KEI Cables PDF
KEI Cables PDF
KEI Cables PDF
35 0.1110 0.1170 0.1220 0.1330 0.1350 - 0.1230 0.1270 0.1310 0.1400 0.1420 -
50 0.1040 0.1110 0.1160 0.1260 0.1300 0.1400 0.1170 0.1200 0.1240 0.1340 0.1360 0.1470
70 0.0988 0.1050 0.1100 0.1190 0.1290 0.1330 0.1120 0.1140 0.1180 0.1270 0.1290 0.1400
95 0.0957 0.1010 0.1050 0.1150 0.1170 0.1270 0.1060 0.1080 0.1120 0.1210 0.1240 0.1340
120 0.0920 0.1020 0.1010 0.1100 0.1120 0.1220 0.1020 0.1040 0.1090 0.1180 0.1190 0.1290
150 0.0887 0.0936 0.0973 0.1060 0.1080 0.1170 0.0979 0.1010 0.1050 0.1130 0.1150 0.1240
185 0.0871 0.0919 0.0963 0.1040 0.1060 0.1160 0.0959 0.0993 0.1040 0.1110 0.1120 0.1210
240 0.0840 0.0894 0.0926 0.1000 0.1010 0.1110 0.0929 0.0969 0.0997 0.1070 0.1080 0.1170
300 0.0815 0.0869 0.0896 0.0961 0.0977 0.1060 0.0900 0.0936 0.0936 0.1020 0.1040 0.1130
400 0.0797 0.0850 0.0860 0.0925 0.0939 0.1030 0.0880 0.0917 0.0926 0.0984 0.0997 0.1180
500 0.0788 0.0838 0.0845 0.0905 0.0918 0.0994 0.0865 0.0900 0.0884 0.0959 0.0989 0.1060
630 0.0744 0.0819 0.0826 0.0875 0.0893 0.0960 0.0851 0.0876 0.0879 0.0941 0.0953 0.1020
800 0.0762 0.0778 0.0798 0.0855 0.0866 0.0925 0.0831 0.0858 0.0844 0.0912 0.0922 0.0976
1000 0.0758 0.0769 0.0787 0.0836 0.0851 0.0907 0.0835 0.0844 0.0846 0.0890 0.0904 0.0966
KEI Recommendations for Current Ratings:
The Current rating of power cable is defined by the maximum intensity of current (amperes) which can
flow continuously through the cable, under permanent loading conditions, without any risk of damaging
the cable or deterioration of its electrical properties.
The value given in the tables are valid for one circuit in a three phase system under conditions specified.
For grouping cables rating factors must be used.
The current carrying capacities mentioned in KEI technical data are intended as a guide, to assist operating
engineers in selecting cables for safety and reliability.
Basic assumptions and conditions of installation :-
• Max. conductor Temperature : 90° C.
• Ambient Ground Temperature : 30° C.
• Ambient Air Temperature : 40° C.
• Thermal resistivity of soil : 150°C.Cm/W
• Depth of laying (to the highest point of the
cables laid direct in the ground )
3.3,6.6 & 1 IkV Cables : 90 cm
22 and 33kV Cables : 105cm
• Max. Conductor Temperature
for Short Circuit : 250° C.
To obtain the maximum current carrying capacity of a cable operating at different conditions from the
standard, various rating factors are to be multiplied, as follows :-
Ia=KxIs in amperes
Where ;
I a : Current rating at actual operating conditions (amperes)
I s : Current rating at standard operating conditions (amperes)
K : Rating factor as, applicable.
A. Rating factors for variation in ambient air temperature
Ambient Temp (°C) 25 30 35 40 45 50
Rating Factors 1.14 1.10 1.04 1.00 0.95 0.90
B. Rating factors for variation in ground temperature
Ground Temp (°C) 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Rating Factors 1.12 1.08 1.03 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87
Depth of laying Cm 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV & 1 IkV all size 22 kV & 33 kV all Size
90 1.00 —
105 0.99 1.00
120 0.98 0.99
150 0.96 0.97
180 or more 0.95 0.96
Thermal Resistivity of Soil (°ccm / w) 100 120 150 200 250 300
Factor 1.20 1.11 1.0 0.89 0.80 0.73
A) Cables laid direct in the ground in horizontal formation.
No. of Trefoils Spacing between trefoils 3.3 to 22 kV Cables 33 kV Cables
in Group Touching 15cm 30cm 45 cm Touching 15cm 30cm 45 cm
2 0.78 0.81 0.85 0.88 0.80 0.82 0.85 0.88
3 0.68 0.71 0.77 0.81 0.68 0.71 0.76 0.79
4 0.61 0.65 0.72 0.76 0.62 0.65 0.71 0.75
5 0.56 0.61 0.68 0.73 0.57 0.60 0.67 0.72
B) Cables laid on Racks / Trays in covered trench with removable covers where air circulation is restricted,
Trefoils are separated by two cable diameter horizontally and the trays are in tiers having 300 mm distance.
No. Racks / Trays in Tiers No. of Trefoils in Horizontal Formation
1 2 3
1 0.95 0.90 0.88
2 0.90 0.85 0.83
3 0.88 0.83 0.81
6 0.86 0.81 0.79
C) As above B. but cables laid in open air.
1 1 0.98 0.96
2 1 0.95 0.93
3 1 0.94 0.92
6 1 0.93 0.90
A) Cables laid Inside concrete trench with removable covers, on cable trays where air circulation is restricted.
The Cables spaced by one cable diameter and trays are in tiers spaced by 300 nun. The clearance Between
the wall and the cable is 25 mm.
No. of cables trays in tier Distance between Trefoils
1 2 3 6 9
1 0.95 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.84
2 0.90 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.80
3 0.88 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.78
6 0.86 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.76
B) Cable laid on cable trays exposed to air, the cables spaced by one cable diameter and trays are in tiers spaced
by 300 mm. The clearance of the cable from the wall is 25 mm.
No. of cables trays in tier No. of cables
1 2 3 6 9
1 1 0.98 0.96 0.93 0.92
2 1 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.89
3 1 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.88
6 1 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.86
C) Cables laid on cable trays exposed to air, the cables touching and trays are in tiers spaced by 300 mm. The
clearance between the wall and the cable is 25 mm.
No. of cables trays No. of cables per tray
1 2 3 6 9
1 1 0.84 0.80 0.75 0.73
2 1 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.69
3 1 0.78 0.74 0.70 0.68
6 1 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.66
D) Cables laid direct in ground in horizontal formation.
No. of cables in Group Distance of cables
Touching 15cm 30cm 45 cm
2 0.79 0.82 0.87 0.90
3 0.69 0.75 0.79 0.83
4 0.62 0.69 0.74 0.79
5 0.58 0.65 0.72 0.76
6 0.54 0.61 0.69 0.75
“KEI” Single Core Compacted Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable AL & CU / XLPE / AL Wire / PVC Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Voltage Grade : 1.9 /3.3 kV (Unscreened) (E)
Voltage Grade : 3.3 /3.3 kV (Unscreened) (UE) WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS
Nom. Size of Unarmoured Cable Armoured Cable CURRENT RATING
stranded Nom. Nom. Approx. Al. Cu. Nom. Nom. Min. Approx. Al. Cu. Allumiunium Copper.
Class 2 Thickness Thickness Overall Approx. Approx. Thickness dimension Thickness overall Approx. Approx In ground In air In ground In air
Conductor of XLPE of PVC Diameter Weight Weight of XLPE of Al. of PVC diameter Weight Weight at at at at
as per Insulation Outer of of of insulation Wire Outersheath of Cable of Cable of Cable 30OC 40OC 30OC 40OC
IS 8130/ Sheath Cable Cable Cable
1984 mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km mm mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km Amps. Amps. Amps. Amps.
25 2.2 1.8 15.0 235 385 2.5 1.4 1.24 17.5 340 490 97 103 124 133
35 2.2 1.8 16.0 275 485 2.5 1.4 1.40 18.5 390 595 115 126 149 163
50 2.2 1.8 17.0 325 605 2.5 1.6 1.40 20.0 460 740 135 152 175 196
70 2.2 1.8 18.5 405 805 2.5 1.6 1.40 22.0 575 975 165 191 213 246
95 2.2 2.0 20.5 515 1075 2.5 1.6 1.40 23.5 680 1240 197 235 255 304
120 2.2 2.0 23.0 615 1320 2.5 1.6 1.40 26.0 795 1500 224 273 288 351
150 2.2 2.0 23.5 695 1565 2.5 1.6 1.40 26.5 880 1750 251 315 324 406
185 2.2 2.0 25.5 825 1910 2.5 1.6 1.40 28.5 1025 2115 283 360 364 462
240 2.2 2.0 28.0 1010 2440 2.5 1.6 1.56 31.5 1255 2685 329 430 421 551
300 2.2 2.0 30.0 1195 2990 2.5 2.0 1.56 33.5 1470 3265 371 501 474 640
400 2.2 2.2 33.5 1495 3785 2.6 2.0 1.56 37.5 1845 4140 425 593 537 659
500 2.4 2.2 37.0 1850 4790 2.8 2.0 1.72 40.5 2240 5180 483 690 602 861
630 2.6 2.2 41.0 2305 6115 3.0 2.0 1.72 45.5 2790 6600 549 810 675 996
800 2.8 2.4 48.0 2940 7825 3.3 2.0 1.88 50.5 3430 8315 622 963 750 1160
1000 3.0 2.6 52.5 3645 9765 3.5 2.5 2.04 57.5 4405 10525 689 1095 815 1295
“KEI” Single Core Compacted Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable AL & CU / XLPE / AL Wire / PVC Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Voltage Grade : 1.9 /3.3 kV (Screened) (E)
Voltage Grade : 3.3 /3.3 kV (Screened) (UE) WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS
Nom. Size of Unarmoured Cable Armoured Cable CURRENT RATING
stranded Nom. Nom. Approx. Al. Cu. Nom. Min. Nom. Min. Approx. Al. Cu. Allumiunium Copper.
Class 2 Thickness Thickness Overall Approx. Approx. Thickness Thickness dimension Thickness overall Approx. Approx In ground In air In ground In air
Conductor of XLPE of PVC Diameter Weight Weight of XLPE of PVC of Al. of PVC diameter Weight Weight at at at at
as per Insulation Outer of of of insulationInnersheath Wire Outersheath of Cable of Cable of Cable 30OC 40OC 30OC 40OC
IS 8130/ Sheath Cable Cable Cable
1984 mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km mm mm mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km Amps. Amps. Amps. Amps.
25 2.2 1.8 17.0 300 450 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.40 21.5 520 665 97 103 124 133
35 2.2 1.8 18.0 345 550 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.40 22.5 580 785 115 126 149 163
50 2.2 2.0 19.5 420 695 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.40 23.5 645 925 135 152 175 196
70 2.2 2.0 21.0 505 905 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.40 25.0 745 1150 165 191 213 246
95 2.2 2.0 22.5 610 1165 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.40 27.0 870 1430 197 235 255 304
120 2.2 2.0 25.0 715 1420 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.40 29.0 1000 1705 224 273 288 351
150 2.2 2.0 25.5 795 1670 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.56 30.0 1115 1985 251 315 324 406
185 2.2 2.0 27.5 930 2020 2.5 0.3 1.6 1.56 32.0 1270 2360 283 360 364 462
240 2.2 2.2 30.0 1130 2560 2.5 0.4 2.0 1.56 35.5 1575 3005 329 430 421 551
300 2.2 2.2 32.5 1355 3150 2.5 0.4 2.0 1.56 37.5 1810 3605 371 501 474 640
400 2.2 2.2 35.5 1640 3930 2.6 0.4 2.0 1.72 41.0 2175 4465 425 593 537 659
500 2.4 2.2 39.0 2010 4950 2.8 0.4 2.0 1.72 44.5 2610 5550 483 690 602 861
630 2.6 2.4 43.5 2525 6330 3.0 0.5 2.0 1.88 49.0 3180 6990 549 810 675 996
800 2.8 2.6 50.0 3195 8075 3.3 0.5 2.5 2.04 55.5 4060 8945 622 963 750 1160
1000 3.0 2.6 54.5 3865 9985 3.5 0.6 2.5 2.04 61.5 4950 11070 689 1095 815 1295
“KEI” Single Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
25 2.8 1.8 18.00 340 485 1.6 1.40 22.00 560 705 97 105 125 140
35 2.8 2.0 20.00 440 645 1.6 1.40 23.50 635 840 118 130 150 170
50 2.8 2.0 21.00 500 780 1.6 1.40 24.50 705 985 138 159 182 211
70 2.8 2.0 23.50 615 1020 1.6 1.40 26.00 815 1215 170 198 219 267
95 2.8 2.0 25.00 725 1285 1.6 1.40 28.00 935 1495 203 249 259 322
120 2.8 2.0 27.50 870 1575 1.6 1.40 30.00 1070 1775 231 288 296 374
150 2.8 2.0 28.50 985 1855 1.6 1.56 31.00 1190 2060 259 327 336 426
185 2.8 2.0 30.50 1135 2220 1.6 1.56 33.00 1355 2445 296 378 373 486
240 2.8 2.2 33.50 1380 2815 2.0 1.56 36.50 1700 3135 340 447 430 568
300 3.0 2.2 36.50 1655 3450 2.0 1.56 39.00 1955 3755 381 512 482 645
400 3.3 2.2 41.00 2080 4375 2.0 1.72 43.00 2370 4665 429 598 541 748
500 3.5 2.4 44.00 2490 5430 2.0 1.88 47.00 2850 5795 481 684 597 856
630 3.5 2.4 48.00 2975 6785 2.0 1.88 50.50 3390 7200 541 791 670 672
800 3.5 2.6 53.50 3620 8505 2.5 2.04 56.50 4235 9120 625 970 755 1060
1000 3.6 2.6 57.50 4310 10430 2.5 2.04 62.50 5120 11240 692 1100 855 1225
“KEI” Single Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Voltage Grade : 6.35 / 11kV (E), 6.6/6.6 kV (UE) WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS
35 3.6 2.0 21.00 455 660 1.6 1.40 25.00 710 915 115 134 160 170
50 3.6 2.0 22.00 515 790 1.6 1.40 26.00 780 1060 138 159 182 211
70 3.6 2.0 23.50 605 1010 1.6 1.40 27.50 890 1295 170 198 219 267
95 3.6 2.0 25.00 715 1275 1.6 1.40 29.50 1020 1580 203 249 259 322
120 3.6 2.0 27.50 830 1535 1.6 1.56 32.00 1190 1895 231 288 296 374
150 3.6 2.0 28.00 915 1785 1.6 1.56 32.50 1285 2155 259 327 336 426
185 3.6 2.2 30.50 1090 2175 2.0 1.56 35.50 1560 2645 296 378 373 486
240 3.6 2.2 33.00 1300 2730 2.0 1.56 38.00 1805 3240 340 447 430 568
300 3.6 2.2 35.00 1500 3300 2.0 1.56 40.00 2040 3840 381 512 482 645
400 3.6 2.2 38.00 1795 4090 2.0 1.72 43.50 2420 4710 429 598 541 748
500 3.6 2.4 41.50 2195 5135 2.0 1.88 47.00 2870 5810 481 684 597 856
630 3.6 2.4 45.00 2655 6465 2.0 1.88 51.00 3405 7215 541 791 670 972
800 3.6 2.6 51.00 3315 8195 2.5 2.04 56.50 4250 9135 623 965 750 1060
1000 3.6 2.6 55.50 4015 10135 2.5 2.04 62.50 5120 11240 690 1092 850 1225
“KEI” Single Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
35 5.5 2.0 24.50 605 810 1.6 1.40 29.00 900 1105 115 137 165 175
50 5.5 2.0 25.50 665 945 1.6 1.56 30.50 1005 1285 138 159 182 211
70 5.5 2.0 27.50 770 1170 1.6 1.56 32.00 1130 1530 170 198 219 267
95 5.5 2.2 29.00 890 1445 2.0 1.56 33.50 1270 1825 203 249 259 322
120 5.5 2.2 31.50 1045 1750 2.0 1.56 37.00 1535 2240 231 288 296 374
150 5.5 2.2 32.50 1135 2010 2.0 1.56 37.50 1640 2510 259 327 336 426
185 5.5 2.2 34.00 1290 2380 2.0 1.56 39.50 1820 2910 296 378 373 486
240 5.5 2.2 36.50 1515 2945 2.0 1.72 42.50 2115 3545 340 447 430 568
300 5.5 2.2 38.50 1730 3525 2.0 1.72 44.50 2360 4160 381 512 482 645
400 5.5 2.4 42.00 2080 4375 2.0 1.88 48.00 2785 5080 429 598 541 748
500 5.5 2.6 45.00 2460 5400 2.5 2.04 51.00 3210 6150 481 684 597 856
630 5.5 2.6 49.00 2990 6800 2.5 2.04 56.00 3955 7760 541 791 670 972
800 5.5 2.8 55.50 3690 8570 2.5 2.20 61.00 4725 9610 628 964 755 1065
1000 5.5 2.8 59.00 4360 10480 2.5 2.20 66.00 5535 11655 697 1090 855 1230
“KEI” Single Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
35 6 2.0 26.00 660 870 1.60 1.56 30.00 980 1185 114 143 168 178
50 6 2.0 27.00 730 1010 1.60 1.56 31.50 1085 1360 138 159 182 211
70 6 2.0 28.50 835 1235 1.60 1.56 33.50 1210 1610 170 198 219 267
95 6 2.2 31.00 985 1545 2.00 1.56 36.00 1465 2025 203 249 259 322
120 6 2.2 33.00 1120 1825 2.00 1.56 38.50 1630 2335 231 288 296 374
150 6 2.2 33.50 1215 2085 2.00 1.56 39.00 1735 2605 259 327 336 426
185 6 2.2 35.50 1370 2460 2.00 1.72 41.00 1920 3010 296 378 373 486
240 6 2.2 38.00 1600 3030 2.00 1.72 44.00 2220 3650 340 447 430 568
