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Configuration Service
WIPRO Configuration Service Management


Icon Meaning





Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field
names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names,
program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key
words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for
example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as
names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the
ENTER key.
Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the
system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these
words and characters with appropriate entries.

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WIPRO Configuration Service Management

Configuration Service Management............................................................................................... 6
1 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 6
2 Preparation.......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Prerequisites.................................................................................................................. 6
3 Configuration........................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Controlling..................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Creating Settlement Profile...................................................................................8
3.2 Sales Documents.......................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Creating Billing Types........................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Creating Sales Document Types...........................................................................9
3.2.3 Defining Order Reasons......................................................................................10
3.2.4 Defining Item Category Groups...........................................................................10
3.2.5 Defining Item Categories.....................................................................................11
3.2.6 Assigning Item Categories..................................................................................12
3.2.7 Assigning Schedule Line Categories...................................................................13
3.2.8 Determining Requirement Types Using Transaction...........................................17
3.2.9 Defining Blocking Reason for Billing...................................................................18
3.2.10 Maintaining Copying Control from Sales Documents to Sales Documents.........19
3.2.11 Maintaining Copying Control from Sales Documents to Billing Documents........19
3.3 Pricing.......................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Defining Accounting Indicator..............................................................................21
3.3.2 Maintaining Pricing Procedures...........................................................................21
3.3.3 Defining Pricing Procedure Determination..........................................................24
3.4 Delivery........................................................................................................................ 25
3.4.1 Defining Delivery Types......................................................................................25
3.4.2 Defining Item Categories for Deliveries...............................................................25
3.4.3 Maintaining Copying Control from Sales Documents to Deliveries.....................26
3.4.4 Maintaining Copying Control from Deliveries to Billing Documents.....................29
3.5 Characteristics Management.......................................................................................30
3.5.1 Warranty Period.................................................................................................. 30
3.6 Basic Settings for Service Processing.........................................................................31
3.6.1 Creating DIP Profile for Billing and Results Analysis...........................................31
3.6.2 Maintaining Maintenance Planning Plant............................................................33
3.6.3 Assigning Maintenance Planning Plants.............................................................34
3.6.4 Defining Repair Procedure..................................................................................34

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3.6.5 Defining Serial Number Profiles..........................................................................36

3.6.6 Defining Default Equipment Categories for Serialization.....................................36
3.6.7 Setting View Profiles for Technical Objects.........................................................37
3.6.8 Defining Object Information Keys (for Equipment)..............................................38
3.6.9 Maintaining Equipment Category........................................................................39
3.6.10 Defining Additional Business Views for Equipment Categories...........................40
3.6.11 Defining Warranty Types.....................................................................................40
3.6.12 Defining Warranty Counters................................................................................41
3.7 Service Processing / Service Notification....................................................................43
3.7.1 Defining Notification Types..................................................................................43
3.7.2 Setting Screen Templates for the Notification Type.............................................43
3.7.3 Defining Action Box in Service Notification Processing.......................................45
3.7.4 Maintaining Catalogs - Catalog Tasks.................................................................46
3.7.5 Changing Catalogs for Notification Type.............................................................48
3.7.6 Defining Priorities in the Service Notification.......................................................48
3.8 Response Monitoring................................................................................................... 50
3.8.1 (Manual Step) Defining Response Profile...........................................................50
3.8.2 Defining Response Time Monitoring...................................................................50
3.9 Service Processing / Service Order.............................................................................52
3.9.1 Assigning Order Types to Maintenance Plants....................................................52
3.9.2 Changing Goods Movements Documentation for Order.....................................52
3.9.3 Credit Limit Checks, Sales Document Types for Service Orders........................53
3.9.4 Configuring Order Types.....................................................................................53
3.9.5 Setting Scheduling Parameters...........................................................................54
3.9.6 Assigning Costing Parameters and Results Analysis Keys.................................55
3.9.7 Defining Control Parameters for Completion Confirmations................................55
3.9.8 Defining User Status for Order............................................................................56
3.9.9 Assigning User Status to Order Type..................................................................57
3.10 (Manual Steps) Functional Enhancements..............................................................58
3.10.1 Changing Function Module PM_HIERARCHY_CALL.........................................58
3.11 Revenue Recognition.............................................................................................. 60
3.11.1 Maintaining Account Determination- Assign G/L accounts for revenues and
deferred revenues.............................................................................................................. 60
3.11.2 Maintaining Account Determination - Assign account for unbilled receivables....60
3.12 (Manual Steps) Revenue Recognition.....................................................................62
3.12.1 Maintaining G/L Account Centrally......................................................................62
3.12.2 Implementing User Exit  Note: 0423799..........................................................62

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Configuration Service Management

1 Purpose
This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this
building block manually.
If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using
eCATTs and BC Sets, use the Building Block Installation Assistant.

2 Preparation
.2.1 Prerequisites
The following building blocks form the basis for all mySAP All-in-One High Tech and Industrial
Machinery and Components solutions. You only have to install these building blocks once.

Building Blocks Comment

Baseline Building Blocks (Layer 0)

J00 - Essential Information

J02 - Organizational Structure

J03 - Financial Accounting

J08 - Controlling

J05 - Materials Management

J04 - Sales and Distribution

J00 - Essential Information

Baseline Building Blocks (Layer 1)

J06 - Production Planning and Controlling

J07 – Quality Management

J18 - Product Cost Controlling

J19 – Batch Management

J20 - Cost Object Controlling – Make-to-Order

J21 - Cost Object Controlling – Make-to-Stock

J17 - Profitability Analysis

Industry-Generic Blocks

E04 - Supplement Settings

E05 - Master Data HT / IM&C

Scenario-Specific Building Blocks

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Building Blocks Comment

H29 - Configuration Contract Management

For details of how to install an individual building block, refer to the relevant building block
installation documentation.

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3 Configuration
.3.1 Controlling
3.1.1 Creating Settlement Profile
The purpose of this activity is to create a new settlement profile which uses the allocation
structure YP as default value.

Access the activity using the following navigation option:
Transaction Code SPPO
IMG Menu Controlling  Product Cost Controlling  Cost Object Controlling 
Product Cost by Order  Period-End Closing  Settlement  Create
Settlement profile

On the Change View “Settlement Profile”: Overview Screen, select 80 and Copy as… .
On the Change View “Settlement Profile”: Details of Selected set, enter the following data:
Field name Description R/O/C User action and values Note
Settlement R Y80
Description R BP Service order
Allocation R YS
Confirm your entry.
Choose Save and Back (F3).

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.3.2 Sales Documents

3.2.1 Creating Billing Types
The purpose of this activity is to create a new billing type YHF2.

Access the activity using the following navigation option:
Transaction Code SPPO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Billing  Billing Documents  Define
Billing Types
On the Change View “Billing: Document Types”: Overview screen, select the line with Billing type
Choose Copy.
On the On the Change View “ Billing: Document Types”: Details of Selected Set, make the
following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Billing Type YHF2
Choose Back.
On the Change View “Billing: Document Types”: Overview screen, change the description of new
created billing type to Billing Exchange.

