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Measurement of Stability Derivatives in Yaw Using The Forced Oscillatory Technique

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Military Technical Institute, Belgrade, majasam@ptt.rs

Abstract: In the measurement of damping derivatives using the forced oscillation technique experiments are based on
giving a small amplitude oscillatory motion to a model in the primary degree of freedom. This paper describes
mathematical model for measurement of the direct damping derivative in yaw in the T-38 wind tunnel. Equations for
determination of the cross derivative due to yawing are presented, too. The apparatus for the stability derivatives
measurement in the T-38 wind tunnel provides a primary oscillatory motion in pitch with secondary (resulting) forced
oscillatory motion in yaw and roll. With the apparatus rotated 90° around its longitudinal axis (in relation to both
model and internal wind tunnel balance) a primary oscillatory motion in yaw is provided with secondary forced
oscillatory motions in pitch and roll. Excitation moments, causative moments, amplitude and frequency of the primary
and secondary motion, as well as the in-phase and out-phase components of the secondary motions with respect to the
primary motion are measured in these tests. The T-38 wind tunnel experimental data for the Standard Dynamic Model
at Mach number 0.6 are shown.
Key words: wind tunnel, forced oscillations, direct damping derivative, cross derivative.

1. INTRODUCTION the main advantages of the T-38 wind tunnel is its high-
Reynolds number capability: up to 110 million per meter.
Dynamic stability information can be obtained from For the measurement of stability derivatives in the T-38
model experiments in many different types facilities [1-5]. wind tunnel the forced oscillation technique is used. In
Some of them are: tests in aeroballistics or hypervelocity this technique (also called rigidly forced oscillation
ranges, out-door free-flight tests using either rocket-
propelled or radio-controlled gliding models, wind-tunnel technique) oscillatory motion is imparted to a model by
free-flight tests using freely launched or remotely an external force or moment. External force and moment
controlled models or spin-tunnel experiments. All these between a model and forcing part of the apparatus are
techniques have one common disadvantage, they are not measured. A model motion is angular and sinusoidal and
suitable for experiments at high Reynolds number. Thus derivatives are obtained from in-phase and out-phase
the main use of these techniques is for visual studies of components of the measured aerodynamic reactions.
the stability characteristics and motions of the aircraft, all Using this method, in principle both force and moment
at low Reynolds number. The best way to obtain model- derivatives can be measured. The measurement can be
scale dynamic stability at realistic Reynolds and Mach made in same degree of freedom (primary degree of
numbers is to perform captive-model experiments in high freedom) as the imparted oscillation resulting in damping
Reynolds number wind tunnels. derivatives. Also, the measurement can be made in other
degrees of freedom (secondary degrees of freedom)
The T-38 wind tunnel of the Military Technical Institute resulting in cross and cross-coupling derivatives.
in Belgrade is a blowdown-type pressurized wind tunnel
1.5 x 1.5 m2 square test section [6]. Mach number in Measurement of the direct damping derivative in yaw, as
range 0.2-4.0 can be achieved in the test section. One of well as equations for determination of the cross derivative
due to yawing are shown in this paper.

2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL where: fψ is mechanical damping in yaw, Kψ is
In the body axis system, figure 1, the differential equation mechanical stiffness in yaw.
of motion for a model oscillation in yaw may be written Hence, the equation of a model oscillatory motion in yaw
as: is:
N = rI
 z − pI
 xz (1)
( )
I z r + fψ − ( N r − N β cos α ) r + ( Kψ + N β cos α )ψ =
= I xz p + ( N p + N β sin α ) p + N β φ sin α + (4)
where: N is external total yawing moment, r is yawing
angular velocity, p is rolling angular velocity, Iz is yaw + ( N q + Nα ) q + Nα θ + N T
moment of inertia, Ixz is centrifugal moment of inertia.
For a model, in a wind tunnel test section, which 2.1. Determination of the direct damping
oscillates in yaw external total moment consists of: derivative in yaw
− Aerodynamic reaction caused by model oscillatory
motion, NA The direct damping derivative in yaw is determined by
equalizing left side of the equation (4) with excitation
− Mechanical reaction caused by model oscillatory moment in yaw:
motion, NM
− Excitation moment in yaw, NT.
( )
I z r + fψ − ( N r − N β cos α ) r +
+ ( Kψ + N β cos α )ψ = N T