300 6 2.4 40.00 1815 3615 2.00 1.72 46.00 2520 4315 381 512 482 645
400 6 2.4 43.50 2180 4475 2.00 1.88 49.50 2910 5200 429 598 541 748
500 6 2.6 47.00 2610 5555 2.50 2.04 54.00 3540 6480 481 684 597 856
630 6 2.6 50.50 3105 6915 2.50 2.04 57.50 4100 7905 541 791 670 972
800 6 2.8 57.00 3815 8700 2.50 2.20 62.50 4870 9750 618 975 758 1068
1000 6 2.8 61.00 4555 10675 2.50 2.20 68.00 5765 11885 685 1107 858 1233
“KEI” Single Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Unarmoured & Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
50 8.8 2.2 34.00 1065 1345 2.00 1.56 39.00 1590 1865 138 159 182 211
70 8.8 2.2 35.50 1185 1590 2.00 1.56 40.50 1730 2130 170 198 219 267
95 8.8 2.2 37.00 1325 1885 2.00 1.72 43.00 1935 3495 203 249 259 322
120 8.8 2.2 39.00 1480 2185 2.00 1.72 45.00 2125 2830 231 288 296 374
150 8.8 2.4 40.00 1580 2450 2.00 1.72 45.50 2235 3105 259 327 336 426
185 8.8 2.4 42.00 1800 2885 2.00 1.88 48.00 2480 3570 296 378 373 486
240 8.8 2.4 44.50 2050 3485 2.00 1.88 50.50 2800 4230 340 447 430 568
300 8.8 2.6 47.00 2340 4135 2.50 2.04 54.00 3270 5065 381 512 482 645
400 8.8 2.6 50.00 2690 4985 2.50 2.04 57.00 3670 5965 429 598 541 748
500 8.8 2.8 53.50 3155 6100 2.50 2.20 60.50 4230 7170 481 684 597 856
630 8.8 3.0 57.00 3690 7495 2.50 2.36 64.00 4825 8635 541 791 670 972
800 8.8 3.0 63.50 4465 9350 2.50 2.36 69.00 5625 10505 620 978 760 1085
1000 8.8 3.2 67.50 5255 11375 3.15 2.52 76.00 6850 12970 686 1110 860 1235
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Voltage Grade : 1.9 / 3.3 kV (Unscreened) (E)
3.3 & 3.3 kV (Unscreened) (UE) WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS
25 Shaped 2.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.40 28.00 1010 1455 1.60 1.56 30.00 1330 1775 93 97 119 125
35 Shaped 2.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.56 30.00 1155 1775 1.60 1.56 31.50 1460 2080 111 118 143 153
50 Shaped 2.2 0.4 4x0.8 1.56 33.00 1360 2200 2.00 1.56 35.50 1960 2795 132 147 170 198
70 Shaped 2.2 0.4 4x0.8 1.56 35.00 1625 2835 2.00 1.56 37.50 2245 3455 160 178 205 229
95 Shaped 2.2 0.4 4x0.8 1.72 38.50 1965 3645 2.00 1.72 40.50 2660 4340 191 218 245 280
120 Shaped 2.2 0.5 4x0.8 1.72 40.50 2295 4415 2.00 1.88 43.50 3040 5165 217 251 278 323
150 Shaped 2.2 0.5 4x0.8 1.88 43.50 2670 5295 2.50 2.04 47.50 3885 6510 243 289 312 371
185 Shaped 2.2 0.5 4x0.8 2.04 47.00 3170 6450 2.50 2.04 50.50 4435 7710 275 329 350 420
240 Shaped 2.2 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 50.00 3790 8105 2.50 2.20 53.50 5160 9470 316 389 415 498
300 Shaped 2.2 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 56.00 4540 9955 2.50 2.36 59.50 6115 11530 358 451 453 570
400 Shaped 2.2 0.7 4x0.8 2.52 60.50 5530 12445 3.15 2.68 65.00 7900 14810 408 426 509 656
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Voltage Grade : 1.9 / 3.3 kV (Screened) (E)
3.3 & 3.3 kV (Screened) (UE) WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS
25 Circular 2.2 0.4 4 X 0.8 1.56 34.5 1570 2020 2.0 1.56 37.0 2100 2545 93 97 119 125
35 Circular 2.2 0.4 4 X 0.8 1.56 36.5 1730 2350 2.0 1.72 39.0 2330 2955 111 118 143 153
50 Circular 2.2 0.4 4 X 0.8 1.72 39.5 2040 2880 2.0 1.72 42.0 2665 3500 132 147 170 198
70 Circular 2.2 0.5 4 X 0.8 1.72 43.0 2440 3650 2.0 1.88 45.5 3140 4355 160 178 205 229
95 Circular 2.2 0.5 4 X 0.8 1.88 47.0 2905 4590 2.5 2.04 50.5 4080 5760 191 218 245 280
120 Circular 2.2 0.5 4 X 0.8 2.04 52.0 3475 5595 2.5 2.04 55.5 4700 6820 217 251 278 323
150 Circular 2.2 0.6 4 X 0.8 2.04 53.5 3750 6375 2.5 2.20 57.0 5070 7690 243 289 312 371
185 Circular 2.2 0.6 4 X 0.8 2.20 58.0 4370 7645 2.5 2.36 61.5 5810 9085 275 329 350 420
240 Circular 2.2 0.6 4 X 0.8 2.36 63.5 5195 9510 2.5 2.36 67.0 6745 11055 316 389 415 498
300 Circular 2.2 0.7 4 X 0.8 2.52 68.5 6085 11500 3.15 2.68 73.5 8525 13940 358 451 453 570
400 Circular 2.2 0.7 4 X 0.8 2.68 75.0 7225 14105 3.15 2.84 80.0 9870 16750 408 426 509 656
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Size of Form Nom. Thickness Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx. Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx.
as per of Thickness of PVC G.I. Flat of PVC Diameter Weight weight of GI of PVC Diameter Weight Weight In In In In
IS Conductor of XLPE Inner Strip Outer of of Cable of Cable Round Outer of Cable of of ground air ground air
8130/84 Circular Insulation Sheath Sheath Cable Wire Sheath Cable Cable at 30OC at 40OC at 30OC at 40OC O mm mm mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km Amps. Amps. Amps. Amps.
25 Circular 2.8 0.4 4x0.8 1.56 37.00 1785 2230 2.00 1.72 39.50 2390 2835 97 107 121 138
35 Circular 2.8 0.4 4x0.8 1.72 39.50 1975 2595 2.00 1.72 42.00 2600 3220 113 129 146 168
50 Circular 2.8 0.5 4x0.8 1.72 42.00 2280 3115 2.00 1.88 44.50 2980 3815 134 155 174 198
70 Circular 2.8 0.5 4x0.8 1.88 46.00 2650 3865 2.00 1.88 48.00 3365 4580 162 193 211 245
95 Circular 2.8 0.5 4x0.8 1.88 49.50 3095 4780 2.50 2.04 53.00 4330 6015 194 232 243 292
120 Circular 2.8 0.6 4x0.8 2.04 54.50 3655 5775 2.50 2.20 58.00 5005 7130 219 262 280 335
150 Circular 2.8 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 56.50 3995 6620 2.50 2.20 59.50 5340 7965 243 301 312 383
185 Circular 2.8 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 60.50 4565 7840 2.50 2.36 64.00 6050 9330 276 340 348 434
240 Circular 2.8 0.7 4x0.8 2.36 66.50 5570 9885 3.15 2.52 71.50 7935 12250 316 400 397 503
300 Circular 3.0 0.7 4x0.8 2.52 72.00 6520 11935 3.15 2.68 77.00 9090 14505 353 456 438 568
400 Circular 3.3 0.7 4x0.8 2.84 80.00 7910 14790 4.00 3.00 87.00 11890 18770 395 520 481 641
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Size of Form Nom. Thickness Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx. Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx.
as per of Thickness of PVC G.I. Flat of PVC Diameter Weight weight of GI of PVC Diameter Weight Weight In In In In
IS Conductor of XLPE Inner Strip Outer of of Cable of Cable Round Outer of Cable of of ground air ground air
8130/84 Circular Insulation Sheath Sheath Cable Wire Sheath Cable Cable at 30OC at 40OC at 30OC at 40OC O mm mm mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km Amps. Amps. Amps. Amps.
35 Circular 3.6 0.5 4x0.8 1.72 43.00 2300 2920 2.00 1.88 46.00 3000 3620 113 129 146 168
50 Circular 3.6 0.5 4x0.8 1.88 46.00 2555 3395 2.50 2.04 49.50 3690 4530 134 155 174 198
70 Circular 3.6 0.5 4x0.8 1.88 49.00 2960 4175 2.50 2.04 53.00 4160 5375 162 193 211 245
95 Circular 3.6 0.6 4x0.8 2.04 53.50 3510 5195 2.50 2.20 57.00 4830 6515 194 232 243 292
120 Circular 3.6 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 58.00 4080 6200 2.50 2.20 61.50 5470 7590 219 262 280 335
150 Circular 3.6 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 59.50 4365 6990 2.50 2.36 63.50 5850 8475 243 301 312 383
185 Circular 3.6 0.7 4x0.8 2.36 64.50 5050 8330 3.15 2.52 69.50 7320 10600 276 340 348 434
240 Circular 3.6 0.7 4x0.8 2.52 70.00 5955 10270 3.15 2.68 75.00 8425 12740 316 400 397 503
300 Circular 3.6 0.7 4x0.8 2.68 75.00 6835 12250 3.15 2.84 80.00 9470 14890 353 456 438 568
400 Circular 3.6 0.7 4x0.8 2.84 81.50 8195 15075 4.00 3.00 88.00 12240 19120 395 520 481 641
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
35 Circular 5.5 0.5 4x0.8 2.04 52.00 3115 3735 2.50 2.20 55.50 4385 5005 113 129 146 168
50 Circular 5.5 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 55.00 3400 4240 2.50 2.20 58.00 4720 5555 134 155 174 198
70 Circular 5.5 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 58.00 3885 5095 3.15 2.36 63.50 5950 7160 162 193 211 245
95 Circular 5.5 0.6 4x0.8 2.36 62.50 4475 6155 3.15 2.52 67.50 6645 8330 194 232 243 292
120 Circular 5.5 0.7 4x0.8 2.36 67.00 5085 7205 3.15 2.52 72.00 7480 9605 219 262 280 335
150 Circular 5.5 0.7 4x0.8 2.52 69.00 5435 8060 3.15 2.68 74.00 7870 10495 243 301 312 383
185 Circular 5.5 0.7 4x0.8 2.68 73.00 6160 9435 3.15 2.84 78.00 8760 12040 276 340 348 434
240 Circular 5.5 0.7 4x0.8 2.84 79.00 7135 11450 3.15 3.00 84.00 9940 14255 316 400 397 503
300 Circular 5.5 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 83.50 8080 13495 4.00 3.00 90.00 12135 17550 353 456 438 568
400 Circular 5.5 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 90.00 9455 16335 4.00 3.00 96.50 13885 20765 395 520 481 641
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Size of Form Nom. Thickness Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx. Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx.
as per of Thickness of PVC G.I. Flat of PVC Diameter Weight weight of GI of PVC Diameter Weight Weight In In In In
IS Conductor of XLPE Inner Strip Outer of of Cable of Cable Round Outer of Cable of of ground air ground air
8130/84 Circular Insulation Sheath Sheath Cable Wire Sheath Cable Cable at 30OC at 40OC at 30OC at 40OC O mm mm mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km mm mm mm Kg./Km Kg./Km Amps. Amps. Amps. Amps.
35 Circular 6 0.6 4x0.8 2.04 55.00 3345 3965 2.50 2.20 59.00 4710 5335 113 129 146 168
50 Circular 6 0.6 4x0.8 2.20 58.00 3730 4570 2.50 2.36 61.50 5165 6005 134 155 174 198
70 Circular 6 0.6 4x0.8 2.36 61.50 4245 5460 2.50 2.36 65.00 5700 6910 162 193 211 245
95 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 2.36 65.50 4730 6410 3.15 2.52 70.50 7030 8715 194 232 243 292
120 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 2.52 70.50 5370 7490 3.15 2.68 75.50 7840 9960 219 262 280 335
150 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 2.68 72.00 5845 8470 3.15 2.68 77.00 8355 10980 243 301 312 383
185 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 2.68 76.50 6535 9810 3.15 2.84 81.50 9205 12485 276 340 348 434
240 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 2.84 82.00 7530 11840 4.00 3.00 88.50 11575 15885 316 400 397 503
300 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 86.50 8485 13900 4.00 3.00 93.00 12680 18095 353 456 438 568
400 Circular 6 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 93.00 9745 16625 4.00 3.00 99.50 14290 21170 395 520 481 641
“KEI” Three Core Aluminium & Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated,
Armoured Cable Conforming to IS 7098 Part-2/1985
Size of Form Nom. Thickness Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx. Dimension Thickness Overall Approx. Approx.
as per of Thickness of PVC G.I. Flat of PVC Diameter Weight weight of GI of PVC Diameter Weight Weight In In In In
IS Conductor of XLPE Inner Strip Outer of of Cable of Cable Round Outer of Cable of of ground air ground air
8130/84 Circular Insulation Sheath Sheath Cable Wire Sheath Cable Cable at 30OC at 40OC at 30OC at 40OC
50 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 2.52 72.00 5355 6195 3.15 2.68 77.00 7920 8760 134 155 174 198
70 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 2.68 76.00 5980 7195 3.15 2.84 81.00 8655 9865 162 193 211 245
95 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 2.84 80.00 6520 8205 3.15 3.00 85.00 9325 11010 194 232 243 292
120 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 2.84 84.50 7230 9355 4.00 3.00 91.00 11415 13540 219 262 280 335
150 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 86.00 7760 10385 4.00 3.00 92.50 11960 14585 243 301 312 383
185 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 90.50 8540 11815 4.00 3.00 96.50 12945 16220 276 340 348 434
240 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 95.50 9555 13865 4.00 3.00 102.00 14260 18575 316 400 397 503
300 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 100.00 10555 15975 4.00 3.00 106.50 15450 20865 353 456 438 568
400 Circular 8.8 0.7 4x0.8 3.00 106.50 11905 18785 4.00 3.00 113.00 17075 23955 395 520 481 641
KEI INDUSTRIES LIMITED is manufacturing LT Power Cables with PVC or XLPE insulation of voltage grade upto 3.3 KV
conforming to various Indian and International Standard Specifications. KEI also manufactures other types of cables
as listed at the end of this catalogue.
XLPE means cross-linked polyethylene or vulcanized polyethylene. The basic material is low density polyethylene.
Polyethylene is a thermoplastic material consisting of long chain of hydrocarbon molecules. At elevated temperatures
these molecules tend to move relative to one another so that the material becomes increasingly deformable and
will eventually melt at the temperature around 110OC.
By means of process similar to the vulcanization of rubber the polyethylene molecules can be cross-linked. The
process of cross-linking or vulcanization consists of producing chemical bonds at interval between the long molecular
chain to give a “ladder” effect which prevents slippage between molecules. As a result of cross-linking the material
becomes heat resistant and does not soften at higher temperatures. Further it has better resistance to stress
cracking and good resistance to ageing in hot air. With the change of structure there is no adverse effect on
electrical properties.
Advantages of “KEI” XLPE CABLES
3 Dielectric losses are very small.
3 Higher current carrying capacity.
3 Higher short circuit rating 250OC. as against 160OC for PVC.
3 KEI XLPE can retain flexibility down upto - 40OC.
3 Jointing and Termination is easy.
3 Light in weight.
3 They are not prone to fatigue damages due to vibrations or loading cycles.
3 Has better resistance to most chemicals, oils, acids, etc.
3 Can be installed along cable routes without elevation limitations.
Characteristics Unit PVC XLPE
Permitivity (50Hz, 20O C) — 4-6 2.3
Dielectric Loss Factor (50Hz, 20O C) — 0.05 - 0.07 0.0004
Volume Resistivity (27O C) ohms cm (min.) 1013 1014
Max. Conductor Temp. C 70 90
Max. Short Circuit Temp. C 160 250
Tensile Strength N / mmm2 (min.) 12.5 12.5
Elongation at break — Excellent Medium
Flexibility at - 10O C — Poor Good
Resistance to abrasion — Medium Good
Conductor Technical Data for Single Core and Multicore cables conforming to IS-8139/19841984 (Stranded-Class-2) Aluminium Conductors and annualed
copper conductors, compared circular or shaped.
