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How Different Is Professional Service Operations Management?

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Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11

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Journal of Operations Management

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How different is professional service operations management?

Michael A. Lewis a,∗ , Andrew D. Brown b,1
School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV47AL, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents detailed analysis of the operational and operations management characteristics
Received 1 April 2010 of a professional service firm, a legal partnership. An in-depth study of customer interactions, service
Received in revised form 21 April 2011 customization, process throughput and variability, professional employee behavior and managerial inter-
Accepted 25 April 2011
ventions provided the basis for confirmatory and exploratory research. The results suggested a number
Available online 6 May 2011
of refinements to existing conceptualizations of the professional service type operation and indicated
areas where professional service operations management should be viewed as highly distinctive. First,
professional–client exchange is variably asymmetrical – with significant implications for service pack-
Case/field study
Organisational behavior
age and process design. Second, professional service operations comprise a substantial number of less
Productivity variable and faster throughput processes – creating a significant opportunity for commoditization. Third,
Service operations professional status and corresponding organisational structures (e.g. the partnership model) need to be
explicitly recognised in any typology – these factors introduce distinctive trade-offs when seeking greater
efficiency and effectiveness.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Typical discussions emphasize the “guiding, nudging, and persuad-

ing” (Malhotra et al., 2006, p. 175) of professional employees rather
In 2010 one of the largest law firms in the UK published research than, for example, the implementation of standard operating pro-
highlighting that legal service providers were increasingly facing a cedures (Kellogg and Nie, 1995, p. 329). This article is organized
buyer’s market, with downward pressure on fees and correspond- around two guiding research questions: (1) Do the characteristics of
ing need for increased efficiencies. A few months earlier, in late a specific professional service operation (a law partnership) reflect
2009, a LexisNexis study of the US legal market had revealed sig- the generic characterizations of the PSO type? (2) How, if at all,
nificant client dissatisfaction with how law firms had responded in do these observed characteristics shape the distinctive nature of
terms of their costs and billing structures to the economic down- PSOM?
turn. Yet, although becoming more efficient is increasingly seen as The setting for this confirmatory, albeit without formal hypothe-
the strategic challenge in legal – and other knowledge-intensive ses to be tested (Smith et al., 2009), and exploratory research
(Drucker, 1999) – services, there has been relatively little OM seeking to develop novel insight, understanding and theory
research in this sector (Machuca et al., 2007). This article explores enhancement (Karwan and Markland, 2006), was the UK legal ser-
the characteristics of a specific professional service operation (PSO) vices sector. Lawyers are a classic professional type; drawing on a
in order to better understand any distinctive challenges associ- common body of regulated knowledge and standards (in this case
ated with professional service operations management (PSOM). by the UK Law Society). Moreover, as highlighted above, legal ser-
Previous OM research has defined the PSO as a generic service vices in the UK (and most advanced economies) face a series of
type with high levels of customer contact/service customization regulatory and competitive challenges that have led many to recon-
and fluid/flexible processes with low capital/high labor intensity sider the nature of their operations management (e.g. Suskind,
(Wemmerlov, 1990; Silvestro et al., 1992; Schmenner, 1986, 2004). 2010). The Legal Partnership (LP) case study, a mid-sized firm with
Similarly, as professional services are generally understood to be 342 employees, 42 partners and 17 distinct and largely autonomous
different so PSOM is understood to require a different approach. service practices, provided the specific empirical grounding for the
work. Although in many ways a typical law firm, the particular
characteristics of the LP ‘story’ offered a revelatory case study (Yin,
2008) of the (changing) composition of a PSO and the tensions
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 225 386536.
inherent in the process of becoming more efficient and effective
E-mail addresses: m.a.lewis@bath.ac.uk (M.A. Lewis), Andrew.brown@wbs.ac.uk
(A.D. Brown). (i.e. PSOM). Detailed analysis of the operational ‘building blocks’
Tel.: +44 2476 524656; fax +44 2476 524656. of the PSO (its customer interaction/customization, processes and

