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Dholuo Missal PDF PDF

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The document outlines the order and structure of a Catholic mass including the parts, rituals, prayers and roles of the priest and congregation.

The mass is divided into introductory rites, liturgy of the word, liturgy of the Eucharist, and concluding rite. It describes the specific prayers, readings and rituals done by the priest during each part.

The priest leads various prayers, reads passages, consecrates the Eucharist, distributes communion and offers final blessings to the congregation.


The order of Mass

A GREETING Then he takes the chalice and says in a low voice:

Celebrant Remb Kr istus mondo oter a e ngima ma

After the entrance song, the priest and the faithful remain standing and make the
sign of the cross. The priest says:
ok rum.
After this he goes to distribute communion to the communicants. He takes a host for
each one, raises it a little, and shows it saying:
Celebrant E nying Wuon, gi Wuowi, gi Chuny
Matakatifu Priest Ringre Kr istus

All Amin Communicant Amin.

When the distribution of the communion has been completed, the priest or deacon
cleans the paten over the chalice, and then the chalice itself. Then the priest may
return. Then standing he says:
Then the priest facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with the
following greeting:
Celebrant Walem
Then the celebrant says the communion prayer to which people respond:
Ngima Nyasaye Wuon kendo kue Jesus All Amin
Kristus Ruoth obed kodu ndalo duto __________________________________________
Concluding Rite
Celebrant Ruoth obed kodu ndalo duto
All Kod chunyi bende
All In bende obed kodi
Celebrant Nyasaye Nyakalaga, Wuon, gi Wuowi
gi Chuny Matakatifu mondo omiu
All Amin.
Celebrant Dhi ur u gikue Missa or umo.
All Nyasaye erokamano.

2 19
The order of Mass

Meanwhile the lamb of God is sang B PENITENTIAL RITE

All Nyarombo Nyasaye, igolo richo mag After the introduction to the day’s Mass, the priest invites the people to recall their
sins and to repentance in silence, He may use these or similar words:

piny kechwa.
Nyarombo Nyasaye, igolo richo mag piny Celebrant Jowetewa, waling’ uru kendo wapar
Kechwa. richowa, mondo waikre ni sawo
Nyarombo Nyasaye, igolo richo mag piny malerni.
Miwa kue.
Then priest joins his hands and says quietly: After a moment of silence , he says:

Celebrant Ruodhwa Yesus Kr istus, kik iketa e Celebrant Wahul uru richowa kanyakla,
Kata e sand, kachamo ringri kendo All Ahulo richona e nyim Nyasaye Nya
Amatho rembi, to kuom ng’uononi, kalaga, Kendo e nyimu jowetena,
Girit kendo githiedh chunya gi denda. Nimar aseketho ahinya,
Gi paro, gi timbe kendo gi samuoyo
The priest genuflects. Taking the host, he raises it slightly over the paten and, facing
the people aloud: An jaketho, an jaketho ahinya.
Emomiyo akwayo Maria Matakatifu,
Celebrant Ne uru Nyarombo Nyasaye, Bikira, gi malaika gi jotakatifu duto,
Gi un jowetena,
Ne uru ng’ama golo richo mag piny; Kwanauru kuom Ruoth Nyasachwa.
Jomoluongi e sape gin johawi.

All Ruodha ok awinjor a r waki Celebrant Nyasaye Nyakalaga mondo okechwa

To wach mano wach ogolnwa richowa kendo oterwa e
Kendo chunya nokwa. ngima mochwere.
Then the priest says quietly:

Celebrant Ringre Kr istus mondo oter a e ngima All Amin

ma ok rum.
18 3
The order of Mass The order of Mass

Celebrant Ruoth kechwa Then the priest, with hands extended, says aloud:

All Ruoth kechwa

Celebrant Ruodhwa Yesus Kristus,
Celebrant Kristus kechwa Ma niwacho ni jootene niya:
All Kristus kechwa Aweyou gi kue, kue mara amiyou,
Kik idew richowa, to par mana yie mar
Celebrant Ruoth kechwa Eklesiani; miwa bedo gi kue kendo e
All Ruoth kechwa achiel kaka idwaro,
He joins his hands:
In ng’ama ngima kendo maritowa,
higni mochwere.
All Amin
Duong’ obed ni Nyasaye e polo malo.
The priest, extending and joining his hands adds:

All continue: Celebrant Kue Ruoth obed kodu ndalo duto.

