1. First degree in Physics (B.S.), University of Ioannina, Greece (1982-1986)
2. Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, University of Ioannina, Greece, (1987-1991)
1. Greek State fellowship, undertaken at the University of Ioannina, Greece (1988-1991)
2. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung fellowship undertaken at the Physics Department, Technical
University of Munich, Germany (1995-1997)
3. CERN fellowship undertaken at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (1997-1999)
I have been invited for professional visits and seminars in various places. Indicative: NRC Demokritos
(Athens), Max-Planck Institute (Munich), Technical University Munich, University of Munich, Dortmunt
University, University of Athens, Humboldt University, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale CPHT, Paris
XI (Orsay), Lisbon University, Technical Institute (Lisbon), Barcelona University, Algavre University,
SISSA (Trieste), ICTP (Trieste), University of Ioannina, University of Thessaloniki, CERN, Sofia Univer-
sity, University of Buenos Aires, University of Milano (Bicocca), University of Torino, Imperial College
(London), University of Nijmengen, Kac University (Istanbul), Institute of Theoretical Physics (Warsaw),
Bonn University, University of Crete (Heraklion), Perimeter Institute, etc.
I have been invited to various conferences to present my work. Indicative:
1. XVII Warsaw Inter. Conf. on Elementary Particle Physics, Kasimiers, Poland, 1993
2. 27o Inter. Ahrenshoop Conf. on EPP, Wendisch-Rietz, Germany, 1993.
3. ICTP 94 Summer School on Cosmology, Trieste, 1994.
4. Summer School on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfu, Greece, 1995
5. 30o International Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Buckow, 1996.
6. Conference on Gauge Theories, SuSy and Unification, Imperial College 1997
7. Workshop on Non-Perturbative Phenomena in Strings, Membranes and Fields, CERN, 1997
8. 6th Summer School on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfu, Greece, 1998
9. 2nd Conference on Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu, 1998
10. 2nd La Plata Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998
11. From Planck to Electroweak scale, Kazimiers, Poland, 1998
12. EURESCO Conference for Quantum Fields and Strings, Kolymbari, Crete, 2000
13. Corfu Summer Institute on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfu, Greece, 2001
14. Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics, Athens, 2002
15. RTN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theory, Turin, Italy 2003
16. 2nd Aegean Summer School On The Early Universe , Syros, Greece, 2003
17. he Density perturbation in the universe: Beyond the inflaton paradigm, Athens, 04
18. The Legacy of Supergravity, Rome, Italy, 2005
19. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory, Geneve, 2006
20. MIDEAST 2007, Fourth Regional meeting in String Theory, Patras, Greece, 2007
21. Strings, Branes and Cosmology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
22. 10 years of AdS/CFT, Buenos Aires, Angentina, 2007
23. 4th RTN Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria 2008
24. 4th ToK Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Warsaw, Poland, 2009
25. Workshop on Fields, Strings and Cosmology, Corfu, Greece, 2010
26. 5th Odense Winter School on Theoretical Physics, Odense, Denmark, 2012,
27. Workshop on Fields and Strings: Theory - Cosmology - Phenomenology, Corfu 2011,
28. 3rd Bangkok Meeting in Theoretical Physics, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014
During the last 10 years I have beeing teaching various courses in the National Technical University of
Athens, including:
1. Physics I: Mechanics,
Physics Division, NTUA (2003,2004)
2. Physics II: Electromagnetism,
Mech. Engineering Dept., NTUA (2003,2004), Chem. Engineering Dept., NTUA (2005)
3. Group Theory,
Physics Division, NTUA (2003-2013)
4. General Relativity and Cosmology,
Physics Division, NTUA (2005-2010)
5. Special Relativity,
Physics Division, NTUA (2013)
6. Classical Electrodynamics,
Physics Division, NTUA (2009-2012)
7. Quantum Mechanics,
Physics Division, NTUA (2008)
8. Nuclear Physics,
Hellenic Army Academy (2007)
1. Introduction to Supersymmetry,
post-graduate course, Physics Division, NTUA (2nd semester 2003)
2. General Relativity,
post-graduate course, Physics Division, NTUA (2009-2013)
3. Mathematical Methods in Physics,
post-graduate course, Hellenic Open University (2005-2011)
4. Structure of Matter and the Universe,
post-graduate course, Hellenic Open University (2009)
A) Masters:
1. I supervised the master thesis of P. Meessen at University of Nijmengen, The Netherlands (currently
faculty member at University of Oviedo, Spain)
2. I supervised the master thesis of M. Zucker, at Technical University of Munich, Germany, who
subsequently finished his Ph.D in Bonn University.
