Parent-Teacher Conference
Parent-Teacher Conference
Parent-Teacher Conference
Date: _________________
Checking of Attendance
Election of Officers
Presentation of Class Officers
Grading System (3 Summative, 1 Periodical Test)
Level of Proficiency Equivalent Numerical Value
Advance (A) 90% and Above
Proficiency (P) 85-89%
Approaching Proficiency (AP) 80-84%
Development (D) 74-79%
Beginning (B) 74% and Below
Weight of the Components for Grades 1-10
Components Language AP EsP Science Math MAPEH EPP/TLE
30% 40% 20%
1 to 50% 40% 60%
20% 20% 20%
Steps in Computing Grades
Get the total Learner’s Raw Highest Possible
score for each Score Score
Written Work 1
components. 18 20
Written Work 2
22 25
Written Work 3
20 20
Written Work 4
17 20
Written Work 5
23 25
Written Work 6
26 30
Written Work 7
19 20
TOTAL 145 160
Learner’s Raw Highest Possible
Score Score
Performance Task
Performance Task
2 12 15
Performance Task 13 15
3 19 25
Performance Task 15 20
4 16 20
Performance Task 25 25
Performance Task 100 120
Learner’s Raw Highest Possible
TOTAL Score Score
40 50
School’s VMG
Center of academic excellence delivering quality service to all.
Capiz State University is committed to provide advance knowledge and
innovation, develop skills, talents and values, undertake relevant research and
environmental consciousness; and enhance industry collaboration and linkages with
partner agencies.
Globally competitive graduates.
Institutionalize research culture.
Responsive and sustainable extension services.
Maximized profit of viable agro-industrial business ventures
Effective and efficient administration.
Performance Task Activities
Performance tasks build on earlier content knowledge, process skills, and work
habits and are strategically placed in the lesson or unit to enhance learning as the student
“pulls it all together.” Such performance tasks are not “add-ons” at the end of instruction.
They are both an integral part of the learning and an opportunity to assess the quality of
student performance. When the goal of teaching and learning is knowing and using, the
performance-based classroom emerges.
Performance tasks range from short activities taking only a few minutes to projects
culminating in polished products for audiences in and outside of the classroom. In the
beginning, most performance tasks should fall on the short end of the continuum. Teachers
find that many activities they are already doing can be shaped into performance-learning
Two initial concerns of teachers moving toward performance-based classrooms
include the amount of time needed for performance tasks and the subjectivity traditionally
associated with teacher assessment and assigning “grades.”
Performance tasks should be interesting to the student and well connected to the
important content, process skills, and work habits of the curriculum. Sometimes students
can help in constructing these tasks and assessment lists.
Process and product portfolios represent the two major types of portfolios.
A process portfolio documents the stages of learning and provides a progressive record of
student growth. A product portfolio demonstrates mastery of a learning task or a set of
learning objectives and contains only the best work... Teachers use process portfolios to
help students identify learning goals, document progress over time, and demonstrate
learning mastery... In general, teachers prefer to use process portfolios because they are
ideal for documenting the stages that students go through as they learn and progress.
First, the teacher and the student need to clearly identify the portfolio contents,
which are samples of student work, reflections, teacher observations, and conference
records. Second, the teacher should develop evaluation procedures for keeping track of the
portfolio contents and for grading the portfolio... Third, the teacher needs a plan for holding
portfolio conferences, which are formal and informal meetings in which students review
their work and discuss their progress. Because they encourage reflective teaching and
learning, these conference are an essential part of the portfolio assessment process
Advantages of Portfolio Assessment
School Activities
Being involved in extracurricular activities in high school — like sports or
journalism — can help you get accepted to the college of your choice. Extracurricular is a
combination of the Latin prefix extra- meaning "on the outside" and the word
curriculum, meaning "a running, course, career."
June – Independence Day
July – Nutrition Month/Feeding
August – Buwan ng Wika
September – Science Month
October – United Nation/World Teachers Day Celebration
November – National Heroes Day
December – Christmas Party
February – Valentine’s Day
Human Relation
The 4Ps also helps the Philippine government fulfill its commitment to the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)—specifically in eradicating extreme poverty and
hunger, in achieving universal primary education, in promoting gender equality, in
reducing child mortality, and in improving maternal health care.
B. Grade-level Awards
3.1 Athletics
This award is given to learners who have shown outstanding skills in athletics
(particularly in games and sports) through participation and victories in
competitions, as well as discipline in training and sportsmanlike conduct and
The academic rating that will be considered for this award would be the student’s
final grade in Physical Education.
3.4 Science
This award is given to learners who have high academic standing in Science,
demonstrated passion for science expressed through an excellent attitude toward
science work, shown enthusiasm for science which positively influences other
students in class and the wider school community, and displayed inquisitiveness
aboutthe environment, how things work, and how natural processes occur.
The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s final
grade in Science for grades 6 and 10, or the average rating for the two core Science
subjects in SHS.
3.5 Mathematics
This award is given to learners who have high academic standing in Mathematics,
demonstrated passion for math expressed through an excellent attitude toward
math work, and shown enthusiasm for math, which
positively impacts other
students in class.
The academic rating that will be considered for this
award is the student’s final
grade in Mathematics for grades 6 and 10, or the average
rating for the core
Mathematics subjects in SHS.
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