Nominal Size Minimum no of w ires Max DC Resistance at 20°C AC Resistance at 70°C AC Resistance at 90°C
Non-compacted Compacted Plain Aluminium Plain Aluminium Plain Aluminium
Copper Copper Copper
Sqmm Cu Al Cu Al Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km
1.5 3 3 - - 12.10 18.10 14.50 21.72 15.50 23.17
2.5 3 3 - - 7.41 12.10 8.87 14.52 9.48 15.50
4 7 3 - - 4.61 7.41 5.52 8.89 5.90 9.48
6 7 3 - - 3.08 4.61 3.69 5.53 3.94 5.90
10 7 7 6 - 1.83 3.08 2.19 3.70 2.34 3.94
16 7 7 6 6 1.15 1.91 1.38 2.29 1.47 2.44
25 7 7 6 6 0.727 1.20 0.87 1.44 0.93 1.54
1CX4 1 1.3 1.4 1.24 10.9 148 1.0 1.8 8.6 89 7.4100 8.8900 0.158 0.47 0.137 0.58 36 31 33 30 32 27
1CX6 1 1.3 1.4 1.24 11.4 165 1.0 1.8 9.1 103 4.6100 5.5300 0.148 0.56 0.127 0.68 44 39 42 37 41 35
1CX10 1 1.3 1.4 1.24 12.3 196 1.0 1.8 10.1 127 3.0800 3.7000 0.138 0.67 0.118 0.83 59 51 56 51 56 47
1CX16 6 1.3 1.4 1.24 13.1 225 1.0 1.8 10.8 152 1.9100 2.2900 0.128 0.81 0.110 1.01 75 66 71 65 72 64
1CX25 6 1.5 1.4 1.24 14.7 287 1.2 1.8 12.4 204 1.2000 1.4400 0.120 0.87 0.105 1.05 97 86 93 84 99 84
1CX35 6 1.5 1.4 1.24 15.7 334 1.2 1.8 13.4 244 0.8680 1.0400 0.114 1.00 0.100 1.22 120 100 110 100 120 105
1CX50 6 1.7 1.4 1.24 17.2 411 1.4 1.8 14.9 310 0.6410 0.7700 0.110 1.03 0.098 1.22 145 120 130 115 150 130
1CX70 12 1.7 1.4 1.40 19.1 513 1.4 1.8 16.5 388 0.4430 0.5300 0.103 1.21 0.091 1.43 175 140 155 135 185 155
1CX95 15 1.9 1.6 1.40 21.6 662 1.6 1.8 18.6 501 0.3200 0.3800 0.101 1.27 0.088 1.47 210 175 195 155 215 190
1CX120 15 1.9 1.6 1.40 23.7 784 1.6 2.0 21.1 621 0.2530 0.3000 0.096 1.42 0.086 1.62 240 195 200 170 240 220
1CX150 15 2.1 1.6 1.40 24.8 898 1.8 2.0 22.2 726 0.2060 0.2500 0.094 1.42 0.085 1.62 270 220 220 190 270 250
1CX185 30 2.3 1.6 1.40 27.1 1069 2.0 2.0 24.5 884 0.1640 0.2000 0.092 1.44 0.084 1.62 305 240 240 210 305 290
1CX240 30 2.5 1.6 1.56 30.2 1337 2.2 2.0 27.3 1106 0.1250 0.1500 0.090 1.53 0.082 1.72 335 270 270 225 350 335
1CX300 30 2.8 2.0 1.56 33.7 1676 2.4 2.0 29.8 1336 0.1000 0.1200 0.088 1.56 0.080 1.74 370 295 295 245 395 380
1CX400 53 3.0 2.0 1.56 37.1 2032 2.6 2.2 33.6 1690 0.0778 0.0934 0.088 1.56 0.080 1.81 410 325 335 275 455 435
1CX500 53 3.4 2.0 1.72 41.2 2531 3.0 2.2 37.4 2120 0.0605 0.0726 0.087 1.57 0.079 1.76 435 345 355 295 490 480
1CX630 53 3.9 2.0 1.88 46.2 3183 3.4 2.4 42.2 2709 0.0469 0.0563 0.086 1.57 0.077 1.77 485 390 395 320 560 550
1CX800 53 3.9 2.0 1.88 52.0 4120 3.4 2.4 48.0 3430 0.0367 0.0440 0.083 1.75 0.077 1.98 525 442 420 350 640 600
1CX1000 53 4.0 2.5 2.04 57.3 4812 3.4 2.6 52.2 4064 0.0291 0.0349 0.082 1.94 0.076 2.20 570 485 445 380 740 720
No. of Min. Thickness Nominal Min. Overall Approx. Thickness N o m . Overall Approx. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx.
cores & No. of PVC Dimensions Thickness Diameter Net Wt. of PVC Dimen- Diameter Net Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- Direct in Ground In Duct In Air
cross o f insulation of Armour of PVC (Approx.) of Cable insulation sions of (Approx.) Wt. at 200C at 700C at 50 Hz tance
sectional Wires (Nom.) Wire Outer (Nom.) PVC outer of 2 3 2 3 2 3
area Sheath sheath Cable Cables Cables Cables Cables Cables Cables
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km A m p s Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps
1C X 4 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.24 10.9 173 1.00 1.80 8.6 114 4.61 5.52 0.158 0.47 46 39 42 38 43 35
1C X 6 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.24 11.4 204 1.00 1.80 9.1 142 3.08 3.69 0.148 0.56 57 49 54 48 54 44
1C X 10 6.0 1.3 1.4 1.24 12.3 259 1.00 1.80 10.1 190 1.83 2.19 0.138 0.67 75 65 72 64 72 60
1C X 16 6.0 1.3 1.4 1.24 13.1 320 1.00 1.80 10.8 248 1.15 1.38 0.128 0.81 94 85 92 83 92 82
1C X 25 6.0 1.5 1.4 1.24 14.7 440 1.20 1.80 12.4 357 0.727 0.87 0.120 0.87 125 110 120 110 125 110
1C X 35 6.0 1.5 1.4 1.24 15.7 548 1.20 1.80 13.4 458 0.524 0.627 0.114 1.00 150 135 140 125 155 130
1C X 50 6.0 1.7 1.4 1.24 17.2 696 1.40 1.80 14.9 595 0.387 0.463 0.110 1.03 180 155 165 150 190 165
1C X 70 12.0 1.7 1.4 1.40 19.1 930 1.40 1.80 16.5 805 0.268 0.321 0.103 1.21 220 190 200 175 235 205
1C X 95 15.0 1.9 1.6 1.40 21.6 1243 1.60 1.80 18.6 1081 0.193 0.231 0.101 1.27 265 220 230 200 275 245
1C X 120 18.0 1.9 1.6 1.40 23.7 1515 1.60 2.00 21.1 1332 0.153 0.184 0.096 1.42 300 250 255 220 310 280
1C X 150 18.0 2.1 1.6 1.40 24.8 1802 1.80 2.00 22.2 1630 0.124 0.149 0.094 1.42 340 280 280 245 345 320
1C X 185 30.0 2.3 1.6 1.40 27.1 2198 2.00 2.00 24.5 2013 0.0991 0.12 0.092 1.44 380 305 305 260 390 370
1C X 240 34.0 2.5 1.6 1.56 30.2 2822 2.20 2.00 27.3 2592 0.0754 0.091 0.090 1.53 420 345 340 285 445 425
1C X 300 34.0 2.8 2.0 1.56 33.7 3542 2.40 2.00 29.8 3202 0.0601 0.074 0.088 1.56 465 375 370 310 500 475
1C X 400 53.0 3.0 2.0 1.56 37.1 4412 2.60 2.20 33.6 4070 0.0470 0.059 0.088 1.56 500 400 405 335 570 550
1C X 500 53.0 3.4 2.0 1.72 41.2 5585 3.00 2.20 37.4 5175 0.0366 0.046 0.087 1.57 540 425 430 355 610 590
1C X 630 53.0 3.9 2.0 1.88 46.2 7138 3.40 2.40 42.2 6664 0.0283 0.037 0.086 1.57 590 470 465 375 680 660
1C X 800 53.0 3.9 2.0 1.88 52.0 9000 3.40 2.40 48.0 8248 0.0221 0.031 0.083 1.75 664 530 523 425 766 743
1C X 1000 53.0 4.0 2.5 2.04 57.3 11167 3.40 2.60 52.2 10419 0.0176 0.027 0.082 1.94 733 585 579 467 856 830
No. of Min. Thickness Min. ARMOURED UNARMOURED Max. D.C.Max. A.C. Approx. Approx.
cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Nominal Min. Thickness of Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Nom. Overall Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- CURRENT RATINGS
cross Wires insulation of PVC Dimensions of Armour PVC Outer Sheath (Approx.) of Cable Thickness Diameter of Cable at 20 0C at 70 0C at 50 Hz tance
sectional (Nom.) inner of Outer (Approx) (Approx) Direct In In
area sheath Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Sheath Ohms/ Ohms/ Ohms/ in Ground Duct Air
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) mm mm Kg/Km Km Km K m mFd/Km A m p s A m p s Amps
2Cx1.5 1 0.80 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 13.5 — 390 1.80 10.40 170 18.10 21.72 0.126 0.140 18 16 16
2Cx2.5 1 0.90 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 15.0 — 450 1.80 11.90 210 12.10 14.52 0.119 0.150 25 21 21
2Cx4 1 1.00 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 16.5 — 550 1.80 13.40 265 7.41 8.89 0.116 0.160 32 27 27
2Cx6 1 1.00 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 17.5 — 640 1.80 14.40 320 4.61 5.53 0.110 0.190 40 34 35
2Cx10 1 1.00 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 19.0 — 745 1.80 15.90 390 3.08 3.70 0.100 0.220 55 45 47
2Cx16 6 1.00 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 18.8 20.4 528 723 1.80 18.00 338 1.91 2.29 0.097 0.290 70 58 59
2Cx25 6 1.20 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 20.8 22.4 658 887 2.00 20.40 461.0 1.20 1.44 0.097 0.320 90 76 78
2Cx35 6 1.20 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 21.8 23.4 747 976 2.00 21.40 537.0 0.868 1.04 0.097 0.370 110 92 99
2Cx50 6 1.40 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.56 24.3 26.2 923 1198 2.00 23.90 683.0 0.641 0.77 0.094 0.370 135 115 125
2Cx70 12 1.40 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.56 1.56 26.7 28.3 1124 1411 2.00 26.00 838.0 0.443 0.53 0.090 0.440 160 140 150
2Cx95 15 1.60 0.40 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 30.2 32.6 1411 1915 2.20 29.90 1107.0 0.320 0.38 0.090 0.440 190 170 185
2Cx120 15 1.60 0.40 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.72 31.7 34.4 1613 2170 2.20 31.40 1291.0 0.253 0.30 0.087 0.490 210 190 210
2Cx150 15 1.80 0.40 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.72 35.4 37.8 1948 2553 2.40 35.20 1592.0 0.206 0.25 0.087 0.490 240 210 240
2Cx185 30 2.00 0.50 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 39.1 41.5 2357 3013 2.40 38.50 1933.0 0.164 0.20 0.087 0.490 275 240 275
2Cx240 30 2.20 0.50 4x0.8 2.50 2.04 2.04 42.5 45.9 2880 3908 2.60 42.00 2424.0 0.125 0.15 0.087 0.500 320 275 325
2Cx300 30 2.40 0.60 4x0.8 2.50 2.20 2.20 48.5 51.9 3500 4675 2.80 48.10 2981.0 0.100 0.12 0.086 0.520 355 305 365
2Cx400 53 2.60 0.70 4X0.8 3.15 2.36 2.52 55.5 60.5 4560 6560 3.20 52.50 3755.0 0.0778 0.09 0.086 0.530 385 345 420
No. of Min. Thickness Min. ARMOURED UNARMOURED Max. D.C.Max. A.C. Approx. Approx.
cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Nominal Min. Thickness of Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Nom. Overall Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- CURRENT RATINGS
cross Wires insulation of PVC Dimensions of Armour PVC Outer Sheath (Approx.) of Cable Thickness Diameter of Cable at 20 0C at 70 0C at 50 Hz tance
sectional (Nom.) inner of Outer (Approx) (Approx) Direct In In
area sheath Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Sheath in Ground Duct Air
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) mm mm Kg/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km A m p s A m p s A m p s
2C X 1.5 1 0.80 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 13.5 — 407 1.80 10.4 194 12.1 14.5 0.126 0.14 23 20 20
2C X 2.5 1 0.90 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 15.0 — 482 1.80 11.9 248 7.4 8.87 0.119 0.15 32 27 27
2C X 4 1 1.00 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 16.5 — 596 1.80 13.4 316 4.6 5.52 0.116 0.16 41 35 35
2C X 6 1 1.00 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 17.5 — 711 1.80 14.4 397 3.08 3.69 0.110 0.19 50 44 45
2C X 10 6 1.00 0.30 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 19.0 — 863 1.80 15.9 515 1.83 2.19 0.100 0.22 70 58 60
2C X 16 6 1.00 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 18.8 20.4 721 917 1.80 18.0 531 1.115 1.38 0.097 0.29 90 75 78
2C X 25 6 1.20 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 20.8 22.4 965 1193 2.00 20.4 767 0.722 0.87 0.097 0.32 115 97 105
2C X 35 6 1.20 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 21.8 23.4 1176 1405 2.00 21.4 966 0.524 0.627 0.097 0.37 140 120 125
2C X 50 6 1.40 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.56 24.3 26.2 1494 1768 2.00 23.9 1254 0.387 0.463 0.094 0.37 165 145 155
2C X 70 12 1.40 0.30 4x0.8 1.60 1.56 1.56 26.7 28.3 1963 2250 2.00 26.0 1677 0.268 0.321 0.090 0.44 205 180 195
2C X 95 15 1.60 0.40 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 30.2 32.6 2577 3081 2.20 29.9 2274 0.193 0.231 0.090 0.44 240 215 230
2C X 120 18 1.60 0.40 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.72 31.7 34.4 3082 3639 2.20 31.4 2760 0.153 0.184 0.087 0.49 275 235 265
2C X 150 18 1.80 0.40 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.72 35.4 37.8 3765 4369 2.40 35.2 3409 0.124 0.149 0.087 0.49 310 270 305
2C X 185 30 2.00 0.50 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 39.4 41.5 4626 5281 2.40 38.5 4201 0.0991 0.120 0.087 0.49 350 300 350
2C X 240 34 2.20 0.50 4x0.8 2.50 2.04 2.04 42.5 45.9 5865 6893 2.60 42.0 5409 0.0754 0.091 0.087 0.50 405 345 410
2C X 300 34 2.40 0.60 4x0.8 2.50 2.20 2.20 48.5 51.9 7250 8424 2.80 48.1 6732 0.0601 0.073 0.086 0.52 450 385 465
2C X 400 53 2.60 0.70 4x0.8 3.15 2.36 2.52 55.5 60.5 9188 11171 3.20 52.5 8466 0.0470 0.059 0.086 0.53 490 425 530
No. of Min. Thickness Min. ARMOURED UNARMOURED Max. D.C.Max. A.C. Approx. Approx.
cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Nominal Min. Thickness of Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Nom. Overall Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- CURRENT RATINGS
cross Wires insulation of PVC Dimensions of Armour PVC Outer Sheath (Approx.) of Cable Thickness Diameter of Cable at 20 0C at 70 0C at 50 Hz tance
sectional (Nom.) inner of Outer (Approx) (Approx) Direct In In
area sheath Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Sheath in Ground Duct Air
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) mm mm Kg/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km A m p s A m p s A m p s
3Cx1.5 1 0.8 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 14.0 — 420 1.80 11.0 190 18.10 21.72 0.126 0.140 16 14 13
3Cx2.5 1 0.9 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 15.0 — 500 1.80 12.0 230 12.10 14.52 0.119 0.150 21 18 18
3Cx4 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 16.5 — 595 1.80 13.4 300 7.41 8.89 0.116 0.410 28 23 23
3Cx6 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 17.5 — 685 1.80 14.4 350 4.61 5.53 0.110 0.470 35 30 30
3Cx10 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.40 — 19.5 — 830 1.80 15.6 435 3.08 3.70 0.100 0.560 46 39 40
3Cx16 6 1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 18.6 20.2 569 767 1.80 18.4 415 1.91 2.29 0.097 0.760 60 50 51
3Cx25 6 1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 21.3 22.9 750 971 2.00 21.5 586 1.20 1.44 0.097 0.860 76 63 70
3Cx35 6 1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 23.1 24.7 888 1129 2.00 23.3 705 0.868 1.04 0.097 0.980 92 77 86
3Cx50 6 1.4 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.56 1.56 26.6 28.2 1147 1436 2.00 26.5 913 0.641 0.77 0.094 1.020 110 95 105
3Cx70 12 1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 29.6 32.0 1426 1914 2.20 29.9 1187 0.443 0.53 0.090 1.180 135 115 130
3Cx95 15 1.6 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.72 33.5 36.2 1815 2420 2.20 33.8 1538 0.320 0.38 0.090 1.200 165 140 155
3Cx120 15 1.6 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.72 37.0 39.4 2166 2796 2.20 37.0 1829 0.253 0.30 0.087 1.310 185 155 180
3Cx150 15 1.8 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 40.1 42.4 2584 3249 2.40 40.1 2228 0.206 0.25 0.087 1.310 210 175 205
3Cx185 30 2.0 0.5 4x0.8 2.50 1.88 2.04 44.2 47.9 3099 4246 2.60 44.6 2743 0.164 0.20 0.087 1.310 235 200 240
3Cx240 30 2.2 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.20 2.20 50.3 53.7 3945 5171 2.80 50.7 3541 0.125 0.15 0.087 1.340 275 235 280
3Cx300 30 2.4 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.36 2.36 55.0 58.4 4731 6085 3.00 55.5 4296 0.100 0.12 0.086 1.410 305 260 315
3Cx400 53 2.6 0.7 4x0.8 3.15 2.52 2.68 62.6 67.6 5927 8135 3.40 63.8 5537 0.0778 0.09 0.086 1.450 335 290 375
No. of Min. Thickness Min. ARMOURED UNARMOURED Max. D.C.Max. A.C. Approx. Approx.
cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Nominal Min. Thickness of Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Nom. Overall Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- CURRENT RATINGS
cross Wires insulation of PVC Dimensions of Armour PVC Outer Sheath (Approx.) of Cable Thickness Diameter of Cable at 20 0C at 70 0C at 50 Hz tance
sectional (Nom.) inner of Outer (Approx) (Approx) Direct In In
area sheath Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Sheath in Ground Duct Air
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) mm mm Kg/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km A m p s A m p s A m p s
3C X 1.5 1 0.80 0.3 — 1.4 — 1.24 — 14.0 — 442 1.80 11.00 218 12.1 14.5 0.126 0.14 21 17 17
3C X 2.5 1 0.90 0.3 — 1.4 — 1.24 — 15.0 — 542 1.80 12.00 284 7.41 8.87 0.119 0.15 27 24 24
3C X 4 1 1.00 0.3 — 1.4 — 1.24 — 16.5 — 663 1.80 13.50 372 4.61 5.52 0.116 0.41 36 30 30
3C X 6 1 1.00 0.3 — 1.4 — 1.24 — 17.5 — 789 1.80 14.40 470 3.08 3.69 0.110 0.47 45 38 39
3C X 10 6 1.00 0.3 — 1.4 — 1.40 — 19.5 — 1017 1.80 15.60 629 1.83 2.19 0.100 0.56 60 50 57
3C X 16 6 1.00 0.3 4x0.8 1.6 1.40 1.40 18.6 20.2 859 1057 1.80 18.40 705 1.15 1.38 0.097 0.76 77 64 66
3C X 25 6 1.20 0.3 4x0.8 1.6 1.40 1.40 21.3 22.9 1210 1431 2.00 21.50 1046 0.727 0.87 0.097 0.86 99 81 90
3C X 35 6 1.20 0.3 4x0.8 1.6 1.40 1.40 23.1 24.7 1532 1773 2.00 23.30 1350 0.524 0.627 0.097 0.98 120 99 110
3C X 50 6 1.40 0.3 4x0.8 1.6 1.56 1.56 26.6 28.2 2016 2305 2.00 26.50 1783 0.387 0.463 0.094 1.02 145 125 135
3C X 70 12 1.40 0.4 4x0.8 2.0 1.56 1.56 29.6 32.0 2684 3173 2.20 29.90 2446 0.268 0.321 0.090 1.18 175 150 165
3C X 95 15 1.60 0.4 4x0.8 2.0 1.56 1.72 33.5 36.2 3564 4169 2.20 33.80 3286 0.193 0.231 0.090 1.20 210 175 200
3C X 120 18 1.60 0.4 4x0.8 2.0 1.72 1.72 37.0 39.4 4371 5001 2.20 37.00 4034 0.153 0.184 0.087 1.31 240 195 230
3C X 150 18 1.80 0.5 4x0.8 2.0 1.88 1.88 40.1 42.4 5309 5974 2.40 40.10 4954 0.124 0.149 0.087 1.31 270 225 265
3C X 185 30 2.00 0.50 4x0.8 2.5 1.88 2.04 44.2 47.9 6502 7648 2.60 44.60 6145 0.0991 0.12 0.087 1.31 300 255 305
3C X 240 34 2.2 0.6 4x0.8 2.5 2.20 2.20 51.3 53.7 8422 9648 2.80 50.70 8018 0.0754 0.0912 0.087 1.34 345 295 355
3C X 300 34 2.4 0.6 4x0.8 2.5 2.36 2.36 55.0 58.4 10356 11710 3.00 55.50 9920 0.0601 0.0739 0.086 1.41 385 335 400
3C X 400 53 2.6 0.7 4x0.8 3.2 2.52 2.68 62.6 67.6 13107 15315 3.40 63.80 12717 0.047 0.0592 0.086 1.45 425 360 455
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min. Thickness Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Dimensions of PVC Outer (Approx.) of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross Wires insula- of PVC of Armour Sheath at 200C at 700C at 50 Hz Direct In Duct In Air
sectional tion inner Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire in Ground
area (Nom.) sheath Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps Amps
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx25/16 6/6 1.2/1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 23.8 25.4 882 1128 1.2000 1.44 0.097 0.86 76 63 70
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx35/16 6/6 1.2/1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 24.8 26.4 1000 1263 0.8680 1.04 0.097 0.98 92 77 86
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx50/25 6/6 1.4/1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.56 1.56 28.4 30.0 1289 1583 0.6410 0.77 0.094 1.02 100 95 105
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx70/35 12/6 1.4/1.2 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 32.5 34.9 1640 2184 0.4430 0.53 0.090 1.18 135 115 130
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx95/50 15/6 1.6/1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.72 36.2 38.9 2075 2716 0.3200 0.38 0.090 1.20 165 140 155
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx120/70 15/12 1.6/1.4 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.88 39.3 42.1 2502 3203 0.2530 0.30 0.087 1.31 185 155 180
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx150/70 15/12 1.8/1.4 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 44.0 46.4 2950 3680 0.2060 0.25 0.087 1.31 210 175 205
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx185/95 30/15 2.0/1.6 0.5 4x0.8 2.50 2.04 2.04 48.8 52.2 3610 4813 0.1640 0.20 0.087 1.31 235 200 240
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx240/120 30/15 2.2/1.6 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.20 2.36 55.2 58.9 4526 5715 0.1250 0.15 0.087 1.34 275 235 280
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5Cx300/150 30/15 2.4/1.8 0.6 4x0.8 3.15 2.36 2.52 59.7 64.7 5400 7531 0.1000 0.12 0.086 1.41 305 260 315
Aywy/Ayfy 3.5CX400/185 53/30 2.6/2.0 0.7 4X0.8 3.15 2.68 2.68 68.6 73.3 6827 9211 0.0778 0.09 0.086 1.45 335 290 375
AYY 3.5 C X 50/25 6/6 1.4/1.2 0.30 2.00 28.30 1034 0.641 0.77 0.094 1.02 110 95 105
AYY 3.5 C X 70/35 12/6 1.4/1.2 0.40 2.20 32.80 1373 0.443 0.53 0.090 1.18 135 115 130
AYY 3.5 C X 95/50 15/6 1.6/1.4 0.40 2.20 36.50 1771 0.320 0.38 0.090 1.20 165 140 155
AYY 3.5 C X 120/70 15/12 1.6/1.4 0.50 2.40 39.70 2180 0.253 0.30 0.087 1.31 185 155 180
AYY 3.5 C X 150/70 15/12 1.8/1.4 0.50 2.40 44.00 2554 0.206 0.25 0.087 1.31 210 175 205
AYY 3.5 C X 185/95 30/15 2.0/1.6 0.50 2.60 48.90 3176 0.164 0.20 0.087 1.31 235 200 240
AYY 3.5 C X 240/120 30/15 2.2/1.6 0.60 3.00 56.00 4128 0.125 0.15 0.087 1.34 275 235 280
AYY 3.5 C X 300/150 30/15 2.4/1.8 0.60 3.20 60.60 4989 0.100 0.12 0.086 1.41 305 260 315
AYY 3.5 C X 400/185 53/30 2.6/ 2.0 0.70 3.40 69.40 6344 0.0778 0.09 0.086 1.45 335 290 375
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min Nominal Min. Thickness Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
Cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Dimensions of PVC Outer Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci-
cross wires Insulation of PVC of Armour Sheath (Approx) of Cable at 200C at 700C at 50 Hz tance Direct in In In Air
sectional (Nom) inner Ground Duct
area sheath Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/KmmFd/Km Amps Amps Amps
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 25/16 6/6 1.2/1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 23.8 25.4 1438 1685 0.727 0.87 0.097 0.86 99 81 90
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 35/16 6/6 1.2/1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 24.8 26.4 1741 2004 0.524 0.627 0.097 0.98 120 99 110
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 50/25 6/6 1.4/1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.56 1.56 28.4 30.0 2313 2606 0.387 0.463 0.094 1.02 145 125 135
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 70/35 12/6 1.4/1.2 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 32.5 34.9 3113 3657 0.268 0.321 0.090 1.18 175 150 165
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 95/50 15/6 1.6/1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.72 36.2 38.9 4115 4756 0.193 0.231 0.090 1.20 210 175 200
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 120/70 18/12 1.6/1.4 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.88 39.3 42.1 5125 5827 0.153 0.184 0.087 1.31 240 195 230
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 150/70 18/12 1.8/1.4 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 44.0 46.4 6095 6825 0.124 0.149 0.087 1.31 270 225 265
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 185/95 30/15 2.0/1.6 0.5 4x0.8 2.50 2.04 2.04 48.8 52.2 7595 8799 0.0991 0.120 0.087 1.31 300 255 305
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 240/120 34/18 2.2/1.6 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.20 2.36 55.2 58.9 9738 11128 0.0754 0.0912 0.087 1.34 345 295 355
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 300/150 34/18 2.4/1.8 0.6 4x0.8 3.15 2.36 2.52 59.7 64.7 11945 14064 0.0601 0.0739 0.086 1.41 385 335 400
YWY/YFY 3.5C X 400/185 53/30 2.6/2.0 0.7 4x0.8 3.15 2.68 2.68 68.6 73.3 15139 17523 0.0470 0.0592 0.086 1.45 425 360 455
4CX1.5 1 0.8 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 14.5 — 470 1.80 11.70 210 18.10 21.72 0.126 0.140 16 14 13
4Cx2.5 1 0.9 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 16.0 — 560 1.80 13.20 270 12.10 14.52 0.119 0.150 21 18 18
4Cx4 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 17.5 — 675 1.80 15.00 340 7.41 8.89 0.116 0.410 28 23 23
4Cx6 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 19.0 — 800 1.80 16.00 420 4.61 5.53 0.110 0.470 35 30 30
4Cx10 1 1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 21.5 23.0 800 1030 1.80 19.00 510 3.08 3.70 0.100 0.560 46 39 40
4Cx16 6 1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 22.2 23.8 727 966 2.00 22.40 553 1.91 2.29 0.097 0.760 60 50 51
4Cx25 6 1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 23.6 25.2 915 1165 2.00 23.80 728 1.20 1.44 0.097 0.860 76 63 70
4Cx35 6 1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.56 25.9 27.8 1097 1396 2.00 26.10 886 0.868 1.04 0.097 0.980 92 77 86
4Cx50 6 1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 30.3 32.7 1432 1935 2.20 30.60 1187 0.641 0.77 0.094 1.020 110 95 105
4Cx70 12 1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 33.4 35.8 1781 2336 2.20 33.70 1505 0.443 0.53 0.090 1.180 135 115 130
4Cx95 15 1.6 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.72 38.2 40.6 2311 2948 2.40 38.60 1997 0.320 0.38 0.090 1.200 165 140 155
4Cx120 15 1.6 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 41.7 44.1 2762 3453 2.40 41.70 2390 0.253 0.30 0.087 1.310 185 155 180
4Cx150 15 1.8 0.5 4x0.8 2.50 1.88 2.04 44.7 48.4 3246 4387 2.60 45.10 2885 0.206 0.25 0.087 1.310 210 175 205
4Cx185 30 2.0 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.04 2.20 50.1 53.8 3982 5245 2.80 50.80 3615 0.164 0.20 0.087 1.310 235 200 240
4Cx240 30 2.2 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.36 2.36 56.7 60.1 5038 6445 3.00 57.20 4587 0.125 0.15 0.087 1.340 275 235 280
4Cx300 30 2.4 0.7 4x0.8 3.15 2.52 2.68 62.9 68.0 6109 8376 3.40 64.10 5716 0.100 0.12 0.086 1.410 305 260 315
4Cx400 53 2.6 0.7 4x0.8 3.15 2.84 2.84 70.6 75.3 7640 10124 3.60 71.50 7157 0.0778 0.09 0.086 1.450 335 290 375
No. of Min. Thickness Min. ARMOURED UNARMOURED Max. D.C.Max. A.C. Approx. Approx.
