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Flyball - Great Fun For Dogs and People: by Linette Mcelroy

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Citizen Canine Dog Owners’ Association Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 3 Fall 2006

Great Fun for
Dogs and People by Diana Gault
by Linette McElroy

Have you ever gone by the front field at Beaver

Lake Park and noticed a bunch of dogs energeti-
cally taking turns jumping over hurdles, chasing
after their owners, barking their fool heads off and
generally having a fabulous time? Still wondering
what they heck they were up to? Chances are they Flyball is an official dog sport, and flyball racing in
were flyball racing! Canada is sanctioned by the North American Flyball
Flyball is a team sport for dogs that was in- Association (NAFA). As with other official sports,
vented in California in the late 70’s. To the untrained there are points and standings and titles to be earned
eye the game appears to be nothing short of pan- and celebrated. I won’t get into those in great detail
demonium but for those of us who know and love here, but will say that some of the fastest, and top-
this game, it’s great fun and perfect for well-so- pointed dogs and teams in North America hail from
cialized, energetic, and ball-crazy dogs of all and compete right here on Vancouver Island. There
breeds, shapes and sizes—and their owners. are many of us who play non-competitive flyball as
Essentially, flyball is a relay race with 4 dogs well. It doesn’t matter if you’re
on a team. The course consists of a start/finish competing or just playing the
line, four hurdles spaced ten feet apart and a spring- game; flyball is one of the best In this
loaded box. The hurdles’ height is dependent on ways to have fun with your issue...is issue…
the height of the shortest dog on the team and dog.
can range between 8 and 16 inches. The dogs Victoria is home to several Clicker Training
must jump over all four hurdles and step on a flyball clubs. If you’re inter- Basics
spring-loaded box that shoots out a tennis ball. ested in learning more about
The dog then catches the tennis ball and runs back the sport, you could locate Chiropractic for
over the four hurdles. When the dog crosses the one at www.flyballdogs.com/ Dogs
start line, the next dog goes. The first team to have region7/flyballclubs.htm
all four dogs run without errors wins the heat. If Or plan to attend Citizen plus
you’ve ever seen flyball in action, you’ll have seen Canine’s upcoming Every-
that speed is fueled by enthusiasm. Flyball racers— body and Their Dog TALK, on Sensational Dogs,
canine and human alike—are an enthusiastic and October 14 where Capital Sensationalized
often noisy bunch. Comets Dog Sports Club will
Some flyball teams can complete a heat in less be highlighting this and other
than 16 seconds – remarkable considering that’s dog sports.
four dogs, each running a course of 102 feet!
Editor: Joanna Pettit
Production: Jaimee Gadsden

Contributors: Monique Anstee,

September2006 President’s Message
Linette McElroy, Dr. Glynis
Newman, Kirsta Thorleifson

Citizen Canine Directors

President, Colin Carson
Vice President, Helen Zeilstra
Secretary–Treasurer, Joanna
Director at Large, Mark
Hawkes I hope everyone has had a great sum-
mer - especially its ‘dog days’! I’m
The Scoop is published probably not alone when I say I’m in
quarterly by Citizen Canine a bit of denial about slightly shorter
Dog Owners Association and is
distributed by e-mail to those days, dewy mornings, and kids go-
on our contact list. ing back to school - the tell-tale signs
Opinions expressed in of an altogether different season.
articles published in this The next few months look to be
newsletter are those of the
busy ones for Citizen Canine, starting
authors and are not necessarily
endorsed by Citizen Canine. with our Annual General Meeting later this
Please send letters to the month (Wednesday, September 20 in the
editor and submissions to Douglas Fir Room at Saanich Commonwealth Place). The AGM provides a unique
Citizen Canine at Cook St RO, opportunity for all those who support Citizen Canine to come out and help forge
PO Box 23078, BC V8V 4Z8 or
by email to its direction and set its goals. Voting privileges at the meeting are limited to the
newsletter@citizencanine.org paid membership (you can visit our website for more information on paid
Letters and submissions memberships). Please use this opportunity to come out and help advance our
must be signed by the author mandate for responsible dog ownership and policy in the region.
and may be edited for style and
After our very successful lecture last year by Dr. Stanley Coren, we quickly
length. You can also comment
on any of these articles at came to realize the incredible appetite local dog owners have to learn as much as
Citizen Canine’s online forum they can about their wonderful companions. This year we are organizing a evening
at www.citizencanine.org symposium on dogs and dog training methods from several respected local
experts, also to be held at the University of Victoria. The date is October 14, with
Citizen Canine Dog Owners
Association is a registered more details becoming available on our website over the next few weeks.
society in British Columbia. Finally I’d just like to say a big thanks to all of our Scoop contributors - both in
Our goals are to promote and this edition, and previous ones. With each edition downloads from the website
protect the interests of dog increase as the newsletter is enjoyed by folks in the Victoria area and, indeed,
owners in the greater Victoria
around the world. Please feel free to provide feedback, and consider your own
region through advocacy,
education and community contribution!
building. To join Citizen
Canine, complete a membership Colin Carson
form from this publication or
join on-line,

