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ETABS Design Procedure

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Material Properties

- Mass Density

Concrete = 2.54 kN/m3

Steel = 7.8271 kN/m3

- Weight Density

Concrete = 25.0 kN/m3

Steel = 77 kN/m3

Modulus of Elasticity

C20 = 24 kN/mm2 (24000000 kN/m2)
C25 = 25 kN/mm2 (25000000 kN/m2)
C30 = 26 kN/mm2 (26000000 kN/m2)
C40 = 28 kN/mm2 (28000000 kN/m2)
C50 = 30 kN/mm2 (30000000 kN/m2)
C60 = 32 kN/mm2 (32000000 kN/m2)
Steel = 200 kN/mm2 (200000000 kN/m2)

Poisson’s Ratio
Concrete = 0.20
Steel = 0.30

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Concrete = 9.900E-6 (expansion)
Steel = 1.170E-5

Material Design Strength

Specified Cube Concrete Compressive Strength, fcu
Bending Reinforcement Yield Stress, fy
Shear Reinforcement Yield Stress, fys
Minimum Yield Stress, Fy
Minimum Tensile Strength, Fu

Type of Material

Isotropic material

The behaviour of an isotropic material is independent of the direction of loading. In addition, the
shearing behaviour is uncoupled from the extensional behaviour and it is not affected by
temperature change. Isotropic materials have the same elastic properties in all directions.

Orthotropic Material

The behaviour of an orthotropic material can be different in the three local axis directions.
However, like an isotropic material, the shearing behaviour is uncoupled from the extensional
behaviour and it is not affected by temperature change.
Structural material shall be homogeneous and isotropic in order for the lateral strains of bars in
tension to be the same at every point. Isotropic behaviour is usually assumed for steel and
concrete material type, although it’s not always the case, hence isotropic material is commonly

Section Properties

- Structural Elements
Frame Elements
a. Beam
b. Column
c. Brace

Area Elements
a. Walls
b. Ramps
c. Floor Slabs

Area elements are characterized into 3 types namely; shell, membrane and
plate which can be further classified either thick plate or thin plate.


Membranes are area elements that only have in-plane stiffness provided for the section. It is not
capable of resisting out of plane loads by itself. When membrane elements are used for modelling
slab, gravity loads are distributed to the supporting beams. One good example for membrane
application is metal deck floor slab system wherein, slab elements have lesser stiffness than that
of the supporting frames.


Plates are area elements that only have out-of-plane stiffness provided in the section. It has plate
bending properties due to gravity loads only.


Shells are area elements which have both the in-plane membrane and out-of-plane plate bending
stiffness provided in the section. This is recommended for all types of area elements where plate
bending due to gravity and lateral forces is being considered.

Note: When using shell property, one-way load distribution is not recognized by the internal
analysis module of ETABS.

Membrane and Bending thickness

These two thicknesses are generally the same in most cases except when full shell behaviour of
corrugated metal deck is being considered.

Thick property option

These are used when modelled slab elements are thick and shear deformation needs to be
considered in the analysis (i.e. transfer slab, raft slab and pile caps elements).
Stiffness Modifiers (UBC 1997, 1630.1.2 & 1910.11.1)

For ETABS input:

Area elements (m11, m22, m12)
Frame elements (I2, I3)

Beams - 0.35 Ig
Columns - 0.70 Ig
Un-cracked - 0.70 Ig
Cracked - 0.35 Ig
Flat plates and flat slabs - 0.25 Ig

Stiffness modifiers are used most especially in checking the lateral displacements and drift
of the structure. According to the seminar held last September, is it advisable to have two models
for design and serviceability check. One with stiffness modifiers and one with no stiffness
modifiers. The reason is if you have stiffness modifiers, your structure will have a bigger period
than the one without the stiffness modifiers wherein your seismic design forces will be affected.

Note: Stiffness modifiers only affect the analysis result of the individual element displacements as
well as frame/area design forces and stresses. It does not affect the design section properties as
well as the ETABS design results.

- Diaphragm

Assignments of diaphragms to the structural geometry model are of great advantage. Auto
generated lateral loads will be automatically calculated at each storey centre of diaphragms
unless user defined option is selected.

Semi-rigid diaphragm is highly recommended especially in creating auto generated wind

loading, considering that diaphragm assignment does not alter the rigidity and stiffness
condition of the particular storey level considered thus, allowing the geometry model to actually
behave as expected upon induction of wind forces. Its assignment simply intended to locate the
application points of the auto generated lateral loads.