3. In the Physics Division, NTUA, I supervised 12 diploma thesis and 3 master thesis who continued
for Ph.D degree (with an exception of two).
4. I supervised the master thesis of 9 students of the master programme of Hellenic Open University
B) Ph.Ds
B.1. Supervisor:
1. I was supervisor of Dr. S. Avramis who received his Ph.D from the School of Applied Mathematical
and Physical Sciences of NTUA in 2007. (He continued post-doctoral research with Prof. J.-P
Derendinger in Univ. of Neuchatel and Bern.)
2. I was supervisor of Dr. K. Matthaiopoulou who received his Ph.D from the School of Applied
Mathematical and Physical Sciences of NTUA in 2010. (She continued research in industry.)
3. I was supervisor of Dr. F. Farakos, who received his Ph.D from the School of Applied Mathematical
and Physical Sciences of National Technical University in 2013. (He is post-doctoral Fellow in Univ.
of Brno, Czech Republic.)
B.2. Co-Supervisor:
1. I was member of the Ph.D committee Dr. P. Manouselis who received his Ph.D from the School of
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of NTUA.
2. I was member of the Ph.D committee of Dr. B. Zamarias, who received his Ph.D from the School
of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of NTUA.
3. I was member of the Ph.D committee of Dr. D. Zoakos, who received his Ph.D from the Polytechnic
Department of Patras University.
4. I was member of the Ph.D committee of Dr. O. Efthimiou, who received his Ph.D from the Physics
Department of Ioannina University.
5. I was member of the Ph.D committee of Dr. Ch. Bogdanos, who received his Ph.D from the Physics
Department of Ioannina University.
6. I am member of the Ph.D committee of Mr. N. Karaiskos, who is working on his Ph.D in the
Polytechnic Department of Patras University.
C) Post-docs:
1. I was supervisor of Dr. S. Pakis who was doing post-doctoral research in the School of Applied
Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the NTUA (2005-2008) .
2. I am supervisor of Dr. E. Pomoni, post-doctoral reseracher in the School of Applied Mathematical
and Physical Sciences of NTUA (2012-2016)
3. I am supervisor of Dr. E. Saridakis, post-doctoral researcher in the School of Applied Mathematical
and Physical Sciences of NTUA (2012-2015).
4. I am supervisor of Dr. Y. Dallianis, who is conducting post-doctoral researcher in the School of
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of NTUA (2012-2014).
I have been actively involved in various research projects with national or European funding. I have also
coordinated projects of a total budget more than 1, 000 ke.
1. The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions (HPRN-
CT-2000-00131. Starting date: 10/1/2000. Duration: 48 months Source: XII Directorate of EU.
Role: Member
2. Superstring Theory . (HPRN-CT-2000-00122. Starting date: 10/1/2000. Duration: 48 months.
Source: XII Dir. of EU. Role: Member
3. Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe. (HPRN-CT-2000-00131). Start-
ing date: 11/1/2000. Duration: 48 months. Source: XII Dir. of EU.
Role: Member
4. The Origin of Our Universe: Seeking Links between Fundamental Physics and Cosmology. (HPRN-
CT-2000-00131). Starting date: 10/1/2006 Duration: 48 months Source: XII Directorate of EU.
Role: Member
5. Non-perturbative Quantum Field theory, Erasmus IP grant Source:European Union and Greece.
Role: Member.
6. AdS/CFT beyond the N=4 SYM paradigm. IRG-276941 Starting date: 11/1/2012. Duration: 48
months. Source: XII Dir. of EU.
Role: Coordinator
7. Theoretical Studies of Supergravity. Strings and Membranes (Cont. No 680833) Starting date:
3/1/2004 Duration: 44 months. Source: Greek Ministry of Education.