Citizen Canine Dog Owners

Cook Street RO,
PO Box 23078,
Victoria, BC. V8V 4Z8 Would you like to have a copy of The Scoop sent to your e-mail
inbox? It’s easy. Just join Citizen Canine’s e-mail network.
Network members also get notices of local issues and events of
interest to dog owners. To join for free, just go to our website at
www.ctiziencanine.org and click on “get membership details here.”
stories. Check it out at
B i t s
Eva Dudzic, DVM, Oak Bay Pet
www.victoriaadoptables.com and Clinic—Bite Safety
pass the word along. Congratula-
tions Carol and volunteers for Mary Anne Leason, PhD, Pet
providing this excellent resource. Peeves Behavioural Consultants—
Common behaviour problems in
Citizen Citizen Canine Dogs
presents a symposium on
dogs: The “Everybody and Their Linette McElroy, Capital Comets
Dog Talk” brings together local Dog Sports Club—Introduction to
Tail Wags: Citizen Canine’s dogs
experts to talk about a variety of Flyball and Agility
give a tail wag to the following
dog-related topics. Seven different
speakers (including veterinarians Glynis Newman, DVM, Hillside
Duncan and Rick Braun Braun, who
and dog behaviourists) will Veterinary Hospital—Chiropractic
took first place in their division at
address topics ranging from and Physiotherapy for Dogs
the 2006 Agility Association of
clicker training to chiropractic for
Canada Championship in Burnaby
dogs, followed by an open ques- Parm Parmar, St. John’s
in August. Duncan is a seven-year-
tion-and-answer session. Ambulance—Pet First Aid
old Australian Terrier who began
Are you interested in dog sports
training in dog sports a few years
or behaviour problems? Or
ago with Capital Comets Dog Sport
perhaps first aid for dogs? Are you Update on the Memorial Fund
Club. Australian Terriers are known
wondering about the most effective for Liam McGuire: Our Spring
for being independent and stub-
way to train your dog or how to issue of The Scoop carried a
born—not necessarily good traits
keep kids safe around dogs? memorial notice for Liam McGuire,
for playing agility or flyball
Information on these topics and friend to many people and pets in
(Duncan’s other passion). And yet
more will be covered. Victoria. The notice invited people
this little fellow is also a Flyball Dog
The symposium takes place at to contribute to a memorial fund to
Champion and second highest
the David Lam Auditorium at UVic commemorate Liam’s life and
ranked dog of his breed in the
on Saturday, October 14th 7:00 spirit. Donations were to be
North American Flyball Associa-
pm. Tickets are available from collected to either purchase a
tion! Duncan and Rick are an
Chez Terry (both Fairfield and bench on Dallas Rd (if contribu-
inspiration to all of us in the world
Cadboro Bay stores), Pets West, tions met the $2,500 cost) or for a
of dog sports, proving time and
Pup n’ Cup , and Your Pet Pals…as donation to a local animal rescue
again that it’s not the size of the
well as through the Citizen Canine organization. The Liam McGuire
dog that matters, but the size of his
website at www.citizencanine.org. memorial fund account was closed
spirit. Way to go, guys!
Cost for the evening is $10 in at the end of August and $845.00
Carol Broad
Broad, who works
advance or $12 at the door. was donated to Liam’s memory.
tirelessly to find homes for dogs
and cats in Victoria through the This money will be given to the
Symposium Presenters: Nana Foundation, an animal
Victoria Adoptables website, which
helps potential pet owners find a rescue organization on Southern
rescued or rehabilitated dog or cat Monique Anstee, Naughty Dogge— Vancouver Island, which will use
to nurture. This is an amazing Clicker Training Basics the money for its rescue and
service for people who are adoption. Thanks to everyone who
looking for a pet. It features animals Sherry Antonishen, Smart Dog contributed.
for adoption from rescue organi- Training—Deciphering Dominance
zations and the local pounds. It
also lists lost pets, local trainers,
upcoming events, and success
Sensational Dogs,
∗ Dog aggression gression issues, and three months
after getting Tully we added Rhino,
∗ High prey drive for small animals our male, to the family. Rhino is
By Kirsta Thorleifson ∗ Health problems such as aller- Tully’s opposite - short and thick
gies, ligament tears, and mange where she is lean and athletic,
and parvo due to lowered immune slower to learn where she antici-
Ten months ago, if anyone told me systems pates a command. However he
I would be the owner of one Ameri- is extremely people and dog
can Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), let The positives outweighed the friendly, and trying to outgrow
alone two, I would have said they negatives, and we wanted overall misbehaviours common to a puppy
were nuts. Yet here it is, ten to have a smart, active, people- of any breed.
months later, and I have two My passion for these
APBTs who own my heart. dogs has resulted in my
Late September 2005, my position as the Vancouver
spouse and I made the difficult Island Coordinator for
and heartbreaking decision to HugABull, hoping to help
put down a Malamute/Shep- educate current and poten-
herd cross that we had adopted tial pit bull owners about the
only the previous month, due responsibility they take on
to human and dog aggression. with this much-maligned
His history was unknown, and breed. I also strive to show
we did what we felt was best members of the pit-fearing
for him and safest for every- public how truly wonderful a
body. sound, well-bred pit bull can
When he was gone, we had be, and many have “crossed
a gaping emptiness in our lives. over to the dark side” after
We began searching for a new friendly dog that would be part of being loved-on by my people-crazy
canine companion, and saw many the family. We understood that dogs! My role also allows me to
pit bulls available for adoption. In these dogs, due to negative media liaise with Island shelters and
my thorough research of the breed publicity, irresponsible ownership, SPCA’s, temperament test shelter
I discovered the following positive and over-breeding, were facing dogs for our program, attend Island
traits common in APBTs: breed specific legislation (BSL) events with our informative
throughout the world, but perhaps HugABull booth, travel to national
∗ Intelligent, loyal, and extremely that appealed to our love of a chal- pit bull rescue conferences, and
people oriented lenge! Our research led us to provide advice, experience and
∗ Confident, outgoing, active and apply for a dog from HugABull support to those in need of it.
athletic Advocacy & Rescue Society, and I never knew what doggy love
∗ Responsive to training and we took our Tully girl home on was until I experienced the
October 31, 2005, after falling unfailing devotion of a pit bull. The
eager to please
instantly in love. We found that she complete willingness to please their
∗ Couch potatoes indoors, 4x4 was hard work and total responsi- humans is what makes these dogs
vehicles outdoors! bility; no dog parks for her, and no everything they are.
off-leash jaunts. But what we did
I also read that there was the get were all the positives listed www.HugABull.com
potential for the following: above, and more. We went to
Growl classes to help with dog-ag
Supporting Member Profile/Canine Citizen

