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Journal B3

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Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development

Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016

PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952


University of August 17th, 1945 Samarinda, Jl. Ir. H.Juanda No.80, Samarinda City, Postcode
no.1052, Phone: (0541) 761113, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Email: titin.ruliana15@gmail.com

Corresponding author: titin.ruliana15@gmail.com


Mining activities have the potential to affect the health of the ecosystem and reduces its ability to provide goods and
services needed for human welfare and the environment. The importance of a healthy environment for future
generations is a pillar of sustainable development. To be more environmentally friendly, more mining operations
carried out in a manner that minimizes its impact on the surrounding environment. A number of management
strategies and technologies are being developed and used by the mining industry to reduce the environmental
impact of mining. One of the potential considerable environmental pollutions may occur in the mining sector is
pollution due to hazardous wastes and toxic (it’s called B3 waste ). Compliance with the Indonesian Government
Regulation number 101 of 2014 has been a challenge for the coal mining company given the B3 waste management
requirements are very detailed and rigorous. B3 waste management challenges become more complex than other
business sectors because of the typical mining company-wide working area and the number of workers involved lots.
The mining company must prepare a special strategy in the management of B3 waste to be able to adhere to all
requirements. The study was conducted at Mining Company “X” in terms of the effectiveness of the management of
B3 waste by using Regulation of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Indonesia number 05 of 2014 concerning
Performance Rating Program Activity In Coal Mining Environmental Protection and Management. The purpose of
this study are: (1) To determine and analyze the effectiveness of the Waste Management Policy B3 on Mining
Company “X” is based on Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014; (2) To determine and analyze the added value
of B3 Waste Management Policy in Mining Company “X” (it's called MC "X").

