Strategic Planning and Implementation: (Type Text)
Strategic Planning and Implementation: (Type Text)
Strategic Planning and Implementation: (Type Text)
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2. Organisation Structure
3. Strategy
4. Background
5. Mission, vision
6. Objectives
7. Time table
8. Dissemination Process
9. Monitoring And Evaluation
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I had review EcHotels Ltd that how it might develop its future operations which include its
plans for expansion .As we are looking forward to develop chain of green hotels under
EcHotels ltd .we have to design new strategies according to the external environment affect
simultaneously looking for opportunities and carefully taking care threats. We are to set our
goals and objectives that are major concerned with eco logically sustainable tourism. My
report will be helpful in designing structure, mission, vision and objectives, and strategy
implementation process.
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“Structure is the best way to channel employees' efforts toward productive ends”.
(Denney G. Rutherford and Michael J. O'Fallon, Hotel Management and Operations, n.d.)
Our project involves building a chain of green hotels called EcHotels. Aim is to develop
other ecologically friendly venues in order to appeal to a segment of the market that prefers
sustainable tourism. And most of the hotel owners are adding “eco friendly” in there
ventures. The first hotel at Fairy Cross is nearly complete and need is to give it new look.
and here I m suggesting a structure of our organisation.
Housekeeping Department:-
It includes reservations, the front office house keeping and telephone or PBX. The front
office often is helpful in making contact between guests and staff. People love to take part in
”green practices”. So this department can encourage people to use towel and sheet which
can be recycled.
Accounting Department:-
The accounting department’s role is keep record of financial transactions, preparing financial
statements. It will have head account officer and other accounting officers nominated for
different departments will report to him regarding accounting details within their departments
General Manager:-
General Manager is executive manager responsible for the overall operations of a hotel
establishment. He holds ultimate authority over all the operations done and has power to
meet directly with a corporate office or hotel owners. His duties will include the following:-
Overall management of hotel staff. Arranging training programmes for the employees
for maintaining the eco friendly culture of the hotels. Planning and organizing
accommodation, catering and other hotel services.
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Budgeting and financial management is a key duty of general manager. That will
include establishment and maintenance cost of water treatment plant, solar plant.
Creating and enforcing business objectives and goals. General Manager should
always hold in his mind creative ideas, something new for business which can be
fitted in business’s corporate goals.
Recruiting, training and monitoring staff; planning work schedules for individuals and
teams. planning work schedules for individuals and teams
One of the main tasks of general manager is to greet the customers meeting with
them listening to their complaints and comments that is how he can maintain n
customer loyalty. He can encourage them to take part in green programs for example
using recycled napkins, switching off lights before going out, and avoid bringing
polythene bags or plastic water bottles inside hotel that can help in reducing solid
Afcourse manager have to deal with contractors and suppliers. he have to supervise
maintenance he have to arrange workforce for maintenance ,suppliers for raw
material, moreover making contracts with suppliers like for food and beverage,
furnishings, catering etc.
Green team
Our green team will work under the guidelines of general managers. Our green team will be
responsible for freshening and maintenance the gardens balconies, cleaning of swimming
pools. It will take care of solid waste, working and maintenance of water treatment plant.
From all the departments two members will be selected by their representative heads. While
working within their own departments they will involve in various environmental practices in
their particular departments. They will conduct training classes for other members. They will
report to general manager and will sit in the meetings with hotel owners monthly.
An eco hotel must usually meet the following criteria Dependence on the natural
Both individual and corporate customers today prefer sustainable tourism. Using
recycled material for floor coverings, make building airtight so there is minimal
climate control can these type of customers. We will Source environmentally
responsible services and products locally, and purchase organic, environmentally
friendly- and recycled supplies, whenever possible.
And also before purchasing we will check ether we are buying fresh and sustainable
foods that are locally grown. Selection of green agents, cleaning products, detergents
is helpful step. Also we will make a less use of perfumes and air fresheners instead
we can use herbal products that are less harmful.