Meet Helen Zeilstra and her Dog Riachu

You may have seen Helen and her swimming for a ball or a stick, but Helen is one of the corner
7-year-old German Shepherd Dog, Helen says he’s happiest when stones of Citizen Canine. She
dog Riachu around Victoria. Maybe he’s swimming with her. organizes our Canine Good Neigh-
you’ve run into them at Dallas Road Besides Riachu, Helen lives bour Fun Tests as well as other
or one of the other off-leash parks. with her son and another dog that community-building events. She
Or maybe you’ve seen them swim- was left behind by the owner, as would like to see more work done
ming at Beaver Lake or Thetis well as four foster bunnies and the to educate people who are afraid
Lake. Riachu is a very lucky dog birds in the attic. Riachu’s name is of dogs and to teach people about
because he gets to go almost eve- an unusual one and it was chosen dog behaviour.
rywhere with Helen. She takes him by her son and his on-line friends If you do see Helen and Riachu
with her to her work at a group through a contest. The name around, make sure to say Hello.
home, and every day they’re out Riachu was the winner. It comes She’d love to meet you and your
walking or playing, and talking to from a Phillipine dialect and it canine companions.
people. means “powerful little mouse.”
Helen has had dogs in her life When Riachu was quite young, Interested in knowing about other
since she was five years old, but he had some problem behaviours dog owners in Victoria? Each
Riachu is her first purebred German and Helen used to meet every day issue we plan to write about one
Shepherd Dog. Unfortunately with other dog owners to “talk dog” of Citizen Canine’s supporting
Riachu has had some medical and share experiences and learn members. We’re thrilled to begin
problems and he can’t run very far, together. Since then she has dis- with a profile of one of our found-
but resourceful Helen has found a covered the work of authors like ing members Helen Zeilstra. Do
way to take Riachu biking with her. Turid Rugass, Suzanne Clothier you know someone that we can
He rides behind her in his own and Jean Donaldson, and is a huge write about? Or would you like to
trailer. She says one of these days help to people who visit Citizen be featured in this column? If so,
she’s going to get him a red scarf Canine’s forum with questions contact us at
and goggles. Riachu also loves about training or behaviour. newsletter@citizencanine.org

