On-Site Investigation and Monitoring For The Assessment of A Historic Brick Masonry Tower
On-Site Investigation and Monitoring For The Assessment of A Historic Brick Masonry Tower
On-Site Investigation and Monitoring For The Assessment of A Historic Brick Masonry Tower
An experimental investigation aimed to the evaluation of the state of damage of historic brick
masonry structure, referred to as The Bellevue Tower, is presented. The tower was built at the
beginning of the 16th century as part of the Ferrero Palace-Masserano-La Marmora, on the
highest part of Biella, in the Italian region of Piedmont, and became the city landmark. The
tower has a square plan for the first three lower floors from the ground level and an octagonal
plan for the remaining four floors, ending with a stone-decorated cantilevered crowning.
The tower was a part of a public Palace from which it was separated, in terms of property, at the
beginning of the 20th century. This separation altered the use and conservation path of the tower,
that nowadays suffers from a severe state of damage and requires an immediate intervention and
rehabilitation of the masonry structures and overhanging elements for safety reasons.
A methodology is put forward for combining laboratory and non-destructive testing methods
with a monitoring system in order to evaluate the potential for conservation of this historic tower
and its sustainability, in view of an effective intervention design.
Masonry towers are largely diffused in Italy and Europe and constitute an important part of our
heritage which requires suitable protection. The problem of their safety, which became
particularly evident after the failure of monumental buildings including the recent collapses of
the Meldert Bell-tower and the Maagdentoren Tower at Zichem, Belgium in 2006 has to be
tackled by the owners and frequently local public institutions who cannot always afford very
costly diagnostic techniques. On the other hand, before large investments are made for
monitoring and/or repair interventions, preliminary screenings look very useful to qualify the
buildings depending on the estimated degree of damage. For this purpose, some help might come
if guidelines were provided by local authorities, so that a classification of the state of the towers
based on direct observation could be routinely performed [1, 2].
The influence of time on the mechanical behaviour of masonry structures became evident after
the collapse of the medieval Tower of Pavia, when the identification of a time-dependent
behaviour, probably coupled in a synergetic way to cyclic loads, was identified as a possible
explanation of the sudden collapse. Ancient buildings often show diffused crack patterns, which
may be due to different causes in relation to original function, construction technique and
loading history. In many cases it is the dead load, usually very high in massive monumental
buildings, which plays a major role into the formation and propagation of the crack pattern [3, 4].
In the case of the Masserano Tower, the historic symbol of Biella city, in Piedmont region, Italy,
large and long cracks are visible both on external and internal prospects. Single flat jack tests
were carried out on the four sides of the tower, at the base of the octagonal part, in order to
investigate the non-uniform vertical stress distribution and to compare it with the out-of-plumb
survey of the same part. A detailed crack pattern survey was carried out with the aim of detecting
whether the possible leaning and other movements, also related to the slope of the ground where
the building rises, are still in progress or assessed. A simple but efficient system of static
monitoring was applied on the major cracks [5].
Figure 1: Plan of La Marmora Palace and Figure 2: North front of Ferrero Palace
Ferrero Palace. and the Masserano Tower.
The tower called “dei Masserano” is part of a building complex formed by La Marmora Palace
and Ferrero Palace, medieval dwellings rising in the “Piazzo”, the upper ancient village which
still constitutes the historic city centre of Biella. The official date of the birth of Piazzo on the
hill is 1160 but only in 1450 the presence of a building in the area of Ferrero Palace is
documented. The present aspect of the complex, organized around five courts (Figures 1 and 2),
did not result from a unitary project but from a series of annexations and transformations
deriving from purchases carried out between the 15th and 18th centuries.
The construction of the tower, despite a precise date is not known, seems to go back to 15th and
16th centuries. The first view of the tower, very similar to its present aspect, is shown on a fresco
of 1612 (Figures 3 and 4). Various events characterized the lives of the La Marmora family, who
in 17th century splitted and built a different palace, and of Ferrero family, Princes of Masserano,
who kept the tower until 1833, when the Ferrero eventually rejoined with the La Marmora
family. Later, the Ferrero Palace and the tower were subjected to various different uses from
dyeing place in 1854, to Spa in 1865. Being the tower dedicated to host a staircase, it was opened
by inner doors, to connect it with the different levels of the palace. In 1912 the Ferrero Palace
was sold by the La Marmora family to the Town Council that transformed it in a military
convalescent home, but the tower remained until nowadays of the La Marmora family, who
closed subsequently all the doors in connection with the rest of the Palace.
According to the Italian seismic code [6, 7], Biella is classified in 4th category (the lowest
intensity one) and it is not at a particular risk, nor notice of historic earthquake has been
registered. No effects of the earthquake of December 23rd 2009 in the province of Reggio Emilia
were observed on the readings of the geometry static monitoring in progress on the tower.
Figure 3: View of Biella “Piazzo” from the town, Figure 4: View of the Tower
fresco at La Marmora Palace, 1612. Masserano from the courtyard.
