Aissa Thermo1 Chapter 03
Aissa Thermo1 Chapter 03
Aissa Thermo1 Chapter 03
Chapter #3
Sebtember XX, 2011
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At 1 atm pressure,
the temperature
remains constant at
100°C until the
last drop of liquid is
(saturated vapor).
Further transfer of heat results in
an increase in both the temperature and
the specific volume . At state 5, the
temperature of the vapor is, let us say,
300°C. Water at state 5 is a
superheated vapor.
Saturation line
As the pressure is increased, saturation line
continues to shrink, and it becomes a point
when the pressure reaches 22.06 MPa for
the case of water.
This point is called the critical point, and it is
defined as the point at which the saturated
liquid and saturated vapor states are
The temperature, pressure, and specific
volume of a substance at the critical
point are called, respectively, the critical
temperature; Tcr, critical pressure
pcr, and critical specific volume vcr. The
critical-point properties of
water are pcr = 22.06 MPa, Tcr = 373.95°C,
and vcr = 0.003106 m3/kg.
The critical properties for various substances
are given in Table A–1 in the appendix
At pressures above
the critical pressure,
there is not a distinct
phase change
process. Instead, the
specific volume of the
substance continually
increases, and at all
times there is only one
phase present
combination u +
Pv is frequently
encountered in the
analysis of control
Hence, total enthalpy, H, is defined as:
1a Saturated Liquid and Saturated
Vapor States
Properties of saturated liquid and saturated
vapor for water are listed in Tables A–4 and A–5.
Both tables give the same information. The only
difference is that in Table A–4 properties are
listed under temperature and in Table A–5
under pressure. Therefore, it is more convenient
to use Table A–4 when temperature is given and
Table A–5 when pressure is given. The use of
Table A–4 is illustrated in next Figure.
The subscript f is used to denote properties of
a saturated liquid, and the subscript g to
denote the properties of saturated vapor.
Another subscript commonly used is fg,
which denotes the difference between the
saturated vapor and saturated liquid values
of the same property. e.g.
v f = specific volume of saturated liquid
v g = specific volume of saturated vapor
vfg = difference between vg and vf
= vg - vf
Table A–4
EXAMPLE 3–1 Pressure of Saturated Liquid
in a Tank
A rigid tank contains 50 kg of saturated liquid
water at 90°C. Determine the pressure in the
tank and the volume of the tank.
Solution T = 90°C Sat. L
From Table A–4 (As shown in Slide 30)
psat at 90°C = 70.183 kPa.
vsat Liquid at 90°C = vf at 90°C =
0.001036 m3/kg.
But, v = V/m . Hence, V = v * m =
0.001036 m3/kg * 50 kg = 0.0518 m3
EXAMPLE 3–3 Volume and Energy Change
during Evaporation
A mass of 200 g of saturated liquid water is
completely vaporized at a constant pressure of
100 kPa. Determine (a) the volume change and
(b) the amount of energy transferred to the
From Table A–5
a) vf at 100 kPa = 0.001043 m3/kg.
vg at 100 kPa = 1.6941 m3/kg.
vfg = vg - vf = 1.6941 m3/kg - 0.001043 m3/kg
vfg = vg - vf = 1.6931 m3/kg
Value of quality; x is between 0 and 1.
The quality of a system that consists of
saturated liquid is 0 (or 0 percent), and
the quality of a system consisting of
saturated vapor is 1 (or 100 percent).
By definition:
v – vf v – vf
Hence, v
v = vf + x vfg = vf + x ( vg – vf ) m3/kg
u = uf + x ufg = uf + x ( ug – uf ) kJ/kg
h = hf + x hfg = hf + x ( hg – hf ) kJ/kg
All the saturated-mixture states are located
under the saturation curve, and to analyze
saturated mixtures, all we need are
saturated liquid and saturated vapor data
(Tables A–4 and A–5 in the case of water).
EXAMPLE 3–4 Pressure and Volume of a
Saturated Mixture
A rigid tank contains 10 kg of water at
90°C. If 8 kg of the water is in the liquid
form and the rest is in the vapor form,
determine (a) the pressure in the tank and
(b) the volume of the tank.
From Eq. (3-3)
x = mVapor / mtotal = (mtotal – mliquid)/ mtotal
i.e. x = (10 kg – 8 kg)/ 10 kg = 0.2
It is clear that the tank contains
mixture of Liquid an vapor
From Table A-4
p = psat at 90°C = 70.183 kPa.
vf at 90°C = 0.001036 m3/kg.
vg at 90°C = 2.3593 m3/kg.
v = vf + x vfg = vf + x ( vg – vf ) m3/kg
v = 0.001036 + 0.2 (2.3593 –0.001036 )
m3/kg = 0.473 m3/kg
V = m v = 10 kg 0.473 m3/kg = 4.73 m3
EXAMPLE 3–5 Properties of Saturated
Liquid–Vapor Mixture
An 80-L vessel contains 4 kg of refrigerant-
134a at a pressure of 160 kPa.
