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The Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Base Companion

S a r a h F a u b e l, MD Jo e l To pf, MD
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Copyright 1999 Alert and Oriented Publishing Co.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or distrib-
uted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, record-
ing, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission
from Alert and Oriented Publishing Co.
Notice: The authors have taken care to make certain that the information provided is as up
to date and accurate as possible; however, because the field of medicine is always changing,
the reader is advised to consult the most current sources before treating patients.
The authors and publisher disclaim any liability for loss, injury or damage incurred as a
consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use or application of this book.
Printed: September 1999, at Sheridan Books in Chelsea, Michigan.
ISBN 0-964124-2-1
Send all inquiries to:
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S. Faubel and J. Topf

o our grandparents, whose sto-

ries inhabited our dreams and
inspired our imaginations.
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion
S. Faubel and J. Topf

1!Moles and Water ........................................................................................................ 1

2!Water, Where Are You? ................................................................................. 23

3!Starling’s Law ........................................................................................................... 49

4!Volume Regulation ............................................................................................. 63

5!Osmoregulation ..................................................................................................... 87

6!Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology ...................................... 109

7!Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment ........................... 145

8!Hypernatremia ...................................................................................................... 177

9!Polydipsia, Polyuria ....................................................................................... 219

10!Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology ................................... 249

11!Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview ............................................. 277

12!Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap ........................................ 287

13!Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap ...................................................... 325

14!Metabolic Alkalosis ........................................................................................ 367

15!Respiratory Acidosis ................................................................................... 399

16!Respiratory Alkalosis .................................................................................. 439

17!Introduction to Potassium .................................................................... 467

18!Hypokalemia ........................................................................................................... 485

19!Hyperkalemia ......................................................................................................... 539

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

About the Authors

You might be asking yourself “What kind of medical residents have the
time or energy to write a book?” While the first answer that comes to
mind may be “insane, hypomanic individuals,” the actual answer is quite
a bit more mundane. Sarah and Joel are veterans of the “war” known as
medical school who think that the whole process could be a bit less pain-
ful if there were well-conceived learning materials. Both authors con-
tinually evaluate their surroundings with an eye toward making things
easier and more intuitive. Unfortunately, the medical world is filled with
such opportunities.
Sarah and Joel began writing this book after graduation from the Wayne
State University School of Medicine in 1995. They worked on it through a
transitional internship at the Detroit Medical Center and during their
respective residencies: Sarah in internal medicine at the University of
Colorado and Joel in combined medicine/pediatrics at Indiana Univer-
sity. Both authors are planning to do fellowships in nephrology. Joel and
Sarah, after careful review of their experience, would offer without reser-
vation that it is not a good idea write a book during residency.

About Alert and Oriented Publishing

As Joel and Sarah’s first book, The Microbiology Companion, was taking
shape, they showed drafts to friends and family. One friend, Joel Smith,
avidly encouraged them to sell the book nationwide. One discussion turned
to many, and the authors agreed to let Smith sell the book at the Univer-
sity of Michigan where he was beginning a joint J.D./M.B.A. program.
The book sold out four times in three weeks. After more discussion, what
now seems a natural partnership began to form. The three incorporated
Alert and Oriented Publishing in the fall of 1993. Joel Smith is currently
a venture-capital lawyer working in the twin brave new worlds of bio-
and info- technology.
In addition to the Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion, Alert and
Oriented Publishing also publishes:
The Microbiology Companion, Topf and Faubel.
The Pharmacology Companion, Gallia, Hann and Hewson.
Biochemistry on a Board (B.O.B), Carroll.

S. Faubel and J. Topf

In our modest experience, there are two critical time periods in the creation of a book: the
beginning and the end. We would like to thank the individuals who helped make those
critical moments successful.
The Beginning. The Detroit Medical Center and Dr. Ernest Yoder were instrumental in
getting this book started by providing the critical resource, time, during our transitional
internship in 1995-96. Dr. Yoder, thanks for trusting us.
The End. The final finishing touches to the book were completed during a ten day retreat to
Breckenridge, Colorado called “FinishFest.” The FinishFest team was essential in trans-
forming a prototype version into a final cohesive book. Thank you for helping us achieve the
Warren Capell, MD Joel S. Smith
Catherine Spratt Stefanie Schiff
The following individuals were essential in getting the book to its current form by reading
early prototypes and providing critical feedback:
Rajiv Agarwal, MD Eugene Lim, MD
Mary Ciccarelli, MD Rick Martinello, MD
Jeffery Gatz, MD Matt Mulloy
Ravi Gopal, MD Kathleen Prag, MD
Samir Gupta, MD Debra Rusk, MD
Hasmeena Kathuria, MD Jeffery Topf, DDS
Sophia Kim, MD Cliffard Zwillich, MD

Hardware: various Apple computers including PowerBooks (Wallstreet G3, 1400cs, 520c,
Duo 2300c) and PowerMacintosh desktops (7500 and 7600). Printing was done on a Hewlett
Packard 6MP (Jumbo) and an Apple LaserWriter 4/600PS (Butch). SyQuest EZ drives were
used for backup and storage.
Software: The project began in the dark days of Macintosh Operating System 7.5.X. But
we emerged from the valley of Fatal-System-Crashes with the upgrade to System 7.6 and
finished the book with System 8.1. Although OS8 is a masterpiece of ease-of-use and de-
sign, the OS was enhanced by three essential utilities: Type-It-4-Me, an elegant extension
which saves keystrokes by the bushelful, DialogueView, a simple control panel which
allowed us to view long file names and DefaultFolder which finally solved the problem of
keeping picture files with their associated chapter files. This book was created with Adobe
Pagemaker 6.01. The drawings were done with Adobe Illustrator 5.5. File transfer was
done with Panic Software’s Transmit. No Microsoft products were used in the production
of this book.
Type: The book is set in the font families New Century Schoolbook and Helvetica.
Noise: U2, Portishead, Dead Can Dance, Enigma, Peter Murphy, Pink Floyd, Nine Inch
Nails, REM, Talking Heads, the Blade Runner soundtrack, the Starwars trilogy running
on the VCR in the background and Cirque du Soleil.
Caffeine: The MT Cup, Shadow Box Cafe, Cava Java, Mountain Java, Stagedoor Cafe,
The Abbey and Finster’s Bagels.
Design inspiration: Robin Williams.
Patron Saint: Lubert Stryer.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Some of the most confusing and difficult subjects in medicine are fluid, electrolyte and
acid-base disorders. Even though these disorders are commonly encountered in clinical
medicine, the pathophysiology which underlies them is widely misunderstood. One reason
these disorders are not well understood by medical students and residents is that electro-
lyte disorders are not taught as a single cohesive course in medical school; rather, this
subject is split across disciplines and years. For example, acid-base disorders are intro-
duced during respiratory and renal physiology while the practical diagnosis is left to the
clinical years; similarly, electrolyte disorders are partially covered in renal physiology, and
practical matters are delayed until the internal medicine rotation in the third year of medi-
cal school.
It was into this morass we waded when we decided to write a comprehensive text on the
subject. Our goal was to provide medical students with a conceptual model of how sodium,
potassium and hydrogen physiologically behave in the body and to back that conceptual
knowledge with reasoned clinical approaches to disorders of their excess and deficit.
To accomplish this goal, we present the information in five parts on every page. The grey
title at the top of each page orients the reader to the basic outline of the chapter and where
the current page fits into that outline. Then, the primary concept of the page is summa-
rized in a single sentence. Below the title is a picture which illustrates the concept. Below
the picture is a block of text, rarely longer than three paragraphs, which succinctly de-
scribes the concept. Finally, at the bottom of each page are a few questions designed to
reinforce the primary points as well as confirm that the reader is engaged in the text and
not merely turning the pages.
In addition, many of the pages have side comments marked by icons. There are three icons
used in the book:

The link marks information which is covered in another section of the book. The
chapter and page numbers are listed for quick reference.

The exclamation point highlights subtle and/or important points that require em-
phasis. Pay particular attention to these points as they are typically instrumental
in understanding the material.

The light bulb indicates interesting side points that are relevant, but not vital, to
the concept being discussed.

We feel that the four years of labor poured into this book has resulted in the best fluid,
electrolyte and acid-base book ever written for medical students and residents. We hope
you agree.
Sarah Faubel and Joel Topf

S. Faubel and J. Topf

ater, tha t’s w hat I’m getting at, water!
Mandrake, water is the source of all life.
Seven-tenths of this earth’s surface is
water. Why, do you realize, that 60% of you is wa-
ter? And as human beings, you and I need fresh
pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids.

General Jack Ripper

Doctor Strangelove

! Personal reference nephron, use as needed.

Glomerulus Distal convoluted tubule

290 mmol/L 100 mmol/L
285 mmol/L

510 mmol/L Collecting tubule

Proximal tubule
290 mmol/L • principle cell
735 mmol/L • intercalated cell

960 mmol/L
Loop of Henle
Medullary interstitium
1185 mmol/L (concentration gradient)

urine concentration
1400 mmol/L
• 30-50 mmol/L without ADH
• 900-1400 mmol/L with ADH

The Nephron Loop of Henle

The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron; The loop of Henle is the engine which drives the dilu-
therefore, all of the fundamental functions of the tion and concentration of urine. The loop contains Na-
kidney can be understood by looking at a single K-2 Cl transporters in the ascending limb which pump
nephron. There are over one million nephrons in solutes (Na+, K+ and Cl–) from the tubule into the med-
each kidney. Each nephron is composed of six ba- ullary interstitium. Fluid exiting the loop of Henle has
sic components. an osmolality of 50 to 100 mmol/L.
++ ++
Glomerulus Ca and Mg are resorbed in the loop of Henle.
The glomerulus is the first part of the nephron and Medullary interstitium
creates tubular fluid by filtering the blood. Blood from The medullary interstitium is a salty brine created
the renal arteries fans through the arterial tree to the by the loop of Henle. The medullary interstitium is
afferent arterioles. From the afferent arterioles blood essential to the formation of concentrated urine.
enters the glomerular capillaries where the blood is
divided into two componants: tubular fluid (which Distal (convoluted) tubule
eventually becomes urine) and unfilterable large sol- The distal tubule resorbs sodium and dilutes the urine
utes (which are returned to the blood). The tubular in a fashion similar to the loop of Henle. The distal
fluid is created by filtering the blood and allowing tubule is considered part of the distal nephron.
water, electrolytes and small nonelectrolytes (e.g., Collecting tubule
urea, glucose) to pass through the glomerular mem-
The collecting tubule is responsible for maintaining
brane while protein and the cellular components of
acid-base and potassium balance in addition to
blood are prevented from passing this membrane.
regulating the concentration of urine. The collecting
Proximal tubule tubule is part of the distal nephron.
The proximal tubule is responsible for the large-scale There are two primary types of cells in the collect-
resorption of filtered water and solutes. It reduces the ing tubule: principle cells (secrete potassium, resorb
volume of the filtrate by . Fluid is resorbed in an sodium) and intercalated cells (secrete hydrogen).
isotonic manner; that is, the osmolality of fluid enter- The resorption of sodium and the secretion of both
ing the proximal tubule has the same osmolality as potassium and hydrogen is enhanced by the hor-
fluid leaving the proximal tubule. mone aldosterone.
Angiotensin II increases the resorption of sodium The collecting tubule also regulates the concentra-
and water in the proximal tubule. tion of urine under the influence of ADH. With ADH,
Specific transporters recover vital solutes that are the collecting tubules become permeable to water and
filtered by the glomerulus. Examples of solutes re- produce concentrated urine. The absence of ADH
covered by the proximal tubule include amino ac- causes the dilute tubular fluid from the distal convo-
ids, glucose and bicarbonate. luted tubule to be excreted unchanged.
S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

1 Moles and Water

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Total body water!The body is 60% water.

40% Everything else

that is not water

60% Total body water

The amount of water contained in the body, total body water, is 50-60% of
a person's weight. Since 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram, calculating total
body water (TBW) is simple. For example, a 70 kg (154 pound) man consists
of 42 (.60 x 70) liters of water.
Because such a large portion of the body is water, maintaining appropri-
ate fluid balance is critical to healthy body function.

1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds.To convert pounds to kilograms, divide pounds by To

kilograms to pounds, multiply kilograms by 2.2.

1 kilogram = _______ liter of water = ______ pounds. 1; 2.2

A 60 kilogram man contains _______ liters of water. 60% ! 60 = 36

50 kg = _______ pounds. 110
S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Total body water!TBW is affected by gender and age.

TBW = 50% TBW = 60%

TBW = 70% TBW = 50%

Men are about 60% water by weight and women are 50-55% water by
weight. Women have a lower TBW because they have a higher proportion of
body fat, which contains little water.
Age also affects total body water. Infants have a high percentage of water
by weight. Premature infants may contain up to 80% water. Full-term in-
fants are about 70% water which decreases to 60% after 6 months to a year.
After the age of one, TBW remains a consistent proportion of weight until
declining once again with advanced age. For example, an older adult male
is 50% water by weight.

In general, about _______ percent of a man's weight is water, 60

whereas about _______ percent of a woman's weight is water. 50

Infants have a ________ (high/low) percentage of water by high


Just as grapes become raisins, when adults age they become

wrinkled and _______ (lose/gain) water. lose

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Total body water!TBW is affected by body fat.

70 kg man Donuts 100 kg man
before internship from morning report after internship

70 kg of 30 kg of
original weight fat

60% + =

70 kg ! 0.60 (70 kg ! 0.60) + (30 kg ! 0.10)

TBW = 42 L TBW = 42 L + 3 L = 45 L

Unlike other body tissues, fat has a low percentage of water. Most tissues
are composed of 70 to 85% water, whereas fat contains only 10% water.
Therefore, when calculating total body water, it is important to use the lean
body weight since the contribution of fat to total body water is minimal.
Calculating total body water is necessary when prescribing some medica-
tions, administering IV fluids and correcting certain electrolyte disorders.
For example, say a healthy 70 kg man began internship and started eat-
ing large quantities of donuts at morning report. If he gained 30 kg he would
then weigh 100 kg, but the increased weight would be all fat. His total body
water would not be 60 L (0.60 ! 100); rather, it would be:
(70 kg ! 0.60) + (30 kg ! 0.10) = 42 + 3 = 45 liters
Although it can be calculated using calipers, lean body weight can also be
estimated by either the ideal weight or adjusted weight. The ideal weight is
only accurate in thin patients while the adjusted weight is accurate in both
thin and obese patients.

IDEAL WEIGHT: females: 45 kg

+ 2.3 kg for every inch over 5 feet
males: 50 kg
ADJUSTED WEIGHT: ideal weight + 0.4 (actual body weight – ideal weight)

A lean person who weighs 60 kg has a __________ (lower/higher) higher

total body water than an obese person weighing 60 kg.

Fat cells contain a _______ (small/large) amount of water. small

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Total body water!Compartments!TBW is distributed between

the intracellular and extracellular compartments.
intracellular compartment extracellular compartment
interstitial compartment plasma compartment

cell membane

l a r y wa
ca p
H2 0 H20
H20 H20

Total body water is distributed between two compartments: the intra–

cellular compartment (water inside cells), and the extracellular compart-
ment (water outside cells).
The intracellular compartment (ICC) is separated from the extracellular
compartment (ECC) by the cell membrane. The cell membrane is freely per-
meable to water.
The extracellular compartment is divided into two components: the inter-
stitial compartment and the plasma compartment. The interstitial compart-
ment is the fluid surrounding cells outside of the blood vessels. It includes
lymphatic fluid.
The plasma compartment consists of the extracellular fluid contained
within blood vessels. Plasma volume is not the same as blood volume be-
cause blood includes cells, which are part of the intracellular compartment.
Water is able to freely move through the capillary walls which divide the
interstitial and plasma compartments.
The _____ _______ separates the intracellular and extracellular cell membrane
compartments. It is _________ to water. permeable

The separation between the __________ compartment and the interstitial

plasma compartment is the capillary wall.

___________ is able to move freely between the interstitial and Water

plasma compartments.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Total body water!Compartments!Two-thirds of TBW is in the

intracellular compartment.

interstitial compartment plasma compartment
67% TBW 25% TBW 8% TBW
28 L 11 L 3L

The distribution of water between the three compartments is a consistent

percentage of total body water, although the exact percentages are a matter
of debate. For example, the intracellular compartment has been reported to
range from 55% of TBW to 75% of TBW.
Keeping in mind that these are only guidelines, this book uses the follow-
ing ratios for the distribution of body water between compartments.
⅔ of TBW is intracellular.
⅓ of TBW is extracellular.
¾ of the ECC is in the interstitial compartment.
¼ of the ECC is in the plasma compartment.
Therefore, in a 70 kg man with a TBW of 42 L, 28 L is intracellular and 14 L
is extracellular. Of the extracellular fluid, 11 L (25% of TBW) is in the intersti-
tial compartment and 3 L (8% of TBW) is in the plasma compartment.

The different sizes of the water compartments influence the distribution of intravenous flu-
ids. This topic is reviewed in the next chapter
, beginning on page 32.

The intracellular compartment is _________ (larger/smaller) than larger

the extracellular compartment.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Clinical correlation: The intravascular compartment contains

blood which consists of cells and plasma.


cells plasma
water solutes
Platelets White
blood cells

Red -
HPO-2 Cl
blood 4
cells bilir

urea Mg ++

+ protein

The intravascular compartment is the compartment which contains

blood. Since blood consists of cells and plasma, the plasma compartment
is part of the intravascular compartment. Blood cells include platelets,
white blood cells and red blood cells (RBCs). The intravascular compart-
ment is about 5 liters in a 70 kg man.
Plasma is the noncellular portion of blood. It consists of water and
solutes (e.g., urea, sodium, potassium). About 60% of blood is plasma; there-
fore, in a 70 kg man, plasma volume is 3 L (0.60 ! 5L = 3 L).
Hematocrit is the percentage of blood volume which is red blood cells;
it is normally about 40%. The vast majority of cells in the blood are RBCs.
The hematocrit is a concentration and thus depends on both the num-
ber of RBCs and the plasma volume. Changes in plasma volume can change
the hematocrit without a change in the number of RBCs. For example,
patients who are dehydrated typically have an increased hematocrit; there
is no change in the number of red cells, but the plasma volume is de-
creased due to the loss of water. On the other hand, administration of
intravenous fluids (IVF) can lower hematocrit by diluting a constant red
cell volume.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Total body water!Solutes!Electrolytes and nonelectrolytes are

dissolved in the TBW.

Mg ++
+ PO4
+ Cl
- O3 urea protein
++ K HC
Ca alb
in bilir

Cations Anions Nonelectrolytes

sodium chloride urea

potassium bicarbonate proteins
calcium phosphate coagulation factors
magnesium bilirubin
hydrogen glucose

Dissolved in the TBW are several types of solutes. Although the solute
compositions of the three body water compartments are different, only
plasma solutes can be measured. (It is easy to draw blood from a vein and
send it to the lab, but there is no simple technique to draw an intracellular
or interstitial sample.) The two types of solutes are electrolytes and non-
An electrolyte is any substance with a positive or negative charge. Elec-
trolytes that are positively charged are cations; electrolytes that are nega-
tively charged are anions. Nonelectrolytes carry no charge. The major elec-
trolytes and nonelectrolytes are listed above.
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to the methods used to measure
plasma solutes.

Electrolytes have either a positive or a(n) __________ charge. negative

__________, such as bilirubin and urea, do not have a charge. Nonelectrolytes

The major cations in the body are Na+, K+, _________, Mg++
_________ and H+. Ca++

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Brace yourself for a review of concepts straight from college

chemistry. On the following pages we will review moles, equiva-
lents, the metric system, osmolality and electroneutrality. Be-
fore you put the book down in disgust (or worse, burn it), realize
that the units really do matter.
Understanding the basics of fluid and electrolytes requires
an understanding of how and why things are measured the way
they are.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Use of units!The mole is a very large number.

000,000,000,000 • 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 • 602,000,0

00,000,000,000,000,000 • 602,000,000,000
0,000,000,000,000,000 • 602,000,000,000,

1 mole = 6.02 x 10 23


,000,000,000,000 • 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 • 602,000,00

One mole represents a really large number: 6.02 x 1023 or 602,000,000,

000,000,000,000,000. While most textbooks try to put a mole into perspec-
tive by saying how many football fields could be covered with a mole of grass
blades or by how high a mole of paper would stack up, it is impossible to put
this number into true perspective. This number is important because just
as bakers count donuts in dozens; scientists count molecules and atoms in
One mole of something is always 6.02 x 10 23.
6.02 x 10 is Avogadro’s number.
One millimole is ¹⁄₁₀₀₀ of a mole. One millimole equals 6.02 x 1020, which is
still a very large number.
One ________ always equals 6.02 x 1023. mole

One dozen always equals _________. 12

One mole of donuts is _________ donuts. 6.02 x 1023 or

602,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000

One dozen donuts is _________ donuts. 12

One mole of sodium is ___________ sodium atoms. 6.02 x 1023

If 282 millimoles of glucose are in a liter of water, there are

________ glucose molecules in the solution. 282 x 6.02 x 1020

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Use of units!Molecular weight is the mass of one mole of a


1.0079 Grams
3 4 Moles =
Lithium Beryllium Molecular weight
2 Li Be
6.941 9.01218
11 12
Sodium Magnesium


22.989 24.305
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese

4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn
39.098 40.08 44.956 47.90 50.9414 51.996 54.9380

The molecular weight of a particle represents what a single mole of that

particle weighs in grams. For example, the molecular weight of magnesium
is 24. Therefore, one mole (6.02 x 1023) of magnesium atoms weighs 24 grams.
Although one gram of an element weighs the same as one gram of a differ-
ent element, they will contain a different number of atoms. One mole of an
element always contains the same number of atoms (6.02 x 10 ) as one
mole of a different element, but they weigh different amounts.
Other examples:
molecule/element molecular weight
sodium 23 23 grams of sodium = 1 mole
glucose 180 180 grams of glucose = 1 mole
BUN* 28 28 grams of BUN = 1 mole

* blood urea nitrogen

Molecular weight is the mass of one mole of particles measured aaa
in ________. grams

The molecular weight of ________ is 180. glucose

One gram of sodium weighs the same as ________ gram of po- one
tassium, but they contain different numbers of _______. atoms

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Use of units!Concentration!Plasma solutes are measured in

mg/dL and mmol/L.

1 L of water 1 L of solution
2 mg

2 mg
2 mg

2 mg

6 2 mg

4 2 mg 2 mg

Concentration = 7 mmol/L Concentration = 14 mg/L = 1.4 mg/dL

= 1 millimole of solute

Plasma solutes are measured in terms of concentration. The concentra-

tion of a solute is the amount of solute dissolved in a set volume of water.
There are two common methods of expressing solute concentrations: milli-
moles per liter (mmol/L) and milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
Millimoles per liter is the number of particles of a solute (in mmol)
contained in a liter of water. This unit of concentration is usually used when
measuring electrolytes such as sodium, chloride and bicarbonate.
Milligrams per deciliter is the weight of a solute (in mg) contained in a
deciliter of solution. One deciliter is the same as one tenth of a liter or 100
milliliters. Mg/dL is the unit of concentration used when measuring non-
electrolytes such as protein, BUN and glucose. Although calcium, magne-
sium and phosphorus are electrolytes, they are typically measured in mg/
Hydrogen is an electrolyte, but it is measured using pH.
This is discussed in Chapter 10,
Introduction toAcid-Base Physiology.

Plasma solutes are typically measured in terms of ___________. concentration

Millimoles per liter is the ________ of particles (measured in number

mmol) contained in a liter of water.

1 deciliter is the same as ____ milliliters. 100

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Use of units!Concentration!Grams percent is used to express

the concentration of IV fluids.

0.9 % 0.45% D5W

NaCl NaCl

Concentration = Concentration = Concentration =

0.9 g% NaCl = 0.45 g% NaCl = 5 g% dextrose =
0.9 g per 100 mL 0.45 g per 100 mL 5 g per 100 mL

Grams percent, g%, is another unit of concentration. Grams percent is

the weight, in grams, of a particular solute contained in 100 milliliters of
solution. IV fluids are measured using this unit of concentration.
For example, the commonly used IV fluid 0.9% NaCl contains 0.9 grams
of NaCl per 100 milliliters of solution and 0.45% NaCl contains 0.45 grams
of NaCl per 100 mL of solution.
Another commonly used IV fluid is D5W. D5W is an abbreviation for: D =
dextrose, 5 = 5 g%, and W = water. Therefore, D5W has 5 grams of dextrose
per 100 milliliters of solution. The typical IV bag contains one liter of solu-
tion, so one liter of D5W contains 50 grams of dextrose.

IV fluids, their composition and use are discussed further in the next chapter
, Water, Where
Are You, starting on page 32.

The concentration of nonelectrolytes is usually measured in __/dL. mg

Grams percent is the number of grams of solute in _____ mL of solution. 100

One ampule of D50 is 50 mL of 50 g% dextrose; how many grams 50 g in 100 mL;

of dextrose are in one ampule of D50? 25 g in 50 mL

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Use of units!Concentration!Osmolality is the number of par-

ticles contained in one liter of water.

– 3 Mg ++
+ PO4 Na+
+ Cl
- O3 urea protein
++ K HC
C a alb
in bilir
[Chloride] [Urea]
[Bicarbonate] [Glucose]
[Calcium] [Bilirubin]
[Phosphate] [Albumin]
[Electrolytes] [Nonelectrolytes] = osmolality

Osmolality is commonly measured in mmol/L. Plasma osmolality is the

collective concentration of all the solutes contained in plasma, both electro-
lytes and nonelectrolytes.
One way to determine plasma osmolality would be to add the concentra-
tions of all the plasma electrolytes and nonelectrolytes together. Although
this method of determining plasma osmolality would be accurate, it is not
how plasma osmolality is actually determined. The measurement and cal-
culation of plasma osmolality are reviewed on the following pages.
Plasma osmolality normally ranges between 285 and 295 mmol/L.

Osmolarity is another way to measure concentration. It is related to osmolality but instead

of representing the number of particles per literwater,
of it is the number of particles per liter
of solution. Since the particles take up space, there is less than a liter of water in a liter of
solution.Therefore, for the same solution, the osmolality is always greater than osmolarity
The difference between osmolarity and osmolality is important in understanding one of the
causes of pseudohyponatremia, discussed in ChapterHyponatremia:
6, The Pathophysiol-
ogy, page 112.

__________ refers to the number of particles per liter of water. Osmolality

In medicine, osmolality is expressed as ________. mmol/L

Osmolarity is the number of particles per liter of ____________. solution

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Use of units!Concentration!Osmolality!Plasma osmolality

is measured by the freezing point depression method.

Pure water Water with 3 moles of solute

Freezing point = 0º C Freezing point = – 5.58º C

Plasma osmolality is measured using the freezing point depression method.

The freezing point of any solution is decreased by the addition of solute. The
addition of each mole of solute to a liter of water will depress the freezing
point by 1.86 degrees Celsius. Most hospital laboratories use freezing point
depression to determine osmolality.
The boiling point of water is also affected by the addition of solute. Deter-
mining osmolality by this property is known as the vaporization method.
Hospital labs do not use this method because alcohols evaporate at rela-
tively low temperatures and their contribution to osmolality is lost.

Colligative properties are properties of a solution that depend only on the number of solute
particles present (the osmolality). Colligative properties are independent of the type or na-
ture of the solute contained in solution. Freezing point, boiling point, vapor-pressure and
osmotic pressure are all colligative properties.

The addition of solute ________ the freezing point. decreases

By measuring the freezing point of plasma, the lab can deter- aaa
mine ________ _________. plasma osmolality

Plasma osmolality is the collective concentration of all solutes,

__________ and nonelectrolytes, contained in the plasma. electrolytes

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Use of units!Concentration!Osmolality!Plasma osmolality

is calculated from the concentrations of three plasma solutes.

PO –3 Mg ++
4 Na+
++ + Cl O3 urea glucos
um ubin
in bilir


[BUN] mg/dL [glucose] mg/dL

2 ! [Na+] mmol/L + ! 10 +
28 180
! 10
OR: 2 ! [Na ] + [BUN] ⁄ 2.8 + [glucose] ⁄ 18

The formula used to calculate plasma osmolality adds the concentrations

of only three plasma solutes: sodium, BUN and glucose. The formula is shown
above and has two parts. Note that this equation takes into account only
the most prevalent particles in plasma; therefore, it is only an estimate of
true osmolality.
The first expression (2 ! Na+) represents the contribution of electrolytes
to osmolality. Sodium, a cation, is the electrolyte with the highest concen-
tration in plasma. Its concentration is doubled to account for associated
The second part of the equation (BUN ⁄ 2.8 + glucose ⁄ 18 ) represents the
contribution of the major nonelectrolytes to plasma osmolality. Both BUN
and glucose are measured in mg/dL and must be converted to mmol/L be-
fore being added to the sodium concentration. To convert from mg/dL to
mmol/L, the concentration of BUN in mg/dL is divided by 2.8 and the con-
centration of glucose in mg/dL is divided by 18. (The derivation of the con-
version from mg/dL to mmol/L is on the following page and requires multi-
plying by 10 and dividing by the molecular weight.) In general, the contri-
bution of nonelectrolytes to plasma osmolality is small.
Example: Calculate normal plasma osmolality
10 80
sodium = 140 mmol/L 2 ! 140 + +
BUN = 10 mg/dL 2.8 18
glucose = 80 mg/dL 280 + 3.6 + 4.4 = 288 mmol/L

The calculation for plasma osmolality is twice the _________ concentra- sodium
tion added to the concentrations of ________ and ________ in mmol/L. BUN; glucose

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Medical math: To convert from mg/dL to mmol/L, divide by the

molecular weight and multiply by 10.
molecular weight
milligram millimole
deciliter liter
deciliter ÷ 10

mg/dL ! 10 mmol/L
molecular weight

To convert from mg/dL to mmol/L, milligrams need to be converted to

millimoles and deciliters need to be converted to liters. To convert milli-
grams to millimoles, just divide milligrams by the molecular weight of
the substance. (See page 11.) To convert deciliters to liters, divide the
number of deciliters by ten. Since deciliters are part of the denominator,
dividing the denominator by ten is the same as multiplying the entire
fraction by ten. Some examples:
Convert 18 mg/dL of BUN to mmol/L; the molecular weight of BUN is
28. Plasma BUN concentration normally ranges from 10–20 mg/dL.

18 mg/dL
! 10 = 6.4 mmol/L

Convert 200 mg/dL of glucose to mmol/L; the molecular weight of glu-

cose is 180. Plasma glucose concentration is normally 80 – 120 mg/dL.

200 mg/dL
! 10 = 11 mmol/L
Convert a blood alcohol concentration of 230 mg/dL to mmol/L. Ethanol
has a molecular weight of 46.

230 mg/dL !
10 = 50 mmol/L

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Use of units!Concentration!Osmolality!The osmolar gap is the

difference between the measured and calculated plasma osmolalities.


PO –3 Mg ++ PO –3 Mg ++
4 Na+ 4 Na+
e e
++ K
+ Cl
O3 urea glucos ++ K
+ Cl
- O3 urea glucos
alb alb
um ubin um ubin
in bilir in bilir

Actual osmolality determined by

2 (Na+) + BUN + glucose
freezing point depression. 2.8 18

? ??
++ PO –3
Ca 4
+ O3 ubin
HC bilir ET
alb HA

in NO


Solutes not included in the cal-
culation which account for a nor-
mal osmolar gap of less than 10.

The formula for calculated plasma osmolality does not include several
solutes normally contained in plasma such as magnesium, calcium, biliru-
bin and albumin. Therefore, the calculated plasma osmolality is always less
than the measured osmolality. Normally, the difference, or gap, between the
measured and calculated plasma osmolality is less than 10 mmol/L.
A gap greater than 10 mmol/L is abnormal. This occurs from an excess of
unmeasured, low-molecular-weight substances in plasma. Solutes which
increase the osmolar gap are either endogenous (e.g., lactic acid, ketones) or
exogenous (e.g., ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol).

Why is it that onlylow molecular weight particles cause an increased osmolar gap? Unless
a person ingests massive amounts of a solute, only particles with a small molecular weight
can dramatically af fect osmolality
. 100 mg/dL of ethanol (molecular weight 46) adds 22
mmol/L while 100 mg/dL of acetaminophen (molecular weight 141) adds only 7 mmol/L.
The osmolar gap is clinically useful in the evaluation of toxic ingestions and anion gap
metabolic acidosis. It is discussed in detail in ChapterMetabolic
13, Acidosis:Anion Gap,
starting on page 367.

The osmolar gap is the difference between the measured and aaa
____________ plasma osmolality. calculated

The normal osmolar gap is less than _____ mmol/L. 10

S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Use of units!Concentration!Equivalents are units of charge.

1 equivalent = 1 mole of charge

For an atom with a charge of +1 or –1, For an atom with a charge of +2 or –2,
1 milliequivalent = 1 millimole. 2 milliequivalent = 1 millimole.

Na+ Cl–
+ – Mg++ Ca++
Na+ 140 mEq/L = 140 mmol/L Mg++ 2.0 mEq/L = 1.0 mmol/L
K+ 4.0 mEq/L = 4.0 mmol/L Ca++ 3.0 mEq/L = 1.5 mmol/L
Cl– 104 mEq/L = 104 mmol/L
HCO3– 24 mEq/L = 24 mmol/L

In addition to mmol/L, electrolytes are also measured in milliequivalents

per liter, mEq/L. The equivalent is a unit which reflects the number of charges
per mole. One equivalent is one mole of charge, either positive or negative.
For univalent ions (ions with a charge of one: Na+, K+, Cl–), equivalents are
equal to moles, so one milliequivalent equals one millimole. For divalent
and other ions, the number of equivalents is greater than the number of
moles. For example, one mole of calcium, which has a charge of +2, equals
two moles of charge or two equivalents.

Although it would be more logical to measure magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in mmol/L
mEq/L, these electrolytes are actually measured in mg/dL. Only the univalent ions (i.e.,
sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate) are reported in mmol/L or mEq/L.

Electrolytes are measured in mmol/L or ________/L. mEq

Measuring in mEq/L allows comparison of _________. charge

It is __________ to express nonelectrolytes in equivalents. impossible

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! All bodily fluids are

Use of units!Concentration!Equivalents!
always electroneutral.

m a is an elect
P las ron
eut n.
Mg ++
ral solutio
++ + PO –3
K Na+ 4 –


[Potassium] [Chloride]
[Magnesium] [Bicarbonate]
[Calcium] [Phosphate]

[Cations] [Anions]

[Cations] — [Anions] = Zero (always)

A solution in which the positive and negative charges balance out is an

electroneutral solution. In an electroneutral solution, the concentration of
cations (in milliequivalents) equals the concentration of anions (in mil-
Plasma, like all bodily fluids, is an electroneutral solution. In plasma, the
concentration of anions equals the concentration of cations.

An electroneutral solution has a(n) _________ number of posi- equal

tive and negative charges.

All bodily fluids are ______________. electroneutral

In plasma, the concentration (in mEq/L) of ________ equals the cations

concentration of ___________. anions
S. Faubel and J. Topf 1 Moles and Water

Clinical correlation: The anion gap identifies an abnormal in-

crease in plasma anions.
[Na+] minus [Cl–] + [HCO3– ]

Mg ++


Na+ PO –3
4 CCl
= anion

= +
Mg ++
anion ++
Ca + A- A-
gap K
PO –3
A- A-

the anion gap ions not included in the calculation additional abnormal ions
consists of: which account for a normal gap of 12

The anion gap is a tool based on the principle of electroneutrality

which is used to detect an abnormal increase in plasma anions. The
formula used to calculate the anion gap is: [Na+] – ([Cl–] + [HCO3 ]).

Sodium represents the plasma cations while chloride and bicarbon-

ate represent the anions. If the only ions in plasma were sodium, chlo-
ride and bicarbonate, the anion gap would be zero. Normally, however,
the sodium concentration is greater than the sum of the chloride and
bicarbonate concentrations, and the normal anion gap is 5 to 12 mEq/L.
An increased anion gap indicates an increase in the concentration of
anions other than chloride or bicarbonate. Do not mistake an increased
anion gap for a loss of electroneutrality. Plasma is always electroneu-
tral. If an increased anion gap is present, it is because the concentra-
tion of other anions has increased causing a decrease in the concentra-
tion of chloride or bicarbonate.
An increased anion gap could also represent a decrease in plasma
cations. Clinically, however, this rarely occurs.

The anion gap is important in understanding metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis is

divided into two types based on the presence or absence of an increased anion gap.
(See Chapters 11 to 13.) Anion gap metabolic acidosis can be due to methanol, salicy-
lates, lactate, ethanol, ethylene glycol, paraldehyde, uremia, ketoacidosis and starva-

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Moles and water.

Total body water (TBW) depends on gender, age and percent body fat.


60% 50%
50% 50%

TBW is distributed between the intracellular and extracellular compart-

ments. The extracellular compartment is divided into the interstitial and
plasma compartments.

interstitial compartment plasma compartment
67% TBW 25% TBW 8% TBW

The concentration of plasma solutes is measured by either the number of

particles per liter (i.e., mmol/L, mEq/L) or the weight of solutes per deciliter
(i.e., mg/dL). Normal plasma osmolality is 285-295 mmol/L. Plasma osmola-
lity is the collective concentration of all the plasma solutes. Plasma osmola-
lity is calculated using the following formula:

[BUN] mg/dL [glucose] mg/dL

2 ! [Na+] mmol/L +
! 10 + ! 10
2 ! [Na+ ] + [BUN] ⁄ 2.8 + [glucose] ⁄ 18

The osmolar and anion gap are useful clinical tools in the evaluation of
metabolic acidosis.

measured osmolality – calculated osmolality

normal osmolar gap is less than 10 mmol/L


[Na ] – ([Cl– ] – [HCO3 ])

+ –

normal anion gap = 5 to 12 mEq/L

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

2 Water, Where Are You?

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Movement of water!The amount of water in each body compart-

ment is dependent on osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure.



67% 25% 8%

The distribution of water among the three body water compartments (in-
tracellular, interstitial and plasma compartments) is determined by two
forces: osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure. The balance of these forces
determines the amount of water in each compartment.
Osmotic pressure is the force exerted by solutes.
Hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted by water.

An understanding of osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure is helpful to understand the

distribution of intravenous fluids, discussed later in this chapter
. Hydrostatic pressure and
osmotic pressure are also primary components of Starling’s law which governs the move-
ment of fluid between the interstitial and plasma compartments. Starling’
s law is the subject
(and title) of the next chapter

________ _________ is the force exerted by solutes. Osmotic pressure

_________ ___________ is the force exerted by water. Hydrostatic pressure

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Movement of water!Osmotic pressure causes the movement

of water from an area of low to high concentration.

addition of
equilibrium solute new equilibrium

so so


te te

Imagine a beaker of saline with a semipermeable membrane dividing it

in half. The membrane is permeable to water but not to solute. At equilib-
rium, the concentration of solute is equal in both compartments. Water mol-
ecules move back and forth across the membrane, but there is no net move-
ment of water.
Then imagine that a salt shaker comes along and adds solute to the com-
partment on the right side of the beaker. The added solute causes the right
side to have a higher concentration (osmolality) than the other. Nature ab-
hors a concentration gradient almost as much as a vacuum. Because solute
cannot cross the membrane, water moves across to equalize the concentra-
tions. The additional solute acts like a magnet to draw water into the com-
partment with the higher concentration.
The ability of a solute to cause the movement of water is osmotic pres-
sure. Water always moves from an area of low solute concentration to an
area of high solute concentration.

Adding solute to a compartment increases the _________ of osmolality

that compartment.

Water will flow from an area of _____ (low/high) osmolality low

to an area of ______ (low/high) osmolality. high

The ability of a solute to cause the movement of water is

_________ __________. osmotic pressure

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Movement of water!Hydrostatic pressure opposes osmotic pressure.






pressure so


As water crosses the membrane to equalize the concentration gradient,

the water level rises. The weight of the water column pushes against the
water flowing into that compartment. This opposing force is hydrostatic
pressure. The movement of water stops when osmotic and hydrostatic pres-
sures are balanced. At this point, a new equilibrium is established and there
is no net movement of water.
Although hydrostatic pressure is visualized here as a column of water
(and symbolized by the cartoon anvil), it can also be due to elastic forces.
Imagine a balloon filled with water and divided by a semipermeable mem-
brane; if solute is added to one side, water will flow to that side and stretch
the balloon. The stretching balloon is an elastic force which opposes the
flow of water; this opposition is also hydrostatic pressure.

___________ pressure is the force exerted by water. Hydrostatic

Hydrostatic pressure is represented by the cartoon _________. anvil

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Movement of water!Osmotic pressure develops only when a

membrane is impermeable to a solute.

addition of
equilibrium solute new equilibrium



If the membrane in the beaker is permeable to the solute, the experiment

changes significantly. At initial equilibrium, the water and solute molecules
cross the membrane with no net movement of solute or water. It is as if
there is no membrane at all.
If additional solute is added to one compartment, the osmolality of that
compartment rises. Unlike the previous example where water crossed the
membrane to reestablish equilibrium, in this example, the solute crosses
the membrane to prevent the formation of a concentration gradient.
Thus, for a solute to exert osmotic pressure (draw water into a compart-
ment), the membrane separating the compartments must be impermeable
to the solute.

For a solute to cause the movement of water from one compart- aaa
ment to another, the ___________ separating the compartments membrane
must be _______________ to that solute. impermeable

When a membrane is permeable to a solute, the addition of sol-

ute to one side of the __________ does not cause the osmotic membrane
movement of __________. water

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Movement of water!Osmotic pressure is dependent on both

osmolality and membrane permeability.




As demonstrated by the examples on the previous pages, the osmotic pres-

sure exerted by a solute is determined by two factors: osmolality and the
permeability of the membrane dividing the compartments.
Osmolality. The greater the difference in osmolality between two com-
partments, the greater the force causing the movement of water (osmotic
pressure). Osmotic pressure is determined only by the concentration of par-
Membrane permeability. A solute can only exert osmotic pressure if
the membrane separating the two compartments is impermeable to the sol-
ute. If the solute can pass through the membrane, then the solute, and not
water, crosses the membrane to eliminate the concentration gradient.

Osmolality is the collective _______________ of all the particles concentration

in a solution.

Osmotic pressure is dependent on two factors: the __________ of concentration

the solute and the ___________ of the membrane. permeability

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Distribution of TBW!The intra- and extracellular compartments

are separated by the cell membrane.

K+ Na+

3 Na + 2 K+

urea urea

water water

The three body water compartments are separated by two different types
of membranes which affect the solute composition of each compartment.
The intracellular and extracellular compartments are separated by the
cell membrane. The cell membrane is permeable to water and small non-
electrolytes such as urea but is impermeable to electrolytes such as sodium
and potassium. It is also impermeable to large molecules such as proteins.
The electrolyte compositions of the intracellular and extracellular com-
partments are different. The intracellular compartment has a high concen-
tration of K+ (140 mEq/L) and the extracellular compartment has a high
concentration of Na (135-145 mEq/L). Because the cell membrane is imper-
meable to sodium and potassium, Na-K-ATPase pumps located in the cell
membrane are required to move these ions in and out of the cell.
Although the intracellular and extracellular compartments have differ-
ent solute compositions, the two compartments have the same osmolality
because the cell membrane is permeable to water.

The cell _________ separates the intracellular and extracellular com- membrane
partments and is permeable to ________ and small nonelectrolytes. water

The intracellular and extracellular compartments have different sol-

ute compositions, but have the same __________. osmolality

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Distribution of TBW!The interstitial and plasma compartments

are separated by the capillary membrane.





K+ K+

Na+ Na+

urea urea

water water

Blood vessels separate the interstitial and plasma compartments. Although

arteries and veins are impermeable, capillaries are permeable to water and
solutes. Electrolytes (e.g., sodium, potassium) and nonelectrolytes (e.g., urea)
are permeable to the capillary membrane. The capillaries, however, are not
permeable to proteins (e.g., albumin, clotting factors) or cells (e.g., RBCs,
Due to the selective permeability of capillaries, the interstitial and plasma
compartments have the same osmolality and electrolyte composition, but
the plasma compartment has a higher protein composition.

Blood vessels separate the interstitial and _________ compartments. plasma

Arteries and veins are ____________ to water. impermeable

Capillaries are permeable to water and electrolytes but not to

________. proteins

The interstitial and plasma compartments have the same _________ osmolality
and electrolyte composition but differ in their content of ______. protein

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Distribution of TBW!The osmolality of all three compartments

is the same.


osmolality = osmolality = osmolality

Because water is able to move freely among all three compartments, it is

impossible for one compartment to become more or less concentrated than
the others. The osmolality of all three water compartments is always the
If solute is added to a compartment, water is drawn into that compart-
ment until the osmolalities of all the compartments are equal. If solute is
lost from a compartment, water flows out of that compartment until the
osmolalities of all the compartments are equal.
Likewise, if water is added to a compartment, it distributes among the
body water compartments until the osmolalities are again equal.

The movement of water between compartments due to changes in plasma osmolality is an

important concept in understanding the clinical consequences of hypo- and hypernatremia,
discussed in Chapters 6 through Hyponatremia
8, and Hypernatremia.

Water is able to move freely between all _________ body water three

The _________ of all the body water compartments are always osmolalities
the same.
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

IVFs!Intravenous fluids (IVFs) come in several different forms.

dextrose saline lactated plasma

Ringer's expander

130 109
4 28
Ca 3

There are four types of intravenous fluids (IVFs):

dextrose dextrose and water
saline Na+, Cl– and water
lactated Ringer's Na+, Cl–, K+, Ca++, lactate and water
plasma expander a solute which is restricted to the
plasma compartment

IV fluid concentrations are categorized relative to plasma osmolality:

isotonic osmolality similar to plasma
hypotonic osmolality less than plasma
hypertonic osmolality greater than plasma

There are four major types of IV fluids: _________, dextrose

____________, lactated Ringer’s and plasma expanders. saline

There are three concentrations of IV fluids: _____________, hypotonic

______________ and hypertonic. isotonic

Normal plasma osmolality is between ______ and ____ mmol/L. 285; 295

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

! The distribution of an IVF depends on its composition.


Dextrose solutions distribute Saline solutions distribute in the

across all three compartments. extracellular compartment.

Lactated Ringer's distributes in the Plasma expanders remain within

extracellular compartment. the plasma compartment.

One of the most important factors guiding the selection of an intravenous

fluid is its distribution among the three body water compartments. The dis-
tribution of an IV fluid is dependent on two factors:
• the ability of the solute to cross body water compartments
• the osmolality of the IV fluid
The solute contained in an IV fluid determines where the IVF distrib-
utes. For example, if the solute is unable to cross the division between the
plasma compartment and the interstitial compartment (the capillary mem-
brane), then the IV fluid remains entirely within the plasma compartment.
If, on the other hand, the solute can cross both the capillary and cell mem-
branes, then the IVF distributes among all three body water compartments.
The osmolality of an IVF determines the amount of fluid which distrib-
utes to the body water compartments. This factor is particularly important
in the distribution of hypotonic and hypertonic saline solutions.
The types, distribution and use of all the common IVFs (dextrose, saline,
lactated Ringer's, plasma expanders) are reviewed in detail on the following
The _______ of the IVF determines the distribution of the IVF. solute

If the solute of an IVF is unable to pass through the capillary

membrane, then the IVF remains in the ________ compartment. plasma

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! Dextrose solutions!Dextrose solutions are commonly


dextrose water

5 g%: 5 grams dextrose per 100 mL

solution osmolality
D5W 278 mmol/L
D10 W 556 mmol/L
D20 W 1,111 mmol/L
D50 W 2,778 mmol/L

D5W is the most commonly used dextrose solution. D5W is a solution of 5

grams of dextrose per 100 mL of solution. One liter of D5W contains 50
grams of dextrose. Because the molecular weight of dextrose is 180, the
osmolality of D5W is:
50 grams 1 mole
! 180 grams
= 0.278 moles/liter = 278 mmol/L

Since 278 mmol/L is similar to plasma osmolality, D5W is an isotonic


What is the difference between dextrose and glucose? Glucose is a 6-carbon-straight-chain

carbohydrate.The last carbon of the glucose molecule can have either a levo- or dextro-
orientation. Dextrose is the D-isomer of glucose. In nature, glucose is only found in the
dextro- orientation.

The unit g% refers to grams per ____ milliliters of solution. 100

D5W contains 5 grams of dextrose per 100 mL of solution or ______ g 50

of dextrose per liter of solution.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

The glucose concentration of D 5W is 5000 mg/dL? What’s

up with that?

5000 mg/dL
of glucose

Conversion of grams percent to mg/dL:

5 grams 1000 mL 1000 mg 1 liter 5000 mg

100 mL 1 liter 1 gram 10 dL dL

One of the less recognized facts about IV fluids is the high sugar
content of standard dextrose fluids. Most people think that the glu-
cose concentration of D5W is near physiologic concentrations of glu-
cose. This is not the case:

normal people ........................................... 80 – 120 mg/dL

definition of diabetes ................................ fasting *126 mg/dL
random * 200 mg/dL
poorly controlled diabetics ........................ 200 – 350 mg/dL
diabetic ketoacidosis ................................ 400 – 700 mg/dL
nonketotic hyperosmolar coma ................ 500 – 1000 mg/dL
highest glucose we have seen ................. 1300 mg/dL
D5W .......................................................... 5000 mg/dL

The conversion from g% to mg/dL is shown above.

The high glucose concentration in5W D is needed to make the fluid isotonic with
plasma. To calculate the osmolality for any glucose solution, multiply mg/dL
by 10
to get mg per liter
, then divide by the molecular weight to get millimoles per liter:
5000 mg/dL ! 10 " 180 = 278 mmol/L.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

IVFs!Dextrose solutions!Dextrose solutions distribute among

all three body water compartments.

1 liter dextrose solution


dextrose dextrose dextrose


670 mL 250 mL 80 mL

Dextrose (glucose) is a small uncharged molecule that is able to cross

both capillaries and cell membranes. Dextrose solutions distribute among
the plasma, interstitial and intracellular compartments.
The distribution of dextrose solutions is based on the relative sizes of the
body water compartments. When one liter of a dextrose solution is given,
670 mL of the fluid distributes to the intracellular compartment, 250 mL to
the interstitial compartment and 80 mL to the plasma compartment. (The
distributions are rounded to the nearest ten.) Because only 80 mL of a liter
of D5W remains in the plasma compartment, dextrose solutions are a poor
choice for intravascular volume replacement and should not be used for this
The distribution of dextrose IV solutions is not affected by the osmolality
of the solution. All dextrose solutions (D5 , D10, D50 ) distribute proportion-
ally to the three body water compartments.

As reviewed in Chapter 1,Moles and Water, the distribution of the body water compart-
ments is as follows:⅔ TBW is intracellular and⅓ TBW is extracellular;¾ of the ECC is
interstitial and¼ of the ECC is plasma. In other words, 67%TBW
if is intracellular; 25% of
TBW is interstitial; and 8% is plasma. See page 6.
Dextrose is a small, __________ molecule that is able to uncharged
_________ into all the fluid compartments of the body. diffuse

Of one liter of D5W, only ___ mL remain in the plasma compartment. 80

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

IVFs!Dextrose solutions!Dextrose solutions are used to de-

liver water to the body.

D5 W

Water Carbon dioxide Calories

distributes among all three eliminated via respiration eliminated as heat
body water compartments

D5W is the most commonly used dextrose solution. Since one gram of dex-
trose (glucose) has 3.5 Calories, one liter of D5W has:
50 grams 3.5 Cal
! gram
= 175 Cal/L

Soon after administration, the dextrose in D5W is metabolized to CO2 and

H2O. Since the carbon dioxide is eliminated by respiration, D5W can be
thought of as giving pure water plus some calories. D5W is used instead of
pure water because D5W is isotonic to plasma. If pure water were given, the
water would be osmotically drawn into red blood cells, causing them to burst.
Do not think that by giving D5W you are giving adequate nutritional sup-
port to a patient who is not eating. Since one liter of D5W has only 175
calories and typical caloric needs are 2000 Cal per day, to meet caloric needs,
you would have to give 11 L of this solution to your patient (not recom-
mended). The amount of calories in D5W is only enough to minimize tissue
D5W is sometimes used to treat hypernatremia.
Ampules of D50 are commonly given to patients with hypoglycemia. An
ampule of D50 is 50 mL and contains 25 grams of dextrose (88 Cal).

An ampule is not a unit of measurement; rather

, it is a sealed container
, usually made of
glass, which contains a single dose of a medicine. During a code (cor) situation, doctors
often order medicines by asking for ampules rather than reciting the dose in mg or mL.

Dextrose solutions are metabolized into CO2 and ________. water

One liter of D5W has ______ Calories. 175

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

IVFs!Saline solutions!Saline solutions come in several dif-

ferent concentrations.

Characteristics of saline solutions

solution sodium chloride osmolality tonicity

(mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mmol/L)

0.225% 38.5 38.5 77.0 hypotonic

0.45% 77.0 77.0 154 hypotonic
0.9% 154 154 308 isotonic
3% 513 513 1026 hypertonic
plasma 135 –145 98–106 285 –295 isotonic

There are four concentrations of saline solutions commonly used in hospi-

tals: 0.225%, 0.45%, 0.9% and 3.0%. The % refers to the unit g%, the grams
of sodium chloride per 100 mL of solution. Thus, 0.9% NaCl contains 0.9
grams of NaCl per 100 mL or 9 g in one liter. By knowing the molecular
weight of sodium chloride, the osmolality of the solution can be determined.
The molecular weight of sodium is 23; the molecular weight of chloride is
1 mole NaCl
9 g NaCl ⁄ L ! ! 1000 mmol ⁄ mole = 154 mmol ⁄ L NaCl
23 + 35.5

In solution, NaCl dissociates into 154 mmol/L of Na+ and 154 mmol/L of
Cl–; therefore, the osmolality of 0.9% NaCl solution is:
154 + 154 = 308 mmol/L

Although most people think that the highest concentration of saline used in medicine is 5%,
there is actually an application which uses 25% saline. In sclerotherapy for varicose veins,
25% saline is injected into these tiny superficial veins to obliterate them.

One liter of 0.9% NaCl solution contains _____ grams of NaCl. 9

All sodium chloride solutions contain the _______ number of Cl– and same
Na+ atoms.

Normal plasma Na+ concentration is 135 – 145 mEq/L and 0.9% NaCl
contains ________ mEq/L Na+. 154

Normal plasma Cl – concentration is 98 – 106 mEq/L and 0.9% NaCl

contains ________ mEq/L Cl–. 154

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

IVFs!Saline solutions!Isotonic saline (0.9%) delivers NaCl and

water to the plasma and interstitial compartments.

1 liter 0.9% saline solution

Na+ Na+ Na+
Na+ Na+
750 mL 250 mL

The sodium and chloride contained in saline solutions are able to pass
through the capillary walls into the interstitial compartment but are un-
able to cross the cell membrane. Since sodium and chloride are excluded
from the intracellular compartment, saline solutions only distribute between
the interstitial and the plasma compartments.
The distribution of water in the extracellular compartment is ¾ intersti-
tial and ¼ plasma. Therefore, if a liter of isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl) is
given, 750 mL enters the interstitial compartment and 250 mL remains in
the plasma compartment.
The most appropriate use of isotonic saline is in the treatment of dehy-
dration and hypovolemia (250 mL remains in the plasma compartment as
opposed to 80 mL for D5W). 0.9% NaCl should be thought of as a drug used
to increase volume. If the patient has a normal volume status (euvolemia),
0.9% NaCl should not be used.

0.9% NaCl is an ________ solution which is used for the treat- isotonic
ment of ____________ and hypovolemia. dehydration

NaCl does not enter the ____________ compartment. intracellular

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

IVFs!Saline solutions!Hypotonic saline (0.45%) delivers wa-

ter to all three body water compartments and NaCl to the extracel-
lular compartment.
500 mL 500 mL
water 0.9% NaCl

1 liter 0.45% saline solution

Na+ Na+ Na+
125 mL 40 mL

375 mL 125 mL

335 mL 500 mL 165 mL

Administering one liter of 0.45% saline is the same as giving 500 mL of

isotonic saline and 500 mL of free water. The 500 mL of isotonic saline
stays in the extracellular compartment while the 500 mL of water distrib-
utes throughout the body water compartments like the dextrose solutions.
Therefore, of the 500 mL of 0.9 NaCl, 25% (125 mL) remains in the plasma
compartment while 75% (375 mL) enters the interstitial compartment. Of
the 500 mL of water, 8% (40 mL) remains in the plasma compartment, 25%
(125 mL) enters the interstitial compartment and 67% (335 mL) enters the
intracellular compartment. Adding up the totals: 165 mL remains in the
plasma compartment, 500 mL enters the interstitial compartment and 335
mL enters the intracellular compartment.
0.45% NaCl is commonly combined with D5W and used as a “mainte-
nance IV.” A maintenance IV is meant to replace water and solute losses
and provide some calories to patients who are not eating.

0.45% NaCl is a ______-tonic IV fluid. hypo

When a liter of 0.45% NaCl is given, ______ mL remains in the 165

plasma compartment.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

IVFs!Saline solutions!Hypertonic saline (3%) removes water

from the intracellular compartment.
1 L 3% 1 L 0.9%
359 mEq

Na+ Na+ Na+
Na+ Na+

Hypertonic saline solutions are not commonly used in medicine. Occa-

sionally, hypertonic saline is used to treat hyponatremia.
The administration of 3% saline is the same as giving one liter of 0.9%
saline and 359 milliequivalents of NaCl. The isotonic saline distributes as
explained previously. The NaCl adds 718 milliequivalents (359 mEq of Na+
and 359 mEq of Cl–) to the extracellular compartment which draws in 2,500
mL of water from the intracellular compartment.
Since the administration of this solution causes large fluids shifts, hyper-
tonic saline should always be administered with caution.

There are three types of saline solutions: ______-tonic, ____-tonic hypo; iso
and ______-tonic. hyper

3% NaCl is __________ to plasma. hypertonic

The administration of 3% NaCl causes the movement of water

________ (into/out of) the intracellular compartment. out of

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

IVFs!Lactated Ringer’s!Lactated Ringer's is a more physio-

logic isotonic solution than 0.9% NaCl.

130 109
4 28 Lactated Ringer's does not contain bi-
carbonate. Instead, it contains lactate

Ca++ 3 which is metabolized into bicarbonate.

Lactated Ringer’s has the following electrolyte composition: sodium 130

mEq/L, chloride 109 mEq/L, potassium 4 mEq/L, calcium 3 mEq/L (6 mg/
dL), lactate 28 mEq/L. This solution was formulated to create a more physi-
ologic replacement and maintenance solution than saline. Lactated Ringer’s
is isotonic to plasma with an osmolality of 274 mmol/L.
Since bicarbonate quickly degrades into carbon dioxide and water, a solu-
tion containing bicarbonate would have a short shelf-life. Instead of bicar-
bonate, lactate, which is rapidly converted by the liver to bicarbonate, is
used in this solution.
Like isotonic saline solutions, lactated Ringer’s is confined to the extra-
cellular compartment. Out of one liter, 250 mL remains in the plasma com-
partment and 750 mL enters the interstitial compartment.
Lactated Ringer’s is contraindicated in patients with lactic acidosis, a
type of anion gap metabolic acidosis. Lactate is unable to be converted to
bicarbonate in this disorder. Lactated Ringer’s should also be avoided in
patients with metabolic alkalosis.

Lactated Ringer’s is a(n) ____-tonic solution. iso

Lactate is converted by the liver to ________. bicarbonate

Do not give lactated Ringer’s to patients with _______ acidosis. lactic

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

! Plasma expanders!Plasma expanders remain in the

plasma compartment.

The plasma expanders are either human blood products (e.g., plasma,
packed red blood cells, albumin) or large molecules which do not pass through
the capillary walls (e.g., hetastarch, polygelatins). The components of the
plasma expanders are unable to cross the capillary membrane; therefore,
the fluid remains entirely within the plasma compartment. Recall that only
one quarter of isotonic saline remains in the plasma compartment.
Although plasma expanders increase volume, they are expensive and can
cause allergic reactions. In general, the first choice to correct volume defi-
cits is 0.9% saline. Plasma expanders are used in specific situations:
• packed red blood cells (PRBCs) for blood loss
• fresh frozen plasma (FFP), which contains clotting factors,
for coagulopathies or reversal of anticoagulation
• albumin for large volume paracentesis (controversial)

The plasma expanders remain in the ________ compartment be- plasma

cause they cannot cross the _________ membranes. capillary

The plasma expanders which come from human blood products FFP, PRBCs
include: __________, _____________ and ____________. albumin

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Clinical correlation: The amount of an IVF to administer can

be determined by the caloric expenditure method.

D 5W .45%

Maintenance IV fluids are typically used to supplement daily water

and electrolyte losses in patients who are unable to eat or drink. To
administer the proper amount of IVF, daily fluid loss must be deter-
mined. Quantifying fluid loss is challenging because certain fluid losses
are difficult to directly measure (e.g., insensible fluid loss from the
skin and respiratory tract).
One method to determine daily fluid loss is the caloric expenditure
method. This model is based on the observation that fluid and electro-
lyte losses are nearly constant across many ages and weights when
measured per calorie consumed. The amounts of water, sodium and
potassium lost per 100 calories consumed are listed below:
fluid or electrolyte amount lost per 100 Cal
water ......................................................... 100 mL (or 1 mL per 1 Cal)
sodium ...................................................................................... 3 mEq
potassium ................................................................................. 2 mEq

Using the caloric expenditure method requires knowing the caloric

consumption for the patient. To approximate a patient’s caloric con-
sumption from her weight, the Holiday-Segar method is used:
weight calories per day calories per hour
first 10 kg ..................................... 100 cal/kg ......................... 4 cal/kg
next 10 kg ...................................... 50 cal/kg ......................... 2 cal/kg
additional kg .................................... 20 cal/kg ......................... 1 cal/kg
Several factors can affect daily caloric expenditure and fluid con-
sumption; some examples (with normal provided for comparison) are listed
factor amount of water lost per 100 Cal
normal ...................................................................................... 100 mL
hyperventilation ............................................................. 120 to 210 mL
anuric renal failure ..................................................................... 40 mL
fever ............................................................... 12 mL for every !C > 37

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Clinical correlation: Use of the caloric expenditure method

is best understood by example.

.225% 1400 mL of H2O/day

+ NaCl
20 KCl
+ 58 mL/hr = 54 mEq of Na+ /day
28 mEq of K+/day

18 kg

What is the appropriate type and amount of IVF for a healthy 18 Kg

toddler who cannot eat because of surgery planned the next morning?
Caloric consumption is 100 Cal/kg for the first 10 kg (1000 calories)
plus 50 Cal/kg for the next 8 kg (400 calories) for a total of 1400 calories
per day. Using the values from the previous page, this toddler requires
a minimum of 1400 mL of water, 42 mEq of sodium and 28 mEq of
potassium every day.
The minimum sodium and potassium requirements are easily met
by administering 0.45% NaCl with 20 mEq/L of potassium added to
each liter. In this example, a saline concentration as low as 0.225%
(Na+ 39 mEq/L) with 20 mEq of potassium could also be used.
What is the appropriate IV fluid for a 70 kg man who is unable to eat
due to delirium? In this patient, caloric consumption is 1000 calories
for the first 10 kg, 500 calories for the next 10 kg and 1000 calories for
the remaining weight (50 kg x 20 Cal per kg); this produces a total of
2500 calories per day. Thus, fluid requirements are 2500 mL, sodium
requirements are 75 mEq and potassium requirements are 50 mEq.
To provide a small amount of calories and meet the minimum fluid
and electrolyte requirements, an appropriate IVF is D5W-0.45% NaCl
with 20 mEq/L of potassium added to each liter. Since the 2500 mL
need to be given over 24 hours, the rate is 104 mL per hour.

Another way to calculate caloric consumption is to use body surface

area rather than weight.
surface area calories per m2 per day calories per m2 per hour
1 m2 ................................................................................................... 1500 ................................................................................ 63

Body surface area (m2) can be calculated from the patient’s height
and weight.
2 Height (cm ) ! Weight (kg)
m =

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Water, where are you?

The distribution of water among the three body water compartments (in-
tracellular, interstitial and plasma compartments) is determined by two
forces: osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure.


osmotic pressure hydrostatic pressure so




so so

te te

The permeability of the membranes dividing the body water compart-

ments determines the solute composition of the compartments. The osmola-
lity of all three compartments is always the same.
The cell membrane (which divides the intracellular and extracellular com-
partments) is only permeable to small uncharged molecules (e.g., urea, dex-
trose) and water. The capillary membrane (which separates the interstitial
and plasma compartments) is permeable to water, small molecules and elec-
trolytes, but not to proteins (e.g., albumin) or cells (e.g., RBCs).


There are four types of IVFs commonly used in medicine:

lactated plasma
dextrose saline Ringer's expanders

130 109
4 28
Ca++ 3

S. Faubel and J. Topf 2 Water, Where Are You?

Summary!Water, where are you?

The distribution of an IV fluid is dependent on two factors:
• the ability of the solute to cross body water compartments
• the osmolality of the IV fluid
Dextrose solutions distribute among all three body water compartments.
D5 W, the most commonly used dextrose solution, has an osmolality of 278
mmol/L (isotonic) and 175 Cal/L. Ampules of D50 are given for hypoglyce-
mia (50 mL of solution with 25 g of dextrose and 88 Cal).

distribution of dextrose osmolality calories

dextrose solutions
D5W 278 mmol/L 175 Cal/liter

D10W 556 mmol/L 350 Cal/liter

D20W 1,111 mmol/L 700 Cal/liter

670 mL 250 mL 80 mL D50W 2778 mmol/L 88 Cal/ 50mL ampule

Saline solutions come in multiple concentrations. Sodium and chloride

are restricted to the extracellular compartment.

distribution of isotonic saline Na+ content osmolality

saline and lactated Ringer’s +
0.225% 38 Na mEq/L 77 mmol/L
0.45% 77 Na mEq/L 154 mmol/L
0.9% 154 Na mEq/L 308 mmol/L
750 mL 250 mL 3% 513 Na mEq/L 1026 mmol/L

Lactated Ringer's is an isotonic IVF (274 mmol/L) that contains a mix of

solutes at concentrations similar to plasma. It can be used in the same situ-
ations in which saline solutions are used. Lactated Ringer's should not be
used in patients with lactic acidosis.

sodium .......................................... 130 mEq/L

potassium ......................................... 4 mEq/L
chloride ......................................... 109 mEq/L
lactate (HCO3– analog) .................... 28 mEq/L
calcium ............................................. 3 mEq/L

Plasma expanders are IV fluids that remain in the plasma compartment.

These include blood products such as plasma, packed red blood cells and
albumin; hetastarch is an artificial plasma expander.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

3 Starling’s Law

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Three factors affect the movement of water be-

tween body water compartments.
water 1
Hydrostatic pressure

Osmotic pressure

3Membrane characteristics
The previous chapter took a brief look at the factors which influence the
distribution of water between compartments. These factors are hydrostatic
pressure, osmotic pressure and membrane characteristics.
Hydrostatic pressure is a force generated by water. Hydrostatic pres-
sure pushes water out of a compartment.
Osmotic pressure is a force exerted by solutes. Osmotic pressure draws
water into a compartment. This force is dependent only on the concentra-
tion of particles (osmolality) in solution.
Membrane characteristics affect the ability of water and solute to move
between compartments.
This chapter focuses on how these factors are incorporated into Starling’s
law. Starling’s law governs fluid shifts between compartments and can be
used to understand all fluid accumulations, including peripheral edema,
pleural effusions and ascites.

There are two forces governing the movement of water between Aaa
compartments: __________ pressure and osmotic pressure. hydrostatic

Osmotic ___________ is the ability of a solute to cause the move- pressure

ment of _______. water
S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

Starling’s law!Net hydrostatic pressure and net osmotic pressure

determine the movement of water between compartments.
capillary interstitium capillary interstitium

(capillaryhp– interstitial hp ) (capillaryop– interstitial op )

net hydrostatic pressure net osmotic pressure

To determine where water will flow between the plasma and interstitial
compartments, it is necessary to look at the net hydrostatic pressure and
net osmotic pressure of each compartment.
Net hydrostatic pressure is the difference between the hydrostatic pres-
sure in the capillary and the hydrostatic pressure in the interstitium. Wa-
ter flows out of the compartment with the greater hydrostatic pressure. In
the diagram above, the capillary hydrostatic pressure is greater than the
interstitial hydrostatic pressure; the net hydrostatic pressure causes move-
ment of water out of the capillary.
Net osmotic pressure is the difference between the osmotic pressures
in the capillary and interstitium. Water flows into the compartment with
the higher osmotic pressure. In the diagram above, the capillary osmotic
pressure is higher; the net osmotic pressure causes the movement of water
into the capillary.

___________ pressure pushes water out of a compartment. Hydrostatic

___________ pressure draws water into a compartment. Osmotic

______ hydrostatic pressure is the capillary hydrostatic pressure Net

minus the interstitial hydrostatic pressure.

Net osmotic pressure is the ________ osmotic pressure minus the capillary
interstitial osmotic pressure.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Starling’s law!The membrane factors Lp, S and s can effect the

movement of water between compartments.


Lp and S
porosity and surface area
modulate hydrostatic pressure

permeability to a solute mod-
ulates osmotic pressure

There are three independent membrane characteristics which affect the

movement of water between compartments. Two of them modulate hydro-
static pressure and one modulates osmotic pressure.
Hydrostatic pressure is affected by membrane surface area and the abil-
ity of water to pass through the membrane. The surface area is represented
by an uppercase S and the porosity is represented by Lp. The membrane
factors affecting hydrostatic pressure are rarely clinically significant.
Osmotic pressure is modified by the permeability of the membrane to a
solute. If the membrane is perfectly permeable to a solute, then the solute
diffuses across the membrane (instead of osmotically drawing in water).
Permeability of a membrane to a solute is represented by a lowercase s and
ranges from zero, completely permeable, to one, completely impermeable.
Membrane permeability is clinically relevant in disorders which disrupt
membrane integrity (e.g., sepsis).

The membrane factors which modulate hydrostatic and osmotic aaa

forces are: ___, S and s. Lp

Two membrane characteristics modulate hydrostatic pressure: Lp

and ____. S

The membrane factor s represents the ___________ of the mem- permeability

brane to solutes, a clinically important factor.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

Starling’s law!Starling’s law is the mathematical representation

of the movement of water between compartments.

Lp ! S (capillaryhp– interstitial hp ) s (capillaryop– interstitial op)

net hydrostatic pressure net osmotic pressure

Positive net filtration pressure Negative net filtration pressure

If net filtration pressure is positive, water If net filtration pressure is negative, water
moves from the capillary into the interstitium. moves from the interstitium into the capillary.

Starling’s law is the mathematical representation of the principles of hy-

drostatic pressure, osmotic pressure and membrane characteristics applied
to the movement of water between the capillaries and the interstitial space.
The formula is arranged so that if net filtration pressure is positive (net
hydrostatic pressure greater than net osmotic pressure), water moves from
the capillaries into the interstitium. If net filtration pressure is negative
(net osmotic pressure greater than net hydrostatic pressure), then water
moves from the interstitium to the capillaries.
The following pages review the clinical consequences of alterations in the
variables of Starling’s Law which cause the movement of water out of the

The movement of ______ between capillaries and the interstitium water

is ____________ represented by Starling’s law. mathematically

The equation for Starling’s law contains _______ forces: hydro- two
static pressure and _______ pressure. osmotic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Net osmotic pressure and net hydrostatic pressure change

from one end of the capillary bed to the other.

lymphatic drainage

At the proximal end of the capillary, the At the distal end of the capillary, the net
net filtration pressure is positive and wa- filtration pressure is negative and water
ter moves out of the capillary. moves into the capillary.

The application of Starling’s law to the flow of fluid in and out of the
capillary is a dynamic process. At the arterial end of the capillary, the
net filtration pressure is positive, which causes the movement of water
from the capillary into the interstitium. This movement of fluid out of
the capillary concentrates plasma protein and dilutes interstitial pro-
tein. As fluid moves through the capillary, hydrostatic pressure falls
due to friction against the capillary walls. The sum of these changes
causes the venous end of the capillary to have a negative net filtration
pressure and resorb fluid from the interstitium.
This push-and-pull pattern in the capillary bed is useful because it
allows the capillary to deliver oxygen and nutrients (at the arterial end)
and pick up carbon dioxide and other waste (at the venous end).
The average net filtration pressure across the entire capillary is posi-
tive: the net outward movement of water is greater than the net inward
movement of water. The excess water which is filtered but not resorbed
does not accumulate in the interstitial space. The lymphatic system
absorbs this excess fluid and returns it to the circulation via the tho-
racic duct.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

Water movement out of the capillary!Increased net filtration

can be due to increased net hydrostatic pressure.


pre-capillary sphincter

increased increased
arterial venous
pressure normal pressure elevated pressure pressure

no change in net
increased net filtration pressure
filtration pressure

Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure increases net filtration pressure

resulting in the movement of fluid from capillaries into the interstitium.
It is an increase in venous hydrostatic pressure which results in a change
in net filtration pressure. The arterial ends of capillaries contain pressure-
sensitive precapillary sphincters which compensate for changes in blood
pressure. Therefore, the increased arterial blood pressure of hypertension
does not affect hydrostatic pressure and does not cause edema.
Clinically, increased hydrostatic pressure is seen in congestive heart fail-
ure and cirrhosis. The consequences of increased hydrostatic pressure in-
clude peripheral edema, pulmonary edema and ascites.

Increased venous hydrostatic pressure is the cause of the vast majority of cases of periph-
eral edema. Peripheral edema is discussed further in ChapterVolume
4, Regulation .

The clinical consequences of increased hydrostatic pressure include aaa

peripheral ________, pulmonary _______ and ascites. edema; edema

Increased _________ blood pressure does not cause an increase in arterial

capillary hydrostatic pressure.

Increased venous hydrostatic pressure _________ net filtration pressure. increases

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Increased venous hydrostatic pressure

from congestive heart failure causes pulmonary edema.

heart failure pulmonary edema

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is characterized by the inability of

the heart to maintain adequate tissue perfusion. With severe CHF, the
forward flow of blood from the heart is so poor that blood accumulates
in the pulmonary venous circulation which increases the hydrostatic
pressure in the pulmonary capillaries. Elevated hydrostatic pressure
in the pulmonary capillaries increases the movement of fluid from the
capillaries into the alveoli. The accumulation of fluid in the alveoli is
pulmonary edema.
Clinically, pulmonary edema is characterized by shortness of breath
and crackles in the lung bases by auscultation. Other signs of heart
failure include increased jugular venous distension, peripheral edema
and an S3 gallop.
Acute pulmonary edema can be treated with furosemide and mor-
phine, both of which decrease venous hydrostatic pressure (pre-load).
Furosemide decreases hydrostatic pressure by increasing urine output
which decreases the amount of fluid in circulation; it also is thought to
dilate the pulmonary veins and directly reduce hydrostatic pressure.
Morphine dilates venous vessels and has the additional effect of calm-
ing an anxious patient.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

Water movement out of the capillary!Increased net filtration

pressure can be due to decreased net osmotic pressure.


cirrhosis severe nephrotic protein-losing

malnutrition syndrome enteropathies

Since proteins are the primary factor influencing osmotic pressure between
the plasma and interstitium, changes in plasma protein concentration can af-
fect net filtration pressure. A decrease in the plasma protein concentration rela-
tive to the interstitial compartment increases net filtration pressure and causes
the movement of water out of the capillaries and into the interstitium.
Changes in net osmotic pressure do not become clinically significant until
the plasma albumin concentration is less than 2 g/dL (normal 3.5 to 5.5 g/dL).
Decreased plasma protein concentration can be due to decreased production
(e.g., chronic liver disease, severe malnutrition) or increased loss (e.g., neph-
rotic syndrome, protein losing enteropathies).

Albumin represents the majority of plasma proteins.

As reviewed in Chapter 2,Water, Where
Are You, the capillary membrane is permeable to electrolytes and nonelectrolytes, but not to
protein. For a solute to exert osmotic pressure (draw water in), the membrane has to be
impermeable to it.This explains why plasma protein is the primary solute which influences
osmotic pressure.

Decreased plasma protein can _________ net filtration pressure. increase

Increased net filtration pressure from low plasma albumin does not oc- albumin
cur until the plasma albumin falls below _______ g/dL. 2

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Water movement out of the capillary!Increased net filtration

can be due to increased membrane permeability.

water water
protein protein

The final factor of Starling’s law which affects the movement of fluid out
of capillaries is membrane permeability.
Factors which increase membrane permeability are those which damage
the membrane. Capillary membrane damage may be caused by infection,
inflammation, sepsis, trauma, malignancy and adult respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS). Direct membrane damage causes the extravasation of
both water and proteins.
With membrane damage, s rises and more water can exit without a rise
in hydrostatic pressure.

Capillary ___________ increases membrane permeability. damage

Capillary damage increases the loss of water and _________ from proteins
the capillary.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

Clinical correlation: Fluid collections are always due to a

change in one of the components of Starling's law.

ascites peripheral edema pleural effusion pulmonary edema

All fluid accumulations in the body are due to a change in one of the
components of Starling's law: hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure or
capillary permeability. This rule is the basis for the laboratory analysis
of a fluid accumulation. Determining the amount of protein and other
factors contained in the fluid can help determine if the fluid collection
is due to a change in hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure or capillary
In general, a fluid collection with a low protein content is due to a
change in hydrostatic pressure and is called a transudate. Transuda-
tive effusions are associated with disorders characterized by increased
venous hydrostatic pressure such as congestive heart failure and cir-
rhosis. A change in osmotic pressure also results in a transudative fluid
A fluid collection with a high protein content is due to capillary dam-
age and is called an exudate. Exudative effusions are caused by disor-
ders which directly damage capillary membranes, such as inflamma-
tion, infection and malignancy.
Although the fluid from peripheral edema cannot be analyzed, think-
ing about the differential diagnosis in terms of which aspect of Starling’s
law has been altered is useful. A “transudative peripheral edema” is
associated with CHF and cirrhosis while an “exudative peripheral
edema” is associated with infection (local or systemic), trauma and ma-

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Pleural effusions are categorized as ei-

ther transudates or exudates.

Transudate Exudate
congestive heart failure pneumonia
cirrhosis with ascites other infections
nephrotic syndrome malignancy
peritoneal dialysis collagen vascular
superior vena cava diseases (rheumatoid
obstruction arthritis, lupus)
myxedema sarcoidosis
pulmonary embolism drugs
Meigs’ syndrome uremia
pleural effusion

A pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid between the parietal

and visceral pleura of the lungs*. The parietal pleura lines the thoracic
cavity and is connected to the visceral pleura which lines the surface of
the lungs. The space between the visceral and parietal pleura normally
contains only a small amount of fluid.
Pleural effusions can accumulate due to a wide variety of insults which
interfere with the absorptive capacity of the capillaries and lymphatics
of the visceral pleura. Although the differential diagnosis of a pleural
effusion is extensive, the first step in identifying the cause of a pleural
effusion is determining if it is a transudate or an exudate. For a pleural
effusion to be an exudate, one of the following characteristics must be
present (if none are present, the fluid is a transudate):
• pleural fluid protein/plasma protein greater than 0.5
• pleural fluid LDH/plasma LDH greater than 0.6
• pleural fluid LDH > two-thirds upper limit of normal plasma LDH
Conditions resulting in an exudative pleural effusion include those
which damage the capillary wall and increase membrane permeability.
With capillary damage, substances such as protein and LDH, which are
normally confined to the vascular space, are able to enter the pleural
space. The most common causes of an exudative pleural effusion are
infection and malignancy.
Conditions resulting in a transudative pleural effusion are caused by
conditions which alter hydrostatic and/or osmotic pressure. The most
common causes of transudative pleural effusions are due to increased
hydrostatic pressure from congestive heart failure and cirrhosis.
*Don't confuse pleural effusion with pulmonary edema; pulmonary edema is the accumu-
lation of fluid in the alveoli of the lungs.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 3 Starling’s Law

Clinical correlation: Ascites is categorized by the albumin

albumin plasma ascitic
gradient albumin (mg/dL) albumin (mg/dL)

High gradient ( > 1.1 g/dL) Low gradient ( < 1.1 g/dL)
cirrhosis malignancy
hepatitis tuberculosis
congestive heart failure pancreatic disease
portal vein thrombosis nephrotic syndrome

Ascites is the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity. The

most common etiology of ascites is extensive liver disease. Extensive
liver disease increases the hydrostatic pressure of the portal system
which results in an ascitic fluid with a low protein concentration.
Instead of referring to ascitic fluid as either a transudate or exudate,
the terms high albumin gradient and low albumin gradient are used.
The albumin gradient is the difference between the plasma and ascitic
albumin concentrations. A high albumin gradient is greater than 1.1 g/
dL and a low albumin gradient is less than 1.1 g/dL.
Ascitic fluid with a high albumin gradient is equivalent to a transu-
date; it is due to increased hydrostatic pressure from portal hyperten-
sion. A high albumin gradient means that the difference between the
plasma albumin and the ascitic albumin is large and that little albu-
min was able to pass from the capillaries into the ascitic fluid.
Ascitic fluid with a low albumin gradient is equivalent to an exu-
date; it is due to factors other than portal hypertension, such as alter-
ations in membrane permeability from malignancy or infection. The
low albumin gradient indicates that there is little difference between
the plasma and ascitic albumin concentration and that a large amount
of plasma albumin was able to cross through damaged capillaries and
enter the ascitic fluid.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Starling’s law.
The movement of water out of capillaries is governed by three factors:

hydrostatic pressure osmotic pressure membrane


These factors are mathematically represented by Starling’s law.


Lp ! S (capillaryhp– interstitial hp ) s (capillaryop– interstitial op )

net hydrostatic pressure net osmotic pressure

Factors which increase net filtration pressure increase the movement of

fluid out of the capillary. Increased net filtration pressure can be caused by
increased hydrostatic pressure, decreased osmotic pressure and increased
capillary permeability.
The clinical applications of Starling’s law are vast. All fluid accumula-
tions are due to an alteration in one of the factors of Starling’s law.

ascites peripheral edema pleural effusion pulmonary edema

Fluid collections with a low protein content are transudates and are due
to an increase in hydrostatic pressure while fluid collections with a high
protein content are exudates and are due to an increase in membrane per-
meability. Because it so effectively narrows the differential diagnosis, analysis
of pleural and ascitic fluid is commonly performed to establish whether the
fluid is a transudate or exudate.
• pleural fluid protein more HIGH GRADIENT ( > 1.1 g/dL) LOW GRADIENT ( < 1.1 g/dL)
than 50% of serum protein • cirrhosis • malignancy
• pleural fluid LDH more than • hepatitis • tuberculosis
60% of serum LDH • congestive heart failure • pancreatic disease
• pleural fluid LDH more than • portal vein thrombosis • nephrotic syndrome
66% of the upper limit of • myxedema
normal for serum LDH

* one of the three is required for

the fluid to be an exudate

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

4 Volume Regulation

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!The regulation of volume involves the regulation

of plasma volume and blood pressure.


volume 2L

(effective circulating volume)

plasma volume blood pressure

The purpose of this chapter is to explain volume regulation. An under-

standing of volume regulation is necessary to understand most of the disor-
ders covered in this book, including hyponatremia, hypernatremia, meta-
bolic alkalosis, congestive heart failure and edema formation.
Volume regulation is the simultaneous adjustment of plasma volume
and blood pressure in order to maintain the adequate perfusion of tissues.
Although the term volume regulation implies only the regulation of plasma
volume, adequate tissue perfusion requires that plasma moves. The move-
ment, or circulation, of plasma throughout the body requires the mainte-
nance of blood pressure.
Effective circulating volume is a term which implies that for adequate
tissue perfusion, plasma volume, as well as blood pressure, must be main-
tained. Therefore, volume regulation should be thought of as effective circu-
lating volume regulation.

In this book, the terms “ef

fective volume depletion”, “volume depletion” and “low fective
volume” all refer to the same concept: low effective circulating volume from a decrease in
plasma volume and/or blood pressure . The term “hypovolemia” is only used to refer to
effective volume depletion fromfluid loss, such as with vomiting or diarrhea.

Volume regulation is the concomitant adjustment of plasma aaa

_________ and blood _________. volume; pressure

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Effective circulating volume!Plasma volume!Plasma volume

is increased through the resorption of sodium and water.

Sodium resorption with Water resorption

3L without
Na+ H2O
2L Na H2O
+ Na+ H2O


plasma volume

Plasma volume is the extracellular component of the blood volume. Plasma

volume is approximately 3 liters in a 70 kg man.
Plasma volume is regulated by signals which act at various sites of the
nephron to affect the resorption of sodium and water.
Sodium resorption by the kidney is the primary mechanism by which
plasma volume is increased. In the nephron, the important sites for volume
regulation are the proximal tubule and the collecting tubule. In the proxi-
mal tubule, the resorption of sodium causes the resorption of water; in the
collecting tubule, the resorption of sodium occurs without water. Renal re-
sorption of sodium is the first and best defense against volume depletion.
Water resorption is an additional mechanism by which the kidney can
increase plasma volume. Resorption of water alone (without sodium or an-
other solute) occurs in the collecting tubules of the distal nephron. The re-
sorption of water is not as effective at increasing plasma volume as the
resorption of sodium. This second-line defense is employed only when vol-
ume is very low.
As reviewed in Chapter 1,Moles and Water, the plasma compartment is about 8% of total
body water (TBW). In an adult man, TBW is 60% of weight.Therefore, in a 70 kg man,TBW
is 42 liters (60% of 70 liters); the plasma compartment is 3 liters (8% of 42).

The primary mechanism of increasing plasma volume is the resorp- aaa

tion of _________ by the kidney. sodium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Effective circulating volume!Plasma volume!Water resorption

and sodium resorption have different effects on plasma volume.

Water resorption

H2O D 5W
670 250 80

Water distributes among all three

body compartments.

Sodium resorption

750 250
Sodium and water remain in the ex-
tracellular compartment.

The effects of water resorption versus sodium resorption on plasma volume

are analogous to the effects of the administration of D5W and 0.9% NaCl.
Water resorption in the distal nephron is similar to the administration of
D5W. Remember from Chapter 2, Water, Where Are You?, that the adminis-
tration of one liter of D5 W only increases the plasma volume by about 80
mL. Likewise, as water is resorbed from the collecting tubules and added to
the plasma, osmotic forces cause the water to redistribute among all three
body water compartments, leaving little in the plasma compartment.
Sodium resorption, on the other hand, is similar to the administration of
isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl). As sodium is resorbed in the proximal tubule,
water follows. Thus, the resorption of sodium and water in the proximal
tubule is isotonic. Additional sodium is resorbed in the collecting tubules.
As sodium and water are added to the plasma, plasma volume is substan-
tially increased because the sodium and water remain in the extracellular

Water resorbed from the collecting tubules distributes between the

_____________ and extracellular compartments. intracellular

The resorption of __________ is like the administration of 0.9% NaCl sodium

which remains in the extracellular compartment. The extracellular
compartment consists of the _________ and the plasma compartments. interstitial

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Effective circulating volume!Blood pressure!Blood pressure

is cardiac output ! peripheral vascular resistance.

blood pressure cardiac output peripheral vascular

(stroke volume ! heart rate) resistance

Blood pressure is a function of cardiac output and peripheral vascular

resistance. Therefore, the regulation of blood pressure occurs by adjusting
cardiac output and total peripheral resistance.
Cardiac output is equal to stroke volume ! heart rate. Stroke volume
(SV) is the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle with each contrac-
tion (systole) and heart rate (HR) is the number of contractions per minute.
Peripheral vascular resistance reflects the degree of dilation or con-
striction of the vasculature. Increased constriction increases peripheral vas-
cular resistance as well as blood pressure.

Blood pressure is ________ output ! peripheral vascular resistance. cardiac

The stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected from the ______ left
_________ with each contraction. ventricle

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Volume regulation!Volume regulation occurs in three steps:

monitoring, signaling and action at targets.

Monitoring Signaling Action at targets

renin Na+

H2 O
angiotensin II Na+
Na H2 O
H2 O

plasma volume


blood pressure

Volume regulation occurs in three steps:

Monitoring. Baroreceptors, located at several points throughout the body,
respond to changes in blood pressure. Baroreceptors are the primary moni-
tors involved in volume regulation.
Signaling. There are three types of signals which respond to stimulation
by the baroreceptors:
• renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system
• sympathetic activation
• antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Action at targets. The signals act at three main targets to increase
plasma volume and blood pressure: the kidney, heart and vasculature. Ac-
tion at the kidney affects plasma volume while action at the heart and vas-
culature affects blood pressure.
Each of these steps are discussed in detail on the following pages.

Volume regulation is a ________-part process. aaathree

Monitoring of volume is by ________________. baroreceptors

Signaling is by the ______-angiotensin II-aldosterone system, renin

___________ activity and ADH. sympathetic

The targets activated by signals are the _______, heart and vasculature. kidney

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Volume regulation!Monitoring!Baroreceptors respond to

changes in blood pressure.

Baroreceptors monitor blood pressure and affect

blood pressure and plasma volume.

Baroreceptors are specialized tissues, located throughout the vasculature,

which are sensitive to changes in pressure. Although baroreceptors only
detect blood pressure, they are the major monitors involved in volume regu-
lation. Activated baroreceptors send signals which affect both blood pres-
sure and plasma volume.
Unlike plasma osmolality which is consistent at all points throughout the
circulation (e.g., plasma osmolality in the brain is the same as plasma os-
molality in the foot), the perfusion of one area may differ from another.
Thus, unlike osmoregulation which requires only one detection point (os-
moreceptors in the hypothalamus), volume regulation requires multiple de-
tection points throughout the body. Baroreceptors are located in the carotid
sinuses and afferent arterioles of the glomerulus.

The monitors, signals and actions at targets described on the following pages are all part of
a coordinated effort toincreaseeffective circulating volume.
Thus, baroreceptors are acti-
vated when volume is low and the signals and action at targets are also employed when
volume is low
. The atria, however, contain stretch receptors which respondincreased
volume and trigger the release of the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).
ANP is
discussed on page 81.

Volume is monitored by baroreceptors which detect changes in aaa

_________ __________. blood pressure

Signals from baroreceptors affect ________ _________ and ________ blood pressure
_________. plasma volume

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Volume regulation!Monitoring!Low blood pressure can be

associated with low, normal or high plasma volume.

high high high

normal normal normal

low low low

low plasma volume normal plasma volume high plasma volume

low blood pressure low blood pressure low blood pressure

Blood pressure and plasma volume usually correlate because a drop in plasma
volume causes a drop in blood pressure. Loss of plasma volume causing a low
blood pressure occurs in dehydration and blood loss.
There are situations, however, where low blood pressure is not due to a loss
of plasma volume and the associated plasma volume can actually be normal or
elevated. In these disorders, it is the failure of the plasma to move, or circulate,
through the vasculature which causes low blood pressure. Conditions associ-
ated with both low blood pressure and increased plasma volume include heart
failure, liver failure, A-V malformations and sepsis.
Regardless of plasma volume, the response to decreased blood pressure is
the same: signals act at the heart, vasculature and kidney to increase blood
pressure and plasma volume. Increasing both blood pressure and plasma vol-
ume is beneficial as it helps to restore adequate tissue perfusion. This response
can, however, have negative clinical consequences. Increasing plasma volume
in patients with normal or increased plasma volume can increase venous hy-
drostatic pressure and cause pulmonary and/or peripheral edema. (Peripheral
edema is discussed further at the end of this chapter.)

When blood pressure is low, plasma volume can be low, normal or aaa
_____. high

Low blood pressure with high plasma volume is seen in both

_______ and _______ failure. heart; liver

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Volume regulation!Signaling!Several signals act to increase

plasma volume and blood pressure.
Renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone Sympathetic stimulation ADH

angiotensin II


aldosterone AD

There are three signals triggered by baroreceptors to increase volume:

Renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system. The renin-angiotensin II-
aldosterone system is a series of enzymatic reactions which result in the
release of the hormones angiotensin II and aldosterone. Angiotensin II and
aldosterone are the components which are important in volume regulation.
Sympathetic activation. When volume is low, the sympathetic nervous
system is activated. Sympathetic activation includes stimulation of nerves
to target organs and release of the sympathetic hormones epinephrine, nore-
pinephrine and dopamine.
ADH. ADH is a hormone produced in the posterior pituitary gland. Al-
though its primary function is in the maintenance of plasma osmolality,
ADH also has a secondary role in volume regulation.
Renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone and sympathetic activity are the pri-
mary signals of volume regulation; these signals are activated together. ADH
is only employed when volume is extremely low. If ADH is active, then re-
nin-angiotensin II-aldosterone and sympathetic activation are already en-

There are three primary signals used to increase volume: ________ sympathetic
stimulation, the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone cascade and
_______. ADH

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Volume regulation!Signaling!The renin-angiotensin II-aldos-

terone system is a series of enzymatic reactions.

angiotensin I



Angiotensin II


The renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system is a series of enzymatic re-

actions that leads to the production and release of two hormones involved in
volume regulation: angiotensin II and aldosterone.
The pathway is initiated by the enzyme renin which is produced and stored
in the juxtaglomerular cells of the afferent arterioles to the glomerulus. As
expected, renin release is stimulated by conditions associated with low vol-
ume such as low pressure in the afferent arteriole, decreased delivery of
sodium to the distal tubule and increased sympathetic activity.
Renin converts angiotensinogen, a protein produced by the liver, into an-
giotensin I. Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin
converting enzyme (ACE). ACE is contained primarily in the lung.
Angiotensin II is an extremely potent vasoconstrictor. It has a number of
effects including the stimulation of the adrenal gland to release the hor-
mone aldosterone.

________ is an enzyme which converts angiotensinogen to angio- Renin

tensin I.

Angiotensin converting enzyme is contained in the _____. lung

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Ace Inhibitors? What's up with that?

MT Cup


Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is one of the enzymes in the

renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system. ACE catalyzes the conversion of
angiotensin I into angiotensin II.
ACE levels are elevated in a number of disorders: hyperthyroidism,
diabetes mellitus, sarcoidosis and other granulomatous diseases. The
mechanism and clinical significance of the elevated levels is unknown.
Clinically, ACE levels are only used to monitor the progression of sarcoi-
ACE is inhibited by a number of oral medications such as: captopril
(Capoten®), enalapril (Vasotec®) and lisinopril (Prinivil®, Zestril®). These
drugs are commonly used to treat hypertension. The antihypertensive
effect of ACE inhibitors is primarily due to a decrease in the formation of
angiotensin II which decreases vasoconstriction. The decreased blood pres-
sure is not accompanied by increased heart rate which is a side effect of
other anti-hypertension medications. Control of blood pressure is enhanced
by sodium restriction and diuretics.
ACE inhibitors are beneficial in patients with congestive heart failure
and have been shown to improve survival in patients after myocardial
ACE inhibitors also have a role in preserving and prolonging kidney
function in patients with diabetes mellitus and other diseases character-
ized by glomerular hypertension and proteinuria.
One common and poorly-tolerated side effect of ACE inhibitors is a
chronic, nonproductive cough.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Volume regulation!Action at targets!Step three of volume

regulation is the action of signals at targets.



H2 O

angiotensin II anti-diuretic hormone

aldosterone sympathetic activity angiotensin II
sympathetic activity sympathetic activity

The targets of volume regulation are the kidney, heart and vasculature.
Signals which act at the kidney affect either sodium or water resorption to
increase plasma volume. Angiotensin II, aldosterone and sympathetic ac-
tivity all increase sodium resorption while ADH increases water resorption.
Signals which act at the heart and vasculature affect cardiac output and
peripheral vascular resistance, respectively. Action at either of these tar-
gets increases blood pressure. Sympathetic activity is the only signal which
acts at the heart to increase cardiac output. Angiotensin II and sympathetic
activity both affect the vasculature to increase total peripheral resistance.

____________ activation, angiotensin II and ___________ all cause Sympathetic;

the resorption of sodium. aldosterone

_________________ increases total peripheral resistance. Angiotensin II

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Volume regulation!Action at targets!Angiotensin II acts at the

kidney, adrenal gland and vasculature.

Angiotensin II



adrenal gland
Na+ Na


Angiotensin II acts at the kidney Angiotensin II stimulates the release

+ Angiotensin II acts at the vas-
to increase Na resorption in the of aldosterone which increases Na+ culature to constrict arteries,
proximal tubule. resorption in the collecting tubule. increasing vascular resistance.

Angiotensin II improves plasma volume and blood pressure by acting at

the kidney, adrenal gland and vasculature.
Action at the kidney. Angiotensin II stimulates the Na+-H+ exchanger of
the proximal tubule to increase the resorption of sodium. With increased
resorption of sodium, the resorption of water at this segment of the nephron
also increases. This effect of angiotensin II can be thought of as adding 0.9%
NaCl to the body and is therefore very effective at increasing plasma vol-
Action at the adrenal gland. Angiotensin II acts at the adrenal gland
to increase the production and release of aldosterone. One of the actions of
aldosterone is to increase sodium resorption in the collecting tubule. The
action of aldosterone is reviewed on the following pages.
Action at the vasculature. Angiotensin II is the most potent vasocon-
strictor in the body. The constriction of arteries increases peripheral vascu-
lar resistance and therefore increases blood pressure.

Angiotensin II increases blood pressure through its action on the aaa

__________ by causing the constriction of arteries. vasculature

Angiotensin II increases plasma __________ by promoting the re- volume

tention of sodium and water at the ___________ tubule. proximal

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Volume regulation! ! Action at targets!

