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Mobility in Smart Cities: Fabiana David de Oliveira Gomes Victor Albanezi de Figueiredo Mesquita

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Mobility in Smart Cities

Fabiana David de Oliveira Gomes

Victor Albanezi de Figueiredo Mesquita

Abstract—he paper explores the definition of Smart City and these effects, considering the extraordinary number of con-
your relation with the Urban mobility, assuming that it has been nected devices already mentioned, there are projects of Smart
a constant growth in urban population. As a result of this, the Cities known as the new urban paradigm.
number of faced problems has also suffer a significant increase,
such as social, ecological and economical changes. This study With this intention, this study approaches some projects
will approach one problem that involves a large part of society: of solutions already implemented: the Intelligent Tourist Trip
the lack of mobility. To deal with this one, fortunately, the Planning, Car and Bike Sharing, and Autonomous Vehicles.
connectivity has been also growing in a substantial way, resulting And It will also presents the challenges faced related with the
in the expansion of the IoT (Internet of Things), opening up new
security and privacy.
opportunities for solving those problems, as well as some barriers
to implement it.
Index Terms—Smart City, Urban Mobility, IoT II. U RBAN M OBILITY

I. I NTRODUCTION Taking as premise the increase in substantial amount of

people living in cities, even nowadays it is already remarkable
T HE Smart Cities concepts comes up from the constant
growing of two tendencies from the past century: the
increasing number of people moving toward urban centers
the difficulty faced about the urban mobility, which is a issue
to the population as a whole [5].
and the exponential evolution of the ICT (Information and The deterioration of urban mobility affects the quality life
communications technology) [1]. and the environment in a shocking way. It has been caus-
According to some statistics, the urban population from the ing impactive damages to the society, either through global
first time surpassed the rural population in 2007 and some warming due to greenhouse gas emissions or the number
projections shows that by 2050 at least two thirds of the traffic accidents increased due the lack of adequate planning
population will be living in urban areas [2]. These urbanization infrastructure [3].
process is associated with important positive factors in the In fact, public and private transport is and will continue
economic and social areas, such as: longer life expectancy, to be the backbone for city growth and competitiveness. After
reduction of poverty lifestyle, better access to education and all, trucks will still plays a important role on delivering goods,
health systems, besides opening more opportunities for cultural buses and subways is responsible for a urban journeys, as the
and political participation [3]. same ways as cars [6].
Along with the urbanization, the connectivity has been also For this reason, it’s necessary look for ways to improve the
growing in a substantial way. In 2003, there was only 500 environment for each one of those classes, with the purpose of
million devices connected to the internet which was about 0.08 using technologies as a vehicle for the creation of an efficient
devices per person in average. As a result of the explosive urban environment, which seeks to find a balance between
expansion from mobile phones and tablets. In 2010 the number population needs and sustainability.
of devices per person was for the first time bigger than 1. n
fact, this proportion tends to get higher and higher once that III. S OLUTIONS
devices that were not commonly connected, are now getting
connected, for example: cars, fridges and watches. Under those According to European Automobile Manufacturers Associ-
circumstances together with the IoT, the expected number of ation, the solutions for future mobility should be based on six
devices by 2020 are more than 50 billion [4]. main pillars [6]:
However, in contrast with these positive contributions, if • Integrated approach for sustainable cities: to minimize
the extension of urban areas are not done in a planned and emissions and boos mobility with better regulations
sustainable way, this accelerate growth can creates even more • Connectivity revolution: increasing connectivity be-
problems which results in the deficiency of infrastructure to tween vehicles (V2V) and also between vehicles and
accommodate a large number of people, decrease of air and infrastructure in order to prevent traffic jams, manage
water quality, disparity on wealth and alteration on wildlife better parking, therefore saving time and resources.
and ecosystems [3]. • New business and mobility models: Using cars as
One of the most challenging problem that can be seen daily integrated components of IoT, collecting and managing
especially in big cities, is the lack of mobility infrastructure, information from roads, drivers goods and other sources,
