Text 35
Text 35
Text 35
John Gerring
Boston University
Department of Political Science
232 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215
I. CASE STUDIES ....................................................................................................................................16
1. Surveys ..................................................................................................................................................17
2. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................29
II. SELECTING CASES............................................................................................................................37
3. A Typology of Strategies ....................................................................................................................38
4. Descriptive Case Studies ....................................................................................................................48
5. Causal Case Studies .............................................................................................................................52
6. Algorithms and Sample Size ..............................................................................................................83
III. ANALYZING CASES ......................................................................................................................93
7. A Typology of Research Designs ......................................................................................................94
8. Quantitative and Qualitative Modes of Analysis ......................................................................... 103
IV. VALIDITY ....................................................................................................................................... 125
9. Internal Validity ................................................................................................................................ 126
10. External Validity ........................................................................................................................... 139
V. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................ 151
11. Tradeoffs ....................................................................................................................................... 152
References ................................................................................................................................................. 169
Notation ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Situating this Book ..................................................................................................................................14
Outline ......................................................................................................................................................15
I. CASE STUDIES ....................................................................................................................................16
1. Surveys ..................................................................................................................................................17
Intellectual histories ................................................................................................................................17
Bibliometrics ............................................................................................................................................19
Figure 1.1: Frequency of “Case study” in Google Books ............................................................ 20
Table 1.1: Most-cited Studies in Web of Science ....................................................................... 21
Exemplars ................................................................................................................................................21
Table 1.2: Exemplars .................................................................................................................. 24
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................28
2. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................29
Key Terms................................................................................................................................................29
Additional terms......................................................................................................................................31
Table 2.1: Case Study Dataset with Two Cases .......................................................................... 33
Table 2.2: Cross-Case Cross-sectional Dataset with Fifty Cases ................................................ 34
Table 2.3: Time-Series Cross-Section Dataset ............................................................................ 35
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................36
II. SELECTING CASES............................................................................................................................37
3. A Typology of Strategies ....................................................................................................................38
Table 3.1: Case-Selection Strategies .......................................................................................... 40
Clarifications ............................................................................................................................................40
Omnibus Criteria ....................................................................................................................................43
Intrinsic Importance ........................................................................................................................ 43
Independence ................................................................................................................................. 44
Within-case Evidence ...................................................................................................................... 44
Logistics ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Representativeness ......................................................................................................................... 45
Validation .................................................................................................................................................45
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................47
4. Descriptive Case Studies ....................................................................................................................48
Typical ......................................................................................................................................................48
Table 4.1: Typical Case Studies .................................................................................................. 49
Diverse (Descriptive)..............................................................................................................................49
Table 4.2: Diverse Case Studies (Descriptive) ............................................................................ 50
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................51
5. Causal Case Studies .............................................................................................................................52
Exploratory ..............................................................................................................................................53
Outcome ......................................................................................................................................... 54
Table 5.1: Outcome Case Exemplars .......................................................................................... 56
Index................................................................................................................................................ 56
Table 5.2: Index Case Exemplars ................................................................................................ 57
Deviant ............................................................................................................................................ 57
Table 5.3: Deviant Case Exemplars ............................................................................................ 59
Most-similar (Exploratory) .............................................................................................................. 60
Table 5.4: Most-Similar (Exploratory) Case Design .................................................................... 60
Table 5.5: Most-Similar (Exploratory) Case Exemplars .............................................................. 62
Most-different................................................................................................................................. 62
Table 5.6: Most-Different Case Design ...................................................................................... 63
Table 5.7: Most-Different Case Exemplars................................................................................. 65
Diverse (Causal)............................................................................................................................... 65
Table 5.8: Diverse (Causal) Case Exemplars ............................................................................... 66
Table 5.9: Diverse Cases in Moore (1966) ................................................................................. 67
Estimating ................................................................................................................................................67
Longitudinal .................................................................................................................................... 68
Table 5.10: Longitudinal Case Exemplars ................................................................................... 68
Most similar (Testing) ..................................................................................................................... 69
Table 5.11: Most-Similar (Testing) Case Design ......................................................................... 69
Table 5.12: Most Similar (Testing) Case Exemplars ................................................................... 70
Diagnostic ................................................................................................................................................70
Influential ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Table 5.13: Influential Case Exemplars ...................................................................................... 73
Pathway........................................................................................................................................... 73
Table 5.14: Pathway Case Exemplars ......................................................................................... 75
Table 5.15: Pathway Case Design with Binary Factors............................................................... 76
Table 5.16: Example of Pathway Cases with Continuous Variables........................................... 80
Most similar (Diagnostic) ................................................................................................................ 81
Table 5.17: Most-Similar (Diagnostic) Design ............................................................................ 81
Table 5.18: Most Similar (Diagnostic) Case Exemplars .............................................................. 82
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................82
6. Algorithms and Sample Size ..............................................................................................................83
Random Sampling...................................................................................................................................83
Figure 6.1: Sample Means of Large-Sample Draws.................................................................... 84
Figure 6.2: Sample Means of Small-Sample Draws .................................................................... 85
Algorithmic (“Quantitative”) Case Selection ......................................................................................86
Table 6.1: Algorithmic Case-selection ........................................................................................ 87
Advantages...................................................................................................................................... 87
Limitations....................................................................................................................................... 88
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 88
The “n” Question Revisited ..................................................................................................................90
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................91
III. ANALYZING CASES ......................................................................................................................93
7. A Typology of Research Designs ......................................................................................................94
Table 7.1: Typology of Research Designs ................................................................................... 95
Case Study Evidence ..............................................................................................................................95
Cross-case ....................................................................................................................................... 95
Longitudinal .................................................................................................................................... 96
Within-case ..................................................................................................................................... 96
Multi-method Studies .............................................................................................................................98
Table 7.2: Multi-Method Studies ............................................................................................... 99
Case study First ............................................................................................................................... 99
Cross-case First ............................................................................................................................... 99
In Tandem ..................................................................................................................................... 100
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 101
8. Quantitative and Qualitative Modes of Analysis ......................................................................... 103
Quantitative Analysis........................................................................................................................... 104
Qualitative Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 105
Figure 8.1: Skocpol’s Explanation of Breakdown of the French State (1789) .......................... 106
Standards for Qualitative Inquiry ...................................................................................................... 109
Table 8.1: Qualitative Tests and their Presumed Inferential Role ........................................... 110
Rules of Thumb for Qualitative Inquiry .......................................................................................... 112
Utilizing Sources ............................................................................................................................ 113
Identifying a Hypothesis/Theory................................................................................................... 117
Rival Explanations ......................................................................................................................... 117
Testable Hypotheses ..................................................................................................................... 119
Counterfactual Thought-experiments .......................................................................................... 121
Temporality ................................................................................................................................... 121
Background Assumptions.............................................................................................................. 122
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 123
IV. VALIDITY ....................................................................................................................................... 125
9. Internal Validity ................................................................................................................................ 126
Intrinsic Properties .............................................................................................................................. 126
Figure 9.1: The Front-door Path with Potential Confounders ................................................. 130
Non-intrinsic Properties ..................................................................................................................... 131
Table 9.1: Case Studies with Manipulable (in principle) Treatments ...................................... 133
Assessment............................................................................................................................................ 134
Transparency, Replicability ........................................................................................................... 135
Pre-registration ............................................................................................................................. 136
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 137
10. External Validity ........................................................................................................................... 139
Sample Representativeness ................................................................................................................. 139
A Two-level Game .............................................................................................................................. 140
Cause-in-fact v. Counterfactual cause .......................................................................................... 143
Causes-of-effects v. Effects-of-causes .......................................................................................... 143
Establishing Scope-conditions ........................................................................................................... 144
What is the Right Scope? .............................................................................................................. 146
Assessing External Validity ................................................................................................................ 148
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 150
V. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................ 151
11. Tradeoffs ....................................................................................................................................... 152
Table 11.1: Tradeoffs ............................................................................................................... 152
Validity: Internal v. External .............................................................................................................. 152
Research Goal: Depth v. Breadth...................................................................................................... 153
Causal Insight: Mechanisms v. Effects ............................................................................................. 154
Population: Heterogeneous v. Homogeneous................................................................................. 157
Variation in X and Y: Rare v. Common ........................................................................................... 160
Data: Concentrated v. Diffuse ........................................................................................................... 161
Hypothesis: Generating v. Testing .................................................................................................... 162
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 166
References ................................................................................................................................................. 169
People foolishly imagine that the broad generalities of social phenomena afford an
excellent opportunity to penetrate further into the human soul; they ought, on the
contrary, to realise that it is by plumbing the depths of a single personality that they
might have a chance of understanding those phenomena.
- Marcel Proust (1992: 450; quoted in Ginzburg 2007: 256)
Immersion in the particular proved, as usual, essential for the catching of anything
- Albert Hirschman (1967: 3)
The examination, surrounded by all its documentary techniques, makes each individual
a ‘case’: a case which at one and the same time constitutes an object for a branch of
knowledge and a hold for a branch of power. The case is no longer, as in casuistry or
jurisprudence, a set of circumstances defining an act and capable of modifying the
application of a rule; it is the individual as he may be described, judged, measured,
compared with others, in his very individuality; and it is also the individual who has to
be trained or corrected, classified, normalized, excluded, etc.
- Foucault (1977:191; quoted in Forrester 1996: 12)
Truth, naked and cold, had been turned away from every door in the village. Her nakedness
frightened the people. When Parable found her, she was huddled in a corner, shivering and hungry.
Taking pity on her, Parable gathered her up and took her home. There, she dressed Truth in Story,
warmed her, and sent her out again. Clothed in Story, Truth knocked again at the villagers’ doors
and was readily welcomed into the people’s houses. They invited her to eat at their table and to
warm herself by the fire.
This book evolved from a series of papers (Gerring 2004b, 2006a, 2006b, 2007b; Gerring &
Cojocaru 2015; Gerring & McDermott 2007; Gerring & Thomas 2005; Seawright & Gerring 2008). I
am grateful to my collaborators and also to the publishers of these papers for permission to adapt
these works for use in the present volume.
Drafts of the first edition were presented at Bremen University in 2004, sponsored by the
Transformations of the State Collaborative Research Center (CRC); at the Third Congress of the
Working Group on Approaches and Methods in Comparative Politics, Liege, Belgium; at the annual
meetings of the Institute for Qualitative Research (IQRM); and at the annual meetings of the
American Political Science Association. I am thankful for comments and suggestions from
participants at these gatherings.
For detailed feedback on the first edition I owe thanks to Andy Bennett, Melani Cammett,
Kanchan Chandra, Renske Doorenspleet, Colin Elman, Gary Goertz, Shareen Hertel, Ronggui
Huang, Staci Kaiser, Bernhard Kittel, Ned Lebow, Jack Levy, Evan Lieberman, Jim Mahoney, Ellen
Mastenbroek, Devra Moehler, Howard Reiter, Kirsten Rodine, Ingo Rohlfing, Richard Snyder, Peter
Starke, Craig Thomas, Lily Tsai, and David Woodruff. For clarification on various subjects I am in
debt to Bear Braumoeller, Patrick Johnston, Jason Seawright, Jas Sekhon, and Peter Spiegler.
The impetus for a second edition, nearly a decade after the first, came partly in response to
the ongoing trajectory of work on case study methodology and related topics. Important recent
works include Beach & Pedersen (2013), Bennett & Checkel (2015), Blatter & Haverland (2012),
Fearon & Laitin (2008, 2014, 2015), Glynn & Ichino (2014, 2015), Goertz (2015), Herron & Quinn
(2015), Humphreys & Jacobs (2014, forthcoming), Levy (2008a, 2008b), Lieberman (2015),
Mahoney (2012), Mahoney & Thelen (2015), Nielsen (2015), Rohlfing (2012), Schneider & Rohlfing
(2014), Seawright (2015a, 2015b), Soifer (2015), Waldner (2012, 2015a, 2015b, 2016), and Weller &
Barnes (2014).
An additional impetus is my own misgiving about shortcomings in the first edition. Readers
of the second edition will find a book that is re-written from scratch, with a revised typology of case
selection methods and an expanded section focused on case analysis. In what may be the first of its
kind in the annals of publishing, I am able to report that the revised edition is no lengthier than the
A preliminary draft of the full manuscript was presented at the Authors’ Workshop at the
Institute for Qualitative and Multimethod Research, Syracuse University, June, 2015. I want to thank
members of that workshop and others who have read various versions of the manuscript. This
includes Colin Elman, Gary Goertz, Danny Hidalgo, Nahomi Ichino, Kendra Koivu, Markus
Kreuzer, Jack Levy, Jim Mahoney, Gerry Munck, Hillel Soifer, and Nick Weller. For clarification and
feedback on specific issues I owe thanks to Jim Fearon, Adam Glynn, and David Laitin. Carl
Gershenson, along with several reviewers for the Press, gave the manuscript a thorough read and
contributed greatly to its present shape.
My final acknowledgement is to the generations of scholars who have written on this
subject, whose ideas I appropriate, misrepresent, or warp beyond recognition. (In academic venues,
the first is recognized as a citation, the second is known as a reinterpretation, and the third is called
original research.) Specialists will appreciate the extent to which this book is a compendium of
extant work extending back to an earlier generation of methodological work on the case study by the
likes of Donald Campbell, David Collier, Harry Eckstein, Alexander George, Barney Glaser &
Anselm Strauss, Arend Lijphart, Adam Przeworski & Henry Teune, and Neil Smelser – not to
mention previous work by logicians and philosophers such as J.S. Mill and Cohen & Nagel. My
debts are apparent in the crowded footnotes and lengthy set of references.
There are two ways to learn about a subject. One might study many examples at once. Or, one
might study a particular example, or several examples, in depth. I shall refer to the first as a cross-case
approach and the second as a case study approach. While both are concerned with the same general
subject they follow different paths to this goal.
By the standard of praxis, the case study method is flourishing (see Chapter 1). At the same
time, case studies continue to be viewed by many in the social sciences with extreme circumspection.
A work that focuses its attention on a single example of a broader phenomenon is apt to be
described as a “mere” case study, and is often identified with loosely framed and non-generalizable
theories, biased case selection, informal and undisciplined research designs, weak empirical leverage
(too many variables and too few cases), subjective conclusions, and non-replicability.
This is a historic reversal of the case study’s origins. When the term “case study” first
entered scientific usage at the turn of the twentieth century it represented an attempt to think more
systematically about evidence and inference. Narratives about X were to be understood as “cases,”
signifying their connection to a broader set of phenomena and the possibility of developing a
general theory of X. In this manner, it was thought that knowledge would cumulate and general
theories would be formulated and systematically tested.
By the 1920s, however, the term had become suspect. In one of the first attempts to contrast
case study and non-case study approaches to social science, Stuart Rice (1928: ch 4) associated the
former with “history” and the latter with “statistics” and “science” – a telling contrast. 1 A few years
later, Willard Waller (1934: 296-7) described the case study approach as an essentially artistic process.
Men who can produce good case studies, accurate and convincing pictures of people
and institutions, are essentially artists; they may not be learned men, and sometimes they
are not even intelligent men, but they have imagination and know how to use words to
convey truth.
The product of a good case study is insight, and insight is
the unknown quantity which has eluded students of scientific method. That is why the
really great men of sociology had no ‘method.’ They had a method; it was the search for
insight. They went ‘by guess and by God,’ but they found out things (Waller 1934: 296-
Several decades later, Julian Maoz (1969: 267, quoted in Platt 1992: 18) notes:
The specific method of the case study depends upon the mother wit, common sense
and imagination of the person doing the case study. The investigator makes up his
procedure as he goes along.
Arguably, practitioners of this method are prone to invoking its name in vain – as an all-
purpose excuse, a license to do whatever a researcher wishes to do with his or her particular topic.
Zeev Maoz (2002: 164-5) noted recently,
There is a nearly complete lack of documentation of the approach to data collection,
data management, and data analysis and inference in case study research. In contrast to
other research strategies in political research where authors devote considerable time
and effort to document the technical aspects of their research, one often gets the
impression that the use of case study absolves the author from any kind of
methodological considerations. Case studies have become in many cases a synonym for
freeform research where everything goes and the author does not feel compelled to
spell out how he or she intends to do the research, why a specific case or set of cases
has been selected, which data are used and which are omitted, how data are processed
and analyzed, and how inferences were derived from the story presented. Yet, at the
end of the story, we often find sweeping generalizations and ‘lessons’ derived from this
To say that one is conducting a case study sometimes seems to imply that normal methodological
rules do not apply; that one has entered a different methodological or epistemological (perhaps even
ontological) zone. Here, the term functions as an ambiguous designation covering a multitude of
“inferential felonies.” 2
In the field of psychology, a gulf separates “scientists” engaged in cross-case research and
“practitioners” engaged in clinical research, usually focused on several cases. 3 In the fields of
political science and sociology, case study researchers are acknowledged to be on the soft side of
increasingly hard disciplines. And across fields, the case study orientations of cultural anthropology,
education, law, social work, and various other fields relegate them to the non-rigorous, non-
systematic, non-scientific, non-positivist end of the academic spectrum.
Even among its defenders there is confusion over the virtues and vices of this ambiguous
research design. Practitioners continue to ply their trade but have difficulty articulating what it is
they are doing, methodologically speaking. The case study survives in a curious methodological
This leads to a paradox. Although much of what we know about the empirical world has
been generated by case studies and case studies continue to constitute a significant proportion of
work generated by the social science disciplines, the case study method is unappreciated, perhaps
under siege.
How can we make sense of the profound disjuncture between the acknowledged
contributions of this genre and its maligned status? If case studies are methodologically flawed, why
do they persist? Should they be rehabilitated, or suppressed? How fruitful is this style of research?
And, finally, in what respects can current practices be improved?
2 Achen & Snidal (1989: 160). See also Geddes (1990, 2003), Goldthorpe (1997), King, Keohane & Verba (1994),
Lieberson (1985: 107-15, 1992, 1994), Lijphart (1971: 683-4), Odell (2004), Sekhon (2004), Smelser (1973: 45, 57). It
should be underlined that these writers, while critical of the case study format, are not necessarily opposed to case
studies per se; that is to say, they should not be classified as opponents of the case study. In psychology, Kratochwill (1978:
4-5) writes: “Case study methodology was typically characterized by numerous sources of uncontrolled variation,
inadequate description of independent, dependent variables, was generally difficult to replicate. While this made case
study methodology of little scientific value, it helped to generate hypotheses for subsequent research . . .” See also
Hersen & Barlow (1976: ch 1), Meehl (1954).
3 Hersen & Barlow (1976: 21) write that in the 1960s, when this split developed, “clinical procedures were largely judged
as unproven, the prevailing naturalistic research was unacceptable to most scientists concerned with precise definition of
variables, cause-effect relationships. On the other hand, the elegantly designed, scientifically rigorous group comparison
design was seen as impractical, incapable of dealing with the complexities, idiosyncrasies of individuals by most
Situating this Book
This book aims to provide a general understanding of the case study as well as the tools and
techniques necessary for its successful implementation. The subtitle reflects my dual concern with
general principles as well as specific practices. To assist the reader, a number of differences between
this work and others on the same general topic can be signaled at the outset.
First, this book does not attempt to vindicate – or, for that matter, to vilify – the case study
method. There is much to be said “for” and “against” it, if one must speak in such simplified terms.
I think the genre is best served by a clear-minded depiction of these pros and cons so that
researchers can understand the benefits, as well as the limitations, of adopting a case study format. If
the tone of the book is occasionally defensive it is only because I wish to dispel certain
misperceptions that (in my opinion) serve to downgrade the contributions of case studies to the
work of social science.
Second, this book adopts what might be called (if one can stomach the term) a “positivist”
approach to case study research. That is, I hope to show that case studies can be employed in a
rigorous, systematic, replicable, and theoretically informed fashion – one that is fully consistent with,
and complementary to, work conducted in a large-n cross-case fashion.
Third, the book gives special attention to the role of case studies in facilitating causal
analysis. This is because the descriptive aspects of case studies are difficult to distinguish from
methods of data collection, e.g., surveys, interviews, ethnographies, archival research, and so forth.
These topics are not unique to case study research, are well-covered by other texts, and are not
especially problematic from a methodological point of view. What is problematic – at least in the
eyes of many methodologists – is the attempt to reach causal inferences from case study evidence.
So it is appropriate that we focus our attention on this vexed subject. Even so, we should not lose
sight of the fact that many of the most influential case studies are descriptive in nature. I hope,
therefore, to encompass both sub-genres in the discussion that follows.
Fourth, rather than focusing on a single field or subfield of the social sciences, I take a
broad, cross-disciplinary view of the topic. My conviction is that the methodological issues entailed
by the case study method are general rather than field-specific. Moreover, by examining basic
methodological issues in widely varying empirical contexts we sometimes gain insights into these
issues that are not apparent from a narrower perspective. Examples are drawn from all fields of the
social sciences, and occasionally from the natural sciences and humanities. To be sure, the discussion
betrays a pronounced tilt towards my own discipline, political science. However, the arguments
should be equally applicable to other fields in the social sciences, as adumbrated above in our review
of the field.
Fifth, this volume does not intend to provide a comprehensive review of methodological
issues pertaining to social science research. 4 My intention, rather, is to home in on those issues that
pertain specifically to case study research. Issues that apply equally to single-case and cross-case
analysis are given short shrift. Thus, I do not have much to say about the process of data collection,
the discovery of new ideas (the formulation of theories), the nature of causal inference, research
ethics, or issues of epistemology or philosophy of science. These matters enter the narrative only
where they impinge directly upon the conduct of case study research. Readers who wish to know
more about these and other topics that are alluded to in the text may consult cited references or a
4 Some case study textbooks seem to cover the subject of social research in its entirety – conceptualization,
measurement, research design, analysis, along with reflections on epistemology and philosophy of science. As such, they
function as introductory methods texts with a special focus on qualitative research methods (e.g., Berg & Lune 2011;
Hancke 2009; Somekh & Lewin 2005; Yin 2009).
general introduction to social science methodology. 5
Even with respect to issues pertaining directly to case study research, the present volume
cannot hope to be entirely comprehensive. Fortunately, there is now a sizeable literature on these
topics. Readers looking for more in-depth treatment of various subjects are advised to follow the
trail of citations in the text or meander through the voluminous references at the end of the book.
Finally, it should be emphasized that the text is designed to make the material accessible to
readers who are new to the subject. Notation is minimal (see list of symbols at the front). Debates
with the literature are minimized, or relegated to footnotes. Key terms are defined in the text, and
may be located by consulting the page references in the Index. At the end of each chapter, a
concluding section summarizes the main points that have been presented. It is hoped that the book
is accessible to those who are just starting out as well as those who have completed many voyages in
social science.
Part I of the book establishes our subject. Chapter 1 surveys the field of case study research across
the social sciences. Chapter 2 proposes a definition for “case study” and associated terms. A great
deal flows from this set of definitions so this is not a chapter that should be passed over quickly.
Part II deals with case selection – the choice of cases to analyze intensively. Chapter 3 sets
forth a typology of strategies. This serves to introduce readers to a wide variety of work conducted
in a case study mode and also, more specifically, to illustrate the diversity of methods that may be
employed to select cases for intensive analysis. Chapter 4 focuses on the selection of cases for
purposes of description and Chapter 5 on the selection of cases for the purpose of causal inference.
Chapter 6 discusses the application of random sampling and other algorithmic approaches to case
selection, as well as the viability of medium-n samples.
Part III deals with methods of analysis – what to do with cases once they are chosen.
Chapter 7 establishes a typology of research designs, distinguishing among case studies, cross-case
studies, and multimethod studies. Chapter 8 distinguishes quantitative and qualitative modes of
analysis, while focusing primarily on the latter.
Part IV deals with the problem of validity. Chapter 9 focuses on internal validity and
Chapter 10 on external validity.
The book concludes, in Chapter 11, with a series of comparisons and contrasts between case
study and cross-case study research in order to understand their distinctive affinities. I argue that the
many of the perceived weaknesses of the case study are overcome if case studies are complemented
by cross-case studies of the same general topic. Multimethod work – whether incorporated in the
same study or in different studies – often provides a reasonable solution to situations where case
studies sit uneasily on their own.
5Gerring (2012b) and King, Keohane & Verba (1994) are pitched to graduate students. Gerring & Christenson (2016) is
pitched to an undergraduate or master’s level audience.
There is a case study tradition of research within all the social science disciplines, as well as in
adjacent fields in the natural sciences (e.g., medicine) and the humanities (e.g., history). To be sure,
this tradition is more prominently on display in some fields than in others. Nonetheless, it is
essential to survey our subject – very broadly defined – as it intersects with history, psychology,
social work, applied linguistics, medicine, cultural anthropology, sociology, education, history and
philosophy of science, political science, comparative-historical research, law, and economics
(including business, management, and organizational research). 6
We begin with a discursive intellectual history of these disciplines. This is followed by several
bibliometric analyses focused on Google Books and Web of Science, and finally, by a compilation of
key exemplars of the case study tradition.
Intellectual histories
The case study approach to knowledge begins with the oldest discipline, history, which evolved from
oral and written chronicles of the sort produced by Homer, Herodotus, and Thucydides. Drawing
on the specific features of the case at hand these chronicles imparted general lessons pertaining to
politics, society, human nature, or the gods. In this manner, they abstracted from the particular to
the general. Contemporary histories, while focused mostly on explaining particular outcomes and
events, provide the building blocks for our general knowledge of the world. In this respect, they
function as case studies. 7
The clinical approach to psychology, social work, and applied linguistics rests on an in-depth
exploration of specific individuals, regarded as cases. Sigmund Freud’s case histories (e.g., “Anna
O”) were formative in establishing this tradition of investigation and reportage. Other case-based
researchers in the psychodynamic tradition include Erik Erikson, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Carl
Jung, Melanie Klein, and D.W. Winnicott. 8 There is also a long-established tradition of behavioral
research in psychology, stretching back to B.F. Skinner in the early twentieth century and including
both experimental and nonexperimental studies. 9 In applied linguistics, cases of interest are usually
composed of language learners, e.g., children or immigrants. Issues of interest include “lexis, syntax,
morphology, phonology, discourse-level features, pragmatics, narrative structure, reading and writing
processes, content-based language learning, social and linguistic identities, attitudes and motivation,
learning strategies, and anxiety” (Duff 2007: 35).
6 Glimpses of the history can be found in Adcock (2008), Bromley (1986: ch1), Brooke (1970), Dufour & Fortin (1992),
Feagin, Orum & Sjoberg (1991), Forrester (1996), Hamel (1993), Healy (1923), Platt (1992, 2007), Scholz & Tietje (2002:
ch 3), and the compendium provided in David (2005).
7 See the five-volume compendium, Oxford History of Historical Writing.
8 For psychology, see Bolgar (1965), Brown & Lloyd (2001), Corsini (2004), Fishman (1999), McLeod (2010), O’Neill
(1968), Radley & Chamberlain (2012), Robinson (2001), Sealey (2011), Wedding & Corsini (2013). For social work, see
Gilgun (1994), Lecroy (2014), Sheffield (1920), Stake (1995).
9 Benjamin (2006), Bromley (1986), Gast & Ledford (2009), Kaarbo & Beasley (1999), Oltmanns et al. (2014).
In medicine, the case history (aka medical history or anamnesis) extends back to the origins of
scientific study. Today, a patient’s case history generally records demographic information, personal
information (re: occupation, living arrangements, et al.), symptoms, history of any present illnesses,
general medical history, medical history of the patient’s family, medications, and specific allergies.
Published case studies often focus on patients whose frailties – or resilience – are not well-accounted
for by medical science. These anomalies are vigilantly recorded for further study. Examples may be
found in the Journal of Medical Case Reports and “Case Records from the Massachusetts General
Hospital,” a regular feature in the New England Journal of Medicine. 10 Epidemiologists, meanwhile,
construct case histories for every epidemic, while medical historians do the same for outbreaks in
the past. 11
In cultural anthropology, research has traditionally focused on groups (e.g., tribes, villages,
communities) or rituals (e.g., coming-of-age rituals). Forerunners of modern anthropology rested on
accounts by missionaries, military expeditions, and colonists. By the end of the nineteenth century,
anthropologists were conducting original fieldwork, generally targeted on “primitive” peoples
throughout the world. Leading exemplars include all the founding fathers of ethnography and of the
discipline that became known as cultural anthropology – Gregory Bateson, Franz Boas, Mary
Douglas, E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Bronislaw Malinowski, Margaret Mead, Gerhard Friedrich Mueller,
and Edward Sapir. 12
In sociology, a tradition of work known as urban sociology adapted ethnographic tools
developed by anthropologists to study urban areas, focusing especially on families, ethnic groups,
immigrants, gangs, or poor neighborhoods. A leading role in this movement was played by the
sociology department at the University of Chicago, which included (at various times) Herbert
Blumer, Ernest Burgess, Everett Hughes, George Herbert Mead, Robert Park, Robert Redfield,
William Thomas, and Louis Wirth, along with their students Howard Becker, Erving Goffman, and
Anselm Strauss. Many of the first research sites to deploy this fieldwork approach were located in
Chicago – hence the moniker, “Chicago school.” From there, the tradition expanded to other cities
in the United States and, eventually, to the rest of the world. 13
In the allied field of education, case studies have focused on modules or programs,
classrooms, schools, and universities (e.g., Bassey 1999; Cousin 2005; Crossley & Vulliamy 1984;
Delamont 1992; Hancock & Algozzine 2011; Simons 2009; Thomas 2011). In history and philosophy of
science, cases are often comprised of key anomalies, discoveries, or disagreements among scientists
(Burian 2001; Kuhn 1962/1970).
In political science, the tradition of case study research remains influential in most subfields
(Blatter & Haverland 2012; Rohlfing 2012). In international relations, case studies often focus on
10 Ankeny (2011, 2012, 2014), Aronson & Hauben (2006), Hunter (1991). The Oxford Case Histories series includes
titles such as neurological Case Histories, Oxford Case Histories in Cardiology, Oxford Case Histories in Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Oxford Case Histories in Neurosurgery, Oxford Case Histories in Respiratory Medicine, Oxford Case Histories in
Rheumatology, and Oxford Case Histories in TIA and Stroke.
11 Jenicek (2001), Keen & Packwood (1995), Mays & Pope (1995), Vandenbroucke (2001), Zimmer & Burke (2009).
Bernhard (2001), Eggan (1954), Eriksen & Nielsen (2001), Gluckman (1961), Mitchell (1983), Moore (2010),
Rosenblatt (1981), Small (2009). Case studies in forensic anthropology are surveyed in Steadman (2002).
13 Influential early works include Smith & White (1921), Thomas & Znaniecki (1918), Wirth (1928), and Whyte (1943).
For secondary accounts see Bulmer (1984), Hammersley (1989). See also Platt (1992), which focuses more broadly on
the development of sociology through the early to mid-twentieth century. For work in environmental science see Scholz
& Tietje (2002).
conflicts (including wars), crises, and international agreements. 14 In comparative politics, the units of
interest are typically nations, regions, or localities; but studies may also focus on political parties,
interest groups, or events such as coups or elections (Collier 1993; Nissen 1998). In public
administration, case studies often focus on particular agencies, programs, or decisions (Bailey 1992;
Bock 1962; Jensen & Rodgers 2001; U.S. General Accounting Office 1990). In urban politics,
studies generally focus on municipalities and machines (Nicholson-Crotty & Meier 2002).
In comparative-historical research, a field that encompasses both sociology and political science,
the cases of interest are macro-level units such as states, religions, or societies. Alexis de Tocqueville,
Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber are regarded as founders of this influential cross-
disciplinary genre. In the postwar years, influential studies were produced by Seymour Martin Lipset,
Barrington Moore, Theda Skocpol, and Charles Tilly (Lange 2012; Mahoney & Rueschemeyer 2003;
Mahoney & Thelen 2015).
In the legal profession, jurists (lawyers and judges) examine the facts of a case to determine
what previous cases are most similar to it, and hence what precedents might apply. What is it a case
of? Naturally, there may be multiple ways of interpreting a case, especially a complex one, and
multiple precedents may apply. This is largely what legal argumentation is about, as articulated in
legal briefs and judicial decisions. In its essentials, legal reasoning is very similar to what one might
call case-classification in other fields. The difference is that the canny jurist only occasionally strives
to establish new ground – creating new theory of the law. While scientists strive for theoretical
novelty, jurists strive to maintain precedent. Innovation is disguised in the garb of the status quo
(Carter & Burke 2015).
In business, economics, management, and organization theory, case studies of firms, organizations,
sectors, and networks (clusters) remain central to the adjoining fields of marketing and business, as
well as to the development of new institutional economics, as evidenced in work by Alfred
Chandler, Ronald Coase, N.S.B. Gras, Avner Greif, Michael Porter, and Oliver Williamson. 15
Likewise, case studies of countries and regions remain a staple of economic history as practiced by
Stanley Engerman, Alexander Gerschenkron, Charles Kindleberger, Douglass North, Kenneth
Sokoloff, and others (Cipolla 1991; Kindleberger 1990; Mokyr 2003). More recently, macro-
economic work by Dani Rodrik (2003) has focused on the conjunctural quality of growth, requiring
attention to specific national trajectories. Even work on the relationship between trade policy and
growth integrates in-depth case analysis with crossnational regression evidence (Srinivasan &
Bhagwati 1999; Stiglitz 2002, 2005; Vreeland 2003).
To survey our topic in a more systematic fashion I undertake several content analyses. First, I search
for mentions of “case study” in the Google Books archive, which includes millions of books
published from 1500 to the present. Usage of this key term shows a striking upward trend beginning
in the 1920s and accelerating in the postwar decades, as shown in Figure 1.1.
14 Bennett & Elman ( 2007), Elman & Elman (2001), George & Bennett (2005: appendix), Harvey & Brecher (2002),
Levy (2008), Levy & Goertz (2007), Maoz et al. (2004), Sprinz & Wolinsky-Nahmias (2004), Tetlock & Belkin (1996).
International political economy is surveyed in Odell (2004); Lawrence, Devereaux & Watkins (2005).
15 Alston (2008), Benbasat et al. (1987), Bonoma (1985), Dul & Hak (2007), Eisenhardt (1989), Ellram (1996), Grass &
Larson (1939), Hartley (1994), Jones & Zeitlin (2010), Piekkari, Welch & Paavilainen (2009), Woodside & Wilson (2003),
Woodside (2010).
Figure 1.1: Frequency of “Case study” in Google Books
Table 1.1: Most-cited Studies in Web of Science
AN EC PS SO Total Mean
Case study 14 1 11 4 30 7.50
Mixed 1 0 5 1 7 1.75
Cross-case study 17 15 21 19 72 18.00
Other 68 84 63 76 291 72.75
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 400 100.00
Most-cited studies in four disciplines, 1965-2014, as reported by Web of Science. AN =anthropology (cultural and
physical), archaeology. EC =economics, business, management. PS=political science, international affairs, public
administration. SO=sociology, demography, cultural studies, gender studies, ethnic studies, racial studies.
Among the 100 most-cited studies in these four disciplinary areas, the residual category is by
far the most common, suggesting that especially influential social science studies are generally not
empirical in the usual sense. Next in citations are cross-case studies, constituting nearly one-fifth of
the total. Case studies rank third in this typology, mustering 7.5% of all studies surveyed. Here, there
is considerable variation in the prevalence of case studies, with anthropology and political science
showing more enthusiasm for the case study format than economics and sociology. Mixed-method
studies barely register in this analysis except for in political science, where five percent are so
By the benchmark of journal citations, the case study format holds up well when contrasted
with its cross-case cousin, at least in anthropology and political science. Leaving aside those studies
classified as “other,” case studies and mixed-method studies are, considered together, almost as
numerous as cross-case studies in these disciplines (though not in economics and sociology). It is
worth noting that the “cross-case” category is enormously heterogeneous, including all manner of
experimental and observational data analysis. Even so, this category of work is only slightly more
numerous than case studies/mixed-method studies within anthropology and political science. 16
Bibliometric analyses focused on political science journals find a similar set of results.
Herron & Quinn (2015) report that “case study” (and analogs) generates more hits among the very
top political science journals than techniques associated with cross-case analysis such as “probit,”
“instrumental variable,” “field experiment” (though not the all-purpose term “regression”).
To define a methodological subject one needs to have a sense of what is typical but also of what is
exemplary. What is it that we have in mind when we say a study is a “case study”? What are the
16 Note also that this sampling procedure may subtly discriminate against case study work. If article-writers are more
familiar with articles than with books, as we suspect, they are more likely to cite articles than books. Given that the book
format is generally preferred by case study researchers, the Web of Science citation count may under-represent the
influence of case study research in the social sciences today.
An extensive compilation of case studies is provided in Table 1.2. Although lengthy (n=??),
this is but a tiny sample of the case studies produced in the social sciences. Nonetheless, it helps to
clarify the topic at hand, illustrating the variety and scope of this much-practiced genre.
This table contains a good deal of information on various dimensions of case study research.
As such, it will be referred to repeatedly throughout the book. That is, each topic addressed in the
book will draw examples selectively from the table. Likewise, most of the examples of case study
research that are discussed in the book can also be found in this table.
Since it is not a random sample, it is important to clarify how this list of exemplars was
constructed and what sorts of biases it might reflect.
The sample represents all the major disciplines of the social sciences including anthropology
(n=8), demography (n=2), economics, business, management (n=18), history (n=12), linguistics
(n=1), political science (n=71), psychology (n=2), public health (n=1), sociology (n=28). This skewed
distribution reflects the prominence of case studies in different fields but also, more crucially, my
uneven acquaintance with the various fields of the social sciences.
Some exemplars are quite recent and others hark back to the turn of the twentieth century,
coincident with the professionalization of the core disciplines – anthropology, economics, history,
political science, and sociology. Both “pure” case studies and multi- method studies are included.
In selecting studies, I privilege those with demonstrable influence in a field or subfield
(“classics”), those that have become touchstones in methodological discussion of the case study
method, and those that provide diversity in topic, method of case-selection, method of analysis,
theory, or disciplinary background. (Diversity implies non-redundancy: if several studies are very
similar, only one is likely to be included.)
The inclusion of study on this list should not be taken as an indication that I endorse the
writer’s findings or even her methodological choices. It means only that a work serves as “a good
example of A.” The point of the exemplar is to illustrate a specific methodological issue, not to
portray the state of research in a given field. Many of these studies will be familiar to readers of
other methodological texts, where they have been chewed over. The replication of familiar examples
should serve to enhance methodological understanding of difficult points, as recurrence to familiar
cases enhances clarity and consensus in the law.
More specifically, inclusion in Table 1.2 is not contingent on inferential goodness, so
placement in this table should not be interpreted to mean that a study has strong claims to internal
or external validity. These matters are difficult to evaluate and would require extensive discussion
(see Chapters 9-10). In any case, the contribution of a case study to knowledge of a subject is often
exploratory (e.g., the elaboration of a new theory) rather than confirmatory (to test an extant
hypothesis). As such, solid claims to validity may not be their most important feature.
Column 1 lists the author(s), publication date, and title for a study, or set of closely related
studies, e.g., an article and book version of the same analysis. (If several studies are listed, citation
counts in Column 3 record those for the most cited work.)
Column 2 lists the main author’s primary disciplinary field, categorized as follows:
• Anthropology (AN, n=8)
• Demography (DE, n=2)
• Economics, business, and management (EC, n=18)
• History (HI, n=12)
• Linguistics (LI, n=1)
• Political science (PS, n=71)
• Public health (PH, n=1)
• Psychology (PY, n=2)
• Sociology (SO, n=28)
All social science disciplines are represented, though by no means equally.
Column 3 provides a crude signal of scholarly influence – the number of hits a study obtains
in Google Scholar. Bear in mind that some studies are older than others, and thus benefit from a
longer time-period over which to accrue citations. It is clear in any case that our assemblage includes
some extremely influential studies, including several that have helped to establish new research
paradigms. The average (mean) number of citations for studies in our sample is over 2,000.
Columns 4-5 note whether case-selection was carried out by application of an algorithm (a
“quantitative” approach) or an informal method (a “qualitative” approach). The latter approach
dominates (constituting nearly 95% of the total sample), though the use of algorithms is becoming
more common over time. For further discussion of this issue see Chapter 6.
Columns 6-7 describe the cases under intensive study – the phenomena of theoretical
interest and the number of cases (n). Most case studies focus on a small number of cases. The
median in our sample is ?? and the mean is just over 5. If there are additional “shadow” cases that
can be easily identified these are listed after the slash. (Typically, shadow cases enter the narrative in
an ad hoc manner and are therefore not easy to identify.)
Columns 8-9 record whether a quantitative cross-case or within-case analysis is performed in
the study. Quantitative refers here to a large-n research design where inference rests on logic (e.g.,
QCA), a Bayesian framework, sampling-based framework (frequentist statistics), or randomization
inference. (I assume that informal, qualitative styles of cross-case and within-case analyses are
applied in any case study analysis, so this is not featured in Table 1.2.) If quantitative cross-case
analysis is applied the study may be classified as multimethod (see Chapter 7) – a relative rare
research design, constituting 13% of the sample. Quantitative within-case analysis is somewhat more
common, constituting nearly one-fifth of the sample.
The final columns (10-14) note the sources that the case study draws on, classified as
ethnography or participant-observation (23%), unstructured interview (31%), survey or census (15%),
primary (69%), or secondary (42%). These categories are not mutually exclusive; indeed, most studies
employ more than one type of source.
Summary statistics for each column – including mean, median, total, and total (percentage) – are
listed at the bottom of the table, where appropriate.