! Aldosterone acts at the
kidney to increase sodium resorption.

adrenal gland





Aldosterone is a steroid hormone synthesized in the zona glomerulosa of

the adrenal gland. It is the final hormone in the renin-angiotensin II-aldos-
terone system. Aldosterone acts only at the kidney.
Action at the kidney. Aldosterone acts at the principle cells of the col-
lecting tubule to increase the resorption of sodium. The effect of aldosterone
on sodium resorption is so powerful that it can reduce the urine sodium
concentration to as low as 1 mEq/L. The urine sodium concentration is one
of the most reliable lab tests for evaluating volume; a urine sodium concen-
tration less than 20 mEq/L is essentially diagnostic of effective volume deple-
The following pages present an overview of the action of aldosterone.

An understanding of aldosterone action is important to understanding most of the disorders

covered in this book; these include hyponatremia (Chapter 6), hypernatremia (Chapter 8),
type 4 RTA (Chapter 12) metabolic alkalosis (Chapter 14), hypokalemia (Chapter 18) and
hyperkalemia (Chapter 19).

___________ is the final hormone in the renin-angiotensin II - Aldosterone

____________ cascade. aldosterone

Aldosterone acts at the __________ nephron to cause the resorp- distal

tion of ________, which increases plasma volume. sodium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Overview: Aldosterone acts at the principle and intercalated cells

of the collecting tubule.
tubule lumen principle cell
Aldosterone acts at the principle cell to:
• increase Na resorption
• increase Na-K-ATPase activity
• increase the secretion of K+ Na+ ATP
3 Na+ 2 K+



tubule lumen intercalated cell

Aldosterone acts at the intercalated cell to:

• increase H -ATPase activity
• increase H+ secretion
• increase HCO3– resorption H+ H+ OH


Aldosterone acts at two types of cells in the collecting tubule, principle
and intercalated. The action of aldosterone at the principle cell is important
in volume regulation as well as potassium balance; its action at the interca-
lated cell is important in acid-base balance.
Principle cell. Aldosterone acts at the principle cell to cause the resorp-
tion of sodium and the secretion of potassium. Aldosterone increases the
number of sodium channels in the luminal membrane and increases the
activity of the Na-K-ATPase pumps in the basolateral membrane. The Na-
K-ATPase pumps create a concentration gradient between the tubular lu-
men and the principle cell which favors the movement of sodium into the
cell (sodium resorption). As sodium resorption increases, the secretion of
potassium increases in order to maintain electroneutrality. Therefore, al-
dosterone affects both volume regulation and potassium regulation.
Intercalated cell. Aldosterone acts at the H+-ATPase pump of the inter-
calated cell to increase the secretion of hydrogen ion into the tubule lumen.
As hydrogen ion is secreted into the lumen, new bicarbonate is formed in-
side the cell. This new bicarbonate is resorbed and added to plasma. The
action of aldosterone here is important in acid-base balance. Increased al-
dosterone activity results in metabolic alkalosis and decreased activity re-
sults in metabolic acidosis (type 4 RTA).
__________ acts at the principle and intercalated cells of the collect- Aldosterone
ing tubule.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: There are two stimuli for the release of aldosterone.

Effective volume depletion Hyperkalemia

per E
Hy ion
Effective P erfu s


adrenal gland
angiotensin II

Aldosterone Aldosterone

The two primary stimuli for release of aldosterone are volume depletion
and hyperkalemia.
Effective volume depletion. Decreased blood pressure detected by
baroreceptors initiates the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system.
Hyperkalemia. Aldosterone is the primary factor which regulates plasma
potassium concentration. Aldosterone increases the excretion of potassium
in the collecting tubule. An increase in the plasma potassium concentration
of 0.1 mEq/L is enough to stimulate the release of aldosterone.
Although aldosterone release is not affected by acid-base disorders, al-
dosterone plays an important role in the generation and maintenance of
many acid-base disorders.

There are ________ stimuli for the release of aldosterone. two

Aldosterone release is stimulated by ______-volemia and hypo

_____-kalemia. hyper

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Volume regulation! ! Action at targets!

! Sympathetic activity
increases plasma volume and blood pressure.
Sympathetic activity




Na+ angiotensin II
CO = HR x SV


• Na+ resorption • renin stimulation • increased heart rate • constriction of arteries

• increased contractility • constriction of veins

Sympathetic activity increases plasma volume and blood pressure by af-

fecting the kidney, the production of renin, the heart and the vasculature.
Action at the kidney. Increased sympathetic activity directly increases
sodium resorption.
Action on renin production. Increased sympathetic activity stimulates
renin release and initiates the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone cascade.
Action at the heart. Increased sympathetic activity increases cardiac
output by increasing heart rate and strength of contraction. As cardiac out-
put increases, so does blood pressure.
Action at the vasculature. Increased sympathetic activity causes the
constriction of both arteries and veins. Constriction of arterial vessels in-
creases total peripheral resistance and directly raises blood pressure. Con-
striction of venous vessels increases blood return to the heart which boosts
stroke volume, further supplementing cardiac output and blood pressure.

Sympathetic stimulation increases _________ rate and contractility. heart

Increased sympathetic activity occurs when effective circulating vol- aa

ume is _____. low

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Volume regulation! ! Action at targets!

! ADH acts at the kidney
to cause the resorption of water.







The final signal which is released in response to hypovolemia is antidi-

uretic hormone. ADH acts at the collecting ducts of the distal nephron to
increase the resorption of water.
ADH release should be thought of as a secondary defense in the fight
against volume depletion. ADH is only released when a substantial (10-15
mmHg) fall in blood pressure occurs. Although it is an emergency defense,
ADH is not a very effective defense against hypovolemia. Because water
distributes among all three body water compartments, water resorption at
the collecting tubules causes only a minimal rise in plasma volume. The
primary function of ADH is the regulation of plasma osmolality. The details
of the actions and effects of ADH are reviewed in the next chapter, Osmo-
Renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone and sympathetic activity are the pri-
mary defenses against volume depletion. If ADH is released, renin-angio-
tensin II-aldosterone and sympathetic activity are already employed.

ADH is reviewed in more detail in the ________ chapter. next

The name of the next chapter is _______________. Osmoregulation

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Volume regulation!ANP!Atrial natriuretic peptide is the only

volume regulatory hormone that decreases effective volume.

Na +
Na +


Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is the only volume regulatory hormone

which acts to decrease volume. ANP is a peptide hormone secreted by the
heart in response to volume overload as detected by stretch receptors in the
atria. ANP increases the excretion of sodium from the kidney by blocking
the sodium resorption in the distal nephron. It also increases glomerular
filtration rate (GFR).
The physiologic significance of ANP is uncertain. Although congestive heart
failure is associated with volume overload and elevated levels of ANP, the
kidney still excretes minimal amounts of sodium. This contradiction is ex-
plained by the theory that ANP activity requires a normal blood pressure.
Since CHF is typically associated with a lower than normal blood pressure,
the effect of ANP is blocked.

The clinical role of ____ in volume regulation is unclear. ANP

_____ increases the excretion of sodium by the kidney. ANP

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Low effective circulating volume can be

associated with either clinical hypovolemia or hypervolemia.

Hypovolemia Hypervolemia
Low effective Low effective
circulating volume circulating volume

The volume status of a patient that is apparent from the clinical as-
sessment (e.g., physical exam, lab tests) is clinical volume status. It is
divided into three categories: hypovolemia, euvolemia and hypervolemia
which refer to a low, normal and high volume status, respectively.
Effective volume depletion is associated with both hypovolemia and
hypervolemia. Understanding the difference between the two requires
remembering that effective circulating volume consists of two compo-
nents, plasma volume and blood pressure. Clinical hypovolemia is due
to the loss of plasma volume, while clinical hypervolemia is due to inad-
equate blood pressure.
Loss of plasma volume causing hypovolemia and effective circulating
volume depletion is due to disorders associated with fluid loss such as
vomiting, diarrhea and blood loss. Hypovolemia is characterized by dry
mucus membranes, tachycardia and orthostatic vital signs.
Hypervolemia is characterized primarily by peripheral edema and is
associated with CHF and liver disease. In these disorders, peripheral
edema is a result of effective circulating volume depletion from inad-
equate blood pressure (peripheral edema is explained further on the
following pages). In CHF, inadequate blood pressure is due to inad-
equate cardiac output (BP= CO x PVR); in liver disease, inadequate
blood pressure is due to low peripheral vascular resistance.
In both hypovolemia and hypervolemia, inadequate effective circu-
lating volume stimulates renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone, sympathetic
activity and, if severe, ADH release.

Assessing volume status is important in the evaluation of many disorders (e.g., hy-
ponatremia, hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis). A thorough list of history
, physical
exam findings and lab tests that can help identify hypovolemia and hypervolemia is in
Chapter 7, page 147. For the remainder of the book, hypovolemia, euvolemia and
hypervolemia will refer to clinical hypo-, eu- and hypervolemia, respectively

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Clinical correlation: Peripheral edema is maintained by so-

dium retention.


decreased plasma Na+

osmotic pressure
increased plasma Na+
hydrostatic pressure angiotensin II
sympathetic activity

increased capillary
membrane permeability

Generation of peripheral edema Maintenance of peripheral edema

A change in one of the factors of Starling’s law fa- The renal resorption of sodium serves to in-
vors the movement of water from the plasma into crease plasma volume as it is lost into the
the interstitial compartment. interstitial compartment.

Peripheral edema is the swelling and/or pitting of the skin due to an

increase in the volume of the interstitial compartment. Knowledge of both
Starling’s law (Chapter 3) and volume regulation is required to fully un-
derstand this common clinical entity. An alteration in Starling’s law ini-
tiates edema formation but activation of the volume regulatory system is
required for clinically significant edema to persist.
Peripheral edema begins when there is an increase in the movement of
water from the plasma into the interstitium. As revealed by Starling’s law,
three factors govern the movement of fluid between the plasma and inter-
stitial compartments: membrane permeability, hydrostatic pressure and
osmotic pressure. In addition, since interstitial fluid is normally removed
by the lymphatic system, lymphatic obstruction (e.g., infiltrating tumor)
can also cause peripheral edema.
Approximately three liters of fluid must move from the plasma into the
interstitium to generate clinically significant edema. This is approximately
equal to the volume of the entire plasma compartment. To replace this loss
of fluid from the plasma compartment, the volume regulatory mechanism
must be engaged. Sodium retention initiated by the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system and sympathetic activity maintains peripheral edema
by replacing the plasma fluid lost into the interstitium.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Peripheral edema formation in CHF is a

vicious cycle.
Before heart failure, the
volume status is normal.

angiotensin II
C.O. activity

Low cardiac output triggers the release

If effective circulating
of the volume regulation hormones.
volume is not restored,
the cycle continues.
Sodium retention

Peripheral Increased plasma

edema hydrostatic pressure

The peripheral edema associated with CHF is due to the retention of

sodium stimulated by low effective circulating volume. As previously dis-
cussed, low effective circulating volume in CHF is due to inadequate
blood pressure with adequate plasma volume.
Continued sodium retention in CHF causes the plasma volume to
rise above normal which increases hydrostatic pressure. In the venous
system, increased hydrostatic pressure is transmitted to the capillar-
ies, favoring the movement of plasma fluid into the interstitium to cause
edema. Sodium retention continues and replaces the plasma fluid that
leaks into the interstitium.
This cycle of sodium retention, increased hydrostatic pressure and
leakage of fluid in the interstitium can result in the accumulation of a
large amount of fluid in the interstitial compartment.

Because it takes up to 3 liters for edema to be detectable, it is important to consider

a patient's weight. One liter of water weighs 1 kg or 2.2 pounds. Thus, a patient with
decompensating CHF may gain 6.6 pounds before edema is detectable. At home, as
well as in the hospital, it is important for patients with disorders predisposing to edema
to have their weights measured daily .

S. Faubel and J. Topf 4 Volume Regulation

Clinical correlation: Activation of the volume regulatory hor-

mones in CHF is ultimately maladaptive.
Low cardiac output activates renin
the volume regulatory system angiotensin II
C.O. sympathetic

Initially, increased peripheral

vascular resistance (afterload) ACE inhibitors
helps boost blood pressure. Ul- angiotensin II and
timately, however, increased after- spironolactone sympathetic activity
load impedes the ability of the fail- increase peripheral
ing heart to maintain cardiac output. beta-blockers vascular resistance

In CHF, low effective circulating volume triggers the renin-angio-

tensin-aldosterone system and sympathetic activity. Sympathetic ac-
tivity increases cardiac output, peripheral vascular resistance (PVR)
and Na+ resorption. Angiotensin II is the most potent vasoconstrictor in
the body and increases PVR. Aldosterone increases Na+ resorption.
The actions of these hormones function to transiently restore effec-
tive circulating volume in CHF. Unfortunately, the effects are ultimately
maladaptive. For example, although increased PVR helps increase blood
pressure, it also increases the resistance that the heart must pump
against (i.e., afterload). Increased afterload increases cardiac dysfunc-
tion and causes a further decline in cardiac output. This leads to more
sympathetic activation and sodium resorption, causing a vicious cycle
of worsening heart failure.
Some of the medications used to treat heart failure blunt the physiologic
response to decreased effective circulating volume.
ACE-inhibitors reduce the vasoconstriction caused by angiotensin
II and inhibit Na+ resorption caused by angiotensin II and aldosterone.
Diuretics are used in CHF when edema begins to occur. In addition
to the cosmetic effect of reducing edema, diuretics counteract sodium
resorption and reduce plasma volume. Spironolactone has the particu-
lar advantage of being a competitive inhibitor of aldosterone.
Beta-blocker use is a recent advance in the treatment of CHF. Beta-
blockers inhibit the sympathetic response.
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! Volume regulation.
Volume regulation is the simultaneous adjustment of plasma volume and
blood pressure in order to maintain adequate perfusion of tissues.


volume 2L
(effective circulating volume)

plasma volume blood pressure

Plasma volume is affected by signals which influence sodium and water

resorption. Blood pressure (CO ! PVR) is affected by signals which influ-
ence cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Volume regulation
occurs in three steps:

Monitoring Signaling Action at targets

baroreceptors three types of signals plasma volume blood pressure
renin sympathetic Na +
angiotensin II Na +


Baroreceptors, the monitors of volume status, respond to changes in blood

pressure. Even though low blood pressure can be associated with low, nor-
mal or high plasma volume, low blood pressure always triggers the release
of signals which increase blood pressure and plasma volume.
The primary signals which regulate effective circulating volume are: re-
nin-angiotensin II-aldosterone, sympathetic activity and ADH. These sig-
nals act at the kidney, heart and vasculature. Action at the kidney increases
plasma volume through the resorption of sodium and water while action at
the heart and vasculature increases blood pressure.
Renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone and sympathetic activity are the pri-
mary signals involved in volume regulation. If effective volume is very low,
ADH is also released as a secondary defense. ADH acts at the collecting
tubules of the distal nephron to increase the resorption of water.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

5 Osmoregulation

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Osmoregulation is the maintenance of a consis-

tent plasma osmolality.

a o s m o l al i t y r a n
a sm ges l/L
Pl fro m m
285 t 2 9 5 m

Osmoregulation is the maintenance of a consistent plasma osmolality.

Plasma osmolality is the concentration of all the solutes (electrolytes and
nonelectrolytes) in plasma. Plasma osmolality is normally between 285 and
295 mmol/L.

The following chapters on Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia, examine the pathophysiol-

ogy, differential diagnosis and treatment of sodium disorders.
At the heart of these disorders
is a failure of osmoregulation.A solid understanding of osmoregulation will make tackling
hyponatremia and hypernatremia easier .

_____________ is the maintenance of a constant plasma osmolality. Osmoregulation

Osmolality is a measurement of the _____________ of particles per number

volume of water and is commonly expressed as ____________. mmol/L

There are two kinds of solutes in plasma: __________ and electrolytes

___________. nonelectrolytes

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Introduction!Changes in plasma osmolality can change cell vol-

ume and disrupt cell function.
Consequence of high plasma osmolality
cell high plasma shrunken normal plasma
osmolality cell osmolality

Consequence of low plasma osmolality

cell low plasma swollen cell normal plasma
osmolality osmolality

If plasma osmolality is high, water osmotically flows from the intracellu-

lar compartment into the plasma and interstitial compartments. This move-
ment of water causes cells to shrink, disrupting their function.
If plasma osmolality is low, water osmotically flows from the plasma and
interstitial compartments into the intracellular compartment. The cells swell
from the influx of water leading to decreased cellular function and, if se-
vere, cell lysis and death.
Because of the potentially devastating consequences of abnormalities in
plasma osmolality, tight control is important.

Osmoregulation is important because fluctuations in plasma aaa

osmolality can cause changes in cell _______. volume

Decreased plasma osmolality causes water to flow _______ cells into

which ________ (increases/decreases) cell volume and disrupts increases

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Monitoring!The hypothalamus detects changes in osmolality.

Osmolality is the same Osmolality is measured The hypothalamus

throughout the body. in the hypothalamus. controls thirst and
ADH secretion.

= AD

= The hypothalamus
is here.

Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus monitor plasma osmolality. Because

blood, no matter where it is in the body, has the same osmolality (e.g., blood
circulating in the legs has the same osmolality as blood circulating in the
brain), only one detection point is necessary. In contrast, blood pressure
varies throughout the body and requires multiple detection points.
The osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus are very sensitive to changes in
osmolality. A change in plasma osmolality of only 1% is detectable by the
An increase in plasma osmolality stimulates ADH and thirst. A decrease
in plasma osmolality suppresses ADH and thirst.

Plasma osmolality is detected by osmoreceptors located in the aaa

____________. hypothalamus

If plasma osmolality is too high, then both _______ and ADH

__________ will be activated. thirst

If plasma osmolality is too low, then both ______ and ADH

__________ will be inhibited. thirst

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

The hypothalamus? What’s up with that?

The hypothalamus is here.

The hypothalamus is a small (4 grams) structure in the center of the

cranial floor. Anatomically, the hypothalamus is divided into the para-
ventricular, posterior, dorsomedial, supraoptic, ventromedial, tuberal
and mammillary nuclei. Because it sits adjacent to the optic chiasm,
tumors of the hypothalamus frequently cause visual symptoms.
The hypothalamus is the great regulator of the body. It monitors and
regulates the following:
Body weight. The hypothalamus regulates the speed of gas-
tric emptying and much of the hunger sensation. Body weight
is set in the hypothalamus and selective lesions can result in
weight loss or gain.
Body temperature. The hypothalamus maintains constant
temperature by inducing shivering (increases body tempera-
ture) or dilating cutaneous blood vessels (reduces body tem-
perature). Fevers result from the release of IL-1 which acts in
the hypothalamus to increase prostaglandin E2. This pros-
taglandin increases the temperature set point.
Sleep-wake cycles. The hypothalamus is responsible for
maintaining alert behavior. Tumors here can induce a hyper-
somnolent state.
Plasma osmolality.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!There are two ways to change the osmo-

lality of a solution.


Addition of water Loss of water Loss of solute Addition of solute

decreases osmolality. increases osmolality. decreases osmolality. increases osmolality.

There are two ways to change the osmolality of a solution:

change the amount of water
change the amount of solute

To decrease the concentration of a solution, water can be _________ added

or solute can be _________. removed

To increase the concentration of a solution water can be __________ removed

or solute can be __________. added

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Adjusting osmolality!The body changes plasma osmolality by

adjusting water.


Addition of water Loss of water Loss of solute Addition of solute

decreases osmolality. increases osmolality. decreases osmolality. increases osmolality.

There is one way the body changes plasma osmolality:

changes the amount of water

There are two ways to change the __________ of a solution: osmolality

change the amount of solute or change the amount of ________. water

In the body, plasma osmolality is regulated only by changing

the amount of _________. water

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!The body changes water to control plas-

ma osmolality through thirst and ADH.

no thirst

to increase plasma


hypotonic plasma

to decrease plasma


hypertonic plasma

The body adjusts plasma water to control osmolality through thirst and ADH.
If the plasma osmolality is too low, water needs to be removed to increase
the osmolality. This is accomplished by:
decreasing thirst
decreasing ADH release in order to maximize renal water loss
If plasma osmolality is too high, water needs to be added to decrease the
osmolality. This is accomplished in two ways:
increasing thirst to add new water to the body
increasing ADH release in order to minimize renal water loss
The physiologic mechanisms for regulating plasma osmolality are dis-
cussed on the following pages.

The body responds to increased plasma osmolality by aaa

__________ water to decrease osmolality. adding

The body adds water by activating both _______ and _____. thirst; ADH

The body responds to decreased plasma osmolality by

__________ water to increase the plasma osmolality. removing

The body removes water by inhibiting both _______ and ______. thirst; ADH

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Adjusting osmolality!Removing water!To increase plasma osmo-

lality, water excretion is enhanced by suppression of thirst and ADH.

Suppressing thirst Formation of dilute urine






If plasma osmolality is too low, excess water needs to be removed. This is

accomplished in two ways:
suppressing thirst to prevent the addition of new water to the
diluting urine to increase urinary water loss (requires suppres-
sion of ADH)

In order to increase the plasma _________ the body must ex- osmolality
crete excess ________. water

Excreting excess water is done by suppressing ________ and ex- thirst

creting excess water in the ________. urine

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!Removing water!Suppressing ADH keeps

the collecting tubule locked, allowing production of dilute urine.
Distal tubule
50-100 mmol/L

Collecting tubule
30-50 mmol/L

Proximal tubule
290 mmol/L

Loop of Henle
1400 mmol/L Dilute urine
30-50 mmol/L

In the absence of ADH, the collecting tubule is locked and impermeable to

water. In this situation, fluid entering the collecting tubule is excreted rela-
tively unchanged. Prior to entering the collecting tubule, the fluid in the
tubular lumen has been diluted from an osmolality of 290 mmol/L (normal
plasma osmolality) to an osmolality between 50 and 100 mmol/L. In the
collecting tubule, a small amount of solute is resorbed, resulting in a urine
osmolality that can be as low as 30 to 50 mmol/L.
The role of the different segments of the nephron in the production of a
dilute urine is described below:
The proximal tubule resorbs sodium and other solutes in an iso-
tonic manner. The osmolality of the fluid leaving the proximal tu-
bule is about 290 mmol/L, the same as plasma.
The loop of Henle resorbs more sodium than water. The tubular
fluid leaving the loop has an osmolality of about 150 mmol/L.
The distal tubule and collecting tubule resorb sodium without wa-
ter, further diluting tubular fluid. Fluid in the collecting tubule
can have an osmolality of 30-50 mmol/L.
In the absence of ADH, the diluted tubular fluid is excreted un-

The primary diluting segments of the ________ are the loop of nephron
_________, distal tubule and the collecting tubules. Henle

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!To lower plasma osmola-

lity, water is added through thirst and the release of ADH.
Thirst Formation of concentrated urine






If plasma osmolality is too high, water needs to be added. This is accom-

plished in two ways:
increasing thirst to add new water to the body
concentrating urine to minimize renal water loss (requires the
release of ADH)

The addition of water to lower plasma osmolality is accomplished aaa

by stimulating ________ and by releasing ________. thirst; ADH

The formation of a ___________ (concentrated/dilute) urine re- concentrated

quires the release of ADH.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!Thirst!Thirst is the body’s

way of saying, “Plasma osmolality is high. Give me water.”

Boy! Am
I thirsty!

In order to maintain a normal plasma osmolality, total body water must

be kept relatively stable. Sources of water loss include the skin, respiratory
tract, GI tract, and kidneys. All of this lost water must be replaced by the
ingestion of water.
When an increase in plasma osmolality is detected, the thirst mechanism
is engaged. Thirst is the sensation of a dry mouth which prompts water
ingestion. Usually the plasma osmolality must increase 5% to stimulate
Thirst causing the ingestion of water is the most effective defense against in-
creases in osmolality. This defense is so effective that, with ready access to
water, alert people cannot develop significant increases in osmolality.
An impressive example of the thirst mechanism in action occurs in patients with diabetes
insipidus. Diabetes insipidus is characterized by obligatory urinary losses which can exceed
15 liters per day. Patients with this disorder rarely develop increased plasma osmolality
because they ingest a suf ficient amount of water to replace urine losses. See Chapter 9,
Polydipsia, Polyuria.

Thirst is a potent stimulus that cannot lead one to water, but can aaa
make one _________. drink

Thirst causing the ingestion of water is the most effective defense

against __________ (decreases/increases) in plasma osmolality. increases

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!ADH!ADH ADds Hydra-

tion to the body by forming a concentrated urine.


water ends up here not here

ADH is an abbreviation for antidiuretic hormone. Since a diuretic is a

substance which increases urine output, an antidiuretic is a substance which
decreases urine output. Because ADH is named for what it doesn’t do (in-
duce urination), thinking about ADH can be confusing. Try to imagine what
happens when a process inhibits the secretion of ADH: the inhibition of
ADH (a stimulus which decreases urine output) causes an increase in urine
production. These types of double negatives inspired the mnemonic:
ADH ADds Hydration.
Since understanding the action of ADH is so important, memorize the
following statement:
ADH: ADds Hydration to the body by causing the formation of a concen-
trated urine.
Because ADH plays such a central role in osmoregulation, it is important
to fully understand its mechanism of action. The details of the formation of
concentrated urine and the action of ADH are presented on the following

ADH stands for _____________ hormone, but it’s easier to re- antidiuretic
member that it stands for ______ _____________. ADds Hydration

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!ADH!The concentration

of urine depends on ADH activity.
activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity

daily urine volume (L)


50 100 200 400 600 800 1200
urinary concentration (mmol/L)
The graph shows the daily urine volume for several values of urinary concen-
tration (50 to 1200 mmol/L), assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day.

Each day the kidney must excrete a significant amount of solute. The
solutes excreted include metabolic waste products (e.g., urea, creatinine,
hydrogen and uric acid) as well as electrolytes ingested in the diet. The
exact amount of solute which needs to be excreted by the kidney varies with
diet and metabolism and is referred to as the daily solute load. (The daily
solute load is estimated as 10 times weight in kilograms; e.g., 600 mmol in
an 60 kg man.)
The amount of water lost in the urine is variable and depends on ADH
activity. If ADH activity is high, the daily solute load is excreted in a small
amount of water, and the urine osmolality is high (concentrated). If ADH
activity is low, the daily solute load is excreted in a large amount of water,
and the urine osmolality is low (dilute).

Renal insufficiency is defined as a decrease in renal function such that the kidney is unable
to excrete the daily solute load. Kidney function is measured by BUN and creatinine which
are solutes excreted by the kidney. Usually, an increased concentration of BUN or creati-
nine indicates decreased renal function. (Increased BUN can also be due to dehydration,
catabolic state or high protein intake.)

The daily solute load includes metabolic ________ and ingested waste
electrolytes which all must be excreted by the _________. kidney

If ADH activity is high, urine osmolality is ________. high

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!ADH!The formation of a

concentrated urine is a three-step process.




Na+ K+ Cl–


The production of a concentrated urine is a multistep process that de-

pends on the coordinated action of the hypothalamus, collecting tubule and
loop of Henle.
Step one: the hypothalamus detects an increased osmolality and
triggers the release of ADH.
Step two: the kidney responds to ADH by inserting water chan-
nels into the walls of the collecting tubules which allows water to
be resorbed.
Step three: the loop of Henle creates and maintains the concen-
trated medullary interstitium. This concentrated medullary in-
terstitium draws in water from the relatively dilute collecting tu-
Each of these steps will be examined individually on the following pages.

The addition of water lowers the plasma __________. The most osmolality
effective method of increasing water is _______ and the inges- thirst
tion of ________. water

In addition to drinking ________, conserving water by produc- water

ing concentrated urine aids in lowering the ________ osmolality. plasma

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!ADH! ADH is produced

in the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary.






Antidiuretic hormone is the generic name for the hormone which increases
the resorption of water in the kidney. Different animals have different pro-
teins which act as ADH. In humans, the identity of ADH is arginine vaso-
Arginine vasopressin is a short protein synthesized in the hypothalamus.
The protein is then moved to the posterior pituitary where it is stored.
When plasma osmolality rises, the hypothalamus sends a neural stimu-
lus (as opposed to a hormonal stimulus) to the posterior pituitary which
causes the release of stored ADH.

ADH is a ___________ hormone. peptide

The identity of ADH in humans is ____________ arginine

__________. vasopressin

ADH is synthesized in the _____________ and stored in the pos- hypothalamus

terior pituitary. A ________ stimulus causes the release of neural
_______. ADH

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

ADH is released in response to three types of stimuli.

Hyperosmolality Low effective volume Inappropriate




decreased plasma volume and/or

decreased blood pressure

In addition to increased plasma osmolality, discussed in detail in this

chapter, there are two other conditions that cause the release of ADH.
Low effective volume. As reviewed in the previous chapter,
effective volume depletion can stimulate the release of ADH. A
large drop in blood pressure (10-15 mm Hg) is required before
the release of ADH occurs.
Inappropriate. Various conditions can cause the inappro-
priate release of ADH. In these disorders, known as syndrome
of inappropriate ADH (SIADH), the release of ADH has no
physiologic benefit.
The low effective volume and inappropriate release of ADH are col-
lectively referred to as the nonosmotic release of ADH. In these condi-
tions, ADH release occurs for reasons other than the correction of plasma
osmolality. (This is another example of something that is defined in
negative terms.)

The release ofADH in the setting of volume depletion and the inappropriate release of
ADH are two important factors which can initiate the development of hyponatremia.
This is reviewed in the next chapter

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!ADH!ADH acts at the col-

lecting tubule to allow the resorption of water.

Without ADH With ADH


so so

te te

so so

te te

In the absence of ADH, the collecting tubules are locked tight and imper-
meable to water. Water which enters the collecting ducts is excreted rela-
tively unchanged in the urine.
In the presence of ADH, the collecting tubules are unlocked and water in
the collecting tubules is resorbed. In the tubular cell, ADH causes preformed
water channels to be inserted into the tubular membrane, allowing the re-
sorption of water. Water flows through the channels into the concentrated
medullary interstitium and is taken up by the surrounding blood vessels to
enter the systemic circulation.

ADH allows water to flow into the cells lining the collecting tubules and osmotically
then into the medullary ____________. interstitium

The collecting ducts are ___________ to water in the presence of ADH. permeable

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

Adjusting osmolality!Adding water!ADH!Maintaining the con-

centrated medullary interstitium is essential for ADH function.

tubular fluid 30-50 mmol/L

Na+ K+ Cl– AD

Na+ K+ Cl–
Na+ K+ Cl–
The loop of Henle concentrates
Na+ K+ Cl– the medulla regardless of
Na+ K+ Cl–
so whether or not ADH is secreted.
Na+ K+ Cl–

Na+ K+ eCl–
Na+ K+ Cl–
tubular fluid:
Through the action of the loop with ADH: 1200-1400 mmol/L
of Henle, the medullary intersti-
tium can reach an osmolality of
1400 mmol/L.

The amount of water that can be resorbed from the collecting tubule is
controlled by the concentration gradient in the medullary interstitium.
The loop of Henle is the engine which drives the concentration of urine.
The ascending limb of the loop of Henle contains Na-K-2Cl pumps which
remove electrolytes from the tubular fluid and add them to the medullary
interstitium. The medullary interstitium is the interstitial compartment of
the kidney which surrounds the nephrons. Through the actions of millions
of nephrons, the medullary interstitium becomes a salty brine whose sole
purpose is the concentration of urine.
At the tip of the loop of Henle, the medullary interstitium can have an
osmolality of 1400 mmol/L . When the collecting ducts are unlocked by ADH,
water flows from the dilute tubular fluid to the highly concentrated inter-
stitium. Because the urine can become as concentrated as the interstitium,
the most concentrated urine that can be produced by humans is approxi-
mately 1400 mmol/L.

The third step in the production of a concentrated ________ is urine

maintaining a concentrated medullary _________. interstitium

The ascending limb of the loop of _______ pumps sodium, potassi- Henle
um and ________ out into the medulla of the kidney; this produces chloride
a highly concentrated _____ which is used to concentrate urine. brine

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Specific gravity? What’s up with that?


1.000 0

1.005 175

1.010 350

1.015 5 25

1.020 700

1.025 875

1.030 1050

Measuring the concentration of urine is useful because it allows one

to infer the level of ADH activity. A highly concentrated urine indicates
increased ADH activity, and a dilute urine indicates decreased ADH
activity. Urine concentration is evaluated by either specific gravity or
urine osmolality.
Specific gravity is a standard component of the routine urine analy-
sis and is a convenient estimate of urine concentration. Unlike osmola-
lity, which is the number of particles per liter, specific gravity is the
mass of one milliliter of solution in grams. This gives an indication of
both the number and weight of the particles in the urine. Most of the
time, this provides an accurate estimate of urine concentration; how-
ever, if the urine contains particularly heavy particles such as glucose
or x-ray dye, the specific gravity will overestimate urine concentration.
Urine osmolality is not part of the routine urine analysis and must
be specifically ordered. The urine osmolality is determined by the freez-
ing point depression technique. This is an accurate determination of
the urine concentration. Urine osmolality is an important test in the
evaluation of hyponatremia and the investigation of polydipsia/poly-
The approximate correlation between specific gravity and urine os-
molality is listed in the table above.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 5 Osmoregulation

! Osmoregulation.
Osmoregulation is the maintenance of a constant plasma osmolality. The
normal plasma osmolality ranges from 285 to 295 mmol/L. Changes in os-
molality cause cells to shrink or swell.

High plasma os- Low plasma osmo-

molality causes lality causes cellu-
cellular shrinking. lar swelling.

Plasma osmolality is detected in the hypothalamus which controls thirst

and ADH, the two regulators of osmolality.
Osmolality is the same Osmolality is measured in The hypothalamus controls
throughout the body. the hypothalamus. thirst and ADH.

hypothalamus H
The body regulates plasma osmolality by controlling the amount of body
water. The addition of water decreases osmolality and the removal of water
increases osmolality.

to decrease plasma osmolality to increase plasma osmolality


If plasma osmolality is too low, water needs to be removed. This is accom-

plished by decreasing thirst to suppress the ingestion of water and by
producing dilute urine to excrete excess water.


te AD



decreased thirst producing dilute urine

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! Osmoregulation.
If plasma osmolality is too high, water needs to be added. This is accom-
plished by thirst causing the ingestion of water and conserving water by
concentrating the urine.




thirst concentrated urine

Thirst is the best defense against an increase in osmolality. Patients able

to both ingest and obtain water are incapable of developing increased osmo-
lality, even if they are completely incapable of concentrating urine (diabetes
The concentration of urine conserves water when plasma osmolality is
high. Concentrating urine is a three-part process.
Step one: The hypothalamus Step two: ADH unlocks the Step three: The loop of Henle creates
detects an increased osmola- collecting tubule by inserting and maintains the concentrated medul-
lity and triggers the release of water channels into its walls, lary interstitium. This concentrated med-
ADH. which allows water to be re- ullary interstitium draws water out of the
sorbed. relatively dilute collecting tubule.

Na+ K+ Cl–
Na+ K+ Cl–
Na+ K+ Cl–
Na+ K+ Cl–
Na+ K+ Cl–

Na+ K+ Cl–
Na+ K+ Cl–

When you look at a glass, you either see it as half empty or as half full. When you look at
hypertonic plasma you can either see too much solute or too little .water
The body sees too
much water. The body always sees plasma osmolality as either a shortage or surplus of
water. To fully understand osmoregulation, hyponatremia and hypernatremia, you need to
see plasma osmolality in the same way

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

6 The Pathophysiology

The Empire Strikes Back

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Hyponatremia is usually associated with hypoos-





osmolality < 285 mmol/L sodium < 135 mEq/L

Hyponatremia is a plasma sodium concentration less than 135 mEq/L. Since

sodium is the major contributor to plasma osmolality, a low sodium concentra-
tion is usually associated with hypoosmolality.
Hyponatremia is important because it can indicate a low plasma osmolal-
ity. Hyponatremia not associated with a low plasma osmolality is not worri-
some and is not treated.
The relationship between hyponatremia and hypoosmolality is similar to
the relationship between fever and infection. In general, fever is not a prob-
lem in and of itself, but is an alert to the possible presence of infection.
Likewise, hyponatremia in and of itself is not worrisome, but it is an alert to
the possible presence of hypoosmolality. Hyponatremia associated with hy-
poosmolality is a concern because of the neurologic consequences of osmotic
water shifts in the brain. (See Chapter 5, Osmoregulation.)

Hyponatremia is a plasma sodium less than ______ mEq/L. 135

Hyponatremia is only a problem if it associated with ________ decreased

plasma osmolality.

Hyponatremia associated with ________ or elevated plasma os- normal

molality is not dangerous.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Introduction!Pseudohyponatremia!Hyponatremia not asso-

ciated with hypoosmolality is pseudohyponatremia.

True hyponatremia Pseudohyponatremia

low osmolality normal osmolality high osmolality

True hyponatremia is hyponatremia associated with a low plasma osmo-

lality. Pseudohyponatremia is hyponatremia associated with a normal or
high plasma osmolality. The two types of pseudohyponatremia are:
• Hyponatremia with a normal plasma osmolality is due to a lab
artifact from hyperlipidemia or hyperproteinemia.
• Hyponatremia with a high plasma osmolality is due to an in-
creased concentration of osmotically active particles, such as glu-
cose or mannitol.
When hyponatremia is discovered, the presence of true hyponatremia
should be assessed by measuring plasma osmolality. The causes of pseudo-
hyponatremia are discussed in detail on the following pages.

As with all abnormal labs, when hyponatremia is found, the level should be repeated to rule
out a lab or blood-drawing error
. When repeating the sodium level, the blood should be
drawn through the skin (not from an IV line) and from a vein that does not have IV fluids
flowing through it. Blood diluted by IV fluid can cause erroneous sodium measurements.

_________ is the major osmotically active solute in the Sodium

____________ compartment. extracellular

True hyponatremia is associated with __________, while hypoosmolality

_________ is associated with a normal or high plasma pseudohyponatremia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Pseudohyponatremia!Hyperproteinemia and hyper-

lipidemia cause pseudohyponatremia with a normal plasma osmolality.

protein, lipid volume B protein or

B lipid volume
plasma water plasma plasma
volume plasma water volume

cell volume cell volume

The lab reports but the lab actually With B solute,

[Na+] as this… measures this: this is normal: but this is low:
Na Na+ Na+ Na+
plasma water plasma volume plasma water plasma volume

Pseudohyponatremia associated with a normal plasma osmolality is due

to a lab error caused by either hyperproteinemia (e.g., multiple myeloma,
infusion of immunoglobulin) or hyperlipidemia. With this type of pseudo-
hyponatremia, the true plasma sodium concentration is normal.
Hospital labs report plasma sodium concentration as milligrams of so-
dium per deciliter of plasma water; however, hospital labs measure the
milligrams of sodium per deciliter of plasma volume. Therefore, an assump-
tion is made that plasma water equals plasma volume. Remember from
Chapter 1 that plasma is composed of water and solutes. With hyperpro-
teinemia and hyperlipidemia, solute volume is increased, decreasing the
amount of plasma water in a sample. Therefore, when the sodium content
of plasma water is divided by plasma volume, the denominator is too big,
causing the sodium concentration to be deceptively low. If the sodium con-
tent were divided by plasma water, the normal sodium concentration would
be revealed.
Because proteins and lipids are large molecules, increased levels add little
to plasma osmolality. Therefore, with hyperproteinemia and hyperlipidemia,
plasma osmolality is normal.
See Chapter 1, page 18 to understand the small contribution of large molecules to plasma

In pseudohyponatremia associated with _____________ or hyper- hyperlipidemia

proteinemia, the sodium concentration is actually ___________. normal

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Introduction!Pseudohyponatremia!Increased glucose and man-

nitol cause pseudohyponatremia with a high plasma osmolality.




Osmotically active particles draw water into the plas-

ma compartment and dilute plasma sodium.

Hyponatremia in the face of elevated plasma osmolality is due to increased

levels of osmotically active solutes in the plasma. Increased glucose (hyper-
glycemia) and mannitol administration are the most common causes of this
type of pseudohyponatremia. An increase in these osmotically active par-
ticles draws intracellular water into the plasma which dilutes plasma so-
dium and causes hyponatremia.
In this type of pseudohyponatremia, the sodium concentration is truly
low (it is not a lab error), but plasma osmolality is increased from the glu-
cose or mannitol.
In pseudohyponatremia due to hyperglycemia, the drop in sodium can be predicted from
the glucose concentration. For every 100 mg/dL that the glucose is above 100 mg/dL, the
sodium falls 1.6 mEq/L. For example, with a glucose of 800 mg/dL, sodium decreases by:
(800 –100) !100 " 1.6 = 11.2. Thus, the “normal” sodium in this setting is 1401.2
– 1=
Remember the constant 1.6 by remembering
“ sixteen.”
glucose 1.6

Hyponatremia with a high plasma osmolality is secondary to aaa

increased concentration of another _________ active particle. osmotically

Increased ________ concentration is the most common cause of glucose

hyponatremia with a high plasma osmolality.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!True hyponatremia is due to a relative excess of wa-

ter and can occur with hypovolemia, euvolemia and hypervolemia.

Na+ Na+ Na+

H2O H20 H20
hypovolemia euvolemia hypervolemia

The measurement of plasma sodium is a concentration: the ratio of so-

dium to water. If hyponatremia is present, the amount of water relative to
the amount of sodium is increased. In all cases, true hyponatremia is due to
a relative excess of water, not a lack of sodium.
The relative excess of water in hyponatremia can occur with all three
types of volume status: hypovolemia, euvolemia and hypervolemia. As will
be discussed, the assessment of volume status is an important component
in the evaluation of hyponatremia.

From this point forward, “hyponatremia” refers to true hyponatremia.

A solid understanding of both volume regulation and osmoregulation is important to under-

stand the pathophysiology of the disorders associated with hyponatremia.
e recommend
reading Chapter 4,Volume Regulationand Chapter 5,Osmoregulationprior to this chapter

Hyponatremia is due to excess __________ relative to ________. water; sodium

Sodium concentration is not a marker of volume status; hy- hypo; eu

ponatremia can be associated with ____-volemia, ___-volemia hyper
and _____-volemia.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Introduction!Hyponatremia is always due to the ingestion of

water in excess of the amount the kidney can excrete.


ingestion > excretion =



The relative excess of water in hyponatremia is always due to the ingestion

of water that exceeds what the kidney is able to excrete. This occurs in three
• ingestion of too much water which overwhelms normal kidneys
• ingestion of normal amounts of water in renal failure
• ingestion of normal amounts of water in the presence of ADH
The development of hyponatremia is often a confusing subject, despite
the fact that it is simply the relationship between how much water is in-
gested (too much) and how much water is excreted (too little). Thus, one key
to understanding the causes of hyponatremia is to understand the factors
which affect water excretion. A brief overview of the pathophysiology of wa-
ter excretion is presented on the following page.

Hyponatremia occurs when the __________ of water exceeds the ingestion

________ of water by the kidney. excretion

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: The maximum daily urine volume depends on the dai-

ly solute load and minimum urinary concentration.
maximum daily urine volume (L) 14



50 100 200 400 600 800 1200
minimum urinary concentration (mmol/L)

The graph shows the maximum daily urine volume for several values of the minimum
urinary concentration (50 to 1200 mmol/L), assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day.

In the absence of renal failure, hyponatremia occurs when the amount of

water ingested per day exceeds the maximum daily urine volume (the maxi-
mum amount of water that can be excreted in a day). The maximum daily
urine volume is dependent on only two factors: the daily solute load and the
minimum urinary concentration.
The daily solute load includes metabolic waste products and is the
amount of solute that needs to be excreted by the body each day. The daily
solute load is estimated to be 10 mmol/kg/day.
The minimum urinary concentration is the lowest urine concentra-
tion the kidney can achieve. In hyponatremia, the minimum urinary con-
centration can be determined directly by measuring the urine osmolality.
Calculation of the maximum daily urine volume is simply the daily solute
load divided by the minimum urinary concentration.

The reason the above relationship does not apply to water excretion in renal failure is that it
assumes the daily solute load is completely excreted by the kidney . The primary pathology
in renal failure is the inability to excrete the daily solute load. Hyponatremia is still due to the
ingestion of water in excess of what the kidney can excrete.

The maximum daily urine volume, the amount of water that aaa
the kidney can excrete each day, is dependent on two factors:
daily ______ load and the _________ urinary concentration. solute; minimum

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Overview: Normal kidneys can excrete a large amount of water.

Normal kidneys can maximally dilute urine
and excrete a large amount of water.
maximum daily urine volume (L)



50 100 200 400 600 800 1200
minimum urinary concentration (mmol/L)

The graph shows the maximum daily urine volume for several values of the minimum
urinary concentration (50 to 1200 mmol/L), assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day.

Normal kidneys have an amazing ability to dilute urine and excrete water.
Normal kidneys can dilute urine to as low as 30 to 50 mmol/L. This is impres-
sive considering that normal plasma osmolality is 285 to 295 mmol/L.
By calculating the maximum daily urine volume, the amount of water
that can be ingested per day without causing hyponatremia can be deter-
mined. For example, what is the maximum daily urine volume of a 60 kg
man with a minimum urinary concentration of 50 mmol/L? (The daily sol-
ute load is typically estimated as 10 ! weight in kilograms.)
maximum daily daily solute load 60 x 10 600 mmol
= = = = 12 L
urine volume minimum urinary 50 mmol/L 50 mmol/L

Since the maximum daily urine volume is 12 liters, this patient can drink
up to 12 liters of water each day. If this patient drinks greater than 12
liters, however, he will develop hyponatremia.

The more ________ (concentrated/dilute) the urine, the more wa- dilute
ter that can be excreted.

Dilute urine has a _____ (low/high) osmolality. low

What is the maximum daily urine volume in a patient with a dai- 600/30 = 20 L
ly solute load of 600 mmol and a minimum urinary concentration
of 30 mmol/L?

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Psychogenic polydipsia causes hyponatremia by over-

whelming normal kidneys with excessive water consumption.

renal excretion of fluid

increased intake
intake > output

psychogenic polydipsia

Psychogenic polydipsia is a disorder of compulsive water drinking. Pa-

tients with this disorder ingest enormous quantities of water, sometimes
more than 20 liters per day. Hyponatremia occurs because the ingestion of
water exceeds the maximum daily urine volume.
Psychogenic polydipsia is more common among patients with schizophre-
nia. This population may also have other abnormalities which predispose to
Hypothalamic dysfunction can cause release of ADH at normal
plasma osmolality. This increases the minimum urinary concen-
tration, reducing the maximum daily urine output.
Concurrent use of anticholinergic medications can cause dry
mouth and stimulate the consumption of water.

The kidneys in psychogenic polydipsia are not entirely normal. The ingestion of massive
quantities of water can impair the ability of the kidney to maximally dilute This
the maximum daily urine volume. Psychogenic polydipsia is discussed more thoroughly in
Chapter 9, page 222.
Hyponatremia in patients with psychogenic _________ is due to polydipsia
the ingestion of too much _________. water

The prevalence of psychogenic polydipsia is increased in pa-

tients with ___________. schizophrenia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Etiologies!Normal water consumption causes hyponatremia in

patients with renal failure.

renal failure

decreased renal excretion

intake > output

fluid intake

Renal failure occurs when the kidney is unable to excrete the daily solute
load and metabolic waste products accumulate in the plasma. Destruction
of nephrons leading to renal failure is caused by a variety of diseases. Be-
cause renal failure is associated with a diminished number of functional
nephrons, the maximum amount of water which can be excreted is also re-
duced. If the patient ingests more water than the impaired kidney can ex-
crete, plasma sodium concentration falls.
In some causes of renal failure (e.g., acute tubular necrosis), the ability to
dilute urine is also impaired. For example, minimum urinary concentration
may rise from a normal range of 30 - 50 mmol/L to 250 mmol/L. A rise in the
minimum urine concentration further impairs the excretion of water. (In-
creased minimum urine concentration decreases the maximum daily urine

Renal failure can cause hyponatremia due to impaired excre- aaa

tion of _________. water

Since ______ excretion is impaired, ingestion of normal water

amounts of ________ can cause hyponatremia. water

Whenever the amount of water ingested exceeds the _________ maximum

daily urine volume, the plasma sodium concentration _______. falls

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

True hyponatremia with normal or high plasma osmolality –

the special case of renal failure.

In renal failure, sodium falls and the

2 x [Na] + BUN + Glucose BUN rises which can cause the mea-
2.8 18 sured and calculated plasma osmolali-
ty to rise.

Urea is an ineffective osmole because it freely cross-
K +=140 Na+=140 es cell membranes. Since urea is an ineffective os-
mole, its increased concentration does not protect
glucose against the fall in sodium. These patients suffer from
hypoosmolality despite increased measured and cal-
culated plasma osmolality.

True hyponatremia can occur with a normal or increased plasma os-

molality in the setting of renal failure.
Renal failure is characterized by the accumulation of waste products
such as urea. In the plasma compartment, urea is referred to as blood
urea nitrogen (BUN). BUN is a by-product of protein metabolism. Nor-
mal BUN levels are from 10 to 20 mg/dL, but in renal failure BUN can
rise to over 100 mg/dL.
BUN contributes to both measured and calculated plasma osmolal-
ity. In renal failure associated with hyponatremia, an increase in BUN
can increase plasma osmolality despite a low sodium. In this situation,
plasma osmolality is high and the plasma sodium is truly low. Although
this may seem like a case of pseudohyponatremia from osmotically ac-
tive particles, the key difference is that BUN is not an osmotically ac-
tive particle. It is an ineffective osmole. Urea is a small, nonpolar mol-
ecule which is freely permeable to cell membranes; therefore, it cannot
draw water into the plasma.
In renal failure, the elevated plasma osmolality is due to the accumu-
lation of an ineffective osmole, urea. The effective osmolality, however,
is low. Effective osmolality is due to the contribution of sodium and
effective glucose
plasma osmolality 2 ! [Na+] +

Since effective osmolality is low, the hyponatremia of renal failure is

true hyponatremia despite an increase in plasma osmolality.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Etiologies!Normal water consumption in patients with high ADH

activity causes hyponatremia.
minimum maximum
ADH activity ADH activity
activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity
maximum daily urine volume (L)



50 100 200 400 600 800 1200
minimum urinary concentration (mmol/L)
The graph shows the maximum daily urine volume for several values of the minimum
urinary concentration (50 to 1200 mmol/L), assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day.

The ability to excrete dilute urine is dependent on ADH activity. When

ADH is maximally suppressed, the urine is maximally dilute. As ADH ac-
tivity increases, however, the minimum urinary concentration increases,
decreasing the maximum daily urine volume. In the presence of increased
ADH activity, even modest ingestion of water can cause hyponatremia.
For example, if ADH activity increases the minimum urinary concentra-
tion to 400 mmol/L, then the maximum amount of water that can be ex-
creted per day is 1.5 liters (assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day).
If more than 1.5 liters are ingested, plasma sodium falls.
If ADH activity is at its maximum, the minimum urinary concentration is
1200 mmol/L and only 0.5 liters (500 mL) can be excreted. In this case, the
maximum amount of water that can be ingested without causing hyponatre-
mia is 500 mL.
Increased ADH activity preventing maximal excretion of water is the most
common cause of hyponatremia. The many causes of increased ADH activ-
ity which predispose to hyponatremia are reviewed on the following pages.

If ADH action is maximally suppressed, the urine is maximally aaa

________ (concentrated/dilute). dilute

In order to excrete 12 liters of water per day, ADH activity

needs to be __________ (low/high). low

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Increased ADH release can be ei-

ther appropriate or inappropriate.
Appropriate release of ADH Inappropriate release of ADH
low effective volume


Increased ADH activity predisposes to hyponatremia in two settings:

Appropriate release of ADH due to low effective volume. Although
the primary defense against volume depletion is the renin-angiotensin II-
aldosterone system and sympathetic activity, the release of ADH is recruited
when effective volume is very low. ADH helps to restore plasma volume by
increasing the resorption of water at the collecting tubules.
Effective volume depletion is seen in patients who are clinically hypo-
volemic or hypervolemic. In hypovolemic hyponatremia, low effective circu-
lating volume is due to the loss of fluid (e.g., diarrhea, vomiting, diuretics).
In hypervolemic hyponatremia, low effective volume is due to depressed
cardiac output or decreased blood pressure (e.g., CHF, liver failure).
Inappropriate release of ADH. The inappropriate release of ADH is
associated with euvolemia and is known as the syndrome of inappropriate
ADH release (SIADH). The release of ADH in SIADH has no physiologic
benefit. There are numerous causes of SIADH.

ADH activity causes hyponatremia in two settings: _________ appropriate

release of ADH in the presence of ____ effective volume and the low
_________ release of ADH. inappropriate

_________ is an abbreviation for the syndrome of inappropriate SIADH

ADH release.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Overview: In the battle between volume regulation and osmoreg-

ulation, volume rules.
Low effective volume Hypoosmolality
stimulates ADH release inhibits ADH release

What’s the hypothalamus to do?

To secrete ADH or not to secrete ADH?

us i on
per f
po E
Eff e c ion
tive P e rf u s

Low effective volume outweighs
hypoosmolality: ADH is secreted.
Low effective volume stimulates the release of ADH. Hypoosmolality in-
hibits the release of ADH. If the conflicting signals of effective volume deple-
tion and hypoosmolality are both present, the volume stimulus outweighs
the inhibitory stimulus of hypoosmolality, and ADH is released.
One of the fundamental rules of medicine is that:
Rationally, the body chooses the maintenance of perfusion over the regu-
lation of osmolality. Remember the ABC’s of first-aid: airway, breathing and
circulation; “O” for osmoregulation is way down in the alphabet.
In the disorders of effective volume depletion, the persistent release of
ADH in the presence of hypoosmolality allows hyponatremia to persist.
The appropriate release ofADH which occurs in the setting offective
ef circulating volume deple-
tion (in hypo- or hypervolemic patients) is also known
as release of
ADH. We use the
term appropriateADH release because it describes what it is, not what it is not.

Low effective volume ________ the release of ADH. stimulates

Hypoosmolality __________ the release of ADH. inhibits

If hypoosmolality and effective volume depletion are both

present, ADH release is __________. stimulated
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: The volume regulatory mechanisms include sympa-

thetic activity and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.





urine Na+ < 20 mEq/L

If effective circulating volume depletion is sufficient to stimulate the re-

lease of ADH, then the primary volume regulatory mechanisms (sympa-
thetic activity and renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone) are already activated.
As reviewed in Chapter 4, Volume Regulation, these hormones act to in-
crease both plasma volume and blood pressure.
Sympathetic activity and the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system
increase plasma volume by stimulating the resorption of sodium. This re-
sults in a urine sodium concentration which is less than 20 mEq/L. Hypov-
olemic hyponatremia and hypervolemic hyponatremia are both character-
ized by a low urine sodium concentration.

Warning!Although it is usually a reliable marker offective

ef volume depletion, the urine
sodium concentration is not a reliable indicator of volume status in patients with renal fail-
ure, increased renal fluid loss from diuretics or metabolic alkalosis.

In both hypovolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia, the fol- aaa

lowing signals are activated: __________ activity, renin-angio- sympathetic
tensin II-_________ and _____. aldosterone; ADH

Hypovolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia are both charac-

terized by a urine sodium concentration which is _____. low

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Why is the plasma sodium concentration low if the kidney is

resorbing sodium?

isotonic isotonic

The resorption of sodium causes an isosmotic

rise in the plasma volume.

isotonic hypotonic



The addition of water dilutes the plasma sodi-

ingestion conservation um and causes hyponatremia.
of water of water

In hypovolemic hyponatremia and hypervolemic hyponatremia, the

following signals are active: sympathetic nervous system, renin-angio-
tensin II-aldosterone and ADH. While sympathetic activity and renin-
angiotensin II-aldosterone cause the resorption of sodium, ADH causes
the resorption of water.
At first glance, it might seem confusing that hyponatremia develops
while sodium resorption is occurring. Keep in mind that the resorption
of sodium has the effect of adding isotonic saline to the plasma. Sodium
resorption causes the passive resorption of water in a manner that is
essentially isotonic. Therefore, the resorption of sodium acts to increase
plasma volume and does not affect plasma sodium concentration. This
is reviewed in Chapter 4, Volume Regulation page 66.
Increased ADH activity does affect plasma osmolality. The ingestion
of water and the conservation of water via ADH act together to add
additional water to the plasma. The addition of water decreases the
plasma sodium concentration resulting in hyponatremia.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Appropriate!Hypovolemic hy-

ponatremia is due to the loss of renal or extra-renal fluid.


diuretics diarrhea vomiting burns


Hypovolemic hyponatremia is due to the loss of plasma volume. Any con-

dition that causes the loss of fluid can predispose to hypovolemic hyponatre-
mia. Fluid loss is typically divided into renal and extra-renal loss.
Renal loss of fluid predisposing to hypovolemic hyponatremia is most
commonly caused by diuretics. Diuretics increase urine production by in-
creasing the excretion of sodium and water. The action of diuretics is re-
viewed on the following page.
Extra-renal loss of fluid predisposing to hypovolemic hyponatremia can
be due to increased GI losses, most commonly diarrhea or vomiting. In-
creased loss of fluid can also occur through the skin, especially in patients
with severe burns.
Regardless of the source of fluid loss, renal or extra-renal, the develop-
ment of hyponatremia is mediated by increased ADH activity combined with
the ingestion of water.
One factor that distinguishes renal from extra-renal fluid loss is the urine
sodium concentration. In hypovolemic hyponatremia due to diuretics, the
urine sodium concentration is high while in hypovolemic hyponatremia due
to extra-renal losses, the urine sodium is low (less than 20 mEq/L).
Hypovolemic ____________ can be caused by any type of volume hyponatremia
loss sufficient to cause the appropriate release of _______. ADH

Fluid loss is divided into ________ and extra-renal losses. renal

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Hypovolemia can lead to hyponatremia or hypernatremia de-

pending on the clinical situation.


QUANTITY. The quantity of the fluid lost must QUALITY. The fluid lost must contain a great-
be sufficient to cause the hypovolemic release er proportion of water than sodium.
of ADH.

Ingestion of water must occur. Ingestion of water cannot occur.

always sometimes

Sympathetic activity, renin-angio- Sympathetic activity and renin-angio-
tensin II-aldosterone and ADH are al- tensin II-aldosterone are always activat-
ways activated. ed. Sometimes ADH is activated.

Hypovolemia can cause hyponatremia or hypernatremia, depending

on the fluid lost (quantity and quality) and whether or not the patient
ingests water.
There are two conditions necessary for hypovolemic hyponatremia to
occur: loss of fluid and ingestion of water. In this disorder, the quantity
of the fluid lost is important because it must be sufficient to cause the
release of ADH.
There are two conditions necessary for hypovolemic hypernatremia
to occur: loss of fluid and the absence of water ingestion. In this disor-
der, the quality of the fluid lost is important because the fluid must be
hypotonic to plasma.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Appropriate!Thiazide diuretics

cause hyponatremia more often than other classes of diuretics.

Thiazide diuretics Loop diuretics

Due to their action at the distal tubule, thiazide Loop diuretics lower the concentration in the medul-
diuretics interfere with the formation of dilute lary interstitium, decreasing water resorption by the
urine. This interferes with excretion of water. collecting tubules. This permits excretion of water.

Regardless of their mechanism of action, all diuretics increase the urinary

loss of sodium and water. Theoretically, all types of diuretics can cause hy-
ponatremia through increased renal loss causing hypovolemia and ADH re-
lease. However, thiazide diuretics most commonly cause hyponatremia.
Thiazide diuretics act in the distal tubule to block resorption of sodium.
This blocks an important step in the generation of dilute urine. Production
of a dilute urine is necessary to excrete excess water and prevent the devel-
opment of hyponatremia. With diluting capacity impaired, even relatively
modest ingestion of water can cause hyponatremia.
Loop diuretics are potent diuretics but do not cause hyponatremia as of-
ten as thiazide diuretics. One reason is that even though the loop of Henle is
an important site of tubular fluid dilution, the distal tubule, which is unaf-
fected by the loop diuretics, can still form dilute urine. The loop diuretics
also decrease the amount of water that can be resorbed by the collecting tu-
bules by decreasing the concentration gradient in the medulla. This decreases
the effectiveness of ADH and thus increases the amount of fluid the kidney
can excrete.

Diuretics can cause hyponatremia through increased _____ ______. renal losses

__________ diuretics cause hyponatremia more often than other Thiazide

classes of diuretics.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Clinical correlation: There are five types of diuretics catego-

rized by site and mechanism of action.

thiazide diuretic

K+ -sparing
acetazolamide diuretic


osmotic diuretic


Acetazolamide proximal tubule inhibits carbonic • weak diuretic

anhydrase • increases HCO3– excretion
+ +
Loop diuretics: ascending blocks the Na -K - • most potent class of diuretics
– + ++
bumetanide, loop of Henle 2Cl transporter • increases K and Ca excretion
furosemide • used to treat CHF
+ – +
Thiazide diuretics: distal tubule blocks the Na Cl • increases K excretion
metolazone co-transporter • decreases Ca excretion
hydrochlorothiazide • used to treat hypertension
+ +
K - sparing diuretics: collecting tubule blocks Na channels • weak diuretics
amiloride • commonly combined with
triamterene thiazides to prevent ? K
K - sparing diuretic: collecting tubule competitive inhibitor • used in CHF and cirrhosis
spironolactone of aldosterone

Osmotic diuretics: everywhere • used to treat cerebral edema


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Appropriate!Hypervolemic hy-

ponatremia can be caused by heart or liver failure.

The body looks like this… but acts like this.

Hypervolemic hyponatremia is caused by ADH release in response to ef-

fective volume depletion from low blood pressure. The causes of hyponatre-
mia in the presence of hypervolemia are:
• congestive heart failure (CHF)
• liver failure (cirrhosis)
In CHF, decreased blood pressure is due to inadequate cardiac output; in
cirrhosis, it is from decreased peripheral vascular resistance. In these disor-
ders, plasma volume is not low. Although plasma volume is not low, the volume
regulatory signals (sympathetic activity and the renin-angiotensin II-aldoster-
one system) still cause the resorption of sodium. The continued resorption of
sodium increases plasma volume and leads to the edematous, hypervolemic,
appearance of the patient.

As reviewed in Chapter 4,Volume Regulation,blood pressure is the product of cardiac

output and peripheral vascular resistance.

In ____________ hyponatremia, low effective volume is due to a hypovolemic

low plasma volume.

In ____________ hyponatremia, low effective volume is due to a hypervolemic

low blood pressure.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Nephrotic syndrome? What’s up with that?


Nephrotic syndrome is a commonly cited cause of hypervolemic hy-

ponatremia, although hyponatremia is actually uncommon in this dis-
order. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by four attributes:
proteinuria greater than 3.5 g per 24 hours
hypoalbuminemia (less than 3.5 g/dL)
hypercholesterolemia (greater than 200 mg/dL)
peripheral edema
A wide variety of disorders that damage the glomerulus can cause
nephrotic syndrome. Examples include diabetes mellitus, systemic lu-
pus erythematosus, Goodpasture’s syndrome, IgA nephropathy and
minimal change disease.
Classically, patients with nephrotic syndrome are described as intra-
vascularly volume depleted. Lowered plasma osmotic pressure from hy-
poalbuminemia favors the movement of plasma water into the intersti-
tium, causing edema. The loss of plasma volume into the interstitium
triggers the release of the volume regulatory hormones, including ADH.
Decreased osmotic pressure is not the only explanation for edema
formation in nephrotic syndrome. It has been shown that increased so-
dium resorption occurs prior to the formation of edema. This suggests
that nephrotic syndrome is characterized, in part, by primary renal so-
dium retention which contributes to edema formation.

Another characteristic of the nephrotic syndrome is a hypercoagulable state. Hyper-

coagulability is due to urinary loss of the protein
antithrombin III(ATIII). ATIII is an anti-
clotting factor; low levels of this protein predispose to abnormal clot formation.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!ADH re-

lease in the setting of both normal osmolality and euvolemia is

or but equals


• adrenal
• hypothyroidism

In hypovolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia, the release of ADH oc-

curs in the setting of low effective volume. Although plasma osmolality de-
creases, ADH can be beneficial because it increases plasma volume which
helps restore tissue perfusion.
The inappropriate release of ADH occurs in a wide variety of clinical set-
tings and is known as the syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH). In
SIADH, ADH release occurs in the absence of hypovolemia or hyperosmola-
lity (the usual stimuli for ADH release) and is without any physiologic ben-
efit. Patients with SIADH are clinically euvolemic.
Adrenal insufficiency and hypothyroidism can also cause hyponatremia
associated with euvolemia and ADH release, but they are not usually in-
cluded under the broad category of SIADH.

The normal stimuli for ADH release are ____________ and hypovolemia
_____________. hyperosmolality

SIADH is the persistent and unregulated release of ____ in the ADH

absence of the normal stimuli for release.

ADH ADds ___________ to the body through the formation of a Hydration

concentrated urine.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!SIADH is
defined by four characteristics.




SIADH is recognized by four characteristics:

• hypotonic hyponatremia: low plasma osmolality and
low plasma sodium concentration
• euvolemia: normal volume status
• high urine sodium concentration: urine sodium concen-
tration greater than 20 mEq/L
• high urine osmolality: urine osmolality 200 mmol/L higher
than plasma osmolality
Due to these characteristics, confirming the diagnosis of SIADH requires
only four lab measurements: plasma sodium concentration, urine sodium
concentration, plasma osmolality and urine osmolality.

Because adrenal insuf

ficiency and hypothyroidism are not included in the category of SIADH,
two additional characteristics of SIADH are normal adrenal and thyroid function.
insufficiency and hypothyroidism are reviewed later in this chapter

SIADH is recognized by _________ criteria. four

Four lab measurements must be obtained to make the diagno-

sis of SIADH: _______ sodium concentration, ________ sodium plasma; urine
concentration, __________ osmolality and ________ osmolality. plasma; urine

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!The first

characteristic of SIADH is hypotonic hyponatremia.





the conservation the ingestion low plasma low plasma

of water of water osmolality sodium

In SIADH, both hyponatremia and hypoosmolality (hypotonic hyponatre-

mia) are present due to the inability of the kidney to excrete excess ingested

Characteristic one, the requirement of SIADH to be associated with hypoosmolality

, as-
sures the presence of true hyponatremia. Hyponatremia associated with normal or high
plasma osmolality is due to one of the causes of pseudohyponatremia. Psuedohyponatremia
is reviewed earlier in this chapter on page

In SIADH, hyponatremia will not occur unless there is ingestion aaa

of ________ in excess of what the kidney can excrete. water

ADH reduces the _________ amount of water that the kidney can maximum
________. excrete

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!The sec-

ond characteristic of SIADH is euvolemia.

ADH and the ingestion of wa-

ter cause slight hypervolemia.

angiotensin II
is restored. Volume regulatory hor-
mones are suppressed.

Sodium excretion

One of the keys to understanding the pathophysiology of SIADH is to

realize that the volume regulatory mechanisms are intact. Because these
mechanisms are intact, patients with SIADH are euvolemic.
In SIADH, the persistent secretion of ADH and ingestion of water causes
a slight increase in the effective circulating volume. Increased effective cir-
culating volume inhibits the release of the volume regulatory hormones,
increasing sodium excretion. The excretion of sodium returns volume sta-
tus to normal. Therefore, SIADH is characterized by clinical euvolemia.

The volume status of patients with SIADH is _________, despite normal

the retention of _________ through the action of ADH. water

Although regulation of ADH secretion is out of control in

SIADH, the volume regulatory mechanism is _______. intact

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!The third

characteristic of SIADH is a high urine sodium concentration.

sodium in = sodium out


angiotensin II


Na +

Because volume status is normal in SIADH, renin-angiotensin II-aldos-

terone activity is suppressed and sodium excretion is normal. In SIADH,
the amount of sodium excreted is equal to the amount of sodium ingested.
For example, a patient with a minimum urine concentration of 400 mmol/
L can excrete 1.5 liters of urine per day. If this patient were on a 4 g sodium
diet (174 mEq), the urine sodium concentration would be 116 mEq/L
(174 mEq !1.5 L).
Thus, SIADH is associated with a high urine sodium concentration (greater
than 20 mEq/L).

Sodium handling by the kidney is ______ in SIADH, so the amount normal

of sodium excreted equals the amount of sodium _________. ingested

In SIADH, the kidney excretes a small amount of ________; there- water

fore, excreting the daily sodium load in this small volume results
in a_________ urine sodium concentration. high

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!The fourth

characteristic of SIADH is an inappropriately high urine osmolality.


Water resorbed at the collecting tu-

so bules enters the plasma.

Instead of dilute urine there is dilute

urine 485 plasma 285

osmolality > mmol/L osmolality > mmol/L

In SIADH, urine osmolality is usually 200 mmol/L higher than plasma

osmolality. In the presence of ADH, water is resorbed at the collecting tu-
bules which concentrates the urine.
The high urine osmolality is inappropriate because hyponatremic patients
should produce dilute urine in order to excrete the excess water. Instead,
elevated urine osmolality indicates that the kidney is conserving water which
is clearly an inappropriate response in the face of an already low plasma
Thus, SIADH is characterized by urine which is concentrated in the face
of plasma hypoosmolality.

In SIADH, urine osmolality is inappropriately _______. high

The normal response to hypoosmolality is the excretion of ex-

cess water by the production of a ________ urine. dilute

In SIADH, instead of dilute __________ urine

there is ________ plasma. dilute

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!SIADH!There are

many causes of SIADH.

MT cup
drug store

HIV Tolbutamide
Dr. S. Gupta

CNS diseases ectopic production HIV infection medications

pulmonary diseases stress, pain, nausea

The many causes of SIADH can be divided into six categories:

• CNS diseases
• ectopic production of ADH by tumors
• HIV infection
• medications
• pulmonary diseases
• stress, pain, nausea and emotions
A list of the specific causes of SIADH is on the following page.

The causes and definition of SIADH are somewhat debatable. You may find that dif
authors use varying definitions of SIADH.eWhave chosen to adopt the broadest definition
of SIADH to include any etiology of hyponatremia with euvolemia and increased
ADH activ-
ity, except hypothyroidism and adrenal insuf

SIADH can be grouped into the following _____ categories: six

•_____ diseases CNS
• ectopic production of ADH by _______ tumors
• _____ infection HIV
• ______, pain, nausea, emotions stress
• pulmonary diseases
• __________ medications

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

SIADH occurs in a variety of clinical situations.

CNS disease Medications

Autoimmune: Guillain-Barré syndrome, Amitriptyline
multiple sclerosis. Antipsychotics: haloperidol, thior-
Infection: brain abscesses, encephalitis, idazine. The patients who receive these
meningitis. medications are also prone to psychogen-
Trauma ic polydipsia. In addition to causing
SIADH, the drugs have anticholinergic
Vascular: stroke, subarachnoid hemor- side effects so they cause a dry-mouth sen-
rhage, subdural hemorrhage. sation. This presents a triple threat to os-
Ectopic production moregulation: patients predisposed to psy-
Duodenal cancer chogenic polydipsia, drugs which cause
SIADH and dry mouth.
Pancreatic cancer
Carbamazepine (Tegretol®)
Small cell lung cancer (also known as
oat cell). This is the classic cause of ectop- Cyclophosphamide can potentiate en-
ic ADH production. dogenous ADH. Another side effect of this
drug is hemorrhagic cystitis (bloody in-
Thymic cancer flammation of the bladder). Prophylaxis
HIV infection for this side effect is vigorous hydration
Hyponatremia is commonly seen in pa- with IV fluids. If SIADH occurs while
tients with HIV infection. The cause is these patients are being given large
probably multifactorial. amounts of IVFs, the drop in sodium can
be rapid and severe.
Pulmonary disease
Acute asthma
Oral hypoglycemics: chlorpropamide,
Infections: pneumonia, empyema, tuber-
Oxytocin (Pitocin ®): used to increase
culosis, pneumocystis carinii and legionel-
uterine contractions in labor. Has direct
ADH activity.
Pain: seen with acute injury and surgery.
Postoperative ADH release can persist for
2-5 days.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!Not SIADH!

Hypothyroidism can cause the inappropriate release of ADH.

• fatigue
• weakness
• weight gain
• constipation
• cold intolerance
• hoarse voice
• dry, thick skin
• brittle hair
• loss of hair from the lateral third
of the eyebrow
• delayed closure of the fontanels
in infants

• anemia
• elevated cholesterol
• hyponatremia
• elevated TSH
• decreased T4
• low voltages on EKG

Hypothyroidism, the inadequate secretion of thyroid hormone, causes a

generalized slowing of metabolic processes. The etiology of hyponatremia in
hypothyroidism is not completely understood, although ADH is known to be
involved. Hyponatremia is typically seen only in severe cases of hypothy-
roidism and resolves with proper thyroid hormone replacement.
There are two types of hypothyroidism, congenital and acquired.
Congenital hypothyroidism (cretinism) causes delayed growth and
mental retardation. Because mental retardation and abnormal growth are
irreversible after the first few months of life, the condition must be detected
early. Most states screen all newborns for hypothyroidism.
Acquired hypothyroidism is due to a variety of causes: Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis, idiopathic myxedema, subacute thyroiditis and the drugs lithium
(mood stabilizer) and amiodarone (cardiac rhythm stabilizer). Hypothyroid-
ism causes the accumulation of proteins in cells which can cause tissue swell-
ing and distortion (myxedema). Acquired deficits are generally reversible.
Other signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism are listed above.

In hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone level is ______ and the so- low

dium concentration can be ______. low

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight _______ gain

and _____ intolerance. cold

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Etiologies!Increased ADH!Inappropriate!Not SIADH!

Addison's disease can also cause the inappropriate release of ADH.

• autoimmune
CRH stimulates release of • tuberculosis
ADH and ACTH. • carcinomatous infiltration
Without cortisol, feed- • adrenal hemorrhage
back inhibition of CRH • adrenal infarction
release is lost. • sarcoidosis
• amyloidosis


• weakness
H • weight loss
• hypotension
• increased pigmentation
In primary adrenal insufficiency, there is • abdominal pain
no cortisol secretion to inhibit CRH. This • vomiting
increases CRH, resulting in increased • constipation
ACTH and ADH secretion. • diarrhea
Cortisol • hyponatremia
• hyperkalemia
• eosinophilia

Primary adrenal insufficiency, also known as Addison's disease, is due to

destruction of both adrenal glands and is characterized by inadequate se-
cretion of cortisol and aldosterone.
Hyponatremia is due to increased secretion of ADH. Corticotropin-releas-
ing hormone (CRH) stimulates the release of both ACTH and a small amount
of ADH. Normally, ACTH stimulates the adrenal gland to release cortisol
which inhibits release of CRH from the hypothalamus. In primary adrenal
insufficiency, there is no cortisol to suppress the release of CRH. The contin-
ued release of CRH increases ADH and ACTH levels.
A second explanation for hyponatremia associated with Addison's disease is
release of ADH due to low effective circulating volume.

Primary adrenal insufficiency is due to destruction of the adrenal gland.

Secondary adrenal
insufficiencyis due to the loss ofACTH secretion from the pituitary; in this disorder
, only
cortisol release is af
fected. Tertiary adrenal insufficiency
is due to the loss of CRH from the

Addison’s disease is due to the destruction of both ______ glands. adrenal

CRH is released from the ____________. hypothalamus

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Acute adrenal crisis? What's up with that?



Na+ Cl– glucose


K+ HCO 3



hypovolemia abdominal pain

Acute adrenal crisis is an uncommon disorder that, if undetected and

untreated, is fatal. Recognizing and treating this disorder may be life-
Adrenal crisis should be suspected in any patient with unexplained hy-
potension or shock, particularly if it is resistant to pressors and intrave-
nous fluids. Hypoglycemia is also a tip-off to this diagnosis. Examination
for the symptoms and signs of primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency
should be performed. (See previous page for a detailed list.)
If adrenal crisis is suspected, treatment should be started immedi-
ately. Do not delay treatment while awaiting confirmation of the dis-
ease. Immediate treatment includes cortisol replacement with dexam-
ethasone 2 mg IV every 12 hours. Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV every 8
hours can also be used but interferes with the cosyntropin stimulation
test (used to confirm the diagnosis). Typically, dexamethasone is given,
the cosyntropin stimulation test is done and then the treatment is
changed to hydrocortisone. Due to volume depletion and hypoglycemia,
aggressive treatment with dextrose and saline is also required.
Adrenal insufficiency and crisis can be due to either primary or secondary adrenal
insufficiency. More information about these disorders is in ChapterHyperkalemia
19, .

S. Faubel and J. Topf 6 Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology

Summary!Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology.

Hyponatremia is a plasma sodium less than 135 mEq/L. Hyponatremia is
important because it alerts a physician to hypoosmolality. Pseudohypona-
tremia occurs when hyponatremia is not associated with hypoosmolality.
There are two kinds of pseudohyponatremia:

Lab artifact Increased osmotically active particles

• hyperlipidemia • glucose
• hyperproteinemia. • mannitol

The maximum daily urine volume depends on the daily solute load and
minimum urine concentration. Ingestion of water in excess of the maximum
daily urine volume causes hyponatremia.

maximum daily daily solute load 10 mmol ! kg

urine volume = minimum urine concentration normally 30-50 mmol/L

Hyponatremia occurs when the ingestion of water is greater than the ex-
cretion of water. There are three fundamental causes:


Psychogenic polydipsia is a disorder of compulsive water drinking.

Patients with this disorder sometimes drink more than 20 liters a day.
Renal failure decreases urine output so that even modest water intake
cannot be excreted by the kidney.
Increased ADH activity causes hyponatremia in two settings: appro-
priate and inappropriate ADH release. ADH increases urine osmolality which
decreases the maximum daily urine volume.


• extra-renal loss • CHF • SIADH
diarrhea • liver failure • hypothyroidism
vomiting • nephrotic syndrome • adrenal insufficiency
• renal loss

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Hyponatremia: The Pathophysiology.

SIADH is recognized by four characteristics (additionally, thyroid and ad-
renal function must be normal). There are many causes of SIADH.


• Hypotonic hyponatremia: low plasma osmo- CNS diseases

lality and low plasma sodium concentration. Auto-immune: Guillain-Barré multiple sclerosis
• Euvolemia: normal volume status. Infections: abscesses encephalitis, meningitis
Vascular: stroke, subarachnoid or subdural bleed
• High urine sodium concentration: urine so-
dium concentration greater than 20 mEq/L. Trauma
Ectopic production
• High urine osmolality: urine osmolality 200 small cell (oat cell), pancreatic, thymic cancer
mmol/L higher than plasma osmolality. Medications
amitriptyline, antipsychotics, carbamazepine
cyclophosphamide, oral hypoglycemics
Pulmonary diseases
asthma, atelectasis, pneumonia
Stress, nausea, pain
HIV infection

Both hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency cause the release of ADH,

resulting in hyponatremia. Symptoms of each are listed below:

• fatigue • hoarse voice • weight loss • constipation

• weakness • dry, thick skin • hypotension • diarrhea
• weight gain • brittle hair • increased pigmentation • hyponatremia
• constipation • loss of lateral third • abdominal pain • hyperkalemia
• cold intolerance of the eyebrows • vomiting • eosinophilia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

7 Diagnosis and Treatment

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!The evaluation of hyponatremia is a three-step process.

Step 1. Repeat the sodium concentration.

Step 2. !plasma osmolality.


285-295 mmol/L < 285 mmol/L > 295 mmol/L
pseudohyponatremia true hyponatremia pseudohyponatremia
• hyperlipidemia • hyperglycemia
• hyperproteinemia • mannitol administration

Step 3. Assess volume status.


• extra-renal volume loss • SIADH • CHF

aaa- diarrhea • hypothyroidism • liver failure
aaa- vomiting • adrenal insufficiency • nephrotic syndrome
aaa- burns • psychogenic polydipsia • renal failure
aaa- fevers
• renal volume loss
aaa- diuretics

The workup of hyponatremia is approached in a step-wise fashion.

Step one: Repeat the sodium concentration. As with all abnormal lab re-
sults, the lab value should be repeated to confirm the abnormal value and
rule out a blood-drawing error.
Step two: Check plasma osmolality to rule out pseudohyponatremia. A
low plasma osmolality confirms the presence of true hyponatremia. If the
plasma osmolality is normal or high, pseudohyponatremia is present. Hypo-
natremia associated with a normal plasma osmolality is due to hyperlipi-
demia or hyperproteinemia. Hyponatremia associated with a high plasma
osmolality is due to hyperglycemia or mannitol administration.
Step three: Clinically evaluate volume status. The differential diagnosis
of hyponatremia can be effectively narrowed by determining the patient’s
volume status. Patients with hyponatremia can be clinically hypovolemic,
euvolemic or hypervolemic.

The first three steps in the workup of hyponatremia are aaa

• repeat the _________ concentration sodium
• check _________ osmolality plasma
• evaluate _________ status. volume

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Clinical correlation: Determining volume status is essential

to the diagnosis of hyponatremia.

Hypovolemia Hypervolemia

weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, recent general: weight gain, increased edema
initiation of diuretics, burns, excessive CHF: recent myocardial infarction, short-
sweating, abdominal pain suggestive ness of breath, orthopnea, dyspnea on ex-
of pancreatitis ertion, nocturia
liver failure: history of alcoholism

Physical exam
decreased weight, tachycardia, orthos- general: pitting edema, swollen scrotum,
tatic hypotension, decreased skin turgor, ascites (positive fluid wave, shifting dull-
dry mucous membranes, low jugular ness), hepatomegaly
venous pressure, slow capillary refill CHF: S3 gallop, crackles on auscultation
of the lung, increased JVD
liver failure: decreased liver size, palmar
erythema, spider angiomas, caput me-
dusa, jaundice
decreased urine sodium concentration general: decreased urine sodium concen-
(less than 20 mEq/L) tration (less than 20 mEq/L)
increased BUN:creatinine ratio, hemo- liver failure: prolonged PT, low albumin,
globin, hematocrit, uric acid, specific elevated transaminases (i.e., AST, ALT),
gravity on urinalysis elevated bilirubin, elevated alkaline phos-
decreased central venous pressure, de- CHF: increased central venous pressure,
creased wedge pressure, low urine out- increased wedge pressure, decreased car-
put, output > input diac output, decreased left ventricular sys-
tolic function on echocardiogram, de-
creased ejection fraction on MUGA; chest
X-ray: increased vascularity, Kerley B
lines, cephalization, bilateral pleural ef-
fusion, cardiomegaly
liver failure: increased cardiac output,
low systemic vascular resistance

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Urine sodium concentration can be used to differenti-

ate renal from extra-renal fluid loss in hypovolemic hyponatremia.
UNa < 20 mEq/L



!!history extra-renal fluid loss

!!urine sodium

UNa > 20 mEq/L


Na+ + Na
Na Na+
Na+ +
Na+ + Na+
+ Na
Na+ Na +
Na+ Na+Na
renal fluid loss

If the patient is hypovolemic, the next steps in the workup are to:
• review history
• check urine sodium
Hypovolemic hyponatremia is due to fluid loss from a renal or extra-renal
source. Usually, the source of fluid loss is easily determined from the patient’s
history. The most common causes of extra-renal volume loss are diarrhea,
vomiting, pancreatitis and burns. The most common cause of renal volume
loss is the use of diuretics.
The urine sodium can help distinguish between renal and extra-renal fluid
loss. In extra-renal causes of hypovolemic hyponatremia, avid sodium retention
results in a urine sodium concentration which is less than 20 mEq/L. If urine
sodium is greater than 20 mEq/L, the source of fluid loss is renal. Renal fluid
loss causing hypovolemic hyponatremia is most commonly due to diuretics.

If the cause of hypovolemia leading to hyponatremia is unclear from the history

, then self-in-
duced vomiting, diuretic abuse and laxative abuse should be considered as possible diagnoses.

The cause of hypovolemic hyponatremia usually can be deter- aaa

mined from the __________ and the urine ______ concentration. history; Na+

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis!In euvolemic hyponatremia, the urine sodium con-

centration and osmolality differentiate between psychogenic poly-
dipsia and inappropriate ADH release.
UNa < 20
+ Uosm low



psychogenic polydipsia

!!urine sodium
!!urine osmolality

UNa > 20
+ Uosm high

Na+ Na
Na+ + ADH
Na+ Na
Na+ Na
SIADH hypothyroidism adrenal

If the patient is euvolemic, then the next steps in the workup are to:
• review history
• check urine sodium
• check urine osmolality
The causes of euvolemic hyponatremia include SIADH, hypothyroidism,
adrenal insufficiency and psychogenic polydipsia. The history, urine osmo-
lality and urine sodium should easily differentiate between psychogenic poly-
dipsia and other causes of euvolemic hyponatremia. In psychogenic poly-
dipsia, urine osmolality and urine sodium are both low.
If the urine osmolality and urine sodium are high, then a TSH and cosyn-
tropin stimulation test need to be checked to evaluate thyroid and adrenal
function. If the TSH and cosyntropin stimulation test are normal, then
SIADH is present. A high TSH is diagnostic of hypothyroidism; an inad-
equate cortisol response from a cosyntropin stimulation test is diagnostic of
adrenal insufficiency.
In addition to normal thyroid and adrenal function, there are four criteria necessary to make
the diagnosis of SIADH: 1. hypotonic hyponatremia, 2. euvolemia, 3. urine sodium > 20
mEq/L, 4. inappropriately high urine osmolality
. These criteria were reviewed in the previous
chapter, page 133.

Euvolemic hyponatremia is due to ____________ polydipsia, psychogenic

_____thyroidism, adrenal insufficiency or _________. hypo-; SIADH

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!An elevated urine sodium distinguishes renal failure

from other causes of hypervolemic hyponatremia.
UNa < 20


!!history heart failure liver failure nephrotic

!!physical exam syndrome
!!urine sodium
UNa > 20

Na+ Na
Na+ +
Na+ Na
Na+ Na

renal failure

If the patient is hypervolemic, the next steps in the workup are to:
• review history and physical exam
• check urine sodium
Hypervolemic hyponatremia can be due to heart failure, liver failure, re-
nal failure or nephrotic syndrome. The presence of these disorders is usu-
ally obvious from the history and physical exam. The urine sodium is high
in renal failure and low in the other causes of hypervolemic hyponatremia.
Heart failure is usually diagnosed by echocardiogram or MUGA which
demonstrates decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. Physical exam find-
ings may include increased jugular venous pressure, crackles in the lungs,
S3 gallop and lower extremity edema.
Liver failure is characterized by depressed synthetic function of pro-
teins. Albumin is decreased; prothrombin time is increased. Characteristic
physical exam findings include ascites, jaundice and edema.
Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by hyperproteinuria, hypopro-
teinemia, hyperlipidemia and peripheral edema. This disorder is easily dis-
tinguished from the others by marked proteinuria on the urinalysis.
Renal failure is characterized by the accumulation of metabolites nor-
mally excreted by the kidney. Physical exam is usually unremarkable, but
lower extremity edema is commonly present. Elevated BUN, creatinine and
often potassium and phosphate are the laboratory markers which charac-
terize this disorder.
Hypervolemic hyponatremia with a urine sodium less than 20 mEq/L aaa
is due to ________ failure, ________ failure or nephrotic syndrome. heart; liver

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Symptoms and signs!The primary symptoms and signs of hy-

ponatremia are due to the osmotic shift of water into brain cells.

In hyponatremia, water is osmotically drawn into the intracel-

lular compartment which causes cells to swell.


Cellular swelling is particularly problematic in the brain.

The symptoms and signs of hyponatremia are due to osmotic shifts of

water. In hyponatremia, water flows from the hypotonic extracellular com-
partment into the relatively hypertonic intracellular compartment. As a re-
sult of the osmotic movement of water, cells swell and their function is dis-
Cellular swelling is particularly problematic in the brain. Cerebral swell-
ing causes expansion of the brain within the rigid skull. This results in
decreased cerebral blood flow and cerebral compression. Because of this,
the symptoms of hyponatremia are primarily neurologic. Some of the com-
mon symptoms and signs of hyponatremia are listed below.

nausea/vomiting depressed deep tendon reflexes
anorexia Cheyne-Stokes respiration
headaches hypothermia
lethargy seizures
disorientation respiratory depression
muscle cramps coma

The symptoms of hyponatremia are primarily __________. neurologic

The neurologic symptoms associated with hyponatremia are

due to the osmotic movement of water _____ brain cells. into

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: Brain cells adapt to hyponatremia by lowering intrac-

ellular osmolality.

Increased CSF flow re-

moves increased water cell
from the brain.

Removal of intracellular
solutes lowers cellular

intracellular extracellular intracellular extracellular

Compensation for the cerebral swelling in hyponatremia is twofold.

Initially, increased hydrostatic pressure from cerebral edema causes fluid
to move from the cerebral interstitium into the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF).
CSF is shunted to the systemic circulation, relieving some of the increased
intracranial pressure.
The second, but most important, defense is the secretion of solutes out of
brain cells. This decreases the osmotic gradient drawing water into the cells.
Two types of solutes are secreted.
Electrolytes. The ejection of electrolytes is an immediate response
to decreased plasma osmolality. The secretion of electrolytes is
limited because they are needed for cell function.
Organic solutes (osmolytes). Inositol, glutamine, glutamate and
taurine can be secreted without altering cellular function. This
defense is delayed 24 to 48 hours after the onset of hyponatremia.

The brain has _____ mechanisms to defend against hyponatremia. two

The initial defense is to increase the flow of _______. CSF

The second defense is the secretion of ____________ and organic electrolytes

solutes ______ (into/out of) brain cells. out of

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Symptoms and signs!Hyponatremia is either acute or chronic

depending on the presence of cerebral adaptation.

The symptoms of hyponatremia depend on whether the brain has been

able to adapt to the change in plasma osmolality. Because of this, hyponatre-
mia is classified as either acute or chronic.
Acute hyponatremia. If the drop in sodium concentration occurs rap-
idly, in less than 48 hours, the brain is unable to compensate. Patients with
acute hyponatremia are more likely to be symptomatic.
Chronic hyponatremia. If the drop in sodium concentration occurs
slowly, over days to weeks, the brain has plenty of time to adapt. Patients
with chronic hyponatremia are usually asymptomatic, but may have subtle
neurologic signs on careful examination.
Because of the brain’s ability to compensate for hyponatremia, the so-
dium level is not a good predictor of whether a patient will be symptomatic.
For example, a sodium concentration of 125 mEq/L can cause seizures and
coma if it occurs acutely, while a sodium concentration of 118 mEq/L may be
asymptomatic if it develops over several weeks.
While chronic hyponatremia is relatively asymptomatic, some subtle symptoms do. occur
Many of the symptoms of chronic hyponatremia areferent dif from acute hyponatremia.
Lethargy, disorientation, confusion, hiccups, gait disturbances and muscle cramps can all
be signs of chronic hyponatremia.

________ hyponatremia occurs before cerebral adaptation. Acute

In general, patients with ______ hyponatremia are more symp- acute

tomatic than patients with _______ hyponatremia. chronic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!The rapid correction of chronic, well-compensated

hyponatremia can have devastating neurologic consequences.







A brain that has adapted to hyponatremia has a low intracellular osmola-

lity to match plasma hypoosmolality. If the extracellular osmolality sud-
denly returns to normal (e.g., an overaggressive intern rapidly administers
several liters of hypertonic saline), then the brain cells become relatively
hypotonic to the extracellular compartment. This results in the flow of wa-
ter out of brain cells, decreasing their size.
The sudden loss of volume in brain cells can cause a devastating neuro-
logic condition known as central pontine myelinolysis (CPM). CPM is de-
scribed in detail on the following page.

The rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia results in the aaa

movement of water _______ (into/out of) brain cells. out of

The sudden loss of cell volume in the brain can cause ______. CPM

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Clinical correlation: Central pontine myelinolysis is a catastroph-

ic neurologic complication of rapid correction of hyponatremia.
Clinical characteristics of CPM Natural history
• motor abnormalities CPM is usually fatal within three to
• flaccid quadriplegia five weeks, but survival with residual
• respiratory paralysis
disability can occur.
• cranial nerve abnormalities Risk factors
• pseudobulbar palsy* CPM is more common in patients
with the following risk factors:
• mental status changes
• duration of hyponatremia greater than
• lethargy
24 hours
• coma
• overcorrection of hyponatremia
Pathogenesis • large magnitude of correction
The rapid correction of hyponatremia (greater than 15–25 mEq/L per day)
causes brain cells to shrink, destroy- • rapid correction
ing their myelin coatings and causing (greater than 1–2 mEq/hr)
cell death.
• alcoholism
The term “osmotic cerebral demyeli- • malnutrition
nating syndrome” may be more appro-
• liver disease
priate than CPM because lesions are
also found outside of the pons. • malignancy

Diagnosis • potassium depletion

The lesions are detectable by both CT • female gender

scan and MRI. MRI is more sensitive
because it is better able to visualize
the brain stem and is more sensitive
to changes in the white matter.
Timing is critical in diagnostic stud-
ies because lesions do not become ap-
parent for up to four weeks. Because
of this delay, an initially negative
study does not rule out CPM.

* Pseudobulbar palsy is paralysis of the lips and tongue. It simulates true bulbar paralysis, except it is
due to cerebral lesions and upper motor neuron damage as opposed to lower motor neuron damage
(characteristic of bulbar palsy). Pseudobulbar palsy is characterized by speech and swallowing diffi-
culties, emotional instability, and spasmodic, mirthless laughter.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!The treatment of hyponatremia should be approached

with caution.

With mistreatment Without treatment

osmotic brain damage cerebral edema

ouch! ouch!

The lack of treatment of hyponatremia can have severe neurologic conse-

quences. In its most severe form, hyponatremia without treatment can cause
seizures, coma and death. The mistreatment of hyponatremia (correction
too quickly) can also have severe neurologic consequences. Therefore, the
treatment of hyponatremia should always be approached with caution.

Clinical scenarios associated with increased risk of acute cerebral edema from hyponatre-
mia include:
• Postoperative, hospitalized women.
• Elderly women recently started on thiazide diuretics.
• Patients with water intoxication secondary to psychogenic polydipsia.

The lack of treatment of hyponatremia can have severe aaa

__________ consequences. neurologic

The mistreatment of hyponatremia can have severe __________ neurologic


The treatment of hyponatremia should always be approached

with _________. caution

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment!There are four general strategies in the treatment of




Patients with hyponatremia fall into one of four general treatment cat-
egories. As with the diagnosis of hyponatremia, the treatment of hyponatre-
mia is guided by the volume status of the patient.
Hypovolemic hyponatremia. In hypovolemic hyponatremia, the
goal of treatment is the restoration of normal plasma volume.
Euvolemic, chronic asymptomatic. In chronic hyponatremia,
the brain has adjusted to the low plasma osmolality and correction
of plasma sodium must be done slowly in order to prevent CPM.
Euvolemic, acute symptomatic. In acute hyponatremia, the
brain has not adapted to hyponatremia and neurologic symptoms
predominate. Plasma sodium should be increased quickly to restore
neurologic function.
Hypervolemic hyponatremia. In hypervolemic hyponatremia,
the focus is on treating the underlying disorder.
The approach to treating all of these categories of hyponatremia is dis-
cussed in detail on the following pages.

The treatment of ____________ is frightening, because it must hyponatremia

balance correction which is too slow against correction which is
too _______. fast

There are _______ basic treatment strategies which are depen- four
dent on _________ status and the presence of symptoms. volume

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!In the treatment of hypovolemic hyponatremia,

volume rules.



hypovolemia euvolemia eunatremia

Treat the volume deficit with 0.9% saline and the hyponatremia will correct itself.


In hypovolemic hyponatremia, effective volume depletion stimulates ADH

release, limiting the excretion of water. Symptoms are primarily due to hy-
povolemia rather than hyponatremia.
Since hypovolemic hyponatremia typically develops acutely, without brain
adaptation to hypoosmolality, there is minimal risk of CPM. Therefore, the
focus of treatment for hypovolemic hyponatremia is the restoration of nor-
mal plasma volume using 0.9% NaCl. Restoring volume eliminates the
stimuli for ADH secretion. When ADH secretion stops, the kidney excretes
the excess water, correcting the hyponatremia.
Volume rules in the secretion of ADH and volume rules in the treatment
of hyponatremia.

___________ hyponatremia is treated with 0.9% saline in order Hypovolemic

to restore normal plasma ________. volume

When the volume deficit has been corrected, the stimulus for
______ release is eliminated. ADH

In the treatment of hypovolemic hyponatremia, ________ rules. volume

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Clinical correlation: Isotonic saline should be administered

in boluses.

.9% NaCl
.9% or or
.9% NaCl
NaCl .9%

Isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl) should be given in boluses and rarely as a

continuous maintenance IV. Boluses are given to restore circulatory suf-
ficiency. Think of isotonic saline as a drug for volume. Once the patient’s
volume has been restored, the drug should be stopped. A euvolemic pa-
tient does not need volume and does not need 0.9% NaCl.
When giving isotonic saline, both the rate and size of the bolus need
to be determined. Typically, boluses are given over 30 to 60 minutes.
Typical bolus volumes for various clinical scenarios are listed below.

children ..................................................................................................... 10–20 mL/kg

healthy adults ................................................................................... 1000 mL
healthy elderly ................................................................................. 500 mL
patients with a history of heart failure ............... 250 mL

The key to good volume management is frequent evaluation. After a

fluid bolus is given, the patient should be examined. Look for signs of
fluid overload (e.g., S3 gallop, rales, increased jugular venous pressure)
or persistent volume depletion (e.g., orthostatic hypotension, tachycar-
dia). After reevaluating the patient, respond appropriately. Do not be
afraid to give another bolus. Hypovolemic adults often require several
liters of 0.9% NaCl to return plasma volume to normal.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia!In both acute and chronic

euvolemic hyponatremia, the treatment is removal of excess water.
management of chronic management of acute
asymptomatic hyponatremia symptomatic hyponatremia


• avoid 0.9% NaCl

• restrict fluid intake

• administer diuretics
• replace renal Na + loss

Whether it is acute or chronic, euvolemic hyponatremia is usually due to

SIADH. In SIADH, hyponatremia is due to the ingestion of water in excess
of renal excretory capacity; it is not due to a loss of sodium.
A common error is to give patients with SIADH isotonic saline in an at-
tempt to increase the plasma sodium. Giving isotonic saline is the same as
giving volume, but patients with SIADH are euvolemic and do not need
volume. Giving isotonic saline in the presence of SIADH can actually worsen
hyponatremia because the patient retains the water (because of ADH) and
excretes the sodium. Sodium is excreted because volume regulation is in-
tact and renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone is suppressed.
The focus of treatment in hyponatremia due to SIADH is the removal of
excess water. Removing excess water can be done slowly, as in chronic hy-
ponatremia, or quickly, as in acute hyponatremia. In either case, removal of
excess water is the primary goal of treatment.