0272-6963/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11

employee behavior) and managerial attempts to influence these produce and deliver” the service package (i.e. supporting facility,
elements provided a persuasive example (Siggelkow, 2007) for facilitating goods, explicit and implicit services: Fitzsimmons and
answering the research questions. Fitzsimmons, 2006).
The results suggest that (in legal services) the extent of client
interaction and service package customization is highly variable –
2.1.2. Processes
with numerous examples of professionals deliberately distancing
Regardless of whether it is cause and/or consequence of high
themselves from their clients. Similarly, the majority of LP pro-
levels of customer input variation, PSO processes are generally
cesses were not necessarily slow and highly variable (and where
understood to be more labor intensive and largely independent of
these characteristics did appear to hold, individual professional
significant amounts of capital – be it inventory, equipment and/or
inputs played at least as significant a role as customer inputs). The
infrastructure.2 Of course, labor intensity in a PSO is not simply a
study also highlighted distinctive aspects of PSOM by suggesting a
matter of the relative number of employees. Deploying a medical
more contingent perspective on professional–client exchange and
metaphor, Abbott (1988, pp. 40–49) explained professional ser-
articulating specific OM trade-off’s associated with professionals
vice interactions as a process of diagnosis, inference and treatment.
and partnership structures.
Diagnosis takes information in, treatment brings instructions back
out but critically, inference is the reflective process that profes-
2. Conceptual framework
sional staff engage in “when the connection between diagnosis and
treatment is obscure” (p. 49). In sum, the interaction between high
A review of the literature was used to create an initial concep-
levels of customer interaction/customization and situations where
tualization of the PSO and PSOM. This structure allowed for a set
individual (and/or team) judgement have a central role in service
of specific interview questions to be formulated and provided a
delivery contribute to a high degree of service process “variation”
structure for analysis and discussion of the findings.
and a relatively slow “throughput time” (Schmenner, 2004).
2.1. Defining the professional service operation (PSO)
2.1.3. Professionals and professional organizations
The PSO is well represented in a range of generic SOM classifica- All expert or knowledge intensive workers ‘locate’ their
tions (Wemmerlov, 1990; Silvestro et al., 1992; Schmenner, 1986, judgements within a particular knowledge system; what makes
2004) with the interaction between two defining characteristics to professional employees different is that this body of knowledge
the fore: (1) high levels of customer contact/service customization is externally (but non-governmentally) regulated and controlled in
and; (2) fluid/flexible processes with low capital and high labor its content and application (von Nordenflycht, 2010). These ‘knowl-
intensity. Inevitably, approaches, which illustrate commonality edge monopolies’ (i.e. you cannot practice as a lawyer in country
across all services, have limitations when it comes to specific types. A unless you gain entry – passing exams, apprenticeship, etc. – to
For instance, they minimize the distinctive nature of ‘professional’ country A’s legal system) exclude nonprofessionals and are central
employees (Goodale et al., 2008, p. 669) and the organisational in the maintenance of high labor costs. Professionals also adhere
structures that are commonly adopted to co-ordinate their activi- to explicit external codes of ethics and implicit norms that guide
ties. Drawing on the professional service firm (PSF) literature, in appropriate ‘professional’ behavior. These external ‘controls’ can
particular Von Nordenflycht’s (2010) recent review of the field, act to minimize the influence of managers in a PSO (Harvey, 1990)
these factors were included as the third element of the initial con- but also reduce the need for, and associated costs of, internal service
ceptualization. quality monitoring (Goodale et al., 2008, p. 670).
It is also important to note that although the high labor costs are
2.1.1. Customers and customization clearly problematic – especially from an OM perspective (Verma,
Customers play a critical definitional role in most discussions of 2000, p. 14) – the relatively low capital intensity of most PSOs,
service operations. Sampson and Froehle (2006, p. 331) for example and correspondingly limited role for external investors, does allow
argue that the “presence of customer inputs is a necessary and suffi- for the adoption of alternative organisational structures. The part-
cient condition to define a production process as a service process”. nership structure in particular (i.e. where the firm is owned by a
Similarly, Nie and Kellogg (1999, p. 349) found that customer influ- number of senior employees) helps resolve many of the traditional
ence is “the most important characteristic in affecting OM strategies ‘managing professional’ problems but represents a very different
and decisions”. The exact degree and nature of the customer input context for deploying OM tools and techniques. One significant
has been the subject of debate and classification. Wemmerlov implication for instance is that the PSO typically focuses less on
(1990) for instance, categorized both the interactive medium (i.e., process standardization and automation and more on a form of
physical presence, indirect technology-mediated communication, leveraged work management where greater use is made of lower
or no interactions) and its object (e.g. information, goods, physical cost (e.g. junior lawyers) and/or differently (less) qualified (e.g.
self: Lovelock, 1992, 1996). Others, noting that it is not the phys- paralegal) employees (Maister, 1982; Haywood-Farmer and Nollet,
ical presence or otherwise of the client that influences variability 1985).
(Froehle and Roth, 2004), have emphasized the relative ‘activity’ of
the interaction (e.g. Mersha, 1990).
The combined logic, that control with high levels of cus- 2.2. Defining professional service operations management
tomer input variability is more challenging (Schmenner, 1986) and
reduces the opportunity to deploy standardization and automation, Where the characteristics described above hold, they suggest
explains how and why high customer contact (front-office) and low that the PSO represents a “distinct environment for managing oper-
contact (back-office) services are routinely ‘de-coupled’ (Metters ations” (Goodale et al., 2008, p. 670). Indeed each of the defining
and Vargas, 2000). characteristics suggests specific challenges for the nature of PSOM.
With specific reference to the PSO, it is widely accepted that this
type of operation has the ‘most’ customer interaction and/or cus-
tomization (e.g. Silvestro et al., 1992; Schmenner, 2004). Kellogg 2
n.b. there are operations like hospitals “where a large fraction of the workforce
and Nie’s (1995, p. 326) expert service type for example is one has advanced degrees but where nonhuman capital, such as medical equipment and
where “the service provider and customer work together to define, a large, specialized building, is also critical” (von Nordenflycht, 2010).
M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11 3

2.2.1. Managing customers and customization the nature of their operations management (e.g. Suskind, 2010). An
Clients (and managers: Patterson, 2000) can find it very diffi- in-depth study of a single setting was also important in allowing the
cult to evaluate professional service quality (e.g. was the lawyer’s researchers to become familiar with the details of the profession.
advice responsible for the failed negotiation?). One consequence Neither was legally qualified but both had prior research experience
of “opaque quality” (von Nordenflycht, 2010, p. 161) is that PSOs of legal services and had read extensively in the socio-legal studies
signal quality through all aspects of their service package (i.e. literature. In other words, the researchers were able to bring to the
mechanisms not directly related to the core ‘explicit’ service). case study a version of what Siggelkow (2007, p. 21) described as
For example, organisational reputation (Greenwood, 2007) and an ‘open but not empty mind’.
employee appearance and behavior are part of the implicit service Third, the specific LP case was selected because it offered a per-
offering. Equally, attractive offices and meeting rooms may provide suasive example (albeit not quite a ‘talking pig’: Siggelkow, 2007, p.
the “flexibility to adapt to individual customer’s varying needs and 20) of the challenges associated with PSOM. Over the last 10 years
facilitate the customer influence” (Kellogg and Nie, 1995, p. 328) but significant effort had been focused on making LP ‘more corporate’.
it is also very important that, as something that clients can observe Substantial organic growth, with the creation of numerous addi-
and evaluate, supporting facilities signal appropriate quality. tional service lines was complemented by a number of regional
and national acquisitions. Computerised time recording and legal
2.2.2. Managing processes precedent management systems had been introduced and the firm
Limited repetitive learning opportunities, lack of task standardi- had developed a range of higher volume legal offerings incorpo-
sation and reliance on professional judgement makes work difficult rating digital document processing and call centre technologies.
to pace; with complex assignments often taking place over an Despite this ambition to be more business-like, the internal organ-
extended timeframe with uncertain and highly variable completion isational structure remained typical for a legal partnership: equity
times (Sasser et al., 1978). As a result, planning and control in a PSO partners, salaried partners, junior lawyers – working towards part-
tends to measure time inputs to a project rather than outcomes. nership – and unqualified trainees undergoing on-the-job training,
together with support staff, paralegals, administrators, and secre-
2.2.3. Managing professionals and professional organizations taries. Thus although in many ways a typical law firm the particular
Managing professionals is often presented as a version of the characteristics of the LP ‘story’, the changing composition of a PSO
‘cat herding’ problem (Løwendahl, 2000, p. 68) and OM scholars and the tensions inherent in the process of becoming more effi-
have similarly concluded that since “standard operating procedures cient and effective, provided an exemplary setting for answering
may not be effective” (Kellogg and Nie, 1995, p. 329) PSOM is about the research questions.
“subtle influences” (Goodale et al., 2008, p. 670) or “guiding, nudg-
ing, and persuading” (Malhotra et al., 2006, p. 175). For example, 3.1. The case study
the mobility and transferability of employee skills and the lack
of effective mechanisms for embedding professional judgement in Law partnership (LP) is a British legal partnership formed more
operating equipment, products and ‘routines’ increases employee than 20 years ago with the merger of two ‘traditional’ legal prac-
bargaining power (“the assets go down the elevator each night and tices. At the time of the study, it employed 342 people on 5 separate
the firm can’t control whether they come back”: von Nordenflycht, sites, with 49 partners and a turnover of approximately £27 mil-
2010). The partnership structure can be very advantageous in such lion. For many years it had been run “rather like a club” (Chairman)
circumstances; creating incentives for senior employees to stay with an informal structure, no clear strategic priorities and little
and, by controlling access to partnership status, creating highly emphasis on managerial skills or productivity. Over the last 10 years
competitive rituals (e.g. ‘long hours’ work culture) for promotion. however, under the direction of a new Managing Partner and the
influence of client/market pressures, LP had been focused on trans-
3. Research method forming their operations and management of those operations. Two
new ‘volume’ service offerings had also been launched. The first
This paper analyses data from an in-depth single-case study (designated as service G in the paper) was a (non-contested) debt
at LP, a British legal partnership. Selecting a single case does not recovery service for corporate customers and the second a ‘fast-
provide the confidence of a large n sample and inevitably raises track’ real estate service (service O). By 2009, LP had 17 discrete
concerns over generalizability but three factors meant that single ‘service lines’ (e.g. Tax, trusts and wills, corporate law, employment
case research was deemed particularly appropriate for this study. litigation, etc.) and the overall leverage ratio, i.e. the number of non-
First, although professional services are under-researched in OM partner lawyers to equity partners, was 4.77:1.4 Table 1 provides a
there is extant theory. As a result, it was necessary to undertake summary of the staff across each service line.
both confirmatory, albeit without formal hypotheses (Smith et al.,
2009), and exploratory research seeking to develop novel insight, 3.2. Data collection
understanding and theory enhancement (Karwan and Markland,
2006). Such a process, probing the boundaries of a phenomenon and The empirical data were gathered at multiple points in time and
integrating information from multiple sources (Eisenhardt, 1989; over a period of more than two years. Several sources of evidence
McCutcheon and Meredith, 1993; Stuart et al., 2002), was helped (Yin, 2008) were used including documentation from interviews
by the rich data associated with an in-depth case study. and meetings; field notes, outputs from participant workshops,
Second, a key aim was to explore the nature of PSOM within and documents from the organization (e.g. data on staff utiliza-
a specific organisational and institutional context. Lawyers are tion, billing rates, etc.). Forty-two semi-structured interviews were
clearly a ‘classic’ professional type; drawing on a common body of recorded and transcribed. First, a range of semi-structured ques-
regulated (in this case by the UK Law Society) knowledge and stan- tions following the themes of the initial conceptualization (i.e.
dards. Moreover, legal services in the UK faced a series of regulatory customer interaction/customization, processes, professionals and
and competitive challenges3 leading nearly all firms to reconsider

not yet been implemented but is widely known as Tesco Law after the supermarket
To increase competition the U.K. government changed the law to remove organi- chain who could begin to offer legal services).
zational constraints in the legal profession (n.b. the UK Legal Services Act (2007) has In 2009 the UK range was from 11.8:1 to 1.4:1.
4 M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11

structures) was employed. All grades and types of staff were inter-

viewed, from the Chairman and Managing Partner through Team


Leaders, long serving salaried and equity partners, and recently
appointed junior lawyers, to support staff in HRM and Marketing
and secretaries. Conducted in employees’ offices and in the firm’s

designated meeting rooms the interviews varied in length from 30


to 90 min. The process began with 6 senior personnel who were
asked to nominate others, and so on, using a snowball method



of sampling. Second, the authors participated in two partner con-

ferences. In the first a series of workshops and discussions were

used to generate a picture of the processes and service package

elements. Finally, a large number of informal conversations, per-

formance data, emails, observations of employees at work, and


documentation including Internet pages, newspaper reports and
1.33 marketing brochures supplemented these data.



3.3. Data analysis




In order to produce a contextually detailed account of the case

study, the data were carefully analysed in a multi-stage process;

supported by the qualitative data analysis tool, TAMS (Text Analysis




Mark-up System) Analyzer (www.tamsys.sourceforge.net/) with

broadly similar functionality to QSR NVivo (Weinstein, 2006). As

an illustration of the initial analytical process, the total interview



data set of 267,420 words was made up of 7526 different words. The
next stage was to code the data, initially based on the definitional

models and then subsequently in a more open fashion based on the



researchers reading of the data. The analysis then entered a more

iterative stage involving the creation of a number of meta-code sets,

analysis of co-coding and the addition/further refinement of codes;



cycling back and forth between the primary and secondary data and
the literature. The software contributed to the process by produc-


ing word, code and co-code (i.e. text where more than one code
was allocated) counts, permitting meta-code groups to be created,
allowing for code searches against different text markers (e.g. ‘part-


ner’ versus ‘para-legal’ responses) and producing software) graphs


summarizing code patterns, etc. Coding maps were used to sup-

port the process of creating meta codes (i.e. via code aggregation
Excluding employees in general administration and other support roles (e.g. Finance, HR, IS).

and refinement/revision) and exploration of key interactions (i.e.



overlapping codes/code sets and weak/strong co-coding).

To further improve the reliability and validity of the results the



second partner conference was used to present key case findings.

The results were presented in order to give an opportunity to com-


ment on (but not veto) key observations and initial conclusions. In

Distribution of service delivery employeesa across 17 discrete service lines.

terms of generalization, the single case study alone is not enough



for a generalizable theory, but can be seen as steps towards gener-

alization and in this case testing the applicability of a framework

in a specific context.


Other lawyer/equity partner 5

4. Findings
Paralegal/legal secretary

The case data will be presented using the ex-ante definitional

All staff/all partner

themes: the nature of the PSO (i.e. customers, processes, pro-

Partner (equity)
Partner (other)

fessionals) and the nature of PSOM (i.e. managing customers,


processes, professionals).


4.1. Customers and customization

At an aggregate level, market/client pressure had had a profound

Intermediate legal

impact on LP:
Leverage ratio

“I would say that a year ago, 18 months ago, one client in ten
Full legal

would say “well I’m not happy with that, I need a fixed cost and
Table 1

I’m only going to move from that fixed cost if you can demon-

strate objectively that the assumptions you’ve based it on really

M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11 5

have turned out to be incorrect”. Now I’d say 9 out of 10 clients

are asking for fixed costs rates.” (Partner, Corporate Finance)

infrastructure and paralegal/assistant

commercial team (H) with dedicated,

support. Run from a ‘back-office’ site.

off-site; little or no change to generic

Adaptive case management software

Apart from option for visiting client

supporting facilities (e.g. no change

As above plus occasional change to

resources in place to offer service
With respect to specific client interactions however, the inter-

Supporting facilities. Physical

possible co-located specialist

view and secondary data analysis suggested a very mixed picture

specific infrastructure for D’s

of responsiveness and accommodation of client requirements. In
order to explore the idea of customer interaction/customization

secure storage space)

transactional work.
in a more structured manner therefore, Kellogg and Nie’s (1995, p.
325) suggested process for applying the SP/SP matrix was followed:
the major service offerings were identified, key elements of the

As above.

As above.
service package defined and then the level of customization deter-




mined. Having analysed the primary and secondary data relating to
each of the 17 service lines (aggregated in TAMS via their distinct
text markers) for judgements of relative customization (i.e. against

Trust in volume offering partially result

experience. Satisfaction with service in

of ownership by a ‘proper’ lawyer firm.

reinforced as result of sense of specific

Sense of unique offering reinforced by

part the result of sense of relationship
other aspects of the service package). After checking the initial

(e.g. lawyer with awareness of family

Trust in service offering reinforced as

result of sense of specific experience.
reputation and thought leadership of
related to specific lawyer experience
results with partners at LP, the process revealed some consistent

Trust in service offering directly

Trust in general service offering
Implicit services. Psychological
patterns with the 17 LP service lines combining into 5 (marginally

(i.e. “I have seen this before”).

benefits or extrinsic features

Explicit service design logic.

different) service package bundles (see Table 2).
The primary customization locus for most of the service offer-
ings was a combination of the explicit service provided by LP and
the facilitating goods (i.e. those inputs, largely informational) pro-



key individuals.
vided by the customer. The levels of customization exhibited by
these two dimensions of the service package were complementary;



with the exception of the volume service offerings where the sup-
porting facilities (e.g. workflow systems) were adapted in line with
the explicit services to accommodate specific client requirements.
None of these service package elements were classified as unique

Information inputs still unique to each

Facilitating goods. The items provided
on the customization scale because there were consistent data sug-
Information inputs unique to each

Information inputs unique to each

Information inputs unique to each

Client provides highly structured

gesting a form of customization cap. Some of these findings relate

customer but specialism reduces

customer but specialism reduce
to aspects of the legal process (such as the externally regulated
body of knowledge, the UK’s common law structure, etc.); oth-

bundles of information.
ers emerged from discussions regarding the generic informational



asymmetry between client and professional – effectively restricting

potential variety.

potential variety
by the customer

the level of customization that most (especially individual) clients

Major service offerings at LP by service package customization (unique – considerable – limited – generic) profile.

can invoke; and others reflect commercial pressures imposed by


“You can’t spend hours and hours drafting from scratch a
complex share purchase agreement which is bespoke for that
transaction and is heavily engineered to make sure it covers
experience (e.g. child custody, charities). Many clients with

Specialist litigation team primarily supporting commercial

Explicit services. Observable benefits, comprising essential

Traditional offerings (e.g. TTW, Estates, family, corporate,

offerings. Outcome metrics possible (i.e. win/lose, settle,

Benefits measured by process, service, outcome metrics.

every base because frankly you just haven’t got the time to do
Maritime law specialism. Narrow problem space means

Volume service offerings (Real Estate, Debt Recovery).

it because you won’t be paid for that time.” (Corporate Finance
commercial, etc.) with regional reputation + specific

Small focused offerings in specific areas of law (e.g.

key individuals are ‘visible’ to potential clients.
immigration, IPR, international probate, etc.).

There was also evidence to suggest that the more specialist ser-
vice offerings offered less customization – reflecting the narrower
range of activities they were engaged in and more self-selection by
extended firm/lawyers relationships.

the customer:
“. . .if they come to see me for X, they know what they want and
are going to get!” (Specialist Solicitor, Marine Law)



The implicit service offering was largely generic in that it was

the general reputation of the firm and/or the specific reputation
service features

of individual lawyers (e.g. their higher education) that featured in



all customer interactions. Where there was some evidence of lim-

ited customization in the implicit service offering, it was largely a

form of marketing. For example, there was evidence that the repu-
tation/thought leadership of key individuals within the firm were
Type LF service line reference

being presented to some specific clients as a form of reassurance,

market signalling, etc. – even if these individuals would never be
involved in that clients work. Finally, with the exception of the vol-
A, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, N

ume service offerings discussed above, the supporting facilities were

Volume specific

broadly consistent. LP has 3 ‘appropriate’ offices (i.e. smart waiting

Broad + specific

areas, private meeting rooms, etc.). There was also a common IS

B, C, D, Q

infrastructure for time recording and access to the firm database

Table 2

(i.e. law library, standard legal precedents), a competent web pres-

G, O

ence, document production, etc.


6 M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11

external factors; including the ‘common law’ basis of the UK legal

There was no formal mapping of workflows and therefore no
direct classification of precedence relationships (e.g. do higher lev-
els of customization occur at the ‘front end’ of the process?) or
relative capacity allocations (e.g. what percentage of time is spent
on higher variability processes?). Interestingly however, the anal-
ysis did provoke extended debate about how much of what LP
professionals did was not particularly unique work:
Don’t forget, we’re doing something which any solicitor should
be able to do. Issuing a claim form and getting a judgement is
not difficult so what’s difficult? What’s difficult is doing it at a
price” (Partner, Volume Operation G)
Comparing the process patterns with the leverage profiles
(grouped by customization of service package) revealed no obvious
patterns (Table 3).
Offerings E and J for instance were similar sized services; both
with leverage ratios of 1.25 and 2 process types. In J there was
a clear distinction between certain professional tasks and others
where greater standardization was possible. E had the marginally
less customized offering and yet they adopted the most flexible
Fig. 1. Decomposing and categorising LP processes.
structure: a kind of job-shop model held (i.e. everyone potentially
completed all tasks with numerous basic administration and very
4.2. Processes short-cycle tasks being undertaken by senior lawyers).

Although some data suggested that (as predicted by theory) 4.3. Professionals and professional organization
high variability/slow throughput processes predominated in LP, the
totality of evidence indicated a greater diversity. Few of the service Although less than half (42%) of LP employees were fully
lines had any formal process maps (only the volume offerings) and qualified lawyers, 75% of the firm had some form of external
managerial controls emphasized inputs (time recording) and out- accreditation (including paralegal, legal secretary and adjacent pro-
puts (billable hours) rather than workflow. At the same time the fessions: corporate finance, etc.). Many of the interviewees were
interviews revealed ample evidence of standardised techniques, explicit in arguing that ‘being the best professional’ was their prin-
rapid pro-forma projects and highly repeatable activities. To sup- cipal concern:
plement these data, workshops held at a 2-day partner conference
“the firm is technically excellent, there is no question about that,
were used to decompose each service line into its constituent pro-
there are some very good people, and there is a very strong belief
cess parts (see Fig. 1). Partners from each service line were asked to
that if you’re technically excellent that’s what it takes; all people
rate their offering, on a 1–10 scale, in terms of relative throughput
want is good law” (Litigation Partner 3)
time and degree of variation. Some (e.g. B, C, K, L, N, O, P) provided a
single rating but when a range was generated, the participants were Interestingly, as further evidence of the centrality of practicing
asked to identify sub-components with stable ratings: for example, law to most members of LP, the most recent organisational struc-
service line A was analysed as comprising 3 distinct ‘processes’ (A1, ture had resulted in the creation of 6 management teams (each
A2, A3). These categorisations were then combined and reviewed incorporating several service offerings) because of the limited num-
by the whole partnership as a mechanism for confirming relative ber who were as interested in ‘managing’ as they were in being
positioning. lawyers. Beyond the self-evident finding that being a professional
At an aggregate level, the pattern of these process classifications was very important to most of the interviewees (e.g. most had com-
suggested confirmatory evidence of a general positioning along the mitted their higher education and working lives to qualifying for
efficient diagonal (i.e. from bottom right to top left). Equally striking and then practising law), notions of professional identity were also
was the absence of ratings at the higher end of the scales (especially strongly connected to core PSOM issues, like client relationships,
process variation). When discussing this pattern, some participants task complexity and individual productivity.
argued that the apparent ‘cap’ on higher levels of customization
reflected the informational asymmetry between client and profes- 4.4. Managing customers and customization
sional – effectively restricting the design input that most clients
can make – and the ‘custodian/interpreter of a body of knowledge’ The evidence regarding the management of client interaction
role of legal professionals. Even in those legal service processes was also mixed. It has already been noted how lawyer identity and
that involved seemingly bespoke one off performances (such as client relationship were strongly co-coded in the data but more
appearing for a client in a courtroom), the extent to which the specifically there was the frequent suggestion that being respon-
client influenced the nature of the process was limited by a range of sive and flexible to client requirements was a large part of what

Table 3
Process count (P) and staff/partner leverage ratio (L).

Broad + specific Specific Sp Litig Volume


Processes 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3
Leverage 1.6 3.2 2.33 0.66 1.25 0.66 0.5 1.33 2 – – 4 0.66 1.25 3.5 33.5 34
M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11 7

it meant to be a professional (e.g. “I’ll always answer the phone 140

to client x – they have my home number”). As an, albeit indirect, 120
illustration there was the suggestion that many lawyers felt uncom- 100

% Ulizaon
fortable dealing with invoicing issues (“. . .traditionally lawyers do
not like billing clients they don’t like talking about money”: Direc- SL 1
tor of HRM) precisely because arguing over money did not fit with SL2
their ‘caring’ model of a professional client relationship: 40
[W]hy do people become nurses, certain people do, certain peo-
ple don’t, and I suspect the type of people who become lawyers, 0
j f m a m j j a s o n d
coupled with the nature of the training they receive . . . [means]
that client service and care is the holy grail. . .” (Corporate Part- Month
ner 2) Fig. 2. Monthly billable hour utilization figures (3 service lines).
Contradicting this perspective, there was also a distinct group
of lawyers (many with ‘unique’ skills or reputation, etc.) who pre-
sented themselves as being deliberately distant from their clients:
the wheel every time but I’m up against a wall of partners who
“I’ve got one or two clients here who I don’t particularly care for think you can’t manage it because every case is different when
and every so often I sack them or tell them to go elsewhere!” in reality they’re different sometimes” (Partner Property Team)
(Partner and Head, TTW)
The benefit of this kind of process automation was clear to some
Even those lawyers who subscribed strongly to a professional but questioned by others:
customer care ethos, did not then connect this to customization for
“you cannot do the job in an efficient manner unless you distil
specific client requirements:
down the knowledge that lawyers have in a form which is able
“we offer an ongoing training programme . . . the aim is to get to be reproduced and used by others, which essentially means
clients working smarter so that there is less input on our part precedents and means robust and appropriate IT to enable those
in sorting out a lot of the crap that’s given to us, you know we precedents to be utilised in the most efficient manner” (Corpo-
say . . . this is what you need to give us and we give them an rate Partner)
instruction sheet and checklist so there isn’t a lot of time wasted
“there are things that we can standardize but we deal with
filtering through piles of paperwork, we get it presented to us
human beings, we deal with people and individuals and they
in the way that we want.” (Specialist Practice Associate)
are not bits on a conveyor belt” (Equity Partner TTW)
The role of quality signalling through specific marketing of
More generally, outside the volume operations, there was a
implicit aspects of the service package was discussed in Section
widespread acceptance that legal processes are highly variable. At
4.1. More generally, the firm’s reputation – based in part on its
the same time it was noted by many that much of this was driven
longevity, its position in various legal rankings, the individual
by professional performance, rather than necessarily by customer
reputation and educational background of key individuals, etc. –
was widely discussed as playing a significant part in providing
prospective and current clients with confidence in their service “if one of us is, God forbid, is knocked down by a bus, would I
offerings. Similarly they had an impressive headquarters building know how my nearest and dearest colleagues routinely run their
and had recently acquired what some partners described as a ‘hunt- files, and the answer is no, I don’t” (Associate Solicitor, Banking
ing lodge’ in an expensive office block in the heart of the City of and Finance Team)
“if you wanted a share purchase agreement and you asked,
say, two or three of the partners of the corporate team, you’d
4.5. Managing processes probably get three different versions of an agreement” (Partner,
Corporate Team)
Although, as a partnership organization LP had restricted possi-
bilities for accessing external capital, there had still been significant In seeking to control this variability, some service lines (and
investment in three distinct types of information processing tech- some individual lawyers) provided a structured interface for their
nology in the last 5 years. Workflow and case management systems clients – so that critical information was presented on time, in the
(which draw on a precedent library), time recording software5 correct format, etc. More generally however there was relatively
and a CRM system to support client interactions and marketing. limited specific focus on operations management:
As observed in the leverage (Table 1) and customization (Table 2) “we specialise a fair amount in service lines but not in process”
data, automation was integral to the volume offerings (G and O) (Director of Marketing)
but, despite the availability of and potential for automation across
all work and supporting processes, the actual adoption of these Because of this variability the key planning and control device
technologies varied substantially across the service lines: was the measurement and management of time inputs. Each
fee earner was supposed to achieve 1300 ‘billable’ (chargeable)
“XX is the firm wide package. . .it will make an enormous dif- hours per annum – this ‘number’ was derived in part from an
ference for fixed fee work [where] you do not want to reinvent annual benchmark study conducted by an international accoun-
tancy firm. The firm was then able to derive indicative utilization
figures as a basis for comparing individual and service line per-
An industry standard time recording system set up to log 7 h of work each day formance. The numbers reflected a range of factors (including
in 76-min blocks accompanied by a verbal description of each separate job. At the specific market conditions, sales and marketing capability, etc.) but
end of a working day individuals posted a report of their activities, and this could
not be sent until seventy units had been recorded on to the system. The software
reviewing the annualised percentage utilization for 3 different ser-
allowed them to open, record their work and then close a series of clock folders as vice lines provides another indication of process variability (see
they began and finished different activities. Fig. 2).
8 M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11