Table 1.2: Exemplars
Cross Within Ethno Inter Sur Prim Seco
Field Cites Quant Qual Phenomena n Case case graphy view vey ary ndary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
● Abadie & Gardeazabal (2003) Costs of Conflict EC 867 ● Spanish regions 1/17 ● ●
● Acemoglu et al. (2003) African Success Story EC 638 ● Economic development 1 ● ● ●
● Adamson (2001) Democratization PS 53 ● Foreign policies 1 ●
● Alesina et al (2001) Why Doesn’t US Have Welfare State? EC 824 ● Welfare state 1 ● ●
● Allen (1965) Nazi Seizure of Power HI 397 ● Towns 1 ● ● ● ●
● Allison & Zelikow (1999) Essence of Decision PS 9,113 ● Foreign crises 1 ● ●
● Almond & Verba (1963) Civic Culture PS 12,679 ● Political cultures 5 ● ● ●
● Alperovitz (1996) Decision to Use Atomic Bomb PS 409 ● Nuclear deploy. 1 ● ●
● Alston et al. (1996) Property Rights EC 390 ● Brazilian states 2 ● ●
● Amenta (1991) Theories of Welfare State American Experience SO 40 ● Welfare states 1 ●
● Anderson (1974) Lineages of Absolutist State HI 2,508 ● Nation-building 10 ● ●
● Aymard (1982) From Feudalism to Capitalism in Italy HI 22 ● Capitalism 1 ●
● Banfield (1958) Moral Basis of Backward Society PS 3,882 ● Villages 1 ● ●
● Becker (1961) Boys in White SO 3,142 ● Medical schools 1 ● ●
● Belich (2010) Exploding Wests HI 5 ● Colonialism 7 ●
● Bendix (1978) Kings or People SO 664 ● Nation-building 5 ● ●
● Benedict (1934) Patterns of Culture AN 5,571 ● Cultures 3 ●
● Bennett et al. (1994) Burden-sharing in the Persian Gulf War PS 90 ● Alliances 1 ● ●
● Bunce (1981) Do New Leaders Make a Difference PS 114 ● Succession 2 ● ● ● ●
● Caldwell (1986) Routes to Low Mortality DE 1,022 ● Mortality 3 ● ● ●
● Campbell (1968/1988) Connecticut Crackdown PY 384 ● Speeding laws 1 ● ●
● Chandler (1962) Strategy and Structure EC 1,427 ● Firms 4 ● ● ●
● Childs et al. (2005) Tibetan Fertility Transitions DE 19 ● Demog transitions 3 ● ● ●
● Coase (1959) Federal Communications Commission EC 1,410 ● Agencies 1 ● ● ●
● Collier & Collier (1991) Shaping the Political Arena PS 2,171 ● State-labor relations 8 ●
● Collier, Sambanis (2005a, b) Understanding Civil War PS 430 ● Civil wars 21 ● ● ●
● Cornell (2002) Autonomy as a Source of Conflict PS 256 ● Ethnic groups 9 ● ●
● Curtiss (1977) Psycholinguistic Study of "Wild Child” PY 933 ● Human development 1 ●
● Dafoe & Kelsey (2014) Observing the Capitalist Peace PS 2 ● Nation dyads 6 ● ●
● Dahl (1961) Who Governs? PS 5,810 ● Cities 1 ● ● ●
● David (1985) Clio and the Economics of QWERTY EC 6,473 ● Path dependence 1 ●
● Dobbin (1994) Forging Industrial Policy SO 745 ● Industrial policies 3 ●
● Downing (1992) Military Revolution and Political Change PS 398 ● Statebuilding 7 ●
● Dreze & Sen (1989) China and India EC 2,936 ● Economic development 2 ● ●
● Duneier (1999) Sidewalk AN ?? ● Sidewalks 1 ●
● Dunlavy (1994) Politics and Industrialization HI 125 ● Industrial policies 2 ●
● Dunning (2008) Crude Democracy PS 395 ● Democratization 5 ● ● ● ● ● ●
● Epstein (1964) A Comparative Study of Canadian Parties PS 113 ● Party systems 2 ●
● Evans (1995) Embedded Autonomy SO 5,281 ● Economic development 3 ● ●
● Fairfield (2013, 2015) Going Where Money Is PS 7 ● Tax reform proposals 32 ● ● ●
● Fearon & Laitin (2008, 2014, 2015) Random Narratives PS 25 ● Civil wars 25 ● ● ●
● Fenno (1977, 1978) Home Style PS 2,141 ● MPs and districts 17 ● ●
● Fiorina (1977) Congress PS 1,866 ● US leg. Districts 2 ●
● Friedman & Schwartz (1963) Monetary History of US EC 6,208 ● Monetary policy 1 ● ●
● Geertz (1963) Peddlers and Princes AN 977 ● Towns 2 ● ●
● Geertz (1978) Bazaar Economy AN 892 ● Communities 1 ●
● George & Smoke (1974) Deterrence in US Foreign Policy PS 894 ● Crises 11 ● ●
● Goldstone (1991) Revolution and Rebellion SO 994 ● Revolutions 4 ● ●
● Gouldner (1954) Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy SO 3,075 ● Factories 1 ● ● ●
● Gourevitch (1986) Politics in Hard Times PS 1,112 ● Economic crises 5 ● ●
● Haber (2010) Politics, Banking, and Economic Development HI 3 ● Banking systems 3 ●
● Handlin (1941) Boston’s Immigrants HI 488 ● Cities 1 ●
● Harding et al. (2002) Study of Rampage School Shootings SO 77 ● School shootings 2 ● ●
● Heclo (1974) Modern Social Policies in Britain and Sweden PS 1,920 ● Social policies 2 ● ●
● Homans (1951) Human Group SO 4,633 ● Groups 5 ●
● Howard (2003) Weakness Civil Society in Post-Communist PS 1,284 ● Civil society 2 ● ● ●
● Hsieh & Romer (2001) Was Federal Reserve Fettered? EC 19 ● Monetary expansions 1 ● ●
● Hunter (1953) Community Power Structure SO 2,393 ● Cities 1 ●
● Immergut (1992) Health Politics PS 1,008 ● Health policy 3 ● ●
● Johnson (1983) MITI and the Japanese Miracle PS 3,185 ● Industrial policies 1 ● ●
● Kalyvas (1996) Christian Democracy in Europe PS 556 ● Christian demo parties 6 ● ●
● Kanter (1977) Men and Women of the Corporation SO 11,950 ● Corporations 1 ●
● Karl (1997) Paradox of Plenty PS 1,892 ● Economic development 5/1 ● ●
● Kaufman (1960) Forest Ranger PS 1,073 ● Agencies 1 ●
● Kemp (1986) Urban Spatial Conflict SO 5 ● Local ethnic conflict 1 ● ● ●
● Key (1949) Southern Politics in State and Nation PS 3,238 ● US States 11 ● ● ● ● ●
● Khong (1992) Analogies at War PS 564 ● Crises 4 ● ●
● Kindleberger (1996) World Economic Primacy EC 213 ● Economic development 8 ●
● Kitschelt (1986) Political Opportunity Structures & Protest PS 1,760 ● Social movements 4 ● ●
● Kocher, Monteiro (2015) What’s in a Line? PS 0 ● Devolution 1 ● ● ●
● Kohli (2004) State-Directed Development PS 723 ● Industrial policies 4 ●
● Kuehn (2013) Game Theory Models & Process Tracing PS 3 ● Civil-military rel. 2 ● ●
● Lane (1962) Political Ideology PS 695 ● Workers 18 ●
● Lange (2009) Lineages of Despotism and Development SO 69 ● ● Economic development 4/11 ● ● ● ●
● Le Roy Ladurie (1978) Montaillou HI 384 ● Peasant cultures 1 ●
● Lerner (1958) Passing of Traditional Society PS 4,912 ● Societies 1 ●
● Levi (1988) Of Rule and Revenue PS 1,821 ● Fiscal policy 4 ●
● Lewis (1959) Five Families AN 1,026 ● Families 5 ●
● Lieberman (2003) Politics of Taxation Brazil, South Africa PS 172 ● Fiscal policy 2 ● ● ● ●
● Lijphart (1968) Politics of Accommodation PS 2,026 ● Ethnic conflict 1 ● ● ● ●
● Linz & Stepan (1978a, 1978b) Breakdown Demo. Regimes PS 1,765 ● Dem breakdowns 11 ●
● Lipset et al. (1956) Union Democracy SO 1,211 ● Union democracy 1 ● ●
● Luebbert (1991) Liberalism, Fascism, or Social Democracy PS 356 ● Regime-types 15 ●
● Lutfey & Freese (2005) SES & Health in Routine Clinic SO 144 ● Clinics 2 ● ●
● Lynd & Lynd (1929) Middletown SO 2,199 ● Cities 1 ● ● ● ●
● Madrigal et al. (2011) Community-Based Org’s EC 20 ● Water agencies 4 ● ● ● ●
● Mahoney (2002) Legacies of Liberalism PS 337 ● Regime-types 5 ●
● Mansfield & Snyder (2005) Electing to Fight PS 627 ● Conflicts 10 ● ●
● Martin (1992) Coercive Cooperation PS 700 ● Sanctions 4 ● ● ●
● Martin (2008) Permanent Tax Revolt SO ?? ● Tax revolts 1 ● ● ● ● ●
● McAdam (1982) Political Process & Black Insurgency SO 4,534 ● Social movements 1 ● ● ●
● Michels (1911) Political Parties SO 4,231 ● Parties 2 ●
● Miguel (2004) Tribe or Nation: Kenya v. Tanzania EC 326 ● Nation-building 2 ● ● ●
● Mondak (1995) Newspapers and Political Awareness PS 95 ● Cities 2 ● ● ●
● Moore (1966) Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy SO 6,573 ● Regime-types 8 ●
● North & Weingast (1989) Constitutions & Commitment EC 3,462 ● Limited govt 1 ● ●
● Ostrom (1990) Governing the Commons PS 20,073 ● Common pool res ~14 ● ● ●
● Pearce (2002) Integrating Survey & Ethnographic Methods SO 47 ● Fertility 28 ● ● ● ● ●
● Peters & Waterman (1982) In Search of Excellence EC 17,443 ● Firms 43 ● ●
● Pincus (2011) 1688: First Modern Revolution HI 247 ● Revolutions 1 ● ●
● Pinfari (2012) Peace Negotiations and Time PS 5 ● Negotiations 4 ● ● ●
● Porter (1990) Competitive Advantage of Nations EC 31,857 ● Economic development 10 ●
● Posner (2004) Political Salience of Cultural Difference PS 376 ● Ethnic groups 4 ● ● ● ●
● Putnam (1993) Making Democracy Work PS 29,712 ● Italian regions 20 ● ● ● ●
● Raaflaub et al. (2007) Origins of Democracy HI 9 ● Democratization 1
● ●
● Ray (1993) Wars between Democracies PS 157 ● Wars 5 ● ●
● Reilly (2000/2001) Democracy, Ethnic Fragmentation PS 80 ● Regime-types 1 ● ●
● Richards (2011) Cultural Explanations of War AN 8 ● Wars 2 ●
● Romer & Romer (2010) Effects of Tax Changes EC 800 ● Fiscal policy 1 ● ●
● Rosenbaum & Silber (2001) Matching PH 50 ● Patients 76 ● ●
● Rosenberg (1991) Hollow Hope PS 2,761 ● Legal cases 2 ●
● Ross (2004) How Do Natural Resources Influence Civil War PS 566 ● Civil wars 13 ● ●
● Rueschemeyer et al. (1992) Capitalist Development SO 2,727 ● Regime-types 22 ● ●
● Sagan (1993) Limits of Safety PS 876 ● Nuclear accidents 4 ●
● Sahlins (1958) Social Stratification in Polynesia AN 726 ● Societies 17 ● ●
● Schattschneider (1935) Politics, Pressures and the Tariff PS 740 ● Tariff bills 1 ● ● ●
● Scheper-Hughes (1992) Death w/out Weeping AN 2,494 ● Poor communities 1 ● ●
● Schmidt (1983) Interaction, Acculturation, Acquisition LI 515 ● 2d-lang. learners 1 ● ●
● Schultz (2001) Democracy and Coercive Diplomacy PS 590 ● Crises 4 ● ●
● Scott (1998) Seeing Like a State PS 8,634 ● Policy failures 6 ● ● ●
● Selznick (1949) TVA and the Grass Roots SO 3,260 ● Agencies 1 ● ●
● Shaw (1930) The Jack Roller SO 654 ● Delinquents 1 ●
● Shefter (1977) Party and Patronage PS 237 ● Party systems 3/2 ●
● Simmons (1994) Who Adjusts PS 348 ● Econ policy crises 3 ● ● ●
● Skendaj (2014) International Insulation from Politics PS 2 ● Agencies 4 ● ● ●
● Skocpol (1979) States and Social Revolutions SO 5,227 ● Revolutions 3/6 ●
● Snow (1849) Communication of Cholera PH 1,369 ● City blocks N/A ● ● ●
● Snyder & Borghard (2011) Cost of Empty Threats PS 78 ● Crises 4 ● ● ●
● Sombart (1906) Why No Socialism in United States? SO 356 ● Socialism 1 ●
● Tannenwald (1999, 2007) Nuclear Taboo PS 480 ● Nuclear-use occasions 4 ● ●
● Taylor (1911) Principles of Scientific Management EC 13,344 ● Industrial plants 3 ● ●
● Teorell (2010) Determinants of Democratization PS 153 ● Regime-types 14 ● ●
● Thompson (1963) Making of English Working Class HI 9,584 ● Class formation 1 ● ●
● Tilly (1964) The Vendée SO 274 ● Counter-rev’s 1 ● ●
● Tsai (2007) Accountability without Democracy PS 227 ● Village governance 4 ● ● ● ●
● Uphoff (1992) Learning from Gal Oya PS 467 ● Irrigation projects 1 ●
● Useem & Goldstone (2002) Riot & Reform U.S. Prisons SO 32 ● Prisons 2 ● ●
● Vaughan (1996) Challenger Launch Decision SO ?? ● Space launches 1 ● ● ● ●
● Wade (1997) How Infrastructure Agencies Motivate Staff PS 71 ● Irrigation agencies 2 ●
● Walter (2002) Committing to Peace PS 821 ● Civil wars 2 ● ● ● ●
● Warner & Lunt (1941) Yankee City AN 239 ● Cities 1 ● ●
● Weber (1979) Peasants into Frenchmen HI 3,367 ● Nation-building 1 ●
● Weinstein (2007) Inside Rebellion PS 771 ● Rebel groups 4 ● ● ● ● ● ●
● Whyte (1943) Street Corner Society SO 5,501 ● Gangs 3 ●
● Wilson (1889) The State PS 268 ● Constitutions 10 ● ●
● Wood (2000) Forging Democracy from Below PS 353 ● Regime-types 2 ● ●
● Ziblatt (2004, 2008) Rethinking Origins of Federalism PS 36 ● Centralization 2 ●
● Mean 2,332 5.1
● Median $ $
● Total (n=143) 9 135 740 19 27 32 45 22 98 60
● Total (%) 6.3 94.4 13.3 19 22.5 31 15.4 69 42
This chapter has surveyed the genre known as case study research. Our survey included a discursive
analysis of the major social science disciplines, and bibliometric analyses of Google Books and Web
of Science. Rising to prominence in the early twentieth century, case studies research designs are
today ubiquitous. Among our sample of most-cited studies in Web of Science, case studies
(considered together with multi-method studies) are roughly half as numerous as cross-case studies
(see Table 1.1). That is to say, one-third of the empirical studies that are widely influential in the
social sciences (as judged by citation counts) assume a case study format. The rest are classified as
cross-case in the sense of relying on a great many units, each of which is analyzed in a schematic
fashion (generally through some quantitative format).
I also presented a compilation of “exemplary” works, summarized in Table 1.2. These works
will be referred to repeatedly in the chapters to come. They constitute our empirical material, one
might say, and also serve to define our subject in an ostensive fashion, providing a segue to the next
chapter, devoted to formal definitions.
Thus far, I have used the term “case study” loosely, in conformance with everyday speech. Case
studies are fairly ubiquitous if one defines the subject in this catchall fashion, as we have seen.
However, people have many things in mind when they use this term. 17 Indeed, the concept is a
definitional morass. Confusion is compounded by the existence of a large number of near-synonyms
– single unit, single subject, single case, n=1, case-based, case-control, case history, case method,
case record, case work, within-case, clinical, and so forth.
The surfeit of meaning attached to the case study is partly responsible for its methodological
disorganization. Proponents and opponents of the case study marshal a wide range of arguments but
do not seem any closer to agreement than when this debate was first broached several decades ago.
Perhaps this is not surprising, given that they are often talking about different things. 18
For purposes of methodological discussion it is essential to adopt a lexicon where terms are
clearly and consistently delineated. Of course, it could be that topics associated with the case study
meld into one another inconveniently, belying whatever distinctions one might wish to impose. I
shall endeavor to show that this sort of confusion need not arise if we are careful with our language.
Key Terms
In the present study, a case connotes a spatially delimited phenomenon (a unit) observed at a single
point in time or over some period of time. It may be a political unit with a defined area of semi-
sovereignty (e.g., empire, nation-state, region, municipality), organization (e.g., firm, non-
governmental organization, political party, school), social group (as defined, e.g., by ethnicity, race,
age, class, gender, or sexuality), event (e.g., foreign policy crisis, revolution, democratic transition,
decision-point), or individual (e.g., a biography, case history).
However a case is defined it must comprise the type of phenomenon that an argument
attempts to describe or explain. Thus, in a study that attempts to elucidate certain features of nation-
states, cases are comprised of nation-states (across some temporal frame). In a study that attempts to
explain the behavior of individuals cases are comprised of individuals. And so forth.
Whatever one’s chosen unit, the methodological issues attached to the case study have
nothing to do with the spatial size of the cases. A case may be created out of any phenomenon so
17 Various definitions are introduced and discussed in Blatter & Haverland (2012: 18-19), Flyvbjerg (2011), Platt (2007),
Ragin & Becker (1992), and Swanborn (2010: ch 1).
18 Platt (1992: 48) notes that “much case study theorizing has been conceptually confused, because too many different
themes have been packed into the idea ‘case study.’” Elsewhere in this perceptive article, Platt (1992: 37) comments: “the
diversity of the themes which have been associated with the term, and the vagueness of some of the discussion, causes
some difficulty . . . In practice, ‘case study method’ in its heyday [in the interwar years] seems to have meant some
permutation of the following components: life history data collected by any means, personal documents, unstructured
interview data of any kind, the close study of one or a small number of cases whether or not any attempt was made to
generalize from them, any attempt at holistic study, and non-quantitative data analysis. These components have neither a
necessary logical nor a regular empirical connection with each other.”
long as it has identifiable boundaries and comprises the primary object of an argument (what the
argument is about).
As it happens, the spatial boundaries of a case are often more apparent than its temporal
boundaries. We usually know (more or less) where a country’s borders lie even though we may have
difficulty specifying the date when that country began its existence. Sometimes, temporal boundaries
must be arbitrarily assigned. This is particularly important when cases consist of discrete events –
crises, revolutions, legislative acts, and so forth – within a single unit. Occasionally, the temporal
boundaries of a case are more obvious than its spatial boundaries. This is true when the phenomena
under study are eventful but the unit providing undergoing the event is amorphous. For example, if
one is studying terrorist attacks it may not be clear how the spatial unit of analysis should be
understood, but the events themselves may be well-bounded.
A case study is an intensive, observational study of a single case or a small number of cases
which also promises to shed light on a larger population of cases. Several clarifications and
implications of this definition may be briefly noted.
First, a case study is highly focused, meaning that considerable time is spent by the researcher
analyzing, and subsequently presenting, the chosen case(s) and the case is viewed as providing
important evidence for the argument. Proper nouns are employed (e.g., “Russia,” “World War
One,” “Stalin”). Ambiguity may arise from a study that references multiple cases in a brief fashion as
is common in synthetic studies by writers such as Jared Diamond, Samuel Finer, Samuel
Huntington, Paul Kennedy, Michael Mann, William McNeill, Karl Polanyi, Immanuel Wallerstein, or
Max Weber. 19 However, a highly schematic discussion of cases should not be mistaken for a case
study – although obviously this is a matter of degree.
Second, as the number of cases increases the attention devoted to each must decrease
(assuming the length of a study is fixed). At the point where the emphasis of a study shifts from the
individual case to a sample of cases the study may be described as cross-case. Evidently, this is a
continuum. The fewer cases there are, and the more intensively they are studied, the more a work
merits the appellation case study. The greater the number of cases, and the more superficially they are
studied, the more a work merits the appellation cross-case. Even so, the case study/cross-case study
contrast proves to be an essential distinction, and much follows from it. (Indeed, this entire book
follows from it.)
Third, evidence in case study research is not intentionally manipulated by the researcher and
in this sense is observational (nonexperimental). Note that where it is possible to manipulate a
treatment it is also usually possible to enlist a large number of cases, generating a cross-case format
that minimizes stochastic threats to inference and is therefore generally preferred. Although
experiments are occasionally conducted on a single case or a small number of cases, especially in the
field of psychology, issues of research design and analysis are quite distinct from those that arise
from observational settings (Davidson & Costello 1969; Kazdin 1982; Kennedy 2005). Thus, for
reasons of practice and practicality it makes sense to define case studies as an observational form of
analysis. That said, case studies may utilize data that exhibits characteristics of an experiment, i.e.,
where “nature” assigns a treatment in a random or as-if random fashion. I argue (see Chapters 2 and
5) that many research design properties of the case study are helpfully understood according to an
experimental template.
Fourth, one may also presume that a variety of styles of (observational) evidence are
employed in a case study, lending it a holistic flavor. Note that in order to describe or explain a small
number of cases it is desirable – one might even say necessary – to enlist a wide range of evidence. If
Diamond (1992), Finer (1997), Huntington (1968), Kennedy (1989), Mann (1986), McNeill (1963), Polanyi (1944),
the goal is causal inference, one cannot measure X and Y across one or several cases and infer a
causal relationship from that evidence alone. Case study evidence is also generally drawn from
different levels of analysis, a form of cross-level inference. Typically, researchers compare the chosen
case to others (a cross-case comparison), follow at least one case through time, and explore within-
case observations at a lower level of analysis (e.g., individuals within an organization). Typically,
some of this evidence is qualitative and some quantitative, as we shall discuss.
Fifth, the goal of a case study is partly to explain the case(s) under investigation and also, at
the same time, to shed light on a larger class of cases (a population). In order to qualify as a case
study it must be possible to put the study into a larger context – even if that was not the intention of
the author. This is tricky, given that virtually any topic may be considered from a more general
perspective. A study of the French Revolution may also be regarded as a case study of revolution.
Nonetheless, this move to generalize is what distinguishes a study of Y from a case study of Y. A general
study of France that tells us a great deal about that country – e.g., Theodore Zeldin’s (1973-1977)
multi-volume history – is not a case study. It becomes a case study only if there is an element of that
study that can be generalized. For example, Eugen Weber’s (1979) study of French history, Peasants
into Frenchmen, is often viewed as a case study of nation-formation. The studied unit is the same; but
the topic is more susceptible to generalization and this is why Weber’s study, but not Zeldin’s, would
normally be classified as a case study. Anyone claiming that Zeldin’s study is a case study would need
to show in what respect(s) it is generalizable. It must be a case of something. Note that the status of a
work may change as it is digested and appropriated by a community of scholars. What is regarded as
a “study” by the author may come to be regarded as a “case study” to subsequent researchers.
Sixth, there is considerable uncertainty about how well the the case(s) under study represents
a larger population. This is because the cases are few, the population of interest is generally large,
and the phenomena of interest are generally heterogeneous. While a chemist studying a single H20
molecule may feel comfortable in assuming that the behavior of that molecule is identical to other
H20 molecules, in social science settings one rarely finds phenomena of such consistency.
Consequently, to assert that a case(s) is representative of a larger population of cases is to assert
something that is plausible but also subject to doubt – not only about the representativeness of the
case but also about the boundaries of the larger population (for further discussion see Chapter 6).
Additional terms
factors of no theoretical interest which may affect X and Y and may therefore serve as confounders
A case may generate a single observation. This would be true, for example, in a cross-
sectional analysis of a large sample of cases. In a case study, however, the case under study always
provides more than one observation. These may be constructed by observing the case
longitudinally (through time) or by taking account of within-case observations at a lower level of
analysis. We refer to these two types of evidence as case-based.
Note that case studies and cross-case studies usually operate at different levels of analysis.
The case study is typically focused on longitudinal and within-case variation; if there is a cross-case
component it is usually secondary in importance to the case-based evidence. The cross-case study, as
the name suggests, is typically focused on cross-case variation, and perhaps also longitudinal
variation. If there is also within-case evidence it is secondary in importance. They have the same
object in view – the explanation of a population of cases – but they go about this task differently.
(For further discussion see Chapter 4.)
Sometimes, the distinction between cases and observations is ambiguous. Part of the
problem is in our notation, as “n” may refer either to cases or observations. Because our primary
focus is on the former, I shall employ n or N for the number of cases in a sample or population.
When referring to observations, I add a subscript – n obs or N obs.
But it is not simply a problem of notation. For example, Daniel Posner’s (2005) study of the
politicization of ethnic identity in southern Africa includes a survey of individuals – members of the
Chewa and Tumbukka ethnic groups in Malawi and Zambia (nobs=180). This provides fodder for a
regression analysis with individuals as the units of analysis. However, the treatment of theoretical
interest (relative group size) is at the group level. Likewise, individuals within each group share many
characteristics (clustering); they affect each other (violating the condition of non-interference); and
they are liable to a similar set of confounders. The research design is thus analogous to a clustered
experiment with only two clusters. For these reasons, I classify Posner’s study and others like it (e.g.,
Childs 2005; Miguel 2005; Mondak 1995) as case studies where groups are defined as cases (n=4)
rather than cross-case studies where individuals are regarded as cases (nobs=180). (As always, it pays
to look closely at the details of a research design and not just at the number of observations in a
statistical analysis.)
A sample consists of whatever cases are subjected to formal analysis. They are the
immediate subject of a cross-case study or case study. My use of the term does not imply (though it
does not exclude) random sampling, a technique for selecting cases.
The sample of cases rests within a population of cases to which a given proposition refers.
The population of an inference is thus equivalent to the breadth or scope of a proposition. It is
assumed that the chosen cases represent a larger population of cases; otherwise, the case(s) would
not be case(s) of anything other than itself.
For those familiar with the matrix format of a dataset it may be helpful to conceptualize
observations as rows, variables as columns, and cases as either groups of observations or individual
observations. Several possibilities are illustrated in the following tables: two cases (Table 2.1),
multiple cross-sectional cases (Table 2.2), and time-series cross-sectional cases (Table 2.3).
Table 2.1: Case Study Dataset with Two Cases
Obs 1.1
Obs 1.2
Obs 1.3
Obs 1.4
Obs 1.5
Obs 1.6
Obs 1.7
Obs 1.8
Obs 1.9
Obs 1.10
Case 1
Obs 1.11
Obs 1.12
Obs 1.13
Obs 1.14
Obs 1.15
Obs 1.16
Obs 1.17
Obs 1.18
Obs 1.19
Obs 1.20
Population Sample
Obs 2.1
Obs 2.2
Obs 2.3
Obs 2.4
Obs 2.5
Obs 2.6
Obs 2.7
Obs 2.8
Obs 2.9
Obs 2.10
Case 2
Obs 2.11
Obs 2.12
Obs 2.13
Obs 2.14
Obs 2.15
Obs 2.16
Obs 2.17
Obs 2.18
Obs 2.19
Obs 2.20
Table 2.2: Cross-Case Cross-sectional Dataset with Fifty Cases
Case 1 Obs 1
Case 2 Obs 2
Case 3 Obs 3
Case 4 Obs 4
Case 5 Obs 5
Case 6 Obs 6
Case 7 Obs 7
Case 8 Obs 8
Case 9 Obs 9
Case 10 Obs 10
Case 11 Obs 11
Case 12 Obs 12
Case 13 Obs 13
Case 14 Obs 14
Case 15 Obs 15
Case 16 Obs 16
Case 17 Obs 17
Case 18 Obs 18
Case 19 Obs 19
Case 20 Obs 20
Population Sample
Case 21 Obs 21
Case 22 Obs 22
Case 23 Obs 23
Case 24 Obs 24
Case 25 Obs 25
Case 26 Obs 26
Case 27 Obs 27
Case 28 Obs 28
Case 29 Obs 29
Case 30 Obs 30
Case 31 Obs 31
Case 32 Obs 32
Case 33 Obs 33
Case 34 Obs 34
Case 35 Obs 35
Case 36 Obs 36
Case 37 Obs 37
Case 38 Obs 38
Case 39 Obs 39
Case 40 Obs 40
Table 2.3: Time-Series Cross-Section Dataset
Obs 1.1 (T1)
Obs 1.2 (T2)
Case 1 Obs 1.3 (T3)
Obs 1.4 (T4)
Obs 1.5 (T5)
Obs 2.1 (T1)
Obs 2.2 (T2)
Case 2 Obs 2.3 (T3)
Obs 2.4 (T4)
Obs 2.5 (T5)
Obs 3.1 (T1)
Obs 3.2 (T2)
Case 3 Obs 3.3 (T3)
Obs 3.4 (T4)
Obs 3.5 (T5)
Obs 4.1 (T1)
Obs 4.2 (T2)
Case 4 Obs 4.3 (T3)
Obs 4.4 (T4)
Obs 4.5 (T5)
Population Sample
Obs 5.1 (T1)
Obs 5.2 (T2)
Case 5 Obs 5.3 (T3)
Obs 5.4 (T4)
Obs 5.5 (T5)
Obs 6.1 (T1)
Obs 6.2 (T2)
Case 6 Obs 6.3 (T3)
Obs 6.4 (T4)
Obs 6.5 (T5)
Obs 7.1 (T1)
Obs 7.2 (T2)
Case 7 Obs 7.3 (T3)
Obs 7.4 (T4)
Obs 7.5 (T5)
Obs 8.1 (T1)
Obs 8.2 (T2)
Case 8 Obs 8.3 (T3)
Obs 8.4 (T4)
Obs 8.5 (T5)
All these terms are definable only by reference to a particular proposition and a
corresponding research design. A country may function as a case, an observation, or a population. It
all depends upon what one is arguing. In a typical cross-country time-series regression analysis, cases
are countries and observations are country-years (e.g., Przeworski et al. 2000). However, shifts in the
level of analysis of a proposition necessarily change the referential meaning of all terms in the
semantic field. If one moves down one level of analysis the new population lies within the old
population, the new sample within the old sample, and so forth. Population, case, and observation
are nested within each other. Since most social science research occurs at several levels of analysis,
these terms are generally in flux. Nonetheless, they have distinct meanings within the context of a
single proposition.
Consider a survey-based analysis of respondents within a single country under several
scenarios. Under the first scenario, the proposition of interest pertains to individual-level behavior.
It is about how individuals behave. As such, cases are defined as individuals and this is properly
classified as a cross-case study. Now, let us suppose that the researcher wishes to use this same survey-
level data drawn from a single country to elucidate an inference pertaining to countries, rather than
individuals. Under this scenario, each poll respondent constitutes a within-case observation. If there
is only one country, or a few countries, under investigation – and the inference, as before, pertains
to multiple countries – then this study is properly classified as a case study. If many countries are
under study (with or without individual-level data), then it is properly classified as a cross-case study.
Again, the key questions are (a) how many cases are studied and (b) how intensively are they studied
– with the understanding that a “case” embodies the unit of concern in the main argument.
This chapter is devoted to defining terms – an especially important exercise in this setting, where
there is no settled meaning for many key concepts. To review, a case connotes a spatially delimited
phenomenon (a unit) observed at a single point in time or over some period of time. However a case
is defined it must comprise the type of phenomenon that an argument attempts to describe or
explain. A case study is an intensive study of a single case or a small number of cases which also
promises to shed light on a larger population of cases. An argument refers to the central point of a
study – what it is attempting to demonstrate or prove. The argument may be articulated in a formal
theory and may also be disaggregated into specific propositions or hypotheses. An observation is the most
basic element of any empirical endeavor. A single observation may be understood as containing
several dimensions, each of which may be measured (across disparate observations) as a variable –
assuming the observation is of a “matrix” sort. Where an argument is causal, we distinguish between
an outcome variable (Y, aka dependent variable), a causal factor (or condition) of theoretical interest (X),
and background factors of no theoretical interest which may affect X and Y and may therefore serve as
confounders (Z). A sample consists of whatever cases are analyzed. Our use of the term does not
imply (though it does not exclude) random sampling, a technique for selecting cases. The sample of
cases rests within a population of cases to which a given proposition refers. The population of an
inference is thus equivalent to the breadth or scope of a proposition. It is assumed that the chosen
cases represent a larger population of cases. Otherwise, the case(s) would not be case(s) of anything
other than itself.
Part I of the book surveyed and defined our subject matter. In this section of the book, I discuss
various ways in which a single case, or a small number of cases, may be selected for intensive
analysis. This chapter lays out a typology of case-selection strategies, while subsequent chapters
elaborate on these strategies and Chapter 6 (the last chapter in Part I) takes up the general topic of
algorithmic case-selection.
Many typologies of case selection have been proposed over the years, and a good deal of
progress can be discerned in successive studies of this subject. 20 Yet, extant typologies are not always
explicit about rules for case-selection that define each type in the typology; 21 they often conflate
disparate strategies of case selection; 22 and they sometimes employ overlapping (and therefore
indistinguishable) categories. In these respects, I hope to improve upon past efforts (including my
The organizing feature of the proposed typology, summarized in Table 3.1, is the goal that a
case study is intended to serve. Case studies serve a wide variety of functions and these functions
rightly structure the case-selection process. The most fundamental issue is whether the case study
aims for descriptive or causal inference. If the aim is causal, case studies may be further sub-divided
according to their specific function – exploratory, estimating, or diagnostic. An exploratory case study is
intended to identify a hypothesis (Hx) about the causes of Y. An estimating case study is intended to
estimate the causal effect of one factor on the outcome of interest (X→ 𝑌). A diagnostic case study
is intended to assess whether a hypothesis (broadly understood) is true; this may involve an
examination of measurement error, scope-conditions, causal heterogeneity, confounders, and
mechanisms. For each general aim or specific function there are several viable approaches to case
selection, indicated by bullet points in Column 1.
Column 2 in Table 3.1 specifies the number of cases (n) in the case study. It will be seen that
case studies enlist a minimum of one or two cases, with no clearly defined ceiling. This issue was
discussed briefly in Chapter 1 and will be taken up again in Chapter 3.
20 Many case-selection typologies have been proposed over the years. Mill (1843/1872) proposed the method of
difference (aka most-similar method) and method of agreement (aka most-different method), along with several others
that have not gained traction. Lijphart (1971: 691) proposes six case study types: a-theoretical, interpretative, hypothesis-
generating, theory-confirming, theory-infirming, and deviant. Eckstein (1975) identifies five species: configurative-
idiographic, disciplined-configurative, heuristic, plausibility probes, and crucial-case. Skocpol & Somers (1980) identify
three logics of comparative history: macro-causal analysis, parallel demonstration of theory, and contrast of contexts.
Gerring (2007a) and Seawright & Gerring (2008) identify nine techniques: typical, diverse, extreme, deviant, influential,
crucial, pathway, most-similar, and most-different. Levy (2008a) identifies five case study research designs: comparable,
most and least likely, deviant, and process tracing. Rohlfing (2012: ch3) identifies five case-types – typical, diverse, most-
likely, least-likely, and deviant – which are applied differently according to the purpose of the case study. Blatter &
Haverland (2012: 24-26) identify three explanatory approaches – covariational, process tracing, and congruence analysis
– each of which offers a variety of case-selection strategies.
21 For example, case studies described as atheoretical, configurative, idiographic, disciplined-configurative, heuristic, or
plausibility probe (Eckstein 1975; George & Bennett 2005: 75; Lijphart 1971) do not have well-defined methods for
identifying relevant cases.
22 Consider the three incarnations of most-similar analysis, as discussed below.
Column 3 clarifies which dimensions (factors) of a case are relevant for case-selection, i.e.,
descriptive features (D), the causal factor of theoretical interest (X), background factors of no
theoretical interest (Z), and/or the outcome (Y). (Each might be regarded as a single variable or a
vector of variables. However, since X and Y are usually treated as single variables I follow that
protocol here, unless otherwise specified.)
If selection is on Y, this means that the researcher knows the value of the outcome for cases
that are under consideration for intensive study, but not the values of X or Z. If selection is on Z
and Y, the researcher is assumed to know the values for these dimensions of the case, but not the
value for X. And so forth. In distinguishing different case selection techniques it is vital to clarify
what the researcher knows, ex ante, prior to conducting the case study. Some aspects of a case are
relevant for case-selection while other aspects are irrelevant, and perhaps even counterproductive
insofar as they may undermine the researcher’s goals in conducting the case study. For example, if
the goal of a case study is to estimate causal effects (for a population) it would be pointless to
choose cases based on their values for the outcome, Y. Such a procedure, known as “cherry-
picking,” would lead to an obviously biased estimate.
Column 4 specifies the criteria used to select a case(s) from a universe of possible cases.
Note that virtually all case selection strategies may be executed in an informal (“qualitative”) fashion
or by employing a (“quantitative”) algorithm. For example, a deviant case could be chosen based on
a researcher’s sense about which case(s) is poorly explained by extant theories. Or it might be
chosen by looking at residuals from a regression model. A full discussion of the pros and cons of
algorithmic case selection is undertaken in Chapter 6.
Table 3.1: Case-Selection Strategies
D = descriptive features (other than those to be described in a case study). H X = causal hypothesis of interest. P(H X)
= the probability of HX. X = causal factor(s) of theoretical interest. X→ 𝒀 = apparent or estimated causal effect, which
may be strong (high in magnitude) or weak. Y = outcome of interest. Z = vector of background factors that may affect
X and/or Y.
In the following chapters, I define each case selection strategy, provide a series of exemplars
(drawn from Table 1.2), and suggest ways in which a case(s) might be chosen from a large
population of potential cases with the use of an algorithm. Chapter 4 focuses on descriptive case
studies and Chapter 5 on causal case studies. But before we proceed to the nuts-and-bolts, it is
important to clarify the goals, limitations, and ambiguities of the typology, various omnibus criteria
that apply broadly across all (or most) case-selection strategies, and attempts to validate the
typological exercise.
2. The scope of the typology is intended to encompass case selection practices commonly
used within the social sciences (including borderline disciplines such as history and psychology). It
does not extend to case studies whose selection procedures are highly idiosyncratic.
3. The goal of the typology is primarily descriptive – to describe how case studies are
conducted. But it also contains some prescriptive elements. Once a researcher has defined the goal a
case study is intended to serve, I argue that there are a limited set of strategies available – identified
by bullet points in Table 3.1. Among these strategies, I discuss (very briefly) the assumptions that
undergird their employment, which may help researchers choose among them. However, the final
decision about which strategy to employ rests on upon contextual factors, i.e., the research question
or hypothesis and the empirical lay of the land – matters that it would be vain to speculate upon.
Suppose the research goal is to estimate a causal effect of X on Y. If a case(s) offers comparisons
before and after an intervention that are free of confounding one might decide to employ a
longitudinal design. If there are also well-matched comparison cases available one might prefer a
most-similar design. Since I cannot prejudge these contextual factors I cannot specify, a priori,
which of several case selection strategies might be most useful in a given context. All I can do is to
specify the possible options.
4. The typology encompasses cases deemed appropriate for intensive analysis, not those that
provide brief points of comparison for the case(s) of primary interest, i.e., shadow cases. 23
5. The typology is lengthy (though, I should add, most other typologies are similar in length).
While it would be pleasing to be able to reduce the complexity of case selection in case study
research to a small number of core strategies, this sort of reductionism may cause greater confusion
downstream by conflating goals or techniques that are, in important respects, distinct. For example,
I argue that there are three versions of the most-similar design – exploratory (selecting on ZY),
estimating (selecting on XZ), and diagnostic (selecting on XZY). Each serves quite different
functions and, because selection is on different factors, each is likely to result in quite different
choices. 24
6. The typology bears on the initial decision to select cases. Usually, this decision is informed
by a central objective, which I have classified as descriptive or causal and, if the latter, as exploratory,
estimating, or diagnostic. At the same time, we should recognize that once a case is chosen it is likely
to be exploited for all the information it can render. This includes possible hypotheses about Y
(which may be regarded as part of a total explanation or as rival explanations vis-à-vis a favored
hypothesis), and for each hypothesis, the causal effect, the mechanism, the scope-conditions,
possible causal heterogeneity, and potential confounders. Intensively studied cases are mined for
whatever information seems relevant to a research question. This is why in reading published case
23 One type of shadow case seems especially important, and perhaps under-utilized, and therefore worthy of a short
digression. If a hypothesis, Hx, suggests that X has a positive effect on Y, it is natural to focus on cases where X changes
(a “treatment” case) and perhaps also on cases where X does not but where background factors (Z) are similar (a
“control” case). This establishes the most-similar form of comparison, which we have discussed in exploratory,
estimating, and diagnostic settings. Another sort of comparison arises between the control case and additional cases that
exhibit similar values on X and Z. These cases serve a “placebo” function: since there is no exposure to the treatment
one would not expect a positive outcome for Y. If Y=1, the hypothesis is called into question; if Y=0, it is corroborated
(Glynn & Ichino 2015). I regard the placebo case as a shadow case because it seems less important than other cases in a
study, e.g., the treatment and control cases in a most-similar analysis. The main point of interest in a placebo case is the
values the case exhibits on X, Z, and Y – not the process connecting X with Y. Likewise, disparate results – where a
placebo effect is found – do not necessarily falsify the hypothesis, as such a result might be credited to stochastic factors.
This is a good illustration of how the incorporation of shadow cases approaches the conventional cross-case mode of
investigation – where a large number of cases are analyzed in a schematic fashion.
24 I preserve the common term (most-similar) in order to emphasize the common theme – similarity on Z – and also to
avoid further confusion that might ensue if I invented neologisms for each of these strategies.
studies it is often difficult to discern the initial goal and technique of case-selection – unless the
author is scrupulous in revealing this information, as discussed below.
7. Researchers occasionally wish their chosen cases to perform multiple functions, building
this into their case-selection criteria from the very beginning. For example, in work focused on the
causes of civil war, Paul Collier & Nicholas Sambanis (2005a, 2005b) choose cases that maximize
variation along several independent variables of interest – regime-type, violence, ethnic
fragmentation, and resource dependence (diverse cases). Next, they select countries that fit their
cross-case model (pathway cases) and countries that do not (deviant cases) (Sambanis 2004: 6). Other
examples of “composite” case selection strategies are not hard find (Fairfield 2013, 2015; Ostrom
1990; Pinfari 2012). However, the combination of multiple conflicting criteria in a selection of cases
is relatively rare, and likely to remain so. In selecting a small basket of cases one is forced to
prioritize among various goals. Indeed, the examples of composite case selection that I have been
able to find generally employ a fairly large basket of cases (typically, upwards of a dozen) – qualifying
these studies as medium-n (for further discussion of medium-n samples see Chapter 6).
8. Case selection sometimes occurs across several levels. For example, Fairfield (2013, 2015)
first selects countries and then tax reform proposals within a specified period for each country. The
latter are referred to as cases because they constitute the sort of event her theory tries to explain.
However, the selection of countries – Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile – gets little attention. If cases are
chosen at several levels, each level constitutes a distinct case-selection event, and deserves to be
treated as such. For heuristic purposes, this book assumes that there are only two levels of analysis –
the case level and the within-case level. But researchers can appreciate that things are often much
more complicated.
9. The status of a case may change during the course of a researcher’s investigation, which
may last for years. For example, one might choose a single outcome case and later add a second case
to form a most-similar analysis. If cases are not chosen all at once there is an issue of sequencing to
resolve. Likewise, one might choose an outcome case and later decide that it conforms to a
longitudinal design. Here, the case(s) remain the same but the description of the case(s) changes. For
example, Collier & Sambanis (2005a: 27) note that their case selection guidelines “changed
somewhat over time, as we moved away from the idea of using cases to test the theory and toward
the idea of using the cases to develop theory and explore other issues such as mechanisms,
sequences, measurement, and unit homogeneity.” 25 The changing status of a case is virtually
inevitable when the researcher starts out in an exploratory mode. Exploratory methods of case
selection are quite vague, and are likely to morph into diagnostic designs once a specific hypothesis
has been identified.
10. This derives from an important feature of case study research: case selection and case
analysis are enmeshed. Indeed, the terms “case selection” and “research design” are virtually
interchangeable. Choosing a case implies a method of analysis, but it does not entirely determine
that method of analysis. Because case selection methods also describe methods of analysis it is useful
to state the role of a case, ex post. If a case chosen for one purpose ends up serving another purpose,
this is important information. And it need not cause confusion – so long as the researcher is careful
to distinguish between the ex ante method of case selection and the ex post method of case analysis
(e.g., Fairfield 2015: 300).
11. This raises a final issue, that of transparency. Researchers should be clear about how they
chose their cases and about any changes in their treatment of those cases as the research progresses.
As Alan Stuart (1984; quoted in Henry 1990: 29) remarks, “The sample itself can never tell us
25For another example of cases whose research design uses morph during the course of a case study, see Flyvbjerg
whether the process that engendered it was free from bias. We must know what the process of
selection was if we are not forever to be dogged by the shadow of selection bias.” Unfortunately,
many researchers are not as forthright as Collier/Sambanis and Fairfield. This is especially true for
older studies, where methodological issues are generally not front-and-center.
Several features enhance ambiguity. First, researchers sometimes mean different things when
they invoke case-study terms, and rarely do authors differentiate between versions of the same
generic design (e.g., most-similar exploratory, estimating, and diagnostic designs). Second, it is
sometimes difficult to differentiate studies whose main purpose is descriptive from those whose
main purpose is causal. This is because arguments are often rather loosely framed and may include a
mixture of both elements. It is also because many case study researchers adopt a rather diffuse
vision of causality (see Chapter 9). Third, it is often difficult to tell which features of the cases were
known to the author prior to case-selection. For example, it is often unclear when a researcher
selected on X and when she selected on X and Y. 26
Thus, in classifying studies within the typology, as I do in subsequent chapters, I was often
forced to apply my own intuition about the method of case-selection that best accounts for the
author’s choices. Others may disagree. This is a solvable problem insofar as writers can do a better
job of clarifying the technique they employed to select the chosen case, or cases, as discussed in
Chapter 9.
Omnibus Criteria
The typology summarized in Table 3.1 focuses on features that differentiate case selection strategies.
We should not lose sight of the fact that case selection also has some generic features. These
“omnibus” criteria include: intrinsic importance, case independence, within-case evidence, logistics, and
To say that these criteria apply broadly is not to say that they are always applicable.
Sometimes, the intrinsic importance of a case plays no part in its selection, for example. A more
disturbing situation occurs when a criterion plays an important role in case selection that is left un-
mentioned by the researcher. One suspects that logistical considerations are often repressed, since it
is deemed unseemly for case-selection to be driven by convenience.
Intrinsic Importance
The selection of cases is often influenced by the perceived importance of a case. Some cases – such
as world wars, genocides, key inventions, revolutions – matter more than others because they have
an obvious world-historical significance. Others matter because they are important for a specific
group of readers. I presume that every social group or organization is interested in its own history,
and this may justify the choice of cases.
If this is the primary, or only, concern the resulting study may be described as idiographic
(Eckstein 1975; Levy 2008a; Lijphart 1971). Such studies appear to disavow any claims to generality
and are thus not case studies by our definition (see Chapter 2). However, sometimes cases chosen
for idiographic reasons result in insights that have broader applicability. So the selection of a case, by
itself, does not determine its future status as a case study. Indeed, there are plenty of examples of
historical studies – usually selected for reasons of their intrinsic importance – that come to be
regarded, much later, as case studies of a more general phenomenon.
Likewise, even if the researcher aims for generalizable truths from the outset s/he may also
wish to say something about the case(s) under intensive investigation. (This tension – between the
idiographic and nomothetic moments of a case study – is explored in Chapter 10.) From this
perspective, it matters whether the case has some intrinsic importance to readers.
If a case study is designed to shed light on a causal question the chosen cases should, ideally, be
independent of each other and of other cases in the population. This is implicit in our definition of a
case as a relatively bounded unit (Chapter 2). If cases are not bounded – if they affect each other
with respect to the outcomes of concern – they are not providing independent evidence. This may
be referred to as Galton’s problem, interference, or a violation of SUTVA. (The exception would be
a situation where interaction across cases happens to be the subject of investigation, as it would in a
study of diffusion.)
Within-case Evidence
If a case is to add to our knowledge of a subject it must provide new evidence – evidence that is
presumably not available – or not easily available or not in as precise or reliable form – for a larger
sample. If sources are unreliable, scarce, or for one reason or another inaccessible, the case is of little
value. Usually, this new evidence exists at a lower level of analysis, which we refer to as within-case.
Within-case evidence is often the main value-added offered by a case study relative to a cross-case
analysis that has been, or might be, undertaken.
While the typology highlights case-level characteristics it is notably silent on within-case
characteristics. And yet, these may be the most important elements of all. Any case chosen for in-
depth analysis must afford enough data, of the right kind, to address the question of interest at a
lower level of analysis. This is not simply a question of data availability but also – more crucially – of
the suitability of that evidence for the researcher’s purposes. If the aim of the case study is to shed
light on causal relationships then within-case evidence ought to exist that promises to shed light on
those relationships. The evidence itself might be qualitative or quantitative. It might consist of
pattern-matching – matching predictions emanating from a theory to facts of the case. It might
consist of a quasi-experimental design with units that lie below the level of the case. (For further
discussion, see Part III.)
The availability of within-case evidence is partly a product of the case itself and partly a product of
the researcher’s personal attributes – his or her linguistic competences, connections, and previous
acquaintance with a region, time-period, or topic. I assume that these logistical features are taken into
account – implicitly if not explicitly – in any case-selection process.
Sometimes, a logistically-driven selection of cases may be referred to as convenience sampling,
though researchers may be loath to admit that they have chosen one case over another simply
because it is easier to study the former than the latter. Nonetheless, if a researcher has special access
to Site A, but not Site B, we should be grateful if she chooses A over B (so long as other criteria are
not sacrificed). And we must acknowledge the fact that many cases find their authors, through some
serendipitous process that could scarcely be predicted or replicated, rather than the reverse. Darwin
did not select the Galapagos Islands from a universe of potential cases. 27
The same is true for many cross-case studies, one must assume – though here it is the site
that is chosen for logistical reasons rather than the case. Consider Ben Olken’s (2007) renowned
field experiment on corruption, which was conducted in Indonesia. Olken’s decision to choose
Indonesia as a site of investigation is not explicitly explained or defended, though one may surmise
that it had much to do with logistical factors such as the existence of World Bank sponsored
infrastructure projects in that country and cooperation Olken was able to obtain from the
Indonesian government. (Such cooperation is rare, especially with respect to a subject as sensitive as
corruption and in a country generally assumed to be riddled with corruption.) No one finds this
“convenience” sample particularly troubling as it is assumed that site-selection does not bear on
internal validity. Accordingly, what is worrisome about case selection in case study research is
probably not the fact that cases are chosen for logistical reasons but rather the possibility that
logistics may provide cover for “cherry picking,” where the researcher chooses a case that s/he
believes will prove his/her preferred theory – an issue discussed at further length below.
In order to be a case of something broader than itself – a “case study” – the chosen case must be
representative of a larger population in whatever ways are relevant for the larger argument.
If an argument is descriptive then representativeness pertains only to features highlighted by
the theory (denoted as D in Table 3.1). It is possible, in principle, to represent the descriptive
features of a population with a single case if there is very little variation in that feature, i.e., if all
cases in the population are the same with respect to the feature(s) of interest. This is unusual in
social science settings. Consequently, the most one can usually achieve with a single case is to
represent the central tendency of a distribution – its mean, median, or mode. This is the explicit goal
of a typical case.
If the argument is causal, representativeness refers to the expected value of an outcome
given its status on the causal variable of interest. Specifically, E(Y|X) for the chosen case(s) should
be the same as for cases in the broader population. This may be referred to as causal comparability or
unit homogeneity (Glynn & Ichino 2015; Holland 1986; King, Keohane & Verba 1994).
Even if the case-selection technique does not prioritize representativeness, this criterion is
present nonetheless. Note that deviant cases perform their function – identifying new causes of Y –
only if they are representative of a larger population. (If the result of a deviant case study is to
develop an idiosyncratic explanation – pertaining only to the chosen case – it is not very useful.)
Likewise, influential cases are likely to be dismissed – as lying outside the population of the
hypothesis – if they are too idiosyncratic. (A necessary condition may be disproven by a single case
only if that case is judged to be part of the population of interest, for example. Otherwise, scholars
will rightly deal with the apparent exception by adopting tighter scope-conditions.)
Granted, one can never know for sure whether a sample is representative of a population,
especially with respect to causal properties. Representativeness is a matter of probability. Some
samples are more likely to be representative than others, an issue taken up at greater length in
Chapters 6 and 10.
How does one know that the case selection strategies summarized in Table 3.1 achieve what they set
out to achieve? How might one determine which of several strategies designed to achieve the same
goal is most useful? Evidently, there are serious problems of validation to wrestle with.
Several attempts have been made to assess varying case selection strategies using simulation
techniques. Herron & Quinn (2015) assess estimating strategies, i.e., where the case is intended to
measure causal effects. Seawright (2015b) assesses diagnostic strategies, where the case is designed to
help confirm or disconfirm a causal hypothesis. Lucas & Szatrowksi (2014) assess QCA-based
strategies of case-selection.
It would take some time to discuss these complex studies, so I shall content myself with
several summary judgments. First, case selection techniques have different goals, as shown in Table
3.1, so any attempt to compare them must focus on the goals that are appropriate to that technique.
A technique whose purpose is exploratory (to identify a new hypothesis about Y) cannot be judged
by its efficacy in identifying causal mechanisms, for example. Second, among these goals, estimating
causal effects is the least common – and, by all accounts, the least successful – of these goals, so any
attempt to gauge the effectiveness of case selection methods should focus primarily on exploratory
and diagnostic functions. Third, case selection techniques are best practiced when taking into
account change over time in the key variables, rather than static cross-sectional analyses, as
emphasized at the outset of this chapter. Finally, and most importantly, it is difficult and perhaps
impossible to simulate the complex features involved in an in-depth case analysis. The question of
interest – Which case(s) would best serve my purpose if I devoted a case study of it? – is hard to
model without introducing assumptions that pre-judge the results of the case study and are in this
respect endogenous to the case-selection strategy. 28
In my opinion, testing the viability of case selection strategies in a rigorous fashion would
involve a methodological experiment of the following sort. First, assemble a panel of researchers
with similar background knowledge of a subject. Second, identify a subject deemed ripe for case
study research, i.e., it is not well-studied or has received no authoritative treatment and is not
amenable to experimental manipulation. Third, select cases algorithmically, following the protocol
laid out in Chapter 6. Fourth, randomly assign these cases to the researchers with instructions to
pursue all case study goals – exploratory, estimating, and diagnostic. Fifth, assemble a panel of
judges, who are well-versed in the subject of theoretical focus, to evaluate how well each case study
achieved each of these goals. These could be scored on a questionnaire using ordinal, Likert-style
categories. Judges would be instructed to decide independently (without conferring), though there
might be a second round of judgments following a deliberative process in which they shared their
thoughts and their preliminary decisions.
Such an experiment would be time-consuming and costly (assuming participants receive
some remuneration). And it would need to be iterated across several research topics and with several
panels of researchers and judges in order to make strong claims of generalizability. Nonetheless, it
might be worth pursuing given the possible downstream benefits – if, that is, some strategies can be
shown to be superior to others. 29
28 For example, Herron & Quinn (2015: 9) make the assumption that the potential outcomes inherent in a case (i.e., the
unit-level causal relationship) will be discovered by the case study researcher in the course of an intensive analysis of the
case. Yet, “discoverability” is the very thing that case selection techniques are designed to achieve. That is, a case
selection technique is regarded as superior insofar as it offers a higher probability of discovering an unknown feature of
a case.
29 Note, however, that this experiment disregards qualitative judgments by researchers that might be undertaken after an
algorithmic selection of cases. These qualitative judgments might serve as mediators. It could be, for example, that some
case-selection strategies work better when the researcher is allowed to make final judgments – from among a set of
potential cases that meet the stipulated case-selection criteria – based on knowledge of the potential cases. One must
also consider a problem of generalizability that stems from the use of algorithmic procedures for selecting cases. It could
be that subjects for which algorithmic case selection is feasible (i.e., where values for X, Z, and Y can be measured
across a large sample) are different from subjects for which algorithmic case selection is infeasible. If so, we could not
generalize the results of this experiment to the latter genre of case study research.