which affects directly and negatively the quality of citizens’ opening new possibilities for citizens, companies and
lives [3]. In response to be possible avoid or at least minimize services providers.
• Better public transport systems: making public and location and which vehicle it is available to him. The car keys
private transport as a single network in order to increase are inside the car, and the car will be unlock to him when also
efficiency, avoids congestion and improve safety. via the app. Then, after the use, he just need to return In any
• Optimised urban freight delivery and logistics: imple- pre-approved spot, leave the keys inside the vehicle, and lock
menting innovative urban distribution systems the car via app. There are a few providers for this growing
• Urban access restrictions schemes: used to accomplish kind of service, and some examples are AutoShare,ZipCar,
specific urban mobility objectives BlaBlaCar, and CityWheels. There is a lot of ways this kind
Although many large cities have already introduced mecha- of service can be charged, and it mostly depends on what is the
nisms curtailing the movements of certain vehicle categories, profile of the user, if it will use the vehicle just occasionally,
such as alternate plate days and limits on the size of cargo or constantly, or just in a specific period. And depending on
vehicles allowed to access certain parts of city [7]. More that the company have some specifics plans and rates.
definitive and broadranging solutions are needed, as the op-
C. Bike Sharing
tions adopted so far are merely palliative, with few significant
effects at critical times of the day. Few urban mobility systems had spread so fast and is
already well implemented as Bike Sharing, which one is
A. Intelligent Tourist Trip Planning present in more than 600 cities worldwide and in more than
One laborious task that every traveler had already faced 12 cities in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is the Brazilian city with the
is to plan ahead the logistics to visit points of interest in a biggest network of shared bikes, with more than 160 thousand
big and unfamiliar city. There are already mobile applications users and about 260 stations [9].
that can help the tourist with this problem, the user can set This service works in the same way as Car Sharing, but the
what are his interest (Art, Architecture, Museums, Leisure or application usually be more focused on first/last mile cases, a
Shopping) and what are his restrictions (time limit, entrance term used to describe the path to a big transportation hub, ex
price, maximum distance) and the software generate the most railway stations, bus stations, etc. And additionally provides
efficient path for him. This solution not only solve the traveler some other benefits such as, zero carbon emission, car traffic
problem, but also give the city administrators a valuable data jams reduction and it also stimulate people to practice physical
to better manage traffic (making the tourist avoid already activity.
crowded areas), contain violence (making the tourist avoid The cities that are most well adapted and working with
dangerous streets) or even promote some shopping areas. This the Bike Sharing system are Barcelona with more than 400
solution was already tested in the city of Barcelona and it stations [10], Paris with about 1450 stations [11] and the
worked with a remarkable accuracy[8]. biggest one is Hangzhou located in China, it reached about
60k bicycles and nearly 2500 stations in 2011 [12].
B. Car Sharing
Frequently most of the people just use their cars to simply D. Autonomous Vehicles
move from home to work, and from work to home, also Neither of the previously presented technologies have a
frequently these time schedule of work are pretty likely for bigger impact than this one. Autonomous vehicles (AV’s) has
most of the people, it is simple to understand what problems the potential to practically extinguish car crashes, since most
are caused by that. In the first place the cars stays idle most of the times are caused by human mistakes, such as drinking
of the time (while people are working). Secondly, a colossal and drive, sleeping and using mobile phones. In United States,
traffic jam in these peak hours. Almost every big city from for example, there are 5.5 million crashes per year and the
every continent has a major problem with this. And lastly but 93 percent of those crashes are caused by human factor, the
not least important, it is the pollution caused by this huge estimated cost of this is 300 Billions USD [13]. Furthermore,
amount of cars. All of this without mentioning the costs the the AV’s has also the potential to minimize the need for
owner of the car (maintenance and taxes) and for the city parking, opening up a immense amount of free land to a lot
administrators (providing all the infrastructure to sustain these of new uses, such as houses, stores and hospitals.
huge numbers of vehicles. As well as improving the safety, AV’s could dramatically