The range of utilization figures also illustrates a significant chal- Even with the introduction of an apparently rigid system, anal-
lenge with resource allocation. SL3 (a corporate finance service ysis revealed considerable scope for individual adaptation. Most
offering), for example, clearly worked in a market with significant admitted to making mistakes and making things up, and to contin-
peaks and troughs and yet they operated using a fixed capacity uously making individual judgement calls about what reasonably
model (x partners, y associates, etc.). This is only an exaggerated counted as 6 min worth of work.
version of the challenge faced by nearly all the service lines as they
“I might have 3 calls in 6 minutes and the clock will be running
sought to cope with periods of (occasionally significant) over and
and they will be charged 1 unit for 3 calls, not 18 units” (Partner
#1, Corporate Team)
“We have a number of people whose . . . capacity utilization is
“If an e-mail comes in that says ‘yes’, some will bill that as a
relatively low but most people are working 50% or below in
6-minute unit, and do an e-mail out saying ‘OK’, some will bill
terms of chargeable hours capacity” (Strategy Director)
that as a 6-minute unit. Which means if you’re on £200 an hour
“if they haven’t got enough work to do and they’re trying to jus- and you’ve spent 2 seconds receiving and transmitting . . . the
tify their existence that’s a horrible position to be in” (Managing client gets a bill for whatever that equates to – £40” (Partner #1,
Partner) LP Site 2)
The billing process also incorporated a range of local customiza-
tions, such as the accuracy of the initial estimates, professional
4.6. Managing professionals intuitions’ regarding what a job was worth, how peers and superi-
ors would regard the bill, and guesses about what the client would
The LP hierarchy – and many of the lawyers themselves – pay.
broadly agreed with the ‘cat herding’ notion; the Chairman talked Arguably the principal managerial influencing mechanism
about the Managing Partner having “quite a difficult team to man- involved aligning the partnership’s incentive structures. Such an
age because . . . a lot of them are . . . very lawyerly”. Over a 5-year approach was relatively successful with junior staff, where being
period LP had made significant changes to both increase mar- seen not to follow process effectively “will impact your promotional
ket/client alignment by creating fee earning service line units and, prospects” (Associate Solicitor #1), but proved much less effective
by increasing the ratio of junior professionals in each unit, to with established equity partners. Several interviewees highlighted
achieve greater leverage of expensive staff: how certain senior and older colleagues were deliberately resis-
tant to requirements for process discipline. For example, a small
“.we were relying on these very large deals coming in and it’s number of generally senior individuals continued to fill in hand-
interesting of course that the good thing about that is you had a written time sheets and then transferred this information on to the
really good sound base of very experienced lawyers that people electronic system.
were happy to instruct and they knew the work was being done
by senior lawyers but what we started to do was to tack on more
5. Discussion
junior lawyers and we were able to leverage work and take work
at a lower level” (Chairman)
In this section reflections on extant conceptual insights are com-
The firm’s attempts to reach its billable hour targets provided an bined with case findings to answer the guiding research questions.
interesting illustration of the challenges associated with introduc- First, do the characteristics of a specific professional service opera-
ing more formal systems and procedures. Despite the 1300 ‘billable’ tion, a law partnership; reflect the generic characterizations of the
hours target, in the 2 annual periods covered by the study the aver- PSO type? Second, how, if at all, do these characteristics shape the
age number of hours billed per lawyer had been 960 and 990. As distinctive nature of PSOM?
a result this had become a focal issue for senior managers (sup-
ported by the partnership board who could directly connect this 5.1. What are the characteristics of a (legal services) PSO?
to earning potential). Of specific concern were the twin processes
of recording time and then the process of ‘writing-off’ potential 5.1.1. Limits on customization
fee income at various points between the collection of time data In line with the Kellogg and Nie (1995) suggestion that
and the receipt of payment. There was an acceptance that ‘all firms “not all services rendered by ‘professionals’ necessarily involve a
do write-offs’ (Head, Corporate, Commercial & Employment) and high degree of customer influence” (p. 326) there was evidence
‘you’ll never bill for 100% because life “aint like that” (Partner, Real of both significant and limited levels of customer interac-
Estate) but the extent to which time spent on jobs was written off tion/customization. The degree of ‘reactivity’ appeared more
at LP was generally perceived by the management as problematic. contingent than the generic PSO models allow. Individually, a pro-
While estimates of the recovery rate across the business varied from fessional’s specialism and/or expertise and/or experience (and the
75% to 80%, there was considerable variation between individuals relative scarcity of this capability) created the opportunity for some
and between teams. Of course, establishing how much had been lawyers to treat customers with a degree of distance. As an illustra-
written off was dependent on measuring time inputs and there- tion, one specialist marine lawyer with an international reputation,
fore senior managers consistently emphasized the importance of compared herself to a surgeon who must not get “too close to
conscientiously keeping accurate time records. the patient” for fear that it would influence her judgement. More-
“We always say, and I mantra-like, like most partners do say over, the specialist offerings were more likely to be approached by
to junior staff members, it doesn’t matter if you don’t think specialist clients who, in turn, were looking for a more or less spe-
the amount of time is recoverable, you’ve got to put it down cific service. Additionally, the regulated and often routine nature of
because if you don’t put it down I can’t make the assessment as many areas of the legal ‘body of knowledge’ (e.g. standard contracts,
to whether to bill them” (Partner#2, Corporate Team) precedent ‘libraries’, planning procedures, standard approaches to
debt recovery, etc.) further constrained the influence of the cus-
“. . .I’ve banged on about for a long time – if it takes you 5 hours tomer to “specify where the service is to be performed, what is to
to write a one paragraph letter, record the 5 hours. . .” (Head, be done and how it is to be done” (Kellogg and Nie, 1995, p. 331).
Tax, Trusts and Wills) On the client side, there was plentiful evidence of inexperienced
M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11 9

