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Hypochondriacal Concerns in A Community Population: Background

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Psychological Medicine, 2001, 31, 577–584.

Printed in the United Kingdom

" 2001 Cambridge University Press

Hypochondriacal concerns in a community

K A R L J. L O O P E R"    L A U R E N C E J. K I R M A Y E R
From the Culture and Mental Health Research Unit, Sir Mortimer B. Davis – Jewish General Hospital and
Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal,

Background. Hypochondriasis is recognized as an important disorder in clinical populations,
associated with increased health care utilization, disability and psychiatric co-morbidity. Few
studies have investigated hypochondriasis in the community. We report on the broader concept of
illness worry in a community population.
Methods. Five hundred and seventy-six subjects from an ethnically diverse urban setting were
surveyed. Information was gathered on sociodemographic variables, medical and psychiatric status,
health care utilization and disability. Bivariate and multivariate regression analyses were used to
compare groups with illness worry (with and without the medical condition) to those without illness
Results. Only one subject of 533 (0n2 %) met criteria for hypochondriasis and seven (1n3 %) fulfilled
abridged criteria. However, 33 (6 %) of the sample had illness worry. Of these, 17 had the illness
about which they worried. Compared with controls, both illness worry groups had elevated levels
of medical illness, psychiatric symptoms, help-seeking, health care use and disability. In multiple
regression analyses, illness worry was an independent predictor of somatic symptoms, help-seeking,
and disability, when sociodemographic and medical variables were controlled.
Conclusions. Hypochondriasis appears to be a rare disorder in the community while illness worry
is relatively common. Illness worry was present in equal numbers of subjects with the illness of
concern, as those without. Illness worry was an independent factor contributing to increased levels
of distress, health care utilization, and disability, even when medical status was controlled,
suggesting that it is an important issue for further research.

chondriasis in primary care ranges from 3 to 8 %

(Barsky et al. 1990 ; Kirmayer & Robbins, 1991 ;
Hypochondriasis is characterized by the fear or Escobar et al. 1998 ; Garcia-Campayo et al.
conviction that one has a serious disease based 1998), while the World Health Organization’s
on the misinterpretation of bodily signs or cross-national study in primary care reported a
symptoms. This worry and bodily preoccupation prevalence of 0n8 % for the full diagnosis and
persists despite appropriate medical evaluation 2n2 % when less stringent criteria were applied.
and reassurance, and causes significant distress The authors attributed this comparatively low
or impairment for a period greater than 6 prevalence to referral bias in other studies,
months (World Health Organization, 1990 ; which were conducted in tertiary care teaching
American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Earlier facilities (Gureje et al. 1997). The only com-
studies found that the prevalence of hypo- munity-based study to date reports a 1-year
prevalence rate of 4n5 % (Faravelli et al. 1997).
" Address for correspondence : Dr Karl J. Looper, Institute of No sociodemographic characteristics have
Community and Family Psychiatry, Sir Mortimer B. Davis – Jewish
General Hospital, 4333 Chemin de la Co# te Ste-Catherine, Montreal,
been consistently found to be associated with
Quebec, H3T 1E4, Canada. hypochondriasis in primary care. Medical mor-
578 K. J. Looper and L. J. Kirmayer