cores & No. of of PVC Thickness Nominal Min. Thickness of Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Nom. Overall Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- CURRENT RATINGS
cross Wires insulation of PVC Dimensions of Armour PVC Outer Sheath (Approx.) of Cable Thickness Diameter of Cable at 20 0C at 70 0C at 50 Hz tance
sectional (Nom.) inner of Outer (Approx) (Approx) Direct In In
area sheath Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Sheath in Ground Duct Air
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) mm mm Kg/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km A m p s A m p s A m p s
4C X 1.5 1 0.8 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 14.5 — 503 1.80 11.70 256 12.1 14.5 0.126 0.14 21 17 17
4C X 2.5 1 0.9 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 16.0 — 616 1.80 13.20 335 7.4 8.87 0.119 0.15 27 24 24
4C X 4 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 17.5 — 771 1.80 15.00 446 4.6 5.52 0.116 0.41 36 30 30
4C X 6 1 1.0 0.3 — 1.40 — 1.24 — 19.0 — 947 1.80 16.00 576 3.1 3.69 0.110 0.47 45 39 38
4C X 10 6 1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 21.5 23.0 1045 1273 1.80 19.00 773 1.8 2.19 0.100 0.56 60 57 50
4C X 16 6 1.0 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 22.2 23.8 1113 1352 2.00 22.40 940 1.2 1.38 0.097 0.76 77 66 64
4C X 25 6 1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.40 23.6 25.2 1529 1779 2.00 23.80 1342 0.727 0.87 0.097 0.86 99 90 81
4C X 35 6 1.2 0.3 4x0.8 1.60 1.40 1.56 25.9 27.8 1955 2254 2.00 26.10 1744 0.524 0.62 0.097 0.98 120 110 99
4C X 50 6 1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 30.3 32.7 2593 3096 2.20 30.60 2347 0.387 0.46 0.094 1.02 145 135 125
4C X 70 12 1.4 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.56 1.56 33.4 35.8 3459 4015 2.20 33.70 3183 0.268 0.32 0.090 1.18 175 165 150
4C X 95 15 1.6 0.4 4x0.8 2.00 1.72 1.72 38.2 40.6 4643 5280 2.40 38.60 4330 0.193 0.23 0.090 1.20 210 200 175
4C X 120 18 1.6 0.5 4x0.8 2.00 1.88 1.88 41.7 44.1 5702 6393 2.40 41.70 5330 0.153 0.18 0.087 1.31 240 230 195
4C X 150 18 1.8 0.5 4x0.8 2.50 1.88 2.04 44.7 48.4 6872 8012 2.60 45.10 6511 0.124 0.14 0.087 1.31 270 265 225
4C X 185 30 2.0 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.04 2.20 50.1 53.8 8519 9782 2.80 50.80 8152 0.0991 0.12 0.087 1.31 300 305 255
4C X 240 34 2.2 0.6 4x0.8 2.50 2.36 2.36 56.7 60.1 11008 12415 3.00 57.20 10557 0.0754 0.091 0.087 1.34 345 355 295
4C X 300 34 2.4 0.7 4x0.8 3.15 2.52 2.68 62.9 68.0 13610 15877 3.40 64.10 13218 0.0601 0.073 0.086 1.41 385 400 335
4C X 400 53 2.6 0.7 4x0.8 3.15 2.84 2.84 70.6 75.3 17213 19697 3.60 71.50 16729 0.0470 0.059 0.086 1.45 425 455 360
Basic assumption and conditions of installation
Max. Conductor temperature at continuous operation ........................................................... 90OC
Ambient Air temperature ....................................................................................................... 40OC
Ground temperature .............................................................................................................. 30OC
Thermal Resistivity of soil ...................................................................................................... 150OC Cm/W
Depth of laying ...................................................................................................................... 750 mm
Max. Conductor temperature for short circuit ........................................................................ 250OC
Rating Factors for Variation in Ground Temperature
Ground temperature OC 15 20 25 30 35 40
Rating Factor 1.12 1.08 1.03 1.00 0.96 0.91
Rating Factors for Variation in Ambient Air Temperature
Air temperature OC 25 30 35 40 45 50
Rating Factor 1.14 1.10 1.04 1.00 0.95 0.90
Rating factors cables laid directly laid in ground in horizontal formation
Distance of Cables
No. of Cables
Touching 15 cm 30 cm 45 cm
2 0.79 0.82 0.87 0.90
3 0.69 0.75 0.79 0.83
4 0.62 0.69 0.74 0.79
5 0.58 0.65 0.72 0.76
6 0.54 0.61 0.69 0.75
Rating factor for variation in depth of laying in ground
Depth of laying
Upto 25 mm2 25 to 300 mm2 Above 300 mm2
75 cm 1.00 1.00 1.00
90 cm 0.99 0.98 0.97
105 cm 0.98 0.97 0.96
120 cm 0.97 0.96 0.95
150 cm 0.96 0.94 0.92
180 > 0.95 0.93 0.91
No. of Min. Thickness Nominal Min. Overall Approx. Thickness Nom. Overall Approx. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Direct
cores & No. of XLPE Dimensions Thickness Diameter Net Wt. of XLPE Thickness Diameter Net Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- Reactance Capaci- in In
cross of insulation of Armour of PVC (Approx.) of Cable insulation of Outer (Approx.) Wt. at 200C at 90 0C at 50 Hz tance at 50 Hz tance Ground Air
sectional Wires (Nom.) Wire Outer (Nom.) Sheath of
area Sheath Cable
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
1CX10 1 1.0 - - - - 0.7 1.8 9.0 80 3.08 3.94 0.134 0.32 0.114 0.43 59 53
1CX10 6 1.0 - - - - 0.7 1.8 9.5 90 3.08 3.94 0.134 0.32 0.114 0.43 59 53
1CX16 6 1.0 1.4 1.24 13.0 220 0.7 1.8 10.0 115 1.91 2.44 0.125 0.38 0.108 0.51 76 73
1CX25 6 1.20 1.40 1.24 14.1 253 0.90 1.80 11.8 177 1.200 1.5400 0.116 0.40 0.102 0.52 97 99
1CX35 6 1.20 1.40 1.24 15.1 297 0.90 1.80 12.8 215 0.868 1.1100 0.110 0.47 0.097 0.60 116 112
1CX50 6 1.30 1.40 1.24 16.4 358 1.00 1.80 14.1 270 0.641 0.8200 0.103 0.50 0.092 0.63 139 149
1CX70 12 1.40 1.40 1.24 18.2 448 1.10 1.80 15.9 347 0.443 0.5670 0.099 0.55 0.088 0.68 171 190
1CX95 15 1.40 1.60 1.40 20.6 588 1.10 1.80 17.6 438 0.320 0.4100 0.097 0.64 0.085 0.79 204 235
1CX120 15 1.50 1.60 1.40 22.9 701 1.20 1.80 20.3 556 0.253 0.3250 0.093 0.67 0.082 0.79 231 276
1CX150 15 1.70 1.60 1.40 24.0 806 1.40 2.00 21.4 652 0.206 0.2650 0.091 0.67 0.082 0.79 259 321
1CX185 30 1.90 1.60 1.40 26.3 966 1.60 2.00 23.7 795 0.164 0.2110 0.090 0.67 0.082 0.79 292 371
1CX240 30 2.00 1.60 1.40 28.9 1179 1.70 2.00 26.3 991 0.125 0.1620 0.086 0.72 0.079 0.84 342 447
1CX300 30 2.10 1.60 1.56 31.5 1421 1.80 2.00 28.6 1193 0.100 0.1300 0.085 0.75 0.078 0.86 384 515
1CX400 53 2.40 2.00 1.56 35.9 1836 2.00 2.20 32.4 1519 0.0778 0.1023 0.085 0.75 0.077 0.88 440 606
1CX500 53 2.60 2.00 1.56 39.3 2232 2.20 2.20 35.8 1887 0.0605 0.0808 0.083 0.77 0.076 0.90 500 705
1CX630 53 2.80 2.00 1.72 43.6 2773 2.40 2.20 39.8 2360 0.0469 0.0648 0.082 0.81 0.075 0.94 565 823
1CX800 53 3.10 2.00 1.88 50.0 3730 2.60 2.40 46.0 3100 0.0362 0.0530 0.081 0.88 0.075 0.97 629 949
1CX1000 53 3.30 2.50 2.04 55.9 4411 2.80 2.60 51.0 3735 0.0291 0.0444 0.081 0.88 0.068 1.01 704 1076
No. of Min. Thickness Nominal Min. Overall Approx. Thickness Nom. Overall Approx. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Direct
cores & No. of XLPE Dimensions Thickness Diameter Net Wt. of XLPE Thickness Diameter Net Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci- Reactance Capaci- in In
cross of insulation of Armour of PVC (Approx.) of Cable insulation of PVC (Approx.) Wt. at 200C at 90 0C at 50 Hz tance at 50 Hz tance Ground Air
sectional Wires (Nom.) Wire Outer (Nom.) Outer of
area Sheath Sheath Cable
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
1CX10 6 1.0 1.4 1.24 12.0 245 0.7 1.8 9.5 170 1.83 2.34 0.134 0.32 0.114 0.43 76 71
1CX16 6 1.0 1.4 1.24 13.0 315 0.7 1.8 10.0 220 1.15 1.47 0.125 0.38 0.108 0.51 97 95
1C X 25 6 1.20 1.40 1.24 14.1 407 0.90 1.8 11.8 331 0.727 0.930 0.116 0.40 0.102 0.52 125 126
1C X 35 6 1.20 1.40 1.24 15.1 511 0.90 1.8 12.8 428 0.524 0.671 0.110 0.47 0.097 0.60 153 158
1C X 50 6 1.30 1.40 1.24 16.4 643 1.00 1.8 14.1 554 0.387 0.495 0.103 0.50 0.092 0.63 181 194
1C X 70 12 1.40 1.40 1.24 18.2 866 1.10 1.8 15.9 764 0.268 0.343 0.099 0.55 0.088 0.68 217 249
1C X 95 15 1.40 1.60 1.40 20.6 1168 1.10 1.8 17.6 1018 0.193 0.247 0.097 0.64 0.085 0.79 264 307
1C X 120 18 1.50 1.60 1.40 22.9 1432 1.20 1.8 20.3 1287 0.153 0.196 0.093 0.67 0.082 0.79 296 357
1C X 150 18 1.70 1.60 1.40 24.0 1710 1.40 2.0 21.4 1556 0.124 0.159 0.091 0.67 0.082 0.79 333 411
1C X 185 30 1.90 1.60 1.40 26.3 2095 1.60 2.0 23.7 1924 0.0991 0.127 0.090 0.67 0.082 0.79 375 479
1C X 240 34 2.00 1.60 1.40 28.9 2664 1.70 2.0 26.3 2476 0.0754 0.0965 0.086 0.72 0.079 0.84 434 569
1C X 300 34 2.10 1.60 1.56 31.5 3287 1.80 2.0 28.6 3058 0.0601 0.0769 0.085 0.75 0.078 0.86 490 659
1C X 400 53 2.40 2.00 1.56 35.9 4217 2.00 2.2 32.4 3899 0.0470 0.0608 0.085 0.75 0.077 0.88 556 769
1C X 500 53 2.60 2.00 1.56 39.3 5286 2.20 2.2 35.8 4941 0.0366 0.0468 0.083 0.77 0.076 0.90 620 877
1C X 630 53 2.80 2.00 1.72 43.6 6728 2.40 2.2 39.8 6315 0.0283 0.0362 0.082 0.81 0.075 0.94 695 1013
1C X 800 53 3.10 2.00 1.88 50.0 8250 2.60 2.4 46.0 7676 0.0221 0.0283 0.081 0.88 0.075 0.97 758 1148
1CX1000 53 3.30 2.50 2.04 55.9 10766 2.80 2.6 51.0 10090 0.0176 0.0225 0.081 0.88 0.068 1.01 834 1275
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min. Thickness Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
cores & No. of of XLPE Thick- Dimensions of PVC (Approx.) of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross Wires insulation ness of of Armour Outersheath at 20OC at 90 OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
sectional (Nom.) inner- Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Ground
area sheath Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km) (kg/km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xwy 2CX4 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 14.9 - 482 - 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 43 39
A2xwy 2CX4 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 15.5 - 506 - 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 43 39
A2xwy 2CX6 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 16.0 - 540 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 55 50
A2xwy 2CX6 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 16.6 - 567 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 55 50
A2xwy 2CX10 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 17.7 - 650 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 71 67
A2xwy 2CX10 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 18.5 - 695 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 71 67
A2xwy 2CX16 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.4 - 18.8 - 673 - 1.9100 2.4400 0.0808 0.36 91 88
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX25 6 0.90 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 21.2 19.6 797 582 1.2000 1.5400 0.080 0.20 120 117
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX35 6 0.90 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 22.2 20.6 880 664 0.8680 1.1100 0.080 0.23 143 145
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX50 6 1.00 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 24.3 22.7 1056 808 0.6410 0.8200 0.078 0.24 167 176
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX70 12 1.10 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 27.1 25.5 1287 1013 0.4430 0.5670 0.077 0.26 204 221
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX95 15 1.10 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 30.8 28.4 1738 1255 0.3200 0.4100 0.074 0.29 245 271
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX120 15 1.20 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 32.7 30.3 1967 1464 0.2530 0.3250 0.072 0.29 278 316
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX150 15 1.40 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.72 1.72 36.2 33.8 2334 1754 0.2060 0.2650 0.072 0.29 315 362
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX185 30 1.60 0.5 2.00 4X0.8 1.88 1.72 39.9 37.1 2763 2105 0.1640 0.2110 0.072 0.29 356 420
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX240 30 1.70 0.5 2.50 4X0.8 2.04 1.88 43.9 40.2 3568 2556 0.1250 0.1620 0.072 0.31 407 497
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX300 30 1.80 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.20 2.04 49.5 45.8 4273 3102 0.1000 0.1300 0.071 0.33 463 578
A2xfy/A2xwy 2CX400 53 2.00 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.36 2.36 54.0 50.0 5600 4230 0.0778 0.1023 0.070 0.33 528 678
Type No. of cores Min. Thickness Min. Nom. Thickness Overall Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
& cross No. of of Thickness of Diameter of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
sectional Wires insulation of Outersheath (Approx.) (Approx.) at 20OC at 90OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
area (Nom.) innersheath Ground
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xy 2CX4 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.2 204 7.4100 9.48 0.0927 0.22 43 39
A2xy 2CX4 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.8 219 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 43 39
A2xy 2CX6 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.2 239 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 55 50
A2xy 2CX6 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.8 255 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 55 50
A2xy 2CX10 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.8 303 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 71 67
A2xy 2CX10 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.8 331 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 71 67
A2xy 2CX16 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.0 225 1.9100 2.4400 0.0808 0.36 91 88
A2xy 2CX25 6 0.90 0.3 2.00 19.2 400 1.2000 1.5400 0.080 0.20 120 117
A2xy 2CX35 6 0.90 0.3 2.00 20.2 469 0.8680 1.1100 0.080 0.23 143 145
A2xy 2CX50 6 1.00 0.3 2.00 22.3 588 0.6410 0.8200 0.078 0.24 167 176
A2xy 2CX70 12 1.10 0.3 2.00 24.8 743 0.4430 0.5670 0.077 0.26 204 221
A2xy 2CX95 15 1.10 0.4 2.20 28.1 974 0.3200 0.4100 0.074 0.29 245 271
A2xy 2CX120 15 1.20 0.4 2.20 30.0 1159 0.2530 0.3250 0.072 0.29 278 316
A2xy 2CX150 15 1.40 0.4 2.20 33.2 1386 0.2060 0.2650 0.072 0.29 315 362
A2xy 2CX185 30 1.60 0.5 2.40 36.9 1728 0.1640 0.2110 0.072 0.29 356 420
A2xy 2CX240 30 1.70 0.5 2.60 40.0 2155 0.1250 0.1620 0.072 0.31 407 497
A2xy 2CX300 30 1.80 0.6 2.80 45.7 2649 0.1000 0.1300 0.071 0.33 463 578
A2xy 2CX400 53 2.00 0.6 3.00 49.0 3530 0.0778 0.1023 0.070 0.33 528 678
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min Nominal Min.Thickness Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
Cores & No. of of XLPE Thickness Dimensions of PVC Outer Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci-
cross wires Insulation of PVC of Armour Sheath (Approx) of Cable at 20 0C at 900C at 50 Hz tance Direct in In Air
sectional (Nom) inner Ground
area sheath Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XWY 2C X 4 1 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 14.9 - 531 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 56 51
2XWY 2C X 4 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 15.5 - 555 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 56 51
2XWY 2C X 6 1 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 16.0 - 614 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 71 64
2XWY 2C X 6 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 16.6 - 639 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 71 64
2XWY 2C X 10 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 18.5 - 817 - 1.8300 2.3400 0.0837 0.31 92 88
2XWY 2C X 16 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.40 - 18.8 - 866 - 1.1500 1.4700 0.0808 0.36 116 113
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 25 6 0.90 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 21.2 19.6 1103 889 0.7270 0.9300 0.0800 0.20 152 153
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 35 6 0.90 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 22.2 20.6 1309 1093 0.5240 0.6710 0.0800 0.23 180 186
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 50 6 1.00 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 24.3 22.7 1626 1379 0.3870 0.4950 0.0780 0.24 218 226
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 70 12 1.10 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 27.1 25.5 2126 1852 0.2680 0.3430 0.0770 0.26 264 284
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 95 15 1.10 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 30.8 28.4 2904 2422 0.1930 0.2470 0.0740 0.29 314 348
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 120 18 1.20 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 32.7 30.3 3436 2933 0.1530 0.1960 0.0720 0.29 357 402
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 150 18 1.40 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.72 1.72 36.2 33.8 4150 3571 0.1240 0.1590 0.0720 0.29 403 461
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 185 30 1.60 0.5 2.00 4x0.8 1.88 1.72 39.9 37.1 5032 4373 0.0991 0.1270 0.0720 0.29 453 533
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 240 34 1.70 0.5 2.50 4x0.8 2.04 1.88 43.9 40.2 6553 5541 0.0754 0.0965 0.0720 0.31 518 633
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 300 34 1.80 0.6 2.50 4x0.8 2.20 2.04 49.5 45.8 8024 6854 0.0601 0.0769 0.0710 0.33 583 732
2XWY/2XFY 2C X 400 53 2.00 0.6 2.50 4x0.8 2.36 2.36 54.0 50.0 9688 8437 0.0470 0.0602 0.0700 0.33 658 841
Type No. of Min. No. Thickness Min. Nominal Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
cores & of wires of XLPE Thickness Thickness Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross Insulation of PVC of PVC (Approx) of Cable at 20O C at 90O C at 50 HZ Direct In Air
sectional area (Nom.) inner sheath Outer Sheath in Ground
mm 2 mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XY 2C X 4 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.2 254 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 56 51
2XY 2C X 4 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.8 268 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 56 51
2XY 2C X 6 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.2 314 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 71 64
2XY 2C X 6 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.8 328 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 71 64
2XY 2C X 10 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.8 455 1.8300 2.3400 0.0837 0.31 92 88
2XY 2C X 16 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.0 425 1.1500 1.4700 0.0808 0.36 116 113
2XY 2C X 25 6 0.90 0.3 2.00 19.2 706 0.727 0.930 0.080 0.20 152 153
2XY 2C X 35 6 0.90 0.3 2.00 20.2 898 0.524 0.671 0.080 0.23 180 186
2XY 2C X 50 6 1.00 0.3 2.00 22.3 1158 0.387 0.495 0.078 0.24 218 226