ETABS Lateral deformations analysis of floor slabs due to temperature loads is possible only
when semi-rigid diaphragms are assigned to slab elements considered. Diaphragms can be
assigned either in slab elements as area diaphragm or at the connectivity points between slab
elements as point diaphragm. An area diaphragm assignment is well recommended.

Rigid diaphragm are recommended to be used when the particular storey level considered are
having regular square or rectangular plan layout and are proven to be actually rigid.

Rigid Diaphragm constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as planar
diaphragm that is rigid enough against membrane deformation, thus simplifying program’s internal
matrix stiffness equations which in effect, lessen the run analysis time of the model.

Pier and Spandrel


Assigned to vertical line and vertical area objects such as that of the core walls and other lateral
resisting elements of the structural system.

If there is no pier assignments on the vertical line and area objects, wall design command will not
be available.

Piers can be designated with General Reinforcing Pier Sections and Uniform Reinforcing Pier
General Reinforcing Pier Section can be used in assigning different section properties to the top
and bottom part of the pier with the accurate reinforcement configuration.

Uniform Reinforcing Pier Section can be used in assigning uniform reinforcement of a pier.
Clicking either pier command dialogue box will automatically access the section designer module
which will allow the user to accurately edit the wall layout as well as the reinforcement
configurations in it. Editing and overwriting of wall piers can be done on pre analysis and on post
analysis stage.


Assigned to horizontal line and horizontal area objects such that of the connecting beams above
the core wall openings.

Horizontal line and area objects without spandrel assignments will not be designed by the internal
design module of ETABS.

Multi-storey spandrel assignment is appropriate in cases where spandrel height extends above
the storey level considered. The internal analysis module of ETABS will read and consider the two
vertically adjacent spandrel as one element, hence, stresses and forces report will be consistently
as one element only.


Selection of support conditions depends on the type of foundation the structure has.

Generally, restraints in global translation about x, y and z as well as restraints in global rotation
about x, y, and z are being used.

Useful tips on Geometry Modelling

Observe uniformity and consistency in unit of measurement used.

Consider the importance of geometry grid lines.

Create individual section property for individual frame elements of the structural geometry model
which more likely to behave differently. Likewise, create individual material properties to each
and every structural component of different type (i.e. different slab properties for one way and
two way slab of the same thickness, separate concrete grade for walls, slabs, columns and
beams etc.). Assign different colours to each and every section/material property. This is to
easily visualize and differentiate the individual elements at a single glance of the model.

Try assigning the stiffness modifiers in the frame/area section property command dialog box
while creating the structural element section, except for elements created in section designer
module. This is to ensure that during the course of the structural geometry modelling, deleted
and newly added elements already have the stiffness modifiers assigned in it. In the case of
section designer created elements, assignments of stiffness modifiers shall be done through
selection of individual elements.

Groups. Make it a habit of creating group names for similar structural components or section
properties of similar type or behaviour. This is to speed up in the selection of structural elements
during structural geometry modelling process and sorting out of results during post analysis

Observe carefully point to point connectivity to avoid any inaccuracy warnings and structure
instability warnings.

As much as possible, maintain triangular or rectangular area elements mesh of similar size, with
maximum of four point connectivity.
Meshing. Floor and wall area element shall be meshed appropriately in such a way that aspect
ratio should not be greater than 1:2. This is to create finite properties of the slab and wall
elements. Also, node points shall be created in such a way that mesh node point compatibly
matches at intersecting plane between floor slab and walls. Manual meshing of elements is bit
tedious than the auto generated meshing but it’s far more advantageous in terms of meshing
size and aspect ratio control, which will significantly affect the analysis run time of the model.
One more thing, element deformation values can only be viewed at manually done node points.

Before proceeding to run analysis command, run the check model option to be able to conduct
initial check of the structural geometry model created. The following items needs to be checked.

Line overlaps
Line intersection within tolerance
Line intersection with area edges
Points/Points within tolerance
Points/Line within tolerance
Points/Area within tolerance
Area overlaps
Check meshing for all stories
Check loadings for all stories


Dead Loads
- Self weight of structural elements only.

Superimposed Dead Loads

- Weight of finishing, partition and all other additional loads assigned to the
structural elements.

Reduced Live Load

- Imposed loads which can be reduced accordingly based on the provision of the
design code used.