Since SIADH is a state of ________ excess associated with euvolemia, water

the treatment is removal of excess _________. water

The hyponatremia from SIADH can be ______ (associated with symp- acute
toms) or ________ (relatively asymptomatic). chronic

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia!Calculate water excess.

water excess
current TBW ideal TBW

60% 50%

current weight

current [Na+ ]

60% 50%
safe [Na+ ]
current weight

The first step in the treatment of euvolemic hyponatremia (acute or

chronic) is to calculate the amount of water that must be removed to return
the sodium concentration to a safe level. The amount of water that must be
removed is the water excess.
Water excess is the current total body water minus the ideal total body
water; the derivation of this calculation is shown above. The target sodium
concentration that is considered safe is typically 125 mEq/L.


men 60%
water [Na+]
weight (kg) women 50% 1 125
infants 70%

Do not be misled! Many formula books provide a calculation for sodium deficit to be used in
hyponatremia. Since hyponatremia is due to water excess and not a sodium deficit, calcu-
lating the sodium deficit is rarely needed in the treatment of hyponatremia.

Water ________ needs to be calculated when treating both acute excess

symptomatic and chronic asymptomatic ______________. hyponatremia

A safe sodium level for initial treatment is _____ mEq/L. 125

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia!Chronic, asymptomatic!

Water ingestion must be less than the maximum daily urine volume.

treatment of maximum urine volume

fluid intake hyponatremia
intake < output

After calculating water excess, the rate and method of water removal must
be determined. In chronic, asymptomatic hyponatremia, the sodium con-
centration should be lowered gradually, giving the brain time to adapt. The
target sodium concentration is 125 mEq/L and correction to this level should
proceed no faster than 0.5 mEq/L per hour (12 mEq/L per 24 hours).
Because hyponatremia is due to the ingestion of water in excess of what
can be excreted, chronic hyponatremia can be corrected by simply decreas-
ing the amount of water the patient ingests. The amount of water ingested
must be less than the maximum daily urine volume.

In chronic, asymptomatic hyponatremia, the _________ concen- sodium

tration should be lowered ___________. gradually

The primary focus of treatment in chronic _____________ hy- asymptomatic

ponatremia is restricting water intake to below the maximum
________ urine volume. daily

The speed limit for correcting chronic asymptomatic hyponatre-

mia is _______ mEq/L per day. 12

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia!Chronic, asymptomatic!

Calculate the maximum daily urine volume.
activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity

maximum daily urine volume (L)


50 100 200 400 600 800 1200
minimum urinary concentration (mmol/L)
The graph shows the maximum daily urine volume for several values of the minimum
urinary concentration (50-1200 mmol/L), assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day.

As described, the maximum daily urine volume (output) is the daily sol-
ute load divided by the minimum urine concentration. Since urine concen-
tration is usually fixed in SIADH, the minimum urine concentration can be
determined by checking a random urine osmolality.

daily solute load daily solute load = kg x 10

minimum urinary minimum urinary concentration can be
concentration determined from a random urine osmolality

For example, assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol, a patient with a
minimum urine osmolality of 1200 mmol/L has a maximum urine volume of
0.5 liter per day. Therefore, to increase the plasma sodium concentration,
this patient must drink less than half a liter of water per day.

Because the urine osmolality in SIADH is fixed, the minimum aaa

urinary concentration can be determined by a random
_________ osmolality. urine

The ____________ daily urine volume can be calculated by di- maximum

viding the daily solute load by the _________urinary concentra- minimum

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! Euvolemic hyponatremia!
Treatment! ! Chronic, asymptomatic!
Sodium correction can occur over several days.

water excess (mL)

maximum daily
daily water ingestion (mL) urine volume (mL) number of days for

The maximum rate of plasma sodium correction that is considered safe in

chronic asymptomatic hyponatremia is 0.5 mEq/L per hour. In patients with
chronic asymptomatic hyponatremia, correcting plasma sodium too quickly
can be devastating, while correcting plasma sodium too slowly has no con-
sequences. Given the relative safety of slow treatment, taking days or weeks
to return the sodium concentration to normal is appropriate.
The formula to determine the daily water ingestion needed to correct the
hyponatremia is shown above. The number of days chosen to correct the
plasma sodium is an arbitrary number. Increasing the number of days for
correction allows liberalization of the fluid restriction. The most important
factor in determining the time of correction is that the rate does not exceed
12 mEq/L per day.
For example, a patient with a water excess of 5 liters and a maximum
daily urine volume of 1000 mL must ingest less than 750 mL per day to
correct plasma sodium over 20 days.
Once the desired sodium concentration has been achieved, the patient
must continue to limit water intake. Water ingestion must be less than or
equal to the maximum daily urine output to prevent a recurrence of hy-
Although the maximum rate of sodium correction in chronic aaa
asymptomatic hyponatremia is 0.5 mEq/L per _______ hour
(______ mEq/L per day), there is not a minimum rate of correction. 12

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Clinical correlation: When calculating daily water restriction,

urine output is the only fluid loss that needs to be considered.


skin loss ........................................................................ 600

water content of solid food ........................... 1,000 respiratory loss ...................................................... 400

water from food metabolism ............................ 300 GI tract loss ............................................................... 200

1300 mL 1200 mL

In chronic SIADH, patients have to follow a strict fluid restriction to

maintain a normal sodium concentration. The restriction of water in-
take is designed to balance fluid intake and urine output. Why do these
calculations ignore water intake from solid food and extra-renal fluid
The reason these other sources of water intake and loss can be ig-
nored is that they roughly balance each other out, as shown above. Thus,
adjusting water intake based on urine output is enough to make a change
in net water balance.

Extra-renal fluid loss, sensible and insensible, is explained further in the next chapter
Hypernatremia, starting on page 186.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! Chronic, asymptomatic!
! Euvolemic hyponatremia!
Treatment! !
The management of chronic SIADH employs strategies to increase
the maximum daily urine volume.

Increase daily solute load

• oral urea tablets
daily solute load • increased sodium intake
maximum daily
urine volume minimum urinary

Decrease minimum urine osmolality

• demeclocycline

The long-term management of chronic SIADH focuses on making sure

the patient does not ingest more water than the kidney can excrete. While
the primary method is simple fluid restriction, other methods rely on in-
creasing the maximum daily urine volume. Increasing urine output allows
liberalization of fluid restriction, improving quality of life. There are two
methods of increasing the maximum daily urine volume.
• Increase the daily solute load. Since maximum daily urine vol-
ume is the solute load divided by the minimum urine osmolality,
increasing the solute load increases urine volume. Urea tablets or
increased salt intake can be used to increase the daily solute load.
• Decrease the minimum urine osmolality. Inhibiting ADH activ-
ity decreases the minimum urinary osmolality and increases the daily
urine volume. ADH can be disabled through the use of drugs. Deme-
clocycline, a tetracycline derivative, is used for this purpose.

Lithium is a psychiatric drug used in the treatment of bipolar disorder

. One of its side effects
is nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (increased urine output due to a lack of renal response to
ADH, lowering the minimum urine osmolality). Because of this side fect,eflithium was for-
merly used in the treatment of SIADH. Unfortunately
, lithium has many side fects ef and is
less effective than demeclocycline, the drug of choice for treating chronic SIADH.

The maximum urinary volume equals the daily _________ load solute
divided by the average _______ osmolality. urine

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia! ! Acute, symptomatic!

When symptoms are present, rapid correction is necessary.


Acute hyponatremia Returning the sodium to normal

causes cerebral edema. reverses the cerebral edema.

In acute symptomatic hyponatremia, a rapid drop in sodium causes cere-

bral edema and increased intracranial pressure. The most severe neuro-
logic complications include seizure, coma and death. In acute symptomatic
hyponatremia, the risks of untreated cerebral edema outweigh the risks of
rapid sodium correction. Rapid (but regulated) correction of hyponatremia
must be done to prevent permanent disability.
The goal of correction is to increase the sodium concentration to 125 mEq/L.
The rate of sodium correction which is considered safe is 1–2 mEq/L per hour.

In acute symptomatic hyponatremia, the rate of sodium correc- aaa

tion that is considered safe is from 1 to 2 mEq/L per _______. hour

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia! ! Acute, symptomatic!

Calculate the amount and rate of sodium correction.

When rapid correction is needed, there is insufficient time for fluid re-
striction to raise the sodium concentration. To achieve the appropriate rate
of sodium correction in acute, symptomatic hyponatremia, a step-wise ap-
proach should be followed.

Step one. Calculate the water excess.

men 60% [Na ]
weight (kg) women 50% 1 125
infants 70%

Step two. Calculate the time of correction in hours. By dividing the change in
sodium by the desired rate of correction (1 to 2 mEq/ L per hour), the number of
hours required to correct the sodium concentration can be determined.
change in [Na ] 125 – [Na+]current
rate of correction 1-2 mEq/L per hour

Step three. Calculate the hourly water loss by dividing the water excess by
the time of correction in hours.

water excess
time of correction

John Doe is brought to the E.R. after Step 1: ................... 42 ! 0.6 ! (1 – (114 " 125))
being found down. On arrival, he be- water excess = 2.21 L or 2210 mL
gins to seize. His initial sodium con-
Step 2: ........................................ 125 – 114 " (1 or 2)
centration is 114 mEq/L. Calculate the
time of correction = 5.5 to 11 hrs
hourly water loss necessary to correct
his sodium concentration to a safe lev- Step 3: ......................... 2210 mL " (5.5 to 11 hrs)
el, he weighs 42 kg. hourly water loss = 201 to 403 mL

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment!Euvolemic hyponatremia! ! Acute, symptomatic! !

Diuretics and hypertonic saline are used to remove excess free water.



Once all the calculations have been done, the treatment of acute symp-
tomatic hyponatremia continues as follows:
Step four. Administer IV furosemide (Lasix ) to increase urine output
(adults 40 mg IV, children 1 mg/kg IV).
Step five. Monitor urine output, urine sodium and plasma sodium every
hour. Sodium lost in the urine needs to be replaced every hour. In addition,
dextrose or extra doses of furosemide may be needed, depending on urine
Replace urine sodium. Calculate the sodium lost in the urine
(urine volume ! urine [Na+]). Replace the urine sodium with 3%
NaCl; one mL of 3% saline contains 0.5 mEq of sodium. Since the
3% saline is only supposed to replace salt and not add water, the
urine output for the next hour must match the target urine output
plus the volume of 3% saline given to replace sodium.
Urine output too high. If the urine output is too high, the amount of
output in excess of the target urine output must be replaced with D5W.
Urine output too low. If the urine output is too low, an additional
dose of furosemide should be given.

After one hour, John Doe has a urine sodium of 80 mEq/L, and a urine aaa
volume of 500 mL. This means he has lost ____ mEq/L of sodium. To 40 mEq
replace the sodium, _______ mL of 3% saline must be given. 80 mL

Since the urine volume is 500 mL, which is greater than the target of
403 mL, _____ mL of D5W should be given. The water loss over the 97 mL
next hour needs to be no more than _________ mL. 483 mL

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Hypervolemic hyponatremia!The focus of treatment

in hypervolemic hyponatremia is to correct the underlying disorder.

Treatment of hypervolemic hyponatremia

• treat the underlying disorder
• water restriction

Hypervolemic hyponatremia can be due to CHF, liver failure and renal

failure. The fall in sodium concentration in these patients is typically chronic
and asymptomatic. In these disorders, the focus is treatment of the under-
lying disorder. In CHF, for example, instituting measures which improve
cardiac output and increase effective circulating volume can eliminate the
signal for ADH release, causing the sodium concentration to return toward
Specific treatment for hyponatremia is limited to water restriction. The
amount of water ingested must be less than the maximum daily urine vol-
ume. As in chronic SIADH, the urine osmolality is relatively constant in
hypervolemic hyponatremia, and the minimum urine osmolality needed to
calculate the maximum daily urine volume can be determined by checking
a urine osmolality.

The focus of treatment in hypervolemic hyponatremia is to aaa

treat the underlying disease, although water __________ can be restriction
used to _________ the sodium concentration. increase

The maximum daily urine volume is the daily ________ load di- solute
vided by the minimum urine ___________. osmolality

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Acute and chronic hyponatremia. The brain compensates for hypoos-
molality by excreting electrolytes and osmolytes; compensation takes about
48 hours. Hyponatremia that occurs before brain adaptation is acute,
whereas hyponatremia that occurs after brain adaptation is chronic.
The treatment of hyponatremia must be approached with caution. In some
cases, the lack of treatment can cause neurologic damage while over-treat-
ment can also cause neurologic damage (e.g., CPM).
Hypovolemic hyponatremia is treated by restoring volume with
0.9% saline. Patients are usually symptomatic from volume loss,
not hyponatremia.

Hypervolemic hyponatremia is treated by identifying and treating

the underlying disorder. Fluid restriction is also used to specifi-
cally correct the sodium concentration.

Euvolemic, chronic asymptomatic hyponatremia is treated with

fluid restriction to correct the sodium no faster than 12 mEq/L per
day. To calculate the daily water ingestion, three factors need to be
• water excess
• maximum daily urine volume (solute load ! urine osmolality)
• number of days for correction (arbitrary)
daily water maximum daily water number of days
ingestion urine volume excess of correction

Euvolemic, acute symptomatic hyponatremia is treated with care-

ful diuresis using furosemide to achieve a rate of correction of 1 –
2 mEq/L per hour. Urine output must be closely monitored. The
calculation of the hourly rate of correction is a three-step process.


[Na ] change in [Na ] 125 – [Na +]current
(kg) 1 125 rate of correction 1-2 mEq/L/hr
infants 70%


water excess from step one

time of correction from step two

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Clinical review.
Step 1. Repeat the sodium concentration.

Step 2. !plasma osmolality.


285-295 mmol/L < 285 mmol/L > 295 mmol/L
pseudohyponatremia true hyponatremia pseudohyponatremia
• hyperlipidemia • hyperglycemia
• hyperproteinemia • mannitol administration

Step 3. Assess volume status.


UNa < 20 mEq/L

+ extra-renal volume loss
aaa• diarrhea • fevers
!!history aaa• vomiting • burns
!!urine sodium
UNa > 20 mEq/L
+ renal volume loss
aaa• diuretics


UNa < 20 mEq/L

+ psychogenic polydipsia

!!history Uosm low

cosyntropin stimulation test to
!!urine sodium diagnose adrenal insufficiency
!!urine osmolality
UNa > 20 mEq/L
TSH to diagnose hypothyroidism
Uosm high


UNa < 20
+ heart failure
liver failure
!!history nephrotic syndrome
!!physical exam
!!urine sodium
UNa > 20
+ renal failure

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Example one how to
JD is a 5 year old boy who presents to the ER after having a seizure at home.
His temperature is 105!F and his neck is rigid. A spinal tap reveals 400 WBC
and 6 RBC. He is admitted for meningitis. Plasma sodium concentration is
116 mEq/L.
JD was well until about 24 hours before his seizure. Although he was ill, he
was able to drink water. Physical exam reveals moist mucous membranes
and a normal blood pressure. Orthostatic vital signs are negative. The pa-
tient is confused and unable to answer any questions.
Determine treatment category
Determine what treatment History and physical exam.
category the patient falls into. The history points to an acute process;
physical exam reveals that the patient is
euvolemic and symptomatic. Hyponatremia
is most likely due to meningitis-induced
SIADH and rapid sodium correction (1
to 2 mEq/L per hr) is necessary.
Water excess how to
Calculate the water excess. WATER EXCESS
The boy weighs 25 kilograms;
his percent body water is as-
"60%#50% 1
infants 70% 125
sumed to be 60%.
25 " .60 " (1– ⁄125 ) = 1.08 L
Safe correction time how to
Calculate the time required for TIME OF CORRECTION IN HOURS
the safe correction of the so- +
change in [Na ] 125 – [Na+]current
dium concentration in hours.
rate of correction 1-2 mEq/ L • hr

125 – 116 mEq/L 125 – 116 mEq/L

1 mEq / L/ hour 2 mEq/ L / hour

9 hr to 4.5 hr
Hourly water loss how to
Calculate the hourly water loss. HOURLY WATER LOSS

water excess
time of correction

1080 mL 1080 mL
9 hr 4½ hr

120 mL/hr to 240 mL/hr

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Start the urine flowing
Give a dose of IV furosemide. JD should be given 25 mg of IV furo-
1 mg per kg in children, 40 mg semide.
in adults.
Replace the sodium how to
Calculate and replace urine In the first hour, JD’s urine output is
sodium losses every hour. 375 mL and his urine sodium is 60
Use 3% saline to replace urine mEq/L. 60 mEq/L x .375 L =24 mEq of
sodium losses. 1 mL of 3% sa- sodium.
line contains 0.5 mEq of so- In order to replace the 24 mEq of uri-
dium. nary sodium, 48 mL of 3% saline needs
to be given.
Follow the speed limit how to
Give D 5W if the urine output In the first hour, JD’s urine output is 375
is above the target hourly wa- mL.
ter loss. The target hourly water loss is between
Give additional furosemide if 120 and 240 mL per hour. The urine out-
the urine output is below the put of 375 mL is 134 mL above the maxi-
target hourly water loss. mum urine output. Since 48 mL of 3%
saline needs to be given, an additional
86 mL of D 5W should be given to keep
the sodium correction going at a safe rate.
Monitor how to
Continue to monitor urine
output, urine sodium and
plasma sodium every hour.
Replace sodium and respond
appropriately to urine output
with D5W or furosemide.

Although the calculations seem very precise, the entire algorithm of treatment depends on
accurately determining the excess water that must be excreted.
This formula is calculated
from three variables: the current sodium, the current weight and the percent body. water
Although the current sodium and weight can be accurately determined, percent body water
is estimated. Because of this, the calculation of excess water must also be considered an
estimate.Therefore, when correcting the plasma sodium, it is essential to continuously re-
assess the patient and the plasma sodium concentration.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 7 Hyponatremia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Example two
DJ is a 67 year old Korean War veteran with small cell lung cancer who
presents to the office because of hiccups. His plasma sodium concentra-
tion is 112 mEq/L. The patient has a history of SIADH for the last 3
months. On further probing, he reports fatigue and muscle cramps. He is
not dehydrated.
Determine treatment category
Determine what treatment cat- History and physical exam.
egory the patient falls into. DJ has chronic, euvolemic hyponatre-
mia that is relatively asymptomatic.
The sodium should be corrected slowly
using fluid restriction.
Water excess
Calculate the water excess. DJ WATER EXCESS

weighs 60 kilograms; his percent

body water is estimated at 60%.
!60%"50% 1
infants 70% 125

60 ! .60 ! (1– ⁄125) = 3.74 L
Maximum daily urine volume
Calculate the maximum daily urine MAXIMUM DAILY URINE VOLUME
volume. daily solute load
His daily solute load is assumed to minimum urine osmolality

be 600 mmol/day (10 x weight in

600 mmol/day
kg), and his urine osmolality is 500 ⁄500 mmol/L = 1.2 L/day

Daily fluid intake

Decide on the number of days for cor- DAILY FLUID INTAKE

rection and calculate the daily fluid maximum daily water excess
intake for a correction that is less urine volume days of correction
than 0.5 mEq/L/hr (the safe rate of
correction in chronic hyponatremia). 1.2 L/day –
3.74 L
= 1.013 L/day
20 days

Maintenance of eunatremia
Maintain sodium concentration af- Limit fluid restriction to the maximum
ter correction. After correction, the daily urine volume of 1.2 L/day. If this
patient must limit his daily fluid in- cannot be achieved, urea tablets or de-
take to no greater than his daily meclocycline can be used.
maximum urine output.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

8 Hypernatremia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Hypernatremic patients are always hyperosmolar.

always equals

Hypernatremia Hyperosmolality
sodium > 145 mEq/L osmolality > 300 mmol/L

Hypernatremia is a plasma sodium concentration greater than 145 mEq/L.

Since sodium is the major contributor to plasma osmolality, hypernatremia
always causes hyperosmolality. The symptoms of hypernatremia are due to
the water shifts associated with hyperosmolality. (See Chapter 5, Osmo-
regulation, page 89.)
Because hypernatremia is always associated with hyperosmolality, the
same mechanisms which defend against hyperosmolality also defend against
hypernatremia. ADH and thirst are the primary defenses against hyper-
natremia and hyperosmolality.

Although reviewed briefly in this chapter

, the effects of, and the defenses against, hyperos-
molality are discussed in detail in ChapterOsmoregulation
5, . An understanding of the nor-
mal defenses against hyperosmolality is important to understand the development of hyper-

Hypernatremia is a ________ concentration greater than _____ sodium; 145


Because __________ is the primary electrolyte which affects sodium

plasma osmolality, an elevated sodium concentration always
causes an elevated ________. osmolality

The normal defenses against hypernatremia are ADH and

______. thirst

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Patients who are hyperosmolar are usually, but not always,


sometimes equals

Hyperosmolality Hypernatremia
osmolality > 300 mmol/L sodium > 145 mEq/L

Although hypernatremia always causes hyperosmolality, the converse

is not true. Hyperosmolality is not always due to hypernatremia. Two
common examples of hyperosmolality not due to hypernatremia are hy-
perglycemia and renal failure.
Hyperglycemia causes hyperosmolality in patients with uncontrolled
diabetes mellitus.
Renal failure causes hyperosmolality due to the accumulation of urea.

Summary of the relationship between sodium abnormalities and osmolality:

Hyponatremia is usually associated with hypoosmolality
Hypoosmolality is always associated with hyponatremia.
Hypernatremia is always associated with hyperosmolality
Hyperosmolality is sometimes associated with hypernatremia.

A discussion on how hyperglycemia and renal failure cause hyperosmolality without

hypernatremia is discussed in ChapterHyponatremia:
6, The Pathophysiology
, pages
113 and 120.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!The development of hypernatremia is a two-step


1 Generation
Factors which
predispose to hypernatremia
2 Maintenance
Factors which
interfere with thirst

Gain of sodium Failure to

sense thirst

or or

Loss of water Unable to

ingest water

Hypernatremia develops in two steps: generation and maintenance.

Generation. Conditions which generate hypernatremia can be divided
into two general categories: hypernatremia due to a gain of sodium and
hypernatremia due to a loss of water.
Maintenance. Although there are two defenses against hyperosmolality,
thirst and ADH, thirst alone is able to prevent hypernatremia. For hyper-
natremia to be maintained, the thirst mechanism must be disabled. This
occurs when one cannot sense thirst or respond to thirst by drinking water.
The maintenance of hypernatremia is always due to the failure of the pa-
tient to ingest sufficient quantities of water.
When a patient presents with hypernatremia, the etiology of both gen-
eration and maintenance must be determined.

Hypernatremia occurs in two steps: ___________ and generation

___________. maintenance

Hypernatremia can be generated either by a ________ of water loss

or a gain of __________. sodium

For hypernatremia to persist, thirst must be _________; this can disabled

be due to a lack of thirst or a lack of access to _______. water

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Generation!Two processes generate hypernatremia.

1 Gain of sodium
Na +
2 Loss of water
Iatrogenic Extra-renal loss
hypertonic dialysis skin: sweating, burns, evaporation
hypertonic saline solutions lungs: hyperventilation
hypertonic sodium bicarbonate GI: osmotic diarrhea, fistulas
hypertonic tube feedings or TPN Renal loss
Excessive sodium ingestion central diabetes insipidus
excessive salt added to infant formula nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
excessive salt tablet ingestion osmotic diuresis
Excess mineralocorticoid activity post-obstruction diuresis
primary hyperaldosteronism hyperglycemia
Cushing’s syndrome mannitol
hyperreninism (renal artery stenosis) osmotic diuretics
congenital adrenal hyperplasia other diuretics

The plasma sodium concentration is measured in mEq/L, and like all con-
centrations, it is the ratio of solute (sodium) to water. Thus, a change in the
sodium concentration can occur by either a change in the amount of sodium
or a change in the amount of water. An increase in sodium concentration
occurs through an increase in the relative amount of sodium or a decrease
in the relative amount of water.
Although hypernatremia can be due to either a gain of sodium or a loss of
water, it is most often due to the loss of water.

Medical Greek: iatrogenic is a term used to denote a response to medical or surgical treat-
ment. It is usually used for unfavorable outcomes. (Iatro = physician.)

Two conditions predispose to hypernatremia: aaa

Excess ___________ sodium
Loss of ___________ water

Of the two processes which generate hypernatremia, a ________ loss

of __________ is more common. water

Loss of water can occur from two sources:

___________ renal
___________ extra-renal

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Gain of sodium!Iatrogenic and excessive intake

of sodium are infrequent causes of hypernatremia..

Na+ Na +
Na Na+
Na+ +
Na+ Na


Iatrogenic Excessive ingestion

hypertonic dialysis excessive salt added to infant formula
hypertonic saline infusion excessive salt tablet ingestion
hypertonic sodium bicarbonate
hypertonic tube feedings or TPN

Iatrogenic administration of excess sodium may cause hypernatremia in

a few easy-to-recognize clinical situations:
• patients with renal failure after hypertonic dialysis
• hyponatremic patients given excessive hypertonic saline
• use of sodium bicarbonate during cardiac resuscitation
• patients receiving tube feedings or total parenteral nutrition
(TPN) with inadequate free water
Excessive ingestion of sodium can be due to excess salt added to infant
formula or excessive salt tablet ingestion. Many articles and texts list acci-
dental use of salt, instead of sugar, when preparing infant formula as a
cause of hypernatremia in infants. This no longer occurs in the U.S. because
all baby formulas come either as ready-to-feed or as a concentrate/powder
which requires only the addition of water. Therefore, “accidental” salt in-
gestion in an infant is more likely to be a case of intentional child abuse.
Salt overdose has been reported to be the most common poisoning associ-
ated with child abuse.

Iatrogenic causes of hypernatremia include: administration of aaa

hypertonic saline to treat __________, sodium bicarbonate infu- hyponatremia
sions during cardiac resuscitation and hypertonic __________. dialysis

Excessive ________ of salt can occur in cases of intentional intake

_______ abuse when salt is added to infant formula. child

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Generation!Gain of sodium!Excess mineralocorticoid activity can

cause hypernatremia.

principle cell intercalated cell

Na+ 3 Na+ 2 K+

H+ H+ OH



170 Na+ Cl– Na+ Cl– Na+ Cl–
114 K+ HCO3– K+ HCO3– K+ HCO3–

The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity cause mild hypernatre-

mia. The important causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity are:
• primary hyperaldosteronism • hyperreninism
• congenital adrenal hyperplasia • Cushing’s syndrome
Mineralocorticoids act at the collecting tubules to stimulate the resorption of
sodium and the excretion of both potassium and hydrogen. The most important
mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. Excessive aldosterone levels occur in primary
hyperaldosteronism and hyperreninism.
Cortisol can also have mineralocorticoid activity. At normal levels, the min-
eralocorticoid effect of cortisol is minimal because it is rapidly metabolized. In
Cushing’s syndrome, however, cortisol levels are high enough to overcome its
enzymatic break down so that it has significant mineralocorticoid activity. In
congenital adrenal hyperplasia the biochemical intermediates of cortisol are
overproduced and have significant mineralocorticoid activity.
The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are characterized by
hypertension, hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis. Due to the phenom-
enon of pressure natriuresis, hypernatremia is usually mild. Pressure natri-
uresis is the spontaneous excretion of sodium which occurs with increased
blood pressure.

The hypernatremia associated with excess mineralocorticoid ac- aaa

tivity is usually ________, if present at all; this is due to the mild
phenomenon of __________ ________. pressure natriuresis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

There are four main causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity.

Primary hyperaldosteronism Cushing’s syndrome
Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syn- Cushing's syndrome is a collection of
drome) is the persistent and unregulated symptoms caused by chronic glucocorti-
secretion of aldosterone from the adrenal coid excess. The syndrome can be caused
gland. There are three causes of primary by excess endogenous or exogenous ste-
hyperaldosteronism: adrenal adenoma, bi- roids. The syndrome is characterized by
lateral adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal truncal obesity, rounded face, hyperten-
carcinoma. All three are characterized by sion, hirsutism (hair growth), amenor-
hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hyper- rhea, psychiatric disturbances, easy
tension and mild hypernatremia. bruising, red/purple striae, muscle weak-
Adrenal adenoma is the most common ness, osteoporosis and hyperglycemia.
cause of primary hyperaldosteronism. It is Therapeutic steroids do not cause hyperna-
a benign tumor which overproduces aldos- tremia because the typical pharmaceutical
terone. The standard treatment is unilat- glucocorticoids (e.g., prednisone, dexam-
eral adrenalectomy. If surgery cannot be ethasone) do not have significant mineralo-
performed, medical management is with corticoid activity
spironolactone, a competitive inhibitor of Ectopic ACTH production is a cause of
aldosterone which corrects the hypokale- Cushing’s syndrome in which cancer cells
mia and hypertension. autonomously secrete ACTH. This para-
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (idiopathic neoplastic syndrome tends to be respon-
primary aldosteronism) is clinically iden- sive to medical management with keto-
tical to an adrenal adenoma. In this disor- conazole or metyrapone.
der, both adrenal glands are enlarged and Cushing's disease is a cause of Cushing’s
have micro– or macro–nodular hyperpla- syndrome due to an adenoma in the an-
sia. Subtotal adrenalectomy can improve terior pituitary which overproduces
the hypokalemia but the hypertension is ACTH. The therapy of choice is trans-
usually refractory to surgical management. sphenoidal microsurgery to remove the
Current standard of care is medical man- pituitary adenoma. Radiation therapy is
agement with spironolactone. a second-line treatment.
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare cause Adrenal adenomas and adrenal carcino-
of primary hyperaldosteronism. Hyperten- mas which secrete cortisol can cause
sion and hypokalemia are greater in carci- Cushing’s syndrome. Elevated cortisol
noma than in (benign) adenomas. levels suppress pituitary ACTH release,
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia causing atrophy of the contralateral ad-
17_-Hydroxylase deficiency. The loss of this renal gland.
key enzyme in steroid synthesis prevents Hyperreninism
the production of sex-hormones and corti- Hyperreninism is most commonly caused
sol. Loss of cortisol feedback increases by renal artery stenosis. Narrowing of the
ACTH levels which stimulate the produc- renal artery impairs renal blood flow. The
tion of metabolites proximal to 17_-hy- juxtaglomerular apparatus senses the fall
droxylase. Some of these metabolites have in blood flow and activates the renin-an-
mineralocorticoid activity. giotensin II- aldosterone system, causing
severe hypertension.
The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are discussed in detail in Chapter
18, Hypokalemia.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Generation!Loss of water!Loss of water in excess of sodium

can be from a renal or extra-renal source.

Na+ For water loss to predispose to hy-

pernatremia, the sodium concen-
tration of the fluid lost must be less
H2O than that of plasma (135 mEq/L).

Renal Extra-renal

Loss of water in excess of sodium is the most common mechanism which

generates hypernatremia.
There are two categories of fluid loss:
Extra-renal. Extra-renal sources of fluid loss include the skin,
respiratory tract and GI tract.
Keep in mind that although fluid can be lost from all of these sources, not
all fluid loss predisposes to hypernatremia. For hypernatremia to occur, the
lost fluid must have a lower concentration of sodium than that of plasma. If
the fluid lost has a sodium concentration equal to or greater than plasma,
hypernatremia will not occur.

Water loss is divided into renal and _________ water loss. extra-renal

Extra-renal water loss occurs from the skin, lungs and

the ____ tract. GI

For hypernatremia to occur, the fluid lost must contain a _________ lower
sodium concentration than the plasma sodium concentration.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of water!Extra-renal!Hypernatremia can

result from water lost through the skin and respiratory tract.


Skin: sensible and Respiratory tract: in-

insensible fluid loss sensible fluid loss

Insensible fluid loss is water that is lost from the skin and respiratory
tract by evaporation. This loss is “insensible” because it occurs without aware-
ness. Insensible water loss is normally 800 to 1,000 mL each day. Insensible
fluid loss is increased by fevers and burns. Respiratory fluid loss is increased
by hyperventilation and low humidity.
Sensible fluid loss from the skin refers to sweat. It is sensible because
individuals can sense this water loss. An important distinction between sen-
sible and insensible fluid losses from the skin is that sweat, unlike insen-
sible water loss, has a significant electrolyte composition. The sodium con-
centration of sweat is about 30 mEq/L. Since the purpose of perspiration is
the dissipation of heat, sensible loss is increased by activity and high tem-
Infections, particularly urinary and respiratory, are commonly associ-
ated with hypernatremia. Infections predispose to hypernatremia by increas-
ing skin and respiratory water loss through fever, sweating and hyperventi-
Insensible water loss is best estimated per calorie metabolized, just like maintenance fluids.
(See page 44.) ave. mL/100cal range
insensible loss from the lungs............... 15 mL/100cal 10-60 mL/100cal
insensible loss from the skin
.................. 30 mL/100cal 20-100 mL/100cal

Insensible water loss is the __________ of water from the skin evaporation
and _____________ tract. respiratory

Sensible skin loss is commonly referred to as ___________. sweat

___________ predispose to hypernatremia by inducing fever, Infections

sweating and _________________. hyperventilation

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Sweat chloride test? What’s up with that?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common le- Infertility in males is due to obstruction of
thal inherited disease affecting Caucasians. the vas deferens. Up to 98% of males with
About 5% of Caucasians carry the CF gene, CF are infertile. Because hormone function
resulting in one affected child for every is intact, these patients mature normally
2,000 live births. The incidence is much through puberty. Fertility in females is also
lower in African Americans (one in 17,000) reduced. However, with increasing survival
and people of East Asian descent (one in and better treatments, more women with
90,000). Over 300 genetic mutations have CF are successfully giving birth.
been identified which cause cystic fibrosis; Cystic fibrosis is diagnosed by measuring
the most common is the 6F508 which is the chloride content of sweat. Normal val-
present in 570% of Caucasian Americans ues are less than 30 mEq/L. In CF, it is al-
who have CF. ways above 60 mEq/L and usually above
Cystic fibrosis is characterized by three dis- 80 mEq/L. The test is done by stimulating
tinct clinical abnormalities: sweat production through use of electrodes
1. Elevated concentrations of sodium and or pilocarpine. Fifty to one hundred millili-
chloride in sweat. ters of sweat are collected for measurement.
The test is difficult to accurately perform
2. Increased viscosity of secretions from on children less than 2 months old.
mucous-secreting glands.
Other causes of elevated sweat chloride:
3. Increased susceptibility to chronic endo-
bronchial colonization by specific types adrenal insufficiency
of bacteria. glycogen storage disease type I
The morbidity and mortality associated fucosidosis
with cystic fibrosis is due to the increased hypothyroidism
viscosity of secretions which can cause ob- nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
struction and loss of function of the organ ectodermal dysplasia
involved. The primary areas affected are malnutrition
the lungs, GI tract and vas deferens. mucopolysaccharidosis
The major pulmonary complications are
pneumonia, mucous plugging, bronchiecta- The use of the sweat chloride test has al-
sis, hemoptysis and pneumothorax. Respi- lowed the precise diagnosis of CF early in
ratory complications are the most frequent the disease when patients have only mini-
cause of death in CF. mal symptoms.
GI complications are due to the obstruction The sweat chloride test is a better screen-
of the pancreatic duct which causes pan- ing test than molecular techniques because
creatic insufficiency. Pancreatic insuffi- the numerous mutations make genetic di-
ciency is characterized by malabsorption, agnosis difficult. Probes are available for
malnutrition and fat-soluble vitamin defi- the twenty-five most common mutations,
ciencies. Pancreatic dysfunction can also allowing molecular confirmation in about
cause pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. 85% of cases.
In infants, the increased viscosity of the
gastrointestinal secretions can cause meco-
nium ileus.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of water!Extra-renal!Osmotic diarrhea is the

only GI source of fluid loss that predisposes to hypernatremia.


nasogastric suction secretory diarrhea osmotic diarrhea


Fluid lost from either the upper GI tract or secreto- Fluid lost from osmotic di-
ry diarrhea does not predispose to hypernatremia. arrhea predisposes to hy-

Fluid from the GI tract may be lost from the upper GI tract (stomach) or
the lower GI tract. Fluid lost from either of these sites may cause hypov-
olemia, but only certain kinds of fluid loss from the GI tract predispose to
Fluid loss from the stomach occurs with vomiting and nasogastric suc-
tion. The sodium concentration of gastric secretions is around 140 mEq/L,
similar to that of plasma. Because it does not cause the loss of water in
excess of sodium, gastric fluid loss does not predispose to hypernatremia.
Fluid loss from the lower GI tract is most commonly due to diarrhea. Of
the two major types of diarrhea, secretory and osmotic, only osmotic diar-
rhea predisposes to hypernatremia. Secretory and osmotic diarrhea are dis-
cussed further on the following pages.

Fluid loss from the upper GI tract can be due to _________ or vomiting
nasogastric ___________ and does not cause hypernatremia. suction

The two general categories of diarrhea are ___________ and secretory

___________. osmotic

_________ diarrhea predisposes patients to hypernatremia. Osmotic

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Clinical correlation: The stool osmolar gap can be used to

distinguish between secretory and osmotic diarrhea.

measured stool osmolality

2"! (stool Na+ + stool K +)
stool osmolar gap


0 to 50 mmol/L ................. normal gap, secretory diarrhea
> 100 mmol/L ................... increased gap, osmotic diarrhea


270-310 ............................ normal
< 250 ................................ stool mixed with water
> 400 ................................ stool mixed with urine

Secretory and osmotic diarrhea may be distinguished by calculating

the stool osmolar gap. The stool osmolar gap is the stool osmolality mi-
nus two times the stool sodium and potassium (2 ! [Na+ + K+]). The gap
is used to detect osmotically active particles not normally found in stool.
Normally, sodium, potassium and their associated anions account for
almost all of the osmotically active particles in stool. (The sodium and
potassium concentrations are doubled in the formula to account for the
associated anions.) The remainder of the osmotically active particles
(unmeasured particles) are typically unabsorbed carbohydrates. When
a large amount of unmeasured solutes are in the stool, the calculation
(2 ! [Na+ + K+]) underestimates stool osmolality and there is a large
difference or gap.
If the stool osmolar gap is low, a secretory diarrhea is present. If the
stool osmolar gap is high, an osmotic diarrhea is present.
Stool electrolytes can only be measured in watery diarrhea. For an
accurate measurement of stool osmolality, the sample must be fresh. As
stool ages, bacteria break down undigested carbohydrates, increasing
the osmolality. This can falsely increase the stool osmolar gap.
Regardless of whether the diarrhea is secretory or osmotic, stool osmolality is always
similar to plasma osmolality because the colonic mucosa is permeable to.water
Chapter 2, Water WhereAre You.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiology!Generation!Loss of water!Extra-renal!Secretory
diarrhea does not predispose to hypernatremia.

sodium + potas
lality sium
os mo

osmolality sodium + potassium

plasma osmolality = stool osmolality

plasma sodium concentration = stool sodium concentration

In secretory diarrhea, excessive amounts of water and solutes are secreted

into the bowel lumen. Secretory diarrhea can be due to infectious or nonin-
fectious causes.
Infectious causes Noninfectious causes
C. difficile Shigella carcinoid
C. jejuni S. aureus pancreatic cholera
E. coli V. cholera Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Salmonella Yersinia

Infectious cholera causes severe secretory diarrhea and can cause the loss
of ten to twenty liters of water per day.
There are three major characteristics of secretory diarrhea:
Diarrhea continues when fasting.
Stool sodium concentration is similar to that of plasma; there-
fore, secretory diarrhea does not predispose to hypernatremia.
The stool osmolar gap is low.

In all types of diarrhea, stool osmolality equals ________ osmo- plasma


In secretory diarrhea, the concentration of ________ in the stool sodium

is similar to the concentration of sodium in the ________. plasma

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Etiology!Generation!Loss of water!Extra-renal!Osmotic
diarrhea does predispose to hypernatremia.
sodium + pota
olaNa ssiu
os m

osmolality sodium + potassium





lu lu

plasma osmolality = stool osmolality

plasma sodium concentration > stool sodium concentration

Osmotic diarrhea is caused by the presence of unabsorbable solutes in the

intestines. Because these solutes cannot be absorbed, they are osmotically
active and draw fluid into the gut lumen. Causes of osmotic diarrhea in-
clude ingestion of poorly-absorbed solutes (laxatives), malabsorption of food
(lactose intolerance) and conditions which impair the ability of the intestine
to absorb nutrients.
There are three major characteristics of osmotic diarrhea:
Diarrhea stops with fasting.
Stool sodium concentration is lower than that of plasma; there-
fore, secretory diarrhea does predispose to hypernatremia.
The stool osmolar gap is high.

As always, things are not as simple as they may appear. Infectious diarrhea is typically
secretory, but often the mucosal surface is damaged, preventing the absorption of lactose
or other particles.This acquired malabsorption causes a secondary osmotic diarrhea in
addition to the primary secretory diarrhea.

In all diarrhea, the osmolality of the ________ is equal to the stool

___________ of the plasma. osmolality

Osmotically active solutes in the bowel draw _______ into the gut. water

Osmotic diarrhea causes a loss of _______ in excess of sodium and water

therefore predisposes the patient to ____________. hypernatremia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Infants with diarrhea are predisposed to









Infants with infectious diarrhea are at risk for developing danger-

ously high plasma osmolality from the combination of hypernatremia
and hyperglycemia.
Hypernatremia is due to increased insensible losses from fever and
increased water losses from diarrhea. Hypernatremia can be further
exacerbated if nausea and vomiting prevent water replacement.
Hyperglycemia is due to the secretion of the stress hormone corti-
sol which occurs when infants are ill. This hyperglycemia contributes
to the increased plasma osmolality.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Generation!Loss of water!Renal!Osmotic diuresis and dia-

betes insipidus both predispose to hypernatremia.
Osmotic diuresis Diabetes insipidus


resorbed solutes
nonresorbed solutes
glucose H
mannitol AD

Two common causes of increased urinary fluid loss which predispose to

hypernatremia are osmotic diuresis and diabetes insipidus.
Osmotic diuresis occurs under the following conditions:
• post-obstruction diuresis
• administration of mannitol
• hyperglycemia
• uremia
There are two general categories of diabetes insipidus:
• central
• nephrogenic

Although the loop and thiazide diuretics cause the loss of water in excess of sodium, they
are uncommon causes of hypernatremia. As explained in Chapter 6,Hyponatremia: The
Pathophysiology, these diuretics are more likely to cause hyponatremia.

There are two general causes of ________ fluid loss which predis- renal
pose to hypernatremia: osmotic diuresis and _______ insipidus. diabetes

Diabetes insipidus can be either central or ____________. nephrogenic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of water!Renal!Osmotic diuresis is due to

increased osmotically active particles in the tubular fluid.

medullary interstitium collecting tubule medullary interstitium collecting tubule

osmolality osmolality osmolality osmolality

Water flows into the medullary interstitium un- Less water flows into the medullary interstitium
til the concentration in the tubule equals the before the concentration in the tubule equals
concentration in the medullary interstitium. the concentration in the medullary interstitium.

Osmotic diuresis occurs when there is an elevated concentration of os-

motically active solutes in the nephron. Depending on the level of ADH ac-
tivity, water flows from the tubules into the concentrated medullary inter-
stitium until the concentration in the tubule equals the concentration in the
medullary interstitium.
When a high concentration of nonresorbable solutes arrives at the distal
nephron, less water can be resorbed before the concentration in the tubule
equals the concentration in the medullary interstitium. Since less water is
resorbed, more is lost in the urine.
Hyperglycemia, administration of mannitol, excess urea and relief of blad-
der outlet obstruction are all conditions which can cause osmotic diuresis.
The details of these conditions are reviewed on the following pages.

Osmotic diuresis requires the presence of ____________ solutes nonresorbable

in the distal ____________. tubule

Water is resorbed from the collecting tubule (in the presence of

ADH) until the concentration in the tubule _________ the con- equals
centration in the medullary ___________. interstitium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Generation!Loss of water! Renal! Osmotic diuresis!

Hyperglycemia is the most common cause of osmotic diuresis.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
plasma glucose is 140 mg/dL plasma glucose is 200 mg/dL plasma glucose is over 200mg/dL
Plasma glucose is below the Tm. Plasma glucose is at the Tm. Glu- Plasma glucose exceeds the Tm.
Glucose is completely resorbed in cose is completely resorbed, but Glucose is incompletely resorbed in
the proximal tubule. the proximal tubule is unable to the proximal tubule, resulting in glu-
resorb any more glucose. cosuria and an osmotic diuresis.

complete maximum maximum

resorption resorption resorption


Glucose is resorbed in the proximal tubule by specific glucose transport

molecules. These molecules are very efficient at resorbing glucose and nor-
mally, all of the filtered glucose is resorbed (fig. 1). As plasma glucose con-
centration rises, more glucose is filtered, stressing the glucose resorption
mechanism. At a specific plasma concentration, every glucose transporter
will be working at full capacity to resorb glucose (fig. 2). This is called the
Threshold of maximum tubular resorption (Tm). If the plasma concentra-
tion rises above the Tm, the excess glucose is not resorbed and is lost in the
urine (fig. 3).
Glucose which is not resorbed causes an osmotic diuresis and increases
the renal loss of water, predisposing to hypernatremia. Hyperglycemia can
be caused by diabetes mellitus, infusions of IV dextrose and as a side-effect
of some medications (e.g., steroids).

Because it causes pseudohyponatremia, hyperglycemia is often associated with

sodium concentration.This is covered in Chapter 6,Hyponatremia: The Pathphysiology
(page 113). Patients with both hyperglycemia and hypernatremia are severely dehydrated.

The most common cause of ___________ diuresis is hyperglycemia. osmotic

Tm for glucose is around _______ mg/dL so at plasma levels above 200

that, the proximal tubule will not be able to ___________ all of the resorb
glucose and the patient will have _____________. glucosuria

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of water!Renal!Osmotic diuresis!Mannitol,

urea and post-obstruction are infrequent causes of osmotic diuresis.



ouch! Ahhh!

Cerebral edema due to trauma can Cerebral edema can be relieved by

be lethal. The most worrisome com- mannitol which increases plasma
plication is herniation through the fo- osmolality and dehydrates brain cells.
ramen magnum.

Mannitol is a polysaccharide which cannot be resorbed by the kidney. All

mannitol filtered by the glomerulus remains in the urine; the Tm for man-
nitol is zero. The primary use of mannitol is the treatment of cerebral edema
as shown above.
Urea is a product of protein metabolism. Plasma urea (BUN) can accu-
mulate due to protein-rich tube feedings, steroid induced catabolism, GI
bleeding or renal failure. When the filtered load of urea increases, it can
cause an osmotic diuresis.
Post-obstructive diuresis occurs after relief of urinary tract obstruc-
tion associated with renal failure (post-renal failure). During the obstruc-
tion, urea and other waste products accumulate. Once the obstruction is
relieved, unresorbed waste products cause osmotic diuresis. This diuresis is
appropriate since the kidney is simply excreting excess waste products which
have accumulated during the obstruction.

___________, a polysaccharide which is used to treat cerebral Mannitol

edema, can cause osmotic diuresis.

Excess plasma urea may occur as a result of _______-rich tube feed- protein
ings, steroid-induced catabolism, GI bleeding or _______ failure. renal

Relief of urinary tract obstruction may cause an osmotic ________ diuresis

due to the accumulation of urea and other solutes.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Generation!Loss of water!Renal!Diabetes insipidus is due

ot a disruption in the ADH axis.

1 2
Central diabetes insipidus Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
is characterized by the inability is characterized by the inability of the
of the brain to release ADH. kidney to respond to ADH.


Diabetes insipidus is a disorder characterized by the inability to produce

concentrated urine due to decreased ADH activity. There are two general
categories of diabetes insipidus: central and nephrogenic. The distinction
between the two depends on where the impairment of the ADH-axis occurs.
Because of an inability to concentrate urine, patients with diabetes in-
sipidus produce a large amount of dilute urine in order to excrete the daily
solute load. Patients with diabetes insipidus may have daily obligatory urine
loss of up to 18 liters.
The urine of patients with diabetes insipidus is dilute with a low concen-
tration of sodium. Because of the large amount of dilute fluid lost in the
urine, patients are predisposed to hypernatremia.

Diabetes insipidus is discussed in detail in the next chapter

, Chapter 9Polyuria, Polydipsia

There are two general types of diabetes insipidus:__________ central

and _________. nephrogenic

The two forms of diabetes insipidus are discussed in the

_______ chapter. next

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Maintenance!The maintenance of hypernatremia is always due

to the inadequate ingestion of water.

1 Generation

Factors which
2 Maintenance

Factors which
predispose to hypernatremia interfere with thirst
Failure to ingest water

Gain of sodium


Loss of water

Although there are many factors which can generate hypernatremia, the
maintenance of hypernatremia is always due to the failure of the patient to
ingest sufficient quantities of water.
The factors which interfere with the appropriate ingestion of water are
reviewed on the following pages.

The development of hypernatremia is a ______-part process: two

generation and _____________. maintenance

Although many factors predispose to hypernatremia, only

_______ factor maintains hypernatremia: insufficient ingestion one
of __________. water

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Overview: The normal response to hyperosmolality is the inges-

tion of water.


The addition of sodium or loss of The increase in osmolality caus- Thirst causes the ingestion of wa-
water causes a transient increase es the hypothalamus to stimulate ter which returns plasma osmo-
in plasma osmolality. thirst. lality to normal.

The primary defense against hypernatremia is ingestion of water in order

to dilute the plasma sodium concentration back to normal. Normally, hyper-
osmolality is detected by osmoreceptors which stimulate ADH release and
thirst. Although ADH conserves water, the replacement of extra-renal and
renal water loss can only occur by drinking water. If the thirst mechanism
is intact and the patient has access to water, hypernatremia cannot persist.
Thirst is a common symptom of hypernatremia. All of the conditions which
predispose to hypernatremia will cause thirst.

The most important _________ against hypernatremia is the in- defense

gestion of ________. water

The hypothalamus detects increases in ___________ and induc- osmolality

es thirst to __________ the plasma. dilute

Hyperosmolality triggers _______ which causes the ingestion of thirst


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Maintenance!Three common conditions can disable the thirst

mechanism and prevent the ingestion of water.

Hypernatremia is seen in three common situations.

Infants who cannot ask for water.
Older adults with mental status changes.
Unable to ingest water.
The patients most susceptible to hypernatremia are infants and the eld-
erly. Infants are susceptible to hypernatremia because they can easily be-
come dehydrated due to their small size and relatively large surface area.
In addition, they cannot talk and are unable to ask for water.
In adults, hypernatremia is seen most commonly among the elderly. With
increased age, susceptibility to mental status changes during illness in-
creases. Pneumonia or urinary tract infections may cause mental status
changes which prevent the ingestion of water. Increased age is associated
with two additional risk factors for hypernatremia: decreased sensitivity to
thirst and impaired ability to concentrate urine and conserve water.
The ability to ingest water can be limited from true unavailability (e.g.,
hiking in the wilderness) or from illness. For example, a person may be
thirsty but unable to ingest a sufficient amount of water due to vomiting.

Hypernatremia is most common in _________ and the ________. infants; elderly

Altered _________ status can prevent a hypernatremic patient mental

from drinking water.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Hypothalamic dysfunction is a rare cause of hypernatremia.

Hypothalamic dysfunction is a rare disorder which can cause hyper-

natremia by disabling the thirst defense. In this disorder, the sensation
of thirst does not occur or is markedly diminished.
One type of hypothalamic dysfunction is known as idiopathic hypo-
thalamic adipsia which is characterized by a complete inability to de-
tect thirst. This disorder has been described in a small number of chil-
dren. These patients have global hypothalamic dysfunction as recog-
nized by obesity, decreased growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
and decreased thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).
Children with idiopathic hypothalamic adipsia have decreased water
intake, resulting in frequent episodes of hypernatremia. Mental retar-
dation is also part of the syndrome, though it is unclear if this is part of
the primary pathology or the result of frequent bouts of hypernatremia.
Treatment focuses on regimented water intake. With normal kidneys
and the absence of diabetes insipidus or SIADH, water ingestion allows
the kidney to regulate plasma osmolality through changes in ADH lev-
els. Since many of these patients have associated central diabetes in-
sipidus, the treatment can become more complicated.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!A complete explanation for hypernatremia requires

determining the cause of both generation and maintenance.

1 2
Question Question
What predisposed Why isn’t the patient
to hypernatremia? drinking water?

addition of sodium loss of water

When a patient presents with hypernatremia, the physician must answer

two questions:
Generation: What predisposed the patient to hypernatremia?
Two general processes predispose a patient to hypernatremia.
• addition of sodium
• loss of water
Maintenance: Why isn't the patient drinking water?
• infant who cannot ask for water
• older adult with mental status changes
• no access to water
• hypothalamic dysfunction

There are ______ general processes which generate hypernatre- two

mia: excessive intake of sodium and the loss of ________. water

The only way for a patient to present with hypernatremia is if

the patient fails to ingest enough _______. water

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Diagnosis!Generation!The patient’s history and volume sta-

tus help determine what generated hypernatremia.



Infants: hyper- Adults: hypernatre- Infants and adults: hypernatre-

natremia is usual- 3% mia is usually due to mia is due to volume loss, extra-
ly due to intention-
hypertonic saline or renal or renal, with inadequate
al salt poisoning. sodium bicarbonate. water replacement. It is common
in infants due to the inability to ask
All ages: consider hyperaldoster- for water and elderly adults with
onism, especially in the presence of hy- mental status changes.
pokalemia and/or metabolic alkalosis.

The two most important factors which help determine what generated
hypernatremia are the history and volume status. The conditions which led
to hypernatremia are usually apparent from the history. However, altered
mental status often accompanies hypernatremia (as either the cause or a
symptom), and a clear history may be unobtainable.
Hypervolemia points to excess sodium as the etiology. A hypervolemic
hypernatremic adult in the hospital is most likely the victim of iatrogenic
hypernatremia from hypertonic saline or bicarbonate infusion. An infant
with hypervolemic hypernatremia may be the victim of salt ingestion as
part of intentional child abuse.
Hypovolemia points to the loss of hypotonic fluid as the cause. History
and physical exam should attempt to uncover the source of the fluid loss.
The following pages elaborate on how to establish the cause of hypovolemic

Usually the cause of hypernatremia can be determined from the aaa

_________ which may be difficult to obtain because mental sta- history
tus ________ are often present in patients with hypernatremia. changes

On physical exam, it is important to assess the patient's volume

_______ status.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Generation!Urinalysis can help differentiate between

extra-renal and renal water loss in hypovolemic hypernatremia.




SPECIFIC GRAVITY high high low

URINE VOLUME low high high

URINE SODIUM low low low

The best way to differentiate between extra-renal and renal water loss is
to look at a patient's urine. Renal loss of water causing hypernatremia is
either due to osmotic diuresis or diabetes insipidus.
In all three causes of water loss (extra-renal, osmotic diuresis and diabe-
tes insipidus), hypovolemia stimulates the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone
system which causes the retention of sodium. Therefore, in all three cases,
the urine sodium concentration is low.
If the source of the fluid loss is extra-renal, then properly functioning
kidneys retain water and produce a small volume of highly concentrated
urine. In all causes of extra-renal fluid loss leading to hypernatremia, the
urine osmolality is increased and the urine volume is low.
In osmotic diuresis, the ADH axis is intact. Thus urine is able to be concen-
trated and the urine specific gravity is high (osmolality is high). In diabetes
insipidus, however, the ADH axis is disrupted and the ability to concentrate
urine is lost. This results in a dilute urine with a low specific gravity (low osmo-
lality). Differentiating central from nephrogenic diabetes insipidus requires the
water deprivation test. (See Chapter 9, Polyuria, Polydipsia.)

In extra-renal water losses, the urine sodium is _____ and the low
specific gravity is ____. high

In osmotic diuresis, the urine sodium is ____ and the specific low
gravity is ____. high

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Diagnosis!Maintenance!The second question that must be

answered is why the patient is not drinking water.

The second aspect of the etiology which must be evaluated in hypernatre-

mia is why the patient is not drinking. This is usually apparent from the
clinical situation. However, in cases without an obvious explanation, the
diagnosis of hypothalamic dysfunction should be entertained.

If a patient is _______________, he is not drinking water for one hypernatremic

of four reasons:

1. _______ ________ changes mental status

2. ________ who cannot ask for water infant

3. no ________ to water access

4. _______________ dysfunction hypothalamic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Symptoms and signs!The primary symptoms and signs of hyper-

natremia are due to the osmotic shift of water out of brain cells.

In hypernatremia, water is osmotically drawn out of the intrac-

ellular compartment which causes cells to shrink.


Cellular shrinkage is particularly problematic in the brain.

The symptoms and signs of hypernatremia are due to osmotic shifts of

water. In hypernatremia, water flows out of the intracellular compartment
into the relatively hypertonic extracellular compartment. As a result of the
osmotic movement of water, cells shrink and their function is disrupted.
The loss of intracellular volume occurs throughout the body, but is of par-
ticular concern in the brain. Due to decreased cell volume and disrupted
cellular function in the brain, the primary symptoms and signs of hyper-
natremia are neurologic. Neurologic symptoms and signs associated with
hypernatremia include lethargy, weakness, irritability, confusion, seizures
and coma.

Plasma hyperosmolality causes the osmotic movement of water aaa

out of the ___________ compartment. intracellular

The symptoms of hypernatremia are predominantly neurologic,

secondary to brain cell _____________. shrinkage

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Overview: The cerebral adaptation to hypernatremia is to increase

intracellular osmolality.


The accumulation of intracellular solutes causes water to be

drawn back into cells, increasing their size back toward normal.

ouch! ahhh!

As cells increase in size, brain function returns to normal.

In hypernatremia, the compensation for cerebral cell shrinkage is the

accumulation of two types of intracellular solutes.
Electrolytes. An increase in intracellular electrolytes is an im-
mediate response to increased plasma osmolality; this change
draws water back into cells, restoring their volume. The accu-
mulation of electrolytes is limited because a there is a maximum
concentration that is tolerable for cell function.
Organic solutes (osmolytes). Inositol, glutamine, glutamate and
taurine are osmotically active particles which can accumulate
intracellularly without altering cellular function. The accumula-
tion of osmolytes occurs through cellular production and uptake
from the extracellular compartment. Osmolytes begin to accu-
mulate 24 to 48 hours after the onset of hypernatremia.

The initial compensatory response for brain cell shrinkage is an aaa

increase in the intracellular content of _________ and potassium. sodium

The initial response is limited because _________ concentrations increased

of sodium and ___________ disrupt normal cellular function. potassium

Osmolytes increase intracellular ________ without interfering volume

with cell function.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Rapid correction of compensated hypernatremia re-

sults in cerebral swelling.




Overaggressive treatment

The accumulation of osmolytes in brain cells osmotically draws water back

into brain cells restoring their volume to normal. With normal cell volume,
the symptoms of hypernatremia will be decreased and patients can have a
normal mental status despite the elevated osmolality.
If, in this compensated state, the plasma osmolality suddenly decreases (e.g.,
an overeager intern panics and gives 12 liters of D5W) water will flow from the
hypotonic plasma into the hypertonic cells of the brain. The sudden movement
of water into the brain cells causes cerebral swelling (cerebral edema). If the
swelling is severe enough, seizures, coma and death can occur.
Because uncontrolled correction of hypernatremia may result in fatal ce-
rebral edema, the treatment of hypernatremia must be done at a precise
rate with the proper volume of the proper fluid.

Brain cells are able to compensate for hypernatremia by in- aaa

creasing the intracellular concentration of __________. osmolytes

Rapid reduction of plasma osmolality after the brain has suc-

cessfully compensated for hypernatremia will cause __________ cerebral
_________ which may cause seizures, coma and death. edema

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Treatment!The art of treating hypernatremia is to determine the

amount, rate, and type of fluid to be given.

water = ideal TBW – current TBW


oral tap water

mEq/L per hour

or NaCl IV fluids .2%

to D5W

mEq/L per hour mEq/L per hour

Three factors need to be determined regarding fluid replacement to treat

Amount. The amount of water necessary to return plasma sodium con-
centration to normal is determined by calculating the water deficit.
Rate. In the treatment of hypernatremia, the rate of correction does not
refer to the rate of fluid administration, but to the rate of sodium correction.
The appropriate rate of sodium correction depends on whether the hyperna-
tremia is acute, chronic or symptomatic. If the patient is acutely symptom-
atic, the rate of correction can be 1.5 to 2.0 mEq/L per hour. The rate in
chronic or asymptomatic hypernatremia should not exceed 0.5 mEq/L per
Type. A variety of IV fluids are available for treating hypernatremia. The
choice of fluid depends on the patient's volume status and the particular
fluid lost from the body. If the patient is alert, oral therapy with tap water
may be appropriate.

There are three factors to consider when treating hypernatremia: aaa

1) ______ of replacement amount

2) ______ of replacement rate

3) ________ of replacement type

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!The amount of water necessary to correct hyper-

natremia can be estimated by calculating the water deficit.

water deficit ideal total current total

body water body water

current [Na+] current TBW kg

50% 40%

ideal [Na+] current

weight 60%
(140 mEq/L)

The first step in the treatment of hypernatremia (acute or chronic) is the

calculation of the water deficit. The water deficit is the amount of water
that must be administered to return the sodium concentration to normal.
The water deficit is the difference between ideal total body water (total body
water after administration of fluid) and current total body water. The formulas
for ideal TBW and current TBW are shown above. Current total body water
must be calculated first because it is used in the calculation for ideal total body
water. The "ideal [Na+]” (in the formula above) is 140 mEq/L.

+ current
[Na ] TBW weight 50%; 40%

It must be emphasized that the calculation of fluid deficit is only an estimate based on
several assumptions. When treating a patient with hypernatremia, it is important to fre-
quently assess plasma sodium to assure that the rate of correction is proceeding as planned.

The first step in the treatment of hypernatremia is to calculate aaa

the water ________. deficit

The water deficit is the ______ TBW minus the ________ TBW. ideal; current

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Medical math: In hypernatremia, calculating current TBW is

different than in other clinical scenarios.

Current TBW Weight Estimated percent body water


50% 40% 60%

Calculating current TBW. Current TBW is the TBW before correc-

tion. As reviewed in Chapter 1, Moles and Water, TBW for men, women
and infants is normally 60%, 50% and 70% of weight respectively. Ex-
cept in rare cases, hypernatremia is due to water loss and the percent
of body water relative to weight is decreased. Therefore, lower percent-
ages need to be used to estimate TBW. In men, women and infants, the
values are 50%, 40% and 60%, respectively. These percentages are mul-
tiplied by the current weight in order to estimate the current TBW.
The value for current TBW is used in two places in the calculation of
the fluid deficit. Current TBW is used to calculate ideal TBW and is
then subtracted from ideal TBW to arrive at the water deficit.

What is the current TBW in a 100 kg 100 kg ! 0.5 = 50 liters

man with a plasma Na+ of 170 mEq/L?

What is the current TBW in a 65 kg 65 kg ! 0.4 = 26 liters

woman with a plasma Na+ of 160 mEq/L?

What is the current TBW in a 6 kg in- 6 kg ! 0.6 = 3.6 liters

fant with a plasma Na+ of 165 mEq/L?

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Medical math: The calculation of ideal TBW assumes that

total body sodium before and after correction is the same.



ideal sodium ideal TBW current sodium current TBW

current sodium current TBW

ideal TBW

ideal sodium

Calculating ideal TBW. Ideal TBW is the TBW after correction. To

determine ideal TBW, an assumption is made that total body sodium
after correction of hypernatremia is the same as total body sodium be-
fore correction. Since total body sodium is the plasma sodium concen-
tration multiplied by total body water:

ideal [Na+] ! ideal TBW = current [Na+] ! current TBW

Ideal TBW can then be solved for by dividing both sides of the equa-
tion by ideal Na+, 140 mEq/L.

What is the water deficit in a 100 kg 170 mEq/L ! 50 L " 140 mEq/L = 61 L
man with a plasma Na+ of 170 mEq/L? water deficit = 61 L – 50 L = 11 L

What is the water deficit in a 65 kg wom- 160 mEq/L ! 26 L " 140 mEq/L = 30 L
an with a plasma Na+ of 160 mEq/L? water deficit = 30 L – 26 L = 4 L

What is the water deficit in a 6 kg infant 165 mEq/L ! 3.6 L " 140 mEq/L = 4 L
with a plasma Na+ of 165 mEq/L? water deficit = 4 L – 3.6 L = 0.4 L

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Treatment!The rate of correction in hypernatremia is important.


mEq/L per hour mEq/L per hour mEq/L per hour

Recommended rate of cor- Rate of correction in patients with acute

rection in asymptomatic pa- symptomatic hypernatremia.
tients with hypernatremia.

Because of the serious neurologic consequences of rapid sodium correc-

tion in hypernatremia, it is recommended that correction occur at a slow
rate. For chronic or asymptomatic hypernatremia, it is advised that plasma
sodium be decreased no more than 0.5 mEq/L per hour or 12 mEq/L over 24
An exception to this guideline is acute symptomatic hypernatremia. Acute
hypernatremia is associated with neurologic symptoms such as confusion
and seizures. The presence of neurologic symptoms suggests that the hy-
pernatremia has occurred acutely, before the brain has had time to adapt.
Therefore, it is usually safe to correct plasma sodium more rapidly than
when patients are asymptomatic. In acute symptomatic hypernatremia, the
initial rate of correction can be up to 1.5 to 2 mEq/L per hour. This rate is
continued until symptoms have resolved. Once the patient is asymptom-
atic, a slower rate of correction is recommended.
To assure an appropriate rate of correction, plasma sodium should be meas-
ured frequently. Initially, plasma sodium checks should be about every two
hours; less frequent checks may occur when the plasma sodium is falling at
a predictable rate.

For chronic or asymptomatic hypernatremia, sodium correction aaa

should not exceed _____ mEq/L per hour. 0.5

For acute symptomatic hypernatremia, sodium may be correct-

ed at 1.5 to 2.0 mEq/L per________. hour

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!The type of fluid used to treat hypernatremia depends

on the volume status of the patient.
Hypovolemia Euvolemia Hypervolemia
(sodium excess)

.9% or and
oral tap water diuretics

In hypernatremia, the type of fluid replacement depends on volume status.

Patients with symptomatic hypovolemia and hypernatremia should be
treated like any other patient with hypovolemia: administration of isotonic
saline until adequate circulation is restored. After euvolemia is restored,
the plasma osmolality can be addressed. Although isotonic saline is given to
restore volume, it also lowers the plasma osmolality because hypernatremic
patients typically have a plasma osmolality greater than 308 mEq/L (the
concentration of isotonic saline).
Euvolemic patients are treated with D5W or oral tap water.
Hypervolemic hypernatremia is due to excess sodium. Diuretics are a good
choice for treatment because they increase the loss of both salt and water.
D5W can be given to replace urinary water loss.

Patients with hypovolemia and hypernatremia are treated with aaa

__________ until volume status is restored. 0.9% NaCl

Euvolemic patients with hypernatremia can be given D5W or

oral ____ ______. tap water

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Treatment!Sample calculation.

A 62 kg elderly man presents to the emergency department complaining

of pain with urination. His urine shows 20-30 WBC/hpf and the gram
stain shows gram negative bacilli. Plasma sodium is 172. Calculate his
fluid deficit.

Body Water = Kg x % body water

before correction

= 62 Kg x 0.5

= 31 liters

[Na] mEq/L x Body Water = [Na] mEq/L x Body Water

measured before correction ideal after correction

172 mEq/L x 31 liters = 140 mEq/L x Body Water

after correction

172 mEq/L x 31 liters = Body Water

after correction
140 mEq/L
38 liters = Body Water
after correction

Water Deficit = Body Water – Body Water

before correction after correction

= 38 liters – 31 liters

= 7 liters

To correct the hypernatremia, this patient must receive 7 liters of water

(administered as D5W). This deficit should be replaced in addition to his
maintenance fluid requirements (i.e., one must still replace the patient's
renal and extra-renal fluid loss).
Because the patient is asymptomatic, hypernatremia probably de-
veloped over several days and slow correction is reasonable (0.5 mEq/
Since the calculated deficit assumes a change in sodium from 172 to
140, a 32 mEq/L difference, this fluid should be given over 64 hours (32
mEq/L ! 0.5 mEq/L/hour = 64 hours).
7000 mL deficit ! 64 hours = 110 mL/hr to correct the deficit. This is in
addition to a maintenance fluid rate of 100 mL/hr.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Hey! My attending told me to treat hypernatremia differently.

In the previous example, free water was given over 64 hours to ac-
commodate the speed limit of 0.5 mEq/L. Many experts believe that
this can be done more quickly. An alternative treatment is to give half
of the deficit in the first 24 hours and remainder of the deficit over the
next one to two days.
Additionally, the equations on the previous page were explained in
order to provide a logical approach to the calculation of the fluid deficit.
If the logic is understood, the calculations can be derived without hav-
ing to look them up. The equation below is the commonly cited formula
to calculate the water deficit. Both approaches (the derivations described
and the formula below) will produce the correct answer for the water

0.5 men measured [Na]

Water Deficit = Kg ! 0.4 women ! –1
140 mEq/L

Calculate the water deficit in the following problems: aaa

4 day old infant with a urea cycle defect has a sodium of

163 mEq/L and a weight of 2.8 kg. 400 mL

35 year old woman suffers a head injury during a motor

vehicle accident. She has diabetes insipidus and is ob-
tunded in the ICU. Her sodium is 157 mEq/L and her
weight is 120 kg. 9 liters

66 year old veteran with community acquired pneumo-

nia with mental status changes. His sodium is 163
mEq/L and weight is 80 kg. 3 liters

S. Faubel and J. Topf 8 Hypernatremia

Hypernatremia is defined as a sodium concentration over 145 mEq/L.
The development of hypernatremia is a two-step process: generation and
maintenance. Generation is due to the addition of sodium or the loss of wa-
ter. Maintenance is always due to inadequate ingestion of water.


IATROGENIC EXTRA-RENAL LOSS altered mental status
hypertonic dialysis skin: sweating, burns infants who can’t request water
hypertonic sodium bicarbonate lungs: hyperventilation unable to ingest water
hypertonic saline solutions GI: osmotic diarrhea, fistulas hypothalamic dysfunction
hypertonic tube feeds or TPN
EXCESSIVE SODIUM INGESTION central diabetes insipidus
salt poisoning nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
salt tablet ingestion osmotic diuresis:
post-obstruction diuresis
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Cushing’s syndrome
osmotic diuretics
primary hyperaldosteronism

The signs and symptoms of hypernatremia are due to cerebral dehydra-

tion from the osmotic movement of water out of cells. The brain normally
compensates for this by increasing the concentration of intracellular sol-
utes such as osmolytes. Compensation takes one to three days to complete.
Rapid correction of compensated hypernatremia can result in cerebral edema.
The ART of treating hypernatremia requires three decisions: amount, rate
and type of fluid.

CALCULATE THE WATER DEFICIT 0.5 mEq/L per hour for chron- 0.9% NaCl is given to hypov-
ic or asymptomatic hyper- olemic patients until euvolemia
kg ! 0.5 ! 140 – 1 natremia. is restored; then, oral tap wa-
ter or D5W are given to specif-
In hypovolemia, the 0.5 is an es- 1.5 to 2.0 mEq/L per hour for ically correct hypernatremia.
timate of the % body water in acute, symptomatic hyper-
men. Use 0.4 for women and natremia. Diuretics and dextrose IV solu-
0.6 for infants. tions are used for hypervolem-
ic hypernatremia.

The subject of diabetes insipidus was introduced in this chapter. The next
chapter, Polydipsia, Polyuria, will cover the mechanism, pathophysiology
and diagnosis of diabetes insipidus.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Clinical review.
Step 1. Repeat the sodium concentration.

Step 2. !volume status.

Hypervolemic / euvolemic
Evaluate clinical situation and consider excess mineralocorticoid activity,

!!bicarbonate mild hypernatremia

!!potassium metabolic alkalosis
mineralocorticoid activity
!!blood pressure hypokalemia

If unremarkable, con-
!plasma renin
sider clinical situation
!history and physical exam

Iatrogenic Low renin High renin

• hypertonic dialysis
• hypertonic saline solutions
• hypertonic sodium bicarbonate Primary hyperaldosteronism Hyperreninism
• hypertonic tube feedings of TPN Cushing’s syndrome (renal artery
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia stenosis)
Excessive ingestion Pseudohyperaldosteronism
• excess salt in infant formula
• excessive sodium ingestion

!urine sodium UNa > 20 mEq/L
+ Other diuretics
• loop
• thiazide
UNa < 20 mEq/L

!urine osmolality (specific gravity)

!urine volume

B!urine osmolality B!urine osmolality ?!urine osmolality

?!urine volume B!urine volume B!urine volume

Extra-renal fluid loss Osmotic diuresis Diabetes insipidus

• osmotic diarrhea • hyperglycemia (! glucose) • central
• infections (e.g., pneumonia) • post-obstruction diuresis • nephrogenic
• burns • mannitol
• sweating

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Polydipsia is defined as increased thirst.

Fighting against

Polydipsia ych en


y d i p si

Polydipsia is increased thirst that triggers the ingestion of water. There
are two reasons for a patient to be polydipsic and ingest water:
Fighting hyperosmolality. Thirst and water ingestion are the
appropriate responses to plasma hyperosmolality.
Psychogenic polydipsia. Patients with psychogenic polydipsia
voluntarily drink enormous amounts of water.

Ingestion of water is the primary defense against hypernatremia.

This topic is reviewed in
Chapter 8, Hypernatremia.

Medical Greek:Polydipsiais a term which refers to excessive

thirstthat is typically chronic.
A common misconception is that polydipsia refers to the excess ingestion of. Polys:
much, many; dipsa: thirst.

There are ______ general causes of polydipsia: two

• Intact _______ mechanism in a patient who is battling thirst
• _________ polydipsia. Psychogenic

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Introduction!Polyuria, increased urine output, can cause or re-

sult from polydipsia.

Polydipsia Polyuria

Polydipsia and polyuria have an interesting relationship because either

one can cause the other.
Polyuria causing polydipsia occurs when large amounts of hypo-
tonic fluid are lost in the urine. To compensate for water lost in the urine,
the patient ingests large amounts of water to maintain normal plasma os-
molality. Polyuria causing polydipsia is from fighting hyperosmolality.
Polydipsia causing polyuria is due to psychogenic polydipsia. The
ingestion of large quantities of water dilutes plasma osmolality which sup-
presses ADH. Decreased ADH activity allows excretion of the excess ingested
Many patients complain of increased urination, often referring to urinary frequency or ur-
gency such as that seen in urinary tract infection. In this chapter
, the termpolyuriarefers
specifically to increased urine

Patients who are polydipsic secondary to hypovolemic hypernatremia are not polyuric.
causes the ingestion of water
, while ADH functions to conserve it. ADH
If is present, the
ingested water will not be excreted.

Polyuria causing polydipsia is due to the increased loss of hypo- aaa

tonic _______. The battle against hyperosmolality is fought by urine
_______ and the ingestion of water. thirst

Psychogenic polydipsia is the voluntary ingestion of large quan-

tities of water which causes _________. polyuria

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polydipsia causing polyuria!! Patients with psychogenic poly-

dipsia consume excessive quantities of water.

Psychogenic water consumption typically occurs in patients with under-

lying mental illness, typically schizophrenia. These patients, for unknown
reasons, compulsively drink enormous quantities of water. This can over-
whelm the excretory capacity of the kidney and result in symptomatic hy-
ponatremia. However, the typical presentation of psychogenic polydipsia is
severe polyuria.
If the problem is long-standing, the excessive tubular flow can wash out
the concentrated medullary interstitium. Because these patients lose their
concentrated medullary interstitium, they develop a partial nephrogenic
diabetes insipidus. This diabetes insipidus is only partial because the kid-
ney is still able to partially concentrate urine in the presence of ADH. Pa-
tients must be weaned from their excessive water consumption to prevent
dehydration and hypernatremia.
Institutionalized patients with psychogenic polydipsia are often on psy-
chotropic medicine which can worsen the condition. Antipsychotic medica-
tions and tricyclic antidepressants have anticholinergic side effects which
can cause dry mouth and stimulate thirst.
Psychogenic polydipsia is explained in further detail in Chapter
6, Patho-

Psychogenic polydipsia is a disorder of compulsive ______ ingestion. water

Ingestion of too much water can cause a partial ________ diabetes in- nephrogenic
sipidus due to washout of the __________ interstitium. medullary

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Loss of hypotonic urine can be

due to osmotic diuresis or diabetes insipidus.

Osmotic diuresis Diabetes insipidus


resorbable solutes

nonresorbable solutes


Polyuria causing polydipsia is due to the loss of large quantities of hypo-

tonic urine. This occurs in two types of disorders:
• osmotic diuresis
• diabetes insipidus

The causes of renal fluid loss which predispose to _____________ hypernatremia

and hyperosmolality are osmotic diuresis and diabetes __________. insipidus

These renal losses increase plasma _________ which stimulates osmolality

_________ and the ingestion of water. thirst
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Osmotic diuresis is due to in-

creased osmotically active particles in the nephron.

medullary interstitium collecting tubule medullary interstitium collecting tubule

osmolality osmolality osmolality osmolality

An osmotic diuresis is caused by nonresorbable solutes in the collecting

tubule. Additional solutes in the collecting tubule reduce the amount of water
that can be resorbed into the concentrated medullary interstitium. Since
less water can be resorbed, more water is excreted in the urine.
Osmotic diuresis occurs under the following conditions:
• relief of bladder outlet obstruction
• administration of mannitol
• hyperglycemia
• uremia
Regardless of the cause, an osmotic diuresis increases the urinary loss of
hypotonic fluid which raises plasma osmolality, triggering polydipsia.

The details of the mechanism and causes of osmotic diureses are reviewed in Chapter 8,
Hypernatremiapage 194.

Osmotic diuresis can be due to hyper-_________ and the admin- glycemia

istration of _________. mannitol

Osmotic diuresis predisposes to hyperosmolality by increasing

the loss of ______ in the urine. water

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!In diabetes in-

sipidus, the inability to concentrate urine is due to a lack of ADH activity.
daily solute load daily solute load

Normal kidney Kidney with diabetes insipidus

The normal kidney is able to concentrate The kidney with diabetes insipidus is unable
urine and may require as little as 500 mL to concentrate urine and may require up to 18
of water to excrete the daily solute load. liters of water to excrete the daily solute load.

Diabetes insipidus is a disorder characterized by the inability to produce

a concentrated urine. Because of the inability to concentrate urine, patients
with diabetes insipidus need to produce large amounts of dilute urine in
order to excrete the daily solute load. Obligatory urinary losses may be up
to 18 liters per day.
Patients who lose large amounts of dilute fluid in the urine must drink
large amounts of water to maintain normal plasma osmolality.
The inability to produce a concentrated urine in diabetes insipidus is due to
a lack of ADH activity. Therefore, an overview of the ADH axis and the patho-
physiology of water excretion is presented on the following pages. Following
this, specific disorders causing central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
are reviewed.

Remember that with diabetes insipidus, as with all other conditions which
generate hyper-
natremia, patients become thirsty as plasma osmolality rises; the ingestion of water main-
tains a normal plasma sodium concentration.

In diabetes insipidus, the kidney is unable to _________ urine; concentrate

therefore, it produces large amounts of __________ urine in or- dilute
der to excrete the daily _________ load. solute
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: ADH is secreted from the pituitary gland and acts at the
collecting tubule of the distal nephron.

ADH is
produced and stored here. ADH acts here.


hypothalamus AD




pituitary A

collecting tubule

ADH is synthesized in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the

hypothalamus and stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary. The major
stimuli for release of ADH are:
increased plasma osmolality
decreased effective circulating volume
ADH ADds Hydration to the body by forming a concentrated urine. ADH
acts at the collecting tubule to stimulate the insertion of preformed water
channels into the luminal side of the tubular cells. If the concentration of
the medullary interstitium is greater than the concentration of the tubular
fluid, water will flow into the medullary interstitium and be resorbed by the
ADH activity regulates the amount of water contained in urine. It does
not affect the amount of solute contained in urine.

ADH is synthesized in the supraoptic and paraventricular nu- aaa

clei of the _____________. hypothalamus

ADH causes the kidney to __________ water which ADds Hy- resorb
dration to the _______. body

The main function of ADH is to regulate plasma _________ by osmolality

controlling the excretion of _______. water

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

ADH and coagulation factors? What’s up with that?

Ruggeri and Munnucci noted that epi- DDAVP is the drug of choice in treat-
nephrine and stress increase the co- ing mild hemophilia A. Mild disease
agulation factors von Willebrand fac- is defined as a base-line factor VIII
tor and factor VIII. They conjectured level greater than 5% of normal. These
that this was probably due to a stress patients do not bleed spontaneously
hormone and began searching for this and typically are only treated follow-
hormone. Vasopressin, the human ing trauma or before undergoing sur-
form of ADH, is this hormone. gery.
Early experiments using ADH to cor- DDAVP is also the drug of choice for
rect coagulopathies were complicated most patients with type I von Wille-
by hypertension from the action of va- brand disease. Patients with type II
sopressin. DDAVP, a synthetic analog or III either do not produce von Wille-
of vasopressin, also increases the re- brand Factor or produce a defective
lease of factor VIII and von Willebrand form and are unresponsive to DDAVP.
factor, but does not raise blood pres-
DDAVP has been used in normal pa-
tients to reduce bleeding during heart
One of the remarkable findings in the surgery. Results have been mixed and
use of DDAVP is how fast the body re- at this time the use of DDAVP in nor-
sponds. Fifteen to thirty minutes af- mal patients is only investigational.
ter a dose of DDAVP, the bleeding time
DDAVP is used to correct the pro-
falls by 50-75%. Due to this fast ac-
longed bleeding time found in uremic
tion, it is believed that DDAVP does
not stimulate the production of clot-
ting factors, but rather causes the re- Common side effects of DDAVP in-
lease of pre-made factors from storage clude facial flushing, labile blood pres-
granules in the endothelial cells of the sure and headaches; rarely, abdomi-
blood vessels. nal cramping and diarrhea. Fluid re-
tention can be a problem, and careful
The theory of pre-made factor release
monitoring of urine output and plas-
can also explain the common finding
ma sodium should be done. Hypona-
of tachyphylaxis. Tachyphylaxis is a
tremic seizures have been reported in
decrease in effect after continued use
children using DDAVP. Critically ill
of a drug. After the factor stores are
patients or those with poor left ven-
depleted further, DDAVP is ineffective.
tricular function can be pushed into
congestive heart failure due to the flu-
id retention which occurs with

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: The formation of concentrated urine is a three-step




Na+ K+ Cl–

In order to understand the causes of diabetes insipidus, it is important to

review how the kidney normally concentrates urine. The concentration of
urine is a multistep process that depends on the coordinated action of the
hypothalamus, collecting tubule and loop of Henle.
Step one: the hypothalamus detects an increased osmolal-
ity and triggers the release of ADH.
Step two: the kidney responds to ADH by inserting water
channels into the walls of the collecting tubules which al-
lows water to be resorbed (i.e., water can be resorbed only if
step three is intact).
Step three: the loop of Henle creates and maintains the
concentrated medullary interstitium. This concentrated
medullary interstitium draws in water from the relatively
dilute collecting tubules.

The normal concentration of urine is a ________-step process three

that depends on the coordinated action of the ___________, col- hypothalamus
lecting tubule and the ______ of Henle. loop

The loop of Henle functions to maintain the concentrated

__________ interstitium which allows the osmotic resorption of medullary
water from the collecting ________. tubule

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Overview: The minimum daily urine volume is primarily affected

by the ability to concentrate urine.
In diabetes insipidus, the Normal kidneys can ex-
daily solute load is excreted crete the daily solute load
in a large amount of urine. in a small amount of urine.
minimum daily urine volume (L)



50 100 200 400 600 800 1200
maximum urinary concentration (mmol/L)
The graph shows the daily urine volume for several values of the maximum urinary con-
centration (50 to 1200 mmol/L), assuming a daily solute load of 600 mmol/day.
In diabetes insipidus, the amount of urine excreted per day depends on
the daily solute load and the maximum urinary concentration.
The daily solute load is the amount of solute that must be excreted in the
urine each day. The maximum urinary concentration is the highest urine
concentration the kidney can achieve. In healthy adults, it is 1200 to 1400
mmol/L. Due to a lack of ADH activity, it can be as low as 30 mmol/L in
diabetes insipidus.
The calculation for urine output (minimum daily urine volume) is the
daily solute load (10 ! weight in kg) divided by the maximum urinary con-
centration. For example, a 60 kg woman with a maximum urine osmolality
of 50 mmol/L has a minimum daily urine volume of 12 liters (600 mmol ÷ 50
mmol/L). Since 12 liters of urine must be produced each day, 12 liters of
water need to be ingested each day. If less than 12 liters of water are in-
gested, hypernatremia occurs.
Because thirst is such a powerful defense, hypernatremia is uncommon
in patients with diabetes insipidus unless access to water is prevented.
When calculating urine output in disorders associated with hyponatremia (see Chapter 6),
the termminimumurinary concentration is used insteadmaximum
of urinary concentration,
as shown above.This is because the primary defect in hyponatremia is inadequate water
excretion, while in diabetes insipidus, the primary defect is an inability to concentrate urine.

Patients with _________ insipidus cannot concentrate their urine. aaadiabetes

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Diabetes

insipidus is either central or nephrogenic.

1 2
Central diabetes insipidus Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
is characterized by an inability to is characterized by an inability of the kid-
release ADH. ney to respond to ADH.


There are two general categories of diabetes insipidus: central and neph-
rogenic. The distinction between the two depends on where the defect in the
ADH axis occurs.
Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is the inability of the hypothalamus
to secrete an adequate amount of ADH. Central diabetes is caused by a wide
variety of brain injuries.
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is secondary to a kidney defect
which prevents the formation of concentrated urine, despite adequate lev-
els of ADH. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is either congenital or acquired.
Both types of diabetes insipidus are characterized by an inability to con-
centrate urine, resulting in the excretion of a large volume of dilute urine.

There are two general types of diabetes insipidus:__________ central

and _________. nephrogenic

Both types of diabetes insipidus are characterized by an inabili-

ty to produce concentrated _______. urine

The two forms of diabetes insipidus are differentiated by the lo-

cation of the defect in the _________ axis. ADH

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Central!

Central diabetes insipidus is due to insults to the brain.

Neurosurgery AD Infections
hypophysectomy AD meningitis
Head trauma encephalitis

Idiopathic Granulomas
Vascular tuberculosis
cerebral hemorrhage Wegener's granulomatosis
cerebral thrombosis
cerebral aneurysm Ischemic encephalopathy
post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Mass Lesions Sheehan’s syndrome
brain tumors (primary and metastatic) (postpartum pituitary necrosis)
histiocytosis shock

Central diabetes insipidus occurs when one or more steps in the produc-
tion and secretion of ADH are disrupted so that an inadequate amount of
ADH reaches the kidney. Central diabetes insipidus can be caused by a wide
variety of insults to the brain. Up to 50% of cases are idiopathic.
The typical presentation of central diabetes insipidus is the sudden onset
of polyuria, polydipsia and nocturia in a patient 10 to 20 years old. An inter-
esting feature of patients with central diabetes insipidus is their preference
for ice cold water to satisfy their thirst.
The kidney in central diabetes insipidus is normal and responds to ADH
appropriately. Thus, when patients with central diabetes insipidus are given
ADH, they are able to produce concentrated urine.

ADH is synthesized in the hypothalamus which is located in aaa

the _______. brain

The defect in _________ diabetes insipidus is an inability of the central

brain to secrete adequate amounts of ADH.

Just about any ________ injury can result in central diabetes brain
____________. insipidus
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Central! ! An

unusual type of diabetes insipidus can occur during pregnancy.

opr ssinase
v as

Pregnancy can cause a strange type of central diabetes insipidus in which

the posterior pituitary produces normal or slightly elevated amounts of ADH,
but the hormone does not reach the kidney.
During the second half of pregnancy, the production of vasopressinase
increases. This enzyme inactivates vasopressin (ADH) so that it no longer
reaches the collecting tubules. This is a special case of central diabetes in-
sipidus because even though ADH is produced, it never reaches the kidney.

Although most causes of central diabetes insipidus involve aaa

CNS injury, __________ can also cause this disorder. pregnancy

During pregnancy, the enzyme _____________ is elevated. vasopressinase

Vasopressinase inactivates ______ so that it does not reach ADH

the ________. kidney

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Nephrogenic!

In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the kidney is unresponsive to ADH.



The loop of Henle must maintain a te
concentrated medullary interstitium.

Na+ K+ Cl–
The collecting tubule must
so be permeable to water.


Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is characterized by the inability of the

kidney to concentrate urine despite adequate levels of ADH. This can be
due to a defect in either step two or step three in the formation of a concen-
trated urine.
Step two: permeability of the collecting tubules to water.
In some disorders, the collecting tubules are not permeable to
water, even in the presence of ADH. If the collecting tubules are
impermeable to water, then tubular fluid cannot be resorbed and
is lost in the urine.
Step three: maintenance of a concentrated medullary in-
terstitium. Interference with the function of the loop of Henle
blocks the formation of the concentrated interstitium. This makes
the kidney unresponsive to ADH by eliminating the osmotic gra-
dient needed for water resorption in the collecting tubules.

In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, ______ levels are normal, ADH

but the kidney still cannot ___________ urine. concentrate

The collecting tubules are normally permeable to _______ in the water

presence of ADH.
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Nephrogenic!

NDI can be due to insensitivity of the collecting tubule to ADH.


so so


te te

so so

te te

Normal kidney Diabetes insipidus

In the presence of ADH, the collecting tu- Despite the presence of ADH, the
bules are permeable to water, allowing collecting tubules are impermeable
tubular fluid to flow into the medullary in- to water.

The causes of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus which interfere with the per-
meability of the collecting tubules to water include:
congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Demeclocycline, a tetracycline derivative, causes nephrogenic diabetes
insipidus as a side effect so regularly that it is used in the treatment of
SIADH (the unregulated, over-secretion of ADH).
Lithium is the drug of choice for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Due to
its widespread use, lithium is one of the most common causes of nephro-
genic diabetes insipidus. The inability to concentrate urine may occur within
a few months of initiating therapy. Although the impairment in renal con-
centrating ability occurs in 20% of patients on lithium, the defect is usually
reversible with discontinuation of the drug.

The two drugs which cause ___________ diabetes insipidus are nephrogenic
demeclocycline and ___________. lithium

Demeclocycline is used to treat ____________. SIADH

The nephrogenic diabetes insipidus caused by lithium is typi-

cally ____________ after stopping the drug. reversible

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Nephrogenic!

There is an inheritable form of NDI.

Father Mother Child

normal X normal X four possible
normal Y defective X outcomes

X XX Disease-free female with two normal

X chromosomes.

Disease-free male with one normal
Y X chromosome.

X Affected female with one normal and
one defective X chromosome. She
probably has a mild concentrating

Y Affected male with no normal X chro-
mosome. He has a severe urinary
concentrating defect.

Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is an X-linked trait. The de-

fect appears to be an ADH receptor which is unresponsive to ADH. Female
carriers are heterozygotes (one normal and one defective X chromosome).
The penetrance in female carriers is variable and ranges from asymptom-
atic to fully symptomatic with severe polyuria and polydipsia. Males with a
defective X chromosome do not have a normal copy of the gene. Affected
males are therefore unable to concentrate their urine and have severe dis-

Congenital NDI is an __-linked trait. X

Males with congenital NDI are usually fully __________. symptomatic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Nephrogenic!

Factors which interfere with the loop of Henle diminish the effect of ADH.

Normal kidney Diabetes insipidus


te te

so so



concentrated washed out

medullary interstitium medullary interstitium

The causes of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus which interfere with the

production of a concentrated medullary interstitium include:
• hypercalcemia
• hypokalemia
• loop diuretics
• sickle cell disease
All of these disorders affect the ability of the loop of Henle to pump sol-
utes into the medullary interstitium (step three in the formation of a con-
centrated urine). These causes of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are ex-
plained in detail on the following pages.

The cells of the ________ ____ ________ are responsible for creat- loop of Henle
ing the concentrated medullary interstitium.

Sickle _________ disease, hypercalcemia, _____-kalemia and cell; hypo

_______ diuretics and can cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. loop

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Nephrogenic!

Hypercalcemia, hypokalemia and loop diuretics interfere with the
function of the loop of Henle.

hypercalcemia H


ATP te

Na+, K +, so
2 Cl
– hypokalemia


loop diuretics


Hypercalcemia, hypokalemia and loop diuretics can interfere with the

formation of a concentrated medullary interstitium by inhibiting the func-
tion of the loop of Henle. Normally, the ascending loop of Henle creates the
concentrated medullary interstitium by pumping sodium, potassium and
chloride out of the tubules and into the medullary interstitium. This is ac-
complished by a Na-K-2 Cl transporter which is powered by ATP.
Hypercalcemia (plasma Ca++ > 11 mEq/L) can cause a reversible neph-
rogenic diabetes insipidus. The increased Ca++ makes the cells of the loop of
Henle more susceptible to the ischemic conditions in the apex of the loop,
causing increased cell death.
Hypokalemia (plasma K < 3 mEq/L) limits the function of the Na-K-2
Cl transporter in the ascending loop of Henle. This transporter requires
potassium in order to work properly.
Loop diuretics block the Na-K-2 Cl transporter in the ascending loop of

Hypercalcemia causes the cells of the loop of Henle to be more aaa

susceptible to the _______ conditions in the loop. ischemic

The _______ transporters which create the concentration gradi- Na-K-2 Cl

ent will stop working without sufficient tubular _______ levels. potassium

Loop diuretics block solute resorption in the _____ ___ ______ at loop of Henle
the site of the __________ transporter. Na-K-2 Cl
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Polyuria causing polydipsia!Diabetes insipidus!Nephrogenic!

Sickle cell anemia can cause ischemia in the loop of Henle.

va s a r e c t a

Oxygen diffuses down its

concentration gradient
and produces ischemia.

Loss of water increas-

es plasma osmolality.

Blood clots formed from sickled hemoglobin

interfere with the oxygen supply to the cells
of the loop of Henle which die from ischemia.

In sickle cell disease, the loop of Henle suffers ischemic damage because
the vasa recta, the blood supply of the loop of Henle, is a site of frequent
sickling. In sickle cell anemia, two conditions predispose the SS hemoglobin
to sickling:
decreased oxygen concentration
increased osmolality
Both of these conditions are present in the vasa recta of the loop of Henle.
When the SS hemoglobin sickles, blood flow to the vasa recta decreases
which disrupts the function of the loop of Henle. Initially, this causes a re-
versible concentrating defect which ultimately becomes permanent. A uni-
versal finding in sickle cell disease is an inability to maximally concentrate
urine by age ten.

The vasa recta has a decreased ________ concentration and in- oxygen
creased _________. osmolality

SS hemoglobin sickles when oxygen tension ______ or when falls

_______ rises; because these conditions exist in the loop of Henle, osmolality
patients with sickle cell (SS) disease thrombose their ______ ______ vasa recta
and wash out the concentrated __________ interstitium. medullary

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Diagnosis!The evaluation of polydipsia and polyuria focuses on

four main mechanisms.

head trauma
vascular disease
mass lesions
urea infections
glucose granulomas H
mannitol ischemia AD H
post-obstruction AD


hypercalcemia og
hypokalemia ych en

loop diuretics

sickle cell disease
congenital NDI
lithium ol
y d i p si

Polyuria and polydipsia are caused by four primary conditions:
• osmotic diuresis
• central diabetes insipidus
• nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
• psychogenic polydipsia
The first step in the evaluation of polyuria and polydipsia is to screen for
causes which can be evaluated simply. Therefore, the initial work-up in-
volves checking the following: calcium, potassium, glucose and BUN. Hy-
percalcemia and hypokalemia cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; hyper-
glycemia is a sign of diabetes mellitus which causes an osmotic diuresis;
increased BUN also causes an osmotic diuresis. Additionally, medications
should be reviewed for the presence of diuretics, mannitol and medications
with anticholinergic side effects.
If the clinical picture and simple screening do not yield an obvious diag-
nosis, the workup proceeds with a more detailed history and the water dep-
rivation test, described on the following pages.

The initial screen in the evaluation of polyuria and polydipsia aaa

is to check the electrolytes: ___________ and potassium. calcium

A plasma ________ level is checked to evaluate for the presence glucose

of diabetes mellitus which can cause an ___________ diuresis. osmotic
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Historical and clinical clues can help diagnose CDI,

NDI and psychogenic polydipsia.

central diabetes insipidus (CDI)


nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI)


ych en

ic psychogenic polydipsia

y d i p si

Historical clues and characteristics typical of CDI, NDI and psychogenic

polydipsia are listed below.