In this chapter, I presented a typology of case-selection methods, intended to encompass the range
of (viable) strategies employed in the social sciences. These are categorized according to their
primary goal – descriptive or causal. If causal, the researcher’s secondary goal may be categorized as
exploratory (to identify a new hypothesis), estimating (to estimate the impact of X on Y), or
diagnostic (to assess whether X is a cause of Y and, if so, what mechanisms might be at work and
what scope-conditions might apply). These goals determine what case-selection strategies are likely
to be most availing, though the final choice must be made based on context-specific features (e.g.,
the hypothesis itself and the data available to explore it).
The second part of the chapter issued various caveats and clarifications attendant upon the
typology. The third part introduced additional criteria that apply broadly to most case-selection
efforts. These “omnibus” criteria include intrinsic importance, case independence, within-case
evidence, logistics, and representativeness. The final section discusses efforts that have been
undertaken, or might be undertaken, to validate different case-selection methods. My conclusion is
that this is difficult to accomplish with simulation exercises, though it might be satisfactorily
addressed with a well-constructed experiment.
This chapter is rather diffuse, as it deals with case-selection in the abstract. Subsequent
chapters explore these case-selection methods in greater depth with the assistance of numerous
examples. They put the typology to work. It is hoped that the interplay between the general schema
summarized in Table 3.1 and the specific applications of that schema is productive.
Many case studies are primarily descriptive, which is to say they are not organized around a central,
overarching causal hypothesis. (They may of course propose causal statements about the world, but
these statements are peripheral to the main argument.) Indeed, some of the best-known social
science case studies are descriptive in this sense, as shown in the following tables.
Although writers are not always explicit about their selection of cases, most of these
decisions might be described as following a typical or diverse case strategy. That is, they aim to identify
a case, or cases, that exemplify a common pattern or patterns. In this respect, descriptive cases aim
directly and explicitly at representativeness while other case-selection strategies do so only
secondarily or more obliquely. This follows from the minimal goals of descriptive analysis. Where
the goal is to describe there is no need to worry about the more complex desiderata that might allow
one to gain causal leverage on a question of interest.
A case chosen by virtue of representing features that are common or average within a larger
population may be described as typical. The typical case is intended to represent the central tendency
of a distribution, which is of course not the same as the entire distribution (unless there is no
variance). To say that a case is typical, therefore, does not mean that it is “representative” in the way
that a larger sample might be representative of a population.
For example, Le Roy Ladurie (1978) focuses on a village in France (“Montaillou”) that is
thought to be representative of many other villages in the late Middle Ages. William Allen Whyte
(1943) chooses a street gang that is intended to be representative of many other street gangs in
urban America. And Robert and Helen Lynd’s (1929) study of “Middletown” focuses on a city
(Muncie, Indiana) that was thought to be representative of many mid-sized cities across the United
The Lynds are more explicit about their case selection criteria than most researchers. They
state that they were looking for a city with
(1) a temperate climate; (2) a sufficiently rapid rate of growth to ensure the presence of
a plentiful assortment of the growing pains accompanying contemporary social change;
(3) an industrial culture with modern, high-speed machine production; (4) the absence
of dominance of the city’s industry by a single plant (i.e., not a one-industry town); (5) a
substantial local artistic life to balance its industrial activity . . .; and (6) the absence of
any outstanding peculiarities or acute local problems which would mark the city off
from the midchannel sort of American community. 30
After examining a number of options the Lynds decide that Muncie, Indiana, is more representative
than, or at least as representative as, other mid-sized cities in America.
Typical cases can be about anything at all, as our set of exemplars in Table 4.1 shows.
Chosen studies focus on agencies, bureaucracies, cities, communities, corporations, cultures,
delinquents, factories, families, gangs, legislative decisions, medical schools, peasant cultures, plants,
poor communities, second-language learners, sidewalks, social groups, societies, tariff bills, towns,
villages, and workers. The chosen studies also span the universe of social science – from
ethnographies, to social history, to economic history, and rational choice. Most samples are quite
small – between 1 and 3 – and only one is fairly numerous (n=18).
All of the chosen exemplars employ an informal (“qualitative”) approach to case selection.
Yet, typicality may also be given a more precise rendering as the arithmetic mean, median, or mode.
If all of the dimensions of concern to the Lynds were measurable, one can easily imagine that they
might have used one of these algorithms to solve their case-selection dilemma. Note, however, that
their last consideration is a catch-all residual category – the absence of any outstanding peculiarities – which
would be impossible to measure systematically.
Diverse (Descriptive)
A descriptive case study might also focus on several cases that, together, are intended to capture the
diversity of a subject. In effect, the researcher looks for typical cases of each envisioned type. From
this perspective, a diverse case approach to case selection is an iterated typical case approach. For
example, Gabriel Almond & Sidney Verba (1963) choose to study political cultures in the United
States, Germany, Mexico, Italy, and the United Kingdom with the idea that these countries, together,
represent the diversity of political cultures in the world – which they conclude may be summarized
in three ideal-types: participant, subject, and parochial.
Eight case studies of this sort are listed in Table 4.2. They deal with constitutions, economic
crises, families, firms, members of parliament (MPs) and their districts, nation-building, national
civic cultures, and policy failures. The number of cases ranges from four to eighteen. Diverse cases
mandate a basket of cases, and the basket seems to be somewhat shy of a dozen.
As an in-depth exemplar, we shall follow Richard Fenno’s influential study, Homestyle, which
explores the relationship between members of the US House of Representatives and their districts.
His lens on this question is the member of parliament (MP), rather than the constituent. While it
might be interesting to know how different sorts of constituents view their MP, it is also important
to know how the MP-constituent relationship appears to the elected official. This, at any rate, is
Fenno’s perspective on a time-honored subject. And it is one that is well-suited to Fenno’s chosen
method of analysis – participant-observation, or ethnography. How better to obtain MPs’ views than
to observe them, up close, as they interact with constituents.
Cases – i.e., members of Congress and their districts – are chosen in a non-random fashion,
presumably because subjects are hard to enlist. Not all will agree to submit to Fenno’s lengthy and
intrusive “soaking and poking.” Nonetheless, Fenno can reasonably claim that the chosen group
embodies diversity across the population of interest, the US House of Representatives. He writes
The seventeen include nine Democrats and eight Republicans. Geographically, three
come from two eastern states; six come from five midwestern states; three come from
three southern states; five come from three far western states. Since I began, one has
retired, one has been defeated and one has run for the Senate. There is some variation
among them in terms of ideology, seniority, ethnicity, race, sex, and in terms of safeness
and diversity of district. But no claim is made that the group is ideally balanced in any
of these respects.
Although all the exemplars in Table 4.2 choose cases in an informal, qualitative fashion it is
also possible to employ an algorithm (a “quantitative” method of case-selection) to identify a small
basket of diverse cases from a large population of potential cases. Specifically, the researcher may
choose cases with different scores (e.g., high, medium, low) on parameters of interest, look at the
intersection of different parameters (broken into discrete categories, if the variables are interval-
level), or utilize techniques of factor analysis or cluster analysis.
Arguably, case studies are better suited for descriptive analysis than for causal analysis. It is striking
that the fields where case studies remain the dominant mode of analysis – e.g., anthropology,
history, urban sociology, and political science “area studies” – are also fields where descriptive case
studies remain the dominant mode of case study research. Where case studies are most often
practiced the case study format is most often descriptive. And many of our most renowned case
studies arise from these fields.
These studies are also, one might argue, less problematic from a methodological point of
view. They do not make clearly defined causal arguments, and as such are not subject to problems of
causal inference that preoccupy most contemporary methodologists. Of course, they are likely to
make a multitude of small causal claims; but these are ancillary to an overall argument that is
descriptive in nature. In this respect, one might say that they are less ambitious. Or, perhaps more
appropriately, one might say that their ambition is focused on a different object.
Problems arise, however, if one considers the generalizability of many of these studies. As a
rule, descriptive studies are less falsifiable than causal studies (Gerring 2012a). This pattern can be
seen in descriptive case studies, where it is often difficult to specify a clearly defined population and
a set of criteria that would allow one to verify, or falsify, the hypothesis within that population.
(These issues are taken up at greater length in Chapter 10.)
We turn now to case studies whose goal is causal inference. 31 A case study is understood as causal if
it is oriented around a central hypothesis about how X affects Y – the causal effect, symbolized as
X→Y. The study may embrace several interrelated hypotheses, where X is understood as a vector
rather than a single factor, e.g., a causes-of-effects style of analysis. However, for heuristic purposes
we usually restrict ourselves to the simple circumstance of a single causal factor. Importantly, this
hypothesis must be potentially generalizable to a larger population in order to qualify as a case study
(see Chapter 2).
When used for causal inference, case studies may be categorized as exploratory, estimating, or
diagnostic. These three goals, and the various strategies that they call forth, are summarized in Table
3.1 and explained more fully below. Before delving into details, several fundamental points about
causal inference in case study research bear emphasis.
First, most case studies do not attempt to estimate a precise causal effect and an
accompanying confidence interval, as would be expected from a large-n cross-case research. Samples
of one or several are not well-suited to estimate population parameters. 32 Hence, in this book the
notion of causal inference encompasses any statement about the impact of X on Y – precise (e.g., “An
increase of one unit in X generates a two-unit increase in Y”) or imprecise (e.g., “An increase in X
causes an increase in Y”).
Second, a good case (or set of cases) for purposes of causal analysis is generally one that
exemplifies quasi-experimental properties, i.e., it replicates the virtues of a true experiment even while
lacking a manipulated treatment (Gerring & McDermott 2007). Specifically, for a given case
(observed through time) or for several cases (compared to each other), variation in X should not be
correlated with other factors that are also causes of Y, which might serve as confounders, generating a
spurious (non-causal) relationship between X and Y. This is the logic of causal analysis at the case
level. 33
Third, case-selection criteria may be understood cross-sectionally or longitudinally. For example,
the test of “deviance” might be a case’s status at a particular point in time, or its change in status
over an observed period of time. Sometimes, temporal changes are implicit in the case-selection
format. For example, a case exhibiting an unusual outcome is presumed to show evidence of how
31 I shall not detain the reader with a long discussion of the meaning of causality and various frameworks for achieving
causal inference. An introductory treatment may be found in Gerring (2012) and more advanced treatments in Hernan
& Robins (in process), Imbens & Rubin (2015), Morgan (2013), Morgan & Winship (2014).
32 To be sure, one can sometimes estimate sample statistics. For example, if a single case allows one to observe the value
of Y as X changes without an inordinate number of potential confounders one may estimate the impact of X on Y with
time-series models (Hamilton 1994). Alternatively, in a medium-n sample one may employ synthetic matching (Abadie,
Diamond & Hainmueller 2015) or randomization inference (Glynn & Ichino 2014) to estimate causal effects. However,
these procedures are not always applicable. Moreover, it seems highly unlikely that such precise estimates would be
generalizable to a larger population.
33 Two caveats should be added. First, exploratory case-selection strategies do not take account of a case’s value on X
because X is unknown. However, these strategies evolve into a different research design once the researcher identifies a
hypothesis. At this point, the quasi-experimental ideal comes into play. Second, the analysis of within-case evidence builds
on this experimental template but introduces additional elements, not all of which fall neatly into that template, as
discussed in Chapter 8.
that outcome came about. France is a “revolutionary” case because it experienced a dramatic and
sudden reordering of social and political power at the end of the 18th century. Austria is a non-
revolutionary case because it did not. Nonetheless, it is helpful to know when that change occurred
– the 18th century is a more logical focus of study than the 19th century if one is interested in
France’s revolution. The point is obvious but bears emphasis since it is not always obvious.
The general point is that cases exhibiting change on key parameters of interest are usually
more informative than cases that remain static through time. Moreover, ascertaining the precise
point in time that a case underwent a change in X or Y can be extremely useful for analytic
purposes. Thus, wherever possible, researchers should administer case-selection strategies using
information about how cases perform through time in addition to how they compare to other cases
at a particular point in time. Cross-sectional comparisons should be supplemented by longitudinal
evidence. This folk wisdom applies to all case-selection methods employed for causal inference,
including that incorporate an explicit cross-sectional (cross-case) comparison such as the most-similar
and most-different case-selection strategies. In selecting cases one must consider values for X, Y, and Z
over time, not simply values for these key parameters at a particular point in time.
Some case studies aim to identify a possible cause of an outcome of interest. The outcome, Y, is
established, and usually framed as a research question. What accounts for variation in Y? Or, if Y is a
discrete event, Why does Y occur? The researcher may also have an idea about background conditions,
Z, that influence Y but are not of theoretical interest. The purpose of the study, in any case, is to
identify X, regarded as a possible or probable cause of Y. Because of its tentative, open-ended
nature case studies of this sort are classified as exploratory.
Of course, in some of the studies that we shall review researchers probably had a good idea
about X prior to undertaking the investigation. Nonetheless, if the case was chosen on the basis of
Y, or Y and Z, it is classified as exploratory.
Exploratory case-selection strategies violate the social science folk wisdom not to select
cases on the dependent variable. 34 This is indeed problematic if a number of cases are chosen, all of
which lie on one end of a variable’s spectrum (they are all positive or negative), and the researcher
subjects this sample to cross-case analysis as if it were representative of a population. 35 Suppose that
Theda Skocpol (1979) examined three revolutionary countries – France, Russia, and China –
comparing them to each other in a quest to understand revolution. Or suppose that Peters &
Waterman (1982) examined forty-two highly successful firms, comparing them to each other
(perhaps with some sort of regression analysis) to understand the causes of success. Results for these
analyses would assuredly be biased (Collier & Mahoney 1996). Moreover, there will be little variation
to explain since the outcome values of all cases are explicitly constrained.
However, this is not the proper or usual employment of exploratory case-selection methods.
When a case is chosen based on its outcome value the researcher generally compares it to a larger
sample of cases that lie in the background of the analysis, providing a full range of variation as well
as a more representative picture of the population. “Shadow” cases may be dealt with informally. In
this fashion, Skocpol compares revolutionary cases to cases of non-revolution or partial revolution
and Peters & Waterman compare successful firms to unsuccessful firms. Background cases may also
34Geddes (1990). See also discussion in Brady & Collier (2004), Collier & Mahoney (1996), Rogowski (1995).
35The exception would be a circumstance in which the researcher intends to disprove a deterministic argument (Dion
be formally integrated into a study in a statistical analysis of cross-case variation, which we refer to as
multi-method research. In either setting, the cases chosen for intensive examination do not stand
alone. (This is common for other case studies as well, but it is especially important for understanding
exploratory case studies.)
Specific techniques of exploratory case selection are summarized as outcome, index, deviant,
most-different, most-similar, or diverse in Table 3.1, and will be explored in detail below.
An outcome case maximizes variation on the outcome of interest. This may be achieved by a case that
is extreme or rare or by a set of cases that, together, exhibit an extreme contrast in the outcome.
William James writes that “moments of extremity often reveal the essence of a situation” (quoted in
Singh 2015). While it is not clear to understand ‘essence’ in a social science context, one may take
the point that substantial variation in Y makes the causes of that outcome more transparent, and
thus helps to identify hypotheses for further research.
Often an outcome case corresponds to a case that is considered to be prototypical or
paradigmatic of some phenomena of interest. This is because concepts are often defined by their
extremes, which may also be understood as an embodiment (or partial embodiment) of an ideal-
type. German fascism defines the concept of fascism because it offers the most extreme example of
that phenomenon. Likewise, outcome cases may be intrinsically interesting – perhaps even strange,
exotic – as most extreme or rare phenomena are. However, the methodological value of the
outcome case derives from its promised variation in Y.
Table 5.1 lists fourteen outcome case studies. These exemplars stretch across the social
science disciplines and cover a range of topics including democratic breakdown, economic
development, human development, industrial policies, mortality, nuclear accidents, space launches,
revolution, school shootings, and the success/failure of firms. The number of cases varies from one
to forty-three, with an average of about eight.
Looking more closely, one may discern three versions of the outcome-case. The first exhibits
extreme values on Y (or ∆Y). Note that studies of welfare state development often focus on the
world’s largest welfare states, located in Northern Europe. Studies of war often focus on one of the
two world wars. Studies of genocide often focus on the Holocaust. 36 Those who risk their lives to
save others provide more valuable information about altruism than those who make small donations
to a cause (Monroe 1996). Companies that are supremely successful (Peters & Waterman 1982), or
supremely unsuccessful, may be more informative than companies that follow a middling trajectory.
Countries with extremely high growth rates (Johnson 1983), or negative growth rates, may offer
more insights than countries with modest growth rates. Countries with an extremely high (e.g.,
Guatemala), or extremely low (e.g., Japan), rate of violent crime may be more informative than those
lying near the middle. And so forth.
A second version of an outcome case applies when an outcome is conceptualized in a binary
fashion and one value (generally understood as the “positive” value) is especially rare. Case studies of
war generally focus on wars – peace being the more common condition. Case studies of
democratization generally focus on regime transitions – continuity being the more common
condition. Case studies of revolution generally focus on revolution – non-revolution being the more
common condition. Case studies of space launches focus on failures (Vaughan 1996). Moreover, the
rarer the outcome the more important that case becomes. Harding, Fox & Mehta (2002) study
“rampage” school shootings, noting that these events are extremely rare, numbering only 30 to 50
36The “extreme” case approach to case selection (Seawright & Gerring 2008) is understood here as a sub-type of
“outcome” case strategy.
(depending upon how the event is defined) over three decades across the United States. This
reinforces the authors’ determination to focus on positive cases – where the awful event occurred.
They settle on two such events, one at Heath High School in West Paducah, Kentucky, on
December 1, 1997, and the other at Westside Middle School, near Jonesboro, Arkansas, on March
24, 1998. (These cases were assigned to the researchers from a pool of positive cases by an agency
implementing a mandate from the National Academy of Sciences.)
A third approach to achieving variation in the outcome is to choose cases lying at both tails of
the distribution, i.e., polar cases. Here comparisons can be made directly across the chosen cases. For
example, a study of war may focus on cases exhibiting peace and war (e.g., Fearon & Laitin 2008,
2014, 2015). 37
For our purposes, it is not important to distinguish between these three genres of outcome-
case study. Note that rare cases are also extreme, and even when a single case is chosen for intensive
analysis other cases (defining the other extreme) are likely to be brought into the analysis in a formal
or informal fashion. Indeed, the chosen outcome case is never analyzed in isolation. It is always –
explicitly or implicitly – compared with the norm. This may be accomplished by comparing a case to
itself through time, by integrating “shadow” cases, by integrating both “positive” and “negative”
cases, or by an explicit cross-case (“multi-method”) analysis.
The important point is that all of these designs maximize variation on Y, preferably variation
through time (∆Y). In this respect, our nomenclature (“outcome case”) subsumes cases that might
be described as extreme, rare, or polar.
To identify an outcome case(s) from a large population of potential cases an informal
approach may be sufficient. Skocpol knew where revolutions had occurred, and where they had not.
But not all settings are self-evident. Here, one may employ an algorithm, selecting a case(s) that lies
farthest from the mean, median, or mode of the distribution of Y (or ∆Y), or cases that lie on both
tails of the distribution of Y (or ∆Y).
We must recognize that a case(s) with an unusual value for Y is also less likely to be
representative of a larger population, posing a potential problem of generalizability. This is not true
by definition. A case with an especially high value for Y may be perfectly predicted by X, once X has
been discovered. It may lie right on the regression line, if regression is used to model the
interrelationship between X and Y. Outcome cases should not be confused with deviant cases,
discussed below. Nonetheless, if all one knows about a case is its value for Y, and that value is far
from the middle of the distribution, the possibility of sample bias is high. This is a cost that must be
reckoned with. Nonetheless, if the goal of an outcome case study is exploratory – to identify a
possible cause of an outcome – and if this factor is more likely to be perceived from examining an
unusual example of a phenomenon, the risk may be well worth the cost.
37In practice, we find that researchers generally focus on only one tail of the distribution. This, in turn, could reflect a
persistent feature of the world. Long-tailed distributions – with especially large variance scores – may be accompanied by
skew (to the right or the left). This is true by construction for phenomena such as income or mortality, both of which
are bounded at zero.
Table 5.1: Outcome Case Exemplars
An index case is the first instance of a phenomenon. In epidemiology, it refers to the first patient to
contract a disease. Identifying the index case is useful for understanding the origin and spread of
disease and for that reason a good deal of effort goes into the search for an index case, or patient zero.
In other social science disciplines the focus on index cases is also motivated by the desire to
understand the origins of a phenomenon. The presumption is that the index case plays a causal role
– as a prime mover or as an illustrative or standard-setting case, establishing a practice to emulate or
avoid. The primacy of “firsts” is imprinted in natural language and in the social science lexicon
wherever new phenomena are named after the person, place, or event of their first occurrence.
There is one additional reason for focusing on index cases. The first instance of a
phenomenon – the first case of a case, one might say – is uninfluenced by other instances of that
phenomenon. It occurs endogenously. Subsequent occurrences are likely to be influenced by the
experience of the index case, assuming information has diffused through a population. To be sure,
in some settings there may be multiple index cases. Subjects may contract a disease, discover a
technology, or implement a policy independently of each other. Archeologists speculate that writing
was invented independently on two or more occasions, for example. 38 A variety of features may
impede diffusion. In the modern world, however, we can expect that diffusion processes are
relatively efficient, which limits the number of cases that might qualify as indexical.
Wherever diffusion is at work, we may suspect that the occurrence of an event owes
something to what has been learned from previous instances. This introduces a problem of non-
independence across units (aka Galton’s problem). The advantage of an index case is that it –
perhaps alone among all other instances of a phenomenon – is free from this confounder. (I am
assuming that diffusion is of no theoretical importance to the researcher.)
Six index case studies are listed in Table 5.2. These involve the discovery of democracy
(Athens, 6th century BC), the deployment of nuclear weapons (the United States, 1945), the
imposition of limited government (England, 16th century), revolution (Britain, 17th century), class
formation (Britain, 19th century), and tax revolts (California, 1973). The prominent position of
historians, and British historians in particular, in the genre of index cases will not be missed.
Naturally, claims to representativeness are often suspect. The first example of something
may be different from those that follow (beyond the feature of diffusion, which we assume is of no
theoretical interest). Historians might dispute Steve Pincus’s (2011) argument that the English
revolution is the first modern revolution. They might dispute the contention that democracy in
ancient Greece can teach us anything about the development of representative democracy in the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They might not agree that the fight for “Prop 13” in California
is indicative of tax revolts elsewhere in the United States. Nonetheless, the claim of an index case
rests on its status as first in a class of phenomena. If there is an earlier (known) precedent, or if later
examples are not really examples of the same thing, then the status of a case changes. It no longer
carries a methodological punch.
A deviant case deviates from an expected causal pattern, as suggested by scientific theories or
common sense, thereby registering a surprising result. The study of deviance may also be framed as
the study of anomalies, which is widely acknowledged to play a central role in scientific progress
(Elman & Elman 2002; Lakatos 1978). The goal of a deviant case study is to explain the oddball case
and, in addition, to explain other similarly deviant cases, providing a generalizable hypothesis about
the phenomenon of interest. The resulting explanation may involve a new causal factor, an
interaction (aka contextual) effect between two or more causal factors, or a revision to the scope-
conditions of a theory. Note that interaction effects and scope-conditions are two different
responses to the issue of causal heterogeneity. In one case, the source of causal heterogeneity is
incorporated into a causal model, and in the other case discordant cases are removed from the
Barbara Geddes notes the importance of deviant cases in medical science, where researchers
are habitually focused on that which is “pathological” (according to standard theory and practice).
The New England Journal of Medicine, one of the premier journals of the field, carries a regular feature
entitled Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. These articles bear titles like the
following: “An 80-Year-Old Woman with Sudden Unilateral Blindness” or “A 76-Year-Old Man
with Fever, Dyspnea, Pulmonary Infiltrates, Pleural Effusions, and Confusion.” 39 Another example
drawn from the field of medicine concerns the extensive study now devoted to a small number of
persons who are resistant to the AIDS virus (Buchbinder & Vittinghoff 1999; Haynes, Pantaleo &
39 Geddes (2003: 131). For other examples of case work from the annals of medicine see “Clinical Reports” in The
Lancet, “Case Studies” in The Canadian Medical Association Journal, and various issues of the Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, often devoted to clinical cases (discussed in Jenicek 2001: 7). For examples from the subfield of comparative
politics see Kazancigil (1994).
Fauci 1996) Why are they resistant? What is different about these people? What can we learn about
AIDS in other patients by observing people who have built-in resistance to this disease?
In psychology and sociology case studies may be comprised of deviant (in the social sense)
persons or groups. Although this is a somewhat different use of the term, the goal of such studies is
usually to bring “deviants” into the realm of theoretical understanding – that is, to explain why some
people do not behave as others do. In economics, case studies may consist of countries or
businesses that over-perform (e.g., Botswana; Apple) or under-perform (e.g., Britain through most
of the twentieth century; Sears in recent decades) relative to some set of expectations. In political
science, case studies may focus on countries where the welfare state is more developed (e.g.,
Sweden) or less developed (e.g., the United States) than one would expect, given a set of general
expectations about welfare state development. 40
Note that while outcome cases are judged relative to the mean of a single distribution (the
outcome of interest), deviant cases are judged relative to a general model of causal relations
including both Z (a background factor or set of background factors) and Y (the outcome). The
deviant-case method selects cases which, by reference to a general cross-case relationship,
demonstrate a surprising value. They are “deviant” in that they are poorly explained.
In a regression model, deviance can be measured by the residual for a given case. If there is
considerable distance between its predicted value and its actual value we may feel justified in calling
it deviant. Since deviance is a matter of degrees, the residual provides a convenient method of
evaluating relative deviance among a large number of cases.
Because deviance can only be assessed relative to a general (quantitative or qualitative)
model, the relative deviance of a case is likely to change whenever that model is altered. For
example, the US is a deviant case with respect to its “laggard” welfare state when a causal model
includes per capita GDP. But it is less deviant – and perhaps not deviant at all – when certain
additional factors measuring social and political institutions are included in the model. Deviance is
always model-dependent, even if the model is of an informal (qualitative) sort. Thus, when
discussing the concept of the deviant case it is helpful to ask the following question: relative to what
general model (or set of background factors) is Case A deviant?
To reiterate, the purpose of deviant-case analysis is to probe for novel explanations, i.e., new
causes of Y. (If the purpose of a nonconforming case is to prove or disprove an extant theory it is
an influential case, as discussed below.) Thus, the deviant-case method is only slightly more
determinate than the outcome-case method. It, too, is an exploratory form of research. The
researcher hopes that causal processes within the deviant case will illustrate some causal factor that is
applicable to other (deviant) cases. This means that a deviant-case study usually culminates in a
general proposition – one that may be applied to other cases in the population.
As soon as that proposition is discovered, the case is no longer deviant (or it is less deviant).
If the new explanation can be accurately measured as a single variable (or set of variables) across a
larger sample of cases, then a new cross-case model is in order. In that cross-case model, the
previously deviant case should receive a smaller residual. It is pulled toward the regression line.
Testing the new explanation in a larger sample is also important for alleviating concerns
about representativeness. Naturally, when one chooses a highly deviant case for special attention one
must be concerned about generalizing from that case. However, if the resulting proposition seems to
fit a larger number of cases – beyond the studied case – worries about unrepresentativeness are
For more examples and further discussion of deviant-case research designs in the social sciences see Amenta (1991),
Burawoy (1998), Burawoy et al. (1991), Eckstein (1975), Emigh (1997), Kendall, Wolf (1949/1955), Pearce (2002).
Of course, deviant case analysis does not always culminate in a new, generalizable
explanation for Y. It might culminate in the researcher’s conclusion that the chosen cases is deviant
for idiosyncratic reasons – reasons that are accidental or do not apply to other cases. This would be
a less satisfactory conclusion in the context of an exploratory case study.
Nine deviant case studies are listed in Table 5.3. These encompass various fields and topics,
including economic development, welfare state development, capitalism, socialism, ethnic conflict,
union democracy, and fertility. Most of these studies choose cases in an informal fashion and
incorporate only one or two deviant cases in the analysis. Qualitative analysis dominates the deviant
case study as it does most case study genres.
One study, by Lisa Pearce (2002), approaches the subject in a quantitative fashion. Pearce
begins her study of childrearing choices in Nepal with a standardized survey of ideal family size. The
survey was conducted in the Chitwan Valley of south-central Nepal in 1996 and contains 5,271
respondents. Based on extant research and theoretical priors she constructs an initial model to
predict preferences in family size. The model includes measures of religious and ethnic identity,
gender, age, number of siblings, education, parents’ education, media exposure, travel, distance to
nearest city, and expectations of an inheritance. With this regression model, she identifies
respondents whose preferences are not well-predicted by the model. From these outliers, she
chooses twenty-seven subjects for in-depth analysis. These are her deviant cases. Following her
theoretical interests, she chooses outliers that fall above the predicted line (they desire more children
than the model predicts), possessing standardized residuals of 6+. For each subject, she conducts in-
depth interviews with open-ended questions designed to gauge un-measured factors that may
influence family planning (Pearce 2002: 114). Insights gained from these interviews are then used to
re-code features of the survey and re-specify the regression model. For example, Pearce is impressed
with the degree to which religious practice centers on the family. Accordingly, she constructs indices
from the survey to measure religious practices and beliefs at the household level. This becomes an
important predictor in the revised model, which improves the overall fit and reduces the deviant
status of her research subjects.
Most-similar (Exploratory)
A most-similar research design (aka Method of Difference) employs a minimum of two cases. 41 In its
purest form, the chosen pair of cases is similar in all respects except the variables of interest. If the
study is exploratory, the researcher looks for cases that differ on the outcome (Y) but are similar on
various background factors that might have contributed to that outcome but are of no theoretical
interest (Z), as illustrated in Table 5.4.
A ? 0 1
B ? 0 0
41 The most-similar method (Przeworski & Teune 1970) may also be referred to as the method of difference (Mill
1843/1872), the comparable cases method, or the comparative method (Collier 1993; Glynn & Ichino 2015; Lijphart 1971,
1975). Frequently, this topic is addressed in tandem with other techniques for small-n cross-case selection and analysis
under the rubric of controlled comparison, paired comparison, or Mill-ean methods (Adcock 2008; Cohen & Nagel 1934;
Gisselquist 2014; Meckstroth 1975; Sekhon 2004; Slater & Ziblatt 2013; Tarrow 2010).
This is a common form of case-selection at an initial stage of research. Often, fruitful
analysis begins with an apparent anomaly: two cases are apparently quite similar, and yet
demonstrate surprisingly different outcomes. The hope is that intensive study of these cases will
reveal one – or at most several – factors that differ across these cases, and are plausible causes of Y.
Fifteen most-similar case studies are listed in Table 5.5, signaling the relative popularity of
this form of analysis. Exemplars include all major disciplines, a wide range of topics, and a mix of
algorithmic and qualitative case-selection strategies.
Consider John Snow’s initial report on cholera in London, published in 1849. 42 At the time,
physicians knew little about the source of this ghastly epidemic. Several theories were in circulation,
including one based on the quality of the air (miasma). Snow conjectured that the source of
contamination might be the water supply, so he had a working hypothesis. However his initial
selection of cases was not based on varying water sources (X). Instead, Snow compared city blocks
where the disease was rampant with neighboring blocks where it was not – selection on Y, holding Z
constant. Note that geography serves as a proxy for background factors that might affect the
outcome of interest. People living cheek-by-jowl are assumed to share many characteristics – a
common assumption in most-similar research designs, whether the spatial units are blocks,
neighborhoods, cities, or countries. In any case, the work of the case study consisted of delving into
these incidents of the disease – interviewing medical practitioners, residents, water companies, and
through direct observation of the sites themselves, which sometimes consisted of neighboring courts
– in an attempt to rule out features that were common (Z), and therefore unlikely to cause the
disease, and to isolate the discriminating feature (X), which Snow thought was the water supply.
A second example of a very different sort is provided by Leon Epstein’s (1964) study of
party cohesion, which focuses on two neighboring countries. The two cases, United States and
Canada, are assumed to share a large number of background characteristics – e.g., vast expanses of
land rich in mineral and agricultural resources and lightly populated by indigenous peoples, a British
colonial heritage, weak socialist traditions, heterogeneous populations, federal constitutions, and
first-past-the-post electoral districts. Yet, Canada has highly disciplined parties whose members vote
together on the floor of the House of Commons while the US has comparatively weak,
undisciplined parties, whose members often defect on floor votes in Congress. In explaining these
divergent outcomes, persistent over many years, Epstein points out that the two countries differ in
one potentially important constitutional feature: Canada is parliamentary while the US is presidential.
It is this institutional difference that Epstein identifies as the possible culprit (cause).
42This report precedes the more famous second edition, issued in 1855. The latter features Snow’s description of the
“Broad Street Pump” – which, in recent years, has attracted great attention among epidemiologists and methodologists.
My account follows Vinten-Johansen et al. (2003: 206-10). For other accounts see Freedman (1991), Hempel (2007).
Table 5.5: Most-Similar (Exploratory) Case Exemplars
Most-different cases (aka the Method of Agreement) vary widely in background factors regarded as
potential causes (Z), while sharing a common outcome (Y). The assumption is that background
factors that differ across the cases are unlikely to be causes of Y since that outcome is constant
across the cases. The hope is that if a potential causal factor (X) is constant across the cases it might
be the cause of Y. 43
The basic setup is illustrated in Table 5.6 with two cases, though it might be extended to
include a larger number. To identify a small number of most-different cases from a large population
of potential cases the researcher may seek to maximize differences on the vector Z while minimizing
differences on Y.
As with other exploratory designs it is often difficult to ascertain whether a case’s value on X
was known to the researcher prior to case-selection and, if so, whether it influenced case-selection.
We leave this matter open for discussion. However, it is classified as an exploratory design because
we regard its implicit causal identification strategy as speculative, at best, and therefore useful for
identifying potential causes but not so useful for testing that causal hypothesis, once identified.
43 The most-different method is also sometimes referred to as the “method of agreement,” following its inventor, J.S.
Mill (1843/1872). See also DeFelice (1986), Lijphart (1971, 1975), Meckstroth (1975), Przeworski & Teune (1970),
Skocpol & Somers (1980). For examples of this method see Collier & Collier (1991/2002), Converse & Dupeux (1962),
Karl (1997), Moore (1966), Skocpol (1979), Yashar (2005: 23). However, most of these studies are described as combining
most-similar and most-different methods.
Table 5.6: Most-Different Case Design
X Za Zb Zc Zd Y
A ? 1 0 1 0 1
B ? 0 1 0 1 1
X = causal factor of theoretical interest. Za-d = vector of background factors. Y = outcome of interest.
Four exemplary case studies are listed in Table 5.7. These studies – drawn from history,
demography, and political science – examine colonial histories, demographic transitions, civil society,
and economic development. Samples (n) range from 2 to 7.
As an in-depth exemplar, I follow Marc Howard’s (2003) study of the enduring impact of
communism on civil society in the post-Soviet region. Crossnational surveys show a strong
correlation between former communist regimes and low social capital, controlling for a variety of
possible confounders. Howard wonders why this relationship is so strong and why it persists, and
perhaps even strengthens, in countries that are no longer socialist or authoritarian. In order to
answer this question, he focuses on two most-different cases, Russia and East Germany. These two
countries were quite different prior to the Soviet era, during the Soviet era (since East Germany
received substantial subsidies from West Germany), and in the post-Soviet era, as East Germany was
absorbed into West Germany. Yet, they both score near the bottom of various crossnational indices
intended to measure the prevalence of civic engagement in the current era. Thus, Howard’s case
selection procedure meets the requirements of the most-different research design: variance is found
on many dimensions aside from the outcome of interest (civic engagement), which is constant
(Howard 2003: 6-9). The factor holding constant across the cases is the communist heritage that
both Russia and East Germany share. This is the anticipated cause (X).
Naturally, one must consider the possibility that additional factors – unmeasured in the
analysis but shared by Russia and East Germany – account for their low levels of civic engagement.
Although these societies are different, they also share some cultural and historical characteristics
(unrelated to communism) such as a legacy of autocracy. Likewise, the cause could be a product of
an interaction among various factors – those that are measured and/or those that are omitted.
Howard’s findings are stronger with the comparison of Russia and East Germany than they
would be without. Yet, his book would not stand securely on the empirical foundation provided by
most-different analysis alone. If one strips away the other elements of Howard’s analysis 44 there is
little left upon which to base an analysis of causal relations. Indeed, most scholars who employ the
most-different method do so in conjunction with other methods. 45 It is rarely, if ever, a stand-alone
method. 46
44 It should be noted that most-different analysis is not the only research design employed by Howard in his admirable
focused ostensibly on petro-states (states with large oil reserves), makes two sorts of inferences. The first concerns the
(usually) obstructive role of oil in political, economic development. The second sort of inference concerns variation
within the population of petro-states, showing that some countries (e.g., Norway, Indonesia) manage to avoid the
pathologies brought on elsewhere by oil resources. When attempting to explain the constraining role of oil on petro-
Generalizing from this discussion, I offer the following summary remarks on the most-
different method of case selection.
Let us begin with the necessity of dichotomizing every variable in the analysis. Recall that
differences across cases must generally be sizeable enough to be interpretable in an essentially binary
fashion (e.g., high/low, present/absent) and similarities must be close enough to be understood as
essentially identical (e.g., high/high, present/present). Otherwise the results are not interpretable.
The problem of “degrees” is deadly if the variables under consideration are, by nature, continuous
(e.g., GDP). This is a particular concern in Howard’s analysis, where East Germany scores
somewhat higher than Russia in civic engagement; they are both low, but Russia is quite a bit lower.
Howard assumes that this divergence is minimal enough to be understood as a difference of degrees
rather than of kinds, a judgment that might be questioned.
Granted, if the coding assumptions are sound, the most-different research design may be
useful for eliminating necessary causes. Causal factors that do not appear across the chosen cases – e.g.,
Za-d in Table 5.6 – are evidently unnecessary for the production of Y. However, it does not follow
that the most-different method is the best method for eliminating necessary causes.
Usually, case study analysis is focused on the identification (or clarification) of causal
relations, not the elimination of possible causes. In this setting, the most-different technique is
useful, but only if assumptions of causal uniqueness hold. By “causal uniqueness,” I mean a situation
in which a given outcome is the product of only one cause: Y cannot occur except in the presence of
X. X is necessary, and in some situations (given certain background conditions) sufficient, to cause
Y. 47
Consider the following hypothetical example. Suppose that a new disease, about which little
is known, has appeared in Country A. There are hundreds of infected persons across dozens of
affected communities in that country. In Country B, located at the other end of the world, several
new cases of the disease surface in a single community. In this setting, we can imagine two sorts of
Mill-ean analyses. The first examines two similar communities within Country A, one of which has
developed the disease and the other of which has not. This is the most-similar style of case
comparison, and focuses accordingly on the identification of a difference between the two cases that
might account for variation across the sample. A second approach focuses on communities where
the disease has appeared across the two countries and searches for any similarities that might
account for these similar outcomes. This is the most-different research design.
Both are plausible approaches to this particular problem, and we can imagine
epidemiologists employing them simultaneously. However, the most-different design demands
stronger assumptions about the underlying factors at work. It supposes that the disease arises from
the same cause in any setting. This is often a reasonable operating assumption when one is dealing
with natural phenomena, though there are certainly many exceptions. (Death, for example, has many
causes. For this reason, it probably does not make sense to focus on most-different cases of high
mortality.) In order for the most-different research design to effectively identify a causal factor at
work in a given outcome the researcher must assume that X – the factor held constant across the
diverse cases – is the only possible cause of Y (see Table 5.6). This assumption rarely holds in social-
states, Karl usually relies on contrasts between petro-states, non-petro states (e.g., ch 10). Only when attempting to
explain differences among petro-states does she restrict her sample to petro-states. In my opinion, very little use is made
of the most-different research design.
46 This was recognized, at least implicitly, by Mill (1834/1872: 258-9). Skepticism has been echoed by methodologists in
the intervening years (e.g., Cohen & Nagel 1934: 251-6; Skocpol & Somers 1980). Indeed, explicit defenses of the most-
different method are rare (but see DeFelice 1986).
47 Another way of stating this is to say that X is a “nontrivial necessary condition” of Y.
scientific settings. Most outcomes of interest to anthropologists, economists, political scientists,
sociologists have multiple causes. There are many ways to win an election, to build a welfare state, to
get into a war, to overthrow a government, or – returning to Marc Howard’s work – to build a
strong civil society. And it is for this reason that most-different analysis is rarely applied in social
science work and, where applied, is rarely convincing.
If this seems a tad severe, there is a more charitable way of approaching the most-different method.
Arguably, this is not a pure “method” at all but merely a supplement, a way of incorporating
diversity in the sub-sample of cases that provide the unusual outcome of interest. If the unusual
outcome is revolutions, one might wish to encompass a wide variety of revolutions in one’s analysis.
If the unusual outcome is post-communist civil society, it seems appropriate to include a diverse set
of post-communist polities in one’s sample of case studies, as Howard does. From this perspective,
the most-different method (so-called) might be better labeled a diverse-case method, as explored
Diverse (Causal)
A final exploratory case-selection strategy has as its objective the identification of many – or perhaps
all – of the causes of an outcome (assuming that outcome has multiple causes, i.e., equifinality). This
is sometimes referred to as causes-of-effects study, in contrast to an effects-of-causes study, which
focuses on a single X→Y relationship. The chosen cases are diverse if they represent all potential
factors (Z), including causal conjunctures, that might explain variation in Y. The assumption is that
the true causal factors (X) are to be found among the putative causal factors (Z). 48 George & Smoke,
for example, wish to explore different types of deterrence failure – by “fait accompli,” by “limited
probe,” and by “controlled pressure.” Consequently, they wish to find cases that exemplify each
causal factor. 49
Where the potential causal factor is categorical (on/off, red/black/blue,
Jewish/Protestant/Catholic), the researcher would normally choose one case from each category.
For a continuous variable, one must construct cutoff points (based on theoretical understandings of
the phenomenon or natural breakpoints in the data), e.g., dichotomizing or trichotomizing the
variable, and then choosing cases with each discrete value. If one suspects that causal factors
48 This method has not received much attention on the part of qualitative methodologists; hence, the absence of a
generally recognized name. It bears some resemblance to J.S. Mill’s Joint Method of Agreement and Difference (Mill
1834/1872), which is to say, a mixture of most-similar and most-different analysis, as discussed below. Patton (2002:
234) employs the concept of “maximum variation (heterogeneity) sampling.”
49 More precisely, George & Smoke (1974: 522-36, ch 18; see also discussion in Collier & Mahoney 1996: 78) set out to
investigate causal pathways and discovered, through the course of their investigation of many cases, these three causal
types. Yet, for our purposes what is important is that the final sample include at least one representative of each “type.”
interact, then one will look for cases that represent all possible (or actual) intersections of these
variables (understood as categorical variables). Two dichotomous variables produce a matrix with
four possible cells, for example. If all variables are deemed relevant to the analysis, the selection of
diverse cases mandates the selection of one case drawn from within each cell – assuming there are
members in each cell. Let us say that an outcome is thought to be affected by sex, race
(black/white), and marital status. Here, a diverse-case strategy of case-selection would identify one
case within each of these intersecting cells – a total of eight cases. It will be seen that where multiple
categorical variables interact, the logic of diverse-case analysis rests upon a typological logic (Elman
2005; George & Bennett 2005; Lazarsfeld & Barton 1951).
In choosing a small basket of diverse cases from a large population of potential cases the
researcher may draw on qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) algorithms to identify the various
possible conjunctures, selecting case(s) from each configuration. Alternatively, within a regression
framework, the researcher may explore various interaction effects, choosing cases that exemplify
disparate interactions.
Eleven diverse case studies are included in Table 5.8. All stem from the fields of political
science or sociology, and many would be described as comparative-historical analysis. Cases range
from two to twenty-two, with a mean of about seven, demonstrating that this particular case-
selection strategy typically selects a basket of cases.
Of these studies, one stands out as especially influential, and thus serves as our in-depth
exemplar. Barrington Moore’s (1966) Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy is sometimes regarded
as the fountainhead of modern comparative-historical inquiry, influencing a generation of scholars in
the adjoining fields of sociology and political science. The study is extraordinarily ambitious – the
subtitle reads “Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World” – and written with a vivid
narrative that manages to weave events and analysis together in a lucid fashion. Although lengthy,
this book is readable to an extent that few works of social science in the contemporary era can
match. No doubt this helps to account for its enduring influence on scholarship. With respect to
case-selection, I follow Theda Skocpol’s (1973) noted synopsis of the book, summarized in Table
5.9 below. This shows that there are essentially three routes to modernity, with two or three cases
serving to represent each route in Moore’s study.
Table 5.9: Diverse Cases in Moore (1966)
Routes to modernity 1 2 3
Cases UK, USA France Germany, Japan Russia, China
Common starting point Agrarian bureaucracy Agrarian bureaucracy Agrarian bureaucracy
Key variable clusters
Bourgeois impulse Strong Strong Medium Weak
Mode of commercial agriculture Market Labor-repressive Labor-repressive Labor-repressive
Peasant revolutionary potential Low High Low High
Critical political event Bourgeois revolution Revolution from above Peasant revolution
Major systemic political outcome Democratic capitalism Fascism Communism
Thus far, I have dealt with case study research designs that are exploratory, i.e., designed to identify
a causal hypothesis. I turn now to case studies whose goal is to test a hypothesis by estimating a
causal effect. Estimating may mean a precise point estimate along with a confidence interval (as
might be obtained from a time-series or synthetic matching analysis), or a less precise estimate of the
“sign” of a relationship, i.e., whether X has a positive, negative, or no relationship to Y. The latter is
more common, as we have observed, not only because of the small size of the sample (at the case
level) but also because it is more likely to be generalizable (see discussion in Chapter 6).
In either situation, case selection must rest on information about X and Z – not Y. Two
general approaches are viable for estimating causal effects in a small-n setting – longitudinal and most
similar – as outlined below.
Before entering this discussion it may be appropriate to observe that this is not the most
common use of case study research. I have been able to identify only a few exemplars, as
demonstrated in the following tables. I am not even sure that those case studies classified as
estimating actually qualify insofar as it is sometimes difficult to discern whether researchers
considered outcome values (Y) in their selection of cases.
The reason for the rarity of causal estimating arises from a logistical feature of the world. In
situations where a researcher has identified a specific hypothesis (Hx) that pertains to a broad
population it is usually possible to estimate that relationship across a large number of cases,
generating a large-n cross-case research design. This mode of analysis usually – though not invariably
– is able to provide a stronger test of the hypothesis and is therefore the preferred research design.
(For similar reasons, selection of an estimating case(s) by algorithm seems unlikely, as knowledge
about X and Z across a large number of cases is likely to be accompanied by knowledge of Y, which
would facilitate a large-n cross-case test.)
Nonetheless, there are some circumstances in which it is possible, and advisable, to estimate
the impact of X on Y using a very small sample of cases. The justification for this small-sample
approach lies in the inability, or inadvisability, of extending the sample to include additional cases.
That is, the longitudinal evidence provided by a single case, perhaps accompanied by one or several
“control” cases, provides stronger grounds for inference than the corresponding large-n design –
presumably because additional cases are heterogeneous and would introduce potential confounders
to the analysis.
A longitudinal case study mimics a one-group experiment, where X changes in an as-if random
fashion while Z remains constant and Y is observed before and after the intervention. It might also
be referred to as an interrupted time-series (Campbell 1968/1988) or a repeated measures (or repeated
observations) design, and is fully consistent with a time-series analysis of a continuously observed case
(Hamilton 1994). The caveat of course is that in order to qualify as a case study the number of cases
must be limited and the intensiveness of study devoted to them must be correspondingly great.
Importantly, the researcher must examine the chosen case(s) closely to see if any potential
confounders can be identified, and if so, to see whether they might bias the data generating process
towards the hypothesis of interest. If not, that is if potential confounders exert a “conservative” bias,
the case may be acceptable. (It may even be regarded as a “least likely” case.)
Five longitudinal exemplars are listed in Table 5.10. All focus on policy changes – monetary
policy, fiscal policy, traffic control policy, and irrigation management policy. A good longitudinal
study demands an as-if manipulable treatment (an issue discussed in Chapter 9) and policy changes
satisfy that criterion of causal inference.
For example, in order to understand the interrelationship between monetary policy and
economic fluctuations, Milton Friedman & Anna Schwartz (1963) look closely at US history,
locating four occasions in which the stock of money changed due to policy choices largely unrelated
to the behavior of the economy (and hence exogenous to the research question). These four
interventions consisted of “the increase in the discount rate in the first half of 1920, the increase in
the discount rate in October 1931, the increase in reserve requirements in 1936–1937, and the failure
of the Federal Reserve to stem the tide of falling money in 1929–1931” (Miron 1994: 19). It turns
out that each was followed by a substantial change in the behavior of the stock of money, validating
a central pillar of monetarist theory.
To identify a longitudinal case(s) from a large population of potential cases one may look for
instances where change in X is not accompanied by a change in Z. This information is not easy to
tease out of a large-n sample, as it demands that X and Z be measured in a panel format for all
potential cases, and Z is of course very difficult to identify in an a priori fashion (without knowing
the details of each case).
Most similar (Testing)
Estimating a causal effect with a most similar design is similar to the longitudinal design with the
notable addition of a control case – which (ideally) experiences no change on either X or Z. 50 The
prototypical research design is illustrated in Table 5.11.