Role: Coordinator
8. Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of String Theory. Cont. No 6806640) Duration: 48
months Source: Greek Ministry of Education.
Role: Coordinator
9. String Cosmology. (Cont. No 65138200). Starting date: 6/1/2004.Duration: 24 months Source:
Research Committee NTUA. Role: Coordinator
10. Early Universe Dynamics in String Theory. (Cont. No 65162500).Starting date: 11/5/2007 Dura-
tion: 24 months. Source: Reseach Committee NTUA
Role: Coordinator
11. Quantum Fields and Strings. IKYDA-2001-22 (bilateral Greece-German)Starting date: 3/1/2001.
Duration: 24 months. Source: Greek State Foundation Award.
Role: Member
12. Gravity and Gauge Theories . (bilateral Greece-France) Starting date: 3/1/2005 Duration: 24
months. Source: Greek State Foundation Awards.
Role: Member
13. Holographic Hydrodynamics. Starting date: 27/9/2012 Duration 36 months. Source: Co-funding
from ESF and Greek State.
Role: Member
14. General Relativity and Alternative Theories for the Description of gravity and Cosmology . Starting
date: 1/2/2012 Duration 36 months. Source: ESF and Greek State. Role: Coordinator
My research interests are Theoretical High Energy Physics, Particle Physics and Cosmology. In the last
5 years I work mainly on Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Inflation and Large Scale Structure. I have
published 113 articles in peer reviewed journals and 15 contributions in Conference Proceedings with
more than 3,000 citations (self-citations excluded) and h-index h=31 according to SPIRES-HEP and
the ISI Web of Science.
Reseach Highlights:
1. The construction of the first N=1 SYM model in AdS/CFT (Refs 1,2 below)
2. Cosmological models in the framework of string theory and D-branes, now known in the literature
as mirage cosmology (Ref. 3)
3. The black-hole solution in the Horáva-Lifshitz theory known in the literature as Kehagias-Sfetsos
Black Hole (Ref. 4).
4. Consistent seven dimensional supergravity with boundaries (Ref. 5)
5. Classification of all anomaly-free 6D N=1 chiral gauged supergravities (Ref. 6).
6. Geometric transition in string and M-theory in Calabi-Yau and G2 compactifications.
7. The solution to the the unitarity problems of gravity and non-renormalizable interactions by clas-
sicalization. (Ref. 8).
8. Consistency relations for the large scale structure of the Universe (Ref. 9)
List of Publication
September 2014
2. “A Consistency Relation for the CMB B-mode Polarization in the Squeezed Limit”
A. Kehagias, A. Moradinezhad-Dizgah, J. Norea, H. Perrier and A. Riotto.
To appear in JCAP (2014), arXiv:1407.6223 [astro-ph.CO]
6. “Remarks about the Tensor Mode Detection by the BICEP2 Collaboration and the
Super-Planckian Excursions of the Inflaton Field”
A. Kehagias and A. Riotto.
arXiv:1403.4811 [astro-ph.CO]
Phys. Rev. D 89, 101301 (2014)
7. “Testing the Origin of Cosmological Magnetic Fields through the Large-Scale Structure
Consistency Relations”
P. Berger, A. Kehagias and A. Riotto.
arXiv:1402.1044 [astro-ph.CO]
JCAP 1405, 025 (2014)
8. “Spherically symmetric static solutions in a non-local infrared modification of General
A. Kehagias and M. Maggiore.
arXiv:1401.8289 [hep-th]
17. “Symmetries of Vector Perturbations during the de Sitter Epoch”
M. Biagetti, A. Kehagias, E. Morgante, H. Perrier and A. Riotto.
JCAP 1307, 030 (2013). arXiv:1304.7785 [astro-ph.CO]
19. “Symmetries and Consistency Relations in the Large Scale Structure of the Universe”
A. Kehagias and A. Riotto.
Nucl. Phys. B 873, 514 (2013), arXiv:1302.0130 [astro-ph.CO]
22. “The Four-point Correlator in Multifield Inflation, the Operator Product Expansion
and the Symmetries of de Sitter”
A. Kehagias and A. Riotto.
Nucl. Phys. B 868, 577 (2013), arXiv:1210.1918 [hep-th]
27. “Relativistic Superluminal Neutrinos”
A. Kehagias.
arXiv:1109.6312 [hep-ph]
32. “New Model of Inflation with Non-minimal Derivative Coupling of Standard Model
Higgs Boson to Gravity,”
C. Germani and A. Kehagias,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 011302 (2010) [arXiv:1003.2635 [hep-ph]].
