St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist
St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist
St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist
Joseph Parish
Fr. John Cordes, Pastor
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email:
Father John email:
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
March 18, 2018 – Fifth Sunday of Lent
NEW BULLETIN DEADLINE- Tuesday Reminder: Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of
abstinence for Catholics. This means one full meal as
at noon. well as two smaller meals and abstinence from meat.
NOTE: There will be NO Chalice (wine) until Holy Thursday due to flu/cold season.
As the Call to Share campaign draws to a close, we Thank YOU for your
donations. We have approx. 89 donors contributing $10,155 of our $12,805 goal. You can still
drop your donation in the offering or mail directly to the Archdiocese. Check out this website
to see where your donations are going:
The third and fourth grade class would like to invite the parish to participate in the final service project of the year. We will
be participating in the backpack food program for students during the Lenten season. Your donations can be placed in the
backpacks in the back of church. The program is in need of the following items; boxed macaroni and cheese, fruit cups,
chicken and tuna packets, pop tarts, ramen noodles, canned Vienna sausages, canned ravioli, canned spaghetti O's, and
single serving shelf stable milk. Thank you for helping us help those who are hungry.
……………………………Rose, Tasia, and the third and fourth grade CCD class
St. Anne’s Altar Society members will be collecting donations in the back of church after
mass the weekends of March 17/18 and 24/25 to decorate the altars for Easter. Thank you
in advance for your gracious generosity!
CALLING ALL Infants to 9 year olds………There will be an Easter egg hunt directly after
Easter Sunday mass. Please meet near Father John’s front porch after mass for
instructions. In case of inclement weather, Father will distribute the eggs after mass.
It’s the Culture…..
In the last part of the 20 Century while other thinkers and activists were busy looking to political, economic,
and legal structures to improve the human condition, John Paul II made the brilliant observation that culture,
more than anything else, contributed to the misery or prosperity of a people.
He wrote in Centesimus Annus, “It is not possible to understand man on the basis of economics alone, nor to
define him simply on the basis of class membership. Man is understood in a more complete way when he is
situated within the sphere of culture through his language, history, and the position he takes towards the
fundamental events of life, such as birth, love, work and death. At the heart of every culture lies the attitude
man takes to the greatest mystery: the mystery of God.”
Like it or not, culture affects us and how we relate to God. Culture can teach us things about God but it can
also obscure God’s teachings. As John Paul said, “All human activity takes place within a culture and interacts
with culture”. It was this profound observation that led him to coin the phrases: “the culture of life” and “the
culture of death.” In doing this he was not just talking about abortion or the death penalty, but giving Catholics
a powerful tool by which to examine our lives and see the causes of many social maladies.
How is your culture affecting you? Is the culture at your work influencing you to ignore your vocation as a
spouse and parent or does your neighborhood or country culture influence you to see outsiders as not quite
children of God? Is the entertainment culture leading you to see the opposite sex as objects instead of
persons? Conversely, how are you affecting your culture? Does the gospel live in the way you treat your
spouse and children or how you talk with or about co-workers? Do you speak out against injustice or racism
and have mercy and compassion for
As St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.”
St. Anne’s has begun preparing the worklist for the spring festival, April 29. Please let
us know if you have any preferences of job/shift assignments. We are dependent upon
the church community to have a successful festival and want everyone to enjoy the
assignment they are given. Contact Kim Irwin at 475-3295 if you have assignment
preferences or have not been on the worklist and want an assignment or unable to
work that weekend—-don't be shy!
If you would like to donate a prize, gift certificate, or make a monetary donation for the
Spring Festival raffle, please contact Kathy Redeker at 475-3580 AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE (leave a message). The list needs to be printed by the end of March to insure
the CCD families have ample time to sell tickets. THANKS so much for your generosity!
Special Needs Ministry Respite Care Program: Saturday, March 31, 2018, 4-8 PM, Holy Cross Catholic
School, Overland Park, KS
With an existing catalog of over 1,400 braille and audio titles, XAVIER SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND provides
inspirational, spiritual and religious reading materials in Braille, audio, and/or large print to the blind and visually
impaired community of faithful FREE of charge, including:
* MONTHLY readings, prayers, and responses for the Sunday Mass and selected feast Days and Solemnities
*Faith formation textbooks for children and adults
*Many popular titles related to the Catholic Church, religion, and spiritual themes
Visit our website -- , email us at or call 800-637-9193.
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - The next weekend in Kansas City is April 20-22. For more
info. or to apply, please visit or call Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-741-4066 or
At the 2018 annual meeting of the St. Joseph Endowment Association on January 24, 2018, the Board of
Directors voted to provide scholarship support to any family who enrolls their child(ren) in Sacred Heart
School, Emporia, KS.
The scholarships will be available beginning with the 2018-2019 school year to registered members of St.
Joseph Catholic Church, Olpe, KS who have children attending kindergarten through 5th grade at Sacred Heart
School. Scholarships are for one year only and must be requested each year.
There are application forms and more information in the church vestibule.