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Beta Equilibrium in Neutron

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Beta equilibrium in neutron star mergers

Mark G. Alford1 and Steven P. Harris1

Physics Department, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
(Dated: 1 Mar 2018)
We show that the commonly used criterion for beta equilibrium in neutrino-transparent nuclear
matter becomes invalid as temperatures rise above 1 MeV. Such temperatures are attained in neutron
star mergers. By numerically computing the relevant weak interaction rates we find that the correct
criterion for beta equilibrium requires an isospin chemical potential that can be as large as 30 MeV.

PACS numbers:

I. INTRODUCTION which can be obtained by ignoring the neutrinos in the

Urca process and thinking of the Urca reactions as n ↔
arXiv:1803.00662v1 [nucl-th] 1 Mar 2018

Beta-equilibrated nuclear matter is of great physical p + e− , in which case the principle of detailed balance
significance as the main constituent of neutron stars. It tells us that (2) is the condition for equilibrium.
is therefore important to establish the conditions for beta In the Fermi surface approximation there is a thresh-
equilibrium at the densities and temperatures that are old density above which the direct Urca processes shown
astrophysically relevant. in (1) are dominant. Below that threshold they are kine-
In this paper we point out that the standard low- matically forbidden, and equilibration occurs via modi-
temperature criterion for beta equilibrium in neutrino- fied Urca processes which involve an additional spectator
transparent nuclear matter is not valid at temperatures nucleon in the initial and final state [13, 16, 17].
and densities that are attained in neutron star merg- In this paper, we consider only the six Urca processes
ers. After their formation in a supernova, neutron stars (two direct and four modified) where the charged lep-
quickly cool [1–3] below a temperature of 1 MeV, but neu- ton involved is an electron. Weak interactions involv-
tron star mergers (now observed [4, 5]) contain nuclear ing positrons are negligible, and for simplicity we neglect
matter at densities above nuclear saturation density nsat Urca processes involving muons, because even though
and temperatures ranging up to 30 MeV [6–11]. We per- those processes are not negligible, they do not qualita-
form numerical calculations of the rates of the relevant tively change the conclusions that we present here.
flavor-changing processes at these densities and temper-
atures and show that in nuclear matter, beta equilibrium
requires an isospin chemical potential that rises with the B. Breakdown of the Fermi surface approximation
temperature, reaching almost 30 MeV at T ∼ 20 MeV.
We work in natural units, where ~ = c = kB = 1.
The beta equilibrium criterion (2) is not guaranteed
to be valid under all circumstances because neutrinos
are not in statistical equilibrium in neutrino-transparent
A. The Fermi surface approximation matter. Because neutrinos escape, they only occur in fi-
nal states so the two processes (1) whose rates have to
Neutron stars contain nuclear matter at temperatures balance are not exact inverses of each other, which means
that are much smaller than the Fermi energy of the nu- that the principle of detailed balance is not guaranteed
cleons and electrons and low enough so that the matter is to hold. (For a discussion in the context of hot plasmas
transparent to neutrinos [12–15]. Under such conditions, see Ref. [18]). Detailed balance is a good approxima-
flavor equilibration occurs via direct Urca processes (neu- tion when neutrinos play a negligible role, namely in the
tron decay and electron capture) T → 0 limit where the Fermi surface approximation is
valid. However, for astrophysical applications we need
n → p + e− + ν̄e , to know the criterion for beta equilibration at a range of
− (1) temperatures up to 30 MeV. We will now make a rough
p + e → n + νe .
estimate of the temperature at which the corrections to
Note that because neutrinos escape from the star, neu- Eq. (2) become significant. In Sec. IV we will perform a
trinos can only occur in the final state. full calculation.
In the T → 0 limit, one can work in the “Fermi surface For densities below the direct Urca threshold we can
approximation” where the Urca processes are dominated estimate the range of validity of the Fermi surface ap-
by nucleons and electrons close to their Fermi surfaces. proximation by noting that it will become invalid when
In the Fermi surface approximation, the criterion for beta the exponential suppression of direct Urca processes in-
equilibrium in nuclear matter is volving particles away from their Fermi surface is not
so severe as to make those processes negligible relative
µn = µp + µe , (2) to modified Urca. In direct Urca processes the proton