A 1 0 ?
B 0 0 ?
Five most-similar (testing) case studies are listed as exemplars in Table 5.12. These focus on
diverse subjects and are conducted by researchers in several fields. In short, they share little in
common except their most-similar testing research design.
For example, Jeffrey Mondak (1995) examines two cities – Cleveland and Pittsburgh – that
are similar in background conditions. One of the cities experiences a newspaper strike, exhibiting a
change in the causal factor of theoretical interest. The goal of the study is to determine to what
extent the absence of a newspaper affects citizen knowledge of politics, as measured through a post-
test survey of political awareness. A weakness of this study is that it measures the outcome only after
the newspaper strike (post-treatment). Ideally, one would prefer to measure change through time
across the two cases, setting up what would in a large-n framework be referred to as a difference-in-
difference design and eliminating a large number of potential confounders that are static in nature
(specific to each city).
To identify a small number of most-similar cases from a large population of potential cases,
the researcher may employ matching algorithms that maximize differences across cases in X (or ∆X)
while minimizing differences on the vector Z (or ∆Z) (Nielsen 2015). The usual cautionary note
applies: measuring Z is difficult in a large-n context and should be supplemented with a close look at
the chosen cases before an in-depth case study is undertaken. Algorithmic case-selection seems
unlikely in this circumstance, for reasons noted above.
However, an extension of the most-similar method – called “synthetic control” (Abadie,
Diamond & Hainmueller 2015) – relies explicitly on a matching framework, and may be regarded as
a generalization of the most-similar design. Here, there is typically a single “treatment” case (where
X varies) and a number of control cases that are well-matched on background characteristics (and
where X is constant). For example, to test the impact of violent conflict on growth performance
Abadie & Gardeazabal (2003) look closely at one region of Spain that has been riven by conflict –
the Basque country – which they contrast with other regions of the country observed over the same
time-period. Spain is a highly decentralized polity so each region enjoys a fair bit of autonomy and
50 This is the version of most-similar analysis discussed in Glynn & Ichino (2014) and Lijphart (1975).
the problem of non-independence across units is therefore minimized. The researchers note that a
simple time-series analysis focused on the Basque region could shed light on the economic impact of
ETA-sponsored terrorism. However, this “intervention” began slowly in the 1960s and 1970s (there
was no well-defined point of onset) and was coincident with a general economic downturn in Spain.
Thus, temporal patterns are difficult to interpret. As with traditional matching methods, Abadie and
Gardeazabal identify a series of covariates that might help to identify a territory or territories in
Spain that is most similar to the Basque region with respect to various factors that might affect
growth performance and yet has not experienced violent conflict. These covariates include real per
capita GDP, investment, population density, the shape of the economy (e.g., agriculture, industry,
and other sectors), as well as various measures of human capital. However, there is no perfect match
for the Basque country among the sixteen other Spanish regions. Rather than consigning themselves
to a less-than-perfect comparison, the authors instead construct a hypothetical case from the two
cases that match relatively well with the Basque region, Madrid and Catalonia. Each is weighted
according to the strength of the match (with the Basque region) along the various dimensions noted
earlier; the two are then combined into a single case. This composite case is looked upon as
providing a best “control” case for the treatment case, the Basque region. “Our goal,” the authors
explain, “is to approximate the per capita GDP path that the Basque Country would have
experienced in the absence of terrorism. This counterfactual per capita GDP path is calculated as the
per capita GDP of the synthetic Basque Country” (2003: 117). Based on this synthetic
counterfactual, the authors conclude that the Basque region experienced a ten percent loss in per
capita GDP due to terrorist violence over the course of two decades (the 1980s and 1990s).
Case studies, finally, may perform a diagnostic function – helping to confirm, disconfirm, or refine a
hypothesis (garnered from the literature on a subject or from the researcher’s own ruminations) and
identifying the generative agent at work in that relationship. Specific strategies may be classified as
influential, pathway, or most-similar, as discussed below.
All the elements of a causal model are generally involved in the selection of a diagnostic case.
The reader may wonder what is left for case study research to accomplish when values for X, Z, and
Y are already known. Actually, a good deal remains on the table. Diagnostic case studies may assess:
• Measurement error: Are X, Z, and Y properly measured? (Seawright 2015b)
• Scope-conditions: Is the chosen case rightly classified as part of the population? What
are the appropriate scope-conditions for the hypothesis? (Skocpol & Somers 1980)
• Causal heterogeneity: Are there background factors that mediate the X→Y relationship?
• Confounders: Is the actual data generating process consistent with the chosen causal
model? Are there pre- or post-treatment confounders? (Dunning 2012; Seawright
• Causal mechanisms: What is the pathway through which X affects Y? (see below)
Of particular interest is the latter feature – the mechanisms (M) connecting X to Y (if indeed
the relationship is causal). 51 Mechanisms not only help to confirm or disconfirm a hypothesis, they
also explain it, since in specifying a mechanism we also specify the generative process by which X
causes Y. Note that when there is no strong theoretical prior about the nature of the mechanism the
case analysis assumes an open-ended, inductive quest – to identify M. When there is a theoretical
expectation, the analysis assumes a deductive format – to test the existence of a pre-specified pattern
thought to be indicative of M (e.g., Dafoe & Kelsey 2014). This is sometimes referred to as congruence
testing, pattern-matching, or implication analysis (see discussion in Chapter 8).
In sum, there is a quite lot to occupy a case study researcher engaged in a diagnostic case
study, even though (preliminary) values for X, Z, and Y are known. Information gained from a case
study may be used to confirm, reject, or refine a theory or to refine a large-n cross-case model, e.g.,
by helping to re-specify that model (Gordon & Smith 2004; Seawright 2015b).
Diagnostic cases are probably the most complex sort of case study from a research design
perspective so this section is somewhat longer than the previous sections and will include in-depth
discussion of several examples.
An influential case is one whose status has a profound effect on the probability of a hypothesis being
true, P(Hx). If an intensive study of that case reveals measurement error, faulty scope-conditions,
causal heterogeneity, confounders, or errors in causal mechanisms the hypothesis will be called into
question. If, on the other hand, problems are not discovered in these areas – and a clear mechanism
can be traced connecting X with Y – the hypothesis is corroborated.
In social science settings, the most influential cases are usually those that falsify, or threaten
to falsify, a hypothesis. Decisively corroborating cases are rare. But there are many instances in
which a single case, or a small set of cases, disconfirms – or at least casts a pall of suspicion on – a
The most influential case is one that, by itself, falsifies a hypothesis. This is possible if the
proposition is strictly deterministic (Dion 1998). Suppose that X=1 is regarded as a necessary
condition of an outcome, Y=1. A falsifying case would have the attributes X=0, Y=1. If, on the
other hand, X=1 is regarded as a sufficient condition of an outcome, Y=1, a falsifying case would
exhibit the attributes X=1, Y=0. (Necessary and sufficient conditions are mirror images of each
other; which terminology one uses is a matter of clarity and convenience.)
The most prominent deterministic hypothesis in social science today is probably the
democratic peace – the idea that democratic dyads do not wage war on each other. 52 As it happens,
there are a number of possible exceptions to this “universal” law including the Spanish-American
war, the Kargil War, the Paquisha War, Lebanese participation in the Six Day War, the French-Thai
51 Mechanism-focused case studies do not usually attempt to estimate the precise causal effect of X on M and M on Y, as
one might in an experimental context or – with many caveats – in a large-n observational context (Imai, Keele & Tingley
2010). The effort is more modestly pitched: to shed light on whether a mechanism is at work, and hence responsible for
some of the causal effect of X on Y.
52 Not everyone views the democratic peace as deterministic; but some do (Brown et al. 1996). For a list of additional
hypotheses that take a deterministic form see Goertz & Starr (2003).
war, and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Each has drawn considerable attention from supporters
and skeptics of the democratic peace hypothesis (Bremer 1992, 1993; Elman 1997; Gleditsch 1992;
Owen 1994; Ray 1993). Thus far, this research has not yielded a knockout blow to democratic peace
theory. There is a problem of measurement insofar as apparent exceptions are often hard to classify
cleanly as democratic/autocratic or peaceful/belletristic. More fundamentally, many researchers take
a probabilistic view of the theory – in which case a few exceptions are not so worrisome for the
theory. For present purposes, what is important is that these cases are influential. Whether the
theory is interpreted as deterministic or probabilistic, these cases have greater bearing on the validity
of the theory than other cases that might be chosen for intensive analysis, which explains their
enduring importance.
Influential cases are often outliers, or apparent outliers – cases that don’t seem to fit the
theory, as seen in the case of the democratic peace. This is true for other subjects as well, including
subjects that are understood by pretty much everyone as probabililistic. In Jeremy Weinstein’s (2007)
study of civil conflict, four outliers are identified – Algeria (1962-4), Algeria (1992-2000), Colombia
(1949-63), and Lebanon (1975-91). Here, conflict deaths during civil wars were higher than predicted
by Weinstein’s theory, which hinges on access to material resources. Weinstein finds that two of
these outliers – Algeria (1962-4) and Lebanon – are the product of measurement errors, which are
then corrected in subsequent analyses (Weinstein 2007: 324). In Colombia and Algeria (1992-2000),
in-depth case exploration reveals additional factors that seem to contribute to insurgent violence,
allowing Weinstein an opportunity to re-specify the background features of his causal model (to
account for causal heterogeneity) or to establish narrower scope-conditions for the theory. In this
fashion, case exploration leads to theory development. 53
Note that while influential cases are sometimes outliers – and in this sense mirror deviant
cases (discussed above) – they may also be conforming. Indeed, they may define the relationship of
interest. What makes a case influential is not its fit with the model but its influence on the model.
Likewise, even when an influential case is deviant the purpose of these two genres is quite different.
A deviant case is designed for discovery (to identify a new hypothesis) while an influential case is
designed for diagnostic purposes (to assess an existing hypothesis).
Influential cases may take the form of crucial cases if certain background conditions hold
(Eckstein 1975). If the goal is to prove a hypothesis the crucial case is known as a least-likely case.
Here, the hypothesized relationship between X and Y holds even though background factors (Z)
predict otherwise. With respect to democratic peace hypothesis, a least-likely case would be a dyad
composed of two democratic countries with background characteristics that seem to predispose
them to war but nonetheless are at peace. If the goal is to disprove a hypothesis the crucial case is
known as a most-likely case. Here, the hypothesized relationship between X and Y does not hold even
though background factors (Z) predict that it should. With respect to the democratic peace
hypothesis, a most-likely case would be a dyad composed of two democratic countries with
background characteristics that seem to predispose them to peace (e.g., they are rich, culturally
similar, and economically co-dependent), who nonetheless engage in violent conflict. Distinguishing
most- from least-likely cases depends upon the hypothesis, which may be formulated in different
ways. For example, if one chooses to frame the outcome as “war” rather than “peace” (an arbitrary
decision, in most respects) then the terms are flipped. The logic of the crucial case remains the same,
in any case.
As another example one might consider the well-established claim that diverse countries are
less likely to establish and maintain a democratic form of government (Diamond & Plattner 1994). A
53My exposition of Weinstein (2007) follows Soifer (2015). For another example of this sort one may consider the case
of Denmark in Ertman (1997), discussed by Munck (2004: 118).
most-likely case is provided by Papua New Guinea, which exhibits what is probably the highest level
of ethnolinguistic heterogeneity of any country in the world (X) along with a very low level of
modernization (Z), a background factor that should also discourage democratization. Despite these
features, PNG has sustained a vibrant multiparty democracy since independence in 1975. In a
detailed case study, Ben Reilly (2000/2001) points out that this constitutes strong evidence against
the prevailing view of social diversity.
Sometimes, influential cases take the form of the “dog that didn’t bark,” i.e., a case that
should have exhibited a positive outcome but in the event did not. For example, in Stathis Kalyvas’s
(1996) study of Christian democracy in Europe, the case of France – a Catholic country that never
develops a well-institutionalized Christian democratic party – looms large. Consequently, Kalyvas
devotes greater attention to this case than to the more well-behaved cases. “Difficult” cases often
deserve more detailed attention, whether their difficulty arises from problems of measurement,
classification, ambiguity in the theory, confounders, or stochastic features of the world. The
researcher must come to terms with them.
A variety of influential case studies are listed in Table 5.13. All derive from political science
or sociology (though I see no particular reason why this sort of work should be focused on these
particular disciplines). Samples are small, ranging from 1 to 6.
Although all studies listed in Table 5.13 were chosen in an informal fashion, most could also
have been chosen in an algorithmic fashion. To identify influential case(s) for deterministic
hypotheses from a large population of potential cases the researcher need only compare values for X
and Y, looking for those that seem to disconfirm the theory. To identify influential case(s) for
probabilistic hypotheses from a large population of potential cases in a regression context the
researcher may draw on a well-developed body of influence statistics designed to identify those cases
that play an influential role – understood as cases which, if removed from the sample, would have
the largest impact on the total model or – more usefully – on estimated coefficients for a particular
independent variable, as revealed by the DFBETA statistic (Andersen 2008; Belsey, Kuh & Welsch
2004; Bollen & Jackman 1985).
A pathway case is one where the apparent impact of X on Y conforms to theoretical expectations and
is strongest (in magnitude), while background conditions (Z) are held constant or exert a
“conservative” bias (Gerring 2007a, 2007b; Weller & Barnes 2014, 2015). This might also be called a
conforming or typical case (Lieberman 2005; Schneider & Rohlfing 2013) since it conforms to or
typifies a causal relationship of interest. However, the ideal pathway case does more than simply
conform to an expected pattern, as we shall see.
In a setting where the relationship between X and Y is highly uncertain – perhaps because it
has not yet been (or cannot be) tested in a large-n cross-case format – the pathway case serves an
illustrative function. By showing that the theory fits the chosen case, the case study illustrates the
contents of the theory and demonstrates its plausibility. If it works here, it may apply elsewhere. 54
Case studies based on economic models often perform an illustrative function (e.g., Bates et al.
1998; Kuehn 2013; Lorentzen, Fravel & Paine 2015). This presumably because the abstract quality
of the theory, perhaps laid out with a mathematical model, must be related in some fashion to the
real world. Without a concrete illustration – a case – the theory is disembodied. But many other
theories, not rooted in functionalist economic theories, also seek illustrative cases.
For example, in presenting the theory of path dependence Paul David (1985) draws on the
curious case of the “QWERTY” keyboard. This peculiar arrangement of keys was adopted by the
developers of the typewriter as a way to slow down the action of the keys so they wouldn’t jam up –
a constant problem on early typewriters, even with the QWERTY arrangement. Later on, as
technology advanced, typewriters could accommodate faster keyboard action and developers
suggested new arrangements of the keyboard that promised to speed up the typing process.
However, David shows that these innovations never caught on. The QWERTY system had “locked
in” with both consumers and producers, illustrating the theory of path dependence.
In a setting where the relationship between X and Y is well established – perhaps as a result
of cross-case analysis (the researcher’s or someone else’s) – the pathway case is usually focused
specifically on causal mechanisms (M). An example is provided by Edward Mansfield & Jack
Snyder’s (2005) research on regime transitions and war. The authors find a strong relationship
between democratization and bellicose behavior in their large-n crossnational analysis. To ascertain
whether their hypothesized causal mechanisms are actually at work in generating this relationship
they look closely at ten countries where the posited covariational pattern between X and Y clearly
holds, i.e., where democratization is followed by war. (The exclusion of communist countries from
this sample may be regarded as a bid to dispense with cases burdened with potential confounders.)
Fourteen pathway case exemplars are listed in Table 5.14. Several are selected by algorithm
(Dafoe & Kelsey 2014; Teorell 2010), though most are selected in an informal fashion. Samples
range from 1 to 14 and cover a wide range of topics.
54 Goertz (2015) refers to this genre of case study as an “empirical existence proof.”
Table 5.14: Pathway Case Exemplars
In thinking about case-selection in a large-n framework – where there are lots of potential
cases that might be chosen and information on X, Z, and Y sufficient to provide at least an initial
identification of cases ripe for intensive study – we shall begin with a simple setting and proceed to a
more complex one.
The logic of the pathway case is clearest in situations where all factors of interest (both
causes and outcomes) may be understood in a binary fashion (0 or 1). For heuristic purposes, I shall
stipulate that if X is a cause of Y there is a positive relationship between the two, i.e., a change from
X=0 to X=1 enhances the probability of Y=1. Likewise, all background factors (represented by the
vector Z) have a positive relationship to Y. I shall also assume that the impact of X on Y is
independent of Z (the vector Z does not serve as a mediator). And I shall assume that positive
values for X and Y correspond to a change in those variables at some point in the past (and which
therefore may be observable) – whereas negative values correspond to stasis.
In this scenario, we can classify case types into eight categories, illustrated in Table 5.15.
Note that the total number of combinations of values depends on the number of control variables,
which we have represented with a single vector, Z. If this vector consists of a single variable then
there are only eight case-types. If this vector consists of two variables (Z1, Z2) then the total number
of possible combinations increases from eight (23) to sixteen (24). Identifying these case types is a
relatively simple matter, and can be accomplished in a small-n sample by the construction of a truth-
table or in a large-n sample by the use of cross-tabs.
The pathway case, following the logic of the crucial case, is one where the causal factor of
interest is positive (X=1) and correctly predicts Y while all other possible causes of Y (represented
by the vector, Z) make “wrong” predictions. This is depicted as Case H in Table 5.15. If X is a cause
of Y this relationship should be most visible where other potential confounders are not at work – or,
more accurately, probably not at work. This does not suppose that the relationship is mono-causal; it
merely supposes that in a given case the relationship may be mono-causal, i.e., causally sufficient.
And it does not suppose causal determinism; there may be lots of instances where X=1 and Y=0
(case-types E & F). (Naturally, if X is a cause of Y we would expect to find fewer instances of E and
F than of other types.)
Table 5.15: Pathway Case Design with Binary Factors
A 1 1 1
B 0 0 0
C 0 1 1
D 0 0 1
E 1 0 0
F 1 1 0
G 0 1 0
H 1 0 1
X = causal factor of theoretical interest. Z = vector of background factors. Y = outcome. The N for each case-type is
indeterminate. H = pathway case.
Now, let us approach a more complicated scenario, when all (or most) variables of concern
to the model are continuous rather than dichotomous. Here, the job of case-selection is considerably
more complex, for causal “sufficiency” (in the usual sense) cannot be invoked. It is no longer
plausible to assume that a given cause can be entirely partitioned, i.e., rival factors eliminated.
However, the search for a pathway case may still be viable.
What we are looking for in this scenario is a case that satisfies two criteria: (1) it is not an
outlier, or at least not an extreme outlier, in the full model (so it does not violate the criterion of
representativeness in an obvious way) and (2) its score on the outcome (Y) is strongly influenced by
the theoretical variable of interest (X), taking other factors into account (Z). In this sort of case it
should be easiest to “see” the causal mechanisms that lie between X and Y.
Let us suppose that one has data for a large sample of potential cases in a time-series
(“panel”) format. And let us suppose, further, that there is sufficient variation in X through time, at
least for some cases, to measure the impact of X on Y. In this setting, one may identify a pathway
case by running time-series analyses for each potential case (including whatever covariates are
thought to be important for model specification) and identifying that case(s) where X shows a
strong relationship to Y (as judged by the coefficient of each model) and Z is relatively constant, or
varies in a manner that suggests it is not serving as a confounder. Next, one can run a cross-case
model with unit fixed-effects (an intercept for each case) to judge the extent to which the potential
pathway cases fit the general model, discarding those that are extreme outliers (where the coefficient
for the case fixed-effect is especially large).
Unfortunately, cross-case datasets do not always possess these desirable features. Sometimes,
the data is purely cross-sectional or the factor of interest evidences little variation over time. In these
settings, a cross-sectional regression apparatus may be enlisted, in three steps. First, construct a
minimal specification with all relevant background factors (those that might serve as confounders),
Y = Z + 𝜀1 (2.1)
Y = Z + X + 𝜀2 (2.2)
The potential pathway case is that case, or set of cases, which shows the greatest difference between
the absolute value of the residual for the minimal specification and the absolute value of the full
specification (∆Residual),
Note that the residual for a case must be smaller in the full specification than in the minimal
specification; otherwise, the addition of the variable of interest (X) pulls the case away from the
regression line. We want to find a case where the addition of X pushes the case towards the
regression line, i.e., it helps to “explain” that case, according to the terms of the theory that is being
As an example, let us suppose that we are interested in exploring the effect of mineral wealth
on the prospects for democracy in a society. According to a good deal of work on this subject,
countries with a bounty of natural resources – particularly oil – are less likely to democratize. Yet,
even for those who are convinced of the argument, the causal mechanisms remain rather obscure.
Consider the following list of possible causal pathways, summarized by Michael Ross (2001: 327-8):
A ‘rentier effect’ . . . suggests that resources rich governments use low tax rates and
patronage to relieve pressures for greater accountability; a ‘repression effect’ . . . argues
that resources wealth retards democratization by enabling governments to boost their
funding for internal security; and a ‘modernization effect’ . . . holds that growth based
on the export of oil and minerals fails to bring about the social and cultural changes
that tend to produce democratic government.
Are all three causal mechanisms at work? Are they present in all cases, and to equal degrees?
Although Ross attempts to test these factors in a large-n cross-country setting, his answers remain
rather speculative. 55 Let us see how this might be handled by a pathway-case approach.
The factor of theoretical interest, oil wealth, may be operationalized as per capita oil
production (barrels of oil produced, divided by the total population of a country [derived from
Humphreys 2005]). We measure democracy with a variable, Polity2, drawn from the Polity IV
dataset. Additional factors in the model include GDP per capita (logged), Muslims (as percent of the
population), European language (percent speaking a European language), and ethnic
fractionalization. 56 These are all regarded as background variables that may affect a country’s
propensity to democratize (Z). We shall analyze these in a simple cross-sectional ordinary least
squares regression model focused on a recent year (1995). To simplify the equations we present
coefficients for all right-side variables but not standard errors and p values (readers may assume that
all factors are statistically significant at standard threshold levels). The minimal specification includes
all factors except the factor of theoretical interest.
Polity2 = -.831 Constant + .909 GDP + -.086 Muslim + 2.242 European + -3.023
Ethnic fract + 𝜀 1
Polity2 = -3.71 Constant + 1.258 GDP + -.075 Muslim + 1.843 European + -2.093
Ethnic fract + -7.662 Oil + 𝜀 2
What does a comparison of the residuals across equations (2.4) and (2.5) reveal? Table 5.16
displays the highest ∆Residual cases. Several of these may be summarily removed from
consideration by virtue of the fact that | 𝜀 1|< | 𝜀 2|. Thus, we see that the inclusion of Oil increases
55 Ross tests these various causal mechanisms with cross-country data, employing various proxies for these concepts in
the benchmark model and observing the effect of these – presumably intermediary – effects on the main variable of
interest (oil resources). This is a good example of how cross-case evidence can be mustered to shed light on causal
mechanisms; one is not limited to case study formats, as discussed in Chapter 1. Still, as Ross notes (2003: 356), these
tests are by no means definitive. Indeed, the coefficient on the key oil variable remains fairly constant, except in
circumstances where the sample is severely constrained.
56 GDPpc data are from WDI (2003). Muslims and European language are coded by the author. Ethnic fractionalization
the residual for Norway; this case is apparently better explained without the inclusion of the variable
of theoretical interest. Needless to say, this is not a good case to explore if we wish to examine
causal mechanisms. (It probably serves as an influential case, however, as discussed in the previous
Among cases where the residual declines from the minimal to the full specification, several
are obvious choices as pathway cases. The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait have the highest
∆Residual values and also have modest residuals in the full specification, signifying that these cases
are not outliers; indeed, judging by the parameters of this model they fit the model rather well. The
analysis suggests, therefore, that researchers seeking to explore the effect of oil wealth on regime
type might do well to focus on these two cases since their patterns of democracy cannot be well-
explained by other factors – e.g., economic development, religion, European influence, or ethnic
fractionalization. The presence of oil wealth in these countries would appear to have a strong
independent effect on the prospects for democratization these cases. This is not to say, of course, that
other cases can be ignored, or should be ignored. It is to say, quite simply, that if one is constrained
to focus on one or a few cases, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait should be among them.
Table 5.16: Example of Pathway Cases with Continuous Variables
𝜀1 𝜀2 𝜀1 – 𝜀2
(Eq 2.4) (Eq 2.5)
Iran -.282 -.456 .175
Turkmenistan -1.220 -1.398 .178
Mauritania -.076 -.255 .179
Turkey 2.261 2.069 .192
Switzerland .177 -.028 .205
Venezuela .148 .355 -.207
Belgium .518 .310 .208
Morocco -.540 -.776 .236
Jordan .382 .142 .240
Djibouti -.451 -.696 .245
Bahrain -1.411 -1.673 .262
Luxembourg .559 .291 .269
Singapore -1.593 -1.864 .271
Oman -1.270 -.981 -.289
Gabon -1.743 -1.418 -.325
Saudi Arabia -1.681 -1.253 -.428
Norway .315 1.285 -.971
United Arab Emirates -1.256 -.081 -1.175
Kuwait -1.007 .925 -1.932
𝜀 1 = standardized residual from the minimal specification, without Oil (Equation 2.4).
𝜀 2 = standardized residual from the full specification, with Oil (Equation 2.5).
Most similar (Diagnostic)
When employed for diagnostic purposes, the most similar design consists of a pathway case (as
above) plus a control case, which exhibits minimal variation in X and Z. 57 If this is too complicated
to ascertain, one may fall back on a simplified version of the most-similar design – in which the
treatment case exemplifies change in X, no change in Z, and change in Y, while the control case
exemplifies no (or very little) change in any of these features, as illustrated in Table 5.17. These
features may be identified in a large sample of potential cases by employing matching algorithms that
maximize differences across cases in X and Y (or ∆X and ∆Y) in ways that are consistent with the
hypothesis while minimizing differences on the vector Z (or ∆Z) (Nielsen 2015).
A 1 0 1
B 0 0 0
For example, in order to shed light on the persistent relationship between socioeconomic
status and health, Karen Lutfey & Jeremy Freese (2005) compare high and low status individuals
who suffer from diabetes, with the knowledge that the latter are more likely to succumb to the
effects of the disease. This is accomplished by focusing on two endocrinology clinics, one located in
an affluent neighborhood and the other in a poor neighborhood. The focus of the study is on
factors inside the clinic (continuity of care, in-clinic educational resources, bureaucratic
organization), outside the clinic (financial limitations, occupational constraints, social support
networks), and among the patients (motivation, cognitive ability) that might affect compliance with
an exacting medical regime. These are regarded as causal mechanisms in the relationship between
SES and health.
Ten most-similar exemplars are listed in Table 5.18. These are drawn from a range of
disciplines and pertain to a variety of phenomena – industrial policies, banking systems, health
policies, social movements, clinics, water and irrigation agencies, and party systems. Samples are
limited to a narrow range of 2 to 4.
57For work on the most-similar method, generally understood, see work cited for the most-similar (exploratory) method
Table 5.18: Most Similar (Diagnostic) Case Exemplars
In this chapter, I have discussed case-selection strategies that are intended to identify, measure, or
assess a causal hypothesis. For each of these goals, several strategies are possible. These were laid
out in brief form, with several examples, and advice on how to select a case, or small set of cases,
from a large set of potential cases.
An important “take-home” message of this chapter is that there are many aspects of causal
inference, each of which calls for a somewhat different method of case-selection. To be sure, these
goals tend to mush together in the finished product, as researchers want to squeeze as much juice
from the proverbial fruit as they can. It would be silly for a researcher to try to measure a causal
effect without any attention to potential mechanisms, for example. Nonetheless, the researcher’s
initial goal rightly structures the selection of cases, with other goals training behind (to be handled, as
best as they can, once the case is chosen).
Random Sampling
Random sampling means that each case in a given population (or a sampling frame thought to
represent that population) has an equal chance of being selected. This may be achieved by a random
draw from an urn, a random number generator, or a systematic sampling technique. The key point is
that, if cases are selected randomly, and the resulting sample is large, the sample is likely to be
representative of the overall population with regard to any particular feature. 59
Random sampling is the preferred approach to case selection in most large-n cross-case
contexts. However, it is not widely practiced in case study research. To understand why this is so, we
need to appreciate two problems – stochastic error and leverage.
The first problem with random sampling as an approach to case selection with very small
samples is that the resulting sample is much less likely to be representative. Resulting errors
(deviations from the population mean) may be understood as stochastic, e.g., measurement error,
error in the data-generation process, and/or error as a fundamental feature of the universe. But they
are still worrisome since one wishes to draw inferences about the population from that (quite
possibly biased) sample.
58 See Dafoe & Kelsey (2014), Gerring (2007a), Goertz (2015), Herron & Quinn (2015), Lieberman (2005), Nielsen
(2015), Schneider & Rohlfing (2014), Seawright (2015b), Seawright & Gerring (2008).
59 The exception involves features of the population that are very rare, and which must therefore be over-sampled. To
restore representativeness, the observations can be weighted by their prevalence in the population. For a general
introduction to sampling see Henry (1990).
To dramatize this point, let us consider two sampling exercises, one with large samples and
the other with small samples. Figure 6.1 shows a histogram of the mean values of five hundred
random samples, each consisting of one thousand cases. For each case, one variable has been
measured: a continuous variable that falls somewhere between zero and one. In the population, the
mean value of this variable is 0.5. As can be seen, all of the sample means are very close to the true
(population) mean. In this respect, random sampling is successful, and each of the five hundred
samples turns out to be fairly representative of the population.
A histogram showing the mean values of one variable in 500 samples of 1000 cases each. Population mean = 0.5
Figure 6.2: Sample Means of Small-Sample Draws
A histogram showing the mean values of one variable in 500 samples of 5 cases each. Population mean = 0.5
Now consider what happens if we reduce sample size from one thousand cases to five (5).
Results, shown in Figure 6.2, show that small random samples are again centered on the true mean,
and thus unbiased. However, many of the sample means lie far from the population mean, and some
are quite far indeed. Thus, even though this case-selection technique produces representative
samples on average, any given sample may be wildly unrepresentative. In statistical terms, the problem
is that small sample sizes tend to produce estimates with a great deal of variance – sometimes
referred to as a problem of precision (or, somewhat misleadingly, of “efficiency”). For this reason,
random sampling is inherently unreliable in case study research insofar as case study research
involves a limited number of cases and a much larger population.
To be sure, random sampling with small samples is more defensible when the population of
theoretical interest is very small. Several countries chosen randomly from Western Europe (N~10)
offer a more precise representation of that population than several countries chosen randomly from
the world can represent the population of all sovereign countries (N~200). This is reflected in the
finite population correction factor, as employed in sampling statistics (Knaub 2008). However, this is a
rather unusual circumstance. Typically, the population of interest, even if finite, is much larger than
the sample. In this circumstance, the finite population correction factor has minimal impact on the
precision of the resulting estimates.
The second problem with random sampling as an approach to case selection in case study
work may be summarized as one of leverage. There is no guarantee that a few cases, chosen randomly,
will provide leverage into the research question that animates an investigation. The sample might be
representative but still uninformative, or less informative than other cases that could have been
chosen using a purposive case-selection strategy.
Stratified random sampling is another matter entirely for it allows one to specify the type of
case that is likely to provide the greatest leverage on the question of interest. Indeed, almost all of
the methods of case selection outlined in Table 3.1 are amenable to stratified random sampling, as
discussed below. However, it is important to bear in mind that stratified random sampling is still
subject to stochastic error if the resulting sample is small.
These two problems – stochastic error (sampling variance) and leverage – limit random
sampling as a strategy for case selection in case study research. Indeed, I do not find even a single
example of it in my canvas of case studies in the social sciences. 60
While large-n cross-case research aspires to collect observations randomly from a known universe,
case study research does not, for reasons discussed above. Instead, researchers select on particular
dimensions of the potential cases – D, X, Z, and/or Y – as summarized in Table 3.1. This is
sometimes referred to as purposive case selection. However, there is no reason why a specification of
dimensions cannot be combined with a random element – a stratified random sample, as we shall see.
Purposive case selection does not mean that case selection must be entirely qualitative. It may enlist
a pre-defined algorithm (a quantitative template).
Algorithmic case-selection follows a set of rules executed in a sequence of steps, which I
envision in the following fashion.
1. Define the research question and the population of theoretical interest.
2. Identify a sample of potential cases. Ideally, this sampling frame should be
representative of the population of interest.
3. Measure relevant features of the cases – e.g., D, X, Y, and/or Z (as specified in Table
5.1) – across the sample.
4. Combine diverse indicators of D, X, Y, and/or Z into indices, if necessary.
5. Construct a causal model, if required.
6. Apply a case-selection algorithm to identify the case, or cases, eligible for investigation
(as discussed in Chapters 3-5).
7. If more than one case satisfies the criteria, select cases randomly from within the
subset of eligible cases (stratified random sampling).
Algorithms might be simple, as it is for the typical case, where the case(s) lying closest to the
mean, median, or mode is usually regarded as typical. Or they might be more complex, involving
causal models. Our discussion in previous chapters focused mostly on regression or matching
estimators as these are the most common large-n cross-case estimation techniques. But one might
also employ algorithms drawn from the qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) family, e.g., crisp-set,
fuzzy-set, or temporal QCA. 61
60 Note that Fearon & Laitin (2008, 2004, 2015), who appear to advocate random sampling, in fact utilize a stratified
random sampling technique for their “random narratives”project in which countries are stratified by outcome and
61 I suspect that methods of case-selection relying on QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) also follow the strategies
listed in Table 5.1, at least insofar as cases are chosen according to a pathway strategy (where each configuration
Whatever the chosen technique, it deserves to be emphasized that all case selection strategies
except some sorts of diagnostic cases may be implemented in an algorithmic fashion. At the same
time, readers should be aware that this approach to case-selection is still fairly unusual. Among the
151 exemplars listed in Table 1.2, only nine utilize algorithmic case-selection procedures, as listed in
Table 6.1. 62 Nonetheless, it is now an established method of case-selection and appears to be
growing in importance, so it warrants close attention.
Four main advantages may be credited to the algorithmic approach. First, case selection is explicit
and replicable. It would be difficult, by contrast, to describe and to replicate the complex judgments
involved in qualitative case-selection.
Second, the algorithm assists researchers in identifying a best case(s) wherever case-selection
criteria are complicated and/or the number of potential cases is large – perhaps numbering in the
hundreds, thousands, or even millions. So long as a criterion can be reduced to a formula, and so
long as it can be measured across the potential cases, the algorithmic approach is seaworthy.
Third, claims to sample representativeness – relative to a larger population – are easier to
define and to defend. That is, it is clearer what the chosen case(s) might be a case of (what
population one is sampling from). Of course, that population might not be coterminous with the
population of the hypothesis that results from the research. For example, if one chooses a case(s) to
maximize variation in Y one would not claim that the resulting sample of outcome case(s) is
representative of the population of cases for which X→ 𝑌 (once X has been identified). But one
might claim that the sample is representative of a population for which Y is “high” or “low” or
“both high and low.”
constitutes a pathway and cases are chosen from each pathway) or an influential strategy (focused on cases that do not
fit the general patterns discovered by the QCA). On this topic see Schneider & Rohlfing (2013), as well as Rohlfing &
Schneider (2013), Schneider & Rohlfing (2015). For a note of caution, see Lucas & Szatrowski (2014).
62 In one of these studies (Lange 2009), the initial analysis is supplemented by further deliberation, ex post, prior to final
Fourth, the algorithmic approach allows for a clear separation between theory generation
and theory testing. Only in this fashion can the problem of “cherry picking” (choosing cases that fit
the researcher’s theory or pre-conceptions) be avoided.
For all these reasons, an algorithmic approach to case-selection is worth considering.
There are also reasons to be dubious of an “automatic” algorithmic procedure for selecting cases.
First, the protocol for algorithmic case selection outlined above is demanding. One must
have a clearly defined research question and population of theoretical interest. One must possess
data sufficient to measure relevant parameters for a large sample of cases, and the data must be
relatively reliable. If a causal model is required, one must be able to construct a model that is
plausible. If any of these requirements is not satisfied then one may be better off with an informal
method of case selection.
Second, concerns about separating theory formation and theory testing are irrelevant if the
goal of the case study is exploratory, i.e., to discover a new cause of Y. Exploratory work always
entails an interplay between theory and evidence (Rueschemeyer 2009), a function that the case
study format is well-suited to facilitate and that one would not want to constrain.
Third, while algorithmic case selection might make sense when choosing a medium-sized
sample of cases, most case studies focus on only one or several cases. In a sample this small,
problems arise with a purely algorithmic selection procedure. Specifically, any given sample is quite
likely to fall far from the population parameter of theoretical interest, as shown in the previous
section of this chapter. Moreover, detailed knowledge of a case may be sufficient to call into
question the representativeness of a case. If, after close examination, a case seems unrepresentative it
may make more sense to jettison that case – based on “qualitative” considerations – rather than to
persist with a case that is obviously flawed.
Most important, some criteria, almost by definition, are hard to measure, ex ante, across a
large sample of cases and therefore are not features that an algorithmic case selection method can
condition on. Foremost among these “un-measurables” are omnibus criteria (discussed above) such
as the independence of a case, the availability and suitability of within-case evidence, and logistics.
For cases that serve a role in causal inference, one must consider the degree to which the chosen
case(s) exhibits experimental qualities, as discussed in Chapter 2. A case with many potential
confounders is less useful – indeed, perhaps not useful at all – than a case that is relatively “clean,”
e.g., where X changes without corresponding changes in Z. While case-selection algorithms often
attempt to control for background characteristics, confounders are notoriously devious and
therefore not always easy to measure – especially in a large-n cross-case framework.
Consider that if quasi-experimental cases could be identified by algorithms we could find
good natural experiments simply by running selection algorithms across thousands of potential sites
of investigation. In practice, researchers must invest an enormous amount of time looking into the
fine details of a site before it can be ascertained whether – or in what respects – it satisfies the
methodological criteria of a natural experiment, i.e., as-if random assignment and the absence of
post-treatment confounders (Dunning 2012). What is true of sites (suitable for large-n natural
experiments) is also true for cases (suitable for small-n natural experiments): there are no mechanical
tools for finding them.
Algorithmic case selection makes good sense if one is choosing a medium-n sample of cases, for all
the reasons it makes sense in large samples. Here, traditional sampling theory applies. Indeed, it is
not clear how one would select several dozen cases in an informal (qualitative) fashion. When a
sample is expanded beyond a dozen one is more or less presuming that “automatic” selection criteria
can be applied. The most outspoken proponents of model-based case-selection, James Fearon &
David Laitin (2008, 2014, 2015), incorporate twenty-five country-cases in their “random narratives”
project, each of which is intensively studied. With a sample of this size it makes good sense to apply
an algorithmic selection procedure because threats from stochastic error are minimized and
sufficient leverage on factors of theoretical interest are likely to be contained in the resulting sample.
For traditional case study work – where cases number from one to several – case-selection
algorithms are an excellent, and probably underutilized, tool for selecting a pool of potential cases,
where data across a large sample of potential cases is available. However, the algorithmic choice
should probably not be followed slavishly in the final selection of cases, for all the reasons discussed
above. A case that looks good from the perspective of an algorithm may not look so appealing when
one becomes familiar with the intricacies of the setting.
Having considered the pros and cons of algorithmic case selection, I offer a final thought on
why this approach to case selection is elusive, and likely to remain so. Let us suppose, optimistically,
that some dimensions of our subject – D, X, Z, and/or Y – are measurable for a large sample of
potential cases. On this basis one could implement an algorithmic selection of cases, following the
protocol laid out above. So far, so good.
It seems likely that if some dimensions of a subject are measurable across a large sample of
cases, others might also be measurable. If one can measure some aspects of D, why not others? If
one can measure X and Z, why not Y? If one can measure Z and Y, why not X? If one can measure
X, Z, and Y, why not M?
If the missing variable can be measured, then it seems plausible to test it in a large-n cross-
case model. In this scenario, the main justifications for a case study would be for exploratory
purposes (to identify a new hypothesis) or for hypothesis-testing – if the small-sample analysis offers
greater leverage, perhaps because the large sample is subject to irremediable confounders. Even so,
in order to prove that the case study has inferential advantages over the large-sample setting one
would need to examine the former in great detail, as discussed above – in which circumstance
knowledge of how the case scores on the missing variable would be virtually impossible to avoid,
compromising a purely algorithmic case-selection protocol.
Algorithmic case-selection requires knowing something about the cases in a population so
that an informed choice can be made about which case, or cases, to devote special attention to. The
paradox is that the more one knows about the population the greater confidence one has in the
algorithmic case-selection procedure – but, at the same time, the less informative an intensive study
of a particular case is likely to be.
Consider the typical case, where one attempts to choose a case that is descriptively
representative of a population. Let us assume that there are a number of factors of theoretical
interest and that the researcher’s goal is to describe those features based on the features of the
chosen case. Evidently, if one could measure all of those features in the population there would be
no point in conducting an in-depth study of a single case. The employment of algorithmic case
selection procedures presumes that many things of theoretical interest cannot be measured across the
population, and therefore remain mysterious. It is these missing elements that the case study is
intended to shed light on. The justification of case studies arises from situations where cross-case
evidence is unavailing or uncertain. But the fact that many questions remain should also raise doubts
about the algorithm one is using to select a case. The less we know about the population the more
we can learn from a case study. At the same time, our ignorance about the population may make it
difficult to employ algorithmic case-selection procedures with any degree of assurance.
The “n” Question Revisited
Thus far, I have assumed that most case studies will incorporate a very small sample of cases, e.g.,
one or several. However, the advantages of a somewhat larger sample – medium-n, comprising one or
several dozen – are also apparent. In particular, a medium-n sample can be chosen algorithmically,
achieving all of the advantages of algorithmic selection (including greater representativeness) without
sacrificing leverage on the problem at hand (since the chosen cases are likely to provide sufficient
variation on dimensions of interest). In light of these advantages, it may behoove case study
researchers to follow Fearon & Laitin’s lead. Perhaps the problems of case study research can be
mitigated by the simple expedient of increasing the n. If case studies are good, arguably, more cases
are better. 63
The argument for a medium-n approach to case study research would be easy if all things
were equal. However, tradeoffs are encountered when a larger number of cases are incorporated into
a study. Studying additional cases intensively requires additional time and resources – to access
informants or research sites, to learn new languages, to process the information and write up the
results, and so forth. Sometimes, these tasks can be divided up among a team of researchers; this, of
course, requires a greater manpower than the traditional case study (usually undertaken by an
individual researcher, perhaps with the help of a research assistant), and raises coordination
problems. Yet, if the only obstacles to medium-n case study research were logistical one would
expect it to occur more frequently. After all, teamwork is increasingly common in the social sciences
and many projects benefit from large budgets and sizeable staffs.
A more fundamental issue arises when one considers what to do with the results of twenty-
five case studies. (I am assuming that the population of interest is much larger – numbering in the
hundreds, thousands, or millions.) To integrate results from twenty-five cases some sort of data
reduction is required, i.e., the cases will need to be reduced to numbers. This might be a simple
count of the number of cases that seem to show a particular causal mechanism at work, or the
number of cases that validate or invalidate the hypothesis of interest, or some new causal factor that
is suggested by the cases. It might be a causal model, run on the sample of twenty-five. The point is
that once a sample reaches into the dozens it is no longer possible to analyze the cases in a purely
informal manner.
If the end-result of a medium-n case study is a cross-case statistical analysis, the question is
begged: does the medium-n case study offer any advantages over a traditional large-n cross-case
study? The latter might involve hand-coding cases or collecting data from extant sources, in either
case following a standardized survey that alleviates problems of cross-case equivalence and vastly
enhances the efficiency of the case analysis relative to the laborious task open-ended case-based
An example of standardized coding across cases is provided by a recent study by Stephan
Haggard & Robert Kaufman (2012), who examine over one hundred regime transitions in order to
determine the role of distributional conflict in these events. The case profiles are housed in a lengthy
on-line document. The published study presents the data derived from this extensive analysis,
condensed into tabular formats. The role of the in-depth qualitative investigation is thus to arrive at
a binary coding of each case – as “distributive” or “non-distributive.” It is an ingenious study, and
evidence of extraordinary labor on the part of a coordinated research team. However, it is hardly a
case study in the sense in which I have defined the term. Indeed, it seems no different from any data
collection project in which the authors conduct careful, nose-to-the-grindstone coding and preserve
63 For discussion of multiple case study analysis from a non-positivist angle see Stake (2006).
their notes in a codebook. 64
The point, then, is that a large sample of cases can be integrated through careful “case-
based” knowledge if data collection is directed by a systematic survey protocol. The process may be
centralized (a few researchers do all the coding, as in the Haggard & Kaufman projects) or
decentralized (coding is conducted by experts on different subjects or different parts of the world, as
in the Varieties of Democracy project [Coppedge et al. 2015]). In either case, the resulting study has
stronger claims to representativeness and greater protection against stochastic error than the
corresponding medium-n analysis. It would, in short, be superior to medium-n analysis in all respects
that medium-n analysis is superior to small-n analysis.
This foreshadows our conclusion. Medium-n case studies are much more expensive (in terms
of time and resources) than small-n case studies, and the end-result is generally inferior to large-n
analysis. As such, medium-n case-based analysis is a hybrid form of research that seems to have few
areas in which it enjoys a comparative advantage relative to the small-n and large-n alternatives.
This conclusion is corroborated by our exemplars, listed in Table 1.2. Most incorporate one
or several cases, and only a handful extend to a twenty or more. One medical study, implemented by
a large team of researchers headed by Rosenbaum & Silber (2001), integrates seventy-six cases. But
this is an extreme outlier. For these reasons, both logistical and methodological, I regard case study
research in a traditional fashion, i.e., as a “small-n” endeavor (n referring to cases, not observations).
While Chapters 3-5 focus on specific case selection strategies, this chapter explores several generic
features of this process.
The first section discusses the application of random sampling to the selection of cases in case
study research. It was shown that this approach suffers two flaws. The chosen sample of cases, if
small, is subject to serious threats from stochastic error and is also unlikely to yield sufficient
leverage on the question of theoretical interest.
The second section takes on the subject of algorithmic case selection, where a formula governs
the selection of a case(s) from a large number of potential cases. I set out a protocol for algorithmic
case selection and discuss its pros and cons. My view, in a nutshell, is that algorithms are useful
wherever a large number of potential cases are available and wherever data for those cases allows for
the application of a suitable algorithm. However, I do not believe that an algorithm should provide
the final choice among cases if the sample of chosen cases is very small – as it typically is in case
study research. This is because it is difficult, if not impossible, to incorporate all the desiderata of
case selection into an algorithm. Some things, like the quasi-experimental qualities of a case, can only
be known from in-depth knowledge of the case. If, on the other hand, the researcher wishes to
incorporate a larger number of cases – a medium-n sample – the use of algorithms becomes
defensible, and is (I would think) indispensable.
In the final section, I comment on the viability of medium-n samples (comprising from one to
several dozen cases). While I am impressed by recent studies that utilize a large basket of cases, I am
unsure that this method offers the most efficient method of investigation. Medium-n case studies
are much more labor-intensive than case studies, and also demand that researchers possess in-depth
knowledge of a dozen or several dozen cases. The resulting material – lengthy studies of each case –
are hard to integrate except by quantitative methods, which of course requires a more reductionist
64See, e.g., Kreuzer (2010), Mainwaring & Pérez-Liñán (2014), Narang & Nelson (2009), Snyder & Borghard (2011), and
the Archigos codebook (Goemans, Gleditsch & Chiozza 2009).
approach to the cases, a vast simplification of what has been learned. The process begins to look
more like coding, where a systematic questionnaire is applied to each case, and less like case studies.
In short, medium-n case studies seem to occupy a nebulous methodological zone in between
standard case studies (focused on one or several cases) and cross-case analysis. I suspect that
researchers’ time and money would be better spent doing one or the other, or combining both in a
multi-method study, as discussed in the next chapter.
Having explored methods of case selection in Part II, we turn now to methods of analysis – what to
do with the cases once they are chosen. Of course, these two moments in a case study are never
entirely divorced from each other. A key characteristic of case study research is the intermingling of
case selection and case analysis, as any method of choosing cases implies a method of analyzing
them, and some methods (specifically, those that are oriented toward estimating a causal effect or
diagnosing a causal hypothesis) are fairly explicit about how to do so. Consequently, this chapter
revisits some issues introduced in Chapters 2-6. Nonetheless, it is worth covering this ground
carefully as it is by no means redundant.
In this chapter, I lay out a typology of research designs, beginning with the core contrast
between cross-case studies and case studies, with multi-method research describing the union of those two
formats (cross-case plus case study).
These archetypal methods may be distinguished according to whether they exploit cross-case,
longitudinal, or within-case variation, and according to whether this variation is analyzed qualitatively
(with causal-process observations) or quantitatively (with matrix observations). The intersection of
these concepts provides a simple typology of research designs, shown in Table 7.1, that will organize
our discussion in the chapter.
Briefly, a case study enlists cross-case variation in a qualitative fashion, as the number of cases
is very limited. It also enlists longitudinal evidence, which may be analyzed qualitatively or
quantitatively (a time-series analysis). And it enlists within-case evidence, which may also be analyzed
qualitatively or quantitatively. In short, the case study enlists evidence at three levels and generally
combines qualitative and quantitative observations.