39. “Three-dimensional AdS gravity and extremal CFTs at c=8m”
S. D. Avramis, A. Kehagias and C. Mattheopoulou
JHEP 0711, 022 (2007) [arXiv:0708.3386 [hep-th]]
51. “A conical tear drop as a vacuum-energy drain for the solution of the cosmological
constant problem”
A. Kehagias
Phys. Lett. B 600, 133 (2004) [arXiv:hep-th/0406025]
57. “Graviton localization and Newton law for a dS(4) brane in 5D bulk”
A. Kehagias and K. Tamvakis
Class. Quant. Grav. 19, L185 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0205009]
63. “Localized gravitons, gauge bosons and chiral fermions in smooth spaces generated by
a bounce”
A. Kehagias and K. Tamvakis
Phys. Lett. B 504, 38 (2001) [arXiv:hep-th/0010112]
69. “Deviations from the 1/r2 Newton law due to extra dimensions”
A. Kehagias and K. Sfetsos
Phys. Lett. B 472, 39 (2000) [arXiv:hep-ph/9905417]
75. “New type IIB vacua and their F-theory interpretation”
A. Kehagias
Phys. Lett. B 435, 337 (1998) [arXiv:hep-th/9805131]
77. “Membranes and fivebranes with lower supersymmetry and their AdS supergravity
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias, H. Partouche and A. Zaffaroni
Phys. Lett. B 431, 42 (1998) [arXiv:hep-th/9803109]
80. “The exact quartic effective action for the type IIB superstring”
A. Kehagias and H. Partouche
Phys. Lett. B 422, 109 (1998) [arXiv:hep-th/9710023]
85. “On the construction of SU(n) x U(1) models in a noncommutative geometry setting”
N. A. Batakis and A. A. Kehagias
Class. Quant. Grav. 11, 2627 (1994)
87. “Type IIA/IIB string duality for targets with abelian isometries”
A. A. Kehagias
Phys. Lett. B 377, 241 (1996) [arXiv:hep-th/9602059]
88. “On the invariance of the string partition function under duality”
A. A. Kehagias
Phys. Lett. B 375, 135 (1996) [arXiv:hep-th/9512123]
98. “PostNewtonian limits and gravitational radiation from the superstring effective ac-
A. A. Kehagias
Nucl. Phys. B 423, 305 (1994) [arXiv:gr-qc/9403053]
99. “Deformed Poincare containing the exact Lorentz algebra”
A. A. Kehagias, P. A. A. Meessen and G. Zoupanos
Phys. Lett. B 324, 20 (1994)
100. “Exact string background from a WZW model based on the Heisenberg group”
A. A. Kehagias and P. A. A. Meessen
Phys. Lett. B 331, 77 (1994) [arXiv:hep-th/9403041]
103. “Structure and spontaneous symmetry breaking of a gauge theory based on SU(5/1)”
N. A. Batakis, A. A. Kehagias and G. Zoupanos
Phys. Lett. B 315, 319 (1993)
111. “Electroweak Gauge Boson Masses From Geometry”
N. A. Batakis and A. A. Kehagias
Class. Quant. Grav. 7, L63 (1990)
115. “The Cosmological Slingshot Scenario: a Stringy Proposal for the Early Time Cosmol-
C. Germani, N. Grandi and A. Kehagias
AIP Conf. Proc. 1031, 172 (2008) [arXiv:0805.2073 [hep-th]].
118. “The Cosmological Slingshot Scenario: a Stringy Proposal for the Early Time Cosmol-
C. Germani, N. Grandi and A. Kehagias
arXiv:0805.2073 [hep-th].
Prepared for the Conf. ”10 years of AdS/CFT: a Conference to celebrate the tenth anniversary of
Maldacena conjecture”, Le Plata 2007
Prepared for 12th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity (NEB XII), Nafplio, Greece, 29
Jun - 2 Jul 2006