And Behavioural Stress Management For Severe Health Anxiety: Internet-Delivered Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
And Behavioural Stress Management For Severe Health Anxiety: Internet-Delivered Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
And Behavioural Stress Management For Severe Health Anxiety: Internet-Delivered Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
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Internet-delivered exposure-based
cognitive–behavioural therapy and behavioural
stress management for severe health anxiety:
randomised controlled trial
Erik Hedman, Erland Axelsson, Anders Görling, Carina Ritzman, Markus Ronnheden,
Samir El Alaoui, Erik Andersson, Mats Lekander and Brjánn Ljótsson
Exposure-based cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) CBT (n = 79) or BSM (n = 79) delivered via the internet.
delivered via the internet has been shown to be effective The Health Anxiety Inventory (HAI) was the primary
for severe health anxiety (hypochondriasis) but has not outcome.
been compared with an active, effective and credible
psychological treatment, such as behavioural stress Results
management (BSM). Internet-delivered exposure-based CBT led to a significantly
greater improvement on the HAI compared with BSM.
Aims However, both treatment groups made large improvements
To investigate two internet-delivered treatments – on the HAI (pre-to-post-treatment Cohen’s d: exposure-based
exposure-based CBT v. BSM – for severe health CBT, 1.78; BSM, 1.22).
anxiety in a randomised controlled trial (trial registration: Conclusions
NCT01673035). Exposure-based CBT delivered via the internet is an
efficacious treatment for severe health anxiety.
Participants (n = 158) with a principal diagnosis of severe Declarations of interest
health anxiety were allocated to 12 weeks of exposure-based None.
Hedman et al
(c) have no ongoing or prior episode of bipolar disorder or was used. The C-scale has been shown to have high predictive
psychosis value in the treatment of anxiety disorders.8
(d) have no ongoing substance misuse or addiction
Assessment of therapeutic working alliance
(e) be on a stable dosage for at least 2 months if on antidepressant and adverse events
or anxiolytic medication and agree to keep the dosage
To assess whether participants’ ratings of working alliance with
constant throughout the study
their therapist differed between the treatment groups we used a
(f) not have severe depressive symptoms or serious suicide idea- revised version of the Working Alliance Inventory – Short-form
tion as indicated by a total score of 531 or 54 on item 9 (WAI-S),25 which measures three dimensions of working alliance:
of the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale – Self- therapeutic bond, agreement on goals and agreement on tasks.
rated (MADRS-S)14 From the 12 items of the original scale we used 6 items (items
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11), two from each dimension. The chosen items
(g) receive no concurrent psychological treatment for severe
were those judged most likely to be highly correlated with the full
health anxiety and have no history of completed CBT for
WAI-S scale.
severe health anxiety during the past 3 years
At post-treatment, participants reported whether they had
(h) have no serious somatic disorder to which the health anxiety experienced any form of adverse event that they believed was
would be an adequate response. due to the treatment they had received. This was done using a self-
report form (available from the authors on request). Participants
Potential participants who applied to the study underwent
were first asked to state whether any adverse event had occurred
a diagnostic interview with a licensed psychologist (10% of
and, if so, to specify that event in a free-text comment.
assessments) or with a student in the final semester of the 5-year
psychology programme at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm
under the supervision of a licensed psychologist (90% of Randomisation and procedures
assessments). Students had completed 3 years of study at Bachelor Two measures were taken to prevent potential selection bias
level and nearly 2 years at Masters level. The interview was related to the randomisation procedure. First, a true random
conducted over the telephone, which has been shown to be a number service ( was used for randomisation,
reliable administration format for structured psychiatric assess- and it was conducted by an external party not involved in the
ment.15 To establish whether diagnostic criteria for DSM-IV inclusion process. Second, allocation concealment was ensured
hypochondriasis were met, the Anxiety Disorders Interview through randomisation of all participants simultaneously after the
Schedule (ADIS)16 was used and the Mini International decision of inclusion had been made. This meant that there was
Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI)17 was used to assess other no possibility of having foreknowledge of forthcoming allocations.
