The document reports on an organizational development initiative program conducted by NABCONS for the District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in Kurnool, India from February 16-17 and 21-27, 2018. It provides background on organizational development initiatives and their objectives. It then discusses the need for such an initiative at DCCB Kurnool, including a profile of the bank detailing its structure, financial performance from 2014-2017, and other key parameters. The initiative aimed to improve organizational performance, adaptability, stress coping, and other areas through developing human resources.
The document reports on an organizational development initiative program conducted by NABCONS for the District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in Kurnool, India from February 16-17 and 21-27, 2018. It provides background on organizational development initiatives and their objectives. It then discusses the need for such an initiative at DCCB Kurnool, including a profile of the bank detailing its structure, financial performance from 2014-2017, and other key parameters. The initiative aimed to improve organizational performance, adaptability, stress coping, and other areas through developing human resources.
The document reports on an organizational development initiative program conducted by NABCONS for the District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in Kurnool, India from February 16-17 and 21-27, 2018. It provides background on organizational development initiatives and their objectives. It then discusses the need for such an initiative at DCCB Kurnool, including a profile of the bank detailing its structure, financial performance from 2014-2017, and other key parameters. The initiative aimed to improve organizational performance, adaptability, stress coping, and other areas through developing human resources.
The document reports on an organizational development initiative program conducted by NABCONS for the District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in Kurnool, India from February 16-17 and 21-27, 2018. It provides background on organizational development initiatives and their objectives. It then discusses the need for such an initiative at DCCB Kurnool, including a profile of the bank detailing its structure, financial performance from 2014-2017, and other key parameters. The initiative aimed to improve organizational performance, adaptability, stress coping, and other areas through developing human resources.
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PROGRAMME DCCB KURNOOL 16/2/18 to 17.2.2018 & 21.2.2018 to 27.2.2018 Chapter I
ODI is an internationally recognised tool for planned growth of an organisation. It is a process
by which human resources are identified, developed and uitilised in ways that strengthen organisational effectiveness. The efforts in ODI are directed towards improving the employee attitude and involvement/participation in the organisation. The focus of ODI is to dovetail the individual needs (such as recognition, money, etc.,) with that of the organisational needs (such as productivity, profits, etc.,) and reduce the zone of incongruence between the two. The underlying belief in ODI is that every employee in the organisation is capable of contributing positively for the organisation, and given a proper opportunity, he will be willing to do so. OBJECTIVES OF ODI The objectives of ODI are as under: Improved organisational performance in key areas Better adaptability to the environment Coping with organisational stress Enhanced willingness of members to face organisation problems and contribute creative solutions Improved inter-personal relationship and better understanding within the organisation Improved levels of trust, support, openness and meaningful communication in the organisation Enhanced enthusiasm in employees and stakeholders to involve themselves in organisational development process Higher productivity, better morale, improved quality and lesser conflicts in the organisation Setting clear goals and developing appropriate leadership in the organisation PRE-REQUISITES FOR SUCCESS OF ODI ODI can be successful when due care is taken on the following aspects: - Clarifying the organisational goals to all, to create a sense of direction - Explaining