more a respected and valu-
able tool for making our pets
healthy and keeping them
that way. You should discuss
its merits with your regular
veterinarian, and if you decide
to seek chiropractic care for
your companion, make sure
that you and your veterinar-
ian are satisfied with the
training and qualifications of
the veterinary chiropractor
you choose. To help you, the
American Veterinary Chiro-
My friend suggested I take my ∗ Jaw or TMJ problems practic Association has a
lame dog for chiropractic treat- ∗ Event or sports injuries website with a link to “Search for
ment, but I thought this service
was just for people. Could it help
∗ Post-surgical care an AVCA Doctor” at
with my older dog’s stiffness? ∗ Bowel, bladder and internal
medicine disorders
Dr. Glynis Newman,
Yes! All species of animals can Veterinarian and Veterinary
benefit from chiropractic care. In addition, chiropractic can be
The bones of the spine (verte- helpful in the maintenance of joint
Hillside Veterinary Hospital
brae) and joints in the legs are
maintained in a specific alignment Dr. Newman will be speaking on
in a healthy animal. The nerves “its value is far reaching chiropractic and physiotherapy for
that surround each joint and exit and becoming more dogs at our upcoming Everybody
between vertebrae are in constant and Their Dog Talk on October
communication with the central and more a respected
nervous system, brain and all and valuable tool for
organs, including muscle. When making our pets
even a subtle change in that align-
ment occurs, it affects the
nervous system, local muscles,
joints and even distant organs,
glands and body functions. By
correcting the misalignment and spinal health, and thus in the
through a chiropractic adjust- prevention of injury in your dog, and
ment, we can return the nervous in achieving optimal performance
system input and blood flow to in the canine athlete. In senior
more normal function, thus pets, chiropractic can be
improving hormone and neuro- extremely helpful with stiffness,
transmitter levels that directly difficulty getting up and down,
affect the organs and glands, skin maneuvering stairs, incontinence,
and joints. and general well-being. Frequently,
Many ailments can be treated chiropractic care can markedly
with chiropractic: decrease the dosage, or even the
∗ Neck, back, leg and tail pain need at all, for pain-killing drugs
that can have serious side-effects.
∗ Muscle spasms and nerve Chiropractic isn’t the cure for
problems all conditions, but its value is far
∗ Injuries from slips, falls and reaching and becoming more and
when out on a several hours, but made no

