for over 25 years!
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to make a difference!
Beginning our association
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we expanded into offering
complete solutions for power
supply from Wind Energy.
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turbines under our care.
In keeping with our dedication
we subsequently began
undertaking the installation
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and commitment to fight
Climate Change!Services in Solar Energy
Operation & Maintenance of Solar
Power Plants and their Substation
Y Installation of Root Top &
Ground Mounted Solar Systems
Y Project Support for OEMs Solar
Power Plant development
Industrial Renewable Solution for
Hot Water Storage Plants
Installation of
Roof Top System
In India, BRENSOL 's one of the most
‘chosen companies for solar energy
solutions catering in residence,
small & large industial and commercial
businesses, government and educational
institutions, We provide the bost in-house
solar power solution combined with
world-class technology. We consider
customer satisfaction as our main aim
and constantly research for giving
‘our best. if you ara looking for solar
power solutions, call us now and get a
full-fledged solution for your space.
Solar Powered Water PumpsOperation & Maintenance of
Wind Turbine Generators and
their Substations
Y Wind Turbine Generator Erection
Y Technical Due Diligence
Operation & Maintenance of Windmill Substation
‘We are EA grade license holders, Grid maintenance. In adcition, with our
which authorises us to extend constant lasoning with respective =
Operation & Maintenance services to _—_‘State Electricity boards, we ensure |
Windmill Substation and optimum performance of Substation.
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Reclamation Services : Erection of Wind Turbine Generators :
We offer Techno economical BRENSOL is involved at various project
solutions for the Refurbishment of sites with major OEMs Ike “Gamesa
‘Windmill Major components like Wind Turbines Private Limited!” and
Blades, Nacelle body, Gearbox, “Regen Power Tech Private Limited” in
Hydraulic units, Transformers, + Windmill Tower Assembly
Controllers, Generator and other and Erection
accessories of Wind Turbine + Windrnill Nacelle Assembly
Generators which offers huge * Rotor & Blade Assembly
savings from procurement of new and Erection
We have the experience of erecting
200 MW of Wind power till cate.Our Installations and O&M
Batlilboi Renewable Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
No. 73, 8" Street, 2nd Sector
K. K Nagar, Chennai - 600 078
Phone : +91 96376 75741
Emai : sales solar@brensol.co.in
Web : www.batliboi.com