Determine (a) the temperature, (b) the quality,
(c) the enthalpy of the refrigerant, and (d) the
volume occupied by the vapor phase.
V = 80 L = 80 / 1000 m3 = 0.08
m 3
v = V / m = 0.08 m3 / 4 kg = 0.02 m3/kg
From Table A-12
vf (at psat = 160 kPa) = 0.0007437 m3/kg.
vg (at psat = 160 kPa) = 0.12348 m3/kg.
T (°C) h, kJ/kg
200 2855.8
T 2890
250 2961.0
T °C
= Hence, by interpolation
T = 216.255 ° C
3 Compressed Liquid
Compressed liquid data are available in
Table A–7.
Variation of properties of compressed
liquid with pressure is very mild.
Increasing the pressure 100 times often
causes properties to change less than 1 %.
In the absence of compressed liquid data,
a general approximation is to treat
compressed liquid as saturated liquid
at the given temperature
T Tsat = T
v ≈ vf ,
u ≈ uf , vf , uf , hf (Tsat )
h ≈ hf
In general Compressed liquid is
characterized by:
Tsat = T
v ≈ vf ,
vf , uf , hf (Tsat )
u ≈ uf ,
h ≈ hf
EXAMPLE 3–8 Approximating Compressed
Liquid as Saturated Liquid
Determine the internal energy of compressed
liquid water at 80°C and 5 MPa, using
(a) data from the compressed liquid table and
(b) saturated liquid data. What is the error
involved in the second case?.
From Table A-5 Tsat ( @p = 5MPa) = 263.94°C
It is clear that T (= 80°C) < Tsat ( p = 5MPa) =
Hence, water is compressed liquid
(a) Exact solution using the data from the
compressed liquid table
From Table A-7 [for compressed liquid water]
at p = 5MPa & T = 80°C, u = 333.82 kJ/kg
(b) Approximate solution
From Table A-4 [for saturated vapor-
Temperature table] at Tsat = 80°C, uf =
334.97 kJ/kg , i.e. u ≈ uf = 334.97 kJ/kg
% error in u = [(uapprox – uexact)/uexact]* 100%
= [(334.97 – 333.82)/333.82]*100%= 0.3445%
Reference State and Reference Values
(a) Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
[p = 200 kPa & x = 0.6 ]
From Table A-5 [for saturated water-
Pressure table] at psat = 200 kPa,
T = 120.21 °C,
° uf = 504.5 kJ/kg &
ufg = 2024.6 kJ/kg
T = 395.2° C
T °C
p = 1000 kPa
We would leave the quality column
blank in this case since quality has no
meaning for a superheated vapor
(d) T = 75 °C, p = 500 kPa
p = 500 kPa
Tsat = 151.83 °C
T = 75 °C
From Table A-5
Tsat (at p = 500 kPa) = 151.83 °C
It is clear that T (= 75 °C) < Tsat = 151.83 °C
Hence, water is compressed liquid
From Table A-7 [for compressed liquid water]
at p = 500kPa & T = 75°C {No data in Table
A-7 corresponding to p = 500 kPa}
Hence, u ≈ uf (Tsat = T = 75 °C) = 313.99
(e) x = 0, p = 850 kPa
Hence, water is saturated liquid
From Table A-5 [for saturated water-
Pressure table] at psat = 850 kPa,
T =Tsat = 172.94 °C, uf = 731.0 kJ/kg
T, °C P, u, x Phase
kPa kJ/kg description
(a) 120.21 200 1719.26 0.6 Saturated L–V
(b) 125 232.2 1600 0.535 Saturated L–V
(c) 395.2 1000 2950 - Superheated
(d) 75 500 313.99 - compressed L
(e) 172.94 850 731.0 0.0 Saturated L
3-6 THE IDEAL-GAS Equation OF
Any equation that relates p, T, and v of a
substance is called an equation of state
p v = R T or p /ρ = R T (3-10)
or pV=mRT
R = Ru /M Ru = 8.31447 kJ/kmol.K
Universal gas constant
Gas constants for different gases; Table A-1
Substance Formula Molar mass, R (kJ/kg K)
M (kg/kmol)
Air - 28.97 0.287
Helium He 4.003 2.0769
Argon Ar 39.948 0.2081
Nitrogen N2 28.013 0.2968
EXAMPLE 3–10 Mass of Air in a Room
Determine the mass of the air in a room whose
dimensions are 4 m× 5 m× 6 m at 100 kPa and
p = 100 kPa
T = 25°C = 25 + 273 = 298K
V = 4 m× 5 m× 6 m = 120 m3
(100 ×10 3 Pa) × 120 m3 = m × [0.287×
×10 3
(J/kg K)] × 298K
Hence, m = 140.3 kg
3–26, 3–27, 3–30, 3–31,3-32, 3-34, 3-35, 3-36, 3-