From Unincorporated Territory (Guma') : Craig Santos Perez Fatal Impact Statements (Reader'S Guide) Glossary
From Unincorporated Territory (Guma') : Craig Santos Perez Fatal Impact Statements (Reader'S Guide) Glossary
From Unincorporated Territory (Guma') : Craig Santos Perez Fatal Impact Statements (Reader'S Guide) Glossary
Tropical Storm : tropical cyclone with distinct circulation and wind speeds of
39 to 73 miles per hour—
Airspace, Controlled :
Typhoon : tropical cyclone with strong pronounced rotary winds and sustained
surface winds of 74 miles per hour—
Airspace, Uncontrolled :
Supertyphoon : tropical cyclone with sustained wind speed over 149 miles per
Airspace : space lying above land or water such as the pacific ocean—more
specifically the space lying above a nation and coming under its jurisdiction—
106 • A TransPa ci fi c Po et i cs
Readiness : ability of forces, units, and weapon systems to perform—includes
ability to deploy and employ without delays—
Organize : []—
Debris : secure all loose items that could become airborne during high winds—
Range : area designated and equipped for firing lines and positions, maneuver
areas, firing lanes, test pads, detonation pads, impact areas—
Force flow : rate at which military personnel dependents and civilian workers
will arrive—
No-Action Alternative :
Cra i g S a n to s P e r e z • 1 0 7
Base load power : minimum generation capacity needed to meet continuous
demand for the system—
Interior : stay inside even when eye of typhoon is passing and all appears to be
U.S. Territorial Waters : sea areas within twelve nautical miles of coastline—
Cumulative Impact : impact of action when added to past present and future
Distance X : maximum distance projectile will travel when fired at given elevation
with given charge—
Mitigation :
Freedom of Action :
108 • A TransPa ci fi c Po et i cs
From Fatal Impact Statements [executive summary]
‘us will maintain forward deployed forces to deter situations for defense of japan
‘us operations must respond when an armed attack has occurred against defenses
of japan
[us-japan roadmap for realignment implementation—‘roadmap’ 2006]
‘us strike capabilities and nuclear deterrence remain essential to ensuring defense of
[us-japan alliance transformation and realignment agreement 2005]
Cra i g S a n to s P e r e z • 1 0 9
• • •
dispersal threats [us navy to fund increase of federally funded brown tree snake
interdiction measures related to direct indirect and induced growth caused by
marine corps relocation to guam]
dispersal threats [since 1983 eight brown tree snake sightings on oahu hawai‘i—
last sighting in 1998 brown tree snake found dead within wheel well of continental
airlines flight]
• • •
us territory in the pacific capable of
supporting such a
dispersal threats [snake dispersal pathways associated with buildup include travel
on commercial aircraft cargo on aircraft cargo on military and commercial seagoing
dispersal threats [us navy will not fund increased interdiction measures identified
more than one year after end of marine corps relocation construction and conclusion
of relocation to guam]
110 • A TransPa ci fi c Po et i cs
From Fatal Impact Statements
[volume two : marine corps relocation]
A sound is perceived as gunfire. Waves cause sound to crash against the shore.
Sound is the stimulation of auditory organs produced by waves transmitted through
the air or through words. Natural and unmade sources. Sound waves are pressure
fluctuations caused by voices. Sound waves move outward from the vibration source
and echo through the interior. When military planes fly overhead, we can’t hear each
other. We wait for them to pass; cover our ears. Echoes also occur due to wind, ground
cover, and migration. Sound waves pressure bodily organs. Loudness measures the
loss of sound. A sound can’t be unmade if it’s natural, it can only be silenced. I
want the sound of our voices to rise. Noise is unwanted sound sometimes based on
trauma. Noise comes from natural and manmade sources. Live fire training. Noise
causes adverse effects on physical and psychological health. Military personnel make
noise in bars, strip clubs, and massage parlors. Some military weapons can kill you
before you hear them. The degree to which a sound is perceived to be noise depends
on context. Our voices are oceanic waves. You can hear sound when standing at
its source, but eventually you will disappear. Words are pulsing sound waves and
bodily organs. Through words, we can move the air.
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