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Segmentation, Inference, and Classification of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles

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3, MARCH 2013 669

Segmentation, Inference, and Classification

of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles
Chiwoo Park, Member, IEEE, Jianhua Z. Huang, Jim X. Ji, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Yu Ding, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a method that enables automated morphology analysis of partially overlapping nanoparticles in
electron micrographs. In the undertaking of morphology analysis, three tasks appear necessary: separate individual particles from an
agglomerate of overlapping nanoobjects, infer the particle’s missing contours, and, ultimately, classify the particles by shape based on
their complete contours. Our specific method adopts a two-stage approach: The first stage executes the task of particle separation,
and the second stage simultaneously conducts the tasks of contour inference and shape classification. For the first stage, a modified
ultimate erosion process is developed for decomposing a mixture of particles into markers, and then an edge-to-marker association
method is proposed to identify the set of evidences that eventually delineate individual objects. We also provide theoretical justification
regarding the separation capability of the first stage. In the second stage, the set of evidences becomes inputs to a Gaussian mixture
model on B-splines, the solution of which leads to the joint learning of the missing contour and the particle shape. Using 12 real
electron micrographs of overlapping nanoparticles, we compare the proposed method with seven state-of-the-art methods. The results
show the superiority of the proposed method in terms of particle recognition rate.

Index Terms—Image segmentation, morphology analysis, shape inference, shape classification, nanoparticle analysis


T HIS paper introduces a new method for separating a

large number of partially overlapping convex objects
into individual pieces, inferring the missing contours, and
the missing contours occluded by the overlaps are the key to
an accurate morphology analysis.
The second difficulty is the large number of nanoparticles
classifying the complete contours by shapes. A motivating in a micrograph. It is not uncommon to see 30-100 particles in
application is the morphology analysis of nanoparticles in a magnified image or 300-700 particles in a typical viewfield
electron micrographs, which requires classifying individual of 1;024  640 nm. This quantity makes the morphology
nanoparticles by their sizes and shapes. The functional analysis different from the segmentation problems that focus
behavior of nanoparticles is tightly linked to the surface on recognizing a small number of complex objects. In order
morphology of the particles so that accurately classifying to handle the morphology analysis problem within a
the synthesized nanoparticles is crucial for characterizing practically short time, the method needs to be computation-
the nanoparticle’s behavior [1], [2], [3], [4]. ally efficient.
There are two major difficulties in nanoparticle morphol- The undertaking of morphology analysis entails the
ogy analysis. The first one is caused by particle overlap. We solving of three technical problems: The first is image
frequently observe wide-ranging degrees of particle over- segmentation, aiming at separating individual particles from
the overlapping particle agglomerates; the second is contour
laps in micrographs. The overlaps hide partial contours,
inference, recovering the missing parts of the separated
hindering the accurate recognition of individual particles.
particles; and the third is shape classification, classifying the
Consequently, separating overlapped particles and inferring particles by shape. To address these technical problems, we
choose to employ a two-stage approach: The first stage
. C. Park is with the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing solves the image segmentation problem and the second
Engineering, Florida A&M and Florida State University, Office: B319 stage solves the joint learning of the missing contour and
COE, Tallahassee, FL 32310. E-mail: cpark5@fsu.edu. the particle shape. In the first stage, our segmentation
. J.Z. Huang is with the Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, method is a new morphological erosion process, specially
Office: 405C Blocker, College Station, TX 77843-3143.
E-mail: jianhua@stat.tamu.edu. tailored for handling convex objects because the theory
. J.X. Ji is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, governing crystal formation tells us that stable nanoparti-
Texas A&M University, Office: 237L Zachry, College Station, TX 77843- cles are highly likely in convex shapes [5]. In the second
3128. E-mail: jimji@ece.tamu.edu. stage, the contour inference problem and the shape
. Y. Ding is with the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Texas A&M University, Office: 4016 ETB, College Station, TX 77843- classification problem are solved simultaneously. The joint
3131. E-mail: yuding@iemail.tamu.edu. learning is formulated as a Gaussian mixture model on
Manuscript received 12 Apr. 2011; revised 26 Feb. 2012; accepted 5 July 2012; B-splines, where both the missing contour and the shape
published online 23 July 2012. category of the particle are hidden variables. These hidden
Recommended for acceptance by G.D. Hager. variables are estimated iteratively by using an expectation-
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm.
tpami@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log Number
TPAMI-2011-04-0224. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPAMI.2012.163. reviews the related work and identifies the competing
0162-8828/13/$31.00 ß 2013 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

