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TRIMET Aluminium SE
Aluminium wires for electrical and
mechanical applications
TRIMET Aluminium SE – an independent family-run
enterprise for more than 30 years

TRIMET Aluminium SE is an innovative family-run We provide

enterprise. The medium-sized company devel- you with aluminium in all formats, qualities and
ops, produces, recycles, casts, and sells modern alloys. Short-and long-term price and supply
light metal aluminium products with some 2,900 models to meet all your aluminium require-
employees at eight production locations. ments. We are your local partner in a global
marketplace – around the clock.
TRIMET serves and supplies the entire industry-
oriented value chain for the aluminium sector We produce
with customized products from a single source. special alloys in our smelters exclusively for
With four production plants, two recycling you according to your requirements and not
plants, four foundries, a marketing and trading commodities.
division, and state-of-the-art research and de-
velopment laboratories, TRIMET offers its cus- We recycle
tomers a broad product portfolio. It ranges from your aluminium to be able to offer it back to you
liquid aluminium through aluminium wire, rolling in the sizes and qualities you require. We help
ingots, extrusion billets, and cast alloys to high- you bring your recyclables efficiently back into
quality die-cast components. The medium-sized circulation.
company is a reliable partner to its customers
and a modern and dependable employer for its We cast
staff. sophisticated castings for all applications. From
the development, design, model and mould,
casting, and finishing right through to the
finished casting.

We research and develop

new speciality alloys for you, to make your
products even better.
We produce customized aluminium wires for
electronic and mechanical applications

TRIMET offers high-quality aluminium wire va- Saint-Jean-de-

rieties from in-house production. We always Maurienne:
work in accordance with your specifications and > 180 electrolytic
requirements regarding the alloy, cross-section, furnaces in 2
and processing technique. production halls
> 9 casting furnaces
Delivered on time (each 20–25 t), gas-heated
> 145,000 metric tons of primary aluminium
Together, the TRIMET plants in Saint-Jean-de- produced annually
Maurienne and Castelsarrasin supply products > 145,000 metric tons of cast products
predominantly to the energy and automotive produced annually
industries. These use aluminium wire for vari- > 430 employees
ous applications, including electrical cables and > Aluminium wire, Rolling and Remelting
connecting components. Here as well, TRIMET’s ingots
basic principle applies: You tell us what delivery
form you require for further processing, and we Castelsarrasin:
will ensure that your order arrives in the right > 1 wire casting
format and at the specified time. So we have plant
an extensive range for a customized production > Various packaging,
with enhanced quality focus, thanks to innova- processing, and
tive process control equipment. packaging plants
> 10,000 metric tons of cast products
TRIMET guarantees aluminium wire produced annually
> in reliable top quality > 35 employees
> in variable diameters and cross-sections > Aluminium wire
> as special alloys developed to suit customer
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled
Electrical engineering

One of the areas in which TRIMET CCR (Continu- low and medium voltage distribution networks,
ously Cast and Rolled) rod is really in its element conductors for overhead lines, flexible cables
is electricity. For many years, it has been chosen for robotics, welding and railway engineering,
now by the major cable makers worldwide. cables using nickel-plated wire for aeronautical
engineering, enameled wire for windings, etc.
The fields of application for CCR rod are virtu-
ally unlimited. They include insulated cables for

Registered brands

Size (Exampels)

Ø 7.5 mm Ø 9.5 mm Ø 12.2 mm Ø 15.2 mm Ø 19.0 mm

Family Alloy Temper UTS IACS

Al 131050 H22, H24, H26 120-160 58.0-60.1
R6, R8, R10, R11,
Al 137050 R12, O, H11, H12, 60-130 62.3-61.5
H13, H14
Al 137072 R11 120 35.0
AlMgSi 610145 F, TS 150-175** 51.4
AlMgSi 610155 F, TS 155-195** 50.7
AlMgSi 610166 F, TS 170-205** 50.0
** 10 days after quenching (redraw rod)
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled
An incomparable range for mechanical engineering

The expertise acquired in TRIMET CCR (Continu- From rivets, superfine wire, bolts, screws or forg-
ously Cast and Rolled) rod based on a substantial ing part, TRIMET CCR redraw rod matches a
program of research and development has re- wide variety of requirements.
sulted in the creation of an outstanding range of
aluminium alloys geared to mechanical engineer-
ing applications.

Registered brands

Size (Exampels)

Ø 9.5 mm Ø 12.2 mm Ø 15.2 mm Ø 18.5 mm Ø 23.5 mm Ø 27.1 mm

Family Alloy Temper UTS

Al 1080 | 1090 | 1099 F, H18, H19 65-160
AlCu 2011 T3, T8 350-390
AlCu 2017 T4 450
AlCu 2024 T3, T4 470-485
AlMnFe 3103 O, H19 115-260
AlMg 5005 O, H19, H13* 210-350
AlMg 5019 O, H19, H38, H13* 290-475
AlMg 5051 O, H19 190-320
AlMg 5052 O, H19, H13* 210-350
AlMg 5154 O, H19, H34, H13* 240-400
AlMg 5754 O, H19, H34 230-390
AlMgSi 6056 T6, T4, T9 340-450
AlMgSi 6082 T6, T4 250-350
AlMgSi 6101 F, TS 150-205**
** 10 days after quenching
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled
An incomparable range for welding engineering

The expertise acquired by TRIMET in CCR (Con- have gone into the creation of an incomparable
tinuously Cast and Rolled) rod based on a sub- range of aluminium alloys geared to welding and
stantial program of research and development brazing applications.

Registered brands


Ø 9.5 mm

Family Alloy Temper UTS

AlSi 4043 | 4043A O, H19 100-250
AlSi 4047 | 4047A O, H18 140-230
AlMg 5183 O, H18, H19 310-500
AlMg 5356 O, H19 300-480
Index product sheets

1080 | 1090 | 1099 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

2011 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

2017 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

2024 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

3103 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

4043 | 4043A Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

4047 | 4047A Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5005 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5019 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5051 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5052 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5154 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5183 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5356 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

5754 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

6056 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

6082 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

131050 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

137050 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

137072 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

610145 | 610155 | 610166 Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

ELECTRICAL Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

MECHANICAL Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

WELDING Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Al 99,8 1080
Al 99,9 1090

Al 99,99 1099

1080 | 1090 | 1099

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
1080 | 1090 | 1099
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Pure aluminum wires with different impurity levels – in general less than 1%.
Related to their different grades of “cleanliness” they offer an excellent electrical
conductivity of up to 63 ICAS. Due to its lowest strength level within all alumini-
um alloy groups they show very good workability characteristics, including a high
corrosion resistance and good weldability.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Mainly for metallizing, aluminium capacitor con- > Work-hardening curves.
nections, electronics. UTS UTS
0.2% YS E50 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (%) (MPa) (%)
Alloy 109850 Alloy 108050
Description 140 200 30

Chemical composition from Aluminum Association 130

180 25
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others 120 15
Each Total 160 20
1080 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02
see A A

100 10 140 15
1090 0.007 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

1099 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.002 90
120 10
80 5
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s spec-
ifications. Other alloys are also available upon request (ex. 1098, 1188). 100 5

Material condition (2 tons coils): 60
10 8 6 4 2 0 10 8 6 4 2 0

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from wire diameter (mm) wire diameter (mm)

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request.

> Usual temper as supplied: 1080 type R6 to
Heat treatments:
R12 (see 1370), 1090, 1199 F Temper.
> Full annealing: 350°C during 3 hours.
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough
Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%) UTS E50
(MPa) (%)
1080 R8 80-95 60-80 15-30
1080 H18 160 4
1199 F 65-90 60-80 15-30
1090 H18 140 2

Recommended wiredrawing conditions: Copyright
See technical brochure “137050 Conductal®” part The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is
given to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application
“drawing”. suggestions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our
contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are
not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloy 2011 is a free machining alloy which is comparable with many of the favor-
able free cutting brass alloys. 2011 is the most versatile alloy if good strength and
high machining rates are required. It can be machined to very close tolerances, and
the quality of the machined surfaces is excellent. The weldability and its general
corrosion characteristic are poor. Our alloy with max 0.3 Pb is RoHS compliant.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Screw machining > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

H Temper
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
300 50 E50
% UTS (%)
Each Total
0,2 YS
250 40
Min 5.0

Max 0.40 0.7 6.0 0.30 0.05 0.15 200 30

Foot note: 0.20 - 0.6 Bi, 0.20 - 0.6 Pb
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s 150 20
100 10

Material condition (2 tons coils): 50 0

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 7.5 to 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Wire diameter

26,5 mm available upon request.

> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised) Heat treatments:
and F. > Full annealing (0 temper): 375°-410°,
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough 3 to 4 hours followed by slow cooling
guide): (25°C to 30°C/hour up to 250°C).
> Heat solution treatment prior to quenching
UTS E100
(MPa) (%) (T4 - T3 tempers): 510°C +/- 5°C, 1 hour.
F 170-230 10-25 > Artificial ageing (T6 - T8 tempers):
H 120-170 15-30 T6: 6 to 10 hours at 135°C +/- 5°C.
T8: 4 to 8 hours à 135°C +/- 5°C
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
> Type of wiredrawing machine: non-slip. UTS 0.2% YS E50
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to (MPa) (MPa) (%)

annealing: 75 to 90%. T3 350 290 6

> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30%. T8 390 310 4

> Die geometry

- reduction angle: 16 to 12° Copyright
The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
Note: tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
> Under no circumstances should products be stored for extensive periods in a liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
damp or humid atmosphere. the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
> Lubrification with grease. intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit presented in the next issue.
S cross-section).
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloys of his group are used where highest strength leves are required. These al-
loys contain mainly copper and Magnesium. But in order to achive their strong
mechanical properties they need to be solution heat treated. In the soft condition
the lower alloyed derivates offer a very good formability. The general corrosion
resistance is poor.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Die-forgings – Nuts and bolts – Screw machining. > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.
UTS E50 Rm E50
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others 0.2% YS F Temper (%) R0,2 H Temper (%)
% (MPa) 35 (MPa) 35
Each Total
300 300
Min 0.20 3.5 0.40 0.40 30 30
Max 0.8 0.7 4.5 1.0 0.8 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.15 250 250
25 25
A Zr + Ti limit of 0.20 percent maximum may be used for forged products only.