Clicker Basics
walk, click and progress. So we decided to click
feed. Pretty soon the dog for any warning signs that
you will notice he was uncomfortable. At first he
your dog is look- showed none so we had to create
ing at you much them. One warning signal is sniffing
more frequently. so we put cookies into the grass.
Because the dog wanted to find
by Monique Anstee How Do I Get Started? them he would sniff around—at
You can get a clicker at a pet store which point we clicked and gave him
You’ve probably heard about click- or you can use a juice bottle lid to a much more substantial reward.
ers. They’re thought of as a new and make a clicking sound. The first Within the hour, this dog was giving
fabulous training method, but really thing you need to do is charge your warning signals again, and we were
they’re not that new. The first clicker clicker. This simply means teaching able to move forwards with the
was introduced to the dog training your dog that every time he hears that aggression problem.
community in the 1960’s and it was sound, something good is about to Actually, the clicker isn’t really
popularized by Karen Pryor in 1985— follow. Sit on a chair, and click your necessary; it’s just an easy way to
a whole 20 years ago! clicker. Say nothing to your dog and mark the behaviour you want. Many
More recently, the clicker has within one second of the click, give pet owners and trainers prefer to
gotten the attention it deserves. It is him a small piece of food. Continue mark the correct behaviour with
an amazing tool for dog training. The doing this, but be careful that you another consistent sound, like the
clicker works because it makes a don’t fall into a pattern of clicking, word ‘yes’. As long as the ‘yes’ is
distinct sound and the dog soon feeding, then waiting five seconds consistently and correctly used, and
learns to associate the clicking before you click again. Your dog is taught by being paired with food
sound with a food reward. This al- might think that the wait of five just as the clicker is, then it too will
lows you as a trainer to mark a seconds is what brings the click on— work effectively. One advantage that
desired behaviour, and then begin to we call this superstitious behaviour. the clicker has over the word ‘yes’
shape whatever behaviours you All other actions can be unpredict- is that it is a very distinctive sound;
want. able, but the click is always predict- however it is something else you
ably followed by food. You’ll know have to carry and think about. If you
Shaping when your dog understands the con- are going to use a clicker though,
To shape a behaviour you simply nection because as soon as you you must never use it to get your
click and reward the initial steps click he’ll look at you in anticipation dog’s attention. The click should not
towards the final behaviour you of his treat. Then you are ready to be used as a lure to get attention or
want. After being rewarded for move onto the next step. behaviour. It is always be used to
successive tiny steps your dog will reward the correct behaviour and
eventually learn the complete behav- How and When to Use It must be immediately followed by a
iour. For example, if I want my dog If your dog does something that you treat.
to pick up his dinner bowl and put it want to happen more often, click
back where it belongs, I will first click and feed. If you want to teach a Owner Challenge
him sniffing his empty bowl, then for complex behaviour, click and reward So, now that you understand the
his nose touching the bowl, then all the steps along the way. Or, a per- basics, give it a try. Get yourself a
teeth on the bowl, then an open sonal favourite, if you run into a prob- clicker and load this sound for your
mouth, then the bowl in his mouth. lem with your dog and he simply dog by clicking and treating. Then,
After that, I will click walking forwards doesn’t understand what you want, see if you can teach your dog to
one step, then I will show him where pull out your clicker and it will make touch your hand with his nose or
I want the bowl to go and will click the process clearer for your dog. woof on command. To really
movement in that direction. Complex I recently worked with a dog that challenge yourself, try teaching him
yes, but it is the clearest way to teach had been trained by someone who to close a door. Happy Training
a complicated behaviour. punished the dog whenever he everyone!
The clicker can also be used for showed any aggressive behaviour.
simpler behaviours that you might The result was that this dog gave Monique owns Naughty Dogge
want your dog to do. One example absolutely no warning before he Training and offers a clicker trick
is if every time your dog looks at you attacked. We worked on this for class.
Join Us—As a SupportingMember
of Citizen Canine
In 2004, Citizen Canine Dog Owners Association incorporated as a British Columbia non-profit society with the
goals of:
• Advocating for inclusive public policy regarding public access, acceptance, and welfare of dogs and dog
owners in Greater Victoria
• Promoting responsible dog ownership and educating the public about dogs and their behaviour
• Developing a strong community of responsible dog owners.

We invite you to become a supporting member of Citizen Canine. Anyone who supports our goals can join by
completing our application form and paying the $20 annual membership fee. All funds raised will go to support
our work on behalf of dog owners in the Greater Victoria area.

Benefits of Citizen Canine Membership

As with any organization, the more members we have, the stronger our voice will be. By becoming a supporting
member you can help us in our work, both through the membership fee and through active involvement in the
organization. Membership offers the following benefits:
• Opportunities to participate in a local organization that works for dogs and their owners
• Voting privileges at Citizen Canine General Meetings
• A Citizen Canine membership card
• The option to receive mailed copies of our quarterly newsletter, The Scoop.
• Discounts at a growing number of local pet-related businesses (see our website for details).
To become a supporting member of Citizen Canine, complete the application and mail it to us with the member-
ship fee. If you don’t want to be a supporting member, you can still get our e-mail updates by registering at our
website, www.citizencanine.org


I hereby apply for membership in CITIZEN CANINE DOG OWNERS ASSOCIATION

Name _________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
City __________________Postal Code ______________Municipality ______________
Email _____________________________ Phone ______________________________
Dog(s) Name(s) and Breed(s) ______________________________________________
Date: ______________________________ Signature ___________________________

Please enclose a cheque or money order for $20 made out to Citizen Canine. Send the completed application
and membership dues to: Citizen Canine, Cook Street RO, PO Box 23078, Victoria, BC V8V 4Z8

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