3.2.2 Creating Sales Document Types

You use sales document types as an indicator for controlling the various sales documents defined
in the system. Document types allow the system to process different kinds of business
transactions in different ways.
In this step, you define a new sales document type for service processing since you also create a
new item category assignment for this building block.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Sales
Document Header  Define Sales Document Types

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2. On the Change View “Maintain Sales Order Types”: Overview screen, select the sales order
RAS and choose Copy as… .
3. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Sales document YDAS
Repairs / Service 05
4. Choose Back.
5. On the Change View “Maintain Sales Order Types”: Overview screen, select the sales order
OR and choose Copy as… .
6. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Sales document YDVV
Spare Part Order
7. Save the changes.

3.2.3 Defining Order Reasons

In this step, you define the possible order reasons. They describe the reasons that led to an
inquiry, quotation, or order.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Sales
Document Header  Define Order Reasons
2. On the Change View “Sales Documents: Order Reasons”: Overview screen, choose New
3. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Order reason 400
R Retro-billing 1
Description No warranty
4. Save your entries.

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3.2.4 Defining Item Category Groups

An item category group is specified in the material master record. The system uses the item
category group and the sales document type to determine the category of a document item. In
this step, you create a new item category group relevant for service processing especially
performances without delivery.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Sales
Document Item  Define Item Category Groups
2. On the Change View “Materials: Item Category Groups in Material Master”: Overview screen,
choose New Entries.
3. Enter the following data:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Description 1 Service w/o Delivery
Description 1 Service w/o Delivery
4. Save your entries.

3.2.5 Defining Item Categories

The item categories define the characteristics of a document item. You need to create new item
categories because the standard settings for the configuration have been changed.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Sales
Document Item  Define Item Categories
2. On the Change View “Maintain Item Categories”: Overview screen, Select the item categories
IRRE, and choose Copy as… to create a new item category.

Do not change the detail data for the item category.

3. On the Change View “Maintain Item Categories”: Details of Selected Set screen, make
following entries:

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Field name Description User Action and Values Note

ItCa 1 IRRE Copy to

4. Choose Back.
5. Repeat Step 2 and 4 for the following 9 item Categories:
ItCa 2 IRRP Copy to
ItCa 3 IRRS Copy to
DIP-Profile in details to item category CS_HVC5
Repair procedure in details to item category Y001
ItCa 4 IRAL Copy to
ItCa 5 TAN Copy to
ItCa 6 IRIN Copy to
ItCa 7 IRAT Copy to
ItCa 8 IRLA Copy to
ItCa 9 IRLB Copy to
ItCa 10 IRRS Copy to
Repair procedure in details to item category Y002
6. Choose Save.

3.2.6 Assigning Item Categories

In this step, you assign the item category for the process repair in the plant with spare part
delivery and sale of new products.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:

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Transaction Code SPRO

IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Sales
Document Item  Assign Item Categories
2. On the Change View “Item Category Assignment”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries:
SaTy ItCGr Usg. ItemCat-HighLevItem DfItC
4. Save your entries.

3.2.7 Assigning Schedule Line Categories

The schedule line category influences how such functions as inventory management, material
requirements planning and availability check are carried out for each schedule line. You have to
change the assignment of the schedule line categories so that the requirements are transferred

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Schedule
Lines  Assign Schedule Line Categories
2. On the Change View “Assign Schedule Line Categories”: Overview screen, choose New
3. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note

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Field name Description User Action and Values Note

4. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
5. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
SchLC E1
6. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
7. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ ND
8. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
9. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ P1
10. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
11. Make the following entries:

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Field name Description User Action and Values Note

Typ P2
12. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
13. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ VB
14. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
15. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ VM
16. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
17. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ VV
18. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.

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19. Make the following entries:

Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ ND
20. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
21. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
22. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
23. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
24. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
25. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
26. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.

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27. Make the following entries:

Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Typ ND
28. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.
29. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
30. Save your entries.

3.2.8 Determining Requirement Types Using Transaction

In this step you define requirement types and assignments to the process by using different item
categories to make the process as controlled as possible for service processing.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Availability Check and
Transfer of Requirements  Transfer of Requirements  Define
Requirements Types
On the Change View “ Requirement Types” Overview, make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
RqTy MMTO config. value. Y46 Assign to
RecCl MMTO config. value. 046
Save your entries.
Choose Determination Of Requirement Types Using Transaction.

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On the Change View “Assignment of Requirement Types to Transaction” Overview, choose New
ItCa Typ User Action and Values Q
YDLA 041 1
YDLA ND 011 1
YDLA VB 011 1
YDLA VM 011 1
YDLA VV 011 1
YDLB 041 1
YDLB ND 011 1
YDLB VB 011 1
YDLB VM 011 1
YDLB VV 011 1
Save your entries.

3.2.9 Defining Blocking Reason for Billing

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Billing  Availability Billing Documents 
Define Blocking Reason for Billing  Billing: Blocking Reasons
Choose New Entries and make following enties:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Block YH
Billing blok desc. Rejected by Customer
Choose Save.

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3.2.10 Maintaining Copying Control from Sales Documents to

Sales Documents
In this step, you maintain the copy control for the sales documents LV  YWV.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Maintain Copy Control for Sales
In the Choose dialog box choose activity Copying Control: Sales Document to Sales Document
Select line Tgt LV … Source WV and choose Copy as…
On the next screen change the following entry:
Field name Value Description
Source sls doc. Type WV  YWV
Confirm the Copy Dependant Documents dialog box with No and save your entries.

3.2.11 Maintaining Copying Control from Sales Documents to

Billing Documents
In this step, you define control data for the document flow of billing documents.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction Code SPRO

IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Billing  Billing Documents  Maintain
Copying Control For Billing Documents

2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Copying control: Sales document to
billing document.

3. On the Display View “Header”: Overview screen, choose Display <-> Change.

4. On the Change View “Header”: Overview screen, select the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Notes

Tgt Invoice FR
Source Order Type YDAS

5. In the left-hand area of the screen, double-click on the Item folder.

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6. Choose New Entries and make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Notes
Item category Config. at YDIN
Comp. Level
Copy Deliv-related 002
requirements item
Data Inv.split 001
VBRK/VBRP (sample)
Billing quantity A
Pos./neg. +
Pricing type G

7. Save the settings and choose Next Entry.

8. Make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Notes
Item category Config. at YDNI
Comp. Level
Copy Deliv-related 002
requirements item
Data Inv.split 001
VBRK/VBRP (sample)
Billing quantity A
Pos./neg. +
Pricing type G

9. Save your settings.

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.3.3 Pricing
3.3.1 Defining Accounting Indicator
In this step, you set the accounting indicators used during service processing.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and
Service Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  General
Data  Define Accounting Indicators
On the Change view “accounting indicator” overview screen, choose New Entries.
Make the following entries:
Field name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Note
Alnd Gen. accounting 01
BPDI 100% goodwill 02
Save your settings.