Kendo piny okue ni ji ma chunygi beyo.
Wadendi, Wapwoyi, Walami, Wamiyi duong’. All In bende obed kodi
Wagoni erokamano nikwop duong’ni mang’ongo.
Ruoth Nyasaye, Ruoth ma e polo;
Nyasaye wuon manyalo gik moko duto.
Celebrant Koro wa mosre uru gikue mar Kristus
Ruoth wuowi mamiderma, Yesus Kristus. All make the sign of peace according to local custom. The priest gives the sign of
peace to the deacon or the ministers.
Ruoth Nyasaye, Nyarombo Nyasaye, wuod Wuon. He then takes the host and breaks it over the paten. He places a small piece in the
In migolo richo mag piny, yie lemowa; chalice, saying quietly:

In mibet e lwedo makorachwich mar Wuon, Celebrant Riwr wok mar Ringre gi Remb
Kechwa. Nimar in kendi matakatifu, Ruodhwa Yesus Kristus mwabiro yudo
E duong’ mar Nyasaye wuon. Okwonywa nwang’o ngima mochwere.

4 17
The order of Mass The order of Mass

Rite of communion Celebrant Walem

The priest sets down the chalice and the paten and with hands joined, sings or says The priest extends the hands and says the collect prayers after which all respond:

All Amin
Celebrant Walemuru ni biro mar piny ruoth kaka The liturgy of the word
Jesus nopuonjowa.
The reader goes to the lectern for the first reading. All sit and listen. To indicate
the end, the reader adds:
All Wuonwa ma e polo,
Nyingi mondo oluor, Reader Wach Nyasaye
Lochni obi; All Nyasaye erokamano.
Kaka timore e polo.
Imiwa tinende chiembwa mapilepile, The cantor of the psalm sings or recites the psalm, and the people make the re-
sponse. If there is a second reading, it is read athe lectern as before. To indicate
Iwenwa richowa, the end, reader adds:
Kaka waweyo ni ji matomonwa marach
Kik iterwa kar tem, to ireswa e richo Reader Wach Nyasaye
With hands extended the priest continues with the people All Nyasaye erokamano.

Celebrant Warwa Ruoth e masiche duto; The Alleluya or other chants follows. At the lectern the celebrant says:
Imiwa kue e ndalowa,
Iwarwa kuom richo, Celebrant Ruoth obed kodu
Kendo gi ng’wononi isirnwa chandrwok All Kod chunyi bende
Mondo wabed gi mor,
Kwarito biro jawarwa Yesus Kristus.
He joins hands. The people end the prayer with the acclamation:
Celebrant Somo migolo kuom wach maber kaka
….. nondiko
All Nimar in gi teko kendo gi duong’ He makes the sign of the cross on the book, and then on his forehead, lips and breast
All Ruoth mondo opuoye

16 5
The order of Mass

At the end the celebrant adds:

Celebrant Mano e Wach maber mar ruodhwa

Yesus Kristus
The homily follows:

Ayie Nyasaye wuon manyalo gikmoko duto
All continue:

Jachwech polo gi piny

Ayie Jesus Kristus Wuod ma Miderma, Ruodhwa

Nomak ichne kuom chuny matakatifu

Bikira Maria ema ne onyuole
Nosande kuom Pontius Pilatus
Nogure e musalaba, notho
Noyike, nolor e limbo
Chieng’e mar adek, nochier kuom jomotho
Nodum e Polo,
Obet e Lwedo ma korachwich mar Nyasaye
Wuon, manyalo gik moko duto
Kama noa ye koduogo yalo jomangima gi jomotho

Ayie Chuny Matakatifu

Eklesia ma Katholic Matakatifu
Riwruok mar jotakatifu
Golo mar richo, chier mar ringruok
Gi ngima maokrum. Amin

