Writing A Good Research Question
Writing A Good Research Question
Writing A Good Research Question
The following unit will discuss the basics of how to develop a good research questions and will provide examples of well-designed
Learning Objectives:
Identify the process for writing meaningful research questions.
Evaluate research questions.
Developing a good research question is one of the first critical steps in the research process. The research question, when
appropriately written, will guide the research project and assist in the construction of a logical argument. The research question
should be a clear, focused question that summarizes the issue that the researcher will investigate.
Too narrow: What is the childhood obsesity rate Less narrow: How does the education level of the
in Pheonix, AZ? parents impact childhood obesity rates in Pheonix,
This is too narrow because it can be answered with AZ?
a simple statistic. Questions that can be answered This question demonstrates the correct amount of
with a "yes" or a "no" should also typically be specificity and the results would provide the
avoided. opportunity for an argument to be formed.
Unfocused and too broad: What are the effects More focused: How does childhood obesity
of childhood obesity in the United States? correlate with academic performance in
This question is so broad that research elementary school children?
methodology would be very difficult and the This question has a very clear focus for which data
question is too broad to be discussed in a typical can be collected, analyzed, and discussed.
research paper.
Too objective: How much time do young children More Subjective: What is the relationship
spend doing physical activity per day? between physical activity levels and childhood
This question may allow the researcher to collect obesity?
data but does not lend itself to collecting data that This is a more subjective question that may lead to
can be used to create a valid argument because the the formation of an argument based on the results
data is just factual information. and analysis of the data.
Too simple: How are school systems addressing More Complex: What are the effects of
childhood obesity? intervention programs in the elementary schools on
This information can be obtained without the need the rate of childhood obesity among 3rd - 6th grade
to collect unique data. The question could be students?
answered with a simple online search and does not This question is more complex and requires both
provide an opportunity for analysis. investigation and evaluation which will lead the
research to form an argument that may be
Research Tutorials
Why Research?
Generating Ideas
APA Style
Literature Review
Practical Considerations
Research Participants
Ethical Considerations
Data Sources
Data Management
Resource Links
What Makes a Good Research Question? - Having trouble finding or deciding on a research question? This journal article
provides some tips.
Formulating a Research Question -This resources provides specific examples of good research question and addresses the
difference between a research topic and a research question.
The Relationship Between the Research Question, Hypotheses, Specific Aims, and Long-Term Goals of the Project
- This link will explain how the research question should be developed to guide the creation of the hypotheses and the research
How to Write a Good Research Question - Review examples of correctly written research questions.
Research Questions and Hypotheses - This book chapter takes an in-depth look at the principles used to design and write
research questions and hypotheses for qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research and describes the differences in
approaches based upon the type of research.
Suggested Readings
Alon, U. (2009). How to choose a good scientific problem. Molecular Cell, 35, 726-728.
Cox, C. (2012). What makes for good research? [Editorial] International Journal of Ophthalmic Practice, 3(1), 3.
Taylor, D. (1999). Introduction to Research Methods. medicine, 319, 1618.