bidity is generally increased (Barsky et al. 1990 ; code areas of the Co# te des Neiges neighbourhood
Robbins & Kirmayer, 1996 ; Gureje et al. 1997), of Montreal were taken at random from a
and elevated levels of psychiatric co-morbidity computerized directory. Non-Canadian born
including major depression, anxiety and soma- subjects were over-selected by including 100 %
tization disorders are reported in most studies of of telephone numbers in census tracts having
hypochondriasis (Barsky et al. 1990 ; Noyes et higher concentrations of immigrants. A respon-
al. 1994 ; Robbins & Kirmayer, 1996 ; Gureje et dent was selected from the household by asking
al. 1997). Hypochondriacal concerns are also to speak to the person in the household who met
associated with high levels of the personality the inclusion criteria and who had the most
trait of neuroticism or negative affectivity recent birthday.
(Pennebaker & Watson, 1991). In all, 8451 people were contacted, 3808 were
Functional ability is diminished among eligible for the study, 1531 refused to participate
patients with hypochondriasis, including im- and 78 did not complete the interview. The first
pairment in social activities, activities of daily interview was completed by 2199 subjects, 58 %
living (Barsky et al. 1990 ; Robbins & Kirmayer, of those eligible to participate. Of those who
1996) and increased days unable to work (Barsky completed the first interview, 798 were contacted
et al. 1990 ; Gureje et al. 1997). Hypochondriasis to participate in the second stage of the survey.
is also associated with more frequent visits to The second interview was completed by 576
primary care physicians and mental health subjects, while 222 refused, giving a response
practitioners (Kirmayer & Robbins, 1991 ; rate of 72 % of subjects contacted for the second
Barsky et al. 1993). interview. This group consisted of approximately
We studied hypochondriasis in a community equal numbers of five major ethnocultural
population. Our first objective was to establish groups residing in the area : Anglophone
the prevalence of various degrees of hypochon- Canadian-born, Francophone Canadian-born,
driasis : (1) the full DSM-IV or ICD-10 syn- Vietnamese, Caribbean and Filipino. Due to
drome ; (2) an abridged diagnosis as in the WHO this stratification by ethnicity, the sample may
study (Gureje et al. 1997) ; and (3) the single not reflect the full diversity of the general
symptom of illness worry. Our second aim was population in the community. Because of the
to compare the sociodemographic, medical and complex sampling strategy, it was not feasible to
psychiatric characteristics of subjects with and weight the groups to produce a more accurate
without illness worry. Finally, we compared prevalence rate, consequently, only unadjusted
levels of disability and health care use, and used rates are reported.
multiple regression analysis to determine the
independent contribution of illness worry to Measures
these outcomes. The stage 1 interview assessed sociodemographic
and ethnic identity, recent life events, levels of
distress and health care utilization. Life events
were ascertained with a list of 14 questions based
on categories identified by Paykel et al. in
Subjects studies of illness and depression (Paykel et al.
The data for this report were drawn from a 1969, 1971), as well as events likely to impact on
larger study of distress and health care utilization the lives of immigrants or ethnocultural
in a multicultural inner-city area of Montreal minorities. Somatic symptoms were assessed
(Kirmayer et al. 1996). Subjects were included if with 12 items from the Diagnostic Interview
they were at least 18-years-old, were born in Schedule Somatization Disorder section (Swartz
Canada or in countries of origin of three major et al. 1986). The 12-item version of the General
immigrant populations of the community Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (Goldberg, 1972 ;
(Vietnam, Philippines, Caribbean) and were able Goldberg & Hillier, 1979) was used to measure
to communicate in English, French or Viet- general distress, and health care utilization was
namese. Data were collected in two telephone assessed by a questionnaire based on the DIS
interviews. For the first interview, 5 % of used in the Edmonton Health Survey (Bland et
telephone numbers from each of eight postal al. 1988). The second interview, collected in-
Hypochondriacal concerns in a community population 579

formation on psychiatric diagnoses using assessed with the single question ‘ In the last 3
modules of the Composite International Di- months, how many days have you been unable
agnostic Interview (CIDI) for mood disorders, to do usual activities due to these problems ? ’.
anxiety disorders, and hypochondriacal dis-
orders (Wittchen et al. 1991). Interviews were
conducted over the telephone by trained inter-
viewers. Prevalence
Of 533 respondents to the initial probe question
Data analysis for illness worry, only one subject (0n2 %) met
Data were analysed using SPSS PC 6.0 software. the full criteria for ICD-10 and DSM-IV
Frequencies and means were computed for hypochondriasis, including preoccupation with
sociodemographic, medical, and psychiatric fears of having a serious disease that persists
variables including rates of hypochondriacal despite appropriate medical evaluation and
symptoms. Rates and frequencies were also reassurance, and is associated with significant
calculated for number of days unable to function distress or disability. When the abridged criteria
in the past 3 months, help seeking, and health suggested by the WHO cross-national study
care use (visits to A and E departments, (Gureje et al. 1997) were used (fear or conviction
physicians, specialists and alternative treat- of disease resulting in distress and help-seeking),
ments). seven of the 533 (1n3 %) qualified for the
The diagnosis of hypochondriasis on the CIDI diagnosis. When the CIDI probe question for
depends on six questions that correspond to hypochondriasis was used alone (‘ In the past 12
three criteria of the ICD-10 (WHO, 1990, 1993). months, have you had a period of 6 months or
These are : a persistent belief of 6 months more when you worried about having a serious
duration of the presence of a serious physical physical illness most of the time ? ’), 33 subjects
illness (criterion A) ; persistent distress that (6n2 %) answered affirmatively. Seventeen cases
interferes with daily functioning and leads to were considered to have a degree of illness worry
medical investigations or treatment (criterion consistent with their existing medical problems,
B) ; and, a persistent refusal to accept medical and 16 cases (3 % of the total sample) had illness
reassurance (criterion C). Given the low rates of worry in the absence of the underlying medical
hypochondriasis found in this community condition.
sample, three groups were compared with respect The most commonly feared illnesses in those
to illness worry as identified by the CIDI probe who did not have the medical problem were
question for criterion A : ‘ In the past 12 months, cancer (five of 16 cases), HIV\AIDS (three
have you had a period of 6 months or more cases), neuropsychiatric problems such as ‘ some-
when you worried about having a serious thing inside my head might break ’ and the fear
physical illness most of the time ? ’. Subjects of ‘going crazy ’ (five cases), and gastrointestinal
reporting illness worry in response to this disorder (two cases). The illnesses of concern in
question were further divided into two groups those who did have the medical diagnosis
on the basis of having or not having an illness included : arthritis (four cases of 17) ; diabetes
that could account for their level of concern (two cases) ; and various other problems such as
based on a review of the interview protocols by asthma, ulcer, vertebral fracture, viral cough,
a clinician (K. L.). multiple sclerosis, and Raynaud’s disease (one
The three groups were compared using con- case each).
tingency tables for categorical variables and The three groups were compared on socio-
analysis of variance for continuous variables. demographic, medical and psychiatric variables
Multiple regression analyses were performed on (Table 1). The only significant sociodemographic
the whole sample to identify the correlates of difference was that subjects in the illness worry
three dependent self-reported variables : (1) total with medical illness group were on average older
number of somatic symptoms ; (2) help-seeking than the control group. The prevalence of illness
using the single question ‘ In the last 3 months, worry among Canadian-born subjects was 11 of
have you sought help from any person, place or 245 (4n5 %) and among non-Canadian-born
agency for these problems ? ’, and (3) disability, subjects was 22 of 342 (6n4 %), which was a non-
580 K. J. Looper and L. J. Kirmayer

Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics, physical and psychiatric conditions of study groups

Illness worry without Illness worry with C
medical illness, medical illness, Control
Variables N l 16 N l 17 N l 554 Test statistic

Age, mean (..) 42n2 (14) 50 (17n5) 41n8 (16n3) F l 2n11 (2, 582)* B  C
Female sex, N (%) 8 (50) 11 (64n7) 351 (63n4) χ# l 1n2
Single, N (%) 13 (81n3) 11 (64n7) 320 (58n4) χ# l 3n6
Education high school, N (%) 6 (40) 8 (50) 183 (33n2) χ# l 2n2
Unemployed, N (%) 6 (37n5) 10 (62n5) 195 (37n3) χ# l 4n2
Ethnocultural group, N (%) χ# l 12n8
Chronic condition, N (%) 8 (50) 13 (81n3) 133 (24n7) χ# l 29n6***
New illness, past year, N (%) 9 (56n3) 10 (58n8) 147 (27n1) χ# l 14n1***
Somatic symptoms, mean (..) 3n7 (2n3) 2n7 (2n5) 0n87 (1n5) F l 35n3 (2, 584)***
A, B  C
Life events, mean (..) 1n4 (2n1) 1n1 (1n3) 0n6 (1n1) F l 4n5 (2, 556)* A  C
GHQ, mean (..) 2n6 (2n2) 4n1 (4n5) 0n9 (1n9) F l 22n5 (2, 533)***
A, B  C, B  A
Depressed mood, N (%) 9 (56n3) 6 (37n5) 163 (29n6) χ# l 5n6 A  C m
Generalized anxiety, N (%) 10 (62n5) 7 (41n2) 71 (12n9) χ# l 39n3***
Panic, N (%) 3 (18n8) 5 (29n4) 31 (5n6) χ# l 19n0***

Significance of the overall comparison : *P 0n05 ; **P 0n01 ; ***P 0n001.

Significance between specific groups : mP 0n05.

Table 2. Comparison of illness worry groups on help-seeking and disability

Illness worry without Illness worry with C
medical illness medical illness Control
N l 16 N l 17 N l 554 Test statistic
Variables N % N % N % χ# (df l 2)

Sought help due to somatic symptoms 13 86n7 11 84n6 151 51n6 12n1**
(past 3 months)
Used emergency service 2 12n5 4 25 38 6n9 7n9*
Visited a family physician 11 68n8 10 62n5 213 38n6 9n3**
Consulted a specialist 9 56n3 7 43n8 130 23n6 12n0**

Mean (..) Mean (..) Mean (..) F

Days in the past 3 months unable to do usual 8n3 (23n1) 19n0 (25n1) 2n9 (10n9) 11n3 (2, 312)***
activities due to somatic symptoms B  A, C

*P 0n05 ; **P 0n01 ; ***P 0n001.