For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s 200 20 200 20

15 15

Material condition (2 tons coils): 150 150

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 10 10

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 100

> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised)
and F. 50 0 50 0
10 9 8 9 8 7 6 5 4
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough wire diameter (mm) wire diameter (mm)

Heat treatments:
UTS 0.2% YS E100
(MPa) (MPa) (%) > Full annealing (0 temper): 375°-410°,
F 200-260 80-130 10-30 3 to 4 hours, followed by slow cooling
H 150-220 70-110 18-35 (25°C to 30°C/hour up to 250°C).
> Heat solution treatment prior to quenching
Process (T4 -T3 tempers): 500°C +/- 5°C, 1 hour.
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: Cold water quenching (40°C maximum).
> Type of wiredrawing machine: non-slip. > Natural ageing (T4 Temper): minimum 4 days
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior at 20°C.
to annealing: 85%.
> Reduction* per die: 15 - 30%. Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
> Die geometry Temper
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
- reduction angle: 16 - 12°
T4 450 280 20*
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter).
* 20% elongation (after quenching).
Note: Copyright
> Under no circumstances should products be stored for extensive periods in a The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is
damp or humid atmosphere. given to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application
> Lubrification with grease. suggestions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our
contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are
not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
S cross-section). intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloy 2024 has a higher strength than either alloys 2014 and 2017. Due to its high
strength level in the T-tempers it is used in aircraft applications and other preten-
tious applications. It has good machining characteristics, but not as distinguished
as 2011. The cold formability in the soft condition is considered fair, although it is
one of the most popular alloys for cold heading and thread rolling applications.
Corrosion resistance and anodizeablilty are only fair.

Applications Heat treatments:

Rivets, Bicycle Nipples, Screws, Balls > Full annealing (0 temper): 375° - 410°,
3 to 4 hours, followed by slow cooling
Description (25°C to 30°C/hour up to 250°C).
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association > Solution Heat treatment prior to quenching
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
(T4 - T3 tempers): 490°C +/- 5°C, 1 hour
Each Total
Cold water quenching (40°C maximum).
Min 3.8 0.30 1.2
> Natural ageing (T4 Temper):
minimum 4 days at 20°C
Max 0.50 0.50 4.9 0.9 1.8 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.15
A Zr + Ti limit of 0.20 percent maximum may be used for forged products only.
Processing / Work hardening
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s
specifications. Rm Rm
R0,2 R0,2 E50
(MPa) F Temper* (MPa) H Temper (%)
Typical Physical Properties 2024 340 340 25

Density at 20°C 2,77 g/cm³ 320 320

300 300
Melting range (with nominal chemical 280 280
composition) 502°C - 638°C 260 260
240 240
Specific Heat at 100°C 875 J/kg - °C 220 220
200 200 10
Thermal Linear Expansion Coeffficient at 100°C
180 180
22,9 * mym/°C 160 160
Thermal Conductivity O Temper 190 W/m - °C 140 140
120 120
Thermal Conductivity T4, T351 Temper 100 100 0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
120 W/m - °C wire diameter (mm) wire diameter (mm)

Thermal Conductivity T6, T851 Temper * Mechanical values may vary significantly due to natural aging effects

150 W/m - °C
Electrical Conductivity O Temper 50% IACS
Electrical Conductivity T4, T351 Temper 30% IACS
Electrical Conductivity T6, T851 Temper 40% IACS

Typical mechanical properties 2024 Copyright

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is
given to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application
Temper YTS UTS Elongation HB
suggestions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our
O 80 190 22 50 contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are
not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
T4, T351 325 470 18 120 the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
T6 395 480 10 125 or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
T851 450 485 6 130 cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This alloy has mainly manganese as an alloying element. 3103 has moderate
strength level which is approximately 20% stronger than pure aluminum. Espe-
cially at elevated temperatures it performs better than the 1000 series alloys. It has
a very good resistance to atmospheric corrosion and a very good weldability and
is widely used in soldered structures like radiators. The formability is very good.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Impact extrusion of cartridge cases. > Work-hardening curves.
Tube extrusion by the CONFORM process. The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Miscellaneous. ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

Description UTS E
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association 0.2% YS
(MPa) 250
H Temper (%)
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
Each Total

Min 0.9 200 40

Max 0.50 0.7 0.10 1.5 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15
Foot note: Zr + Ti max 0.10
150 30
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s

Material condition (2 tons coils): 100

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 10
> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised)
and F.
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough 0 0

guide): 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
wire diameter mm

Heat treatments:
UTS E100
(MPa) (%) > Full annealing (0 temper): 350°C to 380°C
F 140-190 10-20 -3 hours for a drawn wire from F temper rod.
H 95-120 30-40 > Part annealing (H2X* tempers): 250/300°C
-3 hours for a drawn wire from F temper rod.
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip. (from diameter 9.5 mm F temper):
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to Temper
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
annealing: 95 to 98%.
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30% 0 115 70 30

> Die geometry H19 260 200 3

* H2X tempers: H24-H26
- reduction angle: 16 to 12°
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
S cross-section). release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

4043 | 4043A
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
4043 | 4043A
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloys which mainly contain Si as an alloying element and are used as welding filler
maaterials. The range is from 5%-12% silicon. This alloy has excellent fluidity due to
its low melting point. The alloy 4043 with the lowest melting temperature is also
widly used as a soldering alloy. If structural parts need to be anodized after welding
the joint forms a natural dark gray anodic coating. The strength level is low.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Welding wire (MIG, TIG, laser). > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

(with reference to EN ISO 18273) UTS E50

0.2% YS (%)
(MPa) H Temper
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others 350
Each Total
300 30
Min 4.5

Max 6.0 0.8 0.30 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15 250

For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s 200 20

Material condition (2 tons coils): 100 10

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from
7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 50

> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised) 0 0

and F. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
wire diameter mm
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough
guide): Heat treatments:
> Full annealing (0 temper): 320°C -3 hours.
UTS E100
(MPa) (%)

F 140-195 10-30 Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:

H 100-140 20-35 UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

Process 0 100 45 30

Recommended wiredrawing conditions: H19 250 210 5

> Maximum reduction by wiredrawing prior to

annealing: 90 to 95%. Innovation
> Reduction per die: 15 to 30% TRIMET has developed a range of Welding alloys
> Die geometry without added Beryllium (protection of welders):
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° the BE FREE.
- bearing length: 0.15 d (d: die diameter).
The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

4047 | 4047A
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
4047 | 4047A
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloys which mainly contain Si as an alloying element and are used as welding filler
maaterials. The range is from 5%-12% silicon. This alloy has excellent fluidity due to
its low melting point. The alloy 4047 with the lowest melting temperature is also
widly used as a soldering alloy. If structural parts need to be anodized after welding
the joint forms a natural dark gray anodic coating. The strength level is low.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Welding wire (MIG, TIG, laser). > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
% UTS E50
Each Total 0.2% YS (%)
(MPa) H Temper
Min 11.0 300 30

Max 13.0 0.8 0.30 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.15

For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s 200 20

Material condition (2 tons coils): 100 10

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 0 0

> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

wire diameter mm

and F.
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough Heat treatments:
guide): > Full annealing (0 temper): 320°C - 3 hours.
UTS E100
(MPa) (%) Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
H 125-170 15-30
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

0 140 70 30
Process H18 230 210 4
Recommended wiredrawing conditions:
> Maximum reduction by wiredrawing prior Innovation
to annealing: 75 to 85%. TRIMET has developed a range of Welding alloys
> Reduction per die: 15 to 30% without added Beryllium (protection of welders):
> Die geometry the BE FREE.
- reduction angle: 16 to 12°
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This group of alloys contains increasing levels of the main alloying element mag-
nesium respectively. With the increasing level of magnesium the strength is sig-
nificantly increased while the formability becomes poor. The general corrosion
resistance is excellent, therefore theses alloys are used in maritime environments.
Among other aluminum alloys, this series is used for the widest applications in-
cluding welded structures. The lower alloyed derivates can be easily anodized.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Cold heading. > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Others UTS F Temper E50

% (MPa) (%)
Each Total
300 40
Min 0.5
Max 0.30 0.7 0.20 0.20 1.1 0.10 0.25 0.05 0.15
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s
specifications. 25

Material condition (2 tons coils):
> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 100
7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request.
> Usual temper as supplied: F. 5

> Mechanical properties (figures given as a 0 0

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
rough guide): wire diameter mm

UTS E100
(MPa) (%) Heat treatments:
F 130-200 15-30 > Full annealing (0 temper): 350°C to 380°C
-3 hours. Minimal deformation before
Process annealing: 20%
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: > Part annealing (H2X* tempers): 240/280°C
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip. -3 hours.
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to
annealing: 85 to 95%. Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30% Temper
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
> Die geometry
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° 0 210 100 30

- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). H19 350 320 6

H13 +
240 180 15
Note: +
10% reduction * H2X tempers: H24-H26
Recommendations for wiredrawing on a slip machine:
Ensure: Copyright
> proper lubrification (use grease at the first reduction stage) The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
> proper wire / die alignment to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
> a low slip coefficient, tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
> sufficient cooling during wiredrawing. tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
S cross-section). or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This group of alloys contains increasing levels of the main alloying element mag-
nesium respectively. With the increasing level of magnesium the strength is sig-
nificantly increased while the formability becomes poor. The general corrosion
resistance is excellent, therefore theses alloys are used in maritime environments.
Among other aluminum alloys, this series is used for the widest applications in-
cluding welded structures. The lower alloyed derivates can be easily anodized.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Cold heading (rivets, nails, miscellaneous). > Work-hardening curves.
Zip fasteners, metal screening and wire fencing,
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
staples, miscellaneous. ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association 0,2% YS F Temper
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
% 500 20
Each Total

Min 0.10 4.5 450

Max 0.40 0.50 0.10 0.6 5.6 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.05 0.15 400 15
Foot note: 0.10-0.6 Mn+Cr

For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s spec- 300 10
ifications. Version 5019A available upon request.