Excitation moment in yaw may be written as:

N T = NT cos ω t (6)

where: NT is amplitude of the excitation moment, ω is

a model angular velocity and t is time.
A model angular oscillatory motion in yaw is:
ψ = ψ cos (ωt − η ) (7)

where: ψ is ampitude of a model promary motion, η is

phase shift between primary motion of a model and
excitation moment.
Figure 1. Body axis system Since r = ψ and 
r = ψ , equation (5) may be written as
Aerodynamic reaction caused by a model oscillatory two equations below:
motion is:
( )
− I z ψ ω 2 cosη + fψ − ( N r − N β cos α ) ψ ω sin η +
( )
N A = Nα θ + N β φ sin α + N p + N β sin α p + + ( Kψ + N β cos α ) ψ cosη = NT

( ) ( )
N r − N β cos α r + N q + Nα q − N βψ cos α
( )
− I z ψ ω 2 sin η − fψ − ( N r − N β cos α ) ψ ω cosη +
where: α is a model angle of attack, β is a model angle + ( Kψ + N β cos α ) ψ sin η = 0
of sideslip, θ is a model angular oscillatory motion in
pitch, ψ is a model angular oscillatory motion in yaw, φ By solving the system of the equations (8) and (9) two
solutions are obtained:
is a model angular oscillatory motion in roll, Nα is
yawing moment due to angle of attack, N β is yawing Kψ + N β cos α = I z ω 2 +
cosη (10)
moment due to sidelip, N p + N β sin α is cross derivative
NT sin η
of the yawing moment due to rolling, N r − N β cosα is fψ − ( N r − N β cos α ) = (11)
ψ ω
direct damping derivative in yaw, N q + Nα is cross-
copling derivative of the yawing moment due to pitching . Wind tunnel measurement of the stability derivatives
Mechanical reaction due to a model oscillatory motion in using forced oscillation technique includes two stages:
yaw is: − Tare run, in which model is oscillated but the wind
tunnel is not running. This measurement enables
N M = − ( fψ r + Kψψ ) (3)
determination of inertila forces (mechanical stiffnes and
mechanical damping).

− Wind on run, in which the model is oscillated at the roll, ηϕ is phase shift between a model angular
same frequency as in the case of the tare run but with oscillatory motion in yaw and causative angular
the wind tunnel running. oscillatory motion in roll.
Dynamic stability derivatives are obtained by subtracting Non-dimensional coefficients are obtained in the
tare run data from wind on run data. following form:
The mechanical stiffness and mechanical damping are
obtained in tare run as: − Lβ ⋅ cos α
− Clβ ⋅ cos α = (20)
q∞ ⋅ S ⋅ b
N To
Kψ = I zωo2 + cosη (12)
Clr − Clβ ⋅ cos α =
2 ⋅V
q∞ ⋅ S ⋅ b 2
⋅ Lr − Lβ ⋅ cos α ) (21)
N To sinη
fψ = (13)
ψo ωo
Hence, the equations for the determination of the static DERIVATIVES MEASUREMENT
and dynamic stability derivatives may be written as: The pitch/yaw apparatus in the T-38 wind tunnel, shown
in figure 2, is a full-model forced oscillation apparatus
( ) ⎡N
N ⎤
− N β ⋅ cos α = − I z ⋅ ω 2 − ω o2 − ⎢ T ⋅ cos η − To ⋅ cos η o ⎥ (14)
with primary angular oscillation around a transversal axis
⎣⎢ o ⎦⎥ (pitch or yow) of the model. It is distinguished by the
capability of measuring of the aerodynamic reaction in the
N sin η o N T sin η primary degree of freedom as well as in secondary
N r − N β ⋅ cos α = To ⋅ − ⋅ (15)
degrees of freedom.
ψo ωo ψ ω
To obtain the pitching moment derivative due to pitching
All values with index (o) are measured in the tare run. oscillation and the yawing moment derivative due to
Non-dimensional coefficients are obtained in the yawing oscillation the apparatus has to be used twice,
following forms: with the apparatus rotate 90° around its longitudinal axis
(in relation to both the model and internal wind tunnel
− N β ⋅ cos α
− C nβ ⋅ cos α = (16) balance) between the experiments.
q∞ ⋅ S ⋅ b