3.3.2 Maintaining Pricing Procedures

In this step, you define the pricing procedure, which is used during service processing and assign
it to the order types.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Pricing  Pricing Control
 Define And Assign Pricing Procedures
2. In the Choose activity dialog box, choose Maintain pricing procedure.
3. On the Change view “Procedures”: Overview screen, choose the Procedures folder and then
New Entries.
4. Make the following entries:
Field name Description R/O/C User action and values Note
Procedure Service BP Expense YSER02
Service PSER01

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5. Go back to the Change view “Procedures”: Overview screen, select YSER02 and choose
Control Data.
6. Make the following entries:
Ste Cn CTyp Description Fr To Pri SubT Re AltC AltC ActK
p tr o nt o qt Ty BV y
8 0 EK01 Actual Costs ERL
10 0 AUFS VKP Calcultn 8 ERL
11 0 PR00 Price 2 ERL
20 0 PPAR Settlement 2 ERL
Price Itm
30 0 PPAG MatlGroup 2 ERL
Price Item
40 0 PKAR Settlement 2 ERL
Price Hdr
100 0 Gross X 1 2
101 0 KBM1 Good X 2 ERS
102 0 K032 Price X 2 ERS
103 0 K005 Customer/Mat X 2 ERS
104 0 K007 Customer X 2 ERS
105 0 K004 Material X 2 ERS
106 0 K020 Price Group X 2 ERS
107 0 K029 Material X 2 ERS
pricing grp
108 0 K030 Customer/Mat X 2 ERS
109 0 K031 Price X 2 ERS
110 1 RA01 % Disc.from 10 X 2 ERS
Gross 0
110 2 RA00 % Discount X 2 ERS
from Net
110 3 RC00 Quantity X 2 ERS
110 4 RB00 Discount X 2 ERS
300 0 Discount 10 29

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Ste Cn CTyp Description Fr To Pri SubT Re AltC AltC ActK

p tr o nt o qt Ty BV y
Amount 1 9
800 0 Net Value for X 2
910 0 MWST Output Tax 32 16 MW
920 0 Total A 4
930 0 SKTO Cash 9 11
7. Go back to the Change view “Procedures”: Overview screen, choose the Procedures folder
and then New Entries.
8. Make the following entries:
Field name Description R/O/C User action and values Note
Procedure Service BP Expense YREP01
Service PREP01
9. Go back to the Change view “Procedures”: Overview screen, select YREP01 and choose
Control Data.
10. Make the following entries:
Step Cnt CTyp Fro To Man. Req SubT Stat AltCT AltCB ActK
r m t o y V y
5 0 EK01 X B X ERL
7 0 EK02 X B X ERL
10 0 PRRP 2 ERL
100 0 1
104 0 K007 2 ERS
106 0 K020 2 ERS
110 1 RA01 1 X 2 ERS
110 2 RA00 X 2 ERS
110 3 RC00 X 2 ERS
110 4 RB00 X 2 ERS
300 0 11 299
800 0 2
910 0 MWST 1 16 MWS
920 0 A 4
930 0 SKTO 9 X 11
10 0 PRRP 2 ERL
11. Save your settings.

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3.3.3 Defining Pricing Procedure Determination

In this activity, you assign the document type for the pricing procedure to the sales document
type. In this way, the system can determine a special or individual pricing procedure using the
different sales order types in service processing.
In this activity, you assign the pricing procedure to the application of the sales order types.
The relevant criteria for determination are:
 Sales organization
 Distribution channel
 Division
 Document type
 Customer pricing procedure
 Procedure

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Pricing  Pricing Control
 Define And Assign Pricing Procedures
2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Assign document pricing procedures to order types.
3. On the Change view “Sales Document Types: Document Pricing Procedures”: Overview
screen, choose New Entries.
4. Make the following entries:
Field name Description Value Field name Value Description
SaTy Repairs / Service 05 YDAS DoPr R Repairs
Stand.Ord.Spare Part YDVV A Standard
5. Save your settings.
6. Choose Back.
7. In the Choose activity dialog box, choose Define Pricing Procedure Determination.
8. On the Change view “Pricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs.” Overview screen,
choose New Entries.
9. Make the following entries:
SOrg. DChl Dv DoPr CuPP PriPr. CTyp
BP01 02 01 R 1 YREP01
BP01 02 01 R 2 YREP01
BP01 02 01 W 1 YSER02
BP01 02 01 W 2 YSER02
BP01 02 01 V 1 PSER01 PPSV
10. Save your settings.

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.3.4 Delivery
3.4.1 Defining Delivery Types
In this step, you define all the specific delivery types used during the service processing. You
define one type for returning the defect material and one type for delivering to the customer when
the repair has been done. By using specific delivery types during the service processing, a
different cycle and determination of item categories is possible.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OVLK
IMG Menu Logistics Execution  Shipping  Deliveries  Define
Delivery Types

2. On the Change view “Delivery Types.” Overview screen, select the entry LF and choose
Copy as… to create a new entry.
3. Make following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values
DlvTy Outbound delivery 05 YDLF
DlvTy Returns delivery 05 YDLR
4. In the detail screen, accept all the settings from the SAP standard delivery types.
5. Save your settings.

3.4.2 Defining Item Categories for Deliveries

In this step, you define the item categories used for materials in deliveries, picking, and so on.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OVLP
IMG Menu Logistics Execution  Shipping  Deliveries  Define Item
Categories for Deliveries
2. On the Change view “ Define Item Categories for Deliveries” Overview screen, select each
the following standard delivery types, choose Copy as…, and make following entries:
ItCa Description Copy as Description
TAL Ret.Packag.Shipment YDAL Repaired goods del.
TAN Standard Item YDAN Stand.Sparep. n.bill
IRPA Order BOS/Flat Rate YDPA Order BOS/Flat Rate

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ItCa Description Copy as Description

IRRP Repairs YDRP Repair
Relevant for Picking blank
IRRE Return for Repairs YDRE Return for Repairs
Determine Sloc X
IRRS Rep. Serv. Resources YDRS Order BOS/Std Item
Relevant for Picking X
Determine Sloc X
Slocation required X
5. In the Change view “Details”, confirm all settings from the SAP standard delivery item
6. Confirm the warning with Yes.
7. Save your settings.

3.4.3 Maintaining Copying Control from Sales Documents to

In this step, you define control data for the document flow of deliveries.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction Code SPRO

IMG Menu Logistic Execution  Shipping  Copying Control  Specify
Copy Control for Deliveries

2. On the Display View “Header“: Overview screen, choose Display <-> Change. The
screen changes to Change View “Header“: Overview.