significant difference ( χ#(df l 1) l 1n0, P l control groups, and highest in the illness worry
0n21). Both illness worry groups had more with medical illness group. The CIDI probe
chronic conditions, medical problems diagnosed questions for panic and generalized anxiety were
in the past year, and functional somatic symp- endorsed significantly more frequently in both
toms than the control group. Life events were illness worry groups as compared to the controls,
more common in the group with illness worry and the CIDI probe for depression was signi-
without medical illness than in the controls, and ficantly more frequent in the illness worry
a similar trend existed for the illness worry with without medical illness group than in the
medical illness group. Psychological distress, as controls.
measured by the GHQ, was significantly elevated Table 2 presents results on help seeking and
in both illness worry groups compared to the disability. Health care utilization was elevated in
Hypochondriacal concerns in a community population 581

Table 3. Multiple linear and logistic regression models for somatic symptoms, help-seeking, and
Model 1 Model 2

Dependent variable : somatic symptoms B .. T B .. T

Constant k6n5 0n45 k1n36 k1n06 0n48 k2n23

Independent variables
Age 0n01 0n01 0n41 0n00 0n01 k0n40
Female sex 0n57 0n15 3n88** 0n54 0n15 3n66**
Married k0n02 0n14 k0n14 0n02 0n15 k017
Education  high school k0n28 0n16 k1n76 k0n28 0n28 k1n80
Unemployed 0n36 0n15 2n41* 0n34 0n15 2n27*
Immigrant 0n02 0n14 0n14 0n08 0n15 0n52
Illness worry 0n54 0n08 6n97*** 0n49 0n08 6n26***
Chronic medical illness and\or new medical 0n49 0n15 3n35***
diagnosis in past year
Adjusticed R# 0n17 0n19

Dependent variable : help-seeking OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI

Age 1n02 1n00, 1n03 1n01 1n00, 1n03
Sex 1n20 0n73, 2n00 1n16 0n71, 1n92
Married 1n16 0n73, 1n85 1n13 0n70, 1n81
Education 0n65 0n39, 1n11 0n64 0n38, 1n09
Employed 1n19 0n72, 1n98 1n20 0n72, 1n87
Immigrant 1n13 0n70, 1n81 1n16 0n72, 1n87
Illness worry 1n50* 1n10, 2n06 1n46* 1n07, 2n01
Chronic medical illness and\or new medical 1n57 1n00, 2n53
diagnosis in past year

Dependent variable : days off work due to somatic

symptoms in past 3 months B .. T B .. T

Constant k7n00 3n90 k1n79 k9n47 4n16 k2n28

Age 0n05 0n04 1n25 0n03 0n04 0n84
Sex 0n86 1n26 0n69 0n84 1n27 0n66
Married 2n67 1n18 2n26* 2n71 1n19 2n27*
Education 0n31 1n32 0n24 0n23 1n33 0n17
Employed 2n17 1n29 1n68 2n04 1n30 1n57
Immigrant k1n58 1n19 k1n33 k1n28 1n20 k1n06
Illness worry 1n49 0n56 2n68** 1n33 0n57 2n35*
Chronic medical illness and\or new medical 2n15 1n22 1n76
diagnosis in past year
Adjusted R# 0n06 0n07

*P 0n05 ; **P 0n01 ; ***P 0n001.

both illness worry groups as compared to could not perform their usual activities, com-
controls. This included increased visits to general pared to 66 of 328 (20 %) of the comparison
practitioners, specialists and emergency services, group who did not have illness worry ( χ#(df l
as well as hospitalizations. Disability, as 1) l 23n8, P 0n001).
measured by the number of days the subject was To verify that the greater disability seen in the
unable to perform their usual activities due to illness worry with medical illness group was not
somatic symptoms, was highest in the illness simply due to the higher rate of medical illness,
worry with medical illness group, and there was disability rates were examined more closely by
a trend for the illness worry without medical separating the control group into subjects with
illness group to report greater disability than the chronic medical illness or recent medical diag-
control group. In the overall group of patients noses from those without. The same differences
who reported illness worry, 17 of 28 (61 %) had were seen, with the illness worry with medical
at least one day of the past month in which they illness group having significantly greater dis-
582 K. J. Looper and L. J. Kirmayer