psychiatric Axis I disorders. Pre-treatment severity was assessed The assessments with the primary and secondary outcome measures
using the DSM-IV Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale.1
All diagnostic assessors had received comprehensive training in
Table 1 Description of the participants
conducting structured diagnostic interviews. There was no
assessment of whether participants met diagnostic criteria for Exposure-based Behavioural stress
the new DSM-5 disorders somatic symptom disorder and illness CBT via internet management via
(n = 79) internet (n = 79)
anxiety disorder.18 Since the criteria for hypochondriasis are
similar to those of somatic symptom disorder, it is likely that a Gender
large proportion of included participants would have met criteria Women 64 61
for the latter disorder. Table 1 displays characteristics of the Men 15 18
Internet-delivered CBT and BMS for health anxiety
were conducted at baseline, post-treatment and at 6-month during exposure through increasing awareness of multiple
follow-up, and the C-scale was administered at weeks two and eight conditioned triggers of anxiety. When conducting exposure and
during treatment. Working alliance as measured with the WAI-S response prevention, patients were encouraged to have an
was assessed each week throughout treatment. Post-treatment, accepting stance towards cognitions and emotions. The treatment
participants reported whether they had experienced any adverse thus used elements from the so-called third wave of CBT within an
events during the treatment phase. Additional assessments were exposure–extinction paradigm.
conducted on a weekly basis to enable investigation of potential Treatment was made up of 12 modules over 12 weeks and the
processes related to outcome but will be reported elsewhere. content of each module is outlined in Table 2. The first six
Participants completed assessments via the internet, which has modules entailed all the main components of the treatment
been shown to be a reliable administration format.26 including rationale for and how to apply systematic exposure
and response prevention. Modules 7–12 thus mainly served to
Treatments motivate the patient to actively report on progress with the
General description of internet-based psychological treatment
treatment in terms of conducted exposure. Seven therapists
delivered the treatment and sent 17.0 messages each on average
Internet-based therapy, as used in both treatment arms in this (s.d. = 6.9) to the participants. Three therapists were licensed
study, can be described as therapist-guided online bibliotherapy.27 psychologists with at least 3 years of experience in working with
The general principle is that the patient should be exposed to the internet-based treatments and four therapists were students in
same interventions as if the treatment had been administered in a their final semester of a 5-year psychology programme, who
conventional format and the mechanisms for therapeutic change received supervision from a licensed psychologist. The students
are thus thought to be the same. Internet-based treatment of this had extensive theoretical and clinical training at Bachelor as well
kind provides an excellent framework for comparing therapies as Masters level and were only a few months from graduating.
with different content due to its firm structure. Treatment is The median therapist time spent weekly per patient was 11.0 min.
structured as modules, which are the equivalent of sessions in
conventional treatment, each comprising 5–15 pages of text and
Internet-delivered BSM
entail the necessary information for behaviour change as
prescribed by the treatment. Each module has a set of homework In contrast to the exposure-based CBT, the internet-delivered
assignments and throughout treatment patients have to complete BSM was built on a model focusing on the reduction of health
these assignments and report to their therapists on how the anxiety through direct control of distressing symptoms and
work is progressing. The modules are fixed – that is, the content through reduction of general stress. The main intervention was
cannot be altered by the therapist or patient – which ensures high applied relaxation, which the patient learned to practice through
treatment integrity through control over which interventions the a five-step programme. It also entailed several stress-management
patient is exposed to. The therapist gives access to the next strategies including activity scheduling, structured problem-
module, approximately one per week, when they think homework solving, and increasing recuperating activities. The treatment
assignments have been adequately completed. Modules and was similar to that developed by Salkovskis and colleagues, which
homework assignments are designed to enable the patient and has been found to be as effective and equally as credible as CBT in
therapist to adapt the intervention to the patient’s specific a randomised trial.5 Applied relaxation was inspired by but did
problems and behaviours. The modules and the therapist contact not strictly follow the treatment developed by Öst,10 and has
are provided through a secure internet-based platform and the previously been tested as an internet-based intervention.34 The
patient has the same therapist throughout treatment. In general, programme started with progressive relaxation, followed by
therapist contact is strictly in the form of email-like communication, release-only relaxation, conditioning a relaxed state to a verbal
meaning that no real-time internet chat or telephone appointments cue, and applying rapid relaxation in distressing situations. An
are used. important aspect of BSM was that patients were encouraged to
use applied relaxation as a means of coping with health anxiety.