3. Choose New Entries and make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Notes

Target delivery Type Outbound delivery LF
Source sls. Doc. type Standard Order YDVV
Data transfer VBAK Header 001
Order requirements Header 001
Combination requirmt Combination 051

4. Save your entries and, in the left-hand area of the screen, choose Items.

6. Make the following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Notes

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Item category Config. at Comp. YDAN

Order requirements Item 101
Item data Item 101
Business Data Business Data 2
Bus data requirmt Combination 151
Update document flow X
Pos./neg. quantity +

8. Save your entries and choose Back.

9. On the Display View “Header“: Overview screen, choose Display <-> Change. The screen
changes to Change View “ Header“: Overview

10. Choose New Entries and make following entries:

Field name Description User action and values Notes
Target delivery Type Outbound delivery YDLR
Source sls. Doc. type Standard Order YDAS
Data transfer VBAK Header 001
Order requirements Header 001
Combination requirmt Combination 051
11. Save your entries and, in the left screen area, choose Items.
12. Choose New Entries and make following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Notes
Item category Config. at Comp. YDRE
Order requirements Item 101
Item data Item 101
Business Data Business Data 2
Bus data requirmt Combination 151
Update document flow X
Pos./neg. quantity +
13. Save your entries and choose Next Entry.
14. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Notes
Item category Config. at Comp. YDRP
Order requirements Item 101

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Field name Description User action and values Notes

Item data Item 101
Business Data Business Data 2
Bus data requirmt Combination 151
Update document flow X
Pos./neg. quantity +
15. Save your entries and choose Next Entry.
16. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Notes
Item category Config. at Comp. YDRS
Order requirements Item 101
Item data Item 101
Business Data Business Data 2
Bus data requirmt Combination 151
Update document flow X
Pos./neg. quantity +
17. .Choose New Entries and make following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Notes
Target delivery Type Outbound delivery LF
Source sls. Doc. type Standard Order YDAS
Data transfer VBAK Header 001
Order requirements Header 001
Combination requirmt Combination 051
18. Save your entries and, in the left screen area, choose Items.
19. Choose New Entries and make following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Notes
Field name Description User action and values Notes
Target delivery Type Outbound delivery LF
Source sls. Doc. type Standard Order YDAS
Data transfer VBAK Header 001
Order requirements Header 001
Combination requirmt Combination 051
Field name Description User action and values Notes
20. Save your entries.

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3.4.4 Maintaining Copying Control from Deliveries to Billing

In this step, you define control data for the document flow of deliveries.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction Code SPRO

IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Billing  Billing Documents 
Maintain Copying Control For Billing Documents
In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Copying control: Delivery document to
billing document.

On the Display View “Header”: Overview screen, choose Display <-> Change.

On the Change View “Header”: Overview screen, select the following entries:

Tgt Billing Type Source Delivery Type

F2 Invoice LF Outbound Delivery
Choose Copy as… (F6).

Overwrite the Target Billing Type from F2 to YHF2.

Confirm the entries with Enter.

Choose Save.

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.3.5 Characteristics Management

3.5.1 Warranty Period
In this step, you define the characteristics for representing the time of warranties in a period of

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP Menu Logistics  Customer Service  Management of Technical Objects
 Environment  Classes  Master Data  Characteristics
Transaction Code CT04
On the Characteristics screen, enter WARRANTY_PERIOD in the Characteristic field, and
choose the Basic data tab page.
On the Create Characteristic screen, make the following entries:
Field name Value
Description warranty period
Data Type Numeric Format
Number of Chars 2
Decimal Places 1
Unit of Measure months
Select the Descriptions tab page and make the following entries:
Language Description
DE Garantielaufzeit Service
EN Warranty period
Save your settings.

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.3.6 Basic Settings for Service Processing

3.6.1 Creating DIP Profile for Billing and Results Analysis
In this step, you define all settings in the DIP profile CS_HVC5, which are necessary to generate
a billing document for the work generated during the entire repair process.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code ODP1
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Basic Settings  Quotation Creation and Billing for
Service Orders  Profiles for Quotation Creation, Billing, Results
2. On the Change view “Profile”: Overview screen, choose New entries.
3. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Profile CS_HVC5
Text Profile HVC05
4. Go back to the Change view “Profile”: Overview screen and select the profile CS_HVC5.
5. In the left hand area of the screen, double-click on the Usage folder
6. On the Change view “Usage”: Overview screen, make the following entries:
DI Usage Sales Doc. Type Sdoc Type CMR Warranty DI w Material
1 Billing and results LV x
7. Select the entry you have made and choose the Characteristics folder in the left hand area of
the screen:
8. Make the following settings:
Char CharactRelevant Mat.Deter-mination NoSumma-rization
Accounting indicator x x
Activity number
Activity type x x x
Billing form x x
Business process
Commitment item
Cost center x x
Cost element x x

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Char CharactRelevant Mat.Deter-mination NoSumma-rization

Document number
Material x x
Object number x x
Object type
Period x
Personnel number
Plant of work center
Posting row
Stat. key figure
Transaction currency x
Unit of measure x x
Value type
Work center
9. In the left hand area of the screen, choose the Sources folder.
10. Make the following entries:
Line Source Percentage AppReason
1 0001 Actual costs – Line Items 100,00
11. Select line 1 and choose the Selection Criteria folder in the left hand area of the screen:
12. No set ID is defined for any of the characteristics.
13. Choose the Material determination folder in the left hand area of the screen:
14. Make the following entries:
Line Material/Service Mat. Direct Individual Use quantity Conversion
2 x x
15. Select line 1 and choose the Criteria folder in the left hand area of the screen.
16. Make the following entries:
Char Set Set Value
Activity type 1-S-LSTAR-AL.CCSS
Cost center
Cost element

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17. Select line 2 and choose the Criteria folder in the left hand area of the screen.
18. Make the following entries:
Char Set Set Value
Activity type
Cost center
Cost element
19. Go back to the Change view “Profile”: Overview screen and select the profile CS_HVC5.
20. Choose Copy As… (F6), and make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values Note
Profile CS_HVC5_P
Text Service Profile Plan Cost
21. Confirm your entries with Enter, and select the new created line.
22. In the left hand area of the screen, double-click on the Usage folder.
23. On the Change view “Usage”: Overview screen, make the following entries:
DI Usage Sales Doc. Type Sdoc Type CMR Warranty DI w Material
1 Billing and results LV x
24. In the left hand area of the screen, choose the Sources folder.
25. Make the following entries:
Line Source Percentage AppReason
1 0021 Planned cost – Total records 100,00
26. Choose Save.

3.6.2 Maintaining Maintenance Planning Plant

In this step, you define the planning plant for service processing.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Enterprise Structure  Definition  Plant Maintenance  Maintain
maintenance planning plant

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On the Change View “Planning Plant”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
Make the following entries:
Planning plant Name 1 Name 2
BP01 Production plant BP01
Save your settings.

3.6.3 Assigning Maintenance Planning Plants

In this step, you assign the planning plant for service processing to the logistics plant, which is
already defined for the rest of the logistics procedures.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Enterprise Structure  Assignment  Plant Maintenance  Assign
maintenance planning plant to maintenance plant
2. On the Change view “ Allocation of PlanPlants to MaintPlants”: Overview, make the following
Plnt Name 1 PlPl Name 1
BP01 Production plant BP01 BP01 Production plant BP01
3. Save your settings.