alternatives to be compared. Section 3 describes our A major difficulty in applying the nonlinear filtering
approach for the image segmentation problem, while algorithms is that the range of object sizes should be known
Section 4 formulates the ECM for contour inference and a priori. The size range can be roughly estimated by
shape classification. In Section 5, we apply the proposed morphological granulometric analysis [33]. Still, if the range
method to several micrographs having different degrees of is wide, the nonlinear filtering algorithms tend to be
overlap and compare the results with the competing ineffective to separate different objects and will likely
alternatives. Section 6 concludes the paper. oversegment large objects.
The aforementioned methods have made great advance-
2 RELATED RESEARCH ments in biocell morphology analysis. But the nanoparticle
morphology analysis presents a technical challenge through
Despite its importance, there is only a limited amount of
a combination of the following three major factors: the
literature about automated morphology analysis of nano-
particle overlap, various geometric shapes and sizes, and a
particles. To the best of our knowledge, all existing methods
large quantity. Overlapping nanoparticles have similar
assumed either circularity of particle’s contours [6], [7], [8]
image intensities, which makes both graph cut and active
or elliptical shape template [9] in order to segment
overlapping particles, so their applicability is limited. On contour methods less ideal candidates. Nanoparticles often
the other hand, there exists plenty of research for the biocell manifest themselves in different sizes, and consequently,
segmentation problem. What we choose to review here is hundreds of particles in a micrograph could present a rather
the literature about multiple cell segmentation, which broad range of object size, rendering the nonlinear filtering
involves the separation of individual cells from other cells; approach ineffective. Separating the large quantity of
this line of research is directly related to our objective. particles needs a computationally effective solution, which
Morphological image segmentation methods, repre- makes the active contour methods unattractive. Simple
sented by the watershed and its variants [10], [11], [12], segmentation methods such as the watershed method will
[13], [14], [15], are a classical approach. The approach first not give us the desired morphology information of particles
finds markers pointing to the approximate locations of because the simple methods do not provide inference on the
cells and then segments an image region into several missing parts caused by particle overlaps. Addressing the
influence zones of markers. The morphological segmenta- challenges presented by nanoparticle morphology analysis
tion methods generally work well, but this line of methods still calls for new, more effective approaches.
does not provide any inference on the occluded parts, We propose a two-stage morphology analysis method in
which makes it difficult to fulfill the final objective of this paper which can better address the above-described
morphology analysis. nanoparticle problem. The contribution of our research is
Graph-cut methods have also been applied to cell as follows: First, we modify an existing morphological
segmentation. The method constructs a graph by treating erosion process for handling convex objects and provide
each image pixel as a node. Each pair of nodes is connected theoretical justification on its separation capability. Second,
by an edge with the similarity between pixel intensities as we develop a method for associating the segmented edges
its cost. It finds a normalized minimum cut of the graph, with markers and for making them meaningful chunks of
which naturally segments an image [16], [17]. This evidences to delineate individual objects. Third, the
approach does not separate overlapping objects well, evidences are used as input in the subsequent ECM
especially when the overlapping objects have similar algorithm to fit the B-spline contours with the guidance
intensity levels. Hence, Danek et al. [18] utilized the
of multiple reference shapes (contour inference) as well as
estimated mean radius of cells for the purpose of separating
to determine which reference shape best conforms with the
the overlapping cells, but their method is only applicable to
evidences (shape classification). The proposed method
spherically shaped objects.
solves the particle segmentation problem separately from
Active contour is another school of methods applied to
the ECM algorithm because incorporating the segmenta-
the cell segmentation [19], [20]. Active contour is originally
designed to segment a single object of complicated shape tion problem into the ECM formulation will cause heavy
from the background [21], but the level-set based active computation and slow convergence of the ECM. We would
contour [22] or the multiphase active contour [23] could also like to note a limitation of our method: Since it is
be used to segment multiple nonoverlapping objects. To designed for handling convex objects, the proposed
separate overlapping objects, a shape prior constraint is to method will not work for image segmentation of non-
be associated with every single object [24], [25], [26]. The convex shapes, e.g., donut-shaped particles; for such cases
shape prior level-set method is generally computationally and methods that address them, please refer to [34], [35].
demanding when handling a large number of objects, and
consequently, they were mostly applied to the evolving of 3 SEGMENTATION OF PARTICLE OVERLAPS BY
a small number of level-set functions [27], [28]. The
computation cost can be reduced by applying the narrow
banding technique [29] to evolve a larger number of level- According to the theory governing crystal formation [5],
set functions. nanoparticles are prone to having convex shapes. Hence, at
Recently, advanced nonlinear filtering algorithms have the first stage we need to deal with a convex decomposition
been used for a noise-robust cell segmentation: sliding band problem, namely, segmenting a complicated morphology
filter (SBF) [30], [31] and iterative voting method (IVM) [32]. into convex subpieces.

Fig. 1. Ultimate erosion for convex sets: (a) The original grayscale image, (b) binary silhouette of clustered convex shaped objects, (c) markers
identified by the ultimate erosion, (d) markers identified by the ultimate erosion for convex sets.