6 15
The order of Mass

Prayer of the faithful
Par jowetewa mosetho ka gigeno ni Introduction
ginichier kendo. Luonggi e lerni, gi ji duto
Jokritus wetena,
mosetho. Tim ng’uono kodwa mondo Nyasaye wuonwa dwaro mondo chwech duto oyud
wawinjre nwang’o ngima mochwere, Warruok kendo oluongowa e rieko mar yie madiera.
kanyaklachiel gi Bikira min Nyasaye, Walemuru kawaketo chunywa kuome.
gi joote (… Mt) kod jotakatifu duto
Inter cessions led by the deacon or other minister
mosetiyoni kaka owinjore. Mondo
wariwre kodgi kwapwoyi kendo A. Ni Eklesia matakatifu mondo Ruoth otaye kendo orite.
wamiyi duong’ Yie lemowa Ruoth.

He joins hands and continues...

B. Niji duto e piny mangima: mondo Nyasaye oriwgi mondo
Nikech Yesus Kristus Kue kod winjruok obedie e piny.
Yie lemowa Ruoth
C. Ni jowetewa duto man gi dwaro mopogore - opogore:
The takes the chalice and the paten with the host and, lifting them up, sings or says:
mondo Nyasaye okonygi giyud gik magidwaro.
Yie lemowa Ruoth

Celebrant Wuonwa Nyakalaga, D. Waduto mwachokore kae: mondo kuom dwaro mar
Nyasaye wachiw liswa monyalo yiego.
And wapwoyi gi duond Yesus Kristus; Yie lemowa Ruoth
Concelebrants kendo wamiyi duong’ kode,
Ka un e achiel gi Chuny Matakatifu Celebrant
Ndalo mochwere. A Nyasach hera,
Kuomi ema wapondoye kendo in e tekowa, yie iwinj
All Amin lemb ogandani mochokore kae e nyingi mondo imiwa
gigo duto mwakwayi kuom yie.
Nikech Kristus nogo Ruodhwa.

14 7
The order of Mass The order of Mass

The Liturgy of the Eucharist With hands extended, the celebrant and concelebrants say:

Celebrant and
After the liturgy of the word , offertory song commence . Meanwhile the minister Concelebrants

A Wuonwa, wachiwoni makatini makelo

place the corporal, the chalice and missal at the alter. Its desirable that the participa-
tion of the faithful be expressed by the members of the congregation bringing up
bread and wine for the celebration

Celebrant quietly
Ngima kendo kikombeni mar kwo kwaparo
tho gi chier Wuodi Jesus Kristus
A Ruoth Nyasaye, wapwoyi; In Ruodh chuech duto.
Nikech ng’uononi wakawo makatini kendo Wagoyoni erokamano nimar iseyie mondo
wachiwonigo; en cham mowuok e lowo, kendo lwet wachung’ e nyimi kendo watini.
dhano emolose. Koro obiro bedonwa Makati mar
ngima. Hands joined and bowing deeply, he continues:

All Nyasaye mondo opwoye ndalo duto.

The priest (deacon) pours wine and a little water in the Chalice saying quietly:
Wakwayi gi wichyot ni wan mwanwang’o
Ringre gi rembe wabedi e achiel kanyakla
Celebrant Nikech midhiero mar pi gi difaini onego gi Chuny Matakatifu
wadonji e ngima nyasaye; en nogo mano
yie donjo e ngimawa ka nodoko dhano.
The he takes the chalice and holding, it slightly above the alter, says quietly: A Ruoth par Eklesiani e piny mangima,
Celebrant A Ruoth Nyasaye, wapwoyi; in Ruodh mondo wadongi e herani. Rit Papawa N.,
chuech duto. Nikech ng’wononi wakawo gi Jabiskopwa N., kod Jodoloni gi Jotichni
difaini kendo wachiwonigo; en olemo duto
moa e yath, kendo lwet dhano emolose, ++ In Masses for the dead the following is added
koro obiro bedonwa math mar chuny.
Then he places the chalice on the corporal. If no offertory song is sung, the priest Par N (jogo) miselungo iri, Notho (negitho) gi
may say the preceding words in audio voice. The the people may respond: Kristus e Baptism. Koro yie mondo chieng’ ma
All Nyasaye mondo opwoye ndalo duto Kristus nochier ringrewa kolokogi kamare e
tekone, en (gin) bende ochier gi Kristus.