Internet-delivered exposure-based CBT However, it included no instructions to engage in exposure to
health-anxiety-related situations and events. The general aim of
The internet-delivered exposure-based CBT investigated in this
BSM was that participants were trained to take control over their
trial was based on a model emphasising the role of negatively
health anxiety symptoms by using different strategies, which
reinforced avoidance and safety behaviours as maintaining factors
contrasted to the exposure-based CBT where participants were
of health anxiety28,29 and has previously been shown to be
encouraged to expose themselves to and accept health anxiety.
effective when administered in both a conventional format30 and
An overview of the treatment content is provided in Table 2.
as internet-based treatment,12 with effects lasting at least 1 year
Treatment comprised of 12 modules and lasted for 12 weeks.
after completed treatment.31 The main intervention was systematic
Therapists sent 14.3 messages each on average (s.d. = 6.2) to the
exposure to health-anxiety-related situations or events in
participants. The treatment was carried out by the same seven
combination with response prevention. An example of this could
therapists as for the exposure-based CBT. The median therapist
be to trigger feared bodily sensations through physical exercise
time spent weekly per patient was 9.2 min. This treatment was
(exposure) while refraining from checking that the pulse is normal
judged to be a highly suitable and a challenging comparator to
(response prevention). As a way to enhance exposure, especially to
exposure-based CBT, as it provided control over effects relating
bodily sensations, mindfulness training was used. Mindfulness
to: (a) presentation of an explicit psychological model for under-
training was not used as a stand-alone intervention but as a way
standing health anxiety; (b) systematic and concrete behaviour
to increase the possibility that patients would conduct often highly
change linked to the model; (c) therapeutic alliance; and as a
anxiety-provoking exposure exercises and that they would not
consequence of (a)–(c), (d) treatment credibility.
use distraction as a means to cope with worrying sensations. Thus,
the treatment differed from, for example, the mindfulness-based
cognitive therapy of McManus and colleagues,32 in which Statistical analysis
mindfulness training is the main component. As pointed out by Statistical analyses were conducted on an intention-to-treat basis
Treanor,33 mindfulness training could facilitate extinction learning using SPSS version 22.0 for Mac (SPSS IBM, Armonk). Continuous
Hedman et al
1 Introduction to CBT and mindfulness exercise Introduction to behavioural stress management, presentation of the
behavioural stress management model, applied relaxation, part I
2 Presentation of the CBT model, continued mindfulness training Applied relaxation, part II
3 Cognitive processes, continued mindfulness training Applied relaxation, part III
4 Interoceptive exposure, continued mindfulness training Applied relaxation, part IV
5 Response prevention, continued mindfulness training Applied relaxation, part V
6 Exposure to health anxiety provoking stimuli Stress management, continued applied relaxation
7 Exposure to illness thoughts Stress management, continued applied relaxation
8 Continued exposure and response prevention Stress management, continued applied relaxation
9 Continued exposure and response prevention Stress management, continued applied relaxation
10 Continued exposure and response prevention Stress management, continued applied relaxation
11 A summary of the treatment A summary of the treatment
12 Maintaining gains and relapse prevention Maintaining gains and relapse prevention
outcome data were analysed using linear mixed-effects model how much they expected to be improved by them. At week two
regression analysis for repeated measurements. This statistical the average C-scale score was 36.1 (s.d. = 8.8) in the CBT group
method takes dependency in data into account by incorporating and 36.0 (s.d. = 9.7) in the BSM group. The corresponding
random effects (i.e. individual differences in intercept and slope) estimates at week 8 were 35.6 (s.d. = 9.5) and 33.1 (s.d. = 10.5).
in the model in addition to the corresponding fixed effects, and Participants’ ratings of working alliance with the WAI-S did not
provides unbiased parameters estimates when the data-set has
missing values and reduces the risk of committing type 1 errors.35 315 potential participants applied to participate
Slope was modelled in three ways: (a) using all available data, and conducted screening with self-report
from baseline through post-treatment to 6-month follow-up; (b)
from baseline to post-treatment; and (c) from post-treatment
Excluded, n = 14
to 6-month follow-up. Treatment credibility was analysed using Could not be reached, n = 14
t-tests and nominal scale data with w2-tests. Analysis of missing
data patterns were conducted using Little’s missing completely 6
at random test.36 Effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were calculated using 301 potential participants underwent
clinical interview
pooled standard deviations.
