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Curriculum Development Cycle Model

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Curriculum Development Cycle Model

Studies in several countries indicate the cycle time of a

curriculum takes between 5 to 10 years. In Japan, for example,
the curriculum cycle period used is 5 years before being
reviewed. In Malaysia there is no clear period within the
development cycle and the implementation of a school education
program. Systematic reform of the curriculum involves all
schooling levels when KBSR was implemented in 1983 and KBSM
in 1989. The KBSR revision was made in 1996 and KBSM in 2000.
Systematically reformed curriculum involves all schooling
levels when KBSR was implemented in 1983 and KBSM in 1989.
The KBSR revision was made in 1996 and KBSM in 2000. Within
the KBSR and KBSM periods various developments took place in
the curriculum aiming to improving the quality of education
in schools. Some of the reforms and changes were made
dramatically without following the appropriate curriculum
development procedure. This leads to uncertainty in terms of
planning, expanding and implementing the curriculum

On the whole, all Divisions and Departments are involved

either directly or indirectly in the cycle of curriculum
development. However there are some overlaps, particularly
in activities involving monitoring, supervision and
assessment of curriculum implementation. This results in
waste in terms of finance, and the energy of the officer as
the resulting yield may have many similarities. In addition,
the misunderstanding and misunderstanding among teachers and
school administrators if the advice and guidance given are
not in line, sometimes there is sometimes conflict.

Development and Formulation of Curriculum

The development and formulation process of a curriculum faces

various problems and challenges. In fact, at every stage of
development there are some issues and issues to be addressed.
Drafting stage:

Area vs. Depth - often a dilemma in determining the suitability

of the scope of a curriculum. Because education matters to
everyone is causing pressure to include many things in the
curriculum. Stakeholders see key points for development that
are sometimes difficult to achieve in the classroom.

Curriculum Development Skills - developing a curriculum

requires special skills and interest. These skills are not
as simple as they are. Curriculum officers need to have a lot
of knowledge on curriculum theory, learning theory and always
be alert to development
recent education worldwide. Not all those involved in the
development and formulation of the curriculum have these

Implementation Stage

A centrally-crafted curriculum has its strengths, policies

and priorities, but the real situation at the grassroots is
very different in terms of convenience and communication.
Serious problems may occur at the stage of implementation
where there is a slippage and wide open space between planning
and implementation.

Different School environments - Centrally designed curriculum

can not meet the needs of all schools as each school differs
from one another. The difference in basic facilities, teacher
quality, school environment, pupils background can affect the
achievement of curriculum aspirations. Schools with teachers
and professional administrators, curricula are implemented
effectively. In other schools may be the opposite.

Rejection The curriculum changes require changing the way

teachers deliver, the use of new teaching and learning
materials. Among the curriculum change teachers result in
increased workload, changing behavior and mastering new
skills. The negative response to the curriculum changes does
not result in any impact on the teaching and learning of the

Public Exam Pressure - Examinations are often used as a

curriculum measure of the effectiveness of the curriculum.
But prioritization to the decision of science resulted in
back-lash on the aspiration of the curriculum. Teachers teach
for exams and not meet the requirements of the curriculum.

Deployment strategy - cascade spread mode has many

disadvantages. Information fluency, misunderstanding and
confusion occur during delivery of courses to implementing
teachers. But this mode is always used to spread the curriculum
to grass-root rankings.

Implementation Action

Follow-up activities are crucial to ensure the effectiveness

and sustainability of a change. Monitoring and supervision,
regular advice and guidance can increase motivation and morale
of teachers.

State Stage Action - monitoring and supervision by State and

District Education Department officials can assist teachers
in implementing curriculum changes. The lack of number of
officers, time constraints and frequent visits to schools
affects the implementation of the curriculum. Teachers feel
free to deal with problems solely.

Central Stage Action - curriculum developers also need

supervision and supervision in the classroom. Monitoring
feedback can be used to improve the curriculum implementation
process. The time constraints and the lack of number of
officers cause monitoring and supervisory activities can not
be made accordingly.
Decisions Made Collectively

A centralized system of strengthening education is that every

decision is made collectively involving multiple levels of
administration. While there are agencies responsible for
planning and formulating curriculum, the reality of the
planning process is shared with various parties and all
decisions are made collectively.

However, the successful implementation of a curriculum

innovation requires:

Political Will -. not all revision and curriculum changes face

constraints and obstacles. Subjects and programs can be
implemented effectively in the event of the support of
competent and influential parties or changes in their
pioneering ideas. The curriculum changes are getting much
funding, equipment and support and convenience. Certainly
implementation can be done effectively.

Imagery Imagery - image or image of an innovation determines

the effectiveness of classroom operations. Practical
innovations and "hands-on" are easier to implement than
innovations that require a change of way of working,
high-skills and enhancement of existing knowledge. Increasing
the burden of duty, time and energy causes teachers to reject
the change because of their own comfort.

Curriculum Issues Same For All

The same curriculum available to all can not cater to the needs
and backgrounds of various students. School children coming
from the interior have different experiences with children
in the city. Assumptions in the curriculum content do not take
into account what students bring into the classroom in terms
of their early knowledge and culture. Some consider the
curriculum biased to experience in the City. This can cause
discomfort of students in learning that causes them to lose
interest and stop early in their schooling.

Teachers are also not trained to deal with this problem.

Assistance provided so far is all external as an additional
food provider, textbooks and free school clothes. What is
needed is support in adjusting the curriculum with the climate
and the student world in terms of their cultural experience
and background.

Curriculum and Assessment

The form of assessment is an important aspect in determining

the implementation of the curriculum. Information from
assessments and assessments is collected for the purpose of
announcing student achievement in decision-making regarding
curriculum planning, teaching and learning, selection and
diagnosis policy evaluation, counseling and counseling,
placement, and awarding of scholarships and prizes.

Assessment results are now rarely utilized to correct

deficiencies in the implementation of centralized curriculum
or understanding to the impact of curriculum and pedagogy to
actively activate student engagement in learning. Many
parents who still believe in external examinations do not take
into account the existing diversity and will influence the
achievement of students by school and place. Much has been
said about traditional examinations and their
incompatibilities to judge students if there is a difference
in realizing the same size if the situation exists is not the
same. A new form of assessment needs to be held to evaluate
students' knowledge applications in a real context.

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