A cross-case study embraces a large number of cases and a quantitative form of analysis. If the
data is cross-sectional there is no formal longitudinal component (though lagged right-side variables
may be interpreted as offering evidence of change over time). If the data is arranged in a panel
format there is an opportunity for gauging how variables interact over time. (Hybrid forms such as a
repeated cross-section carry elements of both.) Cross-case studies generally do not exploit within-
case variation. 65
Multi-method studies, the final row in Table 7.1, combine both formats and thus appear as a
hybrid form of research – the union of case study and cross-case methods.
The typology demonstrates that two features distinguish case study and cross-case study
research. First, case study research analyzes cross-case variation in a qualitative manner, generally
with a small handful of cases – which might be a formal part of the research design (e.g., most-
similar or most-different designs) or might be integrated informally as shadow cases. Cross-case
studies analyze a large number of cases and do so in a quantitative fashion. Second, case studies rely
on within-case evidence, while cross-case studies generally do not.
65One might make a partial exception for hierarchical models. However, such models are generally theoretically focused
on the lowest level of analysis, data from higher levels serving a model-specification role (Arceneaux & Nickerson 2009).
For example, a model that combines national- and individual-level data will probably be focused on explaining individual
level behavior. As such, the individual must be regarded as the cases of theoretical interest and there is no within-case
Table 7.1: Typology of Research Designs
We now proceed to provide more flesh to this bare-bones account. I begin with a discussion
of case study evidence, understood as cross-case, longitudinal, or within-case. Second, I explore the
composite genre of multi-method studies.
Here, as elsewhere, my primary focus is on causal analysis. However, much of what I have to
say is also applicable to descriptive analysis. Indeed, the two forms of inference are not always easy
to distinguish.
I have stipulated that case study evidence may be categorized as cross-case, longitudinal, or within-
case. Now, we can examine these categories in greater detail.
Cross-case analysis is mandated by some case-selection methods – most-similar and most-different. Here,
variation across studied cases provides essential and explicit evidence for reaching causal inferences,
as described in Chapter 5.
In addition, case studies generally make reference to additional cases in an informal fashion,
i.e., as shadow cases. For example, Louis Hartz (1955), in his influential study of American political
culture, refers repeatedly to European cases that seem to offer starkly contrasting developmental
trajectories. Indeed, the first section of the first chapter of the book is labeled “America and
Europe.” Here, Hartz assails the then-traditional separation of the study of the New World from the
study of the Old World. “Any attempt to uncover the nature of an American society without
feudalism can only be accomplished by studying it in conjunction with a European society where the
feudal structure and the feudal ethos did in fact survive” (Hartz 1955: 4). The importance of shadow
cases is equally apparent in most other case studies even if they are not always acknowledged in such
a forthright fashion (Soifer 2015).
The “n” (number of cases) of a case study is generally greater than the author’s stated
number of cases. This is especially true for case studies focused on a single case. We have noted that
the meaning and interpretation of that case is always contingent upon comparisons with other cases.
An outcome case or deviant case cannot be understood without a frame of reference, and this frame
of reference stands in the background of any proposed explanation. Thus, although case studies may
appear to be ridiculously myopic, cross-case analysis is never entirely absent. Other cases are
smuggled in, one might say, through the backdoor – i.e., through explicit or implicit comparisons
with a larger population of cases.
Case studies always employ some form of longitudinal analysis, focused on the chosen case(s) over
time. The timeline might extend for centuries (e.g., the history of Italy from the Middle Ages to the
20th century [Putnam 1993]) or for days (e.g., the 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis [Allison 1971]).
Whatever the chosen period, there is generally variation over time along key dimensions – X (the
causal factor or factors), Y (the outcome), or D (the descriptive factor or factors).
Very occasionally, a case does not show change on variables of theoretical interest – the
proverbial dog does not bark. For example, Nina Tannenwald’s (1999, 2007) influential studies focus
on the non-use of nuclear weapons by the United States after World War II. However, this period of
restraint is implicitly contrasted with the deployment of nuclear weapons at the end of the war. In
this respect, Tannenwald incorporates temporal variation in the variable of interest in her work.
The most important element of any case study is the opportunity to exploit variation “inside” or
“within” the case of theoretical interest. In this respect, our previous methodological focus on case
selection – which tends to privilege evidence at the case level – is potentially misleading (though the
reader will note that within-case evidence is one of the omnibus criteria of case selection discussed in
Chapter 3).
If the case is a nation-state, it may be decomposed into regions, cities, or individuals. If the
case is a political party, it may be decomposed into elected officials, activists, voters, and ideological
factions. Any unit may be decomposed, and evidence drawn from each of these sub-units is likely to
provide vital information for the main argument, pitched at the level of the primary case.
Given the ubiquity of within-case evidence it seems fair to assert that all case study research
is also cross-level research. The case study operates at the level of the principal units of analysis (the
cases) as well as within selected cases. This is where the advantages of scoping down really kick in.
These are the sorts of micro-level foundations that are generally impossible to replicate in a large-n
cross-case format (Campbell 1975/1988; George & McKeown 1985; King, Keohane & Verba 1994;
Smelser 1976).
At the same time, these observations involve an additional complexity not encountered with
latitudinal and longitudinal variation. Specifically, the researcher must infer features of the case (at
the macro level) from features derived from a lower level of analysis (at the micro level). This leap
“up” is perhaps less complicated than the leap “down” from a larger unit to its components, for
which we have a recognized term (“ecological inference”). But it is rarely self-evident. The
“aggregation fallacy” assumes that behavior at the aggregate level can be inferred from behavior at
lower levels. This is sometimes true, and sometimes not. In any case, it cannot be taken for granted
(Achen & Shively 1995; Alexander et al. 1987).
Tentative Conclusions
I think it is fair to say that all case studies combine all three kinds of evidence – cross-case,
longitudinal, and within-case. They are sometimes clearly separable, e.g., in different chapters or
under different headings within a chapter or article. But usually they are gemischt. Whatever the mode
of presentation, combining these styles of evidence provides a valuable form of triangulation. A
proposition is more secure if it has been corroborated with cross-case, longitudinal, and within-case
But all evidence is not equal, and it may be helpful to discern the “weak legs” and the
“strong legs” of case study research before quitting this subject. Over time, a consensus seems to
have arisen about the utility of within-case evidence. Few methodologists question the value added
of peaking inside the box, looking at a lower level of analysis for evidence that might further
corroborate, or weaken, a causal inference. There is little debate here (excepting Beck 2010).
Likewise, no one would argue with the adage to exploit over-time variation. Cases that change on
key parameters are more useful than cases that do not.
However, there is some skepticism about the utility of cross-case comparisons in case study
research (George & Bennett 2004: 152; Glynn & Ichino 2014; Seawright 2015; Sekhon 2004; but see
Slater & Ziblatt 2013). Since shadow cases do not bear a heavy burden in any study’s causal
inference (by definition) and most-different case designs are rare (as discussed in Chapter 5), our
discussion will focus on the dominant cross-case design, the most-similar case study. Here, we
consider the three versions of this design – exploratory, estimating, and diagnostic – together since they
all draw upon the same strategy of inference once cases are selected.
Most-similar analysis depends upon finding cases that are similar on background
characteristics (Z) and different on the causal factor of interest (X). (Note that cases chosen for
exploratory purposes select on Y and Z, rather than X. However, in order for these cases to serve
their function – identifying a new cause of Y – they must provide the requisite cross-case variation
on X.) It turns out that this configuration is not very common in the terrain of social science. One
rarely finds cases that are similar in all but one potential cause of Y. Cases that are similar to each
other on Z also tend to be similar to each other on X, and vice-versa.
And when a situation presents itself that seems to embody the most-similar comparison it
often turns out that there are many potential cases with this characteristic, a setting that lends itself to
large-n cross-case analysis. Natural experiments are rare; case study natural experiments (where only
one or several cases embody the treatment and control conditions) are even rarer. Skepticism about
cross-case comparisons in case study research is thus a product of the social world as it presents
This skepticism is not limited to case study settings. Even in a large-n setting,
methodologists are suspicious of inferences based solely, or primarily, on cross-case comparisons.
Recall that any causal inference rests on the core assumption of causal comparability: the expected
value of Y, conditional on X, must be equal for all units, and all time-periods, under study. (Whether
this criterion is understood in a deterministic or probabilistic manner need not concern us here.)
Wherever the treatment is not randomly assigned (i.e., in nonexperimental settings), this assumption
is unlikely to be met when observing cross-sectional variation. Cases exposed to the treatment
(X=1) are likely to differ from cases that exhibit the control condition (X=0) in ways that affect the
outcome, introducing confounding. In a large-n setting one may attempt to control for these
confounders by conditioning on covariates (in a regression framework) or by restricting the analysis
to cases that are well-matched on key covariates (in a matching framework). However, there are
bound to be doubts about whether all the relevant background conditions are correctly identified,
measured, and controlled, and whether irrelevant factors (perhaps affected by X) are avoided.
Challenges for the resulting causal model are formidable.
By way of contrast, it is somewhat more likely that the assumption of causal comparability
will be met when comparing a case to itself, pre- and post-treatment. Frequently, X changes while
other background conditions (represented by the vector Z) remain constant. Longitudinal natural
experiments (where X changes in an as-if random fashion) are more common than latitudinal
natural experiments. For this reason, longitudinal comparisons are often judged to be more plausible
than cross-sectional comparisons. This rule of thumb is reflected in the general preference for causal
models that privilege change over time (e.g., difference-in-difference or fixed-effect models) over
causal models (e.g., pooled cross-sections) that privilege comparisons across units.
These methodological norms are based on our general sense of the way the world works.
Naturally, there are plenty of exceptions – accounting for the persistence of cross-case analysis in
both large- and small-n settings. Every research setting must be evaluated on its own terms. Still, it is
important to note the general preference for longitudinal over latitudinal evidence, which seems to
be shared by qualitative and quantitative methodologists.
Having said all this, we do not want to lose sight of the bigger – and much more important –
point. All styles of evidence are useful, and all are generally combined. I pointed out (at the outset of
Chapter 3) that the utility of all case-selection methods depends upon obtaining through-time
variation, even when this is combined with cross-case contrasts (as it is in most-similar and most-
different designs). When it comes to analyzing cases, there is no “pure” most-similar analysis, where
causal inference rests only on cross-case comparisons. Indeed, most-similar case studies seem to rest
as much on within-case analysis for the “treatment” case (where there is an observable change in X)
as they do on cross-case analysis. And all case studies employ some form of within-case analysis. It’s
all good. And in this light it is pointless to dwell excessively on the comparative advantages and
disadvantages of different styles of evidence.
Multi-method Studies
Some studies combine the intensive study of one or several cases with a formal cross-case analysis,
generating a multi-method (or mixed-method) style of research. Eighteen exemplars are shown in
Table 7.2.
This form of study seems increasingly common, and is often praised by methodologists. 66
For example, Alesina, Glaeser & Sacerdote (2001) employ regression analysis to look at welfare state
outcomes (measured by expenditures). Their favored explanation is ethnic fractionalization, which is
negatively correlated with welfare state development across the OECD, suggesting that in diverse
countries citizens feel less of an obligation to provide social protections for other citizens. This is
corroborated by case-level evidence drawn from the United States.
66 “Multi-method” can mean many things – experimental and observational, qualitative and quantitative, cross-level
inference, and so forth (Seawright 2015b). Here, the term is understood to refer to a study – or, occasionally, a research
stream – that combines formal cross-case analysis with case study analysis (Kauffman 2012; Lieberman 2005, 2015). For
critiques see Ahmed & Sil (2012), Rohlfing (2008).
Table 7.2: Multi-Method Studies
Where work is multi-method an important question arises with respect to the sequencing of
each analysis. Logically, there are three possibilities: one may precede the other or they may occur in
tandem (or in a back-and-forth fashion, which I shall consider equivalent to being in tandem).
Cross-case First
If a researcher already knows a good deal about a topic from cross-case analysis, the case study plays
a supplemental role, as outlined in the “nested analysis” approach to multi-method research
(Lieberman 2005). In descriptive work, it may be possible to measure certain features across a large
number of cases, leaving other – perhaps more difficult to measure – features for in-depth case
In causal work, it may be possible to establish a robust association between X and Y in a
large sample, leaving questions about influential cases or mechanisms to in-depth case analysis. This
may be essential to establishing causal inference, especially if the correlation between X and Y is
subject to numerous confounders. But even if cross-case evidence is able to establish causal
inference, as it might be in an experimental or quasi-experimental setting, the work of research is by
no means finished. Researchers want to establish not only what the causal effect of X on Y is but
also how – by what mechanism(s) – it is generated. The latter is essential to building theory, which is
to say, generalizing beyond the sample, extending the results to new topics, and connecting it with
extant research.
To explore the viability of two theories of civil war – one generated by Paul Collier & Anke
Hoeffler (“CH” [2001]) and the other by James Fearon & David Laitin (“FL” [2003]) – a series of
case studies were undertaken by a team headed by Collier and Nicholas Sambanis. Sambanis (2004:
259-60) summarizes the payoff from these cases as follows:
• They help us identify a number of causal mechanisms through which independent
variables in the CH and FL models influence the dependent variable—i.e., the risk of
civil war onset. It quickly becomes clear that the CH model’s distinction between
“greed” and “grievance” as competing motives for civil war is illusory, because greed
and grievance are usually shades of the same problem.
• They question assumptions and premises of the quantitative studies and make clear
that CH and FL are often right for the wrong reasons yet also wrong for the wrong
reasons. (In other words, the cases identify mechanisms that are different from those
underlying their theories, both where the statistical models make good predictions and
where they make bad predictions).
• They sometimes point to a poor fit between the empirical proxies and the
theoretically significant variables—i.e., they identify measurement problems in the
statistical studies…
• They help us identify new variables that might explain civil war but are omitted from
CH and FL (e.g., external intervention, or diffusion and contagion from violence in the
“neighborhood”). Adding these variables to quantitative models might reduce the risk
of omitted-variable bias and facilitate inductive theory building.
• They highlight interactive effects between variables in the statistical models and help
us identify exogenous and endogenous variables by presenting narratives of the series
of events and the processes that led to civil war.
• They suggest substantial unit heterogeneity in the data, as the mechanisms that lead to
civil war seem to differ substantially across different sets of countries and types of civil
To say that case studies are supplementary to a cross-case analysis does not mean they are
Part of their importance, it might be noted, is in refining cross-case models. Collier &
Sambanis (2005a: 25) acknowledge that "case studies can … feed back into the statistical analysis, as
new candidate variables are identified to expand the theory of civil war onset, and these variables are
coded so that they can be integrated in the data set. With the new, refined proxies added to the data
set, the new and expanded CH model can be reestimated in another íteration of this research." This
offers a convenient segue into our next section.
In Tandem
A final possibility is that cross-case and case study research occurs together, or in a continual back-
and-forth fashion. For example, Lisa Pearce’s (2002) study of childrearing choices in Nepal,
discussed in Chapter 6, begins with a regression model of ideal family size, drawn from the literature
and from her theoretical priors. She then conducts in-depth research on deviant cases, which she
uses to re-specify her model. Likewise, Evan Lieberman’s study of tax policy utilizes in-depth
knowledge of country cases – South Africa and Brazil – along with crossnational statistical analysis.
According to the author, both elements of the research proceeded in tandem. 67 This may be the
most common approach for scholars who do multi-method research, since researchers generally
begin with some background knowledge about the population and about a few specific cases that
they happen to have visited or studied, and proceed iteratively.
The role of a case study within a multi-method work varies according to its sequence in the
process. When a case study follows cross-case analysis it plays a supplemental role. When a case
study precedes the cross-case analysis it plays a seminal role. And when the two elements are
conducted in tandem their roles are difficult to distinguish. This much seems clear.
However, one should be aware that the work performed by a case study in a study is not
necessarily reflected in the final product, i.e., a published article, book, dissertation, or report.
Indeed, it is often difficult to reconstruct the sequences followed by multi-method studies such as
those listed in Table 7.2. Authors are rarely transparent about the protocols employed, leaving
questions about which procedure was conducted at which point in the research. 68
I suspect that case study research often plays a guiding role at an early stage, as the
researcher fishes around for a topic and a thesis. This might be followed by a cross-case analysis,
which then becomes the evidentiary backbone of the project. The original case study may be elided
entirely, or mentioned only briefly, in the final report. Alternatively, a study may begin with cross-
case analysis, which is then supplemented by a carefully chosen case whose role is to assess
influential cases or elucidate causal mechanisms. In this scenario, we can imagine that the case study
plays a fairly prominent role in the final report, even though it has played a minor role in developing
and testing the argument.
Thus, it is quite possible that the influence of case studies in a project is inversely
proportional to their prominence in the final product – with case studies highlighted where they play
an auxiliary function and downplayed where they play a generative function. We just don’t know for
sure. What we can safely conclude is that the order in which case studies are enlisted in a multi-
method study structures their role in the research process.
This chapter has set forth a simple typology of case study research designs, which allows us to
distinguish (a) case studies, (b) cross-case studies, and (c) multi-method studies by examining the
type of evidence they enlist. The schema, summarized in Table 7.1, provides further clarity to the
problem of definition, which we encountered initially in Chapter 2.
It also demonstrates that case study analysis is complex, involving variation across cases,
through time, and within cases (at a lower level of analysis). By contrast, cross-case studies generally
exploit only one level of analysis, remaining at the level of the case.
Note, finally, that while cross-case analysis in case study research is generally undertaken in a
qualitative fashion (because of the limited number of cases), longitudinal and within-case analysis
may be conducted qualitatively and/or quantitatively. This means that case analysis is open-ended
and essentially coterminous with social science methodology. The only thing that is categorically
rejected is the quantitative analysis of cross-case variation – the distinctive characteristic of cross-
case research. However, multi-method research does precisely this, combining case study and cross-
case methods. This points, conveniently, to the topic of the next chapter, where we dissect the
qualitative/quantitative distinction.
Traditionally, the case study has been identified with qualitative methods and cross-case analysis with
quantitative methods. This is how Franklin Giddings (1924: 94) conceptualized the matter in his
influential textbook, published nearly a century ago. There, he contrasted two fundamentally
different procedures:
In the one we follow the distribution of a particular trait, quality, habit or other
phenomenon as far as we can. In the other we ascertain as completely as we can the
number and variety of traits, qualities, habits, or what not, combined in a particular
instance. The first of these procedures has long been known as the statistical method . .
. The second procedure has almost as long been known as the case method.
In the intervening years, this dichotomy has become ever more entrenched: a contrast between
statistics and narrative, variables and cases, quant and qual. 69
As we shall see, the traditional view is partly true, and partly not. Specifically, large-ncase cross-
case samples are likely to be analyzed statistically. However, case studies may contain both
quantitative and qualitative evidence. To clarify this point, we first need to define the key terms. 70
I define quantitative analysis as a formal analysis of matrix-based observations. A matrix
observation is the conventional sort, represented as a row in a rectangular dataset (illustrated in
Tables 2.2-2.4). Each observation is coded along a number of dimensions understood as columns in
the matrix and as variables in an analysis. All observations are regarded as examples of the same
general phenomenon and are presumed to have been drawn from the same population. Each is
regarded as comparable to all the others (with some degree of error) with respect to whatever
analysis is undertaken. The analysis is “formal” insofar as it rests on an explicit framework of
inference such as logic/set theory, Bayesian statistics, frequentist statistics, or randomization
inference. 71
By contrast, qualitative analysis refers to an informal analysis of non-comparable observations.
Non-comparable observations cannot be arrayed in a matrix format because they are examples of
different things, drawn from different populations. The analysis is “informal” insofar as it is
articulated with natural language and is unconnected to an explicit and general framework of
inference. When applied in the context of causal inference this sort of evidence may be referred to
as causal-process observations (Brady 2004), clues (Collier 2011; Ginzburg 1983; Humphreys & Jacobs
forthcoming), colligation, congruence (Blatter & Blume 2008), genetic explanation (Nagel 1961), narrative
analysis (Abell 2004; Abbott 1990; Griffin 1993; Roth 1994), or process tracing (Bennett & Checkel
69 Abbott (1990), Abell (1987), Bendix (1963), Bernard (1928), Burgess (1927), Giddings (1924: 94), Jocher (1928: 203),
Meehl (1954), Przeworski & Teune (1970: 8-9), Ragin (1987; 2004: 124), Rice (1928: ch1), Stouffer (1941: 349),
Znaniecki (1934: 250-1). An overview of these two ways of viewing the social world is provided by Goertz & Mahoney
70 Alternate definitions (mostly, but not entirely, consistent with my own) can be found in Berg & Lune (2011), Brady &
Collier (2004), Denzin & Lincoln (2000), Goertz & Mahoney (2012).
71 Few writers have attempted to define quantitative analysis, though one may infer that it is a residual category defined
2015; Waldner 2012). 72
There is an elective affinity between quantitative analysis and large samples, as well as
between qualitative analysis and small samples. One would be hard-pressed to apply informal styles
of analysis to a sample of 1,000. Likewise, one would be hard-pressed to apply a formal analysis to a
sample of 2. The size of a sample thus influences the style of analysis. However, it does not
determine it. This is apparent in the middle range. A sample of 20 may be analyzed formally or
informally (or both). Thus, when we use the terms quantitative and qualitative the reader should
understand that the former usually (but not always) corresponds to large samples and the latter
usually (but not always) corresponds to small samples. The qual/quant distinction is not solely a
matter of n.
Building on these definitions, I proceed to discuss the application of quantitative analysis to
case study methods, an area that is not well-understood. The rest of the chapter is devoted to
qualitative analysis, including a consideration of general standards that might guide this mode of
inquiry, along with a set of informal “rules of thumb.”
Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative modes of analysis come into play in three areas of case study research. First, it may be
employed to choose cases, referred to as “algorithmic” case selection. Roughly 6% of the studies
reviewed in Table 1.2 utilize this method of case selection.
Second, it may be enlisted to analyze a large number of cases in a cross-case format. When
combined with a case study this is usually referred to as multimethod research, as discussed above.
Roughly 13% of the studies reviewed in Table 1.2 are multi-method in this special sense.
Third, quantitative analysis may be enlisted to conduct within-case analysis. For example, if
the primary unit of theoretical interest (the “case”) is the nation-state, within-case observations
might be constructed from provinces, localities, groups, or individuals. The possibilities for within-
case analysis are, in principle, infinite. In their pathbreaking study of the International Typographers
Union, Lipset, Trow & Coleman (1956: 422) note the variety of within-case evidence, which
included union locals, union shops (within each local), and individual members of the union.
Importantly, within-case observations (nobs) often swamp cross-case observations (ncase), as noted by
Donald Campbell (1975) many years ago. This is bound to be true wherever individuals comprise
within-case observations. A single national survey will produce a much larger sample than any
conceivable cross-country analysis.
This means that in many circumstances case studies offer more observations than the
corresponding cross-case analyses. For example, a recent review of natural resource management
studies found that the nobs of a study varies inversely with its geographic scope. Specifically, case
72 I do not mean to imply that these terms are identical, merely that they are overlapping. Process tracing (the main
alternative to “qualitative analysis”) is usually defined as an investigation of causal mechanisms (Bennett & Checkel 2015:
5-9). It is generally implied that the investigation takes the form of qualitative observations: a time-series analysis, by
itself, does not qualify. My reading of the term is that it refers to qualitative data enlisted to shed light on causal
mechanisms. So defined, the term seems too narrow for present purposes, since we need to talk about the inter-
relationship of causal factors (X) and outcomes (Y), as well as their interconnections (M). We also want to talk about
other clues to causal inference such as prior causes, confounders, alternate outcomes, and pattern matching/congruence.
These additional factors seem to strain the boundaries of process tracing, as traditionally defined (even though they are
often included in published work under the heading of “process tracing”). For all these reasons, we have chosen the
more general term – “qualitative analysis.” But readers should be aware that contemporary discussions of process tracing
cover much the same ground. For diverse definitions of “qualitative analysis” see Brady & Collier (2004), Rossman &
Rallis (1998: 9).
studies focused on single communities tended to have large samples since they often employ
individual-level observations; cross-case studies are more likely to treat communities as comprising
observations, and hence have a smaller nobs (Poteete & Ostrom 2005: 11). This common pattern
stretches back to the beginnings of modern social science. Robert & Helen Lynd’s (1929/1956)
study of Muncie, Indiana, featured surveys of hundreds of respondents in “Middletown.” Yankee
City (Warner & Lunt 1941), another pioneering community study, included interviews with 17,000
people. Not surprisingly, within-case analysis is the most common setting for formal analysis within
a case study format, characterizing roughly 18% of the studies surveyed in Table 1.2.
We may conclude that quantitative analysis is a common feature – and, by all appearances,
an increasingly common feature – in studies classified as “case studies.” Still, we must take note of
the fact that in our (admittedly non-random) sample only a minority of case studies employ original
quantitative analyses. Most depend solely, or primarily, upon a qualitative analysis of the data at
hand. Because of this, and because standards of qualitative analysis are less well-established, and
much more contentious, the rest of this chapter is devoted to non-quantitative modes of analysis.
Qualitative Analysis
While a large body of research explores the inferential foundations of formal (“quantitative”) modes
of analysis, comparatively little has been written about informal (“qualitative”) modes of analysis.
(This is starting to change, as witnessed by the compendium of references in this book.) Because of
its centrality to case study research it is important to get a sense for what the latter offers and the
sorts of settings in which it might be useful. Our focus will be on causal inference, where the role of
qualitative data is most controversial (Beck 2010). My approach to the subject builds on examples of
qualitative observations at work. This follows from the fact that informal methods do not have a
clearly prescribed format and thus are best understood in a context of use.
To begin, let us consider Theda Skocpol’s (1979) theory of social revolution, which hinges
critically upon the breakdown of the French state in the decades leading up to 1789. James Mahoney
(1999) diagrams this element of the argument in meticulous detail, identifying three general causal
factors – agrarian backwardness, international pressure, and state autonomy – which are, in turn,
broken down into thirty-seven discrete steps. The entire argument is reproduced in Figure 8.1. For
our purposes, what is noteworthy is that the evidence for each step in this causal chain is unique,
which is to say that the evidence mustered to prove (1) is different in character from the evidence
adduced for step (2), and so forth all the way down the line. Each is a separate argument, nested
within a larger argument about the causes of state breakdown in France in 1789. And this, in turn, is
nested within a larger argument about social revolution in the modern world. Mahoney (1999: 1168)
points out that Skocpol’s overall theory is rendered more plausible by her ability “to order numerous
idiosyncratic features of French, Russian, and Chinese history into meaningful accounts of unfolding
processes that are consistent with a broader, overarching macrocausal argument.” Qualitative
observations allow for an account of causal mechanisms that simply would not be possible were
Skocpol restricted to a formal method of analysis with matrix observations.
Figure 8.1: Skocpol’s Explanation of Breakdown of the French State (1789)
1. Property relations prevent introduction of new agricultural techniques. 2. Tax system discourages agricultural
innovation. 3. Sustained growth discourages agricultural innovation. 4. Backwardness of French agriculture. 5. Weak
domestic market for industrial goods. 6. Internal transportation problems. 7. Population growth. 8. Failure to achieve
industrial breakthrough. 9. Failure to sustain economic growth. 10. Inability to successfully compete with England. 11.
Initial military successes under Louis XIV. 12. Expansionist ambitions of state. 13. French geographical location vis-à-vis
England. 14. Sustained warfare. 15. State needs to devote resources to both army and navy. 16. Repeated defeats in war.
17. Creation of absolutist monarchy; decentralized medieval institutions still persist. 18. Dominant class often exempted
from taxes. 19. State faces obstacles generating loans. 20. Socially cohesive dominant class based in proprietary wealth.
21. Dominant class possesses legal right to delay royal legislation. 22. Dominant class exercises firm control over offices.
23. Dominant class is capable of blocking state reforms. 24. Dominant class resists financial reforms. 25. Major financial
problems of state. 26. State attempts tax-financial reforms. 27. Financial reforms fail. 28. Recruitment of military officers
from privileged classes. 29. Military officers hold grievances against the crown. 30. Military officers identify with the
dominant class. 31. Military is unwilling to repress dominant class resistance. 32. Financial crisis deepens. 33. Pressures
for creation of the Estates-General. 34. King summons the Estates-General. 35. Popular protests spread. 36. Conflict
among dominant class members in the Estates-General; paralysis of old regime. 37. Municipal revolution; the old state
collapses. Adapted from Mahoney (1999: 1166) after Skocpol (1979).
Note that each piece of evidence is relevant to the central argument, but yet they do not
comprise observations in a larger sample. They are more correctly understood as a series of one-shot
observations (nobs=1). Although the procedure seems messy (ad hoc), we may be convinced by her
conclusions. Thus, it seems reasonable to suppose that, in some circumstances at least, inferences
based on qualitative observations are a reasonable approach to a problem, even though the
“method” borders on the ineffable. Our confidence rests on specific propositions and specific
observations; it is, in this sense, ad hoc. While matrix observations can be understood according to
their covariational properties, qualitative observations invoke a more complex logic, one analogous
to detective work, legal briefs, journalism, and traditional historical accounts. The analyst seeks to
make sense of a congeries of disparate evidence, some of which may shed light on a single event or
decision. The research question is always singular. Who shot JFK? Why did the US invade Iraq?
What caused the outbreak of World War One? However, the explanation drawn from an account
based on qualitative observations may be quite general. Skocpol’s explanatory sketch enlists the
minutiae of French history to demonstrate a much larger, macro-theoretical account pertaining to all
countries that are independent (non-colonies) in the modern era.
Note also that qualitative observations may be either numerical or non-numerical. However,
because each numerical observation is quite different from the rest they do not collectively
constitute a sample. Each observation is sampled from a different population. This means that each
observation is qualitatively different. This reinforces our argument that it is the non-comparability of
adjacent observations, not the nature of individual observations, that differentiates qualitative and
quantitative modes of evidence-gathering.
Note, finally, that because each observation is qualitatively different from the next, the total
number of observations in a study is indeterminate. Indeed, the cumulative number of qualitative
observations may be quite large. However, because these observations are not well-defined it is
difficult to say exactly how many there are. Non-comparable observations are, by definition, difficult
to count. In an effort to count, one may resort to lists of what appear to be discrete pieces of
evidence. This approximates the numbering systems employed in legal briefs (“There are fifteen
reasons why X is unlikely to have killed Y.”) But lists can always be composed in multiple ways, and
each individual argument carries a different weight in the researcher’s overall assessment. So the
total number of observations remains an open question. We do not know, and by the nature of the
analysis cannot know, precisely how many observations are present in Skocpol’s study of revolution
or in other qualitative accounts such as Richard Fenno’s (1978) Homestyle or Herbert Kaufman’s
(1960) The Forest Ranger.
Qualitative observations are not different examples of the same thing; they are different things.
Consequently, it is not clear where one observation ends and another begins. They flow seamlessly
together. We cannot re-read the foregoing studies with the aid of a calculator and hope to discover
their true Nobs; nor would we gain any analytic leverage by so doing. Quantitative researchers are
inclined to assume that if observations cannot be counted they must not be there, or – more
charitably – that there must be very few of them. Qualitative researchers may insist that they have
many “rich” observations at their disposal, which provide them with the opportunity for thick
description. But they are unable to say, precisely, how many observations they have or how many
observations are needed for thick analysis. The observations themselves remain undefined.
This ambiguity is not necessarily troublesome, for the number of observations in a study
based on qualitative observations does not bear directly on the usefulness or truthfulness of that
study. While the number of observations in a sample drawn from a well-defined population contains
information directly relevant to any inferences that might be drawn from that sample, the number of
observations in non-sample based study (assuming one could estimate the n) has no obvious
relevance to inferences that might be drawn from that study. Consider that if it was merely quantity
that mattered we might conclude that longer studies, which presumably contain more observations,
are more reliable or valid than shorter studies. Yet, it is risible to assert that long books are more
convincing than short books. It is the quality of the observations and how they are analyzed, not the
quantity of observations, that is relevant in evaluating the truth-claims of a study based (at least in
part) on qualitative observations. Indeed, the various qualitative observations drawn upon in a given
study are unlikely to be of equal importance, so merely counting them gives no indication of their
overall significance. In some circumstances, one lonely observation is sufficient to prove an
inference. If we are inquiring into the cause of Joe’s demise, and we know that he was shot at close
range, we can eliminate suspects who were not in the general vicinity. One observation – say, a
videotape from a surveillance camera – is sufficient to provide conclusive proof that a suspect was
not, in fact, the killer.
Of course, we should not jump to the conclusion that qualitative observations are superior
to matrix observations. It all depends. And what it depends on are all the circumstances of the case.
There is nothing inherently good or bad about qualitative observations. But there are circumstances
when we might judge them useful.
Briefly, qualitative observations are useful wherever matrix observations cannot be collected,
for one reason or another, or where such an analysis does not pass the laugh test. They are also
often utilized in conjunction with quantitative analysis. In this context, qual serves as a cross-check,
a triangulation, within the context of mixed-method research. Studies based on a formal research
design and a set of matrix observations will sometimes note parenthetically that their account is
consistent with “anecdotal” or “narrative” evidence, i.e., with evidence that falls outside the formal
research design. It makes sense of the statements made by the actors, of their plausible motives, and
so forth. This is often extremely important evidence and deserves a more respectful label than
‘anecdotal’ and a more revealing label than ‘narrative’ (what is the evidentiary status of a narrative?).
To say that a method is informal is not to say that the evidence drawn from that method is weak or
peripheral to the point at issue. It is to say only that the information cannot be (or need not be)
understood as a series of comparable observations.
A good example of qualitative observations as an adjunct mode of analysis is provided by a
recent study examining the behavior of the US Federal Reserve during the Great Depression. The
central question is whether the Fed was constrained to adopt tight monetary policies because any
deviation from this standard would have led to a loss of confidence in the nation’s commitment to
the gold standard (i.e., an expectation of a general devaluation), and hence to a general panic. 73 To
test this proposition, Chang-Tai Hsieh & Christina Romer (2001) examine an incident in monetary
policy during the spring of 1932, when the Federal Reserve embarked on a brief program of rapid
monetary expansion. “In just fourteen weeks,” the authors note (2001: 2), “the Federal Reserve
purchased $936 million worth of U.S. government securities, more than doubling its holdings of
government debt.” To determine whether the Fed’s actions fostered investor insecurity Hsieh &
Romer track the forward dollar exchange rate during the spring of 1932, which is then compared to
the spot rate, using “a measure of expected dollar devaluation relative to the currencies of four
countries widely thought to have been firmly attached to gold during this period” (Hsieh & Romer
2001: 2). A time-series regression analysis reveals no such devaluation, suggesting that the reigning
theory is false – investor confidence could not have constrained the Fed’s actions during the Great
Depression. This is the standard sort of “formal” evidence that we are accustomed to, as discussed
in the previous section.
However, this conclusion would be questionable were it not bolstered by additional evidence
bearing on the likely motivations of the officials of the Federal Reserve at the time. In order to shed
light on this matter, the authors survey the Commercial and Financial Chronicle (a widely read
professional journal, presumably representative of the banking community) and other documentary
evidence. Hsieh & Romer (2001: 2) find that “the leaders of the Federal Reserve . . . expressed little
concern about a loss of credibility. Indeed, they took gold outflows to be a sign that expansionary
open market operations were needed, not as a sign of trouble.” This informal evidence is
instrumental in helping the authors make their argument. It also sheds light on a new theory about
Fed behavior during this critical era. 74
Granted, the qualitative observations enlisted by Hsieh & Romer might have been converted
into standardized (quantitative) observations. For example, the authors might have conducted a
content analysis of Commercial and Financial Chronicle and/or of Federal Reserve records. This would
have required coding sentences (or some other linguistic unit) according to whether they registered
anxiety about a loss of credibility. Here, the sentence becomes the unit of analysis and the number
of sentences comprises the total nobs in a quantitative research design.
In principle, it is always possible to convert informal analyses into formal analyses. Non-
comparable bits of evidence can be transformed into comparable bits of evidence – i.e., standardized
observations – simply by getting more bits of evidence and coding them according to type. This is
one of the functions of qualitative software programs such as NVivo. 75
However, it may not be possible to do so in practice. Moreover, there may be little advantage
in doing so. In the previous example, it is not clear that anything would be gained from this sort of
formalization. If there is, as the authors claim, no evidence whatsoever of credibility anxieties in the
documentary evidence, then the reader is not likely to be more convinced by an elaborate counting
exercise (coded as 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, . . .). More useful, I would think, are specific examples of what leaders
of the Fed actually said, as provided by the authors of this study. Sometimes formalization is useful,
and sometimes not.
Because it is informal, the nature of qualitative evidence is more than a little mysterious.
Quantitatively inclined scholars often regard it with suspicion, while qualitatively inclined scholars
are apt to be more trusting (perhaps, too trusting). In any case, it’s hard to articulate what a
convincing inference might consist of, and how to know it when one sees it. What are the standards
for qualitative modes of inquiry?
To remedy this situation a number of recent works try to make sense of case-level qualitative
data (sometimes referred to as process tracing), imposing order on the seeming chaos. The proposed
framework might take the form of set theory (Mahoney 2012; Mahoney & Vanderpoel [in process]),
acyclic graphs (Waldner 2015b), or – most commonly – Bayesian inference. 76
This work reinforces my sense that qualitative and quantitative data do not partake of
different epistemological worlds. They can be understood as part of a single framework(s) of
However, establishing a general framework does not necessarily produce a practical guide for
the conduct of inquiry. If one is to discipline the analysis of qualitative data – making it conform to a
standard template and a general inferential framework – how would this work? Can one formalize a
process of analysis that is – one might say, by its very nature – informal?
74 “Our reading of the Federal Reserve records suggests that a misguided model of the economy, together with infighting
among the twelve Federal Reserve banks, accounts for the end of concerted action. The Federal Reserve stopped largely
because it thought it had accomplished its goal and because it was difficult to achieve consensus among the twelve
Federal Reserve banks” (Hsieh & Romer 2001: 3).
75 Franzosi et al. (2013). See also Lieberman (2010), who discusses the systematic collection of historical data.
76 Beach & Pedersen (2013: 83-99), Bennett (2008, 2015), Crandell et al. (2011), George & McKeown (1985), Gill et al.
(2005), Humphreys & Jacobs (2014, in process), McKeown (1999), Rohlfing (2012: 180-99).
So far, the proposed frameworks seem to be focused on making sense of qualitative analysis
rather than providing practical guides to qualitative research. Consider the fourfold typology of tests,
first proposed by Van Evera (1997), that has been adopted for case-level inference across all of the
foregoing frameworks (Bennett & Checkel 2015: 17; George & Bennett 2005; Mahoney &
Vanderpoel 2015; Waldner 2015). A “hoop” test is necessary (but not sufficient) for demonstrating
Hx. A “smoking-gun” test is sufficient (but not necessary) for demonstrating Hx. A “doubly-
decisive” test is necessary and sufficient for demonstrating Hx. A “straw-in-the-wind” test is neither
necessary nor sufficient, constituting weak or circumstantial evidence. These concepts, diagramed in
Table 8.1, are useful for classifying the nature of evidence according to a researcher’s judgment.
However, the hard question – the judgment itself – is elided. When does a particular piece of
evidence qualify as a hoop, smoking-gun, doubly-decisive, or straw-in-the-wind test (or something in
Inferential Role
Necessary Sufficient
Likewise, Bayesian frameworks can help combine evidence from diverse quarters in a logical
fashion with the use of subjective assessments, e.g., the probability that a hypothesis is true, ex ante,
and assessments of the probability that the hypothesis is true if a piece of evidence (stipulated in
advance) is observed. The hard question, again, is the case-specific judgment. Consider the lengthy
debate that has ensued over the reasons for electoral system choice in Europe (Kreuzer 2010).
Humphreys & Jacobs (2014) use this example to sketch out their application of Bayesian inference
to qualitative research. In particular, they explore the “left threat” hypothesis, which suggests that
the presence of a large left-wing party explains the adoption of proportional representation (PR) in
the early twentieth century (Boix 1999). The authors point out that “for cases with high left threat
and a shift to PR, the inferential task is to determine whether they would have…or would not
have…shifted to PR without left threat” (Humphreys & Jacobs 2014: 28). Bayesian frameworks do
nothing to ease this inferential task, which takes the form of a counterfactual thought-experiment.
Similar judgments are required by other frameworks – set theory, acyclic graphs, and so forth.
To get a feel for the level of detail required in qualitative research we may benefit from a
closer look at a particular inquiry. Helpfully, Tasha Fairfield (2013: 55-6; see also 2015) provides a
scrupulous blow-by-blow account of the sleuthing required to reach each case-level inference in her
study of how policymakers avoid political backlash when they attempt to tax economic elites. One
of her three country cases is Chile, which is observed during and after a recent presidential election.
Fairfield explains,
During the 2005 presidential campaign, right candidate Lavı´n blamed Chile’s persistent
inequality on the left and accused President Lagos of failing to deliver his promise of
growth with equity. Lagos responded by publicly challenging the right to eliminate 57
bis, a highly regressive tax benefit for wealthy stockholders that he called “a tremendous
support for inequality.” The right accepted the challenge and voted in favor of
eliminating the tax benefit in congress, deviating from its prior position on this policy
and the preferences of its core business constituency.
The following three hypotheses encompass the main components of my argument
regarding why the right voted in favor of the reform:
Hypothesis 1. Lagos’ equity appeal motivated the right to accept the reform, due to
concern over public opinion.
Hypothesis 2. The timing of the equity appeal—during a major electoral campaign—
contributed to its success.
Hypothesis 3. The high issue-salience of inequality contributed to the equity appeal’s
The following four observations, drawn from different sources, provide indirect,
circumstantial support for Hypothesis 1:
Observation 1a (p. 48): The Lagos administration considered eliminating 57 bis in the
2001 Anti-Evasion reform but judged it politically infeasible given business-right
opposition (interview: Finance Ministry-a, 2005).
Observation 1b: The Lagos administration subsequently tried to reach an agreement
with business to eliminate 57 bis without success (interview, Finance Ministry-b, 2005).
Observation 1c: Initiatives to eliminate the exemption were blocked in 1995 and 1998
due to right opposition. (Sources: congressional records, multiple interviews)
Observation 1d: Previous efforts to eliminate 57 bis did not involve concerted equity
appeals. Although Concertacio´n governments had mentioned equity in prior efforts,
technical language predominated, and government statements focused much more on
57 bis’ failure to stimulate investment rather than its regressive distributive impact
(congressional records, La Segunda, March 27, 1998, El Mercurio, April 1, 1998,
Interview, Ffrench-Davis, Santiago, Chile, Sept. 5, 2005).
Inference: These observations suggest that right votes to eliminate 57 bis would have
been highly unlikely without some new, distinct political dynamic. Lagos’ strong, high-
profile equity appeal, in the unusual context of electoral competition from the right on
the issue of inequality, becomes a strong candidate for explaining the right’s acceptance
of the reform.
The appendix continues in this vein for several pages, focused relentlessly on explaining the
behavior of one particular set of actors in one event, i.e., the motivation of the right-wing in
favoring the reform. This event is just one of a multitude of events discussed in connection with the
Chilean case study, to which must be added the equally complex set of events occurring in Argentina
and Bolivia. Clearly, reaching case-level inferences is complicated business.
One may conclude that if researchers agreed on case-level judgments then general frameworks might
be successful in cumulating these judgments into a higher-level inference, accompanied by a (very
useful!) confidence interval. But if one cannot assume case-level consensus, conclusions based on
qualitative judgments combined through a Bayesian framework represent nothing more than one
researcher’s views, which might vary appreciably from another’s. Readers who are not versed in the
intricacies of Chilean politics will have a hard time ascertaining whether Fairfield’s judgments are
Granted, this problem could be overcome with a crowd-based approach to research.
Specifically, one might survey a panel of experts – chosen randomly or with an aim to represent
diverse perspectives – on each point of judgment. One could then cumulate these judgments into an
overall inference, in which the confidence interval reflects the level of disagreement among experts
(among other things). Unfortunately, not just any crowd will do. The extreme difficulty of case study
research derives in no small part from the expertise that case study researchers bring to their task. I
cannot envision a world in which lay coders, recruited through Amazon Turk or Facebook, would
replace that expertise, honed through years of work on a particular problem and in a particular site (a
historical period, country, city, village, organization,…).
To be credible, a crowd-based approach to the problem of judgment would need to enlist
the small community of experts who study a subject and can be expected to make knowledgeable
judgments about highly specific questions such as the “left wing threat.” In the previous example, it
would entail enlisting scholars versed in the politics of early twentieth century Europe. This
procedure is conceivable, but difficult to implement. How would one identify a random, or
otherwise representative, sample? (What is the sampling frame?) How would one motivate scholars
to undertake the task? How would one elicit honest judgments about the specific questions on a
questionnaire, uncorrupted by broader judgments about the theoretical question at hand (which they
would probably be able to infer)?
Likewise, if one goes to the trouble of constructing a common coding frame (a
questionnaire), an on-line system for recording responses, a system of recruitment, and a Bayesian
(or some other) framework for integrating judgments, the considerable investment in time and
expense of such a venture would probably justify extending the analysis to many cases, chosen
randomly, so that a representative sample can be attained and stochastic threats to inference
minimized. In this fashion, procedures to integrate qualitative data into a quantitative framework
seem likely to morph from case studies into cross-case coding exercises. This is not to argue against
the idea. It is simply to point out that any standardization of procedures tends to work against the
intensive focus on one or several cases which (by our definition) characterizes case study research.
My tentative conclusion, based on the discussion in the previous section and pending further
developments on this fast-moving field, is that it is hard to improve upon the informal “rules of
thumb” that have traditionally governed qualitative analysis. They have their faults (for further
discussion see Chapter 6). But remedying those faults may not be possible within the constraints of a
case study framework.
What, then, are these rules of thumb? In this final section of the chapter I try to identify
procedures that guide (or at any rate ought to guide) the elucidation of causal relationships for a
single case utilizing within-case evidence of an informal (qualitative) nature. 77 My suggestions build
on the expanding literature cited above and cover several interrelated topics: (a) the use of sources,
(b) the identification of a hypothesis or theory, (c) adjudicating among rival explanations, (d)
constructing testable hypotheses, (e) counterfactual thought-experiments, (f) analyzing temporal
relations, and (g) examining assumptions.
These may be summarized as follows…
• Analyze sources according to their relevance (to the question of theoretical interest), proximity
(whether the source is in a position to know what s/he is claiming), authenticity (the source is not
77Naturally, the specific goals of the case study (as discussed in Chapter 2) affect this discussion. Nonetheless, there are
certain generic features of within-case qualitative analysis that apply broadly, regardless of the author’s specific goals.
This section builds on the following works: Beach & Pedersen (2013), Bennett & Checkel (2015), Brady & Collier
(2004), Collier (2011), George (1979), Hall (2006), Jacobs (2015), Mahoney (2012), Roberts (1996), Schimmelfennig
(2015), Waldner (2012, 2015a, 2015b), Winks (1969).
fake or reflecting the influence of someone else), validity (the source is not biased), and diversity
(collectively, sources represent a diversity of viewpoints on the question at hand).
• When identifying a new causal factor or theory, look for one (a) that is potentially generalizable to a
larger population, (b) that is neglected in the extant literature on your subject, (c) that greatly
enhances the probability of an outcome (if binary) or explains a lot of variation on that outcome (if
interval-level), and (d) that is exogenous (not explained by other factors).
• Canvas widely for rival explanations, which also serve as potential confounders. Treat them seriously
(not as “straw men”), dismissing them only when warranted. Utilize this logic of elimination, where
possible, to enhance the strength of the favored hypothesis.
• For each explanation, construct as many testable hypotheses as possible, paying close attention to
within-case opportunities – e.g., mechanisms and alternative outcomes.
• Enlist counterfactual thought-experiments in an explicit fashion, making clear which features of the
world are being altered, and which are assumed to remain the same, in order to test the viability of a
theory. Also, focus on periods when background features are stable (so they don’t serve as
confounders) and minimize changes to the world (the minimal-rewrite rule) so that the alternate
scenario is tractable.
• Utilize chronologies and diagrams to clarify temporal and causal interrelationships among complex
causal factors. Include as many features as possible so that the time-line is continuous, uninterrupted.
Researchers should bear in mind that these diverse rules of thumb are intended to shed light
on causal inference for an individual case or a small set of cases. Inferences for that case(s) may – or
may not – be generalizable to a larger population, an issue taken up in Chapter 6.
Utilizing Sources
The case study method is not defined by its sources of evidence. Nonetheless, it may be helpful to
categorize these sources in a rough-and-ready fashion so we have a sense for the sorts of evidence
that this genre typically elicits. Accordingly, I distinguish among five sources in Table 1.2: ethnography
(participant-observation research), interview (structured or unstructured personal interviews), survey
(information collected – by the researcher or by someone else – from expert or non-expert
informants with a standardized questionnaire and limited response options), primary sources (other
than those listed above), and secondary sources (including extant datasets if they rest on non-survey
In Table 1.2, each study is coded according to the sorts of evidence that it enlists, which may
be one or several. A category is recognized only if it forms an important part of the entire body of
evidence considered in the study (scattered references do not count). Naturally, these categories are
not neat and tidy; distinguishing between primary and secondary sources, for example, is always a
matter of judgment. Nonetheless, it gives us a sense of the lay of the land.