Disorder Characteristics ADH levels Plasma osmolality

Central Preference for cold water low high normal

diabetes insipidus Rapid onset
Severe nocturia
Age between 10 and 20 years

Nephrogenic Associated with hypercalcemia, high normal

diabetes insipidus hypokalemia, lithium or high
sickle cell anemia

Psychogenic Variable urine output day-to-day

polydipsia and hour-to-hour low low normal
Less severe nocturia

People with central diabetes insipidus prefer _____ water to satisfy cold
their thirst.

In diabetes insipidus and psychogenic polydipsia, the plasma osmolali-

ty is usually ________. normal

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Diagnosis!Water restriction test!The water restriction test is

a two-step procedure.
1 Restrict water 2 Administer ADH
until either:

time osmolality

0:00 80

1:00 320

2:00 600

3:30 1280

5:00 1280

urine osmolality
or plasma osmolality
stops increasing > 300 mmol/L

Although historical clues can be helpful, the diagnosis of CDI, NDI and
psychogenic polydipsia can be difficult. Distinguishing among these disor-
ders requires evaluation with the water restriction test. This two-step test
evaluates the integrity of the ADH axis.
Step one: restrict water. The goal of this step is to stimulate the maxi-
mum secretion of endogenous ADH. Withholding water causes the plasma
osmolality to rise which normally stimulates the release of ADH. Water re-
striction continues until the urine osmolality stops increasing (indicating
maximum ADH secretion) or the plasma osmolality is greater than 300 mmol/
L . This protocol induces maximum endogenous ADH stimulation while mini-
mizing the risk of hyperosmolality.
Step two: administer ADH. After maximum endogenous ADH levels
are reached, pharmaceutical vasopressin is given (DDAVP, Concentraid®).
Throughout the entire test, plasma sodium, plasma osmolality, urine out-
put and urine osmolality are measured every one to two hours.

The water restriction test consists of _____ steps. two

The first step consists of water __________ in order to induce restriction

maximal ______ secretion. ADH

Step two occurs after maximum endogenous ADH _________ has secretion
been reached. At this point, pharmaceutical ______ is given. vasopressin (ADH)
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Water restriction test!Step one of the water re-

striction test is to limit water intake.

Water restriction can have

the following effects:



time osmolality time osmolality time osmolality

0:00 80 0:00 80 0:00 80

1:00 320 1:00 140 1:00 80

2:00 600 2:30 254 2:00 80

3:30 1280 4:00 360 3:00 80

5:00 1280 5:30 360 5:30 80

Below is a summary of the three possible responses to water restriction:

• Normally, increased plasma osmolality will stimulate ADH
release and cause a drop in urine output and increase in
urine osmolality.
• In psychogenic polydipsia, the ADH axis is intact. Increased
plasma osmolality causes the release of ADH and the kid-
ney conserves water by concentrating the urine. Since pa-
tients with chronic psychogenic polydipsia typically have a
partial NDI, their concentrating ability is reduced, and the
maximum urinary concentration is lower than in normal
• In diabetes insipidus (central or nephrogenic), the ADH axis
is disrupted. The body is unable to respond to the increased
plasma osmolality by conserving water and concentrating
urine. Urine osmolality does not increase.

The first part of the water deprivation test _________ maximum stimulates
endogenous ADH production.

If the urine is concentrated, the ADH axis is _________ which intact

rules out the diagnosis of ________ ________, central or diabetes insipidus
_________. nephrogenic

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Diagnosis! ! Water restriction test!! Step two of the water re-

striction test is to administer ADH.

2 Administer ADH by injec-

tion or intranasal spray.


time osmolality time osmolality time osmolality

0:00 360 0:00 80 0:00 80

2:02 360 1:29 320 1:02 80

3:06 360 2:17 360 2:06 80

3:02 360 3:24 360 3:12 80

4:00 360 5:00 360 5:00 80

Additional ADH has no effect. Exogenous ADH allows the nor- Additional ADH has no effect.
mal kidneys to concentrate urine.

Step two of the water restriction test is the administration of exogenous ADH.
In psychogenic polydipsia and in normal controls, the addition of ADH in
part two does not cause a change in urine osmolality because maximal ADH
levels are already present from part one. Supra-physiologic levels of ADH
cannot raise the urine concentration beyond the concentration of the med-
ullary interstitium.
If the primary defect is an inability to produce ADH, as in central diabe-
tes insipidus, then the administration of exogenous ADH corrects the prob-
lem and causes the production of a concentrated urine. Central diabetes
insipidus is the only condition in which the urine concentration changes in
part two of the water restriction test.
In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the kidney is unresponsive to ADH
and whether there is a little or a lot of ADH matters not. Predictably, addi-
tion of ADH causes no change in the urine concentration.

Part two of the water deprivation test is the administration of aaa

exogenous ______. ADH

In healthy controls, patients with psychogenic polydipsia and

patients with ___________ diabetes insipidus, there is no nephrogenic
change in urine ____________ after administration of ADH. osmolality
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Central diabetes insipidus!The treatment for cen-

tral diabetes insipidus is replacement of ADH.



Treatment of central diabetes insipidus is the administration of DDAVP.

DDAVP is a synthetic analog of ADH which can be given intranasally in
order to replace the missing hormone in central diabetes insipidus. The start-
ing dose is 1 to 4 µg every 12 to 24 hours. The dose is titrated to reduce urine
output to a tolerable level. Overuse of DDAVP can cause over-dilution of the
plasma and hyponatremia (iatrogenic SIADH).
In CDI, replacement of ADH with DDAVP can lead to the complete reso-
lution of symptoms.

DDAVP is also used for children who are chronic bed-wetters (enuresis). When conserva-
tive treatment fails (e.g., no beverages after dinner
, voiding before going to bed and mid-
night wakening for a second round of voiding), DDAVP can be used to help improve urinary
concentrating ability and decrease the volume of nocturnal urine.

The primary morbidity of diabetes ___________ is frequent trips insipidus

to the bathroom and drinking _________. fountain

Treatment of central diabetes insipidus is ________ which is a DDAVP

synthetic ________ of vasopressin (the human form of ADH). analog

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Treatment!Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus!Diuretics can be

used to reduce urine production in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

low salt diet hypovolemia Volume depletion stimulates water

resorption which lowers urine output.

Once nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) has been identified, the ini-
tial goal of therapy is to remove offending agents and correct underlying
abnormalities. Lithium, demeclocycline and loop diuretics should all be dis-
continued. Potassium and calcium levels should be corrected.
If NDI is still present, then the focus of treatment is to reduce urine pro-
duction. Unfortunately, there are no specific treatments for the kidney's
unresponsiveness to ADH. One of the mainstays of treatment for NDI is the
administration of diuretics.
Although it is counter-intuitive to give diuretics to a patient complaining
of polyuria, diuretics actually decrease urine output in patients with NDI.
Thiazide diuretics, usually given in combination with a potassium sparing
diuretic, induce mild hypovolemia. Hypovolemia triggers the ADH-indepen-
dent regions of the kidney (mainly the proximal tubule) to increase water
resorption which reduces urine output.
During diuretic therapy for diabetes insipidus, it is important for the pa-
tient to adhere to a low salt diet to maintain the hypovolemic state. Liberal-
izing salt intake allows the kidney to restore euvolemia and return to poly-

Using diuretics in diabetes insipidus sounds like a ________ idea, crazy

but diuretics can reduce urine output by causing volume depletion.

Diuretic-induced hypovolemia causes the ADH-____________ re- independent

gions of the kidney to increase resorption of ________. water
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!! Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus!A low solute diet

reduces urine output in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Decrease the daily solute load

• low solute diet
daily solute load • low sodium intake
minimum daily
urine volume maximum urinary

In addition to treatment with diuretics, NDI is treated with a low solute

In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the maximum urinary concentration
is fixed at an abnormally low level; therefore, the amount of urine excreted
depends on the solute load. A high solute load requires a large urine vol-
ume, while a low solute load requires a lower urine volume.
As shown in the equation above, decreasing the daily solute load with a
low solute diet decreases the daily urine volume.

It is interesting that children with NDI favor a diet low in protein and rich in carbohydrates.
Protein is avoided because its metabolism produces urea which adds to the daily solute
load. Carbohydrates, however , are metabolized to CO2 and water. CO2 does not contribute
to the daily solute load because it is excreted through the lungs, and the water helps de-
crease the amount of water patients need to drink to replace urinary losses.

In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, urine output is dependent on urine

the daily _______ load. solute

A diet high in protein adds a ______ (small/large) amount of solute large

to the daily solute load.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 9 Polydipsia, Polyuria

Summary!Polydipsia, polyuria.
Polydipsia is increased thirst.
Polyuria is increased urine output.
Polydipsia and polyuria have an interesting relationship because either
can be the cause of the other.

Polydipsia Polyuria

Polydipsia causing polyuria is due to psychogenic polydipsia. Psy-

chogenic polydipsia is a disorder of compulsive water drinking.
Polyuria causing polydipsia is due to either:
• osmotic diuresis
• diabetes insipidus
Osmotic diuresis is an increase in urinary water loss due to the pres-
ence of nonresorbable solutes in the nephron. Increased solutes reduce the
amount of water that can be resorbed by the distal nephron.


• post-obstruction diuresis • hyperglycemia

• administration of mannitol • uremia

Diabetes insipidus is a disorder characterized by an inability to con-

centrate urine. Because of this inability, patients with diabetes insipidus
need to produce large amounts of dilute urine in order to excrete the daily
solute load. Diabetes insipidus can either be central or nephrogenic.


Central diabetes insipidus Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Polydipsia, polyuria.
Central diabetes insipidus occurs when an inadequate amount of ADH
reaches normal kidneys.

Granulomas Infections Ischemic encephalopathy Head trauma

• sarcoidosis • meningitis • post-cardiopulmonary Mass Lesions
• tuberculosis • encephalitis resuscitation • brain tumors
• Wegener's Vascular • Sheehan’s syndrome • histiocytosis
granulomatosis • cerebral aneurysm (postpartum pituitary necrosis)
Neurosurgery • cerebral hemorrhage • shock
• hypophysectomy • cerebral thrombosis

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is due to the inability to concentrate

urine despite adequate levels of ADH. It is caused by two types of defects:

• demeclocycline • congenital NDI • sickle cell disease • hypercalcemia

• lithium • loop diuretics • hypokalemia

Diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia. First, check for the obvious (e.g.,
neurosurgery) and easily-evaluated causes: hyperglycemia, hypokalemia
and hypercalcemia. If a diagnosis is not reached, administer the water
deprivation test. The water deprivation test is done in two parts.
Summary of potential responses to the water restriction test
Step one: • Normal patients: Urine osmolality increases.
restrict water.
• Psychogenic polydipsia: Urine osmolality increases, but not
as much as in normal patients.
• Diabetes insipidus (central and nephrogenic): Urine osmolal-
ity does not increase.

Step two: • Normal patients and psychogenic polydipsia: Since ADH secre-
give vasopressin. tion is already at a maximum, addition of more ADH does not
increase urine osmolality.
• Central diabetes insipidus: Since the kidneys are able to respond
normally to ADH, the addition of exogenous ADH does increase
urine osmolality.

• Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: Since the kidneys are unrespon-


sive to ADH, the addition of exogenous ADH does not increase

urine osmolality.

Treatment. CDI is treated with intranasal DDAVP.

NDI is treated with diuretics and a low solute diet.
Psychogenic polydipsia is treated with water restriction.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Acid-base physiology is not hard.

H+ H+

Acidemia Alkalemia
Acidemia is an increase in plasma hy- Alkalemia is a decrease in plasma hy-
drogen concentration above normal. drogen concentration below normal.
It is recognized by a hydrogen con- It is recognized by a hydrogen con-
centration above 45 nanomol/L or a centration below 35 nanomol/L or a
pH below 7.35. pH above 7.45.
Acidosis Alkalosis
Acidosis is a process which increas- Alkalosis is a process which decreas-
es plasma hydrogen concentration. es plasma hydrogen concentration.

Acid-base regulation is a subject which is often confusing and intimidat-

ing, despite the fact that it is simply the maintenance of a normal hydrogen
ion concentration.
Just as it is important to maintain a consistent concentration of sodium,
it is important to maintain a consistent concentration of hydrogen. Like-
wise, just as there are defenses to keep the sodium concentration within
normal limits, there are defenses to keep the hydrogen concentration within
normal limits.
This chapter discusses how hydrogen is measured and how the body de-
fends against changes in its concentration.

Acid-base regulation is the maintenance of a normal plasma aaa

___________ concentration. hydrogen

Acidemia is a(n) __________ (increase/decrease) in plasma hy- increase

drogen concentration.

___________ is a process which decreases plasma hydrogen con- Alkalosis


S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Measuring hydrogen!Normal plasma hydrogen concentration

is 40 nanomoles/liter.

16 40 160
nanomol/L nanomol/L nanomol/L

0 50 100 150

0.00004 mEq/L


The normal plasma hydrogen concentration is 40 nanomoles per liter (na-

nomol/L) and can normally range between 35 and 45 nanomol/L. The range
of hydrogen concentration that is compatible with life is between 16 and
160 nanomol/L.
Note the units: one nanomole is ⁄₁)₀₀₀)₀₀₀)₀₀₀ of a mole. Remember that
sodium and potassium are measured in millimoles which are ⁄₁)₀₀₀ of a
mole. Thus, hydrogen is measured in units which are six orders of magni-
tude (a million times) smaller than any other physiologically important ion.
Because hydrogen is a univalent ion (has a charge of one), the molar con-
centration is equal to the equivalent concentration. For example, 40 nano-
mol/L is the same as 40 nanoequivalents/L (nanoEq/L).

Normal _____________ concentration is 40 nanomol/L. hydrogen

Hydrogen concentrations less than 16 or greater than 160

nanomol/L are not compatible with __________. life

75 nanomoles of hydrogen is the same as 75

________________ of hydrogen. nanoequivalents

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Measuring hydrogen!Hydrogen concentration, like earthquakes,

is measured on a logarithmic scale.
200 200

180 180

160 160

nanoequivalents / liter 140 140

120 120

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8

Unfortunately, hydrogen concentration is not usually expressed simply

as nanomol/L. Instead, hydrogen concentration is expressed as the negative
log of its concentration. The symbol for negative log is p; thus, pH is the
negative log of the hydrogen concentration (in mol/L) and is how hydrogen
concentration is usually expressed.
In a log scale, 1 = 101 or 10; 2 = 102 or 100; and 3 = 103 or 1,000. In a
negative log scale, 1 = 10-1 or ¹⁄₁₀, 2 = 10-2 or ¹⁄₁₀₀, and 3 = 10-3 or ¹⁄₁)₀₀₀. The
negative log is one over the positive log (the inverse). Using the normal pH
of 7.4 as an example, the hydrogen concentration is 10-7.4 or ⁄₁₀⁷⁴ which
equals 0.00000004 mol/L or 40 nanomol/L. An acidic pH of 7.2 is ⁄₁₀⁷²
which is .0000001 mol/L or 100 nanomol/L.
As pH decreases, hydrogen concentration increases. Thus, an unfortu-
nate side effect of the negative log scale is that a high pH represents a low
concentration of hydrogen, and a low pH represents a high concentration of

A decrease in pH is a(n) ____________ (increase/decrease) in hydrogen increase


A hydrogen concentration of 40 nanomol/L is the same as a pH of ____. 7.4

A solution with a pH of 2 has _________ times more hydrogen ions 100

than a solution with a pH of 4.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Measuring hydrogen!Plasma pH is normally 7.4.

10-fold difference = one log unit

16 40 160
nanomol/L nanomol/L nanomol/L
0 50 100 150

7.30 7.00 6.82

7.8 7.4 6.8


The normal plasma hydrogen concentration of 40 nanomol/L corresponds

to a pH of 7.4. The normal range of 35 to 45 nanomol/L corresponds to a pH
range of 7.45 to 7.35. A plasma pH above 7.45 represents a low concentra-
tion of hydrogen and is known as alkalemia. A plasma pH below 7.35 repre-
sents a high concentration of hydrogen and is known as acidemia.
A process which increases pH (decreases hydrogen concentration) is an
alkalosis; a process which decreases pH (increases hydrogen concentration)
is an acidosis. An alkalosis or acidosis may be present regardless of the pH.
For example, if the plasma pH is 7.8 and decreases to 7.5, an acidosis has
occurred despite the persistent alkalemia.
16 to 160 nanomol ⁄ L, the range of pH that is compatible with life, is a
ten-fold change and represents one log unit, 7.8 to 6.8. Remember that in a
negative log scale, a decrease of one is an increase by a factor of ten.

A plasma pH above 7.45 represents ___________ which is a(n) alkalemia

__________ (increase/decrease) in hydrogen concentration. decrease

A plasma pH below 7.35 represents ____________ which is a(n) acidemia

__________ (increase/decrease) in hydrogen concentration. increase

An ___________ is a process which increases pH and an alkalosis

___________ is a process which decreases pH. acidosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Measuring hydrogen!Like other important ions, only free hy-

drogen ion is physiologically active.

H+ A- H+ HCO3 H+

Free hydrogen ion Bound hydrogen ion

actively affects cellular pro- is inactive and has no effect on cel-
tein structure and function. lular protein structure and function.

Free hydrogen ion is physiologically active while hydrogen bound to other

atoms is inert. Free hydrogen is a rather destructive particle. It is able to
bind to proteins, altering both structure and function. With an increase in
hydrogen ion concentration, structural proteins weaken and enzymes lose
their activity.
An increase in hydrogen concentration in the blood, acidemia, has a wide
range of severe consequences due to the destructive nature of hydrogen. On
the other hand, the destructive action of hydrogen ion is used advantageously
in the stomach to aid digestion.
When plasma hydrogen is measured in hospital labs, only free hydrogen
concentration is measured and reported as pH.

The specific consequences of severe acidemia are reviewed in ChapterMetabolic

13, Aci-
dosis:Anion Gap, page 362.

Plasma hydrogen is either free or _______ to other molecules. bound

Only _______ hydrogen is physiologically active. free

Only ______ hydrogen is measured in hospital labs. free

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Clinical correlation: Only free calcium is active, but total calci-

um is usually measured.

total Ca ++
albumin Ca++
protein Ca++
calcium HCO3 Ca++
ionized (free) bound calcium

With all ions, only the free form is active. Usually, only the free form
of an ion is measured, but one notable exception is calcium. The cal-
cium concentration reported on routine chemistry panels is the total
calcium content, bound and free. The ionized (free) calcium must be
specially ordered. (The blood sample for ionized calcium needs to be
drawn in an ABG syringe and placed on ice.)
Normal total calcium concentration is between 8.5 and 10 mg/dL.
Since about 50% of total calcium is bound to protein, measurements of
total calcium can vary depending on the protein concentration. The cor-
rection for total calcium in the presence of a low plasma albumin con-
centration is as follows: for every 1 gram/dL the albumin concentration
is below normal, 0.8 mg/dL is added to the total calcium. The formula is:
corrected calcium = [ 0.8 ! (4.0 - measured albumin)] + measured calcium

For example, a measured total calcium of 6.5 mg/dL is worrisome,

potentially requiring prompt treatment and evaluation. If, however, the
total calcium of 6.5 mg/dL is associated with an albumin of 1.5 g/dL, the
total calcium must be corrected for the albumin concentration. Since
normal albumin concentration is 4 g/dL, this albumin concentration is
2.5 g/dL below normal (4.0 - 1.5) and the correction factor is 2.5 ! 0.8 =
2.0; 2.0 + 6.5 = 8.5 mg/dL. The corrected calcium concentration is 8.5
mg/dL which is in the normal range. Since hypocalcemia is not truly
present, treatment and evaluation for hypocalcemia is not necessary.
Like albumin, hydrogen levels can alsofect
af free calcium concentration. Hydrogen
cations can displace calcium bound to albumin and increase the free calcium level. If
the hydrogen concentration is high (pH is low), free calcium is also high. When pa-
tients have both acidemia (low pH) and hypocalcemia, the hypocalcemia must be
corrected before the acidemia. If the acidosis is corrected first (hydrogen concentra-
tion decreases), more albumin is available to bind to calcium, further lowering the free
calcium level.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Buffering!The concentration of free hydrogen is controlled by

buffers which function as hydrogen sponges.

High pH
When hydrogen concentra-
tion is low (pH high), hydro- A- H+ H+ A-
gen sponges release hydro-
gen and increase the free
sponge with free hydrogen ion sponge
hydrogen concentration. hydrogen

Low pH
When hydrogen concentra-
tion is high (pH low), hydro-
gen sponges absorb hydro-
H+ A- A- H+
gen and decrease the free
hydrogen concentration. free hydrogen ion sponge sponge with

Because free hydrogen ion is so reactive, tight control of its concentration

is essential. The major mechanism for regulating hydrogen concentration is
through the action of buffers. Buffers are molecules that are like hydrogen
sponges which absorb or release hydrogen ions depending on the hydrogen
The reaction between a sponge (buffer) and free hydrogen ion can go in
either direction (i.e., it is reversible). When hydrogen concentration falls
(pH rises), hydrogen sponges release hydrogen and increase the concentra-
tion of free hydrogen. When hydrogen concentration increases (pH falls),
hydrogen sponges absorb hydrogen and reduce hydrogen concentration.
The major hydrogen sponges (buffers) are bicarbonate, hemoglobin, phos-
phate and bone.

Free hydrogen concentration is regulated by buffers which act aaa

as hydrogen __________. sponges

When the pH increases, hydrogen sponges _______ hydrogen. release

When the pH decreases, hydrogen sponges ________ hydrogen. absorb

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Buffering!Each hydrogen sponge has an associated Ka which

indicates its ability to absorb hydrogen.

[ H+] [A ] -

[A ]- H+

[ H+ ] [ A- ] [ ][ ]
H+ A-

Ka Ka
[ ]
A- H+ [ A- H ] +

A poorly absorbent sponge has a high Ka: A highly absorbent sponge has a low Ka:
the majority of hydrogen is free. the majority of hydrogen is bound.

Each type of hydrogen sponge (buffer) has an associated absorbancy which

reflects its propensity to bind or release hydrogen. When highly absorbent
sponges are in a solution with hydrogen ions, most hydrogen ions are bound
to sponges and few are free. Poorly absorbent sponges are unable to hold
hydrogen ions so that, at equilibrium, most of the hydrogen is free.
The absorbancy of each sponge is represented by its Ka. Ka is the ratio of
unbound hydrogen and unbound sponge to bound hydrogen and sponge at
A high Ka signifies that at equilibrium the majority of hydrogen ions are
free; a low Ka signifies that at equilibrium the majority of hydrogen ions
are bound to sponges. Therefore, a poorly absorbent sponge (buffer) has a
high Ka and a highly absorbent sponge has a low Ka.

Ka is a constant which reflects the _________ of a sponge. absorbancy

Sponges with a high Ka are ______ absorbent sponges. poorly

Sponges with a low Ka are _____ absorbent sponges. highly

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Buffering!The pKa is the negative log of the Ka.

[ H+ ] [A ] -

[A ]
- H+

[ H+ ] [A ] -

– log ! Ka ! – log
[A ]
- H+

[A ] - H+

[ ] [A ] H+ -

The Ka of hydrogen ion sponges ranges from tiny to huge. The Ka for HCl
is over 1,000,000 (10 6) and the Ka for bicarbonate is less than 0.000001
(10 ). A large Ka, as with HCl, means that at equilibrium the vast majority
of the hydrogen ions are free. A small Ka, as with bicarbonate, means that
the majority of hydrogen ions are bound.
To keep track of such a wide range of values, chemists again applied the
magic of the negative log to create the pKa.
pKa = – log Ka
A high pKa means that at equilibrium hydrogen is mostly bound to the
buffer, while a low pKa indicates that at equilibrium most of the hydrogen
is free.

The Ka represents the ____________ of a hydrogen sponge. absorbancy

The Ka is the ratio of __________ hydrogen to bound hydrogen. free

The pKa is the ____________ log of the Ka. negative

A large pKa means that hydrogen is mostly ____________. bound

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Buffering!The primary hydrogen buffer is bicarbonate.

Low pH (B hydrogen + bicarbonate ‰ H2CO3 ‰ water + carbon dioxide
When the pH is low, bicarbon-
ate binds (absorbs) excess hy-
drogen forming H2CO 3 which H+ + HCO3 ‰ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‰!!!!!!!!!"
breaks down into water and car-
bon dioxide.

High pH (? hydrogen + bicarbonate ˆ H2CO3 ˆ water + carbon dioxide
When pH is high, water and car-
bon dioxide combine to form H+ + HCO3 ˆ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ˆ!!!!!!!!!"
H2CO3 which breaks down into
bicarbonate and hydrogen. This
increases the hydrogen concen-
tration. From these equations, it is clear that a fall in pH results in the con-
sumption of bicarbonate and an accumulation of CO2, while an in-
crease in pH results in the consumption of CO2 and an accumula-
tion of bicarbonate.

Bicarbonate (HCO3 ) is the primary hydrogen sponge (buffer) in the body.
Bicarbonate is able to reversibly bind hydrogen so that it can release hydro-
gen when hydrogen is scarce and bind hydrogen when hydrogen is plentiful.
When the hydrogen concentration is increased (pH is low), hydrogen and
bicarbonate combine to form H2CO3. H2CO3 is then broken down by carbonic
anhydrase into water and carbon dioxide. Thus, the presence of excess hy-
drogen ion causes the consumption of bicarbonate and the formation of wa-
ter and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide formed in this reaction is elimi-
nated by the lungs.
When the hydrogen concentration is decreased (pH is high), the reaction
is forced in the reverse direction. Hydrogen is replenished by the break down
of H2CO3 into hydrogen and bicarbonate. Since H2CO3 is produced from car-
bon dioxide and water, hydrogen and bicarbonate concentrations increase
while water and CO2 are consumed. The excess bicarbonate formed in this
reaction must be excreted by the kidney.

___________ is the primary hydrogen sponge in the body. Bicarbonate

When the pH falls, ___________ combines with bicarbonate to form hydrogen

H2CO3 which is broken down into water and _________ _________. carbon dioxide

H2CO3 is unstable and disassociates into hydrogen ion and bicar-

bonate or water and carbon dioxide depending on the _______. pH

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Buffering!The concentrations of hydrogen, bicarbonate and

carbon dioxide are tied together by the Ka of bicarbonate.
H2O + CO2 C"H2CO3 C"H+ + HCO3– This equation represents the relationship of water,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen and bicarbonate in the

H2O + CO2 C"H2CO3 C"H+ + HCO3– H2CO3– is rapidly broken down by carbonic anhy-
drase (the fastest enzyme in the body). Since it is
H2O + CO2 C"H+ + HCO3– so transient, it is dropped from the equation.

[H+ ] [HCO3– ] The Ka of bicarbonate is the ratio of the products

Ka = (H+ and HCO3–) to the reactants (H2O and CO2) of
[H2O] [CO2]
the above reaction.

[H+ ] [HCO3– ] Unlike H+, HCO3– and CO2, the concentration of wa-
[H2O] ! Ka = ! [H2O] ter in the body does not change (i.e., it is a con-
[H2O] [CO2]
stant). By multiplying both sides of the equation by
this constant, H2O drops out of the right-hand side
of the equation.

[H+ ] [HCO3– ] This simplified formula defines the relationship of

Ka' = bicarbonate to hydrogen and carbon dioxide in terms
of its Ka. The term Ka' represents Ka ! [H2O].

[H+ ] [HCO3– ] Ka', the ratio of H+ and HCO3– to CO2, is a constant;

Ka' = = 800 nanomol/L
[CO2] its value is 800 nanomol/L.

As demonstrated by the final equation above, the Ka of bicarbonate is the

ratio of hydrogen and bicarbonate to carbon dioxide. The Ka of bicarbonate
is a constant. At equilibrium, the Ka of bicarbonate has a fixed value of 800

The Ka of bicarbonate is the ratio of hydrogen and bicarbon- aaa

ate to ________ ________. carbon dioxide

The Ka of bicarbonate is a _________ with a fixed value of constant

800 nanomol/L.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Buffering!The equation for the Ka' of bicarbonate can be rearranged

to create the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
[H+ ] [HCO3– ] This is the formula for the Ka of bicarbon-
Ka' = ate which defines the relationship of bicar-
bonate and hydrogen to carbon dioxide.

[CO2] [H+ ] [HCO3– ] [CO2] The initial equation can be solved for H+
Ka' =
[HCO3– ] [CO2] [HCO3– ] by multiplying both sides of the equation
by: CO2 / HCO3–.
Ka' = [H+ ]
[HCO3– ]

[H+ ] = Ka' The equation is rearranged so that H+ is
[HCO3– ] on the left side.

[CO2] After both sides of the equation are multi-

– log ! [H+ ] = Ka' ! – log
[HCO3– ] plied by a negative log, what results is…

[HCO3– ]
pH = pKa' + log [CO ] The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

Since carbon dioxide is typically measured

[HCO ] in partial pressure, a conversion factor is
pH = 6.1 + log added to the denominator. The value for
0.03 PCO2
pKa' (the negative log of 800 = 6.1) is also

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation defines acid-base behavior in the

body. With it, pH can be calculated with only the concentration of bicarbon-
ate and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Below, it is used to calculate
the pH from the normal values for bicarbonate and PCO2 (24 and 40, respec-
tively): 24
pH = 6.1 + log
0.03 ! 40
pH = 6.1 + log
pH = 6.1 + log 20
pH = 6.1 + 1.3

pH = 7.4

Although there are other types of buf fers besides bicarbonate (e.g., phosphate, hemoglo-
bin), all of the buf
fer systems work in parallel.
Therefore, examination of one buf
fer system,
such as bicarbonate, is sufficient to describe the fect
ef of all buffers on pH.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Mantra!The relationship defined by the Henderson-Hasselbalch for-

mula is the mantra of acid-base physiology. Commit it to memory.

The Mantra
[HCO3– ]
pH = pKa + log

[HCO3– ]
pH |

Acidity = Bicarbonate
Carbon Dioxide

A = B⁄C D
These equations show that pH is simply the ratio of bicarbonate to CO2.
Changes in pH and acid-base disorders only occur when there is a change in
bicarbonate and/or PCO2.
Since pH is the ratio of bicarbonate to PCO2, keeping the pH constant
depends on keeping the ratio constant. If one component changes, then the
other must change in the same direction in order to maintain a constant
ratio (and hence a constant pH).

The Henderson-Hasselbalch formula is the _______________ mantra

of acid-base physiology.

The Henderson-Hasselbalch formula can be simplified to pH

| _________/____________. HCO3–; CO2

An easy way to remember this is Acidity = _____________ Bicarbonate

over Carbon Dioxide, or A = __________/__________. B/C D

A constant pH is maintained by keeping the ratio of

_____________ to P CO2 constant. bicarbonate

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Mantra!An alteration in pH is the result of an alteration in the man-

tra of acid-base. It can only result from a change in HCO3 or CO2.


pH |! pH |!


pH |! pH |!

Primary acid-base disorders are due to either a change in bicarbonate or

a change in PCO2. Acidemia (a pH less than 7.4) can be due to either a de-
crease in bicarbonate or an increase in PCO2. Alkalemia (a pH greater than
7.4) can be due to either an increase in bicarbonate or a decrease in PCO2.

If the change in pH is due to a change in HCO3 , then a metabolic disorder
is present. If the change in pH is due to a change in PCO2, then a respiratory
disorder is present. Metabolic acid-base disorders are due to a wide variety
of metabolic derangements which affect plasma bicarbonate, while respira-
tory disorders are only due to disorders which affect respiration.

Metabolic acidosis ................................ decreased HCO3– ................... decreases pH.

Metabolic alkalosis ............................... increased HCO3– ....................... increases pH.
Respiratory acidosis ........................... increased PCO2 ......................... decreases pH.
Respiratory alkalosis .......................... decreased PCO2 .......................... increases pH.

For the purposes of acid-base interpretation, changes in pH above and below 7.4 are used,
as opposed to alterations from the normal range of 7.35 to 7.45. For the remainder of this
book, acidemia and alkalemia are defined by pH less than and greater than 7.4, respectively

A primary acid-base disorder is characterized by the presence of one

onlytype of acid-base
disturbance. For example, in respiratory acidosis, the primary disturbance is hypoventila-
P 2 and decreases pH.As will be discussed, multiple acid-base
tion which increases theCO
disorders can be present at the same time.

If the change in pH is secondary to a change in bicarbonate con- aaa

centration, then a ___________ acid-base disorder is present. metabolic

If the change in pH is secondary to a change in the partial pres-

sure of CO2, then a __________ acid-base disorder is present. respiratory

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!The compensation for a change in pH is a

change in the remaining mantra variable.

Metabolic acid-base disor- HCO3– HCO3– Compensation for meta-

ders are due to changes in pH |! pH |! bolic acid-base disorders is
CO2 CO2 by a change in PCO2 in the
bicarbonate concentration. A
low bicarbonate occurs with same direction as the
a metabolic acidosis and a change in bicarbonate. The
high bicarbonate occurs with HCO3– HCO3– change in PCO2 brings the
a metabolic alkalosis. pH |! pH |! pH closer to normal.

Respiratory acid-base dis- HCO3– HCO3– Compensation for respira-

orders are due to changes pH |! pH |! tory acid-base disorders is
in PCO2. A high PCO2 caus- a change in bicarbonate in
es a respiratory acidosis and the same direction as the
low PCO2 causes a respira- HCO3– HCO3– change in P CO2 . This
tory alkalosis. pH |! pH |! brings the pH closer to nor-
CO2 CO2 mal.

Maintaining pH within a normal range is accomplished by keeping the

ratio between bicarbonate and carbon dioxide constant. When a change in
one factor occurs, the other factor changes in the same direction.
Compensation is always in the same direction as the primary change.
It should be noted that compensation only brings the pH toward normal;
it cannot bring the pH completely back to normal. For complete correction
of pH to occur, the primary cause must be corrected. The compensation for
the primary acid-base disorders is reviewed above.

Maintaining a normal pH is accomplished by keeping the aaa

_______ between bicarbonate and carbon dioxide constant. ratio

The compensatory change in acid-base disorders always occurs

in the _______ direction as the primary change. same

Although compensation will bring the pH toward normal, it

cannot completely__________ it. correct

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Compensation!Changes in PCO2 are controlled by the lungs and

changes in bicarbonate are controlled by the kidney.

Normal PCO2: 40 mmHg Normal bicarbonate: 24 mEq/L

The lungs affect the plasma The kidney affects the plasma bicarbon-
PCO2 by increasing or de- ate concentration by increasing or decreas-
creasing ventilation. ing bicarbonate excretion and production.

The compensation for acid-base disorders is the adjustment of PCO2 or

bicarbonate. PCO2 is regulated by the lungs and bicarbonate is regulated by
the kidney.
A primary function of the lungs is to deliver oxygen and eliminate CO2.
The rate of CO2 elimination is dependent on ventilation (respiratory rate !
tidal volume). Normally, PCO2 is kept at 40 mmHg. Increased ventilation
increases the removal of CO2 and decreases plasma PCO2. Decreased venti-
lation decreases the removal of CO2, increasing plasma PCO2.
A primary function of the kidney is to maintain a consistent level of plasma
electrolytes, including bicarbonate. The kidney regulates plasma bicarbon-
ate by altering its excretion and production. Normally, plasma bicarbonate
is kept at 24 mEq/L. Increased bicarbonate excretion in the urine decreases
plasma bicarbonate concentration. Decreased excretion and increased pro-
duction of bicarbonate increase plasma bicarbonate.

The __________ regulate PCO2; increased ventilation causes lungs

PCO2 to ___________ (increase/decrease) and decreased ventila- decrease
tion causes PCO2 to ___________ (increase/decrease). increase

The ___________ regulates bicarbonate concentration. kidney

Normal PCO2 is _____ mmHg and normal bicarbonate concentra- 40

tion is _______mEq/L. 24

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Compensation for metabolic acidosis or alkalo-

sis is a change in PCO2.

pH |! C pH |!
metabolic acidosis
increased ventilation
decreases PCO2

pH |! C pH |!
metabolic alkalosis
C decreased ventilation
C increases PCO2

In order to compensate for metabolic acid-base disorders, the lungs in-

crease or decrease the PCO2 through changes in ventilation.
In metabolic acidosis (decreased bicarbonate), the PCO2 must decrease
to maintain the ratio of bicarbonate to P CO2. A decrease in plasma PCO2 is
achieved by an increase in ventilation.
In metabolic alkalosis (increased bicarbonate), the PCO2 must increase
to maintain the ratio of bicarbonate to PCO2. An increase in plasma PCO2 is
achieved by a decrease in ventilation.
One feature of metabolic disorders with respiratory is that the pH, bicar-
bonate and PCO2 all change in the same direction. This is a quick way to
identify a metabolic acid-base disorder.
If all three components of the Henderson-Hasselbalch formula change in
the same direction, then a metabolic acid-base disorder is present.

To compensate for metabolic alkalosis the PCO2 must _________; increase

thus, ventilation must __________. decrease

To compensate for metabolic acidosis the PCO2 must __________; decrease

thus, ventilation must __________. increase

In metabolic acid-base disorders, the bicarbonate and PCO2

change in the ______ direction as the pH. same

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Compensation!In respiratory compensation for metabolic acido-

sis or alkalosis, the PCO2 changes by a predictable amount.
24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

lo sis 50
Normal a
o lic 46

Me 42
PCO2 (mmHg)

40 40
34 s is
i do
26 l ic
a bo
22 et
20 M
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

Respiratory compensation for metabolic acid-base disorders is a physi-

ologic response that occurs immediately after a primary change in bicar-
bonate concentration. The change in PCO2 for a given change in bicarbonate
is predictable, as described by the following equations.

Expected P CO2 = (1.5 ! HCO3–) + 8 " 2 Expected PCO2 = 0.7 ! HCO3– + 20 " 1.5

The expected range of PCO2 for HCO3 levels in metabolic disorders can
also be depicted graphically, as above. The PCO2 values within the dark grey
bands are the appropriate respiratory compensation for metabolic acid-base
The lowest the PCO2 can fall in metabolic acidosis is about 10 mmHg,
while the highest it can reach in metabolic alkalosis is about 60 mmHg.
Please note that there are many dif
ferent formulas and rules available to assess compensa-
tion in both metabolic and respiratory acid-base disorders.
The formulas and rules used to
assess compensation should be thought of as estimates, and some variability does exist.

Calculate the expected PCO2 in metabolic acidosis if the 33 to 37

HCO3– is 18. [(1.5 ! 18) + 8 " 2]

Calculate the expected PCO2 in metabolic alkalosis if the 40.9 to 43.9

HCO3– is 32. (0.7 ! 32) + 20 " 1.5

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Compensation for respiratory acidosis or alka-

losis is a change in HCO3 . –


pH |! pH |!

respiratory acidosis

pH |! pH |!

respiratory alkalosis HCO –

3 –
HC –


Respiratory acid-base disorders are compensated by a change in plasma

bicarbonate concentration. Changes in plasma bicarbonate are controlled
through changes in its excretion by the kidney. Unlike respiratory compen-
sation which occurs immediately after a change in pH, renal compensation
takes hours to days to occur.
In respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate must increase to maintain the
ratio between bicarbonate and PCO2. An increase in plasma bicarbonate is
achieved by decreased excretion and increased production of bicarbonate.
In respiratory alkalosis, the bicarbonate must decrease to maintain the
ratio between bicarbonate and PCO2. A decrease in plasma bicarbonate is
achieved by increased renal excretion of bicarbonate.
In respiratory acid-base disorders, the pH changes in the opposite direc-
tion as the change in bicarbonate and PCO2.

To compensate for respiratory alkalosis, plasma bicarbonate aaa

_________. decreases

To compensate for respiratory acidosis, plasma bicarbonate

__________. increases

In respiratory acid-base disorders, the pH and the bicarbonate

change in the __________ direction. opposite

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Compensation!The compensation for acute respiratory acid-

base disorders is small.
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

26 atory acidosi
Acute respir
24 Normal
22 l k a l o sis
20 c u t e respir
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
PCO2 (mmHg)

The renal compensation for respiratory acid-base disorders begins within

hours of the change in pH, but takes days to reach its full potential. Respi-
ratory acid-base disorders are defined as acute when they exist before renal
compensation is complete. Because acute disorders are incompletely com-
pensated, the change in the bicarbonate for a given change in PCO2 is mini-
mal. (The small change in bicarbonate that does occur is due to buffering.)
The expected change in bicarbonate for a given change in PCO2 is described
in the equations below. In addition to the equations, it is useful to think of
compensation in terms of the ratio of change. For example, in acute respira-
tory acidosis, the bicarbonate increases 1 mEq/L for every 10 mmHg in-
crease in PCO2.


expected HCO3– = 24 + (PCO – 40) 10

2 expected HCO3– = 24 –

(40 –5P ) CO2

BHCO3– : BPCO2 .................................................... 1 : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?HCO

10 3
:!?PCO2 ...................................................... 2 : 10

Compensation for respiratory disorders is by a change in __________. bicarbonate

Acute respiratory disorders exist before _______ compensation is renal

____________. complete

In acute respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate ___________ (falls/ climbs

climbs) 1 mEq/L for every _____ mmHg the PCO2 rises. ten

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Respiratory acid-base disorders are defined as

chronic when renal compensation is complete.

36 is
34 ci dos
to ry a
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

32 pira
30 on ic r
28 Chr
26 atory acidosi
Acute respir
24 Normal
22 l k a l o sis
tory a is
20 cute respira los
a lka
A r y
18 rato
r e spi
16 ic
14 Ch
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
PCO2 (mmHg)

The change in bicarbonate for a given P CO2 is much greater in chronic

than acute respiratory disorders. A respiratory acid-base disorder is de-
fined as chronic only after renal compensation has reached its full poten-
The change in bicarbonate for a given change in PCO2 is predictable, as
described by the following equations.


expected HCO3– = 24 + 3 " ( 40 –10P ) CO2

expected HCO3– = 24 – (40 –2.5PCO ) 2

!!!!B HCO3– : B PCO2 ...................................................... 3 : 10 !!? HCO3– : ? PCO2 ............................................... 4 : 10

A respiratory acid-base disorder is defined as ________ if re- chronic

nal compensation is complete.

In chronic respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate ______ (rises/ rises

falls) _____ mEq/L for every 10 mmHg the PCO2 rises. three

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Compensation!Compensation results in a pH which is closer to

primary change compensatory
change in pH response


metabolic acidosis pH |! pH |!

metabolic alkalosis HCO3– pH |! pH |!

respiratory acidosis CO2 pH |! pH |!

respiratory alkalosis CO2 pH |! pH |!

Above is a summary of the appearance of the primary acid-base disorders

before and after compensation. The compensation for changes in pH is the
normalization of the ratio between bicarbonate and PCO2. Therefore, after
compensation, both variables of the ratio are either increased or decreased
in the same direction.
Although the compensatory response brings the pH closer to normal, it is
unable to completely correct the pH. Correction of pH back to normal only
occurs when the initial insult that caused the acid-base disorder is resolved.

Compensation brings pH closer to ________, but usually can- normal

not completely correct it.

__________ of a primary acid-base disorder occurs when the Correction

initial insult has been resolved.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: When evaluating acid-base status, an

ABG and chem-7 are needed.

Na+ Cl– glucose
K+ CO2

– –
pH / PCO2 / PO2 / HCO3 / O2 sat CO2 |!HCO3

Evaluation of acid-base status requires measurement of the ABG

and the electrolyte panel (also known as the chem-7).
The arterial blood gas (ABG) samples blood drawn from an artery
and determines the pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3– and O2 saturation. The com-
ponents of an ABG which are measured are: pH, PCO2 and PO2. The "P"
in front of CO2 and O2 refers to partial pressure (in mmHg), and is how
the gasses carbon dioxide and oxygen are typically measured.

The components of an ABG which are calculated are: HCO3 and O2

saturation. HCO3 is calculated from the pH and the PCO2 using the
Henderson-Hasselbalch formula. The O2 saturation is determined from
the PO2 and the hemoglobin concentration. For acid-base interpreta-
tion, the pH and PCO2 are used.
The electrolyte panel (chem-7) can be sampled from arterial or venous
blood, and measures the concentration of Na+, K+, Cl–, CO2, creatinine,
glucose and BUN. The CO2 from the electrolyte panel is the total amount
of CO2 in plasma. Total CO2 includes dissolved CO2, H 2CO3 and HCO3–,

though the vast majority is in the form of HCO3 . Therefore, the total
CO2 of the chem-7 represents the plasma bicarbonate concentration.
Total CO2 typically differs from the calculated bicarbonate concentra-
tion on the ABG by about 2 mmol/L. When using the formulas to assess
compensation in acid-base disorders, the total CO2 from the electrolyte
panel is used as the value for bicarbonate.
In this book, total CO
and bicarbonate concentration are used interchangeably and

"HCO3 " appears in the chem-7 symbol instead of CO2

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Clinical correlation: Evaluation of acid-base status requires

three initial steps.

Step one
Look at the pH to determine if
an alkalosis or an acidosis is
pH / PCO2 / PO2 / HCO3– / O2 sat present. If the pH is above 7.40,
the primary acid-base disturbance
is an alkalosis. If the pH is below
7.40, the primary acid-base distur-
bance is an acidosis.

Step two
Look at the bicarbonate on the
chem-7 and determine if the pri-
Na+ Cl– glucose
mary acid-base disorder is respi-
ratory or metabolic. If the bicar-
K+ HCO 3 bonate and pH have changed in the
Cr same direction, the primary distur-
bance is metabolic. If the bicarbon-
ate and pH have changed in oppo-
site directions, the primary disor-
der is respiratory.

Step three
Evaluate compensation by us-
Metabolic acidosis ing the acid-base graph or formu-
expected PCO2 = 1.5 ! HCO3– + 8 " 2 las. If the compensation is as ex-
pected, only one acid-base disorder
Respiratory acidosis
is present. If the compensation is
acute 1:10
BHCO3–: BPCO2 not as expected, then another acid-
chronic 3:10
base disturbance is present.
Metabolic alkalosis
expected PCO2 = (0.7 ! HCO3–) + 20 " 2

Respiratory alkalosis
acute 2:10
?HCO3–: ?PCO2
chronic 4:10

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: If the compensation is not appropriate,

then a second acid-base disorder is present.

primary acid- assessment of

base disorder compensation additional disorder
metabolic acidosis PCO2 too low ......................... respiratory alkalosis
PCO2 too low ......................... respiratory acidosis

metabolic alkalosis PCO2 too low ......................... respiratory alkalosis

PCO2 too high ........................ respiratory acidosis

respiratory acidosis HCO3 too low ........................ metabolic acidosis

HCO3 too high ....................... metabolic alkalosis

respiratory alkalosis HCO3– too low ........................ metabolic acidosis

HCO3 too high ....................... metabolic alkalosis

The formulas presented on the previous page predict the normal

physiologic change of bicarbonate or PCO2 for a given acid-base disor-
der. If the measured PCO2 or bicarbonate does not fall within the ex-
pected range, a second acid-base disorder is present.
If, in metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, the PCO2 is higher than the
predicted value, a concurrent respiratory acidosis is present. Remem-
ber, an increase in PCO2 causes a decrease in pH (an acidosis) and is
due to decreased ventilation (a respiratory disorder).
If, in metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, the PCO2 is lower than the
predicted value, then a concurrent respiratory alkalosis is present.
Remember, a decrease in PCO2 causes an increase in pH (an alkalosis)
and is due to increased ventilation (a respiratory disorder.)
If, in respiratory acidosis and alkalosis, the bicarbonate is lower
than the predicted value, a concurrent metabolic acidosis is present.
Remember, a decrease in bicarbonate causes a decrease in pH (an
acidosis) and is a metabolic acid-base disorder.
If, in respiratory acidosis and alkalosis, the bicarbonate is higher
than the predicted value, a concurrent metabolic alkalosis is present.
Remember that an increase in bicarbonate causes an increase in pH
(an alkalosis) and is a metabolic acid-base disorder.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 10 Introduction to Acid-Base Physiology

Summary!Introduction to acid-base physiology.

Acid-base physiology is not hard (sodium physiology, on the other hand, is

hard). The normal concentration of hydrogen in the body ranges from 35 to
45 nanomoles per liter (0.000035–0.000045 mEq/L).
16 35-45 160
nanomol/L nanomol/L nanomol/L


Unlike any other medically important ion, the concentration of hydrogen

is expressed as a negative log of its concentration. The pH is the negative
log of the hydrogen concentration. The normal pH is 7.35 to 7.45.
16 35 –45 160
nanomol/L nanomol/L nanomol/L

pH 7.8 7.45 –7.35 6.8

Bicarbonate (HCO3 ) is the primary hydrogen sponge in the body. Bicar-
bonate is able to reversibly bind hydrogen so that it can release hydrogen
when hydrogen is scarce and bind hydrogen when hydrogen is plentiful.

Low pH
Bhydrogen) H+ + HCO3 ‰ """""""""""""""""‰"""""""""#

High pH
?hydrogen) H+ + HCO3 ˆ """""""""""""""""ˆ"""""""""#

The pH can be determined from the concentration of bicarbonate and car-

bon dioxide by using the Henderson-Hasselbalch formula. The Henderson-
Hasselbalch formula can be simplified to allow one to interpret how changes
in bicarbonate or carbon dioxide will affect the pH.

Acidity = Bicarbonate A = B⁄CD

[HCO3– ]
pH = pKa + log SIMPLIFIES TO
.03 ! PCO2 Carbon Dioxide
Primary acid-base disorders are due to either a change in bicarbonate or

a change in PCO2. If the change in pH is due to a change in HCO3 , then a
metabolic disorder is present. If the change in pH is due to a change in PCO2,
then a respiratory disorder is present.
The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Introduction to acid-base physiology.

In metabolic acidosis (decreased bicarbonate), the P CO2 must decrease to

maintain a consistent ratio between HCO3 and PCO2. A decrease in plasma
PCO2 is achieved by increasing ventilation. In metabolic alkalosis (increased
HCO3–), the PCO2 must increase to maintain a consistent ratio between HCO3–
and P CO2. An increase in plasma PCO2 is achieved by decreasing ventilation.
Increased ventilation decreases PCO2 and Decreased ventilation increases PCO2 and
compensates for metabolic acidosis. compensates for metabolic alkalosis.

Expected PCO2 = (1.5 " HCO ) + 8 # 2 3 Expected PCO2 = ( 0.7 " HCO3– ) + 20 # 1.5

In respiratory acidosis (increased PCO2), HCO3 must increase to maintain

a consistent ratio between HCO3 and PCO2. Decreased renal excretion and
increased renal production of HCO3– achieves this. In respiratory alkalosis
(decreased PCO2), the HCO3– must decrease to maintain a consistent ratio
between HCO3– and PCO2. Increased renal excretion of HCO3– accomplishes
this. Full renal compensation requires days to be completed. Prior to full
compensation, respiratory disorders are considered acute; after renal com-
pensation, they are considered chronic.

expected HCO3– = 24 + (PCO – 40) 10

2 expected HCO3– = 24 – ( 40 –5P ) CO2

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B HCO3– :!B PCO2 ..................................................... 2 : 10

? HCO3– :!? PCO2 ................................................ 1 : 10


Decreased excre- Increased excre-

tion and increased tion of bicarbon-

production of bi- ate compensates
carbonate com- for respiratory al-
pensates for res- HCO – kalosis.
piratory acidosis. HCO – HCO –
3 3


expected HCO3– = 24 + 3 " ( 40 –10P ) CO2

expected HCO3– = 24 – (40 –2.5PCO ) 2

!!!? HCO3– : ? PCO2 ........................................................ 3 : 10 !B HCO3– : B PCO2 ................................................. 4 : 10

S. Faubel and J. Topf 11 Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview

Metabolic Acidosis:
11 The Overview

WARNING: It has been longer since freshman chemistry than you realize.e strongly
advise reading Chapter 10,Introduction toAcid-Basebefore advancing beyond this point.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a fall in the

arterial concentration of bicarbonate.


– –
pH |! pH |!


– –
pH |! pH |!

Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a low bicarbonate, a low pH and,

after respiratory compensation, a low PCO2.
Metabolic acidosis occurs by one of two mechanisms:
• loss of bicarbonate
• addition of acid

This chapter is an introduction to the pathophysiology and ferential

dif diagnosis of the two
types of metabolic acidosis.
Additionally, the formulas used to uncover other acid-base dis-
orders are reviewed.This chapter should be read prior to Chapters 12 and 13.

Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a _____ (low/high) pH and a _____ low

(low/high) bicarbonate concentration. low

After compensation for metabolic acidosis, the PCO2 is _____ (low/high). low

Metabolic acidosis is due to either the ________ (loss/gain) of bicarbon- loss

ate or the addition of ________. acid

S. Faubel and J. Topf 11 Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview

Mechanism!Metabolic acidosis can be caused by the loss of


H+ H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C
Loss of bicarbonate
shifts the bicarbonate
buffer equation to-
ward the production
of hydrogen ion.

Cl– Na+ – – Na+

Cl Cl
Loss of bicarbonate
causes the chloride
concentration to in-
crease, maintaining HCO3
K A-

cations = anions anions = cations

One type of metabolic acidosis is due to the loss of bicarbonate. By this

mechanism, direct loss of bicarbonate lowers the plasma bicarbonate con-
centration. The decrease in bicarbonate causes the concentrations of both
hydrogen and chloride to increase.
Increased hydrogen (decreased pH). Hydrogen and bicarbonate are in
equilibrium with water and carbon dioxide as shown in the bicarbonate buffer
equation above. Loss of bicarbonate drives this equation toward the produc-
tion of bicarbonate and hydrogen. The increase in bicarbonate production is
not sufficient to replace the lost bicarbonate and its concentration remains
low. However, the increase in hydrogen production does raise the hydrogen
concentration, decreasing pH.
Increased chloride. Bicarbonate is one of the primary anions in the
body. If this anion decreases, another anion must increase in order to main-
tain electroneutrality. When bicarbonate is lost, chloride increases, main-
taining electroneutrality.

Both mechanisms of metabolic acidosis result in a decreased bicarbonate aaa

and a(n) __________ (decreased/increased) pH. decreased

If bicarbonate is lost, then the chloride concentration ___________ increases


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Mechanism!Metabolic acidosis can be caused by the addition

of acid.

Addition of an acid shifts H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C
the bicarbonate buffer
equation toward the pro-
duction of water and car-
bon dioxide. The reaction
consumes bicarbonate, de- H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C
creasing its concentration.

Na+ Na+
Anions Cl –
Cl –
Addition of an acid is the
addition of an H+ and its ac- HCO3
companying anion. When HCO3
an acid is added, its anion
accumulates in the plas-
– K+ A-
other A-
other K+
ma; the Cl concentration anions anions
does not change. cations = anions anions = cations

The other type of metabolic acidosis is due to the addition of acid. For the
purpose of understanding metabolic acidosis, an acid is defined as a hydro-
gen cation and its accompanying anion. In this type of metabolic acidosis,
the addition of acid directly raises the hydrogen ion concentration (lowers
pH). The increase in hydrogen causes the bicarbonate concentration to de-
crease. Due to the presence of increased anions, the chloride concentration
does not change.
Decreased bicarbonate. Hydrogen and bicarbonate are in equilibrium
with water and carbon dioxide as shown in the bicarbonate buffer equation
above. The addition of acid (hydrogen ion), shifts the reaction toward the
production of water and carbon dioxide. Bicarbonate decreases as it is con-
sumed buffering hydrogen.
Increased anions. As acid is added, the accompanying anions accumu-
late in the plasma. Even though the bicarbonate concentration is low, the
chloride concentration does not change because the accompanying anions
maintain electroneutrality.

An acid consists of two components: a(n) ___________ ion and hydrogen

an accompanying ________. anion

In metabolic acidosis due to the addition of acid, the bicarbonate

concentration ____________ (decreases/increases) as it is con- decreases
sumed buffering hydrogen.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 11 Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview

Diagnosis!The anion gap is a tool used in the evaluation of

metabolic acidosis.
Anion gap = Na+ – (Cl– + HCO3– )


– Na+ Na+
A- H +

H+ A-
K+ A-
other K+
anions = cations anions = cations

Metabolic acidosis due to the loss of bicarbonate or the addition of acid

can be distinguished by the anion gap.
The anion gap is a clinical tool based on the principle of electroneutrality

which is used to detect an increase in plasma anions other than Cl and

HCO3 . The formula is shown above. Normally, the anion gap is between 5
and 12 mEq/L.
In metabolic acidosis due to the loss of bicarbonate, the anion gap re-
mains within the normal range. The anion gap is normal because a rise in
chloride compensates for the fall in bicarbonate. This type of acidosis is
known as non-anion gap metabolic acidosis or hyperchloremic acidosis.
In metabolic acidosis due to the addition of acid, the anion gap increases
because the addition of acid includes the addition of anions. The increased
anion gap indicates the presence of these additional anions in the plasma. This
type of acidosis is known as anion gap metabolic acidosis.
Because it so effectively narrows the differential diagnosis, calculating
the anion gap is the first step in the evaluation of metabolic acidosis.
The concept of anion gap was introduced in ChapterMoles
1, and Water page 21.

The formula for anion gap is _____________________. Na+ – (Cl– + HCO3–)

Calculate the anion gap: Na+ = 140 mEq/L, Cl– = 118 mEq/L and anion gap = 7
HCO3– = 15 mEq/L. This is a(n) ________ gap metabolic acidosis. non-anion

Calculate the anion gap: Na+ = 140 mEq/L, Cl– = 101 mEq/L and anion gap = 27
HCO3– = 12 mEq/L. This is a(n) ________ gap metabolic acidosis. anion

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is caused by the

loss of bicarbonate.


– Na+ 3



anions = cations

GI loss Renal tubular acidosis (RTA)

diarrhea proximal (type 2 RTA)
surgical drains distal (type 1 RTA)
fistulas hypoaldosteronism (type 4 RTA)
obstructed ureteroileostomy

Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to the loss of bicarbonate from

either the GI tract or kidney. The differential diagnosis of non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis is listed above.
In non-anion gap metabolic acidosis, the anion gap is less than 12 mEq/L.

All of the causes of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis are reviewed in detail in Chapter 12,
MetabolicAcidosis: Non-Anion Gap .

Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to the ________ of bicar- loss

bonate from either the ____ tract or the ________. GI; kidney

In non-anion gap metabolic acidosis, the chloride concentration is

__________. increased

S. Faubel and J. Topf 11 Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview

Etiologies!Anion gap metabolic acidosis is caused by the addi-

tion of acid.

Oxygen +
Na CH2 CH2 O CH2

Cl– HO C




anions = cations


Anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to the addition of acid. The additional
acid is either endogenous (produced by the body) or exogenous (ingested). In
anion gap metabolic acidosis, the anion gap is greater than 12 mEq/L.
There are four fundamental processes that cause anion gap metabolic
acidosis: lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, renal failure and ingestions. A handy
mnemonic for the differential diagnosis of anion gap metabolic acidosis is
Paraldehyde ............................................... Ingestion
Lactic Acidosis ............................................ Lactic acidosis
Uremia ........................................................ Renal Failure
Methanol ..................................................... Ingestion
Salicylate poisoning ................................... Ingestion
Ethanol ....................................................... Ketoacidosis
Ethylene glycol ........................................... Ingestion
DKA ............................................................ Ketoacidosis
Starvation ................................................... Ketoacidosis
All of the causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis are reviewed in detail in Chapter 13,
MetabolicAcidosis:Anion Gap.

Anion gap metabolic acidosis is caused by one of four funda-

mental processes: _________ acidosis, _____________, lactic; ketoacidosis,
_______ ______ and _____________. renal failure; ingestions

A good mnemonic is _________________. PLUM SEEDS

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!The compensation for metabolic acidosis is an

increase in ventilation which decreases P CO2.
40 Normal
36 s
d os
PCO2 (mmHg)

32 i
30 ac
28 l ic
26 a bo
24 et

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)
Regardless of the anion gap, compensation for the low bicarbonate found in
both types of metabolic acidosis is a decrease in PCO2. PCO2 decreases through
an increase in ventilation. The expected fall in PCO2 in metabolic acidosis is
predicted by the following equation.

C Expected PCO2 = (1.5 ! HCO3–) + 8 " 2

If the PCO2 falls within the expected range, appropriate compensation has
If the PCO2 is above or below the P CO2 predicted by the formula, a concur-
rent respiratory acid-base disorder is present. If the PCO2 is lower than pre-
dicted, a respiratory alkalosis is also present; if the PCO2 is higher than
expected, a respiratory acidosis is also present.

In metabolic acidosis, if the PCO2 is ________ than the expected lower

value, a concurrent respiratory alkalosis is present.

If the HCO3– is 12 mEq/L, what is the expected PCO2? If the PCO2 24 to 28 mmHg
is 19 mmHg, what other disorder is also present? respiratory alkalosis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 11 Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview

Clinical correlation: In anion gap metabolic acidosis, the correct-

ed bicarbonate or delta-delta can be used to uncover an additional
metabolic acid-base disorder.

measured HCO3– + (anion gap – 12)

• if > 28, then a metabolic alkalosis is present
• if < 22, then a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is present


6 gap measured anion gap – ideal anion gap

6 HCO 3
ideal HCO3– – measured HCO3–
• if > 2, then a metabolic alkalosis is present
• if < 1, then a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is present

Just as assessing compensation can uncover a concomitant respira-

tory acid-base disorder, determining the corrected bicarbonate can un-
cover a concomitant metabolic acid-base disorder (i.e., non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis). The formula is shown above.
The corrected bicarbonate is the bicarbonate before the anion gap
acidosis began. If the corrected bicarbonate is above the normal range
of bicarbonate concentration (22 to 28 mEq/L), a concurrent metabolic
alkalosis is present; if the corrected bicarbonate is below the normal
bicarbonate range, a concurrent non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is present.
The following case illustrates how two metabolic acid-base disorders
can be present at the same time:
MJ is an 18-year-old diabetic who develops infectious diarrhea which
causes a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. Because she is not feeling
well, she stops taking her insulin. She then develops diabetic ketoaci-
dosis (DKA), causing an anion gap metabolic acidosis. When she pre-
sents to the hospital, her bicarbonate is 10 and the anion gap is 22. The
corrected bicarbonate is 10 + (22-12) or 20 mEq/L. This means that
before she developed DKA, the bicarbonate was 20 mEq/L. 20 mEq/L is
below the normal range for bicarbonate indicating that a non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis is also present. In this patient, it is from diarrhea.
Another equation that can be used to assess the presence of an addi-
tional metabolic acid-base disorder in anion gap metabolic acidosis is
the delta-delta. The formula is shown above. If the ratio is less than
one, a concurrent non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is present. If the
ratio is greater than two, a concurrent metabolic alkalosis is present.
Using the example above, the delta-delta is (22 – 12) ⁄ (24 – 10) =
10 ⁄ 14 = 0.7. Since 0.7 is less than one, a non-anion gap metabolic acido-
sis is also present, as determined by the corrected bicarbonate above.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Metabolic acidosis: the overview.

Metabolic acidosis is one of the four primary acid-base disorders. It is
recognized by a low pH and a low plasma bicarbonate.

metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis

pH |!
pH |!
3 pH |! pH |!

In metabolic acidosis, the decreased bicarbonate concentration can be due

to either the loss of bicarbonate or the addition of an acid.
The anion gap is a tool that can distinguish between the two fundamental
processes which cause metabolic acidosis.
Na+ – Na – Na+
Cl – Cl Cl
or HCO3
K+ other A-
other K+ A-
anions anions

cations = anions anions = cations anions = cations

The causes of both non-anion gap and anion gap metabolic acidosis are listed
below. The next two chapters will look at the individual disorders in detail.
GI loss of bicarbonate Renal tubular acidosis Paraldehyde Starvation
diarrhea proximal Lactic Acidosis Ethanol
fistulas distal Uremia Ethylene glycol
ureterosigmoidostomy hypoaldosteronism Methanol DKA
obstructed ureteroileostomy Salicylate poisoning

Compensation for metabolic acidosis from any etiology is increased venti-

lation to lower the PCO2 and raise the pH. In metabolic acidosis, the carbon
dioxide falls by a predictable amount depending on the plasma bicarbonate
concentration. If the PCO2 is not within the predicted range, a respiratory
acid-base disorder is present in addition to metabolic acidosis. In anion gap
metabolic acidosis, the corrected bicarbonate can be used to uncover a con-
current metabolic alkalosis or non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.


Expected PCO2 = (1.5 " HCO ) + 8 # 23
Measured HCO3– + (Anion gap – 12)

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Metabolic Acidosis:
12 Non-Anion Gap

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Loss of bicarbonate from either the GI tract or kid-

ney causes non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.

H+ H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C
Loss of bicarbonate
shifts the bicarbonate
buffer equation to-
ward the production
of hydrogen ion, de- H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C
creasing pH.

Cl– Na+ – – Na+

Cl Cl
Loss of bicarbonate
causes the chloride
concentration to in-
crease, maintaining HCO3
plasma electroneu–
trality. K+ A-

cations = anions anions = cations

– –
GI loss of HCO3 Renal loss of HCO3
diarrhea renal tubular acidosis
surgical drains proximal
fistulas distal
ureterosigmoidostomy hypoaldosteronism
obstructed ureteroileostomy

Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to the loss of bicarbonate from

either the GI tract or the kidney. The differential diagnosis of the common
causes of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is listed above. Each of these
disorders is reviewed in detail in this chapter.
As reviewed in Chapter 11, Metabolic Acidosis: The Overview, the loss of
bicarbonate has two primary effects: increased hydrogen ion (?pH) and in-
creased chloride concentration. Hydrogen ion concentration increases be-
cause the loss of bicarbonate drives the bicarbonate buffer system toward
the production of hydrogen. Chloride concentration increases in order to
maintain electroneutrality for the loss of bicarbonate. Because chloride con-
centration increases, the anion gap is normal.
The two types of metabolic acidosis both cause a decreased bi- aaa
carbonate and a(n) __________ (increased/decreased) pH. decreased

If bicarbonate is lost from the body, then the chloride concentra-

tion ___________ (increases/decreases). increases

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Introduction!Loss of fluid from the lower GI tract is a common

source of bicarbonate loss.
Normal plasma
HCO3– 22 - 26 mEq/L
Na+ 135 - 145 mEq/L
K+ 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L
Cl– 98 - 106 mEq/L

Liver (bile) Small intestine

30 - 40 mEq/L HCO3– 80 - 100 mEq/L
Na+ 130 - 140 mEq/L Na+ 130 - 140 mEq/L
K+ 4 - 6 mEq/L K+ 4 - 6 mEq/L
Cl– 95 - 105 mEq/L Cl– 40 - 60 mEq/L

Pancreas Large intestine

80 - 100 mEq/L HCO3– 30 - 50 mEq/L
Na+ 130 - 140 mEq/L Na+ 80 - 140 mEq/L
K+ 4 - 6 mEq/L K+ 25 - 45 mEq/L
Cl– 40 - 60 mEq/L Cl– 80 - 100 mEq/L

All GI tract secretions below the stomach are rich in bicarbonate. Meta-
bolic acidosis can occur from the loss of any of these lower GI fluids: bile,
pancreatic secretions or fluid from the small or large intestines.
The liver produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder. When needed
(after a meal), bile is secreted via the common bile duct into the second
portion of the duodenum at the ampulla of Vater. Pancreatic secretions are
also released into the second part of the duodenum. The function of these
alkaline secretions is to neutralize the acidic fluid of the stomach.
The small intestine absorbs nutrients and the large intestine (colon) ab-
sorbs water. The fluid of the small intestine has the same electrolyte compo-
sition as pancreatic secretions.
Any process which increases lower GI fluid loss can cause a non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis. Diarrhea is the most common cause. Fistulas, ureterosig-
moidostomy, obstructed ureteroileostomy and cholestyramine can also in-
crease lower GI bicarbonate loss. These disorders are discussed further on
the following pages.

The lower GI tract is below the _______. stomach

Secretions from the liver, _________ and the small and _______ pancreas
intestine all have a bicarbonate concentration which is large
________ (lower/higher) than plasma. higher

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Lower GI tract!Diarrhea is the most common cause

of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.

Cl– Cl– Cl–


The loss of bicarbonate in stool is en-

HCO3 hanced by bicarbonate-chloride exchange
in the colon.


Bicarbonate is lost from the body everyday in the stool. With normal stool
output, only a small amount of bicarbonate is lost daily. GI bicarbonate loss
is compensated for by renal production of bicarbonate.
One function of colonic epithelial cells is to absorb chloride from the stool;
this is facilitated by specialized transport proteins that secrete bicarbonate
into the colonic lumen. Because of this ion exchange, the bicarbonate con-
centration of stool is higher than that of plasma.
Diarrhea is defined as a stool output greater than the normal 200 g/day.
With increased loss of the relatively bicarbonate-rich stool in the setting of
diarrhea, excess bicarbonate loss occurs, causing non-anion gap metabolic
Remember, with diarrhea, both the food and the pH go down; with vomit-
ing, the food and the pH go up.

The many different causes of diarrhea are reviewed in ChapterHypernatremia

8, , beginning
on page 188.

Diarrhea is the most ___________ cause of non-anion gap met- common

abolic acidosis.

Diarrhea is defined as a stool output greater than 200 _____. g/day

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!Lower GI tract!Surgical drains and pathologic fis-

tulas can also cause non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.






Implantation of surgical drains accelerates the loss of bicarbonate-rich

GI fluids. These drains can be placed in the biliary tree or pancreas.
Fistulas which originate from the pancreas, gallbladder, or small or large
intestine can also cause the loss of bicarbonate-rich fluid causing metabolic
acidosis. A fistula is an abnormal connection between an organ and another
organ or the skin. A fistula occurs when the lining of an organ is destroyed
and a tract leading from the organ forms. Fistulas can be a complication of
infection, cancer, surgery, trauma and Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease which can involve the entire GI
tract, from mouth to anus. Crohn’ s disease is characterized by transmural inflammation
(affecting the entire thickness) of the GI tract mucosa. Because the destruction is transmu-
ral, fistulas are a common complication of Crohn’s.
Ulcerative colitis is the other type of inflammatory bowel disease. Ulcerative colitis is limited
to the colon and characterized by superficial involvement of colonic mucosa. Because the
destruction is only superficial, fistulas are not a complication of ulcerative colitis. Patients
with ulcerative colitis have an increased risk of colon cancer
. Ulcerative colitis can be cured
by surgical resection of the colon.

Surgical _________ and pathologic fistulas can cause meta- drains

bolic acidosis due to the ______ of bicarbonate-rich fluid. loss

________ ________ can cause fistulas. Crohn’s disease

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Lower GI tract!Ureterosigmoidostomy and ob-

structed ureteroileostomy are infrequent causes of non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis.

Ureterosigmoidostomy Ureteroileostomy

b l ad d e r

Patients with urinary obstruction, severe urinary reflux, neurogenic blad-

der or a surgically removed bladder, need a urinary diversion procedure.
The traditional procedure is a ureterosigmoidostomy in which the ureters
are implanted into the sigmoid colon. A more recent development is the ure-
teroileostomy. In this procedure, a segment of ileum is removed in order to
isolate a loop of bowel. The ureters are implanted into the loop which emp-
ties into an ostomy bag.
Unlike the bladder, which does not alter the content of urine, the bowel
mucosa can change the electrolyte composition of urine. Bowel mucosa re-
sorbs chloride and secretes bicarbonate, causing non-anion gap metabolic
Ureteroileostomy is less problematic because urine flows directly from
the ileal conduit into an ostomy bag; therefore, urine does not remain in
contact with the bowel long enough to affect the urine electrolytes. Non-
anion gap metabolic acidosis only occurs when the ileal conduit becomes
obstructed, allowing the urine to have prolonged contact with the bowel

Conduits for urine derived from loops of bowel can cause non- aaa
anion ____ metabolic acidosis because the bowel mucosa se- gap
cretes ____________ and resorbs chloride. bicarbonate

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!Lower GI tract!Cholestyramine can absorb bicar-

bonate in exchange for chloride.

Cl– Cl– C

e BA
e Cl– Cl– Cl– C BA




Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl–

Cl– Cl– Cl–
Cl– HCO3

Cl– Cl– Cl– Cl–

Cl– Cl–

Cl– Cl– Cl– e
C Cl– Cl–
Cl– Cl–

Cl– Cl– Cl–


Cholesterol is a major component of the bile acids secreted from the liver.
Bile is secreted into the duodenum and cholesterol is then resorbed in the
ileum, preventing its loss in the stool. The process of cholesterol resorption
is known as enterohepatic circulation.
Cholestyramine is a cholesterol-lowering drug which works by trapping
bile acids in the small bowel, interrupting enterohepatic circulation.
Cholestyramine causes cholesterol and bile acids to be lost in the stool, forc-
ing the liver to synthesize new bile acids. In order to produce new bile acids,
the liver removes cholesterol from the plasma, lowering plasma cholesterol
Cholestyramine is a chloride exchange resin which means that it traps
anions and releases chloride. Cholestyramine is used to bind bile acids, but
it can also trap anions such as digoxin or bicarbonate. When it traps a sig-
nificant amount of bicarbonate, cholestyramine causes non-anion gap meta-
bolic acidosis.

Cholestyramine is a ________ exchange resin used in the treat- chloride

ment of ________________. hypercholesterolemia

Cholestyramine increases the loss of ______ acids in the stool. bile

Cholestyramine can also increase the loss of ____________ and bicarbonate

cause non-anion gap metabolic _________. acidosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Loss of bicarbonate through a renal defect

occurs in RTA.

Distal RTA. Normally, the

distal nephron secretes H+.

HCO3 Hypoaldosteronism.
HCO3 Normally, aldosterone fa-
Proximal RTA. Normally, H+ cilitates the excretion of H+
the proximal tubule re- H+ bound to ammonia.
sorbs filtered bicarbonate. NH3


Renal causes of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis are due to one of the
three types of renal tubular acidosis (RTA). All RTAs are characterized by a
defect in bicarbonate resorption and/or hydrogen ion excretion. The RTAs
are categorized by the location or type of defect:
• proximal tubule
• distal nephron
• hypoaldosteronism

The RTAs are also identified by numbers. ProximalTARis known as type 2, distal TA
R is
known as type 1 and RTA from hypoaldosteronism is known as typeType 4. 3 is a poorly
characterized variety of TRA with elements of both proximal and distalTA.
R The numeric
assignment of RTAs can be confusing because the proximal tubule comes before the distal
tubule anatomically
, but its RTA number comes after. We feel the numbers are mean-spir-
ited and unhelpful, so we refer to theTAs
R by their defining characteristic.

The renal causes of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis are aaa

called _______ _______ acidosis. renal tubular

RTAs are characterized by defects in __________ resorption bicarbonate

and/or hydrogen ion _________. excretion

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Overview: The proximal tubule and distal nephron are the major
bicarbonate-handling sites in the nephron.




Step one: proximal tubule Step two: distal nephron

The proximal tubule resorbs filtered The distal nephron creates new bicar-
bicarbonate, preventing its loss in bonate to replace bicarbonate con-
the urine. sumed buffering the daily acid load.

Understanding the different types of RTAs requires understanding how

the kidney normally regulates plasma bicarbonate concentration. The proxi-
mal and distal tubules both have important, but differing, roles in main-
taining a normal plasma bicarbonate level. Renal regulation of bicarbonate
occurs in two steps.
Step one is the resorption of filtered bicarbonate by the proximal tubule.
The recovery of filtered bicarbonate prevents its loss in the urine.
Step two is the production of new bicarbonate by the distal nephron to
replace bicarbonate consumed buffering the daily acid load (50 to 100 mmol
per day). Without production of new bicarbonate by the distal nephron,
plasma bicarbonate decreases due to the daily acid load. (See next page.)
The normal function of the proximal tubule and distal nephron in acid-
base balance is reviewed in detail on the following pages.

Maintenance of normal plasma bicarbonate occurs in ____ steps: two

Resorption of ___________ bicarbonate in the filtered

_____________ tubule. proximal

Creation of ______ bicarbonate in the distal nephron. new

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

The daily acid load? What’s up with that?

methionine and
dietary protein

The daily acid load

Hydrogen from the daily acid load H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C
shifts the bicarbonate buffer equa-
tion toward the production of wa-
ter and carbon dioxide, consum-
ing bicarbonate. Anions from the
daily acid load are normally ex- H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C

The daily acid load is the product of dietary protein and cellular me-
tabolism. The acids produced include sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and
others. Sulfuric acid is produced from the metabolism of the sulfur-
containing amino acids, cysteine and methionine. The daily acid load is
estimated to be 50 to 100 mmol per day (1 mmol/kg/day).
Due to the daily acid load, 50 to 100 mEq of hydrogen ion needs to be
buffered each day. Hydrogen drives the bicarbonate buffer equation to-
ward the production of water and carbon dioxide, consuming bicarbon-
ate. The bicarbonate lost buffering the daily acid load is normally re-
placed by the production of new bicarbonate in the distal nephron.
If bicarbonate production in the distal nephron is impaired (i.e., dis-
tal RTA), non-anion gap metabolic acidosis occurs. Non-anion gap meta-
bolic acidosis occurs because the anions of the daily acid load are able
to be excreted by the kidney; since these anions do not accumulate, the
anion gap is normal.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Overview: The proximal tubule normally functions to resorb wa-

ter and solutes.
tubular lumen proximal tubule cell

Sodium flows down its Na+ Na+

concentration gradient
140 mEq/L 4 mEq/L
into the cell.

Resorption of sodium glucose

provides the energy to
resorb filtered solutes. phosphate

amino acids

The resorption of sodium

provides the energy for
hydrogen secretion. H+ ATP

Intracellular sodium con- K+

centration is kept low by
the Na-K-ATPase pump. Na+


The normal function of the proximal tubule is to reclaim a large percent-

age of the sodium, water and other important solutes filtered by the glom-
erulus. About 65% of filtered sodium and water, along with 90% of filtered
bicarbonate, are resorbed in the proximal tubule. Virtually all of the filtered
glucose, amino acids and phosphate are resorbed here as well.
Resorption of solutes in the proximal tubule is linked to the movement of
sodium down its concentration gradient into the tubular cell. The low intra-
cellular concentration of sodium is maintained by the Na-K-ATPase pump
in the basolateral membrane (located on the side opposite the tubule lu-
Through various pumps in the luminal membrane, the resorption of so-
dium drives the resorption of glucose, phosphate and other solutes. A spe-
cial channel, the Na+-H+ exchanger, links the resorption of sodium to the
secretion of hydrogen ion. The action of this exchanger facilitates the re-
sorption of bicarbonate as detailed on the following page.

The proximal tubule _________ filtered sodium, water and bi- resorbs

The resorption of solutes in the proximal tubule is linked to the

resorption of _______. sodium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: The majority of filtered bicarbonate is resorbed in

the proximal tubule.
tubular lumen proximal tubule cell

In the proximal tubule cell, Na+ water ATP

water dissociates to hydro-
gen and hydroxide. Hydro- H+ H+ OH
gen is pumped out of the Na+
cell in exchange for sodium.

Hydrogen combines with HCO3 H+

filtered bicarbonate to form
– re
carbonic acid (H2CO3).


Carbonic anhydrase splits

carbonic acid into water
and carbon dioxide. H2O
anhydrase CO2

Carbon dioxide diffuses

into the cell where it com- carbonic
bines with hydroxide to C HCO3
CO2 anhydrase
form bicarbonate.

Bicarbonate resorption in the proximal tubule is not a direct process.

+ –
In the proximal tubule cell, water (H2O) breaks down into H and OH .
+ +
Hydrogen is secreted into the tubule lumen via the Na -H exchanger where
it binds to filtered bicarbonate to form CO2 and water. CO2 then diffuses

back into the tubule cell. Inside the tubule cell, OH from the dissociation of
water combines with CO2 to form bicarbonate which enters plasma. The
formation of bicarbonate from OH– and CO2 is catalyzed by carbonic anhy-
Although filtered bicarbonate is not directly resorbed, filtered bicarbon-
ate combines with secreted hydrogen to form CO2 and water which are then
used by the tubule cells to form bicarbonate. For every hydrogen secreted
into the tubular lumen, one bicarbonate is added to plasma. Thus, secretion
of hydrogen by the proximal tubule is functionally the same as resorption of
filtered bicarbonate.

The resorption of filtered bicarbonate in the proximal tubule aaa

depends on the secretion of __________. hydrogen

Carbonic __________ in the lumen of the proximal tubule cat- anhydrase

alyzes the conversion of H 2CO3 to ____ and water. CO2

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Overview: The distal nephron is responsible for producing new

bicarbonate to add to the plasma.

H+ excretion (HCO3 production)

occurs in three steps.

Step one: sodium resorption creates a
negatively charged lumen.

H+ Step two: H+ is secreted into the lumen

by the H+-ATPase pump.

H+ Step three: the tubular wall does not

allow H to flow back into the cells.

While the proximal tubule resorbs filtered bicarbonate, the distal neph-
ron produces new bicarbonate.
It is important to realize that even when all the filtered bicarbonate is
resorbed by the proximal tubule, plasma bicarbonate still decreases due to
consumption of bicarbonate by the daily acid load.
The production of new bicarbonate by the distal nephron requires the
excretion of hydrogen. This occurs in three steps.
• sodium resorption by the principle cells
• hydrogen secretion by the intercalated cells
• intact tubular wall prevents hydrogen from diffusing down
its concentration gradient back into the tubular cells

Instead of discussing the need to replace bicarbonate lostferingbuf the daily acid load,
many texts describe the function of the distal nephron in terms of excreting the daily acid
andH the resultant
load and acidifying the urine. It is important to realize that excreting
urinary acidification is part of the process of bicarbonate production. For every H
in the distal nephron, a new bicarbonate is added to the plasma. Thus, the terms “acid
excretion,” “bicarbonate production” and “urinary acidification” are all equivalent.

When hydrogen ion is secreted into the tubular lumen by the aaa
distal nephron, new __________ is produced to replace bicarbonate
__________ consumed by the daily acid load. bicarbonate

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: Hydrogen excretion (bicarbonate production) is de-

pendent on three distal nephron functions.
tubular lumen principle cell
Step one: The resorption
of sodium creates a nega- – + K+
tive charge in the lumen. – +
– + Na+
– +

intercalated cell
Step two: The hydrogen ATP
ATPase pump moves hy-
drogen into the lumen.
H+ H+ OH
hydrogen HCO3



Step three: The walls of
the lumen are imperme-
able to hydrogen ion.

Details of the conditions necessary for the excretion of hydrogen (produc-

tion of new bicarbonate):
Step one: sodium resorption. Adequate excretion of hydrogen in the
distal nephron requires a negative charge in the tubular lumen. The nega-
tive charge is created by resorption of sodium without the simultaneous
resorption of an anion or secretion of a cation. The principle cells of the
collecting tubule carry out this function. The negative luminal charge facili-
tates secretion of hydrogen by the H+-ATPase pump of the intercalated cells.
Step two: hydrogen ion secretion. Intracellular water dissociates into
+ – + +
H and OH . H is secreted into the lumen by the H -ATPase pump. In the

tubular cell, OH combines with CO2 to form new bicarbonate which is added
to the body.
Step three: intact tubular wall. For hydrogen to be successfully ex-
creted, the membrane between the cells and the tubular lumen must be
impermeable to H + and not allow H+ to diffuse back down its concentration
gradient into the tubular cells.

The distal nephron creates new bicarbonate by secreting ____. H+

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Overview: Binding of hydrogen by ammonia and titratable acids

is essential for sufficient hydrogen excretion. intercalated cell


free hydrogen ion H+ H+ H+



NH4 NH3 H+

titratable acids H2PO4– HPO4 H+

In the tubular lumen, hydrogen ion is excreted in three different forms:

free hydrogen ion, ammonium ion and titratable acid.
Free hydrogen ion. The excretion of free hydrogen ion by the distal
nephron is limited by the minimal attainable urine pH of 4.5. A pH of 4.5 is
a hydrogen ion concentration that is 1000 times as acidic as plasma, but
equivalent to only 0.04 mEq/L of free H+. For the entire daily acid load to be
excreted as free hydrogen ion (assuming a daily acid load of only 50 mEq/L),
1250 liters of urine need to be produced.
Therefore, free hydrogen ion excretion is a very small, practically incon-
sequential, method of hydrogen ion excretion. The majority of excreted hy-
drogen is in a “hidden” form, bound to ammonia or titratable acids.
Ammonium. Hydrogen ion combines with ammonia (NH3) to form am-
monium (NH4+). The majority of hydrogen is excreted in this form. Ammonia
is produced by the tubular cell and its production increases with increased
acid loads to facilitate hydrogen excretion.
Titratable acids. Anions, filtered at the glomerulus, that are bound to
hydrogen are known as titratable acids. One example is HPO4 which com-

bines with hydrogen to form H2PO4 . The amount of anions filtered at the
glomerulus is constant and does not increase in the face of an acid load.

Hydrogen ion is primarily excreted as ___________ which can ammonium

increase in the face of an acid load to facilitate increased hy-
drogen excretion (__________ production). bicarbonate

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

The urine anion gap is a marker of urine ammonium excretion.


Na + + K + – Cl –
Na+ Cl– Na+ Cl–

K+ K+


NH 4

cations = anions
+ + –
NH4+ other
Na + K > Cl A-
positive anion gap
cations = anions
Na+ + K+ < Cl–
unmeasured urine electrolytes negative anion gap

Of the three forms of hydrogen excretion, only ammonium (NH4 ) ex-
cretion can increase in the face of an acid load. Therefore, ammonium
excretion is a good marker of acid excretion. Although ammonium is
not directly measured in the urine, its excretion can be detected indi-
rectly by measuring the urine anion gap.
The urine anion gap, like the plasma anion gap, is a formula based on
the principle of electroneutrality. While the plasma anion gap is used to
uncover the presence of increased unmeasured anions in the plasma,
the urine anion gap is used to track the unmeasured cation NH4+ (am-
monium) in the urine. The formula for urine anion gap is shown above.
Normally, the urine concentration of the cations Na+ and K+ together
is slightly higher than the concentration of the anion Cl –, resulting in a
urine anion gap which is a positive number. If ammonium excretion
increases, Na+ and K+ excretion remains the same, but the concentra-
tion of Cl– increases to maintain electroneutrality for NH4+. As ammo-
nium and chloride excretion increase, the urine anion gap becomes a
negative number.
The urine anion gap is an important tool in the evaluation of non-
anion gap metabolic acidosis, as explored later in the chapter. A nega-
tive urine anion gap in the face of acidemia indicates that hydrogen
excretion as ammonium is intact.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!RTAs!proximal!Proximal RTA is characterized by

decreased bicarbonate resorption in the proximal tubule.

K +

Normally, electrolytes and3small
nonelectrolytes are freely fil-
tered by the glomerulus.
These solutes are then re-
sorbed by the proximal tubule. H 2O

HCO3 glucose
amino acids

Proximal RTA is due to a decrease in the ability of the proximal tubule to

resorb filtered bicarbonate.
The maximum rate that a solute can be resorbed is the Tm for that solute.
The Tm is defined as the maximum plasma concentration at which all of a
filtered solute can be resorbed. At plasma concentrations above the Tm, the
proximal tubule is overwhelmed and excess solute is lost in the urine. For
example, the Tm for glucose is about 200 mg/dL. If the glucose concentra-
tion rises above 200 mg/dL, glucose is lost in the urine. If plasma glucose is
below 200 mg/dL, all the glucose is resorbed and none spills into the urine.
Bicarbonate, like glucose, has a Tm. The normal Tm for bicarbonate is 26
to 28 mEq/L. If plasma bicarbonate concentration is higher than 28 mEq/L,
the proximal tubule is overwhelmed and excess bicarbonate is lost in the
urine. The primary defect in proximal RTA is a decreased Tm for bicarbon-
ate. The Tm for bicarbonate in proximal RTA is typically 15 to 20 mEq/L.

______ is the threshold of maximum resorption of a solute. TmTm

If the plasma concentration of bicarbonate is above the ____, Tm

then the excess bicarbonate is lost in the urine.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Proximal!In the steady state, plasma bi-

carbonate concentration is equal to the Tm for bicarbonate.

HCO3 15 mEq/L In the steady state, plas-

ma bicarbonate matches
the Tm for bicarbonate.

HCO3 new
In the steady state, distal nephron func-
tion is intact. New bicarbonate is pro-
duced and resorbed to replace bicar-
HCO3 bonate lost buffering the daily acid load.

15 mEq/L
In the steady state, the
proximal tubule resorbs all
of the filtered bicarbonate.
H+ pH 5.5
As a result of bicarbonate resorption,
hydrogen is excreted in the urine.

Because the loss of bicarbonate is set by the Tm for bicarbonate, proximal

RTA is a self-limited disease. This means that patients with proximal RTA
reach a point where the plasma bicarbonate matches the Tm for bicarbon-
ate (e.g., if the Tm is 15 mEq/L, the plasma bicarbonate is 15 mEq/L). The
point when the Tm for bicarbonate matches the plasma bicarbonate is known
as the steady state. Most patients are in the steady state when proximal
RTA is diagnosed.
In the steady state, bicarbonate resorption and production occur as if the
kidney were normal, except the Tm for bicarbonate is low. That is, the proxi-
mal tubule resorbs filtered bicarbonate and the distal nephron produces
new bicarbonate to replace bicarbonate lost buffering the daily acid load.
The conditions described on the following page further illustrate the self-
regulating nature of proximal RTA.

In the steady state, if the Tm for bicarbonate is 15 mEq/L, the aaa

plasma bicarbonate is ____ mEq/L. 15

The Tm for bicarbonate matches the plasma bicarbonate in the

_______ state. steady

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!RTAs!Proximal!The kidney’s response to changes

in plasma bicarbonate is determined by the Tm for bicarbonate.

increased plasma bicarbonate

decreased plasma bicarbonate HCO3 20 mEq/L

HCO3 12 mEq/L
Tm = 15 mEq/L

HCO3 new
HCO3 new 15 mEq/L
12 mEq/L
HCO3 filtered
pH 8.0 HCO3 filtered
pH 4.5


The following conditions illustrate the self-regulating nature of proximal RTA.

Plasma bicarbonate falls below the Tm. If plasma bicarbonate falls
below the Tm, the proximal tubule resorbs all of the filtered bicarbonate.
The distal nephron then increases its production of new bicarbonate in an
attempt to return plasma bicarbonate to the steady state value. Because
new bicarbonate production requires secretion of H+, the urine is acidic (pH
< 5.5).
Plasma bicarbonate rises above the Tm. If plasma bicarbonate rises
above the Tm, bicarbonate in excess of the Tm cannot be resorbed and spills
into the urine, creating an alkaline urine (pH > 5.5). Bicarbonate is lost in
the urine until the plasma bicarbonate falls to the steady state value.
Urinary loss of bicarbonate when plasma bicarbonate rises above the Tm
has important implications in treatment (discussed on page 311).

In _________ RTA, the urine pH can be less than or greater proximal

than 5.5 depending on the plasma bicarbonate.

As plasma bicarbonate increases above the Tm, the urine

concentration of bicarbonate ________ (increases/decreases). increases

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Proximal!Hypokalemia is a common fea-

ture of proximal RTA.

high flow
HCO3 Cl–



K +






Increased bicarbonate creates a favorable elec- Increased distal flow quickly washes away secret-
trical gradient for the secretion of potassium. ed potassium, maintaining a favorable concentra-
tion gradient for potassium secretion.

Proximal RTA is commonly associated with hypokalemia, which is exac-

erbated during bicarbonate treatment. Hypokalemia is caused by two dif-
ferent mechanisms.
Increased bicarbonate in the distal nephron. With increased HCO3–
in the distal nephron, an electrical gradient favoring the secretion of potas-
sium is created. That is, the negatively charged HCO3– draws the positively
charged K+ into the tubular lumen.
Increased sodium and water delivery. Because bicarbonate resorp-
tion is tied to sodium resorption in the proximal tubule, increased loss of
bicarbonate increases the loss of sodium. The loss of sodium increases wa-
ter loss. Increased flow of water in the distal nephron quickly washes away
secreted potassium, maintaining a favorable concentration gradient for the
secretion of potassium.
Potassium loss is enhanced by the action of aldosterone which is released
in response to hypovolemia caused by the loss of sodium and water. In the
steady state, hypokalemia is maintained by persistent aldosterone secretion.

The various mechanisms which cause hypokalemia are reviewed in Chapter 18.

Proximal RTA is associated with low plasma _____________; potassium

treatment with bicarbonate makes it _________ (better/worse). worse

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!RTAs!Proximal!Bone destruction is the most

worrisome complication of proximal RTA.

pH = H+
Ca++ HCO3
vitamin D

Ca++ PTH Ca++ PO4– –


When pH falls, bones release bicarbonate as a buffer. Proximal tubular Kidney stones are a rare
dysfunction prevents the conversion of vitamin D to calcitriol, leading to complication of proximal
hypocalcemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism. RTA.

Bone destruction is a common complication of proximal RTA. The chronic

acidosis of proximal RTA promotes the release of bicarbonate and phosphate
from bone in order to neutralize hydrogen.
The severe bone destruction associated with proximal RTA presents as
rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Bone catabolism is attrib-
uted to acidemia as well as acquired vitamin D deficiency. The proximal
tubule normally converts vitamin D to its most active form, calcitriol, which
increases calcium absorption from the GI tract. In proximal RTA, vitamin D
is not activated, causing hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia stimulates parathy-
roid hormone (PTH) secretion which acts at the bones to increase the re-
lease of calcium and phosphate.
Unlike distal RTA, to be discussed later, kidney stones are a rare compli-
cation of proximal RTA. Kidney stones are uncommon because the urine in
proximal RTA has an elevated concentration of citrate and amino acids which
increase the solubility of calcium. In addition, since distal nephron function
is intact, urine can be acidified which increases the solubility of calcium.

The major complication of ________ RTA is bone destruction. proximal

Kidney stones are a common problem in ________ RTA, but distal

rarely occur in __________ RTA. proximal

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

The causes of proximal RTA all involve disruption of normal

proximal tubule function..
Although the conditions which cause proximal RTA have been well
described, the specific molecular defects are largely unknown. Some of
the causes of proximal RTA are described below.
Isolated proximal RTA in the absence of other proximal tubule defi-
cits is rare. Proximal RTA is usually part of generalized proximal tubu-
lar dysfunction, known as renal Fanconi’s syndrome. (See the following

Cystinosis Hypocalcemia
Cystinosis is a disorder characterized by Chronic hypocalcemia decreases bicarbon-
the accumulation of the amino acid cys- ate resorption in the proximal tubule by
teine in the kidney and cornea. The dis- an unclear mechanism. Causes of chronic
ease is autosomal recessive and comes in hypocalcemia:
three forms: • vitamin D deficiency from an inad-
• Infantile form is the most severe. Re- equate diet and limited sun exposure.
nal manifestations are common by 4 • hypoparathyroidism from parathy-
to 6 months. Characteristics of the dis- roid failure.
ease include non-anion gap metabolic • hypomagnesemia can cause ac-
acidosis, vitamin D-resistant rickets quired hypoparathyroidism through
and Fanconi syndrome. Death typical- the inhibition of PTH release.
ly occurs by age ten.
• chronic renal failure
• Juvenile form is less severe than the
infantile form. The onset of renal man- Multiple myeloma
ifestations is delayed until the second Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell tumor
decade of life. which produces an overabundance of im-
• Adult form is relatively benign. The munoglobulins or light chains. Light
disease only affects the cornea. Pa- chains are toxic to the proximal tubule and
tients have photophobia, headache can cause Fanconi syndrome. Non-anion
and itchy eyes, but renal function re- gap metabolic acidosis usually precedes
mains intact. the diagnosis of multiple myeloma by up
to five years. Light chains can also accu-
Ifosfamide mulate in the distal nephron and cause
Ifosfamide is a chemotherapeutic agent re- distal RTA.
lated to cyclophosphamide. Compared to
cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide has less
myelotoxicity but more nephrotoxicity. It
is directly toxic to the proximal tubule.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Fanconi’s syndrome? What’s up with that?

Causes of proximal tubule injury

amyloidosis mercury poisoning
cadmium exposure nephrotic syndrome
cisplatin renal transplants
cystinosis Sjögren’s syndrome
fructose intolerance streptozocin urea
galactosemia tetracycline (expired) glucose
glycogen storage diseases tyrosinosis uric acid
idiopathic (adult) Wilson’s disease phosphate
lead toxicity bicarbonate
amino acids

Renal Fanconi’s syndrome is due to a generalized impairment in the

resorptive capacity of the proximal tubule. In Fanconi’s syndrome, the
resorption of the following is diminished: amino acids, glucose, sodium,
potassium, calcium, phosphate, bicarbonate and uric acid. All these com-
pounds appear in the urine at abnormally high levels. Proximal RTA
(impaired bicarbonate resorption) is a component of Fanconi’s syndrome.
Fanconi’s syndrome is characterized by the numerous consequences
of impaired proximal tubule resorption. Clinical features include osteo-
malacia, rickets, growth failure, polyuria, hypokalemia and hypophos-
A wide variety of diseases and toxins which damage the kidney can
cause Fanconi’s syndrome (listed above).
Treatment focuses on replacing the compounds lost in the urine such
as potassium, phosphate and bicarbonate. Vitamin D is given to pre-
vent bone catabolism.
Guido Fanconi was a Swiss pediatrician from the early 20th centuryswho’
name has
been attached to two diseases, both called Fanconi’s syndrome. Renal Fanconi's
syndrome is described above. The other syndrome is Fanconi’
s anemia which is an
idiopathic refractory anemia characterized by pancytopenia. Congenital anomalies
(e.g., short stature, microcephaly) are also a component of Fanconi’
s anemia.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Proximal!Acetazolamide can cause proxi-

mal RTA.

