What Is Research Ethics
What Is Research Ethics
What Is Research Ethics
Research that involves human subjects or participants raises unique and complex ethical, legal,
social and political issues. Research ethics is specifically interested in the analysis of ethical
issues that are raised when people are involved as participants in research. There are three
objectives in research ethics. Thefirst and broadest objective is to protect human participants.
The second objective is to ensure that research is conducted in a way that serves interests of
individuals, groups and/or society as a whole. Finally, the third objective is to examine specific
research activities and projects for their ethical soundness, looking at issues such as the
management of risk, protection of confidentiality and the process of informed consent.
For the most part, research ethics has traditionally focused on issues in biomedical research. The
application of research ethics to examine and evaluate biomedical research has been well
developed over the last century and has influenced much of the existing statutes and guidelines
for the ethical conduct of research. However in humanities and social science research, different
kinds of ethical issues arise. New and emerging methods of conducting research, such as auto-
ethnography and participatory action research raise important but markedly different ethical
issues and obligations for researchers.
Research involving vulnerable persons, which may include children, persons with developmental
or cognitive disabilities, persons who are institutionalized, the homeless or those without legal
status, also raises unique issues in any research context.
Research ethicists everywhere today are challenged by issues that reflect global concerns in other
domains, such as the conduct of research in developing countries, the limits of research involving
genetic material and the protection of privacy in light of advances in technology and Internet