Excluded, n = 143
Results Not severe health anxiety, n = 63
Other concurrent psychological
treatment, n = 13
Attrition and adherence Bipolar disorder, psychosis
Figure 1 displays the participant flow through the trial. Of the 158 or substance misuse, n = 12
MADRS-S score 430, n = 11
participants, 158 (100%) completed outcome measures at Other, n = 44
baseline, 151 (96%) at post-treatment and 142 (90%) at 6-month 6
follow-up. Little’s test showed that data were missing completely 158 partipants were included and randomised
at random and thus were unrelated to the observed variables,
including type of treatment (w2 = 321.6; d.f. = 289; P = 0.09). The 6 6
CBT group completed 8.5 modules on average (s.d = 3.3) out of Internet-delivered Internet-delivered
a possible total of 12, and 62 participants (78%) completed at least exposure-based behavioural stress
6 modules and were therefore considered treatment completers. cognitive–behavioural management,
therapy, n = 79 n = 79
The average number of completed modules in the BSM group
was 8.3 (s.d. = 3.3) of 12, and 62 participants (78%) completed 6 6
at least 6 modules. In the CBT group, 72 (91%) participants
Completed post-assessment, Completed post-assessment,
completed at least four modules and thus initiated systematic n = 76 n = 75
exposure. There were no significant differences between the groups
regarding completed modules (t = 0.3; d.f. = 156; P = 0.66). In both 6 6
groups there was a significant association between number of Completed 6-month Completed 6-month
completed modules and baseline to post-treatment change score follow-up, n = 72 follow-up, n = 70
on the primary outcome HAI (r = 0.27–0.30; P50.04).
6 6
Included in Included in
intention-to-treat intention-to-treat
Treatment credibility and working alliance analysis, n = 79 analysis, n = 79
There was no significant difference between the groups on the
C-scale at weeks 2 or 8 (t = 0.5–1.6; d.f. = 1, 151–155; P = 0.76– Fig. 1 Participant flow through the trial. Montgomery–Åsberg
0.23), i.e. there was no significant difference in terms of how Depression Rating Scale – Self-rated.
credible the participants regarded the respective treatments and
Internet-delivered CBT and BMS for health anxiety
significantly differ between the treatment groups at any time on to post-treatment and to 6-month follow-up (F = 155.6–23.0;
the weekly assessments throughout treatment (t = 0.2–1.5; d.f. = 1–2, 60–100; P’s<0.001) on the IAS and MADRS-S within
d.f. = 1, 109–144; P = 0.83–0.15). each group, but no significant interaction or main effects from
post-treatment to 6-month follow-up (F = 3.5–0.0; d.f. = 1, 137–140;
P = 0.06–0.84). Within-group effect sizes were large on the IAS
Primary outcome measure in both groups (Table 3), whereas the CBT group made large
Mixed-effects models analyses showed a significant interaction improvements on the MADRS-S compared with moderate
effect of group and time across the entire assessment period (i.e. improvements in the BSM group, and between-group effect sizes
from baseline to 6-month follow-up), indicating superior were small on both measures. On the BAI (general anxiety), ASI
improvements in exposure-based CBT compared with BSM (anxiety sensitivity) and SDS (functional impairment) there
(F = 3.9; d.f. = 2, 121; P = 0.022). There was also a significant inter- were significant within-group improvements from baseline to
action effect from baseline to post-treatment (F = 6.8; d.f. = 1, 149; post-treatment and to 6-month follow-up in both groups
P = 0.01), indicating larger improvements in exposure-based CBT. (F = 99.9–4.4; d.f. = 1–2, 75–93; P = 0.001–0.014), but no
There was no significant interaction effect from post-treatment to significant interaction effects of group and time (F = 2.3–0.8;
6-month follow-up (F = 0.9; d.f. = 1, 140; P = 0.35). There was no d.f. = 1–2, 149–188; P = 0.13–0.46). On these measures there was
effect of time from post-treatment to 6-month follow-up, no effect of time or time6group interaction from post-
suggesting stability of gains made at post-treatment (F = 1.8; treatment to 6-month follow-up (F = 1.9–0.0; d.f. = 1, 138–141;
d.f. = 1, 140; P = 0.18). Health anxiety was reduced in both P = 0.16–0.90), except on the ASI where there was a significant
treatment groups as indicated by significant main effects of time main effect of time (F = 07.8; d.f. = 1, 141; P = 0.006), indicating
from baseline to post-treatment and to 6-month follow-up within improvement in both groups after end of therapy. As shown in
each group (F = 263.8–88.7; d.f. = 1–2, 65–87; P50.001). Table 3 Table 3, baseline to post-treatment and to 6-month follow-up
displays means and effect sizes on all outcome measures. As shown effect sizes on the BAI were moderate to large in the CBT group
in Table 3, both treatment groups made large improvements on and moderate in the BSM group. On the ASI and SDS, within-
the primary outcome measure, whereas between-group effect sizes group effect sizes in the CBT group were moderate, whereas the
were small at post-treatment and 6-month follow-up. BSM group made small to moderate improvements on the ASI
and small improvements on the SDS.