is expected to play a crucial role, since it is the most non-relativistic, with dispersion relation
non-relativistic fermion which means that the energy of
a proton rises very slowly as the momentum of the proton p2i
Ei = meff,i + (4)
deviates from its Fermi surface: E −EF ∼ (p−pF )pF /m. 2mi
For particles on their Fermi surfaces, the momentum mis-
match for direct Urca at densities around 3nsat in nuclear where, following Roberts et al. [21], at each density meff,i
matter described by the APR equation of state [19] is is chosen such that EF,i matches the chemical potential
pmiss = pF n − pF p − pF e ≈ 50 MeV (see, e.g., Fig. 2 µi from the APR equation of state, which is a simple way
in Ref. [20]), and the proton Fermi momentum is about of taking into account the nuclear mean field.
220 MeV. The energy cost of finding a proton that is pmiss
from its Fermi surface is pmiss pF p /mp ≈ 12 MeV, so we
might expect that direct Urca electron capture, where the A. Direct Urca
probability of finding a proton from above its Fermi sur-
face includes a Boltzmann factor, becomes unsuppressed In the T → 0 limit, the Fermi surface approximation is
at temperatures of order 10 MeV, and that it starts to valid and conservation of energy and momentum ensures
compete with modified Urca at even lower temperatures. that the direct Urca process (1) can only occur above the
In fact, as can be shown from the Urca rate expressions direct Urca threshold density where
that we review in Sec. II, at 3nsat the modified Urca rate
2 pF n < pF p + pF e , (5)
is approximately a factor of mn T /(3m2π ) smaller than
the above-threshold direct Urca rate. Thus, the below- which is called the triangle condition. For densities be-
threshold direct Urca electron capture rate would begin low the threshold density, the electron and proton Fermi
to compete with modified Urca when momenta are not large enough to add up to the neutron
 2 Fermi momentum (the three momentum vectors can not
mn T be made to form a triangle) and so the direct Urca reac-
e−(Ep −EFp )/T ≈ , (3)
3m2π tion is prohibited. As density increases, the proton and
electron Fermi momenta grow more quickly than the neu-
which, for a proton with Ep − EFp = 12 MeV, is when tron Fermi momentum and when the threshold density
the temperature is between 1 and 2 MeV. is reached, they, when co-aligned, add up to exactly the
As we will show below in an explicit calculation, this is neutron Fermi momentum. Above threshold, the proton
a fair estimate. The Fermi surface approximation starts and electron Fermi momenta can add up to the neutron
to become invalid at temperatures T & 1 MeV which are Fermi momentum even when they are not co-aligned [13].
still much less than the Fermi energies, and can still be The rates of the two direct Urca processes are given by
low enough for neutrinos to escape. This leads us to [13, 22]
expect corrections to the low-temperature criterion (2)
for beta equilibrium at temperatures and densities that
Z 3
d pn d3 pp d3 pe d3 pν 2
are relevant for neutron star mergers, in which nuclear ΓdU,nd = 3 3 3 3 h|M| i (6)
(2π) (2π) (2π) (2π)
matter is heated to temperatures up to 30 MeV. 4
In Sec. II we reproduce the standard calculation of the × (2π) δ 4 (pn − pp − pe − pν )fn (1 − fp ) (1 − fe )
rates of neutron decay and electron capture, which uses
d3 pn d3 pp d3 pe d3 pν
the Fermi surface approximation. To describe nuclear 2
matter we will use the APR equation of state [19].
ΓdU,ec = 3 3 3 3 h|M| i (7)
(2π) (2π) (2π) (2π)
In Sec. III we describe the kinematics of the below- 4
threshold direct Urca process, and how particles away × (2π) δ 4 (pn − pp − pe + pν ) (1 − fn ) fp fe ,
from their Fermi surface can participate in the processes,
where fi are the Fermi-Dirac distributions for n, p, or e,
leading to exponential suppression of the direct Urca
and the matrix element is
rates for temperatures below about 10 MeV.
In Sec. IV we describe the results of a numerical calcu-
2 2 2 2 pe · pν

lation of the rates which includes contributions from the h|M| i = 2G 1 + 3gA + 1 − gA , (8)
Ee Eν
whole phase space.
where G2 = G2F cos2 θc = 1.1 × 10−22 MeV−4 and gA =
1.26. These rate integrals are evaluated in the Fermi
II. URCA PROCESSES IN THE FERMI surface approximation, so we set |pi | = pFi in all smooth
SURFACE APPROXIMATION functions of momentum in the integral, and the neutrino
three-momentum is neglected. In this approximation we
We now obtain the standard expressions for the rate can perform phase space decomposition, splitting the rate
of the direct and modified Urca processes in matter integral into an angular integral and an energy integral
with the APR equation of state. We will assume ultra- which can be straightforwardly evaluated revealing that
relativistic electrons and neutrinos, but nucleons that are the direct Urca neutron decay and electron capture rates

are identical when Eq. (2) holds, and are given by [13, the modified Urca rates, including clarification of errors
23, 24] and omissions in the the literature.
The p-spectator modified Urca neutron decay and elec-
ΓdU,nd = ΓdU,ec = AdU G2 1 + 3gA2
mn mp pF e ϑdU T 5

tron capture rates are equal to each other when (2) holds,
and are given by [12, 13, 24, 26]
mn m3p