Key words: environment, waste management

INTRODUCTION minimize environmental impacts such as

waste reduction and recycling, and waste must
Sustainable development is one of the major be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
tasks facing society today. Sustainable way [1].
development is most commonly defined as Mining activities have the potential to affect
development that meets the needs of the the health of the ecosystem and reduce its
present without compromising the ability of ability to provide goods and services needed
future generations to meet their own needs for human welfare and the environment [9].
[10]. The principles of sustainable These services include air purification, water,
development involve the integration of and decomposition of waste materials. The
economic activities with environmental importance of a healthy environment for
integrity, social issues, and effective future generations is recognized as the
governance systems [8]. These principles "pillars" of sustainable development. To be
have a growing influence on the development more environmentally friendly, more mining
of environmental and social policies in recent operations carried out in a manner that
decades and has been adopted and promoted minimizes its impact on the surrounding
by a number of international organizations, environment. A number of management
including the UN and the World Bank [22]. strategies and technologies are being
Environmental protection is a very important developed and used by the mining industry to
part in achieving this goal. Environmental reduce the environmental impact of mining.
problems could endanger the lives of future Supervision of the potential environmental
generations. All efforts were made to impacts that would arise, the Government
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
requires all mining operations can begin only B3 waste generated largely in mining
when the mining operations have had an activities is derived from mining heavy
environmental permit, it's called AMDAL equipment maintenance activities and some of
AMDAL or environmental permit refers to the activities of laboratories, power plants,
the Law of the Republic of Indonesia [2] and clinics, and some minor activities supporting
Government Regulation of the Republic of mining activities. Coal mining activities are
Indonesia [3]. This shows that the supported by 46 workshop units generating
commitment of environmental management B3 waste. This indicates that the B3 waste
becomes crucial for mining companies both in through from 46 unit workshops work.
terms of regulatory compliance, maintain the Mining Company "X" managing waste
quality of the environment and to ensure through minimal outlay has 46 gates of B3
continuity of mine production. waste and could have been more than 46 gates
One of the potential considerable expenditure B3 waste because there are some
environmental pollutions may occur in the units that have more than one work location.
mining sector is pollution due to hazardous The number of a gate of expenditure of B3
wastes and toxic (it's called Waste B3). has the effect on adherence to regulatory
Hazardous and toxic waste (B3) has a compliance and the cost of waste management
different nature and characteristics of the B3. In normal conditions the unit cost should
waste in general, mainly because of the nature increase every year, it is possible because of
of unstable, stability B3 material is influenced the increased cost of wages, transportation
by several external factors such as costs, and wastes management costs. If the
temperature, pressure or friction, mixed with predicted waste management costs increased
other ingredients. This may trigger B3 by 10% each year, then it should be the
material properties such as the nature of increased unit cost of 0.59 USD / kg in 2009
reactive, explosive, flammable or toxic nature. to 0.95 USD / kg in 2014.
Given these risks, it is necessary that every Challenges faced in managing B3 waste of
industry activities can generate B3 waste to a coal mine are:
minimum and prevent the entry of B3 waste 1) Compliance aspects, namely: (1) Target
into the work environment [2]. 100% adherence to regulatory provisions,
In accordance Government Regulation [5] B3 especially the Government Regulation [5]; (2)
waste is defined as the residue of a business to manage all waste B3 generated in the
and / or activities that contain hazardous and region works included by the Contractor.
toxic materials. According to the regulation of 2) Complexity, namely: (1) a large amount of
the activities of the B3 waste management B3 waste with different types and
which includes storage, transport, collection, characteristics; (2) The amount of waste
processing, use and stockpiling must have generated at the point of a considerable
permission from the government. distance (46 units); (3) Some differences in
Compliance with the Government Regulation waste management systems at several large
[10] has been a challenge for the coal mining contractors; (4) The number of people
company given the B3 waste management involved, especially as B3 waste; (5) the
requirements are very detailed and rigorous. detailed reporting to the government should
B3 waste management challenges become be sent every 3 months.
