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Guidance Note - No.2 Guide To Correct Specification of Powder Coated Aluminium

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Guidance Note - No.

Guide to correct specification

of powder coated aluminium
September 2010


These recommendations cover specification guidance of Polyester powder coating is available in a wide range of
painted aluminium extrusions and curtain wall panels. finishes from solid colours in various gloss levels, through
The guide is intended for specifying powder coated, to textured or metallic effects.
architectural and aluminium extrusions such as window
frames, door frames, railings and trim as well as curtain Process
wall panels, column covers, spandrels, mullions, louvers,
vertical trim, etc. In order to correctly specify a powder coat finish it useful to
understand the basic process of powder coating as finish
Purpose failure, as rare as it may be, is often not the failure of the
powder finish itself.
These recommendations are intended to assist architects,
contractors, owners and building managers who are Pre-treatment
concerned with the specification of painted, architectural
aluminium. Aluminium supplied direct from the extrusion process is often
contaminated with oil and other residues which will effect
General the longevity of the final coating. Unfinished aluminium
supplied from stock will have traces of natural oxidisation
Powder coating was introduced into the UK in the early on the surface. It is vital therefore that the pretreatment is
1970’s and is the youngest of the surface finishing correctly carried out to a very high standard.
techniques in common use today. The finish is commonly
used in various applications including white goods, The vast majority of powder coat failures can be put down
automotive, and engineering as well as in construction. to poor or inconsistent pre-treatment methods. The Pre-
treatment offers two main benefits:
Powder coating is the technique of applying dry paint to • Offers an air and watertight ‘seal’ to the aluminium
a part in the form of a fine powder which is electrically • Offers a good ‘key’ surface to the powder to adhere
charged. The part is electrically ‘earthed’ so the powder to
is attracted to the part and stays in place through static
electricity. The part is then placed in an oven and is subject The basic procedure carried out in either immersion baths
to temperature which melts the polyester and allows the or vertical spray method is:
finish to flow and cure before the part is cooled and ready 1. Clean
to use. 2. Rinse
3. Etch
Powder coating differs from ‘wet paints’ which typically 4. Rinse
use a solvent where the solids are in suspension in a liquid 5. Desmut (only when using an alkaline etch)
carrier which must fully evaporate before the finish is ready 6. Rinse
to use. 7. Chromate or Chrome Free Conversion
8. Rinse
The main advantage of using powder coating is the 9. Demin Rinse
reduced impact to the environment as powder coating 10. Dry
uses no solvents in the application process.
At all times during the process the concentration of
Polyester powder coating is the most commonly used chemicals used in the baths or spray booths must fall
system when coating architectural aluminium. within specified limits.
Powder Coating How to Specify

Once dry the pretreated aluminium is placed on a moving To ensure the correct performance powder coating for
overhead gantry which transfers the aluminium to a spray architectural use is specified, the following statement
booth. Powder coating guns coat the aluminium extrusions, should be included:
cast aluminium or sheet with a fine but controlled surface
thickness of powder. Any over-sprayed powder can be ‘Architectural powder coating to Qualicoat standard
collected and re-used giving a coating efficiency that can from approved supplier’
be in excess of 95%.
For projects located near to the coast there is a ‘Seaside’
Without being handled the aluminium is transferred by the class which offers a more intensive pre-treatment process,
gantry into a continuous oven at between 160 to 210oC. in this instance it should be specified:
In the oven the temperature heats the aluminium and the
powder undertakes four basic stages to full cure, Melt, ‘Architectural powder coating to Qualicoat ‘Seaside’
Flow, Gel and Cure. One cooled the finished aluminium standard from approved supplier’
can be used immediately.
All powder coatings, however, will age over time and using
British Standards higher durability powders will ensure that the surface finish
looks better for longer. Higher durability powders can
The current British Standard and European Standard for be used on high rise applications, or other places where
powder coating is covered in: access could be difficult or where there is a particularly
harsh environment.
BS EN 12206-1:2004
‘Paints and varnishes - Coating of aluminium and Powders for architectural coatings fall into three basic
aluminium alloys for architectural purposes’ classes:
Class 1 - 1 year ‘Florida’ - weather exposure - standard
This replaces the earlier British Standard BS 6496:1984. Class 2 - 3 year ‘Florida’ - weather exposure
Class 3 - 10 year ‘Florida’ - weather exposure
The 2004 BS EN standard covers primarily the pre-treatment
process and the testing of suitable test samples which In class 1 the sample must retain at least 50% of its
accompany the material throughout the process. original gloss level at the end of the test, whereas for
class 2 powders they must retain at least 75% and class 3
Qualicoat Standard powders at least 90% over the same period of exposure.
Colour variation over time is similarly more stringent on
The Qualicoat Standard, which can be downloaded from classes 2 and 3.
the European website www.qualicoat.net, offers a more
in-depth specification of the process and importantly Further guidance on the use of any of the above standards
encompasses BS EN 12206-1:2004 in its entirety. is available from any approved Qualicoat member.

The Qualicoat standard is ‘adopted’ by members of the Disclaimer

association in their various countries. Only when members
meet the stringent levels laid down in the standard can The information provided in this document is for guidance
they use the Qualicoat logo and seal of approval. In the only and is not intended to replace any manufacturers
UK all members are regularly visited, without prior notice, recommended procedures. Qualicoat UK & Ireland strongly
by an independent assessor, Exova. If quality standards laid recommend that a qualified member of the association is
down by Qualicoat are not being met the coater may loose contacted and underwrites any procedures which apply to
his licence. powder coated finishes.

Qualicoat also qualify the powder manufacturers and pre-

treatment chemical companies in vertical integration to
ensure a complete up-stream compliance. Qualicoat UK & Ireland
The National Metalforming Centre
As the Qualicoat standard is constantly being reviewed 47 Birmingham Road
and improved by its independent membership there West Bromwich
need to quote a fixed reference. The use of ‘Qualicoat’ B70 6PY
approved supply is sufficient to ensure material is provided
by a Qualicoat Approved supplier in the UK or overseas in tel. 0121 601 6363
accordance with up to date Qualicoat standards. fax. 0870 138 9714

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