3.6.4 Defining Repair Procedure

In the repair procedure, you define all the settings used in the process Repair in the Plant. This
procedure specifies the steps, which the systems either generates automatically or were
forbidden by the system. The procedure has to be assigned to the sales order type, which is used
to visualize the repair process.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code VORP
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Sales  Sales Documents  Customer
Service  Returns and Repairs Processing  Define Repairs

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2. On the Change view “Define Repair Procedures.” Overview screen, choose New Entries.
3. Make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values
Proced Serviceable items H34 Y001
4. Go back to the Change view “Define Repair Procedures.” Overview screen and select the
entry Y001.
5. In the left-hand area of the screen, double-click the Stages/actions folder:
6. Choose New Entries and make the following entries:
Stage Description Action Description Conf Manual Default
101 Accept repair 101 Returns x
101 Accept repair 104 Send Replacement
102 Start repair 102 Repairs 01 x
102 Start repair 103 Outbound delivery 02
102 Start repair 107 Scrapping 03 x
102 Start repair 108 Credit memo x
103 Confirm repair 103 Outbound delivery 04 x
103 Confirm repair 105 Pickup
103 Confirm repair 107 Scrapping 03 x
103 Confirm repair 108 Credit memo
7. Go back to the Change view “Define Repair Procedures.” Overview screen, choose New
Entries, make the following entries:
Field name Description User Action and Values
Proced Exchange Y002
8. Go back to the Change view “Define Repair Procedures.” Overview screen and select the
entry Y002.
9. In the left-hand area of the screen, double-click the Stages/actions folder:
10. Choose New Entries and make the following entries:
Stage Description Action Description Conf Manual Default
101 Accept repair 101 Returns x
102 Start repair 102 Repairs
102 Start repair 106 Replacement Part
11. Save your settings.

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3.6.5 Defining Serial Number Profiles

In this step, you define a serial number profile, which is used and assigned to the material master
data for service processing.

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OIS2

IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Technical Objects  Serial
Number Management  Define Serial Number Profiles
2. On the Change view “Serial Number Profile”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
3. Make the following entries:
Profl. Profile Text ExistReq. Cat Equipment Category StcCk
YH34 Serial numbers in CS S Customer equipment
Select your entry and choose the Serializing procedures folder in the left hand area of the screen.
Make the following entries:
Procd Procedure description SerUsage EQReq.
MMSL Maintain goods receipt and issue doc. 02 02
SDAU Serial numbers in SD order 02 02
SDCC Completness check for delivery 02 02
SDCR Completion check IR delivery 02 01
SDLS Maintain delivery 02 02
SDRE Maintain returns delivery 02 02
Save your settings.

3.6.6 Defining Default Equipment Categories for Serialization

In this step, you define a default equipment category, which is assigned to the equipment
category used in this process. Default values and other data (screens, and so on), which were
previously defined are included in the category.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO

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IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Technical Objects  Serial
Number Management  Define Default Equipment Categories for
Serial Numbers
2. On the Change view “Serial number parameters” Overview screen, select the following entry:
Cat. IntNR Equipment Category
Customer Equipment 01 Customer equipment
3. Save your settings.

3.6.7 Setting View Profiles for Technical Objects

In this step, you define the layout and the arrangement of the view, regarding the relevant
equipment category.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service 
Master Data in Plant Maintenance and
Customer Service  Technical Objects 
General Data  Set View Profiles for Technical
2. On the Change view “Definition of view profiles”: Overview screen, select the line withScreen
group H2 and Profile Standard, choose Copy as … (F6).
3. On the Change view “Definition of view profiles”: Overview of Selectedc Set screen, make
following entries:
Field name User Action and Values
Screen grp H2
Profile (1st) SEQ
Profle (2nd) Equipment data profile ervice
4. Press Enter to confirm, choose Copy all on the popup screen, ignore the information
5. Select the line you just created, choose the Activity and layout of views folder in the left hand
area of the screen.
6. On the Change view “Activity and layout of views”: Overview screen, following entries are
already copied:
Number Description Tab Seq. Seq. Seq. Seq. no.
active no. no. no.
10 General X 005 010 015
20 Location X 020 025

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Number Description Tab Seq. Seq. Seq. Seq. no.

active no. no. no.
30 Organization X 110 030 035
50 Structure X 040 045
7. Choose New Entries and make the following entries:
Number Description Tab Seq. Seq. Seq. Seq. no.
active no. no. no.
60 Additional data 1 X 100
100 Additional data 2 X 110
120 Other x 095
8. Choose Enter to confirm, then choose Back (F3),
9. Choose Icons and texts of views in the left hand area of the screen,
10. On the Change View “Icons and texts of views”: Overview screen, choose New Entries, and
make following entry:
Number Description Icon Tab Title
60 Additional data 1 X Partner Data

100 Additional data 2 X Guarantee

11. Save your entries.

3.6.8 Defining Object Information Keys (for Equipment)

In this step, you define an object information key, which is then assigned to the equipment
category and provides you with the option of informing the call center agent about essential data
and calls regarding the related equipment. When you create a service notification, the object
information keys appear automatically.

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OIMD
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Basic Settings  General Data
 Define Object Information Keys
2. On the Change view “Object Info Parameters”: Overview screen, select the SM row.
3. Choose Details (Ctrl + shift + F2)
4. Make the following entries.
Field name User Action and Values
Automatically X

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Object X
No.days 365
BreakdnReported 3
NotifsCreated 5
Orders created 3
Processing days 10
Completed Notification 5
Completed Orders 3
SelComplNotifs X
OutstdgNotifs X
Sel.-days 365
CompletedNotifs X
If contract X
Characteristics x
5. Save your entries.

3.6.9 Maintaining Equipment Category

In this step, you define all of the relevant settings for the equipment category.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Technical Objects 
Equipment  Equipment Categories  Maintain Equipment
2. On the Change view “EquipCategories”: Overview screen, make the following settings:
Cat. RefCat. EqCatDescr. No ChngeDoc. WF ObjectInfo Profile
alph event
S Customer Customer X SM SEQ
Equipment Equipment
3. Save your settings.

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3.6.10 Defining Additional Business Views for Equipment

In this step, you define the views, which are used for working with equipment. In these views,
customer data and serialization data are assigned.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Technical Objects 
Equipment  Equipment Categories  Define Additional Business
Views for Equipment Categories
2. On the Change view “Select Editing Options”: Overview screen, make the following settings:
Field name User Action and Values Note
Cat S
RefCat S
Equipment Category Customer Equipment
Configuration Data X
Serialization Data X
Other Data X
3. Save your settings.

3.6.11 Defining Warranty Types

In this step, you define the warranty types, which are used for maintaining the master warranties.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Basic Settings  Warranties
 Define Warranty Types
2. On the Change view “Warranty Types” Overview screen, make the following settings:
Field name User Action and Values Note
WarrType 1
WarrCat. O Guarantor (customer)

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Field name User Action and Values Note

Text Customer warranty
D.Box Not. X
D.Box Order X

Field name User Action and Values Note

WarrType 2
WarrCat. Warrantee (vendor)
Text Vendor/manufacturer
DBox X Select in first DBox column only
StProfile ********
PartDetCrt. ****
Usage *
Applicat. **
Procedure ******
3. Save your settings.

3.6.12 Defining Warranty Counters

In this step, you define the warranty counters, which are used during warranty maintenance.
Here, you also assign the length of the warranty period.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Master Data in Plant
Maintenance and Customer Service  Basic Settings  Warranties
 Define Warranty Counters

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2. On the Change view “General Warranty Counter”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
3. Make the following settings:
Warranty Counter Default TimeDependt.
4. Save your entries.