more complex than other business sectors Challenges above makes Mining Company
because the typical mining company has wide "X" set the one-gate of policy to B3 waste
working area and the number of workers management or one gate policy "Every single
involved lots. The mining company must hazardous waste generated, either by Mining
prepare a special strategy in the management Company "X" or Contractor must be disposed
of B3 waste to be able to adhere to all through Mining Company "X" Licensed
requirements. Coal company's called "X" is a Temporary Hazardous Waste Storage. This
coal mining company located in the East policy is expected to facilitate the Mining
Kutai Regency of East Kalimantan Province. Company "X" to control B3 waste produced
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
and adhere to Government Regulation [5]. Management at MC "X".
Implementation of a one-gate policy of B3
waste management is expected Mining MATERIALS AND METHODS
Company "X" (it's called MC "X") and all
contractors working in the concession MC Research Coverage
"X" can comply with all requirements of One-door policy effectiveness studies MC
applicable legislation. However, a one-gate “X” in terms of waste management B3 author
policy of B3 waste management at MC "X", will using criteria as for the B3 waste
whether it has been effective in terms of management Any other criteria such aspects
compliance to rules . Some contractors had of water quality, air quality, and reclamation
proposed to manage B3 waste independently are not included in the measurement criteria
on each unit without following a one-gate [8]. Data B3 waste management costs using
policy. The One-gate policy of B3 waste cost data B3 waste management in MC “X”
management questioned by employees of MC Sangatta, East Kutai, Indonesia.
"X" because it is considered inconvenient. The research data used such as: (1) B3 waste
Proposed independent B3 waste management management workflow process at MC “X”;
is not implemented because some (2) Type and volume of waste generated; (3)
stakeholders in MC "X" judged that the one Facilities and systems supporting one-door
gate can still be implemented. The author policy B3 waste management; (4) The
considers that there is an unstable condition evaluation criteria for success in achieving
where at any time one-gate policy of B3 waste policy objectives using criteria corresponding
management at MC "X" may be changed Governor Regulation [8]; (5) Data
without consideration and in-depth administration and compliance data related
assessment. The One-gate policy of B3 waste technical B3 waste management according to
management questioned by employees of MC the criteria specified. Sample compliance will
"X" because it is considered inconvenient. be taken at a point that will be set by the
Proposed independent B3 waste management author consider the waste type and amount;
is not implemented because some (6) Other data that support the author to finish
stakeholders in MC "X" judged that the one this article.
gate can still be implemented. The policy Test equipment effectiveness
change could be made if the personnel The analytical tool used this study is to assess
involved did not understand the main purpose the percentage of achievement of the
of the implementation of the policy of a gate performance of B3 waste using a proper
and the impacts that may arise if the one-gate assessment standard [8] and [29]. Weights,
policy of B3 waste management cancelled. assessment B3 waste management is 15 % of
Based on the description of the background, the total value, details of which can be seen in
the problem is formulated as follows: Table 1.
1) Is the policy of "One Gate Policy" Toxic From table weight rating then developed a
Waste Management of Hazardous Materials checklist [29], the checklist can be seen in
(it's called B3 waste) is effective based on Table 2.
Government Regulation [5] ? Appropriate checklist criteria table 3 each
2) Is the policy of "One Gate Policy" B3 question will be divided 4 (four) levels of the
Waste Management at MC "X" has given following values [11]: (1) A value of 0 for
added value? the criteria/questions are not met at all; (2) A
The research objective is set as follows: value of 1 for the criteria/questions were met
1) To know and analyze the effectiveness of fraction; (3) A value of 2 for the criteria/
the policy of "One Gate Policy" B3 Waste questions were met mostly; (4) Rated 3 for
Management at MC "X" is based on criteria/questions unanswered whole.
Government Regulation [5].
2) To determine and analyze the added value
of the policy of "One Gate Policy" B3 Waste
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Table 1. Weights appraisal management B3 and B3 Blue Rating [4], Rating blue has a range of
Waste values 41% - 70%, meaning that if the total
No. Parameter Weight (%) Information
value of the contribution of the management
1 Permit Temporary Storage B3 2
2 Amenities TPS B3 2
aspects of B3 and B3 by 6% - 10.5% of the
3 TPS designs B3 2 maximum value of 15%, the will get the value
4 Special storage place B3 0.5 of the effectiveness of 41% - 70%.
5 Completeness MSDS B3 0.25 With a value of 41% -70%, the performance
6 SOP B3 Waste Management 0.25 can be said effective because it has met the
7 SOP Emergency Response B3 0.25 minimum requirements set.
8 Submission B3 0.5 The higher contribution of the value achieved