Material condition (2 tons coils): 200 5

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 7.5 to 150

26.5 mm available upon request.
100 0
> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

and F. wire diameter mm

> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough Heat treatments:

UTS E 100
> Full annealing (0 temper): 350°C to 380°C
(MPa) (%)
-3 hours.
F 270-320 15-30
> Part annealing (H2X* tempers): 240/280°C
-3 hours.
> Corrosion resistance annealing
Process (tempers H3X**) : 230/240°C during 24 hours
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: This heat treatment is helpful in case of using at high temperature (65°C) in cor-
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip. rosive atmosphere.

> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
annealing: 75 to 90%.
UTS 0.2% YS E50
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30% Temper
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
> Die geometry 0 290 150 30
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° H19 475 420 5
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). H38 415 345 10

H13+ 325 260 15

Recommendations procedure for wiredrawing on a slip machine: +10% reduction * H2X tempers: H24-H26 ** H3X tempers: H38-H36-H34
> First pass with high reduction value (30-40%)
> Full annealing
Ensure: The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
> correct lubrification (use grease at the first reduction stage) references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
> correct wire / die alignment and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
> a low slip coefficient at each reduction stage, release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
> sufficient cooling during wiredrawing. use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
*Reduction (%) = S-s the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit
S cross-section).
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This group of alloys contains increasing levels of the main alloying element mag-
nesium respectively. With the increasing level of magnesium the strength is sig-
nificantly increased while the formability becomes poor. The general corrosion
resistance is excellent, therefore theses alloys are used in maritime environments.
Among other aluminum alloys, this series is used for the widest applications in-
cluding welded structures. The lower alloyed derivates can be easily anodized.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Wire fencing, miscellaneous. > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
% UTS E50
Each Total 0.2% YS (%)
(MPa) F Temper
Min 1.7
400 50
Max 0.40 0.7 0.25 0.20 2.2 0.10 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.15
350 40
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s
300 30

Material condition (2 tons coils): 250 20

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from
200 10
7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request.
> Usual temper as supplied: F. 150 0
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a
rough guide): 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
wire diameter mm
UTS 0.2% YS E100
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

F 170-220 100-150 15-30 Heat treatments:

> Full annealing (0 temper): 350°C to 380°C
Process -3 hours.
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: Minimal deformation before annealing: 20%
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip. > Part annealing (H2X* tempers): 240/280°C
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior -3 hours.
to annealing: 90 to 98%.
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30% Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
> Die geometry UTS 0.2% YS E50
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° (MPa) (MPa) (%)

- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). 0 190 90 30

H19 320 300 6

* H2X tempers: H24-H26
Recommendations for wiredrawing on a slip machine:
> proper lubrification (use grease at the first reduction stage)
> proper wire / die alignment Copyright
> a low slip coefficient, The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
> sufficient cooling during wiredrawing. to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
*Reduction (%) = S-s liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit
S cross-section). the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Aluminium alloy 5052 has very good corrosion resistance to seawater and marine
and industrial atmosphere, has a very good weldability and excellent cold form-
ability a an medium strength level. It is a medium strength alloy with a strength
slightly higher than 5051 and slightly lower than 5754.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Cold heading. > Work-hardening curves.
Zip fasteners. The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Wire fencings, staples, miscellaneous. ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

Chemical composition from Aluminum Association 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) F Temper (%)
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others 400 40
Each Total
Min 2.2 0.15
Max 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.10 2.8 0.35 0.10 0.05 0.15
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s
specifications. 250 20

Material condition (2 tons coils): 200
> Material condition (2 tons coils):
> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 5

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 100 0

> Usual temper as supplied: F. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
wire diameter mm
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a
rough guide):
Heat treatments:
UTS 0.2% YS E100
> Full annealing (0 temper): 350°C to 380°C
(MPa) (MPa) (%) -3 hours.
F 180-230 100-150 15-30 Minimal deformation before annealing: 20%
Process > Part annealing (H2X* tempers): 240/280°C
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: -3 hours.
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip.
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
annealing: 85 to 95%. Temper
UTS 0.2% YS E50
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30% (MPa) (MPa) (%)

> Die geometry O 210 100 30

- reduction angle: 16 to 12° H19 350 320 6

- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). H13* 240 180 15

+10% reduction * H2X tempers: H24-H26
Recommendations for wiredrawing on a slip machine: Copyright
Ensure: The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
> proper lubrification (use grease at the first reduction stage) to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
> proper wire / die alignment tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
> a low slip coefficient, tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
> sufficient cooling during wiredrawing. liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
S cross-section).
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This group of alloys contains increasing levels of the main alloying element mag-
nesium respectively. With the increasing level of magnesium the strength is sig-
nificantly increased while the formability becomes poor. The general corrosion
resistance is excellent, therefore theses alloys are used in maritime environments.
Among other aluminum alloys, this series is used for the widest applications in-
cluding welded structures. The lower alloyed derivates can be easily anodized.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Cold heading. > Work-hardening curves.
Wire fencings, staples, miscellaneous. The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Description MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

Chemical composition from Aluminum Association UTS E50

0.2% YS (%)
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others (MPa)
F Temper
500 25
Each Total

Min 3.1 0.15

Max 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.10 3.9 0.35 0.20 0.20 0.05 0.15

For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s spec- 15
ifications. Versions 5154A and 5154B are available upon request.

Material condition (2 tons coils):
> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 200
7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request.
> Usual temper as supplied: F. 100 0
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a 10 8 6 4 2 0
wire diameter mm
rough guide):
UTS E100
Heat treatments:
(MPa) (%) > Full annealing (0 temper) : 350°C to 380°C
F 210-270 15-30 -3 hours. Minimal deformation before
annealing : 20%
Process > Part annealing (H2X* tempers) : 240/280°C
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: -3 hours.
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip. > Corrosion resistance annealing
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior (tempers H3X**) : 230/240°C during 24 hours
to annealing: 85 to 95%. This heat treatment is helpful in case of using at high temperature (65°C) in cor-
rosive atmosphere.
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30%
> Die geometry Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° UTS 0.2% YS E50
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). (MPa) (MPa) (%)

0 240 115 30
Recommendations for wiredrawing on a slip machine: H19 400 375 5
Ensure: H34 290 230 13
> proper lubrification (use grease at the first reduction stage)
> proper wire / die alignment H13+ 270 210 15
> a low slip coefficient,
> sufficient cooling during wiredrawing. +10% reduction * H2X tempers: H24-H26 ** H3X tempers: H38-H36-H34

*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
S cross-section). our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This group of welding alloys are the best choice if high mechanical properties in
welded structures is required while 5183 has even higher mechanical properties
then 5356. They produce welds with higher ductility than those using 4xxx se-
ries filler materials but are not as easy to use then the 4xxx series. However, they
should not be used with high Si content alloys (i.e. castings) because of excessive
magnesium-silicide (Mg2Si) developed in the weld structure and will decrease duc-
tility and increase crack sensitivity.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

welding wire (MIG, TIG, laser). > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.
(with reference to EN ISO 18273) UTS
0.2% YS E50
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others (MPa) (%)
% H Temper
Each Total 600 30

Min 0.50 4.3 0.05 25

Max 0.40 0.40 0.10 1.0 5.2 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.15
500 20
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s
specifications. 450 15

400 10
Material condition (2 tons coils):
> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 350

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 300 0

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
> Usual temper as supplied: F or H (homogenised). wire diameter mm

> Mechanical properties (figures given as a

rough guide): Heat treatments:
UTS E100
> Full annealing (0 temper): 360°C -3 hours.
(MPa) (%)

F 280-350 15-30 Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:

H 280-330 20-35
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

Process 0 310 150 30

Recommended wiredrawing conditions: H18 460 420 6

> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to H19 500 450 4

annealing: 75 to 85%.
> Die geometry Innovation
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° TRIMET has developed a range of Welding alloys
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). without added Beryllium (protection of welders):
the BE FREE.

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This group of welding alloys are the best choice if high mechanical properties in
welded structures is required while 5183 has even higher mechanical properties
then 5356. They produce welds with higher ductility than those using 4xxx se-
ries filler materials but are not as easy to use then the 4xxx series. However, they
should not be used with high Si content alloys (i.e. castings) because of excessive
magnesium-silicide (Mg2Si) developed in the weld structure and will decrease duc-
tility and increase crack sensitivity.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Welding wire (MIG, TIG, laser). > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Description ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

(with reference to EN ISO 18273) UTS

0,2% YS
F Temper (%)
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others (MPa)
Each Total
500 20
Min 0.05 4.5 0.05 0.06
Max 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.20 5.5 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15
400 15
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s

300 10
Material condition (2 tons coils):
> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 250

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 200 5

> Usual temper as supplied: F. 150

> Mechanical properties (figures given as a 100 0
rough guide): 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
wire diameter mm
UTS 0.2% YS E100
(MPa) (MPa) (%) Heat treatments:
F 270-320 120-160 18-30 > Full annealing (0 temper): 360°C -3 hours.
H 260-310 110-140 20-35 > Partial annealing: 240°/280°C -3 hours.

Process Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:

Recommended wiredrawing conditions: Temper
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
> Maximum reduction by wiredrawing prior
0 300 140 30
to annealing: 75 to 85%.
H19 480 420 3
> Reduction per die: 15 to 30%
> Die geometry
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° Innovation
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). TRIMET has developed a range of Welding alloys
without added Beryllium (protection of welders):
the BE FREE.
The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloy 5754 has a very good general corrosion resistance and thus is one of the
most preferable alloys for applications in maritime and seawater conditions and
industrially polluted atmospheres. Its strength is medium / medium-high and it has
a very good formability in the lower strength Hxx conditions.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Cold heading. > Work-hardening curves.
Staples, sundry. The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
Description MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.