2XY 2C X 70 12 1.10 0.3 2.00 24.8 1582 0.268 0.343 0.077 0.26 264 284
2XY 2C X 95 15 1.10 0.4 2.20 28.1 2140 0.193 0.247 0.074 0.29 314 348
2XY 2C X 120 18 1.20 0.4 2.20 30.0 2628 0.153 0.196 0.072 0.29 357 402
2XY 2C X 150 18 1.40 0.4 2.20 33.2 3202 0.124 0.159 0.072 0.29 403 461
2XY 2C X 185 30 1.60 0.5 2.40 36.9 3997 0.0991 0.127 0.072 0.29 453 533
2XY 2C X 240 34 1.70 0.5 2.60 40.0 5140 0.0754 0.0965 0.072 0.31 518 633
2XY 2C X 300 34 1.80 0.6 2.80 45.7 6400 0.0601 0.0769 0.071 0.33 583 732
2XY 2C X 400 53 2.00 0.6 3.00 49.0 7732 0.0470 0.0602 0.070 0.33 658 841
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min. Thickness Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
cores & No. of of Thick- Dimensions of (Approx.) of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross Wires insulation ness of of Armour Outersheath at 20OC at 90 OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
sectional (Nom.) inner- Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Ground
area sheath Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xwy 3CX4 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 15.5 - 487 - 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xwy 3CX4 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 16.1 - 524 - 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xwy 3CX6 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 16.6 - 561 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xwy 3CX6 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 17.4 - 587 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xwy 3CX10 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 18.5 - 686 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xwy 3CX10 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 19.4 - 736 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX16 6 0.7 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.24 19.7 17.8 822 530 1.9100 2.4400 0.0808 0.36 73 70
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX25 6 0.9 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.4 21.7 20.1 861 769 1.2000 1.5400 0.08 0.2 97 95
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX35 6 0.9 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.4 23.8 22.2 1028 918 0.8680 1.1100 0.08 0.23 116 117
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX50 6 1 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.56 1.4 26.5 24.6 1252 1111 0.6410 0.8200 0.078 0.24 134 140
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX70 12 1.1 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 31.3 28.9 1790 1472 0.4430 0.5670 0.077 0.26 167 176
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX95 15 1.1 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 33.5 31.1 2091 1575 0.3200 0.4100 0.074 0.29 199 221
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX120 15 1.2 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.72 1.56 38.4 35.7 2549 2153 0.2530 0.3250 0.072 0.29 227 258
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX150 15 1.4 0.5 2.00 4X0.8 1.88 1.72 42.0 39.2 3020 2317 0.2060 0.2650 0.072 0.29 255 294
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX185 30 1.6 0.5 2.50 4X0.8 2.04 1.88 47.0 43.3 3940 2808 0.1640 0.2110 0.072 0.29 287 339
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX240 30 1.7 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.20 2.04 50.0 46.3 4616 3453 0.1250 0.1620 0.072 0.31 333 402
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX300 30 1.8 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.36 2.2 55.3 51.6 5495 4169 0.1000 0.1300 0.071 0.33 375 461
A2xfy/A2xwy 3CX400 53 2 0.7 3.15 4X0.8 2.68 2.52 63.5 58.4 8041 5267 0.0778 0.1023 0.07 0.33 426 542
Type No. of cores Min. Thickness Min. Nom. Thickness Overall Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
& cross No. of of Thickness of Diameter of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
sectional Wires insulation of Outersheath (Approx.) (Approx.) at 20OC at 90OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
area (Nom.) innersheath Ground
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xy 3CX4 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.8 224 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xy 3CX4 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.5 238 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xy 3CX6 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.9 265 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xy 3CX6 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.5 265 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xy 3CX10 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.6 340 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xy 3CX10 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.7 368 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xy 3CX16 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.9 361 1.9100 2.4400 0.0808 0.36 73 70
A2xy 3CX25 6 0.90 0.30 2 20.3 502 1.2000 1.5400 0.080 0.20 97 95
A2xy 3CX35 6 0.90 0.30 2 22.4 616 0.8680 1.1100 0.080 0.23 116 117
A2xy 3CX50 6 1.00 0.30 2 25.0 782 0.6410 0.8200 0.078 0.24 134 140
A2xy 3CX70 12 1.10 0.40 2.2 29.2 1059 0.4430 0.5670 0.077 0.26 167 176
A2xy 3CX95 15 1.10 0.40 2.2 31.4 1322 0.3200 0.4100 0.074 0.29 199 221
A2xy 3CX120 15 1.20 0.40 2.2 36.0 1626 0.2530 0.3250 0.072 0.29 227 258
A2xy 3CX150 15 1.40 0.50 2.4 39.6 1997 0.2060 0.2650 0.072 0.29 255 294
A2xy 3CX185 30 1.60 0.50 2.6 43.7 2461 0.1640 0.2110 0.072 0.29 287 339
A2xy 3CX240 30 1.70 0.60 2.8 47.0 3118 0.1250 0.1620 0.072 0.31 333 402
A2xy 3CX300 30 1.80 0.60 3 52.4 3801 0.1000 0.1300 0.071 0.33 375 461
A2xy 3CX400 53 2.00 0.70 3.2 59.2 4853 0.0778 0.1023 0.070 0.33 426 542
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min.Thickness Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
Cores & No. of of XLPE Thickness Dimensions of PVC Outer Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci-
cross wires Insulation of PVC of Armour Sheath (Approx) of Cable at 20 0C at 900C at 50 Hz tance Direct in In Air
sectional (Nom) inner Ground
area sheath Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XWY 3C X 4 1 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 15.5 - 561 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XWY 3C X 4 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 16.1 - 598 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XWY 3C X 6 1 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 16.6 - 673 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XWY 3C X 6 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 17.4 - 697 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XWY 3C X 10 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 19.9 - 922 - 1.8300 2.3400 0.0837 0.31 73 70
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 16 6 0.7 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.24 19.7 17.8 1112 885 1.1500 1.4700 0.0808 0.36 97 90
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 25 6 0.90 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 21.7 20.1 1450 1230 0.7270 0.9300 0.0800 0.20 125 122
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 35 6 0.90 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 23.8 22.2 1803 1563 0.5240 0.6710 0.0800 0.23 148 148
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 50 6 1.00 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.56 1.40 26.5 24.6 2272 1980 0.3870 0.4950 0.0780 0.24 175 181
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 70 12 1.10 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 31.3 28.9 3266 2730 0.2680 0.3430 0.0770 0.26 213 230
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 95 15 1.10 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 33.5 31.1 4092 3521 0.1930 0.2470 0.0740 0.29 254 284
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 120 18 1.20 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.72 1.56 38.4 35.7 5033 4358 0.1530 0.1960 0.0720 0.29 292 330
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 150 18 1.40 0.5 2.00 4x0.8 1.88 1.72 42.0 39.2 6049 5263 0.1240 0.1590 0.0720 0.29 325 375
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 185 30 1.60 0.5 2.50 4x0.8 2.04 1.88 47.0 43.3 7713 6503 0.0991 0.1270 0.0720 0.29 366 434
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 240 34 1.70 0.6 2.50 4x0.8 2.20 2.04 50.0 46.3 9600 8278 0.0754 0.0965 0.0720 0.31 421 515
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 300 34 1.80 0.6 2.50 4x0.8 2.36 2.20 55.3 51.6 11628 10191 0.0601 0.0769 0.0710 0.33 472 588
2XWY/2XFY 3C X 400 53 2.00 0.7 3.15 4x0.8 2.68 2.52 63.5 58.4 15220 12950 0.0470 0.0602 0.0700 0.33 528 677
Type No.of cores Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
& cross No. of of XLPE Thickness Thickness Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
sectional wires Insulation of PVC of PVC (Approx) of Cable at 20O C at 90O C at 50 HZ Direct In Air
area (Nom.) inner sheath Outer Sheath in Ground
mm 2 mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XY 3C X 4 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.8 298 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XY 3C X 4 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.5 313 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XY 3C X 6 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.9 376 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XY 3C X 6 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.5 390 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XY 3C X 10 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.7 554 1.8300 2.3400 0.0837 0.31 73 70
2XY 3C X 16 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.9 639 1.1500 1.4700 0.0808 0.36 97 90
2XY 3C X 25 6 0.90 0.3 2.0 20.3 962 0.7270 0.930 0.0800 0.20 125 122
2XY 3C X 35 6 0.90 0.3 2.0 22.4 1260 0.5240 0.671 0.0800 0.23 148 148
2XY 3C X 50 6 1.00 0.3 2.0 25.0 1651 0.3870 0.495 0.0780 0.24 175 181
2XY 3C X 70 12 1.10 0.4 2.2 29.2 2317 0.2680 0.343 0.0770 0.26 213 230
2XY 3C X 95 15 1.10 0.4 2.2 31.4 3071 0.1930 0.247 0.0740 0.29 254 284
2XY 3C X 120 18 1.20 0.4 2.2 36.0 3831 0.1530 0.196 0.0720 0.29 292 330
2XY 3C X 150 18 1.40 0.5 2.4 39.6 4722 0.1240 0.159 0.0720 0.29 325 375
2XY 3C X 185 30 1.60 0.5 2.6 43.7 5863 0.0991 0.127 0.0720 0.29 366 434
2XY 3C X 240 34 1.70 0.6 2.8 47.0 7595 0.0754 0.0965 0.0720 0.31 421 515
2XY 3C X 300 34 1.80 0.6 3.0 52.2 9426 0.0601 0.0769 0.0710 0.33 472 588
2XY 3C X 400 53 2.00 0.7 3.2 59.2 12032 0.0470 0.0602 0.0700 0.33 528 677
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min. Thickness Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
cores & No. of of XLPE Thick- Dimensions of PVC (Approx.) of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross Wires insulation ness of of Armour Outersheath at 20OC at 90 OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
sectional (nom) inner- Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Ground
area sheath Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour Armour
(min) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX25 6/6 0.9/0.7 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 23.8 22.2 999 760 1.2000 1.5400 0.080 0.20 97 95
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX35 6/6 0.9/0.7 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 25.5 23.9 1146 885 0.8680 1.1100 0.080 0.23 116 117
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX50 6/6 1.0/0.9 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.56 1.40 29.0 27.1 1427 1114 0.6410 0.8200 0.078 0.24 134 140
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX70 12/6 1.1/0.9 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 34.0 31.6 2006 1473 0.4430 0.5670 0.077 0.26 167 176
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX95 15/6 1.1/1.0 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 37.6 35.2 2436 1834 0.3200 0.4100 0.074 0.29 199 221
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX120 15/12 1.2/1.1 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.72 1.72 40.2 37.8 2863 2220 0.2530 0.3250 0.072 0.29 227 258
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX150 15/12 1.4/1.1 0.5 2.00 4X0.8 1.88 1.72 45.2 42.4 3378 2623 0.2060 0.2650 0.072 0.29 255 294
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX185 30/15 1.6/1.1 0.5 2.50 4X0.8 2.04 1.88 49.7 46.0 4339 3179 0.1640 0.2110 0.072 0.29 287 339
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX240 30/15 1.7/1.2 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.20 2.04 55.4 51.7 5298 3981 0.1250 0.1620 0.072 0.31 333 402
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX300 30/15 1.8/1.4 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.36 2.20 59.3 55.6 6172 4750 0.1000 0.1300 0.071 0.33 375 461
A2xfy/A2xwy 3.5CX400 53/30 2.0/1.6 0.7 3.15 4X0.8 2.68 2.52 69.2 64.1 8341 6030 0.0778 0.1023 0.070 0.33 426 542
A2xy 3.5CX25 6/6 0.9/0.7 0.3 2.00 22.4 587 1.2000 1.5400 0.080 0.20 97 95
A2xy 3.5CX35 6/6 0.9/0.7 0.3 2.00 24.1 694 0.8680 1.1100 0.080 0.23 116 117
A2xy 3.5CX50 6/6 1.0/0.9 0.3 2.00 27.3 890 0.6410 0.8200 0.078 0.24 134 140
A2xy 3.5CX70 12/6 1.1/0.9 0.4 2.20 31.9 1215 0.4430 0.5670 0.077 0.26 167 176
A2xy 3.5CX95 15/6 1.1/1.0 0.4 2.20 35.5 1540 0.3200 0.4100 0.074 0.29 199 221
A2xy 3.5CX120 15/12 1.2/1.1 0.4 2.20 37.8 1875 0.2530 0.3250 0.072 0.29 227 258
A2xy 3.5CX150 15/12 1.4/1.1 0.5 2.40 42.8 2271 0.2060 0.2650 0.072 0.29 255 294
A2xy 3.5CX185 30/15 1.6/1.1 0.5 2.60 46.4 2805 0.1640 0.2110 0.072 0.29 287 339
A2xy 3.5CX240 30/15 1.7/1.2 0.6 2.80 52.4 3599 0.1250 0.1620 0.072 0.31 333 402
A2xy 3.5CX300 30/15 1.8/1.4 0.6 3.00 56.4 4348 0.1000 0.1300 0.071 0.33 375 461
A2xy 3.5CX400 53/30 2.0/1.6 0.7 3.40 65.3 5629 0.0778 0.1023 0.070 0.33 426 542
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min.Thickness Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
Cores & No. of XLPE Thickness Dimensions of PVC Outer Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci-
cross of Insulation of PVC of Armour Sheath (Approx) of Cable at 20 0C at 900C at 50 Hz tance Direct in In Air
sectional wires (Nom) inner Ground
area sheath Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip
mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XWY/2XFY 3.5CX25/16 6/6 0.9/0.7 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 23.8 22.2 1556 1316 0.727 0.930 0.080 0.20 125 122
2XWY/2XFY 3.5CX35/16 6/6 0.9/0.7 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 25.5 23.9 1887 1626 0.524 0.671 0.080 0.23 148 148
2XWY/2XFY 3.5CX50/25 6/6 1.0/0.9 0.3 1.60 4x0.8 1.56 1.40 29.0 27.1 2627 2137 0.387 0.495 0.078 0.24 175 181
2XWY/2XFY 3.5CX70/35 12/6 1.1/0.9 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 34.0 31.6 3479 2946 0.268 0.343 0.077 0.26 213 230
2XWY/2XFY 3.5CX95/50 15/6 1.1/1.0 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 37.6 35.2 4476 3874 0.193 0.247 0.074 0.29 254 284
2XWY/2XFY3.5CX120/70 18/12 1.2/1.1 0.4 2.00 4x0.8 1.72 1.72 40.2 37.8 5487 4844 0.153 0.196 0.072 0.29 292 330
2XWY/2XFY3.5CX150/70 18/15 1.4/1.1 0.5 2.00 4x0.8 1.88 1.72 45.2 42.4 6523 5768 0.124 0.159 0.072 0.29 325 375
2XWY/2XFY3.5CX185/95 30/15 1.6/1.1 0.5 2.50 4x0.8 2.04 1.88 49.7 46.0 8325 7164 0.0991 0.127 0.072 0.29 366 434
2XWY/2XFY3.5CX240/120 34/18 1.7/1.2 0.6 2.50 4x0.8 2.20 2.04 55.4 51.7 10510 9193 0.0754 0.0965 0.072 0.31 421 515
2XWY/2XFY3.5CX300/150 34/18 1.8/1.4 0.6 2.50 4x0.8 2.36 2.20 59.3 55.6 12705 11282 0.0601 0.0769 0.071 0.33 472 588
2XWY/2XFY3.5CX400/185 53/30 2.0/1.6 0.7 3.15 4x0.8 2.68 2.52 69.2 64.1 16653 14342 0.0470 0.0602 0.070 0.33 528 677
2XY 3.5C X 50/25 6/6 1.0/0.9 0.3 2.00 27.3 1914 0.387 0.495 0.078 0.24 175 181
2XY 3.5C X 70/35 12/6 1.1/0.9 0.4 2.20 31.9 2688 0.268 0.343 0.077 0.26 213 230
2XY 3.5C X 95/50 15/6 1.1/1.0 0.4 2.20 35.5 3579 0.193 0.247 0.074 0.29 254 284
2XY 3.5C X 120/70 18/12 1.2/1.1 0.4 2.20 37.8 4498 0.153 0.196 0.072 0.29 292 330
2XY 3.5C X 150/70 18/15 1.4/1.1 0.5 2.40 42.8 5416 0.124 0.159 0.072 0.29 325 375
2XY 3.5C X 185/95 30/15 1.6/1.1 0.5 2.60 46.4 6791 0.0991 0.127 0.072 0.29 366 434
2XY 3.5C X 240/120 34/18 1.7/1.2 0.6 2.80 52.4 8812 0.0754 0.0965 0.072 0.31 421 515
2XY 3.5C X 300/150 34/18 1.8/1.4 0.6 3.00 56.4 10881 0.0601 0.0769 0.071 0.33 472 588
2XY 3.5C X 400/185 53/30 2.0/1.6 0.7 3.40 65.3 13914 0.0470 0.0602 0.070 0.33 528 677
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min. Thickness Overall Diameter Approx. Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. Current Rating
cores & No. of of XLPE Thickness Dimensions of PVC (Approx.) of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross Wires insulation of PVC of Armour Outersheath at 20OC at 90OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
sectional (Nom.) innersheath Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Ground
(mm) (mm) mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xwy 4CX4 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 16.5 - 542 - 7.410 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xwy 4CX4 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 17.2 - 581 - 7.410 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xwy 4CX6 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 17.8 - 625 - 4.610 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xwy 4CX6 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.24 - 18.5 - 653 - 4.610 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xwy 4CX10 1 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.40 - 20.5 - 837 - 3.080 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xwy 4CX10 6 0.7 0.3 1.40 - 1.40 - 21.8 - 899 - 3.080 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX16 6 0.7 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 22.8 21.2 896 686 1.910 2.4500 0.0808 0.36 73 70
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX25 6 0.9 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 23.8 22.2 1051 829 1.200 1.5400 0.0800 0.20 97 95
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX35 6 0.9 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.40 1.40 26.0 24.4 1236 992 0.868 1.1100 0.0800 0.23 116 117
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX50 6 1.0 0.3 1.60 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 29.5 27.9 1525 1246 0.641 0.8200 0.0780 0.24 134 140
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX70 12 1.1 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.56 1.56 34.1 31.7 2132 1606 0.443 0.5670 0.0770 0.26 167 176