The Masserano Tower, built in solid brickwork masonry, has a square plan for the first three
lower floors, inserted in the Ferrero Palace, and an octagonal plan for the remaining four floors,
ending with a crowning supported by stone cantilevers and is characterized by a central pillar
having a squared base 1.56 m wide and an octagonal upper part of about 1.21 m radius
(Figure 9).
a) b)
Figure 5: Crowning of the Tower La Marmora Masserano: Figure 6: Bolt of a tie rod
details of the damage phenomena. on the crowning.
In addition to a superficial decay at the crowning (Figures 5 and 6), that mostly worried the
owners initially, the tower shows a diffuse damage that induced to carry out a detailed crack
pattern survey in order to understand the movements and prevent possible collapse mechanisms.
The tower is affected by a major crack pattern, both on the lower square portion and on the upper
octagonal one, including the central pillar. Cracks are particularly visible on the South and
North-East octagonal fronts and on the corresponding lower portion of the square fronts. On the
North-East front an out-of-plane relative displacement can be observed which exhibits a long
vertical crack (Figure 7), also continuing on the squared lower portion of the tower.
a) b) c)
Figure 7: Cracks on the North-East wall of the tower. Figure 8: Crack on the
North wall of the tower.
Many of the cracks cut the whole wall thickness, in other cases they only run on the surface.
Sometimes the cracks can be interpreted as the results of compression, like for instance those on
the central pillar at the ground level (Figures 9 and 10) and those on the South side at ground
level (Figures 11 and 12) where very low sonic velocity was also recorded.
The state of damage of the central pillar at the underground level appeared immediately
particularly serious due to the presence of diffused vertical cracks, taking also into account the
presence of two recesses on opposite sides of the basement that abundantly reduces the solid
cross section. On the contrary, the upper part of the central pillar till the crowning presents no
East and West fronts present diagonal cracks due to shear. This resulted, as shown in Figure 17,
from the effects of a soil settlement towards South East and therefore indicating the need of
measuring a possible tower tilting [5,8]. This movement could justify the presence, on the front
North wall of the palace, of two bending vertical cracks having maximum aperture on the upper
end (Figure 8). The crack pattern seems to be also influenced by the inclusion of the tower within
the Ferrero Palace: above the level where the tower becomes octagonal and stands out the
building, it is no more restrained by the Palace. Here its walls are cut by a thick network of
cracks, particularly evident on the Eastern side, presumably due to compression (Figure 7).
East North
West South
Velocità sonica
Velocità sonica [m/s]
7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
2000 2000
1900 1900
1800 1800
1700 1700
1600 1600
13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18
1500 1500
1400 1400
1300 1300
1200 1200
1100 1100
19 20 21 22 23 24 1000 19 20 21 22 23 24 1000
900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
25 26 27 28 29 30 500 25 26 27 28 29 30 500
400 400
300 300
31 32 33 34 35 36 31 32 33 34 35 36
Figure 12: Crack pattern of the Figure 13: South wall, Figure 14: South wall,
South wall at the ground level. ground level: sonic velocity underground level: sonic
0.82 N/mm 0.54
1.03 N/mm2
a) b) c)
Figure 15: Results of single flat jack tests: a) at a height of 12 m
b) at ground level, c) at underground level.
The results of flat jack tests indicate a variation of the vertical stress with height which is
reasonably influenced by a complex of factors including the tower geometry, the presence of
apertures, the possibility of stress diffusion at lower levels allowed by the continuity with the
palace walls, the presence of cracks, etc.
A simple calculation based on the effect of the dead load gives at the base of the tower a
uniformly distributed stress in compression of about 0.8 N/mm2 assuming perfect verticality of
the tower. The vertical stress values measured on each of the four walls at a height of 12 m, just
below the level where the tower shape turns into an octagon (Figure 15), show a non uniform
stress distribution.
Though the highest and lowest recorded vertical stresses are apparently difficult to interpret,
nevertheless the presence of bending can certainly be assumed. In particular, it has to be
considered that single flat jacks are able to locally measure the vertical stress component only on
one face of a wall. In this respect, since all single flat jack tests could only be carried out on the
inner part of the walls for accessibility reasons, no information are available on the stress
distribution across single walls. However considering on the one hand the extremely low value
on the West face of East wall as well as the high value on the East face of the West wall and on
the other hand the higher stress value on the South wall than on the North wall, an overall
bending toward South East can be assumed, probably due to the tower tilting. This is also
responsible of the crack pattern described above and is plausibly due to soil settlement. The
hypothesis is confirmed by the results of the geometrical survey subsequently commented.