0 if pF n > pF p + pF e AmU 2 4 2
ϑdU ≡ ΓmU,p = G fπN N gA
1 if pF n < pF p + pF e , 7 m4π
pF n (pF n −pF p )4 7
AdU ≡ 3 π 2 ζ(3) + 15ζ(5) /(16π 5 ) ≈ 0.0170 . × 2 ϑp T (13)

(pF n −pF p ) + mπ 2

B. Modified Urca (3pF p + pF e − pF n )2
if pF n > 3pF p − pF e

 pF n pF e
Below the direct Urca threshold density, modified Urca

3p − pF n 3pF p − pF e > pF n

 4 Fp

processes provide the leading contribution in the T → 0

 if
limit because, although they are suppressed by a higher p pF n > pF p + pF e
ϑp ≡ F n
power of T , they are kinematically allowed for particles 
 2pF p − pF n

on their Fermi surfaces. Using the Fermi surface approx- 

 pF e
imation and neglecting the neutrino three-momentum we
 2
(p p − pF e )


 −3 if pF n < pF p + pF e .

can perform phase space decomposition and calculate the

pF n pF e
For the modified Urca processes, which involve strong where AmU ≈ 7 × 2300/(64π 9 ) ≈ .0084. In Appendix A,
interactions between the nucleons, we use the matrix el- we give the Fermi-surface approximation for the modified
ements given by Yakovlev et al. [13] and Friman and Urca rates when Eq. (2) is violated by an amount ξ =
Maxwell [25], which involve a long-range one-pion ex- (µn − µp − µe )/T .
change, and a short-range interaction described by Lan- In the T → 0 limit, where the Fermi surface approxi-
dau Fermi-liquid theory. The matrix element for neutron mation is valid, the standard low-temperature beta equi-
decay and electron capture with a neutron spectator (n- librium condition holds: when (2) is obeyed, the the neu-
spectator modified Urca) is given by tron decay and electron capture rates balance for both
direct and modified Urca processes.
4 2
fπN N gA p4F n In the upper panels of Figs. 2 and 3, we have plot-
h|Mn |2 i = 84G2 , (10)
mπ Ee (p2F n + m2π )2
4 2 ted, among other curves that we explain in Sec. IV, the
Fermi-surface approximation of the two direct Urca (in
and the matrix element for neutron decay and electron dotted, green) and four modified Urca (labeled “mU”, in
capture with a proton spectator (p-spectator modified blue) rates in APR matter for T=500 keV and 10 MeV
Urca) is given by respectively. For the APR equation of state the direct
Urca threshold density is around 5nsat . Above thresh-
4 2
fπN N gA (pF n − pF p )4 old, the direct Urca neutron decay and electron capture
h|Mp |2 i = 96G2  , (11) rates are identical and dominate over the modified Urca
m4π Ee2 (pF n − pF p )2 + m2 2
processes which have no threshold. Below threshold, nei-
with the p-wave πN coupling constant fπN N ≈ 1. ther direct Urca process is allowed and so the four modi-
When the traditional beta equilibrium condition (2) is fied Urca processes dominate. The two n-spectator mod-
used, the n-spectator modified Urca neutron decay and ified Urca processes are slightly more important than the
electron capture rates are equal and given by [12, 13, 24, two p-spectator modified Urca processes. As long as the
26] Fermi surface approximation is used, and Eq. (2) is im-
posed, the proton-producing Urca processes balance the
m3n mp p4F n pF p neutron-producing Urca processes exactly at all densities
ΓmU,n = AmU G2 fπN
4 2
N gA ϑn T 7 , and temperatures.
m4π (p2F n + m2π )2

1 if pF n > pF p + pF e
ϑn ≡ 3 (pF p + pF e − pF n )2
 1− if pF n < pF p + pF e . A. Particles away from their Fermi surface
8 pF p pF e

See Sec. 6 of [24] for a comprehensive discussion of the In order to discuss the rates it is useful to introduce
integrals involved in the Fermi surface approximation of the concept of the single particle free energy, defined as

30 particles on their Fermi surface (i.e. with γ = 0) can par-

Neutron decay Electron capture
ticipate in direct Urca processes while conserving energy
and momentum. Below the direct Urca threshold density,
Deviation from Fermi Energy (MeV)

20 p however, this is no longer true.

