Wagoner 9.10
Wagoner 9.10
Wagoner 9.10
Peek at the Week
September 2010
9/22 – 5th Grade Curriculum Night
6:00 – 7:00pm
All students who signed up for 10/5 – School Picture Day Students who are walkers or get
Patrol will be trained in next 10/14 – Fall Conferences (NO SCHOOL) picked up after school will be
week at school. They will learn 10/15 – Fall Conferences (NO SCHOOL) dismissed at 3:34pm. Parents who
how to correctly perform all should pick students up on the
duties. Patrols will be divided playground side of the east doors
into teams and the schedules will CLASS WEBSITE: (on Grand Ave.). Students who
We have set up a website for all the 5th grade classes
be posted at school and on the take the bus or go to extended day
this year. Please check it out!
class website. will be dismissed at 3:36pm.
September 13 – September 17
9:15-9:30 Morning Meeting
This week we spent a lot of time 9:30-10:00 Target Time
getting to know one another and working to 10:05-10:10 Snack
establish a positive community. We 10:10-10:25 DEAR (silent reading)
completed activities and games that helped us 10:25-11:30 Math
learn each other’s names. We learned that we 11:30-12:15 Recess/Lunch
will have to respect one another and work 12:15-12:35 Read Aloud
together as a team to have a good year. 12:35-1:55 Inquiry
We also went over the BEAR-havior Literacy
agreements for our school. We were 1:55-2:40 Specialist
reminded of how to walk in the hallway and 2:45-3:15 Grammar/Buddies/F.A.D.
be patient when we wait in line for lunch. We 3:15-3:30 Closing/Journal/Agendas
learned that we will have to set a good 3:36 Dismissal
example and be role models for younger
students. We also decided on classroom Working on a class scavenger hunt
agreements for different parts of our day. We RECESS/LUNCH
will continue practicing these things as we go This year we are piloting a recess before
on with the year. lunch plan for fourth and fifth graders.
PLAN AHEAD We are excited about this new plan and
We also spent some time in the
5th Grade Curriculum Night is scheduled for know that it will take some time getting
computer lab. We now know how to get to
Wednesday, September 22 from 6:00-7:00pm. used to. Currently fifth graders go to
our class website from home and know that
We are looking forward to seeing all parents recess around 11:30 and eat lunch from
we can visit the links if we need extra practice.
and guardians there and discussing important 11:55-12:15pm.
Next week we will start getting into
information about the 5th grade curriculum and
more of the curriculum, including spelling,
activities planned for this year.
math, and our first IB planner. CONTACT INFORMATION: