decrease in
which can inhibit inflammation in the nervous varicella-associated neurologic complications.46
system, did not significantly reduce mortality or In the United States, rotavirus vaccination, recom­
improve outcomes in patients with encephalitis38; mended for infants by the Advisory Committee
however, a larger study may be warranted, since on Immunization Practices in 2006, has resulted
there was a trend toward better outcomes in in rates of seizure-associated hospitalizations of
some subgroups. infected children younger than 5 years of age
Anecdotal reports and uncontrolled trials have that are 4% lower overall and in some settings
suggested a possible benefit of interferon alfa 16% lower than the rates in the period before
treatment in arbovirus infections caused by West vaccine licensure.47
Nile virus or St. Louis encephalitis virus, but a
placebo-controlled, randomized trial involving Ou t c ome s
patients with Japanese encephalitis showed no
effect of interferon alfa on outcomes.39 Intrave­ The outcomes of acute viral encephalitis remain
nous immune globulin also did not have an ef­ generally poor. Predictors of a poor outcome in­
fect on outcomes in a randomized, double-blind, clude the presence of an immunocompromised
placebo-controlled trial involving patients with state, a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8 or less
Japanese encephalitis,40 nor did intravenous im­ (on a scale from 3 to 15, with lower scores indi­
mune globulin containing high titers of virus- cating greater neurologic deficits), the need for
specific antibody alter outcomes in patients with admission to an intensive care unit, and an age
West Nile virus encephalitis.41 A multicenter ran­ of more than 65 years.48 In HSV encephalitis, the
domized trial of intravenous immune globulin outcome of which has been more extensively
in children with acute encephalitis has been studied than that of other viral encephalitides,
initiated (NCT02308982). Another immunothera­ factors negatively affecting the outcome 6 to 12
peutic approach that has shown promise in early- months after hospital discharge, in approximate
stage clinical trials involves the adoptive transfer order of importance, are coma, restricted diffu­
of histocompatible, virus-specific T cells to im­ sion on MRI, more than a 24-hour delay in the
munosuppressed persons with adenovirus, CMV, initiation of acyclovir therapy after admission,
EBV, or JC virus infection, including those with and older age. Other MRI or EEG features and
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.42,43 CSF test results have not been predictive of out­

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Acute Vir al Encephalitis

comes.49,50 Prognostic factors in arbovirus en­ presence of confounding factors such as severe
cephalitis have been identified with less cer­ underlying disease and alcohol abuse.53 The
tainty, but in West Nile virus disease, older age, initial dose of acyclovir has reportedly been
membership in certain ethnic groups, female sex, incorrect in up to 75% of children56 and 24% of
and coma at presentation have been indicators adults57 treated empirically for suspected viral
of a poor prognosis. In Japanese encephalitis, encephalitis.
rapid deterioration initially and midbrain involve­
ment have predicted a poor recovery.51 C onclusions
Despite evidence that early initiation of acy­
clovir therapy improves outcomes in HSV en­ Viral encephalitis is a major cause of illness and
cephalitis,52,53 delays in initiation of treatment death and imposes a heavy economic burden.
are commonly reported. In a series from Canada, Diagnostic strategies and technologies are being
the mean time to initiation of acyclovir therapy developed to allow identification of an expand­
was 21 hours for all patients with suspected ing list of pathogens and to differentiate viral
HSV encephalitis and 11 hours (range, 3 to 118) encephalitis from its mimics. Treatment remains
for those subsequently confirmed to have HSV.54 largely empirical and, with the exception of acy­
In a study in the United States, only 29% of clovir for HSV encephalitis, is not supported by
patients with suspected encephalitis received high-quality evidence from clinical trials. New
acyclovir in the emergency department.55 A Euro­ therapies to prevent infection and inhibit viral
pean multicenter study showed that only 45% replication are needed.
of patients with HSV encephalitis were treated Dr. Tyler reports serving on data and safety monitoring
within 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.50 boards for Lpath and DNAtrix and receiving grant support from
Factors contributing to delays in drug adminis­ Taiga Biotechnologies. No other potential conflict of interest
relevant to this article was reported.
tration included waiting for brain imaging, an Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
absence of marked CSF pleocytosis, and the full text of this article at NEJM.org.

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