Table 3 Means and effect sizes ( d ) on primary and secondary outcome measures
Effect size
Within group Between group
Pre Post 6-month follow-up
Measure (scale range) Mean (s.d.) Mean (s.d.) Mean (s.d.) Pre–Post Pre–follow-up Post 6-month follow-up
Primary outcome
HAI (0–192) 0.26 0.13
I-CBT 105.3 (17.7) 65.7 (26.1) 64.5 (26.4) 1.78 1.83
I-BSM 102.9 (22.4) 72.6 (26.1) 68.1 (27.0) 1.22 1.41
Secondary outcomes
IAS (0–108) 0.47 0.32
I-CBT 67.5 (11.1) 47.1 (15.6) 46.4 (15.5) 1.51 1.58
I-BSM 68.6 (12.8) 54.1 (14.2) 51.2 (14.6) 1.07 1.27
WI (0–14) 0.20 0.17
I-CBT 10.6 (2.1) 7.2 (3.5) 6.8 (3.7) 1.18 1.28
I-BSM 10.5 (2.3) 7.9 (3.4) 7.4 (3.4) 0.90 1.08
MADRS-S (0–54) 0.05 0.05
I-CBT 12.8 (7.0) 7.7 (6.1) 7.1 (5.3) 0.78 0.91
I-BSM 10.8 (6.2) 8.0 (6.5) 7.4 (6.0) 0.44 0.56
BAI (0–63) 0.10 0.13
I-CBT 18.4 (8.2) 12.3 (7.4) 11.1 (7.0) 0.78 0.95
I-BSM 18.3 (9.0) 13.1 (9.3) 12.2 (7.8) 0.57 0.72
ASI (0–64) 0.43 0.33
I-CBT 22.0 (11.2) 15.6 (9.0) 14.4 (8.6) 0.63 0.76
I-BSM 24.3 (10.8) 19.9 (10.8) 17.4 (9.8) 0.41 0.67
SDS (0–30) 0.00 70.05
I-CBT 9.5 (7.1) 6.0 (6.5) 5.9 (5.8) 0.51 0.55
I-BSM 8.0 (6.4) 6.0 (5.3) 5.6 (5.9) 0.34 0.39
Pre, before treatment; Post, directly post-treatment; I-CBT, internet-delivered exposure-based cognitive–behavioural therapy; I-BSM, internet-delivered behavioural stress
management; HAI, Health Anxiety Inventory; IAS, Illness Attitude Scales; WI, Whiteley Index; MADRS-S, Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale – Self Report; BAI, Beck
Anxiety Inventory; ASI, Anxiety Sensitivity Index; SDS, Sheehan Disability Scales.