Na+ water
H+ H+ OH
Na +

MT cup
drug store
Dr. S. Gupta
carbonic C
anhydrase CO2

C carbonic
CO2 anhydrase

Acetazolamide causes proximal RTA by inhibiting the resorption of bicar-

bonate in the proximal tubule. It is a weak diuretic which acts by blocking
the action of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme which facilitates bicarbonate
resorption in the proximal tubule.
In addition to its use as a diuretic, acetazolamide is used in the treatment
of glaucoma.

_____________ is a weak diuretic which can cause non-anion Acetazolamide

gap metabolic acidosis by impairing the __________ resorp- proximal
tion of bicarbonate.

____________ inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Acetazolamide

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!RTAs!Proximal!Treatment of proximal RTA is oral

bicarbonate replacement.

HCO3 15 mEq/L HCO3 20 mEq/L HCO3 26 mEq/L

15 20 26
0 5 11

0 5 11
15 mEq/L 15 mEq/L 15 mEq/L


The daily acid load is excreted Supplemental bicarbonate rais- As plasma bicarbon-

by the kidney, and bicarbonate es the plasma bicarbonate ate rises, large
consumed by the daily acid above the Tm, and bicarbonate amounts of bicarbonate and po-
load is replaced. spills in the urine. tassium are lost in the urine.

The acidosis in proximal RTA is self-limited and typically mild. Because

the acidosis is well tolerated, treatment of proximal RTA in adults is contro-
versial. Children, on the other hand, must be treated because growth fail-
ure occurs without correction of plasma bicarbonate.
Treatment of proximal RTA consists of administering large amounts of oral
bicarbonate. Supplemental bicarbonate raises the plasma bicarbonate above
its Tm, causing bicarbonate to be lost in the urine. The more plasma bicarbon-
ate rises, the more bicarbonate is lost in the urine. The amount of bicarbonate
necessary to stay ahead of renal loss is 10–20 mEq/kg. (In distal RTA, the typi-
cal bicarbonate dose is only 1 mEq/kg.)
One of the complications of bicarbonate treatment is severe hypokalemia
(previously explained on page 305). Because treatment can cause an acute
drop in potassium, hypokalemia must be corrected prior to administering
bicarbonate. Chronic treatment with bicarbonate also requires potassium

To treat proximal RTA, a large amount of _____ bicarbonate needs oral

to be given to stay ahead of bicarbonate loss in the ________. urine

___________ supplements must be given during the treatment of Potassium

proximal RTA.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Distal!Distal RTA is caused by a defect in

the ability of the distal nephron to produce new bicarbonate (ex-
crete hydrogen).
A defect in any step of bicarbon-
ate production (hydrogen excre-
tion) causes distal RTA.
Step one: Sodium resorption creates a
negatively charged lumen.

H+ +
Step two: H is secreted into the lumen
ATP by the H -ATPase pump.


Step three: The membrane does not al-


low H to flow back into the cells.

H+ secretion in the proxi-

mal tubule is intact and

filtered HCO3 is resorbed.

Distal RTA, also known as type 1 RTA, is due to the inability of the distal
nephron to excrete hydrogen. The inability to secrete hydrogen means that
the distal nephron cannot produce new bicarbonate to replenish the bicar-
bonate consumed buffering the daily acid load. Even though the proximal
tubule is intact, it only resorbs filtered bicarbonate and cannot produce new
bicarbonate. Unlike proximal RTA which is self-limited, distal RTA is pro-
gressive. The acidosis in distal RTA can become severe due to continued
bicarbonate consumption by the daily acid load.
In the distal nephron, hydrogen excretion (bicarbonate production) is a
three-step process (listed above). Dysfunctional hydrogen secretion can be
due to a failure of one or more of the three steps, reviewed on the following
The defining characteristic of distal RTA, regardless of the cause, is the
inability to acidify the urine. The urine pH is always high (greater than 5.5)
despite systemic acidemia. Depending on the type of defect, plasma potas-
sium can be increased or decreased.

Distal RTA is due to the inability of the distal tubule to excrete _______, hydrogen
and the urine pH is ________ (less/greater) than 5.5. greater

The inability to acidify urine is the same as the inability to produce

___________ and excrete ___. bicarbonate; H+

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!RTAs!Distal!Impaired sodium resorption is a defect

in step one of bicarbonate production (voltage-dependent distal RTA).


– + K+
In voltage-dependent distal RTA,
loss of sodium resorption pre- – +
vents the collecting tubule from – + Na+
developing a negative charge. – +


Without a negatively-charged tu-

bule, hydrogen cannot be se- H+ H+ OH
creted and new bicarbonate is HCO3
not produced. CO2


Without a negatively charged tu-
bule, potassium secretion is de-
creased, causing hyperkalemia.

Distal RTA from a defect in sodium resorption (step one of hydrogen ion
secretion) is known as voltage-dependent distal RTA. The negatively charged
lumen is normally generated by resorption of sodium without the simulta-
neous resorption of an anion or the secretion of a cation.
Without a negatively charged tubule, the H+-ATPase pump is unable to
secrete hydrogen into the lumen. The lack of a negatively charged lumen
also prevents the secretion of potassium. Since both hydrogen and potas-
sium excretion is impaired, voltage-dependent RTA is characterized by both
acidemia and hyperkalemia.
Voltage-dependent distal RTA can be caused by urinary tract obstruction
(obstructive uropathy), sickle cell anemia and lupus. Drugs which block so-
dium resorption (e.g., triamterene, amiloride) can also cause voltage-depen-
dent distal RTA.

Distal RTA due to a defect in sodium resorption is also aaa

known as _________-dependent distal RTA. voltage

Voltage-dependent distal RTA is associated with a _______ high

plasma potassium concentration.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Distal!A defect in step two of bicarbonate pro-

duction is an inability to secrete hydrogen ion (classic distal RTA).


In classic distal RTA (defect in step – + K+

two), sodium resorption proceeds – +
as normal and the tubule lumen
– + Na+
becomes negatively charged.
– +

Loss of a functional proton pump
prevents the secretion of hydro-
gen into the tubule. H+ H+ OH
hydrogen HCO3


Without hydrogen secretion, po-
tassium is the only cation drawn +

in by the negatively charged lu- +

men. This enhances potassium


secretion, causing hypokalemia. +


Distal RTA can be due to a defect in step two of hydrogen secretion. This
is the most common cause of distal RTA and is occasionally referred to as
classic distal RTA. This type of RTA can be caused by a congenital absence
or acquired defect of the H+-ATPase pump in the collecting tubule.
Classic distal RTA is associated with hypokalemia. Hypokalemia is due to
increased electronegativity in the tubule fluid (no hydrogen secretion to neu-
tralize the negative charge) which draws potassium into the tubule.
Acquired distal RTA can be caused by multiple conditions.

lithium pyelonephritis
hereditary elliptocytosis sickle cell anemia
hypergammaglobulinemia Sjögren’s syndrome
idiopathic toluene (glue sniffing)
lupus Wilson’s disease
multiple myeloma

Distal RTA can be due to the inability of the ________ pump to H+-ATPase
________ hydrogen. pump

Classic distal RTA is associated with a ____ (low/high) plasma low


S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Etiologies!RTAs!Distal!A defect in step three of bicarbonate

production involves increased permeability of the tubular lumen.

In distal RTA due to a leaky Na+ ATP

tubular membrane (defect in
step three), sodium resorption – + K+
proceeds as normal and the tu- – +
bule lumen becomes nega- – + Na+
tively charged. – +

The normal H -ATPase pump
moves H+ into the lumen. H+ H+ OH
Because the membrane is not
intact, H flows back into the
cell. Inside the cell, H+ com-
bines with OH to form water
which prevents the production HCO3
of new HCO3–.

Potassium flows down its con- +

centration gradient into the lu-

men, causing hypokalemia.


Distal RTA can be due to a lack of tubular membrane integrity. This type
of RTA is associated with hypokalemia.
During normal hydrogen excretion, the tubule can develop a hydrogen
concentration up to a thousand times greater than the tubular cells. The
luminal membrane must be impermeable to hydrogen to prevent diffusion
of hydrogen down its concentration gradient into the cells. Destruction of
this membrane is a complication of treatment with the antifungal agent
amphotericin B.
Tubular membrane destruction also allows potassium to flow down its
concentration gradient out of the cells into the tubular lumen. The potas-
sium is excreted, causing hypokalemia.

Distal RTA can be due to leakage of secreted hydrogen in the tubule aaa
back into the _______ ________. tubular cells

Leaky tubular walls can be due to ____________ B. amphotericin

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Distal!Both bone destruction and kidney

stones are complications of distal RTA.

Ca++ HCO3

pH = H+

Ca+ + HPO4

When the pH falls, bones release HCO–3, HPO2- 4

and Bone destruction increases calci-
other buffers to neutralize the excess hydrogen ion. um excretion in the urine and pre-
This results in bone destruction. disposes to kidney stones.

Bone destruction and kidney stones are common complications of distal RTA.
As in proximal RTA, the chronic acidosis of distal RTA causes bicarbonate
and other buffers (HPO42 –) to be mobilized from the bones in order to neu-
tralize the daily acid load, resulting in bone destruction.
Bicarbonate and HPO42– released from bone are accompanied by calcium.
The presence of excess calcium and phosphate in the urine can cause kidney
stones. Two other factors, not associated with proximal RTA, predispose to
kidney stones in distal RTA:
High urine pH (pH >5.5) decreases the solubility of calcium and
phosphate, increasing the likelihood of crystallization.
Decreased urinary citrate in distal RTA is due to increased cit-
rate resorption. Lack of urinary citrate decreases calcium solu-
bility, predisposing to stone formation.
Correcting the acidemia associated with distal RTA decreases bone ca-
tabolism and the risk of kidney stones. To correct the acidosis in distal RTA,
oral replacement of bicarbonate must be sufficient to replace the bicarbon-
ate consumed buffering the daily acid load. This typically requires 1-4 mEq
of bicarbonate per kilogram per day. Citrate, which is converted to bicar-
bonate, is often used because it is better tolerated.

Patients with distal RTA are predisposed to the formation of aaa

calcium-phosphate kidney _______. stones

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

causes RTA by leading to decreased ammonia production.
free hydrogen ion

H H+ H+

ammonium AMP

NH4 NH3 H+
titratable acids
H2PO4– HPO4 H+

Urine pH is low, but total

hydrogen excretion is

Renal tubular acidosis from hypoaldosteronism (type 4 RTA) is due to the

lack of aldosterone activity at the distal nephron. Reduced aldosterone ac-
tivity causes hyperkalemia which inhibits the formation of ammonia in the
distal nephron. Reduced ammonia production impairs the ability of the kid-
ney to excrete the daily acid load, causing acidemia.
The excretion of free hydrogen by the intercalated cells is limited by the
minimal attainable tubular pH. Once the pH in the tubules is 4.5, the hy-
drogen ATPase is unable to pump additional hydrogen against this gradi-
ent. To permit continued hydrogen excretion, hydrogen in the tubules binds
to titratable acids or ammonia. Ammonia binds the greatest proportion of
hydrogen and is the only form of hydrogen excretion which can increase in
the presence of an acid load.
In RTA from hypoaldosteronism, the H +-ATPase pump is intact; there-
fore, free hydrogen can be pumped into the tubular lumen, acidifying the
urine. However, because ammonia production is impaired, the daily acid
load cannot be excreted.
RTA from hypoaldosteronism most commonly occurs in patients with re-
nal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus.
The various etiologies of hypoaldosteronism are discussed in detail in Chapter

Renal tubular acidosis can be due to a lack of __________ . aldosterone

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!RTAs!Hypoaldosteronism!In RTA from hypoal-

dosteronism, bone destruction and kidney stones are uncommon.

Ca+ + HCO3

Ca+ + HPO4

RTA due to hypoaldosteronism is well tolerated. Because acidemia is mild,

bone destruction and kidney stones are uncommon complications of this
Treatment of RTA from hypoaldosteronism focuses on treating the under-
lying disorder. Additionally, lowering plasma potassium can restore ammo-
nia production and increase hydrogen excretion as ammonium.
One of the best ways to lower the potassium in this type of RTA is through
the use of loop diuretics. By blocking the Na-K-2Cl transporter, loop diuret-
ics increase sodium delivery to the collecting tubules which enhances the
excretion of potassium. Loop diuretics are less effective in the presence of
renal insufficiency. If renal insufficiency is present or if diuretics fail to con-
trol hyperkalemia, sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate® ) can be used
to lower plasma potassium.

The treatments of hyperkalemia and hypoaldosteronism are further discussed in Chapter

19, Hyperkalemia.

The acidemia of RTA due to ______________ is generally mild hypoaldosteronism

and kidney stones and bone destruction are uncommon.

Lowering the plasma potassium concentration with _____ di- loop

uretics can help restore ammonia production.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Diagnosis!The diagnosis of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis

is facilitated by examining key urine characteristics and the plas-
ma potassium level.

urine pH plasma K+ urine anion gap

GI bicarbonate loss < 5.5 variable negative

proximal RTA variable low negative

distal RTA > 5.5 variable positive

RTA from hypoaldosteronism variable high positive

In general, the history and physical exam should distinguish between the
GI causes of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis and the RTAs. Without an
obvious source of GI loss, an RTA should be considered.
Although the RTAs can be intimidating, accurately making the diagnosis
of GI bicarbonate loss or an RTA requires only three tests:
• urine anion gap
• urine pH
• plasma potassium

Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis can be due to ________ GI or lower

renal loss of ___________. bicarbonate

Renal loss of ____________ occurs in renal tubular acidosis. bicarbonate

In order to distinguish among the possible causes of non-anion

gap metabolic acidosis, three laboratory studies should be done:

• ________ anion gap urine

• urine ______ pH
• plasma ___________ potassium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!In the diagnosis of non-anion gap metabolic acido-

sis, using an algorithm can be helpful.
Non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis
GI bicarbonate loss
urine anion gap

proximal RTA1

urine pH
< 5.5 > 5.5

plasma plasma
potassium potassium

• proximal RTA1 • classic distal RTA voltage-depen-

• low ammonium2 hypoaldosteronism • leaky membrane dent distal RTA
1 2
Although the urine anion gap in proximal RTA is Although not discussed in this chapter, a rare cause
usually negative, it can occasionally be positive. of RTA is an impairment of ammonium excretion from
The diagnosis of proximal RTA is confirmed by renal interstitial disease. Unlike impaired ammonia
determining the fractional excretion of bicarbon- production from hypoaldosteronism, hyperkalemia is
ate during a bicarbonate infusion. (See page 322.) not present because aldosterone levels are normal.

The approach to non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is outlined in the algo-

rithm above. The important tests are the urine anion gap, the urine pH and
the plasma potassium concentration.
Before proceeding with the algorithm, the following confounding factors need to be ruled out
or corrected.
! Urinary tract infections with urease-producing bacteria can raise the urine pH.
! Hypokalemia from extra-renal potassium losses should be corrected. Severe hypokale-
mia increases the amount of NH3
in the tubule. NH3 can absorb free hydrogen, convert it
to NH4 and falsely elevate the urine pH.
! Hypovolemia stimulates sodium resorption, decreasing sodium delivery to the collect-
ing tubule. With less sodium available for resorption, the generation of a negative tubule
charge is impaired and hydrogen secretion decreases, increasing urine pH.

Before evaluating a patient for GI bicarbonate loss or an aaa

RTA, it is important to first identify and treat ______ tract urinary
infections, hypokalemia and ___________. hypovolemia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Diagnosis!The urine anion gap is used to estimate the renal ex-

cretion of ammonium.
+ + –
Na + K – Cl
Na+ Cl– Na+ Cl–

K+ K+


cations = anions

cations = anions
Negative urine anion gap Positive urine anion gap
GI bicarbonate loss distal RTA
proximal RTA RTA from hypoaldosteronism

The urine anion gap is an indirect method of identifying the presence of

ammonium (NH4+) in the urine. Normally, hydrogen excretion as ammonium
increases in the presence of an acid load, yielding a negative urine anion
In non-anion gap metabolic acidosis due to proximal RTA and lower GI
loss of bicarbonate, distal ammonia production is intact. Therefore, in these
disorders, the urine anion gap is negative.
In all three types of distal RTA and RTA from hypoaldosteronism, the
ability of the distal nephron to produce ammonia is impaired. In these dis-
orders, the urine anion gap is a positive number.
For details regarding the urinary anion gap, see page 302.

The urine anion gap is a marker of _______ excretion. ammonium

The urine anion gap is typically positive in ________ RTA and distal
in RTA from _________________. hypoaldosteronism

The urine anion gap is typically ________ in proximal RTA and negative
non-anion gap metabolic acidosis from _____ ___ bicarbonate loss. lower GI

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!The diagnosis of proximal RTA can be confirmed by

measuring the fractional excretion of bicarbonate.
plasma HCO3– plasma HCO3–
15 mEq/L 20 mEq/L

Filtered HCO3– Filtered HCO3
150 mEq 200 mEq


Excreted HCO3– HCO3

Excreted HCO3– HCO3
4.5 mEq 30 mEq
– –
Fractional excretion of HCO = 3%
Fractional excretion of HCO = 15%

If proximal RTA is suspected, confirming the diagnosis requires measur-

ing the excretion of bicarbonate during a bicarbonate infusion. Because the
primary defect in proximal RTA is a decreased Tm for bicarbonate, increas-
ing plasma bicarbonate increases renal excretion of bicarbonate. The loss of
bicarbonate in the urine is quantified by the fractional excretion of bicar-
The fractional excretion of bicarbonate is the percent of filtered bicarbon-
ate that is actually excreted. For example, if 100 mEq of bicarbonate is fil-
tered and 10 mEq is excreted, the fractional excretion of bicarbonate is 10%.
In the steady state of proximal RTA, the fractional excretion of bicarbonate
is about 3%. As plasma bicarbonate increases during a bicarbonate infu-
sion, the fractional excretion of bicarbonate increases to 10 to 15%.
The formula for the fractional excretion of bicarbonate is shown below.

urine HCO3 ! plasma creatinine
– ! 100
plasma HCO3 ! urine creatinine

The primary defect in proximal RTA is a ____________ (de- decreased

creased/increased) Tm for bicarbonate.

In proximal RTA, increasing plasma bicarbonate _________ increases

(decreases/increases) the excretion of bicarbonate.

Bicarbonate excretion is quantified by the __________ excre- fractional

tion of bicarbonate.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 12 Metabolic Acidosis: Non-Anion Gap

Summary!Metabolic acidosis: non-anion gap.

Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is caused by the loss of bicarbonate from
either the lower GI tract or the kidney.
The GI secretions below the stomach all have high concentrations of bi-
carbonate. This is important in order to protect the mucosa from the highly
acidic stomach secretions. Any increase in lower GI fluid loss will cause the
loss of bicarbonate resulting in non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.
Any fistula, or urinary diversion procedures in which the urine is in con-
tact with the bowel (i.e., ureterosigmoidostomy or an obstructed ureteroi-
leostomy) will increase the loss of bicarbonate.
Chloride exchange resins, used to increase the loss of cholesterol in the
stool, bind bicarbonate in addition to bile acids and increase GI bicarbonate






Cl– Cl

ho C
Cl– Cl– e

Cl– Cl–

diarrhea ureterosigmoidostomy
surgical drains
obstructed ureteroileostomy cholestyramine
pathologic fistulas

Renal bicarbonate loss is caused by renal tubular acidosis. The kidney is

responsible for regulating the plasma bicarbonate concentration. It does
this by the coordinated action of the proximal tubule and distal nephron.
The proximal tubule is responsible for resorbing filtered bicarbonate.
The distal nephron is responsible for creating new bicarbonate to replace
bicarbonate lost buffering the daily acid load. The daily acid load, approxi-
mately 50 to 100 mmol, is produced from normal cellular metabolism.



Proximal tubule resorbs Distal nephron creates

filtered bicarbonate. new bicarbonate.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

! Metabolic acidosis: non-anion gap.

The secretion of acid in the distal tubule is limited by the minimal attainable
urine pH of 4.5. If only free hydrogen could be secreted, an unrealistically large
amount of urine would need to be produced in order to excrete the daily acid
load. Instead, hydrogen ion is hidden by buffers in the urine. The most impor-
tant urinary buffer is ammonia. Ammonia secretion can be tracked by the uri-
nary anion gap. A negative gap indicates increased renal ammonium excretion,
a good indicator of increased renal hydrogen excretion; a positive gap indicates
a lack of urinary ammonia excretion.
urine anion gap

Na + K+ – Cl–

Renal tubular acidosis can be due to a failure of the kidney to resorb filtered
bicarbonate (i.e., proximal RTA), create new bicarbonate (i.e., distal RTA) or
excrete ammonium (i.e., hypoaldosteronism). The various RTAs are compared
in the following table and their diagnosis is covered on the algorithm on page
Proximal RTA Distal RTA Hypoaldosteronism
(type 2) (type 1) RTA (type 4)

Nature of DecreasedTm for Voltage-dependent: impaired Na+ Hypoaldosteronism leads to hy-

the defect bicarbonate resorption prevents the tubules from perkalemia which decreases
becoming negatively charged, de- the formation of ammonia. Am-
creasing H secretion. monia is required to buf
fer uri-
Classic distal RTA: a defective H- nary hydrogen and allow signifi-

ATPase pump prevents Hsecretion. cant hydrogen excretion to oc-


Leaky membrane: H in the lumen
flows down its concentration gradi-
ent back into the tubular cells.

Plasma Low or normal Voltage-dependent: high High

potassium Classic: low
Leaky membrane: low

Able to Yes No (pH > 5.5) Yes

acidify urine

Urine anion gap Negative Positive Positive

Complications Osteomalacia in adults Osteomalacia in adults None

Rickets in children Rickets in children
Hypokalemia, especially Stones (calcium phosphate)
during treatment

Treatment –
HCO3 : 10-20 mEq/kg/day HCO–3: 1-4 mEq/kg/day Correct hyperkalemia
• loop diuretics
• sodium polystyrene

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Metabolic Acidosis:
13 Anion Gap

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Addition of acid causes metabolic acidosis with an

increased anion gap.

The addition of hydro-
gen ions lowers pH. Bi-
carbonate is consumed
buffering the added hy-
drogen. H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C

Gap Na+ – – Na+

Cl Cl
The anions associated
with the acid increase
the anion gap. Chloride HCO3
concentration is un- HCO3
K+ A-
anions A-

cations = anions anions = cations

Anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to the addition of acid. Addition of

acid raises the hydrogen ion concentration (lowers pH). The increase in hy-
drogen then causes the following:
Decreased bicarbonate. Added hydrogen is buffered by bi-
carbonate, lowering the bicarbonate concentration.
Increased anion gap. As acid is added, the accompanying
anion accumulates in the plasma, increasing the anion gap.
Chloride concentration does not change.

The difference between anion and non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is discussed in Chap-
ter 11, MetabolicAcidosis: The Overview

Anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to the addition of ______. acid

In anion gap metabolic acidosis, the bicarbonate _________ (de- decreases

creases/increases) because it is consumed buffering hydrogen.

In metabolic acidosis due to the addition of acid, the accumula-

tion of _________ causes the ________ gap to increase. anions, anion

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Introduction!Anion gap metabolic acidosis is caused by four

fundamental processes.

Lactic acidosis Ketoacidosis

increased anion gap O O O O

+ CH2 CH2 O C
Oxygen Na


Renal failure Ingestions

R.I.P. anions = cations

Anion gap metabolic acidosis is due to one of four fundamental processes:

lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, renal failure or ingestions. Every third year
medical student learns a mnemonic for the differential diagnosis of anion
gap metabolic acidosis; we learned PLUM SEEDS:
Paraldehyde ............................................... Ingestion
Lactic Acidosis ............................................ Lactic acidosis
Uremia ........................................................ Renal Failure
Methanol ..................................................... Ingestion
Salicylate poisoning ................................... Ingestion
Ethanol ....................................................... Ketoacidosis
Ethylene glycol ........................................... Ingestion
DKA ............................................................ Ketoacidosis
Starvation ................................................... Ketoacidosis

Anion gap metabolic acidosis is caused by one of four funda-

mental processes: lactic acidosis
_____________, _____________, _____________, _____________ renal failure

A good mnemonic is _________________. PLUM SEEDS

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

While you may have thought that biochemistry was a painful

waste of time, it turns out that the fundamental biochemical
pathways of carbohydrate metabolism play a central role in anion
gap metabolic acidosis. The following pages review carbohydrate,
alcohol and fat metabolism. Before you put the book down in
disgust (or worse, shred it), realize that knowledge of these path-
ways is important for true understanding of anion gap meta-
bolic acidosis.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Overview: To understand anion gap metabolic acidosis, it is impor-

tant to understand the key pathways in carbohydrate metabolism.
amino acid metabolism

lactate metabolism
ruvate •
py lactic acid + NAD+

ruvate •

ruvate •
all cells

ruvate •
gluconeogenesis oxygen


TCA cycle oxidative

Glycolysis. Glycolysis is the metabolism of glucose into pyruvate. For ev-

ery molecule of glucose catabolized, two ATP and two pyruvate are produced,
and two NAD+ are consumed.
Gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is the production of glucose from pyru-
vate. Gluconeogenesis consumes two molecules of pyruvate and four ATP to
produce one molecule of glucose and two NAD . Gluconeogenesis only oc-
curs in the liver and the kidney.
Lactate metabolism. The conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid (lactate
and hydrogen ion) produces one molecule of NAD+.
Amino acid metabolism. Pyruvate is used in the synthesis and break-
down of some amino acids. The pyruvate produced from the catabolism of
protein can be converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis.
Tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) and oxidative phosphorylation.
Pyruvate is converted into acetyl CoA which enters the TCA cycle. The TCA
cycle is a continuous series of enzymatic reactions which produces metabo-
lites for the electron transport chain of oxidative phosphorylation. Oxida-
tive phosphorylation produces the bulk of ATP and NAD + needed for cellu-
lar function. The TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation occur exclusively
in mitochondria.
Glycolysis consumes two _______ and produces two ________. NAD +; ATP

Gluconeogenesis occurs only in the liver and _____________. kidney

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Lactic acidosis!When mitochondrial function is disrupted, lac-

tate is produced to sustain glycolysis.
amino acid metabolism

glycolysis lactate metabolism

ruvate •
py lactic acid + NAD+

ruvate •

ruvate •
+ NAD+
all cells

ruvate •

glucose CoA

TCA cycle oxidative

The complete catabolism of one glucose molecule by glycolysis, the TCA

cycle and oxidative phosphorylation produces 38 ATP. Thirty-six of those
ATP are produced in the mitochondria. When mitochondrial function is dis-
rupted, ATP is produced solely through glycolysis.
Glycolysis requires two molecules of NAD+ for every molecule of glucose
metabolized. When mitochondrial function is disrupted, NAD+, like ATP,
becomes scarce. In the absence of mitochondrial function, the NAD+ required
to maintain glycolysis is produced by converting pyruvate to lactic acid.
Increased production of lactic acid during mitochondrial dysfunction causes
lactic acidosis.
There are two fundamental causes of mitochondrial dysfunction which
cause lactic acidosis:
• type A: tissue hypoxia
• type B: impaired mitochondrial oxygen utilization

Normally, the ________ produce most of the ATP and mitochondria

______ needed for proper cell function. NAD+

If mitochondrial function is impaired, _________ becomes the glycolysis

sole producer of ATP; increased production of _________ _______ lactic acid
restores the NAD+ needed for glycolysis.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Lactic acidosis!Type A lactic acidosis is caused by tissue hypoxia.


cardiogenic shock hypovolemic shock septic shock


mesenteric ischemia respiratory failure severe anemia carbon monoxide poisoning

Tissue hypoxia, causing mitochondrial dysfunction, results in type A lac-

tic acidosis. Since oxidative phosphorylation requires oxygen, hypoxia shuts
down oxidative phosphorylation, stopping the production of ATP and NAD+.
In this setting, pyruvate is converted to lactic acid to supply the NAD+ needed
for glycolysis.
Causes of tissue hypoxia are listed above and include shock of any etiol-
ogy, mesenteric ischemia, severe respiratory failure with prolonged hypoxia,
profound anemia and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Strange but true facts about lactic acidosis:

• Lactic acidosis is associated with leukocytosis.
The increased white blood cell count
is due to increased sympathetic activity causing demargination.
• Uric acid competes with lactic acid for excretion at the proximal tubule; thus, lactic
acidosis can cause increased uric acid levels.
• The hyperkalemia often seen with metabolic acidosis does not occur with lactic acidosis.

Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the _____________. mitochondria

Mitochondria need ________ to function. oxygen

Tissue _________ causes type A lactic acidosis. hypoxia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Lactic acidosis!Type B lactic acidosis is caused by impaired mito-

chondrial oxygen utilization.
poisoning isoniazid
nitroprusside use metformin (rare)
ethanol ingestion (mild)
zidovudine (AZT)
ethylene glycol ingestion (mild)
methanol ingestion (mild) ORGAN FAILURE
hepatic failure
renal failure
sarcoma AIDS
D-Lactic acidosis
diabetes mellitus
thiamine deficiency

The inability of mitochondria to use oxygen causes type B lactic acidosis.

Some of the causes of type B lactic acidosis are listed above. (Note that some
of these etiologies can also cause other types of anion gap metabolic acido-
sis.) Two interesting causes of type B lactic acidosis are described below.
Cyanide is a mitochondrial toxin which can shut down the Krebs cycle and
oxidative phosphorylation, leading to fatal lactic acidosis. In addition to indus-
trial exposures (e.g., photographic developing, mining, electroplating), cyanide
poisoning can be iatrogenic. Nitroprusside, an antihypertensive drug commonly
used in the ICU, is metabolized into cyanide. Thiosulfate, by donating a sulfur
atom, converts the cyanide into thiocyanate which is excreted by the kidneys.
Care must be taken during prolonged use of nitroprusside (especially in pa-
tients with liver disease) to prevent the accumulation of cyanide and the gen-
eration of lactic acidosis.
Thiamine is a critical cofactor in the conversion of pyruvate into acetyl
CoA. In thiamine deficiency, pyruvate cannot be converted into acetyl CoA
(which would enter the TCA cycle) and is shunted toward lactate production
Thiamine deficiency is the result of severe malnutrition, most commonly seen in alcoholics.
Thiamine deficiency causes a neurologic disorder known as ernicke-Korsakof
W f syndrome
which is characterized by short-term memory loss, confabulation, ataxia, nystagmus and
paralysis of one or more eye muscles.Administration of thiamine is part of the routine treat-
ment of alcoholics.Thiamine deficiency, if uncorrected, progresses to Korsakof
f’s psychosis
with permanent amnesia and confusion.

In type B lactic acidosis, the mitochondria cannot use ________. oxygen

Nitroprusside is metabolized into ___________. cyanide

Thiamine is needed to convert _________ into acetyl ______. pyruvate; CoA

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Metformin and lactic acidosis? What’s up with that?

Insulin secretion is un- Metformin increases the sensitivity
changed by metformin. of muscle cells to insulin so that they
absorb more glucose.

Metformin increases the sensitivity of
fat cells (adipocytes) to insulin so that
they absorb more glucose and de-
crease the release of free fatty acids.


Metformin decreases hepatic conversion
of lactate to glucose. Since lactate is not
converted to glucose, gluconeogenesis glucose
and fasting hyperglycemia are prevented.

Metformin (Glucophage®) is an oral hypoglycemic drug used in the treat-

ment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Unlike the sulfonylureas which lower
glucose by increasing insulin secretion, metformin lowers plasma glucose
by promoting glucose uptake by peripheral tissues (i.e., muscle and fat)
and decreasing hepatic gluconeogenesis.
Increased uptake. Metformin causes muscle and fat cells to increase
their uptake of glucose. This effect is beneficial in type 2 diabetes mellitus,
since the fundamental pathology is insulin resistance, in which greater
and greater levels of insulin are required to promote glucose uptake by
Decreased gluconeogenesis. Metformin inhibits gluconeogenesis in
the liver. Pyruvate, produced from lactate and amino acids, is converted
into acetyl CoA and enters the TCA cycle instead of being converted into
glucose. Decreased gluconeogenesis prevents fasting hyperglycemia.
If plasma levels of metformin rise too high, a life-threatening lactic aci-
dosis can occur due to inhibition of lactate metabolism. Increased met-
formin levels can occur from overdose, drug-drug interaction (e.g., cimetidine
competes with metformin for excretion at the proximal tubule) and renal
insufficiency. Because of the risk of acute renal failure from IV contrast
dye (used in radiologic procedures and cardiac catheterizations), metformin
should be stopped after administering a dye load. In addition, because
severe illness can potentiate the lactic acidosis caused by metformin, con-
sideration should be given to discontinuing metformin in hospitalized pa-

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

D-lactic acidosis? What’s up with that?




L-lactic acid D-lactic acid

D-lactic acidosis is a strange form of lactic acidosis in which plasma

levels of the D-isomer of lactic acid, produced by some bacteria, are
increased. D-lactic acidosis only occurs in patients with short bowel syn-
drome. The shortened small intestines are unable to fully absorb di-
etary sugar and starch, leaving carbohydrates to be metabolized by
bacteria in the colon. Bacterial (especially lactobacilli) metabolism of
carbohydrate produces D-lactic acid.
In circulation, D-lactic acid behaves the same as L-lactic acid; it con-
sumes bicarbonate and lowers the pH. Since the enzyme which con-
verts lactic acid to pyruvate only recognizes the L-isomer, D-lactic acid
cannot be converted to pyruvate.
D-lactic acidosis presents as metabolic acidosis occurring after meals.
The acidosis is associated with neurologic changes (e.g., confusion,
ataxia, slurred speech, and loss of memory). Diagnosis depends on us-
ing a specific D-lactic acid assay because the standard assay for lactic
acid only detects the L-isomer.
Unlike L-lactic acid, D-lactic acid is not resorbed by the proximal
tubule. (The Tm for D-lactic acid is zero.) Therefore, the acidosis from
D-lactic acid is transient as the lactate is cleared by the kidney.
Treatment of D-lactic acidosis involves the administration of antibi-
otics to decrease the bacterial synthesis of D-lactate, as well as special
diets low in carbohydrates.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis!Ketoacidosis occurs when the body is unable to

use glucose as an energy source.
The three causes of ketoacidosis


starvation diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) alcohol ingestion

The three types of ketones

ß-hydroxybutyric acid acetoacetate acetone

Anion gap metabolic acidosis can be due to ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis oc-

curs in three different clinical scenarios:
• starvation
• diabetes (diabetic ketoacidosis)
• alcohol ingestion
The body can use only two types of fuel, glucose and ketones. Glucose is
normally the primary fuel, but ketones become the primary energy source
when glucose cannot be used. Ketones are produced in the liver from trig-
lycerides. There are three types of ketones: ß-hydroxybutyric acid, acetoac-
etate and acetone.
In order to understand ketoacidosis, it is important to understand how
the body determines its primary fuel source: glucose in the fed state and
ketones in the fasting state. This is reviewed on the following pages.

The three types of ketones:

• ß-hydroxybutyric acid is not measured by the standard urine assay for ketones. It is the
predominant ketone of DKA and alcoholic ketoacidosis.
• Acetoacetate is detected by the standard lab assay for ketones but typically represents
only 25% of the total ketone load (less in alcoholic or diabetic ketoacidosis).
• Acetone does not cause an acidosis. It is found in all types of ketoacidosis.

Ketoacidosis occurs in three different clinical scenarios: __________, starvation

diabetes and ________ ingestion. alcohol

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ketoacidosis!In the fed state, insulin predominates and glucose

is the primary fuel source.

Brain. Consumes glucose as usual.

Muscle. Protein synthesis. protein
insulin synthesis

glucagon glucose

Adipocytes. Fatty glycogen

acid synthesis.

Liver. Fatty acids are TCA

converted to triglycer-
ides. Glucose is con-
verted to glycogen.

After eating, blood sugar rises. In response, the pancreas secretes insulin
and shuts off the secretion of glucagon. This is known as the fed state during
which the primary fuel for the body is glucose.
Insulin promotes the building of muscle, storage of fat and hepatic glyco-
gen synthesis. The effects of increased insulin and decreased glucagon are
summarized below.

• building of muscle • decreased breakdown of muscle into

• absorption of glucose by skeletal amino acids and decreased gluconeo-
muscle and adipocytes genesis
• conversion of glucose to glycogen • decreased conversion of fatty acids to
in the liver ketones
• increased cellular glycolysis (con- • decreased breakdown of glycogen into
sumption of glucose) glucose (glycogenolysis)
• conversion of fatty acids into trigly-
cerides for storage in adipocytes

An increase in glucose triggers the pancreas to _________ insu- secrete

lin and _________ glucagon. suppress

Insulin acts on muscle and fat cells to increase _________ ab- glucose

Insulin triggers the liver to synthesize _________ from glucose. glycogen

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis!In the fasting state, glucagon predominates and

ketones are the primary fuel source.
Brain. Consumes glu-
cose and ketones.


Muscle. Lack of insulin in- amino acid (alanine)

duces protein catabolism.

amino acids
fatty acids


fatty acids
Adipocytes. Lack of in- ketones
sulin induces lipolysis. TCA

O O Liver. Glycogen is converted to glucose.

CH2 Protein is converted to glucose.
Fatty acids are converted to ketones.

During fasting, as blood sugar falls, the pancreas releases glucagon and
suppresses insulin. Initially, the liver converts glycogen stores into glucose
to prevent hypoglycemia. If the fasting state is prolonged, the primary fuel
is switched from glucose to ketones.
Glucagon stimulates the liver to convert glycogen to glucose, fatty acids
to ketones and alanine to glucose. The effects of decreased insulin and in-
creased glucagon are summarized below.

• protein catabolism in muscle cells; this • hepatic breakdown of glycogen into

provides the liver with amino acids for glucose (glycogenolysis)
gluconeogenesis • conversion of amino acids into glucose
• lipolysis in fat cells; this increases the • conversion of fatty acids into ketones
liver’s supply of fatty acid substrate for

Hypoglycemia can also stimulate the release of growth hormone, norepinephrine and corti-
sol. These hormones (the counter-regulatory hormones) promote lipolysis, protein catabo-
lism and gluconeogenesis. Norepinephrine is responsible for the symptoms of hypoglyce-
mia: sweating, tremors and agitation.

Hypoglycemia suppresses _________ release and stimulates insulin

________ release. glucagon

Glucagon acts in the _________ to increase the conversion of liver

amino acids and glycogen into _________ and the conversion of glucose
fatty acids into _________. ketones

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ketoacidosis!Ketones are produced when glucose is unavail-

able for metabolism. adipocytes
glucagon lipolysis
alcohol binge insulin
type 1 diabetes mellitus
triacylglycerides to fatty acids


fatty acid catabolism

TCA cycle
acetyl CoA
ketogenesis CH2 CH2 O C
HO C CH3 C CH3 oxidative phosphorylation

For ketogenesis to occur, both decreased insulin and increased glucagon

must be present. Decreased insulin stimulates the breakdown of triglycer-
ides into free fatty acids, the substrates for ketone formation. Glucagon fa-
cilitates the movement of fatty acids into hepatic mitochondria. In the mito-
chondria, fatty acids are metabolized into acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA can enter
the TCA cycle to provide energy for the hepatocyte or be converted into ke-
tones to provide energy for the body.
Ketosis is normally self-limited because an increase in plasma ketones
triggers the release of insulin which suppresses ketogenesis. Ketoacidosis
only becomes clinically significant when insulin activity is blocked. This
occurs in three clinical situations:
• starvation (persistent hypoglycemia suppresses insulin release)
• type I diabetes mellitus (the body is unable to produce or release
• alcoholic ketosis stimulates lipolysis, despite the presence of in-

In the fasting state, the body switches from ________ to glucose

___________ as the primary energy source. ketones

The signal for this shift is decreased _________. insulin

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis!Starvation!In starvation, glucose is unavailable

for metabolism.

glucagon lipolysis


hypoglycemia adipocytes

CO2 to fatty acids
TCA cycle oxidative phosphorylation
acetyl CoA
CH2 CH2 acetyl CoA
HO C CH3 C ketogenesis
The ketoacidosis of starvation is due to an appropriate physiologic re-
sponse to prolonged hypoglycemia.
The initial response to a fast is the breakdown of stored glycogen to glu-
cose (glycogenolysis) in the liver. Glycogen supplies are limited, however,
and are typically exhausted within 24 hours. The next response to a pro-
longed fast is the catabolism of protein into alanine and then into glucose
via gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis supplies glucose at the expense of skel-
etal muscle.
In order to minimize the loss of essential muscle mass, the primary en-
ergy source in long-term starvation is the catabolism of fat. Adipocytes re-
lease triglycerides which are hydrolyzed into glycerol and fatty acids. Glu-
cose can be produced from glycerol, but the majority of energy from triglyc-
erides is derived from the fatty acids. Fatty acids are hydrolyzed into acetyl
CoA which is converted into ketones. The brain, heart and skeletal muscle
can all adapt to use ketones as energy. In the mitochondria, ketones are
converted into acetyl CoA which is oxidized by the TCA cycle and oxidative
phosphorylation to produce ATP, NAD+ and carbon dioxide.
Normally, the presence of ketones stimulates the secretion of insulin, but
during starvation insulin secretion is blocked by persistent hypoglycemia.
The initial response to a fast is the breakdown of _________ into glycogen

________ normally suppresses ketone production, but in starva- Insulin

tion, persistent hypoglycemia inhibits its release.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ketoacidosis!Alcoholic!Excessive, chronic alcohol consump-

tion predisposes to ketone production.

Decreased dietary carbohydrates caus-

es the body to switch to ketones for fuel.
of NAD+

Alcohol stimulates lipolysis, supplying METABOLISM
substrate for ketogenesis xxx nontoxic

xxx Alcohol metabolism consumes NAD+, depleting the

NAD supply needed for gluconeogenesis. Suppres-
sion of gluconeogenesis causes hypoglycemia which
prevents insulin secretion.

Alcoholic ketoacidosis is characterized by increased plasma ketones asso-

ciated with alcohol ingestion and malnutrition. Alcoholic ketoacidosis is due
to multiple factors, including starvation ketosis from a diet lacking carbo-
Alcohol metabolism consumes NAD+ (think: NAD, Needed for Alcohol
Detoxification), which decreases gluconeogenesis and forces the liver to pro-
duce ketones. Alcohol also acts peripherally to induce lipolysis, increasing
the supply of fatty acids for ketone production by the liver.
Starvation and alcoholic ketosis are characterized by blood sugars below
150 mg/dL. In DKA, on the other hand, blood sugars are usually greater
than 300 mg/dL.

Alcohol stimulates lipolysis in _________ providing a steady supply adipocytes

of fatty acids for the liver to convert into __________. ketones

Alcohol metabolism consumes ______, preventing gluconeogenesis. NAD+

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis!Starvation and alcoholic!Treatment of starva-

tion and alcoholic ketoacidosis is to administer glucose.

glucose Insulin blocks lipolysis.


With a ready supply of glucose, glycolysis followed by

the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation becomes
the predominant metabolic pathway.

In both starvation and alcoholic ketosis, hypoglycemia suppresses the re-

lease of insulin. Although insulin suppression allows ketosis to occur, patients
with alcoholic or starvation ketoacidosis typically do not need pharmaceutical
insulin to correct their ketoacidosis.
Patients with these disorders are able to secrete sufficient insulin under the
proper (fed state) circumstances. Therefore, the key to treating these patients
is to restore the fed state. Patients with starvation or alcoholic ketosis should
be treated with glucose. The increase in blood glucose will stimulate insulin
release which suppresses ketogenesis.

Wernicke’s encephalopathy can be triggered by giving chronic alcoholics glucose without

thiamine.Alcoholics are often chronically malnourished and the glucose consumes their
last reserves of thiamine. See page 332.

Insulin should not be given with alcoholic or ____________ keto- starvation

sis because these patients can produce endogenous insulin
when given __________. glucose

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ketoacidosis! ! Diabetic!! The primary derangements in DKA are

insulin deficiency, hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis.

protein glycogen



Triggers for DKA Hyperglycemia Ketoacidosis

noncompliance with insulin hyperglycemia worsened by re- lipolysis converts triglycerides
• stress • trauma lease of stress hormones: to free fatty acids, substrate for
• emotions • heart attack • cortisol • growth hormone ketone production
• infection • surgery • glucagon • norepinephrine
• stroke

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of type 1

(juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes
mellitus is characterized by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin,
although the cells respond normally to insulin when it is administered. Pa-
tients must administer insulin daily to prevent ketosis.
DKA occurs when there is an absolute or relative lack of insulin. Patients
with type 1 diabetes mellitus who forget or are unable to take their insulin
have an absolute lack of insulin. Physiologically stressful situations (e.g.,
surgery, illness, infection) increase the need for insulin; if not anticipated
by an increase in the insulin dose, patients will have a relative lack of insu-
DKA is characterized by hyperglycemia (usually plasma glucose greater
than 300 mg/dL), anion gap metabolic acidosis and profound hypovolemia.

To remember the different triggers of diabetic ketoacidosis think“ iof”: initial (new diagno-
sis of type 1 diabetes mellitus),infection, illicit drug use, insulin (lack of), infarction
(myocardial),infant (pregnancy).

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when there is an __________ or rel- absolute

ative lack of insulin.

DKA is characterized by __________, profound hypovolemia and hyperglycemia

an _______ ______ metabolic acidosis. anion gap

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis!Diabetic!The symptoms and signs of DKA are

important to recognize.

hypovolemic status abdominal pain,
shock changes nausea and vomiting


polydipsia tachypnea, Kussmaul respiration polyuria

Patients with diabetic ketoacidosis are very ill. In severe cases, patients can
present with hypovolemic shock, altered mental status or coma. Symptoms of
DKA include abdominal pain, vomiting, polydipsia, polyuria and weight loss.
Signs of DKA include Kussmaul respirations (deep rhythmic respiration), ta-
chycardia, hypotension and a fruity odor on the breath due to acetone. Some
patients present with abdominal pain which can mimic a surgical abdomen.

While the classic description of DKA limits the disease to patients with type 1 diabetes, the
condition is well described in young (third decade), obese, black patients with new onset
type 2 diabetes. Older patients with long-standing type 2 diabetes can also become ketotic
with stress.

The symptoms of DKA include: polyuria, poly-__________, men- dipsia

tal status changes and abdominal __________. pain

One of the signs of DKA is _____________ respiration, which is Kussmaul

deep, rhythmic breathing.

The __________ (ß-hydroxybutyric acid / acetoacetate / acetone) acetone

produced in DKA causes a fruity odor on the breath.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ketoacidosis!Diabetic!Lab abnormalities are plentiful in DKA.


Na Cl+ –
glucose pH PCO2 PO2

Creatinine amylase
The lab abnormalities in diabetic ketoacidosis are found across the entire
chemistry and ABG panel. Successful management of these problems re-
quires frequent monitoring of electrolytes and early electrolyte repletion.
Sodium is typically decreased due to pseudohyponatremia. (See
Chapter 6, page 113.) Hypertonic plasma draws water from the
cells into the vascular space, diluting the plasma sodium. To esti-
mate the corrected sodium for the elevated glucose, add 1.6 mEq/L
to the measured sodium for every 100 mg/dL the glucose is above
100 mg/dL.
Potassium is usually increased due to a shift of potassium out of
cells. Despite high plasma levels, total body potassium is markedly
decreased due to increased renal loss of potassium. (See Chapter
18, page 519.)
Bicarbonate is decreased because it is consumed buffering acid.
BUN and creatinine are typically elevated due to hypovolemia
causing pre-renal azotemia.
Glucose is elevated, usually above 300 mg/dL.
Anion gap is increased due to the presence of ketone anions. It is
usually greater than 20 mEq/L.
Phosphorous is decreased.
Amylase is increased because ketones interfere with the labora-
tory assay for amylase. Lipase is usually normal.
pH is decreased.
P CO2 is decreased due to compensatory hyperventilation (Kus-
smaul’s respiration).
White blood cell count is increased due to demargination.
In DKA, K+ , BUN, glucose and creatinine are typically _________. increased

In DKA, PCO2 _________ from respiratory compensation. decreases

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ketoacidosis!Diabetic!Hypovolemia is a major cause of mor-

bidity in DKA.
medullary interstitium collecting tubule

osmolality osmolality


Glucosuria Osmotic diuresis

If the plasma glucose is over 200 Less water flows into the medullary intersti-
mg/dL, the Tm is exceeded. Glucose tium before the concentration in the tubule
is incompletely resorbed causing equals the concentration in the medullary
glucosuria. interstitium, increasing urine volume.

Hypovolemia in DKA is primarily due to osmotic diuresis from hyperglyce-

mia. The plasma glucose in DKA usually exceeds 300 mg/dL, well over the Tm
for glucose which is about 200 mg/dL. Since the kidney is unable to completely
resorb this glucose load, glucose spills into the urine. High glucose concentra-
tions in the urine cause osmotic diuresis, resulting in the loss of a large amount
of urine which causes hypovolemia.
Hypovolemia, which can be profound, can be worsened by vomiting which
is commonly associated with DKA. Patients can present in hypovolemic shock
which may cause lactic acidosis.
Hypovolemia can lead to myocardial, bowel and cerebral infarction. Be-
cause of this, a primary tenet in the management of DKA is aggressive vol-
ume replacement. Adults should be given a 0.9% NaCl bolus of one to two
liters (20 mL/kg boluses for children) on presentation. In some patients,
greater than ten liters of IV fluids may be necessary to restore volume.

Glucosuria and osmotic diuresis are reviewed in detail in Chapter

8, on page

_________ is one of the major causes of morbidity in DKA. Hypovolemia

Hypovolemia is primarily due to _________ diuresis. osmotic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ketoacidosis!Diabetic!Hyperosmolality contributes to altered

mental status in DKA.




Overaggressive volume re-


Hyperosmolality in DKA is due to hyperglycemia. Patients with severe DKA

can present with plasma osmolalities of 320 mmol/L or more (normal is 285-
295 mmol/L).
Brain cells adapt to plasma hyperosmolality by increasing intracellular
osmolytes, which maintains cell volume at the expense of an increased in-
tracellular osmolality. This is similar to the adaptation that occurs in hy-
pernatremia, reviewed in Chapter 8, page 207. Increased hyperosmolality
inside brain cells predisposes to cerebral edema during treatment.
Children are especially susceptible to cerebral edema during treatment of
DKA. Insulin rapidly lowers the blood glucose which also causes the plasma
osmolality to fall. Osmolality also falls during the administration of saline (0.9%
NaCl has an osmolality of 308 mmol/L) given for volume resuscitation. The fall
in plasma osmolality causes water to flow into the brain cells, causing cerebral
edema. Children with altered mental status or headache after resolution of
DKA should be evaluated for increased intracranial pressure.
The hypertonic plasma also increases the risk of thrombotic events lead-
ing to cerebral, myocardial or bowel infarction.
Another cause of serious complications in DKA is the primary inciting event. Infections are
common initiators of DKA and can be life-threatening in diabetic patients. Myocardial infarc-
tion can also be an initiating event and may present subtly in the diabetic population.

Hyperosmolality in DKA is due to _____________. hyperglycemia

Children are susceptible to _________ edema during treatment. cerebral

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

! Treatment of DKA requires insulin.

! Diabetic!
IV insulin Isotonic saline K+ supplementation
corrects the ketosis and anion gap corrects hypovolemia corrects the total potassium deficit


Na+ Cl–
HO C CH3 C CH3 glucose
K + –

Treatment of DKA requires the administration of insulin, IV fluids and

Insulin is required to correct hyperglycemia and stop ketogenesis. Insu-
lin corrects hyperglycemia by increasing the consumption of glucose and
stopping gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. Insulin suppresses ketogen-
esis by suppressing glucagon release and decreasing lipolysis.
Insulin should be given by continuous IV drip which, because of its short
half-life, allows precise control of therapy. Although insulin lowers glucose, its
primary purpose is to stop ketogenesis. Therefore, the endpoint of therapy with
IV insulin is normalization of the anion gap (an indirect marker of plasma
ketones), not normalization of the glucose concentration. During treatment,
the glucose level usually normalizes before ketogenesis is completely suppressed.
In order to continue IV insulin without causing hypoglycemia, a dextrose infu-
sion (i.e., D5W) is started when plasma glucose falls to 250 mg/dL. IV insulin is
continued until the anion gap is normal.
Volume replacement is essential to replace fluid lost due to osmotic di-
uresis. 0.9 % NaCl is the drug of choice to replace the deficit.
Potassium replacement must be carefully timed. Usually, patients with
DKA present with hyperkalemia, even though total body potassium is low.
As insulin and IV fluids are given, plasma potassium begins to drop. Potas-
sium and other electrolytes are usually measured every two hours during
the treatment of DKA. Potassium replacement should begin when the plasma
potassium is 4.0 mEq/L. If patients with DKA present with hypokalemia,
potassium levels should be corrected before insulin is started.
Diabetic ketoacidosis requires the administration of IV _______, insulin
IV _________ and potassium. fluids

IV insulin can be discontinued when the ______ _____ is normal. anion gap

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome? What’s up with that?



Cerebral dehydration Treatment

Increased osmolality from extreme hyperglycemia The focus of treatment is the use
causes the plasma osmolality to become danger- of isotonic saline to restore volume.
ously high, resulting in cerebral dehydration.

Nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome is a complication of type 2 diabe-

tes. It is characterized by extremely high blood sugars (often greater
than 900 mg/dL) profound hypovolemia, mental status changes and mild
or absent ketosis. Ketogenesis is suppressed due to the ability to se-
crete insulin in type 2 diabetes. Because ketosis is absent, metabolic
acidosis is not a prominent feature of this clinical syndrome.
The primary complications of nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome are
due to hyperosmolality and hypovolemia:
• Hyperosmolality, when severe, can cause the loss of
water from brain cells. Cerebral dehydration causes al-
tered mental status and possibly coma. These patients
are at risk for cerebral edema when hyperosmolality is
• Hypovolemia is due to an osmotic diuresis from hy-
In this syndrome, the administration of isotonic saline to correct the
volume deficit is more important than the administration of insulin to
correct hyperglycemia. Sometimes, correcting the volume deficit is suf-
ficient to correct the hyperglycemia. Giving insulin before correcting
the volume deficit can lead to worsening hypovolemia due to the move-
ment of glucose and water into cells.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Renal failure!Renal failure causes anion gap metabolic acido-

sis by preventing excretion of the daily acid load.

H+ HCO3– R.I.P.


SO4 H +
SO4 H +


Protein in the diet is metabolized The kidney resorbs all filtered bi- With advanced kidney failure, the
into acid. Plasma bicarbonate is carbonate and creates “new” bi- daily hydrogen load and accom-
consumed buffering the daily carbonate to replace any lost buff- panying anions are not fully excret-
acid load. ering the daily acid load. Anions ed. Bicarbonate is not replaced,
are filtered and excreted. causing metabolic acidosis.

With a normal diet, 50-100 mmol of acid is generated every day (the daily
acid load). The acid produced is mostly H2SO4 from the metabolism of sulfur-
containing amino acids. Plasma bicarbonate is consumed buffering this acid
load. Normally, the kidney creates new bicarbonate to replace the 50-100 mil-
liequivalents of bicarbonate lost daily buffering hydrogen. The anions of the
daily acid load (e.g., SO4–2, PO4–3, urate, and hippurate) are filtered and ex-
In chronic renal failure, glomerular filtration rate falls due to a loss of
functioning nephrons. Because of decreased filtration, the kidneys are un-
able to clear the daily acid load. As a result, increased hydrogen lowers
plasma bicarbonate and the associated anions increase the anion gap.

For more information on the daily acid load and how it is handled by the kidney
, see Chapter
12, MetabolicAcidosis: Non-anion Gap,page 296.

The kidney is responsible for replacing the ________ lost buffering the bicarbonate
daily acid load and secreting filtered ________. anions

In chronic renal failure, the filtration of organic anions __________; decreases

the accumulation of these anions causes metabolic acidosis with a(n)
__________ (increased/normal) anion gap. increased

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Both renal failure and RTA cause metabolic acidosis, but only
renal failure causes an increased anion gap.
– –

– –

SO–4 SO4

– –

– –

SO–4 SO–4 SO4–

SO–4 SO–4
SO–4 SO4–

Renal tubular acidosis Renal failure

A defect in both bicarbonate production Every functioning nephron is secreting
(hydrogen secretion) and resorption ex- 4-5 times the normal amount of hydro-
ists in every nephron in the kidney, but gen, but this is not enough to compen-
total filtration and excretion of anions is sate for the loss of functional nephrons.
normal. Total anion excretion is also decreased.

Since renal failure and renal tubular acidosis both cause metabolic
acidosis due to kidney disease, it is important to understand how they
differ. In renal tubular acidosis, every nephron has a specific defect which
prevents it from effectively producing new bicarbonate (secreting hy-
drogen); however, the excretion of anions occurs normally. Because the
excretion of anions is normal, RTA is associated with a normal anion
In renal failure, the number of functional nephrons is greatly reduced.
Each functional nephron produces more bicarbonate than normal, but
total bicarbonate production is still below normal because there are
simply not enough functional nephrons. As the number of functional
nephrons decreases, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls, and the
filtration of all substances decreases including the anions associated
with the daily acid load. These anions increase the anion gap. Acidosis
generally does not occur until the GFR falls below 40 mL/min.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Renal failure!In chronic renal failure, metabolic acidosis devel-

ops gradually and is well-compensated.

Ca H+ PO4 H+
Ca H+ CO3 H+


Na HCO3 H+

The acidosis of chronic renal failure progresses gradually, giving the body
plenty of time to compensate. In chronic renal failure, plasma bicarbonate
drifts down until it plateaus between 12 and 20 mEq/L. At this point, the
daily acid load continues to accumulate, but bones release bicarbonate and
phosphate to buffer the additional acid. This process prevents worsening of
the acidemia at the expense of bone integrity. Therefore, a long-term com-
plication of chronic renal failure is osteopenia (decreased bone density).
Despite the fact that the acidosis of chronic renal failure is well-compen-
sated, the eventual development of osteopenia illustrates why treatment
with bicarbonate may be beneficial. Because it can decrease the rate of bone
demineralization, oral bicarbonate therapy should be considered in patients
with chronic renal failure.

The acidosis of chronic renal failure occurs gradually and is

well-____________. compensated

As plasma bicarbonate falls below 20 mEq/L, _________ of ex- buffering

cess hydrogen by minerals in _______ occurs. bones

The loss of bone density is known as _____________. osteopenia

In renal failure, treatment with __________ can help prevent bicarbonate

bone ______. loss

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ingestions!The last fundamental process which causes anion

gap metabolic acidosis is ingestions.

P araldehyde (sedative)............................. Ingestion

L actic Acidosis ............................................. Lactic acidosis
U remia ......................................................... Renal Failure
M ethanol (wood alcohol) ........................... Ingestion
S alicylate poisoning (aspirin)................. Ingestion
E thanol (beer) .............................................. Ketoacidosis
E thylene glycol (antifreeze)..................... Ingestion
D KA ............................................................. Ketoacidosis
S tarvation .................................................... Ketoacidosis

The ingestion of various chemicals can cause an anion gap metabolic aci-
dosis. Typically, the ingested chemical is not itself an acid, but induces an
acidosis (aspirin) or is metabolized into an acid (methanol, ethylene glycol).
The ingestions which can cause anion gap metabolic acidosis are listed above
and are described in detail on the following pages.

Paraldehyde is a potent hypnotic and sedative which is no longer in use, in part because of
its offensive odor.

There are _____ classes of anion gap metabolic acidosis: lactic four
acidosis, ketoacidosis, renal failure and ___________. ingestions

The acidosis from __________ is not typically due to the intake ingestions
of an acid, but rather from the body’s reaction to the ingestion.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ingestions!Aspirin!Aspirin is the most widely used drug in the


Aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid

The parent compound is converted
by the body to the active form:
salicylic acid.

At therapeutic doses, 90% of salicylic acid At therapeutic doses, 10% of salicylic acid is
is protein-bound and hence inactive (i.e., free and therapeutically active. Above thera-
nontoxic). peutic doses, a greater percentage of the as-
pirin is not protein-bound.

Aspirin is the trade name of the drug acetylsalicylic acid. After ingestion,
aspirin is rapidly converted to the active form, salicylic acid, which at thera-
peutic doses is 90% protein-bound. Protein-bound salicylic acid is inactive,
nontoxic and trapped in the vascular compartment.
Salicylic acid is converted in the liver to salicyluric acid which is less
toxic and easily cleared by the kidney.

Aspirin was perfected by the German researchers Felix fman Hof and Hermann Dreser .
Hoffman and Dreser developed the powdered analgesic and antipyretic from coal . This
new medication was less irritating to the GI tract than salicylic acid.The addition of the
neutral salt, calcium glutamate, made it less irritating still. It was marketed under the trade
name Bayer Aspirinin 1905 and quickly became the world’ s best-selling drug.

Aspirin’s generic name is acetylsalicylic _______. The active acid

form is ________ acid. salicylic

Salicylic acid can either be _________-bound and inactive or protein

free and __________. active

At therapeutic doses, ________ percent of salicylic acid is pro- ninety


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ingestions!Aspirin!Toxic levels of aspirin increase unbound sal-

icylic acid and saturate the enzyme responsible for its metabolism.

At normal therapeu- Beyond therapeutic lev-

tic levels, aspirin els, aspirin is almost en-
saturates all avail- tirely free (or unbound)
able protein binding and pharmacologically
sites. active.

First order kinetics: the rate of

rate of detoxification

the enzymatic reaction rises as zero order kinetics

the concentrations of the sub-

strates increase. At this point, detoxification
Zero order kinetics: the rate of enzymes are saturated.

the enzymatic reaction is con-


stant regardless of the concen-


tration of the substrates.

plasma salicylate level

Two processes contribute to the toxicity of aspirin:

Limited protein binding. At therapeutic levels, all of the pro-
tein binding sites for salicylic acid are saturated. Therefore, the
ingestion of aspirin above therapeutic dosing is 100% unbound
and active.
Saturation of detoxifying enzymes. The liver’s ability to me-
tabolize salicylic acid to salicyluric acid becomes saturated at low
doses. Because of this saturation, the body is unable to increase
its rate of detoxification.
Because of these effects, salicylic acid accumulates quickly and is me-
tabolized slowly.
Symptoms and signs of salicylate toxicity include:
• tinnitus • nausea
• vertigo • vomiting
• diarrhea • respiratory alkalosis

At toxic levels, the free portion of salicylic acid is _________ (de- increased

The enzymes which convert salicylic acid to ________ acid are salicyluric
saturated at ______ concentrations. low

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ingestions!Aspirin!Aspirin intoxication causes respiratory al-

kalosis and anion gap metabolic acidosis.

Respiratory alkalosis Ketoacidosis Lactic acidosis

O O O O glucose
C C C lactate–
CO2 2

Aspirin toxicity is characterized by two primary acid-base disorders.

Aspirin intoxication directly stimulates the brain’s respiratory control
center, triggering hyperventilation. Early in aspirin toxicity, hyperventila-
tion causes a respiratory alkalosis which is the prominent acid-base disor-
der. As toxicity progresses, however, metabolic acidosis predominates and
the pH falls despite a persistence of the respiratory alkalosis. Therefore,
aspirin toxicity is characterized by the presence of both a respiratory alka-
losis and an anion gap metabolic acidosis.
The metabolic acidosis of salicylate toxicity is due to the buildup of lactic
acid and ketones. The reason for the accumulation of these organic acids is
unclear, but they are the cause of the elevated anion gap.
Salicylic acid itself contributes little to the anion gap and acidosis be-
cause of its high molecular weight. Remember that if a molecule has a high
molecular weight, many milligrams equals few milliequivalents. A toxic sali-
cylic acid level of 50 mg/dL is equivalent to a concentration of only 3 mEq/L.

In aspirin toxicity, the initial acid-base disorder is a ________ respiratory

_________. alkalosis

Aspirin toxicity causes the accumulation of _______ and lactic ketones

acid which cause anion gap metabolic ________. acidosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ingestions!Aspirin!Alkalinization removes salicylic acid from

the tissues.
Salicylic acid is uncharged and able Salicylate is an anion and un-
to move between the vascular and able to cross lipid membranes.
cellular compartments.

The two forms of aspirin are in equilibrium Equilibrium Change with B! pH

with each other so that decreasing the hy-
drogen ion concentration (increasing pH)
shifts the equilibrium toward formation of H+ H+

Equilibrium Change with B! pH

Salicylic acid is H+ 1 Alkalinization shifts
in equilibrium the equilibrium to-
between the in- wards salicylate for-
tracellular and mation in the plasma,
extracellular lowering the salicylic
compartments. acid concentration.

2 Lowered plasma salicylic acid

causes intracellular salicylic acid to
flow out of the cell.

The initial goal in the treatment of aspirin toxicity is to get the drug out of
cells. This is done by a process called ion trapping. Salicylic acid, like all acids
in solution, is in equilibrium with its anion, salicylate. The anion is polar and
unable to cross lipid membranes, but salicylic acid is less polar and diffuses
across the cell membranes so that there are equal concentrations of salicylic
acid in both the intracellular and extracellular compartments.
Increasing the plasma pH shifts the equilibrium toward the formation of the
anion, salicylate, and decreases the extracellular concentration of salicylic acid.
The decreased plasma concentration of salicylic acid causes intracellular sali-
cylic acid to leave cells, trapping the acid in the plasma. By administering bi-
carbonate and increasing the arterial pH from 7.2 to 7.5, the tissue level of
salicylic acid is halved.
Ion trapping is a three step process:
1. Alkalinizing the plasma ________ the plasma concentra- decreases
tion of diffusible _________ ______. salicylic acid
2. The plasma salicylic acid then diffuses from ______ cells
down its concentration gradient into the ________. plasma
3. Once salicylic acid arrives in the ______, it is converted plasma
to the nondiffusible salicylate and is trapped in the plasma.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ingestions!Aspirin!Alkalinization of the urine increases the

renal clearance of aspirin by way of ion trapping.

2 Decreased tubular salicylic acid

draws plasma salicylic acid into
the tubular fluid.

Alkalinization of the
1 tubular fluid shifts
the equilibrium to-
wards salicylate.
3 Once in the tubular fluid, salicylic
acid is converted to salicylate and
is trapped in the tubule.

In addition to removing salicylic acid from the tissues, alkalinization also

can increase the renal clearance of salicylate. If the urine is alkaline, tubu-
lar salicylic acid is converted to salicylate, creating a concentration gradi-
ent which favors the movement of salicylic acid from the tubular cells into
the tubular fluid. By increasing urine pH from 6.5 to 8.1, the clearance of
salicylic acid increases fivefold.
As a last resort, hemodialysis can be used to lower the salicylic acid level.
Hemodialysis is recommended for patients in a coma or with a salicylate
level of 80 mg/dL or greater. Hemodialysis is also recommended for patients
with impaired renal function or hypervolemia because bicarbonate loading
entails a significant volume load.

By alkalinizing the urine, the tubular ________ acid is shifted salicylic

toward non-diffusible _________ and is trapped in the urine. salicylate

Decreased salicylic acid creates a ___________ gradient which concentration

draws salicylic acid from the plasma into the ________. tubules

In patients with renal failure, ______________, or coma, hemodi- hypervolemia

alysis is recommended to decrease the salicylate level.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ingestions!Methanol!The complications of methanol toxicity

are due to its metabolites.


dehydrogenase O O

10 –20% is excreted 3% is excreted

by the lungs by the kidneys

Methanol intoxication occurs when people consume shellac, varnish, de-

icing solutions or Sterno™ (a type of heater fuel). Methanol itself is not toxic
but is converted in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase into formaldehyde
and then into formic acid. Both formaldehyde and formic acid are extremely
Because toxicity is due to methanol metabolites, symptoms are typically
delayed 12 to 24 hours after ingestion. The initial symptoms are malaise,
weakness, nausea and headache. As more methanol is converted to formal-
dehyde and formic acid, acidosis and visual disturbances occur. Formalde-
hyde is directly toxic to the retina.
If untreated, late-stage complications of methanol toxicity include blindness,
seizures, coma and death. As little as 50 to 100 mL of methanol can be lethal.

Methanol is a non-toxic compound which is ________ by the converted

body into two different ________ metabolites. toxic

Alcohol ____________ is the enzyme which coverts methanol dehydrogenase

into ____________. formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is metabolized into _________ acid, another toxic formic


S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ingestions!Methanol!An increased osmolar gap indicates the

presence of abnormal osmotically active particles.
PO –
4 Na +
+ Mg ++
K – – e
O3 Cl glucos
++ methanol HC urea
Ca alb
in ubin



BUN glucose
2 ! Na + +
2.8 18

Methanol intoxication causes anion gap metabolic acidosis with an in-

creased osmolar gap. The osmolar gap is the difference between the mea-
sured and calculated plasma osmolalities. Since the calculated osmolality
does not account for every osmotically active particle, it underestimates true
plasma osmolality. Normally, the osmolar gap is less than ten. In methanol
intoxication, methanol increases the measured osmolality without altering
the calculated osmolality, thereby increasing the gap.
Methanol causes a widened osmolar gap because it has a low molecular
weight (32). For example, a methanol level of 80 mg/dL adds 25 mmol/L to the
plasma concentration. In contrast, aspirin, with its relatively high molecular
weight of 148, adds only 5.4 mmol/L at the same plasma level of 80 mg/dL.

An increased osmolar gap is not unique to methanol poisoning.

The differential diagnosis
of an increased osmolar gap and an anion gap metabolic acidosis includes:
• alcohol ingestion • ethylene glycol ingestion
• diabetic ketoacidosis • chronic renal failure
• lactic acidosis • methanol ingestion

The osmolar gap is the ____________ between the calculated difference

and ___________ serum osmolalities. measured

Because the calculated osmolality ignores particles found at low

concentrations, it _____________ plasma osmolality. This results underestimates
in a normal osmolar gap of ______ mmol/L or less. ten

An ingestion of a small amount of methanol causes a large os-

molar gap due to the _______ molecular weight of methanol. low

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Ingestions!Methanol!Treatment of methanol poisoning is the

administration of ethanol.
IV ethanol
ethanol acetaldehyde
Since ethanol binds to alcohol de- O
hydrogenase more avidly than
alcohol dehydrogenase
methanol, it can competitively in-
hibit the metabolism of methanol. H OH
methanol formaldehyde formic acid

activated charcoal

hemodialysis hemodialysis hemodialysis

Methanol is converted to formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase. This

enzyme binds to ethanol ten times as tightly as it does to methanol. In order
to prevent the synthesis of methanol’s toxic metabolites, patients are given
enough ethanol to saturate alcohol dehydrogenase. Ethanol (alcohol) can be
given IV or by mouth and blood-alcohol levels should be kept between 100
and 200 mg/dL. This biochemical system explains the observation that pa-
tients who ingest methanol while drinking alcohol do better than patients
who ingest methanol alone.
In addition to the administration of alcohol, activated charcoal is given to
trap methanol in the GI tract. Hemodialysis is used for high plasma metha-
nol levels (> 50 mg/dL), large ingestions (> 30 mL), metabolic acidosis or
symptomatic patients.

Alcoholics have up-regulated alcohol dehydrogenase activity and often require higher doses
of ethanol to saturate alcohol dehydrogenase and prevent methanol metabolism.

In methanol intoxication, the mainstay of treatment is to prevent conversion

the conversion of methanol to _____________. formaldehyde

Because alcohol dehydrogenase binds ______ times as tightly to eth- ten

anol as it does to methanol, it is possible to competitively inhibit the
conversion of methanol to ____________ by giving alcohol. formaldehyde

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Ingestions!Ethylene glycol!Ethylene glycol is metabolized into

multiple toxins.

ethylene glycol glycolaldehyde glycolic acid glyoxalic acid oxalic acid

H2C alcohol H2C H2C C O C O
dehydrogenase H HO


drunkenness, coma renal failure tachycardia pulmonary edema

Ethylene glycol is found in antifreeze and solvents. Like methanol, ethylene

glycol is not itself toxic; rather, it is converted into multiple toxic metabolites.
The first enzymatic reaction is catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase.
The diagnosis of ethylene glycol toxicity should be suspected in a patient
with an anion gap metabolic acidosis and an increased osmolar gap. Since
the molecular weight of ethylene glycol is only 62, the ingestion of a small
amount can increase the osmolar gap.
Neurologic symptoms initially prevail, with drunkenness leading to som-
nolence and coma. After 12 hours, tachypnea and pulmonary edema ensue.
Renal failure is a late finding and is typically due to the toxic effects of
glycolic acid on the renal tubules and the tendency of oxalic acid to crystal-
lize in the tubules.
Treatment is identical to that in methanol poisoning. The mainstays of
treatment are alcohol administration and hemodialysis. In addition, diuret-
ics are used to maintain urine flow.

Ethylene glycol is found in antifreeze and ________. solvents

Ethylene glycol, like methanol, is not directly toxic, but is

________ by _________ dehydrogenase into toxic metabolites. converted; alcohol

Patients present with an anion gap metabolic acidosis and an

elevated ________ gap. osmolar

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Complications!Severe metabolic acidosis has multisystem con-


78 C

32 C

arrhythmias hypotension hyperventilation hyperkalemia coma

decreased cardiac contractility insulin resistance
arterial dilation, venoconstriction inhibition of glycolysis
increased pulmonary vascular resistance reduced ATP synthesis
predisposition to arrhythmias hyperkalemia
decreased response to catecholamine
(endogenous and pharmacologic)
mental status

Regardless of the etiology, severe acidosis can have important clinical con-
sequences. Severe metabolic acidemia, pH less than 7.2, is dangerous be-
cause of its wide ranging effects on both the cardiovascular system and ba-
sic metabolic processes.
As the pH falls below 7.2, the cardiovascular system becomes especially
compromised. Acidemia decreases cardiac contractility and cardiac output.
Arteries dilate, dropping blood pressure. Furthermore, the cardiovascular
system is less responsive to the effects of catecholamines which normally
boost cardiac output and vascular tone. The commonly used vasopressors
(e.g., dopamine, norepinephrine) are less effective in the presence of severe
Low pH is also arrhythmogenic and the heart is less responsive to antiar-
rhythmic measures, both electrical and pharmacologic.
As cardiac output drops, cells become more dependent on anaerobic me-
tabolism to replenish ATP. It is interesting to note, however, that anaerobic
metabolism (glycolysis) is also compromised by severe acidemia.

Severe acidemia is defined as a pH less than _______. 7.2

Deceased pH lowers cardiac _____________ and decreases the output

normal response to _____________. catecholamines

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Treatment!The focus of treatment in metabolic acidosis is to

treat the underlying disorder.
volume replacement

treat primary disorder

intubate and hyperventilate

sodium bicarbonate

The approach to the patient with severe metabolic acidosis occurs in

three tiers:
The first tier of the approach is to identify and treat the underlying disor-
der. (The treatment of specific disorders was reviewed with the presenta-
tion of each disorder, discussed earlier in this chapter.)
The second tier is to confirm the presence of appropriate respiratory com-
pensation. If the PCO2 is higher than predicted, then a concurrent respira-
tory acidosis is present. Because the appropriate compensation for meta-
bolic acidosis is hyperventilation, consideration should be made to intubate
and hyperventilate the patient.
The third tier is to consider using sodium bicarbonate in patients with a
bicarbonate concentration less than 8 mEq/L who show signs of decompen-
sation (hypotension, arrhythmia, coma). The goal is to increase the plasma
bicarbonate to 8–10 mEq/L. The dose of bicarbonate which should be given
can be calculated:
mEq of HCO3– mEq/L HCO3– volume of distribution
needs to be for bicarbonate
to give weight
raised 0.5 to 1.0
Warning: bicarbonate is supplied as a highly concentrated drug. 50ampules
mL of bicar-
bonate have an osmolality of 2000 mEq/L. Bicarbonate is often given as an intravenous
drip. To produce an isotonic IV fluid, mix two ampules of sodium bicarbonate with a liter of
0.225% saline or add three ampules to a liter of5W.

Appropriate respiratory compensation in metabolic acidosis is aaa

______________ which lowers the PCO2 . hyperventilation

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Severe acidosis: To treat or not to treat with bicarbonate?

Acidemia ( BH+) dilates blood ves-

sels, decreases blood pressure
and decreases cardiac output. Bicarbonate neutralizes hydro-
gen, but increases CO2
H+ + HCO–3 H2O + CO2

Lactate + H

HCO3 + H+ CO2 + CO2 + H2O H+ + HCO–3

Oxidative phosphorylation pro- Increased carbon dioxide is not re-
duces carbon dioxide. moved because of impaired circulation,
causing intracellular acidosis.

The administration of bicarbonate to correct acidosis is a controver-

sial subject. One of the concerns about treating an acidosis with bicar-
bonate is a worsening of intracellular acidosis. Hypoxic cells produce
lactic acid from the anaerobic metabolism of glucose; they also use the
TCA cycle (albeit at a slow rate secondary to hypoxia) and oxidize pyru-
vate to carbon dioxide. Both of these processes produce CO2. Treatment
with bicarbonate transiently corrects acidemia, but it also increases
the concentration of CO2 via the breakdown of H2CO3 into CO2 and H2O.
Increased CO2 can cause intracellular acidosis as CO2 diffuses into cells
and drives the production of hydrogen ion. Intracellular acidosis can
interfere with proper function of cell proteins and enzymes.
Another problem with bicarbonate administration is that the bicar-
bonate can bind calcium, resulting in hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia can
lower cardiac output and predispose to arrhythmias.
Finally, the administration of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate provides
a large osmotic load which can cause hypervolemia in patients with
cardiac dysfunction.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 13 Metabolic Acidosis: Anion Gap

Summary!Metabolic acidosis: anion gap.

Metabolic acidosis can be due to the addition of acid to the body. This type
of metabolic acidosis is recognized by an increased anion gap caused by the
associated anions of the added acid.

Na+ Na+
Cl– A-

HCO3 H+ A-

K+ A-
anions A-

cations = anions cations = anions

There are four basic processes which can cause anion gap metabolic aci-
dosis: lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, renal failure and ingestions. A mnemonic
for the differential diagnosis of anion gap metabolic acidosis is PLUMSEEDS.


lactic acidosis ketoacidosis renal failure ingestions


Paraldehyde ................. Ingestion Salicylate poisoning ..... Ingestion

Lactic Acidosis ............. Lactic acidosis Ethanol ......................... Ketoacidosis
Uremia .......................... Renal Failure Ethylene glycol ............. Ingestion
Methanol ...................... Ingestion DKA .............................. Ketoacidosis
Starvation ..................... Ketoacidosis

Lactic acidosis occurs when mitochondria stop producing ATP and NAD+.
Type A lactic acidosis is due to tissue ischemia, usually from shock. Type B
lactic acidosis is due to mitochondrial dysfunction in the presence of ad-
equate perfusion.


poisoning leukemia hepatic failure
nitroprusside use lymphoma renal failure
metformin (rare) ethanol ingestion (mild) D-Lactic acidosis
phenformin ethylene glycol ingestion (mild) diabetes mellitus
salicylates methanol ingestion (mild) thiamine deficiency
zidovudine (AZT)

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Metabolic acidosis: anion gap.

Ketoacidosis occurs when the body is unable to use glucose as a fuel source
and uses ketones instead. Ketones are organic acids which are produced
from the mobilization of fat stores. Ketones are produced when glucagon is
high and insulin is low. Low insulin with increased glucagon occurs in three
specific conditions: starvation, chronic alcohol use and diabetic ketoacido-
sis. O O O O


ß-hydroxybutyrate acetoacetate acetone

Renal failure causes an anion gap metabolic acidosis when the kidneys
are unable to excrete the daily acid load. It differs from RTAs in that the
problem is not a specific tubular defect impairing the excretion of acid; rather,
it is a generalized decrease in glomerular function.
– – –

– – –

- -
SO4 4
– –

Ingestion of aspirin causes a respiratory alkalosis and an anion gap meta-

bolic acidosis. Initially, respiratory alkalosis is the predominant acid-base
disorder, but patients then develop a metabolic acidosis. The treatment is
the use of bicarbonate to cause ion trapping to draw aspirin from the tissues
and then from the body.

90% of a normal aspi- 10% of a normal aspi-

rin dose is protein- rin dose is active.
bound and inactive

Methanol and ethylene glycol are toxic because of the metabolites pro-
duced from their metabolism. Alcohol dehydrogenase produces toxic me-
tabolites which can cause severe symptoms. To prevent the metabolism of
methanol or ethylene glycol, alcohol is administered to competitively in-
hibit alcohol dehydrogenase. Hemodialysis may be needed for large inges-

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

14 Metabolic Alkalosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Metabolic alkalosis is characterized by an in-

creased plasma bicarbonate.


pH | pH |


pH | pH |

Metabolic alkalosis is characterized by an increased plasma bicarbonate

and an increased pH. After buffering and respiratory compensation, the PCO2
is also increased.

Primary metabolic alkalosis is a process characterized by a(n) aaa

____________ (increase/decrease) in plasma bicarbonate. increase

In metabolic alkalosis the pH, bicarbonate and PCO2 are all

____________ (increased/decreased). increased

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Introduction!The development of metabolic alkalosis includes

both generation and maintenance.

Generation Maintenance




1 5 HCO3

6 HCO3






Addition of Contraction Loss of Inability to excrete

bicarbonate alkalosis hydrogen excess bicarbonate

The development of metabolic alkalosis is a two-step process: generation

and maintenance.
The generation of metabolic alkalosis is through processes which in-
crease plasma bicarbonate. Plasma bicarbonate can increase via three mecha-
• addition of bicarbonate
• contraction alkalosis
• loss of hydrogen
The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis is always due to the inability of
the kidney to excrete excess bicarbonate.

The development of metabolic alkalosis is a(n) _______-step two

process: generation and _____________. maintenance

The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis is always due to the in-

ability of the kidney to excrete excess ___________. bicarbonate

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Addition of bicarbonate!The addition of bicar-

bonate can be direct or through addition of a substrate which is
metabolized into bicarbonate.

130 109
4 28 TPN
Ca 3

Lactated Ringer’s contains Packed red blood cells con- Total parenteral nutrition
lactate, which is converted tain citrate, which is converted (TPN) contains acetate, which
into bicarbonate. into bicarbonate. is converted into bicarbonate.

Addition of bicarbonate, generating metabolic alkalosis, can result from

the administration of a substrate which is metabolized to bicarbonate. If
given in sufficient quantities, the following three substrates are known to
generate metabolic alkalosis by being metabolized into bicarbonate.
• Lactate is a component of the intravenous fluid lactated Ringer's.
Lactated Ringer's should be avoided if metabolic alkalosis is al-
ready present.
• Citrate is a preservative found in packed red blood cells. For the
citrate in packed red cells to result in clinically significant alka-
lemia, greater than eight units of blood need to be transfused.
• Acetate is added to intravenous nutrition formulations (total
parenteral nutrition [TPN]).

Substances metabolized into bicarbonate that can generate aaa

metabolic alkalosis include: ________ contained in lactated lactate
Ringer’s, _______ contained in packed red blood cells and citrate
________ contained in TPN. acetate

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Generation!Addition of bicarbonate!Addition of bicarbonate can

cause metabolic acidosis when it is used to treat metabolic acidosis.
vate • • Lactate– + H+
Lactate– + H+ + NAD+

ruvate •

ruvate •
liver cells
all cells
py py

mitochondria mitochondria

acetyl acetyl

Lactate production Lactate consumption
When mitochondrial function is impaired, the body When mitochondrial function is restored, lactate
relies on anaerobic glycolysis to produce ATP. This is converted back into pyruvate in the liver. The
+ +
reaction requires NAD which is produced by the production of pyruvate uses the lactate and H
conversion of pyruvate into lactic acid (lactate and created from the breakdown of pyruvate. The con-
H+), causing lactic acidosis. sumption of H+ reverses the acidosis.

The generation of metabolic alkalosis from the addition of bicarbonate

can also occur after bicarbonate is used to treat lactic acidosis. (An illus-
trated version of the process appears on the following page.)
Lactic acidosis occurs when mitochondrial function is impaired. Mitochon-
dria provide the majority of the ATP needed for cellular function. When mito-
chondria cannot produce ATP, ATP is produced anaerobically by glycolysis in a
reaction which requires NAD+. The conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid (lac-
tate- and H+) replenishes NAD+.
When mitochondrial function is restored, the production of lactate stops.
Circulating lactate then enters the liver and is converted back into pyruvate.
The amount of hydrogen produced during lactic acid production matches the
amount of hydrogen needed to convert all of the circulating lactate back into
pyruvate and restore a normal pH.
Bicarbonate administration raises pH by consuming H+. Thus, the adminis-
tration of bicarbonate during lactic acidosis reduces the supply of hydrogen
needed to convert lactate back into pyruvate. Once the process inhibiting mito-
chondrial function ceases, hydrogen becomes a necessary substrate for the pro-
duction of pyruvate. Since the supply has been reduced by bicarbonate admin-
istration, the conversion of all of the lactate back into pyruvate consumes addi-
tional hydrogen ion and generates metabolic alkalosis.
By a similar mechanism, administration of bicarbonate during ketoacidosis
can also cause a late-onset metabolic alkalosis.
Administration of bicarbonate during ________ acidosis con- lactic
sumes the ___________ ion needed for the reverse reaction. hydrogen

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment of lactic acidosis with bicarbonate – details of the

Lactic acidosis occurs.
Increased production of lactic acid (lactate–
and H+) occurs when mitochondria are un- l a c t a t e– H+

able to use oxygen. Increased lactic acid + – +

l a c t a t e– la c ta te
– H

causes an anion gap metabolic acidosis.

e H+

l a c t a t e– H+

Bicarbonate lowers the supply of H+.

Administration of bicarbonate lowers the HCO3 H+

hydrogen concentration through buffering: lac

tat –
e HC
H+ + HCO–3 A!CO2 + H2O +
lac tat e–

– H e HCO3 H+
tate tat
As the hydrogen ion concentration de- lac lac

creases, the pH increases. lactate– H+

Administration of bicarbonate does not ef- lac

tat –
fect the lactate concentration. –
– H
l a c t a t e– tat
te lac
la cta

l a c t a t e– H+

The conversion of lactate into pyruvate uses H+.

When the production of lactic acid stops,
lactate is converted to pyruvate in a reac-
tat –
tion that consumes the hydrogen ion gen- –
a te l a c t a t e– tat
erated from the acidosis: pyruv lac

lactate– + H+ A!pyruvate pyruvate

Additional H+ is consumed, generating metabolic alkalosis.

Due to the administration of bicarbonate,
the supply of hydrogen ion for pyruvate pro- lactate– H+ HCO3

duction is reduced. In order to convert all lactate–



of the plasma lactate into pyruvate, addi-


– H

tional hydrogen ion is consumed. lac tate

The bicarbonate buffer equation is shifted
toward the production of bicarbonate:
H+ + HCO–3 @!CO2 + H2O
For each additional hydrogen ion con-
sumed, one molecule of bicarbonate re- te HCO3 HCO
va pyruvate
py vate
mains behind, generating metabolic alka- pyru

losis. pyruv
a te

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Generation!Contraction alkalosis!Loss of fluid that is low in

bicarbonate cause contraction alkalosis.
[HCO3– ]




4 1 5
3 3

6 6



7 3
O3 Cl



Before the loss of chlo- After the loss of fluid, the amount
ride-rich (bicarbonate- of bicarbonate does not increase
poor) fluid. but its concentration does.

Loss of fluid generates metabolic alkalosis when the fluid lost has a low
concentration of bicarbonate. This kind of fluid loss decreases plasma water
while the amount of bicarbonate remains the same. Thus, the bicarbonate
concentration increases. This is known as a contraction alkalosis.
Because all bodily fluids are electrically neutral (equal number of anions
and cations), fluids which contain a small amount of bicarbonate tend to be
rich in chloride. Fluid losses that are high in chloride and low in bicarbon-
ate which can generate metabolic alkalosis include:
• vomiting and nasogastric suctioning
• diuretic use (thiazide or loop)
• sweating (only in patients with cystic fibrosis)

Metabolic alkalosis caused by vomiting, nasogastric suctioning and diuretic use is gener-
ated by more than one factor. In these disorders, metabolic alkalosis is generated by con-
traction alkalosisand hydrogen ion loss (discussed on the following pages).

Bodily fluids that are rich in _______ tend to be low in bicarbonate. chloride

Chloride is a(n) _________ (anion/cation); bicarbonate is a(n) anion

_________ (anion/cation). anion

In ___________ alkalosis, the amount of bicarbonate in the plasma is contraction

stable, but its ___________ increases due to fluid loss. concentration

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of hydrogen!Extra-renal!Loss of hydro-

gen-rich gastric fluid generates metabolic alkalosis.

H+ H+





GI hydrogen loss Intracellular hydrogen loss

Vomiting Severe hypokalemia
Nasogastric suctioning Refeeding carbohydrates after a fast
Congenital chloride diarrhea
Colonic villous adenoma

The loss of hydrogen which can generate metabolic alkalosis is divided

into two categories: extra-renal and renal. Extra-renal hydrogen loss is ei-
ther from the GI tract or a shift into cells. Regardless of the source, loss of
hydrogen ion generates metabolic alkalosis because for every hydrogen ion
lost, one bicarbonate is added to the plasma.
GI loss. The loss of gastric secretions by vomiting or nasogastric suction
generates metabolic alkalosis. The pH of gastric juice is 1.0, representing a
hydrogen concentration that is one million times the hydrogen concentra-
tion of blood. Of all the causes of metabolic alkalosis, vomiting can result in
the most dramatic rise in pH. Normal gastric physiology and the effects of
vomiting are described in detail on the following page.
Intracellular loss. Intracellular loss of hydrogen ion can occur in severe
hypokalemia. When plasma potassium is low, potassium is released from cells
in exchange for hydrogen. Refeeding carbohydrates after a fast can also gener-
ate metabolic alkalosis, in part due to the shift of hydrogen into cells.

The rare and the random:Two other causes of GI hydrogen loss which can generate metabolic
alkalosis include congenital chloride diarrhea and colonic villous adenoma.
These are rare disor-
ders characterized by diarrhea that is rich in chloride and hydrogen.
Although diarrhea normally
causes an acidosis, diarrhea in these disorders can cause metabolic alkalosis.

Loss of __________ can generate metabolic alkalosis. hydrogen

GI loss of hydrogen ion is from the loss of gastric fluid though

____________ or nasogastric suctioning. vomiting

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Clinical correlation: Vomiting and nasogastric suctioning re-

move needed hydrogen from the body.
Normal gastric physiology
™ In the stomach, the extremely
low pH is achieved by parietal cells
pumping hydrogen into the gas-
tric lumen. For every hydrogen se- š ™
creted into the stomach, one bicar- pH H+

bonate is released into the blood.

š In the duodenum, chemore- HCO3
ceptors detect the low pH and H+
stimulate the pancreas to secrete › HCO H 3

bicarbonate which neutralizes

gastric acid. The stomach is able H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+
to tolerate extreme acidity, but the
remainder of the GI tract can be damaged by gastric acid.
› In the pancreas, secretion of bicarbonate into the duodenum results
in secretion of hydrogen into the blood. Hydrogen secreted by the pan-
creas neutralizes bicarbonate released into circulation by parietal cells.
Gastric physiology after vomiting or nasogastric suctioning
™ Vomiting and nasogastric
suctioning remove gastric fluid
from the stomach. The parietal
cells, however, continue to secrete š ™
hydrogen into the stomach and pH H + HCO3
release bicarbonate into the
blood. Instead of entering the
duodenum, the hydrogen exits
through the mouth. ›
šIn the duodenum, the pH is
not as low as normal (due to the HCO3
removal of hydrogen from vomit-
ing or nasogastric suctioning). Therefore, the chemoreceptors are not
activated and the pancreas does not secrete bicarbonate into the duode-
num or release hydrogen into the blood.
›Bicarbonate in the blood, from secretion by the parietal cells, is
not neutralized by the release of hydrogen from the pancreas.
Therefore, loss of H+ by vomiting or nasogastric suction causes the unop-
posed release of bicarbonate into blood, generating metabolic alkalosis.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of hydrogen!Renal!Excess renal hydro-

gen excretion generates metabolic alkalosis.

HCO3 Hydrogen excretion causes

bicarbonate resorption


For every hydrogen ion excreted, one

HCO3 HCO3 bicarbonate ion is resorbed. There-
fore, excess hydrogen excretion

H+ causes excess bicarbonate resorption,

generating metabolic alkalosis.




In the kidney, acid-base regulation primarily occurs in the proximal tu-

bule and the distal nephron. The primary function of the proximal tubule is
to resorb filtered bicarbonate, assuring that none is lost in the urine. The
primary function of the distal nephron is to produce new bicarbonate to
replace the bicarbonate lost buffering the daily acid load.
Fifty to 100 mmol of bicarbonate is lost each day buffering the daily acid load.
In the distal nephron, bicarbonate production requires the excretion of hydro-
gen ion; for every hydrogen lost in the urine, one bicarbonate is added to plasma.
If hydrogen excretion in the distal nephron exceeds the daily acid load, excess
bicarbonate accumulates in the plasma, generating metabolic alkalosis.
The causes of excess distal hydrogen ion excretion (bicarbonate produc-
tion) which generate metabolic alkalosis include:
excess mineralocorticoid activity
diuretic use
rapid correction of chronic respiratory acidosis
Normal acid-base regulation, thefect
ef of the daily acid load and the normal function of the
proximal tubule and distal nephron are reviewed in detail in ChapterNon-Anion
12 Gap

Loss of hydrogen ion in the urine in excess of the daily acid load aaa
can generate metabolic ___________. alkalosis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Generation!Loss of hydrogen!Renal!Excess mineralocor-

ticoid activity leads to increased hydrogen excretion.


H+ H+ OH


H+ intercalated cell

Mineralocorticoids are hormones which act at the collecting tubules to
stimulate the resorption of sodium and the excretion of both hydrogen and
potassium. Aldosterone is the most important mineralocorticoid.
The effect of mineralocorticoids on hydrogen ion excretion is important in
the generation of metabolic alkalosis. Mineralocorticoids act at the H+-
ATPase pump of the intercalated cells to increase hydrogen secretion (bi-
carbonate production). In the disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity,
excess hydrogen excretion increases the resorption of bicarbonate, generat-
ing metabolic alkalosis.
The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are typically associated
with hypokalemia, hypertension and mild hypernatremia. There are four
important causes of mineralocorticoid excess:
• primary hyperaldosteronism
• Cushing’s syndrome
• congenital adrenal hyperplasia
• hyperreninism (renal artery stenosis)
Pseudohyperaldosteronism is a rare cause of excess mineralocorticoid activity
. It results
from the use of exogenous substances which induce mineralocorticoid activity
. Pseudohy-
peraldosteronism can be due tolicorice ingestion
, carbenoxoloneand chewing tobacco .
See Chapter 18, Hypokalemia, page 509.

Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid which acts at the ______ pump of H+-ATPase

the distal nephron to increase the secretion of ___and potassium. H+

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

There are four important causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity.

Primary hyperaldosteronism hydroxylase. Some of these metabolites
have mineralocorticoid activity.
Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syn-
drome) is the persistent and unregulated Cushing’s syndrome
secretion of aldosterone from the adrenal Cushing's syndrome is a collection of
gland. There are three causes of primary symptoms caused by chronic glucocorti-
hyperaldosteronism: adrenal adenoma, coid excess. The syndrome can be caused
bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal by excess endogenous or exogenous ste-
carcinoma. All three are characterized by roids. The syndrome is characterized by
hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hyper- truncal obesity, rounded face, hyperten-
tension and mild hypernatremia. sion, hirsutism (hair growth), amenor-
Adrenal adenoma is the most common rhea, psychiatric disturbances, easy bruis-
cause of primary hyperaldosteronism. It ing, red/purple striae, muscle weakness,
is a benign tumor which overproduces al- osteoporosis and hyperglycemia.
dosterone. The standard treatment is uni- Ectopic ACTH production is a cause of
lateral adrenalectomy. If surgery cannot Cushing’s syndrome in which cancer cells
be performed, medical management is autonomously secrete ACTH. This para-
with spironolactone, a competitive inhib- neoplastic syndrome tends to be respon-
itor of aldosterone which corrects the hy- sive to medical management with ketocon-
pokalemia and hypertension. azole or metyrapone.
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (idio- Cushing's disease is due to an adenoma
pathic primary aldosteronism) is clinical- in the anterior pituitary which overpro-
ly identical to an adrenal adenoma. In this duces ACTH. The therapy of choice is
disorder, both adrenal glands are enlarged transsphenoidal microsurgery to remove
and have micro– or macro–nodular hyper- the pituitary adenoma. Radiation thera-
plasia. Subtotal adrenalectomy can im- py is a second-line treatment.
prove the hypokalemia, but the hyperten-
sion is usually refractory to surgical man- Adrenal adenomas and adrenal car-
agement. Current standard of care is med- cinomas can secrete cortisol and cause
ical management with spironolactone. Cushing’s syndrome. Elevated cortisol lev-
els suppress pituitary ACTH release
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare which causes atrophy of the contralateral
cause of primary hyperaldosteronism. Hy- adrenal gland.
pertension and hypokalemia are greater
in carcinoma than in (benign) adenomas. Hyperreninism
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Hyperreninism is most commonly caused
by renal artery stenosis. Narrowing of the
17_-Hydroxylase deficiency. The loss of renal artery impairs renal blood flow. The
this key enzyme in steroid synthesis pre- juxtaglomerular apparatus senses the fall
vents the production of sex-hormones and in blood flow and activates the renin-an-
cortisol. Loss of cortisol feedback increas- giotensin II- aldosterone system, causing
es ACTH levels which stimulate the pro- severe hypertension.
duction of metabolites proximal to 17_<

The action of aldosterone is reviewed in ChapterVolume

4, Regulation,page 76 and
Chapter 8, Hypernatremia, page 183. All of the causes of mineralocorticoid excess
are reviewed in detail in Chapter 18,
Hypokalemia, starting on page 502.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Generation!Loss of hydrogen!Renal!Diuretics enhance the

electrical gradient favoring hydrogen secretion.

principle cell
Loop and thiazide di-
uretics increase the Na+
delivery of sodium to Na+
the distal nephron.


