B Ing
B Ing
B Ing
People think the problem is that companies mainly look for well-qualified people with a lot of
experience becauce they expect to make serious buseness and don’t give a chance to university
student to prove themselves.
On the other hand, people argue that the unemployment increase is caused by young people
themselves, not the industrial sectors. In the work area young people tend to specialize too much in
one limited area and haven’t got any other
Knowledge, or experience. Furthermore, students should take an orientation that will allow the to get
several kinds of jobs and mainly studies in correction with technology, public relations, commerce
and social activities.o ruduce
Another fact is that students are quickly selfstatisfied. If they can’t get ajob in their specialization,
they don’t go on looking for another job and choose the easier way out ‘unemployment’.
In cloclusion, we cannot fully blame the industrial sectorrs as the only cause of unemployement. We
should consider the inside reasons why young people become unemployment. However, providing
alot of numbers of work fields is a must.
30. what is the reason of the people who blame industrial sectors dealing with unemployment?
31. the following are reasons of people who blame young people for being unemployment,
D. they are wiling to study in correction with technology, ublic realition and commerce
E. they don’t look for another job if they can’t get a job in their specialization
A. Workers
B. Companies
C. University students
D. General people
E. well-qualified people