9 B3 Waste Utilization 2 from the management aspect of B3 and B3
10 B3 Waste Treatment 2 waste means more effective performance.
11 conditions Workshop 2
Added value test equipment
12 oil Trap 1.25
To measure whether the one-door policy B3
Total 15
waste processing this add value or not, the
Source: [11] authors take the following steps: (1) Gather
Data B3 waste management costs per year for
The division level of value also refers [11]. 5 years, in 2009-2014; (2) Looking for the
The division level value like this it would be unit cost by dividing the total cost per year
more objective assessment, assessment with the amount of waste are managed so
methods like this then disobedience in a obtained waste management costs USD/kg;
location made it seem as if another location (3) Comparing unit actual costs incurred each
has also become disobedient. Location devout year by the unit cost estimate who assumed
rated remain obedient but then its value is management costs increased by 10% every
reduced because there are locations that are year. The assumption is based on the
not obedient. increased cost of their workers' wage
Table 2. Rating Criteria Proper associated with increases, increases in transportation costs and
Effectiveness increased costs of waste processing at a third
Ranked Description / Effectiveness party.
Gold category Mining Activities that have been doing
with a value environmental management more than required
of 91-100 and have made efforts 3R (Reuse, Recycle,
Recovery), implementing environmental
management systems that are sustainable, and Management of hazardous and toxic waste
conduct measures to be useful for the society in the (it’s called B3 waste) Mining Company “X”
long run. (Highly Effective) (MC “X”).
Mining activity which has conducted Most waste MC “X”) originated from the
environmental management more than required workshop activity, the rest of B3 waste
and have had an environmental management
category with generated from mining other support facilities
system, has a good relationship with the
grades 71-90
community, including efforts 3R (Reuse, Recycle, are laboratories, power plants, clinics, offices
Recovery) (More Effective) and other operations.
Coal mining has implemented control measures
Blue Rating
pencemarandan or damage to the environment and The following types of B3 waste generated
with grades from each activity.
to achieve results in accordance with the minimum
requirements (effective) Number of workshops and work units
Coal mining has been carrying out measures to
Red rank with control pollution or damage to the environment but
generating B3 waste in MC “X”.
a value of do not achieve the results that correspond to As its Corresponding number of units generating B3
21-40 minimum requirements stipulated in applicable waste, there are 46 units, this indicates that
legislation (Ineffective) the point B3 waste it is very much.
Coal mining activities have not been carrying out
Black ranked
measures to control pollution or damage to the The MC “X” does not impose a one-door
with grades policy B3 waste management, MC “X” should
environment and can cause pollution and
environmental damage Atua (Ineffective) have at least 46 doors expenditure B3 waste
Source: [4] and could have been more than 46 doors
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
expenditure B3 waste because there are some or Waste Management Procedure. This
units that have more than one work location. handbook refers [6] on the protection and
environmental management, waste
Table 3. Types B3 waste produced by MC “X” and management B3 [5], Government Regulation
Contractors No. 74 of 2001 concerning hazardous and
Activity Waste type B3
Used oil, used batteries, grease traces,
toxic materials, a ministerial regulation [5]
Heavy equipment maintenance and waste management "best practice"
hose contaminated, contaminated
workshop / light tools and common enterprise.
filters, contaminated items, fluorescent
workshop support
lamp, chemicals One Door Policy B3 Waste Management
Laboratory Waste chemicals MC "X"
Clinic Medical waste
Challenge MC "X" manage B3 waste are:
Power Plant coal ash
office complex Toner, dry battery, lamps TL (a)Compliance aspects: (1) Target 100%
Used oil, used batteries, grease traces, adherence to regulatory provisions, in
Other operating (pumps in
mining operations, shipping
hose contaminated, contaminated particular, Government Regulation no. 101 of
filters, contaminated items, fluorescent 2014; (2) MC "X" is responsible for managing
operations, projects, etc.)
lamp, chemicals
all of the B3 waste generated in the working
Source: Department of the Environment MC “X”, area by KPC or by Contractor
(b)Kompleksitas: (1) B3 with a great number
Table 4. List of Workshop and Work Unit Producers of types and different characteristics; (2) The
B3 waste amount of waste generated point by a
No. Work unit No. Work unit considerable distance; (3) Some differences in
MC “X” Excavator Maintenance
Workshop D17
24 Workshop fuel stations Pama Pit waste management systems in some large
2 MC “X” workshop Mainshop 25 Workshop DIRE - Coal terminal contractors; (4) The number of people
3 Workshop KPC Mobile Equipment 26 Joinery Contractors BUMA
MC “X” workshop Supporting Coal Workshop fuel stations Thiess
involved, especially as a producer of waste
4 27