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Using Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, solar energy, and wind energy
reduces use of fossil fuels. We will provide food and beverage that's been grown in a
natural habitat and will not affect preserving wildlife and other plants, organically
grown, or local and freshly "harvested”. Moreover there should be system to reduce
electricity and gas usage. Also electricity, gas and carbon emission should be
checked several times in a week
By creating partnerships with other hotels, organizations like us that have proven a
commitment to preserving the environment.
s like” green Leaf certificate” is a certificate that s people attracts people at first seen.
The Green Leaf Program virtually certifies those hotels according to the level of
their efficiency in managing energy, environment and other natural resources. (Green
leaf foundation, available from:
"Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term: which achieves
advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a challenging
environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations".
(Johnson and Scholes, Exploring Corporate Strategy ,n.d. available on:
Corporate strategy
“Corporate Strategy - is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the business to
meet stakeholder expectations”. (S t r a t e g y - w h a t i s s t r a t e g y ? available from:
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The aim will be offering our guests with total exotic experience. Choosing right people
training and making them work. The focus will be on corporate objective also need is to keep
resources available to achieve this objective. Hence our objective is to establish a green
chain of eco friendly hotel. For a purpose we need committed and educated workforce,
financial support, and above all ‘knowledge’ about hospitality trends, what customer need.
Marketing strategy
Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in products or
services. (Marketing, Available on:
First we have to determine our objectives we need that strategy that goes beyond the
marketing strategies of our competitors. Need is to make sure that we are having
competitive advantage. We are focusing to a market segment that prefers sustainable
tourism. (Individual and corporate).so, in case we have to identify what we need to appeal
them, what is our speciality that differentiate us from other. Marketing will be through
internet, advertisements.
Business strategy
Our key strategy will be differentiation. To stay in the competitive environment we need to
have uniqueness in terms of services, food and beverage, facilities, suites or rooms. Food
we use will be grown or manufactured in organic and food items must be packed in recycled
packets. Our services should be designed in such a way that they can appeal to the
requirements of narrow market niche whom we are targeting (includes both individual or
corporate customers who prefer sustainable tourism)
Ethical background
Maintaining good reputation is need of time. Most of the hotel today is running only because
of fame they are holding. People not only take care of what services and quality of products
they are getting, they also want to know from where it comes from. Today people of every
age group as well as government are becoming more and more conscious about saving
environment. We can get involve in these kinds of programs. Dissatisfaction of stackholders
hampers the ethical background of an organisation. For example:-if guest is not treated
properly it can raise to assumptions in his mind about the culture of organisation. Paying tax
at time maintain good relations with the government.
Cultural background
Cultural part of the internal environment of the company. That includes routines structures
and systems. Culture makes assumptions linked to political and structural aspect of the
company. How the staff is behaving with clients and how employee is behaving with other
employee that create strong or weak standpoints among the thinking of other people as well
as it affect the internal environment too. For example if one employee is rude to other that
can create feeling of hatred for him among other members of that particular department. staff
meetings, communication between staff members ,meetings between managers staff and
executives are helpful in maintain strong internal environment .
Environmental background
"Our environment is part of us. How we care for our environment and live with it, utilize and
enjoy it, determines the kind of people we are and will be."(Laurance S. Rockefeller,n.d.)
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Internal Environment
Elements within the organisation are the part of organisation’s internal environment which is
always affected by outer world .Because resources that we use comes from external
sources. Many factors make strong internal environment like discipline, staff morale, work
effort, communication service provided, food and beverage also stand of room service
.employees and executive team are two pillars of an organisation .So good management
control is not only necessary but vital to maintain discipline. Managers have great
responsibility in decision making process and implementation .as he/she work as link
between staff and executive level. So skills and commitment for duties is necessary for
manager. Organisation needs proper monitoring and ability to cop with changing
environment if it wants to survive for long term. Organisation needs funds and money for
maintenance, hiring of new employees and taking part in saving environment projects like
maintenance of water treatment plant, developing solid waste recycling plant etc and for that
owners are responsible. They have to raise fund on time. As well as have to take care of
bonuses and salary given to staff.
