Journal B3
Journal B3
Journal B3
University of August 17th, 1945 Samarinda, Jl. Ir. H.Juanda No.80, Samarinda City, Postcode
no.1052, Phone: (0541) 761113, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Email:
Mining activities have the potential to affect the health of the ecosystem and reduces its ability to provide goods and
services needed for human welfare and the environment. The importance of a healthy environment for future
generations is a pillar of sustainable development. To be more environmentally friendly, more mining operations
carried out in a manner that minimizes its impact on the surrounding environment. A number of management
strategies and technologies are being developed and used by the mining industry to reduce the environmental
impact of mining. One of the potential considerable environmental pollutions may occur in the mining sector is
pollution due to hazardous wastes and toxic (it’s called B3 waste ). Compliance with the Indonesian Government
Regulation number 101 of 2014 has been a challenge for the coal mining company given the B3 waste management
requirements are very detailed and rigorous. B3 waste management challenges become more complex than other
business sectors because of the typical mining company-wide working area and the number of workers involved lots.
The mining company must prepare a special strategy in the management of B3 waste to be able to adhere to all
requirements. The study was conducted at Mining Company “X” in terms of the effectiveness of the management of
B3 waste by using Regulation of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Indonesia number 05 of 2014 concerning
Performance Rating Program Activity In Coal Mining Environmental Protection and Management. The purpose of
this study are: (1) To determine and analyze the effectiveness of the Waste Management Policy B3 on Mining
Company “X” is based on Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014; (2) To determine and analyze the added value
of B3 Waste Management Policy in Mining Company “X” (it's called MC "X").
Some Department / Contractor has a liquid 2011 111,240 61,508 0.55 0.71
fuel storage locations of more than 1 (one) 2012 127,840 62,796 0.49 0.79
location. 2013 252,450 115,944 0.46 0.86
Results of assessment of compliance with 2014 137,768 63,030 0.46 0.95
storage tanks of liquid fuel tank are explained Data source: Environment Department MC “X”, 2015.
that the storage facilities of liquid fuel tank
rated obedient overall. Cost of B3 Waste Management
Compliance Warehouse Hazardous and Hydrocarbons
Toxic Materials (B3) Special. B3 hydrocarbon waste management costs in 5
Assessment of compliance with warehouse years (2009-2014) are presented in Table 6.
facilities specifically B3 done on eight (8)
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Table 6. Management Costs of B3 Waste Hydrocarbon B3 scored 14.30 / 15, equivalent to 95.33%
on Period 2009-2014 adherence to aspects of the management of B3
Cost Unit B3
Cost Prediction of and B3 waste.
Non B3 Waste
Total Waste Total Cost Management of
Year Management Table 7. Comparison of Maximum Weight with
(Kg) (USD) Non
(USD / kg) Research Result
(USD / kg) Thickness Rating
2009 768,800 403,972 0.39 0.39 No. Parameter Maximum result
2010 957,130 319,609 0.30 0.43 (%) (%)
2011 1,365,180 391,793 0.27 0.47
1 Permit Temporary Storage B3 2 2
2 Amenities TPS B3 2 1.97
2012 1,589,740 406,281 0.24 0.52
3 TPS designs B3 2 2
2013 1,510,960 467,033 0.29 0.57 4 Special storage place B3 0.5 0.5
2014 1,467,830 424,440 0.27 0.62 5 Completeness MSDS B3 0:25 0:25
Data source: Environment Department MC “X”, 2015 6 SOP B3 Waste Management 0:25 0:25
7 SOP Emergency Response B3 0:25 0:25
8 Submission B3 0.5 0.5
Discussion 9 B3 Waste Utilization 2 2
Analysis of Compliance 10 B3 Waste Treatment 2 2
Summary results of the study on the value of 11 conditions Workshop 2 2
compliance achieved at each place Temporary 12 oil Trap 1:25 0:58
Storage (TPS) waste Hazardous and Toxic Total 15 14:30
Materials (B3 waste), processing and Source: Research Result.
utilization of B3 waste, storage of hazardous
and toxic (B3) records, storage of Liquid Value 95.33% indicates B3 and B3 waste
Fuels (BBC ), workshop / garage and Oil Trap management in MC “X” is very effective.
/ Traps oil. This refers to the regulation 05 in 2004,
According to the results, the summary was mentioned criteria Ranked Proper in Category
found that almost all the parameters have met Gold with a value of 91-100 means that
the criteria set up so that the full value of a mining activity has made environmental
value of 3 (three). management more than required and has
There are only two (2) parameters are not made efforts 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery),
entirely meet the parameter i.e. complete implementing management systems
facilities TPS in the form of eyewash in TPS sustainable environment, and conduct
Coal Ash / ash coal and utilization of waste measures to be useful for the society in the
water oil trap with the closed circuit, while the long term (Highly Effective).
other parameters obedient in all locations. Analysis of Value Added
A percentage value is set according to Decree NonHydrocarbon Waste delivery and
of Environmental Center no. 660.2 / K44 / Grease
2014. B3 waste management costs are included in
To get the percentage in accordance with the category of NonHydrocarbon and Grease
Decree of Environmental Center no. 660.2 SK sent to a licensed business in the last 5 years
/ K44 / 2014 then use the following formula: and predictions of waste management costs
Value Percentage = (Value Compliance X assuming that each year there is a 10%
Weight specified): 3 increase in costs is presented in Table 5 and
Value for compliance based on research Figure 2.
results is then compared with the maximum Based on Table 8, which is also illustrated in
weight corresponding analytical tools are Figure 2 can be seen that the unit costs (USD /
delivered in the research analysis tools. kg) for the management of non-hydrocarbon
The results show the value compliance of B3 waste and grease tends to decrease.
management and B3 waste was 14:30% of Cost management in 2009 was 0.59 USD / kg,
the maximum value of 15%, this means that the rate dropped to 0.58 USD / kg in 2010 and
for the aspects of the management of B3 and back down to number 0.55 USD / kg in 2011.
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2016
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
In 2012 unit costs continue to drop to 0.49 USD Table 8. Cost Savings Calculation of NonHydrocarbon
/ kg, and fell back to the year 2013. 0:46 figures Waste Management and Grease.
Unit cost 0.46 USD / kg persist in 2014. Cost Unit B3
Prediction of
Unit costs in normal conditions should have Year
Total Cost Management
Non B3
Total Cost Total Cost Presentage
Prediction Prediction Saving Cost
(USD) of Non
been increasing every year, it is possible (Kg)
(USD) (USD) (%)
(USD / kg)
because of the increased cost of wages, (USD / kg)
transportation costs, and wastes management 2009 83,130 49,053 0.59 0.59 49,053 7,223 11
costs. If the predicted waste management 2010 100,300 57,880 0.58 0.65 57,880 17,917 23