8 13
The order of Mass The order of Mass

He shows the consecrated host to the people, places it on the paten , and genuflects The priest bows and says quietly:
in adoration . Then continues:
Celebrant A Ruoth, kaw liswani mwagoloni gi
Kane gisechiemo, chuny makare kendo gi lour; yie mondo
obedni malon’o kendo omiyi mor.
He takes the chalice , and raising it a little above the alter, he continues:

Nokawo kikombe,
nochako goyoni erokamano kendo He may now incense the offering and the alter. Afterwards the deacon or a minister
incenses the priest and people . Next the priest stands at the side of the alter and
nopaki, nomiyo jolupne kikombe, washes his hands saying quietly:
kowacho niya:
Celebrant A Ruoth, lwok r ichona kendo pwodha,
He bows slightly
mondo abed maler.
Kaw uru ma mondo umadhi uduto,
ma en kikombe mar remba,
Standing at the centre of the alter, facing the people he extends and the joins his
Remb muma manyien kendo mochwere hands saying:
Monochuer nikwop un kendo ni ji duto
Nikech golo mar richo. CelebrantKwaur u, jowetena, ni mondo Nyasaye
Tim uru ma mondo uparago. wuon manyalo gik moko duto okaw liswachwa.

He shows the chalice to the people, place it on the corporal, and genuflects in adora-
All Ruoth mondo okaw liswa e lweti, mar pwoyo
Deacon Koro waland uru midiech yie nyinge, kendo mar miye duong’. Mondo okon
ywa bende kendo okony Eklesiani matakatifu
All Kr istus notho, duto.
Kristus nochier, With hand extended the priest sings or says the prayer over the gifts at the end of
Kristus noduogi kendo. which the people respond:

All Amin.

12 9
The order of Mass The order of Mass
The priest with hands extended says:
Eucharistic prayer II
Hands on the alter Celebrant A Ruoth in ng’ama kare chutho,
PRIEST: Ruoth obed kodu ndalo duto. Kendo in miguedho gikmoko duto:
PEOPLE: In bende obed kodi.
He joins hands and holding them outstretched over the offering says:
Raising hands slightly:
PRIEST : Ting’ uru chunyu malo.
PEOPLE: Waseting’o gi malo ir Ruoth. Celebrant Mi mondo chunyi olor kuom michgi,
PRIEST: Wagoni Ruoth Nyasachwa erokamano Kendo oguedhgi mondo gilokrenwa
PEOPLE: Owinjore kendo nikare Concelebrants

Celebrant alone with hands extended , the cocelebrant hands joined

Ringre gi rembe Ruodhwa
Wuonwa, owinjore kendo en warruokwa, kwagoyoni
Erokamano ndalo gi kuonde duto. Jesus Kristus
Nikwop wuodi moher Jesus Kristus.
He joins his hands . The word of the following formula should be spoken clearlyand
En e wach, kendo nuchueyo piny kode. En e jawar ma distinctly, as their meaning demands.
nioro mondo okwowa. Nokawo ringrwok gi teko Chuny
Matakatifu kendo Bikira Maria e ma nonywole. Ka pok negichiwe ni tho
Norieyo bedene e musalaba nikwop wan. Notieko tho, ma en owuon noyiego,
kendo nokelo chier. Kamano nochopo dwaroni, kendo
nonwango’oni oganda maler. Bowing slightly
Emomiyo walando duong’ni kawariwore gi malaika ken-
do gi kendo gi jotakatifu kawawer (kawawacho) niya: Nokawo makati , nogoyoni erokamano,
Nong’ingo makati nopogo ni jolupne,
Matakatifu, Matakatifu, Matakatifu kendo nowacho niya:
Ruoth, Nyasaye mar ogendi,
Duong’ni ogundo e polo gi piny. He takes the bread and, raising it a little above the alter continues
Hosana e polo malo
Ojahawi mobiro e nying Ruoth, Kaw uruma, mondo ucham uduto:
Hosana e polo malo. Ma en ringra manochiw nikwop un.

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