10 p B. Below-threshold direct Urca neutron decay

n For direct Urca neutron decay, the kinematic obstacle

0 is that although a neutron on its Fermi surface has the
ν n e same free energy as a proton on its Fermi surface and
an electron on its Fermi surface (they all have γ = 0),
−10 the neutron’s momentum is larger than the co-linear sum
e of the proton and electron momenta. We see in Fig. 1
(left panel) that the best available option below thresh-
−20 old is for a neutron on its Fermi surface to decay into a
proton that is above its Fermi surface by an amount γp
and an electron that is below its Fermi surface by the
−30 same amount, γe = −γp . The energies of the proton and
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 electron still add up to the energy of the neutron, but a
Baryon density (units of nsat) Baryon density (units of nsat) co-linear proton and electron now have more momentum
then when they were both on their Fermi surfaces because
Figure 1: Energy relative to their Fermi energy (defined as the proton’s momentum rises rapidly as γp becomes more
“γ”) for particles participating in direct Urca reactions in APR positive (because the proton is non-relativistic with a low
nuclear matter obeying the standard low-temperature condi- Fermi velocity) whereas the electron’s momentum drops
tion (2) for beta equilibrium. At each density we choose the more slowly as γe becomes more negative, because the
momenta and energies of participating particles (consistent electron is relativistic. This “best available option” has
with energy and momentum conservation) that maximizes
a Boltzmann suppression factor of exp(−|γe |/T ) because
the product of their Fermi-Dirac factors. Above threshold,
all particles can have γ = 0. Below threshold, the plot shows
the final state electron is trying to occupy a state in the
the least Boltzmann-suppressed processes. The circles indi- already mostly occupied electron Fermi sea. From Fig. 1
cate the particles that cause the Boltzmann suppression. we see that for the APR equation of state the value of
|γe | for this process is around 20 to 25 MeV at lower den-
sities and then drops quickly to zero as we approach the
γi (p) ≡ Ei (p) − µi = Ei (p) − EF,i . The single particle direct Urca threshold.
free energy tells us how far in energy a given state is from
its Fermi surface.
At densities below the threshold density, the direct C. Below-threshold direct Urca electron capture
Urca process becomes Boltzmann suppressed because af-
ter imposing energy and momentum conservation the For direct Urca electron capture, the kinematic obsta-
phase space integral is dominated by processes whose ini- cle is that a proton on its Fermi surface combined with an
tial state includes particles above their Fermi surface or electron on its Fermi surface does not have enough mo-
whose final state requires holes below their Fermi sur- mentum to produce a neutron on its Fermi surface. We
face. In both cases the Fermi-Dirac factors in the rate see in Fig. 1 (right panel) that the best available option
expression provide a suppression factor of exp(−|γi |/T ). below threshold is for a proton above its Fermi surface to
To see how strong the resultant Boltzmann suppres- combine with an electron at its Fermi surface. Because
sion will be, we show in Fig. 1 the typical single particle the proton is nonrelativistic this combination has enough
free energy γi for the particles participating in neutron momentum to create a neutron on its Fermi surface, and
decay (left panel) and electron capture (right panel) at the excess energy γp (and the remaining momentum) goes
various densities of nuclear matter described by the APR in to the final state neutrino. This process has a Boltz-
equation of state, and obeying the low-temperature crite- mann suppression factor of exp(−|γp |/T ) because we are
rion for beta equilibration (2). To obtain the typical mo- unlikely to find initial state protons far above the proton
menta and energies at a given density we impose energy Fermi surface. From Fig. 1 we see that for the APR equa-
and momentum conservation to reduce the momentum tion of state the value of |γp | for this process is around
space integral to the lowest possible dimension and find 10 to 15 MeV at lower densities and then drops to zero
the point at which the product of Fermi-Dirac factors as we approach the direct Urca threshold. The suppres-
attains its maximum value. sion is less than for neutron decay because the neutrino
Above the direct Urca threshold density (about 5nsat momentum can be directed opposite to the neutron mo-
for the APR equation of state) we find, as expected, that mentum, so it helps to reduce the amount by which the

APR EoS, μn=μp+μe APR EoS, μn=μp+μe

T=500 keV T=10 MeV
10−18 dU e-capture
mU (n) n-decay & e-cap. (FS)
mU (p) n-decay &
10−24 dU n-decay
Γ (MeV4)

Γ (MeV4)
e-cap. (FS) dU e-capture
10−11 mU (n) n-decay & e-cap. (FS)

10−12 mU (p) n-decay &

10−36 dU n-decay dU n-decay e-cap. (FS)
& e-cap. (FS) dU n-decay
& e-cap. (FS)
10−42 10−13
30 30
μδ (MeV)