Judging by the tally in the bottom row of Table 1.2, the most common source of evidence in
case studies is primary sources (69%), followed by secondary sources (42%), interviews (29%),
ethnography (21%), and surveys (14%). But the more important point may be that case studies
typically combine evidence from several sources. There are few “pure” ethnographies – untainted by
research into primary and secondary sources – for example. A panoply of evidence drawn from
different kinds of sources seems to be norm.
I do not offer further discussion of the data-gathering aspect of case study research as this
would take us far afield and is in any case well-covered by other texts. 78 However, it is important to
say something about how diverse sources might be integrated into a within-case analysis. After all,
interpretations of a case are based on interpretations of sources, and sources do not always agree.
Indeed, they do not even address the same issues. Suppose that sources 1-4 suggest one
interpretation while sources 4-6 suggest another. To make matters worse, there is always the
possibility that sources 7-9, unknown to the researcher, provide yet another angle, or offer “smoking
gun” evidence for one or the other perspective. Evidently, one’s conclusions about a subject rest, in
part, on the sources one happens to consult – and on one’s understanding of those sources. 79
The problem of evaluating divergent social science evidence is no different from the
problem of evaluating journalistic, historical, or criminal evidence. Sources matter, and because they
matter social scientists must judge the quality of their sources.
In making these judgments the following considerations come into play:
• Relevance: The source speaks to the question of theoretical interest.
• Proximity: The source is in a position to know what you want to know. They are close to
the action.
• Authenticity: The source is not fake or doctored, or under the influence of someone else.
• Validity: The source is not biased. Or they are biased in ways that (a) are readily apparent
and can therefore be taken into account or (b) do not affect the theoretical question of
• Diversity: Collectively, the chosen sources exemplify a diversity of viewpoints, interests,
and/or data-collection methods, allowing one to triangulate across sources that may
conflict with one another.
Let us explore these issues in greater detail, with particular attention to potential problems of bias.
Data gathered in an obtrusive fashion (e.g., interviews or surveys) is subject to researcher
bias. Subjects may tell the researcher what they think s/he wants to hear, or what they think is
appropriate in a given context. Data gathered in an unobtrusive fashion is usually mediated by
someone other than the researcher, so it may also be subject to these biases. In particular, if one is
viewing an event through the eyes of later analysts one must be aware of whatever lenses (or
blinders) they may be wearing. Their interpretation of the activity might not be the only possible
interpretation, or they may have made errors of a factual nature.
Even where primary sources are available one must be wary of the data collection process.
Consider that the main source of information about crime, rebellion, and political protest in
previous historical eras comes from the official records of police investigations. Police and military
authorities have a natural interest in suppressing unrest, so it is not surprising that they keep close
records of this sort of activity. Thus an extensive set of records accumulated by French authorities
during and after the uprising of the Paris Commune, including interrogation of key actors in the
rebellion, provide the most important primary source for our understanding of that key event
(Bourgin & Henriot 1924). Likewise for other episodes of rebellion, protest, and crime throughout
78 For recent surveys see Gerring & Christenson (2016: ch 13), Kapiszewski, MacLean & Read (2015). For ethnographic
data collection see Bernard (1988). See also sources listed under various headings in the Methods Coordination Project
79 For work relevant to various points raised in this section see Chandler et al. (1994), Fischer (1970), Gilovich (1993),
Ginzburg (1991), Gottschalk (1969), Harzing (2002), Hill (1993), Howell & Prevenier (2001), Jupp (1996), Lieberman
(2010), Lustick (1996), Mahoney & Villegas (2007), Mariampolski & Hughes (1978), Markoff (2002), Milligan (1979),
Moravcsik (2010), Prior (2003), Thies (2002), Trachtenbeerg (2006). For specific examples of how historical
documentation can mislead see Davenport & Ball (2002), Greenstein & Immerman (1992), Harrison (1992), Lieshout et
al. (2004).
recorded history. Needless to say, one would not want to uncritically accept the authorities’
interpretation of these events (though one would not want to reject them out of hand either).
A combination of primary and secondary sources should give one a more complete view of
what is actually going on than could be garnered from either genre on its own. Just as one should be
wary of relying solely on secondary sources one should be equally wary of relying solely on primary
sources. There may be secrets that later observers have uncovered that would help one interpret
events occurring long ago or far away.
But the problem of interpretation stemming from source material is only partially captured
by the hallowed distinction between primary and secondary sources. It is not simply a matter of
getting closer to or further from the action. It is also a matter of the perspectives that each source
brings to the subject under investigation. A contemporary example is offered by Christian
Davenport and Patrick Ball (2002: 428) in their research on state repression in Guatemala. As part of
this research, conducted over the past few decades, they reviewed “17 newspapers within
Guatemala, documents from four human rights organizations within as well as outside of the
country, and 5,000 interviews conducted by the International Center for Human Rights Research
within Guatemala.” Sorting through this material, they find recurring patterns. Specifically,
“newspapers tend to focus on urban environments and disappearances; human rights organizations
highlight events in which large numbers of individuals were killed and when large numbers were
being killed throughout the country in general; and…interviews tend to highlight rural activity,
perpetrators, and disappearances as well as those events that occurred most recently” (Davenport &
Ball 2002: 428). In short, each source has a distinct window on the topic, which sheds light on some
particular facet of the topic. None are wrong, but all are partial. And this, in turn, stems from the
position each of these sources occupies. The authors summarize,
[N]ewspapers, tied to both urban locales/markets and authorities, tend to highlight
events that occur within time periods of excessive state repression (i.e., within years in
which the overall number of killings is highest). This identification/distribution occurs
predominantly in an environment where the regime is not overly restrictive. These
sources become useful in documenting obvious behavior or that which is deemed
politically salient within a specified political-geographic context. At the same time,
journalistic sources may be relatively weaker at identifying events in more remote areas
that occur during periods of relatively less state repressiveness and that are relatively
smaller in scale…In contrast, human rights organizations in Guatemala tend to
highlight violations where they are most frequent, most destructive (i.e., where they
injure the most individuals at one time), and where the context is most dire (i.e., during
historical periods when individuals are generally being killed in the greatest numbers
and when political openness is limited). As a result, these sources are useful in
comprehensively trying to document human rights abuses—especially those of a
particularly destructive nature…Finally, interviewees tied inexorably to their homes,
loss, revenge, and/or healing tend to highlight events that took place in the area with
which they are most familiar…Interviewees also favor highlighting the perpetrator who
abused the victim(s) and specifically what was done during the violation. As a result,
such sources are useful for identifying what happened and who did it within particular
locales (Davenport & Ball 2002: 446).
Typically, diverse sources will reveal different aspects of a problem. These differences are “tied to
where the observers are situated, how they collect information, and the objectives of the
organization” (Davenport & Ball 2002: 446). If these sources can be combined, as Davenport and
Ball endeavor to do, the researcher will usually be able to put together a more complete picture of
the phenomenon under study – in this case, the location, extent, and type of human rights violations
occurring within Guatemala.
Sometimes, however, observers have frankly discordant views of a phenomenon, which
cannot therefore be pieced together to form a coherent whole. Occasionally, this is the product of a
false document, i.e., a document written by someone other than who the author claims to be, or at
some other time or set of circumstances. The authenticity of sources must be carefully monitored.
This old piece of advice becomes truer still in the electronic age, as the provenance of an e-
document is probably easier to forge or mis-represent, and harder to authenticate, than hard-copy
More commonly, discordant views of the historical record are rooted in divergent interests
or ideologies. Consider that the interests of state authorities must have come to bear in their
collection of data on crime and disorder, as discussed in our previous example. The potential biases
of sources must therefore be carefully judged whenever a researcher uses those sources to reach
conclusions on a subject.
This is not to suppose that some sources are thoroughly biased, while others are thoroughly
reliable. More typically, each source is reliable on some features of an event but not on others. It is
the researcher’s task to figure out who can be relied on, and for what sort of information. Figuring
this out is a matter of understanding who they are, what they are likely to know (and not know), and
what their stakes and pre-conceptions might be.
Sometimes, knowing the potential bias of a source is sufficient to establish an upper or lower
bound for the information in question. For example, one might surmise that any human rights
violations admitted by organs of the state, or organs closely affiliated with the state, would provide a
lower bound. Likewise, estimates provided by zealous human rights advocacy organizations may be
regarded as an upper bound. Somewhere in between these extremes (but not necessarily in the
middle!), one might suppose, lies the true value.
Note that in searching for a “consensus view” on a particular question of fact or
interpretation it is not sufficient to enumerate sources according to their views. Suppose that five
sources take one view of a matter and three take another. This does not necessarily offer vindication
of the first view. For one thing, it is never entirely clear when one has fully exhausted the sources on
a subject. More important, some sources are probably in a better position to know the truth. Others
may have no first-hand knowledge of the matter, and thus simply repeat what they have heard
elsewhere. So, although it is good to keep tabs on who says what, do not imagine that all testimony
can be weighted equally.
The issues raised in this section are often difficult to evaluate. How is one to know whether
a source is biased, and in what ways? If you are having trouble reaching conclusions on these issues,
consult someone who has worked intensively with the sources you are dealing with. This sort of
source-expertise – even if they know little about your chosen topic – is immensely helpful, precisely
because so much of the business of sourcing is context-specific. Someone with knowledge of one
historical era may be unhelpful in elucidating another historical era, for example. Someone with
experience working in a particular part of the world, or working with a particular sort of research
subject (e.g., trial attorneys or wholesale merchandisers), may help you distinguish between reliable
and unreliable sources.
Also, bear in mind that judgments about sources are rarely final or definitive. That is why
every work of social science includes a long clarificatory section focused on the nature of those
sources. It is long because it is complicated. And it is complicated because sources – through which
we understand the world – do not speak for themselves. More precisely, they may speak for
themselves but their speech requires interpretation.
Identifying a Hypothesis/Theory
Some case studies are intended to test an extant theory, either drawn from the literature or
formulated ex ante by the researcher. Other case studies are intended to identify a factor that is
missing or not well understood from extant theories – i.e., a new causal factor (X) or set of factors
(where X is understood as a vector). Where the case study performs this exploratory function the
field of endeavor is less structured. Nonetheless, there are some guidelines that case study
researchers may follow.
First, insofar as the researcher wishes to make an original contribution to a body of
literature, one is well-advised to focus on a causal factor that others have neglected, or which is
poorly understood. A novel cause, or a novel interpretation of a well-established cause, is a good
Second, insofar as a case study is generalizable it must center on causes that might
conceivably apply elsewhere. Idiosyncratic causal factors should not be major protagonists in the
narrative. The problem is that it is not always easy to discern which factors might be generalizable.
Moreover, the same cause may be differently framed. “Cleopatra’s nose” (which Pascal ventured
might have motivated Roman imperial policy in Egypt) may be generalized as “beauty” and thus
considered as part of a general theory of war. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (often
regarded as a proximal cause of World War One) may be reframed as a “trigger” and thus
considered as part of a general theory of war. In any case, one may say that in order to be considered
as general causes a factor must be stated in a manner that has plausible application to other cases in
a larger population.
Third, insofar as a cause seems to enhance the probability of an outcome (if binary) or
explain variation on that outcome (if interval-level), it is non-trivial, and hence worthy of study.
Fourth, insofar as a cause is independent of other factors – a prime mover – it is also likely
to be worthy of study. By contrast, if X is entirely explained by Z, there may be little point in
focusing on X. Of course, all generalizable features of the universe have causes, and these can in
principle be traced backward in an endless regress. Nonetheless, if these causes are hard to specify,
perhaps the product of many factors acting together, or are essentially random (unexplainable), then
X is more likely to be regarded as the cause of Y.
Rival Explanations
Once a hypothesis has been identified, it is important to canvas widely for rival explanations. This
canvas should include extant work on the particular case under examination, general theoretical
frameworks that might be brought to bear on the subject, as well as your own intuition. Think about
rival explanations that critical readers of your work might construct.
When testing rival explanations one must treat them fairly – not as “straw men.” In order to
dismiss a rival explanation it must be given a good chance to succeed. For example, one should not
dismiss a probabilistic theory with a single counter-example. More generally, the task of testing rival
explanations involves thinking about each explanation as a proponent of that theory might think
about it. This requires approaching a topic fresh, without all the baggage (preconceptions) one may
have acquired in the process of developing one’s own theory.
Of course, the goal is to generate a reasonably parsimonious explanation for a case. In order
to do so it is helpful to reduce the number of possible alternatives. This does not mean that one
must adopt a monocausal argument (cause X being the only cause of Y in Case A). But it does call
into view a distinguishing characteristic of case study analysis. While cross-case analysis with a large
sample can accommodate virtually any number of causal factors as background factors (represented
as covariates in a model or as parts of the error term), case study analysis is not very satisfactory if
there are too many causal factors at work. It is hard enough to show that X1 causes Y in Case A. If
X2-10 are also at work in Case A, the “too many variables” problem becomes acute. Note that each of
these alternative factors serves as a potential confounder. If Z can explain Y it may also explain X.
While this is a vexing aspect of cross-case work it is debilitating in case-level analysis – unless, that is,
some of these alternate explanations can be eliminated as causes in that particular case. (Do not
assume, however, that the refutation of X1 as a cause for Case A entails the refutation of X1 as a
cause for Population A.)
Where rival causes can be (convincingly) eliminated as factors in a particular case, this
elimination serves two important functions: (1) it eases concerns about potential confounders, and
for entirely different reasons, (2) it enhances the likelihood that X is the cause of Y. The reasoning
behind this second feature deserves clarification.
First, one assumes that a limited number of causal factors are at work in generating Y within
a single case. Second, one assumes that the outcome in question is unlikely to be stochastic (i.e., an
outcome with no identifiable explanation). With these assumptions in place it becomes clear why the
“logic of elimination” – if successful – enhances confidence in the favored explanation. The more
members of Z – potential causes – can be eliminated as causes of Y in Case A the more likely it is
that the cause of Y is X (Gerring 2012b: ch 11). This brings us back to an earlier point: the more
thorough the canvas of alternate explanations the more convincing this logic of elimination can be.
Causal inference for a particular case is a matter of comparing different explanations that
might explain a given outcome. If we assume that at least one of these theories is correct (that the
outcome is not stochastic), then eliminating alternatives enhances our confidence in the remaining
theory(ies). This process of comparing theoretical expectations with known facts of the case bears a
strong resemblance to what Pierce (1931) called abduction and what later philosophers of science
have called inference to the best explanation (Lipton 2004).
There are many examples of this logic at work. Consider the celebrated case of John Snow,
who discovered the water-borne nature of cholera. Accounts of Snow’s discovery suggest that his
discovery began with his dissatisfaction with the reining “miasma” theory – that cholera was air-
borne (Johnson 2006). The miasma theory did a very poor job of explaining the pattern of infections
in the neighborhood of Soho, London, where Snow lived. For example, confirmed cases of the
disease were found in different neighborhoods, while among people living next to each other some
contracted the disease and others did not. Presumably, if bad air caused cholera then everyone living
in the same area should be affected. Then there was the biological pattern of infection, which
affected the small intestine but not the respiratory system. For a variety of reasons, the miasma
theory seemed problematic – so problematic, in fact, that Snow was able to eliminate it (in his own
mind) as a possible cause of cholera. Having eliminated the only widely recognized explanation,
Snow’s alternative gained plausibility. With a plague whose arrival was so sudden, and symptoms so
unique, it was pretty certain that there was a single cause. And with that assumption in place, the
elimination of rival explanations is a powerful method of persuasion – even though it cannot, by
itself, convince. The proposed alternative must do a better job of making sense of the facts of the
case – which, ultimately, Snow was able to show.
Note also that the promise of Snow’s finding rested on its generalizability. In this instance,
the best explanation for the spread of cholera in Soho also happened to be the best explanation for
cholera elsewhere in the world. In social science contexts, this is not always true. The best
explanation for a case is not always the best explanation for a population of cases – something the
researcher must bear in mind.
Testable Hypotheses
For a theory to be falsifiable it must issue empirical predictions about the world. And these
predictions, or hypotheses, must be applicable to the case under investigation if the case is to
adjudicate among rival explanations.
One prediction is about the relationship of X to Y, the causal effect of theoretical interest.
This is the centerpiece of large-n cross-case analysis and it plays a role in case study analysis as well.
Evidently, the observed covariation between X and Y must conform to theoretical expectations in
order for the theory to be corroborated. Suppose one is evaluating the “power resource” theory of
welfare state growth – that the development of redistributive programs are a product of the power
and consolidation of the working class, as embodied in labor unions and left parties (Stephens 1979).
Covariational evidence might take the form of showing, for the chosen case, that welfare state
expansion occurs in periods when left parties are in power.
However, the intensive study of a case opens up many additional possibilities for theory-
testing. It is therefore vital to examine all relevant hypotheses suggested by a theory – your theory as
well as alternate theories. What else (aside from the predicted covariation of X and Y) must be true
about the world if the theory is true?
Often, these additional tests center on causal mechanisms (M) – what lies “inside the box”
between X and Y. To test power resource theory, one might closely examine instances of welfare
state expansion, critical junctures in which the shape of fiscal policy changed in fundamental ways,
and with enduring consequences. In the United States, the most important juncture was probably
the passage of the Social Security Act in 1935, which has been extensively studied by historians and
social scientists (Quadagno 1984). Who agitated for the bill? Who wrote it? Who introduced it to
Congress? Where did the initiative come from? Were the foremost proponents associated with left-
wing parties, labor unions, and (more vaguely) the working class – or, alternatively, were they
technocrats or members of the business community?
Empirical tests may also center on alternate outcomes. For example, if a theory suggests that
X should affect Y1 but not Y2, then Y2 serves as a placebo test (Gerring 2012: ch 11; Glynn &
Gerring 2015). For example, the power resource theory of the welfare state should apply to
redistributive programs, but it should not (arguably) apply to other policy areas. If one finds an
association between left party control and increased spending on the military one might conclude
that the association with welfare spending is spurious. Perhaps left parties are in favor of
government spending across-the-board, regardless of whom it benefits.
Another sort of prediction involves actors at a lower level of analysis. If the theory centers
on the behavior of governments, what does this imply about the beliefs and behavior of individual
politicians? We have already discussed the role of elites in the context of “power resource” theory.
How about the role of citizens? It might also be relevant whether low-income citizens are more
supportive of the welfare state than middle- and upper-income citizens.
Ideally, a theory should be disaggregated down to the individual level; this not only enhances
the possibility for testing but also the micro-foundations of the theory. Of course, one must be wary
of the aggregation fallacy; what is true at one level may not be true at another level. Nonetheless, if
within-case analysis is to proceed it depends upon a certain concordance in causal relationships
across levels of analysis.
At each level of analysis we are testing theories against the available data, a process
sometimes referred to as pattern-matching, congruence analysis, or implication analysis (Blatter & Blume
2008; Campbell 1966; George & Bennett 2005; Lieberson & Horwich 2008; Rogowski 1995;
Trochim 1989). Let us consider a few examples drawn from other areas of research.
A frequently cited example is the first important empirical demonstration of the theory of
relativity, which took the form of a single-event prediction on the occasion of the May 29, 1919,
solar eclipse. Stephen Van Evera describes the impact of this prediction on the validation of
Einstein’s theory.
Einstein’s theory predicted that gravity would bend the path of light toward a gravity
source by a specific amount. Hence it predicted that during a solar eclipse stars near the
sun would appear displaced – stars actually behind the sun would appear next to it, and
stars lying next to the sun would appear farther from it – and it predicted the amount
of apparent displacement. No other theory made these predictions. The passage of this
one single-case-study test brought the theory wide acceptance because the tested
predictions were unique – there was no plausible competing explanation for the
predicted result – hence the passed test was very strong. 80
The strength of this test is the extraordinary fit between the theory and a set of facts found in a
single case, and the corresponding lack of fit between all other theories and this set of facts. Einstein
offered an explanation of a particular set of anomalous findings that no other existing theory could
make sense of. Of course, one must assume that there was no – or limited – measurement error.
And one must assume that the phenomenon of interest is largely invariant; light does not bend
differently at different times and places (except in ways that can be understood through the theory
of relativity). And one must assume, finally, that the theory itself makes sense on other grounds
(other than the case of special interest); it is a plausible general theory. If one is willing to accept
these assumptions, then the 1919 “case study” provides a very strong confirmation of the theory. It
is difficult to imagine a stronger proof of the theory from an observational (nonexperimental)
Theory-testing is theory dependent, as this example shows. It is useful insofar as a theory
issues predictions that are specific (and therefore unlikely to exist by chance and unlikely to be
confused with the predictions emanating from a rival theory), invariant (applying in the same fashion
to all cases), and clearly scoped (with a well-defined population). Predictions of this sort may be
described as “risky” since they offer many opportunities to fail and their failure cannot easily be
explained away, or accommodated by an ex post adjustment to the theory. Risky predictions such as
Einstein’s are common in natural-science fields such as physics.
In social science settings, by contrast, theories tend to be more generally pitched, with
multiple possible causal mechanisms, and therefore few risky predictions. There are many ways in
which democracy might enhance growth (Gerring et al. 2006) or peace (Owen 1994). George and
Bennett (2005: 209) point out that while the thesis of the democratic peace is as close to a “law” as
social science has yet seen, it cannot be confirmed (or refuted) by looking at specific causal
mechanisms because the causal pathways mandated by the theory are multiple and diverse. To take
another much-discussed example, there are at least four ways in which natural resource wealth might
affect the onset of civil war: (a) looting by rebels, (b) grievances among locals, (c) incentives for
separatism, and (d) state weakness (Ross 2004: 39). Each of these is a matter of degrees and most are
rather hard to measure. This means that a case study will have a hard time identifying factors at work
in a given case, and it will be even more problematic to try to generalize those findings to a larger
These are the limitations of theory-testing in a case study format. Nonetheless, the
opportunities for theory-testing at a fine-grained level are one of the advantages that the case study
offers over cross-case studies of the same phenomenon.
80 Van Evera (1997: 66-7). See also Eckstein (1975), Popper (1963).
Counterfactual Thought-experiments
Case studies delve into singular causality, the effect of X on Y for a single event. This is implicit in
the notion of examining one case, or a small number of cases, in an intensive fashion. Singular
causality runs into the (so-called) fundamental problem of causal inference (Holland 1986). One
cannot travel back in time to replay the circumstances of Case A, changing only its value on X and
leaving all else the same. The counterfactual for a particular outcome can only be imagined.
This philosophical problem should not be exaggerated, as singular causation is fairly easy to
show in routine cases. Indeed, our legal system rests upon it. In criminal cases one can rely on a
large body of wisdom, direct clues, and other features that allow juries to convict or acquit with
relative unanimity in most instances. There are few hung juries, and few verdicts are overturned
upon appeal by higher courts. We take this as probative evidence that causal truth, beyond a
reasonable doubt, has been attained.
Of course, social science case studies are generally a good deal more complex than criminal
cases. Assumptions about normal behavior are problematic, precedents are scarce, and the people
we are trying to understand may be removed from us in time, space, and in other respects. They
cannot usually be directly interrogated.
When understanding a single event case study researchers rely on the same technique used
by jurists – the counterfactual thought-experiment. This refers to the imaginative re-creation of
an event under slightly different circumstances. Specifically, one is usually interested in ascertaining
how and whether the value of Y would differ if the value of X had changed – while all else remained
the same. It is an experiment in the mind (Fearon 1991; Lebow 2000; Levy 2008b, 2015; Tetlock &
Belkin 1996).
One cannot make any judgment about individual events without undertaking a
counterfactual thought-experiment. There is no way to claim that X is a cause of Y for a given event
without imagining what the value of Y would be if X had been different. Thus, far from being an
isolated technique it is ubiquitous – if not always explicitly acknowledged – in case-level analysis.
Although one might prefer actual evidence – that which might be provided by a second case
illustrating the “control” condition or by longitudinal analysis of the case when X changes repeatedly
over time – this is not always possible, or if possible may be prone to confounding.
Of course, counterfactual thought-experiments are also subject to confounding. If one is
imagining a change in X for a case observed over a certain period it must be possible to imagine that
background factors for that case (Z) hold constant during that period. Otherwise, it is impossible to
envision the change in Y that X might produce. If background factors were in flux, they constitute
A second feature of a good counterfactual thought-experiment is that the envisioned change
to history is minimal (the so-called minimal-rewrite rule). This is important, as any fundamental changes
to reality involve an adjustment to background conditions that renders the counterfactual thought-
experiment open to a wide variety of interpretations.
To tease apart causal relations within a single case clues derived from the temporal ordering of
events are essential (Abbott 1990, 1992, 2001; Aminzade 1992; Buthe 2002; Griffin 1992, 1993;
Grzymala-Busse 2011; Mahoney 2000; Pierson 2000, 2004; Thelen 2000). And to judge temporal
relationships a chronological timeline, or event-history map, of relevant events is indispensable. This
may also be described as a graph of unit-level causal inference (Waldner 2015a, 2015b).
The chronology should begin before the causal factor of interest and extend all the way up to
the outcome of interest, and perhaps beyond. Note that a qualitative analysis of X’s relationship to Y
is in some respects like a quantitative time-series analysis. The longer the temporal relationship can
be observed, the greater our opportunities for gauging X’s impact on Y, and identifying potential
confounders. It is, however, unlike a time-series analysis insofar as one is unlikely to be able to
observe X and Y throughout the whole period; or, it is irrelevant to observe them over a long period
because they are not changing. In this setting, which often characterizes qualitative analysis, the
relevant “covariational” features are the initial change of X (which might be understood in a binary
fashion, as a move from X=0 to X=1) and the eventual change in the outcome (which might also be
understood dichotomously). What is left to observe are the factors that may have contributed to ∆X
and ∆Y. So, look for things that preceded X and things that lie in between X and Y.
The latter are the essential features of what has come to be known as process tracing,
represented by M in this book. A good chronology includes all relevant features of M. It is complete
and continuous (Bennett & Checkel 2015; Waldner 2015b). Unfortunately, it is not always apparent
how to interpret completeness or continuity, i.e., which features are suitable for inclusion in a
chronology and which features may be considered redundant. But one may assume that
completeness exists when the connection between the events included in a chronology is tight –
such that it is easy to see how a phenomenon evolved from step 1 to step 2, and step 2 to step 3,
and difficult to see how any confounder could have disrupted that path.
The model of dominoes has served as a metaphor for the ideal. If one wishes to fully explain
how the first domino is causally connected to the last domino one would want to construct a
chronology of dominoes that includes each domino’s fall – the events leading up to, and causing, the
outcome of interest. In this simple example, each domino serves a gateway function and there is
only one pathway (flowing through all of these gates). Factors that seem to carry a “necessary” or
“sufficient” quality should always be included in a chronology. When in doubt, the inclusion of
ancillary details is not damaging, and certainly less damaging than the accidental exclusion of crucial
The chronology should serve to separate out relevant factors in terms of their temporal
order. If this can be established, causal exogeneity/endogeneity (what causes what) can often be
It is a short step from a chronology to a causal diagram that sets out all elements of the data
generating process in a clear and concise visual form. This includes X, Z, and M – with the
understanding that each may be a vector of causal factors – along with Y. An excellent example is
provided by Mahoney, who represents Skocpol’s description of the French revolution in a single –
albeit rather crowded – diagram (see Figure 8.1). 81 While the diagram may be hard to follow, it is a
useful simplification of the much lengthier argument that Skocpol sets forth in prose. Whatever the
difficulties of constructing causal diagrams, if an argument cannot be diagramed then it is not
falsifiable. Insofar as falsifiability is a basic goal of science, we ought to embrace causal diagrams. 82
Background Assumptions
A final goal of case study research – whether undertaken on its own (a stand-alone case study) or in
tandem with a cross-case analysis (a multi-method study) – is to shed light on background
assumptions. All causal models assume causal comparability. The expected value of Y must be the
81 For additional examples of event-history diagrams of case study research see Mahoney (2007), Schimmelfennig (2015),
Waldner (2015b).
82 Before quitting this subject I should note that there is more than a passing resemblance between causal diagrams of
the sort produced by Mahoney and causal graphs of the sort developed by Judea Pearl (2009) and other methodologists
for purposes of causal analysis (Waldner 2015b). For present purposes, we view the diagram as a tool for clarification
rather than a tool for laying out rules of causal inference.
same for all observations in the sample, conditional on observables. For large-n samples, this is
understood in a probabilistic sense: P(Y|X, Z) is the same, on average, for all cases and for
observations within a case (if the case is observed over time). For small-n samples, this is understood
in a deterministic sense; it must be true for the cases studied. To be sure, one may regard the
assumption of causal comparability more loosely if the hypothesis is posed in a vague fashion (“X
has a positive effect on Y”) rather than a precise fashion (“A one-unit change in X increases Y by
two units”), and most case studies do not intend to measure precise causal effects, as we observed in
Chapter 2. Nonetheless, any threat to the assumption of causal comparability is potentially damaging
for the inference that the researcher wishes to draw.
Special attention to the assignment mechanism is warranted, as this is a source of bias in
many (most?) social science analyses. Where X is not intentionally randomized by the researcher – as
it is not, by definition, in observational studies (a definitional criterion of the case study) – one must
worry about assignment bias (or selection bias, as it is sometimes called). The blessing is that case
studies are often especially insightful in providing insight into the assignment principle at work in a
particular instance (Dunning 2008: ch 7).
For example, Jeremy Ferwerda & Nicholas Miller (2014) argue that devolution of power
reduces resistance to foreign rule. To do so, they focus on France during World War Two, when the
northern part of the country was ruled directly by German forces and the southern part was ruled
indirectly by the “Vichy” regime headed by Marshall Petain. The key methodological assumption of
their regression discontinuity design is that the line of demarcation was assigned in an as-if random
fashion. For the authors, and for their critics (Kocher & Monteiro 2015), this assumption requires
in-depth case study research – research that promises to uphold, or call into question, the author’s
entire analysis.
As a second example, we may consider Romer & Romer’s (2010) analysis of the impact of
tax changes on economic activity. Because tax changes are non-random, and likely to be correlated
with the outcome of interest, anyone interested in this question must be concerned with bias arising
from the assignment of the treatment. To deal with this threat, Romer & Romer make use of the
narrative record provided by presidential speeches and congressional reports to elucidate the
motivation of tax policy changes in the postwar era. This allows them to distinguish policy changes
that might have been motivated by economic performance from those that may be considered as-if
random. By focusing solely on the latter, they claim to provide an unbiased test of the theory that
tax increases are contractionary.
The quantitative/qualitative divide besets any discussion of case study methods. My proposed
definition hinges on two features. First, quantitative analysis is formal in the sense of resting on a
general framework of inference, e.g., logic, sampling, subjective priors, or randomization inference.
Qualitative analysis is by no means divorced from these logics of inference, but they are invoked in
an informal, and often implicit, manner. Second, quantitative analysis utilizes observations that are
laid out in a matrix and assumed to be comparable to one another in whatever respects are relevant
for the analysis. Qualitative analysis utilizes observations that are non-comparable, which is to say
they are drawn from different populations (“apples and oranges”) and typically address different
aspects of a question. These are the defining features of the quantitative/qualitative divide, as
understood here.
In addition, there is an important associated feature having to do with the number of
observations. Large-nobs analysis is pretty sure to be carried out in a quantitative fashion, while very
small samples are apt to be analyzed in a qualitative fashion. In between – for medium-nobs samples –
there is room for both styles of work, which is why I regard this as an associated characteristic rather
than a defining feature. But it is fair to say that at the extremes – for large-nobs and very small-nobs
research – the number of observations is determinative, and in this sense the colloquial use of
“quantitative” and “quantitative” as synonyms for “large-nobs” and “small-nobs” is warranted.
It follows from my definition that quantitative and qualitative modes of inference are not
separated by an epistemological divide. Any qualitative observation can be transformed into a set of
quantitative observations. Indeed, most quantitative observations began life (one might say) as
qualitative observations. The coding of rich, qualitative data according to a systematic protocol
provided by a survey questionnaire may be viewed as the conversion of qualitative observations into
quantitative observations.
Since quantitative analysis is well-understood (or at least well-trodden) ground, I home in on
qualitative analysis in the final section of the chapter. First, I offer illustrations of how non-matrix
observations can contribute to causal inference, even when utilized in an informal manner. Next, I
offer a series of “rules of thumb” for handling qualitative data in the context of case study research.
These are intended to be employed in a flexible manner, contingent upon the researcher’s theoretical
aims and the empirical lay of the land. They also require considerable judgment, and should not be
applied in a mechanical fashion. There is nothing resembling the determinate nature of experimental
research designs. The pliable nature of this “art” may be regarded as its biggest flaw or its most
important virtue, as discussed in the next section of the book.
Having surveyed and defined our subject (Part I), and discussed case selection (Part II) and case
analysis (Part III), I turn now to the problem of validity (Part IV). In dividing up this complex topic
I follow the traditional distinction between internal validity (this chapter) and external validity
(Chapter 10). Both chapters focus primarily on problems of causal inference, with sidelong glances
at descriptive inference.
My first goal in writing these chapters is to alert readers to some of the methodological
obstacles that beset case studies, as commonly practiced. Some of these obstacles are inherent in the
enterprise. Others are surmountable, though sometimes the solution requires sacrifices (e.g., a
different choice of topics or a less ambitious theoretical agenda). We must reckon with the costs, as
well as the benefits, of reforming case study research.
My second goal is to help case study researchers navigate these shoals. Scholars will need to
weigh alternatives carefully before deciding which path they wish to follow, and I shall offer
suggestions as we proceed, wherever possible. In any case, methodological decisions should be
grounded in a clear-eyed view of the problems, and the prospects, facing case study research.
Internal validity, our subject in this chapter, refers to the validity of inferences about X’s
relationship to Y for the studied sample, which in the circumstance of case study research may
consist of a single case or a small number of cases. I begin the chapter with a discussion of the
intrinsic properties of case study research designs, as they bear on the problem of internal validity. I
then turn to properties that are non-intrinsic, i.e., within the power of researchers to achieve. The
chapter concludes with a brief discussion of assessment – how one judges whether the claims from a
study are true or false – including the conjoined challenges of transparency and replicability.
Intrinsic Properties
The internal validity of a causal inference depends largely on the degree to which a research design
exhibits properties commonly associated with laboratory experiments, e.g., (a) a manipulated
treatment (by the researcher), (b) random assignment across groups, (c) a large number of units
within each group, (d) isolation of groups from each other, and (e) independence across units (non-
interference). 83
I have defined the case study as an observational form of research, where “nature” assigns
the treatment, so attribute (a) cannot apply. Case study researchers, like other observational
researchers, are consigned to scour the world for interventions that have as-if random qualities, i.e.,
the treatment is administered in a way that is orthogonal to other factors that might affect the
outcome of interest. Yet, even if a setting seems to exhibit this quality case study research is still at a
huge disadvantage relative to large-n natural experiments. Note that there is no opportunity to
“control” confounders by the use of statistical models (e.g., as covariates in a regression model) or
to exclude cases that are not well-matched to observations in the treatment group, as one would
83While these properties are not always considered definitional, they are certainly common ingredients of the laboratory
when employing a matching algorithm. And there is no opportunity to sidestep confounders
through the use of instrumental variables that lie prior to the treatment.
Moreover, there is little protection against stochastic factors that might affect the
relationship between X and Y. Note that even if a treatment is assigned in an as-if random fashion
across several cases it is still subject to confounding. Indeed, it is highly unlikely that the cases will be
perfectly balanced on background factors that might affect the outcome.
Case studies thus require a much stronger set of assumptions about causal comparability (aka
unit homogeneity), whether this is applied to a single case observed over time or to multiple cases
compared to each other. Rather than assuming that cases are comparable to each other on average,
across treatment and control groups (or through time in a longitudinal study), one must assume that
cases under study (or a single case observed before and after a treatment) are exactly comparable to
each other and measured without error (George & McKeown 1985: 27; Glynn & Ichino 2015;
Lieberson 1992, 1994; Sekhon 2004).
Comparisons with large-n experiments and natural experiments are not favorable to the case
study format. However, one must also appreciate that experiments will never be able to properly
address many of the research questions that animate social science (Teele 2014). Likewise, large-n
natural experiments are rare, and likely to remain so (Dunning 2012). Hence, most cross-case
analyses are comprised of messy, observational data, often analyzed with a regression model and
bearing little resemblance to a laboratory experiment. This has caused considerable consternation
among methodologists, who are acutely aware of the many assumptions required to reach causal
inferences with this sort of data (Freedman 1991; Kittel 1999; Seawright 2010). Here, the contrast to
case study research is more favorable, and perhaps more relevant.
Reaching causal inference with observational data relies on strong assumptions, as noted
above. A data “model” is constructed (using formal theory, statistics, prose, and/or causal diagrams)
which is intended to represent the actual data generating process. Results depend on fealty between
this model and the reality “out there.” However, case studies enjoy certain advantages over large-n
cross-case models with messy, observational data.
These advantages stem from the fact that the empirical material is limited. There is only one,
or a small handful of cases under investigation, and each case is studied intensively, drawing on data
at the case level and at lower levels of analysis (within-case evidence), as discussed in Chapter 8.
This means that the researcher is more likely to be aware of threats to inference – arising,
e.g., from errors in measurement, non-random assignment, or post-treatment confounding. By
contrast, a researcher who ventures to incorporate hundreds or thousands of cases in an analysis is
likely to be intimately acquainted with only a small handful of those cases – or perhaps with none of
them. Note that acquaintance with the empirical material is a pre-requisite of case study research.
The bona fides of a case study researcher with respect to his/her subject must be established, e.g.,
linguistic facility, access to sources and special archives, a list of interviews or participant-
observation sites, and so forth. By contrast, the researcher working with a large-n dataset is under no
obligation to demonstrate his/her familiarity with the material at hand. 84
Bear in mind that the most serious threats of inference are those that are difficult to identify
– the unknown unknowns, to quote Donald Rumsfeld’s famous aphorism. This does not obviate the
problem of stochastic threats to inference, but it surely reduces them. Unfortunately, the reduction
of uncertainty that arises from in-depth case knowledge is not something that can be precisely
estimated and thereby incorporated into a standardized measure such as a confidence interval. The
84These advantages of case study research are discussed in Bowman, Lehoucq & Mahoney (2005), Brady & Collier
(2004), Harding & Seefeldt (2013), Seawright (2015).
issue of assessment is taken up at greater length below. For now, let us suppose that in-depth
knowledge of a case has been discovered by the researcher. Several courses of action are open.
First, the researcher may simply choose a different case (or set of cases) to focus on, one that
is less subject to measurement error or confounders. The ability to home in on one or several cases
that provide the best scenario for exploration, estimation, or diagnostics might be counted as an
advantage rather than a disadvantage. When it comes to estimation and diagnostics case study
research depends upon finding those settings where the treatment of theoretical interest is
uncorrelated with other causes of Y. In a single-case longitudinal setting, the assumption is that the
case remains the same over time in all respects except the treatment. In a most-similar comparison,
the assumption extends to all cases incorporated into the case study.
One can debate how common this circumstance is, just as one can debate the experimental
qualities of “natural experiments” in a large-n cross-case setting. But where it exists, causal inference
is greatly facilitated. And it stands to reason that this achievement is facilitated by the small scope of
case study research. The logic inherent in case selection for case study research is therefore an
extension of the logic of matching – where background covariates are used to eliminate cases that
are not well matched across treatment and control groups (Ho et al. 2007). The case study researcher
looking for a best case, or best set of cases, continues this process of elimination by examining
additional factors that cannot be easily measured across the population, and therefore cannot be
included as matching covariates. For the same reason, these in-depth qualitative judgments cannot
be incorporated into algorithmic methods of case selection, and it is for this reason that I advised
case study researchers to use algorithms as a guide to selection rather than as a final determinant of
selection (when samples are very small). As with large-n matching, losses in external validity are
traded off for gains in internal validity. By limiting the ambit of the study, one hopes to limit the
number of potential confounders.
In the face of potential threats to inference the case study researcher may also choose to
gather additional data – in order to confirm or disconfirm the threat – or to incorporate the
discovered error into the analysis. Note that biases are truly threatening only if they influence the
direction of a causal effect towards the hypothesis the author is trying to demonstrate. If their
influence runs counter to the hypothesis, and the evidence still upholds the hypothesis, the
measured causal effect may be viewed as establishing a lower bound on the true effect.
For example, in his most-similar analysis of political parties in the United States and Canada,
Leon Epstein describes both countries as possessing strong regional bases of power – a factor that is
presumed to weaken the cohesion of political parties. In recent decades, this factor has become
more significant in Canada than in the US. While this detracts from the similarity of background
conditions, it biases the analysis against Epstein’s argument. That is, greater regional bases of power
should weaken political parties at national levels in Canada. The fact that strong party cohesion
survives in the Canadian House of Commons suggests that this factor either does not serve as a
confounder, or attenuates the true causal effect measured in Epstein’s analysis. While the same
calculations may be made in a large-n cross-case analysis, they are generally harder to assess by
reason of the large number of units and settings that one must consider.
A final point departs from the approach to inference that we have assumed in the foregoing
discussion, which assumes that the main piece of evidence for causality arises from the pattern of
covariation observed between X and Y. A different approach to causal inference arises from
examining the path from X and Y, i.e., causal mechanisms (Knight & Winship 2013; Pearl 2009;
Waldner 2016). Pearl refers to this as the “front-door” path from X to Y, using the example of the
connection between smoking and lung cancer – which, he says, was confirmed not by X:Y
covariational evidence but rather by evidence of the process by which smoking causes cancer.
Specifically, if smoking (X) causes a build-up of tar (M) in the lungs, and tar is a cause of cancer (Y),
then a causal connection between X and Y can be proven. That is, insofar as each of these
connections is accepted – and not open to confounding – causal inference may be achieved by
examining the path from X to Y through M.
Several assumptions are required in order for this method to achieve causal identification.
These assumptions are easiest to understand when illustrated in a causal graph, as shown in Figure
9.1. In this graph, nodes represent variables and arrows represent (suspected) one-directional
(acyclic) causal relationships. Unmeasured variables (which therefore cannot be conditioned in a
causal analysis) are signaled by brackets. The confounder labeled Z1 in the figure affects both X and
Y. Its presence precludes the traditional approach to causal inference, resting on the covariation of
X and Y, which in this instance is spurious. The secondary approach, through the front door, is
signaled by the path from X to M and from M to Y. This is viable, however, only in the absence of
confounding. As can be seen, there are three potential confounders, one affecting X and M (Z2), the
second affecting M and Y (Z3), and the third affecting X, M, and Y (Z4). The presence of any of
these will torpedo the effort to reach causal inference through the front door. So, anyone using an
investigation of causal mechanisms to reach causal inference must consider these possibilities
Figure 9.1: The Front-door Path with Potential Confounders
[Z2] [Z3]
Naturally, the process becomes even more complicated if several paths from X to Y are at
work. In this situation, each path must be isolatable from the rest. However, the goals of case study
researchers are usually limited to ascertaining whether a single mechanism (M1) is at work, leaving
aside the more difficult task of ascertaining all the paths from X to Y and the relative strength of
each. If at least one path (M1) can be confirmed, the generative force of X on Y is confirmed (so
long as M1 is not canceled by additional unmeasured pathways, M2), even though a precise estimate
of the causal effect is out of the question.
To be sure, a front-door approach to causal inference is viable in large-n cross case settings
as well as in case study settings. However, insofar as the latter offers greater opportunities to study
causal mechanisms it enjoys an elective affinity to this style of causal inference.
Ideally, the case study researcher is able to enlist both – a traditional X→Y analysis and a
front-door X→M→Y analysis. This form of triangulation is especially helpful if the question of
confounding in each analysis cannot be entirely dispensed with (as it generally cannot).
To conclude, in certain respects, and in certain contexts, causal inference in a case study
format may be more dependable, and more robust, than causal inference in a large-n cross-case
format (with observational data).
Non-intrinsic Properties
I have shown that the case study format has certain intrinsic disadvantages and advantages relative
to large-n cross-case analysis with messy observational data. At this point, I want to turn to the non-
intrinsic aspects of case study research – those that are chosen by researchers and that do not
depend (or at least do not depend very much) upon the case study format. Here, I shall argue that
many of the problems of internal validity found in case study research are of our own making.
Specifically, case study researchers often choose topics that are difficult, or even impossible, to
falsify – they cannot be proven or disproven in any strong sense of the term.
First, case study work often deals in causal frameworks rather than specific causal hypotheses.
For example, Graham Allison & Philip Zelikow’s (1999) famed study of the Cuban missile crisis
contrasts three models for understanding government behavior in foreign policy. The rational actor
model focuses attention on “the goals and objectives of the nation or government,” with the
understanding that actions can be understood (in some rational sense) as a product of those goals
(1999: 4-5). The organizational behavior model focuses attention on “existing organizational
components, their functions, and their standard operating procedures for acquiring information…,
defining feasible options …and implementation” (1999: 5-6). The governmental politics model
focuses attention on “bargaining games among players in the national government” (1999: 6).
Evidently, it is not possible to verify or falsify an entire causal framework – and certainly not with a
single case. Allison & Zelikow (1999: 385-86) remark
What is…striking are the differences in the ways the analysts [informed by different
models] conceive of problems, shape puzzles, unpack summary questions, and dig into
the evidence in search of an answer. Why did the United States blockade Cuba? For
[rational actor] analysts, this ‘why’ asks for reasons that account for the American
choice of the blockade as a solution to the strategic problem posed by the presence of
Soviet missiles in Cuba. For [an organizational behavior] analyst, the challenge is to
identify outputs of key organizations without which there would be no blockade. A
[governmental politics] analyst understands the basic ‘why’ as a question about the
political bargaining among players with distinctive interests, quite disparate conceptions
of what was to be done, and different views about the process by which competing
preferences blended and blurred in the selected action.
It follows that a case study such as the Essence of Decision that is oriented around a framework –
without a set of specific hypotheses (or with so many hypotheses that it would be impossible to pass
or fail all of them) – is difficult to assess with respect to internal validity.
Second, case studies often focus on causal mechanisms (M) rather than causal effects.
Mechanisms are often difficult to establish insofar as M is hard to measure, insofar as there may be
multiple pathways (M1-n) from X to Y, insofar as various mechanisms may interact with one another,
insofar as M may be affected by contextual factors (generating causal heterogeneity in X→M), and
insofar as M may not be directly manipulable (an issue we address presently). Thus, although case
studies may have a comparative advantage in elucidating causal mechanisms (an argument we dwell
on in the final section of the chapter) this does not mean that identifying and estimating M is easy. It
is usually hard, much harder than estimating causal effects. 85
Finally, case studies often focus on causal factors that are non-manipulable (Woodward 2005).
This is true whether the factor of interest serves as X or M in a causal model. If a cause is non-
manipulable – or if it is not clear what manipulation the author envisions – then the background
conditions for the argument are unclear. Without a manipulable X, Z is ambiguous. Another way of
saying this is that it must be possible to envision a hypothetical experiment by which a causal factor
is manipulated while a set of background conditions remains constant. If this experiment is hard to
imagine, then one may label X a cause only in very uncertain terms. Note that this problem is not
simply about the difficulty of testing a causal argument; it is also about attaining clarity in the causal
As an example, let us consider Barrington Moore’s (1966: 418) oft-cited argument that class
relations account for the development of regime-types – “no bourgeoisie, no democracy.” The
problem with this argument is that it is difficult to conceptualize a situation in which a bourgeois
class is larger, stronger, or more coherent (or smaller, weaker, less coherent) while everything else
remains the same in a country. Specifically, insofar as class structure (X) is closely tied to economic
structure, and perhaps also to political structures (both of which may be represented as Z), it is hard
to imagine a change in X that does not also involve a change in Z. And since Z may also influence
the development of regimes (democracy or autocracy), it also serves as a potential confounder in any
causal analysis. Thus, in Moore’s study, and in others like it (e.g., Acemoglu & Robinson 2012), the
causal factor of theoretical interest (X) is non-manipulable.
To be sure, manipulability is a matter of degrees. Some interventions such as school class
size or teacher pay are clearly manipulable – governments do so every time they undertake a policy
initiative related to education. But this sort of topic is less commonly chosen as the subject of case
study research. Other factors such as race or sex occupy a gray zone. One can in principle
manipulate the race or sex of an individual at birth; but this is not what most people have in mind
when they say that “race matters for Y” or “sex matters for Y.” Ideational features such as values,
beliefs, or emotions cannot be directly manipulated; that is, one cannot change a person’s ideas
directly. One can of course provide information or subject a person to a treatment calculated to
change their ideas or values. Exposure is manipulable, and forms the basis for many experiments.
But, again, this is not what many case study researchers mean when they invoke ideas as causes. 86
Macro-level institutions such as democracy or social class are impossible to manipulate, though one
may envision prior causes of these phenomena that might be regarded as manipulable.
85 To be sure, this is a product of framing. But for a variety of reasons, the factors framed as mechanisms are more
resistant to testing than the factors framed as causes (Gerring 2007c, 2010; Imai et al. 2011; Weller & Barnes 2014).
86 For further discussion see Jacobs (2015).
Granted, some case studies focus on causal effects and manipulable (in principle) treatments.