This segmentation task has two parts: finding the markers applying the erosion operator to each remaining connected
of individual convex pieces (in Section 3.1) and obtaining the set just before it is completely removed. This is called the
contour evidences to delineate each of the individual convex ultimate erosion [36, p. 72].
pieces (in Section 3.2). Our procedure is built upon the Each connected set resulting from UE becomes a marker.
existing morphological segmentation method, ultimate If we have one marker for each Ci , we say that I is separable
erosion (UE) [36], but it has a couple of key differences. by UE. However, UE is prone to producing more than one
First, our stopping criterion for iterative erosion is different, marker for each Ci , especially in noisy images, thereby
producing more robust segmentation results for convex sets. leading to oversegmentation of nanoparticles, e.g., Fig. 1c.
Second, our approach skips the marker-growing step used in To avoid the oversegmentation, we propose a noise-robust
a typical morphological segmentation method. Rather, it
morphological erosion process with an earlier stopping
directly identifies the contour evidences relevant to each
criterion than that of UE. We call our erosion process
marker by detecting edges and relating the edges as contour
ultimate erosion for convex sets, UECS for short.
evidences to one of the markers. To relate the edges, we
define an evidence-to-marker relevance measure different Definition 3.1 (Ultimate erosion for convex sets). The
from the one used in the marker-growing approach. ultimate erosion to I is an iterative process to update I ðtÞ :
Initialization: Start with I ð0Þ ¼ I.
3.1 Ultimate Erosion for Overlapping Convex Sets Iteration t: For the ith connected S component Ai in
ðt1Þ ðtÞ
Suppose that we have a binary silhouette of overlapping I , compute Ri and update I ¼ i Ri :
objects from a grayscale image (please see Fig. 1b for an (
ðt1Þ ðt1Þ
example). Such a binary silhouette can be easily obtained in Ai  Bð0; 1Þ if Ai is not convex
Ri ¼ ðt1Þ
real micrographs picturing nanoparticles because these Ai otherwise:
micrographs have a high signal-to-noise ratio. There are
usually irregular intensity patterns in the interior of a End: The iterations stop when I ðtÞ ¼ I ðt1Þ .
nanoparticle, but such noises could be effectively removed
by using alternative sequence filtering [37]. Since nanopar- We will show that I is separable by UECS under
ticles only have convex morphologies, the binary silhouette Assumption 3.2.
is a union of the convex silhouettes of individual particles.
Assumption 3.2 (Chained cluster of overlapping objects).
This section describes how to decompose the binary
silhouette into disjoint convex sets. The intersection of every three of the n convex sets composing
Suppose that we have n nanoparticles in a micrograph. I is at most one point and for every pair i 6¼ j, Ci nCj is not
Let I be the binary silhouette of the particles and Ci be a set empty and is connected.
of pixels in the interior or on the boundary of nanoparticle
i, where Ci should be a convex set due toSthe convexity of Intuitively, the assumption is related to the degree of
the particle’s morphology. As such, I ¼ ni¼1 Ci . Given a overlaps among particles; please refer to Fig. 2 for an
nonempty set I, we want to obtain a connected subset for illustration. In real micrographs, one could observe that
each Ci , called the marker of Ci , so that the markers are many overlapping nanoparticles satisfy the assumption. For
pairwise disjoint. The marker plays an important role to examples, please see Fig. 5a. The exemplary micrographs
locate Ci in a micrograph and to guide the particle
depict the chain-linked clusters formed by overlapping
nanoparticles. This type of clusters of nanoparticles is
The markers are produced through morphological
erosion, performed by applying the Minkowski subtraction separable by UECS.
to I with respect to Bð0; 1Þ, where Bðx; rÞ is a closed ball in For a formal statement, we first introduce some notations.
IR2 centered at x with radius r [38, p. 133]. Conceptually, the Let C be a connected set in IR2 and let dC ðxÞ be the distance
result of the erosion operator Bð0; 1Þ is equivalent to peeling function from x 2 IR2 to @C such that dC ðxÞ ¼ inffkx 
off I from its boundary by size one. Repeated applications yk : y 2 @Cg, where @C is the boundary of C. We also define a
of the erosion operator may disconnect the junctions of supporting set SðxÞ by
overlapping objects. A key question is when to stop the
SðxÞ ¼ fy 2 @I : kx  yk ¼ dI ðxÞg for x 2 I:
morphological erosion. A popular choice is to keep

Fig. 2. Intuitive examples explaining Assumption 3.2: (a) and (b) satisfy the assumption, while (c) and (d) violate the assumption.