the crisis to get a realization of need for change - Getting appreciation of need for change within the organisation - Bringing sense of oneness and participation - Drawing up concrete action plans - Coordinating the activities effectively - Generating debate in the organisation for evolving strategic changes - Improving the work culture through teamwork, communication, commitment and operational consistency. - The methodology and approach in ODI aims at creating openness, trust, mutual confidence and collaboration and bring about effective interaction in the pursuit of organisational goals. Chapter II NEED FOR ODI IN DCCB, KURNOOL District Central Cooperative Bank, Kurnool requested NABARD vide their letter No. KDCCB/DEV/Trg. 2017-18 dated 18 January 2018 to conduct ODI in their Bank. NABARD while, accepting the request of the bank conveyed that NABCONS will be conducting the ODI after consultation, vide letter No NB.APRO.Hyd.2196/IDD-C-23 (B)/2017-18 dated 8 February 2018. On receipt of acceptance from the Bank ODI was taken up by NABCONS DCCB Kurnool in two spells. i.e., 16.2.2018 and 17.02.2018 by conducting pre ODI diagnostic study, meeting of CEO and Top Management Officials and other initiatives (meeting of people and conducted atmosphere scanning) and the second spell was taken up from 21.2.2018 to 27.2.2018, after consultation with CEO,DCCB, Kurnool. The day to day schedule is enclosed in the Annexure I. PROFILE OF DCCB, KURNOOL DCCB Kurnool was registered on 08.02.1919 and commenced its banking business from the date of registration i.e, 08.02.1919. The Reserve Bank of India had issued license to the bank on 28 November 2011, which specified the area of operation of the bank as the entire districts of Kurnool. STRUCTURE OF THE BANK The Chief Executive Officer is assisted by a General Manager (GM I/C).The total staff strength of the DCC Bank Kurnool is as under: Designation No. Chief Executive Officer CEO 01 General Manager GM 01 Deputy General Managers DGMs 03 Assistant General Managers AGMs 02 Managers Mgrs 24 Assistant Managers AMs 54 Staff Assistants 91 Messengers 21 Total 190 The financial performance of the Bank as on 31 March 2015, 2016 and 2017 is as under: (Rs. Lakh ) Sl.No Key Parameters 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 A Business Level 1 Owned Funds 9191.94 11132.81 11642.39 a) Total Share Capital 5661.97 7550.79 9144.22 b) State Govt. 974.80 974.80 974.80 c)Reserves/Other funds/Provisions 3529.97 3582.02 2498.17 2 Deposits (Total) 26538.89 36920.04 47706.63 Sl.No Key Parameters 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 a) Demand Deposits 3134.20 4139.80 6686.70 b) Term Deposits 23404.69 32780.24 41019.93 c) % of CASA deposits to Total 11.81% 11.21% 14.02% Deposits 3 Borrowings Outstanding 32063.18 45511.50 61101.99 i Of which from NABARD/APCOB 31654.99 45138.30 60728.80 ii Of which from others 408.19 373.19 373.19 4 Investments 14875.77 14957.24 18952.61 a) SLR 13730.60 12879.73 17366.52 b) Others 1145.17 2077.51 1586.09 5 Loans Issued 41929.54 86323.10 95503.00 i Short Term SAO 27791.42 59642.59 57906.93 ii Short Term Others 6163.87 8751.37 22501.39 iii Term Loans Agriculture 6590.79 15884.79 12508.75 iv Term Loans Non Agriculture 1383.46 2044.35 2586.42 6 Loans and advances 44547.87 67276.43 86219.89 Outstanding(Total) i Of which ST SAO 24494.47 34713.44 36670.38 ii ST Others 5403.70 6268.68 16056.06 iii Term Loans to Agriculture 12665.49 23525.45 29903.91 iv Term loans to Non Agriculture 1984.21 2768.86 3589.54 B Other Parameters 7 Recovery Performance i % of recovery to demand (June End) 80.10% 86.81% 79% 8 Classification of Assets as per Prudential Norms i Standard 42250.59 63962.58 81940.97 ii Sub standard 1416.68 2382.40 3310.43 iii Doubtful 857.60 931.44 946.00 iv Loss 23.00 23.00 23.00 v Total impaired assets (ii+iiii+iv) 2297.28 3336.84 4279.43 Sl.No Key Parameters 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Percentage of total impaired assets to 5.15% 4.93% 4.96% total Loans O/s Net NPA% 2.27% 2.99% 3.31% 9 Profit 375.17 405.55 202.91 10 Net Margin 0.58 0.73 0.27 11 Accumulated losses (-)2087.30 (-)1681.74 (-) 1478.83 12 Productivity a) Per branch 3231.22 4736.20 6087.57 b) Per employee 559.74 906.05 1022.84 c) No. Of branches 22 22 22 d) No. Of employees 127 115 131 13 CRAR 9.04% 9.71% 9.61%