Chemical composition from Aluminum Association UTS

Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others (MPa) Temper F
% 400 35
Each Total

Min 2.6 350 30

Max 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.50 3.6 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.15 25
Foot note: 0.10% - 0.6% Mn + Cr
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s

Material condition (2 tons coils): 10

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from 150 5

7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 100 0

> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Wire diameter mm
and F.
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a Heat treatments:
rough guide): > Full annealing (0 temper): 350°C to 380°C
UTS E100 -3 hours.
(MPa) (%)
Minimal deformation before annealing: 20%
F 210-260 15-30
> Part annealing (H2X* tempers): 240/280°C
H 215-250 20-35
-3 hours.
> Corrosion resistance annealing
Process (tempers H3X**): 230/240°C during 24 hours
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: This heat treatment is helpful in case of using at high temperature (65°C) in cor-
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip. rosive atmosphere.
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior
to annealing: 85 to 95%. Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30%
UTS 0.2% YS E50
> Die geometry Temper
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
- reduction angle: 16 to 12° 0 230 110 30
- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). H19 390 360 5

H34 270 200 10

Recommendations procedure for wiredrawing on a slip machine: H13+ 260 200 15
> proper lubrification (use grease at the first reduction stage) +10% reduction * H2X tempers: H24-H26 ** H3X tempers: H38-H36-H34
> proper wire / die alignment
> a low slip coefficient, Copyright
The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
> sufficient cooling during wiredrawing.
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
*Reduction (%) = S-s
— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
S cross-section). use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Alloy 6056 is an extremly versatile material for applications which require with
high strength in the T-tempers. It has 25%-30% higher strength and hardness com-
pared with 6082-T6 supplementary with a higher stability at elevated tempera-
tures up to 150°C. Its good formability in the H1x-conditions comparable to 6082
recommends this alloy for cold heading and cold impact extrusion processes.

Applications Heat treatments:

Screws, Nuts and bolts, Fittings > Full annealing (0 temper): 400° - 420°,
3 to 4 hours, moderate cooling recommended
Description (30°C-60°/hour up to 250°C).
Chemical composition 6056 DIN EN 573-3 > Solution Heat treatment prior to quenching
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Zr Ti+Zr
(T4 - T3 Temper): 545°C +/- 4°C, 1 hour Cold
% water quenching (50°C maximum).
Min 0.7 0.50 0.40 0.6 0.10 > Natural ageing (T4 Temper): minimum 4 days
Max 1.3 0.50 1.1 1.0 1.2 0.25 0.7 0.2 at 20°C
> Artificial ageing (T6x Temper): Various
For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s
specifications. temperatures and times between 160°-200°C
(i.e. 8h/180°)
Typical Physical Properties 6056
Rm Rm
Density at 20°C 2,71 g/cm³ Rp0.2 Rp0.2 E50
(MPa) F Temper* (MPa) H Temper (%)
Solidus Temperatur (with nominal 300 300 30

chemical composition) 550°C 280 280

260 260
Specific Heat at 100°C 885 J/kg - °C
240 240
Thermal Linear Expansion 220 220
Coeffficient at 100°C 23,4 * mym/°C 200 200 15

180 180
Thermal Conductivity T6 150 W/m - °C 10
160 160
Electrical Conductivity O Temper 40% IACS 140 140 5
Electrical Conductivity T6 35% IACS 120 120

100 100 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
wire diameter (mm) wire diameter (mm)
Typical mechanical properties 6056
* Mechanical values may vary significantly due to natural aging effects
UTS 0.2% YS E50
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

O 180 90 24

T4 340 270 16

T6 420 370 10

T9 450 400 6
The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is
given to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application
suggestions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our
contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are
not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This alloy is mainly selected where welding or brazing is required together with a
high corrosion resistance in all tempers at medium strength level. The formability
in H- and O-Tempers is excellent and fairly acceptable in the T4 temper. In com-
parison to the special designated machining alloys it is more difficult to use. The
appearance after anodizing is superior in comparison to other machining alloys.

Applications Metallurgical aspects of the wiredrawing process.

Cold heading, knitting needles. > Work-hardening curves.
The work-hardening curves shown below have been constructed for a wiredraw-
Die-forgings. ing process carried out one reduction stage at a time. In the normal industrial
wiredrawing process, the figures for UTS and 0.2 YS could be lower by 10 to 40
MPa, depending on the process conditions and the diameter of the drawn wire.
Description Rm E50
Chemical composition from Aluminum Association R0,2 (%)
(MPa) F Temper
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Others
Each Total
400 30
Min 0.7 0.40 0.6

Max 1.3 0.50 0.10 1.0 1.2 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.15
300 20

For each application, TRIMET can propose composition according customer’s

specifications. 200 10

Material condition (2 tons coils): 100 0

> Usual diameter: 9.5 mm; diameters from
7.5 to 26.5 mm available upon request. 0
> Usual temper as supplied: H (homogenised) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
wire diameter mm
and F.
> Mechanical properties (figures given as a rough Heat treatments:
guide): > Heat solution treatment prior to quenching:
565°C +/- 5°C - 1 hour
> Critical rate of quenching (500 to 200°C):
F 130-220 10-30
>5°C/sec (cold water)
H 100-150 15-30
> Artificial ageing fot T6 temper (immediately
after solution treatment and quenching):
175°C +/-5°C - 8 hours
Process > Full annealing (0 temper): 360°C to 400°C
Recommended wiredrawing conditions: -3 hours
> Type of wiredrawing machine: slip or non-slip.
> Maximum reduction* by wiredrawing prior to Typical mechanical properties of drawn wire:
annealing: 93%. Temper
UTS 0.2% YS E50
> Reduction* per die: 15 to 30% (MPa) (MPa) (%)

> Die geometry 0 130 80 20

- reduction angle: 16 to 12° T4 250 150 20

- bearing length: 0.25 d (d: die diameter). T6 350 280 15

*Reduction (%) = S-s

— x 100 (where “S” is the entry cross-section and “s“ the exit Copyright
S cross-section). The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

The CCR (Continuous Casting and Rolling) 131050 ALUFLEX® Rod is an Aluminium-
Iron-Magnesium alloy used in the manufacture of fine gauge wire for flexible
cables for aeronautical engineering, cables for automotive engineering, braids
and screens for cables.

Description Physical properties

Specified composition Density 2.708 kg/m3
As tabulated below: Modulus of elasticity, 69.000 MPa
Thermal conductivity at 20°C 220 W/m°C
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn V Ti B Others Coefficient of linear expansion over
Each Total the range 20 to 100°C 23 x 10-6 °C-1
Min 0.50 0.08 Temperature correction factor for
Max 0.10 0.80 0.035 0.01 0.25 0.007 0.05 0.007 0.02 0.015 0.03 0.10 resistivity 4.0 x 10-3 °C-1
Specific heat 960 J/kg°C
Works production tolerances with respect to com-
position are in fact closer than tabulated above. Wiredrawing / Cablemaking
Metallurgical considerations
Production process The end-uses of alloy 131050 will normally call for
From primary liquid metal by Continuous Casting wire of temper H22, H24 or H26 (1/4 hard to 3/4
and Rolling (PROPERZI or SECIM processes). hard), combining good mechanical strength and
sufficient ductility for downstream assembly/insu-
A special “Fine-gauge wire” production procedure lation operations and actual cable duty.
is employed to obtain a redraw rod of excellent
metallurgical quality, ensuring very high drawability The metallurgical factors which come into play dur-
down to very small diameters (down to 0.12 mm) to ing wiredrawing and cablemaking are, basically:
yield wire which performs well in terms of: > the work-hardening of the wire brought
> stranding to form flexible cables. about by the wiredrawing operation;
> annealing and insulation of the wires and the > the softening brought about by recovery
subsequent assembly of the same. and/or recrystallization heat treatments.

Material condition Work hardening curves

> Diameter When alloy 131050 is subjected to an industrial
9.5 mm wiredrawing sequence, the mechanical properties
Tolerance on diameter is ± 4 %. of the drawnwire so obtained will be determined
Mechanical and electrical properties: > the reduction in cross-section brought about
> 131050 ALUFLEX® redraw rod is supplied in the by wiredrawing;
as-rolled condition (Temper F). > any annealing treatments carried out on the
Usual properties in F temper are as tabulated original redraw rod or at some intermediate
below: stage in wiredrawing;
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES TO 20∞C > the type of wiredrawing machine employed
Ultimate (slip or non-slip).
tensile Resistivity Electrical conductivity
at break

UTS E200
mΩ cm IACS mS/mm2
MPa (1) %

Range 120-160 10-25 2.87-2.97 58.0-60.1 33.6-34.9

Typical 140 15 2.92 59.0 34.3

(1) MPa = 0,1 hbar = 0,102 kg/mm2 = 145 psi

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Figure 1 illustrates how ultimate tensile strength N. B.: The advantages of inter-stage annealing are:
and elongation vary with diameter down to 0.5 > Improved drawability at very small diameters.
mm for: > Improved stranding characteristics of wire for
> Redraw rod, diameter 9.5 mm, Temper F flexible cables, if stranding precedes the final
> Redraw rod, diameter 9.5 mm, Temper O heat treatment.
> Redraw rod, diameter 9.5 mm, Temper F, > More uniform final mechanical properties after
with inter-stage annealing at diameter 2.5 mm. final heat treatment.
Figure 1
> Improved final electrical properties after final
UTS heat treatment.

