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SPA6311 Physical Cosmology, Spring 2017: Exercise Sheet 2 Dr. K. Malik

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SPA6311 Physical Cosmology, Spring 2017

Exercise sheet 2 Dr. K. Malik

These questions are designed to help you understand the material covered in the lectures.
Exercise sheets will typically be made available online on Wednesday. Please hand the so-
lutions in by the following week Thursday, 1400. Put your full name and student number
on the top of your solutions.

1. Show that the Friedmann equation can be written as

Ωtot + ΩΛ − 1 = ,
a2 H 2
where the variables have been defined in the lectures. [25 pts.]
2. Suppose that, in addition to the Hubble expansion, the typical rms (“root mean
squared”) peculiar velocity of galaxies is 600 km s−1 . Estimate the minimum distance
at which a galaxy must be in order for the redshift to give an estimate of the true
distance which is accurate to 10% or better. [25 pts.]
3. In this question we use units where c = 1.
For a general perfect fluid with equation of state
P = wρ ,
where w = const, calculate the time evolution of the scale factor a and the energy
density ρ in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. The initial conditions are
ρ(t0 ) = ρ0 and a(t0 ) = a0 . [20 pts.]

4. In this question we use units where c = 1.

Show that for an open universe (k < 0) containing only matter a solution to the
Friedmann equation can be given in parametric form by
a(ψ) = (cosh ψ − 1) ,
t(ψ) = 3 (sinh ψ − ψ) .
3|k| 2

da dψ
Hint: Recall that da
= dψ dt
da dt
= dψ / dψ . Then evaluate the LHS and RHS of the Fried-
mann equation separately and show they are the same.

[20 pts.]
Talking points:
• What does matter domination actually mean?
• What is a perfect fluid ?
• What might be the physical origin of the cosmological constant?

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