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX95 15 1.1 0.4 2.00 4X0.8 1.72 1.56 37.9 35.2 2606 1975 0.320 0.4100 0.0740 0.29 199 221
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX120 15 1.2 0.5 2.00 4X0.8 1.88 1.72 41.9 39.1 3102 2422 0.253 0.3250 0.0720 0.29 227 258
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX150 15 1.4 0.5 2.50 4X0.8 2.04 1.88 46.3 42.6 3985 2892 0.206 0.2650 0.0720 0.29 255 294
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX185 30 1.6 0.5 2.50 4X0.8 2.20 2.04 51.5 47.8 4761 3542 0.164 0.2110 0.0720 0.29 287 339
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX240 30 1.7 0.6 2.50 4X0.8 2.36 2.20 57.5 53.8 5824 4453 0.125 0.1620 0.0720 0.31 333 402
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX300 30 1.8 0.7 3.15 4X0.8 2.52 2.36 64.5 59.5 7518 5394 0.100 0.1300 0.0710 0.33 375 461
A2xfy/A2xwy 4CX400 53 2.0 0.7 3.15 4X0.8 2.84 2.68 72.1 67.1 9179 6779 0.0778 0.1023 0.0700 0.33 426 542
Type No. of cores Min. Thickness Min. Nom. Thickness Overall Net Wt. Max. D.C. Max. A.C. Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
& cross No. of of XLPE Thickness of PVC Diameter of Cable Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
sectional Wires insulation of PVC Outersheath (Approx.) (Approx.) at 20OC at 90OC at 50 Hz Direct in In Air
area (Nom.) innersheath Ground
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg/Km) Ohms/Km Ohms/Km Ohms/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
A2xy 4CX4 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.8 257 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xy 4CX4 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.5 275 7.4100 9.4800 0.0927 0.22 34 31
A2xy 4CX6 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.0 308 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xy 4CX6 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.7 325 4.6100 5.9000 0.0884 0.25 43 40
A2xy 4CX10 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.9 400 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xy 4CX10 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 19.6 449 3.0800 3.9400 0.0837 0.31 57 53
A2xy 4CX16 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 21.0 457 1.9100 2.4500 0.0808 0.36 73 70
A2xy 4CX25 6 0.9 0.3 2.0 22.4 618 1.2000 1.5400 0.0800 0.20 97 95
A2xy 4CX35 6 0.9 0.3 2.0 24.6 763 0.8680 1.1100 0.0800 0.23 116 117
A2xy 4CX50 6 1.0 0.3 2.0 27.8 964 0.6410 0.8200 0.0780 0.24 134 140
A2xy 4CX70 12 1.1 0.4 2.2 32.0 1321 0.4430 0.5670 0.0770 0.26 167 176
A2xy 4CX95 15 1.1 0.4 2.2 35.5 1681 0.3200 0.4100 0.0740 0.29 199 221
A2xy 4CX120 15 1.2 0.5 2.4 39.5 2103 0.2530 0.3250 0.0720 0.29 227 258
A2xy 4CX150 15 1.4 0.5 2.6 43.0 2551 0.2060 0.2650 0.0720 0.29 255 294
A2xy 4CX185 30 1.6 0.5 2.8 48.3 3164 0.1640 0.2110 0.0720 0.29 287 339
A2xy 4CX240 30 1.7 0.6 3.0 54.6 4067 0.1250 0.1620 0.0720 0.31 333 402
A2xy 4CX300 30 1.8 0.7 3.2 60.6 5012 0.1000 0.1300 0.0710 0.33 375 461
A2xy 4CX400 53 2.0 0.7 3.6 68.3 6373 0.0778 0.1023 0.0700 0.33 426 542
Type No. of Min. Thickness Min. Nominal Min.Thickness Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. Current Ratings
Cores & No. of XLPE Thickness Dimensions of PVC Outer Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capaci-
cross of Insulation of PVC of Armour Sheath (Approx) of Cable at 200C at 900C at 50 Hz tance Direct in In Air
sectional wires (Nom) inner Ground
area sheath Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip Wire Strip
mm 2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XWY 4C X 4 1 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 16.5 - 641 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XWY 4C X 4 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 17.2 - 679 - 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XWY 4C X 6 1 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 17.8 - 773 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XWY 4C X 6 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.24 - 18.5 - 800 - 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XWY 4C X 10 6 0.7 0.3 1.4 - 1.40 - 21.8 - 1146 - 1.8300 2.3400 0.0837 0.31 73 70
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 16 6 0.7 0.3 1.6 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 22.8 21.2 1381 1149 1.15 1.47 0.080 0.36 97 90
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 25 6 0.9 0.3 1.6 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 23.8 22.2 1782 1536 0.727 0.930 0.080 0.20 125 122
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 35 6 0.9 0.3 1.6 4x0.8 1.40 1.40 26.0 24.4 2230 1960 0.524 0.671 0.080 0.23 148 148
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 50 6 1.0 0.3 1.6 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 29.5 27.9 2855 2545 0.387 0.495 0.078 0.24 175 181
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 70 12 1.1 0.4 2.0 4x0.8 1.56 1.56 34.1 31.7 4048 3462 0.268 0.343 0.077 0.26 213 230
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 95 15 1.1 0.4 2.0 4x0.8 1.72 1.56 37.9 35.2 5219 4535 0.193 0.247 0.074 0.29 254 284
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 120 18 1.2 0.5 2.0 4x0.8 1.88 1.72 41.9 39.1 6373 5623 0.153 0.196 0.072 0.29 292 330
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 150 18 1.4 0.5 2.5 4x0.8 2.04 1.88 46.3 42.6 7991 6809 0.124 0.159 0.072 0.29 325 375
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 185 30 1.6 0.5 2.5 4x0.8 2.20 2.04 51.5 47.8 9755 8416 0.0991 0.127 0.072 0.29 366 434
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 240 34 1.7 0.6 2.5 4x0.8 2.36 2.20 57.5 53.8 12360 10843 0.0754 0.0965 0.072 0.31 421 515
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 300 34 1.8 0.7 3.15 4x0.8 2.52 2.36 64.5 59.5 15802 13402 0.0601 0.0769 0.071 0.33 472 588
2XWY/2XFY 4C X 400 53 2.0 0.7 3.15 4x0.8 2.84 2.68 72.1 67.1 19582 16889 0.0470 0.0602 0.070 0.33 528 677
Type No. of Min. No. Thickness Min. Nominal Overall Approx. Max. DC Max. AC Approx. Approx. CURRENT RATINGS
cores & of wires of XLPE Thickness Thickness Diameter Net Wt. Resistance Resistance Reactance Capacitance
cross sectional Insulation of PVC of PVC (Approx) of Cable at 20O C at 90O C at 50 HZ Direct In Air
area (Nom.) inner sheath Outer Sheath in Ground
mm 2 mm mm mm mm Kg/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km Ohm/Km mFd/Km Amps Amps
2XY 4C X 4 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.8 356 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XY 4C X 4 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.5 372 4.6100 5.9000 0.0927 0.22 44 40
2XY 4C X 6 1 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.0 455 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XY 4C X 6 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 16.7 472 3.0800 3.9400 0.0884 0.25 55 51
2XY 4C X 10 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 19.6 697 1.8300 2.3400 0.0837 0.31 73 70
2XY 4C X 16 6 0.7 0.3 1.8 21.0 843 1.1500 1.4700 0.0800 0.36 97 90
2XY 4C X 25 6 0.9 0.3 2.0 22.4 1232 0.7270 0.9300 0.0800 0.20 125 122
2XY 4C X 35 6 0.9 0.3 2.0 24.6 1620 0.5240 0.6710 0.0800 0.23 148 148
2XY 4C X 50 6 1.0 0.3 2.0 27.8 2125 0.3870 0.4950 0.0780 0.24 175 181
2XY 4C X 70 12 1.1 0.4 2.2 32.0 3000 0.2680 0.3430 0.0770 0.26 213 230
2XY 4C X 95 15 1.1 0.4 2.2 35.5 4013 0.1930 0.2470 0.0740 0.29 254 284
2XY 4C X 120 18 1.2 0.5 2.4 39.5 5043 0.1530 0.1960 0.0720 0.29 292 330
2XY 4C X 150 18 1.4 0.5 2.6 43.0 6176 0.1240 0.1590 0.0720 0.29 325 375
2XY 4C X 185 30 1.6 0.5 2.8 48.3 7701 0.0991 0.1270 0.0720 0.29 366 434
2XY 4C X 240 34 1.7 0.6 3.0 54.6 10037 0.0754 0.0965 0.0720 0.31 421 515
2XY 4C X 300 34 1.8 0.7 3.2 60.6 12513 0.0601 0.0769 0.0710 0.33 472 588
2XY 4C X 400 53 2.0 0.7 3.6 68.3 15945 0.0470 0.0602 0.0700 0.33 528 677
Armoured PVC Control Cable IS : 1554 (P-I) - 1988
No. of Cores Thickness Thickness of STRIP ARMOURED CABLE WIRE ARMOURED CABLE Standard Current Rating
& Cross of PVC Innersheath Strip Thickness of Approx. Approx. Round Thickness of Approx. Approx. Delivery Direct In Air/
Sectional Insulation (min.) Size PVC Outer OD Net weight Wire PVC Outer OD Net Weight Length in in Duct.
Area (Nom.) Extruded sheath (Min) of Cable Dia sheath (Min) of Cable Mtrs. Ground
NO x mm2 mm mm mm mm mm Kg / km mm mm mm Kg / Km Amps Amps
2 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 13.6 415 1000 23 20
3 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 14.1 430 1000 21 17
4 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 15.0 490 1000 21 17
5 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 15.9 545 1000 16 14
6 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 16.9 605 1000 15 13
7 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 16.9 630 1000 14 13
10 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.40 20.6 835 1000 13 11
12 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.24 19.5 760 1.6 1.40 21.5 950 1000 12 10
14 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 20.8 830 1.6 1.40 22.4 1040 1000 11 10
16 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 21.7 920 1.6 1.40 23.3 1130 1000 11 9
19 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 23.1 1040 1.6 1.40 24.7 1265 1000 10 9
24 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 26.4 1250 1.6 1.40 28.0 1510 1000 9 8
27 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 26.9 1355 1.6 1.40 28.5 1610 1000 9 8
30 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 27.8 1430 1.6 1.40 29.4 1700 1000 9 7
37 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 29.7 1670 1.6 1.40 31.3 1960 1000 8 7
2 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 — 1.4 1.24 14.8 500 1000 32 27
3 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 — 1.4 1.24 15.4 520 1000 27 24
4 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 — 1.4 1.24 16.4 590 1000 27 24
5 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 — 1.4 1.24 17.5 660 1000 23 19
6 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 — 1.4 1.24 18.7 745 1000 21 18
7 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 — 1.4 1.24 18.7 780 1000 20 17
10 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 21.8 900 1.6 1.40 23.4 1110 1000 18 15
12 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 22.8 1020 1.6 1.40 24.4 1240 1000 17 14
14 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 23.8 1130 1.6 1.40 25.4 1340 1000 16 13
16 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 24.9 1210 1.6 1.40 26.5 1455 1000 15 13
19 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 26.1 1355 1.6 1.40 27.7 1605 1000 14 12
24 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 30.0 1655 1.6 1.56 32.0 1970 1000 13 11
27 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 30.6 1770 1.6 1.56 32.6 2100 1000 12 10
30 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.56 32.0 1940 1.6 1.56 33.6 2250 1000 12 10
37 x 2.5 0.9 0.4 4 x 0.8 1.56 34.7 2300 2.0 1.56 37.1 2900 1000 11 9
1. Solid / Stranded annealed copper conductor & Tinned / Bare
2. General Purpose / HR PVC insulation
3. Cores laid up (filled if needed )
4. FRLS / General Purpose PVC inner sheath
5. Armouring round Galvanised Steel wires / strips
6. FRLS / General purpose PVC Outersheath
Max. Conductor D.C. Resistance at 20 Deg C - Conductor Size :
1.5 - 12.1 Ohm / km (Bare), 12.2 W / km (Tinned)
2.5 - 7.41 Ohm / km (Bare), 7.56 W / km (Tinned)
* Dimensions specified are with stranded conductor.
Unarmoured PVC Control Cable IS : 1554 (P-I) - 1988
No. of Cores Thickness Thickness of Thickness of Approx. Approx. Standard Current Rating
& Cross of PVC PVC Innersheath PVC Outersheath O.D. Net Weight Delivery Direct In Air /
Sectional Insulation (min.) Extruded (Nom.) of Cable Length in in Duct
Area (Nom.) Mtrs. Ground
NO x mm2 mm mm mm mm Kg / Km Amps. Amps.
2 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 11.8 185 1000 23 20
3 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 12.3 190 1000 21 17
4 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 13.2 225 1000 21 17
5 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 14.1 260 1000 16 14
6 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 15.1 295 1000 15 13
7 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 15.1 315 1000 14 13
10 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 18.4 425 1000 13 11
12 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 18.9 480 1000 12 10
14 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 19.8 535 1000 11 10
16 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 1.8 20.7 595 1000 11 9
19 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 22.5 720 1000 10 9
24 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 25.8 880 1000 9 8
27 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 26.3 960 1000 9 8
30 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 27.2 1040 1000 9 7
37 x 1.5 0.8 0.3 2.0 29.1 1230 1000 8 7
2 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 13.0 230 1000 32 27
3 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 13.6 240 1000 27 24
4 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 14.6 290 1000 27 24
5 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 15.7 335 1000 23 19
6 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 16.9 385 1000 21 18
7 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 16.9 420 1000 20 17
10 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 1.8 20.8 570 1000 18 15
12 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 22.2 690 1000 17 14
14 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 23.2 775 1000 16 13
16 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 24.3 860 1000 15 13
19 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 25.5 985 1000 14 12
24 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 29.4 1215 1000 13 11
27 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 30.0 1330 1000 12 10
30 x 2.5 0.9 0.3 2.0 31.0 1450 1000 12 10
37 x 2.5 0.9 0.4 2.2 34.1 1790 1000 11 9
1. Solid / Stranded annealed copper conductor & Tinned / Bare
2. General Purpose / HR PVC insulation
3. Cores laid up ( filled if needed )
4. FRLS / General Purpose PVC inner sheath
5. FRLS / General purpose PVC Outersheath
Max. Conductor D.C. Resistance at 20 Deg C - Conductor Size :
1.5 - 12.1 Ohm / km (Bare), 12.2 Ω / km (Tinned)
2.5 - 7.41 Ohm / km (Bare), 7.56 Ω / km (Tinned)
* Dimensions specified are with stranded conductor.
Armoured XLPE Control Cable IS : 7098 (P-I) - 1988
No. of Cores Thickness Thickness of STRIP ARMOURED CABLE WIRE ARMOURED CABLE Standard Current Rating
& Cross of XLPE Innersheath Strip Thickness of Approx. Approx. Round Thickness of Approx. Approx. Delivery Direct In Air/
Sectional Insulation (min.) Size PVC Outer OD Net weight Wire PVC Outer OD Net Weight Length in in Duct.
Area (Nom.) Extruded sheath (Min) of Cable Dia sheath (Min) of Cable Mtrs. Ground
NO x mm2 mm mm mm mm mm Kg / km mm mm mm Kg / Km Amps Amps
2 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 13.2 410 1000 33 29
3 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 13.6 453 1000 25 22
4 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 14.4 503 1000 25 22
5 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 15.2 507 1000 24 21
6 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 16.0 558 1000 22 19
7 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 16.0 576 1000 21 18
10 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 18.9 746 1000 18 16
12 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 19.4 799 1000 17 15
14 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.40 20.5 874 1000 16 14
16 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 20.1 816 1.6 1.40 21.7 1021 1000 16 14
19 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 21.0 880 1.6 1.40 22.6 1120 1000 15 13
24 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 24.3 1102 1.6 1.40 25.9 1357 1000 13 12
27 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 24.7 1162 1.6 1.40 26.3 1433 1000 13 11
30 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 25.5 1251 1.6 1.40 27.1 1512 1000 12 11
37 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 27.2 1425 1.6 1.40 28.8 1724 1000 11 10
44 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 30.0 1639 1.6 1.56 32.0 1996 1000 11 9
52 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.56 31.6 1855 1.6 1.56 33.2 2205 1000 10 9
61 x 1.5 0.7 0.4 4 x 0.8 1.56 33.3 2092 2.0 1.56 35.7 2687 1000 9 8
2 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 14.0 460 1000 39 32
3 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 14.5 526 1000 34 30
4 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 15.3 602 1000 34 30
5 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 16.3 602 1000 31 28
6 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 17.2 664 1000 29 26
7 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 — — — — 1.4 1.24 17.2 692 1000 27 25
10 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 19.7 773 1.6 1.40 21.3 987 1000 24 21
12 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 22.2 860 1.6 1.40 21.8 1064 1000 22 20
14 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 21.2 925 1.6 1.40 22.7 1160 1000 21 19
16 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 22.0 1017 1.6 1.40 23.6 1259 1000 20 18
19 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 23.4 1157 1.6 1.40 25.0 1406 1000 19 17
24 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 26.7 1413 1.6 1.40 28.3 1696 1000 17 16
27 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 27.2 1502 1.6 1.40 28.8 1800 1000 16 16
30 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 28.0 1622 1.6 1.40 29.6 1912 1000 16 14
37 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 4 x 0.8 1.40 30.0 1866 1.6 1.56 32.0 2223 1000 15 13
44 x 2.5 0.7 0.4 4 x 0.8 1.56 33.6 2209 2.0 1.56 36.0 2829 1000 14 12
52 x 2.5 0.7 0.4 4 x 0.8 1.56 35.0 2475 2.0 1.56 37.4 3119 1000 13 12
61 x 2.5 0.7 0.4 4 x 0.8 1.56 36.9 2777 2.0 1.56 39.3 3470 1000 12 11
1. Solid / Stranded annealed copper conductor & Tinned / Bare
2. Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
3. Cores laid up (filled if needed )
4. FRLS / General Purpose PVC inner sheath
5. Armouring round Galvanised Steel wires / strips
6. FRLS / General purpose PVC Outersheath
* Dimensions specified are with stranded conductor.
