Mobility in Smart Cities: Fabiana David de Oliveira Gomes Victor Albanezi de Figueiredo Mesquita
Mobility in Smart Cities: Fabiana David de Oliveira Gomes Victor Albanezi de Figueiredo Mesquita
Mobility in Smart Cities: Fabiana David de Oliveira Gomes Victor Albanezi de Figueiredo Mesquita
Abstract—he paper explores the definition of Smart City and these effects, considering the extraordinary number of con-
your relation with the Urban mobility, assuming that it has been nected devices already mentioned, there are projects of Smart
a constant growth in urban population. As a result of this, the Cities known as the new urban paradigm.
number of faced problems has also suffer a significant increase,
such as social, ecological and economical changes. This study With this intention, this study approaches some projects
will approach one problem that involves a large part of society: of solutions already implemented: the Intelligent Tourist Trip
the lack of mobility. To deal with this one, fortunately, the Planning, Car and Bike Sharing, and Autonomous Vehicles.
connectivity has been also growing in a substantial way, resulting And It will also presents the challenges faced related with the
in the expansion of the IoT (Internet of Things), opening up new
security and privacy.
opportunities for solving those problems, as well as some barriers
to implement it.
Index Terms—Smart City, Urban Mobility, IoT II. U RBAN M OBILITY