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MMK Guidelines For L Gus

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National Search for Outstanding Coastal Community


The Philippine’s fisheries is one of the most exploited resources in Southeast Asia.
Majority of the coastal areas are depleted and most marine habitats are damaged.
Marine environmental issues often identified are destruction of sensitive coastal
ecosystems i.e. coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves; overexploitation of fishery
resources and destructive fishing practices which indirectly affects livelihood of
sustenance fisherfolk. These factors have deleterious, and sometimes irreversible,
negative impacts on fisheries, and thereby endanger sustainable fisheries resource

The importance of resource management is more pronounced in developing

countries like the Philippines, where fisheries play a dominant role as a source of food,
employment and export earnings. Coastal resource management (CRM) is one of the
major strategies to address the varied, wide-ranging and often interconnected issues
that impact coastal areas. In fisheries, CRM is synonymous to ecosystem approach to
fisheries management (EAFM). It is best accomplished in a participatory manner of
planning, implementing and monitoring sustainable uses of coastal/marine resources
through collective action and sound decision-making. RA 8550: The Fisheries Code of
1998 and RA10654: RA 8550 as Amended are the legal frameworks for such strategy.

There are more than 900 coastal municipalities and cities with varied degrees of
coastal resource management efforts. Aware of the challenges in sustainably managing
coastal/marine resources in an archipelago such as the Philippines, President Rodrigo R.
Duterte through the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (BFAR) advocates, as one of his banner programs, the Malinis at
Masaganang Karagatan (MMK). MMK program aims to promote fisheries protection and
conservation, centers on the significance of sustainably managing our fisheries and
aquatic resources, and promotes stakeholder engagement to the cause of resource
protection and conservation.


General Objective:

The Search for “Malinis at Masaganang Karagatan” aims to recognize outstanding

initiatives and contributions of coastal municipalities/cities to sustainable fisheries
Specific Objectives:

1. To identify coastal municipalities/cities that:

a. Have exemplary initiatives and accomplishment in the effort against illegal
fishing and observance of ecosystem approach to fisheries resource
management measures such as off-fishing season and ban on the collection of
endangered species, among others;
b. Have established, formulated and adopted Marine Protected Area (MPA) or
Fisheries Managed Area;
c. Have kept coastal waters clean of domestic solid and/or liquid wastes,
garbage or industrial effluence flowing to the sea as a result of innovative
waste management or other programs;
d. Have a successful mangrove protection and rehabilitation program;
e. Have accomplished or implemented unique or innovative operational
schemes on coastal resource management;
f. Have initiated programs with LGU-funded budget for coastal/fisheries
resource management;

2. To document the best practices and strategies of these outstanding

municipalities/cities and promote their replication or adoption among other

3. To encourage other LGUs to:

a. Adopt best practices and promote awareness on conservation, management
and sustainable development of the municipal waters and provide sufficient
funds for these endeavors;
b. Encourage active participation on the implementation of Municipal Fisheries
Ordinance, RA 8550 as amended by RA 10654 and other pertinent laws;
c. Enhance partnership between LGUs, other line agencies and the fishing
community in the management of fisheries and coastal resources.


In the first year of project implementation, MMK shall be limited to coastal

municipalities and cities. However, in the succeeding years of implementation, the
project shall be expanded to include inland ecosystems.


1. All coastal municipalities/cities that have relevant programs and projects based on
the criteria which have been operational for at least one (1) year may be nominated
or participate in the search.
2. Nomination must be done through or by the Office of the Municipal/City Mayor of the
municipal/city government.
3. Nomination forms shall be distributed by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) or can be downloaded from the BFAR’s website.
4. Duly accomplished nomination forms and documentary requirements shall be
submitted to the regional office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR) for regional technical evaluation. Deadline for submission shall be on or
before 29 November 2016.
5. There shall only be one national winner for outstanding municipality/city that shall
bear the title of “Malinis at Masaganang Karagatan”.
6. The National Technical Search Committee’s (NTSC) decision is final and irrevocable
once declared by the National Steering Committee (NSC) and affirmed by the
Secretary of the Department of Agriculture.
7. A national winner can still compete the following year after winning. However, if the
same coastal municipality/city consistently bags the 1st prize for three consecutive
years, it will be disqualified to join the contest on the fourth year and shall become a
Hall of Famer.
8. Timeline:

Activity DATES
LGU Submission of Nomination 29 November 2016
Regional Evaluation 1-6 December 2016
1st Level of National Evaluation (desk evaluation) 7-10 December 2016
2nd Level of National Evaluation (field evaluation) 12-16 December 2016
Approval of National Steering Committee 19-21 December 2016
Awarding 27, 28, 29 December 2016


A. Documentary Requirements

a. MMK Documentation

The MMK Documentation shall be prepared by the nominated coastal

municipality/city to be assisted by the fisheries technician of the Office of the
Municipal/City Agriculturist. The Municipal/City Agriculturist shall attest to
the veracity and completeness of the information compiled in a scrap book.