Terminal Contractors B3; (5) Detailed reporting to the government
5 MC “X” workshop CPP supporters 28 Joinery Contractor Thiess
Thiess Contractors Against workshop
should be sent every 3 months.
6 MC “X” workshop Pit Stars 29
Workshop Challenges above makes MC "X" set the one-
7 MC “X” workshop Pit Jupiter 30 workshop KontraktorTrakindo
8 MC “X” workshop Rebuild D13 31 Joinery Contractors United Tractor
door policy B3 waste management or one gate
9 MC “X” Solar Workshop 32 ISOS clinic policy "Every single hazardous waste
MC “X” workshop Fuel Station (6
33 Laboratory contractor UT Lab generated inside the which MC "X" lease,
Workshop and generator contractor
34 laboratory Sucofindo
either by MC "X" or Contractor must be
12 Workshop and Plant Contractor AEL 35 Operational Camp ISS
disposed of through KPC Licensed
13 Workshop and Plant Contractor Orica 36 Operational Contractor TCP Temporary Hazardous Waste Storage". This
14 Joinery Contractors Darma Henwa 37 BWP Air Operations Contractor
Workshop Fuel Station
policy is expected to facilitate the KPC to
15 38 Drill Drilling Operations Section
KontraktorDarma Henwa control B3 produced and adhere to Regulation
Operational Storage and Fuel Station
16 Joinery Contractors DMP 39
SIC (4 locations)
101/2014. B3 waste management concept of
17 Joinery Contractors Hexindo 40 Operational Repeater (4 location) the door can be in Fig. 1.
Tanjung Bara power plant (Power
18 Joinery Contractors Intraco Penta 41
Station and workshops)
19 Joinery Contractors BWP 42 mine Stars
20 Joinery Contractors Liebherr 43 Mine Coal Mining
Light Vehicle Repair Service
21 44 Hatari Mines AB
Contractors - TW
Pama Main Contractor Joinery
22 45 Mine Mining Service
23 Joinery Contractors Pama Soulmate 46 Jupiter Pit Mine
Source: Department of the Environment MC “X” ,
2015 Fig.1. Waste Management Concept One Door MC "X"
Source: Ministry of Environment MC "X", 2015
Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Image flow above shows that the one-door
Management B3 Waste. policy is a tool for B3 waste management
MC “X” has developed a complete waste companies to face the challenges of
management procedures called Waste compliance and complex conditions so that
Management Handbook [7] , known as WMP the target [5] can be achieved, in addition to
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
the MC "X" can control very well the whole locations that store hazardous materials and
affair related to the management of B3 waste. toxic waste (B3) in large numbers. Results of
Assessment of compliance according to assessment of compliance with special B3
decree of the head of the environment no. warehouse are explained that warehouse
660.2 /K44 / 2014 facility hazardous and toxic material (B3)
Compliance Storage Temporary (TPS) B3. specifically assessed adherent overall.
Assessment of compliance with Temporary Compliance Workshop
Storage Sites (TPS) B3 waste unlicensed Assessment of compliance with workshop
conducted in eight (8) locations which are the facilities / workshop conducted on 27
exit B3 corresponding one-door policy B3 (twenty-seven) depot location.
waste management at MC “X”. In general, Results of assessment of compliance with
the overall polling rated obedient except for workshop facilities are explained that the
items eyewash facilities TPS in coal ash are facilities workshop / garage rated obedient
not yet available. Some of the criteria overall. Housekeeping at each workshop into
included in the category, not applicable / NA, the category of good to very good.
NA criteria will be assessed to obey. Compliance Oil Trap
Compliance B3 Waste Processing and Assessment of compliance against oil
Utilization facilities trap performed on 27 (twenty-seven)
Assessment of compliance with the criteria of depot location.
the B3 waste treatment is done at the facility Results of assessment of compliance with
Incinerator and processing facilities special B3 warehouse is explained that oil
bioremediation of contaminated soil. facilities trap rated obedient except for
Assessment of compliance with the utilization wastewater utilization parameter oil trap with
of B3 waste liquid is done on the utilization of the closed circuit, the item is only 11
used oil as a fuel substitute in blasting workshop adherent of a total of 27 workshops.
activities. Cost management of hazardous and toxic
While the assessment of compliance with waste (B3)
solid waste utilization B3 conducted on the B3 waste management costs of
use of coal ash as a mix of adobe, a mixture of nonhydrocarbon and grease
concrete and road base. B3 waste management costs of
Results of assessment of compliance with the nonhydrocarbon and grease in 5 years.
processing and utilization of B3 waste are Table 5. Costs of Management of B3 Waste
explained that processing and utilization of NonHydrocarbons and Grease on Period 2009-2014
hazardous and toxic waste (B3) were
Cost Prediction of
considered adherent overall. Cost Unit B3 Waste
Non B3 Waste
Total Waste Total Cost Management of
Compliance Storage of Liquid Fuels. Year
(Kg) (USD) Non Hydrocarbon
Assessment of compliance with a liquid fuel Hydrocarbon
(USD / kg)
(USD / kg)
tank facility performed on seven (7)
2009 83,130 49,053 0.59 0.59
Department / Contractor is responsible for the
storage and distribution of liquid fuels. 2010 100,300 57,880 0.58 0.65

