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Structured Abstracts Act Like Signposts, They Provide

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Structured abstracts

Emerald introduced structured abstracts to all journals in 2005. This development

was undertaken as part of our strategy of continuous improvement in the delivery
and dissemination of papers. Use of structured abstracts ensures that better
information is supplied and that there is more consistency across the journals and
database. Ultimately, readers and researchers searching the database are more
likely to access the paper when the abstract provides useful information. In the
past, author-written abstracts were very variable both in terms of content and
quality. Structured abstracts ensure we no longer have this problem.

In an electronic environment, abstracts are more important that they have ever
been. Sometimes this “snippet” is the only thing a reader or researcher will see
and it is the one chance we have of persuading them to download the full text of
the paper.

Structured abstracts act like signposts, they provide:

1. Consistency and clarity

2. Much easier evaluation of abstracts when confronted with a list of them
3. Speed to any literature search – saves time therefore.
4. A format where it is easy to isolate sections and therefore read about the key
elements of a paper
5. A unique approach which sets Emerald abstracts apart from others
6. Real support when seeking academic support materials depending on the
identified needs e.g. research papers employing particular types of research
7. Useful information in libraries – identifying texts for library users or directing
them to Emerald
8. More efficient evaluation of papers at the abstract level
9. Transparency of the valuable content of the database acting as a clearer shop
10. Ease of reading.
11. Particular benefits for practitioners – being able to select quickly those papers
with explicit practical implications
12. Benefits for researchers – being able to select quickly those papers that may
help them design their own research agenda and see what has already been
13. A major benefit in that one can pick out quickly the new angle/value of a
14. Best practice from the medical and scientific fields but adapted for our
readers' and researchers' needs within the management and business field.
15. A clear framework for extracting, summarising and emphasising pertinent
information for people in management
16. Encouragement and a requirement for authors and researchers to provide
stronger links between research and practice – something that both
government and other funding bodies support.

Structured abstracts will help the Editor in their preliminary review of a paper and
will certainly help the journal reviewers get an overview of a paper even before
conducting the review.
How to write a structured abstract

Paper type

Please chose a category for your paper. Pick the category which most closely
describes your paper. We understand that some papers can fit into more than one
category but it is necessary to assign your paper to one of the categories - these
are listed and will be searchable within the database.

 Research paper: This category covers papers which report on any type of
research undertaken by the author(s). The research may involve the
construction or testing of a model or framework, action research, testing of
data, market research or surveys, empirical, scientific or clinical research.

 Viewpoint: Any paper, where content is dependent on the author's opinion

and interpretation, should be included in this category; this also includes
journalistic pieces.

 Technical paper: Describes and evaluates technical products, processes or


 Conceptual paper : These papers will not be based on research but will
develop and test hypotheses. The papers are likely to be discursive and will
cover philosophical discussions and comparative studies of others' work and

 Case study: Case studies describe actual interventions or experiences within

organizations. They may well be subjective and will not generally report on
research. A description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a
teaching exercise would also fit into this category.

 Literature review: It is expected that all types of paper cite any relevant
literature so this category should only be used if the main purpose of the
paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular subject area.
It may be a selective bibliography providing advice on information sources or
it may be comprehensive in that the paper's aim is to cover the main
contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views.

 General review: This category covers those papers which provide an overview
or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomena. The
papers are likely to be more descriptive or instructional ("how to" papers)
than discursive.

Selecting keywords

Supply up to six keywords for tagging the paper when archived in the database.
Researchers will be more likely to retrieve the paper when conducting a keyword
search of our database if your paper is suitably tagged. In the near future the
controlled list of keywords will appear on the Emerald website and will form part
of the new online content management system so it will be easier then to find the
suitable terms but in the meantime pick keywords which reflect the specificity of
the paper. Avoid overarching terms like "Management" unless the paper
discusses the topic with such a wide focus. Use the most common term for a
concept. Do not make up new terms for an old concept. Try to think broadly; if
the paper discusses performance appraisal in an electronics factory it may be
worthwhile supplying the industry as a keyword. If an activity/research takes
place in a particular country then supply the country's name as a keyword.

Writing the abstract

To produce a structured abstract for the journal and Emerald database, please
complete the following fields about your paper. There are four fields which are
obligatory (Purpose, Design, Findings and Value); the other two (Research
limitations/implications and Practical implications) may be omitted if they are not
applicable to your paper.

Abstracts should contain no more than 250 words. Write concisely and
clearly. The abstract should reflect only what appears in the original paper.

Purpose of this paper What are the reason(s) for writing the paper
or the aims of the research?
Design/methodology/approach How are the objectives achieved? Include
the main method(s) used for the research.
What is the approach to the topic and what
is the theoretical or subject scope of the
Findings What was found in the course of the work?
This will refer to analysis, discussion, or
Research If research is reported on in the paper this
limitations/implications (if section must be completed and should
applicable) include suggestions for future research and
any identified limitations in the research
Practical implications What outcomes and implications for
(if applicable) practice, applications and consequences are
identified? Not all papers will have practical
implications but most will. What changes to
practice should be made as a result of this
What is original/value of paper What is new in the paper? State the value
of the paper and to whom.

A sample structured abstract

Title: Internal brand building and structuration: the role of leadership

Author(s): Christine Vallaster, Leslie de Chernatony

Journal: European Journal of Marketing

Year: 2006 Volume: 40 Issue: 7/8 Page: - 784

Purpose – The paper aims to clarify the relationship between organisational

structures and individual brand supporting behaviour. It proposes modelling the
social transformation process and outlining why and how leadership is important
throughout the internal brand building process. The study aims to expand the
domain of corporate branding by including a broader range of human resource
and leadership-related aspects than is normally found in the branding literature.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper opted for an exploratory study
using the open-ended approach of grounded theory, including 30 depth interviews
and one expert group discussion with employees representing middle and senior
management having mainly a marketing and corporate communications
background. The data were complemented by documentary analysis, including
brand documents, descriptions of internal processes, and copies of employee
magazine articles.

Findings – The paper provides empirical insights about how change is brought
about during internal brand building. It suggests that successful leaders act as
“integrating forces” on two levels: integrating the elements of corporate identity
structures, and mediating between the corporate branding structures and the

Research limitations/implications – Because of the chosen research

approach, the research results may lack generalisability. Therefore, researchers
are encouraged to test the proposed propositions further.

Practical implications – The paper includes implications for the development of

a powerful brand image, the development of “brand ambassadors” and for
managing the balance between stability and change.

Originality/value – This paper fulfils an identified need to study how brand-

supportive behaviour can be enabled.

Keywords: Brand management, Corporate branding, Leadership, Social change

Article Type: Research paper

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