The following theorem shows that I is separable by UECS 3.2 Extraction and Association of Contour
(for its proof, please refer to Appendix A, which can be Evidences
found in the Computer Society Digital Library at http:// Once the markers are obtained, most existing image
doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2012.163.) segmentation methods grow the markers by repeated
Theorem 3.3 (Separability of UECS). Suppose that I is a applications of geodesic dilations to the markers, and the
union of n overlapping convex sets, namely, C1 ; . . . ; Cn , growth of a marker usually stops when it collides with the
satisfying Assumption 3.2. Then, I is separable byP UECS if growth of other markers. Marker-controlled watershed also
and only ifPthere exists  > 0 such that Bðx; Þ  f k k zk : follows this approach [36]. The contours of the grown-up
zk 2 SðxÞ; k k ¼ 1; k  0g for i ¼ 1; . . . ; n. markers are used as the contour evidences to infer the
complete contours of objects. In such an approach, the
The if-and-only-if condition in the above theorem is growing process can be regarded as an implicit way to get
related to the size of the allowable overlap between the contour evidences for the final inference of the
particles. For detailed discussions regarding the implication complete contours.
Differently from the marker growth approach, we
of this condition, please also refer to Appendix B, available
choose to define the contour evidences explicitly; we first
in the online supplemental material.
extract all the edge pixels from an image and then associate
UECS is less prone to oversegmentation because it uses a
them with each individual marker according to a relevance
noise-robust measure of convexity (or conversely, a measure
measure. This edge-to-marker association is used as our
of concavity) as its stopping criterion for erosion. Many
contour evidences. This section presents our choice of the
works were reported regarding how to measure the size of
relevance measure.
concavity in digital images [39]. Rosenfeld [40] compared
Suppose that we have n markers from UECS, denoted by
three popular measures for concavity in terms of their
fT1 ; T2 ; . . . ; Tn g, where Ti is the marker of Ci and it is
sensitivity to the coarseness of digital grids, and identified
represented by a set of point coordinates in the marker. We
the following concavity measure as the least sensitive one.
also have m edge pixel coordinates detected by an arbitrary
Definition 3.4 [40, p. 72]. Let I be a connected set. If edge detection method and denoted by E ¼ fe1 ; . . . ; em g.
O ¼ convðIÞ, V ¼ OnI is called a concavity of I. Suppose Note that the edges are the locations where image
that V consists of m connected sets. If we denote the boundary of intensities abruptly change and they have been used as
the jth connected set by Vj , the size of concavity V is defined by evidences of object’s contours previously, e.g., in [37]. In
 T T  order to measure the relevance of ej to Ti , denoted by
d Vj @O; Vj @I relðej ; Ti Þ, we define a compound measure rather than a
cðV Þ ¼ max  T  ;
j¼1;...;m l Vj @O simple measure (e.g., distance). A component composing
the compound measure is a distance from ej to Ti , the same
where dðX; Y Þ ¼ maxx2X miny2Y kx  yk and lðLÞ is the
as what is used in the marker-growing approach. We define
length of a line segment L.
the distance measure in order to exclude the edge points
that locate close to an irrelevant marker by chance. The
The concavity measure ranges in ½0; 0:5 and its largeness
distance is defined with respect to I (the same I used in the
implies that P is not convex. Using this concavity measure,
previous section) as
the stopping criterion of UECS is defined by comparing the
measure with threshold , i.e., continue erosion if cðV Þ > , gðej ; Ti Þ ¼ min gj ðxÞ; ð1Þ
but stop otherwise.
The choice of  determines the noise-robustness degree of where gj ðxÞ is the euclidean distance jej  xj if the line from
UECS. If  is large, UECS will be more robust to boundary ej to x entirely resides within I and 1 when any portion of
protrusion and intrusion by noise but may lose its separation the line is outside I. By the convexity of Ci , if ej is a substance
capability. Conversely, if  is too small, UECS will be less of Ci ’s contour, the line from x 2 Ti to ej must be in Ci and
robust but more capable of separating the overlaps. Empiri- also in I. Such treatment helps avoid overemphasizing the
cally, we observed that  in between 0.2 and 0.3 worked well relevance of ej to markers irrelevant but close to ej .
with real micrographs. An exemplary result from UECS The other component in the compound measure is the
( ¼ 0:2) is presented in Fig. 1d, where the markers are divergence index of ej from Ti , which compares the
depicted as the white regions inside the nanoparticles. direction of intensity gradient at ej with the direction of

Fig. 3. Association of edge pixels by the relevance to markers; (c) illustrates how to compute the distance (g) and the divergence index (div) between
edge pixel ej and marker Ti . (d) uses colors to illustrate the association result.

line from x 2 Ti to ej . Technically, it is expressed as a segmentation. 2) The edge-to-marker association performs

cosine function: better when used after UECS than after the extended
maxima transform because UECS almost always stops
gðej Þ  ~
~ lðx; ej Þ earlier than the extended maxima transform and leaves a
divðej ; Ti Þ ¼ min ;
x2Ti gðej Þkk~
k~ lðx; ej Þk sizable marker. The larger markers are preferred and make
where ~ gðej Þ is the direction of intensity gradient at ej and the edge-to-marker association effective since the associa-
lðx; ej Þ is the direction of line from x 2 Ti to ej . The use of tion is partially based on a distance measure.
the divergence index is motivated by how electron micro-
graphy works. In a typical electron micrograph, the regions 4 CONTOUR EVOLUTION WITH MULTIPLE
occupied by nanoparticles have lower image intensities REFERENCE SHAPES
than the background. For this reason, if ej is a substance of
Ci ’s contour, the gradient at ej diverges from Ti . Since Ci is Suppose that we have a set of mi edge points as the contour
convex, the gradient direction is very close to the vector evidences for Ci , which are denoted by fei1 ; ei2 ; . . . ; eimi g,
direction from Ti to ej , i.e., the cosine of the angle between where eij is a 2  1 vector since we are dealing with 2D
the two directions is close to being maximized. In Fig. 3c, images. The markers identified in Section 3 are used to
the solid-line arrow outbound from ej is the (image locate Ci s but they will not be used explicitly in the
intensity) gradient vector at ej , ~ gðej Þ, and the dotted-line subsequent inference.
arrow represents the straight line from Ti to ej , ~ lðx; ej Þ. The We want to infer a contour, fitted to the evidences and
divergence index is simply the cosine of the angle between regulated by the prior shape knowledge (known reference
the two vectors. shapes). One difficulty is that a contour can have several
Summing up gðej ; Ti Þ and divðej ; Ti Þ with a weight possible (convex) shapes, whereas most previous research
constant  2 ½0; 1, we define the relevance measure of ej to Ti : only dealt with a single predetermined reference shape. To
1 divðej ; Ti Þ þ 1 deal with multiple reference shapes, we propose an
relðej ; Ti Þ ¼ þ ; ð2Þ approach that simultaneously performs the shape classifi-
1 þ gðej ; Ti Þ=nIter 2
cation and contour inference.
where nIter is the number of erosion iterations and both A contour for Ci is assumed to be a uniform periodic B-
terms are normalized to ð0; 1 before being weighted by . If spline curve with order d and p control points; for t 2 ½0; 1,
i ¼ arg maxk relðej ; Tk Þ, ej becomes an element of the
contour evidences for Ci . Throughout this paper, we use X