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.3.7 Service Processing / Service Notification

3.7.1 Defining Notification Types
In this step, you define the settlements for the notification types used during the process.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Creation  Notification Types  Define Notification Types
On the Change view “Notification Types”: Overview screen, select the type S1 and choose
Make the following settings:
Field name User Action and Values
Notification Type S1
Notif. Cat 03
Notification origin Problem Notification
Reference Time A
Catalogue Profile 000000001
Update Group 26
Early No. alloc. X
Number Range 03
Save your entries.

3.7.2 Setting Screen Templates for the Notification Type

In this step, you set the screens for the service notification type S1.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Creation  Notification Types  Set Screen Templates for the
Notification Type
In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, enter the service notification type S1 and choose
Continue (Enter).

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On the Change View “Notification tab strips view maintenance”: Overview screen, select each of
the following lines in turn and follow the procedure described in steps 4 and 5:
Register Description Tab header Action Cat. Tab
10\TAB01 Notification 1 X
10\TAB02 Additional data 1 Subject X
10\TAB03 Additional data 2
10\TAB04 System availability
10\TAB05 Malfunction X
10\TAB06 Location X
10\TAB10 Item X
10\TAB11 Tasks X
10\TAB12 Activities X
20\TAB01 Item overview X
20\TAB02 Item causes X
20\TAB03 Item tasks X
20\TAB04 Item activities x
4. Choose Details (or double-click the line).
5. On the Change View “Notification: Tabstrip view maintenance”: Details screen, make the
relevant entries for the line:
Tab Header Icon Tab Sc.Area Sc.Area Sc.Area Sc.Area Sc.Area
1 2 3 4 5
10\TAB01 X 036 005 051 015
10\TAB02 Subject X 031
10\TAB05 X
10\TAB06 X
10\TAB10 X
10\TAB11 X
10\TAB12 X
20\TAB01 X
20\TAB02 X
20\TAB03 X
20\TAB04 X
Save your entries.

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3.7.3 Defining Action Box in Service Notification Processing

In this step, you define the action box, which can be used when maintaining service notifications
of the type S1.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Processing  Additional Functions  Define Action Box
In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Follow-Up Functions (Generated
On the Change View “Notification Type”: Overview screen, select the entry S1.
In the left screen area, double-click on the Activities folder.
Make the following entries:
Typ FK Scenario Sort Function description Notification type
S1 0010 1 Create internal note Problem notification
S1 0020 2 Log telephone call Problem notification
S1 0030 3 Send confirmation of Problem notification
S1 0040 4 Create quality Problem notification
S1 0050 5 Repair order Problem notification
S1 0060 10 Solution Database Problem notification
S1 0070 20 Send final notice Problem notification
6. Select the line 0020.
7. On the Change view “Activities”: Details screen, make the following entries:
Field name User Action and Values
Function 0020
Notifictn Type S1
Sort Number 2
Usage Any view
And Notification and task
Documentation As activity

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Field name User Action and Values

Quick Info Log telephone call
Code group PM1
Code 1
Dependent follow up function
Only performed once
8. Choose Back and select the line 0050.
9. On the Change view “Activities”: Details screen, make the following entries:
Field name User Action and Values
Function 0050

Notifictn Type S1
Sort Number 5
Usage Any view
And Notification and task
Documentation As task
Quick Info Create repair order
Code group QM-G1
Code 0014
Completed X
Save your entries.

3.7.4 Maintaining Catalogs - Catalog Tasks

In this step, you define the catalogs and code groups for all codes.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Creation  Notification Contents  Maintain Catalogs
In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Edit Catalogs.
On the Edit Catalog: Initial Screen enter the following data:

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Catalog Description Code Group Description

2 Tasks PM1 Maintenance tasks
Confirm your entries with Enter.
Select the code group and choose the Codes folder in the left hand area of the screen.
Make the following entries:
Code Short Text for code
1 Contact Customer
2 Technician planning
Save your entries and choose Back twice.
In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Edit Catalogs.
On the Edit Catalog: Initial Screen, enter the following data:
Catalog Description Code Group Description
2 Tasks QM-G1 General task for
customer complaint
Confirm your entries with Enter.
Select the code group and choose the Codes folder in the left hand area of the screen.
Make the following entries:
Code Short Text for code Follow-up action
0014 Create repair order REP_ORD
13. Save your entries and choose Back.
14. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Edit Catalogs.
15. On the Edit Catalog: Initial Screen enter the following data:
Catalog Description Code Group Description
D Coding YH34 Codings Service
16. Confirm your entries with Enter.
17. Select the code group and choose the Codes folder in the left hand area of the screen.
18. Make the following entries:
Code Short Text for code
CALL Telephone CALL
EXCH Material Exchange
PRIO Priority Notification
REP Repair on Site
REP1 Repair at Plant
19. Save your entries.

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3.7.5 Changing Catalogs for Notification Type

In this step, you define all the necessary catalogs and codes to be used in service processing.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Creation  Notification Contents  Change Catalogs and Catalog
Profile for Notification Type
On the Change View “Notification Types”: Overview screen, select the entry S1 and choose
Enter the following data:
Notif. Notif. Catalog Coding Problems Causes Tasks Activi- Object
Type Type profile ties Parts
S1 03 000000001 D C 5 2 A B
4. Save your entries.

3.7.6 Defining Priorities in the Service Notification

In this step, you define priorities and assign them to the service notification types.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Processing  Response Time Monitoring  Define Priorities
2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Priority Types.
3. On the Change View “Priority types”: Overview screen, choose New Entry and make
following entries:
Field name User Action and Values
PrTyp YS

Priority type Service Prio BP

4. Press Enter to confirm, and choose Back,
5. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Priority for Each Priority Type.

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6. On the Change View “Priorities for Each Priority Type”: Overview screen, choose New Entry
and make following entries:
PrTyp Prior. Priority Rel.start Rel.end Priority SDUn. DEUn.
type text
YS 1 Service 8 1-High HR
Prio BP
YS 2 Service 24 2-Medium HR
Prio BP
7. Press Enter to confirm, and choose Back,
8. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Assign Priority Types to Notification Types.
9. On the Change View “Priority types per notification types”: Overview screen, select the
notification type S1 and choose Details.
10. Make the following entries:
Notification Type Notif. Cat. Priority Type
S1 03 YS Service priorities
11. Save your entries.

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.3.8 Response Monitoring

3.8.1 (Manual Step) Defining Response Profile
In this step, you define the response time profile and service profile for service notifications.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Processing  Response Time Monitoring  Define Response
2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, select Define response profile.
3. On the Change View “Response Profile”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
4. Enter HT05 and confirm with Enter.
5. Select the entry HT05 and choose the Response times folder in the left screen area:
6. Enter the following data:
Priority TkCatTyp TkCode Code Interval Unit
1 2 PM1 1 15 MIN
1 2 PM1 2 1 H
2 2 PM1 1 30 MIN
2 2 PM1 2 2 H
7. Save the entries and choose Back (F3) twice.