Increased delivery of
sodium increases
the resorption of so-
dium. This increases ATP
the negative charge
in the tubule lumen.
The negative charge in H+ H+ OH

the tubular lumen en- HCO3

hances the secretion + CO2
of hydrogen (resorp-


tion of bicarbonate). +

intercalated cell

The use of loop and thiazide diuretics can generate metabolic alkalosis by
increasing the renal excretion of hydrogen.
Loop and thiazide diuretics inhibit sodium resorption in the loop of Henle
and the distal tubule, respectively. Since sodium resorption is inhibited at
these sites, the delivery of sodium to the distal nephron is increased. As
sodium delivery increases, the resorption of sodium also increases. This in-
creases the negative charge in the tubular lumen. The negatively charged
tubular lumen enhances the secretion of hydrogen by the intercalated cells.

Loop and thiazide diuretics __________ the distal delivery of so- increase

Increased distal delivery of sodium increases the ____________ negative

(positive/negative) charge in the tubule lumen. This enhances
the secretion of ___________, generating metabolic alkalosis. hydrogen

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Generation!Loss of hydrogen!Renal!Rapidly correcting chron-

ic respiratory acidosis can generate metabolic alkalosis.
Chronic respiratory acidosis Acute metabolic alkalosis



Na+ Cl– Na+ Cl–

K+ HCO –
K+ HCO –

Some patients with severe, chronic lung disease are unable to effectively
ventilate and, as a consequence, retain CO2. Chronic retention of carbon
dioxide causes chronic respiratory acidosis. To compensate for the low pH,
the kidney increases hydrogen excretion and retains bicarbonate. Bicarbon-
ate levels can rise above 40 mEq/L in chronic respiratory acidosis.
If a patient with chronic CO2 retention and respiratory acidosis becomes ill
(e.g., pneumonia), she may require intubation and mechanical ventilation. In
this situation, mechanical ventilation may be used improperly to rapidly lower
the CO2, while the bicarbonate concentration remains elevated.
The elevated bicarbonate, which was appropriate compensation for the in-
creased CO2, is inappropriate for the newly-lowered CO2. The appropriate re-
nal response in this setting is to stop excreting hydrogen (producing bicarbon-
ate). This response, however, takes days to occur. Therefore, hydrogen excre-
tion (bicarbonate production) continues, the pH rises and metabolic alkalosis is
Due to the ability to cause metabolic alkalosis, mechanical ventilation in
patients with chronic CO2 retention needs to be approached with care. In these
patients, the key to proper ventilation is to follow the pH. By maintaining a
normal pH, the appropriate PCO2 for the bicarbonate can be achieved.

Rapid correction of chronic _________ acidosis can generate respiratory

_________alkalosis. metabolic
S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

There are many rare and random causes of renal hydrogen

ion loss which can generate metabolic alkalosis.

Na+ Na+ ATP

Cl– Cl– H+ H+


When chloride is resorbed When little chloride is deliv- The negative charge in-
with sodium in the distal tu- ered to the distal tubule, so- creases the secretion of
bule, there is no change in the dium is resorbed without an hydrogen by the interca-
charge of the tubular fluid. anion, producing a negative lated cells.
charge in the tubular fluid.

Low chloride intake (illustrated above). Diets low in chloride can

cause metabolic alkalosis. Delivery of sodium without chloride to the
distal tubule increases the resorption of bicarbonate to maintain elec-
troneutrality, generating metabolic alkalosis. Metabolic alkalosis has
been seen in infants given formula containing sodium with minimal
amounts of chloride.
Bartter’s syndrome. Bartter’s syndrome is a rare disorder affecting
the kidney that is associated with hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism
and hypokalemia. Increased aldosterone activity causes metabolic al-
kalosis by enhancing hydrogen secretion.
Penicillin, carbenicillin and ticarcillin. These antibiotics are an-
ions which are administered in sodium-rich IV solutions. The increased
sodium load increases the resorption of sodium. Because the kidney is
unable to resorb these anions, bicarbonate resorption increases to main-
tain electroneutrality.
Hypercalcemia. Elevated calcium is thought to directly increase the
secretion of hydrogen (resorption of bicarbonate). This effect is not seen
in hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism. These patients typically
have a metabolic acidosis.
Milk-alkali syndrome. The chronic ingestion of milk and/or calcium
carbonate-containing antacids can cause hypercalcemia (especially with
renal insufficiency) and metabolic alkalosis. The bicarbonate in antac-
ids also directly increases plasma bicarbonate.
Hypomagnesemia. Low plasma magnesium stimulates renin release.
Renin enhances aldosterone activity which increases the distal secre-
tion of hydrogen (bicarbonate resorption).

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Maintenance!The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis is always

due to the inability of the kidney to excrete excess bicarbonate.


H+ H+ OH

+ HCO3

H+ intercalated cell

excess mineralocorticoid




Na+ Cl–
Na+ Cl– CO

K+ HCO 3

K+ HCO –

hypokalemia hypochloremia

Although there are many conditions which generate metabolic alkalosis,

the maintenance of metabolic alkalosis is always due to the inability of the
kidney to excrete the excess bicarbonate.
The inability to excrete bicarbonate can be due to four different factors:
excess mineralocorticoid activity
low volume (hypovolemia)
low potassium (hypokalemia)
low chloride (hypochloremia)

Note that excess mineralocorticoid activity and volume depletion can both generate and
maintain metabolic alkalosis.

The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis is always the _________’s kidney


There are _____ mechanisms which maintain metabolic alkalosis by four

preventing the excretion of excess ___________. bicarbonate

The factors which maintain metabolic alkalosis are _____ volume, low
_____ chloride, _____ potassium and excess mineralocorticoid activity. low; low

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Maintenance! ! Excess mineralocorticoid activity maintains metabolic

alkalosis through a direct increase in hydrogen secretion.


H+ H+ OH
H+ CO2


! W!
H intercalated cell


Excess mineralocorticoid activity can maintain metabolic alkalosis by in-
creasing hydrogen secretion (bicarbonate production) through its action at
the H+-ATPase pump. Excess mineralocorticoid activity is either due to a
disorder of mineralocorticoid excess or to the physiologic secretion of aldos-
terone in response to volume depletion.
Mineralocorticoid excess. The important causes of excess mineralo-
corticoid activity are primary hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s syndrome, con-
genital adrenal hyperplasia and hyperreninism (renal artery stenosis). In
all of these disorders, mineralocorticoid activity is inappropriately elevated
and serves to both generate and maintain metabolic alkalosis.
Hypovolemia with secondary hyperaldosteronism. Many of the dis-
orders of metabolic alkalosis are associated with hypovolemia which stimu-
lates the release of aldosterone. Increased aldosterone secretion is an appro-
priate response to volume depletion, but serves as a common maintenance
factor in metabolic alkalosis generated by other causes. Secondary hyperal-
dosteronism does not generate metabolic alkalosis.

In mineralocorticoid excess, increased mineralocorticoid activity con- aaa

tributes to both generation and ____________ of metabolic alkalosis. maintenance

Increased aldosterone activity is a maintenance factor for metabolic

alkalosis associated with _______ volume status. low

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Maintenance!Hypovolemia maintains metabolic alkalosis by

activating the volume regulatory mechanisms.

Na + Na +

Na + Na +
Na + HCO3 Na +

Hypovolemia causes Na+ resorption. Na+ resorption causes HCO3– resorption.

In addition to stimulating the release of aldosterone, hypovolemia main-

tains metabolic alkalosis by causing an increase in bicarbonate resorption.
Normally, in the absence of volume depletion, metabolic alkalosis is cor-
rected by the excretion of excess bicarbonate in the urine. To maintain elec-
troneutrality, sodium is excreted with the bicarbonate. In the presence of
volume depletion, however, sodium retention increases in an attempt to re-
store normal volume status. To maintain electroneutrality, bicarbonate re-
sorption also increases.
When metabolic alkalosis and hypovolemia occur together, the kidney must
decide between restoring volume and correcting the alkalosis. When hypov-
olemia and metabolic alkalosis are both present, volume rules and the resorp-
tion of sodium with bicarbonate continues, maintaining metabolic alkalosis.

Although the majority of bicarbonate is resorbed in volume depletion and metabolic alkalo-
sis, some bicarbonateis excreted in the urine.This bicarbonate is accompanied by sodium
to maintain electroneutrality
. This causes the urine sodium to be higher than what would be
expected in volume depletion. As will be discussed later in this chapter
, the urine chloride is
a better indicator of volume status than the urine sodium in metabolic alkalosis

In hypovolemia, the resorption of ____________ is paired with sodium

the resorption of bicarbonate in order to maintain
_________________. electroneutrality

_________ rules. Volume

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Maintenance!Chloride and potassium depletion increase renal

hydrogen secretion, maintaining metabolic alkalosis.

Na Cl + –
K+ HCO –





Metabolic alkalosis is commonly associated with potassium and/or chlo-

ride depletion. Potassium or chloride deficiency maintains metabolic alka-
losis by stimulating the renal secretion of hydrogen ion, although the mecha-
nism of this effect is not well described.
Hypokalemia occurs in disorders of metabolic alkalosis associated with
both volume depletion and excess mineralocorticoid activity. To correct meta-
bolic alkalosis, potassium deficits must be replaced.
Chloride deficiency occurs in the disorders of metabolic alkalosis asso-
ciated with volume loss (e.g., vomiting, diuretic use and cystic fibrosis). The
importance of chloride depletion in the maintenance of hypovolemia-associ-
ated metabolic alkalosis is illustrated by the observation that restoration of
volume without chloride replacement does not correct metabolic alkalosis.

Potassium or __________ deficiency maintain metabolic alkalosis. chloride

Chloride deficiency is associated with _________, diuretic use and cys- vomiting
tic ________. fibrosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Vomiting can result in both generation

and maintenance of metabolic alkalosis.
H+ Cl
H + Cl

Electrolyte composition
of gastric secretions:
H+ ................ 25-100
Na+ ............... 40-160
Cl– ................ 200
K+ ................. 15

The loss of gastric fluid from vomiting results in the loss of water,
hydrogen ion, and chloride. Metabolic alkalosis is generated due to hy-
drogen ion loss (bicarbonate gain) and chloride-rich fluid loss (contrac-
tion alkalosis); see pages 375 and 373.
The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis in vomiting is due to all four
maintenance factors:
Hypovolemia is due to the direct loss of fluid from
the stomach. Vomiting can cause the loss of one to
two liters of fluid per day. The resulting hypovolemia

stimulates sodium resorption which obligates the re-



sorption of bicarbonate to maintain electroneutrality.

Excess mineralocorticoid activity is due to the

H+ H+ OH
HCO3 appropriate release of aldosterone in response to hy-
povolemia. Aldosterone acts at the H+-ATPase pump


H +


to increase hydrogen secretion (bicarbonate resorp-

intercalated cell
! !


Hypochloremia is due to the direct loss of chloride

Cl – from gastric fluid. Gastric fluid has a high concen-
tration of chloride (up to 200 mEq/L).

Hypokalemia is not due to the direct loss of potas-

sium from the stomach. Gastric fluid has a low con-
centration of potassium. Vomiting does, however, in-
crease the renal loss of potassium. This mechanism
is described in detail in Chapter 18, Hypokalemia.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Diagnosis!Distinguishing between saline-responsive and saline-

resistant metabolic alkalosis is clinically useful.

Saline-responsive Saline-resistant
Contraction alkalosis Intracellular hydrogen loss
Vomiting Profound hypokalemia
Nasogastric suctioning Refeeding carbohydrates after fasting
Diuretic use Renal hydrogen loss
Sweating (in CF patients only) Excess mineralocorticoid activity
Addition of bicarbonate • Primary hyperaldosteronism
Lactated Ringer’s (lactate) • Cushing's syndrome
Blood transfusions (citrate) • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
TPN (acetate) • Hyperreninism
Bicarbonate treatment in acidosis Pseudohyperaldosteronism
GI hydrogen loss • Licorice ingestion
Vomiting • Carbenoxolone
Nasogastric suctioning • Chewing tobacco
Congenital chloride diarrhea Rare causes
Colonic villous adenoma Bartter’s syndrome
Renal hydrogen loss Hypercalcemia
Diuretic use Hypoparathyroidism (without hypercalcemia)
Correction of chronic hypercapnia Magnesium deficiency
Penicillin, carbenicillin, ticarcillin Milk-alkali syndrome
Low chloride intake

Although there are three categories of generation (addition of bicarbon-

ate, contraction alkalosis and loss of hydrogen) and four types of mainte-
nance factors (hypovolemia, low chloride, low potassium and excess miner-
alocorticoid activity), all of the causes of metabolic alkalosis are divided into
just two categories: saline-responsive and saline-resistant. These categories
reflect whether or not the metabolic alkalosis can be corrected by 0.9% NaCl.
The saline-responsive causes of metabolic alkalosis are all associated
with hypovolemia, with or without chloride depletion. In these disorders,
the metabolic alkalosis can be corrected by the administration of saline,
regardless of which factor generated the metabolic alkalosis.
The saline-resistant causes of metabolic alkalosis include all of the dis-
orders of excess mineralocorticoid activity and a handful of other rare con-
ditions, listed above.
The many causes of metabolic alkalosis are categorized based on aaa
the ability to treat them with __________. saline

All of the disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity cause sa-

line- __________ types of metabolic alkalosis. resistant

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!The urine chloride concentration distinguishes sa-

line-responsive from saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis.
Saline-responsive Saline-resistant



Cl- Cl-

Urine Cl – < 20 mEq/L. Urine Cl – > 20 mEq/L.

Urine Na+ > 20 mEq/L. HCO3
Urine Na+ > 20 mEq/L. Cl-



The urine chloride concentration distinguishes saline-responsive from

saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis.
In saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis, volume depletion stimulates the
resorption of sodium which also causes the retention of chloride and bicar-
bonate to maintain electroneutrality. The increased resorption of bicarbon-
ate maintains metabolic alkalosis. There is, however, a small increase in
the renal excretion of bicarbonate due to the increased filtered load. To main-
tain electroneutrality, sodium loss also increases; since chloride has a nega-
tive charge, its resorption is not affected. Because of this, the urine sodium
can be above 20 mEq/L, but the urine chloride is less than 20 mEq/L.
In saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis, volume status is normal. Because
there is no stimulus for sodium or chloride resorption, the excretion of these
ions is normal.
Therefore, in saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis, the urine chloride con-
centration is less than 20 mEq/L; in saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis,
the urine chloride concentration is greater than 20 mEq/L. In metabolic
alkalosis, the urine chloride concentration is a more reliable indicator of
volume status than urine sodium.
In the setting of metabolic alkalosis, urine ________ concentration chloride
is a better indicator of volume status than urine ___________. sodium

In metabolic alkalosis, a urine chloride concentration less than 20

mEq/L indicates a saline-___________ metabolic alkalosis. responsive

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Diagnosis!Saline-responsive!The cause of saline-responsive

metabolic alkalosis is usually apparent from the history.




Addition of bicarbonate


Lactated Ringer’s



Blood transfusions HCO3
1 5



6 H+



in acidosis H+



Contraction alkalosis GI hydrogen loss Renal hydrogen loss

Vomiting Vomiting Diuretic use
Nasogastric suctioning Nasogastric suctioning Rapid correction of
Diuretic use Congenital chloride diarrhea chronic respiratory
Sweating (in CF patients only) Colonic villous adenoma acidosis

The etiology of saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis is usually apparent

from the history (e.g., vomiting, diuretic use) and physical exam (e.g., naso-
gastric tube in nose, mechanical ventilation). Diagnostic testing, other than
the urine chloride concentration, is not necessary. The physical exam is usu-
ally consistent with hypovolemia.
The causes of saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis (grouped by the cause
of generation) are listed above.
If the cause of metabolic alkalosis is not clinically obvious, then cystic
fibrosis, self-induced vomiting (bulimia) and diuretic abuse should be con-

Saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis is associated with a aaa

_________ volume status. low

Loss of __________-rich fluid can cause metabolic alkalosis. chloride

Cystic fibrosis patients have sweat with a high ______________ chloride


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Saline-resistant!Hypertension usually indicates an

underlying disorder of excess mineralocorticoid activity.

H+ H+


H+ H+ OH
+ HCO3
H+ intercalated cell

Hypertensive Normotensive
Excess mineralocorticoid activity Intracellular hydrogen loss Rare causes
Primary hyperaldosteronism Severe hypokalemia Bartter’s syndrome
Cushing’s syndrome Refeeding carbohydrates Hypercalcemia
Hyperreninism (renal artery stenosis) after fasting Hypoparathyroidism
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Magnesium deficiency
Pseudohyperaldosteronism Milk-alkali syndrome

Determining the cause of saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis can be chal-

lenging. The etiologies are typically divided into hypertensive and normo-
tensive causes. The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are asso-
ciated with hypertension, while the blood pressure should be normal in the
other causes.
If hypertension is present, the history and physical exam should focus on
uncovering one of the causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity listed above.
Regardless of the cause, excess mineralocorticoid activity is also associated
with hypokalemia and mild hypernatremia. Historical clues, physical exam
findings and further lab testing are reviewed on the following page.
If the blood pressure is normal, the history and a few simple lab tests
should uncover the cause. Lab tests should include a measurement of plasma
potassium, magnesium and calcium.

The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are associated aaa

with a blood pressure that is ________ (decreased, increased). increased

Abnormalities in ________, calcium or magnesium can cause sa- potassium

line-resistant metabolic alkalosis.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Diagnosis!Saline-resistant!If excess mineralocorticoid activity

is suspected, evaluate the patient for an underlying cause.

History/physical exam Lab tests

Primary unremarkable increased 24-hour urine for aldosterone

hyperaldosteronism low plasma renin

Hyperreninism severe hypertension high plasma renin

(Renal artery stenosis) abdominal bruit
increased creatinine after
starting ACE-inhibitor

Cushing’s amenorrhea hyperglycemia

syndrome truncal obesity, striae low dose dexamethasone suppression
personality changes test can rule out diagnosis
proximal muscle weakness B24-hour urine cortisol confirms diagnosis

Congenital infants: virilism low plasma cortisol (usually undetectable)

adrenal puberty: sexual infantilism low plasma aldosterone
hyperplasia low plasma renin
high plasma ACTH

If excess mineralocorticoid activity is suspected as the cause of metabolic

alkalosis, then a good history and specific diagnostic tests can clarify the
diagnosis. Listed above are some of the key features of the history and physi-
cal exam for the important causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity. Lab
tests used to confirm the diagnosis are also listed.

For a more detailed review of the diagnosis of these disorders, please see Chapter 18,
Hypokalemia, beginning on page 502.

Of the four important causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity, only aaa

_________ is associated with a high renin level. hyperreninism

_________ syndrome can present with a variety of symptoms, including Cushing’s

amenorrhea, proximal muscle weakness and personality changes.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Respiratory compensation for metabolic alkalo-

sis is hypoventilation, which increases P CO2.

– –
pH | HCO3 pH | HCO3
In metabolic alkalosis, the primary To compensate for the increased
change is an increase in bicarbonate. HCO3–, the PCO2 must increase.

C PCO2 increases by hypoventilation.

C The maximum PCO2 from compen-
C sation of metabolic alkalosis is 55
C mmHg in acute metabolic alkalo-
C sis and 60–70 mmHg in chronic
C metabolic alkalosis.

In all acid-base disorders, the direction of the compensatory response is

in the same direction as the primary change. Since the primary disturbance
in metabolic alkalosis is an increase in bicarbonate, the compensatory re-
sponse is an increase in PCO2. An increase in P CO2 occurs by decreasing ven-
tilation (hypoventilation) which typically occurs within hours of the onset of
metabolic alkalosis.
Although the pH is lowered by this compensatory response, hypoventila-
tion can compromise oxygenation. Thus, the need to maintain a normal pH
in metabolic alkalosis is balanced against the need for oxygen. In patients
with normal pulmonary function and metabolic alkalosis, hypoventilation
is inhibited when the PO2 falls below 50 mmHg.

The compensatory response in all acid-base disorders always oc- aaa

curs in the _______ direction as the primary change. same

The primary change in metabolic alkalosis is a(n) ___________ in increase

bicarbonate; the compensatory response is a(n) _________ in PCO2. increase

Respiratory compensation for metabolic alkalosis is ___________, hypoventilation

which increases ________ and decreases _______. PCO2; PO2

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Compensation!The expected P CO2 in metabolic alkalosis can

be calculated.

PCO2 (mmHg)

48 s
46 al osi
bo lic
m eta
40 Normal
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

In metabolic alkalosis, the expected PCO2 for the plasma bicarbonate is

predicted by the following equation.

Expected P CO2 = 0.7 ! HCO3– + 20 " 1.5

If the PCO2 falls within the predicted range, then appropriate respiratory
compensation has occurred and metabolic alkalosis is the only acid-base
disorder present.
If the PCO2 is outside the expected range, then a second acid-base distur-
bance is present. When the PCO2 is less than expected, a respiratory alkalo-
sis is also present. When the PCO2 is greater than expected, a respiratory
acidosis is also present.

The expected PCO2 in metabolic alkalosis is not as precise as the expected response in
metabolic acidosis.A simpler rule of thumb for the expectedCOP2 is that the PCO2 should
increase 0.5 to 1.0 mmHg for every 1 mEq/L increase in bicarbonate from normal.

In metabolic alkalosis, the PCO2 is expected to ____________. increase

If the PCO2 is greater than expected, ___________ respiratory

__________ is also present. acidosis

If the PCO2 is less than expected, ___________ respiratory

__________ is also present. alkalosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Identifying the presence of other acid-

base disorders requires calculation of the expected P CO2.

Expected PCO2 = 0.7 [HCO3 ] + 20 ! 1.5

PCO2 Acid-base disorder(s)

lower metabolic alkalosis
than and
expected respiratory alkalosis

as expected metabolic alkalosis only

higher metabolic alkalosis

than and
expected respiratory acidosis

When metabolic alkalosis is identified, the first step in the evalua-

tion is to assess compensation and determine if another acid-base dis-
order is present. By using the formulas for the predicted PCO2, the pres-
ence of an additional acid-base disorder can be determined.
If the PCO2 does not match the level predicted, then a second acid-base
disorder is present. Respiratory acidosis is present when the PCO2 is higher
than predicted and respiratory alkalosis is present when the PCO2 is lower
than predicted.
Recognizing a concurrent anion gap metabolic acidosis is done by calcu-
lating the anion gap. An elevated anion gap always indicates the presence
of anion gap metabolic acidosis.
There is no particular formula to identify a concurrent non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis. Since the pH, PCO2 and bicarbonate all decrease in
metabolic acidosis and all increase in metabolic alkalosis, the labs tend to
balance out. This combination of acid-base disorders can possibly be in-
ferred from a patient’s history.
Common combinations of acid-base disorders with metabolic alkalosis
are reviewed on the following page.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Clinical correlation: Combinations of acid-base disorders with

metabolic alkalosis are common.
metabolic alkalosis and anion gap metabolic acidosis
H+ Cl
H+ Cl
Cl O O


vomiting ketoacidosis

metabolic alkalosis & respiratory alkalosis metabolic alkalosis & respiratory acidosis

H+ Cl
vomiting pneumonia diuretic use COPD

Metabolic alkalosis and anion gap metabolic acidosis. This is

a common combination of acid-base disorders in patients with diabetic
ketoacidosis. DKA (anion gap metabolic acidosis) is commonly associ-
ated with vomiting (metabolic alkalosis).
Metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis. Patients with cir-
rhosis chronically hyperventilate and often take diuretics to reduce pe-
ripheral edema, resulting in this combination of acid-base disorders. A
patient with vomiting who develops an aspiration pneumonia is an-
other scenario where metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis can
occur at the same time.
Metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis. This combination of
acid-base disorders commonly occurs in patients with chronic CO2-reten-
tion (e.g., COPD) who use diuretics. Diuretics are used in patients with
COPD to help control lower extremity edema from right-sided heart fail-

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Metabolic alkalosis.
Metabolic alkalosis is one of the four primary acid-base disorders and is char-
acterized by a bicarbonate greater than 24 mEq/dL and a pH greater than 7.40.
After respiratory compensation, the PCO2 is greater than 40 mmHg.
metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis
pH |!
pH |!
3 pH |! pH |!

Metabolic alkalosis develops in two steps: generation and maintenance. There

are three conditions which generate metabolic alkalosis.
• addition of bicarbonate
• contraction alkalosis
• loss of hydrogen ion
Addition of bicarbonate generating metabolic alkalosis can result from
the administration of bicarbonate or a substance which is metabolized to

• Lactated Ringer’s (lactate) • Bicarbonate treatment for

• Blood transfusions (citrate) metabolic acidosis
• TPN (acetate)

Contraction alkalosis occurs when the body loses chloride-rich, bicar-

bonate-poor fluid.

• Vomiting • Diuretic use

• Nasogastric suctioning • Sweating (patients with CF)

Loss of hydrogen ion, from any source, generates metabolic alkalosis

because loss of hydrogen causes the gain of bicarbonate. Hydrogen loss is
either extra-renal or renal. Extra-renal hydrogen loss is either from the GI
tract or into cells.
• Vomiting • Congenital chloride diarrhea
• Nasogastric suctioning • Colonic villous adenoma


• Severe hypokalemia • Refeeding after a fast

There are three sources of renal hydrogen ion loss.

• Excess mineralocorticoid activity • Rapid correction of chronic
• Diuretics respiratory acidosis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 14 Metabolic Alkalosis

Summary!Metabolic alkalosis.

Primary hyperaldosteronism is due to the au- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of

tonomous secretion of aldosterone from the ad- disorders characterized by an enzyme deficiency
renal gland. It is most commonly caused by a be- in the synthesis of cortisol. Since the adrenal
nign adrenal adenoma. glands cannot produce cortisol to inhibit ACTH
Cushing’s syndrome is caused by increased release, ACTH release continues unchecked.
cortisol levels from an endogenous or exogenous ACTH promotes the synthesis of cortisol precur-
source. Excess endogenous cortisol release is sors which have mineralocorticoid activity.
due to ACTH (from either the pituitary or an ec- Hyperreninism can occur with renal artery steno-
topic source) stimulating an intact adrenal gland sis. Poor perfusion to the kidney causes renin
or from primary adrenal disease causing the au- release. Increased renin levels stimulate the re-
tonomous over-secretion of cortisol. Excess ex- lease of aldosterone from the adrenal gland.
ogenous cortisol is from therapeutic steroid ad-

The maintenance of metabolic alkalosis is always due to the inability of

the kidney to excrete bicarbonate. The inability of the kidney to excrete
bicarbonate can be due to four unique mechanisms:


Na+ Cl–
K+ HCO –
H+ H+ OH
H+ CO2

+ HCO3

H+ intercalated cell

excess mineralocorticoid activity hypokalemia, hypochloremia hypovolemia

Metabolic alkalosis is divided into two categories: saline-resistent (urine

– –
Cl > 20 mEq/L) and saline-responsive (urine Cl < 20 mEq/L). Please see
the overview page for the complete list of causes (page 387).

Respiratory compensation is by hypoventilation which increases the PCO2.

The expected PCO2 can be calculated from the bicarbonate. If the PCO2 does
not fall in the calculated range, a second acid-base disorder is present.

C –

pH | HCO pH | HCO3
3 C


CO2 P 3
= 0.7 [HCO ] + 20 ! 1.5
PCO2 lower than expected ........................ respiratory alkalosis
PCO2 as expected ............................ metabolic alkalosis alone
PCO2 higher than expected ....................... respiratory acidosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Clinical review.
Step 1. Recognize metabolic alkalosis.

pH PCO2 PO2 Na+ Cl –

+ –


Step 2. !Compensation.
Expected PCO2 = 0.7 [HCO3–] + 20!1.5
PC02 < expected "‰"metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis
PC02 = expected "‰"metabolic alkalosis only
PC02 > expected "‰"metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis

Step 3. ! Urine chloride concentration.

UCl < 20 mEq/L

– UCl > 20 mEq/L

saline-responsive saline-resistant
Saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis (urine chloride < 20 mEq/L)

History Diuretic use Vomiting

Sweating (in CF patients only) Nasogastric suctioning
Correction of chronic Congenital chloride diarrhea
respiratory acidosis Colonic villous adenoma
If not obvious from the Lactated Ringer’s TPN
history, consider CF, Blood transfusions Bicarbonate in acidosis
self-induced vomiting
and diuretic abuse.

Saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis (urine chloride < 20 mEq/L)

Blood pressure Hypertensive Excess mineralocorticoid activity

Normotensive !"history and physical exam

!"renin activity
!"K , Ca
+ ++
,"Mg++ Low or normal renin High renin

Bartter’s syndrome Primary hyperaldosteronism Hyperreninism

Severe hypokalemia Cushing’s syndrome (renal artery
Magnesium deficiency Congenital adrenal hyperplasia stenosis)
Hypercalcemia Pseudohyperaldosteronism
Milk-alkali syndrome
Refeeding carbohydrates after fasting

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

15 Respiratory Acidosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Respiratory acidosis is due to respiratory in-



pH | pH |


pH | pH |

Respiratory acidosis is characterized by an increased PCO2 and a decreased

pH. After buffering and renal compensation, the bicarbonate is increased.
Increased carbon dioxide, hypercarbia, is always the result of inadequate
Carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular metabolism. Each day, the
body produces approximately 15,000 millimoles of CO2 which needs to be
eliminated by the lungs. If the lungs are unable to completely eliminate
carbon dioxide, it accumulates and causes respiratory acidosis.
The study of respiratory acidosis is the study of respiratory insufficiency.

One could imagine that O C2 levels could rise from increased production. But,
healthy lungs
are so adept at removing CO 2
, that no matter how fast CO
is produced, the lungs are able
to clear it. Only if lung disease is already present can increased production 2ofcauseCO
respiratory acidosis. For example, in patients with chronic pulmonary disease and chroni-
cally elevated levels of carbon dioxide, increased metabolic production 2of(e.g.,
CO sepsis)
can further increase CPO2.

Respiratory acidosis is characterized by an increase in ________ PCO2

which decreases _____. pH

An increase in the arterial carbon dioxide level is _________ due to always

inadequate respiration.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Overview: Respiration is a four-step process.

Sensing and signaling Muscles and motion

The respiratory control center in the medulla The muscles of respiration expand the
responds to changes in CO2, O2 and pH by chest which lowers intrathoracic pressure
sending signals via nerves to the muscles and draws air into the lungs.
of respiration.

CO2 O2

Free flow Gas exchange

A patent airway is necessary for air to flow Exchange of CO2 and O2 occurs in the al-
into the alveoli. veoli. Oxygen enters the blood and CO2 en-
ters the alveoli.

To fully understand the development of respiratory acidosis, it is important to

have an understanding of respiration. Respiration is the process by which the
lungs carry out their primary function of eliminating CO2 and oxygenating the
Respiration occurs in four steps: 1) sensing and signaling 2) muscles and
motion 3) free flow and 4) gas exchange. Inadequate respiration causing respi-
ratory acidosis may occur from a defect in one or more of the steps of respira-
The delivery of air to the alveoli is called ventilation. Ventilation encompasses
the first three steps of respiration. Hypoventilation is the inadequate deliv-
ery of air to the alveoli resulting in the accumulation of carbon dioxide.

The process of respiration contains four steps: sensing and _________, signaling
muscles and motion, free _______ and gas exchange. flow

Gas exchange occurs in the _________. alveoli

Ventilation encompasses the first _______ steps of respiration. three

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction to terms used by pulmonologists, part one.

PCO2 (mmHg) C C

alveolar minute ventilation (L/ min)

minute tidal physiologic respiratory

ventilation volume dead space rate

Tidal volume is the amount of Physiologic dead space is the Respiratory rate is the num-
air inspired in a single breath. volume of air in the lungs which ber of breaths per minute and
Normal tidal volume is be- does not participate in gas ex- is normally between 12 and 16
tween 6 and 8 mL/kg (about change. Physiologic dead space breaths/min.
500 mL in a 70 kg man). is normally 30% of tidal volume,
or about 150 mL.

Alveolar minute ventilation (minute ventilation) is the amount of air

delivered to functioning alveoli each minute. This process is accomplished
in the first three steps of respiration (sensing and signaling, muscles and
motion, and free flow). Normal minute ventilation for an adult ranges from
four to six liters per minute.
Minute ventilation and PCO2 are inversely related. Increased minute ven-
tilation causes carbon dioxide to fall and decreased minute ventilation
causes carbon dioxide to rise.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Introduction to terms used by pulmonologists, part two.

Anatomic dead space

Trachea, bronchi and bronchi-
oles are all examples of ana-
tomic dead space.

Alveolar dead space

Alveoli which are ventilated
but not perfused are alveolar
dead space.


Physiologic dead space refers to all the areas of the lung where air is
delivered, but gas exchange does not occur. Physiologic dead space is the
sum of the anatomic and alveolar dead spaces.
Anatomic dead space. The air passages which bring air into
and out of the alveoli, the conducting airways, are not capable of
gas exchange. The conducting airways are made up of the tra-
chea, bronchi and bronchioles. The volume of anatomic dead
space is constant.
Alveolar dead space. Some alveoli receive air but do not par-
ticipate in gas exchange because they are not perfused with blood.
The volume of alveolar dead space varies with disease and body

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

On the following pages, we introduce each of the steps of respiration (sens-

ing and signaling, muscles and motion, free flow and gas exchange). Following
each description, there is a page that lists several diseases associated with that
step. This is followed by one or two grey pages discussing a specific disorder
associated with that step.
When reading through this for the first time, you may not want to spend too
much time reading through the details of each disorder. The lists and definitions
are provided primarily as examples and are not exhaustive.
Additionally, keep in mind that respiratory diseases which cause respiratory
acidosis commonly involve a defect in more than one of the steps of respiration.
When more than one defect is at fault, we typically list the disorders under the
primary and/or inciting event.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Sensing and signaling!The first step of respiration is sensing

CO2 and O2 and signaling the muscles of respiration.
nerves muscles of respiration
phrenic diaphragm
medulla intercostal intercostal
accessory sternocleidomastoid
O2 C3, C4 scalene

carotid body

The unconscious control of breathing resides in the respiratory control

center of the medulla. Here, information about CO2 and O2 levels are pro-
cessed (sensed) and signals are sent, via nerves, to the muscles of respira-
tion. CO2 and O2 are the primary stimuli affecting respiration. Surprisingly,
increased CO2 is a stronger stimulus for respiration than decreased O2.
Intracellular alterations in pH, induced by changes in CO2, are sensed by
chemoreceptors in the medulla (separate from the respiratory control cen-
ter). An increase in PCO2 of only 1 mmHg is sufficient to stimulate respira-
tion. Because of this exquisite sensitivity to CO2, arterial PCO2 is normally
kept within the narrow range of 36 to 44 mmHg.
Oxygen levels are sensed by chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies located
at the bifurcation of the internal and external carotid arteries. Hypoxia does
not stimulate respiration until the PO2 falls below 60 mmHg.
Sensing defects causing respiratory acidosis are typically due to disorders
which affect the ability of the respiratory control center to respond to increases
in carbon dioxide. Signaling defects are due to diseases which affect the nerves
of the respiratory muscles. Specific disorders of sensing and signaling are re-
viewed on the following pages.

Breathing is controlled in the _________ control center. respiratory

The respiratory control center regulates ventilation by integrating

information about _______ _______ levels and O2 levels. carbon dioxide

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Sensing and signaling!Carbon dioxide is the primary regulator

of respiration unless oxygen is too low (PO2 < 60 mmHg).

O2 O2
O2 O2
O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2
O2 O2 O2 O2
O2 O2 O2


Decreased P O2 is sensed at Increased ventilation increas- Decreased ventilation returns

the carotid bodies and a signal es PO 2 but decreases PCO2. P CO2 to normal, but returns
is sent to the respiratory con- Decreased PCO2 is detected in oxygen to the initial low level.
trol center which increases the medulla and ventilation is
ventilation. decreased.

When PO2 decreases, the carotid bodies trigger the respiratory control center
to increase minute ventilation. Increased minute ventilation causes a decrease
in PCO2. The fall in PCO2 is detected in the medulla which suppresses respiration
in order to return PCO2 to normal. Only when hypoxemia becomes critical, PO2
below 60 mmHg, does the respiratory control center sacrifice tight regulation of
carbon dioxide in order to increase oxygenation. Thus, carbon dioxide main-
tains primary control over minute ventilation unless hypoxia is life-threatening.

_______ maintains primary control over minute ventilation until the PCO2
partial pressure of oxygen falls below ______ mmHg. 60

Oxygen is essentially ignored by the respiratory __________ center control

until hypoxia is life-____________. threatening

Carbon dioxide levels are detected by pH detectors in the _______, medulla

while oxygen is detected by ______________ in the carotid bodies. chemoreceptors

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Sensing and signaling!The causes of sensing and signaling

defects are both central and peripheral.
Sensing defects Signaling defects
Apnea of prematurity is an almost uni- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a
versal problem associated with premature motor neuron disease characterized by mo-
birth. In this disorder, low oxygen and high tor neuron destruction. ALS is characterized
carbon dioxide suppress respiration rather by ascending paralysis, muscle atrophy and
than stimulate it. While this is maladaptive loss of deep tendon reflexes. Involvement of
for an infant, it is an appropriate response the respiratory nerves results in respiratory
for the fetus. insufficiency.
In utero, the fetus practices breathing to Lou Gehrig was a baseball player in the early
strengthen its respiratory muscles in anticipa- twentieth century. He played with Babe Ruth
tion of life after birth. In utero, however, oxy- for the New York Yankees. Mr. Gehrig set a
gen is supplied by the placenta. When oxygen major league record by playing in over 2000
levels fall, the fetus stops wasting oxygen by consecutive games. He died in his thirties of
breathing, shunting oxygen to essential organs ALS which is now commonly referred to as Lou
and processes. Gehrig’s disease.
Apnea of prematurity resolves with brain stem Diaphragmatic paralysis can be caused
maturation and is treated with caffeine. by thoracic trauma, thoracic surgery, multiple
Brain stem injury from infarction, hemor- sclerosis and muscular dystrophy.
rhage, trauma, demyelination or degeneration Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rapidly pro-
can cause respiratory failure by direct damage gressive paralysis which typically follows an
to the respiratory control center. acute viral illness by 1 to 3 weeks. It is charac-
Central sleep apnea: see page 409. terized by ascending muscle weakness, loss
of reflexes and a lack of sensory involvement.
Drugs such as narcotics, ethanol, benzodi- Respiratory insufficiency and failure occur from
azepines and inhaled anesthetics (with the involvement of the muscles of respiration.
exception of nitrous oxide) all decrease the About a third of patients require mechanical
sensitivity of the respiratory control center to ventilation. Complete recovery is the norm and
CO2, inhibiting respiration. mortality is low. Patients may be treated with
Hypothyroidism, when severe, can cause plasmapheresis or gamma globulins.
hypoventilation from decreased sensitivity of Guillain-Barré is also known as acute demy-
the respiratory control center to CO2. elinating polyneuropathy.
Oxygen therapy in patients with chronic CO2 Post-polio syndrome is characterized by the
retention. See page 408. degradation of motor neurons which can oc-
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome cur 20 to 30 years after paralytic polio. Involve-
(Pickwickian syndrome) is due to a defect ment of the nerves of respiration can occur.
which prevents the increase in respiratory ef- Spinal cord injury at or above the level of
fort needed to overcome obesity. the origin of the phrenic nerve can cause res-
Primary alveolar hypoventilation (On- piratory insufficiency or failure. The phrenic
dine’s curse) is a rare condition in which pa- nerve is composed of nerves from C3, C4 and
tients do not have an unconscious respiratory C5 (3,4 and 5 keep the diaphragm alive).
drive. Since conscious control of respiration is
intact, the disorder reveals itself only during
sleep. Primary alveolar hypoventilation can be
treated with nighttime mechanical ventilation.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: In chronic respiratory acidosis, hypoxia is the

primary stimulus for respiration.

Chronic respiratory acidosis

O2 CO2

carotid body medulla

Oxygen is the primary stimu- RESPIRATORY The respiratory control cen-

lus for respiration. CONTROL CENTER ter is insensitive to CO2.

The control of respiration is altered in patients with chronically elevated

carbon dioxide levels and chronic respiratory acidosis (e.g., COPD). In
these patients, hypoxemia is the primary stimulus for respiration while in-
creases in CO2 have little effect.
In chronic respiratory acidosis, the pH is nearly normal despite a grossly
elevated PCO2. The respiratory control center of the medulla is less sensi-
tive to increases in CO2 because of the near-normal pH. If CO 2 increases
further, the change in pH is less dramatic and produces little change in
respiration. Because the sensitivity to CO2 is lost in patients with chronic
respiratory acidosis, hypoxemia is the primary stimulus for respiration.
The hypoxic drive of respiration is clinically important. The administra-
tion of large amounts of oxygen (100% oxygen by mask) removes the hy-
poxic respiratory drive and suppresses respiration. The ensuing hypoven-
tilation increases CO2 resulting in acidosis, obtunded mental status and
respiratory failure. Therefore, oxygen must be used with caution in patients
with chronic carbon dioxide retention.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Clinical correlation: Sleep apnea is a defect in nocturnal res-


pH, CO2 and O2 Apnea occurs at night; CO2 Z
are normal dur- increases while pH and O 2
ing the day. decrease.

Sleep apnea is characterized by arrests in airflow which occur during

sleep. Apneic episodes last at least 10 seconds and occur more than 30
times per night. The characteristic symptoms and signs include daytime
somnolence, hypertension, snoring and obesity. An important characteris-
tic of all types of sleep apnea is that the hypoxia, hypercarbia and respira-
tory acidosis occur only at night. During the day, patients with sleep apnea
have normal O2, CO2 and pH.
There are three types of sleep apnea: central, obstructive and mixed.
Central sleep apnea is a cerebral disorder which affects the normal
respiratory drive in the medulla. Apneic episodes are characterized by a
lack of respiratory effort. During apneic episodes, patients become hypoxic
and hypercarbic, then awaken, restore normal ventilation and return to sleep.
This cycle can recur hundreds of times each night.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by collapse of the
soft tissues in the upper airway during sleep. Apneic episodes are charac-
terized by respiratory effort that is unable to overcome the obstruction.
Breathing is restored when the patient arouses and increased muscle tone
clears the obstruction. Loud snoring is an almost universal feature of OSA.
Medical management involves weight loss, and the use of a device that
maintains continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in the pharynx and
thus stents the soft tissues open. Surgery is an option for patients who fail
medical management.
Mixed sleep apnea is characterized by components of both central
and obstructive sleep apnea. Apneic episodes are characterized by the
cessation of respiratory effort followed by collapse of the soft tissues and
airway obstruction. Respiratory effort then returns, but cannot overcome
the obstruction.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Muscles and motion!The second step of respiration is proper

movement of the chest wall.

Inspiration Expiration
Chest wall moves out; air moves in. Chest wall moves in; air moves out.

Step two of respiration is muscles and motion which refers to the mechanical
process of inspiration and expiration. Inspiration is an active process and expi-
ration is a passive process. Inspiration and expiration are controlled by the
contraction and relaxation of the muscles of respiration.
Inspiration is the process by which air is sucked into the lungs. When the
muscles of respiration contract, the chest cavity expands, lowering intratho-
racic pressure. The difference between the atmospheric and intrathoracic pres-
sures draws air into the lungs.
Expiration is a passive process which occurs when the muscles of respiration
relax, the chest wall falls inward and air is forced out. With increased respira-
tory effort (e.g., exercise), expiration can become an active process as muscles
speed the contraction of the chest.

When the muscles of respiration contract, the size of the intrathoracic AAA
cavity ________ and intrathoracic pressure __________. increases; decreases

Muscles and motion is step ______ in the process of respiration. two

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Muscles and motion!The diaphragm, chest wall muscles and

muscles in the neck expand the lungs.

Sternocleidomastoid Scalene
Accessory nerve Third and fourth cervical nerve
(CN XI) (C3, C4)

Intercostal muscles Intercostal muscles

Intercostal nerves Intercostal nerves
(T1 - T12) (T1 - T12)

Phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5)

The major muscles of respiration are the sternocleidomastoid, scalene,

intercostals and diaphragm. When contracted, all serve to expand the intratho-
racic cavity and facilitate the movement of air into the lungs.
The sternocleidomastoid and scalene are located in the neck and attach to
the clavicle and first rib. When contracted, these muscles lift the clavicles and
the first ribs to expand the chest cavity upward. The sternocleidomastoid and
scalene are accessory muscles of respiration which means they are not essen-
tial to the process of respiration, but are important when breathing becomes
labored. The sternocleidomastoid is innervated by the accessory cranial nerve
(CN XI) and the scalene muscles are innervated by the inferior cervical nerve
plexus (C3, C4).
Intercostal muscles are located between the ribs and join a set of upper and
lower ribs. The intercostal muscles raise the chest up and out and are inner-
vated by the intercostal nerves (T1-T12).
The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and is the pri-
mary muscle of respiration. It attaches to the lower ribs and moves inferiorly
when it contracts to expand the chest cavity downward. Innervation is via the
phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5).

The __________ is the primary muscle of respiration. diaphragm

The sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles are known as

____________ muscles of respiration. accessory

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Muscles and motion!There are many causes of respiratory

muscle dysfunction.
Anatomic abnormalities and trauma Genetic disorders
Flail chest is due to multiple consecutive Acid maltase deficiency is a disorder of
fractured ribs on a single side of the chest, an enzyme involved in the metabolism of gly-
causing the chest wall to become unstable. cogen into glucose (type 2 glycogen storage
During inspiration, the unstable chest wall disease). This disorder is associated with the
collapses inward instead of moving outward. accumulation of glycogen in muscle cells
Kyphoscoliosis is a deformity of the spine which interferes with contraction. This dis-
which restricts chest wall expansion during in- ease presents in infancy with respiratory in-
spiration. sufficiency, cardiomegaly and hepatomegaly.
Pneumothorax: see page 413. Death usually occurs by two years of age.
Childhood and adult onset is less common.
Botulism The childhood form resembles muscular dys-
Botulinus toxin is produced by the bacte- trophy and is associated with elevated CK
ria Clostridium botulinum, a gram positive enzymes. The responsible gene has been
rod. There are three forms of the disease: mapped to chromosome 17.
• food-borne: direct ingestion of toxin due Duchenne’s and Becker’s muscular dys-
to improperly canned foods. trophy are X-linked recessive disorders which
• wound infection: spores enter a wound cause progressive muscle weakness. Patients
and germinate, releasing toxin; it is associ- are usually asymptomatic at birth but gross
ated with trauma. motor control is delayed until late in the first
year of life. Muscle weakness is progressive
• infantile: ingestion and germination of
and ultimately compromises respiration.
spores in an immature GI tract; it is associ-
Duchenne’s is more severe with death usually
ated with giving infants honey.
occurring by the third decade of life. Because
Botulism toxin irreversibly blocks the release Becker’s causes less severe disease, patients
of acetylcholine from the neuromuscular junc- can live into their forties. The responsible gene
tion. Death is due to respiratory failure. See has been localized to Xp21.
The Microbiology Companion for details.
Periodic paralysis is a genetic disorder (au-
Drugs tosomal dominant in ⅔ of cases and sporadic
Aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gen- in ⅓) associated with intermittent episodes of
tamicin and tobramycin, can cause muscular severe hypokalemia and muscle weakness.
weakness at high doses. Muscle weakness is Respiratory involvement is rare, but can be
exacerbated by hypermagnesemia. Treatment fatal. See page 495.
consists of stopping the drug and giving cal- Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune dis-
Succinyl choline / vecuronium are depo-
order characterized by the production of anti-
larizing agents used for paralysis during sur-
bodies against the acetylcholine receptors at
gical and medical procedures. These agents
the neuromuscular junction. Prevalence is 1
act at the neuromuscular junction.
in 10,000. The male:female ratio is 2:3 with
Electrolytes men affected in the 50-70 age range and fe-
males in early adulthood. Myasthenia crisis oc-
Hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia or hy-
curs when weakness affects the muscles of
permagnesemia, when severe, can cause
respiration. Crises are treated with anticho-
muscle weakness and respiratory acidosis.
linesterases (pyridostigmine) and plasmapher-

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Clinical correlation: Pneumothorax can cause respiratory ac-

idosis by affecting muscles and motion.


visceral pleura parietal pleura second intercostal space

midclavicular line

In order to understand how a pneumothorax develops, it is important to

understand how the lung and chest wall work together. The lung is like a
Nerf® ball: elastic walls surrounding millions of tiny air pockets which can
be compressed or stretched open. The Nerf® lung has a smooth, shiny sur-
face called the visceral pleura. The chest wall, which surrounds the Nerf®
lung, is lined by the parietal pleura. Between the visceral and parietal
pleurae is a small amount of fluid. Although there is no solid connection
between the visceral and parietal pleurae, surface tension seals the lung to
the chest wall. The surface tension is strong enough that during inspira-
tion, when the chest wall expands outward, it also expands the lung.
In a pneumothorax, air gets into the space between the two pleurae
breaking the surface tension which adheres the lung to the chest wall.
When the seal between the visceral and parietal pleurae is broken, expan-
sion of the chest wall during inspiration does not expand the lung. Without
the chest wall to expand it, the lung collapses due to its elasticity. The
collapse of the lung can shift the trachea toward the pneumothorax.
A tension pneumothorax is more life-threatening than a pneumothorax
because the size of the air-filled space between the pleurae enlarges with
each inspiration. During expiration, the air is unable to escape due to a
one-way valve effect of the pleural defect. This results in continued air
entrapment in the pleural space. The complications of the increasing pleu-
ral air are ineffective respiration, hypoxia and decreased venous return
resulting in hemodynamic collapse. In a tension pneumothorax, the struc-
tures of the mediastinum (e.g., trachea, heart) shift to the opposite side of
the pneumothorax. Tension pneumothorax is a medical emergency which
requires immediate decompression. A 14-gauge needle should be inserted
into the air-filled pleural space in the second or third intercostal space at
the midclavicular line.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Free flow!The third step of respiration is the free flow of air into
the alveoli through a patent airway.




Respiration requires the free flow of air through a patent airway. Obstruction
at any point in the flow of air to the alveoli can cause respiratory acidosis. The
airway is divided into the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasopharynx and oropharynx.
The lower respiratory tract begins at the larynx. In addition to its role in phona-
tion, the vocal cords of the larynx protect against the entry of foreign bodies into
the lower respiratory tract.
The lower respiratory tract consists of conducting airways which begin with
the trachea and end with the terminal bronchioles. In the thorax, the trachea
divides into right and left mainstem bronchi which supply the right and left lung.
Anatomically, the right mainstem bronchus is a nearly straight continuation of
the trachea, while the left mainstem bronchus branches off at an abrupt angle.
Therefore, the right lung is more commonly involved when foreign material
is aspirated.
The mainstem bronchi branch into secondary bronchi which supply the lobes
of the lungs. These bronchi branch into the tertiary bronchi which supply the
segments of each lobe. The tertiary bronchi branch several times into progres-
sively smaller airways known as bronchioles. The terminal bronchioles are the
smallest segments of the conducting system; only beyond this point can gas
exchange occur.

Because of the downward angle of the ________ mainstem bron- right

chus, aspirated material is more likely to affect the _______ lung. right

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Free flow!Factors which cause airway obstruction interfere with

the free flow of air into the alveoli.
Anatomic obstruction Obstructive lung disease
Laryngomalacia and tracheomalacia are Asthma attacks are characterized by bron-
congenital malformations of the airway; both choconstriction and increased production of
are characterized by floppy airways which secretions in the airways. Narrowed airways
collapse on inspiration. The malformation and the increased work of breathing can tire
typically presents in infancy as noisy breath- the respiratory muscles leading to respira-
ing. These disorders can also be a complica- tory failure. Note that muscle fatigue,
tion of prolonged intubation. Laryngo- and muscles and motion, is ultimately the cause
tracheomalacia typically resolve without in- of respiratory acidosis, but obstruction of the
tervention. For severe cases, CPAP or tra- airway is the inciting event. (See page 416.)
cheostomy may be necessary. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by ob-
Aspiration struction of airflow from increased mucus
secretion and airway destruction. Expiration
Aspiration of foreign bodies can obstruct
is more difficult than inspiration which leads
the airway at the pharynx, larynx or bron-
to air trapping and hyperinflation. (See page
chial level. Foreign bodies are more likely to
enter the right lung due to the anatomy of
the mainstem bronchi. Emphysema is characterized by the loss of
elastic tissue in the lung. Without this sup-
Infections portive framework to maintain airway ten-
Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis) is an in- sion, the distal airways collapse. (See page
fection of the lower respiratory tract which 422.)
can lead to airway swelling, edema and ob-
struction. The etiology is typically viral, al- Seizures
though it can be caused by mycoplasma. Grand mal seizures typically cause occlu-
Treatment is with cool mist oxygen and ra- sion of the upper airway which can result in
cemic epinephrine. hypoxia and hypercarbia.
Epiglottitis is a medical emergency caused Smoke inhalation
by an infection of the epiglottis. Haemophi- Smoke inhalation can increase the mor-
lus influenza type B is the most common eti- tality for burns by ten-fold. Burning poly-
ology. Inflammation of the epiglottis can lead mers (e.g., carpets, insulation) release alde-
to complete airway obstruction. Epiglottitis hydes such as acrolein which damage the
is rare in the U.S. due to universal Haemo- airway. Injury to the large airways can cause
philus vaccination (HiB) in infancy. swelling and occlusion; injury to the alveoli
can cause pulmonary edema.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Acute asthma exacerbations can occur

in two stages.


Respiratory alkalosis Respiratory acidosis

Increased respiratory effort Fatigue results in decreased
causes an increase in ventila- ventilation. PCO 2 is high and
tion. PCO2 is low and PO 2 is PO 2 is low.

Asthma is a disorder characterized by reversible attacks of airway

obstruction. During an acute asthma exacerbation, there are two types
of obstruction: bronchoconstriction, which narrows the airways and
mucus plugging (secondary to inflammation), which occludes the air-
An acute asthma exacerbation can be described in two stages. In the
first stage, bronchoconstriction and mucus plugging increase the work
of breathing, and oxygenation is difficult to maintain. To maintain oxy-
genation, ventilation increases. Increased ventilation lowers the PCO2
causing respiratory alkalosis.
The second stage, if a patient does not improve, occurs when the
muscles of respiration fatigue. The combination of airway obstruction
and fatigue results in inadequate ventilation, CO2 retention and respi-
ratory acidosis.
A normal or increased PCO2 in the face of an asthma exacerbation is
always a bad sign which can herald complete respiratory collapse and
the need for mechanical ventilation.
Note that respiratory failure from asthma is ultimately due to a failure of step two in
respiration:muscles and motion. Although respiratory failure is due to respiratory muscle
fatigue, the primary inciting event is obstruction of the airways, a defect in step three
of respiration:free flow.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Gas exchange!The fourth step of respiration is the exchange of

gasses in the alveoli.



O2 CO2 CO2 O2
Diffusion defect Ventilation defect Perfusion defect
Air and blood reach the alveoli Blood reaches the alveoli, but Air reaches the alveoli, but
but defective membranes pre- air does not. blood does not.
vent gas exchange.

Gas exchange occurs exclusively in the alveoli which are specialized lung
tissues surrounded by pulmonary capillaries. Normally, oxygen diffuses from
the alveoli into the capillaries and carbon dioxide diffuses from the capillaries
into the alveoli. There are three types of defects at the alveolar level which
interfere with gas exchange.
Diffusion defect: air and blood both reach the alveoli, but de-
fects in the alveolar membrane prevent efficient gas exchange.
Ventilation defect: blood reaches the alveoli, but air does not.
Perfusion defect: air reaches the alveoli, but blood does not.

Gas exchange occurs exclusively in the _________. alveoli

There are three types of defects which prevent gas exchange in

the alveoli: perfusion, ventilation and ___________. diffusion

A ___________ defect is characterized by adequate perfusion and ventilation

inadequate ventilation.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Gas exchange!The A-a gradient identifies abnormal gas exchange.

A-a gradient is normal A-a gradient is high

Sensing and signalling defect CO2
CO2 O2

Gas exchange defect

Muscles and motion defect

Free flow defect

The A-a gradient is a useful tool for detecting abnormal gas exchange. The
A-a gradient is the difference between Alveolar oxygen content and arterial
oxygen content. The calculation is explained on the next page.
The A-a gradient can be thought of as the difference between how much
oxygen can enter the blood (the alveolar oxygen content) and how much oxy-
gen does enter the blood (the partial pressure of arterial oxygen measured on
the ABG). If gas exchange between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries were
perfect (all of the alveolar oxygen crossed into the blood), the A-a gradient
would be zero. However, due to normal physiologic impediments to gas ex-
change, the A-a gradient is normally about 10 in a healthy young adult. An
increased A-a gradient indicates that an abnormality in gas exchange has inter-
fered with the transfer of oxygen into blood.
The A-a gradient can be used clinically to identify disorders of gas exchange.
If impaired gas exchange is the sole or a contributing cause of respiratory aci-
dosis, then the A-a gradient is increased. If, however, respiratory acidosis is
due to a ventilation defect (one or more the first three steps of respiration), then
the A-a gradient is normal.

If respiratory acidosis is secondary to a defect in ventilation, then aaa

the A-a gradient is _________. normal

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Gas exchange!Calculation of the A-a gradient is important in

evaluating disorders of respiration.

Alveolar O2 – Arterial O2 = A-a gradient

Partial pressure of oxygen – Resp. quotient

( barometric partial pres.

pressure – of H O vapor ) ! %FiO 2
– (1.25 ! PCO )
– PO2

(760 mmHg – 47 mmHg) ! 0.21 – (1.25 ! 40 mmHg) – 90 mmHg = 10 mmHg

Barometric pressure at sea level ... 760 mmHg

Normal water vapor pressure ................ 47 mmHg
Room air FiO2 ........................................................................ 21%
Normal PCO2 ........................................................... 40 mmHg
Normal PO2 ................................................................ 90 mmHg
Normal Aa-gradient ........................................... 10 mmHg

The A-a gradient is the alveolar oxygen content minus the arterial oxygen
content. The calculation is shown above. The example above calculates the
normal A-a gradient for someone at sea level, breathing room air.
The alveolar oxygen content is dependent on many factors: the barometric
pressure, partial pressure of water vapor, percentage of oxygen in inspired
air (FiO2) and the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli. Barometric pres-
sure is dependent on elevation. Water vapor pressure is a constant. Room
air contains 21% oxygen.
The presence of CO2 in the alveoli reduces the alveolar oxygen content.
The effect of CO2 is factored in by calculating the respiratory quotient and
subtracting it from the partial pressure of oxygen. The PCO2 needed to de-
termine the respiratory quotient is obtained from the ABG.
The arterial oxygen is the measured value obtained from the ABG.

As people age, the normalA-a gradient increases.The normalA-a gradient is estimated by

the following formula: (Age
"4) + 4.
A-a gradient of(80"4) + 4 = 20 + 4 or 24;
Therefore, an 80 year old will have a normal
A-a gradient of(20"4) + 4 = 5 + 4 or 9.
a 20 year old will have a normal

The A-a gradient is the alveolar _______ content minus the oxygen
________ oxygen content. arterial

Alveolar oxygen is calculated from the FiO2, PCO2 and barometric

pressure, while the arterial oxygen is measured by the ____. ABG

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Gas exchange!Many disorders interfere with gas exchange.

The disorders of gas exchange are usually characterized by hypoxemia, hy-
perventilation and respiratory alkalosis. Only when these disorders are severe
and/or long-standing does carbon dioxide retention and respiratory acidosis
Diffusion defect Ventilation defect
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency is a genetic Adult respiratory distress syndrome
disease which causes emphysema. Alpha1- (ARDS) is a severe pulmonary disease char-
antitrypsin is an enzyme which decreases the acterized by influx of neutrophils, red blood
activity of the proteolytic enzyme trypsin. It cells and proteinaceous fluid into the alveoli.
also decreases the activity of elastase and The influx of fluid and cells prevents gas
other proteases which break down the con- exchange across the alveolar walls. ARDS is
nective tissues of the lung. Lack of this en- usually the result of serious illness (e.g., sep-
zyme allows tissue destruction to continue sis, pancreatitis, trauma, aspiration of gas-
unchecked. tric contents and burns).
Because the disease is genetically recessive, Atelectasis is the absence of air in the al-
two defective alleles must be present for the veoli which causes segmental collapse of lung
disease to occur. In patients who are homozy- tissue.
gotes for a defective allele, emphysema oc- Pulmonary edema is the filling of the al-
curs in the third or fourth decade of life. veoli with fluid. The most common etiology
Emphysema is the destruction of the bron- of pulmonary edema is congestive heart fail-
chioles and alveoli, resulting in large pock- ure. (See page 59.)
ets of air with a relative lack of alveolar Pneumonia is a generic term for infection
walls. Since gas exchange occurs only across and inflammation of the lung parenchyma.
the alveolar wall, emphysema directly pre- The alveolar spaces fill with blood cells and
vents the exchange of carbon dioxide and fibrin (pus). Because the alveoli are filled
oxygen. The most common cause of emphy- with the products of inflammation, gas ex-
sema is smoking. change is impaired.
Interstitial lung diseases are a heteroge-
neous group of disorders characterized by Perfusion defect
acute or chronic infiltration of the alveolar Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot which
walls with cells, fluid and fibrotic tissue. breaks away from a larger clot and flows
There are numerous causes of interstitial through the venous system until it lodges in
lung disease including: the pulmonary arteries of the lung. It pre-
• amiodarone pulmonary toxicity vents blood flow distal to the clot, resulting
• amyloidosis in poor gas exchange. Usually, the source of
• ankylosing spondylitis the embolism is a thrombus in the iliofemo-
• bronchiolitis obliterans organizing ral deep veins. Common presenting symp-
pneumonia (BOOP) toms and signs include dyspnea, tachycar-
• idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis dia, pleuritic chest pain (pain increases with
• organic and synthetic dust exposure breathing) and cough.
(e.g., asbestos)
• radiation therapy
• rheumatoid arthritis
• sarcoidosis
• Wegener’s granulomatosis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Clinical correlation: COPD causes abnormalities in all four steps

of respiration.
Respiratory acidosis is commonly due to a defect in more than one
step in the process of respiration. COPD is an excellent example of this,
as there are defects in every step of respiration.
sensing and signaling Chronic respiratory acidosis alters the res-
piratory control center so that it becomes less
sensitive to changes in carbon dioxide. Pa-
+ tients with chronic hypercarbia are depen-
dent on changes in oxygenation to drive res-
muscles and motion COPD is associated with air trapping and hy-
perinflated lungs due to the destruction of
septal walls and connective tissue. This de-
struction causes the airways to lose tone
which interferes with ventilation. During ex-
halation, the airways collapse, trapping air
in the lungs. The air trapping leads to hyper-
inflated lungs at the end of expiration so that
expansion of the chest during inspiration is
free flow COPD interferes with the free flow of air by
a number of different mechanisms.
Emphysema destroys the elasticity that
holds the bronchioles open, especially dur-
ing expiration. Without the septal walls, the
bronchioles collapse and obstruct the air-
Chronic bronchitis is characterized by
increased mucous production which ob-
structs and narrows the airway.
gas exchange The destruction of the alveolar septa asso-
ciated with COPD interferes with gas ex-
change. The loss of surface area reduces
the area available for the exchange of CO2
O2 and O2.
CO2 O2
O2 Interference with gas exchange increases
the A-a gradient.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: COPD is typically a combination of two

disease processes.
Emphysema Chronic bronchitis
Definition Dilation and air trapping in the distal Excessive sputum production for
alveoli with destruction of alveoli sep- greater than 3 months of the year for
tal tissue at least 2 consecutive years

Mnemonic Pink puffers Blue bloaters

What the These patients are dyspneic and These patients do not experience
mnemonic breathe heavily (puffers) in order to dyspnea until end-stage disease but
means maintain adequate ventilation and are hypoxic (blue). These patients are
oxygenation (pink). edematous due to right-sided heart
failure (bloaters).

Cough Late in the disease Early in the disease

Dyspnea Early in the disease Late in the disease

Hypoxia Late in the disease Compensation early in the disease by

increasing hematocrit

Infections Less common, but more severe Common, but less severe

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common cause of

respiratory acidosis. Patients with COPD have difficulty completely exhal-
ing which produces an obstructive pattern on pulmonary function tests (?
FEV1, ? FVC and ? FEV1 ⁄FVC ). COPD is the most common cause of chronic
respiratory acidosis. The two types of COPD are chronic bronchitis and
emphysema; usually, patients have a combination of both disorders, al-
though one of the two typically predominates.
Emphysema is defined histologically as dilation of the alveolar air sacs
with destruction of alveolar septa. Chronic bronchitis is defined clini-
cally as an increase in bronchial mucus production sufficient to cause a
cough for at least three months per year for at least two consecutive years.
Smoking is the predominant risk factor for COCOPD
causes hypertrophy of goblet cells, increasing mucus production. Ciga-
rette smoke also inhibits ciliary action which prevents clearing excess mu-
cus and predisposes to chronic bronchitis. Cigarette smoke recruits in-
flammatory cells which release proteolytic enzymes that break down al-
veolar tissue resulting in emphysema.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Compensation!The compensation for respiratory acidosis is an

increase in bicarbonate.

Acute Chronic
respiratory acidosis respiratory acidosis
C before renal compensation after renal compensation
C pH | pH |
CO2 3-5 CO2

Examination of the Henderson-Hasselbalch formula reveals that normal-

ization of the HCO3–/CO2 ratio in respiratory acidosis requires an elevation
of plasma HCO3– . Increased plasma HCO3– in respiratory acidosis occurs
through buffering and renal excretion of hydrogen. The buffering response
occurs within hours, but produces only a minimal effect. Renal compensa-
tion produces a large effect, but is not complete for 3-5 days.
Because of the time necessary for renal compensation to occur, two forms
of respiratory acidosis are recognized: acute and chronic. Acute respiratory
acidosis is present before renal compensation is complete, and chronic res-
piratory acidosis is present after renal compensation is complete.

In respiratory acidosis the PCO2 is ________ (increased/decreased). increased

The compensation for respiratory acidosis is an

__________ (increase/decrease) in HCO–3. increase

Acute respiratory acidosis exists before ________ compensation is renal


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Acute!Buffering by bicarbonate in respiratory

acidosis is ineffective.
Normal buffering


Normally in acidemia, bicarbon- carbonic acid water and CO2. Excess

ate combines with excess hy- which breaks CO2 is eliminated by
drogen ion to form... down into... the lungs.

Buffering in respiratory acidosis

C –

HCO3 is an ineffective buffer in res- Intracellular buffers (phosphate, hemoglobin) and
piratory acidosis because CO2 can- bone are the primary buffers in respiratory acido-
not be eliminated. sis.

Although buffering is the initial compensatory response in acute respiratory

acidosis, the effect is minimal because bicarbonate, the primary acid buffer, is
ineffective. Normally in acidemia, excess hydrogen ion combines with bicar-
bonate to produce carbonic acid which breaks down into water and carbon
dioxide. The excess carbon dioxide produced by this reaction is then eliminated
by the lungs via respiration. As carbon dioxide is eliminated, the reaction con-
tinues forward and more acid can be buffered.
In respiratory acidosis, the primary defect is ineffective respiration which re-
sults in the retention of carbon dioxide. Thus, bicarbonate cannot serve as a
buffer because the carbon dioxide produced by the buffering reaction cannot
be eliminated. Only non-bicarbonate buffers such as protein, phosphate and
hemoglobin can effectively absorb excess hydrogen ions.

The major hydrogen ion sponge in the body is ___________. bicarbonate

In respiratory acidosis, _________ is an ineffective buffer because bicarbonate

the CO2 produced in the buffering reaction cannot be eliminated.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Compensation!Acute!The bicarbonate increase in acute res-

piratory acidosis is small.
c i do
32 tor
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

30 ic res
28 ch
26 piratory a
acute res
24 normal
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
PCO2 (mmHg)

Due to relatively ineffective buffering and the lack of a renal response, acute
respiratory acidosis is characterized by only a modest elevation in HCO3–. As
represented in the graph above, the concentration of HCO3– changes very little
for a given elevation of CO2. (Note how flat the acute respiratory acidosis
zone is on the graph.)
Although small, the non-bicarbonate buffers do effect a relatively consistent

change in the concentration of HCO3 for a rise in CO2. The change in bicarbon-
ate relative to the change in PCO2 is 1:10. For every 10 mmHg rise in PCO2, the
HCO3– rises by 1 mEq/L. For example, if the PCO2 increases from 40 mmHg to

60 mmHg, then the HCO3 should increase from 24 mEq/L to 26 mEq/L.


expected HCO3– = 24 + (PCO – 40) 2

BHCO3– : BPCO2 .................................................... 1 : 10

The small increase in bicarbonate concentration in respiratory AAA

acidosis is secondary to the effect of non-bicarbonate _________. buffers

In acute respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate concentration in-

creases by ___ mEq/L for every 10 mmHg elevation in PCO2. one

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Chronic!Respiratory acidosis is referred to as

chronic when renal compensation is complete.
– days –
pH | pH |

HCO3 !
HCO3 ! C

H+ +
H+ H

Respiratory acidosis is defined as chronic only after renal compensation

is complete. The renal compensation for respiratory acidosis involves en-
hanced excretion of hydrogen.
In respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate buffer equation is shifted to the
left. Carbon dioxide and water combine to form carbonic acid which breaks
down into hydrogen ion and bicarbonate. The excess hydrogen ion is then
excreted by the kidney. As hydrogen ion is excreted by the kidney, new bi-
carbonate is added to the plasma. The increase in plasma bicarbonate bal-
ances the increase in PCO2, lowering the pH toward normal.

Renal compensation in respiratory ________is the increased ex- acidosis

cretion of hydrogen ion which results in the production of
____________. bicarbonate

Renal compensation in respiratory acidosis takes ___ to ___ 3;5

days to complete.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Clinical correlation: Renal excretion of hydrogen increases

urinary chloride loss. intercalated cell

ATP water (H2O)

1 Acidemia increases the se-

cretion of H . H+ H+ OH


2 When H+ is secreted, Na+ is

resorbed to maintain elec- Na+


– +
Normally, Cl and Na re- Na+
sorption occur together. Be-
cause Na is resorbed in Cl–
exchange for H+, less Na+ is
available for Cl– resorption.

4 Increased urinary chloride

losses result in a low plasma

The creation of new bicarbonate and excretion of hydrogen ion occurs in

the intercalated cells of the collecting ducts.
Water (H2O) in the tubular cells breaks down into H+ and OH–. Hydrogen
ion is secreted into the tubular lumen by the H+- ATPase pump. To maintain
electroneutrality, sodium ions flow down their concentration gradient into
the cell. The increased resorption of sodium leaves fewer sodium ions avail-
able to be resorbed with chloride. Chloride excretion in the urine is increased
with increased hydrogen excretion.
In the tubular cell, OH– combines with CO2 to form bicarbonate which
enters the plasma. The formation of bicarbonate from OH– and CO2 is cata-
lyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.
The renal excretion of hydrogen results in loss of chloride and formation
of additional bicarbonate for the plasma. Plasma chloride is decreased
and plasma bicarbonate is increased.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Chronic!Renal compensation for chronic res-

piratory acidosis causes a more dramatic increase in bicarbonate
than buffering alone.
c i do
ya osi
32 tor d
ira aci
Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

e s p ry
nic r pirato
28 c hro es r
o nic
Chr cidosis
26 piratory a
acute res
24 normal
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
PCO2 (mmHg)

Chronic respiratory acidosis is characterized by a more significant com-

pensatory rise in plasma HCO3– than occurs in acute respiratory acidosis. As
represented in the graph above, the change in plasma HCO3– for a given
change in PCO2 is much greater in chronic than in acute respiratory acido-
sis. In chronic respiratory acidosis, the change in bicarbonate relative to the

change in PCO2 is 3:10. For every 10 mmHg rise in PCO2, the HCO3 rises by
3 mEq/L. For example, if the PCO2 increases to 60 mmHg from 40 mmHg,
then the HCO3– should increase from 24 mEq/L to 30 mEq/L.


expected HCO3– = 24 + 3 " ( 40 –10P ) CO2

!!!!B HCO3– : B PCO2 ...................................................... 3 : 10

Renal compensation for respiratory acidosis produces a larger aaa

increase in __________ concentration for a given change in P CO2 bicarbonate
than buffering alone.

In acute respiratory acidosis, for every 10 mmHg _______ in car- increase

bon dioxide the bicarbonate increases by _______ . one

In chronic respiratory acidosis, for every 10 mmHg _______ in increase

carbon dioxide the bicarbonate increases by _______ . three
S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Clinical correlation: Identifying the presence of other acid-

base disorders requires calculation of the expected bicarbon-
ate concentration.


When respiratory acidosis is identified, the first step in the evalua-

tion is to assess compensation and determine if another acid-base dis-
order is present. By using the formulas for the predicted bicarbonate,
the presence of an additional acid-base disorder can be determined.
If the bicarbonate does not match the level predicted for either acute or
chronic respiratory acidosis, then a second acid-base disorder is present.
Metabolic acidosis is present when the bicarbonate is below predicted and
metabolic alkalosis is present when the bicarbonate is above predicted.
If the bicarbonate is between the predicted amount for acute and
chronic respiratory alkalosis, then four combinations of acid-base dis-
orders could explain this result:
• chronic respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis or
• acute respiratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis or
• acute-on-chronic respiratory acidosis or
• acute respiratory acidosis becoming chronic
Common scenarios of respiratory acidosis with other acid-base disor-
ders are discussed on the following page.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Other acid-base disorders commonly

occur with respiratory acidosis.
respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis


respiratory failure from sepsis pulmonary edema cardiogenic shock

respiratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis acute-on-chronic respiratory acidosis

COPD diuretic use pneumonia COPD

Respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis. Patients with this

combination of acid-base disorders usually have profound acidemia and
are very sick. This can be seen in a patient with pneumonia and sepsis.
Pneumonia causes respiratory acidosis, and sepsis causes metabolic aci-
dosis. Patients with cardiogenic shock can also have the combination of
respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis. Heart failure causes pul-
monary edema and respiratory acidosis while inadequate cardiac out-
put causes metabolic acidosis from accumulation of lactic acid.
Respiratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis. An example of this
combination of acid-base disorders is the patient with COPD (respira-
tory acidosis) taking diuretics (metabolic alkalosis). Diuretics are fre-
quently prescribed to manage lower extremity edema in patients with
advanced COPD and right-sided heart failure.
Acute-on-chronic respiratory acidosis. Patients with COPD com-
monly develop other causes of respiratory acidosis. These patients of-
ten present with a new, acute cause of respiratory acidosis in addition
to their base-line chronic respiratory acidosis. This is known as acute-
on-chronic respiratory acidosis and is commonly caused by pneumonia.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Symptoms and signs!Neurologic symptoms and signs predom-

inate in respiratory acidosis.


increased cerebral hypoxia

flood flow



headaches stupor, coma carbon dioxide


The symptoms and signs of respiratory acidosis are primarily neurologic

due to the effect of cerebral acidosis. Cerebral acidosis stimulates vasodila-
tion which increases cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. Initially,
increased cerebral blood flow may cause headaches. As cerebral acidosis
worsens, restlessness and stupor may develop. Carbon dioxide narcosis is
the development of somnolence and depressed consciousness from rising
CO2 levels.
Hypoxia is always present in respiratory acidosis. Hypoxia can cause cy-
anosis and contribute to altered mental status.

CO2 narcosis is the development of __________ from rising CO2 somnolence


Respiratory acidosis ___________ (decreases/increases) cerebral increases

blood flow which may cause headaches.

C3PO! Shut down all of the garbage mashers on the

___________ level! detension

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Symptoms and signs!The symptoms and signs in COPD are

mainly due to the underlying lung disease.

barrel-shaped chest right-sided heart failure


headaches confusion polycythemia

The clinical picture associated with chronic respiratory acidosis is domi-

nated by the signs and symptoms of chronic lung disease. By far, the most
common cause of chronic lung disease is COPD. The symptoms and signs of
this disease are discussed below.
Due to the underlying pulmonary disease, shortness of breath and cough
are common complaints. Chronic hypoxemia may affect cognitive abilities
and cause cyanosis. To compensate for chronically low oxygen, RBC produc-
tion may increase resulting in an increased hematocrit (known as poly-
cythemia). Chronic CO2 retention can cause somnolence and headaches.
As the disease progresses, the loss of pulmonary blood vessels results in
pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale). Right-
sided heart failure can cause lower extremity edema and chest pain.
Physical exam findings in a patient with COPD may include a barrel-
shaped chest, prolonged expiration and wheezing. All of these findings are
caused by air trapping due to obstruction of air flow during exhalation.

Increased hematocrit, also known as _____________, can occur in polycythemia

COPD in order to compensate for chronic __________. hypoxia

In COPD, obstruction of the airways interferes with exhalation causing air

trapping, prolonged exhalation, an enlarged chest cavity (_________- barrel
shaped) and wheezing.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Diagnosis!Identifying the underlying cause of respiratory acidosis re-

quires review of the patient data base.

Well, it all
began when
I was sitting
on my front
porch mind-
ing my own
and these
two guys......

History Physical exam Labs and other tests

asthma increased respiratory rate Chest X-ray (CXR)
COPD increased breathlessness ABG
CHF presence of obesity A-a gradient
fever inability to complete sentences potassium
cough use of accessory muscles phosphate
chest pain clubbing magnesium
illicit drug use crackles hematocrit
trauma egophony
dullness to percussion
tactile fremitus

Establishing the cause of respiratory acidosis can be difficult because a

wide range of respiratory diseases exist. Some of the important components
of the history, physical exam and lab tests are discussed below.
History. The history is important to establish if an underlying lung dis-
ease is already present (e.g., asthma, COPD). Patients with COPD com-
monly have exacerbations from infections which cause acute-on-chronic res-
piratory acidosis.
Physical exam. An assessment for breathlessness should be made (e.g.,
can the patient speak in full sentences) and whether accessory muscles of
respiration are being used. A careful lung exam should be done, assessing
for crackles, dullness to percussion, egophony, tactile fremitus and wheezes.
Look at the fingers for clubbing, a sign of chronic hypoxia.
Labs and other tests. The A-a gradient is a useful tool in the evaluation of
respiratory acidosis. The A-a gradient is normal in disorders of ventilation (e.g.,
obesity hypoventilation, narcotic use); it is increased in disorders of impaired
gas exchange (e.g., pneumonia, pulmonary embolism). Because more than one
step in the process of respiration may be affected, an increased A-a gradient
does not exclude a concurrent impairment in ventilation.
A CXR is helpful to identify the presence of infiltrates, pulmonary edema
or pleural effusion.

A most useful tool in the evaluation of respiratory acidosis is the aaa

____ gradient. A-a

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Abnormal lab values in respiratory acidosis are found

primarily on the chem-7 and arterial blood gas (ABG).

Na Cl– glucose pH / PCO2 / PO2
K+ HCO3–

Respiratory acidosis is characterized by the following lab abnormalities:

The ABG is characterized by a low pH with a high PCO2. Pulmonary dis-
ease severe enough to cause carbon dioxide retention also causes hypoxia;
thus, the PO2 is low.
The chem-7 is characterized by an increased bicarbonate, representing
compensation by buffering (acute respiratory acidosis) and renal excretion
of hydrogen ion (chronic respiratory acidosis). In chronic respiratory acido-
sis, the bicarbonate can reach as high as 40 mEq/L.
Chloride may be slightly low due to increased renal loss. Renal loss of
chloride increases to maintain electroneutrality with hydrogen loss.
The Alveolar-arterial gradient may be normal or high, depending on
whether an impairment in gas exchange is present. Impaired gas exchange
increases the A-a gradient.

In respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate is __________ (decreased/ increased

increased) and the chloride is __________ (decreased/increased). decreased

If gas exchange is impaired, the A-a gradient is typically

__________ (normal/high). high

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Treatment!In respiratory acidosis, treating the underlying disorder

is important.

Treat the underlying disorder.


antibiotics supplemental oxygen diuretics steroids

Mechanically ventilate, if necessary.

The most important aspect in the treatment of respiratory acidosis is to

identify and treat the underlying cause.
Supplemental oxygen should be given to return oxygen levels to normal.
Care must be used when using oxygen in patients with chronic carbon diox-
ide retention. Other important measures include nebulizer treatments with
albuterol for asthma, antibiotics for pneumonia and diuretics for cardio-
genic pulmonary edema. Steroids are used in a number of pulmonary dis-
eases to reduce inflammation (e.g., asthma, BOOP).
If the pulmonary process causing respiratory acidosis cannot be reversed
or is severe, endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation may be
required. Mechanical ventilation can be used to support ventilation while
reversible causes of lung injury are treated (e.g., antibiotics are given to
treat pneumonia). The decision to institute mechanical ventilation is a clinical
decision dependent on many factors (e.g., patient fatigue, reversibility of
illness, patient preference, etc.).

Since respiratory acidosis is associated with hypoxia, one of the aaa

mainstays of treatment is to give supplemental _________. oxygen

Albuterol can be helpful in patients with ________. asthma

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Respiratory acidosis.
Respiratory acidosis is one of the four primary acid-base disorders and is
characterized by a PCO2 greater than 40 mmHg and pH below 7.4. Buffering
and renal compensation cause the bicarbonate to rise above 24 mEq/L.

metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis

pH |! pH |! pH |! pH |!

Respiratory acidosis can be due to a defect in one or more of the four steps
of respiration: sensing and signaling, muscles and motion, free flow and gas
exchange. Ventilation, the delivery of air to the alveoli, occurs in the first
three steps of respiration. Usually, respiratory acidosis is due to a combina-
tion of defects.

CO2 O2

sensing and signaling muscles and motion free flow gas exchange

To compensate for the low pH of respiratory acidosis, plasma bicarbonate

increases to balance the increased carbon dioxide. Bicarbonate increases
through intracellular buffering (acute respiratory acidosis) and renal reten-
tion with production of bicarbonate (chronic).
Acute respiratory acidosis exists prior to renal compensation; chronic res-
piratory acidosis exists after renal compensation is complete. Compensa-
tion is assessed by calculating the expected bicarbonate. If the measured
bicarbonate does not match the values predicted by the formulas, then a
second acid-base disorder is present.

expected HCO3– = 24 + (PCO – 40) 2

expected HCO3– = 24 + 3 " ( 40 –10P ) CO2

BHCO3– : BPCO2 .................................................... 1 : 10 !!!!B HCO3– : B PCO2 ...................................................... 3 : 10

S. Faubel and J. Topf 15 Respiratory Acidosis

Summary!Respiratory acidosis.
A useful test in the evaluation of respiratory acidosis is the A-a gradient.
The A-a gradient is the difference between the amount of oxygen in the
Alveoli and the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood. The normal A-a
gradient increases with age. In young healthy adults it is about 10.
A-a gradient

[( barometric
pressure – partialof pressure
HO ]
)! %O –(1.25 ! PCO ) – PO
2 2

normal Aa-gradient = (age

+ 4)

The symptoms and signs of respiratory acidosis are different, depending

on whether it is acute or chronic. The symptoms and signs of acute respira-
tory acidosis are due to hypoxia, hypercarbia and cerebral acidosis. The
presentation can range from tachypnea and headaches to CO2 narcosis with
stupor or even coma.
Since chronic respiratory acidosis is associated with long-standing pul-
monary disease, the symptoms and signs of chronic respiratory acidosis are
dominated by the symptoms and signs of chronic pulmonary disease (COPD).
Lab abnormalities associated with respiratory acidosis include decreased
pH, increased PCO2, decreased PO2, decreased Cl– and increased HCO3 .

The treatment of respiratory acidosis focuses on identifying and treating

the underlying disorder.

Na Cl– glucose pH / PCO2/ PO 2
K+ HCO3–

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Clinical review.
Step 1. Recognize respiratory acidosis.
pH / PCO2/ PO2 HCO3–
Step 2. !Compensation, determine acute versus chronic and eval
uate for the presence of other acid-base disorders.

Acute Chronic
expected HCO3– = 24 + (PCO – 40 ) 2
expected HCO3– = 24 + 3 " ( 40 –10P ) CO2

BHCO3– : BPCO2 .................................................... 1 : 10 !!!!B HCO3– : B PCO2 ...................................................... 3 : 10

Step 3. ! History, physical, labs and other tests.

History Physical exam Labs and other tests
asthma increased respiratory rate Chest X-ray
COPD increased breathlessness ABG
CHF presence of obesity potassium
fever inability to complete sentences phosphate
cough clubbing magnesium
chest pain crackles hematocrit
illicit drug use egophony
trauma dullness to percussion
tactile fremitus

Step 4. Calculate the A-a gradient.

Normal A-a gradient (Ventilation defect) High A-a gradient*
Sensing and signaling Muscles and motion Free flow Gas exchange
Sensing defects Anatomic/Trauma Anatomic Diffusion defect
apnea of prematurity flail chest laryngomalacia _-antitrypsin deficiency
brain stem injury kyphoscoliosis tracheomalacia emphysema
central sleep apnea pneumothorax Aspiration interstitial lung disease
Drugs Drugs Infections ankylosing spondylitis
narcotics aminoglycoside croup amiodarone toxicity
alcohol succinyl choline epiglottitis amyloidosis
benzodiazepines vecuronium Obstructive disease BOOP
oxygen therapy in patients Electrolytes asthma dust exposures
with chronic CO2
retention hypokalemia COPD idiopathic pulmonary
Obesity hypoventilation hypophosphatemia chronic bronchitis fibrosis
Primary hypoventilation hypermagnesemia emphysema rheumatoid arthritis
Signaling defects Genetic disorders Seizures radiation therapy
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis acid maltase deficiency Smoke inhalation sarcoidosis
diaphragmatic paralysis muscular dystrophy Wegener’s
Guillain-Barré syndrome periodic paralysis granulomatosis
post-polio syndrome Myasthenia gravis Ventilation defect
spinal cord injury ARDS
pulmonary edema
Perfusion defects
* A high A-a gradient does not exclude a concurrent ventilation defect. pulmonary embolism

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

16 Respiratory Alkalosis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Respiratory alkalosis is due to hyperventilation.


pH | pH |


pH | pH |

Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a decreased PCO2 and an increased

pH. After buffering and renal compensation, the bicarbonate is decreased. A
decrease in P CO2, known as hypocapnia, is always the result of hyperventi-
Carbon dioxide is a waste product of metabolism which is eliminated by
the lungs. With appropriate respiration, PCO2 is normally kept within a nar-
row range (40 ! 4 mmHg). Respiratory alkalosis occurs when the lungs elimi-
nate more carbon dioxide than is produced by metabolism. Ventilation above
and beyond what is necessary is known as hyperventilation.
The study of respiratory alkalosis is the study of hyperventilation.

Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a decrease in ______ PCO2

which causes an increase in ______. pH

Carbon dioxide is a waste product of _________ and a relatively metabolism

consistent amount is produced each day.

A primary decrease in PCO2 is always due to ______________. hyperventilation

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Introduction!Hyperventilation is due to altered sensing and


Sensing and signaling Muscles and motion

The respiratory control center in the medulla re- The muscles of respiration expand the chest which
sponds to changes in CO2, O2 and pH by sending lowers intrathoracic pressure and draws air into
signals via nerves to the muscles of respiration. the lungs.

CO2 O2

Free flow Gas exchange

A patent airway is necessary for air to flow into Exchange of CO2 and O2 occurs in the alveoli. Ox-
the alveoli. ygen enters the blood and CO2 enters the alveoli.

In respiratory alkalosis, the decrease in carbon dioxide is always due to

hyperventilation caused by altered sensing and signaling. This differs from
respiratory acidosis where hypoventilation can be due to defects in any of
the four steps of respiration.
The factors which affect the respiratory control center and cause hyper-
ventilation will be introduced on the next page.

The only cause of hyperventilation which is not due to altered sensing and signaling is
overventilation on a mechanical ventilator

There are _______ fundamental steps of respiration four

• sensing and _________ signaling
• __________ and motion muscles
• free _____ flow
• gas __________ exchange

Respiratory _________ can be due to a defect in any one of acidosis

the steps of respiration, while respiratory __________is only alkalosis
due to alterations in ________ and signaling. sensing

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Factors which trigger hyperventilation can be

grouped into four mechanisms.


direct stimulation hypoxemia

cardiopulmonary disease conscious control

There are four general mechanisms which affect sensing and signaling to
cause hyperventilation:
direct stimulation of the respiratory control center
cardiopulmonary disease (independent of hypoxia)
conscious control of respiration
These will be discussed in detail on the following pages.

Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a(n)_________ (de- decrease

crease/increase) in PCO2 which is caused by ________________. hyperventilation

There are four general mechanisms of hyperventilation:

• direct stimulation of the respiratory control center
• _________ hypoxemia
• cardiopulmonary disease
• conscious _______ of respiration control

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Etiologies!Direct stimulation!There are many factors which

directly stimulate the respiratory control center.

anxiety fever pain

brain disease liver disease

gram negative sepsis progesterone aspirin toxicity

The conditions listed below all cause hyperventilation by directly stimu-

lating the respiratory control center in the medulla.
• anxiety • pain • brain disease
• fever • progesterone CVA
• aspirin toxicity • gram negative tumors
• liver disease sepsis encephalitis

The mechanisms of respiratory stimulation are varied: brain disease via

mechanical irritation, liver disease possibly via the effect of elevated ammo-
nia and gram negative sepsis via bacterial toxins. Respiratory alkalosis is
an early finding in gram negative sepsis and the cagey clinician should con-
sider this diagnosis in the appropriate clinical situation.
Since pain, fever and anxiety are on the list, it shouldn't be surprising
that respiratory alkalosis is common in seriously ill patients.
Progesterone contributes to the hyperventilation associated with preg-
nancy. Progesterone has been used as a respiratory stimulant to treat cen-
tral hypoventilation.
Salicylates directly stimulate respiration; aspirin toxicity should be sus-
pected when both respiratory alkalosis and anion gap metabolic acidosis
are present.

Salicylate toxicity should be suspected in patients with __________ respiratory

alkalosis and anion gap _________ acidosis. metabolic

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment of metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate can cause

respiratory alkalosis through direct stimulation.

2 Bicarbonate neutralizes extracel-

lular hydrogen and produces a
small amount of CO2.
1 Metabolic acido- 3

sis lowers pH
and stimulates HCO3 H+
respiration. HCO3 C
H+ H+

H+ H+ H+
H+ H+
H+ H+ H+


cannot enter the brain
easily, but CO enters quickly,
lowering pH and stimulating

Rapid correction of metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate can cause

respiratory alkalosis through direct stimulation of the respiratory con-
trol center.
Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a low plasma bicarbonate and
a compensatory decrease in CO2. Acidemia directly stimulates the res-
piratory control center to increase ventilation.
Treating metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate quickly increases both
plasma bicarbonate and plasma pH. However, because bicarbonate does
not quickly cross the blood brain barrier, the intracellular pH remains
acidotic. Persistent intracellular acidosis in the respiratory control cen-
ter, despite correction of extracellular pH, stimulates respiration. Since
hyperventilation continues in the absence of metabolic acidosis, a pri-
mary respiratory alkalosis develops.
Interestingly, respiration can actually increase following the admin-
istration of bicarbonate. The neutralization of H+ by bicarbonate pro-
duces CO2 which easily enters the cells of the respiratory control cen-
ter, further lowering intracellular pH and further stimulating respira-
Treatment of metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate can also cause a late-onset meta-
bolic alkalosis.This is described in Chapter 14,
MetabolicAlkalosis, page 371.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Etiologies!Hypoxia!Acute and chronic conditions associat-

ed with hypoxia can cause respiratory alkalosis.

Acute hypoxia Chronic hypoxia

acute pulmonary disease chronic pulmonary disease congestive heart failure

severe anemia high altitude residence

Normally, carbon dioxide is a sensitive stimulus for ventilation, and as a

result, arterial PCO2 is maintained within a narrow range. In the setting of
hypoxia, however, decreased PCO2 from increased ventilation is tolerated in
order to increase PO2.
Hypoxia begins to stimulate ventilation when the PO2 falls below 60 mmHg.
Falling oxygen levels are detected by chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies
located at the bifurcation of the internal and external carotid arteries. As
the chemoreceptors signal an increase in ventilation to improve oxygen-
ation, carbon dioxide levels fall causing respiratory alkalosis.
Acute causes of hypoxia which can trigger hyperventilation and acute res-
piratory alkalosis include acute pulmonary diseases (e.g., asthma, pulmo-
nary embolism, pneumonia and pulmonary edema) and hypotension.
Chronic hypoxia and respiratory alkalosis can be caused by chronic pul-
monary diseases (e.g., interstitial fibrosis and interstitial lung disease), con-
gestive heart failure, severe anemia and high altitude residence.

Hypoxia stimulates respiration when the PO2 falls below _______. 60 mmHg

Pulmonary diseases such as asthma and pulmonary embolism can

cause ________ hypoxia. acute

High _________ residence is a cause of chronic hypoxia. altitude

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Depending on severity, the same pulmonary

diseases can cause respiratory alkalosis or respiratory acidosis.

Mild disease Moderate disease Severe disease

PO2 normal low low
PCO2 low low high
Acid-base respiratory respiratory respiratory
disorder alkalosis alkalosis acidosis

Some of the same pulmonary diseases which cause respiratory alka-

losis can also cause respiratory acidosis. Pulmonary diseases that af-
fect respiration can be thought of as occurring on a continuum: respira-
tory alkalosis with mild, early disease and respiratory acidosis with
more severe, end-stage disease.
Acute pulmonary conditions such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema,
pulmonary embolism and asthma can impair respiration and compro-
mise oxygenation. In response to hypoxia, ventilation increases through
increased respiratory effort and rate. If the pulmonary insult is mild,
increased ventilation may be sufficient to return P O2 to normal at the
expense of decreased carbon dioxide and respiratory alkalosis.
If the insult progresses, or the patient tires from the increased respi-
ratory effort, the patient may fail to maintain a normal PO2. Because
the diffusion of CO2 is more rapid than the diffusion of O2, the elimina-
tion of CO2 is easier than maintenance of PO2. Thus, on the continuum
of respiratory insufficiency, hypoxia always occurs before the retention
of CO2.
With severe disease, respiratory efforts are inadequate to maintain
O2 and eliminate CO2. Therefore, severe respiratory disease is charac-
terized by hypoxia, hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis. Respiratory
acidosis is always associated with hypoxia and represents significant
pulmonary disease.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Etiologies!Cardiopulmonary disease!Hyperventilation can

occur independent of hypoxia in cardiac or pulmonary disease.


Reflex arcs in the pulmonary and cardiovas- Hyperventilation occurs in the

cular blood vessels stimulate the respiratory absence of hypoxemia.
control center independent of carbon diox-
ide and oxygen levels.

Patients with pulmonary and cardiac disorders may feel dyspneic and
hyperventilate even in the absence of hypoxemia. This is due to the pres-
ence of reflex arcs which react to irritation by stimulating respiration. The
reflex arcs are initiated by various types of receptors (e.g., pressure, stretch)
located in the lungs and heart.
Pulmonary receptors located in the respiratory muscles, airways and in-
terstitium can trigger hyperventilation independent of oxygen levels. This
is seen in several pulmonary disorders, including:
• emphysema • pneumonia
• pulmonary edema • inhalation of irritants
• pulmonary fibrosis
Cardiac baroreceptors may contribute to the dyspnea associated with:
• CHF • pulmonary hypertension
• pulmonary stenosis • mitral valve disease

Reflex arcs from the heart and lungs to the respiratory aaa
___________ center can cause hyperventilation in the ab- control
sence of __________. hypoxemia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Conscious control!Patient-controlled hyperven-

tilation is voluntary hyperventilation.

Voluntary ventilation
Hyperventilation caused by the patient

Conscious control as a cause of hyperventilation covers two different sce-

narios: voluntary (patient controlled) and mechanical (physician-controlled,
discussed on the following page).
Conscious control from the cerebral cortex can override the usual influ-
ences of CO2 and O2 at the respiratory control center. Conscious control of
respiration is needed to perform certain activities such as speaking, playing
the flute and swimming. Conscious hyperventilation causing respiratory
alkalosis is most commonly associated with psychogenic conditions such as
anxiety and panic attacks.
It is interesting to note that conscious hypoventilation, breath holding,
cannot cause sufficient carbon dioxide retention to cause respiratory acido-
sis. Conscious hypoventilation cannot be sustained because a person will
pass out from hypoxia long before a significant drop in the pH occurs. In
contrast, however, conscious hyperventilation can be sustained long enough
to lower carbon dioxide and cause respiratory alkalosis.

Conscious hypoventilation cannot cause respiratory _________. acidosis

Conscious hyperventilation can cause respiratory ___________. alkalosis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Etiologies!Conscious control!Physician-controlled hyper-

ventilation is seen with mechanical ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation
Hyperventilation caused by the physician

Mechanical ventilation is the second scenario where conscious control

causes hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis. In this situation, the con-
scious person causing hyperventilation is the physician who sets the venti-
lator variables. Ventilator variables include: rate, tidal volume, mode and
FiO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen). These variables are explained on the fol-
lowing page.
The rate and tidal volume are the ventilator variables which can affect
PCO2. If the set rate and tidal volume cause the exhalation of more CO2 than
is produced by metabolism, then respiratory alkalosis can occur.

Just because a patient is on the ventilator does not mean that she is immune to the other
causes of respiratory alkalosis. Pain and anxiety are common causes of hyperventilation in
patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Hyperventilation on the ventilator is known as
"over-breathing" and occurs when a patient breathes at a rate above the set rate.