Among the 143 studies in Table 1.2, I can identify only a small handful – listed in Table 9.1 – that
clearly meets this criterion.
Causal factor
● Epstein (1964) A Comparative Study of Canadian Parties Directly elected executive
● Friedman & Schwartz (1963) A Monetary History of the United States Money supply
● Hsieh & Romer (2001) Was Federal Reserve Fettered? Devaluation Money supply
● Mondak (1995) Newspapers and Political Awareness Local newspaper coverage
● Romer & Romer (2010) Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes Fiscal policy
● Skendaj (2014) International Insulation from Politics Foreign aid to government bureaucracies
● Useem & Goldstone (2002) Riot & Reform in U.S. Prisons Prison reform
● Walter (2002) Committing to Peace Third-party commitment to peace agreement
It seems, therefore, that case studies could be enlisted in a fashion more conducive to causal
inference. There is nothing about the case study framework that mandates a focus on broad causal
frameworks, causal mechanisms, or non-manipulable causes.
However, the costs of such a reorientation must also be reckoned with. Identifying a
manipulable cause usually requires scoping down in theoretical ambitions and perhaps also in the
units of analysis. The exemplars listed in Table 9.1 identify very specific causal factors – a directly
elected executive, the money supply, local newspaper coverage, changes in tax policy, foreign aid,
prison reform, and third-party commitment to peace agreements. Many of these factors operate at
level of analysis lower than the nation-state. Evidently, problems of internal validity often arise when
a researcher chooses to work at a macro-societal level, i.e., when the units of interest are
international systems, empires, nation-states, political parties, or social groups. By scoping down (to
smaller units of analysis) one can usually find manipulable causes and more satisfactory research
designs – from the perspective of attaining internal validity.
Scoping down has its attractions, but it is not guaranteed to shed light on the macro-level
questions that motivate many case study researchers. This is because micro-level relationships do not
easily aggregate up to macro-level relationships. The social world bears little or no resemblance to
the modular quality of the physical world in which organisms are composed of organs, organs are
composed of tissues, tissues are composed of cells, cells are composed of molecules, molecules are
composed of atoms, atoms are composed of subatomic particles, and so forth. 87 This means that
macro-micro links are often hard to establish in the social sciences. And it means that in scoping
down one is likely to lose track of “big structures, large processes, huge comparisons” (Tilly 1984;
see also Mahoney & Thelen 2015). In this respect the goal of internal validity is in conflict with the
macro-theoretical ambitions harbored by many case study researchers. There is no easy resolution to
this dilemma. Nonetheless, case study researchers should be aware that insofar as they seek to reach
stronger causal inferences from their case analysis they may be well-advised to scope down, adopting
a narrower focus on causal factors that are manipulable, or manipulable in principle.
87For discussion of micro-macro connections see Alexander et al. (1987), Darden (2002), van den Bergh & Gowdy
(2003), Wiley (1988).
Having discussed the pros and cons of case study evidence for attaining internal validity I turn to the
adjoining problem of assessment. How can one reliably judge conclusions drawn from a case study?
Note that the advantages accruing to case studies, as outlined above (“intrinsic properties”),
have mostly to do with the in-depth knowledge that a researcher has of the case or cases under
study. However, this is his/her knowledge, not ours. So when s/he reports that there are no
confounders upsetting the relationship between X and Y we have no way to dispute the contention
– unless we happen to possess in-depth knowledge of that particular case.
Consider, as well, the informal nature of case selection and analysis, as discussed in Parts II
and III of the book. Consider that many potential explanations usually beckon, all of which may be
plausible to the outside observer. Consider the scope for researcher bias. This may occur in a
calculated way, as researchers look for the case – and the within-case evidence – that proves their
theory, i.e., cherry-picking. 88 It may also occur in an unconscious way, as researchers interact with
participants in the study, influencing their responses and behavior through nonverbal cues. We have
noted that case studies often derive theory from the evidence at-hand and in this respect are circular
in their procedure. Typically, one visits a site (a place, an archive, a set of texts, a historical era) with
a general research question, from which a specific argument is developed. That argument is then
“tested” against evidence provided by the same case(s). As such, there is no effective separation
between theory and evidence. Or testing is of a very loose sort.
For the sake of discussion, consider two archetypal research designs both of which attempt
to ascertain the effect of X on Y. And suppose, for the moment, that we are concerned only with
the internal validity of these two studies. The cross-case study examines the relationship between X
and Y across 200 municipalities using a regression analysis and a specification that includes
background covariates that might serve as confounders (Z). The case study examines the
relationship between X and Y in one municipality, relying on longitudinal evidence and evidence
drawn from a lower level of analysis – much of it qualitative in nature. Without knowing anything
further about these two studies it is safe to say that the former will be easier to assess than the latter.
That is, without any detailed knowledge of the research site it will be possible to assess whether the
stated results of the study are plausible or implausible, basing one’s judgment on generic features of
the research design. Is the treatment as-if random? Is the estimator well-chosen? Are plausible
confounders included in the regression model? These are the sorts of questions that anyone with
some methodological training is able to ask, and that any author is likely to address. By contrast, the
number of questions that one would need to assess in order to reach a determination of the case
study are virtually innumerable, and the answers would likely be of the sort that depend on in-depth
knowledge of the case, knowledge that persons other than the author are unlikely to be privy to, and
would be difficult to verify.
There is nothing wrong with uncertainty, so long as the degree of uncertainty can be assessed
in a systematic fashion. But this too is more difficult in the case study context. No practical method
has yet been devised to produce uncertainty estimates for qualitative analyses. Although we may
rightly complain about the flaws of t statistics and confidence intervals derived from observational
data (where they are apt to reflect sampling error but not overall uncertainty), they at least provide a
standardized uncertainty estimate, a hallmark of scientific research. Thus, while we are uncertain
about the results of case study research, we have no way to measure that uncertainty.
There is no easy solution to the problem of assessment, especially as most of these problems
88 For discussion see Skocpol & Somers (1980), Lustick (1996), Thies (2002).
stem from what I would regard as an intrinsic element of case study research – its informal nature.
However, there is one area in which problems of assessment might be improved. This concerns the
intertwined goals of transparency and replicability.
Transparency, Replicability
While the virtues of transparency and replicability are widely acknowledged (Lupia & Elman 2014),
their relevance for case study research may be under-appreciated. Transparency refers to openness
about the research process and how it unfolded over time. Replicability, in the narrow sense, means
that someone other than the original researcher is able to access the data and repeat the procedures
of the original analysis – whether qualitative and/or quantitative – working their way from the
evidence to the author’s conclusions. If this is not possible, i.e., if there is insufficient information to
allow for this replication, then the value of a work is limited for it cannot be verified or falsified.
One must simply take it on faith that the evidence gathered for a study supports the author’s
conclusions. 89 Transparency and replicability are closely related insofar as greater transparency
enhances replicability. Thus, we treat them together as part of the same objective.
It is widely recognized that achieving transparency and replicability is probably harder to
achieve in case studies than in cross-case studies (Elman & Kapiszewski 2014). Certain characteristic
features of the case study make it difficult to describe processes of data collection and analysis, to
make data accessible, and then to replicate procedures after the fact. This has to do with the many
ways in which a small number of cases can be “cased” (interpreted and given a broader significance),
multiple and informal methods of case-selection and analysis, and ongoing interaction of theory and
evidence. Unfortunately, the informal nature of case study research has encouraged a haphazard
approach to transparency and replicability. As a result, case study research is in some ways more
opaque than cross-case study research.
At the same time, we ought to acknowledge that a lot of mischief is hidden in cross-case
datasets. Problems of transparency are swept under the rug whenever a researcher declares that s/he
is using someone else’s data, or relying on someone else’s judgment (e.g., a coder’s). In effect,
problems of validity are unloaded on third parties (whoever collected the data or made the
judgment). Since case study researchers often collect their own data they are presumably in a better
position to know its strengths and weaknesses, i.e., where the bodies are buried.
Nonetheless, the protocols for defining variables, conducting surveys, and other aspects of
cross-case research are more established than the protocols for transparency and replicability with
respect to qualitative data. To remedy this shortcoming, case study researchers might consider
adopting the following general protocol.
1. Theory. Clarify the theory or argument, e.g., whether it is descriptive or causal. If causal, the
writers should specify the envisioned change in X and its anticipated effect on Y, along with the
suspected mechanism (M) and any relevant background conditions (Z). Whether descriptive or
causal, the population (scope-conditions) of the argument should also be specified. If different
parts of the argument pertain to different populations, this should be clearly laid out.
2. Case-selection. Clarify the method of case-selection, including what was known about the case(s)
prior to its selection and any changes in the sample that may have occurred during the research
3. Evidence-gathering. Clarify how within-case evidence was gathered in sufficient detail to allow
someone to revisit the site and re-trace your steps, i.e., re-gather the same sort of evidence. For
89For general discussions of replication see Freese (2007), Dewald, Thursby & Anderson (1986), Journal of Human
Resources (1989), King (1995), Neuliep (1991). For discussion of replicability in the context of qualitative research see
Elman & Kapiszewski (2014), Lieberman (2010).
archival work this may be facilitated by in-depth footnotes and appendices or by hyper-text
(Moravscik 2010). For ethnographic work, it should be possible for someone else to revisit the
original research site (even though relevant features may have changed in the interim). For work
that relies on interviews, survey research, or original coding, all pertinent details of the data
collection should be reported, e.g., sampling procedures, the questionnaire, initial contact with
respondents, and so forth.
4. Storage. Once informant confidentiality is assured (e.g., by anonymizing sensitive data), data
should be stored safely and made accessible to the public. Data in a matrix format can be stored
on a secure server such as Dataverse (King 2008) or some other permanent archive. Qualitative
data including “interview tapes, text files (transcripts from interviews, focus groups, and oral
histories; case notes; meeting minutes; research diaries), scans of newspaper articles, images of
official documents, and photographic, audio, and video materials” may be archived at the
Qualitative Data Repository (US) or QUALIDATA (UK) (Elman, Kapiszewski & Vinuela 2010).
5. Analysis. To allow for replication it is necessary to state clearly how you analyzed your data.
Quantitative analyses may be summarized in “do” files (software commands). Qualitative analysis
is more complicated, but not impossible. For an example of how to describe qualitative analysis
so that subsequent readers can replicate each step see Fairfield (2013). Of special importance to
case study research are the following questions. Were there additional (“shadow”) cases outside
the formal case study that played a role in the analysis? What background assumptions are
necessary in order to sustain the main argument?
Of particular importance is the order in which each step of the research was conducted. For
example, with respect to case selection, did the researcher know the value of the outcome variable
for the chosen case prior to its selection? If cross-case analysis was utilized (“multi-method”
research), did it precede or follow the case study portion of the study (or occur in tandem)? If the
method of case selection is different from the method of subsequent analysis, is this distinction
To achieve full transparency and replicability, all the procedures followed in a study must be
scrupulously laid out, in the order they were performed. I imagine that this might take the form of a
short appendix, summarizing details contained in a longer research diary or laboratory notebook. In
this fashion, processes that usually remain in the shadows would be brought into the open, allowing
consumers of case studies to better understand the nature of the data and the probable strength of
the findings, and also facilitating replication.
Naturally, there is a problem of verification, which is difficult to resolve. In some circumstances, i.e.,
where there is a recognizably “prospective” element to the research, it may be possible to make use
of public registries (Humphreys et al. 2013) for case study research. Specifically, wherever research
involves site visits – to archives or to an ethnographic site – it is possible, in principle, to delineate a
moment in time prior to the researcher’s encounter with a body of data. Wherever data is released to
the public – e.g., the opening of a new archive, the discovery of a new data source, or the
declassification of a new set of documents – it is similarly possible to establish prior ignorance.
At this point in time, prior to the researcher’s encounter with the data, s/he could specify a
hypothesis (or a numbered set of hypotheses) and a research design(s), registering them on a secure
site. Pre-registration in no way inhibits the possibility of exploratory work (where hypotheses are
developed in conversation with the data); but it does allow end-users to distinguish what is ex ante
and what is ex post. Presumably, one would assign a higher probability to a hypothesis that was pre-
registered than to a hypothesis that was developed after a researcher’s encounter with the data.
For exploratory case studies the pre-registration option is superfluous; there is nothing to
pre-register. But for those case studies that intend to test an existing theory (developed by the author
or by someone else) it is important to be able to verify a hypothesis, or set of hypotheses, and a
research design, prior to encountering the data. Only in this fashion can the problem of verification
be overcome, and only in this fashion will case study research be able to overcome suspicions of
cherry-picking (choosing cases to fit the theory) or curve-fitting (developing theories that fit the data
at-hand). In other words, to enhance whatever claims case study research might have to theory
testing the option of pre-registration seems crucial.
This chapter addresses issues pertaining to internal validity – validity with respect to the studied case
or cases. I have argued that observational research in case study designs shares all of the obstacles to
inference of observational research in a large-n cross-case research designs, and then some.
Specifically, it is subject to serious threats to inference arising from stochastic (random) factors,
which cannot be controlled due to the small number of cases. It is also subject to greater authorial
intervention, meaning that opportunities for researcher bias are enhanced.
On the other hand, case study research offers advantages insofar as the studied case, or
cases, are not subject to extreme heterogeneity (as many cross-case datasets are), limiting the number
of potential confounders. Likewise, when cases are closely studied over a long period of time,
enlisting both qualitative and quantitative evidence drawn from different levels of analysis and many
sources (e.g., ethnography, interviews, surveys, primary and secondary materials), the researcher has
an opportunity to gain greater intimacy with the data generating process. This means that she is
more likely to be able to distinguish causal processes from spurious correlations. In-depth
knowledge of a case should in this respect enhance the internal validity of a study. One is less likely
to be fooled. These are what I consider to be the intrinsic properties of case study research with
respect to the goal of internal validity.
The next section of the chapter focuses on non-intrinsic properties, i.e., those that arise from
choices researchers make. I observed that case study researchers often adopt causal arguments that
are difficult to falsify by virtue of being highly abstract, macro-societal, or complex (a congeries of
diverse treatments). Insofar as causal arguments feature non-manipulable causes, they will be
difficult to verify or falsify. Evidently, this is a difficult tradeoff. Adopting a focus on manipulable
treatments means that one must forsake many of the theoretical interests that have preoccupied case
study researchers across the social sciences.
The final section of the chapters deals with problems of assessment – how readers assess the
truth-value of studies. It was argued that the advantages of case study research, stemming from the
researcher’s close engagement with the case, constitute disadvantages insofar as it is more difficult
for readers – whom I shall assume are less familiar with the details of the case – to assess the
researcher’s conclusions. Context-dependent inferences can only be satisfactorily judged by those
who are intimately acquainted with that particular context. And because of the informality of case
study research, there are no standard metrics (e.g., confidence intervals) by which to measure the
degree of uncertainty associated with each claim.
Another obstacle to assessment is that case studies often do not convey much information
about how and when decisions about research design (e.g., case selection) were taken, or about
sources utilized for reaching key inferences. This makes it difficult to assess problems of cherry-
picking, fishing, and other aspects of researcher bias. It also makes it difficult, and perhaps
impossible, to replicate case study research.
Although attaining full transparency and replicability will always be more complicated for
research focused on specific cases, I outlined various steps that researchers could take to improve
the quality of ex post assessments of their work. I also posed the possibility of employing pre-
registration protocols in circumstances where research has a “prospective” element – where the
material of theoretical interest is separated from the researcher prior to his/her encounter with the
A study must attempt to generalize from the chosen case(s) to a larger population of cases in order
to qualify as a case study. Alternatively, this act of generalizing may occur after the fact, as a study is
digested by a community of scholars who judge that it has some broader applicability.
Naturally, the breadth of a case study argument is always a matter of degrees. No case study
denies the uniqueness of the case under special focus, and no case study (so called) forswears the
generalizing impulse altogether. So the particularizing/generalizing distinction is rightly understood
as a continuum, not a dichotomy.
The point remains, if the study is not a case of something it is not a case study.
In this chapter, I discuss various issues pertaining to external validity in case study research.
This includes sample representativeness, the somewhat conflicting goals of internal and external
validity, the task of establishing scope-conditions for an argument, and the challenge of assessing
claims to external validity.
Before entering this discussion it is important to appreciate that the problem of external
validity, or generalizability, is by no means unique to case studies. Experimental studies employ
samples that, although large, are rarely chosen randomly – and for various reasons often cannot be
chosen randomly – and thus face continual challenges in attempting to establish their external
validity (Muller 2015). In this respect, case studies and experimental studies are kindred spirits.
Sample Representativeness
When selecting cases, one aims for cases that are representative of a larger population. This is a core
(“omnibus”) goal of case-selection, as discussed in Chapter 3. If the chosen case(s) is representative
of the population – in whatever ways are relevant for the hypothesis at hand – then one has jumped
the first hurdle to external validity.
Unfortunately, case study research is hard to generalize from because it includes, by
definition, only a small number of cases of some more general phenomenon. Are the men chosen by
Robert Lane (1962) typical of the American male, white, immigrant, working class? Is Middletown
representative of other cities in America (Lynd & Lynd 1929/1956)? These sorts of questions
forever haunt case study research.
If one wishes to represent a distribution of values observable in a population the problem of
representativeness is even more extreme. One cannot adequately represent a whole distribution with
one or several cases (so long as there is at least some variance along that distribution). We shall leave
this problem aside, as case study researchers generally have a more modest goal – to represent
typical values within a population.
Of all the problems besetting case study analysis, perhaps the most persistent – and the most
persistently bemoaned – is the problem of sample bias. 90 Lisa Martin (1992: 5) finds that the over-
90 Achen & Snidal (1989), Collier & Mahoney (1996), Geddes (1990), King, Keohane & Verba (1994), Rohlfing (2004),
Sekhon (2004). Some case study researchers appear to denigrate the importance of case-representativeness. George &
Bennett (2005: 30) write emphatically, “Case researchers do not aspire to select cases that are directly ‘representative’ of
emphasis of international relations scholars on a few well-known cases of economic sanctions –
most of which failed to elicit any change in the sanctioned country – “has distorted analysts’ view of
the dynamics and characteristics of economic sanctions.” Barbara Geddes (1990) charges that many
analyses of industrial policy have focused exclusively on the most successful cases – primarily the
East Asian NICs – leading to biased inferences. Anna Breman & Carolyn Shelton (2001) show that
case study work on the question of structural adjustment is systematically biased insofar as
researchers tend to focus on disaster cases – those where structural adjustment is associated with
very poor health and human development outcomes. Case study work is particularly prone to
problems of investigator bias since so much rides on the researcher’s selection of one (or a few)
Other biases, while not intentional, are worrisome nonetheless. For example, among nation-
states some cases are well-studied and others are scarcely studied at all. As a result, our knowledge of
the world is heavily colored by a few “big” (populous, rich, powerful) countries. Indeed, a good deal
of what we know (or think we know) about the world is built upon one country, the United States. 91
The fact that cases are not intentionally chosen (“cherry-picked”) with an eye to prove the
researcher’s favored theory does not make the issue of representativeness any less worrisome. It
could be that well-studied cases such as the United States are not like less-studied cases with respect
to outcomes of concern to researchers. If so, a serious problem of biased samples affects case study
work in the social sciences.
One may overcome researcher bias, and biases that develop over time within a field of
research, by selecting cases randomly. But this does not overcome stochastic threats to inference and
– a more serious problem – it is unlikely to provide cases that offer sufficient leverage for analyzing
the problem at hand, as discussed in Chapter 6.
Thus, the fundamental problem remains. It is difficult to represent a larger population – in
all ways relevant to the descriptive or causal claims of a study – with a sample of one or several. That
said, it may be possible for a researcher to minimize potential bias by avoiding cases that seem
manifestly unrepresentative (“weird”). This is not trivial. However, one can never know for sure
how representative one’s case(s) is. This should not induce despair, but it should induce a healthy
skepticism about claims to representativeness based solely on case study research.
When it comes to achieving external validity the appropriate strategy is probably not to
strain the credulity of extremely small samples but rather to leave the issue of representativeness
open-ended, or to combine case studies with cross-case studies that can properly implement random
sampling with a large sample, a multimethod approach to research, as discussed at the end of this
A Two-level Game
While methodologists typically focus on problems of external validity, it is important to bear in mind
diverse populations and they usually do not and should not make claims that their findings are applicable to such
populations except in contingent ways.” However, it becomes clear that what the authors are inveighing against is not
the goal of representativeness per se but rather the problem of a case study researcher who claims an inappropriately
broad extension for her findings. “To the extent that there is a representativeness problem or a selection bias problem in
a particular case study, it is often better described as the problem of ‘overgeneralizing’ findings to types or subclasses of
cases unlike those actually studied” (Ibid. 32).
91 Wahlke (1979: 13) writes of the failings of the “behavioralist” mode of political science analysis. “It rarely aims at
generalization; research efforts have been confined essentially to case studies of single political systems, most of them
dealing . . . with the American system.”
that the goal of a case study is not limited to developing and testing general theories. Case studies
typically partake of two worlds. They are both studies of something particular, and of something
more general. This tension is apparent in Graham Allison’s wellknown study – whose subtitle,
Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, invokes a narrow topic while the title, Essence of Decision, suggests a
much larger topic (government decision-making). Evidently, different propositions within this same
work apply to different subjects, a complication that is noted explicitly by the author. The
particularizing/generalizing distinction thus helps to categorize different moments within the same
With respect to the topic of social mobility, John Goldthorpe & Robert Erikson find that
while some patterns are well-explained by cross-case (general) models, others are resistant to those
general explanations.
Our analyses pointed . . . to the far greater importance of historically formed cultural or
institutional features or political circumstances which could not be expressed as variable
values except in a quite artificial way. For example, levels of social fluidity were not
highly responsive to the overall degree of educational inequality within nations, but
patterns of fluidity did often reflect the distinctive, institutionally shaped character of
such inequality in particular nations, such as Germany or Japan. Or again, fluidity was
affected less by the presence of a state socialist regime per se than by the significantly
differing policies actually pursued by the Polish, Hungarian or Czechoslovak regimes on
such matters as the collectivization of agriculture or the recruitment of the intelligentsia.
In such instances, then, it seemed to us that the retention of proper names and
adjectives in our explanatory accounts was as unavoidable as it was desirable, and that
little was to be gained in seeking to bring such historically specific effects within the
scope of theory of any kind (Goldthorpe 1997: 17).
This empirical field offers a good example of how a single phenomenon (social mobility) may
exhibit features that are both uniform and unique across the chosen cases.
Statistical researchers will be familiar with hierarchical (multi-level) models that attempt to
capture the notion of diversity-within-uniformity – case-specificity coexisting with case-generality –
in a single model. Case study research generally occupies an in-between methodological zone that is
part “idiographic” and part “nomothetic.” Some studies lean towards the former, others toward the
A certain degree of ambiguity may be inherent in the enterprise, for it is difficult to write a
study of a single case that does not also function as a case study, and vice-versa. Nor is it always easy
to neatly separate each moment in a single work. The reason for this structural ambiguity is that the
utility of the case study rests on its double functions. One wishes to know both what is particular to
that unit and what is general about it, and neither of these elements may be entirely clear to the
Avner Greif (1998: 59) offers the following caveat at the conclusion of his study of late
medieval Genoa:
This study demonstrates the complexity of investigating self-enforcing political systems.
Such an investigation requires a detailed examination of the particularities of the time
and place under consideration, utilizing a coherent, context-specific model. Thus it may
be premature to attempt to generalize based on this study regarding the sources and
implications of self-enforcing political systems.
Here a researcher steeped in the nomothetic tradition of economics comes to terms with the fact
that generalizations based on his own case study work are highly speculative. 92
The dual functions of a case study – to explain the case and to shed light on a larger
population – are addressed specifically by Lisa Martin (1992: 97) in her study of multilateral
economic sanctions. Martin confesses,
although I have chosen the cases to allow testing the hypotheses [of theoretical
interest], other factors inevitably appear that seem to have had a significant influence on
cooperation in particular cases. Because few authors have focused on the question of
cooperation in cases of economic sanctions, I devote some attention to these factors
when they arise, rather than keeping my analysis within the bounds of the hypotheses
outlined in [the theory chapter].
The rationale for following this dual approach may be briefly laid out. First, although
idiosyncratic factors have no (apparent) generalizability, they may play an essential role in
reconstructing causal relationships at the case level. Specifically, they may serve as antecedent causes
(affecting treatment assignment), as mechanisms, as confounders, or as alternate outcomes
(providing placebo tests for a theory). Insofar as factors specific to a case help to account for the
data generating process they play an important role in reaching causal inference at the case level –
even if they have no utility for building general theory.
Second, there is a practical consideration. Imagine that a researcher restricts herself only to
elements of the case that are generalizable (i.e., she rigorously maintains a nomothetic mode of
analysis). Such rigor clarifies the population of the primary inference, but also constitutes a
considerable waste of scholarly resources. Imagine a study of economic growth that focuses on
Mauritius as a case study yet refuses to engage causal questions unless they are clearly applicable to
other countries. No mention of factors specific to the Mauritian case is allowed; all proper nouns are
converted into common nouns. 93 Imagine that the fruit of an anthropologist’s ten-year study of a
remote tribe, never heretofore visited, culminates in the analysis of a particular causal relationship
deemed to be generalizable, but at the cost of ignoring all other features of tribal life in the resulting
study. One may suppose that colleagues, mentors, and funding agencies would be unhappy with an
economic history, or an ethnography, that is so tightly focused on a general (cross-case) causal issue.
Studies of the foregoing sort do not exist precisely because they are unduly general.
Since it is often difficult to tell which of the many features of a given case are typical of a
larger set of cases (and hence fodder for generalizable inferences), and which are particular to the
case under study, the appropriate protocol is to report all facts and hypotheses that might be
relevant — in short, to over-report. Much of the detail provided by the typical case study may be
regarded as “field notes” of plausible utility for future researchers, perhaps with rather different
agendas in mind.
In sum, it seems justifiable for case studies to function on two levels simultaneously, the case
itself and some broader class of (perhaps difficult to specify) cases. The defining characteristic of the
case study is its ability to infer a larger whole from a much smaller part. Yet, both the part and the
92 George, Smoke (1974: 105) offer parallel reflections on their own case studies, focused on deterrence in international
relations. “These case studies are of twofold value. First, they provide an empirical base for the theoretical analysis . . .
But second, the case studies are intended to stand in their own right as historical explanations of the outcomes of many
of the major deterrence efforts of the Cold War period. They are ‘historical’ in the sense that they are, of course,
retrospective. However, they are also analytical in the sense that we employ a variety of tools, concepts in attempting to
explain the reasons behind a particular outcome in terms of the inner logic of the deterrence process [a logic that is
presumably extends across past, present, future]. They are therefore as much ‘political science’ as they are ‘history.’”
93 This is the advice rendered by Przeworski & Teune (1970).
whole retain some importance in the final product. All case studies are to a certain extent betwixt
and between. They partake of two worlds: they are particularizing and generalizing.
As such, conducting a case study obliges one to play a two-level game that is not unlike the
process of international negotiations (Putnam 1988). And this, in turn, helps to make sense of
several ongoing issues in causal inference – between the cause-in-fact and the counterfactual cause,
causes-of-effects and effects-of-causes – that pull the case study researcher in two directions.
Causes-of-effects v. Effects-of-causes
The analysis of a case may attempt to reconstruct all the causes of an outcome or may focus on a
single causal factor, i.e., a specific X→Y hypothesis. The former has come to be known as a causes-of-
effects argument and the latter as an effects-of-causes argument (Holland 1986).
It should be obvious that explaining all the causes of Y is a lot more difficult than explaining
one cause of Y. Indeed, it is not even clear what a “complete” explanation might consist of, given
the problem of endless causal regress. (How far back in time should one go?) Likewise, a causes-of-
effects analysis is unlikely to be generalizable – at least not in a clear fashion. Many of the causes of
Y in Case A may be particular to Case A. Or perhaps X1-3 are idiosyncratic, X4 applies to one
population, and X5 to another. In any case, a causes-of-effects style of analysis is generally geared to
a particular case, or small set of cases, that are under analysis – not to a larger population. On these
grounds one might prefer an effects-of-causes style of analysis.
However, when the researcher’s focus is on a particular case it may make good sense to try
to illuminate – at least in a provisional way – each contributing cause of an outcome. Indeed, case
studies usually work on two tracks, as we have shown: they attempt to explain the case under
intensive investigation (which is often deemed to have some intrinsic importance) as well as to shed
light on a larger population. Explaining an outcome for Case A means elucidating all the possible
factors that contributed (or may have contributed) to an outcome in that case. This sort of analysis
takes an exploratory form, since (as noted) the very notion of completeness is ambiguous and
perhaps impossible to satisfy. One researcher’s complete explanation of Y is bound to differ from
another’s, which is why no two historical accounts of the same event are identical. Even so, a great
deal of effort is expended in the course of a case study and clues discovered during the course of
that investigation should be preserved for later researchers, in some fashion. It could be that they
will serve as fodder for some future study.
Thus, I conclude that in the context of case study research both styles of causal analysis have
their uses, and may be justified. This does not preclude researchers from adopting a purely effects-
of-causes approach – where the goal of case analysis is focused narrowly on a single hypothesis. But
it does justify those who wish to work on both tracks.
Establishing Scope-conditions
Given the structural conflict between the two moments of the case study – the particularizing and
the generalizing – it is crucial that case study writers be as clear as possible about which of their
propositions are intended to describe the case under intensive investigation and which are intended
to apply to a broader set of cases. Each inference must have a clear breadth, domain, scope, or
population (terms that I use interchangeably).
Regrettably, these matters are often left ambiguous. At the outset of an ethnographic
account of life on a city sidewalk, Mitchell Duneier addresses the issue of generalizability. He
acknowledges that the setting for his study – Greenwich Village, New York – is different from many
other settings, but he does not say which settings are similar enough to warrant generalizable claims.
Responsibility for establishing scope-conditions is thus abnegated. “In the end,” writes Duneier
(1999: 11), “I must leave it to readers to test my observations against their own, and hope that the
concepts I have developed to make sense of this neighborhood will prove useful in other venues.”
E.P. Thompson’s (1963) renowned history, The Making of the English Working Class provides a
case study of class formation in one national setting (England). This suggests a very general purview,
perhaps applicable to all countries in the modern era. Yet, Thompson does not offer a specific
theory of class formation, aside from the rather hazy notion of a working class participating in its
own development. Thus, unless we intuit a great deal (creating general theory where there is only a
suggestion of one) we can derive relatively little that might be applicable to a broader population of
Consider the myriad case studies examining a loosely defined general topic – war, revolution,
gender relations – in a particular setting. It will be seen that the narrowest terrains sometimes claim
the broadest extensions. Studies of a war are studies of war; studies of a farming community are
studies of farming communities everywhere; studies of individuals are studies of leadership or of
human nature; and so forth. However, such studies may not attempt to elucidate general theories of
war, farming, leadership, or human nature. This would be true, for example, of most case study work
in the interpretivist tradition. 94 Similarly, case studies with take-home messages like “Ideas matter,”
“Institutions matter,” “Politics matters,” “Critical junctures matter” do not generally culminate in
far-reaching predictions. They tell us about an instance in which one of these frameworks mattered
(“Ideas mattered here”), but do not produce generalizable, testable propositions. They offer a
framework, which may be used to shed light on a particular case, but not a falsifiable proposition
that could be applied to other cases.
A more ambiguous example is provided by Elisabeth Wood’s renowned study of
democratization in South Africa and El Salvador. Summarizing one of the book’s main arguments,
Wood (2000: 5) writes,
Democracy in both countries was forced from below by the sustained insurgency of
lower-class actors. Once-unyielding elites in South Africa and El Salvador conceded
democracy because popular insurgency, although containable militarily, could not be
ended, and the persisting mobilization eventually made compromise preferable to
continued resistance. In contrast to the transitions in many countries where
mobilization by the poor played a lesser role…in South Africa and El Salvador the
timing of the transitions, the split among elite factions between those supporting and
those opposing the transition, the political actors who negotiated the transition, and the
nature of the compromises that led to democracy were all forced through insurgent
mobilization. My central claim… is that the transition to democracy would not have
taken place in either country when it did, as it did, and with the same consequences in
the absence of sustained popular mobilization.
It is difficult to see how these arguments, so narrowly focused, could be translated to a broader
population. And yet, Wood also claims that the experience of these two countries can be generalized
to other cases, a claim she explores (opaquely, in my view) in the concluding chapter.
Studies focused on some element of politics in the United States often frame their analysis as
a study of politics – by implication, politics in general (everywhere and always). One is left to wonder
whether the study pertains only to American politics, to all contemporary polities, or in varying
degrees to both. Indeed, the slippage between study and case study may account for much of the
confusion that we encounter when reading single-case analyses. Ongoing controversies over the
validity of Theda Skocpol’s analysis of social revolution, Michael Porter’s analysis of industrial
competitiveness, Alexander George & Richard Smoke’s study of deterrence failure, as well as many
other case-based studies, rest partly on the failure of these authors to clarify the scope of their
inferences. 95 It is not clear what these studies are about. At any rate, it is open to dispute. If, at the
end of a study, the population of the primary inference remains ambiguous, so does the hypothesis.
It is not falsifiable. Clarifying an inference may involve some sacrifice in narrative flow, but it is
rightly regarded as the entry price of social science.
94 Clifford Geertz (1973: 26), echoing the suspicion of most historians, anthropologists --, presumably of all those who
hold an interpretivist view of the social science enterprise – describes generalizing across cases as clinical inference. “Rather
than beginning with a set of observations, attempting to subsume them under a governing law, such inference begins
with a set of (presumptive) signifiers, attempts to place them within an intelligible frame. Measures are matched to
theoretical predictions, but symptoms (even when they are measured) are scanned for theoretical peculiarities – that is,
they are diagnosed.” For a brief overview of interpretivism see Gerring (2004a). Indeed, this genre of case study, which I
have called idiographic, may also be referred to as interpretivist (Lijphart 1971). Skocpol, Somers (1980) call it “contrast
of contexts.”
95 Skocpol (1979), Porter (1990), George & Smoke (1974). See also discussion in Collier & Mahoney (1996), Geddes
What is the Right Scope?
Caution is evidently required when specifying the population of an inference. One does not wish to
claim too much. Nor does one wish to claim too little. Mistakes can be made in either direction, as
we have observed.
In this discussion I shall emphasize the virtues of breadth, for it is my impression that many
case study researchers lean towards narrow propositions – which seem more modest, more
conservative – without realizing the costs of doing so. For example, Tasha Fairfield (2015: 298)
describes her population as consisting of fifty-four proposed reforms occurring in Argentina,
Bolivia, and Chile across several decades. Yet, her work suggests that she wishes to draw inferences
about the reform process that extend across other countries and time-periods. (Indeed, if her book
had no relevance for other countries and time-periods it would be of little or no theoretical
interest.) 96
Granted, the case study researcher may feel that in light of the in-depth knowledge she has
acquired about her case and her comparative ignorance of other cases it would be unreasonable and
irresponsible to speculate on the latter. Misgivings are understandable. However, if properly framed
– as a hunch rather than a conclusion – there is no need to refrain from cross-case speculations.
These hunches are vital signposts for future research. They bring greater clarity to the inference of
primary interest and point the way to a cumulative research agenda. No case study research should
be allowed to conclude without at least a nod to how one’s case might be situated in a broader
universe of cases. Without this cross-case generalization, the case study sits alone. Its insights,
regardless of their brilliance, cannot be integrated into a broader field of study.
In discussion of two extraordinarily influential works of comparative history – Barrington
Moore’s Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy and Theda Skocpol’s States and Social Revolutions –
Skocpol and Margaret Somers declare that these studies, and others like them, “cannot be readily
generalized beyond the cases actually discussed,” for they are inductive rather than deductive
exercises in causal analysis. Thus, any attempt to project the arguments in these works onto future
revolutions, or onto revolutions outside the class of specified outcomes, is foolhardy. The authors
defend this limited scope by likening case-based research to a map. “No matter how good the maps
were of, say, North America, the pilot could not use the same map to fly over other continents”
(Skocpol & Somers 1980: 195; see also Goldthorpe 2003: 47; Skocpol 1994).
The map metaphor is apt for some phenomena, but not for others. It betrays the authors’
general assumption that most phenomena of interest to social science are highly variable across
contexts, like the roadways and waterways of a continent. Consider the causes of revolutions, as
explored by Skocpol (1979) in her path-breaking work. Skocpol carefully bounds her conclusions,
which are said to apply only to states that are independent (through their history) of colonial rule –
and hence exclude other revolutionary cases such as Mexico (1910), Bolivia (1952), and Cuba (1959)
(Collier & Mahoney 1996: 81; George & Bennett 2005: 120). One’s willingness to accept this scope-
restriction is contingent upon accepting an important premise, namely that the causes of revolution
in countries with colonial legacies are different from the causes of revolution in other countries. One
must accept the assumption of unit homogeneity among the chosen cases and unit heterogeneity
96Jack Goldstone (1997: 108) argues that case studies are “aimed at providing explanations for particular cases, or
groups of similar cases, rather than at providing general hypotheses that apply uniformly to all cases in a suspected case-
universe.” Alexander George & Richard Smoke (1974: 96; see also George & Bennett 2005: 30-1) advise the use of case
studies for the formulation of what they call “contingent generalizations” – “if circumstances A then outcome O.” Like
many case study researchers, they lean towards a style of analysis that investigates differences across cases or across sub-
types, rather than commonalities. Harry Eckstein (1975), on the other hand, envisions case studies that confirm (or
disconfirm) hypotheses as broad as those provided by cross-case studies.
among the class of excluded cases. This is a plausible claim, but it is not beyond question. (Were the
causes of revolution really so different in Cuba and Russia?)
Evidently, the plausible scope of an argument depends on the particular argument and on
judgments about various cases, inside and outside of the proposed population. When a researcher
restricts an inference to a small population of cases, or to the population that she has studied (which
may be large or small), she is open to the charge of gerrymandering – establishing a domain on no
other basis than that certain cases seem to fit the inference under study. Donald Green and Ian
Shapiro (1986) call this an “arbitrary domain restriction.” The breadth of an inference must make
sense; there must be an explicable reason for including some cases and excluding others. If the
inference is about oranges, then all oranges – but no apples – should be included in the population.
If it is about fruit, then both apples and oranges must be included. Defining the population – e.g., (a)
oranges or (b) fruit – is thus critical to defining the inference.
The same goes for temporal boundaries. If an inference is limited to a specific period it is
incumbent upon the writer to explain why that period is different from others. It will not do for
writers to hide behind the presumption that social science cannot predict the future. Theoretical
arguments cannot opt out of predicting future events if the future is like the present in ways that are
relevant to the theory. Indeed, if future evidence were to be considered ineligible for judging the
accuracy of already-existing theories then writers would have effectively side-stepped any out-of-
sample tests (given that, in their construction, many social science theories have already exhausted all
possible evidence that is currently available).
Ceteris paribus, social science gives preference to broad inferences over narrow inferences.
There are several reasons for this disciplinary preference. First, the scope of an inference usually
correlates directly with its theoretical significance. Broad empirical propositions are theory-building;
narrow propositions usually have less theoretical significance (unless they are subsumable within
some larger theoretical framework). Second, broad empirical propositions usually have greater policy
relevance, particularly if they extend into the future. They help us to design effective institutions and
policies. Finally, the broader the inference the greater its falsifiability, for the relevant evidence that
might be interrogated to establish the truth or falsehood of the inference is multiplied. For all these
reasons, hypotheses should be extended as far as is logically justifiable.
Of course, no theory is infinitely extendable. Indeed, the notion of a “universal covering
law” is deceptive since even the most far-reaching social-scientific theory has limits. The issue, then,
is how to determine the appropriate boundaries of a given proposition. An arbitrary scope condition is
one that cannot be rationally justified: there is no reason to suppose that the theory might extend to
a specified temporal or spatial boundary, but not further -- or nearer. A theory of revolution that
pertains to the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but not to the twenty-first century,
must justify this temporal exclusion. It must also justify the decision to lump three quite diverse
centuries together in one single population. Similarly, a theory of revolution that pertains to Africa,
but not to Asia, must justify this spatial exclusion. And a theory of revolution that pertains to the
whole world must justify this spatial inclusion. It is not clear that the phenomenon of revolution is
similar in all cultural and geo-political arenas.
My point is a simple one: scope-conditions may be arbitrarily large, as well as arbitrarily
small. The researcher should not “define out,” or “define in,” temporal or spatial cases that do not
fit the prescribed pattern unless she can think of good reasons why this might be so. All populations
must not only be specified, but also justified. Upon this justification hinges the plausibility of the
theory as well as the identification of a workable research design.
If, after much cogitation, the scope of an inference still seems ambiguous, the writer may
adopt the following expedient. Usually, it is possible to specify a limited set of cases which given
proposition must cover if it is to make any sense at all – presumably the set of cases that are most
similar to the case(s) under study. At the same time, it is often possible to identify a larger
population of cases that may be included in the circumference of the inference, though their
inclusion is more speculative – presumably because they share fewer characteristics with the case(s)
under study. If the researcher distinguishes carefully between these two populations, readers will
have a clear idea of the manifest scope, and the potential scope, of a given inference.
Claiming external validity is one thing; assessing it is another. The preferred approach to generalizing
a hypothesis is to test it systematically across a large sample that is representative of a larger
population. Case studies, however, are limited (by definition) to a small number of cases.
Nonetheless, there are several ways in which a study may establish its relevance for a larger
population. This includes (a) subsequent replications of that study across other cases, (b) meta-
analyses incorporating multiple case studies conducted in different settings, and (c) multi-method
One vision of how case studies can generalize to a broader population places the onus on a
developing body of research. Rather than demanding external validity from each case study – a claim
that will always be dubious – claims to generalizability may be tested, over time, as successive case
studies of a subject cumulate. Jack Goldstone (2003: 43) contrasts case study cumulation with the
cross-case approach to generalization.
Let us say that explorers are surveying a large territory. If they took the large-N
statistical approach to developing knowledge of that territory, they would have to
sample enough locations to provide reliable inferences regarding the territory as a
whole. If the territory is fairly homogenous (or if its main characteristics are distributed
in a statistically normal distribution across the territory), such sampling would produce
a fairly quick, accurate, and reliable method of determining that territory’s main
characteristics. If, however, the territory has substantial local variations, and if the
explorers are as interested in those variations as in any general characteristics, sampling
will be useless. Moreover, as is commonly the case, if the territory has six or seven
distinctive zones, then sampling may just produce confusing or inconclusive results,
leading observers to imagine a fictitious ‘average’ character that actually obtains
By contrast, if the explorers spread out, and each surveys and seeks to understand
the character of a different zone, they can put together a map of the entire territory
with far greater accuracy than an overall sample would provide. Of course, it takes
time, and none of the explorers by themselves would be able to make reliable
inferences that extended beyond the zone that they had studied; but together,
assembling their distinct maps, they cumulate genuine knowledge of the territory.
Indeed, by comparing notes, they may find deep regularities, or relationships among or
across different zones, that no statistical averages for the entire territory would reveal.
In Goldstone’s view (see also Tilly 1984), case study researchers are explorers, each of whom
provides in-depth knowledge about some portion of the world, current and past. In effect, case
studies replicate, and in replicating they may cumulate to provide a more comprehensive vision of
In a similar spirit, some writers have advocated the use of meta-analysis to aggregate results
from case studies (Jensen & Rodgers 2001; Lucas 1974). Here, individual cases from diverse studies
are pooled in a single dataset, with various weightings and restrictions, to provide a population-level
estimate (Lipsey & Wilson 2001).
The tricky part is that in order to synthesize results from a range of studies the latter must be
similar enough to compare directly with each other. Unfortunately, social scientists tend to produce
work that is highly idiosyncratic – in theory and/or operationalization. Even when the research
design is large-n cross-case (either with observational or experimental designs) results do not easily
cumulate (Briggs 2005; Gerring 2012b: Kindle Location 2704; Petitti 1993; Wachter 1988).
Case studies are especially resistant. To begin with, inputs and outputs tend to be highly
contextual and thus do not travel easily across contexts. “Corruption” might mean something quite
different in Uruguay and Uzbekistan, for example.
More importantly, case study researchers are supreme individualists, and their research often
exhibits idiosyncratic features that are resistant to cumulation. George & McKeown (1985: 41-2)
one reason so many case studies in the past contributed unevenly and meagerly to
theory development is that they lacked a clearly defined and common focus. Different
investigators doing research on a phenomenon tended to bring diverse theoretical (and
nontheoretical) interests to bear in their case studies. However interesting and well
done in and of itself, each case study tended to pursue rather idiosyncratic research
problems and to investing[ate] a set of dependent and independent variables that often
were correspondingly idiosyncratic. Moreover, many of these case studies lacked a clear
focus, because the investigator was not guided by a well-defined theoretical objective
and was drawn instead in directions dictated by the most readily available historical
materials or by aspects of the case that were judged interesting on intuitive grounds. It
is not surprising, therefore, that later researchers who did have a well-defined
theoretical interest in certain historical cases found that earlier case studies often were
of little value for their own purposes and had to be redone.
Problems of idiosyncrasy might be overcome (at least to the extent that it can ever be overcome) by
mandating greater standardization of concepts and procedures. This is the goal of “structured,
focused comparison,” as articulated by Alex George and his collaborators (George 1979; George &
Bennett 2005; George & McKeown 1985). However, this method is intended to embrace only the
several cases in a case study. It is not clear, in other words, how one structured, focused comparison
would fit together with a second structured, focused comparison, even if they were ostensibly
focused on the same subject. The same problems of incommensurability would seem to arise.
A final problem is sample representativeness. Assuming a sample of case studies could be
assembled on a topic one can anticipate that the sample would be radically unrepresentative, given
that none of the cases were chosen in a random fashion, and many would share the same biases (a
common tendency among “purposive” case selection strategies).
Perhaps there are settings such as public health, consumer behavior, and environmental
change where case study meta-analyses may be successfully implemented. 97 And we can imagine
other instances where some form of meta-analysis might make sense. For example, case studies of
democratization might be subjected to a meta-analysis if the outcome (democratization) is defined in
similar ways and the causal factors of interest are common across the studies. In doing so, non-
representative elements of the resulting sample would need to be corrected (e.g., by weighting).
However, efforts to combine case studies are unlikely to be fruitful in most fields, for the
reasons we have identified. The larger problem is that the goal of case study research is often to
discover new things rather than to confirm or disconfirm old things. As such, one is more or less
obliged to resist efforts at standardization in the choice of research question and research design.
See Jensen & Rodgers (2001), Lucas (1974), Matarazzo & Nijkamp (1997), Paterson et al. (2001), Stall-Meadows &
And this, in turn, impedes cumulation.
A final approach to generalizability involves jettisoning the case study framework for a large-
n cross-case framework that is amenable to random sampling or the inclusion of the entire
population of theoretical interest (a census). This may be accomplished in a single study (multi-
method research) or in successive studies (i.e., where a case study is followed by a cross-case study,
which may or may not be carried out by the same author). This, in my view, is the surest approach
to the achievement of generalizability. It also serves as a segue to the concluding section of the
book, where I argue that case studies, by themselves, should not be expected to satisfy all the
methodological criteria of social science.
This chapter has taken up what many regard as the hardest challenge for case study research,
demonstrating its relevance for a larger population of cases. External validity is difficult because of
the extremely small sample of cases under study (perhaps limited to one) and the correspondingly
large population of cases that is of theoretical interest. No method of case-selection can overcome
this problem of representativeness given the significant threat that is posed by stochastic error, as
discussed in the first section of the chapter. To say that the external validity of case study research is
tenuous, however, is not to say that case study research is irrelevant for larger theoretical concerns.
Next, we discussed the dual nature of case studies, which are concerned with a larger
theoretical question but also with explaining the case under intensive investigation. This involves the
researcher in a complex, two-level game – trying to please generalists (those who are interested in
the larger population) as well as specialists (those who are interested in the case under study). While
these might seem opposed, they are actually closely intertwined. One cannot attain internal validity
without a close examination of the particulars of a case, and without establishing internal validity the
question of external validity is more or less moot. Consequently, I argued that case study researchers
must be concerned with various aspects of causality – causes-in-fact as well as counterfactual causes
and causes-of-effects as well as effects-of causes.
In reaching for external validity case study researchers must wrestle with how to establish
scope-conditions for their argument. If there are several arguments, the researcher must clarify
whether each applies to the same population, or to somewhat different populations.
Characteristically, researchers are loath to claim more than they know. This is regarded as a
“conservative” (i.e., judicious) bias. However, such a bias impairs the development of theory, not to
mention the falsifiability of theories. If the reach of a theory extends only slightly beyond the case(s)
under study then it has very little chance of being proven wrong, and cannot be connected with
research on similar topics conducted in other settings. So the researcher must aim for a Goldilocks
solution – a set of scope-conditions that are neither too narrow nor too broad.
The final issue addressed in this chapter is how these claims to external validity might be
assessed. One might, for example, depend upon later replications across other cases deemed to be
part of the population. One might also conduct formal meta-analyses of case studies that are
focused on the same hypothesis. Unfortunately, both of these potential solutions are vitiated by the
lack of standardization that tends to characterize case study research. This, in turn, is a product of
the case study’s orientation toward developing new theories, rather than testing extant theories.