Cnr − Cnβ ⋅ cos α =

q∞ ⋅ S ⋅ b 2
⋅ N r − N β ⋅ cos α ) (17)

where: S is a model reference area, b is a model reference

length, V is free stream velocity, q∞ is dynamic pressure.

2.2. Determination of the cross derivative of the

rolling moment due to yawing
Figure 2. Pitch/yaw apparatus for stability derivative
The data reduction for cross and cross-coupling measurement
derivatives is based on a conversion of the secondary
The pitch/yaw apparatus includes the following elements:
deflection vectors into causative aerodynamic moment
vector [7, 8, 9]. − Sting support system,
The equations of the cross derivative of the rolling due to − Elastic suspension mechnaism characterized by its
yawing may be written as: relatively high compliance in the primary degree of
fredom and its high stiffness in the other degrees of
L freedom. Relatively high compliance in the primary
− Lβ ⋅ cos α = ⋅ cosηϕ (18)
ψ degree of freedom permits the primary motion of the
model, while high stiffness in the other degrees is
sinηϕ necessary to withstand the aerodynamic load with
Lr − Lβ ⋅ cosα = ⋅ (19) neglilible resultant deflections,
ψ ω
− Five-component strain gauge balance for the
measurements of the aerodynamic load, excitation
where: −Lβ ⋅ cos α is rolling moment due to sideslip,
moment in the primary degree of freedom, as well as
Lr − Lβ ⋅ cos α is cross derivative of the rolling moment secondary reactions caused by the primary motion,
due to yawing, L is causative aerodynamic moment in − Hydraulic driving mechanism to impart the oscilatory
primary motion of the model,

− Sensor to detect the primary motion, The amplitudes and phase shifts of the excitation moment
and causative moment were calculated in frequency
− Servomechanism which ensurs a constant-amplitude domain by applaying the cross-power spectral density.
primary motion. The signals from the balance measuring bridges were
Performance parameters of the apparatus are: cross-corelated with primary signal generated by the
primary oscillatory motion sensor.
− Model oscillation amplitude: 0.25°-1.5°,
The T-38 wind tunnel test results of the cross derivative,
− Model oscillation frequency: 1-15 Hz, CLR * = Clr − Clβ ⋅ cos α , are compared with published
− Sting diameter of the apparatus: 50 x 70 mm2, experimental data of one of the word's leading wind
− Maximum normal force: 10 000 N. tunnels: AEDC wind tunnel [11], figure 4.


The T-38 wind tunnel test results of the cross derivative of This paper describes basic equations for determination of
the rolling moment due to yawing are shown in this paper. the direct damping derivative in yaw and cross derivative
Stability derivatives measurements of the Standard Dynamic of the rolling moment due to yawing.
Model (SDM) were done at Much number 0.6. The model The problem of occurrence of the small amplitudes of
angles of attack were in the interval from -2° to 18° and roll output signals from forces and moments sensors is
angle was 0° [10]. The model was forced to oscillate in yaw common in the measurements of dynamic stability
mode at amplitude ± 5° and frequency 5 Hz. The SDM derivatives using forced oscillation techniques. In the
model in the T-38 test section is shown in figure 3. measurement of cross and cross-coupling derivatives in
the majority of signals measured in the secondary degrees
of freedom, the most significant problem usually is
detection of the frequency of the primary oscillations. The
measuring bridges on the five-component strain gauge
balance, used in these tests, enable the determination of
the oscillatory components of the signals even if they are
deeply hidden in the noise. It is shown that T-38 wind
tunnel data agree very well with the AEDC wind tunnel
experimental data.

This study was supported by the Ministry of Education
and Science of Serbia (project number TR 36050).
Figure 3. Standard Dynamic Model in the T-38 test
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