As against this, it has an adverse effect on the
mechanical properties (UTS and E200) of the end-

> Annealing at final diameter.
F cold worked
and annealed
For fine-gauge wire, the final annealing treatment
can be carried out either in the static oven on reels
E200 of drawn wire, or continuously as the wire leaves
drawing machines fitted with electric annealing
systems suitable for aluminium.
Annealing in the static oven.
O F cold worked
5 and annealed
The final heat treatment conditions need to be
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0,5 matched to:
Work-hardening curves
Wire diameter (mm) > the annealing oven,
Processing procedure:
F: work-hardened as-rolled CCR redraw rod.
> the load to be treated,
O: work-hardened from annealed CCR redraw rod. > the desired level of mechanical properties
F cold worked and annealed: work-hardened as-rolled
CCR redraw rod with inter-stage annealing at a dia. of (UTS - E200) for the wire,
approx. 2.5mm.
> the manufacturing sequence adopted, with par-
ticular reference to whether or not inter-stage
Heat treatment practice annealing is employed.
> Annealing of redraw rod (dia. 9.5 mm).
As normally used, 131050 ALUFLEX® rod does not As an example, values of:
require annealing. UTS = 145 MPa
E200 = 10 %
> Inter-stage annealing during wiredrawing p = 2,90 µΩ cm
(2 to 2.5 mm). can be achieved by heat treatment in the oven
For certain applications, and depending on wire- with:
drawing practice and final wire diameter (very small > a temperature: 245° C
diameters of less than 0.5 mm), it may be advanta- > and a treatment time (at temperature) of
geous to include a complete recrystallization/soft- 3 hours.
ening treatment at some intermediate stage.

Operating conditions in the static heat treatment

oven could in this event be, say:
> Temperature: 300° C
> Treatment time: 4 hours (at temperature).
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

For a 0.5 mm diameter wire drawn without inter- Utilisation of Redraw Rod /
stage annealing from 9.5 mm redraw rod in 131050 Manufacturing practice
alloy-Temper F. - Figure 2 below illustrates the
effects of static annealing conditions on the final In view of the fact that 131050 is intended for
mechanical properties exhibited by the wire. fine-gauge wire production and applications, users
should exercise the very greatest care at the vari-
Figure 2 : Annealing temperature
ous stages of the wiredrawing operation, since any
damage to the rod, undue rubbing or faults could
be conducive to breakage at small diameters in no
way attributable to the quality of the product sup-
250 plied.
without intermediate
> Storage of redraw rod
> Unwinding
> Wiredrawing
See Data for 137050
with intermediate
annealing Generally speaking, the user should follow the rec-
100 ommendations for 137050. Recommendations of
particular importance when drawing fine-gauge
E200 30
(%) wire from 131050 include the use of:
> diamond dies,
> a mineral oil of viscosity appropriate to small
and very small diameters.
10 with intermediate
annealing without intermediate
200°C 220°C 240°C 260°C 280°C 300°C
Variations of tensile strengh and elongation with annealing temperature
for manufacturing sequences
131050 ALUFLEX® wires the characteristics de-
Annealing temperature (soak time > 3 h) manded for use in flexible cables:
> good mechanical properties
(breaking load and elongation)
> good resistance to alternated breaking
Final mechanical and electrical properties
> good resistance to corrosion and good
temperature stability
Depending on the application and manufacturing
> good electrical conductibility
facilities available, various manufacturing sequenc-
es may be adopted to obtain different typical com-
Applications are as following:
binations of mechanical and electrical properties.
> manufacture of flexible cables of every type for
These are illustrated in the table below for a wire
use in welding, automotive industry (1), home
of dia. 0.5 mm having an elongation at break of
electrical appliances, railways, aircraft construc-
10 %.
tion, shipbuilding.
> manufacture of cables for aeronautical engi-
SEQUENCE neering: direct nickel plated ALUFLEX®.
Rm E200 p Conductivity

MPa % mΩ cm IACS mS/mm2 (1) Battery cables.

Without intermediate
145 10 2.90 59.5 34.5

With intermediate
130 10 2.90 59.5 34.5
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

The CCR (Continuous Casting and Rolling) 137050 CONDUCTAL® (equivalent to EC

grade) is extensively employed in the manufacture of insulated wires and cables
for transport and distribution of electricity and the manufacture of bare conduc-
tors for overhead power transmission and distribution lines (of the AAC, ACSR, …).

The CCR (Continuous Casting and Rolling) 137050 137050 CCR rod is produced in five standard tem-
CONDUCTAL® conforms to EN 1715. pers or grades:

Description Aluminum Association designation

Specified composition R6 annealed by suitable heat treatment 0
The composition guaranteed by TRIMET is as tabu- R8 “as rolled” grades H11
lated below: R10 “as rolled” grades H12
R11 “as rolled” grades H13
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ga Ti+V B Others
R12 “as rolled” grades H14
Each Total

Min 0.1
The table below sets out:
Max 0.07 0.2 0.010 0.005 0.010 0.003 0.03 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.02 0.10
> maximum/minimum tensile strengths and
maximum resistivity for each grade.
Its composition complies with the European stan-
Temper Tensile strength MPa (1) ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES TO 20°C (2)
dard EN573-3 and the ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION Resistivity Conductivity minimale
Min Max Typical
standards for Alloys 1350 and 1370. max. mΩ cm IACS mS/mm2

R6 60 75 70 2.725 62.3 36.7

Note: The data tabulated is guaranteed to within the analytical precisions indi-
cated. R8 80 95 85 2.785 61.9 35.9

R10 95 110 100 2.801 61.5 35.7

R11 105 120 110 2.801 61.5 35.7

Production process R12 115 130 120 2.801 61.5 35.7

The redraw rod is produced from primary liquid (1) MPa = 0,1 hbar = 0,102 kg/mm2 = 145 psi
(2) see conversion table in appendix 1.
metal by continuous casting and rolling (PROPERZI
or SECIM processes). Physical properties
Melting point 659 °C
The procedure followed in the foundry ensures ex- Density 2.703 kg/m3
cellent metal quality and, inter alia, excellent draw- Modulus of elasticity 69.000 MPa
ability. Coefficient of linear expansion
over the range 20 to 100°C 23 x 10-6 °C-1
Packaging Temperature correction factor for resistivity
2 tonnes coils. > annealed condition 4.07 x 10-3 °C-1
> work hardened condition 4.03 x 10-3 °C-1
Material condition Thermal conductivity at 20°C 222 W/m°C
> Diameter Specific heat 920 J/kg°C
Normally 9.5 mm.
Other diameters can be supplied on request,
namely: 7.5, 12.2, 15.2, 18.5 mm. Development is
in progress for bigger diameters.
> Mechanical and electrical properties
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Wiredrawing Figure 2

Resistivity Conductivity

R11 - R12
Metallurgical considerations 2,86 35
R8 - R10

The factors which come into play when redraw rod 2,84
137050 is drawn down to wire for cablemaking 2,82 35,5
are, basically: 61,5
the work hardening brought about by the 2,80

wiredrawing operation and affecting both

62 36
mechanical and electrical properties:
> it increases mechanical strength (ultimate tensile 2,76

strength and yield strength), 2,74 63


> it reduces plasticity (elongation and flexibility),

> it slightly increases resistivity; 2,72 63,5
heat treatments, if any, to bring about softening 64

(recovery and recrystallisation). rod diameter 9,5 mm 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

7,5 mm 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Work hardening 12,2 mm12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Wire diameter (mm)
At the stage of industrial wiredrawing, the me-
chanical and electrical properties of the drawn wire
will be conditioned mainly by: Non-slip machines
> the properties of the original redraw rod, Where non-slip machines are employed, the wire
> the total reduction in cross-section brought heats up less on drawing and will therefore display
about by the wiredrawing operation, slightly higher tensile strength (by 5 to 15 MPa) and
> the type of wiredrawing machine employed. resistivity (by 0.01 to 0.02 µΩ cm).

Slip type drawing machines Heat treatment practice

Figure 1 and 2 illustrate, for each temper of rod of Figure 3 (below) illustrates typical variations
diameter 7.5, 9.5 and 12.2 mm, how ultimate ten- in ultimate tensile strength, elongation and
sile strength and resistivity vary with the diameter resistivity with heat treatment temperature for wire
of the drawn wire. drawn down to 3 mm and annealed for four hours
in a batch furnace.
.Figure 1
Figure 3
UTS Tensil strength
R11 - R12

20 200 R8 - R10
R6 UTS 30

16 200 20




14 140

12 120 10 100 10

10 100

0 0 0
8 80
100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C
r Conductivity
mWcm 36,5
6 60 63

9,5 mm 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
rod diameter

7,5 mm 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 64

12,2 mm12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2,700

Wire diameter (mm) 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C
Annealing temperature (°C)
Treatment time = 4 hours
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Utilisation and Fabrication Practice > Drawing speed: up to 40 meters per sec-
ond leaving the machine for wire of diam-
Storing the redraw rod (Recommandations) eter 2.0 mm. If speeds exceed 30 meters
It is recommended that coils be unwrapped as soon per second, elongation should preferably
as received and stored indoors in a dry place so as be limited to less than 33% for the initial re-
to obviate any corrosion which could render the duction stages and less than 26% for the final
rod unsuitable for drawing. stages.
> Dies:
Should the coils be slightly, moist when re- - tungsten carbide for diameters above
ceived, because of condensation, they must be 1.5 mm,
allowed to dry out for several days before drawing. - carbide, diamond for finishing or for diameters
In winter, preheating of the coils (in a stream of below 1.5 mm.
warm air) can assist pick-up of lubricant in the ini-
tial stages of drawing. The geometry of tungsten carbide dies can vary
between fairlywide limits:
Wiredrawing > entry angle: 40 to 90°,
Unless ortherwise specified, the data set out > reduction angle: 16 to 25° - preferably 16 to 18°
below refer to the reduction of redraw rod to for diameters of less than 5 mm,
diameters of 5 to 1.5 mm and do not cover any > bearing length: one-quarter to one-half of diam-
subsequent reduction operations designed to ob- eter for diameters between 9.5 and 12 mm,
tain fine and very fine gauge wire of diameter 0.8 > exit angle: 60 to 90°.
mm or less. The very greatest care must be taken with
the polishing of dies to be employed to draw
137050 CCR rod exhibits excellent drawability and aluminium. Particular attention should be
can be drawn on any of the present-day designs of given to careful radiusing of all edges and
industrial wiredrawing machines, whether of the replacing dies before wear becomes significant.
slip or non-slip types. Perfect alignment of the wire in the dies is also a
Best results will be obtained if the following recom-
mendations are adhered to: > Lubrication:
> Slip rate (slip drawing machines): the maker’s - non-slip machines: mineral oils or greases,
instructions should be scrupulously adhered to - slip-machines: mineral oils.
in order to keep wire slip on the capstans within Lubrication with grease for the first reduction stage
the correct limits. is always advisable.
> Elongation per block (S-s–– x 100)
s Important:
> 20 to 45% (reduction S-s –– = 16.5 to 31%
S Wherever possible, it is preferable not to employ
- see conversion table in Appendix 2) the same machine to draw both copper and alu-
for the production of standard diameters of minium because of the risk of contamination of
power cable (5 to 1.5 mm), higher elongations the mineral oil by the emulsion employed in cop-
being restricted to the initial stages of the draw- per drawing. In fact, even small amounts of water
ing operation; (less than 0.5 %) have a distinctly adverse effect on
> 13 to 20% for subsequent reduction of wire of the lubricating properties, in addition to which any
diameters below 1.5 mm. contamination of the drawn wire by particles of
copper could impair corrosion resistance.
Elongation in the first die should not be too small
(less than 20 %) since this would embrittle the wire
surface (the degree of work hardening being great-
er near the surface than at the core) and adversely
affect pick-up of lubricant.
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Oxidized redraw rod: should any accidental for the first reduction stage, together with
oxidation of the redraw rod have occurred as a dies of large working angle (22-24°) and short
result of faulty protection during shipment, bearing length to avoid scoring or scratching.
the use of a special grease is recommended