Respiratory alkalosis due to physician-controlled hyperven- aaa

tilation occurs when patients are on ___________ ventilation. mechanical

Respiratory alkalosis in patients on a ventilator can occur if

_______ volume or _______ are set too high. tidal; rate

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Several variables must be controlled

when mechanically ventilating a patient.
Definition Effect on P CO 2 Effect on PO 2 Initial value

Rate minimum number of increasing rate small 10 to 14

breaths delivered by the decreases P CO2 breaths per
ventilator per minute minute

Tidal size of a breath delivered increasing tidal volume small 10 mL/kg

volume by the ventilator decreases P CO2

PEEP amount of positive pres- small increasing PEEP 5 cm H2O

sure which is maintained increases PO 2
at the end of expiration

FiO2 percentage of ventilator small increasing FiO2 100%

gas which is oxygen increases PO 2

Ventilators have numerous variables which allow the physician to

control every aspect of respiration. The above table summarizes some
of the common variables. Another important variable is the mode of
ventilation, which determines how the ventilator is triggered to deliver
a breath. The two most common modes of ventilation are assist control
(AC) and synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV).
Assist control. With assist control, the ventilator delivers a mechani-
cal breath (at the set tidal volume) every time the patient attempts to
breathe. The respiratory rate set by the physician ensures that the pa-
tient receives a minimum number of ventilated breaths per minute, even
if the patient does not initiate any breaths. Patients who hyperventilate
while on assist control can develop severe respiratory alkalosis because
every breath is assisted by the ventilator. This problem can be solved by
sedation, pain control or switching to SIMV.
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. In this mode
of ventilation, the ventilator delivers a set number a ventilated breaths
per minute, but the patient can take additional breaths which are not
supported by the ventilator. This is the primary difference between AC
and SIMV; in AC, every breath is supported by the ventilator, while in
SIMV, only the set rate is delivered by the ventilator.
Another ventilator setting is the I:E ratio (inspiratory:expiratory ra-
tio). The I:E ratio is the relative amount of time a ventilator spends in-
flating the lungs (inspiration) versus allowing them to deflate (expira-
tion). I:E ratio is normally 1:3 or 1:4. In other words, exhalation is three or
four times longer than inhalation. In some pulmonary conditions, inspira-
tory time is increased to allow gentle lung inflation. When inspiratory
time is longer than expiratory time, it is referred to as inverse ratio.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Compensation!The compensation for respiratory alkalosis is a

decrease in bicarbonate.

Acute Chronic
respiratory alkalosis respiratory alkalosis
before renal compensation after renal compensation
C – –
pH | pH |
2-3 days

Examination of the Henderson-Hasselbalch formula reveals that normal-

ization of pH in respiratory alkalosis requires a decrease in plasma HCO3–.
The decrease in plasma bicarbonate is accomplished by buffering and the
renal excretion of bicarbonate. The buffering response occurs within min-
utes, but produces only a small effect. Renal compensation produces a larger
effect, but is not complete for 2-3 days.
Because of the time necessary for renal compensation to occur, two forms
of respiratory alkalosis are recognized: acute and chronic. Acute respiratory
alkalosis exists before renal compensation is complete and chronic respira-
tory alkalosis exists after renal compensation is complete.

Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a(n) _________ decrease

(increase/decrease) in PCO2.

The compensation for respiratory alkalosis is a(n)

________ (increase/decrease) in bicarbonate. decrease

Acute respiratory alkalosis exists before _________ renal

compensation is complete.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Acute!Compensation for acute respiratory

alkalosis is provided by cellular buffering.

Hydrogen ions from intracellular buffers bind bicar-

bonate and shift the bicarbonate buffer equation to-
H2PO4 H+ ward the production of carbon dioxide. This consumes
bicarbonate, lowering its concentration.

Hemoglobin–H+ H+ HCO3 HCO3 H+ C

Decreased bicarbonate
Lactate–H+ H+ HCO3– helps normalize the ratio
pH | –
of HCO3 to CO2, bringing
CO2 the pH closer to normal.

The initial compensatory response in respiratory alkalosis is the release

of hydrogen from intracellular and plasma protein buffers. Intracellular buf-
fers, such as phosphate and hemoglobin, constitute the primary buffering
defense in respiratory alkalosis. Cellular metabolism also contributes to the
buffering response by increasing the production of lactate and other organic
As hydrogen from intracellular buffers combines with bicarbonate, the
bicarbonate buffer equation is driven toward the production of water and
carbon dioxide, causing plasma bicarbonate concentration to decrease.

Intracellular ___________ is the primary compensatory re- buffering

sponse in ________ respiratory alkalosis. acute

Buffering decreases plasma ________ by releasing hydrogen. bicarbonate

Bicarbonate concentration decreases as it is consumed in

the formation of ______ and _______. water; CO2

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Compensation!Acute!Plasma bicarbonate decreases only

slightly in acute respiratory alkalosis.

Bicarbonate (mEq/L) 26

24 normal
ry acid
p irato is
e res os
20 acut ac
18 p
16 ch

15 20 25 30 35 40 45
PCO2 (mmHg)

As in respiratory acidosis, the buffering response in acute respiratory al-

kalosis produces only a modest change in bicarbonate for a given change in
PCO2, as represented in the graph above.
Although small, buffering does affect a relatively consistent change in the

concentration of HCO3 for a given change in PCO2. The change in bicarbon-
ate relative to the change in PCO2 is 2:10. For every 10 mmHg fall in PCO2 ,

the HCO3 decreases by 2 mEq/L. For example, if the P CO2 falls from 40 to
20 mmHg, then the HCO3– can be expected to decrease from 24 to 20 mEq/L.


expected HCO3– = 24 – (40 –5P ) CO2

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?HCO3– :!?PCO2 ...................................................... 2 : 10

The decrease in bicarbonate concentration in acute respiratory AAA

alkalosis is secondary to _____________. buffering

Plasma bicarbonate decreases ______ mEq/L for every ______ two; ten
mmHg decrease in PCO2 in acute respiratory alkalosis.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Compensation!Chronic!Renal excretion of bicarbonate is

key in the compensation of respiratory acidosis.

pH |
The renal excretion of bicarbonate fur-
ther lowers plasma bicarbonate. The
HCO bicarbonate to PCO 2 ratio is brought clos-
er to normal, helping to correct the pH.

Chronic respiratory alkalosis is defined as hypocapnia lasting longer than

2-3 days, the time necessary for renal compensation to occur. Renal com-
pensation for respiratory alkalosis is incompletely understood, but involves
increased excretion of bicarbonate and decreased excretion of ammonium.
Decreased ammonium excretion increases the retention of hydrogen.
Bicarbonate excretion and hydrogen retention both result in a lowering of
plasma bicarbonate which helps plasma pH return toward normal.

The defect in respiratory alkalosis is a _______ (drop/rise) in drop

carbon dioxide; compensation is a drop in __________. bicarbonate

The compensation for respiratory alkalosis initially occurs by

cellular buffers releasing _______ ion which combines with bi- hydrogen
carbonate to form carbon ________. dioxide

The most effective compensation occurs when the ________ in- kidney
creases its excretion of bicarbonate.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Compensation!Chronic!Chronic respiratory alkalosis is

present after renal compensation is complete.


Bicarbonate (mEq/L)

24 normal
ry acid
p irato is
e res os
20 acut ac
18 p
16 ch

15 20 25 30 35 40 45
PCO2 (mmHg)

In chronic respiratory alkalosis, the bicarbonate falls more for a given

drop in carbon dioxide than it does in acute respiratory alkalosis. For every
10 mmHg fall in PCO2, the HCO3– decreases by 4 mEq/L.

For example, if the PCO2 falls from 40 to 20 mmHg, then the HCO3 can be
expected to decrease from 24 to 16 mEq/L.


expected HCO3– = 24 – (40 –2.5PCO ) 2

!!? HCO3– : ? PCO2 ............................................... 4 : 10

Respiratory alkalosis is chronic when _______ compensation is renal


In chronic respiratory alkalosis, for every _______ mmHg fall in ten

PCO2, the bicarbonate falls about ____ mEq/L . four

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Respiratory alkalosis can occur with met-

abolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis.
H+ Cl

Aspirin toxicity Pregnancy with vomiting

Aspirin induces both respiratory alkalo- Pregnancy causes respiratory alkalosis from in-
sis and anion gap metabolic acidosis. creased progesterone. Nausea and vomiting are
common and cause metabolic alkalosis.

When respiratory alkalosis is identified, the first step in the evalua-

tion is to assess compensation and determine if another acid-base dis-
order is present. By using the formulas for the predicted bicarbonate,
the presence of an additional acid-base disorder can be determined.
If the bicarbonate does not match the level predicted for either acute
or chronic respiratory alkalosis, then a second acid-base disorder is
present. Metabolic acidosis is present when the bicarbonate is below
predicted and metabolic alkalosis is present when the bicarbonate is
above predicted.
If the bicarbonate is between the predicted amount for acute and
chronic respiratory alkalosis, then three combinations of acid-base dis-
order could explain the results:
• chronic respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis or
• acute respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis or
• acute respiratory alkalosis becoming chronic.
Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis is a worrisome com-
bination of acid-base disorders. These two acid-base disorders occur to-
gether in sepsis and in aspirin toxicity.
Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis. Patients with liver
disease commonly have chronic respiratory alkalosis and develop dis-
orders which cause metabolic alkalosis. In particular, patients with cir-
rhosis often take diuretics to reduce peripheral edema. (Diuretics are a
common cause of metabolic alkalosis.) A pregnant patient who
hyperventilates from progesterone and develops vomiting is another
scenario where respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis can occur

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Symptoms and signs!The symptoms and signs of respiratory

alkalosis involve several different organ systems.
Pulmonary Cardiovascular
tachypnea arrhythmias

Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system

mental status change hyperreflexia
light-headedness paresthesias
syncope muscle cramps
seizures tetany

Respiratory alkalosis can cause a variety of symptoms and signs.

The most obvious sign of respiratory alkalosis is tachypnea. Tachypnea is
always abnormal and should prompt an evaluation for respiratory alkalosis
(or compensatory hyperventilation for metabolic acidosis).
Other symptoms and signs of respiratory alkalosis are related to the ef-
fects of alkalemia on the heart and the central and peripheral nervous sys-
tems. Because it causes more pronounced alkalemia, acute respiratory al-
kalosis is associated with more severe symptoms than chronic respiratory
Respiratory alkalosis can cause cardiac arrhythmias. Predisposition to
arrhythmias is thought to be due to increased membrane excitability from
alkalemia. These arrhythmias tend to be resistent to antiarrhythmic inter-
ventions and require normalization of pH for successful treatment.
CNS symptoms are due to decreased cerebral blood flow induced by alka-
lemia (discussed further on the following page). The reduction in blood flow
can cause light-headedness, altered mental status, syncope and seizures.
Peripheral nervous system symptoms include hyperreflexia, muscle
cramps and paresthesias. Paresthesias can affect the extremities and perio-
ral region. These symptoms are attributed to alkalemia-induced nerve irri-
tability and increased membrane excitability.
Alkalemia causes increased membrane excitability in the aaa
______ and in the __________ nervous system. heart; peripheral

Signs of respiratory alkalosis include _____-reflexia, muscle hyper

cramps and paresthesias.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Hyperventilation is a treatment for in-

creased intracranial pressure.

C pH blood flow
In the brain, low CO2 causes alkalosis, decreasing cerebral blood flow.

C pH blood flow
In the brain, high CO2 causes acidosis, increasing cerebral blood flow.

Cerebral blood flow is affected by CO2-induced changes in the pH of

the brain. Just like plasma pH, brain pH is altered by changes in the
bicarbonate buffer equation.
A decrease in brain pH causes vasodilation which increases cerebral
blood flow. An increase in brain pH causes vasoconstriction which de-
creases cerebral blood flow. Changes in oxygenation do not affect cere-
bral blood flow.
Unlike bicarbonate, carbon dioxide easily and rapidly crosses the
blood-brain barrier and enters the brain interstitium. Because of this,
respiratory acid-base disorders can have a large effect on cerebral blood
flow while metabolic acid-base disorders do not.
The decrease in brain pH caused by respiratory alkalosis can cause a
marked reduction in cerebral blood flow. A drop in PCO2 from 40 to 20
mmHg can cause a 40% drop in cerebral blood flow. In contrast, respi-
ratory acidosis increases cerebral blood flow. Because respiratory aci-
dosis is associated with hypoxia, increased cerebral blood flow is an
adaptive response which improves oxygen delivery to the brain.
The ability of respiratory alkalosis to decrease cerebral blood flow is
used to advantage in the treatment of increased intracranial pressure
(ICP). Increased ICP can occur with head trauma, encephalitis, and
intracranial bleeds. Hyperventilation can be used to prevent the cata-
strophic complication of cerebral herniation in which increased pres-
sure forces the brain partially out of the skull through the foramen

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Clinical correlation: Hyperventilation is a treatment for per-

sistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.



persistent pulmonary hypertension of

the newborn

Although respiratory alkalosis causes vasoconstriction in the cere-

bral circulation, alkalemia causes vasodilation in the pulmonary circu-
lation. The ability of alkalemia to increase pulmonary blood flow is used
to advantage in the treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension of
the newborn.
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN, formerly
known as persistent fetal circulation) is a disorder characterized by
constriction of the pulmonary vasculature and elevated pulmonary ar-
tery pressure. Constriction of the pulmonary vessels causes venous blood
returning to the heart to shunt across the foramen ovale and ductus
arteriosus into the systemic circulation. This rerouting of venous blood
is called a right-to-left shunt and results in hypoxia and cyanosis.
In PPHN, hyperventilation is one of the modalities of treatment. Al-
kalemia causes the pulmonary vasculature to dilate, decreasing the pul-
monary hypertension which leads to less shunting and improved oxy-
genation. Using hyperventilation as a treatment must be tempered to
maintain sufficient cerebral blood flow (keep PCO2 25 to 30 mmHg).

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Diagnosis of respiratory alkalosis involves identifying

the underlying disorder.

Well, it all
began when
I was visiting
my favorite
Aunt Cathy
in Indianap-
olis, when I
began to no-

History Physical exam Labs and other tests

lung disease respiratory rate PO2
heart disease temperature A-a gradient
pregnancy blood pressure hematocrit
liver disease ability to complete sentences Chest X-ray (CXR)
brain disease use of accessory muscles
aspirin use crackles
fever egophony
cough dullness to percussion
chest pain wheezing
trauma tactile fremitus

After respiratory alkalosis has been identified, the underlying cause must be
identified. Typically, the cause of respiratory alkalosis is apparent from the
clinical situation. Important points in the evaluation are discussed below.
History. Historical information should establish the presence of underly-
ing cardiac, pulmonary, brain or liver disease.
If the patient has paresthesias or muscle cramps, the diagnosis of volun-
tary hyperventilation should be considered. Patients with anxiety or panic
attacks as the cause of hyperventilation tend to be more symptomatic than
patients with respiratory alkalosis from other causes.
Physical exam. Vital signs should be assessed for the presence of fever
and hypotension. A complete pulmonary exam is essential; evaluation for
crackles, egophony, dullness to percussion, wheezing and tactile fremitus
should be done. In addition, an assessment of breathlessness should be made.
Labs and other tests. Studies that may be helpful in establishing the
cause of respiratory alkalosis include chest X-ray, ABG (to assess PO2 and to
calculate the A-a gradient) and hematocrit (to assess for anemia).
The A-a gradient can be used to distinguish respiratory alkalosis due to pulmonary disease
from respiratory alkalosis due to direct stimulation or conscious hyperventilation. Pulmo-
nary disorders which impair oxygenation (e.g., pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, pulmo-
nary edema) will have an increasedA-a gradient. See page 418.

When evaluating respiratory alkalosis, the presence of underlying aaa

lung, heart, brain or ______ disease should be determined. liver

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Diagnosis!There are many abnormal lab values associated with

respiratory alkalosis.

pH / PCO2 / PO2

Na +
Cl –
glucose PO43–


Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by the following lab abnormalities:

The ABG is characterized by an increased pH with a low PCO2. The PO2 is
usually normal. If hyperventilation is present due to a pulmonary defect
which impairs oxygenation, the PO2 may be low.

The chem-7 is characterized by a low HCO3 which represents the com-
pensation of buffers and renal excretion of bicarbonate. To maintain electro-
neutrality, chloride may be slightly elevated. Due to cellular shifts of hydro-
gen and potassium, potassium can be decreased.
Hypophosphatemia. Normal plasma phosphate is between 2.5 and 4.5
mg/dL. Respiratory alkalosis is associated with a rapid shift of phosphate
from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment which can reduce
the phosphate to as low as 0.5 mg/dL. Although the drop in phosphate can
be quite severe, it does not cause symptoms and does not require treatment.

The ABG in respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a _____ high

pH and a _____ PCO2. low

The electrolytes which may be low in the presence of respirato-

ry alkalosis include: ____, ____, and ____. K+, Cl–, PO43–

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment! ! Treatment of respiratory alkalosis focuses on treat-

ing the underlying disorder.
Treat the underlying disorder.

Mechanically ventilate or have the patient breathe into a paper bag.

intubate, sedate, paralyze breathe in a bag

In general, respiratory alkalosis is a relatively benign condition and spe-

cific treatment for alkalosis is not necessary. The primary concern is the
diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disorder.
If a serious side effect of alkalemia is present (e.g., frequent arrhythmias),
then the pH needs to be lowered quickly. To quickly lower the pH, mechani-
cal ventilation needs to be initiated. In this setting, sedation or even paraly-
sis, may be required to prevent the patient from hyperventilating while on
the ventilator.
If minor symptoms are present (e.g., paresthesia) a less dramatic mea-
sure can be taken to correct the alkalemia. Having the patient breathe into
a brown paper bag is a simple and effective method that can be used to raise
the PCO2 and lower the pH.

If a serious side effect of alkalemia is present, the pH needs aaa

to be lowered quickly through ________ _________, sedation mechanical ventilation
and sometimes paralysis.

If mechanical ventilation is not necessary, respiratory alka-

losis with minor symptoms may be treated by having the pa- breathe
tient ________ into a paper bag.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Summary!Respiratory alkalosis.
Respiratory alkalosis is one of the four primary acid-base disorders and is
characterized by a PCO2 less than 40 mmHg and a pH above 7.4. Buffers and
renal compensation cause the bicarbonate to fall below 24 mEq/L.

metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis

pH |! pH |! pH |! pH |!

Respiratory alkalosis is always due to hyperventilation. Unlike respira-

tory acidosis which can be due to a defect in any of the four steps of respira-
tion, respiratory alkalosis is always due to a defect in sensing and signaling

CO2 O2

sensing and signaling muscles and motion free flow gas exchange

The causes of hyperventilation can be grouped into four mechanisms: di-

rect stimulation, hypoxia, cardiopulmonary disease and conscious control:


• anxiety • progesterone
• gram negative sepsis • liver disease
• brain disease • pain
• fever • aspirin toxicity

• acute pulmonary disease • hypotension

• chronic pulmonary disease • congestive heart failure
• severe anemia • high altitude residence

• pulmonary edema • mitral valve disease

• interstitial lung disease • congestive heart failure
• pulmonary hypertension • pneumonia

• anxiety • mechanical ventilation

• panic attack

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Respiratory alkalosis.
The compensation for respiratory alkalosis is a decrease in plasma bicar-
bonate. Plasma bicarbonate is lowered by intracellular buffering and the
renal excretion of bicarbonate. Acute respiratory alkalosis occurs before re-
nal compensation is complete; chronic respiratory alkalosis is after renal
compensation is complete.
The formulas to assess compensation are shown below. If the measured
plasma bicarbonate is below predicted, then a concurrent metabolic acido-
sis is present. If the measured plasma bicarbonate is above predicted, then
a concurrent metabolic alkalosis is present.

expected HCO3– = 24 –
(40 –5P ) CO2
expected HCO3– = 24 – (40 –2.5PCO ) 2

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?HCO3– :!?PCO2 ...................................................... 2 : 10 !!? HCO3– : ? PCO2 ............................................... 4 : 10

The primary sign of respiratory alkalosis is tachypnea. The other signs

and symptoms of respiratory alkalosis are related to increased pH. Alkale-
mia can affect the heart and the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Central nervous system symptoms are due to decreased cerebral blood flow
caused by alkalemia.
Symptoms are more common in patients with conscious hyperventilation
due to anxiety.

Pulmonary Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system

tachypnea mental status change hyperreflexia
dyspnea light-headedness paresthesia
syncope muscle cramps
Heart seizures tetany

pH / PCO2 / PO2 Na+ Cl– glucose PO4


The focus of treatment is to identify and treat the underlying disorder.

Symptomatic hyperventilation from anxiety can be treated by having the
patient breathe into a paper bag. To lower the pH quickly, sedation with
mechanical ventilation can be used. This, however, is rarely needed.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 16 Respiratory Alkalosis

Summary!Clinical review.
Step 1. Recognize respiratory alkalosis.

pH / PCO2/ PO2 HCO3–

Step 2. !compensation, and determine acute versus chronic.
Acute Chronic
?!HCO – : ?! PCO ......................................... 2 : 10 ?!HCO – : ?!PCO2 ..................................................... 4 : 10
3 2 3

Expected HCO = 24 –
3 ( 40 – PCO2
5 ) Expected HCO3– = 24 – ( 40 – PCO2
2.5 )
HCO–3 < expected for chronic ‰!respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
HCO3 = expected for chronic ‰!chronic respiratory alkalosis only

HCO–3 between expected for chronic and acute:

‰!chronic respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis or
‰!acute respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis or
‰!acute respiratory alkalosis becoming chronic
HCO3 = expected for acute ‰!acute respiratory alkalosis only

HCO–3 > expected for acute ‰!respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis

Step 3. History, physical exam, labs and other tests.

History Physical exam Labs and other tests
lung disease respiratory rate PO2
heart disease temperature A-a gradient
pregnancy blood pressure hematocrit
liver disease inability to complete sentences CXR
brain disease use of accessory muscles
aspirin use clubbing
fever crackles
cough egophony
chest pain dullness to percussion
trauma wheezing
tactile fremitus

Step 4. Determine the cause of hyperventilation.

Direct stimulation Hypoxemia Cardiopulmonary disease Conscious control
pain lung disease Pulmonary disease Patient-controlled
fever hypotension asthma anxiety
anxiety high altitude emphysema voluntary
liver disease residence pulmonary edema hyperventilation
brain disease CHF pulmonary embolism Physician-controlled
progesterone severe anemia pulmonary fibrosis mechanical ventilation
gram negative sepsis pneumonia
aspirin toxicity inhalation of irritants
Cardiac disease
pulmonary stenosis
pulmonary hypertension
mitral valve prolapse

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

17 Introduction to Potassium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Potassium…the final frontier.


K+ K

K +

Na+ Cl– glucose
K+ HCO3– Cr



Potassium is the final electrolyte which will be covered in this book. Some
of the major differences between sodium and potassium are outlined below:

Sodium Potassium
• Primary extracellular cation. • Primary intracellular cation.
• Alterations in sodium concentra- • Alterations in potassium concen-
tion affect the osmotic movement tration result in electrical signals
of water in and out of cells. Most that interrupt normal cardiac
clinical symptoms are related to rhythm, muscle activity and nerve
cerebral edema or dehydration. conduction.

Medical Latin:
• Hypokalemia: low plasma potassium,+ K < 3.5 mEq/L.
• Eukalemia: normal plasma potassium, 3.5 <+ <K 5.0 mEq/L.
• Hyperkalemia: increased plasma potassium,+ >K5.0 mEq/L.
• Kaluresis: loss of potassium in the urine.

Potassium is the ________ intracellular cation while sodium is the primary

primary ___________ cation. extracellular

Disturbances in _______ concentration result in altered electrical ac- potassium

tivity which can affect the __________, muscles and nerves. heart

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Introduction!The vast majority of the total body potassium is



K +

Total body water for a Total extracellular

70 kg man is 42 liters. potassium is
extracellular compartment (14 L ! 4 mEq/L).
K+ = 4 mEq/L
56 mEq
14 liters is

2 K+

28 liters is ATP AMP

intracellular 3 Na+

Total intracellular
potassium is
(28 L ! 140 mEq/L).

3,920 mEq
intracellular compartment
K+ =140 mEq/L

When thinking about potassium physiology, two facts should always be

• 99% of total body potassium is in cells.
• Small changes in plasma potassium can have dramatic clinical
Tight control over both the intracellular and extracellular potassium pools
is necessary because the movement of only 1% of the intracellular potas-
sium to the extracellular compartment can stop the heart.

The two central aspects of potassium physiology which must al- aaa
ways be considered are:
• The vast majority of potassium is ___________. intracellular
• Small changes in the extracellular _________ concentra- potassium
tion can have dramatic clinical consequences.

Movement of only ____ percent of the intracellular potassium one

pool to the extracellular compartment can stop the _______. heart

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Potassium balance is maintained by the

cells and the kidney.

Intracellular buffering Renal regulation

immediate response long-term control
K +



K +


The body has both an immediate and a long-term strategy to regulate the
plasma potassium concentration. Cellular buffering is the immediate de-
fense against a change in plasma potassium, while the kidneys control long-
term potassium balance.
Cells secrete potassium when plasma potassium falls; cells absorb potas-
sium when plasma potassium rises. The secretion and absorption of potas-
sium by cells is referred to as buffering. The kidneys affect long-term potas-
sium balance through the excretion and resorption of potassium.
Cellular control of potassium movement is influenced by:
• catecholamines • cellular synthesis
• insulin • cellular destruction
• plasma pH • plasma potassium
Renal potassium regulation is governed by:
• plasma potassium • flow in the distal nephron
• aldosterone
An understanding of these systems is necessary to comprehend the disor-
ders which cause hypokalemia and hyperkalemia. The remainder of this
chapter reviews the important concepts in intracellular and renal regula-
tion of plasma potassium.

The immediate defense against a change in plasma potassium tightlyaaa

is intracellular ____________. buffering

The long term control of plasma potassium is the responsibility

of the _________. kidney

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Potassium balance!Cells!Cellular distribution of potassium is

maintained by Na-K-ATPase activity.

K+ K +

2 K+ 3 Na+


sodium 140 mEq/L potassium 140 mEq/L

potassium 4 mEq/L sodium 4 mEq/L

Extracellular compartment Intracellular compartment

The Na-K-ATPase pump is a membrane protein found on all cells. It is

responsible for maintaining an intracellular environment which is high in
potassium and low in sodium. The Na-K-ATPase pump is central to the
ability of the intracellular compartment to buffer against changes in plasma
potassium concentration.
Increased Na-K-ATPase activity lowers the plasma potassium concentra-
tion, and decreased activity raises plasma potassium concentration. Na-K-
ATPase activity is stimulated by:
• catecholamines
• insulin
• increased plasma potassium

The ________ pump moves potassium into the cell and sodium Na-K-ATPase
out of the cell. It is responsible for maintaining low _______ and sodium
high ________concentrations within the cell. potassium

Increased Na-K-ATPase activity ________ (lowers/raises) plas- lowers

ma potassium concentration.

Na-K-ATPase activity is stimulated by ________, catechola- insulin

mines and increased plasma ___________. potassium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Cells!Activation of beta-2 receptors in-

creases Na-K-ATPase activity.


K+ K +

ß-2 receptor
2 K+


3 Na+

Think: Beta Bottoms


Catecholamines, via beta-2 receptors, stimulate Na-K-ATPase activity

which increases the uptake of potassium into cells. The beta-2 receptors
influence potassium levels in three situations:
• Stress (physiologic or emotional) increases release of endogenous
epinephrine. Epinephrine binds to beta-2 receptors and can tran-
siently drop plasma potassium.
• Beta-agonists are primarily used in the treatment of bronchoc-
onstriction (e.g., asthma). Beta-agonists like albuterol are inhaled
in order to open constricted bronchioles. A side effect of beta-
agonists is a transient lowering of serum potassium.
• Beta-blockers are life-saving medications used in the treatment
of hypertension and angina. The inhibition of beta activity
through the use of these medications can blunt the ability of cells
to absorb potassium, potentially increasing plasma potassium.

_____________ can bind to ß2-receptors and activate the Na-K- Catecholamines

ATPase pump.

Stress and beta-agonists can ___________ (lower/raise) plasma po- lower

tassium, while beta-blockers can _________ (lower/raise) plasma po- raise

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Potassium balance!Cells!Insulin stimulates Na-K-ATPase

activity, lowering plasma potassium.


K+ K +
2 K+


AMP Think: INsulin causes both

glucose and potassium to go
3 Na+ INto cells.

The primary action of insulin is to facilitate the movement of glucose from

the blood into cells. Insulin also affects the movement of potassium into
cells. This dual action of insulin is adaptive because it compensates for both
the glucose and potassium ingested in meals.

Insulin _________ Na-K-ATPase activity, driving K+ into ______. stimulates; cells

Insulin causes the _______ of glucose and potassium into cells. movement

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Cells!Changes in pH affect the movement

of potassium into and out of cells.


Acidosis Alkalosis
High plasma hydrogen concentration causes Low plasma hydrogen concentration causes
the cellular uptake of hydrogen and the excre- the cellular release of hydrogen and the resorp-
tion of potassium. tion of potassium.

The intracellular compartment buffers changes in both potassium and

hydrogen concentration. Increased plasma hydrogen (?!pH) causes cells to
absorb hydrogen and secrete potassium. Decreased plasma hydrogen con-
centration (B!pH) causes cells to secrete hydrogen and absorb potassium.
The movement of hydrogen and potassium are linked to maintain electro-
The effect of pH on plasma potassium varies depending on the type of
acid-base disorder. For example, plasma potassium does not change in res-
piratory acidosis and changes only minimally in lactic acidosis and ketoaci-
Below are various mnemonics to remember the relationship between pH
and potassium. Pick one and commit it to memory:

Think: potassium and pH always Think: aLKalosis Think: potassium and hydrogen
move in opposite directions. concentration walk together.
Low K+
pH causes potassium hydrogen causes potassium

pH causes potassium hydrogen causes potassium

A drop in pH means the hydrogen concentration is _________ increased


In acidosis, extracellular pH is partly stabilized by movement

of excess _________ into cells; potassium moves out of cells in hydrogen
order to maintain ________________. electroneutrality

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Potassium balance!Cells!Cell destruction and cell construc-

tion can dramatically affect plasma potassium concentration.
Cell destruction Cell synthesis

K K +

140 mEq/L

140 mEq/L


The intracellular compartment contains 99% of the body’s potassium and

⅔ of total body water. Because of this, changes in cell number can alter the
plasma potassium concentration. This is seen in two clinical settings:
• Massive cell destruction. Both chemotherapy and trauma can
cause large-scale cell destruction and the release of intracellular
potassium, causing hyperkalemia.
• Cell production. The treatment of severe megaloblastic ane-
mia with folic acid or vitamin B-12 decreases plasma potassium
as it is used to create the intracellular environment for the new
red blood cells.

Because the majority of the body’s potassium is found in _____, cells

changes in cell number can alter plasma _________. potassium

Cell destruction with ____________ or trauma releases potassium, chemotherapy

causing ___________. hyperkalemia

Acute increases in cell number are uncommon but can occur dur-
ing the treatment of megaloblastic anemia with _______ or B-12. folate

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Kidney!Long-term potassium control is ac-

complished by the resorption and selective secretion of potassium.

K +

The proximal tubule The collecting tubule

resorbs potassium. secretes potassium.




The loop of Henle

resorbs potassium.

The kidney balances potassium intake with potassium excretion so that

K in = K+out. This is done through coordinated potassium handling in the proxi-

mal tubule, the loop of Henle and the distal nephron.

Potassium, like all electrolytes, is freely filtered at the glomerulus. Ini-
tially, the tubular fluid has the same concentration of potassium as does
In the proximal tubule, bulk resorption of potassium occurs without re-
gard for the potassium status of the body. The loop of Henle resorbs potas-
sium due to the activity of the Na-K-2Cl pump in the thick ascending limb.
Working together, the proximal tubule and the loop of Henle resorb about
90% of filtered potassium.
The primary site of potassium regulation is the collecting tubule. The study
of renal potassium excretion can be focused almost exclusively on the activity of
the collecting tubule.

Potassium is resorbed in the _________ tubule and the ______ proximal

__ _______. loop of Henle

Potassium is _________ by the distal nephron. secreted

The most important part of the nephron in potassium regula-

tion is the _______ ________. distal nephron

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Potassium balance!Kidney!Secretion of potassium in the dis-

tal nephron is a four-step process.
tubular lumen principle cell

In the cell, the Na-K-ATPase
pump keeps the potassium K+= 140 mEq/L ATP
concentration high and the 2 K+
3 Na+
sodium concentration low.
Na+= 4 mEq/L AMP
Sodium flows down its con-
2 centration gradient into the
tubular cell through sodium
channels. Na+
high sodium low sodium

The movement of the posi-
tively charged sodium ions
makes the tubular fluid nega-
tively charged (electronega-

The positively charged po-

4 tassium flows down both
concentration and electrical

gradients into the tubule.
low potassium high potassium

Potassium secretion in the distal nephron is a multistep process which

culminates in potassium flowing down electrical and chemical (concentra-
tion) gradients into the tubular fluid:
Step one: the Na-K-ATPase pump maintains a low concentration
of sodium and a high concentration of potassium in the cells.
Step two: the low intracellular sodium concentration allows sodium
to flow down its concentration gradient into the tubular cells. The
flow of sodium into the tubular cell is the rate-limiting step in potas-
sium secretion.
Step three: the movement of positively charged sodium into the
tubular cell without an associated anion creates an electrical gra-
dient between the tubule and the tubular cells. The tubular lumen
is negatively charged.
Step four: potassium passively flows down both electrical and
chemical (concentration) gradients into the tubular fluid.

The ___________ of potassium in the distal nephron depends on excretion

establishing favorable electrical and __________ gradients. chemical

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Kidney!Potassium handling in the distal

nephron is affected by four factors.
Mineralocorticoid activity Distal flow



K+ +


Plasma potassium K+
Nonresorbable anions

PO4 3 A-




Because it is in charge of fine-tuning the excretion of potassium, the dis-

tal nephron is under tight control from various inputs. The primary factors
which affect potassium excretion are:
mineralocorticoid activity
plasma potassium
distal flow
nonresorbable anions in the distal nephron

The excretion of potassium in the _______ nephron is regulated distal

by ________ different factors. four

The factors which affect potassium excretion include

________________ activity, plasma potassium concentration, dis- mineralocorticoid
tal flow and nonresorbable ________ in the distal nephron. anions

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Potassium balance!Kidney!Aldosterone is one of the prima-

ry factors which regulates potassium excretion.
principle cell
Aldosterone increases the
1 number of Na-K-ATPase
K+= 140 mEq/L ATP
pumps in the basolateral
3 Na+ 2 K+
Na+= 4 mEq/L AMP

Aldosterone increases the
number of sodium channels
which facilitates increased
sodium resorption. Na+

Increased sodium resorption
due to aldosterone increases
the electrical gradient for po-
tassium secretion.

Aldosterone increases the
number of potassium chan- +
nels which facilitate the ex-
cretion of potassium. K+

In addition to its central role in volume regulation, aldosterone is an im-

portant factor in potassium regulation. Increases in plasma potassium as
small as 0.1 mEq/L will cause a measurable increase in aldosterone release.
Aldosterone stimulates the production of the following proteins in order to
increase potassium excretion:
Na-K-ATPase pump. Increased Na-K-ATPase activity keeps the
intracellular sodium concentration low and the intracellular potas-
sium concentration high.
Sodium channels. The addition of sodium channels allows more
sodium to enter the tubular cell. This increases the electrical gradi-
ent across the tubular wall which enhances excretion of potassium.
Potassium channels. The addition of potassium channels facili-
tates the movement of potassium down its chemical and electrical
gradient into the tubule lumen.

Increased aldosterone activity ________ (decreases/increases) increases

potassium excretion.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Kidney!Increased plasma potassium stim-

ulates the excretion of potassium independent of aldosterone.
principle cell

Increased plasma potassium
concentration increases the K+= 140 mEq/L ATP
number of Na-K-ATPase 3 Na+ 2 K+
Na+= 4 mEq/L AMP

Increased plasma potassium
concentration increases the
number of sodium channels
which facilitates sodium re-

Increased sodium resorption
increases the electrical gradi-
ent for potassium secretion.


The positively charged potas-
sium flows down chemical K+
and electrical gradients into
the tubule.

Increased plasma potassium directly stimulates the secretion of potas-

sium into the tubule. This effect of potassium is independent of aldosterone.
Increased plasma potassium increases Na-K-ATPase activity and the num-
ber of sodium channels. Plasma potassium’s effect on potassium excretion
is weaker than aldosterone’s effect on potassium excretion.

Increased plasma ___________ stimulates the excretion of potas- potassium

sium in the distal ____________. nephron

Elevated plasma potassium stimulates the production of Na-K-

ATPase pumps and __________ channels. sodium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Potassium balance!Kidney!Increased flow in the distal neph-

ron leads to increased potassium excretion.

K +



Increased flow of fluid quickly washes away se- Increased delivery of sodium increases sodium
creted potassium to maintain the concentration resorption to enhance the electrical gradient.

When the flow rate in the distal nephron is increased, it enhances both
the chemical and electrical gradients for potassium secretion. Increased distal
flow refers to the increased delivery of water and sodium to the distal neph-
Increased distal flow enhances the chemical gradient by quickly washing
away any secreted potassium. This prevents the accumulation of potassium
in the tubule which would decrease the chemical gradient.
Increased delivery of sodium to the distal nephron increases sodium re-
sorption and enhances the electrical gradient, favoring potassium excre-

Increased flow in the distal nephron enhances ________ of potassi- secretion

um and can lead to ________. hypokalemia

Increased flow to the distal nephron causes potassium excretion by

_____ mechanisms: two

• Increased sodium resorption increases the _______ gradient. electrical

• Increased flow prevents the accumulation of potassium in

the tubule and maintains a ____________ gradient in favor chemical
of potassium excretion.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Potassium balance!Kidney!Increased nonresorbable anions

in the tubular fluid enhance potassium excretion.

Na+ Na+

Cl– HCO3
Cl– Cl–



Normally, the movement of chloride decreas- Nonresorbable anions (including bicarbonate) in

es the electrical gradient and reduces potas- the tubular fluid increase the electrical gradient,
sium secretion. drawing potassium into the tubule.

Increased nonresorbable anions in the distal nephron increase the elec-

trical gradient for the secretion of potassium.
Normally, the tubule fluid is negatively charged and attracts the posi-
tively charged potassium. The negative charge is created by the resorption
of sodium without chloride by the tubular cell. As the movement of sodium
causes the tubule fluid to become more electronegative, some of this nega-
tive charge is lost as chloride slips between the tubule cells and is resorbed.
If the predominant anion in the tubules is not chloride, but rather a nonre-
sorbable anion, none of the negative charge is lost. If none of the negative
charge is lost, the tubule will attract more potassium.

Renal loss of ___________ can be accelerated by nonresorbable potassium

__________ in the tubular fluid. anions

Chloride normally disrupts the electrical _____________ by moving gradient

from the negative ___________ to the positive interstitium. tubule

The electrical gradient normally draws _________ into the tubule. potassium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 17 Introduction to Potassium

Summary!Introduction to potassium.
Potassium is the primary intracel- The important factors which influ-
lular ion. 99% of total body potassium ence the Na-K-ATPase pump are
is located in cells. Movement of 1% of beta-2 receptor activity, insulin and
the cellular potassium to the extra- pH.
cellular compartment can cause car- Epinephrine and beta-2 selective
diac arrhythmias. drugs (e.g., albuterol) stimulate the
Na-K-ATPase pumps and can lower
plasma potassium. Beta-blockers
potassium = (e.g., metoprolol, propranolol) have
4 mEq/L
the opposite effect.

2 K+

potassium =
140 mEq/L ATP AMP ß-2
3 Na+


To accomplish this tight control,


the body employs two systems for po-
tassium regulation: intracellular
buffering and renal excretion. Insulin stimulates the Na-K-ATPase
K +

pumps and causes movement of po-

tassium into cells.


K insulin
K +

Cellular redistribution is con- K+

trolled by the Na-K-ATPase pumps AMP

in the cell membrane. The Na-K-
When plasma hydrogen increases
ATPase pump maintains a high con-
(pH decreases), potassium is drawn
centration of potassium and a low
out of cells; when plasma hydrogen
concentration of sodium inside of
decreases (pH increases) potassium
cells. Factors which influence Na-K- is driven into cells.
ATPase affect the movement of po-
tassium in and out of cells.



The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Summary!Introduction to potassium.
Cell lysis releases potassium into Plasma potassium concentration is
the plasma and can cause hyperkale- an important factor in the kidney’s
mia. handling of potassium. Increased lev-
els stimulate potassium excretion
while low levels trigger potassium
140 mEq/L

Sudden increases in cell production

cause the new cells to absorb extra-
cellular potassium, lowering the Increased distal flow increases the
plasma potassium. excretion of potassium. The increased
K K +
delivery of fluid maintains the con-
centration gradient in favor of potas-
sium secretion. Increased delivery of
sodium increases the resorption of
140 mEq/L sodium which maintains the electri-
cal gradient in favor of potassium


Renal potassium excretion is

regulated by aldosterone, plasma po-
tassium concentration, and increased
distal flow.
Aldosterone is the primary hormone
involved in potassium homeostasis.
In the distal nephron, aldosterone in-
creases the production of Na-K-AT-
Pase pumps, sodium channels and
potassium channels. These all facili-
tate the excretion of potassium.


S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

18 Hypokalemia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Hypokalemia is a low plasma potassium concen-





Na Cl + –
K+ HCO –

K+ K

Hypokalemia is defined as a plasma potassium concentration less than

3.5 mEq/L.
Because potassium is necessary for muscle activity and rhythmic cardiac
contraction, recognizing hypokalemia is important. Hypokalemia is a com-
mon clinical problem which is often iatrogenic.

Hypokalemia is a ____________ electrolyte disorder which is common

often __________. iatrogenic

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Hypokalemia is due to either decreased intake or in-

creased loss of potassium.



K +

K +

+ K


+ K

K +


There are two primary causes of hypokalemia:

• decreased intake of potassium
• increased loss of potassium
Decreased intake of potassium is an uncommon cause of hypokalemia
because almost all diets are rich in potassium.
Increased potassium loss is either from an extra-renal or renal source.

Hypokalemia is due to either decreased potassium __________ intake

or increased potassium ______. loss

Potassium losses are divided into renal and _________ sources. extra-renal

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Decreased intake!Decreased intake of potassium

is an uncommon cause of hypokalemia.

One large banana provides

about 10 mEq of potassium.

The healthy kidney is able to

K +
reduce potassium loss to 5
mEq a day.

Poor dietary intake of potassium is an uncommon cause of hypokalemia

because most diets are rich in potassium. In addition, the kidney is usually
able to compensate for a low potassium diet by reducing potassium loss to
as low as 5 mEq per day.
Potassium is found in practically all foods: fruits, meats, vegetables and
milk. A lack of potassium in the diet is usually secondary to a lack of food in
Alcoholics are notorious for poor eating habits and are prone to a variety
of nutritional deficiencies including hypokalemia. Other patients prone to
inadequate dietary intake are the elderly, the poor and patients with anor-
exia nervosa. People using liquid diets for quick weight loss may develop
profound hypokalemia.

Dietary deficiency of potassium is a(n) _______ cause of hypokalemia. uncommon

Alcohol is _____ a good source of potassium. not

The kidney is good at minimizing _________ loss. potassium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

What is your name?

King Arthur.
King of the Britons.
What is your quest ?
I seek the holy Grail.
What is the electrolyte disorder associated
with chronic clay ingestion ?
Grey clay or red clay?
I don’t know that . . . arrrggghhh
Some communities in the Southeastern United States ingest clay as
part of their diet. The ingestion of grey clay acts as a potassium and
iron binder, preventing their absorption from the digestive tract. This
can result in hypokalemia and anemia over time.
On the other hand, red clay is rich in potassium. People who eat red
clay can become dangerously hyperkalemic if they have concurrent re-
nal insufficiency.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!The vast majority of cases of hy-

pokalemia are due to the loss of potassium.

K +

K +

+ K


+ K

K +


Movement into cells GI loss Renal loss

insulin diarrhea diuretics
catecholamines vipoma Bartter’s syndrome
alkalemia colonic fistulas Gitelman’s syndrome
pseudohypokalemia surgical drains primary hyperaldosteronism
periodic paralysis villous adenoma renovascular hypertension
Cushing’s syndrome
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
diabetic ketoacidosis
renal tubular acidosis

Increased potassium loss is the most common cause of hypokalemia. Hy-

pokalemia can be due to the movement of potassium into cells or the loss of
potassium from the GI tract or from the kidney.
Each of these three sources of potassium loss is discussed in detail on the
following pages.

Diuretics are a cause of ___________ potassium loss. renal

Movement of potassium into ______ is a type of extra-renal loss

of potassium that can cause hypokalemia. cells

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Movement into cells!The shift

of extracellular potassium into cells can cause hypokalemia.

K +


cell construction alkalemia

increased insulin




+ K

Hypokalemia can be due to the movement of potassium into cells. In this

situation, the plasma potassium is low, but total body potassium can be
normal. This type of hypokalemia is referred to as redistribution hypokale-
Movement of potassium into cells can be caused by:
• alkalemia
• insulin
• catecholamines
• periodic paralysis
• pseudohypokalemia
• cell construction (e.g., treatment of severe megaloblastic anemia)

In redistribution hypokalemia, total body potassium can be extracellular

________ despite a low plasma potassium. normal

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Movement into cells!Alkalemia

causes cells to release hydrogen and absorb potassium.

K+ K+


One of the immediate safeguards against alkalemia (decreased H+ con-

centration) is the movement of hydrogen out of the cells. As hydrogen leaves,
potassium enters the cell in order to maintain electroneutrality.
The effect of alkalemia on plasma potassium is minor, but does occur in
both respiratory and metabolic alkalosis.

An increase in pH will cause extracellular ___________ to move potassium

into the intracellular compartment in exchange for ___________. hydrogen

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Movement into cells!Insulin

causes the movement of glucose and potassium into cells.

K+ K +
2 K+


3 Na+

Insulin affects the movement of potassium into cells by stimulating the

Na-K-ATPase pump. Below are two scenarios in which insulin-induced po-
tassium shifts are clinically relevant:
Treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. DKA is due to a lack of insulin
and characterized by ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia and potassium depletion.
Although total body potassium is decreased, plasma potassium is usually
increased because of the lack of insulin. Treatment with insulin moves po-
tassium into cells, causing hypokalemia.
In a patient with DKA, hypokalemia at presentation signifies dangerous
potassium depletion. In this situation, potassium should be replaced prior
to initiating insulin therapy.
Treatment of hyperkalemia. The ability of insulin to cause the move-
ment of potassium into cells is used to advantage in the treatment of acute
The mechanism of potassium depletion in DKA
is reviewed later in this chapter
DKA is reviewed in Chapter 13,Anion Gap MetabolicAcidosispage 342.

Insulin drives glucose and _________ into cells. potassium

In diabetic ketoacidosis, __________ therapy can cause hy- insulin


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Movement into cells!Catechol-

amines cause the movement of potassium into cells.


K+ K +

ß-2 receptor
2 K+


3 Na+

Catecholamines act at beta-2 receptors to stimulate Na-K-ATPase activ-

ity, facilitating the movement of potassium into cells. Both endogenous and
exogenous catecholamines can cause hypokalemia through intracellular re-
distribution. Endogenous catecholamines are released during stress. An
exogenous adrenergic agonist is albuterol which is used in the treatment of
As in other causes of redistribution hypokalemia, the effect of catechola-
mines on plasma potassium is only significant in situations where potas-
sium concentration is already low. For example, because alcoholics are typi-
cally hypokalemic at base line, the catecholamine surge from delirium tre-
mens (alcohol withdrawal) can precipitate severe hypokalemia.
Redistribution hypokalemia from catecholamines may also play a role in
some cases of sudden cardiac death associated with diuretics. Diuretics can
cause mild hypokalemia which can become severe in the face of catechola-
mine release from a stressful event. The further lowering of plasma potas-
sium from catecholamine release can trigger a lethal cardiac arrhythmia.

Catecholamines bind to _________ receptors which stimulate beta-2

the activity of the _________ pump. Na-K-ATPase

In addition to endogenous catecholamines, drugs which bind

beta-2 receptors can cause ___________ to move into the cells. potassium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Movement into cells!Periodic

paralysis is a rare cause of hypokalemia.
Triggers of hypokalemia Effects

temperature dysregulation +



increased insulin

pH K

sudden cardiac death

+ K+
137 108
1.2 32
excessive exercise severe hypokalemia

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is a rare condition in which the move-

ment of extracellular potassium into cells causes paralysis. It is the most
common member of a family of diseases called familial periodic paralysis.
This family of diseases is characterized by recurrent, transient attacks of
muscle weakness.
Hypokalemic episodes can be triggered by meals high in carbohydrates (in-
sulin release), exercise, temperature extremes and stress. All of these triggers
cause mild and transient hypokalemia in normal patients, but cause severe
hypokalemia in patients with periodic paralysis. Paralysis typically affects the
lower extremities and moves proximally, sparing the cranial nerves. The risk of
sudden cardiac death and malignant hyperthermia is increased in patients
with periodic paralysis.
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is inherited in an autosomal dominant
fashion with complete penetrance. Since sporadic cases can occur, a lack of
family history does not rule out the diagnosis. The first attack typically
occurs before the age of twenty. After the initial presentation, attacks be-
come more frequent until decreasing in frequency after age thirty.
This disease has recently been mapped to the long arm of chromosome one
and it appears that at least some cases have a defect in a calcium channel
protein. Currently it is unknown how a defect in a calcium channel could result
in hypokalemia, though a defect in calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticu-
lum could explain paralysis.
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is a ______ (rare/common) disorder. rare

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Clinical correlation: Movement of potassium into cells while

in the collection tube causes pseudohypokalemia.

Occasionally, patients with leukemia who have extremely high white

blood cell counts can have potassium measurements less than 1.0 mEq/
L, although the true plasma concentration is actually normal. This ar-
tifactual measurement of potassium is known as pseudohypokalemia.
Pseudohypokalemia occurs because the WBCs of the blood sample
remain metabolically active after being drawn into collection tubes. In
the tube, the WBCs continue to pump extracellular potassium into the
cells through the action of the Na-K-ATPase pump.
There are two methods of obtaining an accurate plasma potassium
measurement in the face of an extremely high WBC count:
• Immediately chill the blood sample (slows metabolism).
• Immediately centrifuge the blood specimen to separate the plasma
from the WBCs prior to measurement.

Leukocytosis can also cause pseudohyperkalemia. The mechanism of this phenom-

enon is reviewed in Chapter 19,Hyperkalemiapage 551.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!GI!Hypokalemia from lower gas-

trointestinal losses is found with massive diarrhea.

GI loss of potassium
+ K

colonic fistulas
K +
surgical drains
villous adenoma

Normally, only 10 to 15 mEq/L of potassium are lost in the stool per day.
Disorders which increase GI fluid loss increase the loss of potassium and
predispose to hypokalemia. Diarrhea is the most common cause of excess GI
potassium loss.
Cholera causes massive diarrhea which results in GI potassium losses up
to ten-times normal.
Vipomas are colonic tumors that secrete potassium-rich fluid into the co-
lon which can cause daily potassium loss of up to 300 mEq. Patients with
this disorder can become critically ill and often have hypovolemic shock.

Vomiting causes hypokalemia whichnot is due to the loss of potassium from the GI tract.
Vomiting increases the
renal excretion of potassium; the mechanism is reviewed later in this
chapter on page 520.

Normally only a ______ amount of potassium is lost in the stool. small

In some situations, GI potassium loss can be magnified by pro-

fuse diarrhea as found in _________ or vipoma. cholera

Vomiting causes hypokalemia by increasing the _______ excre- renal

tion of potassium.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Renal potassium loss is the

most common cause of clinically significant hypokalemia.

Renal loss of potassium

Increased distal flow
Bartter’s syndrome
Gitelman’s syndrome
Increased mineralocorticoid activity
primary hyperaldosteronism
K + Cushing’s syndrome
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Nonresorbable anions in the distal tubule
+ K
diabetic ketoacidosis
renal tubular acidosis
penicillin derivatives

Renal loss of potassium leading to hypokalemia is due to increased secre-

tion of potassium in the distal nephron. This occurs in three situations:
increased distal flow
increased mineralocorticoid activity
nonresorbable anions in the distal tubule

As reviewed in Chapter 17,Introduction to Potassium

, the distal nephron is the most impor-
tant part of the nephron in regards to potassium regulation.
The effects of distal flow
, in-
creased mineralocorticoid activity and nonresorbable anions are reviewed beginning on
page 478.

Increased renal loss of potassium is due to increased potassium secretion

secretion by the distal ________. nephron

Three conditions increase potassium secretion:

increased _________ flow distal
increased _____________ activity mineralocorticoid
non-__________ anions in the distal tubule resorbable

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Distal flow!Loop and thi-

azide diuretics cause hypokalemia by increasing distal flow.

K +

K+ +



Increased flow of fluid quickly washes Increased delivery of sodium in-

away secreted potassium to maintain creases sodium resorption and en-
the concentration gradient. hances the electrical gradient.

The loop and thiazide diuretics cause hypokalemia by increasing distal

flow. The diuretic effect of these medications is due to the inhibition of so-
dium resorption which increases the delivery of sodium and water to the
distal nephron.
Increased distal flow enhances both the concentration and electrical gra-
dients favoring the secretion of potassium. Increased fluid flow washes away
secreted potassium maintaining a favorable concentration gradient. In-
creased sodium delivery increases sodium resorption which augments the
electrical gradient.

In addition to increasing distal flow

, diuretics increase the secretion of aldosterone by caus-
ing hypovolemia. Increased aldosterone activity contributes to renal potassium wasting. In
most cases of hypovolemia, however , aldosterone release doesnot cause hypokalemia;
this is discussed on the following page.

Diuretics cause ____________ by increasing sodium delivery and hypokalemia

_________ to the distal nephron. flow

Diuretics also cause volume depletion which activates the re-

nin-angiotensin-____________ system. Increased aldosterone ac- aldosterone
tivity enhances ___________ loss from diuretics. potassium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Aldosterone only increases the excretion of potassium when

distal flow is sufficient.

high flow low flow

Aldosterone requires nor- +

In volume depletion, de-
mal or elevated flow in the + K creased distal flow
distal nephron to increase K
slows potassium excre- +

potassium excretion. tion, even in the pres-


ence of aldosterone.

+ +
K K +


Aldosterone is important in both volume and potassium regulation.

In volume regulation, aldosterone is the final hormone in the renin-
angiotensin II-aldosterone cascade and increases sodium retention by
the kidney. In potassium regulation, aldosterone is released by the ad-
renal gland in response to hyperkalemia and stimulates potassium se-
cretion in the cortical collecting tubule.
Because of aldosterone’s dual role in both volume and potassium regu-
lation, one might hypothesize that hypovolemia could lead to hypokale-
mia. Hypovolemia-induced hypokalemia does not occur because of the
important role distal flow plays in the excretion of potassium. Low vol-
ume states are associated with decreased GFR and increased proximal
tubule resorption such that flow to the distal nephron is reduced. The
decrease in distal flow decreases the ability of aldosterone to secrete
Diuretics short-circuit this protection because they induce hypovolemic
aldosterone secretion while increasing distal flow.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Distal flow!Bartter’s

syndrome and Gitelman’s syndrome are also associated with
increased distal flow.

The electrolyte abnormalities associ-
ated with Bartter’s syndrome are al-
most identical to the defects associ-
ated with the use of loop diuretics.

The electrolyte abnormalities associ-
ated with Gitelman’s Syndrome are al-
most identical to the defects associ-
ated with the use of thiazide diuretics.

Bartter’s syndrome is a renal disease characterized by decreased so-

dium and chloride resorption in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle.
In children, it presents as failure to thrive. Bartter’s syndrome is associated
with renal stones and has an electrolyte picture identical to chronic loop
diuretic use: hyponatremia, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and
hypercalcuria (which causes the stones). Magnesium deficiency tends to be
Gitelman’s syndrome is a renal disease characterized by a defect in
sodium and chloride resorption in the distal tubule. It often presents in
adulthood, but it is a life-long congenital disorder. The electrolyte picture is
consistent with chronic thiazide diuretic use. These patients have
hypocalcuria and do not develop renal stones. Patients with Gitelman’s syn-
drome have profound hypomagnesemia.
Because both disorders are associated with impaired sodium resorption,
the delivery of sodium and water to the distal nephron is increased, causing

The electrolyte picture associated with Bartter’s syndrome is aaa

similar to that seen with chronic _______ diuretic use. loop

The electrolyte picture associated with Gitelman’s syndrome is

similar to that seen with chronic _______ diuretic use. thiazide

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Excess mineralocorticoid activity causes hypokalemia.

Excess mineralocorticoid activity

Na+ Cl– Na+ Cl–
Primary hyperaldosteronism – –
Cushing’s syndrome 3 3
primary adrenal disease
Cushing’s disease hypokalemia metabolic alkalosis
ectopic ACTH release
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
17_-hydroxylase deficiency
11`-hydroxylase deficiency

Na+ Cl–
Hyperreninism (renal artery stenosis)
Pseudohyperaldosteronism 170
licorice ingestion
carbenoxolone 114 K+ HCO 3

chewing tobacco
hypertension mild hypernatremia

The causes of excess mineralocorticoid activity are listed above.

Mineralocorticoids act at the collecting tubules to stimulate the resorption of
sodium and the excretion of both potassium and hydrogen. The most important
mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. Excessive aldosterone levels occur in primary
hyperaldosteronism and hyperreninism.
Cortisol, at high levels, can also have mineralocorticoid activity (i.e., Cushing’s
syndrome). Other steroids can also exert mineralocorticoid activity (e.g., con-
genital adrenal hyperplasia, exogenous steroids).
Due to the action of mineralocorticords at the collecting tubule, the disor-
ders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are all characterized by hypokale-
mia, metabolic alkalosis, hypertension and mild hypernatremia. The actions
of mineralocorticoids are reviewed on the following pages. Then, each disor-
der of excess mineralocorticoid activity is reviewed with diagnosis and treat-
The action of aldosterone was first reviewed in ChapterVolume
4, Regulation,beginning on
page 76. The usual stimuli for aldosterone release are hyperkalemia and volume depletion
(angiotensin II).

The disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are character- aaa

ized by hypokalemia, metabolic _________, hypertension and alkalosis
mild ____________. hypernatremia

At high levels, ________ can have mineralocorticoid activity. cortisol

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Overview: Mineralocorticoids act at the collecting tubule to enhance

potassium excretion, causing hypokalemia.
principle cell
Mineralocorticoids increase
1 the number of Na-K-ATPase
pumps in the basolateral
K+= 140 mEq/L ATP
3 Na+ 2 K+
Na+= 4 mEq/L AMP

Mineralocorticoids increase
the number of sodium chan-
nels which facilitate increased
sodium resorption. Na+
high sodium low sodium

Increased sodium resorption
increases the electrical gradi-
ent for potassium secretion.

Mineralocorticoids increase
the number of potassium K

channels facilitating the excre-

tion of potassium. K+
low potassium high potassium

In the collecting tubule, mineralocorticoids enhance the production of ev-

ery important component of potassium secretion: sodium channels, Na-K-
ATPase pumps and potassium channels. The steps leading to enhanced po-
tassium secretion are described above.
Due to the action of mineralocorticoids on potassium excretion, all of the
disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are associated with hypokale-

_____________ are steroids which enhance the production of Mineralocorticoids

proteins which help excrete ___________. potassium

Sodium channels allow _________ to flow down its concentra- sodium

tion gradient into the tubular cell producing a ________ charge negative
in the tubule.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Overview: Mineralocorticoids act at the collecting tubule to enhance

hydrogen ion excretion, causing metabolic alkalosis.


H+ H+ OH
H+ CO2



intercalated cell

Mineralocorticoids act at the H+-ATPase pump of the intercalated cell to
increase hydrogen secretion. For every hydrogen ion secreted, a bicarbon-
ate is resorbed, causing metabolic alkalosis.
Due to the action of mineralocorticoids on hydrogen excretion (bicarbon-
ate resorption), all of the disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity are
associated with metabolic alkalosis.

As reviewed in Chapter 14,MetabolicAlkalosis, excess mineralocorticoid activity can both

generate and maintain metabolic alkalosis.

Mineralocorticoids act at the _________ pumps of the collecting H+-ATPase

tubules to increase the secretion of hydrogen ion.

In the collecting tubule, the secretion of hydrogen ion causes

the resorption of ___________. bicarbonate

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Overview: Mineralocorticoids increase sodium and water resorption,

causing hypertension and mild hypernatremia.

Na+ Na
2 K+
3 Na+

Mineralocorticoids act at the collecting tubule to increase sodium resorp-

tion. Increased sodium resorption leads to an increase in total body sodium,
hypernatremia (due to the addition of sodium) and increased blood pres-
sure. Due to the phenomenon of pressure natriuresis, the hypernatremia
associated with excess mineralocorticoid activity is typically mild.
Pressure natriuresis is the spontaneous renal excretion of sodium in re-
sponse to increased blood pressure. While the exact mechanism of pressure
natriuresis is unknown, it is thought to be mediated by hydrostatic forces.
Because increased systemic blood pressure is transmitted to the peritubu-
lar capillaries of the kidney, the resorption of water and solutes must over-
come an elevated hydrostatic pressure gradient. In the face of this increased
pressure gradient, sodium resorption falls.

Excess mineralocorticoids cause a _______ hypernatremia and mild

increase the blood ________. pressure

Hypernatremia is mild due to the phenomenon of pressure

________ which increases the renal excretion of _________ in re- natriuresis; sodium
sponse to an increase in blood pressure.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!In primary hyperaldosteronism, aldosterone levels are

Solitary adrenal Bilateral adrenal Adrenal

adenoma hyperplasia carcinoma


180 Na+ Cl–

low renin
K+ HCO3–

Primary hyperaldosteronism is the unregulated release of aldosterone from

the adrenal gland. Most cases are secondary to a benign, unilateral adrenal
adenoma (Conn’s syndrome); the remainder are due to bilateral adrenal
hyperplasia or adrenal carcinoma. As are all of the disorders of excess min-
eralocorticoid activity, primary hyperaldosteronism is characterized by hy-
pokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypertension and mild hypernatremia.
In this disorder, sodium resorption from increased aldosterone activity
causes hypertension. Because the body compensates for hypertension by
suppressing renin release, renin levels are low.

Primary hyperaldosteronism is caused by excess aldosterone re- aaa

lease from the ________ gland. adrenal

The three causes of aldosterone release in primary hyperaldos-

teronism are unilateral _________, bilateral adrenal hyperpla- adenoma
sia and adrenal carcinoma.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorti-

coid activity!Diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism requires
an astute clinician.

180 aldosterone
110 renin
hypertension 24-hour urine potassium
> 30 mEq

The diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism should be suspected in pa-

tients with hypertension, hypokalemia and a 24-hour urine potassium
greater than 30 mEq/L.
Since primary hyperaldosteronism is characterized by high aldosterone
and low renin levels, screening for the disorder can be done by determining
the ratio of plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity. In primary hyper-
aldosteronism, the ratio is high (greater than 30). Due to fluctuations in
aldosterone and renin release, the aldosterone and renin levels need to be
drawn in the morning with the patient standing upright.
Confirmation of the diagnosis requires detecting elevated aldosterone lev-
els in the presence of normal or increased volume status. One method is to
measure plasma aldosterone after an infusion of isotonic saline. Confirma-
tion also requires detecting low renin levels in the presence of hypovolemia.
One method to do this is to measure plasma renin after the administration
of a diuretic.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the next step is to determine the source
of aldosterone secretion. Primary hyperaldosteronism is either unilateral
(i.e., adenoma, carcinoma) or bilateral (i.e., hyperplasia). Multiple invasive
and noninvasive tests are available for this purpose.

In primary hyperaldosteronism, plasma aldosterone is ______ high

(low/ high) and plasma renin is _____ (low/high). low

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Primary hyperaldosteronism is treated either surgically
or medically, depending on the cause.

Unilateral adrenal ade- Adrenal carcinoma is typically

noma is treated with sur- metastatic at the time of diag-
gical removal of the tumor. nosis; treatment is difficult.

Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia is treat-

ed medically with spironolactone.

The treatment of primary hyperaldosteronism depends on the cause.

Unilateral adrenal adenoma. Adrenal adenomas are benign tumors
which overproduce aldosterone. The standard treatment is unilateral adrena-
lectomy. If surgery cannot be performed, medical management is with
spironolactone, a competitive inhibitor of aldosterone. This may correct the
hypokalemia and hypertension.
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. In this disorder, both adrenal glands
are enlarged and have micro- or macro-nodular hyperplasia. Subtotal adrena-
lectomy can improve hypokalemia, but hypertension is usually refractory to
surgical management. Therefore, the standard of care is medical manage-
ment with spironolactone. Other antihypertensive medications may be nec-
essary to control hypertension.
Adrenal carcinoma. Adrenal carcinoma is a rare cause of primary hy-
peraldosteronism. Treatment is difficult because the disease is usually meta-
static at the time of diagnosis.

Of the three causes of primary hyperaldosteronism, surgical aaa

management is the standard of care for ________ adrenal unilateral
________. adenoma

Standard treatment for bilateral adrenal hyperplasia is medical

management with __________. spironolactone

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Pseudohyperaldosteronism, increased aldosterone activity

with low aldosterone levels, can occur in a variety of settings.
Cortisol Aldosterone

11ß-hydroxysteroid Although cortisol is able to activate the

dehydrogenase aldosterone receptors, it normally has lit-
tle mineralocorticoid activity in the collect-
Cortisone ing tubule because it is rapidly destroyed
by 11ß- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

Cortisol produced by the adrenal gland has little mineralocorticoid

activity. This is surprising because in vitro, it binds the aldosterone
receptor as avidly as aldosterone. Additionally, plasma concentrations
of cortisol are far greater than that of aldosterone. The reason cortisol
does not activate the aldosterone receptor in vivo, is that the collecting
tubule cells have 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase which rapidly con-
verts cortisol to cortisone. Cortisone is unable to activate the aldoster-
one receptor. Cortisol metabolism is relevant in a number of clinical
Licorice-induced pseudohyperaldosteronism. Natural licorice
contains glycyrrhetinic acid which competitively inhibits and decreases
production of 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, permitting physiologic
levels of cortisol to activate the aldosterone receptor in the collecting
tubule. This phenomenon causes increased mineralocorticoid activity,
despite suppressed levels of aldosterone. Treatment consists of stop-
ping licorice ingestion.
The syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess is an autoso-
mal recessive form of juvenile hypertension caused by decreased activity of
11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Treatment with amiloride or spirono-
lactone usually is sufficient to control hypokalemia and hypertension.
In Cushing’s syndrome, elevated cortisol levels are thought to over-
whelm the activity of 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. This allows cor-
tisol to exert mineralocorticoid activity in the collecting tubule.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Cushing’s syndrome is due to an excess of cortisol.

ACTH Cortisol

Pituitary ACTH
(Cushing’s disease)

ACTH Cortisol

Ectopic ACTH
(e.g., small cell lung cancer)

Adrenal production of cortisol
• carcinoma
• adenoma
• nodular hyperplasia

Cushing’s syndrome is a constellation of characteristic symptoms and signs

due to chronic cortisol excess.
Normally, production of cortisol in the adrenal gland is stimulated by ACTH
release from the pituitary gland; excess cortisol levels are prevented be-
cause cortisol negatively feeds back on ACTH production.
Cortisol excess can be due to pituitary over-secretion of ACTH or ectopic
ACTH production (e.g., small cell lung cancer). “Cushing’s disease” refers to
Cushing’s syndrome from a pituitary adenoma which secretes ACTH. Adre-
nal diseases causing cortisol excess include adrenal carcinoma, adrenal ad-
enoma and adrenal nodular hyperplasia.
Cortisol has the same affinity for aldosterone receptors as aldosterone. Nor-
mally, cortisol has little mineralocorticoid activity because it is rapidly con-
verted to cortisone, which does not have mineralocorticoid activity. In Cushing’s
syndrome, increased cortisol levels overwhelm the conversion of cortisol to cor-
tisone, allowing cortisol to exhibit mineralocorticoid activity.

Cushing’s ________ is a group of signs and symptoms which are syndrome

due to increased __________. cortisol

Cushing’s _________ is associated with cortisol excess due to in- disease

creased release of ACTH from the _________ gland. pituitary

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Symptoms and signs of Cushing’s syndrome involve
multiple organ systems. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS

obesity: typically central with

sparing of extremities.
moon facies
Pituitary ACTH Ectopic ACTH Adrenal cortisol buffalo hump: dorsocervical and
supraclavicular fat pads.
ACTH ACTH thinning of skin, easy bruising
striae, facial plethora
slow healing
CORTISOL hypertension
acne, hirsutism, amenorrhea
osteopenia, back pain
muscle weakness
depression, psychosis, mania
fungal infections

180 Na+ Cl–



K+ HCO3– normal renin hyperlipidemia

110 high white count

low eosinophils
low plasma potassium
metabolic alkalosis
low plasma phosphate
high urine calcium

As with the other disorders of excess mineralocorticoid activity, Cushing’s

syndrome is associated with hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hyperten-
sion and mild hypernatremia. One of the non-intuitive aspects of Cushing’s
syndrome is that hypertension does not suppress the release of renin. Renin
levels in Cushing’s syndrome are normal.
In addition to mineralocorticoid effects, excess cortisol causes a wide vari-
ety of systemic effects. The numerous signs and symptoms associated with
Cushing’s syndrome are listed above.

Therapeutic steroids are a common cause iatrogenic

of Cushing’s syndrome. In iatrogenic
Cushing’s syndrome, hypokalemia is a rare complication because the commonly used ste-
roids (e.g., dexamethasone, prednisone) have low mineralocorticoid activity

Cushing’s syndrome can cause hypokalemia because at high aaa

concentrations cortisol has _____________activity. mineralocorticoid

Increased ______________ activity results in increased renal ex- mineralocorticoid

cretion of hydrogen and ___________. potassium

Mineralocorticoids increase _________ retention resulting in sodium

mild hypertension, mild hypervolemia and mild _____________. hypernatremia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!The low-dose dexamethasone test is used to screen for Cush-
ing’s syndrome.

Low-dose (1 mg)
Condition dexamethasone High-dose dexametha- Inferior petrosal
suppression test ACTH level sone suppression test sinus sampling
Cushing’s no suppression ACTH > 10 ACTH : suppression IPSS:peripheral
disease (cortisol > 3 !g/dL) pg/mL CORTISOL : suppression ACTH ratio > 2.0
Ectopic ACTH no suppression ACTH > 10 ACTH : no suppression IPSS:peripheral
secretion (cortisol > 3 !g/dL) pg/mL CORTISOL : no suppression ACTH ratio < 1.8
Adrenal cortisol no suppression ACTH < 10 ACTH : no suppression
production (cortisol >"!g/dL) pg/mL CORTISOL : suppression

The low-dose dexamethasone suppression test is a screening test used in

patients suspected of having Cushing’s syndrome. For the test, the patient
ingests 1 mg of dexamethasone at bedtime and plasma cortisol is measured
the next morning. Dexamethasone is a steroid with potent cortisol activity.
In normal patients, administration of this medication should suppress cor-
tisol production, resulting in a low morning cortisol level. On the other hand,
patients with Cushing’s syndrome are unable to suppress cortisol secretion
and the morning cortisol level is high.
Although all patients with Cushing’s syndrome are unable to suppress
cortisol production (morning cortisol is high), some normal patients are also
unable to suppress cortisol production. To separate normal patients from
patients with Cushing’s syndrome, a 24 hour urine cortisol measurement is
done. Increased urine cortisol confirms the presence of Cushing’s syndrome.

A screening test that can be used in patients suspected of Cushing’s syn- aaa
drome is the _____ dose dexamethasone suppression test. low (1 mg)

Confirmation of Cushing’s syndrome is with a 24 hour urine ________ cortisol

measurement; if the level is _______ (low/high), Cushing’s syndrome is high

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!It is important to distinguish between the ACTH-dependent
and ACTH-independent causes of Cushing’s syndrome.

Low-dose (1 mg)
Condition dexamethasone High-dose dexametha- Inferior petrosal
suppression test ACTH level sone suppression test sinus sampling
Cushing’s no suppression ACTH > 10 ACTH: suppression IPSS:peripheral
disease (cortisol > 3 !g/dL) pg/mL CORTISOL: suppression ACTH ratio > 2.0
Ectopic ACTH no suppression ACTH > 10 ACTH: no suppression IPSS:peripheral
secretion (cortisol > 3 !g/dL) pg/mL CORTISOL: no suppression ACTH ratio < 1.8
Adrenal cortisol no suppression ACTH < 10 ACTH: no suppression
production (cortisol >3"!g/dL) pg/mL CORTISOL: suppression

Plasma ACTH levels are used to differentiate the ACTH-dependent causes

of Cushing’s syndrome (pituitary or ectopic ACTH release) from the ACTH-
independent causes of Cushing’s syndrome (adrenal neoplasms and adre-
nal hypertrophy). In ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome, ACTH is greater
than 10 pg/ml. In ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome, ACTH is less
than 5 pg/mL.
Differentiating between the ACTH-dependent causes of Cushing’s syn-
drome is difficult. Since the vast majority of cases, approximately 90%, are
pituitary in origin, the pretest probability of pituitary adenoma is 90%. To
correctly diagnose ectopic ACTH production, then, the test needs extraordi-
nary specificity.
The high-dose dexamethasone suppression test has insufficient specific-
ity to accurately differentiate pituitary from ectopic ACTH production. Al-
though this test has been used to diagnose ectopic ACTH production, its use
is now falling from favor.
The current state-of-the-art is the use of inferior petrosal sinus sampling.
In this test, ACTH levels from the inferior petrosal sinus and systemic cir-
culation are compared. Since blood from the anterior pituitary flows into
the inferior petrosal sinus, concentrations of ACTH should be elevated here
if the pituitary is the source of excess ACTH. In the hands of an experienced
interventional radiologist, specificity has been shown to be 100%.

The ACTH-dependent causes of Cushing’s syndrome are caused by aaa

the release of ACTH from the __________ or an ectopic source. pituitary

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Treatment of Cushing’s syndrome depends on the cause.

Cushing’s disease is Ectopic ACTH production is

treated with surgery or ra- treated with ketoconazole.

Adrenal adenomas are Adrenal carcinoma is

treated with surgery. treated with mitotane.

The treatment of Cushing’s syndrome depends on the cause.

Cushing’s disease. The goal of treatment is the removal or destruction
of the pituitary adenoma while leaving the remainder of the pituitary in-
tact. This can be done by transsphenoidal microsurgery or radiation treat-
ment. Pharmacologic suppression of ACTH secretion is available but is con-
sidered second-line treatment.
Ectopic production. Tumors which secrete ACTH are usually advanced
at the time of diagnosis and cure is rare. In these cases, the treatment goal
is suppression of cortisol production. Ketoconazole blocks steroid synthesis
by antagonizing 11ß-hydroxylase and is useful in this condition. The excisable
tumors which cause ectopic ACTH production include bronchial and thymic
carcinoids and some pheochromocytomas.
Adrenal adenomas. These lesions are almost always unilateral and the
treatment of choice is adrenalectomy. The procedure can be done by lap-
aroscopy. Since these patients have a fully suppressed hypothalamic-pitu-
itary-adrenal axis, postoperative management requires the administration
of steroids for a variable period of time.
Adrenal carcinomas. These lesions are usually metastatic at the time
of diagnosis. Surgery is not curative, but is used in some patients to reduce
tumor burden and cortisol hypersecretion. For medical management, mito-
tane is used to reduce steroid production. Radio- and chemotherapy have
not been shown to improve survival.
Cushing’s disease can be treated with ______________ transsphenoidal
microsurgery to destroy the ACTH-secreting adenoma.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of disorders
characterized by an inability to produce cortisol.



anterior pituitary


adrenal glands (17-_ hydroxylase deficiency)

(11-` hydroxylase deficiency)

In the adrenal gland, cortisol is normally produced from cholesterol by a

series of biochemical reactions. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group
of disorders in which an enzyme deficiency interferes with one of the steps
leading to cortisol production. When cortisol is not produced, two important
sequelae occur:
• Without cortisol to feedback and inhibit the hypothalamic
release of CRH, the anterior pituitary over-secretes ACTH
in a futile attempt to increase cortisol levels.
• Because of the biochemical blockade, the intermediate me-
tabolites proximal to the blockage accumulate. Some of these
molecules are metabolically active and cause the symptoms
associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
The symptoms and signs of congenital adrenal hyperplasia vary depend-
ing on the enzyme deficiency. Two enzyme deficiencies associated with hy-
pokalemia are 17_-hydroxylase deficiency and 11ß-hydroxylase deficiency.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is caused by a biochemical ab- aaa

normality preventing the synthesis of __________. cortisol

Without cortisol feedback, the hypothalamus overproduces

_____ and the pituitary over-secretes ________. CRH; ACTH

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!17_-hydroxylase deficiency leads to over-production of

Pregnenolone Hydroxypregnenolone Dehydroepiandrosterone


Progesterone Hydroxyprogesterone Androstenedione


Deoxycorticosterone Deoxycortisol Other androgens

Corticosterone Cortisol Estrogens


17_-hydroxylase deficiency prevents the synthesis of both cortisol and

the sex hormones. The defect has been mapped to a single gene on chromo-
some 10. In this disease, the adrenal gland overproduces deoxycorticoster-
one, a potent mineralocorticoid, which causes hypokalemia and hyperten-
Hypertension suppresses the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system, re-
sulting in low renin and aldosterone levels.
Patients typically present at puberty with hypertension, hypokalemia and
sexual infantilism in girls (primary amenorrhea) and pseudohermaphrodit-
ism in boys. In pseudohermaphroditism, the gonads are female in an indi-
vidual with a Y chromosome. Unlike other varieties of congenital adrenal
hyperplasia, stunted growth and virilization do not occur.
Treatment with exogenous glucocorticoids suppresses the release of ACTH,
decreasing adrenal production of deoxycorticosterone. Birth control pills are
used for estrogen replacement.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia with ____________ deficiency 17_-hydroxylase

presents in adolescence. These patients have ______________, hypokalemia
hypertension and sexual infantilism.

Replacing glucocorticoids decreases the secretion of

_______________. deoxycorticosterone

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!11ß-hydroxylase deficiency also leads to over-produc-
tion of deoxycorticosterone.

Pregnenolone Hydroxypregnenolone Dehydroepiandrosterone

Progesterone Hydroxyprogesterone Androstenedione

Deoxycorticosterone Deoxycortisol Other androgens

11`<hydroxylase 11`<hydroxylase

Corticosterone Cortisol Estrogens


11ß-hydroxylase deficiency blocks the synthesis of cortisol and aldoster-

one. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11ß-hydroxylase deficiency is
discovered at birth because of associated virilization. These infants are hy-
pertensive and hypokalemic, as would be expected with increased miner-
alocorticoid activity. The primary mineralocorticoid in this disorder is deoxy-
The defect in 11ß-hydroxylase is usually only partial, allowing some corti-
sol to be produced. The gene has been mapped to chromosome 8.
Treatment with glucocorticoids reduces the blood pressure to normal and
restores potassium homeostasis.

One of the causes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 21-hydroxylase deficiency

, causes
hyperkalemia. This disorder is discussed in the next chapter
, Hyperkalemiapage 560.

11ß-hydroxylase deficiency causes hypokalemia via the overpro- aaa

duction of ______________. deoxycorticosterone

Treatment with ___________ can correct the blood pressure and glucocorticoids
_______________. hypokalemia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!In renovascular hypertension, renin levels are increased.

blood RENIN
angiotensin I

angiotensin II

K +

Renovascular hypertension is characterized by hyperreninism. A fall in re-
nal blood flow to either kidney causes the release of renin. In renovascular
hypertension, a blockage in the renal artery causes a drop in blood flow to the
affected kidney. The juxtaglomerular apparatus interprets the fall in blood flow
as a decrease in the effective circulating volume and activates the renin-angio-
tensin II-aldosterone system. Therefore, in this cause of excess mineralocorti-
coid activity, both renin and aldosterone levels are increased.
The clinical picture in this situation is dominated by hypertension. Clues
to the presence of renovascular hypertension include:
• severe hypertension, diastolic BP > 120 mm Hg
• malignant hypertension
• hypertension in a patient with diffuse atherosclerosis
• asymmetric kidney size
• acute increase in creatinine after starting an ACE inhibitor
• increased blood pressure in a patient with previously stable
• abdominal bruit
• onset of hypertension before age 20 or after age 50
• hypokalemia
• metabolic alkalosis
The gold standard for diagnosis is renal arteriography, but since this is
invasive, several noninvasive tests are available including spiral CT scan,
captopril renal scan, MRI and ultrasound with Doppler.

In renovascular hypertension, levels of ______ and _______ are high. renin; aldosterone

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Increased anions in the tubule enhance potassium excretion.

Na+ Na+

Cl– HCO3
Cl– Cl–



Normally the movement of chloride decreas- Nonresorbable anions (including bicarbonate) in the
es the electrical gradient in favor of potassi- tubular fluid increase the electrical gradient, drawing
um secretion. potassium into the tubule.

One of the causes of increased renal potassium loss is an increased elec-

trical gradient from the presence of nonresorbable anions in the distal tu-
bule. Normally, the tubule fluid is negatively charged and attracts the posi-
tively charged potassium. The negative charge is created by the resorption
of sodium without chloride by the tubular cells. As the movement of sodium
causes the tubule fluid to become more electronegative, some of this nega-
tive charge is lost as chloride slips between the tubule cells and is resorbed.
If the predominant anion in the tubules is not chloride, but rather an
nonresorbable anion, none of the negative charge is lost. If none of the nega-
tive charge is lost, then the tubule will attract more potassium.
etiology of hypokalemia nonresorbable anion
diabetic ketoacidosis ......................................... ß-hydroxybutyrate
vomiting ........................................................................ bicarbonate
renal tubular acidosis (proximal) ................................ bicarbonate
penicillin derivatives..................................... penicillin derivatives
toluene (glue sniffing) ..................................................... hippurate

Renal loss of ___________ can be accelerated by nonresorbable potassium

__________ in the tubular fluid. anions

Chloride normally disrupts the electrical _____________ by mov- gradient

ing from the negative ___________ to the positive interstitium. tubule

The electrical gradient normally draws _________ into the tubule. potassium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased loss!Renal!Excess mineralocorticoid

activity!Hypokalemia from vomiting is due to renal, not GI, loss
of potassium.





With vomiting, patients can become alkalemic and hypokalemic. The hy-
pokalemia is not due to direct GI loss of potassium. Hypokalemia is due to
increased bicarbonate in the distal nephron from alkalemia. Bicarbonate
cannot be resorbed in the distal nephron, increasing the electrical gradient
favoring potassium secretion.
In order to correct hypokalemia, the administration of chloride-contain-
ing fluids is essential. Chloride normalizes renal potassium handling.

As explained above, the hypokalemia associated with vomiting is not due to the hypov-
olemic release of aldosterone, although this is a common misconception.
Aldosterone does
not increase potassium secretion in the setting of hypovolemia due to the associated de-
crease in distal flow
. See page 500 in this chapter for a review

Vomiting causes hypokalemia through increased _______ loss of renal


Vomiting causes loss of hydrogen and ________ which causes chloride

metabolic alkalosis and increases the delivery of __________ to bicarbonate
the distal nephron.

Bicarbonate is a ____________ anion which increases renal po- nonresorbable

tassium _______. loss

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!The value of a good history should not be underesti-



24-hour urine potassium < 30 mEq

K +

K +

+ K


+ K

K +


History of malnutrition: History of: History of: History of:

anorexia alkalemia diarrhea hypertension
alcoholism insulin use colonic fistulas weight gain
quick weight loss beta agonists vipoma muscle weakness
liquid diets periodic paralysis striae
delirium tremens
Determining the cause of hypokalemia begins with taking a history. The
history can quickly point towards an etiology for hypokalemia.
Since potassium is found in almost all types of food, decreased intake is
an uncommon cause of hypokalemia. Look for this diagnosis in women with
anorexia nervosa, alcoholics, patients on liquid weight-loss diets and pa-
tients with severe malnutrition.
Increased potassium loss is the usual cause of clinically significant hy-
pokalemia. Intracellular redistribution should be considered in patients with
alkalemia, insulin use or treatment of asthma with albuterol. Diarrhea,
vomiting and surgical drains are all obvious causes of hypokalemia.
A 24-hour urinary potassium collection can also be helpful. Loss of less
than 30 mEq of potassium per day is consistent with extra-renal potassium
loss, while loss of more than 30 mEq per day indicates renal potassium loss.
In addition to the 24-hour urine for potassium, distinguishing renal from extra-renal potas-
sium loss can be done by calculating the transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG).
of > 2 is associated with renal potassium loss.
K+urine ! plasma osmolality
TTKG = +
K plasma ! urine osmolality

A good history can separate decreased _______ from increased loss. intake

A 24-hour urine _________ can differentiate extra-renal from ______ potassium

loss of potassium. renal

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Medications must always be considered when evaluating hy-

Intracellular cellular shift Increased GI loss Increased renal loss
Epinephrine Laxatives Diuretics
Decongestants Cation exchange resins Fludrocortisone
pseudoephedrine Carbenoxolone
Bronchodilators Penicillin derivatives
albuterol Amphotericin B
Verapamil overdose
Tocolytic agents

Since many of the causes of hypokalemia are medications, it is im-

perative to review the patient’s medication list. Some of the causes of
medication-induced hypokalemia are listed above.
In addition, if the cause of hypokalemia is not obvious from the his-
tory and physical exam, then surreptitious diuretic and laxative abuse
should be considered.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!The value of a good flow chart should not be under-


Discontinue all diuretics. 24 hour urine potassium

Restore volume deficits.



Check plasma
< 30 mEq > 30 mEq

renal losses

low or normal high bicarbonate Check plasma bicarbonate.

bicarbonate diuretics (discontinued)
diarrhea redistriubutive hypokalemia
other GI potassium loss
decreased intake
redistriubutive hypokalemia

high or normal low

bicarbonate bicarbonate
Check blood proximal RTA
pressure. distal RTA

check plasma
renin activity
high blood
low or normal pressure
elevated renin
blood pressure renovascular
Bartter's syndrome
Gitelman's syndrome
diuretics (surepticious) low or normal renin

Check plasma
aldosterone level.

low aldosterone high aldosterone

primary hyper-
Cushing's syndrome
congenital adrenal hyperplasia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Symptoms and signs!Hypokalemia disrupts electrical conduc-

tion in nerves and muscle.

Na Cl + –
K+ HCO –
less than 3.5 mEq/L

Potassium is critical for generating action potentials in nerves and muscles.

Because of potassium’s role in neuromuscular activity, the symptoms of hy-
pokalemia are mostly limited to muscle weakness, paresthesias and heart
arrhythmias. Although individuals vary, symptoms usually do not occur un-
til plasma potassium falls below 2.5 mEq/L.
An important factor influencing the severity of symptoms associated with
hypokalemia is the speed of onset. If potassium drops suddenly, the body is
unable to adequately compensate and symptoms are severe. If loss of potas-
sium is gradual, the body is able to compensate and symptoms are minimal.

Recognition and treatment of hypokalemia is especially important in patients with liver dis-
ease. Hypokalemia stimulates the production of ammonia, which can cause hepatic en-
cephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatic encephalopathy is characterized by altered
mental status and confusion.

Potassium has a central role in _________ contraction and elec- muscle

trical coordination of _______ muscle contractions. heart

Hypokalemia can trigger hepatic ____________ in patients with encephalopathy


The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Symptoms and signs!Hypokalemia can affect both skeletal and

smooth muscles.

Skeletal muscle GI (smooth muscle)

weakness ileus
myalgias abdominal distension
cramps anorexia
paresthesias vomiting
paralysis constipation

Hypokalemia can affect the function of skeletal and smooth muscle by al-
tering resting membrane potential. Potassium levels below 2.5 mEq/L can
cause muscle weakness or even paralysis. Hypokalemic muscle weakness
typically begins in the lower extremities and ascends. With severe hypokale-
mia, the respiratory muscles can be affected resulting in respiratory acido-
Other neuromuscular symptoms include cramps, paresthesias and muscle
The smooth muscles of the GI tract can also be affected by hypokalemia.
GI symptoms due to hypokalemia include ileus, abdominal distension, an-
orexia, vomiting and constipation.

Hypokalemia can cause muscle __________ at a potassium level of 2.5 weakness


Hypokalemia can affect the ________ muscle of the GI tract and cause smooth
vomiting and ileus.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Symptoms and signs!Hypokalemia can cause rhabdomyoly-

sis during exercise.



During exercise, tissues release potassium which increases the local po-
tassium concentration. This causes a vasodilatory response which is appro-
priate in exercising tissues. Unfortunately, systemic hypokalemia may pre-
vent the local potassium concentration from increasing enough to cross the
vasodilatory threshold. Insufficient vasodilation can cause muscle ischemia,
leading to cell destruction and rhabdomyolysis.
Rhabdomyolysis can lead to myoglobinuria and renal failure.

Hypokalemia prevents the normal __________ in plasma potas- increase

sium associated with _________. exercise

The normal release of ____________ potassium in response to intracellular

exercise causes ______________ to prevent tissue ischemia. vasodilation

Tissue ischemia can lead to ___________. rhabdomyolysis

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Symptoms and signs!Cardiac and EKG effects are the most

worrisome complications of hypokalemia. QRS

The EKG is a representation of the electrical

activity of the heart over time. It consists of spe- P T
cific elements representing different steps in the
cardiac cycle:

P wave: atrial depolarization

QRS complex: ventricular depolarization normal
T wave: ventricular repolarization
U wave: repolarization of the Purkinje
system – not normally seen


mild hypokalemia

severe hypokalemia

Because potassium is required for repolarization of heart muscle and the

Purkinje system, hypokalemia can predispose to cardiac arrhythmias in
patients with underlying cardiac disease. The Purkinje system consists of
specialized heart muscle which rapidly transmits electrical signals and is
important for rapid, coordinated myocardial contraction. Hypokalemia can
cause many types of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.
• premature atrial beats • junctional tachycardia
• premature ventricular beats • atrioventricular block
• sinus bradycardia • ventricular tachycardia
• paroxysmal atrial tachycardia • ventricular fibrillation

In addition to predisposing to cardiac arrhythmias, hypokalemia can af-

fect EKG morphology. The primary EKG changes are flattened T waves and
ST segment depression. As hypokalemia worsens, U waves become promi-
nent and T waves become inverted.

Hypokalemia can predispose the patient to a multitude of _______ cardiac

arrhythmias, some of which can be _______. lethal

In severe hypokalemia, the EKG usually shows U-waves and

________ T-waves. inverted

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Symptoms and signs!Hypokalemia can cause polyuria by de-

creasing renal concentrating ability.

ATP so

Na+, K +,

2 Cl so


tubule medullary
The primary transporter in the loop of Hen-
le is the Na-K-2Cl-ATPase pump. Without
potassium, this transporter shuts down.

Hypokalemia inhibits the activity of the Na-K-2Cl ATPase pump in the

ascending loop of Henle. This pump is critical in the formation of a concen-
trated medullary interstitium which is needed to produce concentrated urine.
Due to the inability to concentrate urine, a large urine volume is necessary
to excrete the daily solute load. Since polyuria is due to a renal defect in
concentrating ability, this is a type of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
The concentrating defect can occur with a plasma potassium level of 3.0
mEq/L and takes two to three weeks to peak.

The effect of hypokalemia on renal concentrating ability and other causes of nephrogenic
diabetes insipidus are discussed in ChapterPolydipsia,
9, Polyuria
, page 237.

The two electrolyte abnormalities which can cause polyuria are aaa
hypercalcemia and ____________. hypokalemia

Hypokalemia causes a nephrogenic diabetes _________ by prevent- insipidus

ing the loop of Henle from ___________ the medullary interstitium. concentrating

Without potassium, the Na-K-2Cl-_______ pumps do not function. ATPase

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Treatment of hypokalemia is the bane of the on-call



how much? K+

how fast?

what route?
There are three questions which must be answered before treating a pa-
tient for hypokalemia: How much? What route? How fast?
• How much?
• What route? Oral versus IV.
• How fast? Since giving potassium too fast can result in heart
arrhythmias, the rate of administration must be carefully regu-
In addition, the clinician should assess each clinical situation individu-
ally. Important conditions which affect the treatment of hypokalemia in-
clude renal failure and heart disease:
• Since patients with renal failure have an impairment in potas-
sium excretion, potassium replacement must be done carefully, if
at all.
• Patients with heart disease are prone to arrhythmias and special
care must be given to keep the plasma potassium between 4.0 and
4.5 mEq/L.
Magnesium depletion is commonly associated with hypokalemia. By an incompletely un-
derstood mechanism, potassium deficits cannot be corrected if magnesium deficiency is
present.Therefore, when treating hypokalemia, a magnesium level should be checked and
magnesium deficits should be replaced.

The bane of the on-call intern is ___________. hypokalemia

The plasma potassium in patients with heart disease must be

kept between ________ and _______ mEq/L. 4.0; 4.5

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Treatment!How much?!Estimating the total body potassium

deficit is helpful to guide replacement therapy.

4.0 – K ! 100 +

137 108
3.2 32

4.0 – 3.2 ! 100 = 80 mEq

Because plasma potassium represents such a small percentage of total
body potassium, it can be difficult to accurately estimate total body potas-
sium deficits from the plasma potassium concentration. Several formulas
and tables can be used to estimate total body potassium deficit based on the
plasma potassium. Conservative estimates are that for each drop in plasma
potassium of 0.3 mEq/L, the total body potassium deficit increases by 100
A good rule of thumb for replacing potassium is to subtract the current
potassium level from 4.0 and replace one hundred times that amount in
mEq. This calculation underestimates the total body deficit by about a third.
Using an underestimation is a safeguard against the possibility that the
plasma potassium inaccurately reflects total body potassium deficits.
EXAMPLE : if potassium is 3.2 mEq/L then give: 4.0 < 3.2 = 0.8 ! 100 mEq
= 80 mEq of potassium
Do not give this dose of potassium all at once! Although estimating
the total body potassium deficit is helpful, the most important decision is
the initial dose. After the initial dose, the plasma potassium must be re-
checked to assess therapeutic response.
In general, an oral potassium dose should not exceed 40 mEq/L. IV potas-
sium is usually given at 10 or 20 mEq/hr.
As an example, the asymptomatic patient with a potassium of 3.2 mEq/L
could be given an oral dose of 40 mEq/L in the morning and again in the
evening. The potassium is then checked the following morning.
It is difficult to estimate the total body potassium deficit from the aaa
_______ potassium level. plasma

One method of estimating appropriate potassium replacement (in

mEq) is to subtract the current K+ from ____ and multiply by ____. 4.0; 100

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!What route?!The associated anion in oral and IV

forms of potassium replacement is important.

Cl K HCO3 K PO4 3 K

Potassium chloride is the Potassium bicarbonate and Potassium phosphate is used

ideal formulation for po- potassium citrate are used to replace phosphate (not po-
tassium replacement. for proximal and distal RTAs. tassium).

The associated anion is an important consideration in potassium replace-

ment formulations because it can determine the effectiveness of the supple-
ment. Anions used in potassium supplements include chloride, bicarbonate,
citrate and phosphate.
Potassium chloride is the most commonly used form of potassium replace-
ment. It is an especially good choice for hypokalemia in metabolic alkalosis.
Metabolic alkalosis is often chloride-dependent and replacing chloride can
help correct the alkalosis. Additionally, chloride can be resorbed in the dis-
tal nephron which decreases renal potassium excretion.
Potassium bicarbonate and potassium citrate are less effective than po-
tassium chloride in most cases of hypokalemia. The bicarbonate (or citrate
which is converted to bicarbonate) causes an alkalosis which results in the
movement of potassium into cells in exchange for hydrogen. Additionally,
bicarbonate is a nonresorbable anion which increases renal potassium loss.
Because of the associated acidosis, potassium bicarbonate is used in the
treatment of hypokalemia associated with RTA.
Potassium phosphate is used to replace phosphate losses. It is not a good
formulation for potassium replacement because it contains only a small
amount potassium (e.g., 15 mmol of potassium phosphate contains about 20
mEq of potassium and needs to be administered over several hours).

Potassium supplements can be associated with different ________. anions

The best form of replacement potassium is potassium _________. chloride

Phosphate, bicarbonate and gluconate are all __________ anions nonresorbable

which increase renal potassium _______. loss

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Treatment!What route?!Oral potassium replacement is a safe

and effective treatment for hypokalemia.

A banana contains ap-

proximately 1 mEq of
potassium per inch.


Each teaspoon of salt sub-

stitute provides 50 to 65 mEq
of potassium.

In the hospital setting, oral potassium replacement is generally appropri-

ate for asymptomatic patients with a potassium greater than 3.0 mEq/L. In
the outpatient setting, chronic potassium supplementation is necessary in
patients predisposed to hypokalemia (e.g., diuretic use). Many options are
available for oral potassium replacement, including prescription potassium
supplements, salt substitutes and potassium-rich foods.
Potassium supplements can be unpalatable liquids, slow-release cap-
sules or immediate-release pills. These are safe and reliable treatments.
Salt substitutes typically contain potassium chloride crystals. They are
palatable and inexpensive. Regulating the dose can be difficult and needs to
be done with care. One teaspoon provides 50-65 mEq of potassium.
Potassium-rich foods (e.g., fruit, meat) are an unreliable and less effec-
tive form of potassium replacement because the associated anions, typically
phosphate and citrate, are nonresorbable in the distal nephron and increase
potassium excretion.
In addition, food is an impractical choice because of the large amount
necessary to achieve a meaningful potassium dose. For example, chronic
potassium therapy is typically 40 to 80 mEq per day. Since a banana con-
tains approximately 1 mEq of potassium per inch, eight ten-inch bananas
would be required to achieve a potassium dose of 80 mEq.