 ¼ 0:5, i.e., equally weighting the two terms. f i ðtÞ ¼ h;d ðtÞppi;h ; ð3Þ
By now, one can see that our image segmentation step
has two substeps: a modified erosion process (UECS) and where t is a parameter to identify a point on the curve,
the subsequent edge-to-marker association. We acknowl- h;d ðtÞ is the hth periodic B-spline bending function, and
edge that there are other robust erosion criteria in terms of pi;h 2 IR2 is the hth control point.
marker generation, for example, the extended maxima Suppose that eij is a noisy observation of f i ðtÞ at a
transform [41]. However, when considering the whole B-spline parameter value tij , i.e.,
segmentation step altogether, i.e., comparing the proposed  
UECS followed by edge-to-marker association with the eij ¼ f i ðtij Þ þ  ij ;  ij N 0; 2 I 2 ;
extended maxima transform followed by marker growing,
there are two major differences: 1) While both UECS and the where the parameter value tij is unknown and it needs to
extended maxima transform are effective and robust in be estimated. The problem assigning tij to each data point
generating markers, the marker growing step in a watershed eij is called the data parameterization problem in the
method still appears sensitive to noise. The watershed literature [42], [43], [44]. For the time being, we assume that
method grows the markers up to the regional minima tij is known. We denote mi contour evidences collectively
(watershed lines), which could result in unreasonable by a 2mi  1 vector xi , which is formed by binding eij in a

row-wise fashion. The likelihood of f i ðtÞ given xi or, Ci belongs to. This problem corresponds to estimating the
equivalently, the likelihood of p i;h s given xi , is then hidden variables Z ¼ fppi ; g i ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; Ng. However, the
    hidden variables depend on the unknown parameters
P xi jppi ; 2 ¼ N xi ; i pi ; 2 I 2mi ;  ¼ f2 ; ; f k ; k g; fssi ; i ; c i gg. We estimate the unknown
where i is a 2mi  2p matrix with r;d ðtij ÞII 2 as its ðj; hÞth parameters by maximizing the following marginal like-
2  2 submatrix and pi is a 2p  1 vector binding pi;h in a lihood of observing contour evidences X ¼ fxi ; i ¼
row-wise fashion. 1; . . . ; Ng with respect to :
The pi is affected by shape information. It also varies Z
with the pose parameters such as scaling, shifting, and P ðX
XjÞ ¼ P ðX
X; Z jÞdZ
Z: ð6Þ
rotation of shapes. Hence, before constraining p i with shape
information, we separate the pose parameters from pi . b Z is estimated by taking its
Given the estimated ,
Given the scale parameter s, rotation angle , and posterior mode, a maximizer of the following posterior
horizontal-vertical shifts c, the model for pi;h is distribution:
1   b
; Z j
pi;h ¼ R p~i;h þ c ; b X ¼P X
P Z j;   : ð7Þ
s b
P X j
where p~i;h is the normalized shape feature independent of
the pose parameters, and R is a transformation matrix for a Conceptually, this solution approach involves two compli-
rotation by  in counterclockwise. The model for the whole cated optimization problems, which are not easy to solve. In
feature pi is practice, it is realized through an iterative solver, the
expectation conditional maximization, proven to converge
1 to a local maximum [45].
p i ¼ Q p~i þ H c ; ð4Þ
4.1 Expectation Maximization (EM) via the ECM
where Q  is a Kronecker product of the p  p identity matrix Algorithm
with R and H :¼ 1 p
I 2 is a Kronecker product of the
When we consider  as the unknown parameters, the
p  1 vector of ones with a 2  2 identity matrix.
complete likelihood of the parameters given contour
We constrain the normalized shape feature p~i by the
evidences X and hidden variables Z is as follows:
prior shape, summarized as follows: The shapes of
nanoparticles are grouped into K possible shapes. If Y
n Y
particle i belongs to the kth shape group, p~i follows a P ðX
X; Z jÞ ¼ ½ k N pi ; A ik k þ H cik ; Aik k Atik
Gaussian distribution with k as its mean and k as its i¼1 k¼1
variance-covariance matrix. We define the hidden group N ðxi ; i pi ; 2 I 2mi Þgik :
membership vectors gi ¼ ðgi1 ; . . . ; giK Þt , where gik is equal to
one if particle i belongs to shape group k, and zero At iteration t, the expectation maximization algorithm
otherwise. Then, the prior distribution on p~i given gi is first computes the expected value of the complete log-
likelihood function with respect to the posterior distribu-
  YK  g tion, P ðZ X; ðoÞ Þ, where ðoÞ is an old estimate of 
Z jX
P p~i jggi ; ;  ¼ N p~i ; k ; k ik ; (E-step). The expected log likelihood is

where  is a set of  k s and  is a set of k s. Since p i is the EZ ½log P ðX

X ; Z jÞ
linear transformation of p~i , pi is also characterized as N X

Gaussian with parameters depending on the pose para- /

ik ½2 log k  log detðk Þ þ 4p log sik
i¼1 k¼1
meters. The pose parameters might depend on the shape  t  
group that particle i belongs to. Hence, we denote them  k þ sik Q tik H cik 1 t
k  k þ sik Q ik H c ik
separately for each shape group by sik , ik , and c ik , and þ 2sik mtik Qik 1 t
k  k þ sik Q ik H c ik
denote them collectively for all ks by si , i , and ci . Using (4),  
p i is distributed as  s2ik trace Qik 1 t
k Q ik ik  2mi log 