μδ (MeV)
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
−5 −5
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Baryon density (units of nsat) Baryon density (units of nsat)
Figure 2: Exact direct Urca and approximate modified Urca Figure 3: Exact direct Urca and approximate modified Urca
rates at T = 500 keV, obeying the low-temperature beta equi- rates at T = 10 MeV, obeying the low-temperature beta equi-
librium condition (2). Above threshold, the two direct Urca librium condition (2). Above threshold, electron capture di-
rates balance each other, and they also match the approxi- rect Urca dominates, and agrees with the approximate direct
mate direct Urca rate. Below threshold, the direct Urca rates Urca rate calculation. At densities greater than 6nsat , we
exponentially fall off, and modified Urca dominates. However, expect neutron decay direct Urca to match electron capture
the two direct Urca rates have different exponential falloffs direct Urca. Below threshold, electron capture direct Urca
below threshold. In the lower plot, the deviation µδ from dominates over all modified Urca processes, which contradicts
low-temperature beta equilibrium needed to achieve true beta the conventional wisdom. In the lower plot, the deviation µδ
equilibrium is plotted as a function of density. from low-temperature beta equilibrium needed to achieve true
beta equilibrium is plotted as a function of density.

proton needs to be above its Fermi surface.

Urca rate once the temperature rose to around 1 or
D. Relevance of below-threshold direct Urca 2 MeV. As we will see in the next section, a full calcula-
tion confirms this estimate, showing that at T & 1 MeV
the contribution of below-threshold direct Urca processes
We learn from the calculation presented in Fig. 1 that,
leads to corrections to the low-temperature criterion for
below the threshold density, direct Urca processes are
beta equilibrium. Since the dominant contribution to the
Boltzmann suppressed by a factor exp(−γ/T ) where γ is
below-threshold direct Urca rates comes from particles
in the 10 to 20 MeV range at lower densities, dropping to
that are far from their Fermi surfaces, we now calculate
zero as the threshold is approached. For typical neutron
the direct Urca rates exactly, performing the entire mo-
star temperatures T . 0.1 MeV the Boltzmann suppres-
mentum space integral.
sion is overwhelming, and direct Urca processes can be
safely neglected compared to modified Urca. However,
as we will now show, at the temperatures characteristic
of neutron star mergers this is not the case.
We note that a similar analysis of the Fermi-Dirac fac- IV. EXACT DIRECT URCA CALCULATION
tors can be done with the modified Urca process, but it
simply reproduces the expected finding that at any den-
sity the dominant contribution comes from particles close Instead of assuming all that particles lie on their Fermi
to their Fermi surfaces, so the Fermi surface approxima- surfaces, we numerically evaluate the direct Urca rate in-
tion is always valid for modified Urca and there is never tegrals (6) and (7) without any approximation, allowing
any Boltzmann suppression of the rate. the particles to have any set of momenta that is consis-
In Sec. I, we estimated that at densities below the tent with energy-momentum conservation. The details
direct Urca threshold the Boltzmann-suppressed direct of the calculation, which reduces to a four dimensional
Urca electron capture rate would match the modified numerical integral, are given in Appendix B.

A. Urca rates the standard low-temperature beta equilibrium criterion.

The predominance of electron capture drives the neutron
Figs. 2 and 3 show in their upper panels the rates of Fermi energy up and the proton Fermi energy down,
various Urca processes in APR nuclear matter that obeys effectively introducing an additional chemical potential
the low-temperature beta equilibrium criterion (2). As that couples to the third component of isospin.
we will see, at T & 1 MeV the Fermi surface approx- The general criterion for beta equilibrium is
imation starts breaking down and Eq. (2) is no longer
µn = µp + µe + µδ , (14)
the correct criterion for beta equilibrium: an additional
isospin-coupled chemical potential is needed to achieve where µδ = −µI where µI is the chemical potential that
beta equilibrium, and its magnitude µδ is shown in the couples to isospin, normalized according to a convention
lower panel. [27] where the proton has isospin +1/2 and the neutron
In Fig. 2, we see that at a temperature of 500 keV, has isospin −1/2.
the Fermi surface approximation is reasonably accurate. As the proton density drops, the rates of electron cap-
Well above the direct Urca threshold density the neu- ture and neutron decay move towards each other and
tron decay and electron capture rates are almost identi- eventually balance when µδ reaches its equilibrium value,
cal and agree well with the Fermi surface approximation, which depends on the density and the temperature. This
so that when the low-temperature beta equilibrium cri- value of µδ at T = 10 MeV is shown in the bottom panel
terion (2) is obeyed the net rate of neutron or proton of Fig. 3. We see that below the direct Urca threshold µδ
creation is zero. Consequently, to the accuracy of our is between 20 and 25 MeV and it decreases but remains
calculation (±1 MeV) there is no need for any additional non-negligible above threshold as well.
isospin chemical potential to enforce beta equilibrium. In Fig. 4, we show, for several temperatures, the mag-
As the density drops below the threshold value, the di- nitude of the additional isospin-coupled chemical poten-
rect Urca rates drop below the modified Urca rate and tial µδ needed to achieve true beta equilibrium. At
become negligible, and the modified Urca rates for neu- low temperatures, below 1 MeV, the standard criterion
tron decay and electron capture are identical so again Eq. (2) is correct to within about 5 MeV. After that, how-
there is no net creation of neutrons or protons, and no no- ever, the correction term rises quickly with temperature:
ticeable modification to the low-temperature beta equi- at T = 5 MeV we need µδ ∼ 15 MeV, at T = 10 MeV
librium criterion. However, it is interesting to note that we need µδ ∼ 23 MeV, and at T = 20 MeV (which is
below (and even slightly above) threshold the direct Urca above the temperature (∼ 10 MeV) at which neutrinos
rates for neutron decay and electron capture are not the are expected to be trapped), we need µδ ∼ 30 MeV. Al-
same. The deviation increases as the density goes fur- though µδ drops with density once we reach the direct
ther below threshold. The size of the discrepancy agrees
with our analysis in Fig 1, where we determine the expo-
nential suppression of each direct Urca rate, due to the APR EoS, μn = μp + μe + μδ
Fermi-Dirac factors. Only right below threshold is there 30
dU threshold
a region where the two direct Urca rates are different, but T = 20 MeV
both are larger than the modified Urca rates, requiring 25
a finite but small µδ to establish true beta equilibrium.
As temperature decreases further, this effect will vanish,
and the low-temperature beta equilibrium criterion (2) 20 10 MeV
will be increasingly valid.
μδ (MeV)