Hedman et al
complete the form). In the BSM group, 62 participants (89%) had for severe health anxiety in a face-to-face format by Clark and
no adverse events and 8 (11%) participants did (9 participants did colleagues.5 As for exposure-based CBT, the large within-group
not complete the form). In both treatment groups the most effect size on the primary outcome found in the previous
commonly reported adverse event was increased levels of anxiety randomised trial12 was replicated in this study. When comparing
in the early phase of therapy. There was no report of serious within-group effects with CBT in a conventional format, the
adverse events, i.e. events leading to acute health risks demanding internet-delivered treatment showed results on par with those of
admission to hospital. conventional CBT. For example, in terms of health anxiety
(measured as ‘time seriously worried about health’), the pre-to-
Discussion post-treatment effect size (CBT group) in the study by Clark et
al was Cohen’s d 1.80,5 which again is nearly identical to the
Main findings improvement on the primary outcome in our CBT group
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of exposure- (d = 1.78). In a study by Visser and colleagues9 investigating
based CBT delivered via the internet in comparison with an active exposure and response prevention for severe health anxiety in a
treatment based on applied relaxation and stress management conventional format, the pre-to-post-treatment effect size on the
(BSM) for severe health anxiety. As predicted, the results showed IAS was d = 1.14 compared with d = 1.51 on the same measure
that both groups made large within-group improvements on the in the present study. Although comparisons across studies
primary outcome measure, but participants receiving exposure- should be done with caution, this suggests that internet-delivered
based CBT had significantly larger reductions of health anxiety. exposure-based CBT tested in this trial has the potential to be as
There was no significant difference between the treatments in effective as the empirically supported treatments administered in a
terms of treatment credibility, suggesting that exposure-based conventional format.
CBT gives an effect beyond what could be expected from taking
part in a credible, coherent and comprehensive psychological Mechanisms
What made exposure-based CBT effective? In terms of treatment
procedures, the most important factor affecting health anxiety
General and specific effects and comparison mechanisms is likely to be the behaviour change itself; that is,
to prior studies confronting situations that elicit health anxiety and maintaining
To our knowledge this is the second study to investigate exposure- contact with adverse thoughts and emotions. However, one
based CBT delivered via the internet for severe health anxiety. In important question is why this would have an impact on health
the first study of this type, the treatment was found to be highly anxiety. As pointed out by Moscovitch et al, the anxiety-reducing
effective in comparison with a basic control condition that did effect of exposure is probably best explained by extinction through
not receive active treatment.12 We therefore considered it new learning37 – conditioned stimuli (e.g. bodily sensations)
important to investigate the effects of exposure-based CBT, become associated with safety rather than danger, a process that
controlling for important factors such as being presented with a can rely on several cognitive systems. In a recently conducted
model for understanding health anxiety, making behavioural mediational study, we found that exposure-based CBT for severe
changes aimed at reducing health anxiety, therapeutic alliance health anxiety led to less attention to bodily symptoms, reduced
and the expectation of improvement. It is important to highlight perceived risk of disease and reduced intolerance of uncertainty,
that this study did not have experimental control over exposure three factors that in turn were associated with outcome and
and response prevention as isolated intervention, as that would mediated the effect of the treatment.38 Thus it seems that engaging
have required that participants in the control treatment to in exposure and response prevention and using mindfulness to
receive the exact same treatment minus exposure and response enhance exposure leads to important effects on attentional and
prevention. Considering that exposure is the basis of treatment, cognitive processes that play a role in reducing health anxiety.
we judged it as close to impossible to create a comparator of this Future studies should compare the relative effects of exposure with
kind (i.e. exposure-based CBT minus exposure and nothing more) other treatment interventions on these health anxiety mechanisms.