 2 x ti x i þ 22 tik ti x i

K  g  
P pi jggi ; s i ; i ; ci ; ;  ¼ N p i ; ik ; A ik k Atik ik ;  2 trace ti i ik ;
ik ¼ k qik , ik ¼ S ik þ mik mtik ,
where ik ¼ Aik k þ H cik and Aik ¼ s1ik Qik . We also put a  
multinomial distribution on the hidden matrix gi as its prior qik ¼ N xi ; i Aik k þ H cik ; 2 I 2mi þ i Aik k Atik ti ;
distribution, i.e.,  1
mik ¼ Aik k Atik ti 2 I 2mi þ i A ik k Atik ti
K ðx
xi  i Aik k  H c ik Þ þ Aik k þ H cik ;
P ðggi j
Þ ¼ gkik ; ð5Þ  t 1 1 1
k¼1 S ik ¼ Aik k A ik þ 2 ti i :
where k k ¼ 1 and ¼ ð 1 ; 2 ; . . . ; K Þt . Here, we omitted a lengthy derivation of the expectation
The ultimate goal of this section is to obtain the contours because of page limitation. For the full derivation of all
of convex shapes Ci s and to determine which shape group expressions in this section, please refer to Park [46]. In the

M-step, we maximize the expectation in (8) with respect to 4ða2 þ b2 Þx4 þ 8ðbd  acÞdx3 þ 4ðc2 þ d2  a2  b2 Þx2
. The first order necessary condition (FONC) with respect þ 4ðac  2bdÞx þ a2  4d2 ¼ 0;
to k , along with the constraint k k ¼ 1, gives us the local
optimum for k :   
PN a ¼ sik trace 1 t 1
k I p þ I p k ik þ H c ik ctik H t ;
k ¼ PN P K
: b ¼ sik trace 1 1 t t
k  I p k I p ik þ H c ik c ik H

i¼1 k0 ¼1
 2sik trace 1 1 t
k  I p k I p H c ik m ik ;
The local optimum for 2 also comes directly from the FONC:
mik  H cik Þt 1
c ¼ ðm k k ;
P  t  
ik x i x i  2mmtik ti x i þ trace ti i ik mik  H cik Þt I p 1
d ¼ ðm
 ¼ k k ;
P  PK  :
2 N i¼1 mi k¼1
ik and I p is an antisymmetric matrix defined as
We cannot obtain the closed form expressions of the local

0 1
optima for k , k , ik , sik , and cik since their FONCs are I p ¼ I p
1 0
entangled with one another in complicated forms. We could
instead perform the M-step iteratively by the Newton The solution of the above quartic equation can be obtained
Raphson, but we want to avoid expensive iterations as well. by means of a method discovered by Ferrari [48].
Once a convergence is attained from iterations of the
There are two other possible options to proceed with the
E-steps and the M-steps through the ECM, the posterior
M-step without iterations; the first one is to improve the
distributions for g i and pi given the converged para-
expected log likelihood (8) rather than to maximize it for meters  and evidences X are obtained by
every M-step, resulting in a GEM algorithm [47], and another
one is to use the ECM algorithm [45]. The first option does P ðgik ¼ 1jX
X; Þ /
ik ;
not in general converge appropriately, but the second option X
P ðppi jX
X ; Þ /
ik N ðppi ; mik ; S ik Þ:
does. For this reason, we take the second option.
The ECM algorithm partitions  into L subgroups and
solves L optimizations, where each optimization max- Accordingly, the posterior mode of gi is gbik ¼ 1 if k ¼
arg maxk0
ik0 and 0 otherwise. The posterior mode for pi is
imizes (8) with respect to one subgroup of , provided that
given by
the other groups remained to be their previous values. For
the applications to real micrographs in Section 5, we used X
L ¼ 5 with five subgroups of parameters f k g, fk g, fik g, b
pi ¼
ik S ik
ik S 1
ik m ik :
k¼1 k¼1
fsik g, and fccik g. From the FONCs with respect to each
subgroup, we have the following solutions for the M-step Finally, we determine the shape of Ci to be k if gbik ¼ 1, and
of the ECM algorithm: reconstruct the contour by plugging b
p i into (3).
PN 4.2 Approximate Data Parameterization

ik sik Qtik ðm
mik  H cik Þ
k ¼ i¼1 PN ; We have assumed that the spline parameter value tij for
ik evidence eij is known. In real problems, however, it is
PN   t

ik  ik þ sik Qtik H c ik ik þ sik Qtik H c ik unknown and needs to be obtained. In the literature,
k ¼ i¼1 PN assigning a parameter value tij to data point eij is called