ability than both of the other groups. As well, reassurance criteria as a ‘ bottle-neck ’ in the
the illness worry without medical illness group diagnosis of hypochondriasis, and set it aside, to
had greater disability than the medically-well create an abridged diagnosis (Gureje et al. 1997).
control group. Following this recommendation, we found a
To determine the impact of illness worry on rate of 1n3 % for abridged hypochondriasis which
health and disability in the whole sample, is lower than that seen in studies of primary
multiple regression models including illness care. This may reflect the help-seeking behaviour
worry were used to predict three dependent that is associated with this disorder.
variables (Table 3) : (1) somatic symptoms ; (2) The only other community-based study of
help-seeking due to somatic symptoms ; and (3) hypochondriasis used DSM-III-R criteria and
disability due to somatic symptoms. For each reported a much higher rate of 4n5 % (Faravelli
dependent variable, the first model used all of et al. 1997) ; these results are comparable to the
the sociodemographic items, and the illness prevalence rates found in studies of clinical
worry item as independent variables. The second populations (Barsky et al. 1990 ; Kirmayer &
model added a medical illness dummy variable Robbins, 1991 ; Escobar et al. 1998 ; Garcia-
defined as having a value of 1 if chronic medical Campayo et al. 1998). This discrepancy may
illness or a new medical diagnosis in the past reflect differences in the populations or sampling
year were reported, and 0 if neither were methods, such as the use of the CIDI in our
reported. The third model added an interaction study and the WHO study, which may be a more
variable defined as having a value of 1 if a stringent diagnostic instrument than those used
chronic medical illness or new medical diagnosis in other studies of hypochondriasis. While the
was reported and illness worry was also present, sample in the present study was stratified by
and 0 if the medical variable and the illness ethnicity, there is no obvious reason why this
worry variable were not both present together. would significantly lower our rates of hyp-
Illness worry, female sex, being unemployed and ochondriasis. Illness worry may be influenced by
having medical illness were all significant pre- cultural differences in styles of talking about the
dictors of having functional somatic symptoms. body, but tests comparing the frequencies of
Illness worry was a significant predictor of help- various definitions of illness worry found no
seeking and disability, while in both cases significant difference between Canadian-born
medical illness approached significance (P l and non-Canadian born subjects in our sample.
0n07 and P l 0n08 respectively). Being single was Because illness worry may be related to an
the only other significant predictor of disability. underlying medical disease, this study compared
The interaction of illness worry and medical subjects with and without a medical condition
illness was not a significant predictor in any of that accounted for the expressed level of concern.
the analyses. These two groups differed qualitatively in the
type of illness that concerned them. The majority
of subjects with unexplained illness worry feared
catastrophic, fatal illnesses such as AIDS and
The results of this study indicate that the full cancer. The subjects with illness worry accounted
ICD-10 or DSM-IV diagnosis of hypochon- for by a medical condition, tended to be
driasis is rare in the community. This may be concerned about common chronic medical ill-
related to the difficulties in applying criteria nesses such as coronary artery disease, diabetes
designed for use in a clinical setting to epidemio- and arthritis. This group was somewhat older,
logical studies. For example, the criteria that which is consistent with their reports of medical
requires that physical causes have been ruled out problems that present later in life. This marked
makes it impossible to give a diagnosis of difference in sources of worry suggests these two
hypochondriasis when a physician has not been groups may differ in cognitive processes re-
consulted. In addition, it is difficult in a garding illness. The relationship between the
community survey to assess whether the possi- two illness worry groups and the clinical
bility of having a serious illness was sufficiently diagnosis of hypochondriasis cannot be de-
investigated and that appropriate reassurance termined by this study due to the limitations of
was given. The WHO study identified the the CIDI, however, the unexplained illness worry
Hypochondriacal concerns in a community population 583

group is descriptively closer to the ICD-10 and with unexplained illness worry to those whose
DSM-IV diagnosis. worry seems to be accounted for by an existing
Both illness worry groups had higher rates of medical problem. More careful assessment may
medical problems, functional somatic symp- reveal that these two groups have different
toms, and psychiatric symptoms, than the illness cognitions.
control group. This replicates the results of
studies in clinical populations that found high We thank Suzanne Taillefer for her help with the
levels of co-morbid psychiatric disorders (Barsky statistical analysis. This research was supported by
et al. 1990 ; Noyes et al. 1994 ; Robbins & grants from the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante! du
Kirmayer, 1996 ; Gureje et al. 1997) and medical Que! bec and the Conseil Que! becois de la Recherche
illness (Barsky et al. 1990 ; Robbins & Kirmayer, Sociale.
1996 ; Gureje, 1997). The degree of physical
disability in the overall illness worry group is
similar to that reported in other studies (Barsky REFERENCES
et al. 1990 ; Gureje et al. 1997). Both illness American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical
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584 K. J. Looper and L. J. Kirmayer

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