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Angelina Jolie (born June 4, 1975) is an American film actress, film director,

an Oscar winner, and many others. She born in Los Angeles, California.
Her debut on the screen took place in her childhood with her father, but her
acting career began only ten years later.
After the separation of his parents in 1976, Angelina and her brother stayed
in the care of their mother who had abandoned her career to raise her
She is the sister of actor James Haven.
She has six children, including three biological children.
Jolie has been actively involved in international charity projects, especially
those involving refugees

Angelina Jolie (nascuta pe 4 iunie, 1975) este o actrita, regizoare de film, de

origine americana, posesoare a unui Premiu Oscar si multe altele. S-a nascut
in Los Angeles, California.
Debutul ei pe micile ecrane a avut loc in copilarie alaturi de tatal ei, dar
cariera ei de actrita a inceput abia zece ani mai tarziu.
Dupa despartirea parintilor sai in 1976, Angelina Jolie si fratele sau au ramas
in grija mamei lor care si-a abandonat cariera pentru cresterea copiilor ei.
Ea este sora actorului James Haven.
Ea are 6 copii, dintre care trei copii biologici.

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