Some Department / Contractor has a liquid 2011 111,240 61,508 0.55 0.71
fuel storage locations of more than 1 (one) 2012 127,840 62,796 0.49 0.79
location. 2013 252,450 115,944 0.46 0.86
Results of assessment of compliance with 2014 137,768 63,030 0.46 0.95
storage tanks of liquid fuel tank are explained Data source: Environment Department MC “X”, 2015.
that the storage facilities of liquid fuel tank
rated obedient overall. Cost of B3 Waste Management
Compliance Warehouse Hazardous and Hydrocarbons
Toxic Materials (B3) Special. B3 hydrocarbon waste management costs in 5
Assessment of compliance with warehouse years (2009-2014) are presented in Table 6.
facilities specifically B3 done on eight (8)
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Table 6. Management Costs of B3 Waste Hydrocarbon B3 scored 14.30 / 15, equivalent to 95.33%
on Period 2009-2014 adherence to aspects of the management of B3
Cost Unit B3
Cost Prediction of and B3 waste.
Non B3 Waste
Total Waste Total Cost Management of
Year Management Table 7. Comparison of Maximum Weight with
(Kg) (USD) Non
(USD / kg) Research Result
(USD / kg) Thickness Rating
2009 768,800 403,972 0.39 0.39 No. Parameter Maximum result
2010 957,130 319,609 0.30 0.43 (%) (%)
2011 1,365,180 391,793 0.27 0.47
1 Permit Temporary Storage B3 2 2
2 Amenities TPS B3 2 1.97
2012 1,589,740 406,281 0.24 0.52
3 TPS designs B3 2 2
2013 1,510,960 467,033 0.29 0.57 4 Special storage place B3 0.5 0.5
2014 1,467,830 424,440 0.27 0.62 5 Completeness MSDS B3 0:25 0:25
Data source: Environment Department MC “X”, 2015 6 SOP B3 Waste Management 0:25 0:25
7 SOP Emergency Response B3 0:25 0:25
8 Submission B3 0.5 0.5
Discussion 9 B3 Waste Utilization 2 2
Analysis of Compliance 10 B3 Waste Treatment 2 2
Summary results of the study on the value of 11 conditions Workshop 2 2
compliance achieved at each place Temporary 12 oil Trap 1:25 0:58
Storage (TPS) waste Hazardous and Toxic Total 15 14:30
Materials (B3 waste), processing and Source: Research Result.
utilization of B3 waste, storage of hazardous
and toxic (B3) records, storage of Liquid Value 95.33% indicates B3 and B3 waste
Fuels (BBC ), workshop / garage and Oil Trap management in MC “X” is very effective.
/ Traps oil. This refers to the regulation 05 in 2004,
According to the results, the summary was mentioned criteria Ranked Proper in Category
found that almost all the parameters have met Gold with a value of 91-100 means that
the criteria set up so that the full value of a mining activity has made environmental
value of 3 (three). management more than required and has
There are only two (2) parameters are not made efforts 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery),
entirely meet the parameter i.e. complete implementing management systems
facilities TPS in the form of eyewash in TPS sustainable environment, and conduct
Coal Ash / ash coal and utilization of waste measures to be useful for the society in the
water oil trap with the closed circuit, while the long term (Highly Effective).
other parameters obedient in all locations. Analysis of Value Added
A percentage value is set according to Decree NonHydrocarbon Waste delivery and
of Environmental Center no. 660.2 / K44 / Grease
2014. B3 waste management costs are included in
To get the percentage in accordance with the category of NonHydrocarbon and Grease
Decree of Environmental Center no. 660.2 SK sent to a licensed business in the last 5 years
/ K44 / 2014 then use the following formula: and predictions of waste management costs
Value Percentage = (Value Compliance X assuming that each year there is a 10%
Weight specified): 3 increase in costs is presented in Table 5 and
Value for compliance based on research Figure 2.
results is then compared with the maximum Based on Table 8, which is also illustrated in
weight corresponding analytical tools are Figure 2 can be seen that the unit costs (USD /
delivered in the research analysis tools. kg) for the management of non-hydrocarbon
The results show the value compliance of B3 waste and grease tends to decrease.
management and B3 waste was 14:30% of Cost management in 2009 was 0.59 USD / kg,
the maximum value of 15%, this means that the rate dropped to 0.58 USD / kg in 2010 and
for the aspects of the management of B3 and back down to number 0.55 USD / kg in 2011.

Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
In 2012 unit costs continue to drop to 0.49 USD Table 8. Cost Savings Calculation of NonHydrocarbon
/ kg, and fell back to the year 2013. 0:46 figures Waste Management and Grease.
Unit cost 0.46 USD / kg persist in 2014. Cost Unit B3
Prediction of
Unit costs in normal conditions should have Year
Total Cost Management
Non B3
Total Cost Total Cost Presentage
Prediction Prediction Saving Cost
(USD) of Non
been increasing every year, it is possible (Kg)
(USD) (USD) (%)
(USD / kg)
because of the increased cost of wages, (USD / kg)

transportation costs, and wastes management 2009 83,130 49,053 0.59 0.59 49,053 7,223 11

costs. If the predicted waste management 2010 100,300 57,880 0.58 0.65 57,880 17,917 23

2011 111,240 61,508 0.55 0.71 61,508 37,608 37

costs increased by 10% each year, then it
2012 127,840 62,796 0.49 0.79 62,796 102,155 47
should be the increased unit cost of 0.59 USD
2013 252,450 115,944 0.46 0.86 115,944 67,895 52
/ kg in 2009 to 0.95 USD / kg in 2014. 2014 137,768 63,030 0.46 0.95 63,030 232,797 36
By comparing the actual cost of the unit with Source: Research Findings
the unit cost predictions assuming a 10%
increase per year in the five years (2009- Delivery of Solid Waste Hydrocarbons
2014), the company managed to cut costs as Waste management costs B3 category of solid
presented in Table 8. waste hydrocarbons are sent to a licensed
business in the last 5 years and predictions of
waste management costs assuming that each
year there is a 10% increase in costs is
presented in Table 6 and Fig. 3.

Cost Unit B3 Waste Management of Non Hydrocarbon (USD/kg)

Cost Prediction of Non B3 Waste Management Hydrocarbon (USD/kg)