External Environment
Conditions, entities, events, and factors surrounding an organization which influence its
activities and choices, and determine its opportunities and risks. (Definition, Available on
They include interested parties and forces from outside that affect the working of
organisation internally. Our competitors are part of it. According to trend more and more
hotels are becoming eco friendly main reason for this is people are becoming more
environmentally conscious. People are agreed to pay 10% more if hotel is providing them
eco friendly facilities. To compete against existing hotels is a difficult aspect we have to be
step ahead then others. For that we have to keep balance price and quality as well.
Moreover before selecting suppliers we have to check the point that our suppliers are taking
part in eco friendly processes.
Social background
Social background mainly revolves around the fact “what people think about us”? And what
image we make in their minds? Strong social background is helpful in expanding business.
And for that we have to make a strong effect in the heart of people.
Business background
We have to identify customer’s needs. If they come to us because of our ‘environment
sustainability’ we have to provide them such a service right from there entrance till there
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"To choose a direction, a leader must first develop a mental image of a possible and
desirable future state of the organisation and this image, which we call vision, may be as
vague as a dream or as precise as a goal statement”.(Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus,n.d.
available on:
So in simple word vision is dream which owner see about the direction of business.
"It requires projection into a dimly outlined future. It requires the creation of goals that stretch
the organisation beyond its current comprehension and capabilities". (Robert H. Miles, Own
emphasis, n.d).
So before designing vision we have to set some smart goals and think where we want to see
our organisation.
Mission answers the question where the organisation standing currently. And reason why we
are here
“A sentence describing a company's function, markets and competitive advantages a short
written statement of your business goals and philosophies”. (Mission statement, Available
Our staff
We will train them to attain their level best .motivate them to take part in our eco friendly
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To establish chain of Green hotels. According to trends hoteliers who are new to
market prefer to add eco friendly venues. As well as established companies are
reconstructing themselves as Green hotels.
To provide best results to those who invest in our business by managing their
assets in efficient way. People who are investing in our organisation always want a
great value and profit.
To reach more and more customers and make them loyal .providing our
customers what they expect from us.
Management team 1:overviewing Finalisation of proposal Until first three weeks
whole process proposed by committee i.e.
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1 Construction and
implementation reconstruction(of that
which we had borrowed
review Of whole process
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Executive support, top management support as well as support from staff members is
required for the development of any organisation. So they must play their role and duties
efficiently. A successful planning always requires commitment, encouragement and support
of staff members, managers.
Monitoring: -
Monitoring refers to monitor the work done in daily routine. This is important when the project
is being implemented.
This type of evaluation is performed while a project is being implemented, with the aim of
improving the project design and functioning while in action. (Tools, Available on:
It is useful when u want to up gradations or maintenance
“Performance indicators are measures of inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes, and impacts
for development projects, programs, or strategies.”
(Available on:
It will include identifying problems and taking corrective actions as well as possible.
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This can be used to collect ideas and suggestions of targeted groups, our customers, and
local people and even can be done within organisation.
It is useful tool in identifying that if our strategies are going well, our projects are
completed on time, and are they making profits for us.
This is helpful in knowing the interest of different people comparatively.
Comparing the changes in interests of different people over several time periods.
Provides inputs for other steps to be taken
Cost will be according to the range we are using for survey i.e. local or internationally
Rapid Appraisal
Rapid appraisal methods are quick, low-cost ways to gather the views and feedback of
beneficiaries and other stakeholders, in order to respond to decision-makers’ needs for
information (Monitoring and Evolution, Available on:
This is low cost and quick too; we can reach targeted people in easy way.
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