The Documentation shall contain the following documents:

I. Title Page
II. Certification by the coastal Municipal/City Agriculturist attesting the
veracity and completeness of the information contained in the
III. Table of Contents
A. Municipal Fisheries Profile
B. Summary of Accomplishments
C. Discussion of Major Points (Criteria)
IV. Nomination Form (please see Annex I)
V. Annexes
These documents shall:

1. Be prepared using A4 size paper, and appropriately bound.

2. There shall be page numbering, to be reflected in the Table of Contents.
3. It shall not exceed 100 pages, excluding annexes.
4. An electronic copy of all contents of the scrapbook must be submitted to
the NTSC in a CD.

b. Regional Technical Search Committee Documents

The Regional Technical Search Committee shall submit the following

documents of the regional nominee to the National Technical Search
Committee in aid of evaluation:

i. Audio-visual presentation about the coastal municipality/city and its

accomplishments (maximum of 30 minutes, in DVD).
ii. Short video footages of the coastal municipality/city’s operational
activities and other features that should be given special focus may be
submitted. This should also be in DVD.
iii. Evaluation form accomplished and signed by the Chairperson of the
Regional Technical Search Committee.
iv. Descriptive evaluation of the regional nominee duly signed by the
chairperson of the regional technical search committee.

B. Evaluation Process

The search and evaluation process shall be conducted starting at the Regional
Level and ends at the National Level. The Regional Technical Search Committee
(RTSC) shall be organized and headed by the BFAR Regional Director. The RTSC
shall evaluate the candidates using the criteria and evaluation process set herein.
Furthermore, they shall determine and endorse the top regional winner to the
National Technical Search Committee.
Chairperson BFAR Regional Director
Vice Chairperson DA Regional Executive Director
DENR Regional Representative
DILG Regional Representative
Philippine Coast Guard Regional Representative
Secretariat BFAR Regional Staff

The National Technical Search Committee (NTSC) shall be composed of DA-BFAR

technical personnel for the purpose.
Chair Sandra Victoria R. Arcamo, Fisheries Resource Management Division
Members Melanie Guerra, Fisheries Planning and Economic Division
Nilo S. Katada, Fisheries Resource Protection and Law Enforcement
Mildred M. Buazon, Administrative Division
Abigail Javier, National Brackishwater Fisheries Technology Center
Secretariat Nazario Briguera, Information and Public Relations Group
The NTSC shall conduct two-stage evaluation of the 15 regional nominees: 1.)
desk evaluation to determine the shortlist of five (5) finalists, and 2.) field validation
to identify the top three (3) finalists. The results of the screening and field validation
shall be submitted to the NSC.

Considering the very tight schedule to do the field evaluation, the NTSC shall
conduct simultaneous field validation. The field evaluators are as follows:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5
Chair Sandra V. R. Mildred M. Melanie Nilo S. Katada, Abigail
Arcamo, FRMD Buazon, Guerra, FPED FRPLET Javier,
Members Rafael Bernadette Mercedita Renezaldy Janice
Ramiscal, CFD Soliven, FRMD Tan, FRMD Porlaje, FRMD Tuante,
Elymir AR-J Ronnie Efren Hilario, Marylene November
Tunacao, FPED Romero, CFD Mandreza, Romena,
Ohjee Reli Garcia, LitoArnuco, Crejay Lacena, Leah
Cabilogan, FRPLET FRMD FRPLET MyrCadapan
Francisco Nasser RosarieArreza Ada Corina Marco
Torres Jr., Briguera, , FPED Togonon, Perez,
Regional DA Regional DA Regional DA Regional DA Regional DA
rep rep rep rep rep
Regional DENR Regional Regional Regional Regional
rep DENR rep DENR rep DENR rep DENR rep
Regional DILG Regional DILG Regional DILG Regional DILG Regional
rep rep rep rep DILG rep
Regional PCG Regional PCG Regional PCG Regional PCG Regional
rep rep rep rep PCG rep
Secretariat Micah Manalo Robert Roca Glaiza Elizabeth Adrian
IPRG FRMD Hernandez Illavera FRMD Mendizabal

The National Steering Committee (NSC) is tasked to provide policy guidelines for
the search, ensure availability of financial requirements in the implementation of the
awards, approve and declare the winners. The composition of the NSC is as follows.
Chairperson DA Undersecretary for Fisheries
DA Undersecretary for Admin and Finance and Acting
Vice Chairperson
Chief of Staff
Chair: Drusila Esther E. Bayate, BFAR Asst. Director
1. Dr. Ulysses Montojo, NFRDI
2. Florida Dieta, NBFTC
3. Abraham Perez, BFAR
4. Julio Casillan, BFAR Consultant

The NSC shall review and concur the results provided by the NTSC and endorse
the top three winners to the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture for his
In each of the levels of evaluation, the scoring system shall be used. Every
evaluator shall rate the nominee and give point scores using the set of criteria and
point system discussed below. The total score for each nominee is determined by
adding the scores garnered in all criteria. The total scores of the evaluators shall
then be tallied to identify who among the nominees got the highest score.

