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Weak La Niña Conditions Persist: Climate Services Division

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Climate ISO 9001:2015

Services certified Climate

Weak La Niña conditions persist

Volume 11 : Issue 01
January 25, 2018

Content In Brief
In Brief
 A weak La Niña currently persists in the tropical Pacific region;

History and Current  Weak La Niña conditions are likely to continue through the 1 st quarter of 2018, with gradual decay
Situation to neutral conditions expected over March to May 2018 period;

ENSO Outlook  La Niña events are usually associated with enhanced rainfall activity over Fiji. However, with a
weak event, this typically means less influence on Fiji’s rainfall;
Observations of
Climate Anomalies  Average or above average rainfall favoured at most parts of the country during January to March
2018 period;
 At the end of December 2017, majority of the locations in the Western Division were in meteoro-
Explanatory Note:
logical drought state affecting small to medium systems;
El Niño and La Niña
 However, meteorological drought affecting small systems have eased and even broken at some sites
Drought Monitor with recent rainfall received during January 2018.

History and Current Situation

The sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropical Pacific flipped on to the cooler side of neutral during August 2017 and
reached weak La Niña levels during November 2017. The atmospheric indicators of ENSO also responded to changes in the
SSTs and thus, a weak La Niña pattern was established in the tropical Pacific. Since then, the weak La Niña conditions have
continued and still persist at present time.
Current Situation
SSTs currently show a clear La Niña pattern, though weak, with coolest waters centered in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Subsur-
face temperature anomalies across the eastern equatorial Pacific are also consistent with La Niña pattern, but have started to
weaken recently. Continued build-up of warmer water beneath the surface of the western Pacific, which is progressing east-
wards, is a likely precursor of the weakening of the La Niña to neutral conditions.

The atmospheric indicators of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are also consistent with a weak La Niña, with sup-
pressed precipitation in the equatorial Pacific near the Dateline. Additionally, enhanced trade winds were observed in the west-
ern tropical Pacific in the last 30 days. On the other hand, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) has been fluctuating in recent
times. The latest 30-day average SOI to January 21st was +4.1, jumping from –5.2 on January 8th. Sustained values of SOI
above +7 typically indicate La Niña, while below –7 signify El Niño. It is noted that SOI tends to be more unstable and can
fluctuate significantly at this time of the year and it is regarded as a secondary indicator of ENSO.

ENSO Outlook
About 80% of the climate models are predicting continuation of weak La Niña conditions through the January to March 2018
period. Approximately 75% of the models predict neutral conditions over the April to June 2018 period. The chances of an El
Niño developing in the first half of 2018 is negligible.

The latest outlook from Climate Prediction Centre/International Research Institute of USA stated La Niña is likely (about 85
to 95%) through Northern Hemisphere winter (December to February), with a transition to ENSO-neutral expected during the
spring (March to May).

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s latest ENSO Wrap-Up (16th January) states that this event is likely to be at or near its
peak, with the likely end of the La Niña during the March to May 2018 period.
Page 2 Weak La Niña conditions persist 2018

Observations of Previous Three Months

The weather over the Fiji Group through the October to December 2017 period was dominated by broad south east trade
winds, trough of low pressure systems, ridge of high pressure systems and tropical disturbances.

October was significantly dry as most of the stations received below average to well below average rainfall. The dryness was
especially notable in the Western Division with all the stations from the Nadi to Rakiraki corridor recording less than half the
normal rainfall.

Rainfall activity picked up in November 2017 which brought much needed relief especially to the Western and Northern Divi-
sions that were considerably dry since April 2017. The conditions during December 2017 varied across the country ranging
from below average to above average.

The accumulated rainfall over the past three months (October to December 2017) was below average at 2 sites, average at 9
sites, above average at 7 sites and well above average at 2 sites.