i¼1  data parameterization, where several methods were avail-
sik Q ik ik Qik  sik  k þ sik Qtik H cik mtik Q ik
2 t
able, including the chord length parameterization, the
þ PN
centripetal method [49], [50], or the intrinsic parameteriza-
t tion [42]. Among these methods, the chord length para-
sik Q ik mik  k þ sik Qik H c ik meterization is easy to use and efficient in computation. But
 PN ;
ik it requires the ordering information of the points to be
parameterized, which we do not have. The intrinsic
  parametrization, on the other hand, is more general but
 1 t k
cik ¼ H t Qik 1k Q t
ik H H Q  ik
k Q t
ik m ik  ; will add another family of parameters to the already large
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi set of parameters under estimation in the ECM. In the end,
v þ v2 þ 8p
ik u we choose to base our approach on the chord length
sik ¼ ;
2u parameterization, but use an approximation to get the
ordering of the data points.
The basic idea of our approximate chord length para-
u ¼ trace Qik 1 t t t
H cik mtik meterization is as follows: Find a convex hull inscribing the
k Q ik ik þ H c ik c ik H  2H
evidences and then use the parameterization of points on
mik  H cik Þt Q ik 1
v ¼ ðm k k : the convex hull to get the approximate spline parameter tij .
The solution for ik is more complicated. The equation The detailed procedure is as follows: Given a set of contour
governing x ¼ sinðik Þ is evidences for Ci , fei1 ; ei2 ; . . . ; eimi g:

Fig. 4. Results from low-degree overlapping cases. (a) Original images, (b) markers from the UECS, (c) contour evidences (Section 3.2) , (d) final
contours by the ECM.

1. Find a convex hull inscribing the contour evidences watershed methods, in WHD, we took the h-dome trans-
by the Qhull algorithm [51]. form of an original grayscale image with h ¼ 6, and in
2. Sequentially order all points on the convex hull in WHM, we took the extended maxima transform with h ¼ 8
counterclockwise (or clock wise) into q0 ; . . . ; qL and on the distance transform of an image.
then parameterize the points by the chord-length We chose 12 different real micrographs obtained from a
parameterization: the parameter tl for ql is assigned as synthesis process of gold nanoparticles. In order to see the
Pl recognition quality of nanoparticles having various de-
jqs  qs1 j grees of overlap, we categorized the micrographs into
tl ¼ Ps¼1
s¼1 jqs  qs1 j
three groups according to their degrees of overlap: low,
medium, and high. The micrographs of “low” overlapping
degree have slightly touching among particles. In the cases
In order to get tij , find the point closest to eij among
of the “medium” degree, most nanoparticles overlap and
the points in the convex hull, say, qs ; set tij ¼ ts .
the overlapping structures conform with Assumption 3.2.
The main advantage of this parameterization is its
The high degree cases are when nanoparticles overlap
simplicity and computational efficiency. In addition, the
more severely so that the overlapping clearly violates
parameterization is not affected by the noisy contour
Assumption 3.2.
evidences which locate inside a nanoparticle. When the
noisy evidences locate outside a nanoparticle, the approx- 5.1 Results of Contour Inference
imate data parameterization may be distorted. This problem The results of segmentation and contour inference of the
can be addressed if we take the convex hull inscribing the 12 micrographs are presented in Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each
majority of points except for a few outliers. figure has four columns. The first column of each figure
contains the original micrographs. The corresponding
5 APPLICATIONS TO REAL MICROGRAPHS binary silhouettes were obtained by applying the alternative
sequence filtering [37], followed by Otsu’s optimum global
This section shows how our proposed method works with thresholding [53]. The UECS proposed in Section 3.1 was
real electron micrographs and compares its performance
applied to the binary silhouettes for obtaining the second
with seven state-of-the-art methods: marker-controlled
column, where a white-colored connected region implies
watershed segmentation with h-dome transform [10,
one marker. Contour evidences (pixels at the boundaries of
WHD], marker-controlled watershed with h-maxima trans-
form [41, WHM], normalized-cut [16, N-Cut], multiphase particles) were first extracted by Canny’s edge detection
active contour [23, MPAC], sliding band filter [31, SBF], method [54], and then they were associated with the
morphological multiscale method [15, MSD], and iterative markers by using the procedure in Section 3.2. After the
voting method [32, IVM]. association, the algorithm filtered out some noise edge
For the numerical comparison, we implemented WHD, outliers based on the mean and standard deviation of g
WHM, SBF, and MSD by ourselves. We used the imple- defined in (1). In the third column of each figure, the
mentation made by the corresponding authors for N-Cut association to different markers is illustrated by different
[16] and IVM [32], and the implementation made by Wu colors of the contour evidences. The last column shows the
[52] for MPAC. For generating markers in the two final result from the contour inference proposed in Section 4.

Fig. 5. Results from the medium-degree overlapping cases.