In Fig. 3 we see that when we increase the temperature 15

to T = 10 MeV the Fermi surface approximation becomes 5 MeV
unreliable. The direct Urca electron capture rate agrees
with the Fermi surface result above threshold, but it also 10
shows no suppression below threshold, dominating over
modified Urca and direct Urca neutron decay at all den- 5
sities for which APR is well defined. This means that 1 MeV
when µn = µp + µe (2), there is a nonzero net rate of
proton to neutron conversion, implying that the system 0
500 keV
is not in beta equilibrium.
1 2 3 4 5 6
B. Full criterion for beta equilibrium Baryon density (units of nsat)

The fact that electron capture is much less suppressed Figure 4: The isospin-coupled chemical potential µδ needed
than neutron decay at T & 1 MeV means that the to achieve true beta equilibrium in APR matter at various
system will be driven away from the state that obeys temperatures.

APR EoS, μn = μp + μe + μδ APR EoS

T = 10 MeV T = 10 MeV
10 dU threshold

10−10 dU n-decay
dU e-capture

mU (n) n-decay (FS)

Γμ =μ +μ +μ / Γμ =μ +μ
10−11 mU (n) n-decay (FS)

mU (p) n-decay (FS)
Γ (MeV4)

dU n-decay mU (p) n-decay (FS)


mU (n) e-cap. (FS) dU e-capture

mU (p) e-cap. (FS) mU (n) e-cap. (FS)


dU n-decay
10−14 & e-cap. (FS) mU (p) e-cap. (FS)
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Baryon density (units of nsat) Baryon number density (units of nsat)
Figure 5: Urca rates in true beta equilibrium, µn = Figure 6: Fractional change in the six Urca rates at T =
µp + µe + µδ . Above threshold, the two direct Urca processes 10 MeV when we change µδ from zero to the value for true
dominate, but modified Urca neutron decay is not negligible. beta equilibrium. Below threshold, the change is the most
Below threshold, direct Urca electron capture competes with prominent, and as density increases to far above the threshold
modified Urca neutron decay (n-spectator) and, to a lesser density, the true beta equilibrium condition approaches the
extent, direct Urca neutron decay. behavior of the low-temperature beta equilibrium condition

Urca threshold, that decrease becomes quite slow at these

higher temperatures. beta equilibrium becomes greater than about 5 MeV as
It is interesting to note that µδ does not increase much the temperature rises above 1 MeV, and reaches a maxi-
beyond T = 30 MeV. In fact, as temperature increases mum value around 30 MeV at temperatures of 20 MeV.
to 50 MeV, the modified Urca rate becomes comparable We have recalculated the Urca rates for APR nuclear
to the direct Urca electron capture rate. At tempera- matter at T = 10 MeV in true beta equilibrium. The
tures high enough for modified Urca to dominate over results are given in Fig. 5, which shows that there are
direct Urca, µδ drops sharply because the modified Urca three processes that play the central role in beta equi-
processes, well described by the Fermi surface approxi- libration. Above threshold, direct Urca neutron decay
mation, balance each other when µδ = 0. almost balances with direct Urca electron capture, but
the n-spectator modified Urca neutron decay also needs
to be taken into account to get beta equilibrium. Below
V. CONCLUSIONS threshold, neutron-spectator modified Urca neutron de-
cay becomes more important, and together with direct
We have shown that that the standard low- Urca neutron decay, balances with direct Urca electron
temperature criterion (2) for beta equilibrium breaks capture in true beta equilibrium.
down in neutrino-transparent nuclear matter at densi- In Fig. 6, we show the fractional change in the six direct
ties above nuclear saturation density and temperatures Urca rates when the correct beta equilibrium condition
above about 1 MeV. An additional isospin chemical po- is imposed, compared to the low-temperature criterion
tential (14) is required to obtain true equilibrium under for beta equilibrium (2). Far below threshold, the Urca
the weak interactions. The ultimate reason for this is rates increase/decrease by a factor of 10, and far above
that neutrinos are not in thermal equilibrium, so the two threshold, the Urca rates approach their low-temperature
reactions (1) that drive the system to equilibrium are not beta equilibrium (2) values.
exact inverses of each other (neutrinos can only occur in The adjustment µδ to the low-temperature criterion
final states) so the principle of detailed balance does not for beta equilibrium has implications for any effect stem-
apply. Our calculations for nuclear matter obeying the ming from weak interactions in beta equilibrated nuclear
APR equation of state show (Fig. 4) that the isospin matter above a temperature of about 1 MeV. For exam-
chemical potential µδ = µn − µp − µe required to obtain ple, the nuclear matter in neutron star mergers, which

could be at a temperature of up to 30 MeV, undergoes tron decay with a neutron spectator is

significant density oscillations during the merger. The
density oscillations may be damped by bulk viscosity, 7 2 2 4 m3n mp
ΓmU,nd(n) (ξ) = G gA f πN N (A2)
which arises from a phase lag of the density oscillations 64π 9 m4π
with beta equilibration of the proton fraction, which oc- 4
pFn pFp 7
curs via Urca processes [13, 20, 28]. The calculation of × 2 F (ξ)ϑn T
pFn + m2π
bulk viscosity relies on examining the adjustment of the
neutron decay and electron capture rates as the nuclear
matter is pushed out of beta equilibrium, and so if the where ϑn is defined as in Eq. (12). The rate of modified
criterion of beta equilibrium is modified, it is likely that Urca electron capture with a neutron spectator is
the existing bulk viscosity results for material in neutron ΓmU,ec(n) (ξ) = ΓmU,nd(n) (−ξ), (A3)
star mergers will also be modified.
While we used the APR equation of state, which has and so the two neutron-spectator modified Urca rates
two and three body nuclear interactions, to describe the agree in low-temperature beta equilibrium (2). The
nuclear matter in which the Urca processes take place, Fermi surface approximation of the modified Urca neu-
our calculation used the conventional Fermi-Dirac fac- tron decay process with a proton spectator is
tors which assume that single-nucleon momentum eigen-
states are also energy eigenstates. However, it is known 1 mn m3p
ΓmU,nd(p) (ξ) = 9
G2 gA
2 4
fπN N (A4)
[29] that short-range nucleon-nucleon interactions lead to 64π m4π
a depletion of low-momentum states in the nucleon Fermi pFn pFn − pFp
sea and a high momentum tail above the Fermi surface, so × 2 2 F (ξ)ϑp T
a truly consistent calculation of the Urca rates would use pFn − pFp + m2π
modified Fermi-Dirac factors. Additionally, the fact that
an energy eigenstate actually corresponds to a superpo- with ϑp defined as in Eq. (13), and the modified Urca
sition of multi-particle/hole eigenstates[30] could further electron capture rate with a proton spectator is
blur the direct Urca threshold beyond the finite temper-
ature effects that we discuss in this paper. ΓmU,ec(p) (ξ) = ΓmU,nd(p) (−ξ), (A5)

where again both modified Urca rates with a proton spec-

tator agree in low-temperature beta equilibrium (2).
Appendix B: Exact direct Urca rate integral
This research was partly supported by the U.S. De-
partment of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear The neutron decay rate given by a twelve dimensional
Physics, under Award No. #DE-FG02-05ER41375. We integral in Eq. (6) can be reduced, without approxima-
thank Andreas Windisch, Kai Schwenzer, and Wim Dick- tion, to a four dimensional integral. Integrating over neu-
hoff for discussions. trino three-momentum, we have

Γn = d3 pn d3 pp d3 pe fn (1 − fp ) (1 − fe )
128π 8
Appendix A: Modified Urca rates when µn 6= µp + µe × δ(q − |pn − pp − pe |) (B1)
2 2
 pn − pp − pe
× 1 + 3gA + 1 − gA p̂e · ,
We present here the Fermi-surface approximation of |pn − pp − pe |
the modified Urca rates, when allowed to deviate from
the low-temperature beta equilibrium criterion (2) by an where we define q ≡ En − Ep − Ee , and the “hat” denotes
amount ξ ≡ (µn − µp − µe ) /T . In the following expres- a unit vector. We adopt spherical coordinates for the
sions for the rates the non-equilibrium behavior is encap- momentum of each of the three particles. We have the
sulated in the function freedom to choose the coordinates such that the neutron
momentum lies along the z axis, and the proton momen-
tum lies in the same plane as the neutron momentum,
F (ξ) = − ξ 4 + 10π 2 ξ 2 + 9π 4 Li3 (−eξ )