The search committee in each level of evaluation will be guided by an internal

rules and regulations governing cases that require the committee’s decision (e.g.,
how to break a tie, cut-off score but not below 85%, etc.); however, these rules and
regulations must be determined prior to actual evaluation so as not to impede the
objectivity of the search. Only cases not identified prior to actual evaluation shall be
resolved in the course of the process or elevated to higher body for resolution.

VI. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION (please see next page and Annex II)


The most outstanding MMK winners shall receive the following award in the form of
fisheries livelihood projects:
Category National Regional
First Prize Plaque + P 20,000,000 Plaque + P 2,000,000
Second Prize Plaque + P 5,000,000 Plaque + P 1,000,000
Third Prize Plaque + P 3,000,000 Plaque + P 500,000
Evaluation Criteria


Management Effectiveness Subtotal 46%
Management Interventions to address Illegal Fishing 10 pts
Fishers’ registration FishR Database 3 pts
Boat and Gear inventory and licensing BoatR/Records 3 pts
Establishment of user fees and access Records and fees paid 2 pts

IEC continuing IEC materials and report 2 pts

Local participation and LGU support 10pts
Consultation with and participation of Organization of FARMCs, Membership in 2 pts
stakeholders and local community in management committees like resource
Coastal Resource Management management, M&E, IEC, livelihood,
capacity building, etc.
Roles of stakeholders and groups active Minutes of regular meetings and General 2 pts
in CRM are well-defined Assembly
Basic Municipal/City Fisheries Approved document (ordinance) 3 pts
Ordinance enacted and adopted
CRM Plan formulated and adopted Signed document - resolution and 3 pts
Enforcement and compliance 10 pts
Enforcement team in place Number of deputized enforcers with IDs 3 pts
Functional law enforcement with guardhouse, patrol boats, radios, search 3 pts
facilities and equipment lights, etc.; patrolling logbook
Reduction in violations and destructive Patrolling and violations logbook; 2 pts
activities, e.g. active gears, dismantling summary report of violations;
of mariculture structures causing apprehensions; litigations
obstruction to water flow
Regulation of activities e.g. zonation of Basic Municipal Fisheries Ordinance or 2 pts
different marine water uses, other legal instruments
declaration of seasonal closure;
establishment of Fish Sanctuaries;
Mangrove Reforestation
Sustainability of Management 10 pts
Institutionalization and Sustainability CRM Plans; Municipal Fisheries 3 pts
of Fisheries Management Development Plan; Comprehensive Land
Use Plan (CLUP)
Monitoring and Evaluation System Regular monitoring reports on the state 3 pts
of fisheries and aquatic resources

Capacity-building on Fisheries Documentation on the number and 2 pts

Management types of trainings provided, number of
Fund sourcing, 2 pts

Incentives and awards received 6 pts

Incentives for good CRM Recognition and awards certificates 6 pts
Biophysical and ecological Impacts Subtotal 32%
Enhanced productivity 16 pts
Increased fish and aquatic life monitoring reports, trends of 8 pts
abundance abundance/diversity monitoring, site
validation and inspection; photo-
Increase in catch rates, increase in sizes. Catch monitoring data from NSAP 8 pts
“recovery” of valuable target species
Improved quality of marine waters 16 pts
Increase in coral cover and/or seagrass Baseline profile vis a vis monitoring 8 pts
cover; survival of and quality of reports
mangrove species improvement of
water quality (e.g. clearer water,
reduced siltation; no domestic waster;
industrial effluence)
Activities undertaken/completed to Reports of on-going/completed 8 pts
enhance rehabilitation (e.g. area activities
closures like fish sanctuaries; mangrove
Social and Economic Benefits Subtotal 22 %
Increased Income 11 pts
Increased income derived from fishing Interviews with fisherfolk 11 pts

Increased livelihood 11 pts

livelihood opportunities which resulted Project documents, interviews of 11 pts
to improved socio-economic condition beneficiaries
TOTAL 100%
Annex I

Outstanding “Malinis at Masaganang Karagatan” of the Year_______

Name of the Municipality/City : _________________________________________________________

Address (Municipality/Province/Region) ___________________________________________________


Name of LGU FARMC Coordinator: ___________________________________________________________

Justification for Nomination:


Nominated by:
Signature over Printed Name
Position and Agency

Endorsed by:

Signature over Printed Name
Provincial Fisheries Director or
Provincial Fisheries Officer/Provincial Agriculturist

Attested by:
Signature over Printed Name
Regional Director, Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources
Annex II


Name and location of Nominee: _____________________________________________

Maximum Points
Management Effectiveness
- Management Interventions to address Illegal
- Local participation and LGU support
- Enforcement and compliance
- Sustainability of management
- Incentives and awards received

Biophysical and Ecological impacts

- Enhanced productivity of associated
- Improved quality of marine water ecosystem
Social and Economic Impacts
- Increased income
- Increased Livelihood
- Equitable benefits
Total 100

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