Lesson 2 Poetry
Lesson 2 Poetry
Lesson 2 Poetry
Lesson Context: The students have had one lesson looking into the fundamental techniques
that act as the building blocks of any poetic text however more consolidation is needed in order
to ensure that the students have a strong knowledge from which they can draw to make their
own inferences and interpretations of texts. This lesson will be about really cementing their
understanding of these literary concepts.
- Analyse and explain how text structures, language features and visual features of texts and
the context in which texts are experienced may influence audience response (ACELT164)
- Compare and evaluate how ‘voice’ as a literary device can be used in a range of
different types of texts such as poetry to evoke particular emotional responses (ACELT1643)
Learning Goal of the Lesson/Lesson Objectives:
To examine poetic techniques at work within a text as a whole class (teacher modelling) and
learn process of annotating a piece of poetic text i.e. flagging where techniques have been used
and what interpretations can be drawn from them as readers.
Audio- Ring of Fire
My Love is a Red, Red Rose
Deconstruction Booklets
Checking Understanding Task
Activities/Learning Experiences:
The beginning of the lesson will start with a 15 minute checking for understanding activity to
see how much students were able to grasp in the introductory lesson the day before, this will
let me know if there are any substantial gaps in knowledge and if more consolidation of poetic
techniques is needed.
The second part of the lesson will involve me modelling how one unpacks a poetic text using a
scaffolding document that breaks down the process into several micro-level stages. Attached to
this document are two short poetic texts, the first of which will be broken down by myself as a
way of showing the students how to move through the process outlined in the handout. As
both texts are songs audio clips can be played for the students so that they hear the texts
original format which will further add context to their analysis.
For the second text students break off into small groups and use the same stage by stage
process to deconstruct the text, looking at it through several lenses. Groups then report back
how they went and what they interpreted from the text as well as what techniques they were
able to spot.