(A1) and so the momentum unit vectors are written as
+ 12ξ ξ + 5π Li4 (−e ) − 24 3ξ + 5π Li5 (−eξ )
2 2 ξ 2 2
p̂n = (0, 0, 1) (B2)
+ 240ξLi6 (−eξ ) − 360Li7 (−eξ ), q 
p̂p = 1 − zp2 , 0, zp (B3)
where Lin is the Polylogarithm function of order n. We
p p 
p̂e = 1 − ze2 cos φ, 1 − ze2 sin φ, ze , (B4)
note that F (0) ≈ 2300. The rate of modified Urca neu-

where zp and ze are cosines of the polar angles of the pro- where
ton and electron momenta and as such, take values from
−1 to 1. φ is the azimuthal angle of the electron with
respect to the plane formed by the proton and neutron
momenta, and ranges from 0 to 2π.
This choice of coordinates allows us to integrate over
the three trivial angles, giving a factor of 8π 2 . The rate
integral can now be written as
Z ∞ Z 1
Γn = dp n dp p dp e dzp p2n p2p p2e (B5)
16π 6 0 −1
× fn (1 − fp ) (1 − fe ) I(pn , pp , pe , zp ),

1 2π
Z Z r q p
I= dze dφ δ q − p2n + p2p + p2e + 2pp pe 1− zp2 1− ze2 cos φ + 2pp pe zp ze − 2pn pp zp − 2pn pe ze (B6)
−1 0
 q 
pn ze − pp zp ze − pe − pp 1 − 1 − cos φ zp2 ze2
2 2
  
1 + 3gA + 1 − gA r
× q

p2n + p2p + p2e + 2pp pe 1 − zp2 1 − ze2 cos φ + 2pp pe zp ze − 2pn pp zp − 2pn pe ze

We do the φ integral first, using the delta function. thus the integral would be zero. For q > 0, the delta
Clearly we require q > 0, because if q is negative, the function argument vanishes for either zero or two values
argument of the delta function could never be zero and of φ between 0 and 2π. We find that

2 1 − gA
p2n + p2p − p2e − q 2 − 2pn pp zp Θ(q)

I = 4|q| 1 + 3gA + (B7)
2pe q
Z 1
× dze q  2 Θ(B),
−1 4p2p p2e 1 − zp2 (1 − ze2 ) − q 2 − p2n − p2p − p2e − 2pp pe zp ze + 2pn pp zp + 2pn pe ze

where the step function enforces B > 0, where ze− < ze < ze+ , where ze± lie inside the interval [−1, 1],
q p and thus ze± become the new integration bounds. Doing
B = 2pp pe 1 − zp2 1 − ze2 (B8) the integral, we find
− |q − p2n − p2p − p2e − 2pp pe zp ze + 2pn pp zp + 2pn pe ze |.
This is the condition for there to be two, not zero, values
of φ in the integration range which make the argument 2π|q|
I= Θ(C)Θ(q) (B10)
of the delta function vanish and thus contribute to the pe
integral. 2
1 − gA
 
2 2 2 2 2

We now evaluate the ze integral, noting that the step  1 + 3gA + 2pe q pn + pp − pe − q − 2pn pp zp 
function Θ(B) adjusts the range of integration. Only if × q .
p2n + p2p − 2pn pp zp
 
C > 0, where
C = 2pe |q| − |p2e + q 2 − p2n − p2p + 2pn pp zp |, (B9)
is the step function “on” for any range of ze in the interval
[−1, 1], in which case the step function is “on” only for The final expression for the direct Urca neutron decay

rate is which is a four dimensional integral that can be done

G2 ∞ 1
Γn = dp n dp p dp e dzp p2n p2p pe |q| (B11)
8π 5 0 −1
1 − gA
 
2 2 2 2 2

 1 + 3gA + 2pe q pn + pp − pe − q − 2pn pp zp  The direct Urca electron capture rate integral is
× q  identical, except for fn (1 − fp ) (1 − fe ) is replaced by
2 2
pn + pp − 2pn pp zp (1 − fn ) fp fe and, because the neutrino is now on the
 
same side of the reaction as the neutron, instead of with
× fn (1 − fp ) (1 − fe ) Θ(C)Θ(q), the electron and proton, Θ(q) is replaced by Θ(−q).

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