3.8.2 Defining Response Time Monitoring

In this step, you define the response time profile and service profile for service notifications.

Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Notifications  Notification
Processing  Response Time Monitoring  Define Response
In the Choose Activity dialog box, select Response Time Monitoring for Notification Type.
On the Change View “Response Time Monitoring for Notification Type”: Overview screen, position
on Notification Type S1.
I the S1 line, in the Response Profile field, enter the value HT05.

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Save your entries.

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.3.9 Service Processing / Service Order

3.9.1 Assigning Order Types to Maintenance Plants
In this activity, you assign the order types to the maintenance plant. This enables service
processing in the plant.

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OIOD
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  Functions and
Settings for Order Types  Assign Order Types to Maintenance Plants
On the Change view “Valid Order TypesBy Planning Plant”: Overview screen, choose New
Make the following entries:
PlPl Name 1 Type Order Type text
………. ……………….
BP01 Production plant BP01 SM01 Service order
BP01 Production plant BP01 SM02 Service order (with revenues)
BP01 Production plant BP01 SM03 Repair service
………… ……………
Save your entries.

3.9.2 Changing Goods Movements Documentation for Order

In this step, you specify that all the movements of materials for the service order are documented
and assigned to the order.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  Functions and
Settings for Order Types  Goods Movements for Order  Define
Documentation for Goods Movements for the Order

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2. On the Change view “Goods Movement Documentation for Order”: Overview screen, choose
New Entries.
3. Make the following entries:
Plnt Type PurchOrder PlGoodsLss UnplGoodsLss GR refrbshmnt
BP01 SM01 x x x
BP01 SM02 x x x
BP01 SM03 x x x
4. Save your settings.

3.9.3 Credit Limit Checks, Sales Document Types for Service

In this step, you define data for the service order types, which are used during the process.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  Functions and
Settings for Order Types  Credit Limit Checks, Sales Document
Types for Service Orders
2. On the Change view “Service order indicator”: Overview screen, choose New Entries.
3. Make the following entries:
OrType Description Service Sales Credit Credit DIP profil
DocType limit group
ch or
SM01 Service order x DR 2 01 CS_HVC5
SM02 Service order (with x DR 2 01 CS_HVC5
SM03 Repair service x
4. Save your settings.

3.9.4 Configuring Order Types

In this step, you make all of the settings regarding the order types used during the process.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OIOA

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IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  Functions and
Settings for Order Types  Configure Order Types
2. On the Change view “Maintenance Order Types”: Overview screen, select the entry SM01
(Service order) and choose Details.
3. Make the following entries:
Order Type Revenue Postings Settlement Profile Release immediately
SM01 Y80 x
4. Save your entries and choose Back.
7. Select the entry SM03 (Repair service) and choose Details.
8. Make the following entries:
Order Type Revenue Postings Settlement Profile Release immediately
SM03 Y80 x
9. Save your entries.

3.9.5 Setting Scheduling Parameters

In this activity, you set all of the scheduling parameters in the order types used during the

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  Scheduling  Set
Scheduling Parameters
2. On the Change view “Specify Scheduling Parameters “Overview screen, select the plant
BP01, order type SM01 and choose Details.
3. Make the following entries:
Plant Order Type Prod Adjust Dates Scheduling Automatic
Scheduler Type Scheduling
BP01 SM01 (02,03) * Adjust basic dates, Forewards X
adjust Dep. Reqmts
to operation date
4. Save your entries and choose Back.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the order types SM02 and SM03.
6. Save your entries.

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3.9.6 Assigning Costing Parameters and Results Analysis

In this step, you define the parameters for the correct calculation of costs in the service order.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OIOF
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  Functions and
Settings for Order Types  Costing Data for Maintenance Orders 
Assign Costing Parameters and Results Analysis Keys
2. On the Change view “Calculation Parameters for MaintOrders”: Overview screen, select plant
BP01, order type SM01.
3. Choose Details and make the following settings.
Plant Order Type Planned var. cal. Actual var. cal. Results Analysis Key
BP01 SM01 PM01 PM01
4. Choose Back.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for order types SM02 and SM03.
6. Save your entries.

3.9.7 Defining Control Parameters for Completion

In this step, you set the assignment required for completion confirmation of the service orders.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code OIOR
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Completion Confirmations  Define Control
Parameters for Completion Confirmations
2. On the Change view “Confirmation Parameters”; Overview screen, select the entries in the
table below and follow the procedure described in steps 3 and 4:
Plnt Name 1 Type Description of order type
BP01 Production plant BP01 SM01 Service order
BP01 Production plant BP01 SM02 Service order (with revenues)
BP01 Production plant BP01 SM03 Repair service

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3. Choose Details.
4. Make the following settings:
Order Type Field name Value
SM01 Propose Dates X
Propose Activities X
SM02 Propose Dates X
Propose Activities X
SM03 Final Confirmation X
Propose Dates X
Propose Activities X
WrkDev. Active X (Deviation 25)
DurtnDev. Active X (Deviation 25)
All components X
Confirmable X
Confirmed ops X
Actual costs X
Goods movement X
5. Save your entries.

3.9.8 Defining User Status for Order

In this step, you define user status YDSM03 using for cost estimation process.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  General Data 
User Status for Orders  Define Status Profile
2. On the Choose Activity Popup screen, select folder Define User Status Profile for Orders.
3. On the Change Status Profile; Overview screen, choose New entry (F5), and make following
Field name User Action and Values
Status profile YDSM03

Text Cost Estimate Service

Maintenance Language EN

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4. Select the line, and choose Details (F2)

5. On the Change Status Profile: User Status Screen, make the following entries:
Stat… Status Short Text L Init. Lowest.. Highest.. Posit Priori Auth.code
o S…
1 INIT Initial (no cost X 1 6
2 YDER Cost Estimate 2 6
3 YDCA Cost Entered 3 6
4 YDFI Cost Estimate 4 6
5 YDFR Cost Estimate 5 6
6 YDRE Cost Estimate 6 6
6. Choose Save and Back twice.

3.9.9 Assigning User Status to Order Type

In this step, you assign user status YDSM03 user status to service order type SM03.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Plant Maintenance and Customer Service  Maintenance and Service
Processing  Maintenance and Service Orders  General Data 
User Status for Orders  Define Status Profile
2. On the Choose Activity Popup screen, select folder Assign User Status to Order Types
3. On the Change View “Status Profile f. ManitOrders”:Overview Screen, assign Stat.prof.
YDSM03 to Type SM03.
4. Choose Save and Back.

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.3.10 (Manual Steps) Functional Enhancements

In this section you will find some useful functional enhancements which provide you with some
additional functional benefits. These changes are system modifications. Before implementing
these changes please contact your system administrator.

3.10.1 Changing Function Module PM_HIERARCHY_CALL

You cannot select BOM items during service order processing by using material BOM (BOM
usage 1 or 3). But these BOM usage types are used in Best Practices for High Tech and IM&C.
The system gets back with the information that the material does not have a BOM with relevant items.
The reason is that the a BOM with BOM usage 4 (Plant maintenance) with any items that are
relevant according the BOM explosion does not exist. In order to use “standard” material BOMs
(BOM usage 1 or 3) for selection it is necessary to implement this short notification .