Thus, I conclude that the best avenue toward assessing claims to external validity is the
incorporation of large-n cross-case research in tandem with case study research, a multimethod
Throughout this book I have contrasted case study research with cross-case research. In this final
chapter I will do so in a more systematic fashion, drawing together themes that have been articulated
in the previous chapters.
My prosaic, but nonetheless crucial, thesis is that these two styles of research are good at
different things. They have varying strengths and weaknesses. These tradeoffs, summarized in Table
11.1, are understood as affinities rather than invariant laws. Exceptions can be found to each one.
Even so, these general tendencies are often found in case study research and are reproduced in
multiple disciplines and sub-disciplines over the course of many decades.
It should be stressed that each of these tradeoffs carries a ceteris paribus caveat. Case studies
are more useful for generating new hypotheses, all other things being equal. The reader must bear in
mind that additional factors also rightly influence a writer’s choice of research design, and they may
lean in the other direction. Ceteris is not always paribus. One should not jump to conclusions about
the research design appropriate to a given setting without considering the entire set of criteria, some
of which may be more important than others.
My concluding argument, at the end of the chapter, suggests that case studies are best
approached in tandem with cross-case studies, a solution which – whether achieved in a single
(multi-method) study or across multiple studies within a field or subfield – mitigates many of the
problems commonly associated with the case study method. Tradeoffs can become synergies if case
study and cross-case study approaches are combined.
We have recognized that the only way to overcome stochastic threats when inferring from a sample
to a population is with a large sample obtained through random sampling. This is impossible in a
research design focused on one or several cases. Even with a medium-sized sample, as advocated by
Fearon & Laitin (see Chapter 6), stochastic threats to inference are considerable. For this reason,
external validity is never going to be the case study’s strong suit, even if other problems of
generalizability (as reviewed above) are resolved. Case studies share this methodological feature with
experimental and quasi-experimental research designs, where cases are chosen so as to maximize
internal validity, often at the sacrifice of external validity.
By contrast, cross-case observational research is often able to make strong claims to external
validity. There is a large sample, which may be drawn randomly from a population or may even
encompass the entire sample. I do not wish to overstate the point, for surely one can find many
biased samples in the annals of cross-case research. Nonetheless, when one seeks to generalize
across large populations one is apt to invoke cross-case observational studies. This is their strong
suit. The affinity to external validity seems clear.
The goal of generalizability is basic to science. However, it begs a question: how far is it desirable to
generalize? Not surprisingly, one finds a good deal of disputation about the appropriate scope of
inferences generated from case study research, as discussed above.
It is said that some researchers would prefer to explain 90% of the variance in a single case
while others would rather explain 10% of the variance across 100 cases. There are lumpers
(generalizers) and splitters (particularizers). Economists, political scientists, and sociologists are often
more interested in generalizing than in particularizing, while anthropologists and historians are
usually more interested in explaining particular contexts. But the distinction does not always
conform neatly to disciplinary lines.
There is a persistent tradeoff between depth and breadth in social science. Researchers may
choose to gather a broad range of information about a narrow range of cases or a narrow range of
information about a broad range of cases. In a matrix format, this may be understood as a tradeoff
between the number of variables (K) and the number of observations (n). Colloquially, one may
either know a lot about a little or a little about a lot. Case studies generally prioritize the former while
cross-case studies prioritize the latter.
While the virtues of breadth are often extolled in social science texts, it may be worth
spending a moment on the virtues of depth. One of the primary features of the case study method is
the detail, richness, fullness, or completeness (there are many ways of expressing this idea) that is
accounted for by an explanation. By contrast, “reductionist” cross-case analysis often has little to say
about individual cases. A cross-case study may aim only to explain the occurrence/non-occurrence
of a revolution, while a case study would also strive to explain specific features of that event – why it
occurred when it did and in the way that it did. Case studies are thus rightly identified with “holistic”
analysis and with the “thick” description of events. 98 Narratives often work handily in a case study
format, while they strain the conventions of cross-case analysis.
Arguments about the “contextual sensitivity” of case studies are perhaps more precisely (and
fairly) understood as arguments about depth. The case study researcher who feels that cross-case
research on a topic is insensitive to context is usually not arguing that nothing at all is consistent
across the chosen cases. Rather, the case study researcher’s complaint is that much more could be
said about the phenomenon in question with a reduction in inferential scope. 99
98 I am using the term “thick” in a somewhat different way than in Geertz (1973).
99 Ragin (1987: ch 2). Herbert Blumer’s (1969: ch 7) complaints, however, are more far-reaching.
Whether to strive for breadth or depth is not a question that can be answered in any
definitive way. All we can safely conclude is that researchers invariably face a choice. The case study
method may be defended, as well as criticized, along these lines (Ragin 2000: 22).
It is important to understand both causal effects and the mechanisms by which they operate. X must
be connected with Y in a plausible fashion; otherwise, it is unclear whether a pattern of covariation
is truly causal in nature. Without a clear understanding of the causal pathway(s) at work in a causal
relationship it is impossible to interpret the results or to generalize across a larger set of cases. 100
For reasons already discussed, causal effects are generally easier to ascertain than causal
mechanisms. Since case studies often focus on mechanisms, this reinforces the general sense that
case studies are inferior to cross-case studies when it comes to causal inference. The missing element
in this discussion is that the difficulties posed by causal mechanisms are often best handled in a case
study format – even if the result must be regarded as provisional rather than definitive. It is a hard
job, but much easier when attention is focused on a single case or a small number of cases. Thus,
insofar as researchers wish to understand how X is connected to Y they are often justified in
adopting a case study format.
It has become a common criticism of large-n crossnational research – e.g., into the causes of
growth, democracy, civil war, and other state-level outcomes – that such studies demonstrate
correlations between inputs and outputs without clarifying the reasons for those correlations. We
learn, for example, that infant mortality is strongly correlated with state failure (Goldstone et al.
2000); but it is quite another matter to interpret this finding, which is consistent with a number of
different causal mechanisms. Sudden increases in infant mortality might be the product of famine, of
social unrest, of new disease vectors, of government repression, and of countless other factors, some
of which might be expected to impact the stability of states, and others of which are more likely to
be a result of state instability. Research on these topics reveals, in the words of one author, that
large-n crossnational studies are “often right for the wrong reasons yet also wrong for the wrong
reasons” (Sambanis 2004: 260; see also King 2004; Ward & Bakke 2005).
Case studies, if well-constructed, may allow one to peer into the box of causality to the
intermediate factors lying between some structural cause and its purported effect. Ideally, they allow
one to “see” X and Y interact – Hume’s billiard ball crossing the table and hitting a second ball. 101
Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967: 40) point out that in fieldwork “general relations are often
discovered in vivo; that is, the field worker literally sees them occur.” When studying decisional
behavior case study research may offer insight into the intentions, the reasoning capabilities, and the
information-processing procedures of the actors involved in a given setting.
Bear in mind that explaining any social action usually (always?) involves understanding the
perceptions of the actors who participated in that action. In many settings, actor-centered meanings
are more or less self-evident. When people behave in apparently self-interested ways the researcher
100 In a discussion of instrumental variables in two-stage least squares analysis, Angrist & Krueger (2001: 8) note that
“good instruments often come from detailed knowledge of the economic mechanism, institutions determining the
regressor of interest.”
101 This has something to do with the existence of process-tracing evidence, a matter discussed below. But it is not
necessarily predicated on this sort of evidence. Sensitive time-series data, another specialty of the case study, is also
relevant to the question of causal mechanisms.
may not feel compelled to investigate the intentions of the actors. 102 Buying low and selling high is
intentional behavior, but it probably does not require detailed ethnographic research in situations
where we know (or can intuit) what is going on. On the other hand, if one is interested in why
markets work differently in different cultural contexts, or why persons in some cultures give away
their accumulated goods, or why in some other circumstances people do not buy low and sell high
(when it would appear to be their interest to do so), one is obliged to move beyond readily
apprehensible (“obvious”) motivations such as self-interest (Geertz 1978). Indeed, the concept of
self-interest is, to a significant degree, culturally conditioned. In these situations -- encompassing
many, if not most, of the events that social scientists have interested themselves in – careful
attention to meaning, as understood by the actors themselves, is essential (Davidson 1963; Ferejohn
2004; Stoker 2004; Rabinow & Sullivan 1979; Taylor 1970; Weber 1968: 8). Howard Becker (1970:
64, quoted in Hamel 1993: 17) explains,
To understand an individual’s behaviour, we must know how he perceives the situation,
the obstacles he believed he had to face, the alternatives he saw opening up to him. We
cannot understand the effects of the range of possibilities, delinquent subcultures, social
norms and other explanations of behaviour which are commonly invoked, unless we
consider them from the actor’s point of view.
Because the case study format is focused and intensive it facilitates the interpretivist’s quest,
to understand social action from the perspective of the actors themselves. Many types of evidence
may be brought to bear on this question – e.g., archival, ethnographic, interview. An example of the
latter is provided by Dennis Chong, who uses in-depth interviews with a very small sample of
respondents in order to better understand the process by which people reach decisions about civil
liberties issues. Chong (1993: 868) comments:
One of the advantages of the in-depth interview over the mass survey is that it records
more fully how subjects arrive at their opinions. While we cannot actually observe the
underlying mental process that gives rise to their responses, we can witness many of its
outward manifestations. The way subjects ramble, hesitate, stumble, and meander as
they formulate their answers tips us off to how they are thinking and reasoning through
political issues. 103
This sort of evidence would be very difficult to calibrate in a cross-case format.
Case-based investigations of causal mechanisms occasionally call into question a general
theoretical argument. Deterrence theory, as it was understood in the 1980s, presumed a number of
key assumptions, namely that “actors have exogenously given preferences and choice options, and
they seek to optimize preferences in light of other actors’ preferences and options . . ., [that]
variation in outcomes is to be explained by differences in actors’ opportunities . . ., and [that] the
state acts as if it were a unitary rational actor” (Achen & Snidal 1989: 150). A generation of case
studies, however, suggested that, somewhat contrary to theory: a) international actors often employ
“shortcuts” in their decisionmaking processes (i.e., they do not make decisions de novo, based
purely on an analysis of preferences and possible consequences); b) a strong cognitive bias exists
because of “historical analogies to recent important cases that the person or his country has
experienced firsthand” (e.g., “Somalia=Vietnam”); c) “accidents and confusion” are often manifest
in international crises; d) a single important value or goal often trumps other values (in a hasty and
102 To be sure, self-interested behavior (beyond the level of self-preservation) is also, on some level, socially constructed.
Yet, if we are interested in understanding the role of pocket-book voting on election outcomes there is little to be gained
by investigating the origins of money, material goods as a motivating force in human behavior. Some things we can
afford to take for granted. For useful discussion see Abrami & Woodruff (2004).
103 For other examples of in-depth interviewing and ethnography see Duneier (1999), Hochschild (1981), Lane (1962).
ill-considered manner); and e) actors’ impressions of other actors is strongly influenced by their self-
perceptions (information is highly imperfect). In addition to these cognitive biases, there are a series
of psychological biases (Jervis 1989: 196-; see also George & Smoke 1974). In sum, while the theory
of deterrence may still hold, the causal pathways of this theory seem to be considerably more
variegated than previous work based on cross-case research had led us to believe. In-depth studies
of particular international incidents were helpful in uncovering these complexities. 104
Dietrich Rueschemeyer & John Stephens (1997: 62) offer a second example of how an
examination of causal mechanisms may call into question a general theory based on cross-case
evidence. The thesis of interest concerns the role of British colonialism in fostering democracy
among post-colonial regimes. In particular, the authors investigate the diffusion hypothesis, that
democracy was enhanced by “the transfer of British governmental and representative institutions
and the tutoring of the colonial people in the ways of British government.” On the basis of in-depth
analysis of several cases the authors report:
We did find evidence of this diffusion effect in the British settler colonies of North
America and the Antipodes; but in the West Indies, the historical record points to a
different connection between British rule and democracy. There the British colonial
administration opposed suffrage extension, and only the white elites were ‘tutored’ in
the representative institutions. But, critically, we argued on the basis of the contrast
with Central America, British colonialism did prevent the local plantation elites from
controlling the local state and responding to the labor rebellion of the 1930s with
massive repression. Against the adamant opposition of that elite, the British colonial
rules responded with concessions which allowed for the growth of the party-union
complexes rooted in the black middle and working classes, which formed the backbone
of the later movement for democracy and independence. Thus, the narrative histories
of these cases indicate that the robust statistical relation between British colonialism
and democracy is produced only in part by diffusion. The interaction of class forces,
state power, and colonial policy must be brought in to fully account for the statistical
Whether or not Rueschemeyer and Stephens are correct in their conclusions need not concern us
here. What is critical, however, is that any attempt to deal with this question of causal mechanisms is
heavily reliant on evidence drawn from case studies. In this instance, as in many others, the question
of causal pathways is simply too difficult, requiring too many poorly measured or un-measurable
variables, to allow for accurate cross-sectional analysis. 105
To be sure, causal mechanisms do not always require explicit attention. They may be quite
104 George & Smoke (1974: 504). For another example of case study work that tests theories based upon predictions
about causal mechanisms, see McKeown (1983).
105 A third example of case study analysis focused on causal mechanisms concerns policy delegation within coalition
governments. Michael Thies (2001) tests two theories about how parties delegate power. The first, known as ministerial
government, supposes that parties delegate ministerial portfolios in toto to one of their members (the party whose minister
holds the portfolio). The second theory, dubbed managed delegation, supposes that members of a multi-party coalition
delegate power, but also actively monitor the activity of ministerial posts held by other parties. The critical piece of
evidence used to test these rival theories is the appointment of junior ministers (JMs). If JMs are from the same party as
the minister we can assume that the ministerial government model is in operation. If the JMs are from different parties,
Thies infers that a managed delegation model is in operation where the JM is assumed to perform an oversight function
over the activity of the bureau in question. This empirical question is explored across four countries – Germany, Italy,
Japan, and the Netherlands – providing a series of case studies focused on the internal workings of parliamentary
government. (I have simplified the nature of the evidence in this example, which extends not only to the simple presence
or absence of cross-partisan JMs but also to a variety of additional process-tracing clues.) Other good examples of
within-case research that shed light on a broader theory can be found in Canon (1999), Martin (1992), Martin & Swank
(2004), Young (1999).
obvious. And in other circumstances, they may be amenable to cross-case investigation. For
example, a sizeable literature addresses the causal relationship between trade openness and the
welfare state. The usual empirical finding is that more open economies are associated with higher
social welfare spending. The question then becomes why such a robust correlation exists. What are
the plausible interconnections between trade openness and social welfare spending? One possible
causal path, suggested by David Cameron (1978), is that increased trade openness leads to greater
domestic economic vulnerability to external shocks (due, for instance, to changing terms of trade). If
so, one should find a robust correlation between annual variations in a country’s terms of trade (a
measure of economic vulnerability) and social welfare spending. As it happens, the correlation is not
robust and this leads some commentators to doubt whether the putative causal mechanism
proposed by David Cameron and many others is actually at work (Alesina, Glaeser & Sacerdote
2001). Thus, in instances where an intervening variable can be effectively operationalized across a
large sample of cases it may be possible to test causal mechanisms without resorting to case study
investigation. 106
Even so, the opportunities for investigating causal pathways are generally more apparent in a
case study format. Consider the contrast between formulating a standardized survey for a large
group of respondents and an in-depth interview with a single subject or a small set of subjects, such
as is undertaken by Dennis Chong in a previous example. In the latter situation, the researcher can
probe into details that would be impossible to delve into, let alone anticipate, in a standardized
survey. She may also be in a better position to make judgments as to the veracity and reliability of
the respondent. Tracing causal mechanisms is about cultivating sensitivity to a local context. Often,
these local contexts are essential to cross-case testing. Yet, the same factors that render case studies
useful for micro-level investigation also make them less useful for measuring mean (average) causal
effects. It is a classic tradeoff.
The logic of cross-case analysis is premised on some degree of cross-unit comparability (unit
homogeneity). Cases must be similar to each other in whatever respects might affect the causal
relationship that the writer is investigating, or such differences must be controlled for. Uncontrolled
heterogeneity means that cases are “apples and oranges”; one cannot learn anything about
underlying causal processes by comparing their histories. The underlying factors of interest mean
different things in different contexts (conceptual stretching) or the X→Y relationship of interest is
different in different contexts (unit heterogeneity).
Case study researchers are often suspicious of large-sample research, which, they suspect,
contain heterogeneous cases whose differences cannot easily be modeled. “Variable-oriented”
research is said to involve unrealistic “homogenizing assumptions.” 107 In the field of international
relations it is common to classify cases according to whether they are deterrence failures or
deterrence successes. However, Alexander George & Richard Smoke (1974: 514) point out that “the
separation of the dependent variable into only two subclasses, deterrence success and deterrence
failure” neglects the great variety of ways in which deterrence can fail. Deterrence, in their view, has
many independent causal paths (causal equifinality), and these paths may be obscured when a study
lumps heterogeneous cases into the same sample.
For additional examples of this nature, see Feng (2003), Papyrakis & Gerlagh (2003), Ross (2001).
Ragin (2000: 35). See also Abbott (1990), Bendix (1963), Meehl (1954), Przeworski & Teune (1970: 8-9), Ragin (1987;
Another example, drawn from clinical work in psychology, concerns heterogeneity among a
sample of individuals. Michel Hersen & David Barlow (1976: 11) explain:
Descriptions of results from 50 cases provide a more convincing demonstration of the
effectiveness of a given technique than separate descriptions of 50 individual cases. The
major difficulty with this approach, however, is that the category in which these clients
are classified most always becomes unmanageably heterogeneous. ‘Neurotics,’ [for
example], . . . may have less in common than any group of people one would choose
randomly. When cases are described individually, however, a clinician stands a better
chance of gleaning some important information, since specific problems and specific
procedures are usually described in more detail. When one lumps cases together in
broadly defined categories, individual case descriptions are lost and the ensuing report
of percentage success becomes meaningless.
One important aspect of heterogeneity across cases is generated by interaction effects.
Although each case within a population may possess the same causal factors, these factors may not
operate independently. Insofar as they interact with each other they produce unique outcomes that
are difficult to understand unless one has a holistic understanding of the case (Anderson et al. 2005).
Consider ten binary causal factors, X1-10. If these factors operate on Y independently of each other
they can be readily studied in a cross-case setting. But if they interact with one another there are 210
(1024) possible combinations. It would require an extremely large population – and a fairly even
distribution of data across the possible cells – to test these many possibilities. By contrast, a single
case, intensively studied, may allow one to gauge the impact of various factors on each other, solving
the problem of causal complexity. (I certainly do not mean to suggest that it will always solve this
problem, merely that in some circumstances – given sufficient within-case evidence – it may do so.)
Of course, the researcher’s theoretical interests may be more focused, e.g., on a single causal
factor. Even so, interactions pose a threat to inference. If appropriately matched cases do not exist
in the larger population – or if there are only a very few of them – a cross-case approach to
inference is not very robust (Brady & Collier 2004; Glynn & Ichino 2015).
As a final example, consider the following two questions: (1) Why do social movements
happen?, and (2) Why did the American civil rights movement happen? The first question is general,
but its potential cases are extremely heterogeneous. Indeed, it is not even clear how one would
construct a universe of comparable cases. The second question is narrow, but – I think –
answerable. I hasten to add that quite a number of factors may provide plausible explanations for
the American civil rights movement and the methodological grounds for distinguishing good from
bad answers is not entirely clear. Even so, I find work on this topic more convincing than cross-case
work that attempts to encompass all social movements. 108
Under circumstances of extreme case-heterogeneity, the researcher may decide that she is
better off focusing on a single case or a small number of relatively homogeneous cases. Within-case
evidence, or cross-case evidence drawn from a handful of most-similar cases, may be more useful
than cross-case evidence, even though the ultimate interest of the investigator is in a broader
population of cases. (Suppose one has a population of very heterogeneous cases, one or two of
which undergo quasi-experimental transformations. Probably, one gains greater insight into causal
patterns throughout the population by examining these cases in detail than by some large-n cross-
case analysis.) By the same token, if the cases available for study are relatively homogeneous, then
the methodological argument for cross-case analysis is correspondingly strong. The inclusion of
additional cases is unlikely to compromise the results of the investigation because these additional
cases are sufficiently similar to provide useful information.
108 Contrast McAdam (1988) with McAdam, Tarrow & Tilly (2001). On this general point, see Davidson (1963).
The issue of population heterogeneity/homogeneity may be understood, therefore, as a
tradeoff between n (observations) and K (variables). If, in the quest to explain a particular
phenomenon, each potential case offers only one observation and also requires one control variable
(to neutralize heterogeneities in the resulting sample), the available degrees of freedom remains the
same even while the sample expands. In this setting there is no point in using cross-case analysis or
in extending a two-case study to further cases. If, on the other hand, each additional case is relatively
cheap – if no additional control variables are needed (following the regression model) or if the
additional case offers more than one useful observation (through time) – then a cross-case research
design may be warranted (Shalev 1998). To put the matter more simply, when adjacent cases are
unit-homogeneous the addition of more cases is easy, for there is no (or very little) heterogeneity to
worry about. When adjacent cases are heterogeneous additional cases are expensive, for every added
heterogeneous element must be correctly modeled, and each modeling adjustment requires a
separate (and probably unverifiable) assumption. The more background assumptions are required in
order to make a causal inference, the more tenuous that inference is; it is not simply a question of
attaining statistical significance. The ceteris paribus assumption at the core of all causal analysis is
brought into question.
In any case, the contrast between case study and cross-case research designs is not about
causal complexity per se (in the sense in which this concept is usually employed), but rather about
the tradeoff between n and K in a particular empirical realm, and the ability to successfully model
case-heterogeneity through statistical legerdemain. 109
Before concluding this discussion it is important to point out that researchers’ judgments
about case comparability are not, strictly speaking, matters that can be empirically verified. To be
sure, one can look – and ought to look – for empirical patterns among potential cases. If those
patterns are strong then the assumption of case comparability seems reasonably secure, and if they
are not then there are grounds for doubt. However, debates about case comparability usually
concern borderline instances. Consider that many phenomena of interest to social scientists are not
rigidly bounded. If one is studying democracies there is always the question of how to define a
democracy, and therefore how high or low the threshold for inclusion in the sample should be.
Researchers have different ideas about this, and these ideas can hardly be tested in a rigorous
fashion. Similarly, there are longstanding disputes about whether it makes sense to lump poor and
rich societies together in a single sample, or whether these constitute distinct populations. Again, the
borderline between poor and rich (or “developed” and “undeveloped”) is blurry, and the notion of
hiving off one from the other for separate analysis equally questionable, and equally unresolvable on
purely empirical grounds. There is no safe (or “conservative”) way to proceed. A final sticking point
concerns the cultural/historical component of social phenomena. Many case study researchers feel
that to compare societies with vastly different cultures and historical trajectories is meaningless. Yet,
many cross-case researchers feel that to restrict one’s analytic focus to a single cultural or geographic
region is highly arbitrary, and equally meaningless. In these situations it is evidently the choice of the
researcher how to understand case homogeneity/heterogeneity across the potential populations of
an inference. Where do like cases end and un-like cases begin?
Because this issue is not, strictly speaking, empirical it may be referred to as an ontological
element of research design. An ontology is a vision of the world as it really is, a more or less
coherent set of assumptions about how the world works, a research Weltanschauung analogous to a
109 To be sure, if adjacent cases are identical, the phenomenon of interest is invariant then the researcher gains nothing at
all by studying more examples of a phenomenon, for the results obtained with the first case will simply be replicated.
However, virtually all phenomena of interest to social scientists has some degree of heterogeneity (cases are not
identical), some stochastic element. Thus, the theoretical possibility of identical, invariant cases is rarely met in practice.
Kuhnian paradigm (Gutting 1980; Hall 2003; Kuhn 1962/1970; Wolin 1968). While it seems odd to
bring ontological issues into a discussion of social science methodology it may be granted that social
science research is not a purely empirical endeavor. What one finds is contingent upon what one
looks for, and what one looks for is to some extent contingent upon what one expects to find.
Stereotypically, case study researchers tend to have a “lumpy” vision of world; they see countries,
communities, and persons as highly individualized phenomena. Cross-case researchers, by contrast,
have a less differentiated vision of the world; they are more likely to believe that things are pretty
much the same everywhere, at least as respects basic causal processes. These basic assumptions, or
ontologies, drive many of the choices that these two camps of researchers make when scoping out
appropriate ground for research.
When analyzing causal relationships we must be concerned not only with the strength of an X→Y
relationship but also with the distribution of evidence across available cases. Specifically, we must be
concerned with the distribution of useful variation -- understood here as any sort of variation
(temporal or spatial) on relevant parameters that might yield clues about a causal relationship. It
follows that where useful variation is rare – i.e., limited to a few cases – the case study format
recommends itself. Where, on the other hand, useful variation is common, a cross-case method of
analysis may be more defensible.
Consider a phenomenon like revolution, an outcome that occurs very rarely. The empirical
distribution on this variable, if we count each country-year as an observation, consists of thousands
of non-revolutions (0) and just a few revolutions (1). Intuitively, it seems clear that these
“revolutionary” cases are of great interest. We need to know as much as possible about them, for
they exemplify all the variation that we have, temporally and spatially. In this circumstance, a case
study mode of analysis is difficult to avoid, though it might be combined with a large-n cross-case
analysis. (As it happens, many outcomes of interest to social scientists are quite rare, so the issue is
by no means trivial. 110)
By way of contrast, consider a phenomenon like turnover, understood as a situation where a
ruling party or coalition is voted out of office. Turnover occurs within most democratic countries on
a regular basis, so the distribution of observations on this variable (incumbency/turnover) is
relatively even across the universe of country-years. There are lots of instances of both outcomes.
Under these circumstances a cross-case research design seems plausible, for the variation across
cases is regularly distributed.
Note that if the researcher is investigating a causal relationship (involving both X and Y),
rather than an open-ended investigation of a particular parameter (X or Y), then the relevant
question is how the cases in a population vary across all parameters that might affect the outcome or
a factor of particular interest. Here, we are interested in the degree to which a particular causal
model is dominated by a few cases, understood as influential cases (Chapter 2). The intuition is that
any case which affects the performance of a key independent variable or the entire causal model
110Consider the following topics and their – extremely rare – instances of variation: early industrialization (England, the
Netherlands), fascism (Germany, Italy), the use of nuclear weapons (United States), world war (WWI, WWII), single
non-transferable vote electoral systems (Jordan, Taiwan, Vanuatu, pre-reform Japan), electoral system reforms within
established democracies (France, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand). The problem of “rareness” is less common
where parameters are scalar, rather than dichotomous. But there are still plenty of examples of phenomena whose
distributions are skewed by a few outliers, e.g., population (China, India), personal wealth (Bill Gates, Warren Buffett),
ethnic heterogeneity (Papua New Guinea).
should be investigated in a more intensive fashion. If there are no such cases, then a cross-case form
of analysis may be sufficient.
Another sort of variation concerns that which might occur within a given case. Suppose that
only one or two cases within a large population exhibit quasi-experimental qualities: the factor of
special interest (X) varies, and there is no corresponding change in other factors that might affect
the outcome (Z). (The quasi-experimental qualities of the case may be the result of a manipulated
treatment or a treatment that occurs naturally. These issues are explored in chapter six.) Clearly, we
are likely to learn a great deal from studying this particular case – perhaps a lot more than we might
learn from studying hundreds of additional cases that deviate from the experimental ideal. But again,
if many cases have this experimental quality, there is little point in restricting ourselves to a single
example; a cross-case research design may be justified.
A final sort of variation concerns the characteristics exhibited by a case relative to a
particular theory that is under investigation. Suppose that a case provides a “crucial” test for a
theory: it fits that theory’s predictions so perfectly and so precisely that no other explanation could
plausibly account for the performance of the case. If no other crucial cases present themselves, then
an intensive study of this particular case is de rigueur. Of course, if many such cases lie within the
population then it may be possible to study them all at once (with some sort of numeric reduction of
the relevant parameters).
The general point here is that the distribution of useful variation across a population of cases
matters a great deal in the choice between case study and cross-case research designs. (Many of the
issues discussed in chapters 5 and 6 are relevant to this discussion of what constitutes “useful
variation.” Thus, I have touched upon these issues only briefly in this section.) Indeed, this may be
the most important factor militating towards one or the other research design.
Information is not free. Someone must define relevant concepts, gather data, collate it, and assure
equivalence across units. Gathering data across cases (especially if they are heterogeneous) is
especially complicated, and often fraught. For a variety of reasons, evidence gathered for a single
case is often easier – easier to collect and to relate within a common framework – than evidence
gathered across cases. Within-case evidence is often “cheaper” than cross-case evidence.
Likewise, the appeal of case studies and cross-case studies depends upon the data that is at
hand, or could be easily gathered. Sometimes, information about a topic is lumpy; it exists for a few
cases but not for others. For example, across nation-states one generally finds that information for a
handful of Western European or European-offshoot societies is plentiful, while information for the
rest of the world is scarce.
Alternatively, information may be distributed evenly across many cases but its quality is
highly uneven. Cross-case studies often suffer from bad data. For this sort of situation, the old adage
– garbage in, garbage out – applies. No useful conclusions will result from an analysis based on
dubious ground-level data. Moreover, it will be difficult to rectify this problem if one’s cases number
in the hundreds or thousands. One can spot-check the data for errors and thereby gain an
understanding of its reliability; but one cannot correct the data without engaging in an in-depth
study of every case in the dataset. There are simply too many data points to allow for this.
A final possibility is that relevant information exists nowhere and has to be collected by the
researcher, de novo. This would be true for topics that are new, under-explored, or where data
collection has not been carried out in a systematic, coordinated fashion.
These common situations militate toward a case study format. Here, the researcher has an
opportunity to collect original data, fact-check, consult multiple sources, go back to primary
materials, and overcome whatever biases may affect the secondary literature. In their study of social
security spending, Mulligan, Gil, and Sala-i-Martin (2002: 13) note that
although our spending and design numbers are of good quality, there are some missing
observations and, even with all the observations, it is difficult to reduce the variety of
elderly subsidies to one or two numbers. For this reason, case studies are an important
part of our analysis, since those studies do not require numbers that are comparable
across a large number of countries. Our case study analysis utilizes data from a variety
of country-specific sources, so we do not have to reduce ‘social security’ or ‘democracy’
to one single number.
The collection of original data is typically more difficult in cross-case analysis than in case
study analysis, involving greater expense, greater difficulties in identifying and coding cases, learning
foreign languages, traveling, gaining access, and so forth. Whatever can be done for a set of cases
can usually be done more easily for a single case. Similarly, case studies commonly afford multiple
observations of a single case, thus providing firmer evidence (cross-validation) of the factual
accuracy of a given proposition than would be possible in the analogous cross-case study.
Case studies also lend themselves to a style of data collection that would be impossible in a
cross-case format. Consider the difficulty of studying deviants. Howard Becker (1963: 168) observes,
The student who would discover the facts about deviance has a substantial barrier to
climb before he will be allowed to see the things he needs to see. Since deviant activity
is activity that is likely to be punished if it comes to light, it tends to be kept hidden and
not exhibited or bragged about to outsiders. The student of deviance must convince
those he studies that he will not be dangerous to them, that they will not suffer for what
they reveal to him. The researcher, therefore, must participate intensively and
continuously with the deviants he wants to study so that they will get to know him well
enough to be able to make some assessment of whether his activities will adversely
affect theirs.
Certain topics require participant-observation, and ethnography is inherently case-based.
However, this point is easily turned on its head. Datasets are now available to study many
cases of concern to the social sciences. In an era of “big data,” where data is stored on the web or
easily compiled from web-based sources, it may not be necessary to collect original information for
one’s book, article, or dissertation. In this context, in-depth single-case analysis is often more time-
consuming than cross-case analysis. Note that the case study format imposes hurdles of its own –
e.g., travel to distant climes, risk of personal injury, expense, and so forth. It is interesting to note
that some observers consider case studies to be “relatively more expensive in time and resources”
(Stoecker 1991: 91). In these settings, there is no practical advantage to a case study format. Thus,
much depends upon the lay of the land, i.e., the availability of evidence on a topic of interest to the
Of the various contrasts highlighted in Table 11.1, one stands out as especially crucial insofar as it
affects virtually every methodological issue touched upon in this book. This concerns the tradeoff
between exploration and verification/falsification, or theory-generating and theory-testing.
Social science research involves a quest for new theories as well as a testing of existing
theories; it is comprised of both “conjectures” and “refutations” (Popper 1963). Regrettably, social
science methodology has focused almost exclusively on the latter. The conjectural element of social
science is usually dismissed as a matter of guesswork, inspiration, or luck – a leap of faith, and hence
a poor subject for methodological reflection. 111 Yet, it will readily be granted that many works of
social science, including most of the acknowledged classics, are seminal rather than definitive. Their
classic status derives from the introduction of a new idea or a new perspective that is subsequently
subjected to more rigorous (and refutable) analysis. Indeed, it is difficult to devise a program of
falsification the first time a new theory is proposed. Path-breaking research, almost by definition, is
protean. Subsequent research on that topic tends to be more definitive insofar as its primary task is
to verify or falsify a pre-existing hypothesis. Thus, the world of social science may be usefully
divided according to the predominant goal undertaken in a given study, either hypothesis-generating
or hypothesis-testing. There are two moments of empirical research, a lightbulb moment and a
skeptical moment, each of which is essential to the progress of a discipline. 112
Case studies enjoy a natural advantage in research of an exploratory nature. Ignorance of a
subject is bliss when it comes to case study research. The less we know about a subject the more
valuable a case study of that subject is likely to be.
Several millennia ago, Hippocrates reported what were, arguably, the first case studies ever
conducted. They were fourteen in number. 113 Darwin’s insights into the process of human evolution
came after his travels to a few select locations, notably Easter Island. Freud’s revolutionary work on
human psychology was constructed from a close observation of less than a dozen clinical cases.
Piaget formulated his theory of human cognitive development while watching his own two children
as they passed from childhood to adulthood. Levi-Strauss’s structuralist theory of human cultures
built on the analysis of several North and South American tribes. Douglass North’s
neoinstitutionalist theory of economic development is constructed largely through a close analysis of
a handful of early developing states – primarily England, the Netherlands, and the United States
(North & Thomas 1973; North & Weingast 1989). Many other examples might be cited of seminal
ideas that derived from the intensive study of a few key cases. 114
Arguably, our knowledge of the world arises out of the understanding we have of one or
several cases – persons, organizations, groups, or institutions that we know especially well. Insights
into general theory arise from insights derived originally from specific cases. Proper nouns lead to
common nouns.
Evidently, the sheer number of examples of a given phenomenon does not, by itself,
produce insight. It may only confuse. How many times did Newton observe apples fall before he
recognized the nature of gravity? This is an apocryphal example, but it illustrates a central point: case
studies may be more useful than cross-case studies when a subject is being encountered for the first
time or is being considered in a fundamentally new way. After reviewing the case study approach to
medical research, one researcher finds that although case reports are commonly regarded as the
lowest or weakest form of evidence, they are nonetheless understood to comprise “the first line of
111 Karl Popper (quoted in King, Keohane & Verba 1994: 14) writes: “there is no such thing as a logical method of
having new ideas . . . Discovery contains ‘an irrational element,’ or a ‘creative intuition.’” One recent collection of essays
and interviews takes new ideas as its special focus (Munck & Snyder 2006), though it may be doubted whether there are
generalizable results.
112 Reichenbach (1938) also distinguished between a “context of discovery” and a “context of justification.” Likewise,
Peirce’s concept of abduction recognizes the importance of a generative component in science. For further discussion see
Feyerabend (1975), Hanson (1958), McLaughlin (1982), Nickles (1980), Popper (1965).
113 Bonoma (1985: 199). Some of the following examples are discussed in Patton (2002: 245).
114 The tradeoff between discovery and testing is implicit in Achen & Snidal (1989), who criticize the case study for its
deficits in the latter genre but also acknowledge the benefits of the case study along the former dimension (Ibid. 167-
168). Indeed, most work on case study methods highlights its insight into theory development (e.g., George & Bennett
2005; Glaser & Strauss 1967).
evidence.” The hallmark of case reporting, according to Jan Vandenbroucke (2001: 331), “is to
recognize the unexpected.” This is where discovery begins.
Yet, the advantages that case studies offer in work of an exploratory nature may also serve as
impediments in work of a confirmatory/disconfirmatory nature. Let us briefly explore why this
might be so. 115
Traditionally, scientific methodology has been defined by a segregation of conjecture (theory
formation) and refutation (theory testing). One should not be allowed to contaminate the other. 116
Yet, in the real world of social science, inspiration is often associated with perspiration. “Lightbulb”
moments arise from a close engagement with the particular facts of a particular case. Inspiration is
more likely to occur in the laboratory than in the shower.
The circular quality of conjecture and refutation is particularly apparent in case study
research. Charles Ragin (1992b) notes that case study research is all about “casing” – defining the
topic, including the hypothesis(es) of primary interest, the outcome, and the set of cases that offer
relevant information vis-à-vis the hypothesis. A study of the French Revolution may be
conceptualized as a study of revolution, of social revolution, of revolt, of political violence, and so
forth. Each of these topics entails a different population and a different set of causal factors. A good
deal of authorial intervention is necessary in the course of defining a case study topic, for there is a
great deal of evidentiary leeway. Yet, the “subjectivity” of case study research allows for the
generation of a great number of hypotheses, insights that might not be apparent to the cross-case
researcher who works with a thinner set of empirical data across a large number of cases and with a
more determinate (fixed) definition of cases, variables, and outcomes. It is the very fuzziness of case
studies that grants them a strong advantage in research at exploratory stages, for the single-case
study allows one to test a multitude of hypotheses in a rough-and-ready way. Nor is this an entirely
“conjectural” process. The covariational relationships discovered among different elements of a
single case have a prima facie causal connection: they are all at the scene of the crime. This is
revelatory when one is at an early stage of analysis, for there is no identifiable suspect and the crime
itself may be difficult to discern. The fact that A, B, and C are present at the expected times and
places (relative to some outcome of interest) is sufficient to establish them as independent variables.
Proximal evidence is all that is required. Hence, the common identification of case studies as
“plausibility probes,” “pilot studies,” “heuristic studies,” “exploratory” and “theory-building”
exercises. 117
A cross-case study, by contrast, generally allows for the testing of only a few hypotheses but
does so with a somewhat greater degree of confidence, as is appropriate to work whose primary
purpose is to test an extant theory. There is less room for authorial intervention because evidence
gathered from a cross-case research design can be interpreted in a limited number of ways. It is in
this respect more reliable. One would not wish to overstate the point, as there is plenty of open-
ended, exploratory work conducted in a large-n cross-case framework, as the accusation of “p
hacking” (Head et al. 2015) suggests. Even so, there is less wiggle room in a cross-case environment
simply because there are fewer variables the researcher is at liberty to manipulate.
Another way of stating the point is to say that while case studies lean toward Type 1 errors
(falsely rejecting the null hypothesis), cross-case studies lean toward Type 2 errors (failing to reject
the false null hypothesis). Those who regard the avoidance of Type 1 errors as the linchpin of
science will greet this conclusion with alarm. However, Type 2 errors must also be reckoned with.
115 For discussion of this tradeoff in the context of economic growth theory see Temple (1999: 120).
116 Geddes (2003), King, Keohane & Verba (1994), Popper (1934/1968).
117 Eckstein (1975), Ragin (1992a, 1997), Rueschemeyer & Stephens (1997).
Researchers may falsely accept a null hypothesis, missing a true causal relationship between X and Y.
Here, the flexibility of case study research becomes an asset rather than a liability. And from this
angle, case study research may be vigorously defended as a method of exploration. This explains
why case studies are more likely to be paradigm-generating, while cross-case studies toil in the
prosaic but highly structured field of normal science.
I do not mean to suggest that case studies never serve to confirm or disconfirm hypotheses.
Evidence drawn from a single case may falsify a necessary or sufficient hypothesis, as discussed
above. Case studies are also often useful for the purpose of elucidating causal mechanisms, and this
obviously affects the plausibility of an X→Y relationship. However, general theories rarely offer the
kind of detailed and determinate predictions on within-case variation that would allow one to reject
a hypothesis through pattern-matching (without additional cross-case evidence). Theory testing is
not the case study’s strong suit.
Let us explore this tension in greater detail. Many problems of internal validity in case study
research stem from the lack of a clear hypothesis. If one begins with a vague research question, or a
poorly specified hypothesis, it will be difficult to identify the best-possible case to explore that
question or hypothesis. Ambiguity in theory impedes case-selection. This is what drives the changing
status of a case as research develops, as discussed in Chapter 2. Likewise, a flaccid theory will
impede theory-testing, for one does not know which causal mechanisms or other patterns in the
data are stipulated by the theory. Placebo tests are impossible.
At the same time, we must appreciate that if a researcher already has a very definite and
detailed theory there is probably less need for a case study, as cross-case studies are more adept at
To make this point let us contrast two settings.
1. A great deal is known about the relationship of X to Y, which is presumed to be
causal based on cross-case analysis and theoretical exposition.
2. Very little is known about the causes of Y, as cross-case analyses have not been
conducted (or are inconclusive) and theorizing is indeterminate.
In the first setting, a case study will be easy to design and we can use evidence drawn from
the cross-case study to select the most appropriate case and thus avoid researcher bias. However,
case study research is not likely to add very much to what we already know about this particular
research question. If the causal effect is already established there is little point in using a case study
to try to estimate the impact of X on Y. If the mechanism connecting X to Y is unclear, there may
be good reasons to employ case study evidence to shed light on this aspect of the research question.
This, of course, is generally a harder question to answer.
In the second setting, by contrast, it will be very difficult to design a good case study. There
is no (or only very sketchy) cross-case evidence at hand and no causal model that one might
construct. Perhaps the outcome is not even measurable across cases. In this situation, case study
research is just about the only practical avenue of investigation, and it is apt to be quite informative.
Informative means that evidence gathered by the case study will allow us to update our priors about
the causes of Y. It does not mean that a strong causal inference will be possible. This may or may
not be forthcoming.
This, then, is the conundrum. Specifying a theory renders case-selection and case-analysis
more fruitful, but also less informative. The more you know about your topic the less you probably
need to engage in an intensive, focused, and detailed (and time-consuming) form of analysis.
This may help to explain why many of the most prominent case studies – as listed in Table
1.2 – are not those with the highest internal validity. Yet, they tell us things, albeit in a rather vague
way, that we did not know. Likewise, those studies with the greatest internal validity are often not
the most influential. They confirm things that we already (pretty much) know, or things that – while
not trivial – are not exactly earth-shaking.
Consider Richard Fenno’s (1978: 251) frank discussion of how he began his project on
congressional “homestyles.”
Like any other political scientist interested in representative-constituent relations, I had
been teaching the received wisdom on the subject. Part of that wisdom tells us that the
representative’s perception of his or her constituency is an important variable. But, in
the absence of much empirical exposition of such perceptions and in the presence of
politicians who seemed less than cognizant of all segments of their ‘constituency,’ I had
been telling students that the subject… deserved ‘further research.’ Someone, I kept
saying, should address the perceptual question: What does a member of Congress see
when he or she sees a constituency?
When Fenno (Ibid.) set out to follow members of Congress as they made the rounds of their
constituencies, conducting impromptu on-the-spot interviews,
I had no idea what kinds of answers I would get. I had no idea what questions to ask. I
knew only that I wanted to get some number of House members to talk about their
constituency perceptions – up and down and all around the subject. …My hope was
that I might be able to piece together their perceptions, categorize them in some way,
and generalize about them.
And so he did, producing one of the most influential studies of a much-studied subject (the US
Congress). The main argument to arise from this research is contained in the idea of concentric circles.
Members of Congress care about all their constituents but they do so in different ways and in
different degrees, and relate to them differently. The broadest circle encompasses everyone in the
district. The next circle consists of supporters, those who are likely to turn out and vote for the
member. The next circle consists of primary supporters, those who carry the burden of
campaigning. Finally, in the smallest circle, are the representative’s family, friends, and advisors. The
sort of treatment a constituent receives, and the weight that is accorded to his or her opinion,
depends upon which circle s/he falls into.
If the theory of concentric circles had been fully formulated prior to Fenno’s fieldwork, he
might have constructed a standardized survey to measure these features in a systematic fashion
across a larger and more representative sample. He might have also devised unobtrusive measures
(e.g., locations of visits) so that results of the study were not subject to interviewer bias or
respondent bias. (Respondents are not always entirely candid.) In this fashion, his arguments might
have been more precise and could claim greater internal and external validity. However, Fenno did
not know what he was going to find before he found it. Neither do most researchers whose work
opens new paths.
The tradeoff between hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-testing helps us to reconcile the
enthusiasm of case study researchers and the skepticism of case study critics. They are both right, for
the looseness of case study research is a boon to new conceptualizations just as it is a bane to
Some of the methodological weaknesses of case study research reviewed in various sections of this
chapter, and previous chapters, are remediable. For example, there is no cost to clarifying arguments
and scope-conditions so that case study arguments can be more readily generalized across a broader
set of cases.
A second class of problems is solvable, but not without sacrificing something of importance.
For example, case studies could focus on manipulable causes, conforming to the potential-outcomes
model of causal inference. However, doing so would mean eschewing large, diffuse institutional
causes – inequality, class alliances, democracy, racism – in favor of smaller, more specific causes,
entailing a fundamental shift of theoretical focus.
A third class of problems is inherent in the enterprise. Case studies are useful for some
research settings and not for others. Like any method, it has its limits. So we should be cautious
about employing case study methods unless it really is the best available tool for the job and we
should not stretch the limits of the genre, forcing it to accomplish goals that it is not well-designed
Persistent tradeoffs between case study and cross-case study research are summarized in
Table 11.1. Briefly, case studies prize internal validity while cross-case studies prize external validity.
Case studies prize depth while cross-case studies prize breadth. Case studies often shed light on
causal mechanisms while cross-case studies are usually better at measuring causal effects. Case
studies are useful when the population of interest is extremely heterogeneous while cross-case
studies are often more useful when the population is relatively homogeneous. Case studies are useful
when X and Y exhibit variation only in a few cases, while cross-case methods apply naturally when
there is regular variation in the inputs and outputs of interest. Case studies are especially useful when
available data is concentrated in a few cases, while cross-case studies are useful when data is spread
across many cases. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, case studies are adept at generating new
hypotheses while cross-case studies are adept at testing extant hypotheses. 118
It is not hard to see why these two genres are often perceived as being in conflict with each
another. Work is routinely classified as case study or large-n cross-case, as we have done in preceding
chapters. (Indeed, it constitutes the leitmotif of the book.) Researchers are lumped into one or the
other school; journals adopt one or the other profile. Not surprisingly, a degree of skepticism – and
occasionally, outright hostility – has crept into relations between these disparate approaches to the
empirical world.
Yet, at various points in the narrative I have reminded the reader that this is to some extent a
false dichotomy insofar as (a) case studies always integrate some level of cross-case knowledge,
which may be informal (“shadow cases”) or formal (e.g., multimethod research). Likewise, case
studies participate in an ongoing research tradition that includes cross-case studies. These may be
integrated in the introductory literature review, by way of summarizing what we know about a
subject prior to considering the more focused evidence at hand. Case studies rarely, if ever, stand on
their own.
It follows that the suspicion of case study work that one finds in the social sciences today
may be the product of a too-literal interpretation of the case study method. A case study tout court is
thought to mean a case study tout seul. Rarely, if ever, does an author rest a large generalization on a
single case or a small set of cases.
Insofar as additional cases are enlisted problems of validity, uncertainty, replicability, and
representativeness – as highlighted in this final section of the book – become less worrisome (so
long as they support the same general argument). This is the virtue of cross-level work, aka
triangulation. Indeed, many of the flaws attributed to case study research are alleviated if the case
study is not the sole source of evidence for a study.
By way of provocation, I shall insist there is no such thing as a case study existing outside a
broader frame of (cross-case) knowledge. To conduct a case study implies that one has also
118Other evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of case study research can be found in Flyvbjerg (2006), Levy
(2002a), Verschuren (2001).
conducted cross-case analysis or at least thought about a broader set of cases. Otherwise, it is
impossible for an author to answer the defining question of all case study research: what is this a
case of? Likewise, I shall insist that there is no such thing as a cross-case study existing outside
knowledge of particular cases. In the social sciences, this is almost inconceivable, as knowledge
about many cases is built – logically and logistically – upon knowledge of individual cases.
It follows that there is no situation in which case study results cannot be synthesized with
results gained from cross-case analysis, and vice-versa. It follows, further, that case studies and
cross-case studies should be viewed as partners in the iterative task of descriptive and causal
investigation. Cross-case arguments draw on within-case assumptions (i.e., about causal
mechanisms) and within-case arguments draw on cross-case assumptions. Neither works very well
when isolated from the other. In most circumstances, it is advisable to conduct both types of
analysis. Each is made stronger by the other. Rather than thinking of these methodological options
as opponents we might do better to think of them as complements. Researchers may do both and,
arguably, must engage both styles of analysis. 119
119This distinction is drawn from Ragin (1987; 2004: 124). It is worth noting that Ragin’s distinctive method (QCA) is
also designed to overcome this traditional dichotomy.
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