and/or unprepared and/or emotional, etc. clients deferring to the sider how, despite apparently equivalent process characteristics,
legal professional in nearly every aspect of the service design and most of the actual workflow structures, work practices, leverage
delivery. This ‘passivity’ was generally less evident with organisa- ratios, etc. were completely different across the various service
tional clients – especially those with in-house legal counsel who lines (Section 4.2). Similarly, consider that for all the apparent una-
could balance some knowledge asymmetries – although there was nimity about time recording and billing, descriptions of how it
still evidence of corporate clients not having the basic information actually worked were incredibly diverse (Section 4.6). The routines
needed to proceed. literature offers a structure for clarifying this divergence. Treat-
Only the volume services incorporated explicit processes for ing routines as an analogue for processes, it has been argued that
client service customization; reflecting both the entrepreneurial they always have in principle and in practice features (Feldman
nature of the two lead partners and the requirements of more and Pentland, 2003; Pentland, 2003). Research suggests that ser-
automated and highly leveraged service systems. vice workers introduce this divergence in settings where there are
extremely detailed descriptions of the procedure to be followed
5.1.2. Portfolio of process types (e.g. fast food restaurants: Victor et al., 2000) and therefore the
Just as Kellogg and Nie (1995, p. 325) noted that one firm could individual agency associated with professional services could easily
hold several positions on their SP/SP matrix it is acknowledged create the gradient whereby the abstract or ideal process is very dif-
that service firms will often have a mix of different service oper- ferent from its actual performance. In other words managers need
ations types within their overall organization (Schmenner, 2004). to recognise that they can articulate the design logic (the in prin-
The LP analysis confirmed the existence of a portfolio of process ciple process) and this may even appear to be widely accepted by
types inside a single PSO; suggesting, more surprisingly, that the the firms’ professionals but the net result may be very little change
majority of the processes identified were characterized as (rela- in practice.
tively) standardised with (relatively) limited customer interaction. Set against this need for subtle influencing, the evidence regard-
Moreover professional preference, rather than customer interac- ing the relative balance of standard/non-standard processes in the
tion/customization or external constraints (e.g. court availability, LP case provokes reflection on the limited amount of ‘judgement’
judicial rulings, etc.), seemed to have a significant influence on work and seems to confirm “there is much that operations manage-
much of the observed process variability and slow throughput ment can do to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in professional
speed. To illustrate this notion of preference, there was evidence of services” (Heineke, 1995, p. 267). Specifically, greater levels of out-
lawyers adapting their availability for specific clients, the approach sourcing/offshoring (Apte and Mason, 1995; Ellram et al., 2008;
they took and the timing of particular work based on their personal Metters and Verma, 2008) and the increased functionality of enter-
perspective (e.g. level of interest) regarding the matter. prise and knowledge management technologies (Stratman, 2008;
Boone and Ganeshan, 2001) have, arguably, created the condi-
5.1.3. Professional identity and organisational structures tions for accelerated PSO transitions towards ‘swift, even flow’6
Despite evidence of a profession facing transformational chal- (Schmenner, 2004). The integration of professional skills and tech-
lenges, the LP case highlights that regardless of managerial intent nology in the LP volume offerings confirmed that ‘professional’
the PSO can still struggle to become more efficient and effective: processes can be designed or re-designed to be more capital inten-
sive, use more embedded knowledge, deploy fewer fully qualified
“we’ve done the work the same way for a long time and it works
staff, and therefore be easier to control, more productive, etc.
jolly well and the clients like it and they’re happy and we’re
(Silvestro et al., 1992).
reasonably profitable so why change” (Private Client Partner)
The characteristics observed in LP suggest two additional
A key explanation for this inertia in the face of market pressure dimensions for a distinctive model of PSOM.
and organisational opportunity can be found in the characteris-
tics of the professional employee herself. The competitive nature
5.2.1. Contingent client relationships
of qualification for a career like law requires extended focus on the
The professional–client exchange findings resonate with
body of knowledge. Professional identity is thus typically bound
Harvey’s (1990) argument that the relative power ‘gradient’
up in technical aspects of the work and framed by ethical and other
between professionals, managers and clients in a PSO provides
standards that are enforced by a body external to the firm:
important managerial insights and seem to confirm that the type
“My experience so far is that lawyers on the whole will discuss of profession, and type of professional, matters in understanding
work issues and technical issues more than they’ll discuss orga- PSOM (e.g. relative prestige, extent of unionisation, regulation, etc.).
nizational issues, and those types questions, so if I go out to The LP findings for example suggest the basis for a more contingent
lunch with a colleague I’m 95% sure the inclination will be to understanding of client–professional interaction (in a legal services
discuss work issues not time recording issues and this, that and setting) as summarized in Table 4.
the other” (Solicitor) On the left of the table there may still be significant amounts of
customization but it will be PSO (or professional) led and may not
Another related factor lies in the nature of the partnership struc-
reflect explicit client requirements. In these cases any customiza-
ture and associated financial incentives for individual lawyers. The
tion and corresponding process variability is likely to emerge from
partnership offers a robust platform for co-ordinating professionals
the individual professional judgements, preferences and experi-
precisely because it creates significant individual financial incen-
tives while providing an effective buffer for the productive core
against the forces that have driven most for-profit firms to become “it’s a rotten analogy but it’s the difference between a bespoke
more productive (e.g. need for external capital). suit from Saville row and a [mass market] suit like the one I’m
wearing. You get what you pay for but the important thing is
5.2. How different is professional service operations making the client see that it’s what they need” (Partner, TTW)