Live Load
- Imposed loads which cannot be reduced as provided in the design code

Static Seismic Load

- See (UBC 1997 1629.8.3) for the limits of using Static Seismic Load Procedure.
- Lateral Force Direction (X, X + e, X – e, Y, Y + e, Y – e)
- Ct value – depends on your lateral force resisting system
- Stories considered, hn
- Over strength Factor, R
- Soil profile type, S
- Zone Type, Z
- Seismic source factor
- Distance to source
- Importance factor, I

- Mass Source (UBC 1997 1630.1.1)

- Specify inclusion of lateral mass and lump lateral mass at story level. It is
strongly recommended to use “From Loads” option. This is to be able to
accurately define mass source and its corresponding mass load factors and
to avoid possible duplication of self-weight.
- Dead and superimposed dead load = 1.0
- Live Load (unreduced) = 0.25 (storage and warehouse occupancy)

- Special Seismic Load Effects

- Include special seismic data

- Reliability/Redundancy Factor,  = 11630.1.1)
1997 (UBC
- IBC Design Category
- Omega / System Over strength Factor (UBC 1997 1630.3.1 & 1633.2.6)
- DL Multiplier (UBC 1997 1630.1.1)

Dynamic Seismic Load

- Create response spectrum function. (UBC 1997 Figure 16-3)

- Define response spectrum cases.

- Modal combination – CQC

- Directional combination – SRSS
- Response spectra:

Method 1:

Create a response spectrum case considering 5% damping for building structures and apply the
response spectrum function in the direction U1. And create another spectrum case applied in the
direction U2. Make sure that in the load combinations involving this 2 spectrum case, orthogonal
effect are being considered. Say, for the case of the first spectrum we should add 30% of the effect
of the 2nd spectrum case in that particular load combination and vise versa.

Method 2:

Create a single spectrum case with the spectrum function applied in both U1 and U2 direction.
Make sure that in the load combinations, orthogonal effect are ignored because it was already
considered by the combine effect of spectrum in U1 and U2 direction.

Note: Adopt appropriate scale factor to satisfy the code requirements.

• Excitation angle if applicable.

• Eccentricity ratio – 0.05 (minimum)
• Set dynamic parameters
• Number of modes
• Option for Ritz vector and Eigen vector dynamic analysis procedure. Ritz vector is highly
• Remove acceleration Z in the Ritz load vector list if the consideration is lateral mass only.

Wind Load

- Wind direction in degrees (0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360)
- Selection of applicable code for design parameter inputs.
- Check municipality requirements.
- In such case where wind tunnel test had been conducted, opt user defined wind load and
Input wind loads at every defined storey level calculated at diaphragm’s global x and y

Load Combinations

- Service and design load combinations depending on the design code used.
- Default load combinations can be used but load factors shall be checked based on the design
code used.

It is strongly advised that the ETABS modeller should define the load combinations based on
the design code being used. An example to that is in the case of the BS code which does not
have load combination provisions concerning seismic load. Load combinations from the Uniform
Building Code (UBC) are generally adopted for that. The program’s default load combination will
give different factors thus, it could not be used directly. One more thing, Orthogonal effects are
considered in the analysis especially if the structure is analyzed using the static load procedure,
so it is well recommended to establish the load combination as inputs.

Specific load combinations can be created for specific design requirements say,
for concrete design and for steel design.

P-delta Load
- See (UBC 1997 1630.1.3) for the provision of P-delta effects.
- Number of initial iteration control for P-delta to converged.
- P-delta method shall be iterative based on load combinations.
- P-delta load combination and load case scale factor input.
Dead Load = 1.2
Super Imposed Dead Load = 1.2
Live Load = 0.5


- Optional tools for enhancing and optimizing modelling techniques within the windows
Allow the user to change the design codes and the relevant parameters during and after the
post analysis stage.
Allow the user to select the appropriate load combinations for the design of particular structural
Allow the user to opt and specify live load reduction factors, based on the code used, in
conjunction with the defined static reduced live load case. User can further specify live load
reduction factors at each storey level and in which component of the walls and columns the
reduction factors be applied. (i.e. axial load only or axial load and its components). Maximum
live load reduction factor shall be 1.0. Assignment of live load reduction factor cannot be done in
the post analysis stage.


