Frequency (Hz) 50 Hz
Voltage (V) 400/230
Standard Control Panel APM303
Optional control panel APM403
Optional Control Panel M80
Optional control panel TELYS
Voltage Standby Amps
kWe kVA kWe kVA
415/240 53 66 48 60 92
400/230 53 66 48 60 95
380/220 53 66 48 60 100
200/115 53 66 48 60 191
Mechanic governor 240 TRI 53 66 48 60 159
Mechanically welded chassis with antivibration 230 TRI 53 66 48 60 166
suspension 220 TRI 53 66 48 60 173
Main line circuit breaker
Radiator for core temperature of 48/50°C max with
Protective grille for fan and rotating parts (CE option) Length (mm) 1870
9 dB(A) silencer supplied separately Width (mm) 994
Charger DC starting battery with electrolyte Height (mm) 1360
12 V charge alternator and starter
Dry weight (kg) 995
Delivered with oil and coolant -30°C
Tank capacity (L) 180
Manual for use and installation
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this document without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products. *ISO 8528.
Emission PM (mg/Nm3) 5% O2 60
Emission CO (mg/Nm3) 5% O2 190
Emission HC+NOx (g/kWh) 0
Emission HC (g/kW.h)
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this document without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products. *ISO 8528.
Dimensions soundproofed version Dimensions DW compact version
Type soundproofing M128 Type soundproofing
Length (mm) 2300 Length (mm) 2344
Width (mm) 1060 Width (mm) 1060
Height (mm) 1680 Height (mm) 1579
Dry weight (kg) 1405 Dry weight (kg) 1319
Tank capacity (L) 180 Tank capacity (L) 390
Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) 73 Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A)
Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) 91 Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa)
Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) 61 Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A)
Dimensions DW soundproofed version Dimensions DW 48h soundproofed version
Type soundproofing M128 DW Type soundproofing M128 DW48
Length (mm) 2344 Length (mm) 2344
Width (mm) 1060 Width (mm) 1060
Height (mm) 1900 Height (mm) 1989
Dry weight (kg) 1652 %PdnetE_5% 1682
Tank capacity (L) 390 Tank capacity (L) 700
Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) 72 Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) 72
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this document without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products. *ISO 8528.
Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) 91 Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) 91
Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) 61 Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) 61
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this document without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products. *ISO 8528.
APM303, comprehensive and simple APM403, basic generating set and power plant
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this document without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products. *ISO 8528.
M80, transfer of information TELYS, ergonomic and user-friendly
The M80 is a dual-function control unit. It can be used as a The highly versatile TELYS control unit is complex yet
basic terminal block for connecting a control box and as an accessible, thanks to the particular attention paid to
instrument panel with a direct read facility, with displays optimising its ergonomics and ease of use. With its large
giving a global view of your generating set's basic display screen, buttons and scroll wheel, it places the
parameters. accent on simplicity and communication.
Offers the following functions: The TELYS offers the following functions:
Engine parameters: tachometer, working hours counter, Electrical measurements: voltmeter, frequency meter,
coolant temperature indicator, oil pressure indicator, ammeter.
emergency stop button, customer connection terminal
block, CE. Engine parameters: working hours counter, oil pressure,
coolant temperature, fuel level, engine speed, battery
This document is not contractual - The SDMO company reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics stated in this document without notice, in a constant effort to
improve the quality of its products. *ISO 8528.