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
SAP Menu SAP menu  Tools  ABAP Workbench  Development 
Function Builder
Transaction Code SE37
2. Make the following entries
Key field Value (description)
Function module PM_HIERARCHY_CALL
3. Choose Change.
4. Confirm the the dialog box “Make repairs in foreign namespaces only if they are urgent” with
5. Confirm the the dialog box ‘The logon language differs from the original language’ with ‘Maint.
In orig. Lang.’
6. On the Function Builder: Change PM_HIERARCHY_CALL , enter in Line 456 after
*--- Report aufrufen ------------------------------------------------*
the following coding:

* Start Modification for Service Processing
IF sy-cprog = 'SAPLCOIH'. "AND sy-pfkey = 'KUV'.
* WITH DY_DATUM = DATUM Tagesdatum setzen

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WITH dy_authc = authority_check

* End of inserted coding
7. Put the original code (SUBMIT command) in ELSE and ENDIF statement as described below:

* Original Call
* Enter ELSE statement before ‘original’-SUMBIT command


SUBMIT rimara10 WITH dy_matnr = matnr

WITH dy_werks = werks
WITH dy_emeng = emeng
WITH dy_datum = datum
WITH dy_stkkz = stkkz
WITH dy_capid = capid
WITH dy_sanin = sanin
WITH dy_selmo = selmod
WITH dy_grafc = grafics
WITH dy_levdo = levdo
WITH dy_hiere = h_hier_export
WITH dy_authc = authority_check


* Enter ENDIF after ‘orginal’-SUMBIT command in ENDIF command
* End of modification
8. Activate the function module and go back twice.
9. Confirm with Enter if required a workbench request.
10. Leave the transaction by confirming and dialog boxes.

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.3.11 Revenue Recognition

3.11.1 Maintaining Account Determination- Assign G/L
accounts for revenues and deferred revenues
In this step, you maintain settings for the account determination for revenues and deferred

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Account
Assignment/Costing  Revenue Recognition Maintain Account
Determination Assign G/L accounts for revenues and deferred
2. Choose Table 005, Acct Key.
Field name Value Description
Applicat. V, V
Cond.type KOFI, KOFK
Chrt/accts CAIN, CAIN
Sales org. BP01, BP01
Acct key ERL, ERL
G/L acct 500500, 500500
G/L acct 490000, 490000
3. Save your entries.

If CO-PA (J17/ H37) is activated, change G/L account 500500 to 500000.

3.11.2 Maintaining Account Determination - Assign account for

unbilled receivables
In this step, you maintain settings for the account determination for unbilled receivables.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO

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IMG Menu Sales and Distribution  Basic Functions  Account

Assignment/Costing  Revenue Recognition  Maintain Account
2. Choose Assign account for unbilled receivables and enter the following data:
Field name Value Description
App V
Recon.acct 240000
NonBldRec. 290000
3. Save your entries.

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.3.12 (Manual Steps) Revenue Recognition

3.12.1 Maintaining G/L Account Centrally
In this step, you change G/L account 29000 and 49000.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction Code FS01
IMG Menu Financial Accounting  General Ledger Accounting  G/L Account
Creation and Processing  Edit G/L Account (Individual Processing)
 Edit G/L Account Centrally
2. On the Edit G/L Account Centrally screen, make the following entries:
Field name Value Description
G/L account n 290000
Company code BP01
3. Choose Change. Select the Control Data tab page and enter the following data:
Field name Value Description
Tax category * All tax types allowed
4. Save your entries.
5. Enter the following data:
Field name Value Description
G/L account n 490000
Company code BP01
6. Choose Change. On the Create/Bank/Interest tab page, make the following entries:
Field name Value Description
Field status group G019 Other receivables/payables
7. Save your entries.

3.12.2 Implementing User Exit  Note: 0423799

You cannot post accounting documents using Revenue Recognition if the Customizing settings
for the RV accounting document type have been changed to use external number range
assignment. (This is done primarily to transfer the SD billing document number to the accounting

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Cause and Prerequisites

Use of the standard SD Revenue Recognition functionality and synchronizing document numbers
between the SD billing document and the accounting document. Solution: create a new document
type with internal number assignment to be used for revenue recognition. Assign the new
document type with a user exit. Follow the steps below.


. Create a new number range for FI documents (52)

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
SAP IMG Menu Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings 
Document  Document Number Ranges  Define Document
Number Ranges
2. On the Maintain Number For Accounting Documents screen, enter company code BP01.
3. Choose Change Intervals.
4. On the Maintain Number Range Intervals screen, choose Insert Intervals.
5. Make the following entries:
Key field Value (description)
No 52
Year 9999
From number 5200000000
To number 5299999999
Current number 5200000000
5. Save the entries and confirm the dialog box.

. Create a new FI document type (ZZ - Revenue Recognition)

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
SAP IMG Menu Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings 
Document  Document Header  Define Document Types
2. On the Change View: “Document Types”: Overview screen, select entry RV.
3. Choose Copy As…(F6)
Key field Value (description)
Document Type ZZ

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Key field Value (description)

Number Range 52
4. Save the entries.

. Create a new function group (ZSDR)

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
SAP Menu SAP menu  Tools  ABAP Workbench  Development 
Function Builder
Transaction Code SE37
2. From the menu bar, choose Goto  Function Groups  Create Group
3. In the dialog box, make the following entries:
Key field Value (description)
Function Group ZSDR
Short Text ZSDR
4. Save the entries as a local object.

. Copy exit for Business Transaction Event

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
SAP Menu SAP menu  Tools  ABAP Workbench  Development 
Function Builder
Transaction Code SE37
2. On the screen: Function Builder: Initial Screen enter the SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00503111
3. Choose copy. In the Copy function module dialog box, make the following entries:
Key field Value (description)
Fr. function module SDREVRR_INTERFACE_00503111
To. function module Z_SDREVRR_INTERFACE_00503111
Function group ZSDR
3. Choose copy.
4. On the Function Builder: Initial Screen, enter Z_SDREVRR_INTERFACE_00503111 and
choose Change.
5. Add the following code (before statement endfunction):

* note 423799
* changing doc type used for rev rec so that sd billing document
* and FI accounting document can share same number

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fbf_blart = 'ZZ'. " revenue recognition document type

6. Activate the function module and go back twice.

. Activate the business event 503111

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SPRO
SAP IMG Menu Sales & Distribution  System Modifications  Business
Transaction Events  Settings  Products
2. From the menu bar, choose Settings  Product  …of a customer
3. On the Change View “Customer Products” screen, choose New entries and make the
following entries:
Key field Value (description)
Active Set indicator
2. Save your entries and return to previous screen.
3. From the menu bar, choose Settings  P/S function modules  … of a customer.
4. Choose New Entries and make the following entries (leave Country and Application blank):
Key field Value (description)
Event 00503111
Function module Z_SDREVRR_INTERFACE_00503111

5. Save your entries and leave the transaction.

You have manually activated the user exit.

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