Unarmoured XLPE Control Cable IS : 7890 (P-I) - 1988
No. of Cores Thickness Thickness of Thickness of Approx. Approx. Standard Current Rating
& Cross of PVC PVC Innersheath PVC Outersheath O.D. Net Weight Delivery Direct In Air /
Sectional Insulation (min.) Extruded (Nom.) of Cable Length in in Duct
Area (Nom.) Mtrs. Ground
NO x mm2 mm mm mm mm Kg / Km Amps. Amps.
2 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 10.0 140 1000 33 29
3 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 10.5 160 1000 25 22
4 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 11.5 200 1000 25 22
5 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 12.5 225 1000 24 21
6 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.5 250 1000 22 19
7 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.5 260 1000 21 18
10 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.0 340 1000 18 16
12 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.5 390 1000 17 15
14 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 18.0 430 1000 16 14
16 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 18.5 475 1000 16 14
19 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 19.5 540 1000 15 13
24 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 22.5 665 1000 13 12
27 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 23.0 750 1000 13 11
30 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 23.5 820 1000 12 11
37 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 25.0 975 1000 11 10
44 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 28.0 1150 1000 11 9
52 x 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 29.0 1300 1000 10 9
61 x 1.5 0.7 0.4 2.2 31.0 1500 1000 9 8
2 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 11.5 185 1000 39 32
3 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 12.0 220 1000 34 30
4 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 13.0 260 1000 34 30
5 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 14.0 300 1000 31 28
6 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.0 340 1000 29 26
7 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 15.0 360 1000 27 25
10 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 17.5 475 1000 24 21
12 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 18.0 550 1000 22 20
14 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 1.8 19.0 625 1000 21 19
16 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 20.5 680 1000 20 18
19 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 21.5 770 1000 19 17
24 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 24.5 950 1000 17 16
27 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 25.5 1050 1000 16 16
30 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 26.0 1150 1000 16 14
37 x 2.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 28.0 1350 1000 15 13
44 x 2.5 0.7 0.4 2.2 32.0 1650 1000 14 12
52 x 2.5 0.7 0.4 2.2 33.5 1950 1000 13 12
61 x 2.5 0.7 0.4 2.2 35.0 2150 1000 12 11
1. Solid / Stranded annealed copper conductor & Tinned / Bare
2. Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulation
3. Cores laid up (filled if needed )
4. FRLS / General Purpose PVC inner sheath
5. FRLS / General purpose PVC Outersheath
* Dimensions specified are with stranded conductor.
Instrumentation Cables
KEI Industries Limited manufactures a wide variety of All this means that the cables to be used for
cables suitable for process instrumentation. In the instrumentation should be designed and manufactured
projects related to power generation & distribution, very carefully, KEI with its meticulous efforts in
chemical & fertilizer industries and various other types maintaining quality, stringent in process control during
of engineering industries, the process instrumentation manufacture and hte knowledge of cable designing, is
plays a vita role in measurement, supervision and control proud to say that it is capable of supplying
of the process. Introduction of microprocessor based/ instrumentation cables meeting any Indian/
computerised instrumentation has demanded stringent International standard or a specific requirement desired
quality requirements alongwith special electrical by project authority. The efforts done by KEI are
parameters for instrumentation cables. Very low level reqarded by acceptance of our quality by the country’s
electrical signals pass between measuring end and prime organisations such as NTPC, PDIL, EIL, BHEL,
display units/controllers which are situated far off. These TATA’s, IOCL, L&T, ABB, KRUPP Ind, BPCL., HPCL, ESSAR,
low level signals are prone to external noise pickups SIEMENS, Electricity Boards, Reliance, IOTL, Mukand,
and heavy silenuation during transmission. Honeywell, etc.
Range of Instrumentation Cables :-
Conductor : 0.4 mm dia (0.126 to 2.5 or higher sizes of electrolytic copper wire,
Tinned/untinned, solid/stranded copper conductors.
Insulation : 70 Deg. C/85 Deg. C. Grade PVC, Polyethylene, Halogen Free FRLS Polymeric Compounds.
Elements : Pairs/Triples/Quads, colour coded/number printed ring marked/dual colour extruded.
Shields : Aluminimum Polyester tape screen with Copper drain wire or alternately with with Copper
wire braiding. Individual element or overall shielding as specified.
Element laying : Concentric formation or unit & group formation as per applicable specification.
Amounting : Galvanised steel wire/strip amount.
Sheathing : PVC 70/90 deg.C. grade, PVC FRLS, ZHFR, CSP, PCP, EVA, etc.
Specification : BS:5308 (1 & 2), iec-189 (1 & 2),
VDE 0815, ENI 0181.00 and customers specifications.
Thermocouple Extension/Compensating
These cables can also be termed as instrumentation thermocouple and pyrometers are electrically
cables, since they are used for process temperature conducted by thermocouple extension/compensating
measurement. The construction is similar to paired cables. The conductors used for these cables are
instrumentation cable but the conductor material is required to have similar thermo-electric (emf)
different. Thermocouples are used in processes to properties as that of the thermocouple used for sensing
sense temperature and is connected to the the temperature. The cables are manu-factured as per
pyrometers for indication and control. The IS:8784, ANSI-MC 96. 1, B.S., ENI, DIN and customers
T2 T3
T1 = Process Temp. at Thermocouple hot junction
T2 = Atmospheric temp. at Thermocouple cold junction
T3 = Atmospheric temp. at Control room.
couple Extension/ Positive Negative
KX (NiCr/Nia) Chromel Alumel
cables :- JX (Fe/CuNi) Iron Constantan
EX (NiCr/CuNi) Chromel Constantan
TX (Cu/CuNi) Copper Constantan
KX (A)/VX (NiCr/NiAl) Copper Constantan
SX/RX (PtRh-Pt) Copper Constantan
COLOUR CODES as per various standard specifications
ANSI MC-96.1
IS : 8784 B. S.
ENI — 163.00
+ve -ve overall +ve -ve overall +ve -ve overall
KX Yellow Red Yellow Red Green Green Brown Blue Red
JX White Red Black Red Blue Blue Yellow Blue Black
TX Blue Red Blue Red Black Black White Blue Blue
EX Purple Red Purple Red Violet Violet Brown Blue Brown
KX(A)/VX — — — Red Green Green White Blue Red
SX/RX Black Red Red White White White Blue Green
KEI FRLS And Halogen Free Cables
Test Function Specification Typical Values Typical Values Typical Values
of FRLS Compound of Halogen Free of Ordinary PVC
Compound Compound
CRITICAL To Determine Percentage ASTM-d-2863 More than 29% More than 29% 23%
OXYGEN of Oxygen Required For
INDEX Supporting Combustion of
Insulating Material at
room temprature.
TEMPRATURE To determine at What ASTM-D-2863 & More than 250 Deg.C More than 250 Deg.C 150 Deg.C
INDEX Temprature Normal BICC Handbook
Oxygen Content of 21% In Chapter No.6
Air will Support
Combustion of
Insulating Material
SMOKE DENSITY To Determine the visiability ASTM-D-2843 MORE THAN 40% MORE THAN 80% 10-15%
RATING (Light Transmission)
under Fire of Insulating
ACID GAS To acertian the amount of IEC-754-I Less than 20% Less than 0.5% 45-50%
GAS Hydrocloric Acid Gas
GENERATION Evolved from insualtion of
Cable Under Fire.
Following additional test is offered on these cables:
A) IEEE383
B) IEC 332(PART-I)
A) SS 4241475
Single Core PVC/ HR PVC / FRLS / ZHFR Insulated Copper Conductor (Unsheathed) House
Wires in Voltage Grade upto & including 1100 Volts as per IS 694 - 1990.
Basic Code Nominal Cross Number / Nom. Thickness of Overall Current Carrying Capacity in Resistance
Section Area of Dia of wires* Insulation diameter Conduit/Trunking (Amps) (Max)
Conductor (Nom.) (Nom.) Max. at 20OC.
Sq. Mm Number / mm mm mm PVC HR PVC FRLS ZHFR Ohm / Km
KSF - 2420 0.75 24 / 0.20 0.60 2.8 7 8 7 8 26.00
KSF - 1430 1.00 14 / 0.30 0.70 3.2 11 13 11 13 18.10
KSF - 2230 1.50 22 / 0.30 0.70 3.4 13 16 13 16 12.10
KSF - 3630 2.50 36 / 0.30 0.80 4.2 18 20 18 20 7.41
KSF - 5630 4.00 56 / 0.30 0.80 4.8 24 26 24 26 4.95
KSF - 8430 6.00 84 / 0.30 0.80 5.6 31 36 31 36 3.30
Comparitive Properties of KEI WIRES
Feature Normal Heat Resistant Fire Retardant Flame Retardant Zero Halogen
PVC Wire HR PVC FR - PVC Low Smoke FRLS Low Smoke
Insulation Material PVC PVC Spl. PVC Spl. PVC Spl. Polymer
Insulation Property Normal Good Good Good Very Good
Temperature Rating 70OC 85OC 70OC 70OC 85OC
Thermal Stability Normal Very Good Good Good Very Good
Flame Retardancy Good Good Very Good Very Good Excellent
Safety During burning Average Average Good Good Excellent
Requirement of Oxygen
to Catch Fire (% in air) >21 > 21 > 30 > 30 > 35
Temperature Required
to catch fire (with 21 % oxygen) Room Temp. Room Temp. > 250OC > 250OC. > 300OC
Visibility during Cable
burning (%) <20 < 20 < 35 > 40 > 80
Release of Halogen Gas
during burning (% by weight) <20 < 20 < 20 < 20 ZERO
Abrasion Resistance
during Installation Good Good Good Good Good
HR PVC Insulated Winding Wires as per IS:8783 (Part 4/Sec I) 1995
Basic Conductor Thickness of Overall Conductor
Code Diameter Insulation Diameter Resistance at 200C
(Nom) mm (Min) mm (Approx.) mm (Max) Ohms/Km
KWS-0060 0.6 0.25 1.17 62.20
KWS-0070 0.7 0.30 1.37 45.70
KWS-0080 0.8 0.30 1.47 35.00
KWS-0090 0.9 0.30 1.57 27.60
KWS-0100 1.0 0.30 1.67 22.40
KWS-0110 1.1 0.30 1.77 18.50
KWS-0120 1.2 0.30 1.87 15.50
KWS-0130 1.3 0.30 1.97 13.20
KWS-0140 1.4 0.35 2.17 11.40
KWS-0150 1.5 0.35 2.27 9.95
KWS-0160 1.6 0.35 2.37 8.75
KWS-0170 1.7 0.35 2.47 7.75
KWS-0180 1.8 0.35 2.62 6.91
KWS-0190 1.9 0.35 2.72 6.20
KWS-0200 2.0 0.45 3.02 5.60
KWS-0210 2.1 0.45 3.12 5.08
KWS-0220 2.2 0.45 3.22 4.63
KWS-0230 2.3 0.45 3.32 4.23
KWS-0240 2.4 0.50 3.52 3.89
KWS-0250 2.5 0.50 3.62 3.58
KWS-0260 2.6 0.50 3.72 3.31
KWS-0270 2.7 0.50 3.82 3.07
KWS-0280 2.8 0.55 4.02 2.86
KWS-0290 2.9 0.55 4.12 2.66
KWS-0300 3.0 0.55 4.22 2.49
Basic Area Number/ Insulation Sheath Width Thickness Resistance Current
Code (Nom.) size of Thickness Thickness ‘W’ ‘T’ at 200C carrying
sq. Wire (Nom.) (Nom.) (Approx) (Approx) (Max.) capacity
at 400C
mm No./mm mm mm mm mm ohm/Km Amps
K3FL-2230 1.5 22/0.3 0.6 0.90 11.0 5.0 12.10 14
K3FL-3630 2.5 36/0.3 0.7 1.00 13.0 6.0 7.40 18
K3FL-5630 4.0 56/0.3 0.8 1.00 15.3 6.7 4.95 26
K3FL-8430 6.0 84/0.3 1.0 1.15 18.7 7.9 3.30 31
K3FL-14030 10.0 140/0.3 1.0 1.40 23.7 9.9 1.91 42
K3FL-22630 16.0 226/0.3 1.0 1.40 28.0 11.4 1.21 57
K3FL-35430 25.0 354/0.3 1.2 2.00 35.5 14.7 0.780 72
K3FL-49530 35.0 495/0.3 1.2 2.00 39.5 16.2 0.554 90
K3FL-70330 50.0 703/0.3 1.4 2.20 45.5 18.3 0.386 115
K3FL-36050 70.0 360/0.5 1.4 2.20 51.0 20.0 0.272 143
K3FL-47550 95.0 475/0.5 1.6 2.40 60.0 23.5 0.206 165
In keeping with the company’s commitment to technological advancement, elastomer materials such as Polychloroprene
(PCP), Chloro-Sulphoneted Polyethelene (CSP), Nitrile Rubber / PVC blends, Ethylene Propelene Rubber (EPR), Ethylene
Vinyle Acetate (EVA) and Silicone have been specially compounded to meet numerous heat oil and fire resisting requirements.
In the recent years KEI has also developed special Elastomeric Fire Survival Cables for power, control and instrumentation
Elastomeric compounds for insulating and sheathing of cables are formulated to meet the requirement of IS 6380, BS 6899,
IEC 60502 and other international specification.
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION (Conforming to IS 9968 Part 1)
Conductor – Annealed tinned Copper wires Solid (Class 1), Stranded (Class 2), flexible (Class 5)
complying with the requirement of IS 8130-1984
Seperator Tape – Suitable material seperator tape may be applied over the conductor
Insulation – General service elastomer compound Type IE1 of IS 6380-1984
Heat Resisting elastomer compound Type IE2 of IS 6380-1984
Silicone Rubber Type IE 5 of IS 6380-1984
Core Identification – Coloured insulation, Nos.PE tape, Coloured proofed tape, Nos. printing
Fillers – Natural or synthetic fibres or elastomer suitable for the operating temperature and
compatible with the insulating material
Sheath – General service sheath Type SE1/SE2 of IS 6380-1984
Heavy Duty Sheath Type SE3/SE4 of IS 6380-1984
Working Temperature of Commonly used Elastomeric Insulating and Sheathing Materials
Material Max. Cond. Temp. Max. Cond. Min. Working
for continuous Temp. for short Temp.
opertation circuit
Deg C. Deg C. Deg C.
Natural Rubber (VIR & TRS) 60 200 -55
Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) 90 250 -50
Polychloroprene (PCP) 70 200 -40
Chlorosupphonated Polyethylene (CSP) 90 200 -35
Silicone Rubber 150 / 180 350 -55
HR Natural Rubber (HR VIR) 75 200 -55
Styrene Butadience Rubber 60 200 -55
Butyl Rubber 85 220 -50
Rubber Cables
CABLES UP TO 11KV Machine Trailing, Mining, Power
FLEXIBLE TRAILING CABLES Reeling unreeling, Trailing, Festooning, Mobile
Machines, Cranes, Coal Handling and Conveyors
MINING CABLES FT or Pliable Armoured or Landline type
As per IS 14494, NCB specs
for UG , Open cast, Coal or other mines and mining machines
THERMAL POWER PLANTS For coal handling plants, flexible power and control application
CABLES FOR STEEL PLANTS Flexible and high temp withstanding cables for furnace, melting shops,
material handling
WIND ENERGY Flexible cables for power and control for Wind Mill generator connection
FIRE SURVIVAL CABLES Fire Survival for 3 Hrs or 20 Min
SHIP WIRING As per IEC specs and Naval specs DGS or DEFSTAN, NES
OFFSHORE and ONSHORE For Platforms and Rigs as per IEC and BS or NEK specs
SHORE SUPPLY AND GENERATOR CABLES For charging of ship batteries and supply from mobile generators
MOTOR COIL LEADS Elastomeric and Silicon as per IS, BS, or OEM specs
HIGH TEMP CABLES Silicon insulated, glass fiber braided or unbraided
PUMP CABLES For Water , submersible and sewerage pumps
CABLES FOR RAILWAYS Coach wiring, Metro railway
WIRES HFFR Low toxic emission under fire.
PANEL WIRING For flexible, high power high temp zone, polluted or moist atmospheres
BATTERY CABLES For High current and long life
LOW TEMPERATURE INSTALLATIONS Suitable for subzero temp. installations and operations
MISC. APPLICATIONS Outdoor High mast lighting, Site power supply, White goods,
Oil or Chemical resistant
TYPES Power and Control cables up to 61 Cores
Instrumentation Pairs 30 pairs, triads, quad
Wires, Flat cables
VOLTAGE GRADES 11KV, 6.6KV, 3.3KV, 1.1KV, 750V, 250V, 110V, 60V
BRAIDING OFFERED ATC, GI wire braid, Synthetic or Textile yarn, Glass Fiber
ARMOURING Pliable armour or steel /copper wires/Stainless steel