The proposed UECS correctly identified one marker per note that most of those cases cannot be easily handled even
particle for most of the cases from Figs. 4, 5, and 6. Fig. 7 by human vision.
has severe overlaps among the nanoparticles, and as a The accuracy of our proposed method was quantitatively
result, UECS sometimes identified one marker for multiple compared with the seven methods as mentioned earlier. For
nanoparticles. each of the 12 micrographs, we manually counted the total
The association between the markers and the edge pixels number of nanoparticles and the number of the particles
generally looks reasonable, although some noise edge pixels correctly separated by each of the methods in comparison.
The results are tabularized in Table 1. Overall, our proposed
have been classified as valid contour evidences. The
method is the best performer for eight of the 12 micro-
inference results match well with the original image. In
graphs, ties for two cases, and performs very similarly to
some cases where the contour evidences are not sufficient,
the best performer for the remaining two micrographs.
especially for the nanoparticles cropped by image borders, N-Cut and MPAC suffer from undersegmentation
the shapes of the nanoparticles cannot be inferred correctly because their image segmentation is guided by image
and the recovered contours do not look good. We want to intensities but overlapping particles have similar image

Fig. 6. Results from the medium-degree overlapping cases (continued).


Fig. 7. Results from the high-degree overlapping cases.

Comparison of Performances on Nanoparticle Recognition

intensities (please refer to Fig. 8 for an exemplary result). Fig. 8 presents one exemplary result of the segmentation
SBF and IVM perform comparably well but both struggle and contour inference performed by our method and the
with the cases where the particle sizes vary drastically. seven competing methods. We can clearly observe under-
The third micrograph in Fig. 4 corresponds to such a case. segmentation by MPAC and N-Cut. WHD also suffers from
Among the two watershed algorithms, WHM works better oversegmentation due to its sensitivity to noise. The contour
than WHD, but both are outperformed by the proposed estimation by SBF looks rough, but this roughness can be
method. That is mainly due to inaccuracy in the marker
growing step, leading to unreasonable segmentation
(please refer to Fig. 9 for examples). Our method is
comparable to MSD but still holds a competitive edge in
most cases. The underperformance of MSD, compared
with the proposed method, comes mainly from two
reasons: undersegmentation and inaccurate marker grow-
ing. The undersegmentation is caused by the smoothing
step in the marker-generation step of MSD (m-fold
dilation) but fine-tuning this smoothing step for avoiding
the undersegmentation does not appear to be easy because
of the delicate tradeoff between oversegmentation and
undersegmentation. The marker-growing step in MSD is
similar to the region growing in the watershed. Like the
Fig. 8. Results of segmentation. The red lines correspond to the
watershed’s segmentation shown in Fig. 9, MSD’s marker contours identified by our method and six other methods in comparison.
growing step can also lead to unreasonable segmentation. The red dots correspond to the center locations identified by IVM.

We compare the automated classification outcomes with

how humans would classify the shapes. In the top-left
figure, the result is accurate except for two missclassifica-
tions; our method classifies a triangle as a circle and
classifies a circle as a triangle. Such missclassifications are
also observed in a few other cases at the bottom-left figure
and the bottom-right figure. The circle-to-triangle misclas-
Fig. 9. Comparison of segmentation results: h-maxima followed by
marker growing ((a)-(c)) versus UECS followed by edge-to-marker
sification is mostly caused by insufficient contour evi-
association ((d)-(e)). dences. The other type of missclassification is caused by a
faulty data parameterization for the spline curves in the
smoothed out by curve fitting. SBF also misses a few ECM. Looking for a more capable data parameterization is
particles. IVM’s segmentation result is presented differently certainly desirable but does not appear to be a simple task.
because the author’s code produces the center locations of We leave this issue to our future research. Overall, we
the segmented objects rather than the segmentation bound- believe that our automated method performs the shape
aries. Generally, IVM, WHM, and MSD perform well. classification task reasonably well.
We recorded the total computation times spent by the
methods for the micrograph used in Fig. 8. SBF spends the 6 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION
longest time, 541 seconds, N-cut 256 seconds, MPAC
273 seconds, MSD 78 seconds, and WHD/WHM/IVM take In this paper, we have proposed a two-stage approach to
less than 1 second. Our method takes 72 seconds, where tackle the automated morphology analysis problems of
28 seconds are for UECS and association of contour overlapping nanoparticles. The unique contributions of this
evidences, and the rest of the time is for contour inference paper are:
and shape classification. Our method is not the fastest
among the eight methods. However, please note that our 1. to propose a modified ultimate erosion process
method performs shape inference and classification along (UECS), followed by an edge-to-marker association,
with segmentation, while the other seven methods perform to separate overlapping convex objects,
either segmentation/inference (MPAC) or only segmenta- 2. to provide the justification on the use of UECS in
tion (the other six methods). terms of its separation capability for a chain-linked
cluster of convex objects,
5.2 Results of Shape Classification 3. to propose a new way to convert the segmented edge
We chose four out of the 12 micrographs to evaluate the pixels into contour evidences by using a compound
accuracy of shape classification. The four figures were marker-to-edge relevance measure, and
chosen because they contain various types of particle 4. to integrate the ECM with UECS and evidence
shapes, while the remaining eight figures contain primarily association, which allows us to solve a complicated
spherical nanoparticles. The classification results are pre- image segmentation and recognition problem.
sented by labeling the nanoparticles with one character Although the ECM solution approach for shape classi-
symbol representing shape classes; “t” ¼ triangle, “b” ¼ fication and inference is not entirely new by itself [55], our
rectangle, “c” ¼ circle, and “r” ¼ rod. Please refer to Fig. 10. proposed model and solution procedure can solve the

Fig. 10. Shape classification. Each particle’s shape is labeled as: t = triangle, b = rectangle, c = circle, and r = rod.

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