PSOM is typically presented as being more about the how and 6

The similarity of the ‘diagonal’ in Fig. 1 to Schmenner’s (2004) matrix appears
less the what of managing operations (Heineke, 1995, p. 267). to support the validity of this model if disaggregated into a series of fractals – each
There is evidence in the LP story to support this approach. Con- repeating the overall pattern of the generic version.
10 M.A. Lewis, A.D. Brown / Journal of Operations Management 30 (2012) 1–11

Table 4
Characterising client–professional interaction.

PSO–led interaction > < Client–led interaction

Client scale and capabilities? Small, small spend, ad-hoc buying and no/limited legal Large, large spend, buying system (e.g. panel) and in-house legal
expertise expertise
Payment/incentive method? Hourly billing systems Setting fixed fee arrangements transfer (in theory) cost risks
How routine is practice? No established precedents, entirely dependent on Limited room for interpretation of legal precedent and/or process
Value to client of service? Qualifier for larger value exchange (e.g. M&A) Limited implications and liabilities
Scarce offering (competition)? Specialists, unique skills/experience Lots of providers, pricing transparency, etc.
Who pays (client or 3rd party)? If third party pay for service (e.g. legal aid) then potentially If client pays then PSO needs to maintain relationship to ensure
less emphasis on service recipient flow of revenue from billing

The right side of the table details those situations where more this respect, perhaps PSOM (with its need to co-ordinate and influ-
traditional OM customization notions will come to the fore. In the ence quasi-autonomous economic agents) could be reconceived as
LP case these ranged from the specific co-design procedures evident analogous to supply chain management (with the building of social
in the volume service lines (i.e. formal meetings between clients, capital, market making, information transparency, etc.).
partners and process/IT designers to develop shared specifications,
etc.) to the more subtle structural signalling associated with mar-
6. Conclusions
keting key professionals in what Maister (1993, pp. 4–5) labelled
‘Grey Hair’ assignments.
This confirmatory and exploratory study set out to investi-
gate the definitional characteristics of the PSO and the distinctive
5.2.2. Professional and partnership trade-offs aspects of PSOM. The single case structure has obvious limitations
The unique employee and organisational characteristics of the but the rich description of operations-related issues at a single pro-
PSO create a set of intriguing trade-offs (or paradoxes?) for PSOM fessional service firm provided a robust platform for generalizing to
decision-making. For instance, by employing professional staff, a theory. Although not endorsing the suggestion that scholars should
firm does not need to make substantial investments in managing never “generalize the characteristics of services” (Edvardsson et al.,
service quality because this is enforced by a professional associa- 2005, p. 115) what was observed suggests that OM scholars can
tion (Goodale et al., 2008, p. 670). Similarly, behavioral standards fruitfully develop much more precise definitional model(s) of var-
are encouraged by a broader professional ethos. Consider why, ious professional service operations. Even within a single law firm
although no explicit dress code was in place, all the LP lawyers (and for instance, the nature of client interaction was varied and contin-
paralegals, etc.) always wore smart clothes (even at their ‘off-site’ gent on a range of factors. Similarly, it is clear from the observed
partners meetings), were polite, etc. Balancing these advantages (managing and managed) behaviors that there is a greater degree
are the challenges of reduced influence over standards, the body of of contingency in any model of PSOM than that suggested by the
knowledge, training, etc. and aligning key individuals, with external agreement in the literature that professionals cannot be effectively
and often competition minimizing allegiances, with organisational ‘managed’ in the same way as other employees. In other words, the
goals – the so-called ‘cat herding’ problem. The partnership struc- case confirms that the PSO is a “distinct environment for managing
ture has proved to be an effective mechanism for resolving some operations” (Goodale et al., 2008, p. 670) but the definitional PSOM
of these concerns (by creating incentives to stay with a single firm) challenge is not simply to nudge and influence culture but to try to
and is highly effective in managing many ‘steady state’ PSOM chal- enact mainstream OM options in a context where professional and
lenges. For example it can help capacity and demand balancing organisational factors can act to undermine even the most robust
by incentivizing flexible (long) working hours, especially by junior efficiency logic.
staff. At the same time, it effectively buffers the firm against need- The findings from this research point to the importance of
ing to make many substantive structural OM decisions – especially investigating specific professional contexts. Extending the range
while the partnership remains profitable (n.b. full equity partner and number of different PSOs (different professions, organisational
income was £293,000 and £320,000 respectively in the two years of structures, countries, sizes, etc.) will clearly enhance the validity
the study). There is scope for substantial further research into suc- and, crucially, generalizability of any findings. More specifically, the
cessful mechanisms for coping with or modifying these trade-offs LP case suggests that there is significant potential for traditional OM
but the LP case suggests two interesting options. First, in creat- ‘interventions’ in legal service processes (e.g. make versus buy anal-
ing the volume offerings, an individual ‘non-lawyerly’ lawyer took ysis leading to outsourcing) but that these opportunities need to be
advantage of the flexibility afforded by his new partner status to understood in the context of significant inertial forces (e.g. profes-
create an entirely new service line. This suggests PSOM benefits sionals ‘giving up’ certain activities). One potential component of a
from (a) identifying/developing/hiring professionals with interests more comprehensive PSOM research agenda therefore, could be to
(identities) beyond their core technical discipline and (b) follow- investigate the detailed design, redesign and exit/transfer of such
ing a disruptive innovation logic and developing more productive processes.
offerings away from the core services (in the LP case the vol-
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