Salt substitutes typically contain ________ chloride crystals. potassium

Potassium-rich foods are an unreliable form of K+ replacement because

the associated anion increases ________ excretion in the distal nephron. potassium

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!What route?!IV administration of potassium is the

fastest method of replacing potassium.
Potential compli- Burning
cations of IV K





Paradoxical worsening
of hypokalemia if ad- insulin Hypervolemia if ad-
ministered in dextrose. receptor ministered in saline.

IV potassium replacement is a fast and reliable method of replacing po-

tassium. This method is commonly used in hospitalized patients, particu-
larly when potassium levels are less than 3.0 mEq/L. Some of the important
considerations when using this form of replacement are described below.
Peripheral versus central lines. Potassium given through a periph-
eral IV can cause a burning sensation as it enters the veins. This can be
relieved by adding a small amount of lidocaine to the IV solution. Periph-
eral IVs require lower rates of administration (10 mEq/hr) to avoid discom-
fort. Higher rates can be given through a central line (typically, 20 mEq/hr).
Theoretically, giving potassium through a subclavian or internal jugular cen-
tral line may cause high concentrations of potassium to reach the heart, trig-
gering arrhythmias. For potassium administration, the femoral line has the
most advantages; these catheters avoid the discomfort associated with periph-
eral IVs and allow thorough dilution of potassium before it reaches the heart.
Saline versus dextrose solutions. Potassium can be mixed in a saline
or dextrose solution. Due to the need to dilute the potassium concentration,
correcting potassium deficits can deliver a clinically significant volume load;
this is can be a problem in patients with CHF. Dextrose solutions avoid the
volume problem, but dextrose causes insulin release which can transiently
drive potassium into cells. For this reason, potassium chloride for IV re-
placement is typically mixed in saline solutions.

The problems associated with IV potassium include: aaa

• __________ sensation in the IV burning
• hypervolemia
• insulin-associated ___________. hypokalemia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Treatment!How fast?!The rate of administration depends on

the severity of hypokalemia and the route of administration.

The rate of potassium repletion depends on the severity of hypokalemia

and the route of administration.
Severity of hypokalemia is a function of both the level and the presence of
symptoms. If plasma potassium is very low, an EKG should be checked. The
presence of EKG changes warrants IV replacement while the patient is on a
continuous cardiac monitor. IV replacement is also advisable for potassium
concentrations less than 3 mEq/L. IV replacement assures fast and reliable
potassium repletion.
Depending on the intravenous line available, IV potassium replacement
is either 10 mEq/hr (peripheral line) or 20 mEq/hr (central line). Only in the
most dire situations is potassium given faster than 20 mEq/L an hour. Usu-
ally, the dose (10 or 20 mEq) is administered every hour for three hours.
Then, the potassium concentration is repeated to assess response. If the
potassium concentration is still low, another set of three doses over three
hours is given and potassium is checked again. This continues until the
desired potassium concentration is achieved.
In an asymptomatic patient with a potassium over 3 mEq/L, replacement
can be gradual using an oral supplement. In general, oral potassium doses
should not exceed 40 mEq/L and doses should be at least four to six hours
apart. It is reasonable to wait 12 to 24 hours to recheck the potassium con-
centration to assess response.
The _______ of potassium replacement is limited by the route of rate

In general, the rate of IV potassium replacement is between 10

and 20 _____ per _____. mEq; hour

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Hypokalemia is defined as a plasma potassium less than 3.5 mEq/L. Hy-
pokalemia is either due to decreased intake (rare) or increased loss (com-
mon). Losses are categorized as either extra-renal or renal.
Decreased intake Increased loss
K +

K +

+ K


Decreased intake is a rare cause of hypokalemia, because virtually every

type of food contains potassium, and daily potassium requirements are mod-
est (25 mEq/day). Decreased intake can cause hypokalemia in malnourished
alcoholics, anorexic women and patients on liquid diets.
Intracellular redistribution of potassium can cause temporary hypokale-

• pseudohyponatremia • beta adrenergic activity

• alkalemia • periodic paralysis
• insulin • treatment of severe megalo-
blastic anemia

GI loss of potassium is a common cause of hypokalemia. Note that vomit-

ing causes hypokalemia by increasing renal potassium loss rather than
through potassium loss in the vomit.

• diarrhea • surgical drains

• vipoma • villous adenoma
• colonic fistulas

Hypokalemia due to renal loss can be divided into three categories: In-
creased distal flow, increased mineralocorticoid activity and nonresorbable
anions in the distal tubule. Multiple factors often work together to cause

• diuretics • primary hyperaldosteronism • diabetic ketoacidosis

• Bartter’s syndrome • Cushing’s syndrome • vomiting
• Gitelman’s syndrome • congenital adrenal hyperplasia • renal tubular acidosis
• pseudohyperaldosteronism • toluene
• hyperreninism • penicillin

S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

Diuretics can cause hypokalemia because they increase distal flow and
aldosterone activity (from hypovolemia). Hypovolemic release of aldoster-
one normally does not cause hypokalemia because of the fall in distal flow
triggered by the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system, but diuretics short-
circuit this by inducing both hypovolemia and increased distal flow.
Primary hyperaldosteronism is due to pathologic secretion of aldos-
terone by the adrenal gland. Adrenal adenoma, bilateral adrenal hyperpla-
sia and adrenal carcinoma can all cause primary hyperaldosteronism.

primary hyperaldoster- Na+ Cl–

onism: complications low renin
K+ HCO3–

Cushing’s syndrome is a collection of symptoms due to excess cortisol.

At physiologic levels, cortisol does not have mineralocorticoid activity, but
when increased, it can cause hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis.

obesity hypertension hyperglycemia

moon facies acne, hirsutism, amenorrhea hyperlipidemia
buffalo hump: dorsocervical and osteopenia high white count, low eosinophils
supraclavicular fat pads. back pain hypokalemia,
thinning of skin, easy bruising muscle weakness high bicarbonate
striae, facial plethora depression, psychosis, mania low plasma phosphate
slow healing fungal infections high urine calcium

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia refers to a group of disorders charac-

terized by a biochemical inability to synthesize cortisol. The absence of cor-
tisol stimulates the release of ACTH. Increased ACTH levels drive the over-
production of the biochemically active precursors of cortisol. In 17_
lase deficiency the cortisone precursor deoxycorticosterone has mineralo-
corticoid activity. In 11ß-hydroxylase deficiency, again, deoxycorticoster-
one has mineralocorticoid activity.
Renovascular hypertension causes hyperreninism. A drop in blood flow
to one or both kidneys stimulates the release of renin which ultimately in-
creases aldosterone release and results in increased blood pressure and hy-
blood RENIN
angiotensin I

hypokalemia, hypertension angiotensin II

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Nonresorbable anions in the distal tubule obligate potassium loss. Condi-
tions which increase the anion load in the distal nephron increase renal
potassium loss.

etiology of hypokalemia anion

diabetic ketoacidosis ...................... ß-hydroxybutyrate
vomiting .................................................... bicarbonate
renal tubular acidosis (proximal)............... bicarbonate
penicillin derivative ........................ penicillin derivative
toluene (glue sniffing) ................................... hippurate

Identifying the etiology of hypokalemia begins with separating renal from

extra-renal potassium loss with a 24-hour urine potassium measurement.
See page 524 for an algorithm.
The signs and symptoms of hypokalemia are generally limited to muscle
weakness, paresthesias and heart arrhythmias. Though individuals vary, symp-
toms usually do not occur until plasma potassium falls below 2.5 mEq/L.

• ileus, abdominal distension • premature atrial beats • rhabdomyolysis during exer-

• anorexia • premature ventricular beats cise which can cause myoglo-
• vomiting • sinus bradycardia binuria and renal failure
• constipation • paroxysmal atrial tachycardia • nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
• paresthesias • junctional tachycardia causing polyuria
• paralysis, weakness • atrioventricular block
• myalgias, cramps • ventricular tachycardia
• ventricular fibrillation

The treatment of hypokalemia can be tricky because of the danger of in-

ducing hyperkalemia. Three questions need to be addressed in determining
the treatment strategy for hypokalemia: How much? What route? How fast?

Impossible to know. May es- Oral. KCl most effective oral sup- Oral. Oral doses should be lim-
timate potassium deficit with plement. Can be given as liquid ited to 40 mEq and be at least
the following equation: (tastes bad), pills or salt substi- four to six hours apart.
deficit (mEq) = 4.0 – [K+] ! 100 tute. Potassium-containing foods
are less effective than KCl. IV. The rate of IV administration
IV. Can quickly raise potassium. depends on the type of intrave-
Easy to give. Can irritate veins. nous line available; 10 mEq per
Need to be careful with the vol- hour with peripheral lines and 20
ume load delivered to the patient. mEq an hour with central lines.
Glucose-containing IVF can stim-
ulate the release of insulin, wors-
ening the hypokalemia.
In addition, potassium deficits cannot be corrected if magnesium concen-
tration is low; plasma magnesium should be checked and replaced if low.
S. Faubel and J. Topf 18 Hypokalemia

There are other renal causes of hypokalemia which deserve




Proximal RTA (Type 2). Proximal renal tubular acidosis is due to a

defect in the proximal tubule which impairs bicarbonate resorption,
increasing bicarbonate excretion. Because bicarbonate is a nonresorb-
able anion which draws potassium into the tubule, potassium secretion
also increases. Treatment with bicarbonate only worsens the problem
as more bicarbonate enters the distal nephron, further increasing po-
tassium excretion.
Distal RTA (Type 1). In distal renal tubular acidosis, the distal neph-
ron is unable to excrete hydrogen. Normally, hydrogen is secreted as
sodium is resorbed. Without hydrogen resorption, however, potassium
secretion increases to balance the charge of sodium resorption.
Amphotericin B. This antifungal agent tears holes in the distal
nephron. Permeability to potassium also increases, increasing potas-
sium loss.
Polyuria. The kidney is able to reduce urinary potassium concentra-
tion to very low levels which allows excellent conservation of potassium
at normal urine volumes. In psychogenic polydipsia or central diabetes
insipidus, the increased urine volume will cause large potassium loss
despite minimal urinary concentrations.
Antibiotics. Some antibiotics can increase renal potassium losses
by delivering increased nonresorbable anions to the distal nephron.
Piperacillin and ticarcillin can both lower plasma potassium by this

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

19 Hyperkalemia

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Introduction!Hyperkalemia is an elevated plasma potassium


Na Mg
Na Cl + – 22.989 24.305
19 20

– Potassium Calcium

3 K Ca
39.098 40.08

Hyperkalemia is defined as a plasma potassium concentration greater

than 5 mEq/L. Hyperkalemia is a common complication of renal failure.
In the absence of renal failure, hyperkalemia is relatively uncommon be-
cause the kidneys have the ability to excrete large amounts of potassium.
Recognizing hyperkalemia in patients with normal renal function is impor-
tant because it is a flag for systemic disorders that might otherwise go un-

Sometimes, it is useful to convert from milligrams to milliequivalents of potassium.

This was
reviewed in Chapter 1,Moles and Water. To convert milligrams to milliequivalents, divide
the milligrams by the molecular weight. For example, one serving of orange juice (8 oz)
contains 450 mg of potassium; 450 mg !"39 is equal to 1 .3 mEq of potassium.

Hyperkalemia is defined as a plasma potassium greater than aaa

______ mEq/L. five

In the absence of _______ ________, hyperkalemia is uncommon. renal failure

Normally, the kidney can effectively __________ a lot of potassi- excrete

um in order to prevent ____________. hyperkalemia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Overview: The body has a two-step defense against hyperkale-

mia: intracellular buffering followed by renal excretion.

K compensation

K +




K +

1 Movement of potassium into cells com-
pensates for hyperkalemia. 2 Renal excretion of potassium cor-
rects hyperkalemia.

Potassium loads are handled in a two-step process consisting of intracel-

lular compensation followed by renal correction.
Compensation. A potassium load is buffered by the movement of potas-
sium into cells. This immediate defense against hyperkalemia is stimulated
• catecholamines
• insulin
• increased plasma potassium
Correction. Hyperkalemia is corrected by the excretion of excess potas-
sium by the kidney. This long-term defense against hyperkalemia is stimu-
lated by:
• elevated plasma potassium
• aldosterone
• increased flow through the distal tubules
The kidney excretes the majority of a potassium load within hours of in-

The compensation for a K+ load is the shift of plasma potassium extracellular

into ______________ . cells

The molecular weight of potassium is ______. 39

A bunch of bananas contains about 3 grams of potassium. How

many milliequivalents is this? 77 mEq

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Hyperkalemia can be due to increased intake, move-

ment out of cells or decreased renal excretion.


+ K

K +

increased intake movement out of cells impaired renal excretion

Hyperkalemia results from three fundamental mechanisms:

• increased potassium intake from diet or medications
• movement of potassium out of cells
• impaired renal excretion of potassium
Acute hyperkalemia is often due to the convergence of multiple etiologies
(e.g., dietary indiscretion in a patient with renal failure). Chronic hyper-
kalemia is always due to impaired renal potassium excretion.

Mechanisms of hyperkalemia can be divided into _______ groups: three

• increased ________ intake
• movement of ____________ potassium to the extracellular intracellular
• impaired renal __________ of potassium. excretion

Chronic hyperkalemia is always due to impaired potassium excre-

tion by the _________. kidney

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Increased intake!Increased oral intake of potassium

causes hyperkalemia only if the ingestion is large and fast.

oj oj oj oj

Increased oral intake of potassium rarely causes hyperkalemia in patients

with normal renal function. Over time, the kidney is able to adapt to in-
creased potassium intake. Because the kidney is so adaptive, only acute
potassium loads are able to cause significant hyperkalemia.
For healthy adults to become significantly hyperkalemic from an oral in-
gestion of potassium, at least 150 milliequivalents must be ingested quickly.
This dose of potassium would require the rapid consumption of three quarts
of Everfresh® Pure 100% Orange Juice from concentrate.
It must be kept in mind that in the presence of renal insufficiency, even
modest ingestions of potassium can result in significant hyperkalemia.

DANGER! Oral citrate and bicarbonate solutions used to treat the chronic acidosis TAof R
or renal failure come in two forms: with or without potassium. Giving citrate with potassium
to a patient with metabolic acidosis and renal failure can be lethal.

Gradual increases in K+ intake do not cause ____________ be- hyperkalemia

cause the kidney is able to __________ its ability to excrete K+. increase

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Increased intake!In the hospital, hyperkalemia can

be due to potassium hidden in IV solutions.

old red blood cell transfusion

potassium-containing medicine

KCl IV fluid

Increased intake of potassium can also occur with IV infusions. The cagey
physician should be aware of some places potassium can hide, especially
when treating patients with renal failure.
Blood transfusions. As packed red blood cells for transfusion
age, intracellular potassium leaks out of the cells. Administration
of old packed RBCs can result in a significant potassium load.
Penicillin G. Penicillin G delivers 1.7 mEq of potassium per one
million units.
Maintenance fluids. Potassium chloride is sometimes added to
maintenance IV fluids.

An embarrassing cause of hyperkalemia is the over-treatment of hypokalemia.

This is a
common cause of hyperkalemia in hospitalized patients.

Potassium can sneak into a patient when giving _________ G or penicillin

red cell _________. transfusions

Increased intake of potassium is especially problematic in pa-

tients with _______ failure. renal

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Movement out of cells!The movement of potassi-

um out of cells can cause hyperkalemia.
cell death acidemia
K +

severe exercise

lack of insulin


medications: + K
hypertonic plasma
ß-blockers, digoxin

Because 99% of total body potassium is found inside cells, movement of a

small fraction of intracellular potassium into plasma can dramatically change
plasma potassium concentration.
Movement of potassium out of cells can be caused by:
• cell death
• potassium-hydrogen exchange in metabolic acidosis
• lack of insulin
• hypertonic plasma and solute drag
• medications such as `-blockers and digoxin
• severe exercise

99% of the body's potassium is found _________ cells. inside

A small shift of ________ from cells to the plasma can cause potassium
____________. hyperkalemia

The intracellular concentration of potassium is ___________. 140 mEq/L

The extracellular concentration of potassium is ___________. 4 mEq/L

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Movement out of cells!Cell death from trauma,

hypothermia or chemotherapy can cause hyperkalemia.


98.6! F

140 mEq/L

cell death
tumor lysis syndrome

Because the intracellular concentration of potassium is so high, any in-

sult which destroys cells can cause severe hyperkalemia. There are three
common causes of cell death which can lead to hyperkalemia:
• Massive trauma, especially crush injuries, can cause cell lysis
and increase plasma potassium.
• Hypothermia causes widespread tissue necrosis.
• Cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents destroy tumor cells, re-
leasing their intracellular contents: potassium, nucleic acids (con-
verted to BUN), uric acid and phosphate. This phenomenon is
known as tumor lysis syndrome.

Because the intracellular concentration of __________ potassium

is high, the destruction of _____ releases a lot of potas- cells

The three processes which cause cell death and hyper-

kalemia are: __________ trauma
____________ hypothermia
_______ ______ syndrome tumor lysis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Tumor lysis syndrome? What’s up with that?

tumor cell


xanthine oxidase
xanthine oxidase
uric acid

Tumor lysis syndrome is seen with the rapid destruction of a large

tumor. It occurs most commonly after the initiation of chemotherapy
for Burkitt’s lymphoma or leukemia, but it has been reported to occur
with solid tumors including breast cancer, sarcomas, ovarian cancer
and lung cancer. It is characterized by hyperkalemia, hyperphospha-
temia, hypocalcemia, hyperuricemia and acute renal failure.
The hyperphosphatemia comes from release of intracellular phosphate.
Precipitation of calcium phosphate in the kidney contributes to the acute
renal failure. The phosphate also binds calcium causing hypocalcemia which
can decrease cardiac output and cause arrhythmias.
The hyperuricemia comes from the metabolism of nucleotides. Urate
nephropathy used to be the predominant cause of acute renal failure in
tumor lysis syndrome; however, the use of prophylactic allopurinol has
decreased, but not eliminated, the incidence of this complication. There
is some concern that the elevated xanthine levels seen with allopurinol
may cause xanthiuria and contribute to acute renal failure.
Treatment focuses primarily on prevention of acute renal failure by
using allopurinol to prevent hyperuricemia and maintaining adequate
urine output with IV fluids and diuretics. High urine flow keeps the
urine concentration of uric acid low.
Hemodialysis is an effective treatment for the renal failure or to con-
trol the hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia and hyperuricemia of tu-
mor lysis syndrome.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Movement out of cells!When plasma hydrogen con-

centration increases, cells absorb hydrogen and release potassium.


140 mEq/L

Think: potassium and hydrogen

walk together.
? hydrogen causes ? potassium
B hydrogen causes B potassium

One of the immediate safeguards against acidemia (increased H+ concen-

tration) is the movement of hydrogen into cells. Inside cells, hydrogen ions
are neutralized by intracellular buffers such as protein, hemoglobin, and
phosphate. As hydrogen ions are absorbed by cells, potassium is secreted in
order to maintain electroneutrality.

A decrease in pH is an increase in the plasma ___________ con- hydrogen


As hydrogen enters cells, potassium exits in order to maintain

________________. electroneutrality

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Movement out of cells!Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

is associated with an extracellular shift of potassium.

K +
K +

K +

K +
K +

K +

K +

K + osmotic flow of water K +

K +

K +

K +

3 Na+ 2 K+

Hyperglycemia increases plasma osmolality, drawing water out of the intracellular
compartment. The movement of water drags potassium along with it. The lack of
insulin prevents the Na-K-ATPase pump from moving potassium into the cell.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is characterized by massive volume depletion, ke-

toacidosis and hyperglycemia. Upon presentation, plasma potassium is typi-
cally elevated even though total body potassium is low.
Hyperkalemia in DKA is multifactorial:
• Hyperglycemia increases plasma osmolality which causes the
osmotic movement of water out of the cell. As water leaves the
cell, it drags potassium with it. This is called solute drag.
• Normally, insulin stimulates Na-K-ATPase to pump potassium into
the cell. Since DKA is characterized by a lack of insulin, the Na-K-
ATPase pump is unable to pump plasma potassium back into the

Although the plasma potassium is often increased in DKA, total body potassium is usually
low. During treatment of DKA
with insulin, plasma potassium reenters cells and hyperkale-
mia can quickly turn to hypokalemia.

In DKA, the plasma osmolality is __________ (low/high) because high

of ______________. hyperglycemia

In DKA, water flows out of cells and drags _________ with it. potassium

In DKA, Na-K-ATPase activity is reduced due to a lack of

____________. insulin

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Movement out of cells!Two cardiac medications

interfere with the movement of potassium into cells.

beta blocker

K+ K +

ß-2 receptor
2 K+


ß-blockers Digoxin
Because `<2 receptors stimulate the Because it specifically blocks the
Na-K-ATPase pumps, `<blockers can Na-K-ATPase pumps, digoxin can
increase plasma potassium concen- cause a dose-dependent increase in
tration through antagonism of the `< plasma potassium.
2 receptors. In digoxin toxicity, plasma potas-
Typically, beta-blockers cause only sium concentrations can rise as high
a minor and physiologically insignifi- as 13 mEq/L.
cant rise in the plasma potassium
concentration. Only when superim-
posed on a second defect in potassium
handling does the effect of `<block-
ers become significant.

The Na-K-ATPase pumps move potassium ________ (into/ out of) into

Because ________ inhibits the activity of Na-K-ATPase pumps, it digoxin

can interfere with the ability of potassium to enter cells, causing
_____________. hyperkalemia

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Clinical correlation: Potassium movement out of cells while

in the test tube causes pseudohyperkalemia.

leukocytosis thrombocytosis
WBCs >100,000 platelets > 400,000

Pseudohyperkalemia is an elevated measurement of potassium con-

centration when the plasma potassium concentration is actually nor-
mal. Pseudohyperkalemia is due to leakage of potassium out of cells
contained in a blood sample before it is analyzed. It occurs in two situ-
• Mechanical trauma during or after drawing blood can cause
destruction of RBCs, allowing potassium to leak out. Usually,
the presence of hemolysis (lysis of RBCs) is reported by the lab.
• Measurement of potassium after the sample has clotted in the
setting of leukocytosis or thrombocytosis can cause pseudohyper-
kalemia. Potassium moves out of white blood cells and platelets
during clotting. This is significant only when counts are elevated:
WBC > 100,000 or platelets > 400,000.
The first problem can be avoided by gentle venipuncture without a
tourniquet. The second problem can be avoided by drawing blood into a
heparinized tube (green top) in order to prevent the blood from clotting.
Patients with leukemia can have very high WBC counts and are at risk for pseudohy-
perkalemia. However,before assuming an elevated plasma potassium is due to the
white count, evaluate the patient for tumor lysis syndrome. Patients with high WBC
counts are also at risk for
spontaneoustumor lysis that occurs in the absence of
Leukocytosis can also cause pseudo hypokalemia. The mechanism of this phenom-
enon is reviewed in Chapter 18,
Hypokalemia, page 496.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Excretion of potassi-

um by the kidney is necessary to prevent hyperkalemia.


K K +


K + + K

The intracellular compartment compensates for acute increases in potas-

sium, but final correction depends on the excretion of potassium by the kid-
ney. All of the causes of hyperkalemia reviewed up to this point cause only
transient hyperkalemia which resolves when the kidney purges the excess
If a patient has persistent hyperkalemia, then there is a defect in the renal
excretion of potassium.

Persistent hyperkalemia indicates a __________ in the defect

___________ excretion of potassium. renal

While the ______________ compartment provides an immediate intracellular

buffer against changes in potassium, definitive correction re-
quires the ____________ of potassium by the kidney. excretion

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!There are three types

of problems which prevent the kidney from excreting potassium.

Renal failure Effective volume depletion Hypoaldosteronism



There are three types of problems which can impair the excretion of po-
tassium by the kidney:
• renal failure
• effective volume depletion
• hypoaldosteronism

___________ types of disorders can prevent the kidney from se- Three
creting potassium: ________ failure, effective circulating volume renal
depletion and _____________. hypoaldosteronism

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Renal failure!

Hyperkalemia in renal failure is due to an insufficient number of
functional nephrons.

+ K


Hyperkalemia is one of the most worrisome complications of renal fail-

ure. Increased plasma potassium is due to a loss of functional nephrons, not
a specific defect in potassium handling. In fact, each functional nephron
secretes more potassium than normal. The total reduction in functional neph-
rons, however, reduces the total amount of potassium that can be excreted.
If potassium intake exceeds excretion, hyperkalemia develops.
Hyperkalemia in renal failure is associated with advanced disease and is
one of the indications for initiating dialysis.

Hyperkalemia in renal failure is not due to a defect in potassi- tubular

um handling, but rather to a lack of functioning ________. nephrons

Hyperkalemia is an indication to start _______. dialysis

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Volume depletion!

Decreased effective volume impairs potassium excretion by re-
ducing distal flow.
Low effective circulating volume
stimulates sympathetic activity
and the renin-angiotensin II-al-
dosterone system. These sys-
tems reduce distal flow.

Sympathetic activity
reduces GFR by constricting
the afferent arterioles.
low flow

Na K

Low distal flow

Angiotensin II Na+
Na+ +
reduces K+ excretion,
increases Na+ resorption in +
even in the presence of
the proximal tubule.
K +

K aldosterone.

The excretion of potassium is flow-dependent. Increased distal flow in-

creases potassium excretion, while decreased flow reduces potassium excre-
tion. Decreased distal flow can limit potassium excretion even in the pres-
ence of aldosterone. (Aldosterone normally increases potassium excretion.)
Reduced distal flow is most commonly associated with effective volume
depletion which stimulates sympathetic activity and the renin-angiotensin
II-aldosterone system. Together, these systems reduce the delivery of so-
dium and water to the distal nephron. Sympathetic activity decreases GFR
by constricting the afferent arterioles, while angiotensin II increases the
resorption of sodium in the proximal tubule.
Effective volume depletion alone typically does not cause hyperkalemia,
but it can be a contributing factor.
As reviewed in Chapter 4,Volume Regulation, effective circulating volume is compromised
by blood loss, heart failure, liver failure, sequestration of plasma in a third space,
A-V fistu-
las and fluid loss (GI, skin or renal). fective
Ef circulating volume depletion can be associ-
ated with either hypovolemia or hypervolemia.

Effective volume depletion is associated with decreased ef

________ flow. distal

Sympathetic activity decreases _______ through constriction of GFR

the _________ arterioles of the glomerulus. afferent

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Hypoaldosteronism!

Hypoaldosteronism is due to three types of defects.



lack of adrenal stimulation inability to produce aldoster- impaired aldosterone action


Hypoaldosteronism is a general term indicating decreased aldosterone

activity regardless of cause. Defects in the stimulation, production and ac-
tion of aldosterone all cause hypoaldosteronism.
• Lack of adrenal stimulation is usually due to a lack of renin
(e.g., hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism) or a lack of angiotensin
II (e.g., ACE inhibitors).
• Inability to produce aldosterone can be due to either a spe-
cific enzyme deficiency (e.g., 21-hydroxylase) or generalized adre-
nal insufficiency (e.g., Addison’s disease).
• Impaired aldosterone action is usually due to potassium-spar-
ing diuretics which block the effect of aldosterone at the distal

Type 4 RTA is another disorder associated with hyperkalemia and hypoaldosteronism.

disorder is also associated with non-anion gap metabolic acidosis (see Chapter
anion Gap MetabolicAcidosis).

Hypoaldosteronism results in ___________ because it impairs hyperkalemia

___________ excretion in the distal nephron. potassium

Hypoaldosteronism is caused by _______ fundamental defects: three

• lack of ________ stimulation adrenal
• inability to ________ aldosterone produce
• impaired aldosterone ________ at the distal nephron action

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Hypoaldosteronism!

Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism is associated with diabetes
mellitus and renal insufficiency.



angiotensin I


angiotensin II

Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism is a poorly understood syndrome

which is associated with hypoaldosteronism and hyperkalemia. This disor-
der most commonly occurs in older patients with diabetes mellitus and mod-
erate renal insufficiency. A variety of disorders which cause renal insuffi-
ciency have been associated with hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism.
The syndrome is typically characterized by low renin levels which cause
hypoaldosteronism. Despite the name “hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism,”
some causes of this syndrome are associated with normal renin levels.
Hyperkalemia in this disorder is typically asymptomatic unless a second
defect in potassium excretion is also present.

One cause of decreased aldosterone activity is decreased aaa

____________ for aldosterone release. stimulation

Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism strikes older patients with

diabetes mellitus and moderate renal _____________. insufficiency

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Hypoaldosteronism!

Medications can affect the release of aldosterone form the adre-
nal gland.

Nonsteroidal anti-
RENIN inflammatory drugs

angiotensin I

ACE inhibitors
angiotensin II

Angiotensin II

Hypoaldosteronism caused by inadequate adrenal stimulation can also

be due to medications.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are analgesic medi-
cations which block prostaglandin synthesis. Since prostaglandins stimu-
late renin release, NSAIDs can cause hyperkalemia by inhibiting renin release.
ACE inhibitors are antihypertensive medications which prevent angio-
tensin I from being converted to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is an impor-
tant stimulus for the release of aldosterone. Most patients tolerate ACE
inhibitors with little change in potassium, but a few, especially those with
mild to moderate renal insufficiency, do develop hyperkalemia. The potas-
sium concentration returns to normal after stopping the medication.
Angiotensin II antagonists are antihypertensive medications which
interfere with the activity of angiotensin II at target organs. Inhibition of
activity at the adrenal gland reduces aldosterone production, resulting in
hyperkalemia in some patients.
Cyclosporine, an immunosuppressant, is used in patients with kidney
transplants and has been shown to decrease the release of aldosterone, caus-
ing mild hyperkalemia.
ACE inhibitors block the conversion of angiotensin __ to angiotensin__. I; II

___________ is an immunosuppressant. Cyclosporine

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Hypoaldosteronism!

Primary adrenal insufficiency results in an inability to produce al-
dosterone despite adequate stimulation.
Primary adrenal insufficiency Secondary adrenal insufficiency
adrenal gland destroyed adrenal gland intact

Angiotensin II

Aldosterone Aldosterone
Adrenal insufficiency refers to a lack of cortisol, a hormone produced in
the adrenal gland. Primary adrenal insufficiency is characterized by a lack
of both cortisol and aldosterone. In secondary adrenal insufficiency, only
cortisol secretion is impaired. Secondary adrenal insufficiency does not cause
Primary adrenal insufficiency, also known as Addison's disease, is
due to destruction of both adrenal glands. This can be caused by infections
(e.g., meningococcemia, HIV, TB), autoimmune diseases or coagulation dis-
orders (e.g., hemorrhage into the adrenal glands).
Secondary adrenal insufficiency is due to decreased ACTH release from a
defect in the anterior pituitary gland. In the adrenal gland, ACTH stimu-
lates the production of cortisol, but has little effect on the production of
aldosterone. Therefore, secondary adrenal insufficiency does not cause hy-
poaldosteronism and is not associated with hyperkalemia. In this disorder,
the intact adrenal gland can respond to the usual stimuli for aldosterone
release: effective volume depletion (angiotensin II) and hyperkalemia.

Adrenal insufficiency can be either _________ or secondary, but primary

only _________ adrenal insufficiency causes hypoaldosteronism. primary

In secondary adrenal insufficiency, __________ secretion from ACTH

the anterior __________ gland is deficient. pituitary

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Hypoaldosteronism!

21-hydroxylase deficiency causes an inability to produce mineral-
ocorticoids or glucocorticoids.

Pregnenolone Hydroxypregnenolone Dehydroepiandrosterone

Progesterone Hydroxyprogesterone Androstenedione

21-hydroxylase 21-hydroxylase

Deoxycorticosterone Deoxycortisol Other androgens

Corticosterone Cortisol Estrogens


While many of the causes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia cause hy-

pokalemia, one type, 21-hydroxylase deficiency, causes hyperkalemia.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is characterized by the inability of the
adrenal glands to produce cortisol. Without cortisol feedback, the pituitary
gland over-secretes ACTH. Increased ACTH stimulation of the adrenal glands
enhances production of the metabolites proximal to the enzymatic defect.
In 21-hydroxylase deficiency, the metabolite precursors are converted into
male sex hormones (androgens). In the female fetus, this causes ambiguous
genitalia. In the male, it causes increased muscle mass, deepened voice,
frequent erections and precocious puberty. One-third to two-thirds of pa-
tients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency have hypoaldosteronism. These pa-
tients are termed salt-wasters and are typically hyperkalemic.
21-hydroxylase deficiency is treated with cortisol replacement (to decrease
the ACTH stimulation for androgen synthesis) and fludrocortisone (Flori-
nef®) to provide mineralocorticoid activity.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is covered in more detail in ChapterHypokalemia
18, , page

Congenital adrenal _______________ is due to the inability of the adre- hyperplasia

nal gland to synthesize _______________. cortisol

Females with 21-hydroxylase deficiency have ____________ genitalia. ambiguous

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Etiologies!Decreased renal excretion!Hypoaldosteronism!

Potassium-sparing diuretics interfere with aldosterone action.


3 Na+ 2 K+
triamterene AMP
amiloride Cl–


The potassium-sparing diuretics interfere with the action of aldosterone

at the distal nephron. There are two classes of potassium-sparing diuretics.
Competitive inhibitors. Spironolactone is a competitive inhibi-
tor of aldosterone.
Sodium channel blockers. These medications inhibit sodium
resorption by antagonizing sodium channels in the distal neph-
ron. Without sodium resorption, the tubule does not become nega-
tively charged which decreases potassium secretion. Triamterene
and amiloride are commonly used diuretics which block sodium
As in the other causes of medication-induced hyperkalemia, these medi-
cations rarely cause significant hyperkalemia in the absence of renal insuf-

Other medications which have been associated with hyperkalemia include heparin (rare),
high-dose trimethoprim for
Pneumocystis cariniipneumonia (common) and pentamidine.

Potassium-sparing diuretics can interfere with the function of aaa

__________ in the distal nephron. aldosterone

_____________ is a competitive inhibitor of aldosterone. Spironolactone

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Symptoms and signs!Muscle weakness is a clinical conse-

quence of hyperkalemia.

Muscle contraction requires the coordinated electrical depolarization of

cells. Since it is the primary intracellular cation, potassium plays a central
role in muscle activation.
The muscle weakness associated with hyperkalemia typically begins in
the legs and ascends to the trunk, eventually affecting the arms. Hyper-
kalemia must be severe for muscle weakness to occur.

Muscle ___________ is a symptom of hyperkalemia. weakness

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Symptoms and signs!The cardiac effects of hyperkalemia are

the most worrisome.

potassium 5.0 mEq/L potassium 6.5 mEq/L

potassium 7.0 mEq/L potassium 8.0 mEq/L

The most feared consequence of hyperkalemia is altered cardiac conduc-

tion leading to ventricular fibrillation or asystole. As plasma potassium in-
creases, the EKG tracing changes morphology. The EKG changes reflect the
effect of potassium on myocardial contraction.
• Peaked T waves represent rapid repolarization of the ventricle
after contraction. These typically occur at potassium levels over 6
• Increased P-R interval represents slowed conduction through
the myocardium.
• Widening of the QRS complex represents delayed depolariza-
tion and activation of the ventricle. This typically occurs at potas-
sium concentrations of 8 mEq/L or greater.
• Loss of the P wave is due to loss of atrial contraction.
The most severe EKG change associated with hyperkalemia is the sinu-
soidal wave form (shown above with a potassium of 8 mEq/L). Patients with
this EKG change are at high risk for developing a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.

The EKG changes associated with hyperkalemia consist of: aaa

___________ T waves peaked
___________ P-R interval increased
___________ QRS complex widened
___________ P wave lost

In severe hyperkalemia, the EKG appears _________ . sinusoidal

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Confirm the potassium measurement and evaluate

for cardiac toxicity.

Na+ Cl–

Is it pseudohyperkalemia or is it real?


2What is the etiology?


and/or and/or

+ K

K +

increased intake movement out impaired renal

of cells excretion

After discovering hyperkalemia, the first step is to verify the measure-

ment and rule out pseudohyperkalemia. As discussed, pseudohyperkalemia
is an elevated potassium measurement caused by the movement of potas-
sium out of cells while in the test tube; it is associated with hemolysis, leu-
kocytosis and thrombocytosis. To prevent hemolysis, a blood sample should
be redrawn with gentle venipuncture without the use of a tourniquet. If the
WBC or platelet count is elevated, the blood should be drawn in a heparin-
ized tube (green top) which prevents the potassium release associated with
blood clotting. While waiting for the results, a 12-lead EKG should be done
to look for characteristic EKG changes.
If true hyperkalemia is confirmed, then the evaluation should proceed
realizing that more than one cause of hyperkalemia is likely to be present.

The first step in the diagnosis of hyperkalemia is to confirm true verifying

hyperkalemia by ____________ the lab. repeating

While waiting for the repeat lab, check a 12-lead _______. EKG

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Diagnosis!Consider medications, increased intake and redis-

tribution as possible causes. K +


Medications Increased intake Redistribution

Cardiac Oral Cell death
•!`-blockers • diet (rare) • massive trauma
• digoxin • oral K supplements • hypothermia
NSAIDs Intravenous • tumor lysis syndrome
Antihypertensives • old blood transfusions Metabolic acidosis
• ACE inhibitors • penicillin G Hyperglycemia
• angiotensin II antagonists • maintenance IVs Severe exercise
Cyclosporine • treatment of hypokalemia
K -sparing diuretics
• spironolactone
• triamterene
• amiloride
Trimethoprim (high doses)

The initial evaluation of a patient with hyperkalemia should begin with a

review of medications. Increased potassium intake and the causes of redis-
tribution hyperkalemia should also be evaluated.
Medications known to cause hyperkalemia are listed above. In many
cases, a patient may have mild hyperkalemia that worsens with the initia-
tion of one of these medications. Patients with renal insufficiency or diabe-
tes mellitus are prone to developing hyperkalemia from medications, par-
ticularly diuretics and antihypertensives.
In patients taking digoxin, the plasma level of this medication should be
Increased intake and redistribution hyperkalemia are easily evalu-
ated by the history (e.g., “did you just ingest three quarts of Everfresh®
orange juice?”), basic labs (e.g., glucose) and clinical picture (e.g., trauma,

Many medications are known to predispose to hyperkalemia, rare

including nonsteroidal anti-__________ drugs and potassium- anti-inflammatory
sparing diuretics.

Of the three categories listed in the picture, the list of

___________ is the longest. medications

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Diagnosis!Evaluate the patient for impaired renal potassium


Renal failure Effective volume depletion Hypoaldosteronism


• Hyporeninemic
• 21-hydroxylase
• Primary adrenal

Three major categories of defects can impair renal excretion of potassium.

Renal insufficiency or failure is easily diagnosed by an elevated BUN
and creatinine. Hyperkalemia can result from acute renal failure or an acute
fall in renal function in a patient with long standing renal insufficiency. In
chronic renal failure, patients with stable renal function can become hyper-
kalemic if an additional insult to potassium balance occurs (e.g., a new medi-
Effective volume depletion is unlikely to be the sole cause of hyper-
kalemia, but can be a contributing factor. The presence of effective volume
depletion should be clear from the history and physical exam; patients are
either hypo- or hypervolemic.
Hypoaldosteronism can be due to a lack of adrenal stimulation, lack of
aldosterone production or resistance of the distal nephron to aldosterone.
Since medications are responsible for most cases of adrenal insufficiency,
the list of the remaining disorders in this category is short. These disorders
are hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia from
21-hydroxylase deficiency and primary adrenal insufficiency.
The presence of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism or primary adrenal
insufficiency can be suggested by the clinical situation; for example, hypo-
reninemic hypoaldosteronism typically occurs in diabetics with renal insuf-
ficiency, and 21-hydroxylase deficiency is usually diagnosed in childhood.

The most common cause of _____________ is a decrease in renal hyperkalemia

__________ of potassium. excretion

Renal insufficiency can decrease the excretion of __________. potassium

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Treatment!The treatment of hyperkalemia follows the same pat-

tern the body does in handling potassium loads.

1 2 3
Stop all potassium intake. Compensation: promote the Correction: Remove potas-
shift of plasma potassium into sium from the body via the kid-
cells. ney, colon and/or dialysis.


K +


K +

The approach to the treatment of hyperkalemia is analogous to the pro-

cess that the body follows when faced with an acute potassium load.
After stopping all potassium intake, treatment consists of compensa-
tion (movement of potassium into cells) and correction (elimination of
potassium from the body).
In addition, calcium is a treatment which specifically suppresses cardiac
arrhythmias. If hyperkalemia is severe, IV calcium is the first medication
that should be given to the patient.

There are _________ main aspects of hyperkalemia therapy: three

stop ingestion, stimulate _____________ shifts and increase transcellular
___________ or _____________ excretion of potassium. renal; GI

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment !Compensation!Insulin, bicarbonate and albuterol

promote the movement of potassium into cells.
K+ insulin (with glucose)


alkalemia (bicarbonate)


`-agonist (albuterol nebulizer)

The compensatory treatment of hyperkalemia is the administration of

medications which stimulate the movement of potassium into cells. Three
different medications can be used for this purpose.
Insulin and glucose: 10 units of insulin and an ampule of D50
are given together, intravenously. Insulin promotes the entry of
potassium into cells by stimulating the action of the Na-K-ATPase
pump. Since insulin also causes the movement of glucose into
cells, glucose (D50) is given to prevent hypoglycemia. This insu-
lin dose lowers plasma potassium by 0.5 to 1.5 mEq/L. The effect
occurs in approximately one hour and lasts several hours.
Sodium bicarbonate: 50 mEq given intravenously over five min-
utes decreases plasma potassium by 0.5 to 1.5 mEq/L in as quickly
as 30 minutes. Bicarbonate causes alkalemia which induces the
intracellular exchange of potassium and hydrogen.
ß-2 adrenergic agents: albuterol by nebulizer can lower plasma
potassium within 30 minutes. Because ß-2 agonists are cardiac
stimulants which can predispose to cardiac arrhythmias, the use
of albuterol to treat hyperkalemia is questionable.

In the treatment of hyperkalemia, compensation is achieved through cells

the administration of __________ and glucose, bicarbonate and al- insulin
buterol by __________. nebulizer

Since one ampule of D50 is 50 mL, one ampule of D50 contains _____ 25
mg of glucose and _____ Calories (see pages 13 and 37). 88

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Treatment!Correction!To correct hyperkalemia, potassium

must be eliminated from the GI tract and/or the kidney.
With normal renal function, in- With impaired renal function,
creasing renal potassium ex- the colon is the best route to
cretion is an effective method promote potassium excre-
to correct hyperkalemia. tion.

Cation exchange resins increase

colonic potassium excretion.

Na+ Na+ K+
te te
Na+ Na+ Na+ K+ K+ Na+

rene sulfon

rene sulfon

Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ K+ Na+ Na+

Na+ Na+ Na+ K+ K+ Na+
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ K+ Na+


l Na+ Na+ Na+ l Na+ K+ Na+
po po
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

Na+ K+ Na+

K+ Na+ K+

Normally, hyperkalemia is corrected by eliminating potassium via the

kidney. Since most patients with hyperkalemia have renal insufficiency, the
corrective treatment of hyperkalemia focuses on eliminating potassium from
the body by other routes. Potassium can be eliminated through the GI tract
or by dialysis.
In the GI tract, cation exchange resins (Kayexalate® ) absorb 1 mEq of
potassium for every gram ingested. The oral dose is 20 grams with 100 mL
of 20% sorbitol. Sorbitol is given to prevent constipation. For patients who
cannot take anything by mouth, cation exchange resins can be given as an
enema. Side effects of the cation exchange resins include sodium retention,
hypokalemia, constipation and nausea.
Loop diuretics can be used to increase excretion of potassium if renal func-
tion is not impaired.

The mainstay of correcting hyperkalemia is getting the excess hyperkalemia

potassium out of the ________. body

The body normally excretes potassium through the __________. kidney

In the face of renal insufficiency, _________ exchange resins can cation

increase the __________ of potassium from the GI tract. excretion

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Treatment!Correction!Dialysis can be used when other meth-

ods of potassium correction fail.

Both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are effective at removing plasma

potassium and lowering its concentration. Hemodialysis is preferred because
it allows for a more rapid decrease in plasma potassium. Dialysis should be
used when the methods previously described fail to correct the potassium.

Both hemodialysis and _______________ dialysis are able to low- peritoneal

er plasma potassium concentration.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia

Treatment!Preventing arrhythmias!Calcium is specifically

used to stabilize cardiac membranes and prevent arrhythmias.


The administration of calcium is one of the most important aspects of

treating acute, severe hyperkalemia. If severe hyperkalemia is present (e.g.,
EKG changes, plasma potassium greater than 7.0 mEq/L), calcium should
be the first medication given to the patient. Calcium stabilizes cell mem-
branes and prevents hyperkalemia-induced arrhythmias.
Calcium is given intravenously as either calcium gluconate or calcium
chloride. Calcium chloride is the preferred form because it provides three
times as much calcium, but it can only be given through a central line. Cal-
cium gluconate can be given through a peripheral IV.

Calcium is used in the treatment of severe hyper-__________. kalemia

Calcium comes in two forms: calcium _________ and calcium gluconate

________. chloride

Calcium ________ can only be given through a central line. chloride

This is the _______ chapter in the book. last

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

Hyperkalemia is defined as a plasma potassium concentration greater
than 5 mEq/L. The body has a two-tiered defense against hyperkalemia:
compensation and correction. Compensation is the shifting of extracellu-
lar potassium into cells. Correction of hyperkalemia occurs through po-
tassium excretion by the kidney.

K +






Ingestion of a po- is initially compensated but correction requires

tassium load… with an intracellular shift… renal excretion.

Hyperkalemia can be due to increased intake, increased release from cells
or decreased renal excretion. Chronically elevated potassium levels are al-
ways due to impaired renal potassium excretion.

increased intake redistributive hyperkalemia decreased renal excretion


+ K

K +

Increased dietary or IV intake of potassium is a rare cause of hyperkale-

mia because the normal kidney readily excretes large potassium loads.
Sources of potassium include old blood transfusions, IV penicillin G and IV
The exit of potassium from cells can be caused by numerous factors.


• tumor lysis syndrome • acidemia

• trauma (crush injuries) • lack of insulin (DKA)
• hypothermia • hypertonic plasma (solute drag)
• severe exercise • beta-blockers
• pseudohyperkalemia • digoxin

Hyperkalemia is usually due to an inability of the kidney to excrete po-

tassium. A lack of potassium excretion is seen in three clinical situations:
renal failure, effective volume depletion and hypoaldosteronism.

S. Faubel and J. Topf 19 Hyperkalemia


In acute and chronic renal failure, there is no specific defect in potassium

excretion; in fact, each healthy nephron secretes more potassium than nor-
mal. In renal failure, the reduction in the total number of functional neph-
rons cripples the kidney’s ability to excrete potassium.
In order for the kidney to excrete potassium, sodium and water must be
delivered to the distal nephron. Decreased distal flow is seen with low effec-
tive circulating volume.
Aldosterone is the primary hormone in potassium regulation. Decreased
aldosterone activity decreases the renal excretion of potassium.
Hypoaldosteronism is caused by three fundamental processes: defective
adrenal stimulation, lack of aldosterone production and inhibition of aldos-
terone activity.
Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism is a condition found in elderly patients
with diabetes mellitus and renal insufficiency. Several medications can in-
terfere with adrenal stimulation: NSAIDs, ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin II
antagonists and cyclosporine.
Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) is due to the destruc-
tion of the adrenal glands. In primary adrenal insufficiency, both cortisol
and aldosterone cannot be produced. Secondary adrenal insufficiency (loss
of pituitary ACTH) does not cause hypoaldosteronism.


• meningococcemia • autoimmune destruction
• HIV • coagulation disorder
• MAC infiltration • tuberculosis
• CMV infection

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of disorders in which a genetic

defect prevents the synthesis of cortisol. In response, the pituitary increases
its excretion of ACTH, driving the overproduction of cortisol precursors. In
21-hydroxylase deficiency, synthesis of aldosterone is blocked.
Medicaitons which affect the ability of aldosterone to act at the distal
nephron include spironolactone (a competitive inhibitor of aldosterone) and
amiloride (a sodium channel blocker).
Determining the cause of hyperkalemia is done by carefully evaluating
the patient for all of the causes of hyperkalemia.

The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Companion

The primary effects of hyperkalemia are muscle weakness and distur-
bances of cardiac electrical conduction.

K+ 5.0 mEq/L K+ 6.5 mEq/L K+ 7.0mEq/L K+ 8.0 mEq/L

Treatment of hyperkalemia follows the pattern the body uses for han-
dling a potassium load: immediate treatment is by shifting potassium into
cells and final correction is by removing potassium from the body.
Calcium specifically suppresses cardiac arrhythmias and is the first medi-
cation that should be given to the patient if hyperkalemia is severe.


• stop all IVF with potassium • insulin and glucose • functional kidneys: furo-
• look for medications con- • bicarbonate semide
taining potassium • albuterol • kidney failure: cation ex-
• eliminate potassium from change resins
TPN and maintenance flu- • severe hyperkalemia: di-
ids alysis



0.45% saline – alkalosis

Numbers acid maltase deficiency adrenal insufficiency. See also

respiratory acidosis 412 Addison's disease
0.45% saline 40 acid-base adrenal crisis 142
0.9% NaCl 39. See also isotonic disorder casue of hyponatremia 141
saline evaluation 272 cause of hyperkalemia 559
treatment of diabetic ketoacido- metabolic acidosis.See false positive sweat chloride test
sis 347 metabolic acidosis 187
0.9% saline metabolic alkalosis.See primary vs secondary 559
proper use 159 metabolic alkalosis primary vs. secondary vs.
11 ß-hydroxylase primary 263 tertiary 141
inhibition by ketoconazole 514 respiratory acidosis.See adrenalectomy
11ß- hydroxysteroid dehydroge- respiratory acidosis treatment of adenoma 508
nase 509 respiratory alkalosis.See adult respiratory distress syndrome
11ß-hydroxylase deficiency 517 respiratory alkalosis 58, 420
14 gauge needle two disorders 274 afterload 85
treatment of pneumothorax 413 regulation 250 AIDS. See also HIV
17a-hydroxylase deficiency 516 The Chapter 249 cause of lactic acidosis 332
21-hydroxylase deficiency 560 acidemia 250 cause of SIADH 139
25% saline 38 acidosis albumin
3% saline 41 definition 250 gradient 61
treatment of hyponatremia 169 effect on potassium 474 plasma expander 43
hyperkalemia 548 relationship to calcium 255
A metabolic. See metabolic relationship to net filtration
A-a gradient. See alveolar-arterial acidosis pressure 57
gradient respiratory. See respiratory albuterol 472
ABC’s of first-aid 123 acidosis hypokalemia 494
abdominal bruit 518 ACTH treatment of asthma 435
abdominal pain diagnosis of excess mineralocor- alcohol dehydrogenase 358
in Addison's disease 141 ticoid activity 391 role in ethylene glycol toxicity
ABG. See arterial blood gas in SIADH 141 361
accessory muscles of respiration plasma level 512, 513 role in methanol toxicity 360
411 acute demyelinating alcohol withdrawal
ACE. See angiotensin converting polyneuropathy . See Guillain causing hypokalemia 494
enzyme Barré syndrome alcoholic ketoacidosis 340
ACE inhibitor 73 acute tubular necrosis alcoholism
complication 518 urinary concentrating ability191 cause of hypokalemia 488
diabetes mellitus 73 acute-on-chronic respiratory aldosterone 77, 479
in CHF 85 acidosis 430 dependence on distal flow 500
in hyperkalemia 558 Addison's disease 559.See also low levels 556
myocardial infarction 73 adrenal insufficiency primary hyperaldosteronism 506
acetaminophen ADH. See antidiuretic hormone role in potassium regulation 479
molecular weight 18 adjusted weight 4 role in volume regulation 76
acetate adrenal crisis 142 stimulation by angiotensin II 75
cause of metabolic alkalosis adrenal gland stimuli for release 78
370 adenoma 506 aldosterone : renin ratio 507
acetazolamide 129 carcinoma 506 alkalemia 250
cause of proximal RTA 310 destruction inAddison's disease alkalosis
acetoacetate 335 141 causing hypokalemia 492
acetone 335 hyperplasia 184, 506 definition 250
acetylsalicylic acid 353 source of aldosterone 76 effect on potassium 474
target for angiotensin II 75

allopurinol – banana

effect on pulmonary blood flow 445 443, 448

459 Fanconi’s 309 apnea of prematurity 407
metabolic. See metabolic iron deficiency from clay 489 appropriateADH release 123
alkalosis megaloblastic 491 ARDS. See adult respiratory
respiratory. See respiratory sickle cell 238 distress syndrome
alkalosis anesthetic arginine vasopressin 102.See
allopurinol respiratory acidosis 407 also antidiuretic hormone
treatment of tumor lysis angiotensin converting enzyme 72 arrhythmias
syndrome 547 levels 73 hyperkalemia 563
alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency 420 angiotensin I 72 hypocalcemia 364,547
ALS. See amyotrophic lateral angiotensin II hypokalemia 528
sclerosis deficiency in hypoaldosteronism metabolic acidosis 362
alveolar minute ventilation 402 558 prevention with calcium 571
alveolar-arterial gradient role in volume regulation 75 respiratory alkalosis 457
calculation 418 angiotensin II antagonists arterial blood gas 272
in evaluation of respiratory in hyperkalemia 558 in A-a gradient 418
acidosis 434 anion 20 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344
use in respiratory alkalosis 460 anion gap in respiratory acidosis 434
alveoli definition 21 respiratory alkalosis 461
role in respiration 417 plasma 281 asbestos
amenorrhea, primary urine 302, 321 interstitial lung disease 420
congenital adrenal hyperplasia anion gap metabolic acidosis ascites 55
516 complications 362 definition 61
amiloride 129, 561. See also mechanism 326 evaluation by albumin gradient
potassium sparing diuretics plum seeds 327 61
cause of distal RTA 313 The Chapter 325 aspiration pneumonia 415
aminoglycoside treatment 363 aspirin 353
respiratory acidosis 412 ankylosing spondylitis cause of hyperventilation 443
amiodarone interstitial lung disease 420 free vs. bound 354
cause of hypothyroidism 140 anorexia nervosa molecular weight 359
interstitial lung disease 420 hypokalemia 488 treatment of overdose 356
amitriptyline ANP. See atrial natriuretic peptide assist control
cause of SIADH 139 anticholinergic drugs181 ventilator setting 450
ammonia 301 antidiuretic hormone 99,226 asthma 415, 472
amphotericin B arginine vasopressin 102 cause of SIADH 139
cause of distal RTA 315 coagulation factors 227 definition 416
hypokalemia 521 effect on collecting tubule 104 respiratory alkalosis vs. acidosis
ampule 37 in water restriction test 243 416
ampulla of Vater 289 production 102 treatment 435
amylase role in hyponatremia 121 atelectasis 420
in diabetic ketoacidosis 344 role in osmoregulation 94 cause of SIADH 139
amyloidosis role in volume regulation 80 ATP 329
cause ofAddison's disease 141 stimuli for release 103,226 atrial natriuretic peptide 81
cause of Fanconi's syndrome antifreeze 361. See also ethylene Avogadro’s number 10
309 glycol AZT 332
interstitial lung disease 420 antipsychotic medications
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cause of SIADH 139 B
respiratory acidosis 407 effect on thirst 222 B-12 475
anemia antithrombin III 131 banana
cause of lactic acidosis 331 anxiety potassium content 488
cause of respiratory alkalosis cause of respiratory alkalosis

baroreceptor – catecholamine

baroreceptor hypotension.See hypotension C

dyspnea 447 in evaluation of excess mineralo-
relationship to osmoreceptor 69 corticoid activity 390 C3PO 431
Bartter’s syndrome 501 relationship to plasma volume cadmium
causing metabolic alkalosis 381 70 cause of Fanconi's syndrome
Bayer aspirin 353 blood transfusion 309
Becker’s muscular dystrophy 412 cause of metabolic alkalosis caffeine 407
bed-wetters 244 370 cagey clinician
benzodiazepines plasma expander 43 early signs of sepsis 443
respiratory acidosis 407 potassium content 544 calcitriol 307
beta-2 receptors body surface area 45 calcium
effect on Na-K-ATPase activity body water compartments absorption 307
494 intracellular vs. extracellular 5 content in lactated Ringer's 42
beta-agonists.See also albuterol relative sizes 6 evaluation of polydipsia 239
potassium regulation 472 body weight free vs. ionized 255
treatment of hyperkalemia 568 adjusted weight 4 generation of metabolic alkalosis
beta-blocker 472 hypothalamic regulation 91 381
hyperkalemia 550 ideal weight 4 hypercalcemia. See hypercalce-
in CHF 85 to calculate IVF 44 mia
ß-hydroxybutyrate 335 bone hypocalcemia.See also
hypokalemia 519 buffer 256 hypocalcemia
bicarbonate destruction in chronic renal treatment of aminoglycoside
buffer 256, 259 failure 351 toxicity 412
from lactate 42 destruction with distalTAR 316 treatment of hyperkalemia 571
handling in distal nephron 299 BOOP. See bronchiolitis obliterans calcium channel
handling in proximal tubule 298 organizing pneumonia role in periodic paralysis 495
in lactated Ringer's 42 botulinus toxin 412 caloric expenditure method
in renal failure 351 breast cancer IVF calculation 44
measurement on chem-7 272 cause of tumor lysis syndrome captopril 73
potassium content of oral 547 carbamazepine
solutions 543 breath holding 448 cause of SIADH 139
bicarbonate therapy brine, salty 105 carbenicillin
cause of intracellular acidosis bronchiolitis obliterans organizing causing metabolic alkalosis 381
364 pneumonia 420 carbon dioxide 259
cause of metabolic alkalosis bronchoconstriction 416,472 daily production 400
371 brown paper bag narcosis 431
cause of respiratory alkalosis treatment of hyperventilation regulation of respiration 406
453 462 relationship to minute volume
in aspirin toxicity 356 buffalo hump 511 402
in distal RTA 316 buffering 256 role in respiratory acidosis 400
in hyperkalemia 568 by bone in chronic renal failure role in respiratory alkalosis 440
in metabolic acidosis 363 351 total on the chem-7 272
in proximal RTA 311 in respiratory acidosis 424 carbon monoxide poisoning 331
bile in respiratory alkalosis 452 carbonic anhydrase 259
electrolyte composition 289 bulbar palsy 155 action in proximal tubule 298
biochemistry bumetanide 129 role in proximal R
TA 310
waste of time 328 BUN. See urea cardiac output 67
blood pressure 67.See also Burkitt’s lymphoma carotid bodies 405
hypotension cause of tumor lysis syndrome catecholamine
as part of effective circulating 547 cause of hypokalemia 494
volume 64

cation – cortisol

decreased response with intake and metabolic alkalosis combined acid-base

acidosis 362 381 disorders. See mixed acid-
cation 20 molecular weight 38 base disorders
cation exchange resin.See also urine concentration 388 compensation 264
Kayexalate® chloride exchange resin metabolic acidosis 284
treatment of hyperkalemia 569 cause of non-anion gap metabolic alkalosis 392
cell destruction metabolic acidosis 293 renal 268
effect on potassium 475 cholestyramine 293 respiratory 266
cell membrane 5 chlorpropamide respiratory acidosis
permeability 29 cause of SIADH 139 acute 425
central diabetes insipidus 231 cholera 190 chronic 428
diagnosis 240 hypokalemia 497 respiratory alkalosis
treatment 244 cholestyramine acute 453
central hypoventilation 443 cause of non-anion gap chronic 455
central lines metabolic acidosis 293 compulsive water drinking.See
potassium repletion 534 chronic bronchitis 415,422 psychogenic polydipsia
central pontine myelinolysis 154 chronic obstructive pulmonary concentration of urine 228
central sleep apnea 409 disease 415, 422 mechanism 101
cerebral adaptation effect on steps of respiration conducting airways 403
in hypernatremia 207 421 confusion. See third-year medical
in hyponatremia 152 signs and symptoms 432 student
cerebral blood flow chronic respiratory acidosis 426 congenital adrenal hyperplasia
regulation 458 compensation 426 515
cerebral dehydration hypoxia 408 11ß-hydroxylase 517
in hypernatremia 206 cimetidine 17_-hydroxylase deficiency 516
in nonketotic hyperosmolar interaction with metformin 333 21-hydroxylase deficiency 560
syndrome 348 cirrhosis.See also liver disease cause of hyperkalemia 560
cerebral edema cause of increased hydrostatic cause of hypokalemia 515
from hyponatremia 151 pressure 55 diagnosis 391
from treatment of diabetic causing hyponatremia 130 congenital hypothyroidism 140
ketoacidosis 346 cisplatin congenital nephrogenic diabetes
from treatment of hypernatremia cause of Fanconi's syndrome insipidus 235
208 309 congestive heart failure 55,56
treatment with mannitol 196 citrate cause of hyponatremia 130
CF. See cystic fibrosis cause of metabolic alkalosis cause of respiratory alkalosis
chem-7 272 370 445
in acid-base evaluation 272 role in stone formation formation of edema 84
in diabetic ketoacidosis 344 307, 316 from DDAVP 227
in respiratory acidosis 434 classic distal R
TA 314 treatment 73, 85
in respiratory alkalosis 461 Clostridium botulinum 412 conscious hyperventilation 448
chemotherapy collecting tubule contraction alkalosis 373
cause of proximal TRA 308 effect of mineralocorticoids 503 COPD. See chronic obstructive
hyperkalemia 475, 546 effect of potassium sparing pulmonary disease
CHF. See congestive heart failure diuretics 129 cor pulmonale 432
child abuse response toADH corrected bicarbonate 285
salt ingestion 182 101, 104, 228 corticotropin-releasing hormone
chloride role in potassium regulation 476 141
deficiency and metabolic role in volume regulation 65 cortisol 337, 509
alkalosis 385 colligative properties 15 adrenal insufficiency 141
in respiratory acidosis 427 colon cancer 291 counter-regulatory hormone 337
in respiratory alkalosis 461 colonic villous adenoma 374 Cushing's syndrome 510

cortisone – Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy

in dexamethasone suppression dead space 402 definition 290

test 512 anatomic vs alveolar 403 hypernatremia 188
cortisone 509 deicing solutions 358.See also hypokalemia 497
cosyntropin stimulation test 142 methanol infants 192
cough delirium tremens metabolic alkalosis 374
side effect ofACE inhibitor 73 causing hypokalemia 494 non-anion gap metabolic
counter-regulatory hormones 337 6F508 187 acidosis 290
CPM. See central pontine delta-delta 285 osmotic 188
myelinolysis demeclocycline 166 secretory 190
creatinine 100 nephrogenic diabetes insipidus stool osmolar gap 189
in renal artery stenosis 518 234 diffusion defect
renal function 100 deoxycorticosterone 516 respiratory acidosis 417
cretinism 140 depolarizing agent 412 digoxin
Crohn’s disease 291 dexamethasone 142 hyperkalemia 550
croup 415, 438 suppression test 512 dilution of urine 96
crush injuries dexamethasone suppression test minimum urinary concentration
hyperkalemia 546 high dose 513 116
Cushing’s disease low dose 512 distal flow 499
definition 510 dextrose potassium secretion 481
Cushing’s syndrome concentration in IVF 35 relationship with aldosterone
definition 510 relationship to glucose 34 500
diagnosis 391, 513 solutions 34 role in hyperkalemia 555
mechanism 509 use 37 distal nephron.See collecting
cyanide 332 diabetes insipidus tubule; distal convoluted
cyclophosphamide cause of hypokalemia 521 tubule
cause of SIADH 139 central 231 distal RTA 312
cyclosporine central and nephrogenic 230 complications 316
in hyperkalemia 558 definition 197, 225 diagnosis 319
cysteine due to hypokalemia 529 hyperkalemia 313
daily acid load 296 generation of hypernatremia hypokalemia 521
cystic fibrosis 187 193 voltage-dependent 313
cystinosis 308 nephrogenic 234 distal tubule
cause of Fanconi's syndrome diabetes mellitus effect of thiazide diuretics 128
309 cause of nephrotic syndrome role in diluting urine 96
131 role in formation of dilute urine
D definition 35 96
due to CF 187 diuretics 129
D-lactic acidosis 334
hyporeninemic hypoaldoster- cause of metabolic alkalosis
daily acid load 296
onism 557 379
in renal failure 351
metformin 333 hyponatremia 126
in RTA 296
role ofACE inhibitors 73 in CHF 85
daily solute load 100,116
diabetic ketoacidosis 342 in the treatment of NDI 245
and diabetes insipidus 225
hyperkalemia 549 sudden cardiac death 494
treatment of SIADH 166
hypokalemia 493, 519 divalent ions 19
DDAVP 241. See also antidiuretic
lab findings 344 DKA. See diabetic ketoacidosis
signs and symptoms 343 donuts 10
and coagulation factors 227
treatment 347 dopamine
chronic bed-wetters 244
diaphragm 411 use with acidemia 362
side effects 227
paralysis 407 Dreser, Hermann 353
treatment of central diabetes
diarrhea Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
insipidus 244
congenital chloride 374 412

earthquakes – glycogen

E exudate 59 G
earthquakes 252 F galactosemia
edema, peripheral cause of Fanconi's syndrome
causes 55 factor VIII 227 309
edema, peripheral familial periodic paralysis 495 gallbladder 289
formation 83 Fanconi’s garbage mashers 431
effective circulating volume anemia vs. syndrome 309 gas exchange
definition 64 fasting state 337 step 4 in respiration 417
role in hyperkalemia 555 fat 4 gentamicin
role in hyponatremia 123 effect of insulin 336 respiratory acidosis 412
role in metabolic alkalosis 384 glucose uptake 333 geriatric population
effective plasma osmolality 120 role in ketoacidosis 366 hypokalemia 488
effusion, pleural 59 role in starvation 339 predisposition to hypernatremia
EKG changes fed state 336 200
with hyperkalemia 563 fetal breathing 407 total body water 3
with hypokalemia 528 fever 91 GI fluid loss.See also
elderly. See geriatric population cause of hyperventilation 443 diarrhea; vomitting
electrolyte 8 effect on insensible water loss contraction alkalosis 374
electrolyte panel 272.See also 44 hypernatremia 188
chem-7 filtration pressure, net 53 hypokalemia 497
electroneutrality 20,474 first order kinetics 354 hyponatremia 126
elliptocytosis fistula metabolic acidosis 289
cause of distal RTA 314 casue of non-anion gap metabolic alkalosis 374
emphysema 422 metabolic acidosis 291 Gitelman’s syndrome 501
cause of hypokalemia 497
respiratory acidosis 415,420 glaucoma
flail chest 412
enalapril 73 treatment with acetazolamide
fludrocortisone 560
encephalitis 310
fluid restriction
cause of SIADH 139 glucagon 336, 337
treatment of hyponatremia 164 gluconeogenesis 329
enterohepatic circulation 293
enteropathies, protein losing starvation 339
cause of SIADH 139
cause of edema 57 glucose
folic acid 475
enuresis 244 cause of pseudohyponatremia
epiglottitis 113
delayed closure 140
respiratory acidosis 415 concentration in IVF 35
formaldehyde 358
equivalent 19 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344
formic acid 358
ethanol in nonketotic hyperosmolar
fraction of oxygen
molecular weight 18 syndrome 348
ventilator setting 450
respiratory acidosis 407 molecular weight 11
fractional excretion of bicarbonate
treatment for methanol ingestion relationship to dextrose 34
360 use as primary fuel 336
free flow
ethylene glycol 361 glucosuria.See also hyperglyce-
step 3 in respiration 414
cause of lactic acidosis 332 mia
fresh frozen plasma 43
molecular weight 361 osmotic diuresis 195
front porch 433
eukalemia specific gravity 106
furosemide 129. See also loop
definition 468 glue sniffing. See also toluene
excess mineralocorticoid complications 519
in the treatment of hyponatremia glycerol 339
activity. See mineralocorti-
coid activity glycogen
treatment of CHF 56
extracellular compartment 5 glycogenolysis 339
solutes 29 role in starvation 339

glycogen storage diseases – hypertension

glycogen storage diseases hemorrhagic cystitis 139 compensation vs correction 541

cause of Fanconi's syndrome Henderson-Hasselbalch equation decreased renal excretion 552
309 261 definition 468, 540
respiratory acidosis 412 heparin diagnosis 564
glycolic acid 361 cause of hyperkalemia 561 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344
glycolysis 329 herniation, cerebral mechanism 542
glycyrrhetinic acid 196, 458. See also cerebral oral intake 543
cause of edema renal tubular acidosis 317
pseudohyperaldosteronism hetastarch signs and symptoms 562
509 plasma expander 43 The Chapter 539
Goodpasture’s syndrome high altitude residence 445 treatment 567
cause of nephrotic syndrome hippurate 349, 519 voltage-dependent distal TA
131 HIV. See also AIDS 313
gram negative sepsis cause ofAddison's disease 141 hyperlipidemia
cause of respiratory alkalosis cause of SIADH 139 cause of pseudohyponatremia
443 Hoffman, Felix 353 112
grams percent 13 Holiday-Segar method 44 hypermagnesemia
green top tube 551 hydrochlorothiazide 129.See also respiratory acidosis 412
grey clay 489 thiazide hypernatremia
growth hormone 337 hydrocortisone 142 definition 178
Guillain-Barré syndrome hydrogen ion diagnosis of generation 203
cause of SIADH 139 concentration compatible with diagnosis of maintenance 205
respiratory acidosis 407 life 251 excess mineralocorticoid activity
effect on free calcium 255 183
H free vs. bound 254 generation 181
normal concentration 253 generation vs. maintenance 180
Haemophillus influenza
sponges 256 in infants 192
in epiglottitis 415
hydrostatic pressure 50 maintenance 198
definition 26 rate of correction 213
cause of SIADH 139
net 51 relationship to hyperosmolality
Hashimoto thyroiditis 140
– hyperaldosteronism 178
HCO3 . See bicarbonate
hypernatremia 183 signs and symptoms 206
heart rate
component of cardiac output 67 hypokalemia 506 The Chapter 177
primary 506 treatment 209
hematocrit 7
pseudohyperaldosteronism 509 hyperosmolality
in chronic bronchitis 422
renovascular hypertension 518 causing polydipsia 220
in evaluation of respiratory
hypercalcemia. See also calcium consequences 89
alkalosis 460
causing metabolic alkalosis 381 in diabetic ketoacidosis 346
causing polyuria 237 relationship with hypernatremia
as cause of hypernatremia 182
hypercarbia 400 179
aspirin toxicity 357
hypercholesterolemia hyperphosphatemia
ethylene glycol toxicity 361
nephrotic syndrome 131 from tumor lysis syndrome 547
hyperkalemia 570
hypergammaglobulinemia hyperproteinemia
methanol toxicity 360
cause of distal RTA 314 cause of pseudohyponatremia
tumor lysis syndrome 547
hyperglycemia.See also glucose 112
cause of osmotic diuresis 195 hyperreninism 518
intracellular buf
fer 256, 452
cause of pseudohyponatremia diagnosis 391
sickle cell 238
113 hypertension
in sick infants 192 due to sleep apnea 409
pseudohyperkalemia 551
with diabetic ketoacidosis 342 in congenital adrenal hyperpla-
hemophilia 227
hyperkalemia sia 516

hypertonic saline – hypoxia

in Cushing's syndrome 51 1 symptoms 337 412

in primary hyperaldosteronism treatment 37 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344
506 hypokalemia in respiratory alkalosis 461
in renal artery stenosis 518 ammoniagenesis 525 hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
not a cause of edema 55 cause of metabolic alkalosis 557
portal 61 374 hypotension
pseudohyperaldosteronism 509 cause of polyuria 237,529 cause of respiratory alkalosis
pulmonary 432 caused by medications 523 445
in newborn 459 definition 468,486 in adrenal crisis 142
role in diagnosis of metabolic diagnosis by flow chart 524 in diabetic ketoacidosis 343
alkalosis 390 effect on urinary ammonia 320 in severe acidosis 362
side effect ofADH 227 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344 hypothalamic
treatment withACE inhibitor 73 in distal RTA 314 adipsia 201
treatment with beta-blockers in proximal RTA 306 dysfunction in hypernatremia
472 maintenance of metabolic 201
treatment with thiazides 129 alkalosis 385 hypothalamus 91
hypertonic saline 41 respiratory acidosis 412 production ofADH 102
cause of hypernatremia 182 signs and symptoms 525 role inAddison's disease 141
treatment of hyponatremia 169 The Chapter 485 role in osmoregulation 90
hyperuricemia treatment 530 hypothermia
from tumor lysis syndrome 547 causing hyperkalemia 544 hyperkalemia 546
hyperventilation 441 rate 535 hypothyroidism
conscious control 448 total body deficit 531 hyponatremia 140
effect on caloric consumption hypomagnesemia 308 respiratory acidosis 407
44 cause of metabolic alkalosis hypotonic saline 40
in metabolic acidosis 284 381 hypoventilation.See also
mechanical, in metabolic in Gitelman's syndrome 501 respiratory acidosis
acidosis 363 in hypokalemia 530 definition 401
treatment 462 hyponatremia metabolic alkalosis 392
hypervolemia 82 acute vs. chronic 153 hypovolemia
signs and symptoms 147 cerebral compensation 152 effect on urine pH 320
hypoalbuminemia 57 definition 10 in hyperkalemia 555
nephrotic syndrome 131 from nephrotic syndrome 131 in hyponatremia 126
hypoaldosteronism 556 hypovolemic 126 in hyponatremia vs. hypernatre-
adrenal insufficiency 559 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344 mia 127
hyperkalemia 556 in renal failure 19 in metabolic alkalosis 373
hyporeninemic 557 relationship with hypoosmolality maintenance of metabolic
renal tubular acidosis 317 110 alkalosis 384
hypocalcemia signs and symptoms 151 signs and symptoms 147
cause of proximal TRA 308 The Diagnosis andTreatment treatment 159
complication of proximalTA R Chapter 145 use of the term in this book 64
307 The Pathophysiology Chapter hypoxia
from tumor lysis syndrome 547 109 cause of lactic acidosis 331
in the presence of acidemia 255 treatment 156 cause of respiratory alkalosis
relationship to pH 255 hypoosmolality 445
hypocapnia 440 consequences 89 control of respiration 406
hypoglycemia relationship with hyponatremia in chronic respiratory acidosis
alcoholic ketosis 340 110 408
role in starvation 339 hypoparathyroidism 308 in metabolic alkalosis 392
symptom of adrenal insufficiency hypophosphatemia 412
142 cause of respiratory acidosis

I:E ratio – lithium

I compartment 5 kidney stones 316

solutes 29 KingArthur 489
I:E ratio. See inspiratory:expiratory intracranial pressure 458 Krebs cycle 329
ratio intravenous fluids 32.See also Kussmaul respirations 343
iatrogenic 181 dextrose kyphoscoliosis 412
ideal TBW, calculation 212 solutions;maintenance
ideal weight 4 IV; saline solutions L
ifosfamide 308 intravenous potassium 534
IL-1 91 lactate
inverse ratio
immunoglobulin in IV fluids 42
ventilator setting 450
cause of pseudohyponatremia ion trapping 356 relationship with bicarbonate 42
112 lactated Ringer’s 42
isoniazid 332
ineffective osmole 120 cause of metabolic alkalosis
isotonic saline 39
infection 58 370
proper use 159
botulism 412 lactic acidosis
treatment of diabetic ketoacido-
cause of fistulas 291 cause of metabolic acidosis 330
sis 347
cause of hypernatremia 186 cause of metabolic alkalosis
cause of pleural effusion 60 J 371
cause of SIADH 138 contraindication for lactated
CNS, cause of diabetes juxtaglomerular apparatus 72,518 Ringer 42
insipidus 231 dextro- 334
K due to aspirin 355
trigger for DKA 342
urinary tract 221,320 Ka 257 effect on potassium 474
inferior petrosal sinus sampling bicarbonate 260 mechanism 330
513 kaluresis type A 331
type B 332
insensible fluid loss definition 468
lactose intolerance 191
generation of hypernatremia Kayexalate®. See also cation
large intestine
186 exchange resin
electrolyte composition of
inspiratory:expiratory ratio treatment of hyperkalemia 569
secretions 289
ventilator setting 450 treatment of RTA 318
laryngomalacia 415,438
insulin ketoacidosis
laryngotracheobronchitis 415
effects 336, 337 alcoholic 340
laxative 191
hypokalemia 493 cause of metabolic acidosis 335
abuse 148
potassium regulation 473 cause of metabolic alkalosis
lead toxicity
treatment of DKA 347 371
cause of Fanconi's syndrome
treatment of hyperkalemia 568 diabetic 342
intercalated cell 504 due to aspirin 355
aldosterone activity 77 effect on potassium 474
pseudohyperkalemia 551
role in hydrogen secretion 300 starvation 339
pseudohypokalemia 496
intern treatment with glucose 341
tumor lysis syndrome 547
overaggressive 154 treatment with insulin 347
overeager 208 ketoconazole
pseudohyperaldosteronism 509
interstitial compartment 5 treatment of Cushing's syn-
interstitial lung disease 420 drome 514
pseudohyponatremia 12 1
intestine ketones 335
lisinopril 73
electrolyte composition of kidney
secretions 289 role in acid-base compensation
cause of distal RTA 314
intracellular 265
cause of hypothyroidism 140
acidosis, complication of role in osmoregulation 96,101
cause of nephrogenic diabetes
bicarbonate therapy 364 role in potassium regulation 476
insipidus 234
buffers 452 role in volume regulation 65

liver – mixed acid-base disorders

liver malignant hypertension 518 treatment 363

electrolyte composition of malignant hyperthermia treatment causing respiratory
secretions 289 relationship with periodic alkalosis 444
liver disease.See cirrhosis paralysis 495 metabolic alkalosis
ascites 57 malnutrition definition 368
cause of hyperventilation 443alcoholic ketoacidosis 340 diagnosis 387
cause of hypoalbuminemia 57 cause of edema 57 generation 370
cause of hyponatremia 130 cause of thiamine deficiency maintenance 382
effective circulating volume 70 332 mixed acid-base disorders 394
nitroprusside toxicity 332 hypokalemia 488 The Chapter 367
logarithmic scale 252 in CF 187 metformin 333
loop diuretics 129 predisposition to CPM 155 methanol
cause of hyponatremia 128 mannitol ingestion 332, 358
cause of metabolic alkalosis as a diuretic 129 molecular weight 359
379 cause of osmotic diuresis 196 treatment 360
cause of polyuria 237 cause of pseudohyponatremia methionine
treatment of hyperkalemia 569 113 daily acid load 296
treatment of hypoaldosteronism
treatment of cerebral edema metolazone 129
RTA 318 196 Microbiology Companion 412
loop of Henle Mantra, The 262 milk-alkali syndrome 381
Bartter's syndrome 501 maximum daily urine volume161 milligrams per deciliter 12
function 101, 228, 237 mechanical ventilation 449 conversion to mmol/L 17
role in concentrating urine 105
cause of metabolic alkalosis millimole 10
role in dilute urine 96 380 millimoles per liter 12
Lou Gerig’s Disease 407 cause of respiratory alkalosis mineralocorticoid
Lp 52 449 mechanism of action 503
lung cancer in metabolic acidosis 363 mineralocorticoid activity
, excess
cause of SIADH 139 in respiratory acidosis 435 503
cause of tumor lysis syndrome
meconium ileus 187 cause of hypernatremia 183
547 medullary interstitium 105 cause of hypokalemia 502
lupus megaloblastic anemia 475 cause of metabolic alkalosis
cause of distal RTA 313, 314
membrane characteristics 50 377
lymphatic fluid 5 mental status changes diagnosis 391, 512, 524
lymphatic system 54 role in maintenance of hyper- maintaining metabolic alkalosis
obstruction leading to edema 83 natremia 200 383
mercury poisoning of cortisol 509
M cause of Fanconi's syndrome minimum daily urine volume
309 in diabetes insipidus 229
magnesium. See also hyperma-
mesenteric ischemia minimum urinary concentration
gnesemia; hypomagnesemia
cause of lactic acidosis 331 116, 163
importance in treatment of
metabolic acidosis 263 treatment of SIADH 166
hypokalemia 530
compensation 284 minute ventilation 402
molecular weight 11
complications 362 mirthless laughter, spasmodic 155
maintenance IV 40
definition 278 mitochondria 329
calculating amount 44
due to renal failure vs. TRA 350 mitral valve disease
cause of hyperkalemia 544
mechanism 279 cause of respiratory alkalosis
mixed acid-base disorders 285 447
cause of membrane damage
The Anion Gap Chapter 325 mixed acid-base disorders
and edema 58
The Introduction Chapter 277 with metabolic acidosis 285
exudative pleural ef
fusion 60
The Non-Anion Gap Chapter with metabolic alkalosis 395
predisposition to CPM 155
287 with respiratory acidosis 429

mixed sleep apnea – panic attacks

with respiratory alkalosis 456 nephrotic syndrome 131 consequences of disregulation

mixed sleep apnea 409 cause of edema 57 89
mode cause of Fanconi's syndrome methods of control 92
ventilator setting 450 309 normal for plasma 88
mole 10 net filtration pressure 53 of dextrose solutions 34
molecular weight 11 nitroprusside 332 of saline solutions 38
moon facies 511 non-anion gap metabolic acidosis urine 106
morphine diagnosis 285, 319 osmolar gap 18
treatment of CHF 56 diagnostic algorithm 320 methanol toxicity 359
MRI mechanism 288 stool 189
in diagnosis of CPM 155 The Chapter 287 osmolytes 152
multiple myeloma nonelectrolytes 8 osmoreceptor 90
cause of distal RTA 314 nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome osmoregulation 123
cause of proximal R TA 308 348 definition 88
cause of pseudohyponatremia nonosmotic release of ADH The Chapter 87
112 103, 123 osmotic cerebral demyelinating
multiple sclerosis nonresorbable anions syndrome. See central
cause of SIADH 139 effect on potassium secretion pontine myelinolysis
muscles and motion 482 osmotic diarrhea 188,191
step 2 in respiration 410 hypokalemia 519 osmotic diuresis 194,224
myasthenia gravis nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory generation of hypernatremia
respiratory acidosis 412 drugs 193
myoglobinuria 527 in hyperkalemia 558 in diabetic ketoacidosis 345
norepinephrine 337 osmotic pressure 28,50
N use with acidemia 362 colligative property 15
normal saline.See isotonic saline net 51
Na-K-2Cl ATPase pump 237, 529
NSAID. See nonsteroidal anti- ovarian cancer
Na-K-ATPase pump 29
inflammatory drugs cause of tumor lysis syndrome
role in potassium regulation 471
NAD 329 O oxalic acid 361
nanomole 251
oxidative phosphorylation
narcotics oat cell carcinoma
definition 329
respiratory acidosis 407 cause of SIADH 139
oxygen 405. See also hypoxia
nasogastric suction obesity hypoventilation syndrome
causing respiratory arrest 408
cause of hypokalemia 520 407
ventilator setting 450
cause of metabolic alkalosis obstructive sleep apnea 409
375 obstructive uropathy
cause of SIADH 139
nausea cause of distal RTA 313
cause of SIADH 139 odor P
negative log 252 fruity 343
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus offensive 352 packed red blood cells.See blood
234 Ondine’s curse 407 transfusion
congenital 235 oral hypoglycemic medications pain
diagnosis 240 cause of SIADH 139 cause of hyperventilation 443
from psychogenic polydipsia orange juice cause of SIADH 139
222 cause of acute hyperkalemia pancreas
prefered diet 246 543 electrolyte composition of
sickle cell disease 238 potassium content 488,540 secretions 289
treatment 245 osmolality 14 panic attacks
nephrolithiasis calculated vs measured 18 cause of respiratory alkalosis
in distal RTA 316 calculation 16 448

paper bag – primary adrenal insufficiency

paper bag effect on potassium 474 complication of CF 187

treatment of hyperventilation pheochromocytoma 514 PO2. See oxygen
462 phosphate. See hyperphosphate- polio
paraldehyde 352 mia; hypophosphatemia post-polio syndrome 407
paralysis acute renal failure 547 polydipsia 221
ALS 407 buffer 256 definition 220
depolarizing agents 412 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344 relationship with polyuria 221
diaphragmatic 438 intracellular buffers 452 The Chapter 219
familial periodic 495 tumor lysis syndrome 547 polygelatins
from cerebellar pontine phrenic nerve 407 plasma expander 43
myelinolysis 155 Pickwickian syndrome polyuria
Guillain-Barré syndrome 407 respiratory acidosis 407 cause of hypokalemia 521
hypokalemia 526 pilocarpine diagnosis 239
in treatment of respiratory in sweat chloride test 187 from hypokalemia 529
alkalosis 462 piperacillin relationship with polydipsia 221
paraventricular nuclei 226 hypokalemia 521 The Chapter 219
parietal cells 375 Pitocin® post-obstructive diuresis 196
parietal pleura 60 cause of SIADH 139 potassium
partial pressure 272 pituitary compared to sodium 468
PCO2 265. See carbon dioxide posterior lobe 226 hyperkalemia. See hyperkale-
PEEP secondary adrenal insuf ficiency mia
ventilator setting 450 559 hypokalemia. See hypokalemia
penicillin storage ofADH 102 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344
causing metabolic alkalosis 381 pKa 258 in lactic acidosis 331
hypokalemia 519 bicarbonate 261 in respiratory alkalosis 461
potassium content 544 plasma 7 IV supplementation 534
pentamidine compartment 5 oral supplementation 533
cause of hyperkalemia 561 expander 43 regulation 470
perfusion defect osmolality, normal 88 renal secretion 477
respiratory acidosis 417 volume role in diagnosis of TRA 319
periodic paralysis as part of effective circulating The Chapter 467
hypokalemic 495 volume 64 total body distribution 469
respiratory acidosis 412 relationship to blood pressure treatment of diabetic ketoacido-
peripheral edema 55 70 sis 347
formation 83 plasma cell tumor 308 potassium-sparing diuretics
nephrotic syndrome 131 plasmapheresis cause of hyperkalemia 561
peripheral vascular resistance 67 treatment of myesthenia crisis PRBC. See also blood transfusion
in CHF 85 412 plasma expander 43
in liver disease 82 pleural effusion potassium content 544
peritoneal dialysis exudate vs. transudate 60 pre-capillary sphincters 55
treatment of hyperkalemia 570 plum seeds 327 precocious puberty 560
persistent fetal circulation 459 Pneumocystis carinii prednisone
persistent pulmonary hypertension treatment 561 mineralocorticoid activity 151
of the newborn 459 pneumonia pregnancy induced diabetes
petrosal sinus sampling 513 cause of respiratory acidosis insipidus 232
pH 252. See also Henderson- 420 pressure natriuresis 183,505
Hasselbalch cause of respiratory alkalosis primary adrenal insufficiency. See
calculation with Henderson- 447 also Addison's disease
Hasselbalch equation 261 cause of SIADH 139 hyperkalemia 559
compatible with life 253 pneumothorax 413 hyponatremia 141
determination withABG 272 cause of SIADH 139

primary alveolar hypoventilation – RTA

primary alveolar hypoventilation cause of respiratory alkalosis plasma levels 507

407 447 renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone
primary amenorrhea 516 pulse. See heart rate system
primary hyperaldosteronism 506 Purkinje system 528 role in volume regulation 72
diagnosis 391 pyelonephritis renovascular hypertension.See
metabolic alkalosis 377 cause of distal RTA 314 renal artery stenosis
principle cell 503 pyridostigmine respiration
aldosterone activity 77 treatment of myasthenia crisis 4 step process 401
role in hydrogen secretion 300 412 respiratory acidosis 263
progesterone acute 425
cause of hyperventilation 443 R acute-on-chronic 430
prostaglandin E2 and metabolic alkalosis 380
racemic epinephrine 415
temperature regulation 91 chloride 427
radiation therapy 420
proteinuria chronic 428
interstitial lung disease 420
nephrotic syndrome 131 hypoxia 408
radiocontrast dye.See x-ray dye
proximal RTA 303 compensation 423
hypokalemia 521 definition 400
ventilator setting 450
treatment 311 diagnosis 433
red clay 489
proximal tubule mixed acid-base disorders 429
redistribution hypokalemia 491
effect of acetazolamide 129 relationship with respiratory
renal artery stenosis 518
effect of angiotensin II 75 alkalosis 446
diagnosis 391
role in bicarbonate resorption symptoms and signs 431
renal compensation 268
297 The Chapter 399
respiratory acidosis 426
role in glucose resorption 195 treatment 435
respiratory alkalosis 451
pseudobulbar palsy 155 respiratory alkalosis 263
renal failure
pseudohermaphroditism 516 acute 453
anion gap metabolic acidosis
pseudohyperaldosteronism 509 chronic 455
pseudohyperkalemia 551 compensation 451
cause of hyponatremia 19 1
pseudohypokalemia 496 definition 440
definition 100
pseudohyponatremia 11 1 diagnosis 460
from tumor lysis syndrome 547
in DKA 344 due to aspirin 355
hyperkalemia 554
psychogenic polydipsia 220 lab values 461
hyponatremia with increased
cause of hyponatremia 18 1 mixed acid-base disorders 456
osmolality 120
hypokalemia 521 relationship with respiratory
maintenance fluids in 44
pulmonary disease acidosis 446
renal tubular acidosis 294
cause of respiratory alkalosis signs and symptoms 457
difference from renal failure 350
445 The Chapter 439
distal. See distal RTA
cause of SIADH 139 treatment 462
pulmonary edema respiratory compensation 267
hypoaldosteronism TRA
respiratory acidosis 420 metabolic acidosis 284
hypokalemia 519, 521
pulmonary embolism metabolic alkalosis 392
proximal. See proximal RTA
respiratory acidosis 420 respiratory control center 405
type 1 RTA. See distal RTA
pulmonary fibrosis 420 respiratory insuf
ficiency 400. See
type 2 RTA. See proximal RTA
interstitial lung disease 420 also respiratory acidosis
type 4 RTA. See hypoaldoster-
pulmonary function test cause of lactic acidosis 331
onism RTA
in COPD 422 response to aldosterone 76
pulmonary hypertension rheumatoid arthritis
levels in Cushing's syndrome
cause of respiratory alkalosis interstitial lung disease 420
447 rickets 307
levels in hyporeninemic
in the newborn 459 right to left shunt 459
hypoaldosteronism 557
pulmonary stenosis RTA. See renal tubular acidosis

S – tetracycline

S Sjögren’s syndrome in proximal RTA 304

cause of distal RTA 314 sterno 358. See also methanol
S 52 cause of Fanconi's syndrome stool osmolar gap 189
s 52 309 stress
salicylic acid 353 sleep 91 cause of SIADH 139
molecular weight 355 sleep apnea 409 potassium regulation 472
saline small cell cancer stroke
solutions 38 cause of SIADH 139 cause of SIADH 139
saline responsive metabolic small intestine stroke volume
alkalosis 387 electrolyte composition of component of cardiac output 67
salt substitute secretions 289 subacute thyroiditis 140
source of potassium 533 smoke inhalation 415 subarachnoid hemorrhage
sarcoidosis smoking cause of SIADH 139
ACE levels 73 COPD 422 subdural hemorrhage
cause ofAddison's disease 141 sodium cause of SIADH 139
interstitial lung disease 420 compared to potassium 468 succinyl choline 412
sarcomas content of sweat 186 sudden cardiac death
cause of tumor lysis syndrome handling by proximal tubule 75 diuretics 494
547 handling by the principle cells sulfonylureas 333
schizophrenia 77 surface area, body 45
psychogenic polydipsia hypernatremia.See hypernatre- surgery
118, 222 mia cause of DKA 342
sclerotherapy 38 hyponatremia.See hyponatre- surgical drains
secretory diarrhea 190 mia cause of non-anion gap
semi-permeable membrane 25 in diabetic ketoacidosis 344 metabolic acidosis 291
sensible fluid loss molecular weight 11 hypokalemia 497
generation of hypernatremia pressure natriuresis 183 sweat 186
186 relationship to plasma volume sweat chloride test 187
sensing and signaling 65 sweet sixteen 13
in respiratory alkalosis 441 urine 76. See also urine sympathetic activity
step 1 in respiration 405 sodium in volume regulation 79
sepsis sodium bicarbonate.See bicar- synchronized intermittent manda-
cause of lactic acidosis 331 bonate tory ventilation 450
cause of respiratory alkalosis solute drag 549 syndrome of apparent mineralocor-
443 specific gravity 106 ticoid excess 509
causing membrane damage and spinal cord injury syndrome of inappropriate
edema 58 respiratory acidosis 407 ADH. See SIADH
sexual infantilism 516 spironolactone 129,561. See systemic lupus
Sheehan’s syndrome 231 also potassium-sparing erythematosus.See lupus
shellac 358. See also methanol diuretics
shock in CHF 85 T
cause of lactic acidosis 331 treatment of adrenal adenoma T waves
SIADH 132 508 peaked 563
etiologies 138 sponges, hydrogen ion 256 tachyphylaxis 227
four characteristics 133 Starling’s law TCA cycle 329
iatrogenic 244 equation 53 temperature, body 91
treatment 166 in peripheral edema 83 tension pneumothorax 413
sickle cell anemia membrane characteristics 52 tetracycline
cause of distal RTA 313, 314 The Chapter 49 cause of Fanconi's syndrome
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus starvation 339
238 steady state

thiamine – volume regulation

thiamine total carbon dioxide 272 urinary frequency

alcoholism 341 total parenteral nutrition as opposed to polyuria 221
deficiency 332 cause of hypernatremia 182 urinary tract infections
thiazide diuretic 129 cause of metabolic alkalosis association with hypernatremia
cause of hyponatremia 128 370 200
cause of metabolic alkalosis tracheomalacia 415 cause of urinary frequency 221
379 transsphenoidal microsurgery 514 effect on pH 320
similarity to Gitelman's syn- transudate 59 urinary tract obstruction
drome 501 trauma cause of distal RTA 313
treatment of NDI 245 causing membrane damage and urine
thioridazine edema 58 analysis 106
cause of SIADH 139 hyperkalemia 475, 546 anion gap 302, 321
third-year medical student.See triamterene 129, 561. See also chloride 388
confusion potassium-sparing diuretics cortisol 512
thirst cause of distal RTA 313 dilution 96
defense against hyperosmolality tricarboxylic acid cycle 329 maximum concentration 105
98 tricyclic antidepressants pH in proximal RTA 305
role in osmoregulation 94 effect on thirst 222 potassium 522
thoracic duct 54 trimethoprim sodium 148, 149, 150
threshold of maximum tubular cause of hyperkalemia 561 in hypernatremia 204
resorption. See Tm trypsin 420 in metabolic alkalosis 388
thrombocytosis tuberculosis
cause of pseudohyperkalemia cause ofAddison's disease 141 V
551 tumor lysis syndrome 547 vaporization method 15
thymic cancer type 1 RTA. See distal RTA varicose veins 38
cause of SIADH 139 type 2 RTA. See proximal RTA varnish 358. See also methanol
thymic carcinoid type 4 RTA. See hypoaldoster- vasopressin.See antidiuretic
cause of Cushing's syndrome onism RTA hormone
514 tyrosinosis vasopressinase 232
ticarcillin cause of Fanconi's syndrome vecuronium 412
causing metabolic alkalosis 381 309 ventilation 265
hypokalemia 521
U defect, respiratory acidosis 417
tidal volume 402 definition 401
ventilator setting 450 ulcerative colitis 291 ventilator. See mechanical
titratable acid 301 univalent ions 19 ventilation
Tm 195 urate 349 villous adenoma
bicarbonate 303 nephropathy,from tumor lysis hypokalemia 497
glucose 195 syndrome 547 metabolic alkalosis 374
mannitol 196 urea 100 vincristine
tobramycin 412 cause of osmotic diuresis 196 SIADH 139
respiratory acidosis 412 ineffective osmole 120 vipomas
tolbutamide molecular weight 11 hypokalemia 497
cause of SIADH 139 tablets 166 visceral pleura 60
toluene uremia vitamin B-12 475
cause of distal RTA 314 platelet dysfunction 227 vitamin D 307, 308
hypokalemia 519 ureteroileostomy 292 voltage-dependent distal TAR 313
total body potassium deficit 531 ureterosigmoidostomy 292 volume regulation
total body water 2 uric acid determination of volume status
distribution 5 in lactic acidosis 331 147
effect of body fat 4 in tumor lysis syndrome 547 The Chapter 63
with dehydration 21 1

volume rules – Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

three steps 68
activity at target organs 74
monitoring 69
signals 71
volume rules 123,384
cause of metabolic alkalosis
375, 386
hypokalemia 519, 520
von Willebrand disease 227

ingestion and hyponatremia151
role in osmoregulation 199
water deficit calculation 210
water excess calculation 161
water resorption
relationship to plasma volume
role in osmoregulation 97
role ofADH 104
water restriction test 241
Wegener’s granulomatosis
interstitial lung disease 420
adjusted 4
ideal 4
in the treatment of CHF 84
Wernicke-Korsakof f syndrome 332
Wernicke’s encephalopathy 341
Wilson’s disease
cause of distal RTA 314
cause of Fanconi's syndrome

x-ray dye
specific gravity 106
in tumor lysis syndrome 547

zero order kinetics 354
zidovudine 332
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 190

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