Appendix 1 Appendix 2
Conversion table: REDUCTION OF DRAWING (R%)
Resistivity Conductivity* Resistivity Conductivity* Resistivity Conductivity* E R d D
µΩcm2/cm IACS mΩmm2 µΩcm2/cm IACS mΩmm2 µΩcm2/cm IACS mΩ mm2 % % D d

2.700 63.86 37.04 2.900 59.45 34.48 3.100 55.62 32.26 50 33.3 0.817 1.226

2.705 63.74 36.97 2.905 59.35 34.42 3.105 55.53 32.21 45 31.0 0.831 1.204

2.710 63.62 36.90 2.910 59.25 34.36 3.110 55.44 32.15 40 28.5 0.845 1.183

2.715 63.50 36.83 2.915 59.15 34.31 3.115 55.35 32.10 - - - -

2.720 63.39 36.76 2.920 59.04 34.25 3.120 55.26 32.05 35 25.9 0.861 1.162

2.725 63.27 36.70 2.925 58.94 34.19 3.125 55.17 32.00 34 25.4 0.864 1.157

2.730 63.15 36.63 2.930 58.84 34.13 3.130 55.08 31.95 33 24.8 0.867 1.153

2.735 63.04 36.56 2.935 58.75 34.07 3.135 55.00 31.90 32 24.2 0.870 1.149

2.740 62.92 36.50 2.940 58.64 34.01 3.140 54.91 31.85 31 23.9 0.874 1.144

2.745 62.81 36.43 2.945 58.54 33.96 3.145 54.82 31.80 30 23.1 0.877 1.140

2.750 62.69 36.36 2.950 58.44 33.90 3.150 54.73 31.75 29 22.5 0.880 1.136

2.755 62.58 36.30 2.955 58.35 33.84 3.155 54.65 31.70 28 21.9 0.884 1.131

2.760 62.47 36.23 2.960 58.25 33.78 3.160 54.56 31.65 27 21.3 0.887 1.127

2.765 62.35 36.17 2.965 58.15 33.73 3.165 54.47 31.60 26 20.6 0.891 1.122

2.770 62.24 36.10 2.970 58.05 33.67 3.170 54.39 31.55 25 20.0 0.894 1.118

2.775 62.13 36.04 2.975 57.95 33.61 3.175 54.30 31.50 24 19.4 0.898 1.113

2.780 62.02 35.97 2.980 57.86 33.56 3.180 54.22 31.45 23 18.7 0.902 1.109

2.785 61.91 35.91 2.985 57.76 33.50 3.185 54.13 31.40 22 18.0 0.905 1.104

2.790 61.80 35.84 2.990 57.66 33.44 3.190 54.05 31.35 21 17.4 0.909 1.100

2.795 61.69 35.78 2.995 57.57 33.39 3.195 53.96 31.30 20 16.7 0.913 1.095

2.800 61.57 35.71 3.000 57.47 33.33 3.200 53.88 31.25 - - - -

2.805 61.47 35.65 3.005 57.37 33.28 3.205 53.79 31.20 15 13.0 0.933 1.072

2.810 61.36 35.59 3.010 57.28 33.22 3.210 53.71 31.15

2.815 61.25 35.52 3.015 57.18 33.17 3.215 53.63 31.10 Elongation
2.820 61.14 35.46 3.020 57.09 33.11 3.220 53.54 31.06 2
E% = S-s x 100 = D -1 x 100
2.825 61.03 35.40 3.025 56.99 33.06 3.225 53.46 31.01 s d

2.830 60.92 35.34 3.030 59.90 33.00 3.230 53.38 30.96

Reduction (per area)
2.835 60.81 35.27 3.035 56.81 32.95 3.235 53.30 30.91
2.840 60.71 35.21 3.040 56.71 32.89 3.240 53.21 30.86 R% = S-s x 100 = 1- d x 100
2.845 60.60 32.15 3.045 56.62 32.84 3.245 53.13 30.82

2.850 60.49 35.09 3.050 56.53 32.79 3.250 53.05 30.77

2.855 60.39 35.03 3.055 56.44 32.73 3.255 52.97 30.72 WHERE ENTERING DIE LIVING DIE

2.860 60.28 34.96 3.060 56.34 32.68 3.260 52.89 30.67 cross-section S s

2.865 60.18 34.90 3.065 56.25 32.63 3.265 52.81 30.63 length L l

2.870 60.07 34.84 3.070 56.16 32.57 3.270 52.72 30.58 diameter D d

2.875 59.97 34.78 3.075 56.07 32.52 3.275 52.64 30.53

2.880 59.86 34.72 3.080 55.98 32.47 3.280 52.56 30.49

2.885 59.76 34.66 3.085 55.89 32.41 3.285 52.48 30.44

2.890 59.66 34.60 3.090 55.80 32.36 3.290 52.40 30.40

2.895 59.55 34.54 3.095 55.71 32.31 3.295 52.32 30.35

GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

The CCR (Continuous casting and Rolling) 137072 is employed in the manufacture
of wires and cables for transport and distribution of electricity. The advantage of
this product lies in its ability to sustain higher temperature and thus higher am-
pacity. The maximum conituous temperature of use is 150°C and the maximum
temperature for pics < 10h is 180°C.

The CCR AT1 conforms to IEC 62004 > Mechanical and electrical properties
137072 is usually supplied in the partially
Description work-hardened condition R11:
Specified composition UTS: 105 to 120 MPa
The composition guaranteed by TRIMET is as tabu- Elongation > 10%
lated below:
Temper Tensile strength MPa (1) ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES TO 20°C (2)
Elements Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Ga Zr Ti+V B Others Resistivity Conductivity minimale
Min Max Typical
% max. mΩ cm IACS mS/mm2
Each Total
R11 105 120 110 2.860 35.0 60.3
Min 0.040
(1) MPa = 0,1 hbar = 0,102 kg/mm2 = 145 psi
Max 0.07 0.18 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.050 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.10 (2) see conversion table in appendix 1.

Note: The data tabulated is guaranteed to within the analytical precisions indi-
Physical properties at high temperature of
Production process drawn 3.29mm wire
The redraw rod is produced from primary liquid
metal by continuous casting and rolling (PROPERZI After 5h at 200°: IACS = 60.5 +/- 0.3
or SECIM processes). UTS > 96% of Initial UTS

The procedure followed in the foundry ensures ex- After 400h at 180°: IACS = 61.1 +/- 0.3
cellent metal quality and, inter alia, excellent draw- UTS > 94% of Initial UTS

2 tonnes coils.

Material condition
> Diameter
Normally 9.5 mm.

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given
to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application sugges-
tions, they are solely nonbinding references that are not covered by our contrac-
tual obligations (including any third-party copyrights) and for which we are not
liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not release
the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their
intended use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole
or part, are subject to our express authorization. New alloys and their technologi-
cal advancements that are developed after the brochure has gone into print will be
presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu
EAl MgSi

610145 | 610155 | 610166

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
610145 | 610155 | 610166
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

The CCR (Continuous Casting and Rolling) 610145 | 610155 | 610166 ALMELEC®
rods are aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloys developed specially by TRIMET for
the manufacture of conductors for overhead transmission and distribution lines
(AAAC type) and the manufacture of the neutral catenary of bundled cables.

A suitable combination of thermal and mechanical Material condition

treatments confers twice the mechanical strength > Diameter
of conductor-grade aluminium (137050) with a loss The usual diameter is 9.5 mm.
of only 10 to 15% in terms of electrical conductiv- Other diameters (7.5 - 12mm) can however
ity. be supplied to order.