Print last analysis run log file to check inaccuracy and instability warning messages. If run log
records inaccuracy and instability messages, do not proceed to the post analysis stage. Unlock the
model and rectify the erroneous geometry model inputs until run log clear off the inaccuracy and
instability messages. Erroneous geometry model will generate erroneous analysis results.

Check over-all structure deformed shape as well as the individual structural element deformed
shape. If over-all structure or part of structure deformed shape looks awkward and inconsistent to
the shape you’d expected, geometry model must be wrong. Unlock the model and check all inputs
that contributes to element’s deformation (i.e. load assignments, forces convention and element’s
restrain and fixity conditions). Rectify the mistakes and re-run the model and see to it that deformed
shape will be as expected.

Investigate individual element’s stress diagram, frame/area forces and deflection values.
Overwrite section if required; adopt adequate section that satisfies all requirements as prescribed in
the design code used.
Investigate storey drifts, lateral displacements and the occurrence of accidental torsion of the
modelled structure based on the provisions of the design code used.
Investigate the capacity ratio report of all vertical supporting elements and overwrite section if
required. Ratio of 0.95 is recommended.

Check the number of iteration that P-delta analysis converged and input the same in the P-delta
command dialogue box prior to final run of the model.

If structure is analyzed using dynamic analysis procedure, check the modal deformed behaviour
of the modelled structure against building period of vibration. Building period shall be reasonable
and within the range, otherwise, model must be wrong. Determine the flexibility and dampness of
the structure based on the results. (i.e Check modal load participation ratio. Ratio should reach 90%
of the modal participating mass. If the value is less than 90%, number of modes shall be increased

In dynamic analysis procedure, compare the static base shear result against the dynamic
spectrum base reaction. Scale the dynamic response spectra up or down in such a way that static
base shear and dynamic spectrum base reaction will be more or less equal.
Repeat procedure until all analysis and design requirements will be met satisfactorily before
proceeding to final run analysis check.


Open last analysis run log file and make sure no inaccuracy and instability warnings are listed in
Check P-delta analysis convergence.
Check building periods.
Check modal load participation ratio.
Check the response spectrum base reaction value and make sure it’s equal or greater than that of
the static base shear value.


Select, display and print geometry model data.

- Building data
- Design load data
- Frame/area assignments
- Input design data

Select, display and print static seismic calculation sheet.

Select, display and print displacement data.

- Point displacements
- Storey drifts
- Diaphragms drifts

Select, display and print column/wall loads at support.

Select, display and print supports reactions.

Select, display and print building outputs.

- Building modes
- Storey shears
- Modal information

Select, display and print frame/element forces.

- Column forces
- Beam forces
- Wall/Spandrel forces

Display and print storey forces/responses plot

- Lateral loads to diaphragm

- Lateral loads to stories
- Diaphragm displacements and drifts
- Maximum storey drifts and displacements
- Storey shears
- Storey stiffness
- Storey overturning moments

Tabulated display reports can be exported to excel format for calculation presentation.


Project Initial information review

- Structural report
- Loading criteria
- Basis of modelling
- Structural/architectural drawings

Comparative investigation between geometry model against structural drawings

- Check consistency of geometry model dimensions and heights

- Check consistency of framing layout and shear wall layouts
- Check columns, beams and walls section profiles
- Check floor slab system

Look at analysis run log for error messages

- Inaccuracy messages
- Instability messages
- Run check model for tolerances and overlaps
Note: If significant error messages are noticed in the analysis run log, no further checking will be
carried out.

Check deformation shapes and magnitudes

- Visualize over all building deformation as well as individual frame/area deformations

- Compare frame/ area deformation value to allowable value prescribed in the code used.
- Look for discontinuities in the geometry model framing
- Ask for supporting calculations pertaining to deformation justifications.
Check design data and parameters

- Check design material properties.

- Check element’s loading data
- Check Input design data
- Check frame/area assignments
- Check design parameters and code used
- Check static load cases and load combinations
- Check analysis type (i.e. Static and Dynamic analysis, E.Q analysis procedure,
Wind tunnel test data, etc.)

Check generated support loads and reactions

- Compare program generated column/wall loads against column/ wall load done
by area catchments method
- Check static and dynamic base reactions

Check material properties

- Compare program generated column/wall loads against column/ wall load done
by area catchments method.
- Check static and dynamic base reactions

Check frame/ area element’s adequacy

- Check of columns capacity ratios and reinforcement percentage

- Check adequacy of beams and reinforcement percentage
- Check adequacy of wall elements against over stress and reinforcement

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