As at end of December 2017, majority of the sites in the Western Division were in meteorological drought conditions affect-
ing shallow rooted plants, most deep rooted agricultural crops, fruit trees, small water bodies, such as, creeks and streams, and
small rivers and reservoirs. However, a significant trough of low pressure resulted in substantial rainfall over the Western
Division, especially in the north western portion of Viti Levu, from 14 to15 January 2018. As a result, meteorological drought
conditions have eased at many sites and completely broken at Nadi Airport, Lautoka Mill and Rarawai Mill.

Figure 1

Rainfall and Temperature Outlook

Average or above average rainfall favoured at most parts of the country during the January to March 2018 period. The recent-
ly surveyed global climate models also favours average or above average rainfall in the Fiji region over the same period. Con-
sidering that the country is now in the peak wet/tropical cyclone season, coupled with the persistence of the weak La Niña
event and the rainfall outlook, enhanced rainfall activity is likely over the Fiji Group in the coming three months. This scenario
increases risk of flash flooding in localized heavy rainfall and flooding of low lying areas in heavy rainfall events.
The SCOPIC model predictions predicts maximum and minimum air temperatures to vary around normal over the country with
very low to low confidences. However, the global climate models favour above normal air temperatures in the Fiji region
through the same period. Given the country is now into the peak period for warm/wet season, significantly warm and humid
conditions are likely to be experienced on occasions through the January to March 2018 period.
Above normal sea surface temperatures are favoured in the Fiji Waters through the January to March 2018 period.
Page 3 Weak La Niña conditions persist January

Table 1: Rainfall Distribution for October to December 2017

October November December October to December
2017 2017 2017 2017
Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm) Total Rainfall (mm)
Nadi Airport 28.2 138.8 202.4 369.4

Nacocolevu, Nadroga 80.4 174.2 121.4 376

Lautoka Mill 24.5 131 187.3 342.8

Viwa 40.7 Missing 88.6 Missing

Yasawa-i-Rara 60.0 97.0 153.2 310.2
Dobuilevu 42.5 404.5 182.5 629.5
Rarawai Mill, Ba 16.8 178.5 248.7 444
Penang Mill 7.1 187.2 134.1 328.4
Monasavu 295.7 634.9 557.9 1488.5
Nabouwalu Missing Missing 327.2 Missing
Dreketi Missing Missing Missing Missing
Seaqaqa 58.0 234.5 223.5 516
Labasa Airfield 47.0 267.1 213.0 527.1
Udu Point 159.7 394.9 383 937.6

Savusavu Airport 80.7 235.5 197.2 513.4

Matei, Taveuni 96.8 250.7 311.9 659.4
Tokotoko, Navua 235.0 871.5 347.9 1454.4
Koronivia 142.0 628.1 221.8 991.9
Laucala Bay, Suva 150.2 661.5 411.3 1223
Nausori Airport 125.5 487.4 340.7 953.6
Lakeba 72.6 381.5 114.2 568.3
Ono-I-Lau 131.8 174.6 124.0 430.4
Matuku 112.1 178.3 Missing Missing
Vunisea Missing 555.6 172.4 Missing
Rotuma 625.1 369.3 192.0 1186.4

Explanatory Note - El Niño and La Niña

ENSO is an irregular cycle of persistent warming and cooling of SSTs in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The warm extreme is
known as El Niño and cold extreme, La Niña.
The term El Niño was given to a warming of the ocean near the Peruvian coast in South America that appears around Christ-
mas. Scientists now refer to an El Niño event as sustained warming over a large part of central and eastern equatorial Pacific
Ocean. This warming is usually accompanied by persistent negative values of Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), a decrease in
the strength or reversal of the trade winds, increase in cloudiness near Dateline in the equatorial Pacific and a reduction in rain-
fall over most of Fiji (not immediate effect as there is a lag period) which can, especially during moderate to strong events,
lead to drought.
La Niña is a sustained cooling of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. The cooling is usually accompanied by per-
sistent positive values of SOI, an increase in strength of the equatorial trade winds, decrease in cloudiness near the Dateline in
the equatorial Pacific and higher than average rainfall for most of Fiji (not immediate effects as there is a lag period), with fre-
quent and sometimes severe flooding, especially during the wet season (November to April).
Page 4 Weak La Niña conditions persist January

