String Matching
String Matching
String Matching
String Matching
There four string matching algorithms that will be discussed. Each of them differ in performance.
Algorithm Preprocessing Time Processing Time
Naive 0 Ο((n−m+1)m)
Rabin Karp Θ(m) Ο((n−m+1)m)
Finite automaton Ο(m|∑ |) Θ(n)
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Ω(m) Θ(n)
Where, n is length of term, m is length of pattern, and Σ is number of alphabet that formed pattern.
32.1-1 Show the comparisons the naive string matcher makes for the pattern P = 0001 in the text T =
Matched in shift: 1, 5, 11
32.1-2 Suppose that all character in the pattern P are different. Show how to accelerate naive string
matcher to run in time Ο(n) on n-character text T.
n = t.length
m = p.length
k = m - 1
for i=0 to n:
if t[i] == p[j]:
if j == k:
// Matched
j = 0
if j > 0
j = 0
32.1-3 Suppose that pattern P and text T are randomly choosen strings of length m and n, respectively,
form d-array alphabet Σd = {0, 1, …, d – 1}, where d >= 2. Show that the expected number of
character-to-character made by the implicit loop in line 4 of the naive algorithm is:
(n−m+1) −1
over all execution of this loop. (Assume that the naive algorithm stops comparing characters for a given
shift once it finds a mismatch or matches the entire pattern.) Thus, for randomly chosen strings, the
naive algorithm is quite efficient.
32.1-4 Suppose we allow the pattern P to contain occurrences of gap character - that match an
arbitrary string of characters (even one of zero length). For example, the pattern ab-ba-c occurs in the
text cabccbacbacab as:
c ab cc ba cba c ab
ab - ba - c
and as
c ab cccbac ba c ab
ab - ba - c
Note that the gap character may occur an arbitrary number of times in the pattern but not at all in the
text. Give a polynomial-time algorithm to determine whether such a pattern P occurs in a given text T,
and analyze the running time of your algorithm
Rabin-Karp algorithm
Rabin-Karp algorithm purposed hash function to identify pattern in given set of random number. We
used Rabin-karp algorithm to solve string matching problem by treated any character as number.
That’s would be easy, since all character have been mapped into ascii standart. For example, character
‘a’ is mapped to number 97, and ‘b’ mapped to 98. To built a hash function, we should understand
polynomial computation. Lets take a look this polynomial computation below:
n n−1
p( x)=an x + an−1 x +...+a1 x+ a0
p(x)=∑ ai x i=a 0+ a1 x + a2 x 2 +a3 x 3+ ...+ an x n
p(abc)=97∗26 +98∗26+ 99
We can say that p(abc) has highest order equal to two and hash value equal 68219. So, if we try to find
“abc” in the random set “cgdabcef”, we need to calculate possible hash value of each character in
“cgdabcef” which matched to hash value of P(abc).
d = 26
h = 262 = 676
Hp = P(abc) = 68219
Hs(k, m-1) = ?
for 0 to m:
1. Hs(0, m-1) = 69706
2. Hs(1, m-1) = 72325
3. Hs(2, m-1) = 70220
4. Hs(3, m-1) = 68219
5. Hs(4, m-1) = 68923
6. Hs(5, m-1) = 69652
Found match in shift 3.
If we take a look for section matching in the example above, there look such heavy computation
because we need to calculate hash value in each shift. We could optimize calculation of rehashing by
implementing polynomial evaluation using Horner’s Rule:
p( x)=∑ ai x i=a n+ x (an−1 + x (an−2 +...+ x (a 2+ a1 x )..))
Suppose, we need to move from p(i) = [ai , ak] into p(i+1) = [ai-1 , ak+1]:
p(i+1)=x (p (i)−ai x )+a k+1
For example, we already know that p(cgd) is 69706. Then to calculate next window, we need to
calculate p(gda) that equal to 26 * (69706 – (97 * 26^2)) + 97 = 72325.
Another optimization is by using modulo to avoiding very long calculation. Since we know that that:
a≡b(mod n)
We can replace (97 * 26^2) from example before, into (97 * 26^2) mod 97. I used 97 here because
intuitively we can say that any prime number is good to be common divisor.