Fig. 2. Graph NonHydrocarbon Waste Management

Cost and Actual Grease and Predictions
Source: Research Findings Cost Unit B3 Waste Management of Berole Waste (USD/kg)
Cost Prediction of Management Berole Waste (USD/kg)
According to table 8, the company managed
to save the cost of USD 232,797 within 5 Fig. 3. Graph of Solid Waste Management Fee Actual
Hydrocarbons and Predictions
years (2009-2014), this is equivalent to a Source: Research Findings
saving of 36% of the costs that should be
incurred. If the predicted waste management costs
Cost management in 2009 0.39 USD / kg, the increased by 10% per year, then the unit cost
rate dropped to 0.30 USD / kg in 2010 and fell of waste management amounted to 0.39 USD
back to number 0.27 USD / kg in 2011. In / kg in 2009 should be 0.62 USD / kg in 2014.
2012 unit costs back down to number 0.24 Comparing the actual cost unit with a unit
USD / kg, then experience the increase in the cost predictions assuming a 10% increase per
year 2013 where the unit cost is 0.29 USD / year in the five years (2009-2014), the
kg. company managed to cut costs as presented in
In 2014 the unit cost stands at 0.27 USD / kg. Table 9.
Unit costs in normal conditions should have According to Table 9, the company managed
been increasing every year, it is possible to save the cost of USD 1,899,293 within 5
because of the increased cost of wages, years (2009-2014), this is equivalent to a
transportation costs, and wastes management saving of 44% of the costs that should be
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
incurred. comply with 8 polling stations is 1/8 or 0.125
or 12.5%. This means 1 polling stations
Table 9. Calculation of Solid Waste Management Cost obedient will receive the value of 12.5%.
Savings Hydrocarbons Meanwhile, if the number of polling stations
Cost Unit B3 Cost by 46 then the probability obedient to every
Waste Prediction of
Presentage polling station is 1/46 or 0.022 or 2.2%. This
Total Waste Total Cost Management Non B3 Waste Total Cost Saving Cost
Year Saving Cost
(Kg) (USD) of Non Management (USD) (USD)
Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon
(%) means that if 1 polling stations obedient then
(USD / kg) (USD / kg) only got 2.2%. This illustrates that the number
2009 768,800 403,972 0.39 0.39 403,972 - - of polling stations is less than the company
2010 957,130 319,609 0.30 0.43 319,609 136,163 30 easier to obey.
2011 1,365,180 391,793 0.27 0.47 391,793 300,178 43 (2) One Door Policy B3 Waste Management
2012 1,589,740 406,281 0.24 0.52 406,281 472,527 54 requires that all waste producers follow an
2013 1,510,960 467,033 0.29 0.57 467,033 444,203 49 integrated waste management system. Thus
2014 1,467,830 424,440 0.27 0.62 424,440 546,221 56 the regulatory compliance easier to achieve.
Source: Research Findings (3) One Door Policy B3 waste management
easier for the company to physically control
Discussion Compliance the whole of B3 waste managed, not only to
According to the results of compliance control the documents alone. This makes
assessment across TPS B3 scored 14:30%, quality control over the management of B3
this means that for the aspects of the waste be much better.
management of B3 and B3 scored 95.33% (4) For the record, the procedure has not been
adherence to aspects of the management of B3 set explicitly KPC terms TPS terms whether
and B3. 14:30% by value, equivalent to the addition should be done, if it is allowed
95.33% of compliance, the management what are the considerations and requirements.
aspects of B3 and B3 is considered very Besides a good understanding of the
effective. It can be concluded that the one- implementation of Single Window Policy B3
door policy B3 Waste Management in MC Waste Management should continue to be
“X” is considered very effective in fulfilling disseminated in particular to the party who is
pp101 / 2014. responsible for the management of B3 waste.
B3 waste management and highly effective is Discussion on the Value Added
a positive point for the company's operations. Results of analysis show that the
With the fulfilment of all the requirements in implementation of the One Stop Waste
accordance Government Regulation no.101 / Management Policy B3 succeeded in
2014, the potential for the company to get providing added value in the form of cost
operational constraints resulting from a savings amounting to USD 232,797 of the
mismatch of environmental management in costs should be for Non Hydrocarbon waste
the aspect of management of B3 waste to be and grease during the years 2009-2014, this is
small or non-existent. equivalent to saving 36%. As for the solid
Some important things are the key to success waste hydrocarbons which can be done cost
in the One Stop Waste Management Policy savings of USD 1,899,293 or saving of 44%
B3 so it is very effective in fulfilling of the cost should be.
Government Regulation no. 101 / 2014, are as The added value provided by the imposition
follows: of one-door policy B3 Waste Management
(1) The number of polling stations was only 8 was very big that total savings of $ 2,132,089
pieces make the achievement of compliance within 5 years. Some important points to note
with the rules is relatively easier than if the One Door Policy B3 Waste Management can
number of polling stations owned more ie at provide added value so great is:
least 46 polling stations (assuming each B3 (1)The amount of B3 that more would
waste has 1 polling stations). Control of the 8 increase the bargaining power of companies
polling stations much easier than the control that produce waste against third parties who
of the 46 polling stations. Probability to carry out management of B3 waste. Thus
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
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CONCLUSIONS Collingwood, Vic .: CSIRO Pub., Australia

Based on the results and discussion, we

conclude the hypothesis is rejected for the
following reasons:
(1) Policy One Stop Waste Management B3 in
MC “X” has effectively towards the
fulfillment of rules based on Government
Regulation No. 101 of 2014. This is
evidenced by the achievement of a
Compliance value 95.33% to aspects of the
management of B3 and B3
(2) One Door Policy B3 Waste Management
in MC “X”, adding value to the company. The
added value is given in the form of savings of
USD 2.132.089 of its reality costs incurred
within 5 years (2009-2014).


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