that would still be equally credible to the participants, which was
why BSM was used. We also considered it ethically questionable to
administer a treatment that would control for only non-specific Clinical implications
effects as that would have required exposing participants to an There are several clinical implications. First, the results suggest
invalid treatment but describing it as effective CBT for severe that exposure-based CBT delivered via the internet for people with
health anxiety. By using BSM, exposure-based CBT was put to severe health anxiety can be effective and yield large reductions in
one of the toughest tests possible, considering that BSM and health anxiety. As therapists in internet-based CBT can have up to
applied relaxation have previously been shown to be effective in 80 patients in treatment simultaneously,39 this treatment has the
a conventional format for severe health anxiety and general potential to increase accessibility to psychological treatment for
anxiety respectively.5,8 In addition, both treatments had the severe health anxiety and to be cost-effective compared with
same structure in terms of explicit presentation of the rationale face-to-face treatment. A previous study showed that internet-
for treatment, concrete behaviour change and homework delivered exposure-based CBT for severe health anxiety can be
assignments. Thus, the main difference was that of exposure to highly cost-effective in comparison to no treatment and that there
v. control over symptoms, where the treatment focusing on the is a net societal cost gain for each incremental quality adjusted life
former perspective produced larger reductions in health anxiety. year produced by the treatment.31 This study supports the clinical
In light of the above, it would not be adequate to describe use of exposure and response prevention for this patient group, as
BSM as merely psychological placebo and the observed results in this method is superior compared with an active and credible
terms of small to moderate group differences in improvement internet-delivered treatment based on applied relaxation and
rates between treatments as therefore expected. Nevertheless, it stress management. However, as participants receiving BSM made
should be pointed out that BSM was effective with large effect large improvements, it should be highlighted that improvements
sizes that were nearly identical to that with BSM when tested can be made also through a treatment focusing on direct symptom
Internet-delivered CBT and BMS for health anxiety
control. Although the larger improvements found in exposure- had not received any treatment. Considering the chronicity of
based CBT promotes its use as the treatment of choice, we regard severe health anxiety2 and that the within-group effect size of
BSM as a treatment option that can be considered for patients the untreated control condition was d = 0.19 (pre-to post-treatment)
who would be judged unsuitable for exposure-based CBT. We in the previous randomised controlled trial testing exposure-based
do not regard exposure-based CBT to be unsuitable for patients CBT delivered via the internet,12 we regard spontaneous remission
with severe symptoms, which is supported by results from a as an unlikely explanation of the improvements found in the
previous study of predictors of exposure-based CBT showing that present trial. In addition, improvements related to factors outside
higher levels of baseline health anxiety were associated with larger the trial would not explain the significant interaction effects of
improvements after treatment.40 treatment and time. Another limitation is that we did not assess
Regarding module completion, participants on average diagnostic status at post-treatment and 6-month follow-up.
completed about two-thirds of the modules, which deserves However, as a comparison, our CBT group made similar improve-
comment. The modules are designed so that the most important ments on the primary outcome HAI as the corresponding group
information is provided in the first six modules and thereafter in the previous randomised controlled trial, in which two-thirds
modules to a large extent serve the purpose of being the natural did not meet diagnostic criteria for severe health anxiety at
means for maintaining the contact between therapist and patient. post-treatment.12
Against this background, it is expected that effect sizes can be large Despite these limitations, our results indicate that exposure-
despite not all modules being completed. It could be that the based CBT delivered via the internet can be an effective treatment
treatment would benefit from being reduced to six to eight for severe health anxiety that yields treatment effects above and
modules. However, our previous experience is that it can be beyond those of an active, credible and effective internet-delivered
difficult to motivate the patient to keep reporting on treatment psychological treatment based on applied relaxation and stress
work for 12 weeks if they have no reinforcement in terms of access management. This study gives further support for using
to new modules after just half that time. internet-delivered exposure-based CBT as a means for increasing
An important venue for future research is to investigate accessibility to effective psychological treatment for severe health
moderators, i.e. predictors that have an interaction effect with anxiety.
treatment type on the outcome. Also, an important question to
address is how well the internet-delivered exposure-based CBT Erik Hedman, PhD, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Osher Center for
tested in our study compares with the same treatment when Integrative Medicine, and Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of
Psychology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Erland Axelsson, MSc, Anders
provided in a conventional format. Finally, it would be valuable Görling, MSc, Carina Ritzman, MSc, Markus Ronnheden, MSc, Department
to see whether the effect of the treatment is maintained when of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm;
Samir El Alaoui, MSc, Erik Andersson, MSc, Department of Clinical Neuroscience,
given to participants with the DSM-5 diagnoses somatic symptom Division of Psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Mats Lekander, PhD,
disorder and illness anxiety disorder,18 which replace DSM-IV Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University,
hypochondriasis. As the hypochondriasis criteria used in our Stockholm; Brjánn Ljótsson, PhD, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division
study are more similar to the somatic symptom disorder criteria of Psychology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
than to illness anxiety disorder, it is possible that the findings of Correspondence: Dr Erik Hedman, Department of Clinical Neuroscience,
the present study to a large extent are generalisable to individuals Karolinska Institutet, Retzius väg 8, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden. Email:
with somatic symptom disorder.
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