Table 2: Meteorological Drought Status as at end of December 2017

Sites in Sites in
Sites in
Timescale Meteorological Drought Meteorological Drought
Meteorological Drought
Warning Status Watch

Labasa, Matei, Nausori, Toko-

Lautoka, Nadi, Penang, Rarawai,
3-month Nacocolevu and Seaqaqa toko, Yasawa-i-Rara & Laucala
Tavua & Savusavu

Lautoka, Monasavu, Nacocolevu,

6-month Nadi, Penang, Rarawai, Savusavu, Nausori & Tokotoko Laucala Bay
Tavua and Yasawa-i-Rara

Penang &
12-month - Monasavu & Dobuilevu

Background Information on Drought Monitor

FMS currently uses the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for monitoring monthly rainfall variability in Fiji. The selec-
tion of the SPI method follows extensive research into its suitability for Fiji conditions in comparison with other notable indi-
ces by both the Fiji Meteorological Service and Australian Bureau of Meteorology (via the AusAID Pacific Islands Climate
Prediction Project). The SPI was developed in 1993 at the Colorado State University in the United States of America to be a
relatively simple, year-round index, applicable to the water supply conditions in the United States. Since then, it has become
the most widely used index for operational drought monitoring.

The SPI is widely accepted because of its special characteristic of being able to be normalized to a location and in time. Rainfall
data needs to be normalized, as statistically, rainfall is not normally distributed. Rainfall is zero bounded and no rainfall days out-
number rainfall days. Fiji rainfall is also positively skewed. This standardization technique allows the SPI to determine the rarity of
a current drought event, as well as the probability of the rainfall necessary to end the current drought. It allows the SPI to be com-
puted at any location and at any number of time scales, depending on the impacts of interest to the user. Because SPI values fit a
typical normal distribution, one can expect these values to be within one standard deviation approximately 68% of the time, within
two standard deviations 95% of the time and within three standard deviations 99% of the time. A related interpretation would be that
moderate drought occurs 16 times in 100 years, severe drought occurs two or three times in 100 years, and extreme drought occurs
once in approximately 200 years. The fundamental strength of the SPI is that it can be calculated for a variety of time scales. This
versatility allows the SPI to monitor short-term water supplies, such as soil moisture, important for agricultural production, and
longer-term water resources such as groundwater supplies, stream flow and reservoir storage.

Drought status for 24 sites are provided in Table 2. FMS monitors rainfall deficiencies (drought status) at three time-scales that
are indicators of meteorological and as well as applied to agricultural and hydrological drought conditions:
 3-months ‒ most shallow rooted agricultural crops, small streams and small water tanks;
 6-months ‒ most deep rooted agricultural crops, fruit trees, small rivers and reservoirs; and
 12-months ‒ medium to large rivers, medium to large reservoirs, shallow wells, dam storages.

This Update is prepared as soon as ENSO, climate and oceanographic data/information is received from recording stations around Fiji and
Meteorological Agencies around the region/world. Delays in data collection, availability of appropriate information, communication and pro-
cessing occasionally arise. While every effort is made to verify observational data and information, the Fiji Meteorological Service does not
guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the analyses presented, and accepts no liability for any losses incurred through the use of this Update
and its contents. The contents of the Update may be freely disseminated provided the source is acknowledged. All requests for data should be
addressed to the Director, Fiji Meteorological Service HQ, Namaka, Nadi.

For more information, contact:

Fiji Meteorological Service, Private Mail Bag NAP0351, Nadi Airport, Fiji. Phone : 6724888, Fax : 6724050. Visit website at http:/www.met.gov.fj
for other products and services. Email: climate@met.gov.fj or fms@met.gov.fj.
All correspondences must be addressed to the Director of Meteorology.

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