The 3 grades are able to meet all current require- > Temper
ments and relevant specifications. The rod is supplied in one of two tempers:
F: i.e. as-rolled, provided the cable
Description manufacturer possesses suitable heat treatment
Specified composition and quenching facilities.
3 products grades are currently manufactured, TS: ie heat treated, quenched and dried if such
namely: 610145, 610155 and 610166 to standards facilities are not available (T4 temper).
of composition wich comply with the european
standard EN-573-3 and the ALUMINUM ASSOCIA- Quenching ensures high mechanical strength in
TION specifications for alloy 6101. the end-product after final artificial ageing. The
purpose of drying is to avoid the risk of any undue
Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn V Ti Others
oxidation of the rod in the centre of the coil.
Each Total

Min 0.35 0.40 As a general rule, the redraw rod should prefer-
Max 0.52 0.32 0.035 0.01 0.52 0.007 0.05 0.007 0.02 0.03 0.10 ably be drawn within 4 to 6 months of quenching
610155 in view of the slight hardening which results from
Min 0.38 0.44 natural ageing.
Max 0.56 0.32 0.035 0.01 0.56 0.007 0.05 0.007 0.02 0.03 0.10

610166 The sooner the wiredrawing operation is carried

Min 0.44 0.48 out, the easier it is.
Max 0.62 0.32 0.035 0.01 0.60 0.007 0.05 0.007 0.02 0.03 0.10
Mechanical and electrical properties
Works production tolerances on composition are in > Rod supplied in temper F: TRIMET offers no
fact closer than tabulated above. guarantee as to tensile strength.
> Rod supplied in temper TS (T4 temper):
Packaging quenching procedure employed by TRIMET
Coils of 1800 kg. for ALMELEC redraw rod in this temper ensures
uniform characterisitics throughout coils
Production process weighing from 1.500 to 1.800 kg, according to
The redraw rod is produced from primary liquid rod diameter. This characteristics meet the
metal by continuous casting and rolling (PROPERZI european standard EN1715-2: Aluminium and
or SECIM processes). The procedure employed in aluminium alloys. Drawing stock. Part 2-Specific
the foundry ensures excellent metal quality, hence, requirement for electrical applications.
excellent drawability and cable-stranding charac-
610145 | 610155 | 610166
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

This being so, mechanical and electrical proper- UTS

610166 TS 610155 TS
ties as measured on the redraw rod cannot be 400 20 400 20
employed for production control purposes and are
given here merely fot the sake of illustration.
Ultimate tensile
Grade Resistivity Electrical conductivity
strength MPa*
300 10 300 10
10 days 6 months
after after mΩ cm IACS mS/mm2
quenching quenching

610145 150-175 165-190 3.35 51.4 29.8

610155 155-195 175-200 3.40 50.7 29.4

610166 170-205 195-220 3.45 50.0 29.0 200 0 200 0

* MPa = 0,1 hbar = 0,102 kg/mm2 = 145 psi 10 5 0 10 5 0
Diameter (mm) Diameter (mm)

Physical properties Slip machine Non-slip machine

Non-slip machine
Density 2.700 kg/m3
Modulus of elasticity, 69.000 MPa The resistivity is less affected and remains high.
Thermal conductivity at 20°C 220 W/m°C Some typical values for as-drawn 2.5 mm dia. wire
Coefficient of linear expansion over are tabulated below.
the range 20 to 100°C 23 x 10-6 °C-1
Temperature correction factor for Grade Slip machine Non-slip machine

resistivity 3.6 x 10-3 °C-1 UTS

Conductivity UTS
tivity tivity
Specific heat 960 J/kg°C
mS/ mS/
MPa* μΩ cm IACS MPa* μΩ cm IACS
mm2 mm2

Wiredrawing 610145 300 3.30 52.2 30.3 320 3.35 51.4 29.8

Metallurgical aspects 610155 305 3,350 51.5 29.8 325 3,400 50.7 29.4

The conversion of the quanched ALMELEC® redraw 610166 335 3,450 50.0 28.9 370 3,515 49.0 28.4

rod to the final wire or cable involves the following * MPa = 0,1 hbar = 0,102 kg/mm2 = 145 psi

series of operations: Note:

> wiredrawing to the final diameter, At this stage, the wire still conserves the excellent uniformity of characteristics
shown by the redraw rod. The final desired characteristics are conferred on the
> artificial ageing treatment, wire by the final artificial ageing treatment. Therefore, the effects of the type of
> stranding. wiredrawing machine employed-wich are clearly brought out by the data tabulated
above for the work-hardened wire-can be cancelled out by the correct choice of
artificial ageing conditions.

The properties of the drawn wire are checked after

the artificial ageing process. The effect on properties of the final artificial
ageing treatment
This ageing/recovery treatment is required in order
to achieve a satisfactory combination of mechani- Following curves illustrate variations in tensile
cal and electrical properties and in particular a level strength and resistivity with treatment time at vari-
of electrical resistivity satisfactory to the applicable ous treatment temperatures. For example, in the
standards for overhead conductors. case of treatment at 160 °c:
> Tensile strength increases by 10 to 50 MPa over
Effect of wiredrawing on properties – the first hour (i.e. actually spent at the
Work hardening curves treatment temperature) and then falls by 3 to 4
MPa per hour on average.
The wiredrawing operation increases mechanical > Resistivity falls by approximately 0.1 µΩ cm
strengh by virtue of work hardening: the smaller over the first hour (actually spent at
the diameter of the drawn wire, the higher its ulti- temperature), then, ever more slowly, by
mate tensile strength. In addition, wire drawn on a approximately 0.15 µΩ cm over the next 5
non-slip machine will exhibit higher tensile strength hours (making a total fall of approximately
than that drawn on a slip machine because of a 0.25 µΩ cm over 6 hours at 160 °c).
greater degree of heating in the latter case.
610145 | 610155 | 610166
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Figure 2 Figure 3 Also, assuming the same treatment temperature, a

UTS (MPa) (kg/mm2) r (mWcm) Cond. (%IACS)
400 40
given resistivity will be obtained in a much shorter
140°C 50 time:
3,40 > with 610155 than with 610166
(in approximately two-fifths of the time),
165°C 52
300 30
> with wire drawn on a slip machine than with
wire drawn on a non-slip machine
3,20 54
165°C (approximately threefifths).
In practice, however, since precipitation phenom-
200 170°C
58 ena and changes in properties induced by artificial
200°C ageing will both be faster by higher treatment tem-
250°C 2,90
60 peratures, it can be easily understood that tem-
perature gradients in the treatment oven and the
100 2,80
10 5 time, hours 0 5 time, hours thermal inertia of the mass of metal comprising the
610166 coil will both negatively influence the uniformity of
diameter 9.5mm drawn down to diameter 3.45mm on a non-slip machine
properties and make it more difficult to control ac-
curately the treatment proces at 170 than at 160°C.
Figure 4 Figure 5 It is therefore strongly recommended that the low-
UTS (MPa) (kg/mm2) r (mWcm) Cond. (%IACS)
400 40
est possible treatment temperature and longest
50 possible treatment time be employed.
140°C 3,40
155°C Mechanical and electrical properties after
140°C 52
160°C 3,30 drawing and artificial ageing
165°C 155°C
3,20 54
For any given resistivity, the mechanical strength of
200°C 3,10
drawn and artificially aged will increase with:
165°C > the concentrations of the alloying elements
magnesium and silicon,
> the degree of work-hardening
200°C 60 (ratio of diameters of rod and wire).
100 2,80
10 5 time, hours 0 5 time, hours The table below sets out typical mechanical prop-
erties for wires drawn down to various diameters
diameter 9.5 mm drawn down to diameter 2.5 mm on a non-slip machine from ALMELEC® redraw rod Grade 610155, dia. 9.5
mm, and Grade 610166, dia. 9.5 mm and 12 mm,
N.B: The timeshown is the time actually spent at the target temperature. The
curves shown refer to treatments carried out on short lengths of wire in the labora-
tory and are therefore only indicaticve.

Resistivity in each case was 3.20 µΩ cm.

In sum, therefore, after initially improving both TYPICAL ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTHS OF DRAWN AND ARTIFICIALLY
tensile strength and electrical conductivity (over AGED WIRE MPa*

the first hour), the artificial ageing treatment then Diameter of 610155 - diameter 610166- diameter 610166 - diameter
drawn wire mm 9,5mm 9,5mm 12mm
slowly, over the next few hours, improves conduc-
4 320 335 340
tivity at the cost of a gradual lowering of tensile
3.5 330 345 350
3 335 350 355

The artificial ageing treatment time therefore has 2.5 340 355 355

to be limited to the minimun needed to yield the 2 340 355 355

lectrical conductivity specified by the relevant stan- * MPa = 0,1 hbar = 0,102 kg/mm2 = 145 psi

dards, plus a sufficient margin of safety. The treat-

ment time required shortens with increase in treat-
ment temperature.
610145 | 610155 | 610166
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Wiredrawing Shelf life of quenched redraw rod

We recommended an interval of not more than 4
ALMELEC® is normally drawn at speed of 10 to 25 to 6 months between quenching and wiredrawing.
meters per second, depending on exit diameters,
and using apporximately 20 to 50% more pow-
er than needed for conductor-grade aluminium Artificial ageing
Its drawability is of course inferior to that of Treatment temperatures and times
137050, particularly since it contains higher con- These require to be optimised by reference to the
centrations of alloying elements. equipment employed and to the following basic
Recommended wiredrawing process conditions are principles:
as follows:
> Temperature 155 to 170 °C
Slip or non-slip-machines preferably: 150 to 155 °C for 610145
> Elongation per block (S-s –– x 100) less than 33% 155 to 160 °C for 610155
and close to 26%. s 160 to 165 °C for 610166
- capstan diameter 400 mm minimum,
- slip rate (slip machines) 1 to 3 %. > Normally speaking, temperature differences
Slip machines designed for elongations of 33% per through the coil should not exceed 5 °c (slightly
block or fitted with small)diameter capstans are to more, if acceptance standards are not severe)
be classed as “difficult”, with particular reference
to ALMELEC® 610166 but can frequently be em- > Treatment time: 2 1/2 to 7 hours as determined
ployed to satisfactory effect. by the alloy, temperature and equipment em-
ployed. Treatment time will be distinctly shorter
Highly polished carbide or compax diamond for wire drawn on slip-machines than for drawn
dies: on non-slip machines (in the ration of approxi-
> reduction angle 12 to 16° mately three to five).
> bearing length as short as possible and in no
case exceeding one-quater of diameter Choice of oven
> entry angle 100° Forced-draught ovens should be employed and the
charge well spaced out to ensure that the treat-
Unduly great reduction angles, in excess of 18°, ment temperature is reached at approximately the
are to be avoided because of the risk of cup-and- same time at every part of the charge.
cone fracture. Particular attention should be given
to careful radiuding of all edges and replacing dies The method of heating is not important. Only the
before wear becomes significant. quality of ventilation has to be watched to ensure
uniformity of temperature throughout the charge.
> non-slip machines: mineral oils or greases,
> slip-machines: mineral oils. Applications
Wherever possible, it is preferable not to employ the The main use of ALMELEC® redraw rod is in the
same machine to draw both copper and ALMELEC® manufacture of bare cables (AAAC) for overhead
because of the risk of contamination of the mineral power transmission and distribution lines.
oil by the emulsion employed in copper drawing. In
fact, even small amounts of water (less than 0.5 %) A related application is the manufacture of the nor-
have a distinctly adverse effect on the lubricating mally insulated carrier wire in preassembled strand-
properties, in addition to which any contamination ed power distribution cables (in which the carrier
of the drawn wire by particles of copper could im- wire also acts as the neutral).
pair corrosion resistance.
Other application is the manufacture of wire for
Lubrification with grease for the first reduction optical fiber cables (OPGW).
stage is always advisable.
610145 | 610155 | 610166
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled

Other application for ALMELEC® redraw rod in- Typically, the following properties can be obtained
clude various uses for mechanical purposes. on drawn wire (dia. 3.45 mm) after ageing:
> Ultimate Tensile Strength > 280 MPa
New developments : ALMELEC® HC > Resisitivity < 2.98 µΩ cm

TRIMET has developped a new high conductivity Other optimization can be obtained.
ALMELEC® based on alloy 610155.

The aim is to improve the compromise between

mechanical resistance and resistivity for typical ap-

Standards relating to ALMELEC® wire (as drawn and heat treated)

Country Standart Type Nominal Nominal Minimal Minimal Maximale

conductivity diameter traction elongation resistivity
resistance before rupture
(on 250mm)

IACS > > Each Mean % each Mean

mm mm MPa of a lot μΩcm of a lot
MPa μΩcm

EUROPE (CENELEC) EN 50183 AL 2 52.5 1.5 3.5 325 3 3.284

3.5 5 315 3 3,284

AL 3 53 1.5 5 295 3.5 3.253

AL 4 52.9 1.5 3.5 325 342 3 3.29 3.226

3.5 5 315 330 3 3.29 3.226

AL 5 55.25 1.5 5 295 3.5 3.22 3.12

AL 6 55.6 1.5 3.5 315 3.5 3.15 3.1

3.5 5 304 3.5 3.15 3.1

AL 7 57.5 1.5 2.5 300 3 3.05 3.0

2.5 3 290 3 3.05 3.0

3 3.5 275 3 3.05 3.0

3.5 4 265 3 3.05 3.0

4 5 255 3 3.05 3.0

International CEI 60104 A 3.5 3.5 325 3 3.284

315 3 3.284

B 3.5 3.5 295 3.5 3.253

295 3.5 3.253

U.S.A. ASTM B 398 3.35 3.35 317 330 3 3.28

303 317 3 3.28

JAPON JEC-74 1.5 5 309 4 3.31

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled
Electrical engineering

One of the areas in which CCR (Continuously Cast and Rolled) rod is really in its
element is electricity. For many years, it has been chosen now by the major cable
makers worldwide.

The fields of application for CCR* rod are virtu- The CCR* 131050 ALUFLEX® rod is an Alumini-
ally unlimited. They include insulated cables for um-Iron-Magnesium alloy used in the manufacture
low and medium voltage distribution networks, of fine gauge wire for:
conductors for overhead lines, flexible cables for > flexible cables for aeronautical engineering
robotics, welding and railway engineering, cables > cables for automotive engineering
using nickel-plated wire for aeronautical engineer- > braids and screens for cables.
ing, enameled wire for windings, etc.
Conductivity Resistivity
%IACS μΩ.cm
Lightweight, easy to use, high electrical conductiv- 63
ity, corrosion resistance, lending itself well to sur- 62
face treatments (nickel plating, anodizing, etc), are 137050 (2) 2.80
all some of the desirable features that make CCR* 2.85
rod a particularly effective and economic material. 60
59 131050 (3)
Day after day, TRIMET CCR* rod, already catering
for the bulk of electrical applications, demonstrates 3.00

its versatility and ability to meet new needs and 57 3.05

requirements. 56 3.10

55 610155 (1) 3.15

The CCR* 137050 CONDUCTAL® (equivalent to
610166 (1)
EC Grade) is extensively employed in the manufac- 54 3.20

ture of insulated wires and cables for transport and 53 3.25

distribution of electricity and the manufacture of
52 3.30
bare conductors for overhead power transmission
and distribution lines (of the AAC, ACSR, …). 51

The CCR* 610145, 610155, 610166 ALMELEC®
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
rods are aluminium, magnesium and silicon alloys UTS (MPa)
developed specially by TRIMET for the manufacture
of bare conductors for overhead transmission and Our products are delivered in 2 tonnes coils.
distribution lines (AAAC type) and the manufac- Standard diameter of our wire rod is 9.5 mm with
ture of the neutral catenary of bundled cables. other possibilities upon request.

A suitable combination of thermal and mechanical Copyright

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
treatments confers twice the mechanical strength our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
of conductor-grade aluminium (137050) with a loss and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
of only 10 to 15% in terms of electrical conductiv- use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
ity. the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled
An incomparable range for mechanical engineering

The expertise acquired in CCR (Continuously Cast and Rolled) rod based on a
substantial program of research and development has resulted in the creation
of an outstanding range of aluminium alloys geared to mechanical engineering

From rivets, superfine wire, bolts, screws or forg- Main alloying elements according Aluminum
ing part, TRIMET CCR redraw rod matches a wide Association:
variety of requirements.
Main alloying
Hardening by: Alloy series
TRIMET CCR rod product range includes all the
1000 None
1000 to 6000 series alloys, for numerous applica-
tions. Cold forming 3000 Mn 0.5 to 1.5%
5000 Mg 0.5 to 5%
Our products are delivered in 2 tonnes coils. Age hardening 2000 Cu 2 to 6%
Standard diameter of our wire rod is 9.5 mm with (+ Cold forming)
6000 Mg & Si 0.5 to 1.5%
other possibilities upon request.

Mechanical properties of MECAL® alloys (INDICATIVE data) :





Temper H19

Temper T6

Temper T3

Temper T8

Temper T4
Temper 0

1080 3103 5005 5051 5052 5754 5154 5019 6082 2011 2017

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu

Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast
and Rolled
Redraw Rod – Continuously Cast and Rolled
The world of aluminium welding

The expertise acquired by TRIMET in CCR (Continuously Cast and Rolled) rod
based on a substantial program of research and development have gone into the
creation of an incomparable range of aluminium alloys geared to welding and
brazing applications.

Since more than ten years, this know-how has been Main welding alloys with alloying elements
extended to casting of welding or arc spray alloys. according Aluminum Association:
Main alloying
TRIMET has developed this BE FREE® range of Hardening by: Alloy series
welding alloys without added beryllium (protection
1XXX None
of welders).
Cold forming 4043 | 4043A Si 5%
Our products are delivered in 2 tones coils. 4047 | 4047A Si 12%
Standard diameter of our wire rod is 9.5 mm with Age hardening 5356 Mg 5%
other possibilities upon request. (+ Cold forming)
5183 Mg 4.5%, Mn 1%

INDICATIVE choice for welding alloys according to base material.

Please refer to welding wire supplier.
Serie Most common welding alloys are:
1000 1XXX > Serie 1000: 1080
3000 > Serie 4000: 4043 | 4043A, 4047 | 4047A
> Serie 5000: 5356, 5183

5454 4XXX 4XXX 5XXX (1)


Serie 5XXX 5XXX 5XXX

6000 4XXX 4XXX 4XXX

Serie 5052
5005 5083 Serie
Alloys 1000 5454
5050 5086 6000
3000 5754
(1) Attention has to be paid to intercrystalline corrosion of welded part.

The information provided in this brochure was gathered in proper tests and is given to the best of
our knowledge and belief. However, as with all application suggestions, they are solely nonbinding
references that are not covered by our contractual obligations (including any third-party copyrights)
and for which we are not liable. The data do not constitute a guarantee for properties and do not
release the user from his responsibility to test whether our products are suited for their intended
use. The reproduction, translation and copying of this brochure, in whole or part, are subject to our
express authorization. New alloys and their technological advancements that are developed after
the brochure has gone into print will be presented in the next issue.
GB - 02.2016

TRIMET France • Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville • F-73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Telephone +33 4 79201010 • www.trimet.eu
Coils Packaging specifications

Typical diameter
C Coil

A. Hight (coil only):

850 mm

B B. Outer diameter:
1,200 mm for 1.8 t
1,400 mm for 2.0 t
C. Inner diameter:
540 mm

Typical diameter
Wooden pallet


All Size in mm ±5


170 80 650 250

Coils Packaging specifications

Typical diameter
C Coil

A. Hight (coil only):

860 mm

B B. Outer diameter:
1,400 mm for 2.0 t
1,440 mm for 2.2 t
A 1,500 mm for 2.4 t

C. Inner diameter:
740 mm

Typical diameter

Wooden pallet

All Size in mm ±5


250 70 760 70 250

Your contact person

TRIMET in France TRIMET in Germany

TRIMET France TRIMET Aluminium SE
Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville Aluminiumallee 1
73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 45356 Essen
Claudia Pizzanelli Dr.-Ing. Luisa Marzoli
Telephone: +33 479 201114 Telephone: +49 201 366518
claudette.pizzanelli@trimet.fr luisa.marzoli@trimet.de

TRIMET France TRIMET Aluminium SE

Rue Henri Sainte Claire Deville Aluminiumallee 1
73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 45356 Essen
Philipp Schlüter Michael Scheufen
Telephone: +41 41 7286047 Telephone: +49 201 366818
pschlueter@trimet.ch michael.scheufen@trimet.de

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