From that it can be seen how that system is not efficient reduce congestions, once it can better anticipate moviments. It
at all (idle for most of the time, jammed during peak hours, could organize intersections in a most efficiently way or even
and really expensive), and the solution for that comes almost predict better traffic distributions, instead of everyone using
naturally: car sharing. But this was almost impractical some y the same avenue, it could spread them via smaller streets and
ears ago, but today thanks to ICT revolution it became viable finding a optimal way for everyone. With this technology of
to create some services to provide this. moving predictions, the AV’s can use the brakes and adjust
This kind of service, works this way: the company owns the speed in smoother way, ir order to provide a better fuel
a lot of cars, and they keep them stored in some strategic efficiency.
locations (near airports, train stations for example). When the It will also drastically transform the internal compartment
user needs to use the vehicle, he can request it via a mobile of the vehicle, since there is no need for a driver seat, in matter
application, and he’ll get a notification showing the exact of fact, there is no need for a driver. The car could potentially
transform itself into a place to work, eat a meal, read book, customized for the user profile. But on the other hand, this
watch a movie, sleep, in fact, anything, most important: safely. raises a question to what, and to whom this data can be used
The first successful autonomous vehicles tests was on 2004, for. For instance, an bus with geo tracking service, may record
on DARPA Grand Challenge, a event promoted by DARPA data of all users inside the vehicle, whether they want or not.
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) [14] in order Those type of data, together with big data analytics can be
to promote technical approaches to enable self driving cars. used to create detailed profiles of users, that could be used in
This event is a field test to autonomous vehicles be tested on discrimination ways.
real terrain. The goal on 2004 was to complete a 150 mile This matter should be seriously considered, because if users
route, but the best team completed 7.4 miles [15]. A year lose confidence in the IoT because of privacy issues, a great
later five team successfully completed the course [16]. And value of the whole Internet will be lost [24].
in September of 2016 have driven over 2 million miles [17].
So is noticeable that the evolution of these technologies are C. Cost
evolving in exponential steps. One of the great barriers to implement some of these
The prediction by the biggest car companies is that self solutions are the cost. The technology needed in most of the
driving cars will be ready for mass market between 2022 and cases includes a lot of sensors, a well designed network, and
2025 [14]. lots of software.
Using Self Driving cars as an example, just the Light
IV. C HALLENGES Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) used on top of Google’s Au-
It is also important to realize that with new possibilities, tonomous Cars costed about 70 thousand USD, and in addition
also comes a new range of challenges. There are some urgent to all other sensors, softwares and required computing, the
economics challenges that can be divided in Security, Privacy, price is estimated to be more than 100 thousand USD [14].
Costs and Legal Considerations. Which is way too high than a standard vehicle. It is natural
Additionally of these topics, that are some matters that can that the price of these technologies will decrease, and soon
not be even imagined yet, problems that will be appearing as will be more get-a-ble to the mass market. There are already
the mature of technology. some surveys 44 percent of the respondents said that they are
A. Security very likely to buy a fully autonomous car in 10 years [25].
The most critical challenge is related to ensuring security D. Legal Considerations
on internet applications. It is absolutely critical to increase the A scenario with every vehicle fully autonomous is unlikely
reliability, stability, and resilience in order to promote trust to to happen in a near future, but it already worth to be consider
the use of these applications [18]. the changes on legislation this will require. In UK, if a car
As a result of the increasing number of connected devices, assistance system presents a failure and comes to cause a
the vulnerabilities grows on the same rate, and could be used accident, the liability is with the car users, not matter if their
as entry points for cyberattacks. Just to illustrate the problem, actions affected the accident or not, and the user must process
a not so well protected fridge, a security camera or even the manufacturer legally for the problem [?] .
a temperature sensor, could became a target for malicious
individuals to enter a specific network and infected it with V. C ONCLUSION
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