Following all previous considerations, measurements of the tower verticality were carried out
both through the plumb and through a topographic survey with a laser integrated theodolite
(GEOTOP). The use of two methods was required because of the difficulty to establish a closed
polygonal: the “forward intersection” was adopted, keeping the fixed points on the tower, and
surveying them from several station points. The survey was carried out only from outside; due to
the low visibility of some sides, that were hidden by the roof, the loss of verticality was
calculated by using two different zero levels: one at 14.40 m and the other at 18 m. A loss of
verticality was detected mainly in the South-East direction, towards the center of the hall (Figure
13). In fact, this is the direction where the ground slopes and buttresses built on the eastern front
of the palace testify that the phenomenon presumably initiated in the past. To better understand
the effects of this movement on the tower, also considering the influence of its inclusion in the
Ferrero Palace and its interaction with the ground slope, a 3D representation is shown in
Figure 16.
Figure 16: Survey of the tower verticality. Figure 17: Direction of ground slope
and tilting of the tower.
A monitoring program has been designed to record the possible evolution of the movements of
the main cracks over a first period of 18 months to achieve an accurate evaluation of the state of
damage and a safety assessment of the building. In addition to temperature data, manual readings
are taken on three metal plates at each position, so to know two relative displacement
components: a “dilation” one, orthogonal to the crack direction and a “shear” one, parallel to it.
The locations of the main cracks subjected to the monitoring scheme are indicated in Figure 18.
Despite the interpretation of some readings cannot be yet univocally given, some interesting
overall considerations may be drawn. Some cracks exhibit significant displacements both in the
dilation and in the shear direction, generally following a cyclic trend strongly influenced by
temperature variations. Considering shear displacement (Figure 19), it is interesting to notice that
some cracks are not significantly involved by this component, like cracks 9, 10 and 11 on the
central pillar and cracks 12, 1, 2, and 5, where dilation is prevalent. Differently, shear
displacement components look particularly evident on cracks 7 and 8 on East wall where it
shows a comparable amount but an opposite sense with respect of cracks 5 and 6 on West wall.
For East and West wall are parallel, these readings indicate an overall shear displacement of the
tower which has to be related to the ground settlement also influencing the tower tilting. The
meaning of shear of cracks 3, and 4, which is opposite to that of cracks of the same side, remains
more difficult to understand.
Cracks 3, 7 on the East wall and 6 on the West wall are affected by significant dilation with the
same trend of temperature (Figure 20), whereas cracks 9, 10 and 11 on the pillar are affected by
counter-cyclic dilation with respect to temperature (Figure 21). In particular, because since June
the pillar has been exhibiting a continuous dilation, and considering the significant vulnerability
of slender elements toward sustained compression, a retrofit intervention is in progress to
guarantee the pillar safety.
40 JUL.
80 50 JUL.
75 75
30 40 crack 11 75
R e la tiv e d is p la c e m e n t [μ m ]
20 65 65
30 65
crack 8 60 crack 3 60 crack 10 60
C ra c k o p e n in g [μm ]
c ra c k o p e n in g [μ m ]
10 20
crack 4 55 55 20 55
50 50 crack 9 50
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0 11,0 12,0 13,0 14,0 15,045
10 crack 4 45
-10 40 0 40
0 40
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0 11,0 12,0 13,0 14,0 15,0
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0 11,0 12,0 13,0 14,0 15,0
35 35 35
-20 -10
T e m p e ra tu re °C
crack 3 -10
T e m p e ra tu re °C
30 30 30
T e m p e ra tu re °C
+ 26°C + 26°C
25 25 + 21°C 25
-30 -20 -20
20 crack 8 20 20
-40 15 -30 15 -30 15
10 10 10
-50 -40 -40
+ 2.5°C 5 + 2.5°C 5 5
+ 8°C
-60 0 -50 0 -50 0
Figure 19: Shear on the main wall Figure 20: Dilation on the Figure 21: Dilation on the
(cracks n. 3,4, 8). main wall (cracks n. 3,4, 8). pillar (cracks n. 9, 10, 11).
A global approach for the safety assessment of historic towers has been applied to the study of
the Masserano Tower in Biella, which included the following aspects: geometrical survey
highlighting the irregular features like the lack of verticality; survey of the crack pattern and of
the damage phenomena visually detected; interpretation of the crack patterns and recognition of
its causes; on site characterisation of the masonry walls through sonic and flat-jack tests;
monitoring of the damage evolution in time still in progress. The detailed knowledge of the
building allowed to recognise dangerous elements and to design initial retrofitting interventions.
The calibration of theoretical models and further investigation are still on-going, to collect other
information on the general behaviour of the structures. Future interventions will be finalized both
to directly repair the occurred damage and to remove the vulnerability sources.
The authors wish to thank F. Alberti La Marmora for his kindness and serviceability during all
surveys. D. Mora, D. Mori, F. Perlini and N. Podavini are gratefully acknowledged for their
fundamental support in the in-situ survey, L. Cantini, M. Antico and M. Iscandri for all the
technical aspects, Studio L. Malavolta for the geometrical survey. The research was supported by
F. Alberti La Marmora.
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